#skippie speaks
skippiefritz · 1 month
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reqs from @idanit and @beetle-goth (sorry for tags I'll untag if asked ^^;)
long rambly post ahead! Unlike what I normally post but its my account so I can do what I want lol
(This probably isn't the most historical thing I’ve ever written but! I will fix as I work on it more lol)
the implications of Bertie's bachelorhood if he were a bachelorette fascinate me endlessly
I read this post and it gave me brain worms and I've been designing an au around it ever since
In this au it's a complete genderswap with all characters, uncle Alistair (aunt Agatha) becomes more old fashioned sexist to Bertie, not thinking she can take care of herself. (sorry Agatha stans)
Which like. She can't. But it's nothing to do with her being a woman.
Bertie keeps her core character traits, but by merely being a woman living alone in 1920s London, she inherently becomes more independent and rebellious.
She's sneakier about her escapades, still stealing hats off bobby's and the like, but tries to be subtle about it. Emphasis on tries, she's still a Wooster at her core, and thus a very
big klutz.
Bertie is just completely and unapologetically her/himself regardless of gender, for better or for worse.
If humble pie is being served, she will surely go back for seconds every time.
I can picture her leaning very hard into the roaring twenties flapper persona, but still being a homebody at heart. Big of heart, dumb of ass.
The biggest issue of course is the engagements, it’s a lot harder for a woman (particularly one whose family wants her to get married) to get out of engagements. THIS is where the fun new plots come in
Obviously there’s the classic setting up her fiances with other women, so they call it off and marry their true loves. And the occasional making herself seem unsuitable to be married. (though, this would usually backfire, that would make it seem like she needed to be married more, so she had a man to take care of her and make her settle down)
Instead of focusing on making it seem she herself is un-weddable, she (and by she I mean Jeeves) concocts byzantine schemes to paint her potential suitors in the worst light possible, or to make them seem negligible so one family or the other would call it off.
I’ve been working on one such story, I haven't ironed out all the details but it ends with Gussie pushing Bertie into a lake. Of course. (I may make  a comic abt it when done)
Jeeves’ character is fascinating too, I see her being the classic “quiet competent woman who gets shit done”. She would be less respected than m!jeeves, but still far more respected than the average maidservant of her time.
I can see her need for fashion clashing with the maidservant outfits of the time, part of me is tempted to keep her design the exact same and make her a big beautiful butch, but…I know that's probably not how it would go.
Jeeves would wear the classic Maidservant outfit of the time, though I can see her styling it subtly to suit her more.
Her control over Bertie’s wardrobe, while still being “God this bitch has no fashion”, also has an undercurrent of internalized sexism. She’s discomforted by the more risque (by those times) outfits Bertie enjoys wearing, like her flashy flapper dresses and the like.
Of course, she’s also uncomfortable by how attractive she finds her in said risque clothes. (drama!!)
And they end up compromising !!! and Jeeves has a lil arc in learning to accept the new fashion wave and embracing bodies and whatnot.
Their dynamic would essentially be the same, homoeroticism, Jeeves being morosexual, Bertie being endlessly impressed by her.
also because of the ridiculous british nicknames most the characters are referred to the same, they just have diff first names, here's a quick cheat sheet
(I tried to keep them similar and also extremely english)
Reginald Jeeves = Regina Jeeves
Bertam "Bertie" Wooster = Bertha "Bertie" Wooster
Reginald Jeeves = Regina Jeeves
Aunt Agatha/Dahlia = uncle Alistor/Dahl
Augustus "Gussie" Fink-Nottle = August "Gussie" Fink-Nottle
Charles "Biffy" Biffen = Charlotte "Biffy" Biffen
Marmaduke "Chuffy" Chuffnell = Marigold "Chuffy" Chuffnell
Stephanie "Stiffy" Byng = Stewart "Stiffy" Byng (the implications of a man being named Stiffy are. different but Wodehouse had to know what he was doing with that name)
Richard "Bingo" little = Richenda "Bingo" Little
and so on and so forth!
Anyway uh, this went on for a while lol
I’m working on designs for them and will gladly share if asked! But they’re nowhere near done dhjdsh thanks for coming to my ted talk.
I don't know if any of this made sense, sorry if it doesn’t.
also for a bonus here's a quick messy collage I made of f!Bertie
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My current Glasses prescription is very out of date, and I won't get my new ones until like friday
So! Here are some Nathan + Mimsy doodles, love my faves
My smug lil knife cat
Also! Leave your Timmy/Jimmy/Nathan/Mimsy headcanons in the tags I love to read them 🥺 tyy
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southstand · 6 months
that’s oliver skippinho to YOU!
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skippyin · 10 months
Last night i dreamt that a big building had been constructed down the street. Everyone called it the "Pepsi house" because it was blue and it had the Pepsi logo on the side. Everyone hated it tho because of the confetti canon coming out of the roof.
It would shoot fuck-tons of confetti every like 30 minutes and it started pissing everyone off because it was making a mess. So someone went up to the Pepsi house, told them "please stop" and they responded by shooting off MORE confetti every few minutes.
everyone got angry
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a8ra · 20 days
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hippiichi · 29 days
picking up my laptop from the shop tomorrow so i can continue on comms 😝😋
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skiptoyuri · 20 days
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egashira 'girlhood war purple heart veteran' mika
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redmyeyes · 5 months
Hi, hello, I need to talk with someone about FT because I'm dying. You know what i've been wondering? Hawk has such a fixation with Italy, why didn't he call Tim Italian terms of endearment? Like tesoro, cuore mio (imagine!!!), caro, piccolo because I think he'd think it was funny. Maybe it wouldn't be all the time but in moments of stress or pain. Or maybe it started up in '57 when they reunited for the first time. Help!!!
ohhhhhhh, love this, anon! cuore mio! 😭 piccolo! 😭😂
ahhh, love it because it allows hawk to say what he wants to say without saying it, which is very hawk.
so, why didn't he?
headcanon that hawk had a brief affair with this guy (who i'm going to assume was italian? in my head he is, but correct me)
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but, if he did, if it was before kenny died, then maybe hawk wasn't quite as cynical yet, and actually allowed himself a brief, affectionate fling (rather than the one-night-stands with strangers), and maybe the guy fell for him and called hawk all kinds of sweet terms of endearment in italian, and that's why hawk won't use them again, bc they're permanently associated with that guy. <3
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timeparadox-au · 1 year
Sorry if you've already answered something like this, but do you have a masterlist of all the posts concerning the main plot? I can't seem to find some of the older posts so I can catch up with what's happening so far.
Try that, anon!
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skippiefritz · 5 months
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hello my tumbly followers! thank you all for the reblogs, likes, follows, and kind autistic rambling in my tags, that stuff really makes my day!
so in my way of thanking y'all, I'm holding a raffle! reply/reblog this post with a reference of your oc (doesn't have to be a full ref) and a little bit about your art journey/character :D I'll select 2 characters at random to draw!
Deadline is Jan 24th!!! I'll post the winners and tag them in case they changed their mind on which oc they wanna use <3
I'll try n reblog this every day so everyone gets a chance to reply!
again, tysm!
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Waiting for our flag means death season two to drop like
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timoswerner · 3 months
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5 years since the first test event at the new ground
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skippyin · 6 months
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a normal interaction between me and my sisters
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
ill just post it here too:
so my longtime family dog skippy passed away. he was always considered my dog and i took the most care for him. he recently got into a bad accident and we tried to tend to him but he passed away while trying to take him to a hospital.
so i'll be very up and down with my mood in the process of handling this. i might be far slower in replies but ill still try my best to get back to you. you might still see me online though mostly bc thats me trying to find a distraction in the meantime. so im really sorry if i do not respond sooner than you would hope. take care in the meantime
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hippiichi · 5 months
skippy update 2:
she came home yesterday and was eating the canned food we got from the vet didn't manage to eat all of it but thats alright! She ate some kibble and drank water and seemed to be doing fairly well but this morning idk anymore shes well enough to come to my bed and wake me up at the usual time which is good! but refuses to eat the canned food she liked yesterday and wont touch her kibble she will eat ham but thats high in sodium so i dont really like the idea of giving her that as a food replacement... i dont think shes drank much water? she did have the canned food so at the very least shes getting water from that but she'll need more than just that... I also don't think shes been grooming herself at all which is kinda another sign that shes not taking care of herself (ofc just cuz i havent seen it with my own eyes doesnt mean its not happening) shes currently in a better state than before in terms of energy not enough to play but enough to follow me around the house if she doesnt eat by tonight (currently morning when im writing this) it might mean taking her back to the vet which is gonna be a whole other thing...
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sipdsapy · 1 year
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(id: a messy, sketchy image of a girl with long brown hair and fair skin. she has brown eyes, and white streaks in her hair. she has an unhappy expression. she's wearing an earring that is shaped like a dagger.)
in the spirit of revival, here's an ellie :-P
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