#so it's like... gain some perspective about what the cost is and what the 'reward' is
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Can we all collectively start to view parents who post online about the "fuck-ups" their child did as what it is - abusive? I genuinely do not care about the "reason" somebody has for posting their child on the internet, if it can be "solved" in the public court of shame and humiliation, it can be solved in a home that should love them.
Public humiliation is not an appropriate response to a child being a child. If your first line of defense is airing out your dirty laundry to millions of strangers, you are at best not mature enough to be a parent, and at worst, you are completely abusive and should not be a parent, and both options are pretty grim.
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claire-starsword · 10 months
the hunt for unused content in the game itself is not doing so hot, so i went to look for some old magazines and was immediately rewarded. Again, eternal thanks to Sega Retro for archiving this stuff.
There’s a magazine with some interesting stuff from three months before the game’s release:
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“...the king of Guardiana said, ‘you are our last light’...“
First of all, pink haired Simone! Just like in the GBA games. Her face has a few details different as well, there’s an actual line for her nose, lighting in her eyes, which she only gets when looking at you in the final version, and a weird line on her forehead i can’t understand. The whole scene also looks lighter but i don’t how much of that is printer effects.
Anyway, while I like the auburn hair more, I have no clue why they would change it, and bringing it back for the GBA makes me think that at least the designer preferred the pink version. Interestingly her artwork in the manual already implies that, her hair is not pink there, it would probably be too obviously contrasting with the game’s version, but it is far lighter than in game.
Her text is also different here. I have translated part of the JP intro before, she talks of Max and Cain’s bloodline instead, no mention of Guardiana and its king. Makes me wonder if these lines survived in the JP rom, the US rom has unused lines for her but all of this intro was altered in localization, so they tell little of what the JP might have.
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Moving on, Ken has completely different sprites, and mind you, they kick ass, I’m wondering big time why they were changed. I guess the perspective might be a little off, but, you should not talk to me about perspective lol. The lower body is also not moving much, but that wouldn’t be reason to change the whole shading. Notably, the spear seems to be part of the character instead of a different sprite, and is accurate to the knights’ artwork.
I didn’t even notice at first, but you can see an axe on the loose behind the sprite, meaning weapon sprites and animations were already in, but unfinished.
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For further evidence here’s Max’s sword learning how to levitate as well. This sword sprite is also cooler than anything in the actual game.
It also took me a ridiculously long time to notice Max has no MP here. Perhaps there was no egress at this point, or you’d have to gain the MP to use it first? sounds bad. But Max’s magic suffering late changes would explain the oversight in the final version where his MP continues to grow despite learning nothing but Egress. Would also explain Egress requires exactly 8 MP, which is kind of a random number for a basic and unique. It would come to make a little more sense in future games where the heroes have Bolt and you have to actually manage their MP if you want to be able to retreat later on, but Max has no other spells here.
Of course, the other possibility is that Max was meant to learn more spells. With the trend of GBA version things being planned for the classic all along, it wouldn’t surprise me. This is probably the moment I should bring up that the final game has exactly one dummied out spell, which just so happens to cost 20 MP, a weirdly high cost for a test/placeholder feature, and very in line with the costs of Supernova in the GBA version.
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For minor details that don’t excite me as much, Guardiana castle had a gate at some point, and plenty of chickens as well. Even I can’t make a theory out of that, they are probably placeholders.
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ciceroprofacto · 2 years
Huge library envy! 😳
A more general question - what is your advice to hobby researchers for building a balanced biographical sketch of a historical figure? How do you approach biographies to account for various biases and perspectives, as well as simply mistakes? To what degree should you refer to the primary sources directly?
I took awhile to answer this cause I think it’s a really good question (series of questions?)
General Research Advice:
The best advice I can give anyone is to get really familiar with how to use online resources. There’s a lot of free ones- and it’s not worth subscribing to something if you already know how to find it for free (unless you have disposable income and wanna support databases that have a paywall- but consumption should be optional and not a result of ignorance!). The most important thing with these is to get familiar with their search functions.  I honestly find posts with long lists really overwhelming, so I’m not going to do that for you. Instead, here’s some key starters:
- https://archive.org/ - https://founders.archives.gov/ - https://www.loc.gov/
I can guarantee, if you get really good with a few useful tools, you’ll be a lot more-effective than if you run around looking for every possible resource. You could spend days on these sites and get a whole lot out of it.
Unfortunately, I kinda think books and other physical-resources (like maps or artwork or even tours of locations) are the opposite story. Most of them are going to cost something to access (even if it’s just the gas-money to go to your local library); and the more you can access, the better-off you’ll be. I say that because their scope is limited to what information they individually-contain, so it’s not like you’ll get anything out of becoming an expert in reading an individual book (or visiting a specific battle-site) like you could in becoming an expert in using an individual search-engine.
So with books and physical-resources, it’s a cost-benefit analysis every time, and then just pulling as much out of things as you can. Do you have the ability to visit a museum or a site? If so- can you take pictures of the exhibits to pull notes from later? Do you have specific questions you want to answer from your visit? Is there an expert on-site that you can get contact information from? Does the book have a good appendix of sources, and if you recognize any- were they trustworthy?
A personal library is a nice luxury, but it’s expensive and it has second-order effects of requiring storage and organization and then just being burdensome to move around with. So, if you want one- make it as cheap as possible. Thrift stores are your best friend. I know some places don’t have many of those (one of the reasons I didn’t enjoy California), or the time/ability to go thrift shopping, so I’ll also recommend thriftbooks. It’s a site that sells used books for decent prices with free shipping and a rewards program.
Bias & A Balanced Approach
I thought I’d made a post about this before, but a quick search didn’t find anything so, here it is, two-step process:
Know the writer
Know the writer:
What’re their credentials?
Where do they come from?
What’s their cultural background?
What influences them?
Who do they work for?
Are they making money off this?
Are they gaining influence from this?
What else have they produced?
Are they consistent in their messages?
Use the appendix- go to where the information came from and, if you don’t trust- verify (this is where the search tools online are really helpful!).
Read broadly. The more material you’re familiar with across various disciplines, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to sniff-out inaccuracies or skewed framing. Being more broadly-focused also helps you recognize a specific author’s strengths and weaknesses and where you can trust their word or not.
Also- how much do you care?
As a hobbyist, I’m assuming you’re not making money off of research or being graded on how well you retained information.  If you’re learning for fun, don’t bog yourself down so heavily with worrying over accuracy that it’s not fun anymore. It has to be a sustainable balance because- if you can’t find the energy to read a lot, you’re going to be worse at recognizing the quality of what you’re reading.
Basically- take pride in knowing what you know, but also...you don’t know anything anyway, so have fun with it.
Everyone has biases. You have biases! 
Learn them, love them, harness them. 
Bias is the spice of knowledge- no nutritional value, but it makes everything taste better.
I can be really critical of biographies that have obvious biases (and I think we need to be for ones like Chernow’s Hamilton that define public-understanding of a character), but bias is not a bad thing for a biography to have. It’s the story of someone’s life and if there’s no bias, it’ll come across dry and unfeeling. If the author is trying too hard to disconnect from the humanity of the character, it won’t say anything relatable and therefore won’t mean anything. What you’re really looking for is whether the bias is responsibly-handled.
Primary and Secondary Sources
I feel like we all have a gut-instinct to value primary-sources (i.e. contemporary sources for the sake of this conversation) as the end-all to understanding an event, and I wanna say upfront, that’s not true at all. There’s important utility in both. 
Primary sources:
Give first-hand accounts of things
Give invaluable insights on the subject themselves.
Give details of something as close to the event as possible.
Secondary sources:
Give broader context to make details make more sense
Give insights from someone with expertise in fields you might not know much about.
Give details about events that the author of a primary source did not or could not know.
So, obviously you have to use them in conjunction with each other, and here, I think you have a sort of ‘inside-out’ or ‘outside-in’ approach.
Inside-out: your primary sources are as close to the event as possible, so starting there, you’ll basically be working your way outward from the contemporary author’s limited perspective, pulling out topics that you want to understand more about and then looking for more information on that topic. 
Outside-in: your secondary sources are outsiders’ perspectives on the conglomeration of sources they’ve drawn together. Your task is just to hone in on those sources individually and see if you can gain anything new out of doing your own assessments.
As for how much you need to use one or the other...
I think that’s really a self-assessment. Just be really honest with yourself on your own reading-comprehension and how much assistance you’ll need with contextualization for a specific topic. The more unfamiliar you are with something, the more you should probably go outside-in for awhile until you can start to recognize things for yourself.
Hope this was useful if you managed to read all of it! 
Happy Hunting!
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mbbsabroad21 · 6 months
Exploring the Benefits of Studying MBBS Abroad
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Studying MBBS abroad has gained immense popularity in recent years, and for good reason. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process, advantages, and answers to frequently asked questions about MBBS admission abroad.
The Benefits of MBBS Abroad
When it comes to a career in medicine, studying MBBS abroad can open doors to numerous opportunities and benefits. Here are some key advantages:
Global Exposure: Studying abroad exposes you to a diverse patient population and healthcare systems, providing a broader perspective on medical practices.
High-Quality Education: Many international universities offer world-class medical education, with modern facilities and experienced faculty.
Cultural Enrichment: Living in a foreign country offers a unique cultural experience, allowing you to become more adaptable and open-minded.
Affordable Tuition: In some countries, the cost of MBBS Abroad education is significantly lower compared to many Western nations.
Increased Career Prospects: Graduates from international medical programs often have a competitive edge in the global job market.
MBBS Admission Abroad
Securing admission for MBBS Admission abroad might seem challenging, but with the right guidance, it's an achievable goal. Here's what you need to know:
Eligibility Requirements: Different countries and universities may have varying entry requirements, including academic scores, language proficiency tests, and interviews.
Application Process: Understand the application deadlines, required documents, and fees associated with applying to your chosen university.
Visa and Immigration: Familiarize yourself with the visa and immigration procedures to ensure a smooth transition to your host country.
Studying MBBS abroad is a life-changing experience that offers a world of opportunities. From unparalleled education to diverse cultural exposure, it's a decision that can shape your medical career in remarkable ways. So, take the leap, explore your options, and embark on a rewarding journey to become a globally competitive medical professional.
FAQs about Studying MBBS Abroad
Q1: Is studying MBBS abroad expensive?
Studying MBBS abroad can be cost-effective compared to private medical schools in some countries. Scholarships and financial aid options are also available.
Q2: What is the duration of the MBBS program abroad?
The duration typically ranges from 4 to 6 years, depending on the country and university you choose.
Q3: Can I practice medicine in my home country after completing MBBS abroad?
Yes, in most cases. However, you may need to pass additional licensing exams and meet certain requirements.
Q4: What are the language requirements for international MBBS programs?
English is the medium of instruction for many MBBS programs abroad. Proficiency tests like IELTS or TOEFL may be required.
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harcourts · 1 year
When Is It Time to Outsource Property Management Tasks?
Many property owners and managers are reluctant to outsource their Christchurch Property Management tasks. After all, managing your own properties can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to stay in control of the entire process and maintain quality control. However, there are situations when outsourcing can help save time, money, and energy and even improve operations. Let’s take a look at five common scenarios when it is time to outsource property management tasks.
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    You Don’t Have Enough Time or Resources - As a property manager, you have plenty of tasks that need to be done on a regular basis. From tenant screenings and maintenance requests to lease renewals and marketing efforts, the list is long and can quickly become overwhelming if you don’t have enough resources or manpower. Outsourcing some of these tasks will free up your time so that you can focus on more important duties like analyzing trends or developing strategies for growth. 
You Need Expertise That You Don’t Have - Even experienced Christchurch property management may not have the expertise necessary for certain types of projects or tasks. For example, if you need help with marketing efforts like SEO optimization or content creation for your website, it might be best to hire an expert who specializes in these areas rather than attempting it yourself. An expert will be able to get the job done faster while ensuring that everything is done correctly from start to finish. 
You Need A Fresh Perspective - Sometimes it helps to bring in an outside perspective in order to see things from a different angle or gain new insights into how things could be improved upon. An experienced third-party professional can help provide just that—a fresh set of eyes and ideas on how to make improvements without having any preconceived notions about how things should be done within your organization.  This can also help reduce bias when analyzing data points or making decisions about changes within your operations as well as provide valuable insight into industry trends that you may not otherwise have access to.  
You Want To Reduce Costs - Outsourcing certain tasks can actually save you money in the long run since you won’t need to hire additional employees or pay for expensive training courses or technology upgrades if they aren't necessary for the job at hand (e.g., marketing). Additionally, by outsourcing some of your workloads, you only pay for what you need when you need it instead of having dedicated staff members on hand who may not always have enough work available throughout the year (e.g., accounting).
5 You Want To Improve Efficiency - Last but certainly not least, outsourcing can help improve efficiency by streamlining processes and automating mundane tasks such as data entry or bookkeeping activities which often require significant time investments from staff members each month but can easily be handled by an experienced third-party professional with specialized software tools at their disposal with far greater accuracy and speed than manual methods allow for.
Conclusion: Outsourcing certain tasks will relieve some of the burdens on Christchurch property management while providing access to experts who specialize in areas where your team may lack expertise all while helping reduce costs associated with hiring additional personnel and improving operational efficiency through automation and streamlined processes overall—allowing everyone involved in the process more time and energy allocate towards higher value activities within their respective roles moving forward!
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  Entrepreneurs often have an unrelenting drive to push forward and an unwavering faith that they can successfully conquer any challenge. This is the mindset of a successful entrepreneur, and it's why they refuse to slow down despite obstacles in their way. They understand that failure is part of the process, but they don't let it stop them from moving forward.   Entrepreneurs also understand that slowing down can mean missing out on opportunities and potentially getting left behind by competitors. When we talk about staying ahead of the curve, it means being quick to act, and taking risks whenever they are necessary for them.   Slowing down could also mean losing momentum, making it more difficult to get back on track once you've started your journey. Ultimately, entrepreneurs view slowing down as a risk too great for them to take. They are driven to succeed, and they won't let anything stand in their way.   Do Entrepreneurs Think Slowing Down Will Mean Failure? No, entrepreneurs do not think that slowing down will mean failure. In fact, some of the most successful businesses are built on taking a step back to evaluate processes and strategies. Taking a break can be beneficial for entrepreneurs as it allows them to gain clarity and perspective on their business decisions.   It also gives them an opportunity to come up with new ideas or approaches that could potentially lead to greater success. Slowing down is actually an essential element of any successful business journey, as it helps to keep entrepreneurs motivated and focused on their goals.   Also, by consciously taking breaks from work, entrepreneurs can take time to recharge and re-energize themselves so they can continue working at full force when needed. So while there may be times when slowing down might feel like you are taking a step back, it can actually be the best thing for your business and help you move forward.   The Benefits of Slowing Down for Entrepreneurs As entrepreneurs, we often feel the need to be constantly on the move. We are driven to succeed and achieve success in our enterprises, but all this ambition and intensity can come with a cost. Slowing down for even a few moments each day can provide immense rewards that help us to operate more efficiently and stay focused on our goals. Here are some of the ways in which slowing down can benefit entrepreneurs:        1.  Improved Creativity Taking time out of your day-to-day hustle can give you an opportunity to stop and think about how you're approaching things. This helps open up creative pathways that had been blocked or closed off due to overwork and stress, allowing you to come up with innovative solutions for business problems.        2.  Increased Productivity It's easy to get bogged down in the details of daily tasks, but taking a step back and slowing down can help to prioritize what needs to be done and make better use of your time. This improved focus can often result in increased productivity as well as higher-quality work.        3.  Reduced Stress A slower pace of life allows you to take more control over how you operate and reduce the sense of urgency that comes with rushing from task to task. Slowing down gives you a chance to think through potential pitfalls and come up with strategies for dealing with them, allowing you to stay calmer during stressful times.        4.  Better Decision Making Taking time away from your day-to-day business dealings to assess and reflect on your decisions can help you make better choices in the future. It's easy to get caught up in the moment, but slowing down helps you gain perspective and make informed decisions that are more likely to yield positive results.   Slowing down may sound counterintuitive when it comes to achieving success as an entrepreneur, but taking a few moments each day can provide immense benefit
s that translate into long-term gains. Take some time out of your busy schedule today and experience the rewards that come with slowing down!   Ways to Slow Down As An Entrepreneur        1.  Take Breaks It’s important to take regular breaks throughout the day, even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time. Taking breaks will help to recharge your batteries and allow you to focus more clearly on tasks when you return to them.        2.  Set Realistic Goals Setting unrealistic goals can cause unnecessary stress and make it difficult to achieve success in your business venture. Before starting any project or task, assess what is achievable and create reasonable milestones that are achievable within set timelines.        3.  Take Control Of Your Time It’s easy to let the day get away from you without keeping track of where your time is being spent each day. Keeping an organized schedule will help you to prioritize tasks, focus on important work and ensure that you are taking necessary breaks.        4.  Outsource Outsourcing certain tasks or projects can free up your time and help to reduce the overall workload for yourself. Look for areas where outsourcing may be beneficial and get comfortable with delegating tasks to others in order to make more efficient use of your time.        5.  Embrace Imperfection As an entrepreneur, it is natural to strive for perfection but this can often lead to burnout and stress. Instead, try to embrace imperfections in your work; accept that it is ok if things don’t turn out perfectly every single time, and recognize the value of learning from mistakes as well as successes.        6.  Celebrate Success Don’t forget to take time to celebrate your successes and recognize all of the hard work you have put in. Enjoying these moments, even if they are small, will help to boost morale and provide motivation for future projects.        7.  Take Care Of Yourself As an entrepreneur, it can be easy to neglect taking care of yourself when there is so much work to do. But it is important to practice self-care and make sure that you are getting enough rest, eating well, and taking regular breaks throughout the day. Doing this will help ensure that you remain productive and motivated during your working hours. Taking time for yourself will also help prevent burnout which can be detrimental to your business.   Conclusion By following these simple tips and taking the time to slow down, you can ensure that you remain productive and successful as an entrepreneur. Taking these steps will help to reduce stress levels, make more efficient use of your time and allow you to better enjoy the journey along the way.   If you enjoyed this post you, check out "The Top 10 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Fail"  
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coinprojects · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://coinprojects.net/etc-seems-stable-whilst-metacade-mcade-doesnt-stop-rising/
ETC seems stable whilst Metacade (MCADE) doesn't stop rising
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Web3 is a constantly expanding industry and crypto price action tends to favour projects that can adapt to its fast-changing environment. ETC is a classic example of a project that has been left behind due to its inability to scale with the rest of the industry, which has resulted in some pessimistic price predictions for the Ethereum Classic token.
In contrast, the latest Ethereum blockchain (ETH) continues to grow. There are some key differences between the two Ethereum chains, including ETH being home to fast-growing projects like Metacade.
What is Ethereum Classic?
Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a cryptocurrency that was created as a result of a fork in the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic does not support the use of smart contracts. Since ETC is not Turing Complete, developers cannot create decentralised applications (dApps) on the Ethereum Classic blockchain and this has always placed negative pressure on the Ethereum Classic price prediction.
Ethereum Classic is often referred to as “Ethereum’s original chain” because it retains the original Ethereum blockchain. After the Ethereum hard fork in October 2016, Ethereum Classic was kept online by nodes all over the world. This means that crypto users can still make transactions on the Ethereum Classic network, despite Ethereum Mainnet moving in a different direction over the past 6 years.
In recent times, Ethereum Mainnet has made the switch from a Proof of Work consensus mechanism to Proof of Stake. This has reduced the cost of supporting network infrastructure. While ETH is now Proof of Stake, ETC remains a Proof of Work blockchain. The result is that Ethereum Classic is slower and more expensive to run with a block time of 14 seconds and high transaction fees due to its energy-intensive mining system.
Price action lacking in ETC
The current price of ETC is $25.19. Since Ethereum Classic is the oldest Ethereum chain and is restricted by its inability to support dApps, it has much lower transaction activity than Ethereum Mainnet. With fewer people buying the token, ETC price is now a fraction as high as ETH, with poor Ethereum Classic price prediction assessments coming from analysts looking at its mid- to long-term prospects.
Despite this, the Ethereum Classic market cap is over $3 billion. However, the chain’s lack of functionality within the world of Web3 means it has lower growth potential for the long term. In trying to choose the correct Ethereum Classic price prediction, it’ll be important to think about the situation from a development perspective. For developers looking to build exciting digital services using blockchain technology, Ethereum Classic is not an option.
The expected result is that new projects building on ETH will continue to gain value while the Ethereum Classic price prediction shows ETC falling even further in the future. It all boils down to utility.
A New Project in the ETH Ecosystem Making Major Gains
While ETC price action leaves much to be desired due to its lack of functionality, one token that continues to impress is Metacade. Built using the latest Ethereum blockchain, this project offers broad utility to crypto holders who are looking to make the most out of the Web3 user experience.
Metacade aims to support the expansion of GameFi as a core sector of blockchain technology. It is a community-driven initiative that rewards crypto natives for providing value to the ecosystem, among a host of other exciting features that are attracting widespread interest.
What is Metacade?
Metacade is a broad gaming platform that aims to support the expansion of GameFi. Play-to-Earn projects are revolutionising the gaming industry, as players gain financial rewards for the time they spend in-game. This is a core reason why so many are predicting high growth potential for the GameFi sector over the coming years and Metacade is positioning itself as a key player.
Millions Expected to Join the Metaverse
There are many exciting new P2E projects being developed and the scope of what is possible in the metaverse is constantly being expanded. As blockchain technology becomes increasingly more advanced, and the world becomes increasingly more digital, millions of people are expected to jump into the metaverse to enjoy the hottest new Play-to-Earn games.
Supporting GameFi Developers
Metacade supports this expansion directly through its Metagrants program. The community will get to decide which new GameFi projects sound the most promising, and vote to use the Metacade treasury to directly fund the development teams. Metacade’s aim is to drive growth in Play-to-Earn gaming. For innovative developers that have exciting new ideas, this is an extremely valuable service. The Metacade ecosystem could become a hub of technological progress as a result, pushing the limits and ensuring a fresh supply of awesome titles.
Rewarding Play-to-Earn Gamers
In addition to supporting the continued development of blockchain-based gaming, Metacade offers some unique features to P2E gamers in its own metaverse scope. Active members of the Metacade community can earn MCADE rewards for their contributions. This includes sharing tips, tricks, and useful knowledge about how to optimise your GameFi playing experience.
The gaming community is at the centre of Metacade’s plans for the future. The project aims to connect avid gamers with the best Play-to-Earn opportunities, creating a virtual arcade where users can collaborate and share their insights. Power is given back to the community, as players can share their suggestions with game developers directly and earn MCADE tokens in the process.
MCADE vs ETC: Which Token Should You Buy?
While Ethereum Classic continues to hold its price above the $20 mark, investors are favouring projects that support the Web3 ecosystem, giving a relatively negative outlook for Ethereum Classic price prediction.
Ethereum Mainnet, on the other hand, remains the most-used network of decentralised applications, and people are bullish on the long-term future of dApps themselves. ETH stands to fare much better than any Ethereum Classic price prediction currently available, and for good reasons: its upcoming projects.
A prime example of a high-potential project being built on Ethereum is Metacade. Through supporting the expansion of GameFi and offering exclusive benefits to P2E players in an immersive digital world, Metacade is an attractive option for long-term crypto investors.
The MCADE presale is starting out at $0.008 per token. It has high long-term potential, and the price of each token will be increasing as it progresses through presale stages. In contrast, ETC continues to experience slow growth, as the latest Ethereum blockchain offers a vastly improved user experience.
You can buy ETC on eToro here.
You can participate in the MCADE presale here.
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sunmarketing · 1 year
SD Zoo Wildlife Alliance Pt 2
Special Title: San Diego Zoo and Safari Parks Part 2 of 2 
Today’s Special issue is on :  San Diego Zoo and Safari Parks Part 2
Today’s Mistake-Bodysurfing when the waves are too strong. 
In this episode: FAQ
Destination: Part 2 of 2 San Diego Zoo and Safari Park
San Diego Zoo and Safari Parks is a conservation organization under the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance and is a Step 1 or Step 2 destination.
The Wildlife Alliance is trying to create A world where all life thrives. They have two front doors. In this episode, we focus on the Safari Park, formerly known as the Wild Animal Park.
Ambassadors are all around.
Saving, protecting and preserving all around the world. 
Safari Park in Escondido, CA has been my favorite animal enclosure for decades. It’s nestled in the San Pasqual Valley, north of San Diego by 30 miles and is part of the San Diego Wildlife Alliance. It’s a bit of a drive from any large commercial airport, but even if you can get here for a few hours, you will be rewarded.
Why should you go there?
Go for a change of your routine and for exploration beyond your current experience. Gain new perspectives and learn something fresh about our world that you did not already know.
What can you expect when you arrive?
Parking fee. Yes, there is a fee at this location. If you ask about the fee, they will tell you it costs a lot to run the park and feed the animals. The only way to avoid the fee is to have someone drop you off or carpool and split that fee.
You get to the entrance and find kiosks to get tickets. If you purchase your ticket online, you save the wait. 
Walking around the park solo is easy to do. Get the app on your phone, so you will always be able to find your way around. If you prefer, get a paper map. There are ambassadors all over the park, wearing red shirts. Ask any one of them any relative question and you will be glad you did.
There is a tram that takes you to several places that are unwalkable. It’s comfortable and free. You can pay extra to skip the line. The park is broken out by continents, so you will find certain species in specific locations. 
How much time should you spend here? A full day if you can. Take plenty of breaks and be sure to see the different parts of the park if you can, because 1800 acres is a lot of trail. Half of that is conservation trains, so off limits to walk. There are plenty of options to get around and see the full experience.
It’s full of some of the rarest of species. for example, the only place outside of Australia where you will see platypuses is here. There are two here, and you can observe them in a cave-like experience, while they swim around.
The Wildlife alliance is laser focused on conservation, so they are trying to maintain high standards of sustainability as well as protecting the environment.
Kangaroos, and koalas are some of the best exhibits, so head to the Aussie side of the park, where you may find smaller crowds even on a busy day.
Me: Someday, I’d like to be a volunteer ambassador for the Safari park and join the hundreds of retirees who help out with hospitality and education. I have two friends here doing this now. They pick their available days and are regulars. I’m a current member and visit several times a year. It never gets boring.
Do: The elephants are easy to spot, and you see them pretty close up! This is one of my favorite exhibits.
Don’t: forget to layer for the changing weather conditions, for it is usually hotter or colder than you’d expect in this San Pasqual Valley.
Today’s Mistake: Bodysurfing when the waves are too strong. 
I was in the Pacific Ocean yesterday and got excited because it was such a beautiful day. However, my readiness was tempered by a huge wave that I did not anticipate, knocking me off my feet and swirling around in the surf with my boogie board pulled from me. My bathing suit was stretched out, sand all inside it and my ears felt like they got a sinus cleanout. That shook me hard. Don’t swim without the lifeguard and watch of big waves.
Today’s Travel Advice: Check out the Eastern Sierra’s for colors in the fall. 
The forests of maple stress look like lava flows. The aspens look like orange cotton candy. The snow capped peaks look like the perfect contrast to the bright colors with the black and white tundra in the distance. 
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Ultimate Tips To Consider Benefit Of Lol Boosting
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Most players of the League of Legends community became familiar with the existence of ELO boosting services one way or the other. Although, not all of them agree about it, whether that's some of them describing it as a method of cheating and others appreciating its contributions to improving standard of gameplay. LOL boosting isn't only about gaining ranks, but also covers many aspects of the LOL. If you are hesitant about taking on LOL boosting, these are a few of the most notable benefits that can change your mind.
Optimal Boost to Your Targeted Ranking
There are many variations of lol tft elo boosting however the most popular one is LOL. After participating in such activities most of the player base end up reaching a point where they're unable to make further progress. It might be the lack of required skills, the desire to engage in more LOL or an unanticipated Meta shift that messes with the champion's pool. It is better to trust an expert rather than fumbling on your own in these circumstances. ELO boosters have the expertise and experience to help you in achieving your goals. Once you like additional resources on buy lol elo boost, browse this site.
Know the High Tier Gameplay from a Professional's View
Most players neglect the true potential of LOL boosts to their elo by not paying heed to the booster's expertise in the game. LOL boosters are generally ranked in the top tier of players in the game, in terms of their the amount of experience they have and their game-play skills. So, when someone requests the services of boosters, they are signing up for their wisdom and guidance as well. This means that players will significantly benefit from boosters' expertise by learning their method of playing and even joining them in queues. By following the booster's tips that can help one improve quicker than they could alone. Moreover, a professional booster will also make sure to construct the game plan for their customers to ensure they perform within the higher skill level after the boosting process is done.
You can save hours of ELO Grind
Let someone else elevate your ranking in your place, especially when referring to League Of Legends, might have more positive results than you imagine. League of Legends can be a difficult game with many players with erratic motives and mental states. Thus it is more of a possibility than ever. If you are aiming to reach Diamond rank, it may be more than enough factors which will cause your path to be full of thorns, ultimately pushing you further away from your goal.
A professional LOL booster is a good option in these circumstances. Their knowledge of the game and skill levels are far greater than yours, which makes them tackle similar issues to yours in a far more efficient manner. It's basically hitting two birds with one stone. you can not only achieve your goals but make time in the process to focus on the other aspects of LOL or the real world itself.
Cost-effective and Guaranteed Outcome
Every single thing has a cost, including lol boosting service. This is logical when you consider that a booster can also be someone who invests time and effort to produce satisfactory results for customers. However, from the perspective of the customer, what matters the most to them is whether the service is trustworthy and their hard-earned money will be rewarded or not. In this regard, LOL boosting service providers are not just competing in the games, but also with other companies that offer similar services on the market as well. Due to intense competition for player satisfaction and maintaining their reputation and reputation, there are plenty of deals that are affordable for most players. Ultimately, it is an all-win situation for players in the terms of cost and their goals.
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engbergkixpruitt · 2 years
Interested in Getting In Equipment With the Automotive Franchise?
What has your lifetime obsession often been? What's the passion? Would that occur to involve doing work with cars or perhaps constantly placing yourself around the roar and rumble associated with automobiles? If thus, why don't look in to the promising potential client of partaking within the ever-expanding world regarding automotive franchises? Especially if you're the business savvy or perhaps entrepreneur-driven individual having main interest is based on automobiles themselves, the opportunity of getting in gear with an automotive franchise might just be the catalyst you've already been seeking to spur your own self-enterprise hobbies. Engine-Roaring Basics In Automotive Dispenses Using a considerably thin start up investment decision and also a plethora associated with rewarding benefits, what better time may it regularly be to put the pushed to the sheet metal and commence cruising the way over the triple-crown highway with the automotive franchise kicking back again in the passenger seat next in order to you? What are you waiting for? As it stands, franchises in general are spreading like untamed fire and consumers are taking discover toward the chance, substantive earning potential plus overall benefit of turning out to be a business proprietor. And depending in where your automobile interests lie, typically the possibilities in diverse automotive franchise endeavors can differ greatly. Say you're more keen toward car preservation, or car restoration, or automotive components or automotive insurance plan; any of typically the aforementioned can lead you to selecting a specific in addition to quite successful automobile franchise. Considering Options and Finding Your own Automotive Franchising Niche When deciding on which automotive business would be best with regard to you, there are many factors you should take to mind. Clearly, a person should have interest in cars and typically the automotive industry. If a person don't then the reason why would you look at running a business in which usually you have no prior experience or even any knowledge throughout whatsoever? In spite of this, and even assuming you are indeed interested in automobile topics, then just what should be regarded next are general start up costs. Typically, start upward costs for the automotive based business can range any where from $10, 000-$20, 1000 dollars, which is definitely, looking from some sort of long-term business point of view, a tiny purchase for future and even monumental gains plus growth potentials.
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As well as different automotive franchise types -that is, what services and products each offer- can vary significantly with regards to investment charges. Therefore , it's essential to conduct a few research and check around for your perfect option. Working together with Paint Protection Film Sacramento or Certainly not? It's Suggested You Do Thinking through the perspective of your consumerist mindset, choosing to pick a great automotive franchise backing an unique brand title might be a fantastic business move. Today, of course, the initial investment costs would be a new bit heftier than a standard, lesser-known franchise, in the long run, brand names are dependable and workable, ten-fold. Customers will flock to franchises along with names they're acquainted with or possess heard good things about; make use of this to heart as it might assuredly choose your automotive business venture a huge success. It simply comes down to one particular thing, assurance. Plus consumers seek this at all fees. A great, preexisting status from your selected auto franchise brand can almost immediately provide you with a consistent and regular clientele. It seems the golden chances automotive franchises have got to offer are generally in quite in an abundance and simply waiting for a person to hop into the driver's seats. So, take the wheel and push your organization opportunities in order to new distances.
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warrentranberg58 · 2 years
Tips To Improve Your Arts And Crafts Projects
Making something with your own hands can be a great accomplishment and give you a sense of satisfaction. That is why arts and crafts is such a terrific hobby. You don't need to have much money to make something great, and you can create something really wonderful. Here are check here to help you. Browsing the internet for new ideas is a great way to expand your arts and crafts skills. You can see what other crafters are creating and gain a new perspective on what you can create with your crafting skills. So go online to find new ways to expand your creativity when you are doing your favorite craft or hobby. Brick and mortar stores are great when searching for arts and crafts supplies. One of the largest retailers is Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby carries fabric, beading supplies, yarns and floral supplies. Additionally, they are the perfect go-to retailer for art supplies with the wide selection of canvases, paints and brushes. Stay organized. There are a lot of possibilities when it comes to organization, and it is up to you to come up with a creative way to figure it all out. When you have organized supplies, you will be able to find them when you are working on your projects. It also gives you an idea of all the things you have to work with. M&J Trim offers sewing enthusiasts a place to find quality trim and buttons at an affordable price. Their selection of buttons is second to none. You can find anything you need for your sewing projects and M&J Trim. Additionally, they offer one of the largest varieties of trim to finish all of your sewing projects. If you are thinking about taking up oil painting for the first time, try starting out with acrylics instead. Oil paints can get very expensive, as can the canvas upon which you will paint. Buy the cheaper paint first, get a little practice under your belt, then dive into the real thing. Dress appropriately for arts and crafts. It's a dirty process. Wear only shoes and clothes that you can either afford to possibly part with or can be laundered hard. An old pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt you don't care about are always good choices, especially if there's painting involved. Do not make the mistake of only looking in art supply stores for all of the materials you might need. Places like discount and factory closeout stores are great places to find materials at low prices. You may not be able to find everything you need, but you may find a lot of the basics there. Doing arts and crafts products doesn't have to be expensive. There are several ways that you can cut costs if you are creative and recycle commonly used material you already own in your home. Don't buy an expensive art palette. Don't toss those egg cartons when they are empty because they'll make a great palette. When you've reached a creative standstill with your ability to paint, start using new tools. You can paint with virtually anything, from a toothbrush to a Brillo pad, and each different object gives a new dimension to your work. Mix up the paint on the palette as usual, and let your imagination guide you! Price out what a project will cost before you get into the middle of it. Sometimes an arts and crafts project can take on a mind of its own. What you thought would be a few dollars to make turns into dozens of dollars. Don't fall into sticker shock. Sit down and map out the costs. Make sure you keep all of your craft supplies organized. You don't need things to go missing while you are working on a project. Some craft materials are safety hazards like knives and hot glue guns. You don't want someone to get hurt if they are in an area that they're not supposed to be. Try to keep everything in bins, organizers, shelves, containers, etc. This article has hopefully given you information you can use about arts and crafts. Arts and crafts is such a rewarding hobby, and anyone can have a wonderful time doing it. Use the tips in this article to make arts and crafts projects that truly delight you as well as others.
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abelconway7 · 2 years
replica kelly bag 27
Aaa Low-cost Replica Hermes Kelly Bags For Sale Seller account might be closed if he sells fakes and receives funds by Paypal. The handles are made from the identical type of brown sturdy high quality leather-based that allows them to nicely arch in a really discrete long form. These are quite skinny and rounded with a sewing that goes all the best way through their length. The stitching reinforces the shape and firmness of the two handles. You shall be surprised to see how natural these handles fit on your arm. They ran follow occasions to get folks to excessive ground, however one of many many families living on the slender strip of land jutting into Willapa Bay found it took them 56 minutes by foot to get up to the middle. In Tokeland, Wash., Charlene Nelson, the chairwoman of the Shoalwater Bay Tribe, stated the tribe has been working for about 18 years on escape strategies. Their first recourse was a building up in the hills designed as an evacuation center, with supplies. To improve the chances of survival, officers in Washington State have proposed a network of fifty eight vertical evacuation structures alongside the outer coast and suggested considering dozens of others. They might provide 22,000 folks with an choice for escape, although thousands of others would stay out of range. The Shockers have gained all three visits to Addition Financial Arena however wanted extra time in 2018. Last February, they survived after Darius Perry's last-second jumper missed the mark. Whereas if some team will get hot and beats everybody else too, it means your team was pretty good they just couldn’t quite get the win. So I selected 23cm, although there is no mini size, but additionally it is beautiful, and the capacity is enough, and the long pockets can be put down. Switching baggage are far more convenient than Kang Kang. Hermes model all merchandise are the best choice of advanced supplies, focusing on decorative, detail beautiful, with its glorious quality has gained the reward of shoppers. With this in mind, I thought that my opinion of a few years had been correct and that there have been no good replicas. Suddenly, and nearly accidentally, I found and noticed what I would call “SUPER FAKES” . At first, I thought it was too good to be true as a end result of the pictures have been of fantastic quality. To get the ball going, I sent an e mail to the corporate to ask if that they had products that were not on the web site, and they responded rapidly with pictures of precisely what I needed. I’ve received this replica Birkin bag from Purse Valley very long time in the past. I haven’t purchased new Birkin imitation since then. The means this replica Hermes is crafted and sewn is impeccable. The factor that ruins the craftsmanship is using white stitching on the bag whereas the original Hermes has a brown color stitching. The accuracy and the pattern of the stitching are excellent. The stitches are evenly spaced apart and do not have any imperfections. I’m willing to consider that I’ve got things mistaken. I talked to a few of the same people Dan Wolken did through the Schiano mess and I told them precisely what I told you guys, that it was an terrible rent. high quality replica hermes kelly You can actually agree or disagree with my opinion, however I’m not advocating my place to try and curry favor with anyone or guarantee they return my emoticon textual content messages. wikipedia handbags Third, the reason I always tell you to read media aggressively is as a result of I understand how the sports activities media sausage is made. I realize it appears odd however I am desperately trying to buy the Hermes bolide forty five shark bag. Hey Denise, You’re right to be nervous about Western Union payment, because you can’t dispute cost like with credit card. Just now I’ve obtained very interesting remark from a seller explaining their perspective the cost methods. Hey Annie, yeah I’ve received it from pursevalley and it’s fabulous. Frankly, it is best quality bag I really have ever got from them. Can you inform me which site this handstitched birkin was from? Eurohandbag only distributes the world's best and authentic hermes dublin. All of the objects you see online are available at eurohandbag. We love a Hermes lock that offers the bag extra spice. The genuine lock is greater, wider, and more detailed than the replica one, which is tiny compared to the unique lock. The edges of the faux one aren't alleged to be straight, however squiggly simply as proven in the left image. Guests will spot some familiar features like the purple letterbox, bone-shaped chimney and bay window. This two-night keep, for one family of 4, will take place from Friday February 18 to Sunday February 20 and value AU$20. Airbnb says booking will open 15 February and it'll go to whoever gets in first. Nestled on a quiet, tree-lined avenue in one of Brisbane’s most picturesque neighbourhoods, the house is a collaboration between Airbnb and BBC studios and took two years to construct.
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softprincesso · 3 years
PT.2: Overview to understanding different saving/retirement methods, investments, and forms of income
2.1 Savings and Retirement
Welcome lovelies to (what I hope will be) a helpful series on gaining wealth and becoming financially literate and independent!
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*disclaimer: while this advice can generally apply to many it will not apply to all. Everyone is in a different situation and should do their own research before they take what ANYONE says as fact or law. This is also coming from the perspective of a young, biracial, first generation female business student following a hypergamous lifestyle and who does sw so some advice may be specific to my like-minded ladies, but for the most part I just love money and want to help others find joy in their wallets as well. I am also operating in the US so things regarding accounts, stocks, and certain laws will vary by your country. Also, this is just a fun thing I wanted to do because talking about leveling up and learning and growing and money are my favorite past times. None of these pictures are mine, however I am using some links which may compensate me in some way, but I only used links which were mutually beneficial and would help you gain something as well, they are still just actual sources I use for myself.
Financial independence is different than financial confidence.
Financial Independence: “The most common sense of the term is that someone has enough wealth to live as they wish for the rest of their life without having to work.” -Investopedia https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0611/declare-your-own-financial-independence-day.aspx
Financial Confidence: “We define financial confidence as having three aspects,” says Miler. “The first is awareness of how money can be a tool for helping you reach your goals and dreams. The second is financial literacy and understanding economic factors. The third is trust and knowing where to turn for financial advice.” -Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/shelleyzalis/2018/06/16/women-money-8-steps-for-growing-your-financial-confidence/?sh=2175b65e2468
While the ultimate goal is financial independence, financial confidence should be the main focus. I’ll give an example why. Imagine there are two people: Rhonda and Jill. Both of them like nice things, love to shop, and participate in the occasional splurge. Rhonda works a regular 9-5 and has a decent salary. She doesn’t have much financial knowledge (translation: financial confidence), but she has a savings account at her local bank and puts a couple hundred into retirement each year and she thinks that's enough. Suddenly, Rhonda wins the lottery. Overnight she has become a millionaire, so she quits her job, moves to LA, and goes on to live life to the fullest. She would now be considered financially independent. However, Rhonda has no idea how to manage all that money. She puts a small amount into that bank savings account and takes the rest to do what she will. One day she tries her luck at a casino, in less than five hours she has lost all of her money and has to start back at square one with no job, only a few thousand to get her through, and no-good way to explain to employers that she just wasted the last 5 years spending money on handbags she now has to sell at a depreciated value. (BTW you would not last not working with only a million dollars in LA for that long)
Now, let’s look at Jill. Jill is an independent contractor and has a relatively steady income. She knows very little about finances, but she actively learns how to manage what she has and keeps up to date on the latest money news. The day that Rhonda won the lottery was just another Thursday for Jill, the only unique point for her was that she opened a savings accounts with a high APY (we’ll say 1%) and put in $5000.00. A little later she also opened a Roth IRA and puts in the maximum yearly allowance of $6000.00. Along the way she opened a brokerage account of her own and started trading in the stock market along with investing in real estate which has given her some extra income to play with each year. Unfortunately, another housing crash occurs, and all of the money Jill invested into real estate is gone. However, since Jill learned the skills behind her choices early on, she is knowledgeable and understands the ups and downs of the market and how to invest her money in other places in the meantime. And, that High yield savings account accrued around $50 more without her doing anything and she has that to fall back on, or worst case she can take out part of her principal Roth IRA contribution. 10 years from now Jill should start to see a steady increase in her Roth IRA that by retirement will be a little over 1 million and she should be comfortable and invested enough into stocks that she gains around $200-1000 extra each month.
I think you understand why you want to be Jill.
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As discussed in Pt.1 the first goal you should achieve is securing an emergency fund that could sustain you for a couple of months if things were to ever hit the fan, and starting a retirement fund should be in your top 5 goals to complete. The saying, “the rich get richer” is popular for a reason. Wealthy people know how to make their money work for them instead of them having to work for money. An easy way anyone can do the same is by opening the right accounts for your savings and retirement.
All of your savings should be in a high yield saving account or split between different high yield accounts. This is an account which will reward you some interest every period for having money in your account with them. This is incredibly easy to do. You can either research/ask your bank about their high yield accounts or do some googling to find some other bank. Then transfer your money and there you go! When looking at banks understand that the highest Annual Percent Yields (APY), or the interest they will reward you, are going to be from online banks because they have less operational costs than a brick and mortar, but they will also come with their own disadvantages, like less ATMs to access or the inability to use when outside of your country so make sure to look into that. IMPORTANT: Make sure that whatever bank you choose is FDIC-insured so if the bank were to ever collapse or lose your money you have insurance up to $250,000.This won't generate a lot of extra cash, but an extra $20 every year is better than $0.
These accounts usually go by your current situation and what you see for your future.
401K: Probably the most known (I believe it’s only in the States but there might be something close to it in other countries) and that’s just because this is what employers usually offer if they offer anything. It is a retirement fund that your employer will set up and you can predefine how much of your paycheck you want to automatically go into it every time. Sometimes, the employers will also have a match program, and if they do you better max out the money they will contribute because that is FREE money! Most advice that I have seen has said to really only focus on this fund if your employer has that match program, otherwise I would focus on one of the accounts below. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/retirement/08/401k-info.asp
IRA: An IRA stands for Individual Retirement Account. There are three kinds…
                         Traditional: This IRA lets you put in pre-tax money and lets it grow tax-free until you make a withdrawal. Once you make the withdrawal that money is taxed at the current rate of your income at the time. Your contributions are tax deductible so you can write them off of your taxable income of that year. There are limits to how much you can contribute depending on your income, status, and whether you have another retirement fund as well.
                          Roth: With this IRA your contributions are taxed, but when you withdrawal money later on it is tax free. For those of you in a lower tax bracket than you believe you will be in the future, this IRA makes the most sense as you will pay less taxes now than you will when you are 59 ½ (The official age of retirement in the States). There are limits to how much you can contribute depending on your income, status, and whether you have another retirement fund as well.
                           SEP: Simplified Employee Pension. This is also an employer-based plan and may also work better for my self-employed gals out there. I don’t really know a lot on this one so I’ll just leave a link you can look into if it interests you: https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/102714/how-does-simplified-employee-pension-sep-ira-work.asp
You can have both a traditional and Roth IRA as long as you are eligible for both. Anyone with earned income (with a job or can prove a steady income) can contribute to a Traditional IRA, however with a Roth IRA, as a single you can earn up to $139,000 and contribute. Personally, if you are just getting started with all of this just set up one IRA and as you learn more you can take steps to get another or switch accounts.
There are a plethora of other accounts, but they are more specialized and the top four should get you started on the right path to saving for retirement. I’m guessing that the majority of the audience reading these are women between the ages of 20-30. Trust me when I say that I love to spend money as much as the next girl, but I also would like to be completely comfortable should anything happen in my older years that screws up my marriage or job, and no one is going to secure that for you.
Also, I’m sorry this is so US-based, but once again it is all I know. I believe IRAs are more widespread than a 401K, but all that takes to find out is a Google search on your part.
Either way, make sure you have a plan going into 2021 for your savings and retirement because this economic whirlwind is far from over and there is always a chance for another recession, depression, or disaster. (Wow O, way to keep the mood light)
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This was getting way too long with the investments added so look out for Pt.2.2 on the overview for investments (where the actual fun begins and I can stop being such a stick in the mud)…
Financial independence
Financial Confidence
Roth IRA
brokerage account
High yield savings account
Traditional IRA
Once again… if in these posts I ever give bad advice, F- something up, or am just generally ignorant PLEASE call me out! Remember that just like you I am a young woman figuring everything out and while I am confident when talking about money, I am by no means a genius (only in spurts) so any chance to learn I appreciate. I hope you all learned something new today and as always…
With Love,
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septembercfawkes · 3 years
How Theme is Your Story's Shadow
Something that has been coming into my conversations lately, is the idea that theme is like your story's shadow. Or perhaps, more accurately, its shadow puppet.
Setting, characters, and plot are more concrete. They are (more or less) physical. But theme comes out of them when an outside intelligence (writer or reader) shines light on them. This casts a shadow to form a shape, or a puppet.
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Learning about and writing theme can be difficult, in part, because you can't hold and mold a shadow itself.
You have to shift what casts the shadow.
To create the right shadow puppet, you have to rearrange the hands--the story elements--the right way.
And if you cast an incoherent blob on the wall and claim it makes a cat, it's not going to be effective.
This is the equivalent of a writer trying to slap on a thematic argument through "telling," when the story itself doesn't "show" or back up the argument. This usually manifests in a character being philosophical or preachy somewhere in the story--trying to force a meaningful discussion on a topic that is irrelevant enough to be un-meaningful.
On the other hand, a professional-level writer may understand how to arrange the characters and plot in a beautiful, coherent way, so that it casts an elaborate shadow--even if the writer never looks beyond the story.
This is why you can sometimes find powerful, thematic literature, written by someone who doesn't know how theme works. Just this last week, I was listening to a hugely successful writer talk for hours about his approach to writing, without even addressing theme. Yet I've seen his work used by others when discussing theme.
He surely knows all about rearranging the hands appropriately, so when anyone intelligent comes to look, they shine the light on them to find the thematic shadow. It doesn't matter so much that he doesn't understand theme. He understands the underlying principles that make up the theme.
For the rest of us, we need some help. And understanding theme before we get to a professional level, will help us reach that level faster. Furthermore, I have sometimes wondered how much better a successful writer would be, if they did properly understand theme. I mean, imagine if their stories were even more impactful!
In order to cast a great thematic shadow, we need to understand its physical counterparts.
Here are the critical pieces:
1. Your protagonist's dominating qualities, worldview, and/or lifestyle
Your protagonist has dominating qualities. She might be a survivalist like Katniss. Innocent like Frodo. Miserly like Scrooge. Overly protective and codependent like Marlin in Finding Nemo. Or something else. One, if not multiple, of these qualities tap into the theme.
2. Your protagonist's arc
How your protagonist changes or remains the same because of the plot, regarding those qualities, conveys a value of those qualities. Scrooge gives up his miserly ways to live a better life. This implies that being miserly can hold one back from a better life.
What a character wants versus what a character needs can also play into this.
3. Antagonistic force's qualities and worldview
Because the antagonist is opposing the protagonist, the antagonist is also challenging the protagonist's dominating qualities. The antagonist either leads to the protagonist changing those qualities or at least tests the protagonist's commitment to those qualities. At some point, in some way, the antagonist is usually thematically opposite of the protagonist.
4. How that antagonistic force is resolved
At the climax, the protagonist and antagonistic force go head to head. It's what makes the climax, the climax.
Who wins and how, conveys a teaching about those qualities and worldviews. Katniss must defeat the antagonistic force by proving she will do more than simply save herself and survive (which is what they expect). She must be willing to risk dying to save Peeta and beat the Games.
To defeat death, Scrooge must be willing to let go of his miserly ways and realize real wealth comes from relationships and helping others.
In the denouement, those who gain something greater (and this may only be internal), are those who have the "correct" view, while those who are punished have the "wrong" view. The "correct" view is the theme.
Here are the supporting pieces:
1. Influence Character
I actually debate where to put this one, because I think it's more important than the other supporting pieces, but not as important as the critical pieces.
The Influence Character is important because they influence or impact the protagonist. The Influence Character and protagonist are connected in some way, but they usually have different methods or views when it comes to dealing with life. These differences tap into the theme.
Most of the time, the Influence Character has a worldview that the protagonist comes to understand and adopt--a worldview that is "correct." This embodies the theme. However, in some stories, this will be reversed. (And there can be variations.)
2. Supporting Cast
Ideally, the supporting characters will also be feeding into the theme, by providing different perspectives related to the protagonist's and/or antagonists dominating qualities and worldviews. For example, in Arrival--which centers on the theme topic of communication--the protagonist must interact with characters who don't understand, respect, or fully value language. In Moana, each of the side characters has a different view on identity--Tamatoa says identity comes from your appearance, while Moana's father argues identity comes from your place on the island.
3. Secondary Plots
Often secondary plots will mirror or foil the main conflict, which means they mirror or foil the thematic argument. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the thematic argument is that what one chooses is more important than what one is--as demonstrated by the fact that Harry, who lacks a pure bloodline and "should" have been in Slytherin, is able to defeat the Heir of Slytherin with the Gryffindor sword. This proves that Harry's choices (to be in Gryffindor) are more important than what he is--since he defeats the antagonistic force who is arguing that one's value is based on what one is (a pureblood).
In addition to the primary plot, the thematic argument is explored in the other conflicts: Hermione being bullied for being a Mudblood, despite being the best at magic; Nearly-Headless Nick attempting repeatedly to join the Headless Hunt, who argues he doesn't qualify; Hagrid being a scapegoat for being half-giant; Dobby being forced to serve the Malfoys because he's a house-elf; Filch trying to learn magic as a squib.
The critical pieces are the "bones" of the shadow puppet. The supporting points provide the "flesh" (they add breadth, density, or depth to the shadow).
Because the critical pieces are the bones, they inherently make the shadow puppet when the light shines on them. You can't cast a shadow that doesn't match the bones. This is why every story you write says something about life, even if you don't want it to.
And this is why some writers accidentally say something in their themes, that they didn't mean to. For example, if Katniss killed Peeta to win the Games--and was rewarded for that--then the argument may be that survival at all costs, including killing a friend, is the correct way to live. A completely different thematic statement.
This is why trying to slap on an irrelevant theme through some character monologuing, doesn't ring true. Because the bones said the theme was something different. The bones showed the theme was something different.
You can never cast a shadow that doesn't match the bones.
The supporting pieces aren't as vital, so they give you more wiggle room. Still, a shadow is usually easier to see when it has some depth.
The supporting pieces may simply, ultimately reinforce the main argument, which may make the theme more straightforward. For example, Hermione being bullied for being a Muggleborn, when she's actually the best in her class, simply reinforces the idea that what we choose (to study hard) is more important than what we are (Muggleborn). Notice, however, that this doesn't necessarily make the journey "easy." After all, feelings were hurt, and tears were shed.
On the other hand, the supporting pieces may contrast the main argument, which may make the theme more complex. In Zootopia, Judy dreams of being a bunny cop to prove to everyone that you can be anything you want. However, when we meet Nick, he shares the idea that a baby fox wants to grow up to be an elephant. This is an impossibility. No matter what, a fox can't be an elephant.
This means that the idea that we "can be anything," is actually more nuanced and complex. It needs some refining. In the right context, we "can be anything." There are certain limitations. . . . Although, maybe these days, one might argue that a fox could identify as an elephant--but that's a different argument outside that story's.
(Also, just a note on a technicality, the idea that "we can be anything" is actually a secondary theme of the story, not the primary theme (which is about bias), but the principle holds true regardless. Someday I'll talk about secondary themes.)
Because the supporting pieces can reinforce or contrast the critical pieces, you can write all kinds of things in those spots. However, it can be helpful and beneficial to know what you are doing so you can create the best shadow puppet shape you want.
It also helps you evaluate how one idea may fit better in your story than another and keeps you from arguing something you didn't intend. Just as an example, if I did want to argue that indeed "we can be anything," then I may not want to include Nick's elephant idea, and if I did, I'd want to refute it by showing a fox could be an elephant when he grew up.
What's not a good idea is to put in a bunch of stuff that is irrelevant to the theme. Suppose J. K. Rowling decided to include the secondary plot of Ron's relationship with Lavender Brown in Chamber of Secrets instead of Half-blood Prince. It waters down and takes away from the theme, because it has little to do with what someone chooses or what someone is. It needs to stay in Half-blood Prince, which explores one's inability/ability to love, along with counterfeit love.
However, with that said, one may argue you can take that plotline and rework it to highlight Ron's choices and maybe argue that Lavendar only likes him because of what he is--a keeper on the quidditch team. That would make that plotline more supportive of the theme. And it may be that by the time the story is publish-ready, it has naturally come to that point.
Needless to say, you can flesh out the bones all kinds of ways. And I'm sure I will talk some more about that in the future.
For now, just remember that in order to convey theme, you need to shift the "physical" pieces, so that when someone shines light on them, they can see the right shadow. The critical pieces definitively make up the theme, and the supporting pieces reinforce or add complexity to it. While it is possible to write a great story without understanding theme, it's probably better to use it to your advantage.
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shadow-scenarios · 4 years
Date Headcanons | Everyone
Thought I’d write something for everyone so that I can get used to it & you can see my style of writing.
- Nexus.
Joker { Akira Kurusu }
✧ Akira is definitely the type of partner who indulges in more casual dates. Although he has the money & resources in order to do something more classy due to his moonlighting as a Phantom Thief, he prefers more quaint locations where both himself & his partner can enjoy each other’s company instead of the location.
✧ He fundamentally believes that if he can enjoy himself around his significant other without needing to spend vast amounts of money, he’s found someone he can rely on for life. His life is naturally very very stressful so he finds solace in moments where he can simply be himself.
✧ During the date itself, he is the epitome of a gentleman { he does have max Charm, after all! }. Offering to pay for the meal; blatantly flirting but not crossing any unspoken boundaries; Casual touches of affection to fluster them. All in all, Akira simply enjoys having company that’s not related to Phantom Thief business & having someone who doesn’t only want to see him in order to seek out comfort.
Skull { Ryuji Sakamoto }
✧ Another one who likes casual dates. However, he is much less formal about it. Although confident on the outside, on the inside he is very nervous about a date. Ryuji is of the opinion that if he cannot be himself during a date, it would not feel natural. So, he takes his significant other places that seem like fun.
✧ Being the athletic type, Ryuji encourages his significant other to run with him. It is rather cathartic and good training. Starting out with shorter routes, they would be encouraged by him all throughout. Afterwards, there’s a high chance that the two of them would head out for ramen together as a ‘ treat ’.
✧ Other ideas would include the arcade or simply heading to his house. Introducing his partner to his mother is a key part of the relationship, since he desperately wants them to like each other { it wouldn’t be difficult, Ryuji’s mother is just as sweet as his son!! }.
Panther { Ann Takamaki }
✧ There are two types of dates with Ann: Food dates & Fashion dates.
✧ Food dates are usually more common. They consist of going to a restaurant she recommends or finding a dessert and ordering two. Ann encourages her significant other to try new things & expand their horizons much like how she’s trying to strengthen her heart.
✧ Fashion dates occur when Ann’s side job as a model comes into play. If she is in need of new clothes for a particular style or wants to try something new, it is likely to be turned into a date.
✧ Ann knows exactly what fits the body type of her partner & clothes that would make them look good. She wants them to be able to express themselves and feel good about it at the same time!!
✧ In return, all that is asked of them is that they honestly critique the clothing choices she has selected out for herself { she looks great in everything though }.
Fox { Yusuke Kitagawa }
✧ Yusuke’s interpretation of dates is... Strange. No matter what, it has to be visually stimulating & help inspire him in his career of art. He would die for art without a second thought and that reflects in his choices of location.
✧ For example, Inokashira Park is a perfect spot. It costs little money, has beautiful scenery & has a relaxing atmosphere. Throughout the entire experience, there is small gestures of casual affection. Not enough for people to be staring but just enough for it to be noticeable by them.
✧{ After his scuffle with searching for true beauty with Akira, he learns a little more about social ettique & how the boat ride they took could have been misinterpreted as a date. }
✧ However... Sometimes he forgets that going to places costs money. If a local art museum has a special showing, Yusuke will buy two tickets impulsively & invite his significant other to the event. Then he’ll be crushed by the reality of the train fares.
Queen { Makoto Niijima }
✧ At first, Makoto has no idea how to plan a date. She would definitely flunk a test about love, so to speak. However, it is very endearing. Study dates would be the most common, where they could go over any material either of them didn’t understand in classes. She prides herself over being able to assist her significant other.
✧ Once she becomes more adapted to stereotypical teenage life, there is a higher likelyhood of more outdoorsy dates. Her favourite spot is Chinatown because of all the vastly different stores and foods.
✧ She finds it a relaxing experience to people watch. Usually it’s done through the window of a cafe where she offhandedly comments about how different people are dressed & how they interact with each other. Makoto is very insightful.
Oracle { Futaba Sakura }
✧ Going anywhere is mostly out of the question. Futaba struggles with socialising & although she is trying her best to open up a little more, it will be an ongoing process.
✧ Playing video games until 3am or talking about the latest manga edition released from the comfort of her bedroom is one of her favourite things to do with a significant other. It is the one time where she feels comfortable to talk & even if they do not quite understand every thing she is saying, she is very happy to go into depth and explain.
✧ However, there would be one or two occasions where Futaba wants to push herself & go out somewhere. Beforehand, Sojiro would be lecturing her partner about keeping her safe & making sure she’s okay but wishes the two of them a good time.
✧ Although there’s moments where Futaba is overstimulated & needs a break, it is a fun experience! Akihabara is definitely a good place to start & buying a game as a reward for braving it will earn them a beaming smile of sunshine.
Noir { Haru Okumura }
✧ Haru has very few qualms about spending extravagant amounts of money on a single date. She thinks like a celebrity & aims to impress her significant other. Just because she spends a lot of money does not mean she is not thoughtful, though. Most dates will be something her significant other has mentioned interest in. She pays attention!!
✧ Throughout the entire outing, she is not afraid to initiate physical contact. Holding hands is a common & subtle gesture that she never really achieved with her previous marriage so she cherishes gentle intimacy.
✧ However, it eventually becomes known that she prefers cheaper & more heart-to-heart style dates. Making a picnic for her partner with the vegetables / fruits from her garden brings unparalleled joy. Especially when they give advice and talk about the taste & how they could improve. Her dream is to run a homegrown café after all!!
Crow { Goro Akechi }
✧ Akechi is either the most gentlemanly man anyone has ever been on a date with or he wants to unwind from a stressful day. Dates are few & far between with his particularly busy schedule, alongside the influence of his female fans bothering him particularly turns him off the idea most of the time.
✧ So, there are two solutions: Dates that are indoors so that no one knows where they are & incredibly extravagant dates that the media cannot gain access to.
✧ Indoor ones usually involve attending the Jazz Club in Kichijoji. It is a relaxing place with few people to bother his significant other, since there are few that know about the place. Throughout the entire occasion, he makes light conversation and is hesitant about accepting physical contact for fear of his reputation but eventually settles on taking his gloves off and interlocking hands with them.
✧ The other solution is usually reserved for special occasions. Although Akechi is wealthy due to his work as a detective, he is more deliberate with his purchases and understands the value of money. In these situations, he intentionally plays up his role as a detective prince & is even more suave than Akira. There is a lot of flirtation in a very polite manner, almost as if testing the waters.
✧ Although he genuinely enjoys these sessions, it is his job to play the role of a prince, even for his significant other. Akechi is practised at pretending.
Violet { Sumire Yoshizawa }
✧ Incredibly flustered at first, no matter what happens. Every step with her is filled with stuttering & a face the same colour as her hair but she’s willing to try her best!!
✧ Absolutely wants her significant other to come to her routines & competitions. If they are not there, she feels incomplete. It throws her game off which in turn creates more issues in the future.
✧{ At some point, her coach comes to speak to them and essentially demands they be at every session so Sumire can achieve her best. }
✧ Sumire also really likes different scenery. The aquarium in Shinagawa is a breathtaking sight from her perspective. No pressure to perform & the ability simply be herself allows for a much more natural date.
{ Yuuki Mishima }
✧ Mishima is much like Futaba in that he would prefer a date indoors. Although he is more confident after everything that happened with Kamoshida, he is still more shocked that he actually has a significant other.
✧ Most of his spare time when not doing schoolwork is spent on running the Phansite so when Mishima wants to spend time with them, he prefers low energy activities at home such as watching a movie with snacks or sitting & talking together.
✧ If he ever attempted to take them out somewhere, it would be adorable. There would be a lot of doting on them and ensuring that they’re having a good time & he needs this validation because of his self esteem issues. { Telling Mishima that the date was fun or that they enjoyed it will result in an adorable smile & red face }.
{ Hifumi Togo }
✧ Much like Yusuke, Hifumi enjoys dates with her significant other that are practical. If there’s a new book on some of the lastest Shogi techniques, she’ll take them to the bookstore in Jinbocho & make a date out of it.
✧ Although she sometimes struggles to articulate her feelings properly, it is often made up for with the purchase of a gift. Nothing expensive since she is still a high school student but instead something deeply personal that will mean a lot, such as a piece of jewellery or a particular book they are interested in.
✧ Also loves going to the church in Kanda for a practice game. Even if they are not very good at Shogi, she’ll teach them how to play and encourages them to develop their own style of play. After each game, she analyses all of the different moves used in that game & how they changed the game.
Word Count: 1.7k
Publish Date: 25.09.20
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Hit me with your best shot
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A/N: Hey! I saw the #WritersWednesday challenge on @autumnleaves1991-blog blog and thought it was an amazing opportunity to let the creativity flow and though I just started showing my works on here I guess giving it a chance wouldn't hur anybody and maybe some of you would enjoy this as much as I did writing it. And on that note, I'd like to thank every writer on here because your works have helped me a lot during these weird times; and of course speacilly to you @autumnleaves1991-blog for this and your "You're my best friend" series that made me cry, yearn (so much yearning) and loved every single minute of it, thank you!
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female character ( I decided to leave her very undeterminated as it's narrated on Javi's perspective I decided to use she/her pronouns, but I guess you could read it as a f!reader?)
Summary: Post-season 3, Javi and the character go on a date to Laredo's funfair (You could read this as a small piece on its own or as a part of the series I'm currently writing; if you're interested is on my blog and I haven't posted much since I opened it)
Warning: None (let me know if I should mark something) fluff! maybe some kissing...
Another thing! I've just finished this, so brace yourselves for some mistakes and mispellings, sorry
(I was listening to Kacey Musgraves while writing this, if you want to add more fluff to it)
She’s lovely with that white summer dress, she’s tapping her feet nervously looking around the street waiting for his car to arrive, but Javi is parked on the side of the road chewing a nicorette that has already lost all its taste. He observes how she peeks at her watch. He’s already late and doesn’t know what would make him feel any more terrible: standing her up or going on a date with her like an old creep.
Come on, Peña he urges himself to make a decision, but before he can make up his mind, he hears the door unlocking.
“Hey! I thought something had caught you up” she smiles and any doubts he had had been lifted. Gosh she’s pretty
“Sorry, I’m late I had...” he can make up any excuse and he feels he’s just smiling like an idiot.
“Don’t worry” she seats and adjusts her dress shyly “I see we’re making progress” she motions to his mouth
“Oh, yeah, I’ve been very good.” Javi says proudly and follows the road full of car towards the fair “I haven’t had a smoke in...a month, I think”
“Congrats!” she cheers “You deserve a reward then” she grins
“Sure?” he smirks eying her briefly not losing the sight of the road
“Whatever you want” she nods
“But a cigarette, of course”
“Obvs” she chuckles
“Then I better think for a really good reward, I deserve it”
­­­­­­­­­She’s talking about the first time she came to the funfair being a child. Javier is listening partially; part of his focus is on everybody around them. It feels like all Laredo is there and they had been stopped a few times already by people that wanted to shake his hand and thank him for his service; and Javi starts to feel like the music is too loud, there’s too many people around them and that he doesn’t want to hear the word “hero” anymore. So he tries really hard to look at her, to concentrate his mind on how she interrupts her speech when she looks directly at him, how she blushes, how the warm breezes moves the baby hairs that frame that beautiful visage, how her lips shine with that chapstick she uses and that he’s dying to taste.
“Anyway we can do any ride but that one” she points at the big one in the middle that spins fast creating a wave of screams and laughter every time it makes a round “Unless you want me to puke all over your pretty plaid shirt”
“You like my shirt?” he smirks
“Yeah” she tucks a lock of her hair behind her ear “You look like a real cowboy” she adds. Her smile is brighter than any of the thousand small lights that illuminate the fair.
“I like your dress” Javier leaves his hand hang languidly close to hers until their skin brushes against each other. When he sees she doesn’t recoil, he grabs her hand locking his fingers with hers.
He can sense her nervousness, but hopes it’s the good kind. The exact same feeling he has at the moment, those soft palpitations that he hasn’t felt in years; the butterflies. Eventually she answers his compliment:
“Thanks, it was just 10$” instantly she looks down at her feet “God! I’m terrible at this”
“At what?” the people look at him and then at her, and then their gaze is fixed on their intertwined hands. Javi knows that the rumors are already spreading and hopes that whatever she’s going to hear about him in the next few days doesn’t ruin this.
“Dates...flirt...this” she points at him and then herself
“I cannot believe that” he counters
“Seriously? hey your dress is pretty; yes it cost me ten dollars” she mimics
“I thought it was cute”
“Cute?” she raises her right eyebrow
“Yes, you’re cute” Javi maintains
“You too” she admits
“Yeah! A pretty cute cowboy in plaid” she laughs
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­She makes him forget about this damn town, even Colombia and everything that happens seems a billion years away. If the people around them bother her, she doesn’t say. She doesn’t speak with him like anybody in town after he’s been back. For her it’s just Javi, and this Javi can have fun: he has shared a cotton candy with her, he has done some of the strongest rides even if his back is killing him, he has hold her waist when she jumped and screamed on the Tunnel of Terror and then laughed out loud when they got out.
“Javi!” she calls “We forgot about your reward for your first month without a smoke” she holds his hand and stars running towards the shooting gallery.
“You have five shots to win one of our wonderful set of prices. You just have to hit the little birds once”
The targets come and go up and down on the wheel, the paint on them is chipped, testimony of a long life in these funfairs and many missed shots. She takes one of the guns and closes one of her eyes aiming towards the wooden forms that spin on the wheel.
“Take a look of the plushies, cowboy, I’m gonna win you one” she says cockily
“Yeah, sure” he scoffs
“What? you don’t think I’m capable?” she turns towards him, gun still in her hand
“Wow, first of all, never point to somebody with a gun” Javi grabs the barrel and pushes it downwards “even if it’s not real, and second, open both of your eyes to aim” he explains
“Yes, sir. I forgot you were an agent. I better follow your orders, then” she winks at him and with a deep breath resumes her posture to take her first shot. Failing.
“Shit” she grunts “Have you chosen?” she points to the wall on the right full of stuff toys
“Erm...Does it matter?”
“Absolutely, come on, it motivates me”
The toys are horrendous; surely they’ve been doing their round around every fun fair in Texas for ages.
“Okay, one of the teddy bears” he agrees with a shrug
“No! no! be more specific” she scolds “Do you want the big one? the white one with the red bowtie? the brown with the small farmer hat? Or...Look!” she jumps excitedly “There’s a cowboy one, I’m gonna get you the cowboy” she nods and tries a second time, missing.
Javi mocks her and leans on her shaking in laughter.
“Yeah, really funny. Why don’t you try then?” she passes him the gun. After he has collected himself, he adjusts his posture and aims. Nothing.
She crosses her arms over her chest and observes him with an amused grin.
He doesn’t wait longer until he tries again and misses.
“You only got one left”
“Say goodbye to your teddy bear, cowboy” she whispers in his ear. Her sweet perfume and her voice distract him briefly. For a second he wants to throw the gun away and take her in his arms at last.
Javier shots again
“No luck today, sir, if you want to try again is three dollars”
Javi refuses the man with a gesture; she doesn’t say a thing for a minute, but then snorts and cries in laughter
“You’re lousy shot!” she screams
“You missed too” he defends
“Yeah, two shots, and you three, but who of us is a well trained agent, huh?” she sassed
Javi bites his lip, both hands on his hips; he knows there’s no way to defend his shitty shots.
“I still gained a reward though” he gazes at her
“Yeah, that’s true. What do you want then? I still have a few of dollars on me if you want a sundae or something”
“No, not that” he walks towards her and she instinctively recoils until she’s against the tent of the shooting gallery “I want something sweeter” he places his hands on her waist.
He bends and holds her at the same time, saving the height difference between them. He just brushes his lips against hers at first until she sighs and comes closer to him standing on her tiptoes. Javi deepens the kiss savoring the fruity chapstick she wears. Her lips are soft and sweet as he has imagined since he met her, her soft moans are music to his ears and he wants to hear more.
“Wow, you’re an incredible kisser, Javi Peña, but a terrible shot” she assures.
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