#soda Curtis X y/n
stinkygirl009 · 3 months
cuddling hcs for the greasers?
YESSSS!!! Omg I’ve been thinking about his non stop!
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Dallas Winston:
Dally doesn’t feel comfortable with hugging you in public, he absolutely DESPISES people who are cuddling and all that lovey dovey crap while there are people around. But he will only do it if you are some-what alone or no one’s lookin, And he’ll have his arm thrown over your shoulder, and say something like-
“Your perfume smells good.”
Johnny Cade:
Johnny has never had any physical touch with anyone, without it having to deal with violence. But when he gets comfortable with you he starts to give small gestures like holding hands and leaning his head on your shoulder. But again like the rest of the guys, he only does this when he’s alone with you at the lot and have his arms around behind you and let you talk about what ever was on your mind<3
“I’m still listening’, go on.”
Ponyboy Curtis:
I know what you’re thinking, “THIS BOY DOESNT EVEN KNOW WHAT CUDDLING IS-“ But that’s ok, because you teach him how to! Then eventually he would have you in front of him on the ground or the same couch and have his arms wrapped around your shoulders, while you read out loud a book that you both are reading<3
Ponyboy: “You skipped a sentence.”
You: “If you critique me one more time-”
Darry Curtis:
He might be tuff looking but trust me he’s huge on cuddling with you! He’s such a softie when you guys are cuddling and I’m not even kidding. He usually likes when you lean against him and your snuggled up into his shoulder<3
“You look pretty like this.”
Sodapop Curtis:
He’s such a teddy bear when you guys cuddle, you would be hugging him and resting your head on his chest and he would pet your hair down and give a small kiss every now and then!
“Your a sweet little thing, huh?”
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A/n: SORRY!!! I seriously can’t think of any other hcs for the rest of the gang😭😭
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dallysgf · 2 years
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girly girl that would fit into the outsiders novel (written and set in the 60s) moodboard
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miryum · 2 years
Hello! How has your day been? I hope it been good im real tired. If you have time can you write a johnny cade x male reader where they kinda have a little date but they dont realize it looks like that and the gang teases them about it. If you want they could tell eachtoher that they do like eachother but either way they do. Thank you and have a great day!
Thank you so much for requesting this. Unfortunately, I've had a crappy day, but this just made it! I hope this is what you're looking for:
Johnny Cade strolled down the street, a pep in his step. He usually wasn't in this good of mood, but today had been a special day: He had talked to Y/n L/n.
Of course, he usually talked to Y/n, as the boy was in his gang, but today Johnny and Y/n had decided to get some ice cream later that day.
As friends, obviously.
Johnny had known he was gay ever since he was little. He never told anyone as it wasn't widely accepted in Tulsa. Ever since Y/n had moved to Tulsa, Johnny had felt his feelings grow. He didn't tell anyone- not even Pony or Dally, but he couldn't deny them much longer.
Johnny didn't know if Y/n liked him back. Hell, Johnny didn't even know if Y/n was attracted to other boys!
Anyway, by the time Johnny walked to the Curtis house, his smile was too wide to be normal. 
“Johnny?” Pony asked his best friend, “What’s up? You seem happy.” 
“Oh, yeah. Uh, Y/n and I are hanging out later today.” 
“Y/n? As in one of the toughest greasers, Y/n?” Soda popped his head in the room, “Is-Is this...” Soda’s smile grew and grew. 
“A date?!” Steve exclaimed jumping over the couch to pester Johnny. 
“What?” Johnny yelped, “No! We’re just friends! Why would- no! What?” 
“Come on.” Steve groaned, “We all know the way you look at him. This could finally be your chance!” 
“And- And you guys are okay with that?” Johnny stammered and rubbed his neck. 
“Yeah, bro!” Pony said, “Go be with Y/n!”
“O-Okay.” Johnny nodded and smiled, “I’m gonna go see Y/n.” 
“Hey Johnny.” Y/n grinned at the greaser, waving, “What’s up?” 
“Hey Y/n!” Johnny sat down opposite the boy, “I’m doing good. How about you?” 
“Better now that you’re here.” Y/n joked. The conversation turned dull and awkward as they didn’t know what to say. 
Out of the corner of his eye, Johnny saw his gang at another table. His eyes widened in panic and he quickly looked away. “What did you do today?” He asked Y/n.
“Eh.” Y/n shrugged, “I didn’t feel like going to school today, so I skipped and went to the movies.”
“What movie did you see?”
“What movie didn’t I see?” He chuckled, “Did you know that if you buy one ticket, you can sneak into other movies?”
Soda creeped up behind Y/n and gave Johnny and thumbs-up. Crap.
“Hey, Y/n,” Johnny said loudly, “Why don’t we go for a walk and finish our cones?”
“Sure.” Y/n shrugged and stood, following Johnny out the door.
Johnny and Y/n walked around the neighborhood, chatting and laughing. The two boys found it easy to open up to one another, which was unusual for both of them.
However, ever time Johnny looked over his shoulder, he saw the gang a block back. Johnny walked Y/n home and cleared his throat, “It was fun hanging out with you.” 
“You too!” Y/n said.
“Um, I just wanted to let you know that my friends have kinda been spying on us this entire time. They- They did it because they wanted this to be a date between us and wanted to make me feel awkward.”
Y/n laughed, “Yeah, I know. I saw them at Dairy Queen. And, just so you know, I wanted this to be a date too.” 
“Oh.” Johnny felt his cheeks flush, “So you’re...”
“Gay?” Y/n asked, “Yeah.”
“Me too.”
“Well,” Y/n smiled, “Glad we could get that outta the way. Same time next week?”
“I would love that.”
“Great.” Y/n leaned in and kissed Johnny on the cheek, “I enjoyed our date.”
“So did I.” Johnny whispered as Y/n walked into his house. Once the door closed, Johnny pumped his fist and ran down Y/n’s steps. He opened the door to the Curtis house and one thought flew into his mind: Shit.
There sat the Curtis gang, awaiting to hear every single detail about his date with Y/n L/n.
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2knightt · 1 year
Hiiii! Can you do the outsiders gang with an s/o who models I feel like that would be interesting :)
↳but i’m into it, i’m into it.₊˚✧
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➬ the gang x model!fem!reader
a/n;i love famous reader so much omfg. also, i love using chase atlantic lyrics for my titles. dont chase men, chase atlantic everyone.
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Johnny Cade ;
believes that you are the most BEAUTIFUL person to walk the planet.
probably thinks you’re too good for him.
take him too your shoots and he will be blushing the whole time.
if you wear something that’s flattering to your body shape, he will explode right then and there.
“how do i look? should i fix my hair?”
“you look perfect.”
“you think?”
the gang seen you on a magazine cover and started freaking the fuck out.
“jesus…does she have a sister?”
“guys please stop.”
cuts out your magazine covers/photo shoot pictures and keeps them in his jean jacket pocket.
not in a weird way, just in a way that when he’s sad and you aren’t around he can remind himself on how lucky he can really be.
Dallas Winston ;
oh my god he never shuts up about how he got the hottest model ever.
“yeah she’s pretty n all but, my girlfriends a model so.”
“that’s so cool that your chick is…like that! but mines a model, so, she’s just better.”
buys steals all your magazines/any photo shoot you do.
any guy thats talks about you in way dallas doesn’t like, gets knocked out.
“i’d hit that.”
no but he would pull all his strength in that punch.
the gang thought he kidnapped you because no way in hell a pretty girl like you would go after dallas winston.
“y/n, blink twice if you’re kidnapped.”
“raise your hand if you need help, dude.”
“guys, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
you’re legit, all he thinks about.
he’s so whipped for a model girlfriend, if you asked him to jump he’d ask how high.
genuinely believes you’re an angel, will NOT tell you that to your face though.
Ponyboy Curtis ;
he gets so nervous around you omfg.
his palms be sweating n shit, stuttering and everything.
“he-hey y/n.”
“oh, hey pony!”
uses his favourite photo shoot of yours as a book mark. i can feel it in me bones.
he giggles and kicks his feet when he looks at that bookmark btw
draws you?? i feel like that’s his favourite pass time.
he’d be so sweet with his words when he talks about you. i cant i love him so much
the gang is lowkey jealous that the youngest one out of all of them pulled a model.
“hey, don’t you model?”
“how did ponyboy get a date with you?”
“…are you guys serious? am i that ugly to you guys?”
Sodapop Curtis ;
you guys walking in the street together probably makes people pass out.
literally nobody was shocked that you guys started dating.
the prettiest girl for the prettiest boy, it was bound to happen, c’mon.
he probably got into modeling because of you.
he asks for his favourite picture of you two from that shoot to be printed out larger for him so he can hang it in his room.
like dallas, he will punch a guy for you.
“she’s hot.”
“she has a boyfriend.”
call 911 cause that guys gonna need it in a minute!
showed steve a picture of you before he introduced you to the gang.
“oh my god soda. why are you dating a literal model?”
“why not?”
“but what else did i expect, you get girls daily.”
Darry Curtis ;
honestly, he couldn’t care less about what you do for work.
if it brings in money, it brings in money.
but the gang sure as hell does!
“yeah? how do you guys know her?”
“she’s my girlfriend, soda. that’s why i brought her here.”
i’d be lying if i said darry didn’t carry around a head shot of you in his wallet.
he doesn’t brag, but when the chance to talk about you comes, he takes the chance.
“good for her. huh? oh—my girlfriend models. pretty popular.”
when he sees a magazine with you in it for sale, darry snatches it so fast.
compliments you after he seen it.
“i like your most recent shoot, the makeup suits you.”
“you think, darry?”
Steve Randle ;
rocked the whole world when you guys started dating.
“that’s so tuff soda, but y/n actually said—”
“nobody cares steve.”
“shut up and let me tell you what MY GIRLFRIEND said.”
takes you on dates 24/7 just to show you off.
sometimes he lets go of your hand to see if anyone would flirt with you so he can punch them.
gang thought he held you hostage when you started dating ngl.
“you can do so much better, y/n.”
“dallas, shut the fuck up.”
“i’m just sayin’.”
“i will knock you out.”
Two-bit Matthews ;
you have him giggling n shit.
his room is filled to the brim with photos of you.
not in a weird way, he just thinks you’re drop dead gorgeous.
tells you cheesy pickup lines, all the time.
“are you from Tennessee? cause you’re the only TEN I SEE! get it?”
would start a fan club for you if you asked nice enough.
introducing you to the gang was earth shattering for them.
“what do you mean, ‘how?’”
“how did you pull her?”
“you’re so funny, two-bit.”
“like you falling flat on your fucking face yesterday?”
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may 24th, 2023. 11:30PM.
tag-list ;
@diorgirl444, @typereader 🧍‍♂️
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sweetsreverie · 10 months
could you write a drabble where darry’s girlfriend is totally adored by the rest of the boys and she’s almost motherly to them?
bro... thank you for planting this idea in my head ♡︎
pairing: darry curtis x f!reader wc: 972 warnings/notes: none
You met Darry six months ago while you were at the grocery store. You were clearly having trouble trying to reach something on the top shelf and he offered to help you, retrieving the item and handing it to you with a charming, kind smile. The two of you ended up talking in the spice aisle for nearly ten minutes before you both realized that you had places to be. Darry had scribbled his home phone number on your grocery list before leaving. Since then, you mostly saw him on the weekends when he wasn’t working, or on the rare occasion that he wasn’t totally exhausted after work, you would see him for dinner.
It took a while for him to introduce you to his brothers, and eventually the rest of their little gang. But when he did, he came to notice that the boys treated you differently than anyone else. They seemed to respect you, and they didn’t really pick on you or mess with you like they did other people. That was also partially because you seemed to take care of them, and honestly you didn’t even think much of it. You just found yourself doing little things for them here and there. It started with you cleaning up Darry’s work boots one night, and then you ironed Sodapop’s work shirt one day while he was running late for work, and you’ve helped Ponyboy with his homework on multiple occasions when he was struggling through his math homework. 
It made Darry’s heart swell, especially when you took care of Ponyboy and Soda. Ever since their mom died, they haven’t had a female, or even somewhat of a motherly figure in their life. Darry could be tough on them, so having your gentle nature around was almost comforting for them.
Today you had the day off of work so you spent some time at the Curtis’ house. Darry was working so you tried to clean up the place to take it off of his shoulders. Besides, you sometimes spent the night with Darry and ate dinner with them, so you figure you might as well pull your own weight and treat the place as your own. 
“You know Y/N, this ain’t even your house. You don’t have to clean up after us.” Pony says while he sits on the couch and Johnny sits on the floor near the coffee table, and the two of them were playing ‘go fish’.
“Well- I stay here enough and eat enough of yall’s food, I might as well. And I don’t want Darry to have to worry about it when he gets back from work.” You explain as you wipe down the kitchen table with a damp cloth.
Ponyboy smiles softly at that before he looks down at the cards in his hand. “Well… I know that Darry really appreciates it. He probably don’t show it or say it, but… I know he does.” Pony tells you with a little nod.
“I just know he’s got a lot on his plate, and I don’t see you boys helping him clean up much.” You say, the teasing tone clear in your voice while you grin over at Pony. Pony’s expression turns sheepish immediately, and Johnny even chuckles at your playful scolding.
Later that evening when Darry comes home, you stand in the kitchen with him while you two wait for dinner to finish cooking. After a few moments, Darry turns to you as you’re leaning against the counter.
“You know, Ponyboy told me you scolded him like a mother today.” Darry says, and you groan and shake your head.
“I did not! I was just messing with him-” You insist, and Darry laughs.
“He knows that, doll face. I just… think it’s funny. You really do take care of us.” Darry says with a little smile while he reaches for your hand.
You think about it for a second, and you realize that you really do take care of these boys.
“Well… you’re my boys. And someone’s gotta keep some order around here.” You tell Darry with a grin. You hear the front door open, and you poke your head out from around the doorway to see Sodapop and Steve.
“Aht aht, don’t bring them dirty boots in the house. Leave ‘em on the porch.” You tell the two of them, and Ponyboy laughs as they turn back around and begin to take their boots off on the porch.
When you turn back to Darry in the kitchen, the man is just grinning from ear to ear.
“What were you saying about keeping order around here?” He asks jokingly and you can’t help but laugh.
“Hell, even Dally listens to you. You must have instilled some kinda fear in him or something.”
You laugh at that and shake your head, and you move closer to Darry so you’re tucked in his side.
“But… really. Ever since our folks passed, Pony and Soda haven’t really had… a woman to care for them, or like.. A mother figure. If you know what I mean.” Darry tries to explain, and you nod while giving him a little smile.
“I understand, Darry. Really- and… I’m happy to be that for them. I know I can never replace your mom, and I don’t want to- but… I’m happy to look after them. I know it's hard for you to do on your own.” You explain to Darry, and he lets out a quiet sigh while he looks down at you with an expression of admiration.
“Have I ever told you that I love you?” Darry asks, and you laugh softly.
“Yeah. Once or twice I think.” You tease him lightly before the two of you carry on with making dinner before the boys in the living room start getting too rowdy.
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augiewrites · 3 months
"boundaries" - dallas winston
summary: dallas carries y/n to bed
pairing: dallas winston x curtis sister!reader
word count: 478
a/n: idk if this is a dead fandom but at least three times a year i remember that the outsiders exists and become obsessed again lol
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Y/N hadn’t been sleeping well lately, so when she fell asleep on the couch Darry couldn’t bring himself to risk waking her up. The most he dared to do was drape a blanket over his sleeping sister before retreating to his bedroom for the night.
Dallas, however, didn’t give a shit.
He needed somewhere to sleep, and she was in his designated spot.
Dally had just lifted Y/N into his arms when her eyelids fluttered open, still weighed down by sleep.
“No—shut up and go back to sleep.”
Y/N’s eyes snapped open at Dally’s unexpected voice and briefly registered him carrying her across the living room.
“Where we goin’?” Y/N’s voice came out in a mumble as her eyes fell shut again.
“Bed. Need a place to crash tonight.”
“And you chose my room? Gonna be a tight fit.”
Glory, she’s annoying even when she’s barely conscious, Dally thought, but he was too tired to be his usual combative self.
The hallway was dark, but he could see the shimmer of her eyes looking up at him from the void. He never liked the way she looked at him—there was too much hope, too much recognition, too much of an implication that she knew something he didn’t.
Dallas wasn’t exactly known for being respectful, but Darry’s acceptance of him meant a lot more to him than he would ever be willing to admit—even to himself. So, despite becoming quite fond of Y/N, he kept his distance. If there was one thing Dallas loved to do, it was to test the boundaries of every relationship he’s ever had, both friendly and romantic.
This was one boundary Dallas had reservations about crossing.
“Do you hate me, Dallas?” There was a softness in Y/N’s voice that was rare to hear coming from the girl.
Dallas paused in the threshold of Y/N’s bedroom and dared a glance down into her eyes, but quickly snapped out of it and kept moving across the room to her small bed.
“No, stupid.” He unceremoniously dropped her on the bed and turned to move out of the room, but he was stopped by her calling out to him.
“You not gonna tuck me in, Winston?”
He threw a glance over his shoulder and was met with the knowing glint in her eyes that he was ever-growing uneasy of.
Catching himself, he snapped back into character, scoffing and throwing a stupid plush dog at her head. He remembered the gang’s trip to the state fair a few years back, remembered how excited she was when Soda won it for her after seven tries at the ring toss, and he remembered her shoving it in his face while teasing that the K-9 unit was coming for his sorry ass.
“Go to bed.”
The door closed behind him with a solid thud.
Stupid girl.
i'm trying to get back in the writing groove but i'm so uninspired lol—feedback is appreciated as usual :)
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spikedhe4rt · 10 months
I need dating Darry hcs. NSFW and SFW
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Darry Curtis x Reader Headcanons 🪸🪸
A/N: I hope yall enjoy this, I also have a darry smut coming out soon. My request box is always open!! Love you guys<3
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❥ You met eachother while he fixed your roof, which your family helped you pay for.
❥ You kept making excuses to come outside and talk to him.
"Hey, Darry" you yelled out to make sure he could hear you from the roof. He responded with a loud "yea?" I smiled at his voice. "I made you lemonade and homemade pretzels.
❥ You started to invite him inside the house and talk more
❥ You were highly upset when he finished your roof, you knew you would miss him.
❥ He asked you out on his last day because he took so much interest in you.
❥ You both wanting to take it slow, because he had his brothers to look out for.
❥ Meeting Soda and Pony, and them taking a liking to you.
❥ Visiting his parents grave with him for support.
Darry gave a sad chuckle as he finished a story about the time his parents bought him his first bike. "They sound amazing, Dare" you gave him a loving smile before a tears ran down his cheeks. "They were. I just really miss them sometimes."
You nodded and brought him in for a hug. Once the hug ended, his lips found their way to your forehead, kissing it softly. "Thank you for coming with me."
❥ Trying to keep a serious face when he lectures Pony over the silliest things.
"Ponyboy, how many times do I have to tell you...you can't leave your stuff anywhere. You left your book on the floor and Soda slipped on it." You truly tried to hold it in, but once he said Soda fell, you lost it. Wheezes came out as you tried to control yourself. You were met with the eyes of shocked and mildly offended Darry as he stared.
❥ You calming him down with kisses.
❥ Holding hands when you walk together.
❥ He will fix anything for you. He basically refuses to ever let you hire a maintenance man because he claims he can do it.
❥ Thinks about what you like when he buys groceries.
"Since when did any of us like Pringles, Darry?" Pony asked with a face of pure confusion. Darry grabbed the can of salty crisps from his hand "Y/n likes them, tell the rest of the boys not to eat them either" Pony nodded to his older brother, smiling at the fact that he cares enough about you to do that.
❥ Random slow dancing when you guys get bored. It seems cheesy to others but it makes you guys feel like the only people in the room.
❥ Him randomly picking you up just because he can.
❥ You running your hands along his abs under his shirt when you guys sit together.
❥ You two always making sure Johnny is safe and taken care of.
❥ Him promising that he will put a ring on your finger one day.
  ✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
❥ He loves any physical marks on you both. Hickeys, bite marks, bruises, scratches make him go crazy.
❥ He loves how much bigger he is so he can bend and take you how he needs to easily.
❥ Is strong enough to keep/hold your hips down while he eats you out and overstimulates you.
“Im gonna cum!” I panted out for the second time tonight. My hips bucked up into Darrys face again, as continued too suck my throbbing clit through my high. Two hands snaked around my thighs, making he secure as he continued. “Give me a couple more, hon”
❥ Will not cum until you have at-least once because he puts you first.
❥ Takes his stress out in the best ways, the bedroom
❥ Burys his face in your neck and moans when he cums.
❥ Grabs your chin to force eye contact when you can't look at him.
"Look at me, baby." Darrys fingers were thrusting in and out of your pussy. Your head was over his shoulder and tucked into his neck, trying not moan out loudly. "Please-" your words were cut off when you felt his hand on your chin, making you look him. "You look so pretty like this. Keep looking at me, just like that." His words made you whimper, grinding into his thick fingers.
❥ Loves to cum on your ass after taking you from behind.
❥ He will whimper while getting head from you.
❥ Holds your hips and bounces you up-down when you get tired when riding him.
"Fuck, Darry!" you panted out, grinding your hips down on him. "Im tired, Dar" your movements came to a halt as you tried to catch your breath. "I gotchu, hon. I always do." His large hands came to your hips and slowly moved you up and down on his cock. "Faster please" you moaned out as your hands came down to steady yourself. "There you go, baby. Such a good girl for me"
✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
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Day 7 of Kinkmas: Sleeping In The Lot With Sodapop Curtis
Pairing: Sodapop Curtis x fem!reader
Warning: making out, hickeys, protected sex, public sex
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Sodapop and I are going to the drive-in to see Beach Blanket Bingo tonight, we’ve been wanting to go somewhere alone for quite sometime because of him working including me going to school.
When Soda and I got to the drive-in, I can see some socs and their Mustangs and Corvairs, as usual. When Soda and I parked we went to the concession stand to get some food and snacks. When we got there, I see Bob and Randy, looking smug as ever.
“Just ignore them.” I whisper into Soda’s ear.
“I will Y/N/N.” He whispers back.
We get our food and drinks and we walked out like there was no one in the room. We get back to the car and get in the trunk of Soda’s truck and we get comfortable, ate our food, I cuddle up with Soda and enjoy the movie.
After the movie, Soda decided to take us to the lot to be somewhere quieter. I cuddled up with Soda again and look up to the stars to see any shapes in the sky.
“Did you like the movie?” Soda says looking at me.
“Yeah I did, I really loved the dancing and the fashion in the movie.” I say looking at him.
“I only liked the dancing.” He jokingly says.
“Come on, what else did you like?” I asked him.
“Fine, I liked the dancing and the sets of the movie.” He says trying to think.
“I like that better.” I smile.
Soda looks at me and kisses me, I kiss back. We look at each other and I make him get on top of me. We begin to make out, we haven’t done this in a while now but I’m glad we’re doing this.
Soda begins to touch my body, I moan, but I try to keep my moaning quiet because there’s neighbors everywhere. I feel him giving me love bites, I gasp. I get on top of him and gave him some hickeys as well.
“This is new to me Y/N/N.” Soda whispers in my ear.
“Just want to give my baby what he wants.” I whisper back.
“I like the sound of that.” He smirks.
I giggle and continue to kiss his neck. He wraps his arms around me and continues to touch me which makes me to giggle. Soda makes me lay down on the ripped up car seat and grabs a condom.
“You wanna do this?” He says to me.
“We’ll just be quiet.” I sit up and whispers in his ear.
We begin take our clothes off, Soda gets the condom on him and begins to fuck me slowly, I cover my mouth so I can be quiet. I gasp a little, he really is so good at this.
I flip us over so I can be on top, I begin to ride him. He grabs on my hips and guides me, I already can tell I’m going to be sore tomorrow. I sway my hips to make him feel deeper inside me, he covers his mouth and groans. I giggle at him. I make him sit up so he’s looking at me and he looks at my breasts.
“I don’t mind if you do anything to em’.” I say to him.
He grins and starts to do something to the valley of my breasts, I tug on his hair, I feel him sucking my nipples, which makes me arch my back and lean my head back by the pleasure of him now giving me more hickeys. My parents are going to kill me, I hope we have children one day.
After him being a sex crave addict, we lay on the car seat. I feel his heart beating and he touches my hair.
“I hope we can do this somewhere more private Soda.” I say looking up at him.
“So we can be louder?” He grins.
“Maybe.” I giggle.
We look at the stars again, they different than the last time I saw them.
“I promise I’ll make daddy fuck me harder.” I whisper.
“Let’s just go to an abandoned warehouse and, daddy will make you beg.” I says in a deep voice.
“What if mommy wants to take control?” I pout.
He winks at me, he knows I’ll take control and make him feel good like he does with me.
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Headcanons for the greasers x s/o who flinches when they raise their hand in a fight
Tw: Angsty ig, light potential violence, slight abusive
Ponyboy Curtis
-you two were arguing about his smoking again
-you really hates when he does it, and he does it too much
-so you express that one night when it’s just you two having dinner at the Curtis house, Darrys still working, and Soda is out with Steve
-“You need to quit smokin so much Ponyboy! It’ll kill you!”
“I can’t quit y/n, yk how I get without my cancer sticks, y/n, just lemme have one more!”
-soon it turns into a bigger arguement, and you both get into each others faces, yelling
-he raises his fist, not thinking, and pauses when he sees the fear in your eyes
-he feels immediately sick to his stomach, at the thought of scaring someone he loved so dearly
-as you run out of the house he yells “W-wait! Y/n! Y/n! I-i ain’t mean to I swear!”
-he feels horrible and definitely breaks down on his steps crying a bit and soda and carry find him there ask him what happened
-he explains and they exchange looks, and they make him go apologize
-he comes to your house with flowers and a handwritten apology, getting ready to leave them at your door when you open it
-before you can get a word in he’s already rambling “Y/n I-I am so sorry I would’ve never actually hit you, I hope you know that I’m so so sorry please don’t break up with me but I understand if you w-“
-you hug him
-“Ponyboy Micheal Curtis if you ever raise that fist again-“
-he never does
Johnny Cade
-it’s so hard to imagine him actually doing this
-I feel like the only way you’d get that kind of reaction out of him realistically is hurting his friends
-but for the sake of the hcs let’s say you both get into a fight and you try getting in his face or sum and he pushes you back, a lot harder then he meant
-you slam into the wall
-with tears down your cheeks, you always thought Johnny was your safe person, the last person on earth who would hurt you
-it wasn’t really about the pain, it didn’t hurt that much. But the fact he did it
-for Johnny, his world just shatters…. He just did what he swore he’d never do… lay hands on you
-he drops to his knees in shock at himself, feeling the worst pain imaginable looking at your wet eyes, your… scared eyes
-he knows that look so well, the one he’s had so many times himself and he feels his heart rip out when you run away from the lot
-in canon it takes a LOT to make him cry and this does it
-he cries in his hands, he can’t believe what he just did
-feels the worst out of all the greasers ☹️
-he lets you come to him, he doesn’t go to you, he wants to give you enough space from him
-when you come back and meet him at the lot his stomach does a flip
-“Y/n I didn’t mean to push you that hard I swear I wouldn’t ever hurt you I’m so sorry I’m just like my old man and ma…. I don’t ever wanna hurt you I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry….”
-practically drops to his knees before you
-you look at him, sighing, it’s impossible to stay mad at him
-you look him dead in the eyes as he gulps
“Johnny Cade you best never lay a finger on me again in that way y’hear?”
-he never comes close to doing that again, and even months later apologizes
Sodapop Curtis
-him doing this is so ooc like johnny lmao so it’s hard to protest and I think he’d again only ever do this if you attacked pony or sum
-you’re frustrated with him, he’s smart, dammit! Maybe a little slow, but when he gets things he gets them!
-and you really wish he could see that
-you both have enough collective money to push him through college to get a better job than a gas station
-and even if he is happy, he could be happier
-you both get into another arguement, and he grabs your arm, pulling you closer, and you squeal a little as your arm turns red
-he turns to you and meets your eyes, dropping your arm instantly
-you look at him in bewilderment and… fear as he starts
-“Y/n c’mon now please, wait…”
-but you’re out of that house faster than lightning
-he immediately goes to your house with flowers, and some jewelry that he’s been saving up to buy you
-you open the door “Soda, you can’t win my affection back with a half assed smile and-“
-he cuts you off with a sheepish grin “I- I actually intended to win you over in a different way…. Like an apology. I’m so sorry. I-After Sandy… I just can’t lose you too, to something so stupid. I’ll never do it again.”
-he is a man of his word
Darry Curtis
-one day he comes home, already tired from work and sees you there, crossed arms
-he forgot your anniversary… again
-he tried to apologize and you interrupted, furious
-he shoots back, arguing he can’t remember because he works all the time and actually does something with his life
-you get furious at this remark, and yell up in his face and he shoves you, (pb Curtis style 💀💀😭)
-you sit up, looking at him with tears because hell yes getting abused by Darry’s muscle mass hurts
-you look so scared and when darry meets your eyes his jaw drops, and he tries to apologize but you’ve already ran out of the house
-you head home and he comes to your door the next day, and the next
-your relationship takes the longest to heal
-about a month later you let him in and he’s mostly quiet, he feels horrible
-he lets you tell and scream at him and take out your anger, just so he can at least let you get it all out before he tries to apologize
-“Y/n I-i am really sorry. Sorrier than I ever have been in my entire life. I made one of the biggest mistakes I ever have and I am real sorry.”
-you stand up, and let out a teary sigh “if you ever lay another hand on me again I will leave you faster than you can’t count to three DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”
-he nods
-it takes a very long time to repair your relationship, but once you do, he never lays a finger on you like that ever again
Dallas Winston
-one night, he gets a bit drunk and a girl kisses him
-you get mad, and see the whole thing before he pushes her away with disgust
-you think he cheated and yell at him about it when you both get home
-you both get HEATED and get in each others faces, this is definitely the most fast building fight
-he raises his palm up, nearly hitting you but taking a pause when he looks into your alone angry eyes, now with a layer of fear
-for a look the he’s used to getting so much his way, this hits differently
-he drops his hand, and looks down at it then back at you, and immediately tries to apologize
-“C’mon y/n I wasn’t actually gonna hit you you know that stop making such a big deal out of it-“
-you run out and he actually feels badly
-he won’t ever approach you first, he waits for you to come to him
-“Dallas Winston you NEVER do that again. Please.”
-he nods, and even, for the first time, apologizes sincerely
-he doesn’t ever do it again
Two Bit Matthews
-you two were joking around when suddenly he cracked a joke a bit too close to home
-you told him off and annoyed, he argued back
-pretty soon it was a full on fight, and he grabbed your hand and raised the other one
-you looked up at him “Two… were ya gonna hurt me?!”
-he snaps out of it, looking at you and instantly pulling away
-“Y/n, I’m so sorry… I-i don’t know what came over me. You know I couldn’t do that.”
-he looks into your eyes genuinely and you pause
-“Never again?” “Never again, promise.”
Steve Randle
-he left Ponyboy out of another hangout between him you and soda and you were mad, you knew it hurt Ponyboy
-you bring it up to him and he immediately deflects and rolls his eyes
-after a while things get pretty heated and he snaps, and grabs the collar of your shirt
-you gasp, and look down then up at him, and he looks at you, confused then guilty
-he looks at you as you back away “Y/n…… don’t be like that… I wouldn’t- I couldn’t-“
-you run out of the gas station and sit under a nearby tree, your head in your knees
-he runs after you, and squats down next to you, looking you in the eyes
-“Y/n, I’m so sorry. I know never do that to you. I’ll never do it again.”
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ranchiballz · 10 months
Operation Wingman
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Pairing: Darry Curtis x F!reader
Word count: 1271
Description: Y/N is a new employee at Jim’s burger joint in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ponyboy and Sodapop have been on a mission of helping Darry find a gal.
Authors note: heyyy. so, i’ve been gone. for like a whole year. my bad g. but anyways here’s part two when i publish it -
You push through the swinging door into the kitchen of the small but homely neighborhood diner, Jim's Burger Joint. The smell of fresh beef and fries hits your nose. You almost wince at how pungent it is, but then remember the smell of your other diner job at the Dingo. That place was the most rundown diner filled with robbers and pedos left and right. You couldn't go a day in that joint without something being stolen from you, whether it was your wallet or your innocence. You would have stayed if it wasn't for the never ending impending doom and soulless labor that they put you through. A dinging sound and the sound of shuffling boots pulls you out of your thoughts.You roll your way out of the kitchen and to the front counter.
“Come on Pony! Just one fresh soda and then we can go, I'll even get you a milkshake.” Says a chipper young boy with a wink, flashing a bright smile.
“But the movie starts in 30 minutes, Soda.  Johnny will be waiting for us . I don't want him to be alone. And why can't you just get a coke at the movies?” States an even younger boy.
“Because, child, their coke isn't as… crisp as this fine establishments.” The accentuation on the word crisp really pulled it all together. By the looks of them you had to guess they were Brothers. The slicked greasy hair, the soft eyes, the sibling banter.
 “Fine, but if Darry gives us shit about not being where we are supposed to, I'm blaming you.” The boy pouts. Both of them walk over to the end of the counter and take the last two seats. You quickly deliver a few burgers to the men at the bar counter. Each one looks at you, winks, thanks you, then digs into their oily fries like they haven't eaten in days. You make a face of disgust then smile when they notice. You roll your way over to the two young boys.
“Hi there, sorry about the wait, what can I get for you boys today?” You say pulling out your pad and a pen, you click the pen as you wait for the boys to give you their orders. As you look up you can see the youngest one staring at you. He sees you notice and looks down at his lap. The other boy is still looking at the menu of drinks. You can see the thoughts pondering in his mind, he was acting like this decision would be his last.
“Hm lets see here, a nice Coca- Cola sounds good, but i haven't had a Dr. Pepper in a while…” The boy continues to contemplate his decision. Your shoulders slump in boredom as he takes what feels like years to decide. You can feel your eyelids get heavy until you are interrupted again by his loud and excited voice. “Ok i will have one large, no, medium. No wait! Large, Dr. Pepper!” You jot down his drink and turn to the other boy.
“And for you?”
“Just a chocolate shake please, Ma’am, Thank you.” The younger boy says. You smile at them and nod as you skate off to back to grab their drinks.
“She's new here, right? Have you seen her here?” Ponyboy says turning to Soda 
“Nope haven't seen her til’ now. Hey, she's a pretty good looking gal” Soda says with a smirk on his face. “Wanna pull the good ol’ operation wingman?” Pony gave soda a disapproving look. Operation wingman was Soda's way of saying ‘Hey! That's a cute girl! Lets harass her into giving her number to their older brother because he's just a grumpy, lonely, muscle man that needs a loving gal in his life.’ Has it ever worked? No. Is that gonna stop him? Absolutely not.
“I don’t know Soda… The last time we did it we got in huge trouble, I mean, Darry got slapped. Can you imagine what would happen if it goes even worse?” Pony mentioned.
“First of all, Slapping her butt wasn't the original plan. I just HAPPENED to mention it to Two-Bit. He did it, then Darry paid the price. In all honesty I thought it would work.” Soda rebuked 
“Really, that was your plan. Wow you are quite the genius.”
“Hey woah man now don't get ugly on me.”
“Soda, I don't know. Shouldn't we let Darry find love for himself?”
“That workaholic is never gonna find a date. He goes to work, comes home, showers, reads his newspaper , and then goes to bed. No gal finds that attractive. He needs major help. I mean, the last time he talked to a woman was Mrs. Crawly down the road asking if he could get her cat down the tree.” Soda rants on. If Darry were here he would say otherwise. ( but yes that is the last time he had a conversation with a lady).
“I don’t know Soda, she's new, I don't want to scare her off already. And maybe she's a soc.”  Pony fights back.
“Oh come one man. Believe in something. Believe…” Soda looks at Pony with a pleading look. He knew that he was just trying to help his brother. But Soda wasn't Darry. Darry was a charming guy, but not like Soda. Soda had a natural effect on women and never struggled. So when he sees his brother struggling to get anywhere in life romantically, he plays cupid… more or less.
 Pony looks at the window through the diner to the kitchen, catching a glimpse of you. You were a pretty girl and from the sounds of it you were nice as well. Welcoming customers, smiling at them. You had just a nice smile overall, a very bright and kind one. Pony knew Darry needed someone like that. Almost on cue you started walking out with their drinks
“Fine, but we are doing it my way this time.” Pony whispers to Soda but quickly shuts up before you get there. 
“Alrighty boys here you go! Is that all for you today? You say pulling out your pen and pad.
“Yep, Thank you Ma’am. Um, but do you know when you guys close. Me and my friends were planning on coming in later.”  Pony takes a long swig of his shake. “And I-I mean this is the best shake I have ever had. If you are here tonight, would you be able to make me another one?” Ponys' request was sly and smart. Asking the perfect questions, all while keeping it subtle. You couldn't help but smile at the compliment. ‘What a weird thing to say’ you thought to yourself.
“Well lucky you, I'm actually closing today. The best time to come is 10. After rush, but before all them truckers come in. Guess I'll be seeing y’all tonight then” You smiled and handed them the bill and walked off to help another customer. Ponyboy looked at Soda with a smug look. Soda then looked at the clock and panic spread over his face.
“Shoot Pony we gotta go! We're gonna be late!” Soda yelled as he hopped off the bar stool and pulled out enough to cover the bill and a dollar as a tip. Pony and Soda ran out the door of the diner, But Pony hesitated and ran back inside. 
“What's your name Ma’am!” Pony yells in, grabbing everyone's attention.You whipped your head back. 
“Y/N!”  You yelled back. Ponyboy nodded and ran out the door again. You shook your head, and thought to yourself ‘what a bunch of funny kids’.
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stinkygirl009 · 4 months
Johnny Cade headcon’s!
Johnny Cade X y/n
Warning’s: none, just fluff:) ‘did I miss anything?’
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Johnny cade! Who was seated next to you in English class and almost got annoyed because of it.
Johnny! Thought at first you were going to be like every other snobby rich soc.
Johnny! Soon realized that you were actually nice and a well mannered girl. He started talking to you a bit more. When he told dally about you, Dallas internally groaned, with his experience with girls he thought you sounded like pretty girl who was trying to pull Johnny’s heartstrings. (That’s just because dally has bad taste in women tbh.)
Johnny! Who was hesitant on asking if you wanted to hangout with him and the gang to the drive-in. And of course said yes, because why not? He was a nice guy and you knew ponyboy in middle school and are still friends to this day but don’t talk as much, and your friends were going that same night so what’s the harm?
Johnny! Who was a complete nervous wreck when he saw you walking up to him and two-bit at the drive-in.
“Hi Johnny,” you smiled at him, “hi two-bit” you look over to two. “Hey girly” two-bit laughs and looks at Johnny. “Well you two have fun together” he says jokingly and pats Johnny’s shoulder and runs off into the snack bar. “Hi.” Johnny said awkwardly shifting his feet. “Um-” he looks around trying to find something to talk about.
Johnny! Who took to long to make conversation and you smiled. “Why are you nervous?” You giggled looking at his awkward stance. “I’m not nervous” he laughed a little bit.
Johnny Cade! After A few months later were both official and hung out almost everyday after school and got soda’s from the DX and walked around different neighborhoods.
Johnny! Finding out that you lost a few friends after a greaser found out that you both were together and told the whole school, that somehow made news to your parents…
Johnny! Who felt like it was his fault and reassuring him that it’s fine. “If they were my real friends the wouldn’t have left.” You say giving a quick peck on his cheek. he rolled his eyes annoyed with himself. ‘Shouldn’t he be the one reassuring you?’ You honestly didn’t care what anyone else thought or said about you two along with your parents.
You! Did get picked on for it though, but a few people shot them down as soon as someone said something, mostly because they knew you were a nice girl and got along with people.
Johnny Cade! Who surprisingly really good at skipping rocks on water.
Johnny Cade! Who likes when it rains.
Johnny cade! Who lets you yap your little head off to him and shove magazines in his face to show him something that caught your eye.
Johnny cade! Who lets you talk about anything to him. Either it having to due with school dress code or something that you heard. he’s always open to listen to you, he wants you to not hold back on your thoughts or opinions like he had to:(
Johnny! Who Had to face a lot of criticism for dating you, and that mostly being Dallas saying. But he didn’t care, as long as he was by your side he wouldn’t have a care in the world<3
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theoutsiderslove · 1 year
Before the Rumble
Darry Curtis x Fem! Reader
Tags: Brief mentions of violence. 
Word Count: 2.5k
“Every one of us will be back here before you know it.”
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Ponyboy and Sodapop had been talking about it for weeks.
It seemed like every other conversation focused on it. They talked about it at the dinner table, Soda yelled about it from the shower, and Pony would even take breaks from his homework to stop and chatter on.
When Steve and Two-Bit were around, and then all four of them got to going on about it? Then it was really a rousing conversation. 
While Darry was looking forward to it the same as they were, he was beginning to get a little annoyed with the constant talk of it. Sure, it wasn’t an everyday occurrence, and it was something they all got excited for.
Darry, however, preferred to wait until a day or two before to begin hyping up for it. There was no sense in being all tense for it when it was still two weeks out.
You, on the other hand, didn’t mind all the bubbly chatter. It made you happy to see them so excited for something. 
After all, it wasn’t every day that they had a rumble to look forward to.
Over the last several months, things had been extra heated between the Greasers and the Socs. More and more unprovoked fights, crossing over into territories, and just overall grievance between the two groups had become obvious – and it was time to cool things down a bit.
Rumbles were a decent way for the Socs and Greasers to blow off steam on one another. It was their chance to get in as many swings and kicks as they could without “breaking the rules.” 
It would settle things down at least…for now. 
Needless to say, the boys were stoked, and now that the night had arrived and the rumble was only a few hours out – they were off the walls.
“Hey! I saw that, Two-Bit,” You barked. “No knives.” 
His cheeks flushed pink at being caught shoving his blade into his pocket, but the grin on his face was as Two-Bit as ever.
“I wasn’t gonna use it!” He claimed, but you knew him all too well.
“You know what happens when a knife comes out at a skin fight,” You pointed at him with a knowing finger. “I don’t want to have to sew anyone back together tonight.”
Two-Bit cackled at that, his usual wisecracker of a personality shining brighter than ever. Nonetheless, he obliged to your scolding, removing his switchblade from his pocket and leaving it on the table in front of the couch.
It didn’t dampen his spirits whatsoever. If anything, everyone’s normal behaviors were doubled tonight.
The Curtis home was bustling with activity. The gang was on fire with energy tonight, all of them going through their separate routines to get prepped and ready for the rumble. Dallas was nowhere to be seen, but he usually showed up right when it was time to get going. 
They were spread out throughout the house, each of them piping up within the conversation.
“Y’all think the fuzz will show up?” Steve asked from the dining table, where he was playing some card game with Sodapop.
“Nah. I don’t think this is gonna be that kind of rumble,” Soda answered. “A couple of minutes at most.”
Your head popped out from the kitchen at the sound of that. While the women usually didn’t participate in rumbles, you were going to be on clean up duty when they returned to the house later that night. It was important to be sure that there was plenty of first aid, clean rags, and aspirin to fix everybody up…not to mention some kind of bedding so everybody had a place to crash, and towels so everyone could shower.
“Sodapop, do not get too comfortable with that,” You advised. “I also would prefer not to have to bail any of you out of jail.”
“Awh, come on, [Y/N]. You’re just bein’ paranoid.” Ponyboy said from the sofa, where he and Johnny were sitting quietly.
Pony and Johnny didn’t usually say much before a rumble. They were the smallest of the group, and these rumbles were physically much rougher on them than the rest of the gang. Still, they liked to pull their weight like everybody else, and bringing glory to the Greasers meant more than anything.
“Especially you,” You pointed again, but at Pony this time. “It’s one thing bailing Dally out. You’re a different story.”
You couldn’t help but be protective. When you and Darry started dating, you signed on with this gang. Each and every one of them meant something special to you. In some way or another, each of them had helped you out and been there for you in some way. They trusted you the same way you trusted them. It was the least you could do to pay it forward – keep them safe and clean them up afterwards when they weren’t.
Steve turned around in his chair to look at you, a goofy smirk plastered on his face.
“Why? You think Darry’s gonna yell at you if he does?” Steve laughed. “No chance that’ll ever happen.”
You couldn’t help but share a smile. The guys always teased Darry about how he was so serious and rough all the time. But the second you were around or if he was merely even thinking about you, that big man demeanor melted away. 
“What will never happen?” Darry asked as he entered the living room, only hearing the second half of the conversation.
Not wanting to argue with the big man in the house, Steve waved him off.
“Eh, don’t worry about it,” Steve dismissed, returning to his card game with Soda. “Got any twos?”
Darry scoffed, rolling his eyes at his kid brother’s best pal. The man’s blue-green eyes met yours, a certain shimmer shining over them when he looked at you. He had a small, yet dashing grin on his face – an expression he showed when he was happily, but quietly thinking about you.
A moment was shared between your silent looks. He knew you were nervous, as you usually were before they all went off to go beat up a bunch of rich kids from the other side of town. He was sure that you had already given Pony and Soda the pep talk about getting away if the cops showed up. He was positive that you had already told Two-Bit to empty his pockets of any weapons.
He knew your thought process, and your caring nature for him and his family (both biological and not) made him feel like the most loved guy in the world.
“Hey,” Two-Bit called to Darry, suddenly re-inserting himself to the topic at hand…or the one that was attempted to be left behind. “Speaking of things that’ll never happen, when are you going to buy that poor girl a ring?”
Your smile was wiped clean off your face, and a scowl appeared in its place.
“Keith.” You said boldly and sternly before anyone else could get a word in.
Two-Bit sank into his chair at the usage of his real, government name – a telltale sign that (per usual) he had taken it too far.
That “girl” he was referring to was you, and it was something that he hassled Darry about all the time. 
Everyone knew that you and Darry wanted to get married and would get married…eventually. According to Ponyboy, Darry had wanted to ask you to marry him within the first six months that you were together. 
But you knew the situation that Darry was in. Their parents were gone, and things hadn’t been so smooth for them in the last few years. It had only been about a year since they had died when you met Darry and now, three years later, on the surface it seemed that your relationship was going nowhere. 
But you knew that things weren’t so black and white. Darry on numerous occasions had began to save up some money to buy you a ring and put it aside for a wedding, but it seemed that every time Darry was getting some decent cash saved, one of the boys would get hurt or something urgent around the house would need fixing, and Darry would have no option but to use the money elsewhere.
One time you even suggested to Darry to forget the ring and just have a small courthouse wedding. It was cheap and quick. It wasn’t like you needed a wedding ring or any kind of “real” wedding ceremony. Spending the rest of your life with Darry is what mattered the most, but Darry knew that (even if you wouldn’t admit it) you wanted a real wedding with at least some of the bells and whistles.
Darry was insecure about it. He knew that you were long overdue for a proper proposal. He wondered sometimes why you had stuck around the way you had without any promise of marriage. In many ways, Darry wondered why you were still with him at all – because he knew you deserved so much more than what he could give you.
You didn’t have to pitch in around their house like you did. You didn’t have to treat Sodapop and Ponyboy as if they were your own. You didn’t have to put up with the foul-mouthed, chainsmoking pack of people that you were around on a daily basis. And you surely didn’t have to be the caretaker of the aftermath of a good old-fashioned Greaser brawl.
But you loved Darry, so you did all of that anyway.
In Two-Bit’s defense, pretty much everyone had asked that question at some point…in their own personal style. Whether it was Johnny quietly whispering to Ponyboy or Dallas asking Darry when he was going to “get on with it,” everyone had wondered about it.
It was clear too that everyone was curious for an answer, considering that the entire house had now gone silent. Every pair of eyes in the room was on Darry, which made you feel worse than it did him.
While you were well aware that they had all thought about it, you didn’t like it when they said it out loud.
Darry had enough pressure on himself as it was, you didn’t want more weight to press down at your expense. Darry had gotten used to the guys poking him about this, and he usually knew what to do to change the subject.
“What about you, wise guy? Where’s your girl?” Darry mocked. “Where’s Kathy, huh?”
Believe it or not, Ponyboy was usually the first to jump in to defend Darry…even though he wanted the two of you to get married more than anybody.
“Did Kathy finally get sick of your jokes, Two-Bit?” Pony joked, and the volume in the house began to pick up again.
“Maybe she moved on to a Greaser that can actually make it to noon without getting piss drunk!” Sodapop howled, and now everyone was dogging on Two-Bit instead.
“I’ll have you all know that me and Kathy are doing just fine.” Two-Bit proclaimed, but that only seemed to make everyone mess with him more.
There was a distraction for now, and you jumped on the opportunity to have Darry to yourself for a minute.
“Hey, Darry?” You called calmly, darting your eyes to silently let him know that you wanted to talk privately.
Darry caught your look, and nonchalantly carried himself into the kitchen to avoid disrupting the bickering between Two-Bit and everyone else.
You didn’t try to hide the anxious look on your face once it was just you and Darry. His face morphed into a worried look, but he already knew what your nerves were for.
“What’s wrong, baby?” He asked, just in case.
“Listen…I know you’re always careful but…just be careful.” You asked, smoothing out a wrinkle on his t-shirt.
“Always,” He confirmed. “I don’t think this will be a big rumble.”
You heard what he said and understood, but that didn’t stop you from continuing.
“And keep an eye on Ponyboy and Johnny if you can. I know they’re independent and can handle themselves, but they’re just so much smaller and I don’t want-”
“Hey, hey. I’ve got this,” He smiled in amusement, but appreciated your concern as always. “Every one of us will be back here before you know it.”
There was no sense in fussing over them at this point. They were going to do what they always did…fight for their glory and return victorious.
“Okay,” You swiped a stray hair from his forehead, placing it back with the rest of his greased hair. “Try to avoid the one that bites.”
Darry laughed gently, his memory flashing in remembrance of the Soc from last time that bit Darry so hard that he swore his teeth almost popped through the underside of his hand. 
“I’ll try.” He nodded.
You didn’t have much else to say. Darry’s reassurance had comforted you, and you felt a little better about everything.
But Darry still had one thing in the air to clear.
“And…” He sighed, glancing over his shoulder quickly to make sure that there were no wandering, listening ears. “About the ring – I’m gonna ask you to marry me one day, I swear. I just- things are even tighter than usual right now and-”
“Shh, shh. Stop,” You held a gentle finger to his lips. “I don’t need a ring, and you don’t need to explain yourself.”
“But you deserve to know.” His gaze went even softer, his voice even finding a pillowy tone.
There was a beat. A brief silence. And a kiss.
“I already know.” 
Darry had never felt more loved. He didn’t know what kind of stars had aligned and what he had done to deserve such a wholesome, pure love. Whatever it was, he was thankful for it every single day. 
Darry stayed with you in the kitchen, sharing soft touches and sweet kisses, occasionally eavesdropping in on the ruckus going on in the living room. For a moment, Darry didn’t even want to go to the rumble. He wanted to stay right here with you, forever if he could’ve.
That was until-
“Dally’s here!” Johnny announced, peeking out the window to see Dallas cruising up the steps. 
Dallas’ arrival meant that it was showtime, and that the highlight of the night was about to begin. Dally’s appearance didn’t last long. Just long enough to rally his crew and get to where the rumble was being held. Everybody went scrambling out the front door (but not before Darry stole one more kiss from you), hooting and hollering all the way down the street until they were out of earshot from inside the house.
You knew that they would return much quieter and calmer, the post-adrenaline effect would have long been kicked in by then. But their spirits would be lifted, and there would be some improved tension between the Socs and the Greasers. 
It wouldn’t be long before things would get intense again. It was only a matter of time before you would be doing this all over again. That was just how it worked. It wasn’t an easy life. Some days felt harder than others, and some days were unbearable. But even if you had the choice, you wouldn’t change a single thing. As long as you had Darry, you would be fine.
Because you loved him no matter what – rumbles and all.
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thewriterg · 2 years
♡︎𝐩𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬♡︎
pairing(s): Darry Curtis x gn!reader, Sodapop Curtis x gn!reader, Ponyboy Curtis x gn!reader
summary: Darry asked you to watch over the house while he was gone latter than usual for work he didn’t expect for both to share the night with wrapping paper, tape, and candy canes
word count: 1.3k+
warning(s): kisses, pet names, fluff, too early present wrapping, and language
A/n: —GIFs; @kitherondale— Just to let you guys know because some of you been asking, Yes you can request Christmas/ Winter prompts for the advent calendar!
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Darry walked through the doorway with a heavy sigh beginning to take off his work boot with the front of his foot it was at least 10;30 at night and he’d never worked as late as he did if it weren't for the Holidays
So stepping to put his pride aside he had asked you to babysit make sure Pony and Soda didn't burn the house down and to make sure their heads were still attached to their shoulders by the time he come back home but what he did not expect was for to be sitting crossed legged under the tree wrapping gifts that were way in advanced the due date if you asked for his opinion
“I didn't know you would still be here” It was true the eldest Curtis brother didn't he also didn't expect for his brothers to abandoned the scene of the living room it was a school night Soda didn't have to work until morning and Pony knew better than to stay out this late on a week day he came to the conclusion they were sleeping
“I didn't know you would still be here” It was true the eldest Curtis brother didn't he also didn't expect for his brothers to abandoned the scene of the living room it was a school night Soda didn't have to work until morning and Pony knew better than to stay out this late on a week day he came to the conclusion they were sleeping
“And y-you made dinner darling, you didn't have to do that, why'd you do that?” Darry didn't give you a chance to reply as his eyes darted between you and the saran wrapped plate that sat in the middle of the small dining table while you couldn't help but let a small smile grace your lips
“Because you asked me to watch your brothers, that included making sure they didn't go to bed on an empty stomach. That includes you too handsome”
It wasn't a secret that Darry’s love language was acts of service that went from scolding you for paying some ‘overpriced stranger’ to fix your roof when he was perfectly capable, raking your leaves, shoveling your snow complaining about how you would sink in the knee high snow or how it would mess up your car tires, even building you a damn shed so you'd have somewhere you could paint and store your art.
If it was a secret to the world it wasn't to you.
“Go shower honey, so you can eat” Darry had finally snapped out of his own mind as he nodded with no fight going to find his way in the small bathroom that stood in the middle of the hallway standing in the doorway for a split second to look back at you before the light that spilled into the hallway shooed away as he closed the door
You stood from your position on the floor in front of the couch the long way down book you had gotten Pony left halfway unwrapped as you made your way to the kitchen grabbing the food filled plate from off the table setting it into the microwave as is radiated warmth just before the machine could beep you were already grasping the handle opening with a ‘click’ taking the saran wrap from over the top of glass as steam engaged above in the air
Just then you could here the shower turn off from the thin walls while you turned the kitchen lights out sitting the plate of food on the coffee table before sitting yourself down continuing to wrap presents that stood between your fingertips
“It's quite early to be wrapping presents darling” The eldest Curtis muttered taking a seat next to your crossed-leg position while you ripped a piece of tape with your teeth before placing down onto the last corner of wrapping paper
“Usually I’d procrastinate until the last week but I seen some things at the store earlier and just went ahead and got ‘em” You sighed before sitting the decorated box down in the pile you had previously wrapped lying your head down on Darry’s shoulder
“Thank you.. For dinner, and watching the boys an-” Before the brunette could continue you cut him off with a kiss he tasted like mints and energy drinks something you'd accustomed to during your years together
You and Darry had been best friends since sixth grade his parents were overjoyed when their first born son had come back everyday talking about a girl that held his hand at recess going down the slide, shared her colored pencils since he didn't have any, or snuck snacks from her tin lunch box into his brown paper bag
You were a middle class but a pure greaser at heart like your dad who married you mom a middle class women herself she passed away when you were fourteen from breast cancer as a nurse herself she knew there weren't many options she had and she was content with that Christmas was void that year the only thing you were excepting to receive from your father was your mothers wrist watch that you still wore to this day
After that the Curtis’s threaded their way into your life no matter how many times you cut the thread 8th grade was hell for you but they were your heaven your safety net Mrs. Curtis became a second mother to you, what you found uncomfortable to talk with your father you talked about it with her
So when they both passed away with the tragic car accident you grieved just as hard as the brothers you all lost parents blood or not
“If you thank me one more time, i'll skin you” You simply stated pulling away before kissing the man's cheek returning to your position along his broad shoulders while he chuckled at your antics reaching for the plate that sat on the table digging his forth in without a second thought as you both sat in silence watching the Christmas special of Charlie brown enjoying each others company.
You hummed alerting Darry hold a piece of a candy cane to his lips which he took as you discarded the wrapping in a plastic bag
You both sat shoulder to shoulder wrapping gifts for the gang as the pile of decorative paper wrapped item got larger and the still to be wrapped got smaller
“You know, you spoil them” Darry stated out into the open as he wrote ‘To; pony & soda’ for the fourth time with a sharpie the brunette had at least wrote everyone's names three time on a box or the tag on a gift bag he still wondered how the hell you could even begin to think what someone such as Dally would like
Before you could even respond he began to feel a guilty bubbling sensation in his stomach here you were spoiling the gang, his brothers, hell you'd even hid behind the couch so he couldn't see what you were wrapping for himself and the only thing they could offer you was a headache you worked two jobs and he knew this was at least 75% of one of your paychecks
“Stop thinking so loud Darrell. I did this because I wanted to, because I love you and the gang. Everybody deserves a Christmas” He hated when you did that at times like this, read his mind it was almost like a second instinct to you
“If you want to thank me, the only payment I except are kisses” You interrupted before the brunette could thank you again which he smiled at before pressing his lips to your without a split second of hesitation or resistance it made you both lazily love drunk
That’s how you both spent the rest of your night cuddling and giving each other lazy peppermint kisses
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2knightt · 1 year
hiii I was wondering if u could do smth for the outsiders? Like Darry has a s/o who is the mother figure for the gang and often Johnny n pony call her ma / mom? I js thought it was sooo cute but if not it’s also okay dearrr
darry curtis x motherly!reader
3.probably ooc LMFAO
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darry would literally love you. oh my god.
you’re caring???? you help take care of the gang??? you help ponyboy with homework???
you might as well rip his heart out of his chest cause it’s already yours!
the gang loves you, probably even more than darry does!
but to darry, that’s impossible.
you’re heaven sent to him. he truly believes you’re a miracle!
when he’s stressed out, you’re right there to help him destress!
giving him a massage, giving him tea, shit maybe even all of the above if you feel like it.
“jeez dare, stop overworking yourself so much! you’re gonna die some day because of it!”
“no i won’t, been doin’ it for so long i’ve gotten used to it.”
“thats even worse!!”
when you cook for him he will GOBBLE it up.
homie can taste the love you put in and he thinks it makes the food taste 100x better.
but even you have stressful days! but, expect darry to treat you like a princess!
he will not let you leave his bed, he is getting everything you want.
water? done. a book? already in your hand. a fucking car? he’s wasting all his money for you!
he will follow you to hell if you ask him nicely.
he just loves you so much.
when he somehow get’s hurt in rumbles he’s so glad you’re there to patch him up.
but he isn’t glad that he gets an earful from you.
“you know i hate these things. why do you out of all people go darry? you’re better than this.”
he just grumbles because he doesn’t even want to answer anything with a black eye that’s slowly forming on his right eye.
the gang is so thankful that you can patch them up too. they sometimes fight over who you’re gonna help next.
“i’m goin’ after darry!”
“actually it’s my turn.”
“shut the hell up steve.”
ponyboy’s just happy he has a mother figure in his life again. his mom was definitely his favourite parent, so now that he has someone to replicate that, he’s on the moon.
he only calls you mom or ma in private, he’s too embarrassed to say it with others in the room.
BUT, he definitely lets the mom calling slip accidentally infront of the gang.
“mom, do you need help with the dishes?”
pony just looks down in embarrassment until you chuckle and agree to him helping you. then he’s all smiles and sunshine!
darry is so happy to see this you don’t get it.
darry asks for advice from you to get to know ponyboy better since he rambles on and on about whatever he’s most interested in at the time.
“so uh, about ponyboy…”
“oh! he really likes ‘gone with the wind’, i know you don’t have much time to read so, i can just tell you the important stuff!”
he just nods and stares at you as you talk about the characters, the main plot, and the small details ponyboy’s obsessed with.
he’s taking mental notes and thanking you heavily when you’re finished talking!
“thank you, y/n. really. i appreciate all you do for me.”
“awe! of course, babe. anything for you.”
he’s giggling and blushing at the last sentence
he’s so thankful that you’re there to talk some sense into the gang.
sometimes he sits on the sidelines and just watches.
dallas just throws his hands in the air in defeat, knowing that no matter how much he apologizes you’ll continue to scold him.
but he listens, he doesn’t do whatever he did for awhile.
darry just chuckles at the sight.
his mom used to scold dallas like that, so seeing you do the same brought back good memories for him.
being around you just reminds him of the ‘good old days’ so when he’s around you his mood immediately lifts.
like he could be yelling at ponyboy to raise his grades and you could walk in and darry would go “AND STUDY MO- oh hey babyyy!!☺️☺️”
everyone’s eternally grateful for you.
he goes to you for literally everything.
something bad happened to him?? he’s at your front door! something good happened to him??? he’s right beside you telling you about it!
yeah, he calls you mom too.
he doesn’t mean to though! he just looks up to you so much, he’s always seen you has a mother figure but he never thought he’d actually call you mom!
“hey ma, does my hair look tuff!?”
he’s FROZEN in place. he’s so embarrassed, he’s literally overheating.
you just giggle to yourself and say his hair does infact, look extremely tuff.
he walks away smiling with a little hop when he walks.
the gang fights over your attention with darry.
they ain’t got a good life at home, but if you give them the motherly love they’ve been missing? they will kill someone for you.
darry loves and hates this.
he loves that you and the gang get along. he can’t be with someone the gang doesn’t like, but he hates that they like you so much they talk to you 24/7.
he sometimes just snatches you while you’re talking to someone in the curtis house.
like you could be talking to sodapop and he’ll come behind you and grab you by the waist and carry you into his room.
all that while soda chases him down, yelling nonsense.
“that’s crazy…”
overall, darry would definitely look for a mother-like lover.
he needs it fr🙏
author notes;
2.when i read dear i lowkey giggled and kicked my feet
3.should i make a taglist??!!???? would literally anyone like to be tagged in my outsiders fics?!!!????
4.i really hope i did this justice LMFAO
5.btw if you’ve DMed me im not ignoring you, im working up the courage to talk to you. im a very nervous person😭😭
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may 11th, 2023. 10:18PM.
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juneberrie · 1 year
pretty ʚ—ɞ darry curtis
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ʚ 𖦹₊˚ 🎀 ゚. darry curtis x fem!girlie!fiance!reader
author's note — ꩜ k so girlie!!reader has my heart so yeah!! this was originally supposed to be a peter parker fic but i just didnt have any ideas for that so i switched it to dare ♡ divider by @/benkeibear
word count — ☆ 0.2k
warnings — ✦ none
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"hey sweetheart," darry called from the kitchen. the eggs he was making for breakfast sizzled in the pan. he glanced back and saw his fiancé making her way to the empty bathroom holding a small pink bag. "where're you goin'?"
"i'm doing my makeup," she replied cheerfully. he heard a zipper and the water running before turning off a second later. darry switched off the stove and moved the eggs onto four different plates. he heard pony and soda's bed creak and poked his head in to tell them to hurry up and that breakfast was on the table. then, he decided to go watch his fiancé do her makeup.
when he entered the small bathroom, he shut the door and sat on the edge of the bathtub. his eyes widened at the amount of products she had scattered across the tiny counter and on the toilet seat. "gosh, honey, d'ya do this every day?"
she giggled and darry felt that her laugh alone could make flowers bloom in the winter. "of course! it's not as glammed up as what i'd do if i was going out but y'know," she smiled and looked down at the pink powder in her hands. "makes me feel pretty." she looked back into the mirror and continued to brush the powder onto her cheeks.
darry felt a wide grin split across his face and he stood up, moving behind y/n and wrapping his arms around her waist. he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her temple.
"you're always pretty to me," he whispered, their eyes meeting in the mirror.
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Do It Then
Darry Curtis x GN! Reader
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Darry had come home late, he was tired and looked incredibly grumpy and much to his dismay there were far too many other people at the house that certainly didn't need to be there, you being one of them.
Dinner was being served, Pony, Johnny, Soda, and you were in the house, eating dinner, Dally and Two-Bit were on the floor watching television, and Steve was on the porch drinking. Darry came in and headed straight to the bathroom, not saying a word to anyone.
"Darry wait." You say stopping him, you lick your thumb and wipe off some of the dirt from his cheek before kissing the now clean spot.
He was still a little annoyed but what you did certainly helped, he held your hand up to his lips and kissed it.
When he came out of the shower, you put his plate fresh from the microwave onto the table re heated, Johnny and Pony were helping you clean up while Soda went in next for the shower.
Darry hugged you from behind and placed a kiss on your head before going to eat, you knew he was just tired but it didn't stop you from worrying.
"(y/n)?" Johnny timidly asks.
"Yes Johnny?" You reply gently.
"When are you and Darry gonna get married?"
Darry spat out his water and Pony looked over at him and started laughing, both of your faces were bright red. Which caused everyone else that was inside to laugh.
"We..." (Y/n) said trying to find their words. "Well technically that's up to him, traditionally he has to pop the question."
"Why does it gotta be me?" Darry asked with an annoyed tone. Dally gave him a shocked look before looking down at his very interesting almost empty plate.
"I can do it." You tell him crossing your arms, "I'd be more than hsppy to."
"Do it then." Darry challenges, not believing you're actually gonna do it.
"Want me to wait for Sodapop to get out of the shower?" You ask with a smirk.
"No, no, go right ahead."
Pony rushed to the bathroom door and yells to Soda.
"Get out here! (Y/n)s gonna propose!"
Two-Bit runs outside and grabs Steve pulling him in the house while telling him what he's missed.
The shower cuts off immediately and Soda comes out with a shower wrapped around his waist, Johnny and you laugh.
You search your jean pockets and sigh, nothing. You go over to your backpack laying on the couch and pull and smile before pulling out a small black pouch.
Darrys face drops he didn't actually think you had anything let alone carried it with you. Two-Bit starts laughing covering his mouth, Steve's got his jaw to the floor and Dally's hiding a smile
"(y/n) wait." Darry said getting up.
"Nope not a chance." You say going towards him. "Now's actually a perfect time, most of the families here and you look absolutely perfect-"
"(Y/n)." Darry states, he grabs both of your hands and stares you down. "Let me get mine if we're doing this."
Your mouth is left agape as Darry runs upstairs, the boys are literally screaming at this development. Darry comes back down a few minutes later with a gold wedding band, you pull out of the bag a silver band.
"Holy shit." Johnny says.
"Do we both get on a knee then?" You ask laughing.
"I don't know." Darry says smiling.
"Here," you say getting down on a knee, "I'll go first."
Darry looks down at you and can't stop laughing, his entire face is red as a cherry.
"Darrel Shaynne Curtis Jr."
"Not the full name." Soda groans out, the group laughs and you try to continue.
"I have loved you since Middle School, yes I know it's horribly embarrassing, and you are the most kind hearted, caring, loving, stubborn, brave, and the man of my dreams."
"Cheesy!" Two-Bit calls out. Steve elbows him in the side, making him yelp.
You laugh despite the tears filling your eyes;
"You introduced me to the best family I've ever gotten to know and I love you, your brothers, the entire gang with my entire soul and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, through every bit of bullshit, and every fight, and every incredibly perfect moment."
Darry laughs, taking one hand away to wipe a tear away from his face.
"So," you ask. "Will you marry me?"
"Say no." Two-Bit whispers, another jab from Steve despite Two-Bits chuckles.
"Yes." Darry says blushing, the entire gang cheers and Darry picks you up to kiss him, you give him the ring and he slips in on.
"Hey!" Soda yells, "I don't remember being asked for permission!"
You and Darry part still smiling.
"I asked y'all last week if you were cool with it." You say laughing.
"You asked if we were cool with the idea." Soda says.
"Same thing!" You counter.
"Hold on!" Two-Bit says we gotta check out the ring.
The entire gang gets up and moved you aside so they can inspect the ring, if Darry wasn't laughing he'd probably push them out of the way to get back to you.
Dally holds out the hand and everyone inspects it.
"Where'd you buy this from?" Steve asks.
"I had a friend show me out to make them."
"Bullshit you didn't make this!" Dally says.
"That's how I got this fucking burn scar!" You say pointing to your right hand.
Dally goes over to inspect the scar thinking that it will plainly tell him if you're lying or not.
"Yeah That's real." He says letting go of your hand.
"Ok, ok." Darry says moving out of the crowd and going back over to you.
"I thought you said this happened at work." He picks up your hand and inspects it.
"I lied." You say shrugging. "I promise I won't lie to you again, I just didn't know how to get past it."
Darry presses several kisses to the now scared area of your hand, and then kneels down taking both of your hands. You laugh as he pulls out his ring for you.
"Yes." You say automatically.
Darry laughs and opens his mouth to continue.
"Yes." You say again.
"Will you let me finish?" He asks laughing.
You laugh and finally let him finish.
"I fell in love with you in Highschool, I remember the exact day I noticed it, you were at one of our games and we had won, everyone was in the field and you ran right into me and apologized before fixing my helmet."
"Oh God not that one." You groan out.
"Your face grew red just from talking to me, and I thought to myself; "How long have I thought they were that cute." And after our first date that weekend, I didn't want to envision a future without you in it."
You started to cry and laugh at the same time.
"I wanna marry you, I want to grow old with you, I want you, every bit of you, for the rest of our lives, because I love you and everyday you show me that I love you a little more than the day before."
"So, (y/n)."
"Say no!" Pony and Soda yell, "He didn't ask anyone for permission like you did!"
"Will you marry me?" Darry asks.
"Say no!" Dally yells.
"Yes!" You say.
Darry smiles and you tackle him to the ground, leaving kisses on every possible surface of his skin you can kiss.
You can hear the boys either catcalling or booing.
"You can do better (y/n)!"
Darry flips them the bird ashe pulls you in for a kiss, then he takes the ring and slips it on you. When you two part and get up, the boys gather around you to see the ring.
"I would've said no." Two-Bit says, "Yours was much better and your ring was hand made, this ain't nothing compared to yours."
"Oh absolutely!" Soda says, "I can't believe he didn't even ask us if we were ok with him marrying you. Very disrespectful young man, are you sure you want to go through with this?"
Darry pulls him back and Soda runs off laughing, Darry chasing after him, before tackling him nesr the door.
Dally pulls you into a hug which at first shocks you but then he says:
"If he doesn't treat you right we'll fix him for you."
When he lets you go, Pony holds you next.
"You alright Pony?" You ask.
"Better than alright." He says, "Thought Johnny and I would have to hide the ring for you to find."
"You two planned this did you?" You ask laughing.
He nods and you grab Johnny and pull him into a hug with you and Pony which he eagerly accepts.
After giving and receiving hugs and congratulations from the gang, somehow you find yourself being pulled outside by Darry into the bed of his truck.
He kisses you under the stars in every place possible (without taking off your clothes), until you're both out of breath and even then he still wants more of you.
"I love you." You whisper to him.
"I love you too." Darry says and goes back to kissing you. "I love you (y/n)." He whispers against your lips, your hands, your cheeks until you're both giggling and starting to get a little cold.
Someone knocks on the trucks bed hard enough that you both jump apart and catch Two-Bit laughing as he runs away for the evening.
Darry helps you out, Dally and Steve aren't in the house, Johnny and Pony are on the couch talking.
"Johnny," you say coming in. "You wanna stay here tonight?"
"...If it's alright." He says.
"Of course it is." You say going to get the spare pillow and blankets.
"Do you want any jammies?"
Pony laughs and Johnny hides his red face in the couch.
"Love," Darry says kissing your shoulder. "They're teenagers, they don't say: "Jammies" anymore."
"PJs?" You ask but it somehow makes it worse.
Pony hands him some comfortable clothes for sleeping and you and Darry head upstairs to go to bed. You pull Darry close to you, his arms circling your waist, you can feel his smile as he pressed kisses into your hair.
"Thank you." You say into his chest.
"For what?' He asks, you look up at him and smile.
"For making my life a dream come true."
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