#some girls are hot because they eat people not because theyre physically attractive
eileenthecrow · 2 years
the problem with these “gideon hates ianthe for wanting to fuck her not-girlfriend” posts is that they fail to acknowledge that gideon has described ianthe as a wet rat since the twins walked off their dumb necromancy space ship it is entirely possible that gideon simply believes ianthe looks like a wet rat. Additionally, ianthe can be both ugly and hot by virtue of being a little freaky
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negativewriter26 · 5 years
I’ve been debating for the better part of six months whether or not to post this, because it’s probably one of the most personal things I’ve ever written (definitely the most personal thing I’ve ever written about my aromanticism).
But it’s Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week, and now is as good as a time as any. So here it is.
The boy in my English class dislikes almonds in his chocolate.
He prefers dark chocolate to milk, doesn’t like M&Ms of any shape or form, uses pens he finds off the floor, and wants to study mechanical engineering like his older sister who is four years older than him.
I do not know why I know all this.
Or really, I do know. We sit at the same table in class, brushing elbows occasionally as we do group work, and argue about where pink goes in the rainbow. (“Before red,” I say, organizing the mechanical pencils, but before I place the pink one, he takes it and puts it after purple.) We discuss chemistry and precalculus, poring over mathematical problems that define our lives within these walls. We mention how the flutists are bad at marching, causing the other girl at our table to say not all flutists. We talk in the halls, walking past each other to get to class and sharing inside jokes that are just thinly veiled arguments.
Most days I find myself thinking about how this happened. We have nearly nothing in common, because he hates electrochemistry while I love it, and if we hadn’t arbitrarily sat next to each other at the beginning of the year, we wouldn’t have ever talked. We should be strangers, only meant to pass each other in halls, but now we’re something else.
Acquaintances. Friends, maybe. Something more, possibly.
My entire life, I have heard girls talk about boys. Because girls like boys. Because that boy is cute. Because that model is hot. Never have I understood this. I spent years staring at pictures and wondering if I’m missing something. What does hot and cute even mean?
If we were going to talk about attractiveness, why didn’t we talk about girls? Especially that one girl in my third period class with the prettiest hair and excellent taste in music?
We gossiped in P.E. once, sitting in a circle on the football field and whispering amongst ourselves so the others couldn’t hear. One of the girls, two years my senior, discussed her boyfriend and their sex life. Another nodded, agreeing with her on something or another. I sat, hands in my lap, not knowing how they could want to have sex with someone else. I tried to figure out how all of them, five girls in total, excluding me, had boyfriends. Girls are better than guys, was on my tongue. What’s the point of dating? I didn’t say.
Later I find out I am aromantic and grey asexual. Words heavy on my tongue, I tell no one.
One day I find there is more than one type of attraction. Platonic, romantic, and sexual are the most commonly talked about. There's more, like alterous — a type of attraction about wanting emotional closeness that is not entirely platonic or romantic. I think back to the boy in English class, who doesn’t eat French fries and likes grape Jolly Ranchers and plays Bloons Adventure Time TD, and what I feel for him. I don’t think he is cute, even though some people say he is okay-looking, whatever that means. I don’t want to kiss him, even though that’s what most people want to do with people they like. I don’t feel this burning desire to be called his girlfriend or take his last name, even though I think that is what girls think about.
I want to sit on a bench in the shade with him, listening to music together. I want to send him memes at two in the morning, laughing at jokes that shouldn’t be that funny. I want to lean against his shoulder, talking about the homework we have this weekend.
There are no dates, no romance, no flowers. A friend and her significant other who visited from Florida watch movies together while holding hands. My friends in a relationship with each other cuddle in class when nothing is happening and during lunch when they’re tired. My friend receives her favorite flowers from her boyfriend and presses them in books.
It doesn’t sit well in my stomach.
I do not want that. Holding hands in the dark while watching movies repulses me. Cuddling in public or for recreation terrifies me. Receiving flowers of any kind from someone bores me. I do not get those fluttering butterflies around the people I like, only lingering looks and awkward conversations. I do not get those pining thoughts about the people I like, only passing thoughts of oh that’d be nice irregularly.
My attraction is different from others. Even with the boy from English class, the only person I have ever liked this way, I do not get those landmarks. For the first time in my life, I find myself feeling something normal, but it is then ripped away when I realize that I like this boy —  a boy that I do not find cute, a boy that I do not want sex with.
He dated someone before, two years ago. A smart girl who loves doing chemistry labs that liked him — actually liked him, unlike what I feel for him — eventually broke up with him when he showed no interest in her. I know that if I ever confess, in a convoluted way that’s only possible with a vocabulary lesson, the same thing will happen to me. The boy I like agrees to date me because we are friends who go over quiz questions and complain about physics together, and eventually I learn he does not like me as much as I like him (or, worse, I cannot like him the way he wants me to), and we break up.
Our relationship will be uneventful. Boring. Mundane.
Then again, I am uneventful. Boring. Mundane. I do not like people, do not want to date anyone, do not want to have sex. I barely even like the person I do like, the first person I’ve ever been intensely attracted to.
Someday we will graduate high school. He will study mechanical engineering. I will forget about him, the boy who dislikes almonds in his chocolate, and my life will go back to being what it was before.
Whatever it was.
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sponfawn · 5 years
MTH - Rowdy Bros (part 2)
Continuing from part 1, I'm not going to do every interaction in every chapter, but I'm going to analyze interactions in some key scenes.
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* He knows how to use it/Lonesome when you go
In chapter 5, the scene with the team of school shooters happens. We get a lot of new information regarding the Boys' priorities, general lives, and interactions. Some of the info isnt surprising, since we know they work for an evil corporation, but it does give more explicit insight into their experiences. The Boys are completely unconcerned with the hostage situation - Brick is just annoyed, Butch is excited cuz there's a surprise with guns and even impatiently asks if the gunmen will shoot Brick or what, and Boomer's reaction is very nonchalant and relaxed.
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Boomer acts like they're people he's just met (tho not new friends). Hes familiar, laid back, and just talks to his brothers like he normally would, as if the gunmen aren't of any significance at all. When one of them tells him to get on the ground, he literally just pouts back like a little kid and says no. Brick literally only decides to help cuz Blossom so desperately needs him to. From the exchanges with the gunmen and each other, we see more clearly what the Boys have likely done. Boomer can tell from a glance what type of gun the guy near him is carrying, all 3 of them know what the human brain looks like outside of the body (with disturbingly casual responses to the idea of it), and a bit later Brick instantly field strips one of the guns. They're familiar with identifying and handling advanced weaponry, and are clearly desensitized to extreme and traumatic levels of violence at 17 years old. But the most important thing that we get from this scene, I believe, is the dynamic that the Boys have.
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Brick knows that due to their heroic duties, the Girls will be vigilant for their opportunity to strike, that they automatically will prioritize taking down the shooters to save the hostages, and that theyre perceptive enough to follow Blossom's lead in a split second. He know that his brothers don't have that same motivation, and is concerned that they won't get the message. But all he has to do is say, "Boys", and they snap to attention, Boomer prompting him for directions. All he says is, "help" - hardly an order - but they immediately understand and are ready to jump into action as soon as they get the signal. Brick can say what he wants about their lack of dilligence and obedience, but Boomer and Butch are on it when it comes down to testy situations. Butch still ends up collecting a bunch of guns and shooting various gunmen, and he's not as efficient as Brick would like because of his manic enjoyment of violent/dangerous situations, but he is ready to throw down for Brick at the drop of a single word. Putting a pin in this as well.
* beach episode! - we’ll still have the summer after all
Pretty early on in this chapter, Butch’s raging jealousy makes its first appearance (upon finding Brick and Blossom interacting alone on the beach). Because he works through his emotions with physical activity, he starts the (series of) iconic volleyball games. After the game between Blossom and Buttercup ends, Boomer and Butch try to get Brick to play a game with them. In the struggle between Brick trying to escape and his brothers trying to drag him to the net, he slips out of his shirt and all of the girls present flip their shit. As expected at this point, Butch, but also more surprisingly Boomer, becomes jealous, as well as the rest of the guys present. When Butch realizes that even Buttercup finds Brick attractive, he goes as far to say, "you're not allowed to find my brother hot!" After Brick declares hes going swimming, some of the guys say “girls suck”, to which Butch bitterly replies, "no, Brick sucks." He holds a ton of animosity and resentment towards Brick, certainly more than Boomer generally expresses for him. Yet, soon after, when the fighter aircraft attacks, Butch is the first to join Brick and pull up by his side when he yells for the others to pull back. After he orders Butch and Boomer to keep the aircraft flying at the same altitude and lead it away and then back towards him, Boomer is the one who asks what he's doing, Butch says nothing. After Brick rips out the aircraft's embedded computer, Blossom begins to examine it. He asks if she has any use for it, and as soon as she says no, he says "Butch, fire", and Butch immediately destroys it in her hand. He responds as quickly as if Brick had pushed a button to fire a laser. It's automatic, and he knew exactly what Brick wanted him to do, with no further explanation. It's also interesting to me that Brick didn't order Boomer to do it. While it may have been coincidence, I also want to put a pin in this thought.
After the Boys go home, and Brick finds out that Darius took over and they have to stay another year, he tells his brothers. And this time it's not Butch who sticks around, but Boomer. After Butch has already left, he helps Brick get blankets and a pillow for the couch, tries to cheer him up. He wants to go, but he knows Brick's emotional state is fucked up and he seems to actually care about him in that. After Brick tells him to leave, when he closes the front door, Boomer can't hold his smile in anymore cuz he's finally free to go back and see Bubbles. I think this is the first time when we see Boomer concerned about Brick, in terms of his emotional well-being. I would say his behavior still has an air of obligation about it, but it tells us that he cares about Brick and is loyal to him, in a way that is otherwise rarely shown.
* bonus chapter: Imperfect boys with their perfect lives
This bonus chapter is short, but it does reveal some things about our Boys. The first thing we find out is that the other field agents at JS genuinely like the Boys. They refuse to let Penny hire movers, insisting that they help. Later, they gather around and laugh as Butch chugs a gallon of coffee. Another detail of note, is that before they attend Townsville High, the Boys seem to have a slightly more amicable, normal (on the surface) sibling dynamic. Brick is still a grumpy pissbaby, complaining about how Darius wants them out, and he threatens to strangle them after they almost cause the Girls to discover them in the movie store. But he lets the Boys do what they want within reason. Boomer tries to lightly cheer him up, and even Butch seems to try to improve his mood, saying that once Brick is in charge of JS he can wipe Townsville off the map. In other scenes in other chapters, the Boys still joke and pick on each other like siblings, but I think that perhaps due to the toll Townsville takes on Brick’s mood and stress levels, along with Boomer and Butch’s growing relationships with the Girls, their dynamic is more strained. At JS, things were generally going according to Brick’s plan, and we’ve seen how an improved mood can change Brick’s entire demeanor and behavior towards them - going so far as to shorten Butch’s punishment by a week. In Townsville, I imagine he’s in a chronic bad mood, even for Brick standards.
* hey there Mr blue, we’re so pleased to be with you
The scene I want to talk about in chapter 7, is when Brick sacrifices Bubbles to the black blob that Him deployed. Again, we see Butch’s automatic loyalty to Brick. Buttercup is choking Brick, when Butch whacks her away. 
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When Blossom rebukes him for protecting Brick, Butch repeats that she’s not his leader, that she shouldnt even think about giving him orders (and we’ve seen how immediately responsive he can be to orders that Brick gives). Even when Buttercup, his best friend, tells him to move he is resolute, taking a fighting stance. We know that he’s reluctant for things to escalate, watching Buttercup carefully, as he tells Brick to explain quickly. But his resolve never visibly wavers. Meanwhile, Boomer doesn’t move an inch to protect Brick. He’s simply in shock, over what happened. 
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When Brick comes up to him, Boomer does something that we haven’t (and that likely Brick hasn’t) seen him do before. He directly questions Brick’s actions. In the scene with the aircraft, he asks Brick what he’s planning to do. But it’s because he wants to know what the plan is, not because he’s accusing Brick of making a bad or questionable decision. In this scene, he is showing outward disapproval of what Brick thought was the best decision. And not only that, he (a literal employee of Evil) is questioning how Brick (a verified supervillain and coworker in the industry of Evil) could do that to Bubbles, a superhero. No wonder Brick is unsettled, Boomer is expressing dissent, and suddenly has morals in regards to a superhero.
* Monday broke my heart
Chapter 9 has 2 important scenes that I want to discuss: interactions between his brothers and Brick the day after his date with Blossom, and some interactions at Robin's party. After the date, Brick is miserable. He doesn't sleep at all, he doesn't eat, he doesn't shower, he just hunches over the kitchen table all night. His brothers, who feel much better about their nights, try to cheer him up at least half-heartedly. Boomer is the one who asks if he's eaten, if he wants or needs anything. Butch encourages him to take a shower. After he finally does, they burst into his room, joint in hand. Boomer tells him to cheer up, Butch says "don't suppose you're gonna tell us what's up", and they just spend time with him, passing the joint around. It's scenes like this that I really treasure regarding the Boys. None of them are very communicative or vulnerable with others, and only Boomer seems to have much emotional intelligence in terms of self-knowledge and caring about others' feelings, but both Butch and Boomer do try to be there for Brick, in the ways that he allows them to be. It's easy to forget that between the ribbing, resentment, and abusive discipline.
Unfortunately, it's not even a week later (on a Friday, after several miserable days of Blossom basically ignoring him, and of trying to convince himself it's just adolescent hormones) when Brick turns his own emotional unrest against Boomer. He accuses Boomer of letting Bubbles get to him too much, of listening to her too much, and not having his priorities straight. He tries to order Boomer to break up with Bubbles, even threatening to make it more difficult for Boomer when they return to their jobs. And while he makes some good points about some of the unhealthy aspects Boomer's relationship with Bubbles (like fixating on her at the expense of his own interests and personal time, and becoming overdependent on her), he is absolutely projecting his own feelings and priorities onto Boomer. I think in a way he's worried about Boomer getting hurt like he is hurt, assuming it's inevitable and that it's just due to some distracting hormones.
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He doesn't want Boomer to be "trapped". But it's still really very much about himself. He doesn't want Boomer to "drop everything [he's] doing if she so much as utters a word", and throw away everything Brick's been working for. He wants Boomer to do what he hopes he would do in that situation.
This exchange sends Boomer flying to Bubbles, and in their conversation, he reveals some very important aspects of his motivations, and his relationship with Brick.
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Boomer is not invested in Evil. We've seen his more passive nature compared to Brick and Butch, and his active efforts to try to be good for Bubbles, something Brick would probly never even consider. Brick obviously makes the calls, and Boomer goes along with it cuz he literally has nothing else to do. His motivations so far have been his loyalty in emotional attachments, and lack of moral conviction. But recently, those things have been changing. Now he has someone he loves who reciprocates in a clear, communicative way. And that same person is teaching him what being "good" means, and asking him to change. In contrast, Butch goes along with Brick out of loyalty to a degree, and also cuz where else is he going to be able to get out his aggression and superpowered physical need for destruction and violence? Where else is he going to be able to handle dangerous weapons, and have enough money to self-medicate? Especially since, by himself, he's doesn't exactly inspire confidence in his reliability or ability to think on his feet.
Getting back to the scene, Boomer is venting about Brick wanting him to break up with Bubbles. And he frantically rants about how Brick is the leader, Butch is the tough guy, and he has nothing. How he's the runt, that the only thing people ever remark about him is that he's the stupid one, that his brothers don't need him for anything. That the one thing that makes him special is his music gift, but even that isn't really his. He's got some serious self-esteem issues, especially in regards to his brothers. Bubbles tries to calm him down, and Boomer ends up Bubbles about the Boys' job. Again, in their conversation, we get a little peek into his inner world, and his relationship with Brick:
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Here we see that Boomer still cares about Brick, and still feels a sense of brotherly obligation to him. But I think he's pretty much done in terms of long term loyalty. I think he'll always care for Brick, but he's deciding in this moment that he won't always follow his lead, there's an expiration date. It'd be really interesting to see how Brick reacts to that when the time comes. I'm gonna put a pin in this thought as well.
Just before the party, Blossom and Bubbles go over to the Boys' apartment to give Boomer a haircut. As Blossom's beginning to cut his hair, Brick enters the apartment. After Brick asks what the they're doing, and Blossom says she's cutting Boomer's hair, Boomer makes a point of showing another act of defiance. He addresses Brick, making sure that he can see him reaching for Bubbles' hand - a silent, but pointed rebellion against Brick's previous orders to break up with her.
At the actual party, the infamous truth or dare game plays out. The part I want to talk about is when Buttercup kisses Brick on a dare, and Brick and Butch's subsequent interaction. As Brick goes back inside, Butch is waiting behind the door, glaring at him.
Brick glanced at him and frowned. What?”
Butch just stared at him, fuming.
“What, Butch?” Brick sighed.
“You're a fucking dick,” Butch spat, shaking his head, and shoved past Brick as he went back upstairs.
Brick's initial reaction, reads as confused. His second reaction is tired, exasperated, and I feel like he's just like "ugh what now". Like this is a repeated issue, where he doesn't know why Butch is mad at him. And this to me just demonstrates a continuous utter lack of understanding, in terms of Butch's perspective, and a surprising lack of pattern recognition for Brick. The only reason we've seen for why Butch is ever pissed at Brick, is due to jealousy. His reactions and behaviors are pretty damn consistent. But Brick just doesn't connect the dots, whether cuz of his issues with analyzing emotions, or cuz he was lost in thought. Either way, he fails to realize how attached Butch truly is to Buttercup. He doesn't see that it's not just Boomer (and himself) who's "trapped" by one of the Girls. And to be fair, Butch himself doesnt know it, but for someone who declared that he knew Butch and Boomer, he really doesn't know shit about Butch's internal experiences. This point of resentment and bitterness on Butch's part is a good jumping off point to go into a quasi-conclusion built from the many scenes I've put a pin in.
Butch is deeply loyal to Brick. We see this in many scenes. During the incident with the mama monster and her babies, Butch tells Blossom, "you ain't my leader". He says this again when defending Brick against Buttercup and Blossom in chapter 7. At the beach, Butch executes orders without question, and without hesitation. At a single word, he immediately eyebeams the computer in Blossom's hand, almost as quickly as if Butch was a gun and Brick had pulled the trigger. And all of this is in spite of the deep-seated jealousy and resentment Butch holds for Brick, the fact that he treats Butch like crap, beating the shit out of him over disobedience, and the fact that Brick is a controlling killjoy. So why is he so unquestioningly loyal to Brick? I think one aspect is that he obviously cares about his brothers. Yeah Butch makes fun of them, and gets mad at them sometimes, but that's what siblings do. Regarding the abuse, he has literally said that the reason Brick is so hard on him is cuz "he deserves it" (chap 3). This is a common mindset in abuse victims, and Butch is no exception. This next reason doesn't necessarily have much evidence, so its more of a headcanon, but i think he's also aware, to an extent, of how Brick has taken care of him and Boomer. He knows Brick got them out of Him's grasp, knows he's basically why they have a job with JS at all, why they've had good income. He's not the most analytical, but he's observant of others' moods, emotions, and behavior. We've seen him be so with literally everyone in the hallway when the Boys first attend school, with Blossom and Brick, with Buttercup, Mitch, etc. He acts like a dumbass, but he's not stupid. I think he sees how Brick has had his back (at least against outsiders), and this is a contributing factor to his loyalty. There's also the fact that siblings often fuck each other over, and still love each other and remain loyal to each other. As much as theyre atypical siblings, they're still brothers.
In contrast, Boomer seems to not be as unconditionally loyal to Brick. He tries to be there for Brick, particularly in terms of emotional support, but he is more inclined to ask questions about orders, and when it came to Bubbles he's even willing to outwardly show defiance against Brick's judgement. Ultimately, Boomer is very emotion driven. For loyalty, he needs to love and be loved. He loves Brick, and I think Brick loves him too. But Brick is not exactly demonstrative in his brotherly affection, and I think Boomer needs that. He craves and needs recognition and affirmation. Brick recognizes that Boomer is emotionally driven, but doesn't realize his emotional needs. And that is where Brick fails as a leader. Brick doesn't recognize the need for different leadership styles, based on the needs of his brothers/team. And that is why he's going to lose Boomer eventually. To someone who reciprocates and demonstrates their affection for him.
* Tried to stick a dead body inside me
This last part is on Chapter 10, with particular focus on the symbolism in the Vortex. I've already basically outlined my theories on this in relation to the Boys' dynamics in a post (link in the reblog), but I'll briefly summarize. The actions that happen in the Vortex, as well as the different positions of the Boys, is very important in regards to their relationships with each other. Boomer is at the lowest place, reflecting his lack of self-worth compared to his brothers. He stands at the bottom of a deep pool. He's alone in the cold, dark depths of the water, and the only way out is up. Brick is in the middle, standing on the floor around the pool. He has more freedom of movement than Boomer, and can make more choices. But soon he finds that he's swallowed up by rising waters as it floods outside of its designated area, disregarding boundaries, unable to be compartmentalized. It reflects his loss of control over his situation/environment, his inner turmoil, and relatively recent inability to simply contain and subdue his emotions. Butch is at the highest point, on a fence with Buttercup, feeling free and at peace with her at his back. Because he is literally "on the fence", with Buttercup on the other side, I feel like he might be (subconsciously) reevaluating where his loyalties lie - with Brick, or with Buttercup. It's worth noting that he is only able to be at that height when she is with him. As soon as Brick moves through her as if she's not there, Butch is eviscerated and pushed backwards off of his perch. And the culprit responsible for cutting him open and pushing him off the fence, forcing him "back in his place" or "back in line", is Brick - the one person Butch always seems to lose to (in his mind at least). This also reflects how Brick uses violence to discipline Butch and keep him in line, and that he tries to use that punishment as a way to regain control (since he unknowingly uses Butch's insides to pull himself out of a situation he couldn't control).
Going back to Boomer and Brick, Boomer is the weight dragging Brick down, reflecting Brick's view that Boomer is the runt, and also more recently, a liability due to his attachment to a certain blonde, blue-eyed Powerpuff Girl. Boomer sees Bubbles and her nurturing, loving care for him as a way out of the dark isolation he feels at the bottom. And that's the way he feels with his brothers. He's left behind, alone and cold, Brick and Butch far above him. But he has no hope that they will help him up. It's only Bubbles who seems to see him down there, and altho she doesn't help him either, she does inspire him to gather the strength to pull himself up to grab hold of her.
The symbolism honestly conveys their current relationships with each other, and their internal experiences, in such a concise and creative way that it gets me every time.
Butch is extremely loyal to Brick in an automatic and unquestioning way, despite all the resentment he has for Brick. But I theorize that that may be changing, very slowly, due to Buttercup. He genuinely cares about his brothers, even tho he rags on them a lot and isn't demonstrative or expressive about it. He seems to internalize the idea that he deserves violent consequences for misbehavior, and I wonder how much of his self-destructive behaviors are linked to that.
Boomer is loyal to Brick, but it's not quite as ingrained as Butch's loyalty. Bubbles is heavily impacting his loyalties, partly cuz, generally speaking, Brick and Butch make him feel worthless while she makes him feel wanted and loved. I think he knows his brothers care about him to an extent, but he has emotional needs that they arent willing or able to fulfill. He and Butch are closer than he is to Brick, and I think he understands Butch better than Brick does at least.
Brick is much more emotionally driven than hed like to admit. It influences what he allows his brothers to do, and how he enforces discipline on them. He's pretty typical in terms of thinking that his abuse and manipulation is justified or acceptable. I think he actually wants what he thinks is best for his brothers, but it's very tied to what he wants and thinks is the best path. He projects a lot of his wants and issues onto them. I don't think he's ever imagined a future where they weren't a team. Despite his emotional nature, he lacks emotional intelligence and doesn't understand or know Butch and Boomer nearly as well as he thinks he does. He knows their behavior extremely well, but not the inner processes and motivations that drive that behavior. And I think that's gonna trip him up.
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kpop-pick-me-up · 5 years
For y'all who think you're unattractive, read this whole thing.
This is for y'all that think you need to look a certain way to be found attractive. Yes YOU.
Here's a list of things I DONT find initially attractive, or attractive at all:
Abs. Idk, I just don't see what's so hot about them. Like you have to get your body percentage down to a hella low point to have them and I'm not about a stressed out hyper focused lifestyle on food. I'm in eating disorder recovery so I find people who focus on stuff like that unattractive and intimidating. Like there's so much more to life than looking a certain way.
A shitty ass personality. Like if you're a dick, unloyal, immature, mean, insensitive, close minded, apathetic NOPE.
Super muscular people? Like, I like natural looking fit people. Like people who work out and eat their fruits and veggies, but also know how to enjoy pancakes and pasta dishes or cookies at 3am, and takes a rest from working out sometimes because they're tired or not feeling it ya know? I like soft and healthy.
People who are super super super feminine and people who are Macho man masculine. I like the middle ground, or a good mix of both.
Things I find attractive: GET READY YALL
A little bit if acne? Idk why, but I love natural people. Like if you have a couple acne scars on your skin I actually find it a little endearing because it's you.
comfortability with yourself.
Being in the middle or a jack of all trades in terms of "feminity" or "masculinity". Like I hate super macho masculine men, and I'm not intially attracted to super girly girls.
Being yourself. I know that's cheesy, but I've found people hella attractive who have things I don't INITIALLY find attractive but if you're confident and kind, non judgemental, have a layered personality, you're understanding, and funny, I automatically find you slightly attractive.
People's natural laughs? You know those good ass hard laughs
People's little quirks. Like how they say certain words, what they get excited over, what they're interested in, how the tie their shoes, how the walk etc.
People smiling
I know I said a couple things about body types and stuff, but I literally think everyone is physically attractive in some way. I can't find anyone ugly. I love people so much. Theyre such pieces of art???? Like the curves of their mouth, their noses, there posture, their way if standing, idk. People are just so unique and beautiful. I don't really care for physical appearance as long as you take care of your hygiene and health regularly. Idk what size you are if you're healthy, I don't care about acne or stretch marks or cellulite or rolls or scars. If anything I actually find some of it beautiful? I love to study people like they're a piece of art (as someone who used to draw all the time) and I just can't say enough how cool I find people. Yeah I have initial preferences, like I don't INTIALLY like super super thin people, and I don't INTIALLY like really large people (If they have regular unhealthy behaviors). But if they're healthy and stuff body size doesnt mean shit to me and I could literally fall in love with anyone. I've found some thin people attractive band some bigger people. It all depends on personality and shit. So if y'all feel insecure because of anything, or someone you like said they had an ideal type or preference, remember that it's just a preference and that lots of people love people out of their initial preferences, and also remember that I would probably fall in love with you. So love yourselves no matter what, treat yourself nicely, take care of yourself as best you can, and be confident even if you don't like yourself. Because someone (like me) probably finds you beautiful and hot. (And yes, I believe men can be beautiful).
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roughentumble · 6 years
a freaky and disorienting thing is that ive realized that, as i accept more and more that i am a trans guy and thats ok, the more i sympathize w/ male characters that are just........ objectively The Worst. like i suffered through the ENTIRETY of Just Friends(2005) for Ryan Reynolds, and-- actually, hold on a sec, before i get back to the point i gotta take a quick sidebar to explain the pain, the TORTURE that is Just Friends, the 2005 film starring Ryan Reynolds and Amy Smart, and written by Adam 'Tex' Davis. 
i had to watch it muted for like 90% of the film. the intensity of the “cringe” aspect of this film that bills itself as a “cringe “”””comedy””””” was so off-the-charts that i physically could not stop myself from vocalizing my discomfort through groans and screeches. i would mute the film, turn the screen away, play on my phone for a minute because i literally could not handle seeing the rest of the scene, only to turn my computer back around and find it STILL ON THE EXACT SAME SCENE. i skipped entire swathes of the film. it literally got to the point that i could not handle what was happening and i just--
i gave up! i gave up and i just skipped forward until i found scenes i thought i could handle, or that featured two people Talking instead of some Event Happening, and i’d watch that, and then the scene would change and i’d be in Suffer Town again, population 1: me. Me is the only inhabitant of Suffer Town. so much of the movie hinges so thoroughly on like-- like. A Person Failing At A Thing They’re Good At. and it made me want to die. i think this movie gave me depression, on top of my preexisting depression. it squared my depression. 
OKAY, back to my original point. or like, a mixture of explaining The Film, and explaining why my own reaction to it startled me so much. anyway.
so, ignoring the intense amount of Suffering you’ll have to live through if you’re bound and determined to watch ryan reynold’s entire filmography and you get to this monstrosity, the gist of the plot is thus: ryan reynolds plays a man who was a Stock Dweeb Character in high school. overweight, very low self-esteem, “uncool” hobbies, a very uncomfortable fixation on the one pretty girl who is nice to him and hangs out with him(who herself is dating a Stock Jerk Jock Football Player, who we’ll call SJJ, because I can’t remember his name and he doesn’t matter). on their graduation night they throw a party, he signs her yearbook with a Love Confession, and intends to give it to her.
something something The Yearbooks Accidentally Get Swapped, something something She Reads The Wrong Note And Goes “Um. Wtf My Dude????”. cue him going “NOO I DIDNT WRITE THAT WHAT? WHAT? WAIT OH NOOOO!!!”. cue him running downstairs and seeing SJJ reading his confession aloud to a chorus of twittering classmates.
so yeah, he’s embarrassed, the whole school’s laughing at him because of Course. he runs from the party yelling that he’s going to “be somebody” and also something about how the rest of them will never be anybody. ya’know. that usual thing you see Generic Stock Nerds saying when their feelings are real hurt in movies. 
cut to the future. he looks like ryan reynolds in 2005, so, you know. Really Fucking Good. like, Only Reason To Watch This Garbage Film levels of good. like, They Should Have Given Him Shirtless Scenes As Payment For Me Sitting Through The Rest Of It kinda’ fine. anyway. he’s hot and beautiful and is a talent manager for celebrities. he’s all rich and attractive, and he’s a complete sack of garbage to women. 
he’s actively horrified of the “friendzone”(im cringing right now just writing the word. its so awful) and he’s really not interested in women above a surface level. we see a woman at a bar who’s clearly his date telling him that he’s the Worst and that he needs to see women as people. as she talks he is disinterested at best. she walks away and another lady, who’s overheard the conversation, looks him up and down and decides she doesn’t really care what he’s like because he’s pretty, they flirt, and suddenly he’s been broken up with and acquired a NEW date in the span of about a minute of screentime.
he gets women basically wherever he goes, because he’s only really interested in a specific type of person and(i promise this is the last time i say it) because he looks like 2005 ryan reynolds. 
so because of some Plot Devices, he ends up back in his hometown and unable to get a plane out. he sees SJJ who is now a washed-up drunkard who wears his old varsity jacket around because Of Course. ryan finds him offputting, as do i, and it’s one of the few nearly funny scenes in the film, just because i enjoy juxtaposition and so(despite it being the most boilerplate, run-of-the-mill, dull point to make in a film) it actually was something i didn’t hate to see. 
he also sees Pretty Girl From High School. they semi-hit it off. she’s shocked that he looks Like That(i know i promised not to mention it again but it’s a legit plot point this time leave me alone), he’s shocked she still looks Like That. they agree to get food the next day. 
ryan acts like a bit of a dick, name-dropping celebs he works with left and right, and getting really aggressive when a waitress drops off a plate of his old usual(a really fattening pancake... thing. it looked gross tbqh.) and like, ok, so, i just, here’s where i--
okay. okay. okay. okay. in Ye Olde Days, i wouldve written him off as a douche, and hated him, and, i. i
i couldnt help but, feel, SO bad for him???? like. okay. he just. he had NO self-esteem as a teen. he felt extremely bad about himself, for a TON of reasons, so he literally ran away and reinvented himself entirely and, found a marginal amount of enjoyment from his life???? like, was he happy? no. but he was... he hated himself a little less maybe? he worked really hard to feel good about his body, he worked really hard to get a job he felt any semblance of pride in, he worked REALLY hard to eventually get to a place where he could feel... literally anything positive at any point. he genuinely truly put in real effort to become healthy and have a good career.
and then he, he gets stuck back at his old house, and people are trying to force him to eat food that makes him feel awful and then mocking him when he gets defensive about it, he gets injured and needs to go back to wearing his retainer again, he openly fails at a BUNCH of stuff that he’s specifically been working REALLY FUCKIN HARD AT, for YEARS, because he was insecure about being bad at it in high school(like ice skating, he’s really good at it now because he sucked in high school and he wanted to overcome that), and then also receives more mocking for failing at it, and. you just.
you’re watching someone who was at the bottom of a pit of despair, who clawed tooth and nail at the clay walls of their misery-prison in order to haul themselves all the way up to the lofty height of “misery pit again, but different this time”, as they get caught in a downpour that completely erases all their progress and they slide right back to where they started. you see him completely regress and it K I L L E D me. he gets stuck back in a place where every single flaw he tried to overcome is just! shoved! back! on him! all over!
and, yeah, he’s. not great to women. he’s not beating them or anything, i don’t think he treats them SUPER badly, or actively thinking of them as lesser. but it doesn’t change the fact that he is BAD to them, and he thinks of all interactions with attractive women as transactional. and thats TERRIBLE. but i just!!! i cant help myself man i cant stop i just i look at him and all i feel is like!!!!!!! 
leave him alone!!!!!!!!!!! get the boy therapy or something!!! dont tear him down like this!!!!!!! we cant just tear someone down every time they make a semblance of an attempt at being Not Miserable!!!!!!!! just!!!!! he doesnt need this, man!!!!! hes literally just The Saddest Person with The Lowest Self Esteem Of All Time, so he uses his newfound ability to find people willing to sleep with him, as a way of raising his self esteem. is he the Best Person? not on your life. but he’s just! a sad little man! who’s trying his best! i dont wanna see him torn to shreds, man. i just want him to realize that his self-worth doesn’t have to rely entirely on whether or not he’s sexually appealing.
because at the end of the day, i think that’s his major problem??? his own self-worth is so thoroughly wrapped up in whether he perceives himself as someone who’s sexually appealing to others. 
which like! fuck you! thats considered a Big Problem and So Sad when it’s a girl, if she feels her only self-worth comes from being sexually attractive to men, but, it feels like every time i see a dude goin thru somethin similar, its like “oh hes just a Bad.” and i get it, not only do men have the societal power in this equation, but also when theyre dealin with this same problem, dudes tend to externalize it in really unhealthy and sexist ways, and im not. im not saying every sexist dude just needs a manic pixie dream girl to waltz into his life or some shit!!! im just!!!!!!!!!! idk!!!
i just cant stop sympathizing w/ the dude. and wanting him to get Help. and suffering immensely when i see him literally regressing into a place of misery right before my very eyes. 
when really all i was supposed to get from the movie is “man was Fat and Gross. he grow up 2 b Sexist Womanizer. now he see old crush and learn Sexism Bad. then kissy”
0 notes
baedlyweathered · 6 years
2-50 evens only
ok but only cause im super bored and high
2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? 
No theyre too small, whats the point of taking a bottle that lasts you MAYBE two showers unless you steal em from the housecleaning cart or something and theyd be a pain to use even if you did that and they usually are the cheapest possible shower products so like............. whats the pint
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
no but i have considered it and may in the future. do you need like, boltcutters for that? a screwdriver? guess i never really looked
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
I don’t get the newspaper and those in-store magazines seem to always just be price listings, like a catalogue, and not actual coupons, so. where would i get coupons?
8: Do you have freckles?
no but i have some dots on my arms that i think are cute
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
I dunno I’m autistic so i get annoyed with a whole lot of things...
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
i think only once, on a day-long nature hike in elementary school
14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
16: How many people have you slept with this week?
zero i am very lonely i wanna cuddle
18: What is your Song of the week?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIbZJQcew98 the actual sound of my soul its uncanny
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
yeah! almost exclusively. easier to process ig
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
it depends on the rarity of the treasure and how often i need to access it.... and i’d probably choose a semirandom place, too...... .:/
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
god ok i work at dominos and i steal the dipping cups a lot so, usually one of those or ketchup
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
i dunno i get bored watching the same thing too much in a short time... plus the thing where live action is harder to watch, so idk if i have any movies i like that much rn. i kinda want to watch fury road again tho
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
probably when i sent care packages to a couple friends
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
no but this one time i got a ticket for running a red left hand turn light which i fully did not and i took it to court because i was told that the cop would need, like, a modicum of proof to win, and also, took pictures of the intersection to show that the cop couldnt have seen it clearly. well i did end up having to pay less than i wouldve if i hadnt contested it and for some reason the infraction didnt actually get added to my driving record?? but cmon that was so bull’s shit
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
god i do this thing where i make a grilled cheese sandwich but with extra ingredients including tuna salad, i think thats probably what a tuna melt is, so , tuna melts.
36: What is your usual bedtime?
oh i work til after 1 or 2 in the morning, and i have severe adhd so it takes me a while to settle down plus i have to eat because i havent for like 12 hours by that point and also i usually smoke a bit, sooo even on weekends i certainly dont get to bed before midnight
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
different stuff... i think i mostly went as a wizard after like, 10, like in these brown robes my mom made me and like, a belt with a bunch of cool stones and stuff hanging off it... in high school junior or senior year i went as mathis quigley from unsounded..... the year i was at college i wore this giant patchwork coat with embroidery that i got for free and my rainboots and walked around campus all evening sharing an umbrella with people and then ran into some friends and watched the babadook with them it ended up being a pretty nice halloween
40: Are you horny?
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
how could lincoln logs possibly be better than legos??? unless youre like, a toddler
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
who ?
46: Are you afraid of heights?
a healthy amount
48: Do you sing in the shower?
no sometimes i whistle because i like,,, always do
50: Ever used a gun?
no they scare me (though im not really pro-gun control because i recognize the necessity of them and also that gun control is as selectively enforced by our fascist watchdogs as any other law)
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
yeah i think everyone thinks that but that doesnt mean you cant like them so, yes but who cares
54: Ever eat a pierogi?
yeah i made shitty ones last thanksgiving and also ate them as a kid cause my grandmothers slovakian
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
marine biologist was the first one when i was rly young but i never could really imagine any kind of long term future for myself
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
oh yeah constantly i think maybe i have prophetic dreams
60: Wear slippers?
no im autistic and my feet dont like it
62: What do you wear to bed?
t shirt and panties usually
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
walmart i fuckin guess
66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
cheetos i fuckin guess
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
not really i dont have much of a concept of the future these days either
72: Ever won a spelling bee?
74: Own any record albums?
like.... physical ones? no
76: Regularly burn incense?
78: Who would you like to see in concert?
ive never been to a concert i dont think id like it
80: Hot tea or cold tea?
cold sweet tea is good
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
sugar i think
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
are ... there people who cant? anyway i used to do swimming so yes definitely
86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
88: Ever have plastic surgery
no the only surgery ive ever had was when i was a baby
90: Can you knit or crochet?
i have knit a couple times but not very well
92: Do you want to get married?
yeah maybe, i mean ideally yeah
94: Who was your HS crush?
by high school i was like, convinced that straight male attraction was super creepy and since i actually believed i was a straight boy i just refused to acnowlkege any more than an aesthetic attraction to anyone and that is mostly still repressed and something i have to like, guess at and then perform? or something? im kinda sad sorry
96: Do you have kids?
no i am nowhere near ready to be a mom
98: Whats your favorite color?
cerulean ig
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 6 years
The internet enjoys Miss Iceland for discontinuing a elegance game after get fat-shamed.
This is 21 -year-old predominating Miss Iceland Arna r Jnsdttir.
“We maybe don’t understand one another, ” she once said of ending injustices, “but there is one language we all understand and should speak to stop the violence in this macrocosm that’s its own language of perceive, kindness, and love.”
Posted by Arna r Jnsdttir onWednesday, June 15, 2016
Jnsdttir was in the running for Miss Grand International, a world-famous beautiful competition being held in Las Vegas.
But she merely dropped out of the competitor.
A photo posted by Arna r Jnsdttir (@ arnayr ) on May 10, 2016 at 1:56 pm PDT
According to Jnsdttir, she was body-shamed by the contest’s owner.
And she’s having none of it. Nawat Itsaragrisil, who owns the Miss Grand International contest, supposedly told Jnsdttir that she was too fat to win, inspiring her to skip breakfast every day leading up to the rivalry, and to only gobble salads and drink water to get by.
Jnsdttir lately opened up about the incident in a Facebook post.
I intend to stand up for myself, females everywhere, and the Icelandic people, ” she wrote. “I will not let them tell me I am too fatty to sound good on theatre. I have quitted. I will not be taking part in Miss Grand International.
Yesterday, me and this sweet “girls ” attracted a paint together! She sucked a girl in yellow-bellied dress with yellow-bellied mane and yellowed treetop … So I gleaned a girl with pitch-black “hairs-breadth” in red-faced and black blouse with a yellow-bellied crown. She was so happy. All the teenagers were so adorable and sweet. #missworld #missworldiceland #missiceland15 #missworld15 #ungfruisland @misswolrd @missworldiceland
A photo posted by Arna r Jnsdttir (@ arnayr) on Nov 28, 2015 at 6:20 pm PST
I am coming home a winner and the proudest Icelander in the world, ” her berth concludes.
Jnsdttir has get a lot of praise from beings come to terms with her decision to quit.
Its a big dishonor how they[ considered] you , not only for you, but to a lot of other younger girls, ” wrote one devotee, The Daily Beast reported. “Wrong signal. Youre beautiful and please never change! We love you just like you are.”
Supercool Miss Iceland tells Miss Grand International to jostle it where the sunshine don’t shine when told to chew breeze in prep for challenger. pic.twitter.com/ r7GPGmwYhl
Yrsa Sigurdardottir (@ YrsaSig) October 24, 2016
The owner of Miss Grand International told Miss Iceland to lose weight. Instead, she quit. Good for her pic.twitter.com/ 3OfgghNmGC
TENDO (@ worstdjever8 2) October 23, 2016
Not everyone was impressed by Jnsdttir, though.
“Wait, ” wrote one Redditor. “She vies in international charm rivalries, but this is where she depicts the line against normative allure criteria? ”
“So you’re okay with is available on a tournament where you’re alone adjudicated on your lookings, ” wrote another, “but only so long as “theyre saying” nice acts about you? “
Comments like that, however, be borne in mind that each of us have the authority to draw our own thread when it comes to our personal convenience stage, especially when it comes to the absurdity of charm criteria after all, to some degree, we’re all guilty of conforming to shortcoming culture hopes around physical appearance.
One Redditor wrote for responding to the reviewers:
“As much as you’d like to pretend that[ everyday beings] have no elegance touchstones, when you woke up today, you did some formation of train, or cleanlines. You showered or scraped or did something that conforms to high standards which was influenced by stuffs you identified in the media and in different cultures around you.”
The debate over body-shaming and elegance contests has become a particularly hot topic in recent weeks, as Donald Trump’s revamped strikes on former Miss Universe Alicia Machado became an election issue.
The GOP presidential nominee, who called Machado “Miss Piggy” about twenty years ago, put immense pressing on her to diet and practise after she gained load following her 1996 pageant win. He even had news reporters show up with cameras to record her fitness regimen.
The psychological load on Machado who was a teenager at the time supposedly contributed to her years-long battle with anorexia and bulimia .
Over the past 20 years, Ive gone to a lot of psychologists to combat this, ” Machado said of the distressing experience.
In Jnsdttir’s case, she has no anxieties with saying goodbye to a pageantry that won’t accept her the direction she is.
“If the owner of the race truly wants me to lose weight and doesnt like me the course I am, then he doesnt deserve to have me, ” Jnsdttir said of the body-shaming , noting further that she’s proud of her wide-ranging shoulders because they show her period as an athlete.
#World Irate Icelandic Girl Quits Beauty Contest to Protest ‘Body Shaming’: Arna Yr Jonsdottir, an Icelandic https :// t.co/ Z78CqWIWOt pic.twitter.com/ Ttmx6 8i2EX
Kazi Australia (@ Kazi_Australia) October 24, 2016
As far as her plans to enjoy Las Vegas , now that she’s in township anyway?
Eat good nutrient, ” she said.
The post The internet enjoys Miss Iceland for discontinuing a elegance game after get fat-shamed. appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2Ce73kQ via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 6 years
The internet enjoys Miss Iceland for discontinuing a elegance game after get fat-shamed.
This is 21 -year-old predominating Miss Iceland Arna r Jnsdttir.
“We maybe don’t understand one another, ” she once said of ending injustices, “but there is one language we all understand and should speak to stop the violence in this macrocosm that’s its own language of perceive, kindness, and love.”
Posted by Arna r Jnsdttir onWednesday, June 15, 2016
Jnsdttir was in the running for Miss Grand International, a world-famous beautiful competition being held in Las Vegas.
But she merely dropped out of the competitor.
A photo posted by Arna r Jnsdttir (@ arnayr ) on May 10, 2016 at 1:56 pm PDT
According to Jnsdttir, she was body-shamed by the contest’s owner.
And she’s having none of it. Nawat Itsaragrisil, who owns the Miss Grand International contest, supposedly told Jnsdttir that she was too fat to win, inspiring her to skip breakfast every day leading up to the rivalry, and to only gobble salads and drink water to get by.
Jnsdttir lately opened up about the incident in a Facebook post.
I intend to stand up for myself, females everywhere, and the Icelandic people, ” she wrote. “I will not let them tell me I am too fatty to sound good on theatre. I have quitted. I will not be taking part in Miss Grand International.
Yesterday, me and this sweet “girls ” attracted a paint together! She sucked a girl in yellow-bellied dress with yellow-bellied mane and yellowed treetop … So I gleaned a girl with pitch-black “hairs-breadth” in red-faced and black blouse with a yellow-bellied crown. She was so happy. All the teenagers were so adorable and sweet. #missworld #missworldiceland #missiceland15 #missworld15 #ungfruisland @misswolrd @missworldiceland
A photo posted by Arna r Jnsdttir (@ arnayr) on Nov 28, 2015 at 6:20 pm PST
I am coming home a winner and the proudest Icelander in the world, ” her berth concludes.
Jnsdttir has get a lot of praise from beings come to terms with her decision to quit.
Its a big dishonor how they[ considered] you , not only for you, but to a lot of other younger girls, ” wrote one devotee, The Daily Beast reported. “Wrong signal. Youre beautiful and please never change! We love you just like you are.”
Supercool Miss Iceland tells Miss Grand International to jostle it where the sunshine don’t shine when told to chew breeze in prep for challenger. pic.twitter.com/ r7GPGmwYhl
Yrsa Sigurdardottir (@ YrsaSig) October 24, 2016
The owner of Miss Grand International told Miss Iceland to lose weight. Instead, she quit. Good for her pic.twitter.com/ 3OfgghNmGC
TENDO (@ worstdjever8 2) October 23, 2016
Not everyone was impressed by Jnsdttir, though.
“Wait, ” wrote one Redditor. “She vies in international charm rivalries, but this is where she depicts the line against normative allure criteria? ”
“So you’re okay with is available on a tournament where you’re alone adjudicated on your lookings, ” wrote another, “but only so long as “theyre saying” nice acts about you? “
Comments like that, however, be borne in mind that each of us have the authority to draw our own thread when it comes to our personal convenience stage, especially when it comes to the absurdity of charm criteria after all, to some degree, we’re all guilty of conforming to shortcoming culture hopes around physical appearance.
One Redditor wrote for responding to the reviewers:
“As much as you’d like to pretend that[ everyday beings] have no elegance touchstones, when you woke up today, you did some formation of train, or cleanlines. You showered or scraped or did something that conforms to high standards which was influenced by stuffs you identified in the media and in different cultures around you.”
The debate over body-shaming and elegance contests has become a particularly hot topic in recent weeks, as Donald Trump’s revamped strikes on former Miss Universe Alicia Machado became an election issue.
The GOP presidential nominee, who called Machado “Miss Piggy” about twenty years ago, put immense pressing on her to diet and practise after she gained load following her 1996 pageant win. He even had news reporters show up with cameras to record her fitness regimen.
The psychological load on Machado who was a teenager at the time supposedly contributed to her years-long battle with anorexia and bulimia .
Over the past 20 years, Ive gone to a lot of psychologists to combat this, ” Machado said of the distressing experience.
In Jnsdttir’s case, she has no anxieties with saying goodbye to a pageantry that won’t accept her the direction she is.
“If the owner of the race truly wants me to lose weight and doesnt like me the course I am, then he doesnt deserve to have me, ” Jnsdttir said of the body-shaming , noting further that she’s proud of her wide-ranging shoulders because they show her period as an athlete.
#World Irate Icelandic Girl Quits Beauty Contest to Protest ‘Body Shaming’: Arna Yr Jonsdottir, an Icelandic https :// t.co/ Z78CqWIWOt pic.twitter.com/ Ttmx6 8i2EX
Kazi Australia (@ Kazi_Australia) October 24, 2016
As far as her plans to enjoy Las Vegas , now that she’s in township anyway?
Eat good nutrient, ” she said.
The post The internet enjoys Miss Iceland for discontinuing a elegance game after get fat-shamed. appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2Ce73kQ via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 6 years
The internet enjoys Miss Iceland for discontinuing a elegance game after get fat-shamed.
This is 21 -year-old predominating Miss Iceland Arna r Jnsdttir.
“We maybe don’t understand one another, ” she once said of ending injustices, “but there is one language we all understand and should speak to stop the violence in this macrocosm that’s its own language of perceive, kindness, and love.”
Posted by Arna r Jnsdttir onWednesday, June 15, 2016
Jnsdttir was in the running for Miss Grand International, a world-famous beautiful competition being held in Las Vegas.
But she merely dropped out of the competitor.
A photo posted by Arna r Jnsdttir (@ arnayr ) on May 10, 2016 at 1:56 pm PDT
According to Jnsdttir, she was body-shamed by the contest’s owner.
And she’s having none of it. Nawat Itsaragrisil, who owns the Miss Grand International contest, supposedly told Jnsdttir that she was too fat to win, inspiring her to skip breakfast every day leading up to the rivalry, and to only gobble salads and drink water to get by.
Jnsdttir lately opened up about the incident in a Facebook post.
I intend to stand up for myself, females everywhere, and the Icelandic people, ” she wrote. “I will not let them tell me I am too fatty to sound good on theatre. I have quitted. I will not be taking part in Miss Grand International.
Yesterday, me and this sweet “girls ” attracted a paint together! She sucked a girl in yellow-bellied dress with yellow-bellied mane and yellowed treetop … So I gleaned a girl with pitch-black “hairs-breadth” in red-faced and black blouse with a yellow-bellied crown. She was so happy. All the teenagers were so adorable and sweet. #missworld #missworldiceland #missiceland15 #missworld15 #ungfruisland @misswolrd @missworldiceland
A photo posted by Arna r Jnsdttir (@ arnayr) on Nov 28, 2015 at 6:20 pm PST
I am coming home a winner and the proudest Icelander in the world, ” her berth concludes.
Jnsdttir has get a lot of praise from beings come to terms with her decision to quit.
Its a big dishonor how they[ considered] you , not only for you, but to a lot of other younger girls, ” wrote one devotee, The Daily Beast reported. “Wrong signal. Youre beautiful and please never change! We love you just like you are.”
Supercool Miss Iceland tells Miss Grand International to jostle it where the sunshine don’t shine when told to chew breeze in prep for challenger. pic.twitter.com/ r7GPGmwYhl
Yrsa Sigurdardottir (@ YrsaSig) October 24, 2016
The owner of Miss Grand International told Miss Iceland to lose weight. Instead, she quit. Good for her pic.twitter.com/ 3OfgghNmGC
TENDO (@ worstdjever8 2) October 23, 2016
Not everyone was impressed by Jnsdttir, though.
“Wait, ” wrote one Redditor. “She vies in international charm rivalries, but this is where she depicts the line against normative allure criteria? ”
“So you’re okay with is available on a tournament where you’re alone adjudicated on your lookings, ” wrote another, “but only so long as “theyre saying” nice acts about you? “
Comments like that, however, be borne in mind that each of us have the authority to draw our own thread when it comes to our personal convenience stage, especially when it comes to the absurdity of charm criteria after all, to some degree, we’re all guilty of conforming to shortcoming culture hopes around physical appearance.
One Redditor wrote for responding to the reviewers:
“As much as you’d like to pretend that[ everyday beings] have no elegance touchstones, when you woke up today, you did some formation of train, or cleanlines. You showered or scraped or did something that conforms to high standards which was influenced by stuffs you identified in the media and in different cultures around you.”
The debate over body-shaming and elegance contests has become a particularly hot topic in recent weeks, as Donald Trump’s revamped strikes on former Miss Universe Alicia Machado became an election issue.
The GOP presidential nominee, who called Machado “Miss Piggy” about twenty years ago, put immense pressing on her to diet and practise after she gained load following her 1996 pageant win. He even had news reporters show up with cameras to record her fitness regimen.
The psychological load on Machado who was a teenager at the time supposedly contributed to her years-long battle with anorexia and bulimia .
Over the past 20 years, Ive gone to a lot of psychologists to combat this, ” Machado said of the distressing experience.
In Jnsdttir’s case, she has no anxieties with saying goodbye to a pageantry that won’t accept her the direction she is.
“If the owner of the race truly wants me to lose weight and doesnt like me the course I am, then he doesnt deserve to have me, ” Jnsdttir said of the body-shaming , noting further that she’s proud of her wide-ranging shoulders because they show her period as an athlete.
#World Irate Icelandic Girl Quits Beauty Contest to Protest ‘Body Shaming’: Arna Yr Jonsdottir, an Icelandic https :// t.co/ Z78CqWIWOt pic.twitter.com/ Ttmx6 8i2EX
Kazi Australia (@ Kazi_Australia) October 24, 2016
As far as her plans to enjoy Las Vegas , now that she’s in township anyway?
Eat good nutrient, ” she said.
The post The internet enjoys Miss Iceland for discontinuing a elegance game after get fat-shamed. appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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