#soramafuurasaka mafumafu
qurolo · 8 months
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Anyway, Mafumafu and Soraru dragged me into J-pop all those years ago so just thought I’d throw this out there
Process and alt version below! :>
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dullahandyke · 1 year
Yappari yada yada! Boku ga sentoudai! Saisho no machikara susumanai - haihai! Ichi kakeru yon ga zero! miman mou ichinen ga sugita!
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picture-game · 11 months
Recently,I've become a HUGE fan of Utaites and have delved into the fandom!
Uratanuki(うらたぬき),Ado,Eve and Mafumafu( まふまふ ) are my current faves,with Uratanuki recently joining my girl Ado on first place on my list!!
SMUS-SoraMafuUraSaka(そらまふうらさか) and USSS-UraShimaSakataSen(浦島坂田船) are my favourite groups to listen to!
Ehe!Please DM me if you wanna talk about Utaites I need more peeps to gush about Utaites to
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uni-nanuska · 2 years
FPS mafu fanart
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FPS composed by Mafumafu
And sang by Uratanuki, Soraru, Tonari No Sakata and Mafumafu
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zhonglino · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time a white-haired, red-eyed, cat-associated, October-born Japanese guy changed my life for the better and made me cry, I’d have two nickels - which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.
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farewell-in-veil · 1 year
i will never shut up abt fps w/ sticks
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traducciones-ingrid · 2 years
(Traducción Español) Juego de Hombre Lobo [1] - SoraMafuUraSaka
Ura「...hay alguien que quiera confesar?」
Sora「(Si hablas mal, te van a sospechar.)」
Mafu「(Que miedo. Me quedaré callado por ahora.)」
Saka「¿Qué tengo que hacer para ser “el adivino”?」
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que fuiste un hombre lobo?
💙 En un día sin nombre, con ojos similares a los de nosotros,
una bestia parece salir por aquí.
🤍 Parado en silencio con colmillos al lado de alguien
sigo la coartada del sujeto.
💚 Cuelga a éste tipo. Cuelga al otro también. [2]
Alguien se reirá en armonía con el horario. 
❤ No sé cuánto tiempo ha pasado 
desde la última vez que me viste a los ojos.
❤ Quisiera poder creer en tus palabras.
【 La noche ha llegado. Que los hombres lobos por favor abran sus ojos.】 [3]
💚 “¿Por qué está pasando esto?”
❤ “¿Aún no termina esto?”
💙 “Rayos…tienes que estar bromeando…”
🤍 “No puedo morir en un lugar como este!”
Duda y confusión dentro la oscuridad.
La campana suena, señalando que nunca amanecerá.
💙 Tocaste la puerta antes que el adivino. ¿Eres el hombre lobo? [4]
Confianza, traición y malentendidos.
Entre las brechas de los sueños, una noche horrible viene.
🤍 Nos arañaremos el uno al otro con garras.
🤍 ¿Eres negro? [5]
💚 En un día sin nombre, hay que satisfacer nuestro hambre.
💚 Ah, no es suficiente, no es suficiente esta sensación.
❤ Si crees en mí, al final comeré tu cuerpo, tu corazón, todo tu ser.
💙 El corazón humano es efímero, se rompe muy fácilmente
🤍 Fue mi corazón quien me dijo que el día era falso.
🤍 No me mires con esos ojos.
❤ “¡Creía en ti!”
🤍 “No soy yo.”
💙 “Vamos, vota…”
💚 “¡No puedo perdonarte!”
💙 “...es hora.”
Un crimen perfecto y un jardín de sueños.
Y si desobedeces a Dios…
💚 Una codicia imparable sigue moviéndose. ¿Eres el hombre lobo?
Mi boca roja me duele por haber escuchado tu querida voz.
❤ No tiene que haber una razón. 
❤ Solo murmura, “Yo soy blanco.” [6]
3:01 Diálogo
💙 El asesinato ocurrió en la casa de Mafumafu.
❤ Entonces, estás diciendo que lo hizo Mafumafu, no?
🤍 ¡Esperen un momento! ¡No fui yo!
💚 ¡¿Entonces quién es?!
🤍 ¡No sé!
❤ Mm, pero yo y Mafu tenemos una coartada.
🤍 ¡Es cierto! ¡Estuve con Sakata ayer!
🤍 Además, Soraru-san fue el que lo descubrió, no? [7]
💙 Entonces, confesaré. Yo era el adivino y leí la fortuna de Urata-kun. 
El resultado fue blanco.
💚 Ya veo. Entonces, desde mi perspectiva, Soraru-san es un aliado?
❤ ¡A lo mejor dijo eso porque está sufriendo de la presión!
🤍 ¡Definitivamente sospechoso!
❤ Por cierto, tú tampoco tienes coartada. [8]
🤍 Cierto. Tú también eres sospechoso. 
💙 Aunque está mal pero…
💚 Creo que eres tú, ¿no?
💙 No importa que tanto…
🤍 …crea en ti.
💚 El escalofrío seguirá recorriendo mi columna…
❤ …porque la coherencia no encaja.
💙 Sería una escena desagradable…
🤍 …ser dejado en una jaula para pájaros.
No hay salvación en este lugar.
【 La noche ha llegado. Que los hombres lobos por favor abran sus ojos.】
Duda y confusión dentro la oscuridad.
La campana suena, señalando que nunca amanecerá.
Tocaste la puerta antes que el adivino. ¿Eres el hombre lobo?
Anoche, cuando la luna se durmió, tus orejas crecieron.
Nos arañaremos el uno al otro con garras.
Con una sonrisa escondida detrás de mi espalda…
“Yo soy negro.”
【 Otra noche aterradora ha llegado de nuevo.】
[1] El juego en que se basa está canción es “Werewolf Game” (Juego de Hombre Lobo). Los jugadores tienen diferentes roles y nadie sabe los roles de los demás. A unos les toca ser el hombre lobo. Mientras avanza el juego, todos intentan descubrir quienes son hombres lobos y pueden votar fuera quién creen que sea un hombre lobo para que sea “ejecutado”. Se gana el juego cuando todos los hombres lobos han sido “ejecutados” o cuando los hombres lobos han matado a todos y solo quedan ellos.  Es algo similar a Among Us. Y también hay otra versión de este juego que se llama Mafia que usa las mismas reglas pero diferentes nombres para los roles.
[2] Colgar aquí se refiere a ejecutar a alguien.
[3] Las palabras que aparecen dentro de【 】en mi traducción son palabras que aparecen en la pantalla, no letras de la canción.
[4] El adivino es uno de los roles del juego. Puede “leer la fortuna” de los demás jugadores y al hacer eso, puede saber qué rol tiene ese jugador.
[5] Negro en el juego se refiere al hombre lobo. Preguntar si alguien es negro es como preguntarle si es un hombre lobo.
[6] Blanco en el juego se refiere a que alguien es inocente (no es hombre lobo).
[7] Descubrió el cuerpo muerto.
[8] Desde este punto, Sakata, Mafumafu, Soraru, y Urata están hablando al espectador y acusándolo de ser el hombre lobo. Nos involucraron en el juego :0
Originalmente publicado el 08 de enero de 2022 (https://twitter.com/in_the_grid_/status/1479918540966686722?s=20&t=3Ptco25RT7XhKsKY2yux1w)
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flamingpudding · 1 month
Thanks for the Tag! @skylernightmare
btw... love your list. Also was't sure if I should have done a Reblog or just a post like you... i went with the later...
Shuffle your on repeat playlist and listen to the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people
2. Anti-Clockwise by After the Rain [Soraru & Mafumafu]
3. Roleplaying Game (RPG) by SoraMafuUraSaka [Soraru, MafuMafu, Uratanuki, Sakata]
4. Kill the Lights by Set It Off
5. Shinunoga E-Wa [Eng Cover] by Will Stetson
6. Monster by YOASOBI
7. Song of the Lamb by JT Music, Andrea Storm Kaden
8. Loser, Baby by Andrew Underberg, Sam Haft, Keith David, Blake Roman
9. The Other self by GRANRODEO
10. Fleeting Lullaby by ADO
No judgment here XD my playlist can have the most random songs.... and sometimes I have a random taste in songs... I went with my monster of a playlist also... and I kept adding to that one for years now....
@escelia @phantom00maverick @phantom088 @villainmirabelmadriga @starlightcat04 @mkarchin713 @bianca-hooks123 @metalotaku-da @ravenr22 @gaddaboutgriffon
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period-of-nocturne · 8 months
Can I keep going about songs HCs. I have a damn full list of "Mafumafu songs that would fit PJSK characters" you need to hear me out. I'll go in team order (I have none for VBS btw) So for Leo/Need I think I think Yuurei would be a really good Ichi Shiho duet. It's like, them during the main story There's Merry Bad End that I want for Honami too. Also because of main story. And she would kill that laugh. (It honestly fits Mizuki too I think but I have too much songs for Niigo) For MMJ I only have one and it's specifically for Airi It's I couldn't become a super-nuko after all. Half because Airi is allergic to cat but loves them like Mafu, half because if you replace "super-nuko" with "Idol" it also fits her in the main story to some extent. For WxS it's actually an AtR song and a SoraMafuUraSaka song (you know which one) The AtR one is underrated, would fit WxS a LOT and would be freaking cute. a girls alt would be especially cute here accroding to my brain. It's One Know-How Way to Change the World The second one is obvious, you know it's RPG already. But I have some specific thing in mind for it ! I'll just develop that later because it'll would be a lot of typing to add in this too-long post. And here come Nightcord at 25, who already have two of his song. But hey tell me you don't want to hear them on Jigsaw Puzzle. Some lines fits them so well I think I'll also elaborate on that. Also I think it's the most likely to become real if I pray hard enough for it. It's now Mizuki time, I have two songs for them ! The first is never talked about, it's Tosenbo (it means "keep out" "stay away") I beg you to check the lyrics. And the MV. We could put a cherry blossom, carnation, Mizuki and Ena and it'll be peak Niigo rep. The second is a well-too-known and a bit obvious, it's I Want to Be a Girl But I don't even say so because I believe in transfem Mizuki, I just think it fits in regard of them wanting to be cute and... everything. She could come out at anything else than transfem (very unlikely tho) and the song would still fit you know ? But there's really few chance this one becomes real to avoid people thinking anything is confrimed about her I think. My last one is for Kanade, it's Hitodomoki. It'll obviously never get real, this song feels too personal to be added in a rhythm game. But it makes me think of Kanade nonenthless. Well, Mafumafu wasn't the choosen producer for the Untilted for nothing, after all. Also her soft and... "weak" voice would kill it I think. (that sounds Ironic but really I think it'll become a strenght here) I lied I still have some ! For mixed units ! Things that will never exist ! Yeaaaay ! (crying in a corner) I have FPS for the CGO Squad Nene would be Urata, Toya Soraru, Emu Mafu and Akito Sakata, basically (it's not about colors it's really the vibes they give and the line distribution) And in a similar way, I think about their Otome game song for the boys. I also have some thoughts I need to elaborate on for this one But basically, Tsukasa would be Soraru, Rui is Mafu, Urata is Akito, and Toya is Sakata by elimination. It needs a bit of adjustement but it works well I think Well that's a lot of songs. Go check that (or not) whenever you want I guess. I'll be right back with a bunch of line distributions because there's never too much brainrot
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losergendered · 3 days
hiii prbbly a weird question do you have any media suggestions? especially songs, bands, comics, shows and the like ... asking you bc i like your tastes lawlsies :]
oh my god ANON… i love you… putting this under the cut cause i have a Tonnn and a lot of em need content warnings LOLL
- Inside Mari (manga): a popular high school girl and an asocial hikkikomori swap bodies! …or do they. a bodyswap manga with a horrorfic emotional twist. its really visceral and transgender. cws for sexual content, unreality/dissociation and child abuse
- Erased (manga/anime): a disillusioned mangaka has a supernatural ability that involuntarily sends him back in time in order to prevent tragedies. when tragedy strikes close to him, hes sent back to investigate a series of murders that happened when he was in 5th grade. cws for mentions of pedophilia, child abuse and child death in both versions, but the manga has more explicit sexual assault and suicide
- The Lost Boys (movie): two brothers and their mother move to a beach town that is super infested with 80s biker vampires. no(?) cws really? i mean its kind of a horror movie by virtue of vampires but its not like super violent or anything. its kinda just campy
- Bang Bang You’re Dead (movie): following a student making a false bomb threat, a theater teacher decides to cast him in a play about a school shooting, much to the disdain of the rest of the community. its basically about a kid escaping the mentality of violence through theater and it made me cry. cws for an (attempted) school shooting, uh, you know. that kinda shit. but this one has a happy ending actually i promise
- Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (movie): BARELY a plot. its like a bunch of 1960s french people falling in love surrounding a music festival? its mostly just pretty looking. its also a musical. no cws! that i can remember at least
- Beryl and Sapphire (donghua): a series of alternate universe vignettes of the characters beryl and sapphire! sometimes theyre boys, sometimes theyre girls, sometimes theyre rivals, but theyre mostly in love with each other :) some of the episodes are angsty/have death but its mostly lighthearted!
- HOPEUROKAY (music): a duo of two trans people makin cool electronic music! electropop i guess?? digicore?? genres are fake but their music fucks. and they have like 500 monthly listeners. fave songs: ghostinthecorner, day 400, insight, pink ps2
- Gezebelle Gaburgably (music): do you LOVE electronic incelcore? do you wish that it was made by a woman so you felt less bad for liking it? boy do i have the gal for you. fave songs: quarter pounder, death by dodgeball, heads up, sanrio girl
- Fairy Idol Kanon (manga): a kids manga about three girls on their journey to become idols with the help of a fairy princess! meanwhile, they must also use the power of song to save the fairy realm from the dark faires!
- What Happens Next (webcomic): a trans guy who was an accessory to murder as a teenager has to navigate the rest of his life. follows both him and the other affected parties, through the lens of modern day internet culture. cws for WHOOH BOY. (child) death, gore, trauma, transphobia, abuse, ableism, self harm. like everything basically. but the comic also provides cws itself
- SoraMafuUraSaka (music): a four person utaite group made of soraru, mafumafu, uratanuki, and tonari no sakata! they make yearly videogame themed songs together, as well as each being just like. independent artists in their own right. if you've seen the rpg animation meme, that songs by them! my personal fave of theirs is noryoku hikitsugi de otome game no sekai ni tenseishitaken ni tsuite, though i also like their most recent one (jinsei muri game)!
indiv song recs now!
- Tonari no JK (The Highschool Girl Next to Me) by Konori feat. GUMI: ok yeah the lyrics might be a little questionable but it SLAPS.... konori's metal vocals combined with gumi's melody combined with the cheery backing music... its just perfect. and "watashi wa watashi, ne! "ne"?! JANEE YOOOOOO" is like the best part of any song ever
- A Favor House Atlantic by Coheed and Cambria: so this is off of a concept album, apparently, which i haven't actually fully listened to, so i dunno what this song's actually about, but it IS really good. it's got that high-pitched male pop punk vocals (esp on the line "good eye sniper") and it reminds me of vrisrezi like a lot
- Chuis Bo! by PZK: do you like early 2010s french dance pop. would you like to. Les Filles Adorent and Ce Matin Va Etre une Pure Soiree are also bangers
- My Magical Romance by Sophie's Magic Diary: Sophie's Magic Diary is actually a really cool series of animated shorts about a girl with a crush and her puppy fairy familiar thing who tries to help her woo him. hilarity ensues. my magical romance is an original song made by the artist to accompany the story! its a banger
- Tamara is a Punk by The Queers: a punk jam about having unrequired feelings for a girl named tamara! got into this song cause my mutual made ocs based off of it.
ok that was LONG. but im an enthusiast. feel free to ask for more random recs this ask lowkey made my day sjgfbh <3
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heyyy it;s been almost 3 [yeasrsss]
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johnmalevolent · 1 year
this is all i can manage rn
[VD: A rough storyboard of Trigun characters animated to the first minute of Bouken no Sho ga Kiemashita by soramafuurasaka. Milly plays Soraru, Vash plays Mafumafu, Meryl plays Urata, and Wolfwood plays Sakata. The video is subtitled in English, and the movement is choppy. End VD]
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soldier-requests · 9 months
if you don’t mind could i request a playlist for mirage from ultrakill? if i could be a bit specific i’d like things like machine girl, vocaloid, the ultrakill ost (obv) and things of that sort
thank you if you end up doing the request! ^^
hello!! i don't know ultrakill at all but i made attempts :]. tried to go for a sorta vocaloid metal theme, so hopefully you'll like most of the songs lol. also i only speak english so i apologize if some translations are off ^^;.
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songs go like "song" + "artist"
"ヘドバンギャー!!" (Headbanger!!) + "BABYMETAL"
"ギミチョコ!!" (Gimme Chocolate!!) + "BABYMETAL"
"ゆきこさん" (Yukiko) + "ミドリ" (Midori)
"お先に失礼します。" (Pardon Me, I Have to Go Now.) + "HANABIE."
"ごめんね ごめんね " (Gomenne Gomenne) + "Kikuo"
"天国へ行こう" (Let's Go to Heaven) + "Kikuo"
"愛して愛して愛して" (Aishite Aishite Aishite) + "Kikuo"
"あなぐらぐらし " (Anagura-gurashi) + "Kikuo"
"My Time OMORI ver." + "Kikuo" and "Hatsune Miku"
"Beasts" + "thquib" and "Hatsune Miku"
"Hayloft" + "thquib" and "Hatusune Miku" and "GUMI"
"The Court Jester" + "thquib" and "FUKASE"
"Glass Ocean" + "Machine Girl"
Sin to Win!" + "Machine Girl"
"mos thoser" + "food house" and "Gupi" and "Fraxiom"
"bloodstains" + "100 gecs"
"Coin locker Baby" + "Maretu"
"SIU" + "Maretu"
"Magical Doctor" + "Maretu"
"Tool" + "Maretu"
"DARLING" + "Maretu"
"Pink" + "Maretu"
"Therefor you and me" + "si-o"
"アブノーマリティ・ダンシンガール" (Abnormality Dancin' Girl) + "ぐちり" (Guchiry)
"BUG" + "Kairikibear"
"ベノム" (Venom) + "Kairikibear" and "flower"
"Friday Theme - Crunchy" + "Uglyburger0"
"Amygdala's Rag Doll" + "Ghost and Pals"
"Aura" + "Ghost and Pals"
"Entomologists" + "Ghost and Pals"
"Reckless Battery Burns" + "Ghost and Pals" and "Vane Lily"
"Roleplaying Game" + "soramafuurasaka"
"'Cause I'm a Liar" + "Mcki Robyns-P"
"Traffic Jam" + "NILFRUITS"
"Chemical Burn" + "Sophiaaaahjkl;8901"
"Bitter Choco Decoration" + "syudou"
"SeeU Letter" + "Ankimo"
"The Earth of Planet" + "Man_boo" and "Iroha Nekomura"
"ChuChu Lovely MuniMuni MuraMura PrinPrin Boron Nururu ReroRero" + "MAXIMUM THE HORMONE"
"Gossip" + "Burning Sexuality"
"KING" + "Kanaria"
"Alien Alien" + "Nayutalien"
"ゴチャゴチャうるせー!" (Stop Nagging Me!) + "Owata-P"
"【鬼蜘蛛ト狐ノ獅子ト 】The Spider and the Kitsune-Like Lion" + "CristianMirror"
"エゴイスト" (Egoist) + "Parsley Onuma"
"インモラルアクトレス" (Immoral Actress) + "yuchaP"
"Fucking Freaking Futile Freddy" + "öOoOoOoOoOo"
"Ghost" + "nelward"
"Kawaii Desho" + "Moe Shop"
"Notice" + "Moe Shop" and "TORIENA"
"Lost Umbrella" + "INABAKUMORI"
"help_urself" + "Ezekiel"
"M.I.L.F" + "Funkin' Sound Team" and "Kawai Sprite"
"Team" + "Mag.Lo"
"She's Homeless" + "CreepP"
"World Is Mine" + "AshZone"
"The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku" + "dj-Jo" and "CircusP"
"Mind Brand" + "dj-Jo" and "Kuraiinu"
"コノヨLoading..." (Konoyo Loading) + "Reol"
"劣等上等" (Bring It On) + "Giga"
"輪廻転生" (Reincarnation) + "Mafumafu"
"ロストワンの号哭" (The Lost One's Weeping) + "Neru"
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dividers from @/violetbudd and @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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teakoodrawz · 1 year
if you dont mind with hc asks. What are your voice hcs with scc? I'd like to know your takes in them
[Mic test mic test!!! Full script undercut!!! ]
[ ❤️ || Sweet -> Revtrosity - you already knew how it sounded if you ever watched this video on youtube and heard his voice acting of sweet cap'n cakes. i tried to find any specific artists with song associations that fits their tone but so far i didn't got it right so i think from revtrosity seemed sm better and fitting bcuz he voice acted them really good imo. With Sweet sounding deep and their voice being raspy (and also quite robotic buzz sound with all the editing) was the perfect voice for them (he's the best ut/dr voice actor with hilarious humors screaming over his mic he was once my fav) ]
[ 💙 || Cap'n -> Lin-Manuel Miranda - oh boi let me tell you about this one..i LOVE associating Cap'n with lin-manuel ESPECIALLY from the netflix animated movie Vivo because those two characters reminded me alot of each other and because this talented kinkajou, Vivo was...a coward. but also passionate and funny (a bit more..exaggerated). Also did his very best to do the right thing for his friend because its the last thing he could do for him. really reminded me alot of cap'n with his bandmates so I BEG of you to try listening to some lin-Manuel songs especially the Hamilton. and imagine it'scap'en I luv it sm or else I'd drag your noodle legs into my hole-- /j/j]
[ 💚 || Cakes (k_k) -> Revtrosity- his voice acting of k_k did fit really well too so I'd choosed this one bcuz I dont know where to actually find the best voice tone for k_k (I also almost associated Cakes with Tanjiro Kamado for many reasons) also I do have an alternative voice hc from the song Role-playing Game by SoraMafuUraSaka with the member named MafuMafu almost sounded like k_k to me if you listen to their song parts. ]
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dyed-indigo · 2 years
been thinking about that long playlist post. why was mafumafu on there. like i feel like after the second addition it stopped being at all objective and started being about artists that the people reblogging personally dislike and probably saw on a character playlist once, however. what is mafumafu even there for. if it’s his vocaloid originals those would be on the kinds of playlists that kikuo, maretu, and kairiki bear would be on and those artists are far far more overused. if it’s for his covers then miyashita yuu is at least as overused if not more (and more overrated as well, in my opinion). if it’s for his original songs that he actually sings then. what playlists are those on. are people putting the soramafuurasaka songs on individual character playlists. i’m not even a goddamn fan of mafumafu but. it just doesn’t make sense to me for him to be included in that post and not some other much more overused characters.
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aexther · 2 years
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1.    𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒  /  𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Aerynn (I’m fine with being called Alex if we’re friend.)
2.    𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘:  January 22
3.    𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂  𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍: Aquarius
4.    𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓:  5′4″
5.    𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒:  Graphism, Chatting, Rping, Video Games, Listening to music..
6.    𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄  𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑:  Orange
7.    𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄  𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊:  Horimiya and SpyxFamily
8.    𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓  𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆: RPG - soramafuurasaka (Soraru, Mafumafu, Uratanuki, Sakata)
9.    𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓  𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄  /  𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖: Healer Girl.. >w>;;
10.    𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓  𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃: Daisy: How To Become The Count Fiancée
11.    𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: Depends of what I feel like writting or just go with whatever is crossing my mind. 
12.    𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘  𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃  𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑  𝐔𝐑𝐋: AlexandraxSuoh is her name, Aexther is based on my main url. 
13.   𝐅𝐔𝐍  𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓: I told myself I’ll write with his EnStars/Modern verse but.. A certain girl had the attention instead of him. >w> Probably why my friends get me in their shenanigans.
Tagged by: I’m everyone favourite thief! :D (Stole from N on the dash XD)
Tagging: Steal it and @ me. 
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