#sxs poetry
dawnssky-moved · 8 months
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 7 months
athena and apollo headcanons?
also guess who
@txny-dragon IS THAT U (if not i'm sorry txny is the only person i've really screamed about this with - well, and chronic...👀)
Athena and Apollo???!!!! hrmmm...
Athena always got annoyed whenever she saw Hermes hanging around Apollo, especially during 'her' time with him. She's a competitive person, after all. Quit eating up her time!
Apollo got Athena to play the flute again - however, she only plays it around him.
He also taught her how to play the harp. Why the harp? idk, Athena would just look very poised playing a harp
Their first argument was over prophecy - Athena was experimenting with some pebbles for prophecy and Apollo got upset about it and complained to Zeus, who told Athena to leave prophecy alone.
Subtle bonding over being Daddy's Favorite and how that isolated Athena immediately and over time with Apollo.
Athena based her own parenting style off of Zeus's - the only parental figure she has. Apollo based his off his mother's.
Surprisingly, their conversations can be like:
Apollo: Athena, NO!
Athena: Athena, YES!
Athena quietly felt bad after the Olympian Rebellion when she saw Apollo's mortal punishment - but she was too self-persevering to think on it for long.
she still snuck him extra ambrosia dessert when he returned and listened to him as he told her about how cruel Laomedon had been
They have friendly arguments over who's city is better - Sparta, or Athens. Athena's mood, however, lowers if Ares is within earshot. Then it turns into a yelling match between the two war gods with an awkward Apollo standing Right There.
Arts and crafts sessions - weaving, painting, usually ends with somebody (Athena) covered in paint and somebody (Apollo) tied in thread.
They both have "Can Use The Aegis" Privileges from Zeus - Athena uses them more often, Apollo has used it exactly once during The Trojan War
Apollo gave Athena the cold shoulder after The Trojan War for helping Achilles kill Hector. Athena tried to tell herself that it didn't matter he wasn't speaking to her - she didn't need friends, after all! - but when she saw how he would speak with Dionysus, Hermes, Artemis, and even - bleh! - Ares over her...it made her stomach twist in ways she never thought it could
She used Orestes's trial as a way to get back into Apollo's good graces - she really did believe Orestes valid for killing his mother (it was on Apollo's orders, after all) but if it came with the perk of Apollo's icy-cold shoulder melting? *zips lips*
As Artemis and Apollo slowly drifted apart, Athena gladly stepped in and started taking up more of Apollo's usual Artemis time - something he thought Artemis wouldn't notice, but she did.
(this, of course, leads to some stink-eyes between Athena and Artemis. platonic love triangle beloved)
Athena is the only one who suspects that the "flaying Marsyas alive" thing was a hoax - she was the one who put the curse on the flute, after all. But she never sensed the death of the one who picked it up.
When Rome came around, and Athena morphed into Minerva, it put Apollo off-kilter. He didn't quite know who this was anymore - sure, she was still the craft goddess he messed around with, and was a heck of a lot more interested in poetry, music, and medicine now, but...she just wasn't quite the Athena he knew.
He became more worried when the raging began. Minerva would flicker into Athena, and Apollo's heart would leap - she's back! she's okay! she's still here! - but then drop as all Athena would do is scream bloody vengeance upon Rome, and he realized that he was right.
Minerva wasn't the Athena he knew...but neither was the one before him.
When his fellow gods' Greek/Rome halves melded together after the fall of the Roman Empire, he was particularly worried about how that would affect Athena - and for a while, it seemed like nothing had.
(Though strangely she was suddenly interested in having kids. Not that there's anything wrong with that, he just never thought Athena would want to be a mom. She never said anything of the sort to him before...)
Then she sent her first child to retrieve the Athena Parthenos. They didn't return. She sent another. Same story. Over and over. Over and over. Apollo watched as Athena kept sacrificing her children for that damn statue the Romans stole.
Apollo tried to talk to her, to knock some sense into her, but nothing worked. Not until they moved all across Europe, and she finally stopped (for now).
In the modern day, they like to visit museums, art galleries, and theaters. Dionysus used to join them up until his punishment.
Athena attends every concert/party Apollo puts on. Partly because she wants to, and partly to flip the bird at Artemis, who rarely shows up.
(i swear i love artemis athena just isn't that fond of her. platonic love triangle beloved)
(txny if the anon is you...you'd get this next one)
Manwhore Manipulate Manslaughter. That's it that's the post.
While it's widely believed that Artemis does a lot of damage control for Apollo when their father cracks down on him - and she does - Athena is another major player in the game. (see: the Parthenon in Blood of Olympus - Athena being the only one to (covertly) defend Apollo, while Jason is the only one to openly defend him. Two underrated people, these two are.)
Why she can't openly defend him? It's because she knows Zeus sweats in his shoes ahem. becomes...concerned when his two favorite, and Very Powerful children form an alliance.
While she was unable to prevent Apollo's third mortality punishment, Athena believed whole-heartedly the entire time that he would return. He had to. He was Apollo, he was her friend, her brother, and he couldn't just leave her by herself die. So when Hermes made that betting pool? She betted on Apollo's success. Partly to gloat to the Council about being right, partly to throw the failed bet into Hermes's face, and partly because she liked winding Ares up.
I also firmly believe Athena was doing some deux ex machina on Apollo's behalf throughout the series. Artemis couldn't get away with it, sure, she had Zeus's eagle eye on her - but Athena? Why would Zeus ever consider her as a possible person to disobey him? Why I never-
The nod she gave him in The Tower of Nero is her equivalent of a bone-crushing hug.
Athena helped Apollo write his story with Calliope's help - they made two versions: the heavily censored version they gave to Zeus for him to parade around, and another, secret version - the one Apollo has in his library, the one Athena has in hers.
The one we have read.
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vampirepunks · 1 month
Higgs Monaghan's MBTI + Enneagram Typology (pt. 1)
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(disclaimer: this is my opinion based on deep character study, eight or so years of special interest in typology, and subjective interpretation. if you wanna argue, good luck finding my PDB. friendly debate is fine.)
MBTI: ENTP (Ne-Ti-Fe-Si)
Enneagram: 7w8
Instinctual Variant: sx/sp
Tritype: 782
MBTI Analysis
This one is easy. Higgs displays all of the classic ENTP traits. He's well-read, adaptable, strategic, authentic, contrarian/anarchistic, charismatic, energetic, emotionally guarded, impulsive, and excessively idealistic. ENTPs come in two flavors: rebel with a cause, and rebel without a cause. The former typically has a strong alignment to enneagrams 1, 7, or 8, whereas the latter is more likely to be rooted somewhere in 6, 5, or 9. This can be a pull from within the tritype or wing, but we'll get to that. Higgs is, quite obviously, the former. His rebellious nature is driven by idealism first and foremost.
ENTPs are "introverted extroverts." They thrive in the spotlight, crave attention, and love being the loudest presence in the room. However, unlike "true" extroverts (i.e. see: ESFP) they require plenty of personal space and time on their own to nurture their inner worlds, reflect on their feelings and values, and retreat into the safety of their own private minds. In a reasonably healthy ENTP, this time is often spent pursuing knowledge, fresh ideas, and deeper meaning in the world, through things like literature, arts, and creative pursuits or pet projects. In an unhealthy ENTP, that focus goes towards obsessions, fixations, and hedonism. Such as... making a conspiracy board, covering the walls in manic writings and pictures of their no. 1 enemy, and drinking... a lot. Hello, Higgs.
Function Stack Breakdown
ENTP's cognitive function stack is Ne-Ti-Fe-Si.
Ne (extroverted intuition): First and foremost, ENTPs live in a world of possibilities. Like INTJs, they live somewhere between their minds and bodies, existing in a nebulous sense of insight and personal sentiment. Where INTJ sees how the world "should" be, ENTP sees the world as it could be. This trait is amplified intensely by a core fix in enneagram 7, which many consider to be ENTP's most likely/common enneagram alignment. Ne is constantly tinkering with a thousand ideas at once, scattered in all directions. Higgs embodies this beautifully; he is an intrepid explorer, both in the material world and in the realm of ideas and philosophies, shown by his love of literature, his hands-on approach to life, his sensory fixations (must! touch! everything!), and his deep investment in history. He takes external ideas in and challenges them, redefining them to his liking. This shows in his adoption of the ancient Egyptian aesthetic/practices after reading about them, his poetry references, his adjustment of literary quotes to change the meaning ("sound and righteous fury"), and his overall fascination with the world around him.
Ti (introverted thinking): ENTPs prefer to act based on logic over emotion, processing the world through what makes sense and where their curiosity takes them. They love puzzles, problems in need of solutions, and detail-oriented issues. The Ne-Ti axis makes an educated, mature ENTP a capable, adaptable strategist who always has a plan and the ability to craft an entirely new plan B, C, D, etc, all the way to Z on a moment's notice. They're rarely shaken by change, likely to relish the challenge presented by unpredictability. This shows in Higgs' accomplishments both as a porter and terrorist, earning him a reputation as "a damn good leader" and later, a fearsome foe with the presence of "a ruthless emperor" (thank you, DS novel Sam). As highlighted by the novelization, his leadership pre-Amelie was defined by idealistic yet practical solutions. He was insightful and precise in determining that the resource shortage wasn't a shortage at all, but an issue of unequal distribution brought on by greed, corporate hierarchy, and distrust. He showed people that they didn't need to sacrifice freedom in exchange for security, they only needed to pitch in and share fairly, and he backed his promises up with results and an olive branch by cooperatively setting up a new distribution system and bringing supplies from his territory in the West. Meanwhile, in the intellectual sense, Higgs is a skeptic. Due to his mental roots in Ne, he wants to believe in things, but he can't until he's thoroughly questioned them, examined them from all angles, and tested them. When Ne says "jump," Ti says "wait." This causes a constant push-pull between reckless impulsivity and calculated caution. Thus, Higgs is inquisitive and curious, with Sam describing him (again, in the novel) as a truth-seeker, reminding him of a philosopher. In line with the classic image of the ENTP personality, Higgs thrives in a vast marketplace of ideas and values, picking and choosing the ones that suit him after playing with each and every single one of the available options, especially if he has someone to bounce his thoughts off of. ENTPs are masters of the "yes and," but due to their weaker Fe-Si axis, they're also vulnerable to being manipulated and exploited for their ingenuity and inexhaustible drive. Higgs dives head-first into Amelie's promises, but then spirals when he realizes she's not telling him the whole truth. He intuitively knows when someone is hiding things from him and he isn't content to just let it go. If answers aren't freely given, he'll form his own and act upon them. "If there's another layer to this, I can't work it out -> Dear diary, today I nuked Middle Knot City."
Fe (extroverted feeling): Herein lies ENTP's soft side. Contrary to popular belief, the feeling function of MBTI goes much deeper than simple emotions; it determines moral direction (inward vs. outward) and social dynamics. Fi (introverted feeling) pushes against the grain, concerning *my* feelings and values, whereas Fe goes with the grain, concerned with *our* feelings and values. Fi is a rugged individualist, Fe is a team player. The tertiary function is a point of conflict for all personality types, and it doesn't usually develop until middle age unless significant trauma work or self-awareness development occurs earlier in life. Higgs has both. His early journals show the expected disconnection with his feeling function, as he resists the idea of group values, and denounces the notion of community as unsafe and unrealistic. This is why many ENTPs, especially below the age of 40+, are considered insensitive and disruptive; they haven't developed the balance between nitpicky Ti and open-hearted Fe. After shaking off his instinctive and learned aversion to group attachments, Higgs quickly does a 180 into "I'm an altruist now" and dedicates his life to serving others, going so far as to "offer my soul to this world while I live." More about this when it comes to his emotional center in enneagram 2, which amplifies his Fe. Overall, Higgs displays high Fe and thus has high empathy. He makes strong use of the Ne-Fe axis to imagine others' viewpoints and feelings, making attempts to step outside of himself to try and understand others on a deeper level. Anything an ENTP can understand, they can work with. Thus, they can be highly forgiving when there's a good explanation and they're not likely to hold grudges if they can relate. Here's hoping that factors into DS2.
Si (introverted sensing): The inferior function is every MBTI type's greatest weak point, second only to the "blind" eighth function which is essentially not consciously used at all. The inferior function acts to balance the dominant function, kicking in as a rescue mechanism when the usual approach fails or stress overload causes the given personality to begin breaking down. Being forced to use this function otherwise requires conscious effort and is, in turn, highly stressful and overwhelming. The inferior is an area of insecurity and discomfort. ENTP's inferior is Si, meaning they struggle with seeing projects through to the end, handling the day-to-day minutia of life, learning from past mistakes, and neglecting physical health due to poor internal bodily awareness. And oh boy, Higgs displays this in spades. Granted, he's absolutely suffering from chiral contamination and mind control don't forget the mind control but... still. His house is a wreck, he appears to eat little more than pizza, alcohol, and soda, he struggles with the gravity of life not bending to his idealistic efforts. Further, he believes it's on him to save the world all by himself despite evidence to the contrary, and this isn't even based in a god complex, he's just that caught up in what he wants to achieve and he can't see past it to why that's an unsustainable attitude. He creates unrealistic expectations for himself, punishes himself for *checks notes* being human, and is constantly seeking new, sweeping solutions to Fix Everything™ instead of spending his time putting in the work and giving himself breathing room to let his efforts pay off. He doesn't take stock of the good he's done, the things he's accomplished, the way people looked up to him (these folks called him King Midas!!), he simply pushes forward to the next big thing, fashioning himself Atlas with the burden of the world weighing down upon his shoulders. Always planning, always moving, incapable of sitting still or tolerating boredom.
Final thoughts before moving on
Overall, Higgs is like most ENTPs (who are sadly much more common in fiction--usually as a quirky protagonist or witty, Joker-esque villain) in that they are dynamic personalities, the best of whom have brilliant minds and restless spirits that create an even mix of genius and madness, and the worst of whom become internet trolls (Higgs is not immune to this, cough cough, the pizza emails) who provoke people for fun with little regard for others' needs or feelings. ENTPs have a quiet, soft side that's quite sensitive, fears judgment, and craves attention/validation. Once appropriately matured and self-aware, these personalities become surprisingly empathetic, directing their high-energy zest for life into everything they touch. Higgs is a beautiful, beautiful representation of the mature-but-unhealthy ENTP.
(part two: enneagram deep dive)
(Sam analysis)
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reptiles-of-the-mind · 4 months
❦ welcome to my blog!! ❦
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My name is Eve!! You may learn about me below—
IDENTITIES: Lesbian; genderfae; ace-spec; soft butch; xenogender
PRONOUNS: she/her; he/him; they/them; fey/fem/feyr/feyrs/femself; ve/vim/vis/vis/vimself
PERSONALITY TYPOLOGY: INFP; 4w5; sp/sx; 459; IEI-Ni; ELFV; Phlegmatic-Melancholic
MENTAL STATE: Synaesthesia; questioning/in diagnosis ADHD
INTERESTS: Art history; art practice; literature; reading poetry; writing poetry; MoistCr1TiKaL / penguinz0; philosophy; spirituality; music; film; aesthetics; perfumes; languages; personality typology; clouds; tattoos; Wikipedia; making plushies
☙ BOOK: Orlando by Virginia Woolf
☙ WRITER: Michele Leggott
☙ FILM: The World To Come (2020) dir. Mona Fastvold
☙ SHOW: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
☙ SONG: Oceanic Feeling by Lorde
☙ BAND: The Gentle Men
☙ ARTIST: Nicolas Poussin
☙ ART MOVEMENT: Renaissance / Pre-Raphaelite (i can't choose)
MISCELLANEOUS: Forever optimist; free Palestine; pantheist, atheist, non-theistic Satanist, secular humanist; taken; Aotearoa; my favourite colour is brown; I love double exclamation marks, em dashes, and oxford commas; my heart's home is in the clouds; art is my favourite thing in the world (other than my s/o); I spent eighty dollars on a bust of Tchaikovsky for my room <3
DNI: Mspec lesbian haters; proship; NSFW-focused blogs; radfems & terfs; current fans of DSMP or Harry Potter; Taylor Swift stans/defenders (casual fans are okay); pro-Israel
LINKS: Spotify for my full music taste, Letterboxd for my full film taste
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credits— icon by @calamityedits ; dividers by @cafekitsune ; turn it into art by @demiiwhiffin ; dni banner by @longe-boy (deactivated)
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lumpyorgan4799 · 11 months
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Dennis Nilsen notes: 
“How to explain the irresistible compulsion to join the sea, to be part of it, to sink into the solace of its company? His mother would think him mad! A love for sea has never ceased to feed his imagination in the years since he left Scotland. “I am at one with visions of breaks in the dark wild sky,’ he writes. “With heavenly shafts of light searching the grumbling sea.” > pg. 51 || indicative of the SX instinct 
‘Dennis, however, rarely participated or joined in; still melancholic and drawn to the sea, he formed no close friendships with the children of his new neighbourhoods.’ 
‘He was, in the local word, a ‘Skowkie’ child, unsmiling and resentful of questioning adults, to whom he gave a clear impression of disgust and reserve.’ > 
Dennis confirmed that he felt cold towards the family  — there wasn’t anyone he had positive feelings for except for his grandfather. > 
‘In those days, I could hate my stepfather, Adam Scott very easily. I was, I suppose, very jealous of him having a relationship with my mother. 
‘I was a very lonely and turbulent child. I inhabited my own secret world full of ideal and imaginary friends. Nature had mismatched me from the flock.’ > Ni + enneagram image 4 + E5 influence 
In spite of Dennis having school-mates, he would often wander the fields and woods alone  — lost in his own thoughts and head. 
‘He felt inferior and ashamed; he did not dare approach him, but merely hovered in the playground watching him and trying to get near him, his legs quivering like jelly.”  > SO 4
‘He was a frail and skinny boy, very self-conscious, introverted, and shy’
. ‘then he must indulge his secret emotions in private, where the imagination rules  — not reality.’ > enneagram 5w4 
‘Dennis was aroused by the image of himself, but of himself only as a dead man. Love and death were becoming dangerously mingled in his mind, as he remembered the image of his adored dead grandfather.’ > image type 4 (idealism of own self). Quietly in the quarters of his mind, Dennis was dead, too. 
‘Dennis especially enjoyed the free ambiance of equality, which accorded well with his rapidly developing sense of idealism in political matters.’  
‘His mother recalls that he would stay up late listening to music and writing poetry. He was a moody uncommunicative stranger in the house.’ > strong BETA NF (EIE/IEI) 
‘So the endless search for companionship continued.’ > SX INSTINCT 
‘Motivated by a strong social conscience, he quickly became immersed in the task and it was not long until he was a branch secretary’ 
‘Work became an obsessive substitute for an empty life, and since he seemed unable to convey his concern for individuals in any way which they understood or could accept, he would devote his concern to the nebulous concept of mankind in general’. 
‘He was too keen, too impulsive, too angry; they wondered what deep irritations fed his manic eagerness.’ > high neuroticism (big 5) 
Dennis was no diplomat; he was impatient of the strategy whereby an important objective was attained by subtle means. > Te frustration 
in their view, he was volatile and excitable, and although they could not fault his work (indeed, he worked harder than most). 
He was not, and never would consent to be, submissive. On the contrary, he fought with ever increasing vigour to break, bend, or divert the rules which he seemed to think were being applied for his personal chastisement. > Enneagram 8 + Se (socionics) 
He was meticulously efficient and a workaholic 
his demeanour was confusing; he could be abrupt, short-tempered, impatient, and driven by a need to talk without pause, or even better to argue. He was passionate in debate. When aroused, he would be wonderfully sarcastic. On the other hand, he was at times docile, generous and kind. 
There were plenty of occasions when he generated real laughter. On the other hand, he was secretive and erratic. 
One of the most astonishing aspects of the case is Nilsen’s ability to go about his daily work with energy and enthusiasm, to go out for drinks, walk the dog, and even entertain people peacefully at his flat. All while there was a collection of bodies under his floor or cupboard. > low Si (socionics) 
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Valerio Propaganda
And the last post I’ve prepared for propaganda! Just random little facts about Valerio to add some more depth to him.
Something I probably should have mentioned in the beginning: he’s a character created for the specific TV show! It takes place somewhere in the 19th century (I think so at least), in the kingdom inspired by several Latin American countries
I have something prepared for him for each period of his life but my fanfic where he’s one of the main characters is focused on his 35-42, so he’s best known as an adult traumatized man
In my fanfic he’s introduced as a school history teacher and later on becomes the main character’s mentor
The main goals of his journey: to accept his past and embrace it as an integral part of himself, to be more flexible and learn how to listen to other people, to know his purpose in life as he’s never truly known it due to his rigid parents and the chains (read: gloves) in which he shackled himself
Since I’m kinda interested in this topic, his MBTI is ENFJ and his enneagram type is 2 (so/sx)! I’m not sure about the wing, it changes all the time, but usually he resembles 2w3 more
His birthdate is on August 18th and his Zodiac Sign is Leo! roar
Random facts (to be continued if he goes further ;)):
Valerio was very close with his mother, and they had one tradition: every year they made wooden ships together and floated them to the sea in honor of their birthdays, since they both were born in August (his mom is a Leo, too!). They always dreamt of traveling together but couldn’t, so they also wrote their wishes on the ship sails. The ships embodied those wishes, as they symbolized how “they could lift the anchor that was holding them and set sail towards what they aspired to.”
He went to boarding school and dedicated several months to drawing its map with all secret passages in order to run away (not in the sense that he never came back - just occasionally leaving the school to have some adventures outside its walls; he was sneaky~ yet he was one of the brightest students among his classmates)
He went by Rio when he was younger (it’s like Valerio and he understood perfectly that it made no sense but he still loved it, haha)
His mother was a jeweler, and he got the engagement ring for Leticia from her before her death in hope he would find someone truly dear to him someday (and he did 💔)
He started writing poetry before he fell in love with Leticia and then decided to share a few poems with her, which he regretted, because she was a poet herself and a waaay better one
He used to work in a historical museum as a guide
He knows many, many people and he’s good friends with most of them, but he has this one best friend who’s always been by his side no matter what he was going through whether it was his mother’s death, wife’s death, or the fire accident. His name is Matías, and he’s fantastic, the friend ever <3
And I’ve stored all propaganda posts in this one so you can easily find and read them without searching for them!
General Information
Young Valerio
Valerio and Leticia
Valerio’s trauma
That’s it for now! I have an ongoing arc for him in my fanfic, so I can’t share everything I have in store for him without spoiling, but I hope he’s got to catch your eye!
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to babble about my best man and show him to so many people! He’s an embodiment of so many character tropes I like and he’s so important to me on a personal level, too, so I’ll be grateful to each and every vote he gets 🖤
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izzy-b-hands · 10 months
daisy, plumeria, and lavender!
Ella!! Thank u 🫂❤️!
Daisy— what is your idea of the perfect date?
I want to say something fancy, because I do have Dream Date Ideas that are v fancy (a night to the theatre, or going on a slightly longer drive to visit something interesting, a nice dinner somewhere normally neither person could afford but you can if you split the bill, etc) but all of those rely on me being in the right frame of mind and prepared to deal with any new or weird sensory stuff. And unfortunately, my brain isn't doing so hot in regulating that at the current time.
So for now, I would definitely lean towards something like a regular movie date, or even better for me personally:
Rent a hotel room, split the cost (so neither of you have to know where the other person lives if you aren't at a stage to be trusting them with that info yet), and have a movie night and/or gaming night there. You can order room service, be comfortable and assured that if the person winds up being an ass, you can call downstairs and get the fuck out of there. Plus, if it gets to the point of fucking, you're already on the bed and can multitask with whatever you're watching.
It's admittedly a weirdly lazy one (or so I've been told lmao), but I don't like the idea of putting high expectations on this stuff if you don't have/want to. It should be enough to want to hang out together at all, see how you feel abt each other, and go from there to different/fancier/etc date stuff.
Plumeria— are you currently working on any creative projects? if so, what kinds?
I'm working on my Izzy Hands Bingo Card prompts (six done! But more to go if I want to get a blackout on the card!) and also plan to do some of the prompts for the Our Flag Au-gust post that's been going around.
Aside from those I should really be trying to make a video poem for Button Poetry's video contest (opens in a few days!), but I've such low confidence in my writing at the moment that I'm not sure i can be vulnerable enough to write a decent poem lmao.
Lavender— what is currently on your mind (aside from this ask game)?
I'm stoned off my ass, so a stupid number of things, which is only slightly more than when I'm sober, but-
I want to be more productive, but I keep burning out whenever I even vaguely try to put the metaphorical pedal to the metal and I don't know how to fix myself. There are dishes I need to do. I need to remember how to be vulnerable and a little more stupid and vapid so I can get out of my own head and be brave enough to post more writing, original and fic. I need another tattoo. I need to ace my job interview tomorrow so I can make more money faster and be able to afford said tattoo. I need my grandfather to be okay after his knee replacement sx this fall (he probably will be but he's got high blood pressure and our family has an unfortunate pattern of dying during routine medical procedures, and he already nearly did that once with his appendix while he was in the Air Force, but who's to say that doesn't mean this time it would be The Time?) I should be better. I want to learn to be okay with being worse.
And I have a slice of cake Housemate bought for me tonight, sitting beside me. If I can manage even three more calls on my next shift (930-1215) then I'll let myself eat it as a reward, even though I need a lot more than three calls. But I'm trying not to think about that last bit too much.
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gg-selvish · 1 year
Hey, you’re in dnf spaces, right? Do you know where this idea of Sapnap and George having not been close before George moved to Florida is coming from? Genuinely. I keep seeing the narrative they only tolerated each other for Dream and now that they live together Sapnap stopped being an unreasonable brat or something and was finally mature enough to be worth George’s attention (and not in a fictional story way). And I just don’t know where it came from.
bro i gave up dnfers have hated anything georgenap related /p /r /sx doesnt matter. theyve waxed poetry about their ongoing banter being genuine hatred since 2020 despite the fact that they have had so many good moments and have been exposed by their friends for having a really solid friendship where they support each other. they flirt just as much as everyone else does but it implies george could like someone who isnt dream (especially sapnap who we all know they hate for 'getting in the way of dnf') so its demonized. ive seen it all: staying together for dream, hating each other the whole time theyve been friends, grooming accusations to discredit shippers due to their slight age difference. its all nonsense. just block and ignore it like i do
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damayantia · 10 months
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welcome DAMAYANTI ‘DAMIATA’ SIVASANKAR. you hail from VIJAYANAGARA and have been risen to the position of a COURTESAN. you are a member of the house of COLONNA and will go down in history as the MUSE. though you are CONDESCENDING & CALLOUS, you are blessed with being BEGUILING and DISCERNING.
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links.  character  study  /  playlist  /  pinterest  /  threads
NAME:  damayanti  sivasankar  NICKNAME:  damiata,  dami  AGE:  thirty-eight  PLACE OF BIRTH:  vijayanagara  IMPERIUM:  rome  GENDER:  cisgender  woman  PRONOUNS:  she/her  ORIENTATION:  bisexual  RELIGION:  shaivism  PARENTS:  sivasankar  vikramaditya  &  bhima devi  SIBLINGS  one  brother  LANGUAGES:  tamil,  telugu,  kannada,  portuguese,  latin  (  fluent  )    urdu,  italian,  french,  arabic  (  conversational  )    english,  mandarin  (  learning  )    spanish  (  reliant on intelligibility from the other romance languages  )    sanskrit,  hindi  (  childhood’s  forgotten  tongues  )  EDUCATION:  private  tutoring  TITLE:  courtesan  INTERESTS:  martial  arts,  poetry,  natural  philosophy,  fine  art   HOBBIES:  swordplay,  archery,  hunting,  singing  LABEL  the  muse
mbti. entp-a  enneagram. 3w2,  the  enchanter  instinct. sx/so  character inspo.  helen,  the  iliad  /  daenerys  targaryen,  a  song  of  ice  and  fire  /  kaeya,  genshin  impact  /  dazai  osamu,  bungou  stray  dogs  /  serval,  honkai:  star  rail
beguiling,  discerning,  mellifluous,  determined
condescending,  callous,  ruthless,  deceptive
character  study  TBD
known    most    everywhere    through  her  perhaps-scandalous  links  with  the  de  facto  ruler  of  rome,    damayanti    —    also  known  as  damiata    —    is  a  figure  who  confounds  understanding:    a  non-believer  reigning  as  the  queen  of  beauty  in  the  eternal  city,    whose  visage  has  been  writ  by  many  a  roman  artist  in  their  canvas.    she  is  charming  and  witty,    yet  all  her  intelligence  seems  to  be  geared  towards  ensuring  immortality  of  her  fair  form.    she  plays  at  expectations  and  makes  the  crowd  part  of  her    —    not  make  herself  part  of  the  crowd,    which  is  a  very  subtle  yet  important  distinction.    she  could  revel  with  the  drunkards  at  the  taverns  yet  converse  ever  so  delightfully  with  the  bluebloods  in  their  chateaus  and  fortifications.  in  short:    a  woman  of  any  occasion,    or  perhaps  a  woman  of  many  masks.
in    truth,      her  reservation  about  her  past  is  less  a  thing  cultivated  to  incite  curiosity  and  more  just  a  natural  reaction  to  the  plight  that  her  family  experienced  when  she  was  young,    fleeing  another  country  simply  because  they  gambled  wrongly.    she  is  perceptive  yet  deceptive  but  also  endlessly  indecisive:    she  charms  people  to  know  their  secrets,    yet  does  almost  next-to-nothing  with  them,    preferring  to  keep  it  to  herself  to  the  point  of  seeming  fruitlessness.    what’s  important  to  her,    however,    is  that  she  knows  others  yet  others  don’t  know  her:    a  guardedness  borne  from  exile.
1392.  a son is born to bhima devi and sivasankar,  the former a renowned poetess and the latter a court adviser in the employ of emperor harihara ii of vijayanagara. 
1394.  damayanti is born to sivasankar and bhima devi.  in the same year,  a portuguese merchant settles in vijayanagara.  he is quickly contracted under the sivasankar household as a languages tutor for the children.  damayanti is educated alongside her brother.
1405.  the death of harihara ii paves the way for virupaksha raya’s accession to the royal throne of vijayanagara.  however,  with the succession disputed by his other brothers,  his reign is short-lived.  virupaksha is eventually murdered by his sons.  having been in the employ of the murdered king,  the sivasankar family looks as if they might share their lord’s fate.  however,  their tutor arranges passage for them alongside him back to portugal.
1406.  having arrived in portugal, the sivasankar household experiences a difficult start in establishing themselves. they sell off their treasured possessions — whatever few they can smuggle with their escape — and begin attempts for a burgeoning mercantile trade, specialising in goods exported from the east.
1413.  with the family having found its footing after many long years,  damayanti takes after her erstwhile tutor and takes up travelling.
142?.  eventually,  she settles in italy.
1432.  she arrives at the court of king charles of france as julius’ courtesan.
mercantile  links  through  her  family’s  trading  empire,    courts  she  may  have  visited  in  her  travels,    husbands  whose  wives  she’s  slept  with,    wives  who  she’s  seduced,    artists  and  poets  and  other  creatives  she  enamoured,    philosophers  she  discoursed  with,    a  person  she  might  have  unwittingly  insulted,    people  she’s  outraged  over  her  ‘artist’s  passions,’    etc.
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dawnssky-moved · 9 months
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
can you help me with my mbti and enneagram/instinct and maybe my tritype if you can? i’m very intense and emotional, i tend to wallow in my feelings and feel them deeply. i’m more of an introvert i think, though i tend to feel lonely often and need deep connections with other people. i love and hate deeply, and i feel things on a deeper level than most people i think. i feel that i crave love and affection, and i want to be seen as who i am and be loved for who i am deep down, even if i may be a difficult person to swallow/believe i’m inherently bad deep down. i feel like i’m temperamental and moody, my emotions are always changing and my identity is always changing despite a wish to find out who i really am. i love helping people, but i can be selfish when it comes to my own feelings. i’m disorganized/messy, i don’t really have a set schedule for myself though i like knowing what to expect. i love poetry and writing and psychology, as i used to want to be a writer and now want to be a psychologist as i enjoy delving into the darker parts of the human brain as well as helping people. overall i mostly define myself by my emotional intensity and my fluctuating moods. i get easily attached and obsessive. i would really appreciate the help, i’ve changed types so many times and am sorta desperate for a second opinion
Sounds like an NFP 4w3 so/sx.
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theseandi · 2 years
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michelle, born july 1st. i hyperfixate a lot and to those who stick around despite that ilysm<3
a few things i love: music, fashion, makeup, perfume, desserts, coffee, poetry and video games. i play ffxiv, genshin impact, honkai star rail, acnh, style savvy series, mh:rise, and bg3
i post certain things that i am aware may be triggering to others so here are some tags to watch: bloodstained, spilled blood, horror, sx (sex), nd (partial/full nudity), gore
i also use the tw tag sometimes and i do tag everything i post so feel free to block tags as you see fit for your well-being or preference ^^
my moodboard and outfit requests are open! just send me an ask or message with your request. personal tags and creations are:
writing – mswr ☆ web weaving – myc
uploads – msup ☆ outfits – msft
moodboards – my mbs
thank you so much for reading this and following if you do<3
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valeriasdream · 1 month
About Me
⋆ ★ This is for my singer/heavy metal band DR.
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(^ Not my actual fc, this is just the closest to what I look like)
Name: Valeria A.
Age: 23
Birthday: February 7
Birthplace: Catania, Sicily, Italy
Big 3: Aquarius Sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio Rising
MBTI & Enneagram: ENFP 4w3 sx/sp
Sexuality: Pansexual
Languages: Italian, English, Spanish, French, Latin
Personality: Stubborn and hard-headed, I prefer being myself and going about my own way. I don’t like to fall in line with specific trends, instead doing things my own way. I’m super hot-tempered and get pissed at the drop of a hat, my emotions can seem very intense to outsiders. I am kind-hearted and compassionate, with high empathy for others despite this and can be incredibly loyal to someone I care about. I'm also very creative and artistic, I live more in fantasies in my head than in reality.
Favorite Colors: Muted pink, black, white, lavender, burgundy/blood red, ice blue
Favorite Foods: Raspberries, peaches, meat
Least Favorite Foods: Sweets, strawberries, caramel, desserts, cake
Favorite Bands/Musicians: DPR IAN, coldrain, Poppy, Nine Inch Nails, Dir en Grey, Deftones, Tool, Spiritbox
Likes: Cats, books, video games, stargazing, tarot, astrology, astrophysics, music, singing, guitar, piano, writing poetry, songwriting
Dislikes: Huge parties, nosey people, dogs, fake friends
Backstory: I grew up in Sicily until I was 10 years old and my parents moved to the US. When I turned 18, I moved to LA and began as a singer and model/actress where I become discovered and meet my s/o when I’m hired to work as the love interest in one of his music videos.
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ectoth3rapist · 1 year
intro poooosttt!!!
✰ whats up! i go by starscream and nightshade!!
✰ i kin rose egbert, nepeta leijon, jade harley, flowey, starscream (G1), tailgate (IDW), and nightshade (ES)!!
✰ i use they/it/ze/he+!! (i prefer if you use the first three, but he is also ttly fineeee)
✰ i am 13!!!!!
✰ im a gay acespec transman!!!
✰ isfp 4w5 sx/sp 748 SEI SCUAI EFVL phlegmatic-sanguine IS(F)!!
✰ i like horror, plants, aliens, cryptozoology, poetry, gothic architecture & fashion, space, unsolved cases, homestuck, rtc, legoland, sally face, IT, omori, invader zim, ENA, undertale / deltarune, fnaf, bfb, ddlc, sonic, amphibia, transformers, and NSO!!!
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erickaproto · 2 years
Week 5
This week may just be my favorite topic yet. In this weeks lecture we covered: Storytelling. The lecture gave an abbreviate overview into the history of storytelling from the perspectives of western and eastern practices. I appreciated the over view on the theories of storytelling presented by classical Indian philosophers Anandavardhana & Abhinavgupta and Chinese Philosophers Lao Tzu & Confucius as up until now most of my education on storytelling and narrative structure came from a western perspective. I am deeply interested in the history of mythos and how it influences they way we tell stories so learning more about the variations across cultures was fascinating.
Plato's idea of the ideal being the purest form of something somehow resonated with me. The idea that there is perfection in the ideal and anything following that, especially if it is within our material world, is merely a derivative of the ideal. I mention this in my post about my Time Capsule: Part 1 but for me writing poetry is preferable to me over other forms of writing as I feel it grasps more at the feeling or ideal of certain feelings rather than focusing on the specifics about plot. When we got to classical Indian theory on storytelling I was interested by the idea of "Rasa". the idea of a resonance and the value of transmitting specific emotional and mental experiences reminded me of the idea of "vibes" that is prevalent in contemporary dialect. The "vibe" of something is intangible and completely based on a feeling or certain flavor being conveyed.
I appreciated the lectures piece on Joseph Campbell as his work has had a huge influence on me. In high school I happened upon his lectures on the hero's journey and his work is part of the reason why I entered the field of psychology in undergrad.
Pedro Oliveira
Pedro Oliveira's card deck sems like a very fun and accessible way to approach creating a project. Id love this for those days where I lack inspiration. In their conversation about the card decks Pedro mentions how he wanted to leave certain categories broad as they were able to translate better across cultures when he used them for workshops. I think this approach to design is important. Recognizing the scope of your object and your audience is pivotal to any good design as it is to any good storytelling. What I learned from his card deck is that you can make materials that are broad yet effective.
Sherry Turkle, Evocative Objects
I read Sherry Turkles Chapters on The SX-70 Instant Camera by Stefan Helmreich and The Synthesizer by Trevor Pinch. My favorite of the two was Helmreich's account of The SX-70. The narrative was descriptive to the point where I felt like i could hold the camera and feel its weight. he connected his personal relations to the camera through his own experiences and family's connection to its history. In his account of his camera, the object felt more like a family member than a mere camera. But the story was also informative as it explained how the camera worked but also the delicate nature of the polaroid and how it could be manipulated to create beautiful images.
Initially I was more excited to read Pinch's account of the Synthesizer and while it was well written I felt like it lost some of its strength towards the end. I enjoyed the section about his old roommate and her incredibly personal relationship to her own synthesizer. It showed how much an object and the idea of possession could take over us in ways we cannot control.
Elizabeth Chin, My Life With Things
I read a short passage from Elizabeth Chin's book My Life with Things. In this passage she talks about her child's relationship to objects as well as her own and how we teach our children to want things but there is also an innate relationship we have to certain object or as Marx would see it "fetishes". Initially when I read this article as a staunch critic of the woes of capitalism as many of my generation are, I was apprehensive to admit any innate love of objects outside of that we develop under capitalism. But as someone with two very young cousins constantly in my fore view, I have seen first hand a deep connection children have to specific objects that is outside a capitalistic hunger for objects. My cousins sleep with their cars they even bathe with them and like Chin in her book they often beg their parents to let them take them to school. Sure they often want new cars and will occasionally beg for a new toy but the cars are a constant comfort. Objects do have a particular hold on us to me because they are partly tied to memory. When a specific object can be used as a constant marker/ witness to specific events it becomes a therapeutic resource.
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