#terzo just. puts me in a STATE.
revelisms · 3 months
Thinking about Terzo to the tune of Father Lucifer, and Dancing With a Ghost, and Portrait of a Dead Girl:
A son shackled by expectation, but never shining so brightly as he did on those stages; who piecemealed love from sex and sex from heartbreak and heartbreak from anger, and who grieved a little boy he never was but could have been; who copied his father's paints, and sang for his mother's leer, and called his eldest brother Nonna not as a tease, but because he was the closest he could claim;
Who loved a forbidden love and scorned its forbiddenness and had it ripped from him, without permission; who cried as violently as he grinned, could twist a crowd's affections around his finger but couldn't put three friendships to his name; who pulled black silks from his wardrobe and smeared a skull on his skin and said, Yes, this is as I am, as I am meant to be: your Son, your Shadow, your Nothing—
Who carried a golden award in his hands and a spike in his heart, and was still good, despite it all (or tried to be, or couldn't be)—
Who Secondo called the imbecile and Primo called little boy and Copia called only brother, brother, brother—
(He was not his brother. Not by blood, by their bastard father; only by Sister, and Sister alone—)
Who at fourteen saw a copper-headed child slumped at his side, with eyes pleading for belonging, and put a hand on his shoulder instead of through his teeth; mumbled, It's alright, little thing, instead of, Who do you think you are, taking my mother from me—?
Who sauntered on a purple-glistened stage, knowing the performance would be his last, with the weight of the world in his smile and a microphone squeezed in his hand, and thought, Is this it? What you have always worked me towards?
Who entered his retirement with a chip on his shoulder and a weariness in his bones, piecemealed love from sex and sex from heartbreak and heartbreak from wrath and said, Here I am, eh? Your last "son." Your Legacy.
Who smiled, thin and brittle, at the siblings that stumbled over still calling him Papa; who would correct them, with a grousing tease and a dimpled thing that didn't reach his eyes—It's just me, sweetness. The titles were, eh...never a sticking point, no? You have little Coppie to sing your praises, now—
Who would make coffees in hand-painted cups and carry them stiff-boned, black-clothed down the halls, knock-knocking on their Monsignor's door, finding Primo's fish-pale eyes glowering from his desk with herb roots scattered like snakes over his parchments—
What is this? I bring you the Devil's ambrosia, and you greet me with maggots?
Who his brother swiped the soil from his varnish for, permission given with a bland sigh and an extension of a bony hand; told him, Sit down, Zito, and nudged his half-touched plate of breakfast towards him. You are not eating.
Who gave a child's giggle, and slumped like an old man: still ancient, still fourteen, still glaring at the floor with a smile that didn't shine.
It is not Copia's fault, Primo had muttered. It is not your fault.
Who dragged his thumb through a frayed sleeve, his nails painted and chipped, and sneered.
How is it not?
Who stood at the gates of Hell, with the Unnamed manifested in his finery: a demon no longer born of flesh and blood, who he could not see, could not touch, could not remember—
I miss you. I miss you, so much—
Who tied on black silks and carried leather bound books and took up his helm at the pulpit—not as their Father, but as the esteemed Replacement, as he had always goddamn been.
Who smiled to a congregation who looked for a beast's claws, and found human hands; looked for a beating heart, and found a stone-hardened knot.
Let me ask you now about the subject of Pride.
Not the pride of their litter, surely. Not of his father's own ghost.
(But who could have been.
Hell below, who could have been.)
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ghostchems · 9 months
infernal - terzo x f!reader - part one
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art by the lovely @stainedlilac
author’s note: been cooking this one up for sometime. about 4k words. 18+! mdni! ao3 link. this will be a looooong one. if you like it, PLEASE tell me omg. tell me in the tags or send me a message please and thanks.
Terzo is serving a death sentence. 
It isn’t like he had much of a choice.
He remembers the game night clearly. The typical arguments and accusations of cheating had subsided and it was a rare moment of fun and relaxation with his brothers.
The next thing he remembers is waking up on a gurney and gasping for air. They told him his brothers were dead. They told him they had removed his head for a photoshoot and then reattached it again. They gave him a choice: die now or take their money and never speak to them again.
Terzo lives in solitude. The mansion he was put up in is large with enough rooms to fill all of the stories of his time at the clergy, which already feels like a lifetime ago. But it is just him. Only him. He spends his days in the quiet, stewing in his bitterness of how his reign came to an end and how the clergy had pushed him aside. The longer he is alone, the more angry he becomes. 
What is he supposed to do now?
They left him with nothing. Nothing besides money, which feels like the ultimate insult.
He lets his own home fall into disrepair. Trinkets and memorabilia from his past life pile up around him until he is forced to shove it all into one room to get it out of his sight. His days are filled with nothingness. He doesn’t know who he is anymore or what he’s meant to do. The purpose he had spent his life preparing for had been ripped from him. 
He doesn’t pay his bills on time so on more than one occasion, his power is shut off or he doesn’t have warm water. He eats cereal out of collection plates that bear the name of his old band. He is never completely dressed and doesn’t shower or clean himself for days on end. 
What is the point?
One day, there is a knock at the door. An unfamiliar feeling of dread washes over him, anxiety bubbling up in his stomach as he creeps to the window. Terzo sighs deeply once he realizes there is no one at the door. He shuffles outside and stares at a brown envelope on his doorstep. The speed at which he snatches the envelope and slams the door behind him almost makes him dizzy. He manages to steady himself back at the window, his eyes narrowing as he looks to see if anyone is watching. 
Terzo tears through the envelope. What he sees sends red hot anger coursing through his veins. It’s a magazine and on the cover of it is his bloodied, severed head. He nearly rips it apart. The sight of his own father standing behind Copia, the little rat that sniveled his way to the top — 
He exhales sharply out of his nose as his eyes fall to his severed head and he runs his fingers across the cover. This was all he ever was to his father and to the clergy leadership: a prop. A puppet to push out to the masses and parrot the word they approved of and the second he had any thoughts or ideas of his own, they threw him away.
Terzo tosses the magazine on a nearby console and storms into his study, his fingers brushing through his wild hair. He can’t live like this; he can’t. It’s tearing him apart inside, twisting him into a withering husk of a person. He needs to make a change and he knows it.
He needs a new toy to play with.
He picks his head up, his eyes flickering to the closed double doors to the dining room. His life’s work is piled up and discarded there, filling him with a combined sense of longing and anger.
Terzo needs everything gone. 
You stare at the ad on your computer screen. It seems too good to be true. It must be too good to be true. You’ve never been a personal assistant before but it clearly states “no experience necessary for applicants”. Your fingers drift over the mousepad to the apply button. It couldn’t hurt to at least try, right? The worst that could happen is you get denied or never hear back but that is par for the course with job hunting anyway. You click apply and fill out your information, submitting the form after uploading your resume. 
You are sick of your current job working at a call center. Sure, it pays the bills but you haven’t gotten a raise in the two years that you’ve been there and your expenses have gone up. The fact that you struggle to make ends meet even with a roommate makes you spiral at least once a week. Not to mention that the job itself is soul-sucking, draining you of all positive energy so that once you are done working for the day you typically go right to bed.
You need a change. 
You don’t want to get your hopes up but it’s hard not to fantasize about what you could do if you are able to secure the assistant job. The idea of having spending money to buy takeout instead of living off cereal, oatmeal and ramen is getting you excited. Or maybe, as a personal assistant, your boss will feed you each day so you’ll be able to save money on groceries. The bar is so low for improving your day to day life. 
The thought brings an important revelation to the forefront of your mind: you didn’t know much about who the person requesting an assistant. You pull up the job posting again and read over the description. The only information it gives is in the title line of the posting (which you completely missed when applying): Personal Assistant to Golden Bachelor.
“Golden bachelor?” You say to no one at all as you google the term. You didn’t think people referred to themselves as “bachelors” anymore in this day and age. Well, it makes sense that a rich, lonely man would need an assistant to help him run his life - he’s probably always had assistants and can’t function without one. You’re not one to usually judge but when it comes to rich people they are fair game. 
You close your laptop and roll over on your bed, grabbing your comforter to cocoon yourself in. Exhaustion grips your body and the weight of the comforter starts to soothe you off into an unfortunately restless sleep. Not that you aren’t used to it.
Terzo is unimpressed with the applicants so far, despite the fact that it very clearly says “no experience needed” in the post he made. Also, the fact that there are so many applicants and he has to go through each individual application and read about these people and their silly jobs. 
Ugh. Boring. 
His leg bounces as skims through the applications on his laptop in the dim light of his study, reading glasses perched low on his nose. His study is practically empty besides his antique desk and chair that seemed to have come with the house. There are plenty of built-in bookshelves and cabinets lining the walls but they are all empty and full of dust. The walls are a dark blue that look black in the evening light with hardwood floors that creak with every step.
Terzo gives a sigh and removes his glasses, sitting back in his chair with a huff. This isn’t as easy as he thought it would be. He was expecting the first applicant to be a hit but when that person had nothing particularly interesting in their resume, he was feeling defeated. And then the same would happen with each of the other at least fifty he’s gone through by now. He wished he had an assistant to go through these but… well, then what kind of paradox would we be in, then?
He reaches into the pocket of his plush, purple robe for his pack of cigarettes, opens it and then brings it to his lips. Terzo presses a finger to the tip of the cigarette and it immediately lights, taking a deep, long drag of it. Coming back from the dead had its perks, especially because of whatever dark magic the clergy had used to do it. He still isn’t sure exactly what he is capable of but  he figured this little trick out when he nearly almost set fire to the entire house while trying to open the curtains in the sitting room. 
Terzo is already halfway through the cigarette, his eyes glazing over as he zones out while facing his computer. A notification pops up accompanied by a little “ding” to indicate a new applicant. He groans and rubs his eyes behind his glasses, taking another deep drag of his cigarette. 
“Un altro.” Terzo grumbles to himself. One more and then he’ll have a drink before slipping into unconsciousness, potentially on the couch in the sitting room where he spends at least half his nights. He leans forward in his seat, eyes fixed on your application after pulling it up. His tongue darts and licks his painted lips.
Your resume and application oozes desperation, so much so that he can almost taste it. The message introducing yourself is sweet, to the point and the most promising he’s seen thus far. A low growl rumbles through his chest as he copies your name and pastes it into google. He clicks the first Facebook profile to come up with your name, which may or may not be you. There’s no information on the profile other than a pixel-y profile photo of what resembles a young woman. Terzo stares at the photo for some time as he finishes off his cigarette, placing it into a golden ashtray that is almost completely full of ashes.
“Il mio topolino.” He purrs and opens a new window to reply to you, offering windows of availability for an interview.
It’s been days and you’re starting to think the whole thing was a scam from the start. Every time you send him when you’re available and can make it to an interview, that date and time comes and goes, and he sends a follow up asking for another time. You’re on the verge of giving up, of letting go of the fantasy of making a considerable amount of money with the potential for perks. 
That is, until there is finally a window of opportunity for the both of you. You almost turn it down at this point from being jerked around so much but the pay is just too good to pass up. You make sure to tell a few friends the address and the time of your interview so that they’ll know exactly where you are in case this is a scam and you are about to be abducted. He even follows up with you the morning of, telling you that he is looking forward to the interview so it seems like it is happening.
It takes you some time to settle on an outfit which ends up being a pair of navy blue slacks, white blouse and a pair of flats, and you put your hair up into a neat ponytail. You look at yourself in the mirror and decide that you look professional enough. 
The drive to his house is silent, by design so that you keep your focus on the interview. You’re not familiar with the area he is located in even though it is in your town. There is an old gate at the front of his driveway that is open and probably not functional judging from the state it’s in. The driveway is long and rocky, and the further you travel down it the more uneasy you feel. The house comes into view and you have half a mind to turn the car around.
It’s massive. Most of the windows are dark, complimenting the dark color scheme of the house exterior. It looks haunted. You stare at it through the dashboard window of your car, nervousness creeping up your chest. Your eyes fall to the clock in your car and it reads ten minutes until the scheduled interview time. A shaky breath falls from your lips.
To be early is to be on time.
The walk to the front door feels like an eternity and it’s hard to fight the feeling that the house is somehow watching you. The closer you get, you realize that the siding is a dark hunter green with black shingles which really contributes to the overall spookiness of the Victorian mansion. You reach the front door and take a moment to smooth out your outfit and adjust your backpack on your shoulders. Your lungs fill with air and you lift your hand to knock — but the door swings open before you have a chance to do so.
You are met with a pair of haunting, mismatched eyes. 
He doesn’t look the way you imagined. His hair is messy, sticking up in most places with some of it falling into his face. He is wearing a plush purple robe over what looks like a dress shirt and he is in a pair of black slippers. You can’t tell if he is wearing any kind of pants. What stands out the most is his painted face, sharp black paint cutting into his cheek bones and around his eyes. Despite the rest of his appearance, the paint is crisp. His eyes look weary as they look you up and down, just as you had done to him.
“You are here for the assistant job.”
A statement, not a question and a very thick italian accent.
You blink at him a few times and then hold out your hand. “Yes, sir. I have my resume here for you to review and—“
“You’re hired.” His expression is still tired and he turns away from you. “Begin cataloging and packaging my memorabilia.” He waves his hand and starts to trudge away from you.
“U-uh, shouldn’t you show me around first or something?”
Terzo spins on his heel back in your direction and starts to walk toward you. The closer he gets to you, the more you can see the wrinkles that had been obscured with his paint. His bright, white eye sparkles in the low light. You tuck your folder against your chest, a blank expression across your face. He looms over you and his eyes drift over your shoulder before he points behind. You turn your body slowly, looking to the double doors.
“In there – the dining room. That is where the memorabilia is.” 
His breath tickles the side of your neck and it gives you goosebumps. You can only bring yourself to nod slowly, trying to think of the salary that was promised in the ad and then step toward the doors. He watches you for a moment before slinking away. You hear him leave and a sense of relief washes over you as you open one of the double doors.
The dining room is a complete mess. There are half filled boxes everywhere, different fabrics and strange items littered across the floor. The dining table is covered in piles and piles of books. You close the door behind you and immediately start to think through a plan of attack. It was already after lunch so you only had a few hours to get started. This is not what you were expecting but then again, the amount you were getting paid made it worth it.
From what you could tell from rummaging through his things, he had been in some sort of spooky music group. There are posters with concert dates, ticket stubs and several different books full of photographs of him and masked men performing on stage. You think that it makes perfect sense given everything you’ve observed from him so far, especially his dramatic paint. Still, there is something darker about him - something that chills you when you think about it.
Your thoughts run wild. In the photos, he looks regal like he is some kind of prince, commanding the attention of the crowd. There are photos of women swooning, of him holding people’s hands and kissing the back of them while their faces light up. He seemed immensely popular from the size of the crowds and the interactions you’ve been able to see from rummagining. 
What happened? Did he retire? Did the band fizzle out? He didn’t seem all that old… You wonder why he is here, in this home in your town. It doesn’t seem like a place for someone of his profession or status. You carefully start to organize the tour memorabilia on the table, trying to keep like items together before diving back into another box on the floor. 
Terzo isn’t too far away, in fact he is right outside of the door for most of the time you’re working in the dining room. After every little noise he presses his ear to the door, listening to your movement. The feeling of excitement starts to warm his body up, his skin tingling as he starts to think up how he wants to play with you. It takes all of his self control not to burst in the room and scare you, just to see the look on your face. 
Oh, he wants to mess with you. He wants to see your smooth skin turn pink, to make you squeak and stutter just by lingering a bit too close to you. Terzo stifles a groan at the thought and presses his head against the door. Unbeknownst to you, you are his little mouse to chase, to tease, to bring some liveliness back to his boring life. He can’t help but scratch his nails against the door and gives another soft groan at the thought of someone giving him attention again.
He wants you now but he knows he must wait. He has to bide his time, he has to slowly draw you into him until nothing else matters to you. There’s movement from the dining room and Terzo quickly takes a step back from the door, but the sound fades and he’s left in silence. A deep sigh falls from his lips as his mind turns back to you. Even from just meeting you, he can tell that you are going to be perfect for him to prey on. 
Terzo slips out of the sitting room.
You hear something from behind the door but when you lower the box onto the table quietly, it’s gone. A shiver runs down your spine. Even with being completely alone in the dining room you can’t help but feel like you’re being watched. Maybe it’s an effect of this old house - maybe it’s haunted. You shake your head, figuring you are being a little bit too influenced by the prayer candles and spirit boards you’ve been sorting through. 
Your fingers pull at the flaps of the box, the last one from the floor for you to go through. Once it’s open, you sink to your seat and stare at the contents.
Condoms. Condoms with his face on them. Condoms that say “Popestar” and “Missionary Man”. You pick one up from the box and turn it over a few times in your hand, your mouth agape. 
“You haven’t gotten much done, eh?” 
His voice makes you jump, the condom wrapper you have been examining flinging from your hand. He watches it fall to the ground before settling his gaze back on you, a darkly amused look on his face. He must have crept in from the kitchen.
“I-I mean I just started.” You struggle to put a sentence together as you are distracted by his mismatched eyes. “Actually, I haven’t technically accepted the position yet.”
“Oh? So you don’t need the job?” The venom in his voice makes your skin crawl.
“No, no, I do — I do need the job.” There is a sick kind of satisfaction oozing from his annoyed expression. “I am just going to need to have the job offer in writing, including pay.” You almost whisper but you keep your eyes locked on his. You need that money. His lips curl into a smirk and he nods.
“I’ll have it for you tomorrow, topolina.” Terzo purrs as he leans against the table. Your eyes drift and you notice the now unbuttoned dress shirt giving way to his hairy chest. He leans down, his robe coming completely open, and picks the condom up off the floor and tosses it back on the table. “You will be back tomorrow, si?” 
“Y-yes, sir.” You realize you don’t even know what you’re supposed to call him yet. 
“Ah, bene.” His eyes sparkle of mischief and he hovers just next to you for a moment, looming over you. The tension rises in the room and you can feel your chest start to tighten. Terzo  gives a soft growl, then exits the dining room, his long robe trailing behind him. You rest your head in your hands and exhale slowly. You make a decision here and now: you’ll stick with this job until the first paycheck and then you’ll figure out whether the obvious red flags are worth the pay.
As you gather up your things, you decide to leave a copy of your resume there, just in case he wants to review it. You sling your backpack over your shoulder and grab your phone, heading out of the dining room but something stops you midstep. The distant sound of him singing fills your ears. You can’t tell what the song is but he sounds incredible. Your eyes flicker over the mountains of memorabilia as you finally get your feet moving.
He finishes singing as soon as you’ve stepped outside of the house, hovering by one of his bedroom windows to watch you get into your car. A growl rumbles up from his throat and he can’t help but run his fingers down his chest but stops just short of his briefs. He exhales slowly — he doesn’t want to get ahead of himself but the arousal he feels just from you perceiving him is too much for him to handle. 
Terzo had forgotten what it felt like not to be alone. 
He thinks about you on your knees in front of him, singing his praises, telling him how good he is before tugging at his waistband. His hand snakes down to palm himself through his briefs with a soft moan and starts to make his way to his bed. Terzo sits on the edge of it, his cock straining against the fabric of his briefs, the tip of it poking through the slit. He pushes them down and frees himself, his hard cock resting on his stomach.
Terzo thinks about you begging to taste him, begging for him to use you however he wants. His cock jumps and he takes it in his hand, lazily stroking it as growls rumble in his throat. He leans back on to the bed, his legs still dangling off the side. He could have anyone he wanted when he was Papa. People would beg him to take them to bed, to get a taste of Papa Emeritus. At the time, he felt a deep loneliness and self-loathing despite the attention or perhaps because of the attention, but he hardly ever turned it down. There was always the one moment he thought that they were there because of him, because of who he was and not because of the title he held, and that moment made it feel okay.
Terzo would take that over the loneliness he feels now.
His eyes fall shut, his lips part as soft moans fill the room. He strokes his cock more vigorously now, his thumb swiping over the tip every few strokes. He thinks of you behaving like the other siblings and ghouls that had wanted him so very badly. On your knees still, begging for your communion. You would open your mouth for him and stick out your tongue, ready to receive.
“Oh, cazzo.” He squeezes his eyes shut and gives a thundering moan as he finishes, thick ropes of cum landing on his chest and dress shirt. Terzo pants and lets his hand rest on his stomach, his chest rising and falling while his eyes drift back to the window.
He can’t wait to see you again tomorrow.
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you-know-honey · 6 months
Sᥕᥱᥲrιᥒg Bᥱforᥱ thᥱ Aᥣtᥲr
Swiss x gn!reader
Sumary: Jealousy comes to Swiss, he doubts his beloved, how can you show him your love?
Word Count: 3340
Note: Bad English, I planned this while listening to a song in my language and watching an edit of Vapor (cosplayer) and I can only say that I could only think Swiss. Gender neutral (let me know I missed something on this)
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Swiss was still grumbling as he placed some candles in the endless candlesticks on the ceiling, his tail wagging causing the sound of a whipping in the air. He was annoyed. Something was wrong with him. He kept walking around the chapel ceiling putting candles. That job was silly, he knew why Pope Terzo had put him to do something so ridiculous. To take him away from you, to keep stealing your precious time.
Ever since Terzo had returned from one of his trips he had taken you as his favorite Sister of Sin, always requesting your presence even for silly things like accompanying him for a walk in the gardens with the excuse of helping him pick some flowers for the Sunday Black Mass.
Swiss understood that it was your job and that you couldn't refuse, although you didn't take those orders with displeasure, on the contrary you seemed very happy to do them. That was what bothered him, the tender smile with which you nodded to all of Terzo's stupid requests reminded him of the same smile you used to give him. He didn't think of Terzo as someone deserving of that smile.
Sometimes he had even barged into your room in the middle of the night to ask you for things. Even though he could ask a ghoul. Once Swiss even spent 15 minutes under your bed when he almost caught them having an intimate moment. I could feel Terzo's burning gaze on you when he found you in that nice lingerie that night.
Always trying to touch your hands, your shoulders or your waist, Terzo always managed to touch some part of your body or to hold you close to his body. But you wouldn't move away, you seemed so happy to receive that touch from him.
He never left you alone with Swiss, as soon as Terzo saw you near Swiss he would steal you away from him and that drove Swiss crazy.
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"I am a Pope, I have power over everyone, even you. If she chooses to have me by her side you won't be able to stop her. She is human and you are a demon, it makes sense that at the end of this game she chooses me." Was what Terzo replied when Swiss tried to stop this behavior of his with you.
He clenched his knuckles and jaw and backed away.
Then, in that state of annoyance, he met you in a desolate hallway. You had had some free time and decided to seek him out to spend some of your scarce time together.
The Swiss was so intent on mentally ranting at Terzo. He bristled like a cat when he heard your voice echoing down the hallway.
"Hello" your tone was kind and sweet, as it had always been with him. He kept his head down, just listening to the sound of your boot heels on the floor.
A gust of air blew in through the huge window and carried your scent into Swiss's nostrils who instantly grimaced in disgust.
"You stink." He replied curtly, you were surprised that he spoke to you that way, even he himself was surprised.
"What?" you asked innocently. In truth you had no idea what he was talking about, you didn't think he was referring to your sweat which was definitely not strong enough to stink. Still you felt embarrassed.
"You stink like him" your puzzled face annoyed him and he let out a fugly smile as he shook his head "So he's been close enough to you to mark you with his disgusting scent"
"What are you talking about?" you walked cautiously, slowly approaching Swiss, frowning, you didn't like where he wanted to take this conversation.
Even though you didn't know what he was talking about, it scared you to see him like this. He had never been so rude to you before. You were tired of course and annoyed by all the extra work Terzo was putting on your shoulders, but you wouldn't join in an argument with Swiss.
"I'm not stupid you know? That's Terzo's disgusting smell. You've been with him so long and so close that…you reek of him" Swiss' tail snapped in the air with a whipping sound and dodged your hands when they tried to cup his cheeks.
"It's my job Swiss-" you tried to move back closer to him but he grabbed your wrists and pushed your hands against your chest. That annoyed you more than his words had. If there was one thing you hated, it was being scorned.
"I know!" he shouted and he himself was surprised, he finally looked into your eyes and you could see them crystallize "But you have to make him so happy? you obey what he says like a lapdog! You just do what he wants. I can't believe you don't realize that he only wants from you the same thing he gets from all the other Sisters of Sin" He wasn't even able to look you in the face when he said that.
Now you understood, this was a stupid jealousy scene. You massaged your temples hoping it would bring down your annoyance but it didn't happen.
"And what do you expect me to do? To refuse or worse, to do it reluctantly? He is a Pope! His wishes are literally my orders! I thought you understood that! You are a demon at his service after all…I don't expect you to understand, I've worked hard to get here." You felt sick right away, the kind of anxiety that turns your stomach until you throw up. You didn't want to yell at him. "I don't expect you to understand, you can go back to hell anytime you want, but this" you pointed to everything around you. "It's where I belong."
"Y/N…" he was silent for a while "I just want to be able to be with you without him having to show up at the door every 10 minutes. You seem so happy with him, you smile at him like you smile at me! I thought it was something special…that I was special to you" Swiss was getting out all those insecurities that had started to eat him alive since you and Terzo became so close "Why do you do that? Why do you let him get so close to you?!"
You took a long sigh and began to try to clear your mind, searching for the right words. Avoiding his gaze as much as you could. You were hurt by what he was insinuating, as if you agreed with all those approaches. That kind of distrust hurt you.
"I'll see you later. You already said too much anyway Swiss." This time he was the one who tried to approach you, you raised your hands so he wouldn't touch you. It was the first time you felt you didn't want him to touch you, you weren't in the mood to argue or to listen to more things like that, you just weren't ready to promise that if you opened your mouth again you wouldn't explode in him all your tiredness and frustration over the days of having to be always alert to keep Terzo at bay but happy.
You dodged out of the hallway as fast as you could. If you stayed another minute it would be a disaster.
You were completely surprised by the way he acted, you expected something like that if you were dating Sodo, you expected more from Swiss, he was always kind and sweet, he had never acted like that when you were in the service of the rest of the Popes. Your heart shrank a little with disappointment. A lapdog?' That's how he thought of you? It broke your heart that he saw you as a servant or even worse that you were perhaps enthralled with Terzo's constant flirting. It killed you to think that he distrusted you, even though you had never given him reason to think so.
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"Quite a job…I thought it was the earth ghoul that took care of this" said one Sister as she wiped her sweat with the back of her hand. They had been busy with gardening chores for hours.
"The demons deserve a break too, Laurie," you told her as you filled a basket with white tulips, red carnations, and a few stamonium flowers. It had been a request from Sister Imperator for that night's Black Mass. Laurie looked at you with a raised eyebrow, she wasn't surprised that you treated them humanely anyway, you were already known among the other Sisters of Sin for that.
"As you say but I really hate the earth, although the flowers are pretty." she tried to take a stamonium flower from your basket but you pushed it away in time.
"They're poisonous flowers." you pointed out as you took off your gloves and leaned against one of the greenhouse walls. You sighed again.
As much as you tried to forget the argument between you and Swiss every time you thought about it your stomach churned, you were not able to go back inside the abbey, you didn't feel able to see him again without crying. You were not upset with him, when you thought about it with a cool head, he was just jealous, if a girl had been as close to Swiss as Terzo was to you you would have been upset too.
He was a demon and jealousy is a very human feeling that he wasn't used to, he didn't know how to respond to that overwhelming emotion.
But now things were tense and you were afraid that you might have made a bad decision to leave him alone in the hallway. This was his first fight about it and it certainly wasn't like you had much experience in relationships with handsome supernatural beings.
"Why are you sighing so much?" asked Laurie brushing the dirt off her knees.
"It's nothing, I'm just tired" you pretended to yawn to take weight off your sad expression.
"Then go and get those flowers to the altar before they dry and go to sleep." You nodded, maybe sleep would help a little, it wasn't a bad idea.
"Not a bad idea Laurie" you took the basket in your hands and cleaned your habit to carry the flowers to the main chapel.
The walk was silent, you could hear the leaves crunching under your feet as you walked. Maybe praying could help you to clear your mind.
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Swiss walked along the wall and returned to the floor. Placing the last Syrians on the altar table, he just wanted to go to bed, forget that horrible day and go on with you as if nothing had happened. Resiviendo your beautiful smile and know that it would only be his.
"What if he stopped loving me?" he asked the Lucifer figure behind the altar. "Give me a sign please, that I haven't lost it…"
The afternoon sun illuminated the chapel beautifully, the large windows made the whole place look magical and ethereal. Something that motivated Swiss to keep talking to the figure, he wasn't sure if Lucifer also listened to demons but he would like the help. When they had started to leave Mountain warned him of something that although he already knew he preferred to ignore 'The hearts of mortals change, ours never will' he didn't want to think that your heart was now in conflict between him and Terzo.
After all, the Pope was right, Swiss was just a demon in the service of someone, Terzo was the Pope, leader of the demons, he could hand you the world on a silver platter if you wanted him to. Swiss could not offer you that, he would always be tied to the ministry, he would pass from generation to generation as part of the furniture. It made sense that your heart would change…NO…I didn't want to think about that.
"Swiss?" your voice echoed throughout the room until it reached his ears. His tail tensed and he turned quickly to look at you. He hadn't noticed when you arrived.
You were standing in the doorway with the basket of flowers in your hands, watching him carefully. Everything was so tense. You wanted to run as fast as you could away but you couldn't give him that pleasure, besides it wouldn't be very mature of you to do something like that.
"What are you doing here?" asked Swiss, the words came out of his mouth defensively, thinking the worst in his pessimistic spiral, you could break up with him at any moment.
"Just bringing the flowers" you clarified showing the basket in your hands.
"Sure…" He was nervous, you could see it in his eyes. You wanted to laugh but your own nervousness prevented you.
You nodded at his words and began to form small bouquets to leave in the vases arranged throughout the temple, moving as far away as possible from the altar where Swiss was doing the same. You glanced sidelong in their direction and as soon as they made the slightest eye contact you pulled away startled.
This was becoming untenable for both of you.
You walked back to the door to assemble the largest and most fabulous bouquet, the one that would be placed on the altar, under the huge figure of Lucifer.
You spent more time on it than on the other bouquets, nervous. Swiss just couldn't take it anymore, walked to the front of the altar, and taking a lot of courage, called your name.
"Y/N!" his tone was clear even though you could tell how nervous he was.
You turned around clenching the bouquet in your hands tightly, dropping a few petals on the floor.
"Yeah?" you replied holding your breath in your chest.
Swiss took on a more confident and solemn attitude, perhaps being in front of the altar and being bathed in the evening light gave him more courage. He had to get the idea out of his mind, he wanted to be able to run and hug you. But first he had to solve this problem.
"Do you love?" he asked you "Is there someone you love in your heart?" he asked you, you opened your mouth instinctively but nothing came out of it.
"Yes" you answered confidently "I love someone" you saw his chest swell as he held even more air into his lungs.
"Is there a possibility that your love has changed from person?" he asked, her voice trembling, fearing the answer.
"That's impossible." You didn't know where he was going with that but a nervous chuckle from you made you look up from the floor. Feeling your gaze on his eyes melted him inside, responding to your gaze with a hopeful smile. But he needed to know the full extent of that idea in his mind.
"The person you love…is it Terzo?" he felt silly for asking but he couldn't bear the thought of even imagining you with him again. He knew that if your answer wasn't what he expected he would cry right then and there. You didn't answer "That's right, then-" he was quickly interrupted by you.
"NO. I don't love Papa Terzo. My love belongs to someone much more special and much less jigolo. You. The multi-ghoul Swiss." You stepped forward with confidence in your walk and your words. The orange and whitish light bathed your habit and what little hair it revealed.
Swiss dodged your gaze. I wanted to believe you but I really needed a little more, a little push to jump over that wall of insecurities and run to you.
"Swiss…" you said taking another step towards him. You wanted to reassure him so your smile was still there for him and your eyes dilated more as you saw every detail of his face and body, totally enraptured.
"Look into my eyes Y/N" he let the air out of his lungs and looked at you with hope, with the excited eyes of an infant but with the fear of the lie of a lover "And say…I love you".
You took a step forward, still clinging to the flowers "I love you" you said confidently and the echo in the walls repeated your words.
"Okey" Swiss ducked his head to one of the windows, still not wanting to see you "Now I'm not believing that, at this point. So say it again." he folded his hands to keep you from seeing them tremble.
"I love you" you took another step. Closer and closer to him, but you would show him that you loved him in any way he wanted.
At the words he seemed to shudder, the wall of his insecurity began to weaken and hints of a smile tantalized his face.
"Again" he murmured, looking at you at last, waiting for you in front of the altar.
"I love you" you said again, moving a little closer to him with excitement in your gait.
His hands went nervously behind his back and your expression became more solemn "Again".
Another step closer "I love you" this time the words were honeyed, in an intense way.
"Again" Swiss sighed feeling his will fall.
"I love you" There it was again, the right tone to make him simply want to kneel before you and praise you like a god. Another step closer, you were so close, just a few steps.
"Again" the words came like a gasp out of Swiss' mouth.
"I love you" you said and the sound of your heel on the first step echoed in the air along with the sound of your laughter.
Swiss wiggled his leg nervously and looked down at the floor like a shy puppy "Again" he begged.
"I love you" you said. Almost close enough to put your hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating wildly, feeling him sigh as he felt your touch on him. "Do you love me Swiss?" this time it was you who asked, you knew the answer.
"Madly." Swiss' arms were released from his back and hugged you tightly, clinging to your body like life itself, sinking his face into the hollow of your neck, kissing and breathing in your scent. "Please…" he pleaded "promise his heart won't change."
You laughed and it drove Swiss away with some fear.
You caressed his hand and intertwined it with your own, pointing to the altar behind him, leading him to that altar, leaving the flowers on the marble table and cradling Swiss' cheek in the palm of your right hand, stroking his trimmed beard, he was totally bewildered.
"Can I swear to you before an altar of my sincere love" you said.
Swiss sighed, amazed by the words from your mouth but even more so by how your essence completely enveloped him in an enormous fog of love. "I can tell everyone that I love you" Swiss caressed your cheek with his hand, you caressed it like a cat happy with his touch, he approached you, your face, touching your lips with his "Your lips I was taught to feel what tenderness is." Finally you joined your lips with his, butterflies began to gather inside your stomach and flooded your brain, no honey would be so sweet, no wine would be so intoxicating and no spell would be so Lovely like that kiss, the way his lips kissed yours, tasting you, wanting you, praising you with tender desperation.
"I will never tire of being blessed with your sweetness…" Swiss pulled away enough to murmur sweet words against your ear, making your body goosebumps. He smiled. No one but him would be able to love and idolize you until he made you feel like the goddess you were in his eyes.
His heart would never change, nor his mind or his body. He would be the most devoted parishioner to you, to your love, to your existence.
Link to the Vapor tik tok that inspired me CLICK HERE
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kidstemplatte · 8 months
pairing: terzo/reader
summary: terzo’s addiction struggles have been worsening and you decide you cannot remain silent.
warnings: alcohol, drugs, terzo is an absolute asshole in this. message at the end. this fic is very heavy. stay safe
part 2: here
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Ever since Terzo separated from his position as Papa, he hadn’t been the same. After Papa left, Terzo did too.
It started with drinking. But recently, it had been more. You didn’t explicitly know what else he had been using, but it wasn’t just alcohol. You began noticing shifts in his behavior. At first, he started staying out later. Then, his typically charismatic self and contagious energy were dulled down. Then, he could bring himself to do nothing but sit on the couch and drink himself to death.
“Terzo, we need to talk.” You looked into his eyes. They were red and drained of life. He said nothing. “Terzo.”
“What is it?” he snapped back, tone short.
You took a deep breath in and out.
“You have a problem, Terzo.” You said, voice shaking as you fought to stand your ground.
“I have enough problems as is right now. I don’t need you to come in and create more. Enough of this, please. I’m fine.”
“Terzo, you resigned from your position. You made a choice. One you were happy with. So we could focus on our future, and more importantly, yours. If you’re really okay with it, why are you acting like this? What’s going on in your head?” you gently questioned, taking a seat next to him on the couch.
“Don’t try to psycho analyze me, you’ll go places you don’t want to.” He said, downing the rest of the drink in his hand.
“You have so many things to be grateful for, so many people who love you. I love you. What’s missing? What’s missing, Terzo? If you tell me, we can fix it. What can I do?” you desperately pleaded.
“I’m not your fucking patient, Y/N. I’m fine. If you want to go help someone so you can feel better about yourself go find somebody else, somebody else who’s not tired of your complaining.” He snapped.
You took a deep breath in. His words cut deep, but you knew he was not in a clear state of mind. With caution you attempted to continue the conversation with maturity and compassion, but it was harder than you wanted it to be.
“Terzo, I’m not helping you to help anyone but you. In fact, it’s not helping me at all. I’m tired, Terzo. And I know you are too. So please, will you just talk to me?” you said, softly placing your hand on his shoulder.
“Like you’re the caretaker here. Like I don’t sit and listen to you weeping about whatever problem you’ve thrown yourself into.” He snarked, swatting your hand away from him. Something he had never done.
Where did he go?
Where did Terzo go?
“Terzo…” you choked, voice quivering as your eyes began to water.
“Oh great. Here come the tears.” Terzo scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“You’re hurting my feelings.” you winced, pathetically but honestly.
“It doesn’t take much for you to get your feelings hurt.” He replied.
He wasn’t wrong. But still, the truth hurts, as you had already been reminded of several times during your conversation.
“You’ll regret this in the morning.” you warned him.
“I won’t even remember.”
The thought of Terzo not even remembering his words that would scar you forever, remaining permanently engrained in the deepest crevices of your mind, made your head spin and your heart shatter. Even when Terzo was heavily intoxicated, he couldn’t handle the sound of your crying. However, this time, his discomfort with it was not due to compassion or sympathy, but annoyance.
“If I fuck you, will you stop crying?” he said, suddenly.
“What?” you responded.
“Is that what you want?”
“What are you talking about?”
“It’s when I like you best, anyway.”
“Please just stop, Terzo.”
“You didn’t stop earlier when I asked. You know, every time I put up with your shit and listen to you cry about feeling annoying, like you’re a burden, it’s never good enough. Never good enough for you. It’s like you want me to say you’re a burden. So I’ll do it. You’re a fucking nuisance, (Y/N). There you go. Happy?” He growled.
And with just a few words, your lover had confirmed the very fear that kept you up at night. The gnawing fear that your presence, your words, your actions, and your love were all things that weighed upon others rather than lifted them up. That you were a chore to be around, people whispering, “Thank Satan she’s gone.” as you exited a room. The idea that the world would be better off without you, because you were a waste of time, space, and air.
And suddenly, the tears came to a halt. The pain you felt in your body became motivation, drawing you to some objective you weren’t quite certain of yet.
“Yes.” you responded, voice not breaking, rather staying quite still. Terzo liked that answer apparently, as he was not riled up enough to clap back at you.
You headed off to your bedroom, determined to find the source of the problem. You meticulously checked all the drawers in your dresser and nightstand, under the bed, in the closet, terrified you would never find his supply.
Until you remembered earlier that day, Terzo groggily asked you if you had seen his Satanic Bible which typically stood on the bookshelf. He claimed he lost it the night before, a suspicious claim considering he would only need it for mass. Later you stumbled upon it laying outside for whatever reason, and placed it back in its spot on the bookshelf.
You then knew where to search.
Terzo did not even look your way as you began to exit the quarters, purposefully ignoring you as he heard the sound of your footsteps grow fainter and fainter. On your way out, you stealthily slipped the treasured book from the bookshelf by the front door as well as his car keys.
After turning on the engine to his jet black Cadillac, you took a deep breath and stared at the Bible in hand. You shook it, and your suspicions were confirmed when you heard contents rattling inside. You couldn’t open it. Not now. As you drove his car through the neighborhood and onto the nearest highway, you found yourself at a lake you and Terzo used to frequently visit. Where you shared secrets that you didn’t dare to tell anyone else and stole kisses from each other that flustered you so much you often found yourself staring at the glimmering body of water instead of into his eyes.
But in the darkness of the night, its glimmer was gone.
You braced yourself to open the makeshift Bible.
One, two, three.
The weed you’d expected. Engaged in at times. And you weren’t shocked by the other substances either, though they pained you deeply. Blue pills you couldn’t identify. Prescription bottles with names on it not belonging to him. Bags of white powder that made your jaw drop and your heart sink.
For a moment you debated driving the car straight into the lake. But the car didn’t deserve that, and neither did you. The drugs did. Before you could even fully process the contents of the book, you threw it into the water and let out an ear-splitting scream you didn’t even know you were capable of.
The drive home was a rough one. The tears in your eyes made the lights of the cars in front of you blur together, leading you to pull other and take a break, forehead resting on your arms crossed over the steering wheel as you let out agonizing sobs.
After arriving home, you nearly screamed when you opened the door to your quarters and were faced with Terzo standing just a few feet in front of you like a maddened man, waiting for who knows how long.
“What did you do?” he said, his cold stare sending a shiver down your spine.
The glimmer in his eyes was missing.
He was gone.
Terzo was gone.
“I threw it away.” you replied, not breaking eye contact.
You said nothing. You weren’t going to tell him they were in the lake. You wouldn’t be shocked if he tried to swim to the bottom of it and sunk in the process.
He didn’t have time to quarrel with you. Instead, he stormed off and began scavenging your quarters like some kind of feral animal, throwing things onto the floor and breaking things in the process.
You did nothing to stop him. You were too tired. Instead, you threw yourself onto the couch. Laying down, shutting your eyes, and wondering what in the world went so painfully wrong that your relationship had resorted to this. You listened to his ruckus and tried to drown it out with the ringing in your ears. One particularly loud slam startled you, causing your eyes to jolt open. Through tears, you caught sight of your final opponent: A large marble counter, on which rested countless bottles of alcohol, mostly for display or social events until as of recently, when you watched the content of each bottle lessen and lessen.
Just as you shot up to complete your objective, bolting across the room, you heard Terzo’s voice from behind you.
“Don’t you fucking dare.” he warned you, causing you to turn and face him as you stood in front of the counter.
Terzo, step by step, grew increasingly closer to you. You were terrified, your heart pounding so intensely you thought it might burst out of your chest.
“Don’t- don’t touch me!” you yelled, grabbing a large glass bottle from behind you and holding it out as a makeshift self defense tool.
He stopped, the glimmer in his eyes returning for just a moment. He would never hurt you. Not physically, at least, even when he was out of his own mind. His tone of voice and body language suddenly shifted.
“Nonononono, cara, amore mio, listen, cara, please don’t- whatever I said earlier- tesoro, please stop. Please don’t. Please don’t do this. I love you. I love you, cara.” He pleaded pathetically.
You wanted to cave in to the “I love you”s that you had been craving for so long. But you couldn’t.
“This ends now!” You yelled, punctuating your sentence by throwing the bottle in your hand to your side. You swiftly turned around, and with one quick motion, swept every bottle that was on the counter onto the hardwood floor, with crashes so loud you thought your ears might bleed.
For a second, you thought he was going to lick the liquor off the floor like a deprived dog. But instead, he knelt to the ground, and just laid there. He laid beside the shards of glass, tears escaping his tired eyes as he began to softly weep.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” he cried, spewing out apologies like prayers.
You never said “It’s okay.” Because it wasn’t.
He messed up. He did. Nothing could take back or minimize what he said to you on that night. But what you did say and repeat over and over again was “I love you”, the only truth of the night that didn’t hurt.
You laid on the cold, hard floor with him. You laid on the ground with him while he cried, stroking his hair and rubbing his back, barely able to look into his eyes.
“Get up, Terzo.”
“You need to go to bed.”
“Okay.” he obeyed, pulling himself off the ground and stumbling to your bedroom with your assistance.
After you made sure there were no shards of glass on him, you tucked him into bed. For a moment you wondered if this was the first time someone had done that for him. You decided you couldn’t think about that right now.
As you stood up and left your room, you heard Terzo mutter,
“You… where are you going?”
“I’m sleeping on the couch tonight.”
“Oh. Okay.” he said, barely above a whisper.
Did he even remember what happened just moments ago?
The next morning, Terzo woke up with a crippling headache and churning stomach, and by muscle memory, rolled over to his side and reached his arms out to hold you. To his dismay, you weren’t there.
What happened?
He didn’t remember.
You wished you didn’t.
this was PAINFUL to write.
if you’re here from my other stories know that this is not connected to violetta’s story, it is simply a seperate fic. i want to make a part two to heal the wound in my heart from this. in this story it does get better for the reader and terzo.
if you’re reading this i want you to know it’s okay to reach out for help, not only because of addiction, but any unhealthy behavior or thoughts that are hurting you. there are people around you (including me) that love you and want to help.
thank you so much for reading, please stay safe❤️
<3, alice
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blueghoul · 1 year
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Just Hold Me
Pairing: Papa Emeritus III/Reader, Papa Emeritus III/Female Reader
Tags: Soft Terzo, fluff, depression, loneliness
Your bad days have caused you to feel more lonely without your Papa than usual. He’s been so busy, but what’s a little downtime? You need your Papa.
Read it here if you’d like.
You’ve been feeling lonely, more so than usual. All you’ve been doing is laying on the sofa or in your bed, not having much of a want to get up. The ghouls come check on you, but it doesn’t cure the loneliness. You need your Papa, he’s been so busy the last few days, you’ve barely seen him.
Tonight, tonight you couldn’t help it anymore. Your loneliness wasn’t getting any better, it made your depression worse and you needed your Papa. You change into your t-shirt and shorts you sleep in and you walk out your bedroom to his quarters.
With a shaky breathe, you knock softly on his door. It’s late in the evening, you see a dim glow under the door, seems like he’s still at his desk. You hear him call out, “Come, it’s open.”
You fumble with the knob for a second, opening the door slowly to announce your presence, he immediately jumps up when he sees you. His smile falters when he notices your state, the gloomy look in your eyes.
“Oh, mi amore, what is wrong?” Terzo walks over to you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, cupping your cheeks.
“Papa… I-I,” you stumble over your words, choking back the frustrated tears. “I’ve been… lonely, my bad days have been clouding over me, and I need you Papa. You’ve been so busy, I hardly see you.”
“I am never too busy for you,” he pulls you into a tight hug, “I wish I would have known, amore.”
That hug was the tipping point, you couldn’t hold it back any longer. “It’s not your fault, you didn’t know.”
“What can I do to help?” He looks to you, mismatched eyes studying your face with such worry.
“Just hold me.”
Terzo nods, tightly hugging you again. With a grunt, he scoops you up into his arms and carries you over to his bedroom, gently placing you in his bed. Giving you another kiss on the forehead, you groan at the loss of contact, tears still flooding your vision as you reach out your hands for him to come back.
“No, no, I am not leaving you. I am going change and you will stay here with me until these bad days go away, si?”
“Thank you,” you whisper.
A few minutes later, he comes back. Grabbing the tv remote and turning all the lights out, he gets into the bed with you and holds out his arm for you to lay on him. You scoot over to put your head on his chest, his arm wrapping around you tightly. You look up to him, using his other hand he takes your chin and kisses you. Caressing your cheek, he softly smiles, his bare face looking handsome in the dim light.
“No need to thank me, that’s what I’m here for, tesoro,” he assures you, giving you another kiss.
You snuggle back into his chest, tangling your legs with his. You soon fall asleep to the beat of his heart; he wasn’t far behind.
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feralforpapa · 2 years
Missionary Man [Part 2]
Terzo Emeritus x AFAB!reader
A/N: Thank you all for all of the love on Part 1! I’m sorry it took so long to get this out, I’ve been swamped at work lately. If anyone has any fic or headcanon requests for Papa 3, just send ‘em my way. 💕
Plot: just a continuation of Missionary Man [Part 1]
Warnings: NSFW. Smut. Pure smut. Foreplay. Fingering. Unprotected sex. Breeding kink.
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“As much as I want to confess right now… I also have to keep you on track with going onstage, Papa.” Your voice was almost a squeak as your face was still being held by Terzo’s hand. “I still have to do my job.”
Terzo’s lips pressed into a thin line and he gave you a quick nod before dropping his hand to his side again. He turned back to the mirror once more, giving himself the final outfit check - he was always adamant about looking put together, and it always showed based on his exquisite suits, stunning Papal robes, and right down to his calm and lustrous demeanor. For a moment, you thought you might have angered him, or made it seem like you were trying to reject him in a subtle way, and that sent a wave of panic through you.
you were promptly cut off before you could even get his name out of your mouth, and that was probably for the best, considering that your voice would’ve sounded small as you tried to explain yourself.
“I know. The ritual comes first, and then we can resume this… confession… si?.” Terzo shot a reasurring smile at you through the mirror. “We still have a job to do here.”
“We do.” You let out a little sigh that conveyed how much you didn’t want to be professional at the moment. “Speaking of: it’s time for you to go backstage.”
“Mhm,” Terzo hummed, folding his arm behind his back to take that proper stance that always seemed to drive you wild. “A lot of ground to cover tonight, cara mia.”
There were a few moments of silence between the two of you. Both of you seemed to be caught up in your own thought process about the way the rest of the night might possibly play out. We’re the confessions taking place here? The hotel? Somewhere else? The possibilities were endless, but you weren’t very picky about where any of it took place. All you knew was that you wanted Papa Emeritus III’s cock buried inside of you within the next two hours, or you were bound to just lose it.
Terzo finally turned his eyes and attention over to you after that bout of prolonged and tense silence.
“Half an hour will seem like an eternity, no?” He asked as if he had just plucked those thoughts directly from your brain.
“Well, I’ve waited this long to have some time with you, so, I don’t think another hour will kill me - hopefully.” You smiled in amusement, and silently willed yourself to last a little longer.
So far, you were doing fairly decent at keeping your mind on your job itself, but that seemed to get a little harder with Terzo stepping towards you now. He stared down at you, and his eyes were still consumed with that look of hunger from before. You swallowed down the lump that had settled in the back of your throat, and started to become very noticeable to you that your arousal was only growing as Terzo’s gaze almost put you in a trance-like state. His hand came up once more to grasp you tenderly by the chin, giving you a pull towards his body.
“Bravo ragazza.” Terzo’s accent came out velvety and smooth as he purred at you.
That was it, and that was all it took for your arousal to come fully into fruition. You weren’t very fluent in Italian, but you knew enough from your time at the ministry to know when your Papa was calling you a good girl. You clamped your thighs together right where you stood, forcing yourself not to moan out loud at his words, or just forget about the ritual all together and drop down to your knees in front of him.
It was practically like the floodgates had opened at that moment - figurative and literally, let’s just be honest about that - because every single encounter that you had with him never failed to make a puddle form between your legs. Every passing glance at Mass, the way he strutted the halls with such a balanced and confident stride, and his eyes… those fucking eyes that you’d been so desperate to watch bore holes into your soul while he was between your legs again… it was all you wanted at that moment.
“Y-you really-“ you had to cut yourself off to take a deep breath and swallow down that lump in your throat again, “You really have to go backstage now, Papa.”
Terzo, already sensing your emotions let that smug smile pull at his painted lips again. He gave your chin another small squeeze before lowering his head to press a quick peck to your lips, only letting the heat between the two of your linger for less than a second. He pulled away with a small, teasing hum as he dropped his hand from your face.
“I assume you’ll still be here when I return, hmm?”
“Yeah, definitely not going anywhere.” You caught your bottom lip with your teeth this time.
You couldn’t done everything in the book to try and hide the way that you were feeling or how goddamn desperate you were to have that man on top of you, but it was of no use. Terzo wasn’t a fool, and he knew exactly the type of effect that he had on you, because it had never been much of a secret. There really was no way of keeping secrets from him anyway. He always seemed to know exactly what you needed and when, especially if it involved a need for him; it was like he could smell it on you like you were in heat, or something. Then again, perhaps you were when it came down to the brass tacks of it. The man seemed to hit the on switch for your most primal instincts, and it left you wanting him in the most animalistic of ways.
Needless to say, Terzo was a very versatile lover from what you had already witness from him. He didn’t have any hangups about trying new things, nor was he on some sort of “alpha male” power trip where you were just expected to lay there and let him fuck you without complaining. He could be dominate if needed or wanted, yes. But, the man was also capable of laying you down and making love to you like you were the only person he ever needed or wanted. And that change of pace was always nice when you were in the mood for it.
But, romance wasn’t really what you were after at this moment in time. There was a part of you that wanted him to fuck you until you were raw, because at least you’d have something to remember him by in case you didn’t get a chance to be with him for another few weeks. You were already a flurry of emotions, and nothing had even happened yet. You were undeniably aroused, but also sad at the thought that he might be gone and busy again once you two fucked. You knew deep down that you were never going to get enough of him, you’d always want more.
“Alright.” It was Terzo’s voice that brought you back to reality once more. “Then I fully expect you to be here when I come back.”
“Yes, Papa.” Your voice betrayed you, and your tone oozed with how needy you were.
Terzo let his mismatched eyes roam your form for a moment, but it didn’t last nearly as long as you wanted it to. Before you could even blink, he had already turned and sauntered fluidly over to the dressing room door. But, he didn’t leave before cocking his his head back to you, throwing a flirty smile and that goddamn wink of his over to you. That was the second time in the span of 10 minutes that he made you want to sink down onto the floor - whether that be to gravel at his feet or blow him was debatable - and just like that, he had disappeared out of sight, closing the door behind himself.
That hour and a half really did feel like an eternity, just like Terzo had questioned you about before he left. You found yourself pacing around the dressing room like a caged tiger, doing your best to take your mind off how slowly the time seemed to be dragging on and on. The slow ticking of the nearby wall clock seemed to get louder and louder by the second; needless to say you weren’t doing a very good job at keeping your mind occupied elsewhere.
You did a lot of preening in the mirror during that time. You did your best to make sure your outfit and hair were styled right, wanting to make sure everything was in place. You became slightly insecure that you might not look as desirable as you thought you should - but that was obviously a harsh critique on yourself that wasn’t needed.
Your outfit of choice wasn’t all that different from the stage garb that the Nameless Ghouls wore. You did your best to try to look the part while you were on the road with them, but it was also the fact that you just appreciated their aesthetic. You wore a long sleeve button down and the hem of it was tucked neatly into your jeans, and those jeans were paired with black leather boot me that stopped below your knee. You spent a good chunk of your time buttoning and unbuttoning the top button of your shirt, trying to decided which looked more appealing.
You finally decided to leave it unbuttoned after 30 minutes of internal conflict about it.
The time that wasn’t spent obsessing over your appearance in the mirror was spent keeping yourself occupied by listening to the echo of the band playing as it reverberated into the backstage hallway. Of course, you could’ve gone out to watch them perform, but you had seen the show countless times and you just didn’t want to tack on anymore temptation for this moment that wasn’t already there. Terzo had already gotten you wet just by being in the same vicinity as him, so seeing him performing and going through his usual antics onstage would’ve driven you completely feral, and it was only bound to get worse before the night was over with.
Nearly two hours later, your salvation finally came when you heard Terzo’s vocal over the beginning of Monstrance Clock echoing through the venue. You knew full well what that meant, and anybody that knew anything about a ritual did; it was a tradition that it was the last song to be played at the end of the show. That’s when your nervousness really began to hit you with full force, knowing you were only moments away from Terzo returning. You made your way over to the vanity once more, still listening to the ongoing chanting of the crowd as they sang along with Terzo.
You laid your hand on the counter, leaning over slightly as you gave yourself another once over in the mirror. You bit your lip at the thought of the confessions that you were going to make, and that only made the excitement settle in the pit of your stomach.
You were sitting on a leather loveseat that sat in the dressing room when the door finally opened up to reveal Terzo standing in the doorway. You could see in Terzo’s face that he was still high from the adrenaline rush that being on stage gave him, and you knew that would only add fuel to the fire of what he was going to be like now. You shifted where you sat as you watched him shut the door behind himself as he sauntered over towards you. You had taken off your boots a while ago, letting your feet press against the floor as you stood up to approach him.
“How was the Ritual tonight?” You asked, with a coy smile tugging at your lips.
“Amazing, Tesoro. They always are,” Terzo replied, offering his gloved hand to you. “But, we can talk about that later. We have - if I may say - more important matters to attend to, don’t we?”
“Yes, absolutely. We do.” The words came out of your mouth a little faster than you intended to.
Nope. There was definitely no denying your neediness for him now. But, the way his head tilted back slightly as he looked down at you through his lashes let you know he seemed to be pleased by that. And if there was one thing you wanted to do: it was to please Terzo in every way that was possible.
“I guess we should start with your confession then, si?” Terzo asked, taking another long step toward you, letting his body come to a stop only a few inches away from yours.
And then that solid lump formed in the back of your throat again, but it seemed damn near impossible to swallow it down this time. For a moment, you thought you might choke on your own words, but somehow, you managed to swallow thickly before letting out an audible sigh. You turned your eyes up to Terzo’s again, and it didn’t take them long to start scanning over his face paint. It never failed to make you weak in the knees to see how it brought all of his best features to the forefront.
“How do the siblings do it?” You asked.
Terzo cocked his eyebrow at your question, as if he didn’t quite understand your meaning.
“The confessions,” you added with a small laugh. “Is it, ‘forgive me, Father, for I have sinned?’ Or ‘Forgive me, Papa… I haven’t sinned enough.’?”
Terzo smiled with a quietness, letting that intimidating gaze of his grow into one that was ready to send you over the edge. He reached his hand up just as he had before, letting his gloved digits grasp lightly at your chin, giving you a small tug forward as his mismatched eyes burned into yours.
“The rest usually just ask for a talk… but, I could get used to hearing that second one, cara,” Terzo purred, letting his accent roll fluidly off his tongue. “And what about you, eh? How do you want to address your Papa?”
“Well, if we we’re going by the restrictive rules of Christianity… then I’ve sinned a lot lately, Papa- sinful thoughts, anyway.”
There was a slight pause, and the tension between the two of you felt like a thick cloak was being draped over the entire room itself.
“And what are those thoughts?” Terzo’s voice was more of a whisper as he raised an eyebrow with strict interest and attention.
Here it was, it was all or nothing now. There was no way you could mention something like that and not go through with telling him about it.
“You,” you confessed, biting into the side of your cheek. “My mind keeps going back to our earlier… encounters… I mean, the thoughts are really bad during Mass, but they get even worse at night.”
You raised your hand up to wrap your fingers around his wrist while he still had your chin in his grasp. You gave it a small squeeze as you blinked up at him with a wanton expression. This man had barely touched you in all the ways that you needed him to, yet you were already mush in the palm of his hand, ready and willing to do anything he asked.
“I know it’s probably obvious and, like you said, there’s no need to be coy,” you continued, letting out a small breath when you felt his fingers squeeze into your skin again, “So, the confession is that: no matter how many times I try to get myself off at night thinking about you, it just doesn’t compare to how good you made me feel when you touch me.”
“I can’t say that it didn’t seem obvious… I can feel the tension and frustration radiating off of you when I’m near you these last few weeks, amore,”he replied, letting his eyes scan over your face and body. “And if your body didn’t give you away, then the way that you look at me certainly does.”
“Guess I’m not so good at keeping secrets.”
“Not from me, no.”
You started to let your hand drop away from Terzo’s wrist, but he finally released your chin and grabbed your hand instead, pulling it up to place your palm flat against his chest as he tilted his head at you.
“But, I am slightly disappointed to hear that you aren’t finding your own pleasure lately… that just won’t do,” Terzo hummed, letting the tip of tongue click against his teeth to emphasize his words. “All of us need to be satisfied and happy if we are to serve or ministry properly.”
“Give it back to me then.” Your fingers gripped slightly into his white shirt. “Please.”
“As your Papa, I’m happy to provide whatever you need.” Terzo’s free hand snaked around your body, pulling you into his chest.
He finally lowered his head enough to put his face closer to yours, and it was close enough that you could feel his breath against your skin. Your fingers gripped further into his shirt this time, and you closed the distance between the two of you as you leaned forward to press your lips against his. You couldn’t help the small moan that escaped against his lips as the two of you engaged in a long awaited makeout session. You could feel his arm tug you flush against his body, and that only made you more eager to keep your lips on his.
You were only showcasing your impatience by both of your hands already starting to work their way over the silver buttons on his shirt. You tugged at them to unsnap and few and you felt the chuckle against your lips from Terzo before he dragged his warm tongue along your bottom lip.
“Trying to skip right to the good part, are we?”He mumbled against your lips.
“All of it’s good, Papa,” you breathed against his mouth, catching his bottom lip between your teeth.
You could feel that smirk of Terzo’s as he brought his hands up to your chest, starting to undo the top buttons of your shirt. The kiss continued when he took the lead and pressed his lips back to yours, letting his tongue slip into your mouth this time. Another small moan sounded in your throat as your hands grasped at his slender waist, but a whine of protest escaped you when he detached his mouth from yours too quickly for your liking. There were more wanton stares thrown back and forth before he finally let two of his gloved fingers slip between the buttons of your shirt.
“I’d love to see this unbuttoned just a little more, cara,” Terzo purred, tugging at the fabric of your shirt, then dropping his hand to the button on your pants. “And these.”
“As long as you’re the one doing it,” you told him, taking his hands in yours to pull them back up to your chest.
“With pleasure.” Terzo’s lips pursed while he slowly began to unbutton your shirt.
His eyes barely left yours as he as he finally undid the last button and let your shirt fall open. But, obviously he couldn’t stop himself from dropping his gaze down to get a look at your bare chest. You watched his teeth scrape over his bottom lip. You took the incentive to try and further please his eye by shrugging the material from your shoulders, letting it slide down your arms to pool in the crook of your elbows. You stayed like that for a moment before dropping your arms to let the shirt fall to your feet.
“Hot. There’s no other way to put it.” Terzo’s hand snaked around your waist once more, giving you a sharp tug into his body. “And far too irresistible to be so unstatisfied lately… but, I’m determined to fix that tonight, sorella.”
He ghosted his lips over yours on purpose, making the intensity of the moment build before ducking his head down to your neck. There was a small gasp that escaped you, and your hands involuntarily clamped down on his shoulders when you felt his warms lips on your neck. He immediately found that sensitive spot at the base that he knew would send you into a completely unhinged state. You felt his lips suction around your spot as he let out a small growl against your skin, and then you felt the material of his gloved fingers move their way up your body to your breasts.
You dug your nails into the material of his suit on his shoulders, letting your head fall back, rendering yourself vulnerable to his mouth as he nibbled and sucked at your heated flesh. One of Terzo’s hands fell down to your ass, gripping into like he owned it - like you were his - it made you squirm with delight against his body to see him assert that dominance. You didn’t bother to try and stifle back the moan that escaped your throat when you felt him press his warm tongue against the base of your throat to lick a stripe up to the side of your neck. He coated you with his saliva as if he was marking you for himself.
“Fuck, Terzo,” you whined, sounding completely desperate for him, but that was the least of your concerns. “I need more of your mouth. Please.”
“That’s a dangerous request to make when I’m starving to devour you again,” Terzo purred against your skin, brushing his thumb over one of your stiffened nipples. “Especially when I know just how fucking good you taste.”
You huffed out in response to his words, practically turning into a post-verbal mess before him. It was light a switch had finally flipped inside of you, and whatever shyness you were still clinging onto was finally released. Instead, you were taken over by your own carnal instincts and your need to let this man have his way with you.
You reached up, grasping at Terzo’s raven black hair to pull his head down to your chest. You only had to use minimal effort, because he was more than willingly to duck his head down and suction his mouth around one of your nipples with a certain quickness. You whined sharply and hiked one of your legs up onto his hip as much as you could; your next goal was to press your crotch flush against his, more than a little impatient to feel his cock harden against you. Your grip strengthened on his hair as he growled against your breast, continuing to tease your nipple with his tongue. You couldn’t hold yourself back from rolling your hips against him, starting up at slow grind to try and relive that severe ache between your legs.
Terzo seemed to be pleased by your initiation, and it was further proven by the way his other hand dropped down and he was helping guide your small thrusts with his hands gripped into your ass. You had soaked through your underwear with your arousal by now, and you wondered how much more wet you could get before it soaked through onto his trousers - which was a turn on within itself, to mark him just as he had done you moments ago.
Terzo finally pulled his head up to press his forehead against yours, narrowing his eyes as he watched your face already contorting with pleasure. He kept that firm grip on your ass, giving your hips a small yank so you could grind your pussy flush against him this time - as flush as you could since the two of your were still clothed. Your pupils dilated with a glimmer of lust when you felt just how hard he was getting. You let your hands slip between the two of you, quickly unbuttoning your jeans and taking down the zipper.
One of his hands shot back up to your face, grasping your chin as he tilted your head back to make you look up at him once more. You watched the side of his jaw flare from the way he gritted his teeth, biting back his own seething arousal. Your hands came up to hold onto his waist as he stared down at you, and the smoldering look he was giving you made you realize that he probably wasn’t going to hold back when he finally fucked you.
“Touch yourself for me, cara,” Terzo groaned at your mouth, flicking his eyes down to your lower half. “You say it doesn’t compare to how I touch you, so show your Papa.”
Your jawed flared as you looked up at him with eyes that were already glazed over and completely shot with lust. You grabbed Terzo’s wrist, pulling it down between the two of you, leaning your head forward to engage him in another hot kiss. You slipped your tongue inside of his mouth this time, desperate to taste him in anyway that you could get it. He moved his tongue back against yours without protest, still using his other hand to grope and squeeze your ass as he began to grind against you with more intent this time.
“I’ll show you, but I wanna use your hand, Papa,” you breathed against his mouth, pressing his gloved hand into your crotch.
“Sembri così viziato,” he teased you for your needy behavior, but it was evident by his tone he enjoyed it. “At least let me get this off, si?” He lifted his gloved hand back up to show you.
You squirmed where you stood, wanting to protest, but decided against it as you nodded your head at him. You watched his painted lips tug into a smirk while he lifted his fingers up to his mouth. He placed his fingers to his teeth, biting down on the soft cotton of the gloves as he maintained eye contact with you. Your lips parted as you let out a sigh, watching him give a tug to the material to pull it off of his large hand. When his bare fingers finally came into view, your gaze went straight for them, eyeing them hungrily.
You grabbed Terzo’s wrist again, pulling it back down between the two of you, pressing his fingertips against your exposed underwear. Your breath hitched into your throat when you felt the warmth of his fingers as he pressed into the top of your pubic bone. You guided his hand, letting his fingers slip into the band of your underwear, and that’s where he decided to take over his own movements. You placed your hand over top of his, digging your nails into his skin when you felt the first few jolts of pleasure as his fingers slipped between your folds.
“Ah, sorella, you really have missed me, haven’t you? Already so wet for me,” he growled in that silly tone, using his fingers to spread your leaking arousal around your sex. “You are going to feel so good stretched out around me again.”
You moaned out, using your hand to press his fingers further inside of you. Your body jolted roughly against his, both of your chests pressed against one another. Your head fell back, enjoying the feeling of Terzo beginning to draw rhymically circles around your swollen clit. The ache you felt from in your core was still very prominent, but it was becoming a little more satisfied with each stroke he made with his skillful fingers.
“Right there, Terzo. Your fingers feel so good.” Your voice was already becoming shakey from each hard breath you took.
As much pleasure as you were in, you still weren’t intending to be selfish about it. You pulled your hand away from his, bringing it forward to press your palm against his crotch. You let out a grunt when you felt just how hard his cock was as it strained against the material of his jeans; that was enough to make you want to bend yourself over from him right at that second. You’d throw your own pleasure to the wind for him, but you knew he wouldn’t allow you to do that to you.
“Do you feel what you do to me, bellisima?” Terzo asked, jutting his hips forward to press his cock firm against your palm. “You aren’t the only one that thinks about us fucking. Fantasizing about you during Mass isn’t enough anymore.”
“Fuck me now, then.” The words blurted from your mouth without a single sense of hesitation as you rubbed his erection through his pants. “You can bend me over that vanity and use me, Papa.”
Terzo narrowed his eyes, and his fingers slipped deeper inside of your entrance until they were penetrating you fully. You felt his fingers curl upwards until he was pressing right into your g-spot. Your hand paused their strokes against his cock for a moment, becoming caught up by your own pleasure when he began to pump his fingers in and out of you.
“Facile, bambina. I’m going to breed you on every surface tonight, until you tell me you’ve had enough,” Terzo purred dangerously, creating rhythmic strokes against your g-spot for emphasis. “But first, I want to feel you cum on my fingers - that’s an order.”
You nodded feverishly up at him, looking at him through hooded eyes as he gave you his strict order. You started grinding your pussy down into his hand enough to press your mound into his palm as he fucked you with his fingers. Each thrust made your clit glide against his skin, creating a new wave of sensation and pleasure each time. Each stroke of his fingers only seemed to make you wetter, and that was very obvious as your arousal began to leak enough to coat his fingers and open palm.
“Fuck- right there- don’t stop, Papa” you moaned, grabbing hold of Terzo’s waistband, hastily unbuttoning his pants.
You snaked your hand into his pants, finally getting the first feel of how hard he really was when you wrapped your hand around his cock. Terzo growled out with a mixture of pleasure and impatience, pressing his hips against your hand, urging you to continue. You pumped your hand along his cock a few times, biting into your lip when you heard the first actual moan fall from his lips.
Hearing his deep voice turn into sounds of pleasure was more than enough to bring you closer to your impending climax. You stroked your hand along his length, stopping ever to often at his tip just to tease him, loving to feel the way he would thrust sharply against your hand. You watched as he glared at you with narrowed eyes, and that only seemed to encourage his to to make his fingers move more intensely against your g-spot. He’d pull his fingers from you every so often, but only to circle his fingers around your clit.
Your moans had turned into sharp whines as that coil of pleasure begin to tighten in your stomach, letting you know that you were getting close. Terzo only added to your stimulation as he dropped his head, surprising you as he took one of your nipples into his mouth again. You mewled out, letting your head fall back to surrender yourself over to his mouth and fingers as you were right on the edge of your relief. Your legs trembled right where you stood, so much that you thought you might collapse right there. Your movements against his cock finally paused, and you could feel the warmth of his pre-cum leaking onto your fingers.
“Terz’, I’m so close,” you panted, using your free hand to grasp his hair again, clinging to him while your walls started to tighten around his fingers. “I’m gonna cum.”
He released your nipple from his mouth once more, pulling his head back up to look down at you again. He grasped your face with his free hand, forcing you to look up at him, yet again.
“Si, cara mia. Show me how good it feels - I want to see that pretty cum face when you let go for me,” Terzo encouraged you, but still keeping a consistent pace with his fingers.
You released his length from your hands at that moment, bringing them up to wrap around him, hanging on for dear life. You cried out as you clung to Terzo’s frame, feeling that tight coil in the pit of your stomach finally snap. You felt that intense wave of pleasure as your orgasm began to overtake you in heavy waves that shuddered your whole body. Your chest rose and fell rapidly, and your walls contracted tightly around Terzo’s fingers, but he still made the effort to pump them in and out of you as you rode out your orgasm.
“I’m cumming.” You were able to choke out words through your gritted teeth, but only just.
“Brava ragazza, just like that. Cum for your Papa,” he continued to talk you through your orgasm, tugging at your bottom lip with his teeth. “Merda… I can feel you dripping down my fingers, tesoro. They feel that good, hmm?”
“Y-yes, yes.” You had to force yourself to answer his question.
You were already feeling a little dazed and foggy-minded, thanks to the first orgasm he gave to you. The last few weeks, you were only able to give yourself minimal amounts of pleasure, but having Terzo forcing you to cum for him gave it all back in an instant. It was slightly overwhelming to feel so much stimulation at once, but it was a euphoric feeling none-the-less.
“I need you, Terzo. I don’t want to wait anymore. I want you inside me now,” you finally began to beg without an ounce of shame.
Terzo, obviously starting to become just the slightest bit impatient from his own lust pulled his hand from your pants. He lifted his hand to reveal the way that you had slicked his fingers with your fluids, and his mismatched eyes scanned over them. You watched his take his fingers to his mouth, and you breath hitched when he dragged his tongue along his ring and middle fingers, tasting you.
He hummed, closing his eyes as he savoured the way you tasted on his fingers. He licked another stripe up to the top of his fingers before placing them in his mouth briefly to clean them off. His mismatched eyes finally opened to find your again, and he tilted his head at you with a small smile. He reached out that same hand to you, and it’s as if you already knew exactly what he wanted as your mouth opened without him so much as having to signal you to do it.
“You taste even better than you did the last time. If I went down on you now, I don’t think l’d be able to stop,” he whispered gruffly, pressing his fingertips against your tongue, making you whimper at his words. “But, I plan on having my face buried between your legs before the night is out.”
You lips closed around Terzo’s fingers with a hum, sucking at them gently before pulling your head back to make them pop out of your mouth. You grabbed his hand, pulling him with you as you headed for the vanity. You mind had only one intent at that moment, and that was to have his cock filling you completely; you had waited long enough to feel him again. You used your arm to swipe the contents of the counter to the side, gazing up at him through the mirror with a lust-driven glance of encouragement.
“Fuck me, baby,” you said bluntly, reaching down to shimmy your pants down below your ass, leaving yourself exposed.
Without another word, Terzo’s hand began to do the same to his trousers, lowering them enough to let his cock spring free from them. You pressed your chest down against the counter, giving your back as much of an enticing arch as you could as you reached back to grab at his waistcoat, pulling him into you. You grunted when you felt his large hands grab your hips, giving you a sharp yank back into his pelvis. You loved feeling that bit of assertiveness from him, even more so, you loved the feeling of him grinding and pressing his cock against your ass.
“You are so ready for me, cara,” Terzo moaned, letting the tip of his cock slip between your folds, teasing your slit with the head of his cock. “I can feel how wet you are against my cock.”
You groaned, pushing your ass back against Terzo to start up a slow grind against his cock and pelvis. You felt him press the tip of his length against your entrance, hitting his hips slowly to press his himself inside of you. You moaned out, digging your nails into the wood top of the vanity as Terzo gave a harder thrust this time, stretching you open as he began to penetrate you.
“Don’t stop,” you gasped, pressing your hips back against his, forcing his cock further inside of you. “I missed feeling you stretch me out, Papa.”
Terzo groaned, giving his hips a snap as he filled your pussy all at once with his girth. You let out a slightly strangled moan at the surprise of feeling him enter you all at once. Your chest heaved up and down against the vanity, and you lifted yourself up into your tiptoes, trying your best to expose all of yourself to him. You were presenting yourself to him as if you were something that was in heat.
Then again, being in heat was exactly what it felt like whenever Terzo was near you. Perhaps that’s what he meant earlier when he said that your body gave you away whenever he was near you. It was obvious that he could feel how turned on he made you whenever he was around you.
“And I love feeling you around my cock,” he replied through a growl, starting to give you slow thrusts as he kept a firm grip on your hips. “I want to feel you cum again. I want to feel you soak me before I breed you, bellisima.”
The next thing that you felt was a stinging slap to your ass. It made your body jerk forward against the vanity as you mewled out again, tilting your head back, and that’s when Terzo tracked his hand up the base of your neck to grab a fistful of you hair. He gave your hair a quick tug, reminding you that he was absolutely in charge, and that was when he began to roll his hips against yours with quick movements. His cock delved deep inside of you with each thrust of his rhythmic pace.
You choked out a moan, unable to form any sentences this time as you were taken over by the pleasure of him bottoming out inside of you. You panted as you laid there and took every single stroke that he gave to you, letting your cunt contract naturally around his length each time. Terzo let out growl and moans of his own, becoming focused on getting you off and nothing else. He landed another hard slap to your ass, leaving your skin red and burning, but it only added to how good it all felt.
The small room was was filled with the sounds of the two of you moaning in unison, and it was only contrasted by the lewd sounds of your skin colliding with Terzo’s as he fucked you. You could already feel yourself getting closer to your inevitable second release of the night, and you could tell it was going to hit you harder than the first. You had been reduced to nothing more than a moaning mess as you clinged to the vanity. You had had gotten so wet from the encounter that it was beginning to run down the insides of your thighs, it very obviously had soaked his cock and the front of his pants by this point.
“Does it feel good?” Terzo moaned, giving your hair a tug to pull your back up into his chest so that you were forced to look at him through the mirror. “Tell me. I want to hear it.”
“Fuck yes,” you whimpered when you felt the head of his cock brush your g-spot from this new angle. “I’m not gonna last much longer - you’re hitting my spot, Papa - goddamn.”
“Good,” he snapped hotly in your ear. “I want you to lose control for me, ragazza. I want to please you.”
“You do, Papa,” you cried, started to move your hips back against his, grinding yourself into his cock. “No one makes me feel this good. I’m all yours, whenever you want.”
“Of course you’re mine.” It was a blunt statement that sounded very serious when Terzo growled it against your ear. “I don’t want anyone else to have you like this, sorella.”
You had completely surrendered yourself over to him at that moment. You let your head fall back to his shoulder, still keeping that eye contact with him through the mirror as your hand came up to brush through his raven hair again. You gripped into it as he dropped one of his hands down to slip it between your legs, using the fingers of his bare hand to stroke over your sensitive clit. You grinded against him, but you were also met with those rhythmic, jarring thrusts from him.
“Fuck, don’t stop- just like that, Terzo. Shit, shit, I’m gonna cum so hard,” you encouraged him through choked crying, feeling your legs start to tremble more intensely this second time around. “I want you to cum with me, baby.”
Terzo moaned against your ear a little louder, his body shuddering against yours when you praised his efforts. You kept a tight grip on his hair, continuing to move your hips back against his, trying to fuck him just as hard as he fucked you. Judging by the sharp moans that both of you were letting out at this point, you both seemed to be doing a very good job and bringing each other closer to the precipice of climax.
“Cara, you’re getting your Papa so close. I’m going to cum with you-” Terzo let go of your hair and reached down to wrap his hand around your neck glaring at you through the mirror, continuing, “Where do you want it? Tell me, bambina.”
You turned your head up to look at him directly, pushing yourself up to let your lips crash into his. You moved your lips against his, nipping against his bottom lip every so often before slipping your tongue into his mouth. You moaned out when you got the first taste of yourself from earlier on his tongue, huffing out before pulling back enough to ghost your lips over his.
“I want you to cum inside me,” you breathed, letting go of his hair to cup the side of his face as you looked at him with big eyes. “I want all of it, Terz’. Your hair came up to grasp his hair just as quickly as you let it go. “Cum with me. Breed me.”
Terzo growled in response and his lips pressed to yours this time, initiating a very sloppy kiss as his tongue darted past your lips to get to the inside of your mouth. You whined against him as he let go of your throat, bringing his hand up to hold the side of your face briefly before pushing you back down to your chest on the vanity. You breathed breathed out and gripped into the vanity again when he grabbed roughly onto your hips again, you flicked your eyes up to him in the mirror, watching intently as he fucked you.
You didn’t want the image of him standing over you and fucking you from behind to leave your mind; you wanted to keep it etched onto your memory like an engraving on stone. The sight of it was more than enough to bring exactly where you needed to be at that moment. You locked eyes with Terri through the mirror, letting out strangled cries of pleasure as your eyes began to well with tears from the amount of stimulation you were receiving. The combined feeling of Terzo’s cock filling you up and his fingers drawing circles around your clit was the final nail in the coffin.
“Okay- okay-“ you managed to choke out, trying your best to form a coherent sentence to warn him. “I’m cum- FUCK- I’m cumming-“
You cut yourself off with a desperate cry as you doubled over against the counter, slamming your ass back against Terzo, doing your best to keep his length as deep inside your cunt as was possible while your orgasm overtook. You felt your walls convulsing and clenching hard around his cock, making him moan out along side you in the process as he leaned over to press his chest down to yours. You could feel the heaving of his chest against your back as his own composure began to wane.
“Ah, cara mia, sto per venire,” he announced, burying his face into the nape of your neck to let out a primal growl against your skin. “Ti senti così bene.”
You didn’t need to understand what Terzo was saying to know that he was climaxing - you could feel it. Your back arched painfully against his chest when you felt the first few spurts of his cum coating your walls and filling you deep. You continued to thrust back against him as much as you could, but you were slowly reduced to only being able to grind your ass against him. You doing your best to try and milk him for everything with his weight on top of you. You reached up with a shaker hand, placing it against the back of his head, for no other reason than to feel as close to him as your could.
Terzo returned the affection by laying a few random kisses against your shoulder blade, biting down into your flesh every so often with his teeth. Your hips shuddered against one another, and there were more than a few stray moans that escaped oth of your as you continued to ride out your orgasm to reach that post-coital high that came along with it. There were another few sets of sloppy kisses and nibbles being left along your shoulders and neck before the two of you were finally finished.
You body and legs were trembling so much at this point that you began to have genuine concerns that you’d fall over into the floor of you didn’t keep a tight hold onto the counter. You let out a large breath and let yourself relax against the counter. You felt him pull some of his weight off of you as he let his palms rest on either side you your head. His cock was still buried inside of you, and each movement that he made - no matter how small - sent aftershocks through you that made you whine softly.
“You are gonna be… the fucking death of me,” you breathed out, adjusting your head to eye him from your peripheral vision.
“Me?” Terzo scoffed before taking in a breath to relax himself. “You are younger than I am, sorella.”
“Mm… you’re way too humble, and a sadist to boot…” You did your best to prop yourself up onto your elbows, “there’s no reason to make someone cum that hard, unless you want them obsessed with you… old man.” You threw a teasing look over your shoulder at him.
“I don’t believe in things that are lackluster, and sex is at the top of that list. If I have anyone obsessed with me, I just chalk that up to my position as Papa.”
“Oh, is that how you explain that harem of siblings that are always following you around?” You hummed, throwing a look up to him.
Terzo smirked, reaching down to caress your cheek and chin with his hand. He tilted your head back to get a good look into your eyes.
“Is that jealously I’m sensing?” He questioned, stroking his thumb across your cheekbone.
“It depends on how much you’re gonna make fun of me if I say yes.”
His eyes wandered over your face and features silently for a moment. After a moment, he shook his head slowly before leaning himself in and pressing his lips to your cheek, planting a lingering kiss there. When he pulled back, he press his forehead into the side of your face, giving his head a small shake.
“You have nothing to be jealous of. I appreciate the devoutness of the other siblings and they’re loyalty to the clergy, but who’s the one that’s with me right now?”
You bit into your lip, and tried to pull your face away from his hand to hide the deep blush that began to radiate across your cheeks. But, it was no real use, he held your face firmly in his hand, giving it a little squeeze to let you know he wasn’t allowing you to pull away so easily.
“Answer me, Sorella.” Terzo’s tone was a little more stern this time, but you knew he didn’t mean for it to sound intimidating.
“Me. I’m the one with you now, Papa,” you replied, still looking back at him with a doe-eyed gaze.
“Exactly.” Terzo’s voice was more gentle when he answered, then he laid several quick pecks to your lips. “I thought it might have been becoming obvious that you’re my favorite of all the siblings.”
“I’ll make a mental note of it. I promise.” You smiled back at him, but quickly shifted your stance where you stood when you started to grow stiff from your current position. “Okay, I think I need to stand before my legs give out on me.”
Terzo’s length was still inside of you while it finally started to soften. The mixture of your fluids was quickly creating a mess that seeped out of your pussy. You could feel the mess it was making as it ran down the insides you your thighs, coating your skin, along with your pants and his. You grimaced lightly at the feeling of it now; the sloppiness of sex was always fun for the first few minutes after it was over, and then it just started to feel overly sticky.
“That statement right there: it makes you the oldest one here by default, Tesoro,” he chuckled, giving your cheek another small kiss before he stood up straight. “I’m going to pull out now, si?”
You nodded your head, non-chalantly reaching your hand behind yourself to lay it against his slender hip. It was the same reasoning as to why you grabbed his head moments ago; you just wanted to be close to him. You wanted to touch him and feel his warmth beneath your fingertips. Secretly, it was something that you didn’t want to l live without now. Terzo gave you a small smirk through the mirror, and it wasn’t until now that you noticed just how smeared it Papal make was; it was mainly the paint around his eyes and mouth that was smudged beyond repair
You felt him start to pull out, but even that added to the overstimulation that you felt. You moaned softly, giving his hip a small squeeze of warning as he laid his palms against your back, rubbing soothing circles to one of your shoulder blades. He gave a quick jerk back with his hips to pull himself out fully all at once, making another small moan escape your throat, and then came the feeling of all of his ejaculate running out of you.
“I’ll apologize for putting your legs to sleep, but I won’t apologize for the mess I made - that part was worth it,” Terzo mused, admiring the way that his seed oozed from your cunt before pulling his eyes up to your face again. “Are you okay?”
“Trust me, I’m fantastic,” you reassured him, grunting as you started to lift yourself up again. “Just a little worn out, if we’re going to be honest.”
“Let me help you then.”
His reply was quick and he didn’t give you any time to protest or tell him you were going to be okay before he was shoving himself back inside his pants and making a beeline to gather up another of your clothes that had been strewn around the room. You stared at him through the mirror, shaking your head with amusement as he pranced around to gather your clothes and, lastly, a small pack of wet wipes that he had in his stage back. He returned back over to your to set the items down on the counter, then he grabbed your shirt to hold it open for you.
“Yeah, no need for you to fuck that well and be this respectful afterwards,” you protested playfully, pouting at him through the mirror as you slipped your arms back into your shirt.
“Well, tough shit. You’re just gonna have to deal with the fact that I have a few manners, amore mio,” Terzo replied bluntly, giving you a smug grin.
“Mhm, very polite,” you chuckled, buttoning up your shirt.
You watched Terzo sink down to his knees at that moment, and you were slightly confused - but so not opposed to such a sight - you turned your body carefully towards him to see him pulling out one of the wipes from it’s packaging. It was very obvious what he was about to do, and seeing such a level of caring from someone that held such power was such an unusual thing to see.
“Wow. Papa Emeritus… on his knees with a pack of wet wipes,” you said it more to yourself than him, finding it rather comical to see. “Even you have to find this strange, Terz.’”
“Nope. It’s not strange for me, at all. I’m more than happy to pamper and look after any of my lovers - being Papa doesn’t absolve me of having decency,” Terzo replied, lifting up the wipe to your thigh. “May I?”
You nodded your head at him, turning your head away for just a moment to try and hide the blush he had forced from you again. You chewed the inside of your cheek when you felt the damp wipe come into contact with your skin as he cleaned your off. The was a gentleness to Terzo’s touch that threatened to arouse you all over again; the way that he too his time and the care he put into the actual aftercare was a whole kink of it’s own.
“Besides, I get on my knees for many different reasons,” he added, cutting a flirtatious glance up to you. “Had you not been so sensitive when we were finished, I would have happily dropped down to my knees to clean you with my mouth instead of this.” He waved the wipe at you to get his point across.
You sighed audibly at the thought of him going to his knees you clean the aftermath of your shared fluids with his mouth and tongue. It was right then that you cursed your body for getting so worked up that you had missed out on the chance to have that man’s face buried in your pussy while he was down on his knees for you. You let your head fall back for a moment so that you could let out a calming breathe, then you pulled your head back down to look at him as he finished up with wiping your skin down.
“Will I sound desperate if I ask for a rain check?” You raised a curious eyebrow at him.
“It’s funny that you think you need to ask for a rain check, as if we won’t be doing this again.”
“Well, I never like to assume things.”
“You can very much assume that I want to keep seeing you.” Terzo swiped over your skin once more before discarding a few used wipes into a small trash can by the vanity. “I did tell you that my face would be buried between your legs before the night is out, no?”
“If I can get out of Sister Imperator’s sight, you mean,” you laughed, pulling your pants and underwear back on again. “And yes, you did say that.”
“She keeps you for herself far too much. Perhaps you should consider assisting your Papa full time.”
“I’ll think about it, pretty boy,” you teased, reaching out to brush a lock of his hair back into place.
Terzo sighed, leaning forward on his knees to place a kiss to your stomach through your shirt. He flicked his mismatched eyes up to you, staring at you as he finally lifted himself back up to his feet. He still had that small smirk of seductiveness on his face as he took a step towards you, reaching out you caress the side of your face with his hand again.
“Well, you still have the rest of the night to consider a new venture. That is, if you want to accompany me back to my hotel?” He questioned, tilting his head at you.
You smiled, reaching out to snake your hands around his waist, taking a step forward to press yourself comfortably against his chest. His thumb strokes gently over cheekbone as he gazed down at you as if you were the only other person in the world. He had that otherworldly effect of making anyone feel special when they were in the moment with him, and all you wanted to do was for this feeling to last beyond tonight.
“Of course I want to… but under one condition,” you said.
“Run me a hot bath when we get there, pretty please,” you whined playfully, looking up at him with the most innocent gaze you could muster.
“Well, lucky for you, I had planned to do exactly that when we got their anyway,” Terzo hummed in response.
“Are you trying to make me spoiled?” You huffed.
Terzo tilted his head at you. “I don’t know- is it working?”
You rolled your eyes at him in response, doing your best to hide the smirk on your face as you finally turned your head. You pulled away from him with reluctance to grab your bag and pull the strap over your shoulder before throwing a look over your shoulder as Terzo followed you.
“C’mon, let’s go gather up the Ghouls and get them occupied for the night before they get loose inside the venue.”
“I’ll follow you. I get to enjoy the scenery more that way.” He winked at you.
Your eyes rolled at him yet again, but it couldn’t hide how undeniably happy you were in that moment.
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Submitted for your approval; Even more of The Nameless Ghouls as unhinged quotes from my friends (or me).
Dew: Do you know what a cuck is? no? Then you won’t get the joke.
Cirrus: *trying to stay calm as the rest of the ghouls go FERAL* Not my circus not my monkeys, Not my circus not my monkeys, Not my circus not my- fuck this literally IS my circus and these ARE MY MONKEYS
Sunny: *hugging Copia’s head to her chest* DONT YOU TALK TO ME OR MY SON EVER AGAIN
Copia: I am DEFINITELY older than you
Swiss:*playing a game that Dew recommended* Uhh Dew? Why am I on a rocket train?!
Aurora: *very muffled from down the hallway* THERE IS ONLY ONE U IN BLUETOOTH YOU FUCKING WALNUT
Phantom: How many points is “thug” worth?
Aurora: What do you even know about thugs?
Phantom: Absolutely nothing, question still stands
Cumulus: *playing Mario Cart against Swiss* *to the tune of the Chicken Dance* Badadadadadada Badadadadadada Badadadadadada *throws blue shell* GET FUCKIN REKT
Rain: *after trauma dumping on Sunny* You haven’t said anything, do you think I’m a bad person?
Sunny: no! I’m just an emotionally stunted potato.
Mountain: *trying on a pair of women’s jeans, to Cirrus* why are there STITCHES if there aren’t POCKETS?! What kind of monster puts fake pockets on things?! Where am I supposed to put all the weird things I find in the woods?!
And more Papas!
Copia: This week has been shit. My mental state is in the toilet and I’m not sure if I want to preemptively call off tomorrow and just fuck this week. I need to extract my brain and scrub it
Secondo: Sir this is a Wendy’s
Secondo: I just drove to four different fucking Wawa’s to get a fucking burrito after a shitty day and one place is out of tortillas, one is out of barbacoa and the other two are out of rice
I’m going to SCREAM.
Terzo: 15 years since I met Mary in computer class and they brought me to sit with their usual lunch crowd *scoots to sit next to Copia* and there was someone hunched at the end of the lunch table, reading a book and studiously ignoring me. *places a hand on Copia’s head* and then I slowly turned you into an insane person!
Nihil: *whispering to Seestor* I don’t think he’s a registered nurse, he keeps slapping me and screaming.
Sister: *looks at the nurse who is definitely Dew in platform shoes and a terrible fake mustache* he looks trustworthy
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gasolineghuleh · 2 months
For your little prompt ☺️
“I just wanted to feel good-”
“Who said you were allowed to?”
uhhh this happened in a fugue state, it's pretty fun
Papa Emeritus iii & You Words: 1.6k Tags: cockwarming, light spanking, denial
His gloved hands are on the papers he's signing "for the Cardinale", and his cock is nestled tightly inside you, your back pressed against his chest as his arms worked around you. Every motion of his hand and arm as he signed and wrote letters jostles his cock, and it's getting harder and harder to resist grinding back into him. This was punishment for reading during Mass, not some form of pleasure that you're meant to be taking. You didn't even know he was there at the time, as he didn't have to be on stage, nor was he actually leading mass tonight. It was Secondo's turn to preach to the congregation anyway-- Terzo was just attending. Papa's punishments, although rare, always come when you manage to disrespect the church somehow.
And in this instance, that was by reading.
"I trust the story is good, sorella?" You jolt from the sudden breaking of silence, clenching your thighs together to keep from repeating the motion. Terzo chuckles and pats your back reassuringly with his left hand, jostling papers with his right in order to make the movement more obvious. You bite your lip to hold in a sigh, fingers tightening on the edge of the desk.
"Yes, Papa. Of course!" Papa usually sees straight through a faked cheerful voice, and this seems to be no different.
"Ahh, I see. Of course, of course." Papa shifts his hips underneath you slightly, the head of his cock pressing against your walls perfectly. When you gasp he speaks louder, acknowledging your sudden (and increasingly desperate) noisiness. "And what are we reading, eh?" Papa links his left arm around your belly, delicately leaning forward to lay his chin on your shoulder to peer over your shoulder.
"It's-" you start with a huff, "The Green Fairy. I needed- oh!- something a little hotter lately than the mass books and- hff!- this came up on my blog." You tilt your laptop just slightly, allowing Papa to read a sentence or two. It's enough for him to get the gist of what you were reading during mass-- what he's forcing you to continue reading right now.
It's smut.
You've always wondered what sex with Papa would feel like. He's handsome and very much a playboy, always bragging about how many Ghouls he can bed in one night. There's a rumour among the Sisters of Sin that he's rather large down there, and if the pressure in your nethers currently is any indicator, the rumours are true.
"Sorella, do you have desires? I know you like to touch yourself." Papa asks you out of the blue, returning his focus to the documents he was meant to be reading and signing. His hand moves with quick and jerky motions, and you can't tell if he's annoyed at your boldness of reading material, or aroused. "If you can tell me a little bit about what you want, perhaps it will help me get know you a little more, si?" You bite your lip and blush, wiggling slightly in his lap as your head fills with a variety of positions, acts and ideas you'd love to experience with your Papa.
"Well, Papa. I really... I like it when a man-" You're cut off by a knock at the door and a fully masked Ghoul peeking around it. A flush spreads from your core across your face in a split second, turning you bright red and heated with embarrassment more than arousal.
"Papa, I grabbed the wine that you asked for." Papa's head lifts off of your shoulder, turning his face towards the door as his hands go to your hips, dropping the pen with a click onto the table. He pushes you forward slightly and lifts your hips, his cock slipping out of your warm cunt with a quiet groan from you and a slick pop as he's exposed to the cool air of the office.
"Ah, gratzi, Omega! Put it on the desk. I will be a few more minutes here with the naughty Sibling, and then we can start our evening." He grabs a hold of the base of his cock as the Ghoul drops the bottle he'd retrieved onto the oak desk, directly in front of you. Omega glances at you, his cold eyes meeting yours with a wink, and then departs just as quickly as he'd arrived. "Now, Sister," Papa starts, pulling you back onto his lap and circling your entrance with the head of his cock, "Do you understand the merit of paying attention to one's surroundings?"
"Yes, Papa," you say quickly, sighing as he starts to fill you again, slowly. "I- ah!- I understand." His fingers grip into the flesh of your hips tightly, the white cloth of his gloves adding another layer of sensation to the moment that has your core throbbing for more. His teeth scrape your shoulder where his chin is resting, and you let out a soft whine in response, cunt tightening around him. Papa laughs at the noise and rolls his hips forward, sheathing the rest of himself inside you quickly, eliciting a strangled gasp. You move your own hips to counter him, grinding yourself down onto his lap and moaning.
"Ai!" Papa brings a hand to your face, gripping your cheeks tightly before his thumb and fingers and squeezing. "What was that, hm?"
“I just wanted to feel good-”
“Who said you were allowed to?” Papa's voice is stern, but you feel his cock throbbing inside of you-- he may be upset with a little rule breaking, but his cock sure doesn't seem to mind.
"Please, Papa." You roll your hips down onto his with a soft gasp, and the noise seems to awaken something inside him. He pushes you up from his lap, the head of his cock still pressed snug inside, and presses you down on your stomach on the table in front of him. You squirm in protest, but are stilled with a quick hand to the base of your spine. His nails press into the soft skin there even through his gloves.
"This, ah- what is it you say- 'is for the birds', Sister. You will sit here like a good girl for the time being until I am done." He reaches over you and grabs the bottle that the Ghoul had delivered moments before. You turn your head and watch his hips shift, cock sliding in and out of you in this position, the small movements of his body jostling you ever so slightly.
Papa hums as he pours a small amount of wine into his glass and swirls it slowly. His hips are pressed firmly into yours now, and you can't help but grind yourself backwards on to his cock as it throbs inside of you, aching with a desire to be touched. You close your eyes and moan, the motion rubbing his head directly onto pleasure center and making you shiver and shake on top of his desk. You hear him sigh in satisfaction and then put the wine glass down next to your head, his other hand running through your hair gently. As soon as the glass touches the desk his fist tightens, gripping your hair and pulling you up as his hips push forward and push his cock into you faster, harder. Your legs tense as his thrusts speed up and the noises of sex fill the small room.
His breath is ragged and harsh, but he doesn't let up in his desperate worship of your body, not that you would ask him to, at this point. The heat is starting to gather low in your stomach as his cock continues to push into you at the perfect angle. Your mouth opens and a low, breathy moan falls from your lips, your walls starting to clamp down around him, begging for him to slow down. You're going to cum, and it's going to be spectacular.
"Come on, Sister. Cum for me like you cum reading those stories, si? Show me how much better the real thing is." Papa's words are enough to send you tumbling over the edge with a gasp, your arms tightening over his desk as your cunt throbs around his cock. He pushes in slowly a few more times and then stops, pulling himself out and running a gloved hand along his length roughly before cumming across your bare ass with a soft moan, hips jerking in time with the pulses of his cock.
"Sathanas," you mumble into the table as you regain your senses, the heat from your climax dissipating from your limbs, leaving them heavy and sluggish. Papa pats your back twice before taking a long sip of the wine and sitting back into his chair with a huff. He takes a long gulp and sets the glass back onto the desk with a heavy sigh, his breath coming out ragged, almost a wheeze.
"No more reading during mass, mm?" His hand claps down on your ass as you stand up and then brushes you gently, smoothing out the lower hem of your dress. "We are agreed? Understanding?"
"Of course, Papa." You turn and nod towards him slightly, taking your cue to leave, punishment thoroughly imposed. You open the door slowly, careful of the other clergymen wandering the hall, and take one step outside.
"Oh!- and Sorella?"
"Yes?" You poke your head around the edge of the door as your answer. He's reclined in the chair, one hand grasping the glass of wine, the other on the head of his cock. You can still see your cum glistening on his suit pants in the low light of the office.
"See yourself to my room tonight." You're too stunned by the command to reply, nodding quickly before rushing back out of his office and back to your daily chores, your knees weak, thighs wet, heart fluttering, and body aching for more.
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onedaughterofman · 2 years
Garments (Cardinal Copia x g/n reader)
Summary: You show the Cardinal what's under your religious habit.
Tags: +18, mild adult content, lingerie, Copia gets on his knees for the reader (as he should). It's a gender neutral reader, but they are wearing a corset and other stuff like that.
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It was easy. Stupidly so. A bat of eyelashes, a small smile, a soft “Can you help me, Cardinal?” and he was done.
Dragging the recently arrived Cardinal inside your room was so easy. It took a bit of planning, of waiting for your roommate to go around the ministry doing their tasks. And now, there’s only the Cardinal sitting on your bed, muscles tense and fists resting over his legs. He looks… nervous, maybe even uncomfortable. A part of you wonders if you’re going too fast, or misreading his intentions, but another part reminds you he’s a grown man. If he wanted to, he’d leave.
But he doesn’t.
“What do you think, Cardinal?”
Your voice is a purr, barely a whisper. Copia takes a sudden, deep breath as your finger hooks under the elastic of your stockings, tensing it before letting it slap your thigh. His pupils scan your legs, up and down, over and over again. Still, he says nothing.
“Maybe I should get rid of this,” you continue, letting your nais drag over the lacy material of the corset. It’s such a beautiful design, black and shiny, tight in all the right places and it does wonders for your waist. In front of you, Copia swallows once as his tongue darts out to wet his lips. Your eyes follow every little moment, every single twitch.
And yet, the Cardinal remains silent. For a moment, you consider just putting your habits back on and running out of the room in shame. This has never happened to you. Papa Terzo is a man of lust and sex drive, someone who appreciates and promotes sex as much as he promotes Satan. Copia is different. Whether he’s shy, or inexpert, or scared… you don’t know it. Sitting on the edge of your bed, he looks ready to pounce and devour you, but his fists remain pressed down his thighs as he stays rigid in place.
Oh, well. There goes nothing. 
“These might be too much for an everyday look, right? Too impractical, hard to remove…”
The silence is loud over your words as you trail off, fingertips caressing the leather of the thigh garters and harness. You’re right, it’s an overkill, but you wanted to go wild on the Cardinal. As your nails scratch the star pattern on the garter, you hear him muttering a small curse under his breath.
“Asmodeus,” he says, pupils practically vibrating inside his mismatched irises. His fists clench harder when he leans a bit closer. To your disappointment, Copia catches himself before going further, clearing his throat before he speaks. “Well,” he begins, searching for the words. His eyes dart around the room, but they can’t leave your body for too long. “What a Sibling of Sin choses to wear under their habits is not a Cardinal’s business…”
“Is that so?” You reply, faking disappointment. “And here I was hoping you’d like it.”
The words come out of Copia’s mouth too fast, rushed. He’s breathless, and his tongue goes over his lips again. “I do, I do,” he states, closing his eyes as his brows furrow. “Your Papa is a lucky man, isn’t he?”
For a long moment, you ponder over his words. Slowly, everything begins to make sense. His tense attitude, his reluctance, his self-control, his poorly hidden excitement… “Oh, Cardinal,” you laugh. “As much as I live to serve Papa, this is not for him. It’s for you.”
Watching Copia’s face is like seeing a train wreck. The emotions swirl inside his eyes and fall, one by one, leaving him confused. His mouth is agape, lips parted as he struggles to find his words. Only a small “Me?” comes out.
It’s cute, you think. It’d be cuter if you weren’t standing in the middle of the room half naked, waiting for him to make his move and hoping Imperator doesn’t realize you’re slacking off instead of attending to your duties. “Cardinal, how obvious must a person be? Fuck me, or reject me, but I plead you to do something.”
Instead of a verbal answer, the Cardinal slides off the bed, falling to his knees in front of you. His eyes never leave you, and there’s something about a man looking up to you in adoration that makes your stomach feel tight and your insides warm. Copia’s hands slowly find your calf, fingers caressing the material of the stockings. He swallows once, then twice before his fingers close around your ankle.
Oh, well. This is not rejection. Carefully, your foot rises and you press it down on his thigh, fighting to maintain the balance. There’s an obvious bulge in his pants. He swallows again, waiting. When you don’t move closer, Copia carefully pulls your ankle towards his crotch. You indulge him.
“You know…” Copia begins, voice hoarse. “I disagree about the garters and the harness. You should always wear them, as impractical as they might be. Adoration requires us to make some sacrifices, don’t you think?”
It’s impossible to reply when he leans to plant a kiss on your inner thigh, sending shivers up and down your spine. He looks up at you, staring right into your soul.
Shit, he’s right. Adoration requires sacrifices and dedication and Hell, right now you adore him.
PD: I have fallen for the rat man. Help. (Ask box is open if you wanna say something!)
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littlerainyghoul · 3 months
Little thing that's been brewing in my head~~
Accidentally calling the Papas "Dada" while regressed - headcannons
Safe for work interactions only please :3
- will be confused at first, but will smile as he realises you're regressed.
- "would you like to go to the garden with me?"
- he takes your hand as he leads you to the green house, and makes you a cup of tea.
- he teaches you about the plants and the birds around the bird house.
- Says he's not good with children, however after realising your regressed state he helps you with whatever chores you have to do for the day
- has a tough exterior but is actually a massive softie, and it shows while you're regressed. He puts you on his lap while he works.
- "you're actually quite cute"
- Will start cracking jokes as he realised you're regressed. Not making fun of you, just trying to make you laugh.
- Surprised at the fact that you called him Dada, but he likes it.
- "Look! I have a hole in my shoe! Funny, eh?"
- "My Sweet, did you just call me Dada?"
- Pulls you to his chest and lets you rest on his shoulder.
- "Do you want to see my rattinos?" He says as soon as he realises you're regressed.
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Only teasing.
Cardinal Copia x reader
On your way to lunch you relentlessly mess with the Cardinal one of your favorite pastimes. You get a kick out of teasing the Cardinal till he’s red as a tomato and once Terzo notices Copia’s interest in you he finds ragging on him for it just as fun. All the while Copia can’t seem to catch a break.
warnings: Some suggestive content but it’s Ghost how could there not be.
You had just finished helping another sister of sin in the library as that’s where you were stationed to do. Your stomach yearned for lunch, luckily you were already on your way. You sped down the hall quickly taking a right before you saw the most exhilarating sight.
Cardinal Copia, allllllll alone.
Muttering to himself.
A smile was already plastered on your face as the Cardinal was one of your most favorite people to mess with. You swung your hands behind your back and took long steps till you were right behind him. You leaned in close right beside his ear, “Boo.”
Copia jumped in surprise his arms reeling into his chest, trying to protect himself from this sneak attack. It was quite the sight to see.
“I’m sorry Cardinal I didn’t mean to scare you that bad.” You said leaning against the wall, giving him a grin, knowing very well how bad it scared him. Sure the surprise of it scared him plenty but the fact that you were the one who did it added a whole other level of fear to the situation. After all you were terrifying…in a lovable kind of way.
“It’s alright, you just caught me off guard is all.” He said feigning confidence. “Uh huh, In that case next time I’ll just have to scare you twice as hard.” You teased.
“Oh Sorella, please, my heart couldn’t take it, trust me.” He said shakily putting his hat back into place giving you his best pleading smile. “Alright, alright fine, but only cause I like you.” You poked his ribs playfully, he smiled weekly at you holding his side.
“Mind if I walk with you to lunch?” You gestured toward the dining hall. “Please.” He replied, surprised when you hooked your arm around his own.
You two walked down the hallway in silence, the Cardinal Sweating bullets. His eyes traveled up your body only to stop on your face, staring at your profile a bit too long. “See something you like?” You joked noticing his lingering eyes. He quickly looked back down at the marble floor.
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t intimidated by you, he didn’t know if your constant messing with him was because you liked him or just because you found him being a nervous wreck amusing. “Is it boring?” You ask looking over at him. “Hm?” He replied. “The stuff you hafta go through to be a papa, I’m sure getting to sleep with whoever you want is fun and all but some of it’s gotta be boring.” You stated eyeing him seeing if he’d be honest. 
He wrung his hands a few times before answering, “I wouldn’t know about sl-sleeping with whoever you want but…some of it can be boring, yes.” 
You nodded, devious look on your face “yeah I thought as much but you know you and I could play hooky for a day and maybe I could teach you a thing about sleeping with anyone you want.” You grinned, hand coming to tug teasingly on his ear. His face was red as ever the shaky laugh coming from him made him even cuter. 
The smirk on your face never leaving. At this point You could tell he he was much too nervous to try to veer the conversation away from any other subject so you had mercy on him.
“Are you nervous about becoming a papa?” You asked trying to break the tension for his sake. “Mmmm, mostly for performing rituals however the siblings of sin are inviting but I am slightly unnerved by the other papas.” He states rubbing the back of his neck. You figured he wasn’t having the easiest time fitting in.
“Well I’m sorry about that but I’m sure they’ll come around. Besides I got something to look forward to when you finally become one.” Your smile grew wider.
“Hm?” Copia inquired.
“I get to call you Papa.” You smirked looking at him suggestively knowing how much his heart had jumped at that.
His mouth moved wordlessly, his face turning darker by the second, staring at you with wide mismatched eyes.
Just then sister imperator swung around the corner the two of you were about to turn on. Copia yelped jumping back, your arm coming around to support him, keeping him from falling.
“Well don’t you two look…cozy” sister imperator said looking the both of you up and down. All you could do was shrug and smile up at her.
Copia still unable to say anything. “I expect to see the two of at lunch. In a timely manor. You’d better get a move on. No detours on the way.” She tapped your shoulder with the papers she was holding.
“Of course not sister I wouldn’t think of it.” You shook your head reassuring her. She gave a curt nod before walking in the other direction, her heels clicked down the hallway leaving Copia dangerously close to you. And you took pleasure in noticing just how close.
You pressed a little closer making him swallow just a bit harder. “Should we hold hands?” You joked, giving him a teasing smirk. 
He tried to say anything but all that came out squeaks his eyes darting back and forth. You gripped his chin between your thumb and index finger shaking his head slightly. “Kidding.” You said softly before walking toward the dining room. 
Copia exhaled harshly, watching you walk down the hallway. Wiping his forehead with the back of his hand and clearing his throat before following.
Copia followed you before feeling a hand grip his shoulder. “Ciao, Cardinal.” Terzo said, spinning the Cardinal around to face him.
“Making yourself comfortable I see.” He gestured to you as you walked to the opposite end of the grand dining hall.
Copia shook his head, “It’s nothing l-like that, I was just walking her to lunch is all.” Copia stuttered.
Terzo nodded knowingly. “I’m sure that’s not where you wanted to take her, eh Copia.” He pat the Cardinals face. “I know lunch isn’t the first place I thought of.” Terzo said his eyes following you. The smaller man looked at Terzo uncomfortably as he freed himself from the papas grasp. Copia straightened his shirt as he walked away hoping the conversation would end before the thoughts of you in bed would be evident in his pants.
He sat at the table hands in his lap trying to take his mind off what just happened. The dining hall felt hotter than usual today. Copia cursed Terzo for putting these kind of thoughts in his head especially in a room where the whole clergy was present. He stared down at his hands wondering what they’d look like on your hips. His face felt hotter at the thought. Secondo sat at his right and Terzo at his left. Copia stiffened trying to think of math or spoons or literally anything else but you. “Copia, would you like to say the blessing?” Sister imperator asked looking down at him.
Copia’s heart started beating a little too fast, if he stood up it’d be blatantly obvious where his head was at the moment. 
“No I’m ok.” Copia answered the words spilling out of his mouth, barely above a whisper. Terzo could be seen covering a smile with the back of his hand, the slight snort he made more noticeable than he intended. “It’s good practice.” Sister imperator insisted her brows raising at him. Her hand slightly bouncing toward the crowd of people. 
“I’m not really in any state to be blessing things.” Copia tried to get her to ask anyone else as the sweat beaded on his forehead.
Terzo leaned closer to the Cardinal, “Something on your mind Copia?” 
Copia looked over at Terzo slightly shaking his head, silently hoping a giant rock would fall from above just to get him to shut up. Terzo grinned before volunteering to do the blessing instead. At this point sister was relieved at least someone was.
Everyone bowed their heads as the blessing was said. Copia thanked Satan below he wasn’t forced to make a complete fool of himself. 
Everyone enjoyed lunch talking back and forth, the dining hall was loud as ever. You sat next to your friends but you were tuned out of the conversation, eyes searching for Copia. Until they finally landed on him.
You saw Terzo nudging him with his elbow as Copia looked more uncomfortable than ever not to mention his face was beet red. You could only imagine what Terzo could be teasing him about now.
Terzo caught you looking and he rapidly started tapping Copia’s shoulder and pointing in your direction. Calling unnecessary attention to the situation. The older Papa giving you a little wave with his fingers and a flirtatious wink.
You waved back slightly batting your lashes and giving him a sweet smile. 
“Does she smell nice? I’ll bet she smells nice, huh? Nice ass too, no?” Terzo said teasing Copia even harder.
Copia covered his face with his hands praying to Satan that this would end. You shook your head laughing at the two of them. ‘Poor Copia.’ You thought. You couldn’t begin to think about what a hard time Terzo was giving the poor Cardinal. You gave a pouty look taking pity on the Cardinal. Terzo blowing kisses your way if only to make it worse for Copia. Playfully you scolded Papa T feigning a stern look and giving a wag of your finger, before leaving the dining hall. Hoping your absence would get the teasing to stop. 
It didn’t.
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anamelessfool · 7 months
Thank you @kissingghouls for the tag!!!! I tried to pick something a little unique for this challenge...
VISITATION (From 'Domestics')
(family, humor, self-indulgent fluff, Dad Secondo)
2013: Papa Emeritus Terzo, Copia, and Nihil visit their estranged brother Secondo after the birth of his youngest child.
I have this whole ficlet series similar to Bestiary but based on small domestic moments in the lives of the brothers and the characters in my AU. Why? Because it's fun and ridiculously self-indulgent.
I love me a good flashback....
“Which way am I turning here?” Copia asked.
“Left,” muttered Terzo.
“Oh, Right then?”
“Yes, left is right!” Terzo paused then groaned. “Left is correct.”
“Marian couldn't come?” Terzo asked Copia idly. He smirked. “Hope your leash is long enough.”
Copia frowned. “At some point I wil fly out of this car, yes, jerked back by the leash, your Unholiness,” he replied flatly. “But ah… I'm into that.” Two hours in the car with Terzo gave one plenty of time to practice talking trash. “We should have arrived twenty minutes ago.”
Terzo shifted in the passenger seat. Car rides made him sick, and therefore extra irritable. He glanced in the rearview mirror at Nihil in the back. Nihil was staring ahead, expressionless, his eyes dull like a mesmerized cow. “We would have made time if we didn't stop back there.”
“Terzo, the old man barely asks for anything these days,” Copia said firmly. “So when he asked to stop and buy a balloon for his new grandson I um…had to indulge him.”
“Isn't this thing just brand new? A little ball that sleeps and cries? Why—why does it need a fucking balloon?”
“That thing… is your nephew,” Copia said, and he squeezed the steering wheel. “Have you ever taken care of anything small and helpless like that? You'd understand.”
Terzo muttered something in Italian and dropped his head against the door, staring out the window. Copia assumed if he wasn't so carsick he would really put on a pissy show for them all.
“We’re nearly there,” Copia said, slowing to an agonizing stop at the intersection, looking carefully right and left, waiting the appropriate three seconds at the stop sign, and then continuing on.
[They pull up to a plain suburban house.]
The door opened, Secundo towered over them all, his dark intense presence unmarred by his years away. The former Papa Emeritus II of the Satanic Church of the Void was now wearing a checkered button-down shirt and dark khakis. His grip on his cane tightened as his shark-like gaze flicked from guest to guest. Four Infernal Eyes regarded each other on the porch. Secundo's pitted face moved slightly. “Shoes. Off.” He shifted back, granting them entry.
They were led inside to a sunken foyer. Beyond a small railing was an ordinary living room with a beige carpet. There were halls nearby leading to kitchen, basement and bedrooms. All with as few stairs as possible made it easier for Secundo to easily walk around in his current state. His time as Channel of the Void left him permanently weak in his left side, but they all knew it could have been much worse.
Copia was struck by how unbelievably ordinary the place was. There was an unusual number of crammed bookshelves and a piano near the window, but other than that there was very little evidence of this being the home of a former leader of The Satanic Church of the Void. A single taxidermied goat head loomed over the television that displayed a muted cartoon program. Two small children sat near it in the center of a pile of wooden blocks.
Copia pulled his own shoes off, then knelt to help Nihil out of his. “It's nice to see you again, Secundo.”
Secundo never dropped his intensity and simply changed the words he spoke. “Yes, it is, Copia. Welcome.”
“Is that…is that little Paul?!” Copia nearly squealed as he pointed towards the little face peering from between the metal railings. The boy Paul had a shock of messy dark hair and a wild look that was all too familiar. “He's a small version of Terzo! Look!”
“That had been my unfortunate impression as well,” Secundo replied flatly.
Terzo gave them all a painfully polite smile, then joked. “Not to worry, I had nothing to do with it.”
Nihil’s head whipped from Paul to Terzo. “Yes, definitely our little scamp! An even smaller Terzo, heh!” Both grandson and son threw him identical scowls.
“Do you remember us?” Copia asked Paul. The boy cocked his head, thinking. He was born at the Ministry but the whole family left by the time he was five. “I remember we took out my old trike and you were pedaling up and down the hallways…”
“I distinctly remember you pedaling up and down the hallways on his tricycle,” Secundo said with an amused smirk.
“Just that once! To teach him!” Copia shot back.
[They settle into the collection of couches and proceed to observe the newborn.]
“Nihil, would you—” Sandra frowned. The old man had fallen asleep in the recliner within the past five minutes. She chuckled. “Well then, we will try later! How about you, Terzo?”
Terzo furrowed his brow. “No, certainly not. No thank you, sorella.”
Secundo looked quietly invested from his place on the opposite couch. “He'll reconsider later.”
My AO3 Series | My FicList
Tagging @katyaoaksdottir @fishwithtitz and @thew0man and you, yes YOU!
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Fast Food and Confessions (Copia x GN! Reader FLUFF)
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"(Y/N), could you come in here for a moment." You hear Copia call from his office. You stand up, adjusting your clothes slightly before heading in to see what he needed. You had been working as Copia's assistant for a while now, being brought on to help with all of the paper work and organization since Copia had become Papa. Copia's face lights up as you poke your head in the doorway. "Would you mind doing me a favor? I have to go have a meeting with Primo, Secundo, and Terzo, would you be able to stamp and file these for me? I'd like to get this done so we can both enjoy the rest of our evening."
You nod and smile, "of course Papa, I'll try to have these done by the time you come back." He stands and motions for you to sit at his desk.
"Make yourself comfortable, I'll be back as soon as possible." He gives you a small wave as he heads out the door, leaving you by yourself in his office. Filing away the paper work you were left with was easy enough. Most of it were simply ritual notes, letters from Sister Imperator, paper work for things that had gotten repaired around the Abbey. You had no idea how Copia ever kept up with all of this. This was just the little bit of paper work he was left over with, you couldn't imagine how much he had started the day with. The longer you sat in the dimly lit office the more you could feel your eyes trying to slip shut. Copia had been gone for a couple hours, you were sure he would be back to dismiss you anytime now. You stamped and sorted each paper one by one on the desk in front of you, his office smelled of sweet and musky incense and the subtle scent of Copia's cologne mixed in. His office chair perfectly conformed around your body, you could feel yourself sinking into it the more tired you got. 'I guess it wouldn't hurt to put my head down for a moment.' You thought to yourself. You crossed your arms and rested your head on them, at some point you ended up falling asleep. What felt like mere seconds later you were jolted awake by someone's hand coming to rest gently on your shoulder. Your eyes shot open only to come face to face with a concerned looking Copia.
"Papa, I am so sorry!" You immediately began apologizing. You hadn't meant to fall asleep on the job. You used to get in trouble all the time for falling asleep in your lessons, you couldn't believe you had done this in Copia's office of all places.
"(Y/N), relax, it's alright. I'm sorry that took so long, you didn't need to stay here so late." You rubbed your hand down your face, unsure how long you were asleep. You looked at the clock on the desk, it was a  little past 10:30, you had been asleep for almost four hours. "I didn't expect the meeting to go on that long." Papa kneels at your side, speaking softly so he wouldn't startle you anymore than he already had. He looked at all the paperwork you completed. "I take it you didn't make time to eat?" You shook your head in response. "Well, come on, there's bound to be some place to get food if we drive into the city." Copia stands, grabbing his coat off of the rack that sat by his office door. You stared at him in a state of both confusion and disbelief.
"Papa, you really don't have to worry about-"
"Nonsense! It's my fault I didn't get back until late. Plus it would be my absolute pleasure to treat you to dinner." You couldn't help but notice that Copia seemed unusually stiff and maybe even a bit embarrassed. You stood slowly, you could feel his eyes on even the slightest shift in your movements.
"Let me just go grab my coat." Copia held the door open for you, allowing you a moment to collect your things before the two of you made your way down to his car. He drove a beautiful, black, vintage mustang. The leather of the bench seat inside was gently worn, the entire vehicle impeccably clean. You marveled like a kid in a candy store at all of the details in the interior, you look up to see Copia smiling at you.
"You're a fan of vintage cars, sì?" You nod. "Well, it's nice to know you and I have something in common." He swiftly started the car, both of you rolling down your windows before taking off into the night. It was a relatively warm evening, but with the wind whipping into the car you were glad you brought your jacket with you. You couldn't help but smile as you watched the street lights race by.
"Papa, would it be okay if I put on some music?" You ask quietly. You sat in silence with Copia all the time, but, right now the two of you not talking on this drive was leaving a nervous tightness in your chest.
"Not at all my dear, put on whatever you like." You slid to the middle of the car so you could click on the radio, a tape deck loading in the cars cassette player. "That's a tape of songs from Ghost." He explains.
"Perfect." You give him a small smile. You didn't move from your position in the middle of the seat, every so often the sway from taking a turn causing you to press into Copia's shoulder for a brief moment. Copia clears his throat, you notice him glance at you from the corner of his eye. He lets out a long sigh, one of his hands leaving the wheel so he could wrap his arm around your shoulder. Your face felt like it was on fire, you could only imagine how much you were blushing. You snuggle into his side, the warmth from his body a welcomed difference to the brisk night air. You allowed your head to lull to the side, coming to rest on Copia's shoulder. It was nice to be able to be around Copia outside of work hours, you'd be lying if you said you hadn't been looking for an excuse to spend more time with him.
"This is... alright for you?" Copia finally says after a few moments. His arm already slightly lifting from your shoulder just in case you were uncomfortable.
"This is wonderful Copia." He glances at you for a brief second, allowing you to lock eyes as you smiled at each other.
"I like how it sounds when you say my name." You nuzzled your face against him slightly, embarrassed by his compliment. After driving for a while you eventually ended up at some generic burger and fries based fast food joint. You were barely on the edge of the city, the beacon in the night of the rest stop buzzing as you sat waiting for your food. You were about a half hour drive from the Abbey, nothing but empty highway to accompany yours and Copia's ride back home. He put the radio back on before his arm returned to your shoulders. "(Y/N)?" You hum in response to show you'e listening. "I feel like I don't tell you enough how much I appreciate having you around. If it wasn't for the fact that I get to see you every day I probably would have given up by now." You glance up at him, leaning forward slightly to place a light, gentle kiss on his cheek. 
"I'm really happy that I get to spend time with you Copia." You took his hand that was resting on your shoulder and laces his fingers with yours. Suddenly there was a loud band and the car jolted off to one side. Copia managed to get the car off the road to a little pull off on the side of the highway. He gets out of the car, walking around to the back, you hear him curse under his breath before getting back inside.
"Pardon my reach my dear." Copia says as he leans across your lap to reach in the glove box. He pulled out a call phone, quickly dialing the Abbey so they could get in contact with a towing company. "We have to wait for the tow truck to show up, they're going to bring us and the car back to the Abbey." He looked a bit defeated, "Sorry this turned into such a mess." He chuckles a bit.
"Copia, I'm still just happy that I get to spend time with you." You held up the bag from the rest stop. "We still have dinner." Copia laughs, taking a hold of your hand.
"Come here, I have an idea." You stuck close to him as he walked around to the trunk. You finally got to see that one of the back tires had blown out. Copia produced a blanket from the trunk, heading back around to the front of the car where he promptly set it down, giving you both a space to sit down. He held you by the waist, lifting you up so you were now sitting on the hood. "There is nothing better than being able to look at the stars, sì?" He was right, the sky was absolutely beautiful. The two of you sat and talked while you ate your food. Copia made you genuinely laugh. He was funny, kind, concerned only with making sure you were having a good time, neither of you wanting this night to end. You both laid back on the hood of the car, looking up into the night sky, the radio still playing quietly in the background. "(Y/N), can I make a confession."
"My Papa, confessing to me? What an interesting turn of events." The two of you laugh. You turn your body to face him, taking his hands in yours. "You can tell me anything Copia."
"When I first became Papa, I asked for you specifically to be my assistant." You shot him a quizzical look. "I've been trying to find the right time, the right way to confess my feelings for you for years. Even before I became Papa, when I was still Cardinal Copia, you did nothing but try to support me." You smile, you remember those times fondly. Copia used to be so anxious, about everything. You had always known that he was going to be an amazing Papa, you couldn't have been happier that you had been there through everything as he adjusted to this new role. The Copia that sat before you now was no longer the scared, adorable Cardinal you had originally fallen for. No, the Copia that sat before you now was the confident, charismatic man that you had witnessed transform before your very eyes. "This is going to sound ridiculous but I even went as far as trying to get advice from Terzo." Copia gently squeezes your hands. "I know this sounds crazy, and we never have to talk about this again if you don't feel the same. But, (Y/N), you would make me the happiest man alive if you would be mine."
"Copia, I would love to be all yours, but what if you get in trouble with Sister Imperator?" He smiled at you in response to your concern.
"(Y/N), my dear, you are worth the trouble." You look away shyly, his compliments getting you flustered very easily. The wind suddenly picked up, making you shiver. "Would you like to go back in the car?" You nod, Copia helping you down from the hood, the two of sliding back into the front seat. Copia pulled you close to him, you body instantly falling into place against his. You wish you could stay in his arms forever, but you were genuinely concerned about what would happen if Sister Imperator found out. But, for right now, none of that mattered. You wanted to make the most of the time you would have with Copia. You glanced up at him, placing a gentle hand on his face to turn his attention towards you. "What is it my dear?"
"Copia," your voice was thick in your throat, you knew once you did this there was no turning back. "please... kiss me." You watched Copia's eyes widen for just a moment before he tightened his grip on you, his lips crashing into yours. Every single inhibition you had up until this point melted away as he kissed you. You let out a satisfied hum as his arm snaked around your waist, effortlessly pulling you into his lap. You separated with a small gasp, both of you left breathless. He smiled at you, resting his hand on the side of your face.
"You are so beautiful."  He says softly, looking at you with nothing short of adoration. You place another gentle kiss on his lips. You had never seen him look so happy. He rubbed his thumbs soothingly against your sides, your forehead resting against his as you sat in a comfortable silence.
"I knew you were going to be trouble." He shoots you a quizzical look. "How am I going to be able to resist kissing you while you're working?"
He chuckles, placing a few kisses on your face before continuing. "I guess I'll just have to get my work done faster." Both of your attention was caught by headlights pulling up next to you,it was the tow truck. Copia lets out a displeased huff, "of course, right as we're getting comfortable." You smiled slyly, leaning down next to Copia's ear.
"You know, no one would notice if I don't come back to my dorm." You whisper in his ear. He clears his throat, trying to hide how flustered you had just gotten him.
"Right, well in that case, we better let this man get to work." You can't help but laugh at how lively he had gotten at that statement alone. Copia explained what had happened to the two truck driver, all the while keeping you close to his side. You found yourself involentarily falling asleep as you drove back to the Abbey. By the time you had gotten back Copia had noticed you had fallen asleep clinging to his arm. He paid the tow truck driver, scooped you up in his arms, and brought you back to his quarters. "Goodnight my love." He says to your sleeping form, placing one final kiss to your forehead before falling asleep next to you, excited to see where things would head between the two of you.
(A/N: Ah! I'm sorry how abruptly this one ends, I'm still working on my endings. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you like it!)
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kidstemplatte · 8 months
one step more
summary: terzo catches his daughter sneaking out of the house.
it is stated that violetta has a mother (presumably reader). more notes at the end. i hope you enjoy <3
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“One step at a time, Violetta.” The drunken teenage girl thought to herself, walking down the dark hallway to your section of the abbey. The hall had never felt this long before. Sure, she complained like a bitch every time she left something in the commons after just getting comfortable in bed, having to walk through the lengthy corridor in her pajamas to retrieve it, but it was never this bad. With every step she took, it seemed as if the corridor seemed to stretch just one step more.
She inched down the hall, her jet-black hair dirty and tangled, the makeup she spent hours perfecting beginning to melt away, her platform boots in hand. Those stupid fucking boots. So cute but so damn inconvenient. She almost bust her face open twice on the walk home, drunkenly stumbling on the sidewalk before taking them off. She knew it was stupid, sneaking out to go to concerts and parties instead of studying or spending time with her family. But recently, she hadn’t been feeling like herself. She couldn’t explain it, she just felt… off. And if taking a few too many shots and jumping around to the sound of ear-splitting screams with a bunch of strangers let her forget about it for a moment, she was willing to do so.
She blinked, and she made it to the entrance. A large black door containing elaborate engravings around the frame and the name “Emeritus” carved on the top stood before her. Slowly and carefully, she turned the door knob and pushed gently. Damn it, this door was old and creaky. If anyone asked what the noise was about in the morning, she would just say she left her headphones in the commons, which was a common occurrence. She opened her phone to check the time. 1:56 am.
She tiptoed her way in, turned around, shut the door slowly until she heard the satisfying click, and let go. Setting her boots down by the door, she inhaled deeply and let out a sigh of relief.
“How was the party, Violetta?”
And as she lifted her gaze from the floor, there sat her father, Terzo, in the large recliner by the fire, swirling a glass of wine in his hand.
Violetta stood by the door dumbfounded , painted lips agape yet not able to produce any words.
“And the one before that?”
The silence was deafening. The only thing audible was the repetitive ticking of the grandfather clock, typically gone unnoticed during the day.
“And the one before that?” he continued.
He took an extended sip from the glass, pretending to wait for a response, knowing damn well he wasn’t going to get one.
“There was even one on a Tuesday. Who goes to the club on a Tuesday?” he remarked.
Like this man hadn’t been to the club on a Tuesday.
“I’m sorry.” was all she managed to get out, staring at a singular spot on the carpet rather than into his eyes, trying to maintain her balance.
“Sit.” He said, gesturing to the couch across from him.
Violetta dragged herself over to the couch, putting a concerning amount of thought into each step. While she sat down, Terzo placed the glass onto the coffee table as she attempted not to look at it. She’d rather stare into her father’s disappointed eyes than look at any kind of alcohol right now. Just the thought of it made her stomach churn.
“Are you drunk?” Terzo asked, leaning forward, his tone eerily indistinguishable.
He raised an eyebrow.
There was no point in trying to hide it.
“Violetta…” her father said, rubbing his face with his hands.
He then started rambling, going off on what was presumably some sort of lecture about sneaking out. But as he kept talking, he kept getting quieter, and everything else got louder. A sickly feeling in her stomach began to grow, and a dull ache in her head was becoming more and more noticeable.
“Give me one moment.” Terzo said, standing up and exiting the room.
Fuck, he was gonna tell Mom.
Violetta shut her eyes, focusing on her breathing as the fatigue grew by the second with each tick of the clock. Her body was heating up, a tingling feeling spreading throughout her body. She was so embarrassed, caught by her dad while she was shitfaced out of her mind. She wanted to go to bed and wake up and feel better, and pretend this was all a bad dream.
When she opened her eyes, she was not faced with her mother, rather than her father, kneeling in front of her, wiping off the smudged black and white paint on her face. She really was her father’s daughter.
Terzo looked down at his daughter’s face, his heart growing with each swipe of the makeup wipe, as more and more of her was revealed. It had been so long since he’d seen her. His daughter. After he was done taking off her makeup, he tossed the wipe on the table.
The walls were spinning. Her stomach was churning. Her head was pounding.
“I think I’m gonna-“
Terzo quickly grabbed a large plastic bowl he had set on the table, previously gone unnoticed, and handed it to his daughter.
Just as the discomfort reached its climax, she retched into the bowl, emptying the contents of her stomach. When she was finally done, she set the bowl on the side of the table.
Much better.
“Better?” Terzo asked, sitting beside Violetta on the couch.
“Yeah.” She said, shooting him a weary thumbs up. Her headache was fading away, her stomach settled, and her body began to cool down.
“Good.” he replied.
And just moments after she felt the relief from the physical pain, another pain started to settle in: emotional pain. She didn’t know why it happened. It just did. Her chest started to ache, her throat tightened up, and her vision started to blur with tears.
“Are you mad at me?” she squeaked timidly, voice cracking.
“No.” he replied.
“You promise?”
“I promise.” he confirmed with a brief nod.
“Being a parent is weird, even after all this time. Of course when I see you leaving the house and partying I at first want to get upset. You know, I did the same things when I was your age. Worse. I was a party animal. Maybe ‘was’ is not the proper word. But I settled down after we had you. But nobody ever talked to me about it. I was scolded before I even understood the consequences of what I was doing. So I want to ask, how are you doing?”
“I don’t know.” she replied, somewhat honestly.
The tears welling up finally escaped her eyes, uncontrollably streaming down her face as she let out soft gasps and hiccups.
“Oh, la mia stellina, do not cry… It’s okay.” He reassured her, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly.
It had been so long since they had hugged like this, since they had had a moment, just the two of them together. “I’m sorry it has taken me this long to check in on you.” He said as the two pulled away from their embrace.
“No, it’s okay, I’m sorry I’ve been sneaking out.” Violetta apologized, wiping tears from her eyes.
“Maybe we are both sorry. That’s okay.” He reassured her.
“Yeah.” She sniffed.
“I mean, honestly, it’s not all because I’m feeling weird. Going out is… fun.” She admitted.
“Trust me, I know. You are a teenager. You will go out and do teenage things. I cannot stop that. You are growing up. But I also want to make sure you’re being safe. That is my greatest concern. No taking anything from strangers, no walking alone at night, you know. You know this. You are smart, Violetta. That is why this is worrying me that something else is going on.”
“I’ve just been feeling weird. Different. I don’t know if depressed is the right word-“
“You have not been thinking of hurting yourself, have you?” Terzo interrupted, his facial expression morphing into one of panic as he collected both her hands in his.
“No.” she replied.
“You promise?” He said, voice dropping into a low whisper.
“You promise me?”
“Yes, Papa. I promise.” she reiterated, looking into his eyes.
He missed that word.
“I don’t know, I just don’t really feel like myself. Just different. Like I’m watching my life go by and I’m just… inside my body.” she explained.
“Violetta, you can tell me these things. I am always here for you. I want to be a part of your life. I have no idea what an ideal father looks like. But I try my hardest to be one. I miss talking to you. The longest conversations we have are when we’re arguing. I do not want it to be this way. But that is how it has become.”
A looming silence spread throughout the room, leaving nothing but the faint sound of ticking until Terzo let in a shaky breath.
“Tell me, Violetta, what can I do to change this?”
And in a newly adopted, weaker tone, Terzo muttered,
“What can I do to be a part of your life again?”
“You will always be a part of my life, Papa. Even if you aren’t always with me. You don’t have to do anything else. This is all I needed. A reminder.” She reassured him.
“I will always do more. Take the extra mile. Even just one step more. Always for you.” Terzo professed.
“Thank you, Papa. I love you.”
“I love you too, Violetta. La mia stellina.” He said, pulling her in and holding her tightly.
“Tomorrow we can go for a car ride and listen to music, like we used to? Sound good?” he asked as the two pulled away from each other.
“Only if you let me have the aux.”
“An ox? That’s an odd pet, no?”
“No, Papa, like the- the aux cord.” She explained through laughter, mimicking plugging in the cord.
“Oh. I see. Sure, you can have the aux.” Terzo laughed, waving his hand.
“Oh, and now that we’re being open with each other, can you please tell me about the time you showed up drunk to mass and started freestyle rapping?”
“The time I- how?”
“Mom told me about it.”
Per l’amor del cielo.
☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓
this one was so fun and challenging to write but so worth it!!! i’m obsessed with their relationship. 😭
i really hope you enjoyed!!
more violetta content is coming soon!! and maybe another child as well 🤭
❤️, alice
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honimello · 7 months
Cardinal Copia x Demisexual!Reader
Summary: Lust runs rampant in the halls of the ministry and while you respect the hustle, it's not something you participate in. One night in confessional, you express your feelings on the subject to a certain Cardinal who understands your plight. (Both reader and the Cardinal are demiromantic and demisexual, Copia is a virgin because I said so. They're also autistic but it's not mentioned.)
Warnings: Swearing, Feelings of being outcast, Hearing someone have sex in the next room, Afab!Reader, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Lonely Copia, All Papas are alive, probably grammar errors
Words: 2,122
A/N: This is so gonna be so self indulgent, y'all don't even know lol. I'm hoping to make this a slow-burn long fic with multiple parts. I really wanna focus on the reader and copias non-sexual, platonic relationship before I move onto the more romantic parts. They will fuck eventually tho lol i think im gonna leave this as a one shot lol
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Lust is sinful longing, the inward sin which leads to the falling away from God (Romans 1:21).
Being a Sibling of Sin was not difficult. Giving into temptation came easily to you; Wrath, Envy, Glutton, and Sloth being some of your favorites. Although, as much as you enjoyed it at the Ministry, and especially with how devout you were in your faith, it was maddening to see the importance everyone here put on the sin of Lust. Lust was not something you often participated in, at the very least not with someone else, but some days it really felt like that's all anyone really cared about in the Ministry- the other sins being forgotten.
Being demiromantic and demisexual, or on the aroace spectrum at all, was quite difficult. While people didn’t “fornicate” in any place other than their own private spaces, and any black masses or rituals containing sexual acts were explicitly stated as so and were not required to attend, it still felt like there was no running or hiding from it. 
Sounds of lovers in the throws of passion often echoed down the halls of the very old, very thin-walled dormitories, especially at night. It wasn’t uncommon to walk into a “vacant” closet or “empty” classroom and accidentally catch some fellow Siblings in quite compromising positions. You had even heard stories of people walking in on Papa Terzo in such positions, often with one or more Siblings entangled with him. You had never heard of stories like that for Papa Secondo, but you’re sure it's happened even though he’s not nearly as proactive as his younger brother; he still gets around. 
Don’t get me wrong, you respect Lust and all those that participated in it, it just wasn't really for you. You haven't found anyone you have a profound emotional connection with, and so you never had a sexual desire to be with anyone you knew. You had some friends and while you're sure they would be more than happy to help you out with any sexual frustrations you had, it wasn’t what you wanted. They were nice but there wasn’t that connection you craved. Sex and romance went hand in hand for you, and with romance came emotional connection. You couldn’t see anyone in a lustful way without it. 
Sometimes, you felt left out because of this. You’d never been to any of the more risque masses or rituals, and while you're still not sure you would even enjoy it, it's hard not to feel lost when all your friends would reference the mass and how much they enjoyed it. It felt like you were being slowly pushed out of the group, they didn't understand when you would talk about the sins you enjoyed. Some people couldn’t even recite all the Seven Deadly Sins, and while it wasn’t required (Almost nothing was in the Ministry, they did celebrate free will after all) it still was very telling to you where their minds lay. They didn’t mean to make you feel this way, you knew that. 
But it was difficult not to feel rage bubbling up when you could hear one of your friends fucking someone into their mattress in the next dorm over. This had been happening frequently, they had just gotten into a new relationship. You were happy for them but not happy enough to stop the angry growl that ripped through your throat as you smashed your pillow over your head in the hopes of drowning out the noise. It was 11pm for Lucifer’s sake! You had exams in the morning! The only thing that you could think of to save yourself was going to confession. It was Thursday night and confessional ended in about an hour, you could probably make it down there in time. 
You weren’t entirely sure who would be running the confessional tonight but it had never really mattered to you whereas most people would often pick and choose which days and hours depending on who was hearing confessions. Somewhere in the back of your mind, as the mattress springs in the next room creak louder, you can slightly recall reading that Thursday was the Cardinals night. This thought only solidified your plan to go to confession. 
For whatever reason, most Siblings did not like the Cardinal. He was too shy and strange to really fit in, it always amazed you how easily people can sniff out an outsider. He wasn’t an outsider truly, but he had been a transfer from Italy to the Ministry here in America. And his penchant for rats didn’t do him any favors. The thought makes you laugh a little as you get dressed and leave your dorm room, locking the door behind you. 
The noises were only louder out here but it was a small price to pay just so you could have at the very least five minutes away from this place. You had already gone to confession this week, having confessed your sin of Wrath to Papa Primo in the earliest hour of confession. Someone had mouthed off to you in the hallway and you couldn't hold back the words of venom that spewed from your mouth. Sins are to be celebrated, and Primo was very proud of you for sticking up for yourself, but he did tell you to be more careful next time as you had gotten punched in response to your words. Your cheek was still a little bruised but it wasn’t very noticeable. 
Your shoes pat on the stone flooring of the Ministry, the ancient building was made of mostly marble and stone. Most wings had been renovated recently but your dorm was the oldest, and had been, for the most part, ignored. Tonight was probably the only night you really detested that fact, and as you came to the bottom of the staircase leading into the main hall of the Ministry, you finally heard the moans and whimpers fade out. It makes you wonder just how many other people are itching to get away from the noise as much as you are. It doesn’t matter much to you now that you’re out of earshot. Out of sight, out of mind as they say. 
It doesn't take long for you to get to the large wooden doors that separate the main hall from the confession room. As you open the doors with a loud creak, you take a second to take in the room. It was probably your favorite room in the whole Ministry, besides the Library of course. It was small, unlike the rest of the rooms in the building, and had red velvet curtains drawn over the tall windows on the right side of the room for maximum darkness during confession. The confessional itself sat on the farthest side opposite the door, it stands ominous and tall right in front of you. It's made of a dark wood with ornate carvings depicting various demons as well as the Olde One himself. You approach slowly, there are slats on the thin doors and through them you can see a distinct, unbearably recognizable red. The Cardinal sits inside, and from inside you can hear his quiet, hesitant voice call out.
“You may approach, sorella.” His voice wavers slightly, like he’s afraid if he talks you might just run away at the realization that it's him in the booth. You just nod and enter your respective side across from him. It is not easy to see him through the partition; to make confessing easier, you’re sure. But from what you can see, his biretta atop his head is partially askew and his makeup seems to be smudged, almost like he ran his hand down his face in exhaustion; forgetting his painted face.
“Praise me, Cardinal, for I have sinned.” You whisper. It seems almost wrong to be speaking in the dreadful, eerie silence of the room. You hear almost every breath the Cardinal takes beside you, and perhaps, if the partition wasn’t there, you could feel every breath as well. “It has been one day since my last confession.”
“A day? Sorella, you know you only have to confess once a week, sí?” The Cardinal mutters, he seems taken aback at this but he adds quickly: “Not that I am complaining!-- Eh, you will have to forgive me, sorella. It is not often that people come in for confession when I am attending. The Siblings do love their Papa’s, heh heh.” His laugh holds no joy, in fact he sounds almost lonely.
“It’s okay, Cardinal, I understand. I came in to confess my sin of Wrath.”
“Yes, Cardinal. Wrath.” You can hear him shifting on the bench beside you, as well as the squeak of his leather gloves gripping the bench beside his legs. He continues to shift nervously, and you wonder if maybe he thinks you are angry with him. It wouldn’t be the first time someone has chewed him out, he was a very tough Latin teacher here at the Ministry and you’re confident he has had his fair share of Wrath directed at him.
“W-would you feel comfortable elaborating, sorella?” The Cardinals voice almost sounds inaudible. “It is just- it is not common that I hear of committing Wrath, unless the subject of the matter is Papa Secondo, of course.” 
To that he gives a real chuckle, and it makes you laugh as well. Secondo always was a hothead, seeing him stomp around the Ministry with a scowl on his face was not a rare sight.
“Yes, Cardinal… Well, it started a few weeks ago when a friend of mine got a new partner, and while I’m very happy for them, I don't enjoy having to listen to them in the next room… If you understand what I’m saying.” You feel a little silly once you say it out loud, but the grave ‘hmm’ from beside you tells you that he takes your plight seriously. “You see, Cardinal, I am demisexual and I don't really participate in those kinds of activities, it makes me very uncomfortable to even think about it some days, let alone having to hear a friend of mine doing that.”
He hums once again and sighs. 
“Yes, sorella, I understand all too well. I share similar feelings to you on this topic, and while I love my fratelli, growing up with them was difficult. I am sure you have heard of their extracurricular activities, no?” He waits a beat for you to respond, then he continues, a certain edge to his voice. “Sí, well, I heard a lot about their escapades, sometimes even accidentally walking in on them in the act! It was very scarring as I am sure you can understand. I can tell why that would tempt you to rage in a way.”
You let the Cardinals words sink in a bit and you're suddenly very glad you decided to come confess, the sense of comradery you have found here is surprising but not unwelcome. In fact, it’s quite comforting. You just hope your dorm neighbor isn’t still going at it when you go back. 
“Thank you, Cardinal. I was feeling a little guilty for being angry with them, but I’m glad I came to confess tonight.” You whisper, suddenly feeling the urge to hold his hand. This thought seems to hit you quite hard because you almost miss the way he sucks in a breath next to you and speaks up once more.
“Yours sins are to be celebrated, sorella, you should not feel guilty. Being upset with someone does not mean that you respect or love them any less, especially if what they are doing is causing you discomfort, sorella.” The Cardinal sighs once more, “Okie dokie, I am afraid our time is up! I dismiss you, sorella, and eh-- what do the kids say? Be gay, do crimes?”
You can’t hold your bubbling laughter in, in quite the same way he can’t stop himself from joining you in your laughter. To complete the confession, you both say a short prayer for Lucifer. The Cardinal, ever the gentleman, offers to let you leave the confession room first so you can leave relatively alone. You leave with a new pep in your step and a weight lifted off your shoulders, have you finally made a friend who understands you? Maybe you will join him for confession again soon.
The stairs up to the dorms seem shorter this time as you trot up them, and you are elated to hear only silence when you reach your dorm room. You sleep very well that night and wake up feeling fully rested for the first time in a long time. 
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cowboyemeritus · 1 year
My Bloody Valentine (Papa II/Reader)
Secondo has earned this. Obviously, he does these things because he loves you, but moments like this one are always an added bonus. (18+)
Read on AO3
Just gonna put a small cw for blood because PMS hit me like a train and inspired me to write a Secondo period sex ficlet for Valentine's Day (even though it is now the 15th... Don't worry about it...)
Despite his reputation, Secondo knows how to turn on the romance when necessary. He’s pulled out all the stops tonight: roses, nice wine, and a box of your favorite chocolates (even though they’re the cheap kind from the drugstore). It’s right in that sweet spot between the Emeritus urge to be Extra and your preference for more laid-back endeavors. 
Secondo has earned this. Obviously, he does these things because he loves you, but moments like this one are always an added bonus. He’s got you on his bed, legs wrapped around his waist as he fucks into you ravenously. Though he’s only just bottomed out, you’re already crying out for more, nails digging ever so slightly into his back. The foreplay had been rushed, the both of you far too impatient to delay the main event any longer. But fortunately, in your current state, neither of you were too concerned about lubrication. Secondo, ever his mother’s son, was worried about the bedsheets, however, and had slid a fluffy black towel under you just before sinking into your wet heat.
With a little coaxing over the course of the night, he had managed to turn the cramping in your abdomen into throbbing desire. He’ll admit, he was more than a little excited when you grumbled about getting your period on Valentine’s Day, but can you blame him? How else was he, Mr. Body and Blood himself, supposed to react? The way your bloodied cunt squelches with every thrust is a gift in an of itself (although he sincerely appreciates the lovely dinner you made for him). If he had his way, he’d be devouring more than just a rare steak this evening, but after being his beloved for so long, he knows your limits without even having to ask.
“Fuck, Papa,” you mewl. “I- oh!” A sob wrenches itself out of your throat when the head of his cock hits that one spot inside you just right. You already sound and feel dangerously close, and with all the hormones coursing through your body, Secondo reckons he could have you cumming for him all night if he wanted to. Perhaps you could even hit a new record.
“Yes, uccellina?” He asks, voice low and husky. “Go on, tell your Papa how you feel.” 
You nod frantically, but the moment you try to get a word out, Secondo starts hammering himself into that patch of spongy flesh. The way your walls squeeze around him, combined with the slight metallic smell in the air, has that coil of energy growing just a bit tighter inside of him. Your wail is piercing - you always get a little louder after a few glasses of wine - and Secondo can’t help but feel a little smug. The walls in this old abbey are thin, and Terzo is just down the hall, sick in bed with a particularly nasty case of the flu. Even in full health, he’s a light sleeper. Let the bastard hear, he thinks. He knows what he’s missing.
“I feel- ah!” At this rate, you’re going to scream your throat raw. You take a hard gulp of air before speaking again. “You- oh- Papa, you’re gonna make me cum. Please, let me, please.”
When you beg like that, how can Secondo possibly refuse? Straightening out, he reaches a hand down to rub at your clit with his thumb. Gathering your slick, he looks to where the two of you are connected and shudders. The desperate rutting has caused your menses to spread across both yours and his thighs, your skin sticking together with each thrust. His cock is absolutely covered in it, and the sight is like a punch in the gut, flinging him exponentially closer to his release.
“Amore mio,” he rumbles, leaning down to capture your lips in a passionate kiss. There’s no resisting you like this. For as tough as Secondo likes to act in front of the congregation and his brothers, you are an entirely different beast. “Vieni per me, con me.”
Stroking your clit in time with each thrust, it doesn’t take long for Secondo to have you falling over the edge. You throw your head back as your orgasm hits, pulling his body flush with yours. The way your cunt spasms has him coming undone as well, spilling into you with a groan. Time stands still as you catch your breath in each other’s arms, Secondo careful to not put his full weight on you.
“I love you, baby,” you finally manage to pant out. He hums in response, rolling off of you and laying down by your side. “Happy Valentine’s Day.” You run your fingers through the drying red slick on your thigh and make a face before wiping it off on the towel. The entire display, both of you so debauched and covered in your blood, makes his softening cock begin to stir again.
“E ti amo anch’io, mia cara.” He leans in and presses a kiss to your forehead. You giggle and return the gesture, sighing contentedly.
“That oughta make things better for… I don’t know, maybe thirty minutes?” You place a hand over your womb, still basking in the afterglow of your orgasm and the relief it brings. Secondo can’t help but smile. It’s tender, something only you can pull out of him. He reaches over to cup your cheek.
“You know,” he says, a flicker of deviance in his glare. “If you hate it that much…” He places his hand over yours. “I can always make it go away for longer.” Before you can burst out laughing, he’s smothering you with his mouth, fingertips wandering downward to reignite the fire in you both.
Oh yeah, Secondo has definitely earned this.
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