#thane krios icons
vgsedit · 9 months
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six (6) icons of thane krios from mass effect 2
reblog / ♡ if you use or like it
don't repost my work anywhere
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comms and requests are open
more of mass effect
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pridebicons · 2 months
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bi thane pride icons
like/rb if using + credit
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thlastjedaii · 3 years
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bunch of icons from The Art of Mass Effect. if you save it, a like would be appreciated!
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kibagib · 3 years
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Icon commissions for @/verticaljuice on twitter.
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liveinink · 4 years
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Mass Effect Male Romance Icons (from the Mass Effect Archives)
Free to use, no credit necessary
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uravitys-kinhelp · 4 years
Thane Krios Gif Icons
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(Please credit me if you use these)
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start of the SR-2!
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padme4000creations · 6 years
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💕 valentine boys 💕
free to use but a like/reblog would be appreciated!
proper sizes and alternates under the cut
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brokengamers · 7 years
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Mass Effect - Garrus, Mordin, and Thane icons feel free to use them.
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felassanis · 3 years
Minor side/one off Characters I think could make wonderful companions in a future installment of Mass Effect
Kolyat Krios
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Although Thane didn't want his son to live a life of killing and danger, sometimes that's what it takes to live in the Mass Effect world. We've met Kolyat before and he's a very memorable side characters thanks to Thane. Therefore, we get a friendly face but also a nod to Thane which I think is lovely while also maybe offering Kolyat a chance to step outside of Thane's shadow and be his own character. Kolyat is really neat and we should get another Drell companion because they're a beautiful and intriguing race. Maybe even see how his Kepral's system cure ended up?
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You cannot build up the mystery of the Prothean empire for two games, introduce to us the last Prothean, and do nothing more with him. Javik I think is bursting with potential as he navigates the new Cycle and how he lives with the ghosts of his people after the Reaper attack. Maybe we meet him through Liara, give him a new purpose? (And let us fucking romance him)
Aria T'soni
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I hated Aria at first. Not because of her morals, but because the whole "bad bitch" attitude was a bit too on the nose for me but after the Omega dlc I have done a complete 180. Shes awesome. Shes badass. Shes terrifying. Maybe she does a Hancock and leaves Omega to humble herself so she doesn't infringe on the freedom of Omega or maybe she falls from grace and winds up in our company. She'd be a cool companion and she gives me Morrigan vibes.
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I'll be honest I don't know a lot about Feron except that he was kinda cool in the Shadow Broker DLC and I really like the Drell. He's also a badass so.
Ann Bryson
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I really liked her in the Leviathan DLC. She's survived that shit show that was the crumbling base and her vulnerable moment surrounding her father really appealed to me. She felt very human. And her willingness to let a fucking giant alien mind control her just to get answers impressed me. I think she could be a great companion with her knowledge on Leviathan and the Rachni too!
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I really liked Batarians okay? I think they're neat and they're underrepresented in the games. Sure a lot of em are arseholes (sometimes with reason) but Aria's right hand man Bray is one of the nicer Batarians. He even sends you a nice email stating that there's one Batarian who wants you to live through this. I really like the no nonsense attitude of this race. So maybe he comes with Aria if she's in your company and offers a new perspective.
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If anyone can fill the void of Mordin's death its probably this Salarian who i instantly adored ever since he first appeared with his iconic HOLD THE LINE speech in ME1. Kirrahe is a badass Salarian like Mordin but whos a bit more...Assassiny? Which I really like and a good chunk for the fandom also really like him so I think he'd make a great companion.
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vgsedit · 9 months
Hello! If you're open to requests, any chance for some Thane Krios (Mass Effect trilogy) icons, please?
hii! posted. hope you like them, have a nice day and i'm sorry for the delay! 💙
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universal-kitty · 4 years
.: Holiday Takeover :.
   Well, while we all couldn’t mustard up the energy to go to the Yuletide ball with everyone, my friend (and online-sister) @tia-uchiha decided to host her own Takeover! And knowing that my F/Os would love to cause some shenanigans...why not join in?
   Let’s cover the ground rules, as we always do!
Romantic F/Os AND Platonic F/Os own the blog from the 24th to the 25th!
NSFW is okay-dokay for Romantic F/Os only. I will fight you when I get back if you bothered my platonic friendos with that nonsense.
If it’s too spicy? You’re allowed to direct it to my sin blog ( @shinigami-sinbin)! Just, uh… Major NSFW warning there and all.
My full F/O list is located HERE! My list of platonic and [adopted] children can be found HERE.
A comprehensive post of my children- should you wish to ask them things- can be found on THIS POST! (Or ask my other halves how things go with the kids. We ain’t picky.)
I’ll probably invite crossovers from not only Tia’s F/O list, but my cousin, @supernatural-cat-nonsense as well! And if you want to come over with an F/O and see how they react to meeting other characters (or even themselves....from an alternate universe!!), I can do that, too~!
   I think that about covers it...! I look forward to goofing around and getting a bit of a break; I use Flight Rising after all, and this NotN-grinding is really wearing me down! I think a break is far in order...
   As usual, F/Os I have icons (+Tia and Elo’s F/Os) for under the cut! Have fun, and happy holidays to everyone~!! <3
Abe Sapien
[KDA] Akali
Alice Angel
Alphonse Elric
Anubis Ma’at
Aradia Megido
Ardyn Lucis Caeum
Azusa Mukami
Batter [Platonic]
Blue Diamond
Blue Pearl
Chahut Maenad
Damara Megido
Dave Strider [??]
Delsin Rowe
Gamzee Makara [Platonic]
Geralt of Rivia
Gundam Tanaka
Hajime Hinata
Handsome Jack
Harley Quinn
Ignis Scientia
Kanato Sakamaki
Karako Pierot [Platonic]
KO [Platonic]
Kou Mukami
Kylo Ren
Lars Barriga
Leon (PKMN)
Leon (Rune Factory 4)
Lewis Pepper
Loki Laevatein
Loki Odinson
Mallek Adalov
Marvus Xoloto
Matt/Mail Jeevas
Meulin [Elo’s F/O]
Mituna Captor
Mordin Solus
Nagito Komaeda
Natural Harmonia Gropius
Nightwing // Dick Grayson
Nisha Kadam
Noctis Lucis Caeum
OCs (Arzur, Stellar [made for me by @limey-blue-arty-do], Yoshirou)
Phoenix Wright
Prompto Argentum
Ren Hana
Ivan Braginsky
Sasuke Uchiha [Tia’s F/O]
Shannon [Platonic]
Sollux Captor
Thane Krios
Thor [Platonic]
Thoth Caduceus
Toshinori Yagi
Trucy Wright [Familial/Platonic]
[Professor] Venomous
Vincent Afton
VY2 Roro
Wilson P. Higgsbury
Xion [Platonic]
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
twitchy mass effect squad thoughts: 2
Kasumi Goto: It’s hard to get a read on her, but she’s a ton of fun; I genuinely like her a fair amount, and she definitely sticks out of the cast. Not the least because as she admits in the third game, she’s out of place in a squad of commandos. I can honestly see her as a support member, in all honesty.
Grunt: This giant super soldier is Shepard’s son. She has a family, it’s Garrus and her adopted krogan son. Grunt is fascinating to me for his very understated character arc of going from a bloody-minded berserker, to... well, a berserker, but one who wants a REASON to fight, a purpose to live for. Being born in a tank and educated in visions, he has no real attachment to anything and he feels lost; Shepard gives him a purpose and its really good watching him grow.
Thane Krios: I just, I love this guy so much. He gives me big Nightcrawler vibes; A religiously devout and sincerely compassionate man. Him being an assassin doesn’t take it away for me, as the hanar don’t seem particularly cruel about employing him. (The hanar are chill.) HE’s genuinely got some of the most badass moments in the game, for how understated they are, and he evokes some of the biggest teary moments for me; dying from sickness, working to make the universe brighter in his last days. he was my first romance in mass effect, and I’m still brough to emotional compromise by the letter he wrote to Shepard as a last testimony. “I will wait for you by the sea.”
Jack: remember when I said ‘most of the humans in this game are kinda boring’? Jack is one of the big, BIG exceptions to that, though I have a hard time befriending her because I can’t be mean in this game. She’s a loud, rough, tough and fundamentally broken woman who is the biggest example of how horrifically evil Cerberus really is, having been kidnapped as a baby and experimented on her entire life; her turnaround into a protective teacher and reformed figure in 3 is genuinely an amazing change for her, given her life of violence.
Miranda Lawson: I will be straight forward; for the most part, I really DON’T like Miranda, and I don’t care for how popular she is in the fandom. She is the 2nd in command of Cerberus, and endorses it wholeheartedly for most of the 2nd game, and this makes her a human supremacist by default, so I automatically have a great loathing of that. Her constant excuses for the worst of Cerberus’ horrors is grating, though I like her more in the 3rd game, when she becomes a lot more responsible and less ‘humanity first’. (I also think her fanservice-y ness is really weird and at odds with her character, though i attribute it to Cerberus having weird uniforms.)
Legion: MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE CHARACTER IN THE ENTIRE SERIES, AND I AM NOT KIDDING AT ALL. Legion is absolutely the entire reason I got into this series at all; I am not even kidding. I prefer to call this robot buddy ‘they’, since they are literally a plurality of many small minds in unison; I’m not very happy with the 3rd game treating Legion becoming an individuality as personhood because they were already a person; different does not mean lesser, yknow. I love Legion for being one of the most moral and ethical people, in their own strange way, and reading between the lines, it paints the image of someone who greatly regrets the deaths of the war with the geth’s makers, while at the same time resenting the quarians a lot for what they did. I totally interpret Legion as an abused child at the hands of the quarians, hating their makers but at the same time longing to understand WHAT they did to make their creators stop loving them.
Zaeed Masani: He’s entertaining, for sure, though his moral ambiguity makes him... questionable, to say the least! His thoughts on revenge, hate and retribution really do speak to me, but he’s not in my list of favs. It says a lot that him being against torture is honestly surprising.
Samara: why isn’t SHE the fanservice icon of the series. But seriously, I love Samara lot; if I had a proper list of favorite characters in the series, she’d be at the top five, most likely. She’s a paladin-archetype, absolutely devoted to her code of honor while being willing to look beyond the letter, and willing to do what must be done; her story is deeply tragic, and she’s one of my favorite characters. Also, she’s an actual MILF; im surprised she’s not more popular.
Morinth: I’ve never actually played with her, because you have to murder Samara to get her, and FUCK THAT. But I do have some opinions on her as a character, and these are them: she’s a terrible person, and her reasons for being a mass murderer are insufficient. Let’s not beat around the bush here; she’s a sadistic serial killer, a sexual predator. and she relishes in the kill. Yeah, she’s like that because she is an ardat-yakshi, but its one thing for her to flee the monatstaries; its another for her to have such an astronmically high body count. she didn’t NEED to kill anyone, she just wanted to do it to make herself feel good, and I insist she absolutely deserved getting her head squashed like a melon.
Mordin: Mordin reminds me of me; I am not even kidding at all, I genuinely talk like he does. (I have the speed and lack of focus of Mordin, and the detached, straightforward speaking fashion of Rogal Dorn from Text To Speech.) He’s a really interesting look into the salarians, and similar to Wrex and Garrus, he’s largely critical of their broader practices. He’s also notable in having participated in updating the genophage, keeping the krogan trapped in their slow rot, and his character development from someone who fully endorses it, to someone willing to die to atone for his sins, is a really striking thing. His loyalty mission is deeply affecting, with the quiet moment in the hospital and the corpses of dead women who let themselves be experimented on just for the hope of curing what he did to them, fanatical krogan driven to madness by despair... because of what he allowed to keep happening. Mordin’s soft words hinting at his remorse and doubt genuinely get me teary eyed.
Jacob: I’m one of the few people to have actually said this, I think... but I actually LIKE Jacob. Specifically, I like him for a lot of reasons that other people don’t; he’s straightforward, honest, doesn’t let his feelings get in the way of his duties, stays on track and does his job. I like him more than Miranda as it’s made clear that he is NOT a supporter of it’s motives, and is largely making use of its resources to do things with expedience, and seems to be working as an internal affairs, chipping away at its corruption. (He loses points for being mean to Legion and Thane, though.)
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irikahkrios · 5 years
sure is a good day to appreciate bisexual trans man icon thane krios
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darkstar112 · 6 years
Thane Krios is truly an iconic character, because the dude gets fatally stabbed, then rushed into emergency surgery, but during his death scene he’s still wearing his leather coat. Which strongly implies that at some point he was like, “wait, i can’t die dressed like this. Kolyat, bring me my sexy custom leather coat. yes, that’s the one. Alright, now I can die in peace.”
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