#thank you rhys for showing off your stupid toy
funforahermit · 2 years
i just scored a copy of this way to spaceship!!!!!
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Triad Part 3 — Aftermath of the Mating Bond Ctd.
A Cazriel x Reader Headcanon
Series Masterlist
A/N: I hope you enjoy the next part of my Cazriel x Reader headcanon series, which I've officially named Triad!!!! I'm having so much fun with this hehehe. The series has its own masterlist, linked above!
Voices wake you from a deep slumber, but your eyelids are too heavy to wrench open so you snuggle closer to the warm body wrapped around you and listen in.
“Azriel. Stop pacing, you’re driving me crazy,” Rhysand orders. “She’ll wake when she’s ready.”
“Now who’s the one with a thimble of patience,” Cassian teases. The chest pressed to your back rumbles alongside his laughter.
“We won’t know if it’s really a Triad Bond until all three of you accept it.” Rhys, again. Triad Bond… that word triggers your memory. The golden magic, passing out, being torn apart, falling asleep pressed in between Cassian and Azriel, it all comes flooding back.
“If all three of us accept it,” Az’s words cut like knives through your skin. “We’re not forcing Y/N into anything.”
“‘M accepting it,” you mumble, stirring from your position in an attempt to sit up, but Cassian’s strong arms hold you in place.
“You don’t have to decide right now,” he whispers. “Take some time to think about it.”
The golden magic, the bond, flares up within you alongside your anger. You shove his arms away and scramble off the bed.
“I don’t need time to think about it, so stop pretending all this waffling is about me and not the two of you,” you growl, sending a wave of that anger down the faint strings tethering you to Cas and Az. Both males hunch over like kids caught sneaking sweets before dinner. Rhysand snorts and settles back in the desk chair to watch the show. You don’t need his powers to read your mates, even without the bond you know them like you know yourself; intrinsically.
“Let me guess—you started suspecting it first?” You turned to send a sharp glare in Az’s direction. “And you were content to wait, always patient, aren’t you, Shadowsinger? But then you,” You shifted your gaze to Cas, “started suspecting too. And it was fine until the bond snapped for both of you and you couldn’t get your thick heads out of your asses for long enough to talk about it, preferring to fight the bond because you weren’t willing to see what was right in front of you, and I ended up as collateral damage.”
Cassian looks like he’s about to speak but you hold a hand up to silence him. “You stupid, possessive brutes.”
It’s dead quiet, neither one daring to interrupt if you weren’t finished yet. Eventually, it’s Rhys who breaks the silence.
“She’s right, you know,” he says nonchalantly, examining his nails. “Things would have been much easier for her if you worked together instead of against each other.”
“Very helpful, thank you, your majesty,” Az spits sarcasm at Rhys, who holds his hands up in surrender.
“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. Not much is known about Triad Bonds, but I’m willing to bet that the two of you need to accept each other, first, for it to take.”
“Whether or not it’s necessary, you will be accepting each other first. It’s a Triad Bond, I’m certain of it, because choosing one of you over the other would kill me,” you tell Cas and Az. Their downcast eyes and furrowed brows aren’t enough—they need to “I am not a toy for you to fight over. Either learn to share or learn to live with the consequences.”
Your words echo in both Cas and Az’s heads, rattling the mating bond.
“I will be going back to my apartment. Come and find me when you’re ready to have a civilized conversation about this.” You turn on your heel and stalk out of the room, leaving the three of them to talk. The pulsating magic and conflicting emotions in you settled for the time being; you said your piece, and now all you can do is wait and hope that they trust in the bond the same way you do.
Taglist: @wallacewillow0773638
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candycanes19 · 4 years
Playing in the Dark with No Escape  **Non Con**
Just a short update finally.
I have to thank @emeraldsiren19 for some ideas for the last few chapters of this fic!  :) 
“I do not know what you are talking about Daniel but you need your medicine.  You are having another mental breakdown.” the doctor said while giving Daniel another shot of medicine to calm him down.
Daniel had been raving on and on about you and Rhys, “My Princess, has a legal document that she has to tell him about me being his father.  She is a whore because she probably will not do it and then she needs to be punished and badly.”
The doctor was not fazed by Daniel’s outbursts.  They were becoming more and more common and the medicine was helping.  Finally Daniel passed out in his cell.  
You were enjoying a nice fall day with Riley and Rhys in your backyard.  Rhys was running around with a ball and some other toys he had while you sat in a chair. Riley was bundled in a baby seat that you were bouncing with your foot.  At one point Rhys came over to you and showed you a leaf he had found.  
“Mama, leaf” Rhys said, giving it to you.  You looked at Rhys for a moment and could not believe how much he looked like Daniel and that freaked you out for a moment then you shook your head and knew that Daniel was locked up for good and could never hurt you and Rhys again.  
“Yes my sweet baby boy, that is a leaf.  Can you find me more?” you ask him and he runs off into the backyard in search of more leaves.
Rhys came back with a handful of leaves, “RiRi see leaf” Rhys showed his baby sister and she just giggled as he shook it in front of her.  She tried to grab it but Rhys was moving it too fast.
You all did not notice Charlie standing in the doorframe watching all of this and smiling to himself at how lucky he was with his amazing family. 
“Okay kiddos, I think we need to get some lunch so put the leaves down Rhys and let’s go inside.” you said picking up Riley. 
“Hey all” Charlie then made his presence known and you all turned to see him.  Rhys ran over to him with a leaf and handed it to Charlie.
“Daddy leafs for you”  Charlie accepted the leaf from Rhys, “Thank you son.  It is a very cool leaf.  How many did you find?” 
“I found lots of leafs, daddy.  I gave mommy some.  Riley is too little so I just show it to her.”  Rhys explained.
“Yes Riley is little but she could play with it but she might try to eat it too.  And I do not need her eating a leaf now.” Charlie said and you nodded.
“Hi” you say and lean up to kiss Charlie.
“Hi sweetheart, how are you?” he kisses you back and then takes Riley from you so you can get Rhys inside.
Daniel wakes up again in his padded cell and looks around disoriented.  He tries to remember why he is in this cell.  All he remembers is what the doctor tells him that he is a sick man and this is the best place for him to live the rest of his life.  
Daniel starts his ranting again and the guards just ignore him unless he tries to do something stupid.  They have seen so many criminally insane people that nothing fazes them.  
The doctor came back to have another chat with Daniel and see how he was feeling.
“Where is my Princess and son?  I need them here”  Daniel yells at whoever happens to walk by his door.  
“Relax Daniel you are wearing yourself out.  And you are going to make your voice horse so stop hollering.” one guard says calmly to him but that does not help.  So the guard just walks away to check on other inmates. 
“Daniel how are you today?” the doctor asked.
“My son, Rhys needs me so why am I still here?  I need to speak with my lawyer or my sister, Piper.  They will help me get to my Princess” Daniel sounds so desperate to have his family back.
As the doctor leaves Daniel’s cell he looks over at the guard, “Poor guy he was from what I understood and up and coming government worker.  He had so much potiential but when he was accused of sexual assult and attempted murder there was no hope for him anymore.  Such a sad case.”  the guard just nodded and they both walked away. 
“Daniel, you have no rights anymore except for us here at the prison to make sure you are safe.  You can not see anyone except for me or the guards.  And if you have a son that is his choice to see you if he wants.  But right now I am giving you more medicine to calm you down.” the doctor pulls out a syringe and pokes Daniel’s arm with it. 
After a few moments Daniel is feeling woozy and weird, “I see her and Rhys.  Come here now and you will pay, Princess.” but then he falls down on his mattress and is out cold quickly.
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nessiesspeakeasy · 4 years
Rhys' Secret
Rhys huffed.
Finally, Jack looked into the camera. “I’m sorry to break whatever precious rules ya got, but this is important.”
“It’s always important.”
Jack is suspicious of what Rhys isn't telling him.
You can also read this on my AO3!!!
Rhys hadn’t told Jack about his child. It wasn’t anything personal, just that he preferred his home life to stay private. Being an omega was already a stigma in the workplace. He’d had to fight his previous boss’ prejudice to get his job back after giving birth and now that he worked with the CEO himself, Rhys did not want any repeats.
Being Jack’s PA was demanding and Rhys had had to be firm with keeping work and home separated. When he was off the clock, he was off the clock and he had a set time. Jack had only merely quirked an eyebrow at this in the beginning, but over time, he began to question it.
“I can live with that,” Rhys would answer blandly.
The alpha would frown. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say your first loyalty is not to Hyperion. Where do your loyalties really lie, cupcake?”
Rhys never gave an answer, he’d just shrug and go back to work. Jack could think whatever he wanted of Rhys. He was not a sell out, he just had Tim, and Tim meant more to him than anything else.
So, when Jack called an emergency meeting on his day off, Rhys was not thrilled. He’d been looking forward to concentrated time with Tim. He was thankful it was nap time, he did not want the six month old to hear him swearing.
As he entered the call, he found it was just him and Jack. “What the hell, Jack? What’s the emergency?”
“I needed to hear your voice, cupcake.” Though a flirt, Jack seemed preoccupied. Rhys could see him glance at the monitor and frown. “Why aren’t you on your cam?”
“Cause I don’t want to,” Rhys snapped. He picked up the small toys of Tim’s and put them in a basket. “If there isn’t a real emergency, I’m leaving.”
“It’s real pumpkin. I’ll explain when everyone else gets on.”
Rhys huffed.
Finally, Jack looked into the camera. “I’m sorry to break whatever precious rules ya got, but this is important.”
“It’s always important.”
He ignored the furrow on the alpha’s brow and curled onto the couch, holding the tablet in his hand while he wrapped a blanket around him.
One by one, everyone showed up, curious and cautious.
Jack, sitting in his office chair at home, sipped his seventh cup of coffee that day. Frustration boiled inside him. He’d thought he’d found a diamond in a haystack with Rhys, but as the man got more rigid with his schedule and suddenly cut out early for unknown reason, Jack was starting to suspect the worst. Jack couldn’t shake the thought that Rhys was hiding something. He’d searched for Rhys at other companies and although he’d come up short, that didn’t mean that Rhys hadn’t been bought. He was sure it was Maliwan.
Did he really need Rhys here at the meeting? Probably not, but he’d hoped it would catch the possible traitor off guard and expose him. And being the only one who didn’t show his face in the conference call did not look good.
“Dahl has copied the blueprints of one of our guns in R&D. We caught the traitor, but not before part of the plans were transferred. We need to speed up production and get something ready before they can.”
As he leaned in his chair, he noticed Rhys had muted himself. He clenched his jaw at the omega. Was he contacting the manufacturer he worked for? He answered some questions and began the discussion for how to speed up production. And still, Rhys remained silent. Damn the man. Jack had really liked him, he did not want to have to airlock the cute, hardworking omega.
Tim had woken up. Rhys changed his diaper and got his bottle ready, sitting back on the couch with him. “Sorry, sweetie, your Dad’s mean ol’ boss is making him work today.
Tim cooed around the nipple. His arms moved aimlessly, whacking Rhys in the face and almost hitting the tablet. Rhys smiled and kissed Tim.
“-Finally decided to fully join us-”
The words Jack spoke was white noise as he held Tim’s hands so they wouldn’t thrash around as much. Tim’s fist closed and loosened around his finger. He kissed Tim’s temple, his mind wandering as he listened to the voices. They blended together as Tim let go of Rhys’ finger to flail around, hitting Rhys several times in the face. He laughed, wincing with each hit.
“What is going on?”
Rhys held Tim’s hand again, smiling at him. Tim, who had turned to look at Rhys, smiled back around the nipple.
Blinking, Rhys finally looked at the tablet to find that his camera was on. He swore and quickly ended the call. His heart began to race. How much had they seen? How much could any of them make out? Had they heard Tim? Had they seen him?
“Well, Timmy, this is going to be interesting.” His mind wandered to arguments he would have to say to Jack to keep his position. He sighed heavily. He’d began to think Jack was different from the alphas he’d dealt with before, but what if he wasn’t?
Tim was playing on their living room floor an hour and a half later when their doorbell rang. Sighing heavily, Rhys went to the door and opened it.
Handsome Jack shoved past him, arms full of bags and baby toys. “Well, no wonder you would never agree Hyperion was your first loyalty! You had someone who rightfully outranked it!” He set everything on the couch and gestured dramatically to Tim who cooed and rolled around.
Rhys stared cautiously. “Yes…”
Exasperated, Jack sighed loudly and heavily. “Rhysie! I thought you were a spy!” He laughed, his eyes wide and dilated. “That’s why I kept poking about your loyalties and the curfews! It was suspicious when you wouldn’t talk about it!”
Rhys’ brows rose. “You thought I was a spy?”
Jack shrugged. “You were so cagey, I didn’t know what else to think! But now I know you were just-” He stopped suddenly, brows furrowing. “Why didn’t you tell me about this cute little guy?” Jack crouched down next to Tim, extending a finger for Tim to grab. Tim took it and put it to his mouth. Jack chuckled. “I thought you’d do that, ‘s why I washed my hands before coming over, just in case. What’s your name little cupcake?”
The large, gentle grin Jack had mixed with his words and melted any resistance Rhys still had. “Tim.” Rhys sighed. “And if you hadn’t hired me, I’d be out of a job. My boss didn’t want me to come back to work because I was a single omega with a baby.”
“You were in middle management?” Jack asked, moving his finger so it moved Tim’s arm around in the air.
Rhys watched him. “Yeah.”
Jack nodded. “And you were scared I’d be the same way.”
Rhys winced. “No, not really… I just didn’t want to give anyone a chance to do that ever again.” He smiled at his small child and sat on the floor next to him. “He’s everything to me.”
“I get it, sweetheart and not just cause he is beyond cute, but because I have a daughter.”
Rhys blinked. “You do?”
“Mhmm, she’s away at some arts college. Her name is Angel.”
“That’s a beautiful name.”
Jack looked at Rhys now. “She’s a beautiful person. I was, admittedly, too protective of her sometimes, but that was for her safety from anyone trying to use her to get to me, not to keep my job. I do not tolerate that stupidity on my space station.”
Rhys smiled. He’d been almost positive he could have trusted Jack, and now he was extremely grateful for the man. His eyes fell on the piles of bags on the couch. “What is all that?”
“Ah!” Jack laughed. “Presents!”
“What?” Rhys frowned.
“Yeah! I stopped at my favorite children’s store and got toys and other things for this little guy.” Jack’s eyes flicked back to Rhys. “And his pretty mommy of course.”
His cheeks turned hot and he laughed nervously. “Well!” He stood and went over to it. “There is a lot here!”
“Yeah, I just kinda grabbed everything that caught my eye. Some are ones that I would stand by. They were amazing with Angel.”
“Like takeout?” Rhys asked, smirking.
Jack grinned. “That’s one of the things for his hot mom. I had hoped I could stay to share it with you.”
Rhys picked up the takeout and looked into the bag. “You going to keep saying those things about me?”
“What things? ” Jack asked, his eyes bright and playful. He went to Rhys, taking the food from him.
Rhys fumbled, staring intently at the takeout. “Calling… Saying I’m hot… Flirting…”
“Ah, yeah, I don’t plan on stopping that anytime soon unless it bothers you. I just found out you weren’t a spy and quite honestly, Rhysie, I have a lot of flirting to make up for.”
That surprised Rhys enough that he looked at Jack. “What? Why?”
Jack laughed, eyes soft. “Can ya take a guess, sweetheart?”
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rhysiesqueezy · 7 years
For your rhack prompt. Keywords: Cucumber and Dragon.
Hey there! Sorry for being late, but thanks for suggesting these keywords! At first I had no idea what to write in order to put both a cucumber and a dragon in the same concept. But then I remembered some misadventures that happened to me and my family during holidays.
Here’s the link to AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11531958
“Are you kidding me? That’s a giant purple dragon! We’re not gonna take it.”They had been walking for nearly thirty minutes under the boiling sun just to find a quiet spot at the beach, when Rhys stopped on his tracks to point at an old man selling pool toys. Jack’s patience was at his limits, he had been carrying a beach umbrella, two beach towels and a cooler; that definitely wasn’t his definition of “taking some days off”.“But Jack.. That’s Spyro!”“I don’t even know what a spyro is but what a great stupid name for a purple dragon. Shouldn’t they be called like armageddon or badass things like that? Fuckin’ spyro.”Rhys wasn’t even listening to him, he sighed and headed towards the object of their argument, leaving his bags behind with a raging Jack.“Oh no you won’t! You’re not making me carry these too! I swear to god Rhys if you buy that excuse to be a mythical creature I will drown both of you”
“Jack look at me! I’m flying!”“Sorry pumpkin, I have better plans than to look at a pale noodle trying to ride a purple winged lizard.”“You have been watching Echo.net for hours, Jack. And this is not even a li-” Rhys suddendly lost his balance and fell backwards, the unexpected noise reached Jack and made him shift in place to make sure the idiot wasn’t dying in 70 centimeters of sea.“Well, now you’ve got my attention sweetcheeks.”“Asshole.” Rhys slowly got out and dragged his dragon through the hot sand. When he reached his towel he made sure to splash Jack with some of the dripping water. Ha. Revenge is a plate served salty. And wet. Doing things like that without being killed by Handsome Jack was sure one of the strong points of their relationship. The man showed a complete different side of him when he was with Rhys and Rhys just tried not to have serious arguments with him.“Did you put on your sunscreen? I don’t want to sleep with a crying red lobster tonight.”“Uh.. Crap, actually I completely forgot about it.” Rhys panicked a little, he was one of those people who could never get a proper tan. He didn’t even know what a tan was, the only word in his vocabuly next to ‘sun’ was 'burn’.“Well I’ve seen enough porns to know where this is going.” Jack suddendly turned to face him and with a strong grip pinned him to the ground. Rhys just stayed quietly under the man, his breathing accelerating 'cause to the sudden movement.“U-uh.. Jack, people might see us.” Even if they had managed to find an empty space near the end of the beach, people could still find them if they had their same idea of walking kilometers to find a quiet spot.“Trust me, if I see someone coming I will make sure to make them leave. Forever.” Jack’s tone darkened as he pointed towards the two guns he had previously pinned under the sand. Was he trying to make sand castles with guns? Rhys mentally palmfaced.As Rhys was about to escape Jack’s grip, Jack left one of his hands and took hold of his chin, closing their distance with a light kiss on his lips. Rhys wasn’t exactly at ease with the toughts of people seeing them, but didn’t really protest at that moment. He would maybe ask Jack to stop if things went too far.
Jack definetly wanted to make things hotter. As soon as Rhys relaxed under him, his lips moved to his neck, kissing and biting in Rhys’ favourites spots.“J-jack, weren’t we talking about sunscreen? If I wait more I will get a sunstroke for sure.” Rhys managed to make him stop with an excuse, but realized his mistake as soon as Jack grinned.“Sure pumpkin, let me handle this. You’re talking with Handsome Jack, the expert sunscreen massage therapist. Le meilleur.” Jack left his spot on top of Rhys to open one of the bags and search for the lotion.Rhys brought his hands to his face in embarassment and sighed, there was no way Jack would stop now that he found something interesting to do. Just as Rhys was imagining many situation involving families with children discovering them during their sexy plays, Jack muttered something under his breath.“What the fuck.”“W-what?”“Rhys..”Rhys gulped, a silent Jack meant a dangerous Jack.“You dum-dum, you took the wrong bag!” Jack threw something green at him and as Rhys didn’t manage to catch it, it collided with his stomach with a loud 'splock’.“Ouch!” Being hit where the skin was already ligthly burned by the sun wasn’t exactly the best. But as soon as Rhys saw what the mysterious flying object was, he bursted out in a loud laugh.“Where’s the funny part in 'I picked up the groceries instead of the beach supplies and now I only have 10 cucumbers to protect me from the sun’?”Rhys laughed even more, the situation was so stupid and Jack’s serious tone only managed to make it funnier.“Why am I even here with you?”“Because you love me?”“No, because you would die even in a playground if I left you alone.”
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propshophannah · 7 years
Tumblr media
When Cassian woke up, he was lying on his back. His upper arms were bound tightly to his sides, completely immobile from the elbow up.
“How are you feeling?” Azriel said.
“Like I’m flying high.” Azriel frowned and crossed his arms. But Cassian just stared, transfixed, by the blue of his siphons as they pulsed and swirled and left a stream of sparkling blue across the air like a shooting star across the sky. After a moment, Cassian said, “Come on. That’s funny.”
“It’s self-deprecating.”
“If we can’t laugh at my pain, then what else do you suggest we do at it?” Azriel’s throat bobbed as he pushed off the wall to stand at the foot of the bed. His shadows wafted and ebbed and flowed and grew and shrunk and looked like the delicate tendrils of Nesta’s hair and—
It was official, Cassian had never been this high before. Well, not legally. And not since he, Rhys, and Azriel had lived under Rhys’s mom’s roof.
“Here, you try,” Cassian said, clearing his throat. “Azriel, how are you feeling?” Azriel took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling as if beseeching it for patience. Cassian flourished his hand and said, “This is the part where you say ‘dark and icy and like I’ve been living in the shadows my entire life’ or something.”
A small smile quirked Azriel’s lips. “What on earth did they give you?”
“Some good shit,” Cassian said, snorting. Then he froze, eyes wide. “Tiny Ancient One”—he tried to point but could only lift the lower part of his arm—“Can you see her?”
Azriel didn’t need to look to know Amren had just winnowed in. But for Cassian’s sake, he glanced over his shoulder. “Yes, I can see her.” Cassian smiled as Amren walked forward.
She perched atop a stool near his bed. “Happy to see me?”
“Always,” Cassian said, winking. Amren exchanged a look with Azriel. “Did you know I’m not allowed to move my upper arms for two weeks?” Cassian babbled. Amren nodded. “But I really have to take a piss. And I was going to ask Az to help me, but I know how much you love Illyrian c—”
“Cassian,” Azriel barked. Cassian grinned. Amren did, too.
“If Cassian’s already trying to get Amren to touch his special place, then he must be fine,” Rhys said, strolling into the room. “Hello, Cassian.”
“Hello, Rhys. You’re very shiny today.”
Rhys smiled like he was trying not to laugh and said, “Then I better steer clear of Amren.”
“I like it when you look fancy for me brother,” Cassian said. “Are you and Azriel excited to spend the next two weeks fighting over who gets to be my main bitch?”
“Infinitely,” Rhys said, trying to keep a straight face. But Cassian thought he saw a shred of sadness behind his brother’s eyes. He thought he saw a shred of sadness behind all of their eyes.
“Stop it,” Cassian said. They all looked confused. “I’m high, not stupid. I don’t have wings anymore, and you’re all thinking it. Stop, I don’t want your pity.” He looked at Azriel, who was suddenly wrapped in shadow. “And no, you’re not to blame. So send those things away,” he wiggled his fingers at the shadows. “This is about me, you prick. And they’re starting to look like Nesta’s hair. And I don’t want you cheating.”
Amren looked infinitely amused. Azriel looked guilty and confused. And Rhys looked as if he was glad someone broached the subject.
Amren cocked her head and said, “Don’t want Azriel cheating on what?”
Cassian grinned. “I don’t have a wingspan anymore, so I say we settle this the old fashion way. You get to be the judge, sweetheart. You are the most qualified when it comes to judging the size of Illyrian c—”
“Cassian,” Azriel whined. Rhys snorted.
“Cassian, if you so much as think about showing me your cock,” Amren said, “your wings won’t be the only things you lose this day.” But she winked at him. Not because she was being funny, but because she knew he was looking for a way to talk about what he’d lost, and to let them know it was okay to mention it. Because maybe he needed to talk about it.
“Thank you,” Cassian said. He looked at his brothers, then—“Where’s the Morrigan?” Amren, Rhys, and Azriel exchanged a wary look.
“Busy,” Amren said. “And don’t call her the Morrigan like it’s some fancy title. It’ll go to her head.”
“Are you jealous?” Cassian purred. She rolled her eyes. Behind her, Rhys mouthed: “What did they give him?” to Azriel. Who mouthed back: “I have no idea.”
“Where is it then?” Cassian interrupted, looking at Rhys.
“Where is what?”
“The basket—or hammock?—or whatever you pricks are going to use to carry me to the House of Wind.” He wiggled his hands, making a show of the fact that his upper arms were bound to his chest. “Unless you were planning on carrying me bridal style?” He said to Rhys with a bedroom smile.
Healing battle wounds, like punctures and lacerations, was different than healing wounds created by the removal of something. Magic couldn’t force Cassian’s body to mold and fill the newly empty spots in his back. The spots where the healers had cut away the muscle and bone and cartilage that had once connected his body to his wings. His wings were gone now. They’d been fully removed.
No longer would he wake up in pain from the infections, or swelling, or spasms the shredded pieces were prone to. No longer would he get phantom chills and aches from where his mind still thought the ends of his wings were. Every piece that had once connected Cassian to his wings now sat in a sealed box by the bed.
Cassian’s body, his own healing magic, would eventually heal around the gaps, around the empty spots in him. And while it figured out how to heal, his upper body was not to move. His biceps were to remain bound to his sides until a healer gave the okay for him to start learning how to move them again. Start learning, because he’d never moved his arms, his body, without his wings before.
He wished Nesta were with him. Wished she were there holding his hand, comforting him, helping him piss and eat and bathe—not his brothers.
He’d had to start learning how to live without her, too. Had to learn to pick himself back up. And how to live as this new, wingless Cassian, before he might one day get the chance—the honor—to know what it would be like to live as her mate. If she could ever forgive him. And he supposed, the gap in his life where Nesta should be was another empty spot his body would eventually heal around.
Maybe, if he was lucky.
“We have a hammock to carry you in,” Rhys said. “But seeing as Amren has been secretly winnowing in and out of the House of Wind for centuries, we thought you might prefer if she took you.”
Cassian looked at Amren. Teeny, tiny Amren. “You would carry me?” he said.
She hopped off her stool. “It would be my honor. And seeing as it drives Azriel crazy that he can’t figure out how I get past the wards—”
“She’s a firedrake, Azriel,” Cassian said. “We all saw her during the war.” Azriel nodded as if this was news to him. It wasn’t. Cassian was just too drugged up to put that much thought past the obvious.
Amren held out her hand to him. Cassian lifted one of his as best he could. He didn’t have his siphons on.
“I broke my promise,” he said quietly.
“No,” Amren said, taking his hand. “You didn’t.”
“WAIT.” He wiggled his hands toward Azriel. “My box,” he said. Azriel moved to the small, sealed box that sat atop a table on his side of the room. He picked it up and handed it to Cassian who was still wiggling his fingers.
He clutched the box to his chest like a child might a security blanket or a much beloved toy. Amren laid her hand on his shoulder, and Cassian tried not to look at the silver lining her eyes, or at the downward tilt to the corners of her mouth.
[End Dark Paradise - pt 8] [pt. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12]
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