#the rat grinders hate the bad kids okay
rainbowtransform · 1 month
We need to gatekeep d20
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kindlespark · 13 days
dropout discord HATED my friend and I for saying the same thing thank you for talking about kipperlily being manipulated because holy shit
lol i believe it it’s nasty in dropoutcord and im sorry you had to deal with that. i seriously do not think brennan was careful enough about writing in teacher student dynamics in fhjy because like. you cannot just introduce a subplot where a teacher coerces/kills several students under their care and then not address it at all as part of said students’ motivations and be okay with condemning one of them to death. like the fact that he did not consider the subtext and implications of that genuinely makes me so mad 😭
like i personally dont give a fuck if kipperlilly “chose” the ragestar; her mental illness was being fed into by two adults in a position of power of her. there’s no other way to interpret the jaceporter/rat grinder dynamic and yet soooo many people ignore this so they can continue to spew vitriol about a fictional teen girl. out here exonerating the adult male imperialist to call a teen girl a bitch/cunt/whore/slut (ALL REAL TERMS I HAVE SEEN PEOPLE CALL KIPPERLILLY) but they think it’s okay if they put “white” in front of it
anyway. fhjy should’ve been about how children are failed by the school system and the adults around them. it adds tremendous depth to literally every character in the show—it gives the bad kids an emotional arc in sympathising with their foils, it makes the rat grinders deeply tragic, it makes jace and porter deeply threatening. like i rly srsly thought this is where they were going this whole time like 😭😭 how did we get here
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bloodyshadow1 · 26 days
I see people who are bashing and condemning the bad kids, I gotta ask, what were they supposed to do? It's very easy to condemn people, especially when they're characters in a game whose morals don't and shouldn't line up with our society today, but I have yet to post anything suggesting what the Bad Kids could have done differently and still survive and win.
You could say they could have tried to reason with the Rat Grinders, and this is bullshit. they're in a battle for the world again, the Rat Grinders have tried to kill them a little more than an hour ago, why should the bad kids reach out. The world is more important than 6 mislead teens who are actively trying to kill you. The only reason the Bad Kids 'started' it was because they rolled better on initiative, the Rat Grinders were going for blood just as much, they were just slower.
I've seen people blame the rage crystals instead of the Rat Grinders themselves which means that they're not in control of themselves so they can't be blamed. Okay, that doesn't actually seem to be what the rage crystals do, but fine, lets explore that thread. That's the catch 22 of the situation, there was nothing the bad kids could have done differently.
If the Rat Grinder's aren't in their own minds, that they're acting this way because of the rage crystals, what were the Bad Kids supposed to do? If that's the case than it would have been pointless for them to try and reach out to the Rat Grinders because they weren't in their right mind. They had been consumed by rage for the past year and the Bad Kids are the targets of their ire. If the Bad Kids tried to reach out to them it would have failed because the Rat Grinder's aren't in their right minds.
However, if the Rat Grinders are in their right minds, if the rage stars just make them angrier while letting them keep their autonomy as people, than they chose this path. That means it was there choice, sure it was tainted, but it still is something they chose to do. They chose to do all the horrible things, even if pressured, and chose to be the villains of their own story. How would the Bad Kids, again target of their ire, be able to break through their rage in two turns while staying alive against people who hate them?
So let me ask again, what were the Bad Kids supposed to do? They are outnumbered, they spent a lot of resources fighting off the dragons the Rat Grinders set upon them, and their are at least 8 high level characters who want them dead. What exactly were they supposed to do other than fight. If the Bad Kids win, they can bring back the Rat Grinders, if they lose everyone is dead, and Porter is the new god of rage, I doubt he cares enough about the rat grinders to bring them back.
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sixthsensewulf · 22 days
I think people are forgetting in the whole discussion against the Rat Grinders.
That Porter and Jace are pretty much the major villains here. The big bad. So their damage and health output will be slighter more the challenge against the Bad Kids.
The Rat Grinders are not. But also The Rat Grinders ain't level 20 they just have access to level 20 abilities, is what I grabbed from last week's AP. I could be wrong on that.
This fight is like the previous fights in FH. Like yes the bad kids are clearing the house rn with the Rat Grinders but also doing some shenanigans with Porter and Jace to literally make sure that they (The Bad Kids) are not bunched up around a Sorcerer and Barbarian.
Story wise : am I slightly disappointed that the Bad Kids ain't trying to convince The Rat Grinders to stop? No. . Like take the fucking finale in Neverafter.
The team literally were killing the fairies as well as attacking the Hand and the Stepmother. .. Like literally this fight feels similar to that fight.
Ally being on healing this time rather than spell casting. They didn't try to convince the fairies or the Princesses (apart from Mira and Elody since they did have a stronger connection) to join their side. Apart from the Orange Hat shenanigans.. it was a serious fight, story wise as well as strategic wise.
Back to FH. .unless I missed it... The Bad Kids ain't figured out a way to solve the rage crystals right? Like Lydia (Ragh's mom) was in a rage because of a different god in a gem in her chest. That the bad kids solved. Like they didn't stop things from happening during Frosty Fair, only Grix. The soil problem was still there. The only leg up they had was the name Ankarna and the connection to Cassandra as well as the non corrupted realm is in Fig's recording studio.
Like if the Rat Grinders weren't going nuts towards the Bad Kids. They wouldn't even be on the Bad Kids radar. It's like a high school movie right like for example Mean Girls. The popular kids don't see the nerdy groups unless somehow they combine or clash.
The fight would be the same. Like oh 6 teenagers are helping you to destroy the world. Okay... You are going down.
Like honesty story beat wise... The Bad kids know that the Rat Grinders ain't at fault pre rage crystal right. So yeah they might bring them back up after solving everything. Kipperlilly however HATED RIZ since Freshman Year. .we know that. KLCK wanted Riz's life / backstory during freshman year. Because of what we found out from Jawbone. She was already angry at the Bad Kids pre rage crystal.
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plate2 · 5 days
Okay okay I know Kipperlilly was never taken over by rage. She didn't die, she didn't chose it in that way like the rest of them. She had no rage crystal. It was voluntary.
Something in her must have snapped when Lucy died. Something must have given way, taken over not in the typical rage-star way, but in her own way. A rage god did not take over her mind. Her own rage took over her mind. It was voluntary but at the same time there was no way back. She didn't need a god to light her anger. She just needed herself. Something about a teenage girl's rage (no matter if her reasons were selfish or bad or anything else) being the same as a god's. Something about holding your dead friend's hand (who you killed) and snapping. That was her death. It was Lucy's death, but it was hers. Either they both lived or they both died. We know what happened.
God I wish I could do a coherent analysis on her. I know her character is meant to be how she is. She's meant to be Like That in her creation. She's meant to be unlikable, especially with her view on why the bad kids are ahead (thinking they have an advantage by having it worse, thinking it's unfair for Her which is definitly wrong and I know this and I acknowledge this). But I cannot stop thinking about what-ifs and divergences.
Even when it just comes down to that night in the forest. I want to know everything about it. I want to know how far Kipperlilly had to go to kill her best friend. I want to know if she felt guilty even for a second afterwards or if it immediatly moved to something else (always wondered if she blamed the bad kids. It wouldn't be accurate obviously but she hates them. Her anger was towards them. She did this because of them. In her mind, maybe They Killed Her. She didn't need a rage crystal, they were her rage crystal and she was her own god).
I don't know if any of this even makes sense but I cannot stop thinking about her. Goddamn. Didn't think the rat grinders and their stories would do this to me but here we are
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cloudmancy · 25 days
I saw your latest rat grinders piece (love it love it so much and you are right that song matches so well) and it got me thinking about calroy in comparison to the rat grinders and specifically kipperlily in reference to how the d20 fandom sees them. Obviously there is a retrospective and nostalgic lense to calroy that isn't afforded to kipperlily as of yet, however, I'm trying to understand why it seems that the fandom has this attitude towards them: calroy- evil but liked and kipperlily- evil (read as heavily manipulated teen girl with anger issues exasperated by a literal god of rage) who is disliked. Do you think it has to do with this 4 years ago vs present timing- are people too hot with emotions to think critically? Does it have to do with the setting- acoc is candy land game of thrones obviously there is going to be betrayal and ambitious power hungry characters who can only be found in fiction and well politics vs fantasy high where the audience LOVES the bad kids have seen everything they have been through, have sided with them, 'would like to sit at their fantasy john hughes movie lunch table' and hate kipperlily because she hates the bad kids so she does what she does like an "ambitious mean girl"? I hate to reference harry potter- it's giving "who do you hate more voldemort or umbridge? umbridge right? everyone has had an umbridge in their life" I'd like to hear your thoughts if you have any
okay I talked with my friends about it and I feel like it's:
the way kipperlilly was set up and introduced vs calroy - she was presented as an annoyance and an antagonistic character to the bad kids from the beginning, while calroy was a loveable close friend and advisor to the king who turned traitor. that also makes him a more likeable character especially since people started being fans of him specifically AFTER the betrayal too
people did hate calroy! it's just been so long since acoc aired that the people who hated him stopped talking about him and the people who like him still make content of him. I imagine after fhsy ends the majority of people who talk about kipperlilly will be fans of her OR people watching for the first time
and the last part, you're right. there's definitely some projection to it. lot of people on here going 'she's just like ex-gifted kids/this type of mean girl I had bad interactions with when I was younger' and put themselves in the role of the bad kids. there's also the seeing yourself in her type of hate where it's like 'EYE had rage issues as a kid and I'D never do what SHE'S doing. I'm better than her' okay but you're an adult now. let's give some empathy to her and your own past self please <3
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alexalessandro · 19 days
These are just my jumbled thoughts about the fantasy high junior year finale so you know they won’t be in order. They won’t be linear. here we go. (T-T-TAKING OVER TEENAGE REBELLION)
So first of all, I am fully satisfied with the junior year finale.
My main concerns were the character arcs for the intrepid heroes- for the bad kids. I was worried about the bad kids and I wanted their arcs to be resolved (I never really gave a shit about the rat grinders sorry not sorry).
I’m glad that all of the rat grinders except KipperLily Copperkettle got redeemed (I actually hated that bitch). Glad that she was the truly evil one out of the group and like Osin and Ivy were not great but just got worse because of the shatter star (and they now have a second chance with Jawbone which is nice, we might have some interesting dynamics with Ivy and Aelwyn THINK ABOUT THE TOXIC LESBIANS GUYS AELWYN WAS MISSING EVERPETAL)
We got Maryann back so hell yeah W on the board and Buddy was just fucking hilarious. Love that he stayed a stooge right to the end even after the shatter star he just changed beliefs that is the funniest shit ever.
I’m actually very satisfied with the finale for the rat grinders very satisfied that KLCK was not a complicated woman, but just a fully evil woman that killed her best friend Lucy Frost blade and was fine because she willingly got shattered to have her best friend be dead forever.
Let’s just let that sink in everybody: KipperLily Copperkettle that was very fond of Lucy and Lucy was the only person on her team that really liked her, and she killed Lucy in a HEARTBEAT to get power and was fine with her staying dead, so let’s sit with that. Let’s rationalize that really KLCK was NOT a complicated woman just fucking evil all right, the rat grinders are better off without her sorry girlies
Now going back to the bad kids I am very satisfied with everyone. I am really glad that figs arc was to be a school dropout and to find that centeredness within herself and realizing that the unsteadiness that she felt was the fact that she really wanted to keep her friends, but she felt like dropping out of school would mean losing them. I’m really happy that she got to the conclusion of you got to center yourself. You can do things for other people but you deserve to get help and part of that realization was “I don’t need school”.
I don’t wanna be in school but I can still have my friends- and like honestly honestly, at this point, the bad kids are all fucking related. There is no way that they’re splitting up OKAY? The family polycule is getting bigger by the day.
Kristen tried to poly-pill Gertie with it. Maybe she can get Jawbone to help (I don’t know appropriate that is) but hey the future is Poly so that’s amazing actually.
Oh and getting to Kristen the fact that she now doesn’t have the sole responsibility to be the bearer of keeping Cassandra alive in this world? the fact that the pantheon might fuse into one religion? amazing.
The main thing with Kristen was the fact that she’s just a 16-year-old girl with the weight of the world on her shoulders and it’s a very similar arc to figs in a way because Kristen‘s whole Thing this season was recognizing and finally asking for help.
She is 16 and she shouldn’t have been doing this all alone, so the fact that her pantheon (like she might be the priestess and of a pantheon and not necessarily just single Goddess), the harbringer of the age of the lesbians with Cassandra and Ankarna and Ruvina and Galacae making a pantheon of just lesbians. I love that, that is amazing. That is what I want. Thank you.
And Adaine and Aelwyn are finally gonna kill their mom! finally! finally killing off that one loose thread that has literally been haunting their lives with like the allowance and all the other shit that Adaine had to deal with this year because of the fact that her mother is still alive glad that that’s hinted at being resolved.
Glad that like Gorgug finally got Mariann-pilled. That was amazing.
Glad that Fabian finally got a healthy relationship with a girl that Isn’t toxic. Hopefully Mazey will get him to talk to Jawbone a little bit and get over his number-one-nemesis his baby brother, though I think it is a very fun even (if tragic) dynamic for him to be nemesis from day one with his baby sibling. I think that would be a really funny bit thing to have.
And Riz! Riz finally taking a break (although brief) you know fuck unnecessary stress, fuck it let’s get some tea. Let’s chill out. I feel like Riz is someone that needs to be in constant motion but it’s nice that now he knows that he doesn’t have to be ON all all the time you know? It’s a marathon not a sprint.
There can be times when you get tea and times when you need to get the coffee, but the fact that he doesn’t feel like it has to be coffee all the time, the expectation that Sklonda put on him thrown out the window and in a beautiful way it mirrors Fig’s arc this season.
fig realized that school wasn’t what she needed what she really needed and wanted was her friends and she didn’t need to go to school for that and riz realized the same thing that he doesn’t have to keep a white knuckle grip on things and get his hands bleeding each time. A more casual hey let’s see how life goes like that’s a very beautiful character moment for both of them.
realizing that you don’t have to see the same people every day like the reality of things is that you drift apart and you drift away from the people in high school, but there is also the thing where I still keep in contact with my high school friends. it’s further and far in between because we weren’t really close in high school but had we been closer in high school maybe we would be seeing each other every day you know like I know a lot of my high school friends that have kept really close contact afterwards and became uni friends so like it’s not impossible.
In the end I’m fully satisfied this finale. It leaves the bad kids lives in a better place from where we found them and you know like junior year did what junior year does. I think a lot of the bad kids realize what they want what they needed what they were lacking and the steps that they needed to take to achieve what they wanted and I think that’s beautiful. I really like the place where the bad kids ended up as a group And you know it might be my brain screaming that they will not drift apart, but also the family tree is on my side so you know we’ll see. 

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velvetvexations · 25 days
I'm genuinely trying to not just be constantly negative and starting shit and arguing with people. I feel like even the people I mostly agree with are getting put off by it if they haven't already. I'm very self-conscious about my opinions and how much I talk on a given subject, and I know I do have issues that make my expressed opinions more pointed than necessary.
But like, me jokingly comparing the Bad Kids to the protagonists of 8-Bit Theater is interesting, because I love 8-Bit Theater to death, it's an extremely important work to me, it hurts a lot that I didn't hear about the scriptbook Kickstarter until it was over and I'll always be looking for a pre-owned copy for the rest of my life.
Like, I think the issue isn't that I have a problem with the Bad Kids acting so awfully. That's okay, especially in a comedy. Comedic sociopathy is a totally fine trope and I enjoy it on a regular basis. The issue that gets me is that it's such a hard counter to not only D20's usual tone, but also the way the DM, the players, the narrative itself, and most of all the fandom treat them and their actions.
That's why I soured on Kristen specifically so hard and so fast, because before JY I just thought she was like, A Lot, but not really a big deal and had some good, solid moments in SY (I did not like FY in general for completely unrelated reasons, sadly). But with JY, it was like, right out the gate she's ignoring Cassandra literally half to death, and I wonder if that would have seriously bothered me as much as it did if the fandom wasn't determined to completely excuse her for it in spite of the fact that it was clearly meant to be a personal character flaw and not just "unfortunately mental illness is happening to her".
Even then I was like, hey, I watched those promo videos, this is obviously something that's been planned ahead and will be dealt with. I'm very far from the first person to point out that we're now entering the season finale and chaos has not yet stopped being cute. Partially that in particular may have been hamstrung by the dice rebellion in the mall fight, with the original plan having been for Cassandra to not get separated from Kristen so fast and subsequently unable to have them actively work on their relationship and Kristen's commitment to her. Kristen running for president also likely threw a monkey wrench into decutifying chaos, because there was never any chance of Ally going about that by having Kristen put on a slick suit and say "I need to take this seriously and research school governance and formulate a policy I'll elaborate on in a debate with Kipperlilly". The race for president could only possibly be a bit the second it went to her instead of Riz, not because I don't think Ally could handle that kinna plot if they set their mind to it, Margret Encino would have killed it just as good as Riz, but because it's simply so far from who Kristen Applebees is as a character.
So anyway, I sat there watching this season waiting for Kristen to grow up because I had faith that was going to happen. But lest you think I just hate Kristen and possibly also Ally, these last few weeks they've been the least of the issue.
As hilarious as it was I don't understand how in the good Lord's name we're supposed to care about Oisin "making Adaine think she liked him" by acting a little flustered around her when Fig literally started catfishing Ruben on the first day of school ages before they had any in-character reasons to suspect the Rat Grinders of anything, all so she could...no, really, why the fuck did she do that? What was the impetus for that decision? I cannot emphasize enough how little motivation is given for this course of action:
Tumblr media
There is nothing to it except that Emily correctly pegged he'd be an antagonist later. It's like the detectives on Law & Order arresting someone because they recognized the special guest star.
And like, other people, I get it, other people who don't like the direction JY has taken can shrug it off more easily than I can, there are a million reasons to not treat this like the end of the world, but unfortunately my autism gets me stuck on shit and I just cannot reconcile things like this. I cannot take the show seriously and care about the protagonists as people and share joy in their triumphs and sorrow in their failures and ignore something as blatantly breaking the logic as stuff like this.
I'll grant you, okay, Adaine was understandably hurt but neither the Bad Kids nor the Intrepid Heroes were really like "oh now we have to really fucking ruin Oisin for being the worst person alive". The fandom treated it like he Frozen'd her but fandoms are dumb and should not dictate as much of my opinion as they do, I simply cannot fathom the kind of person who'll cry over the deep and traumatic emotional damage Oisin caused Adaine with his missed beer pong shots but doesn't think Fig should be in jail.
That's also not the end of it, though. I could keep going on just about Fig specifically and the fact that she is at least sex crimes-adjacent, not to mention Emily's infantilization of a very autistic-coded character, but I'm trying very hard to not just come off as being like the people who have harassed Emily and Ally over their roleplaying choices in the past. As I keep stressing, I like both of them and especially Emily because I've been a CollegeHumor fan longer than some D20 fans have been alive. I think I actually like Fig more accepting that she kinna canonically sucks and taking her as more a Complicated Woman than someone whose actions I need to reconcile with the expectation of her being better than that, although I know none of it will ever actually be addressed.
So yeah, all the Bad Kids have been fucking weird this season in ways they weren't in SY. Adaine's intense and completely inexplicable loathing of Kipperlilly was funny at first and then increasingly uncomfortable as it fed into the fans wanting to crucify her. Gorgug going full bully was weird but also like, a one line bit, but whatever. Riz stealing Kipperlilly's file was gross and would or SHOULD deeply hurt Jawbone if he ever found out, and you can say they had to do this horribly unethical action in the name of homeland security or whatever, I accept that there were extenuating circumstances, but it's given no thought whatsoever and absolutely no regard is given to the fact that she was trying to address her issues with the closest mental health professional available who Brennan goes out of his way to note is failing her by overcorrecting for his bias towards the BKs.
But as much as I genuinely believe Brennan has been planting seeds the Rat Grinders could be reached, he's not been great here either and like Mice & Murder these things are more on him than any of the players because he's the director here. Like, I'm embarrassed I got snippy with someone who guessed ahead of time that Kipperlilly desecrated the rogue teacher's grave, but nonetheless think it was a weird conclusion to reach and that it's just even more bizarre that it ended up being "right", except the way it's described doesn't even make sense.
Like, the goal was "find the rogue teacher", right? And the rogue teacher is dead. So to me, it certainly seems like bringing a back hoe to the graveyard is one hundred percent the right move! But even if we accept the apparent canonical intent that was Kipperlilly threatening to merely destroy the grave as an act of vandalism rather than retrieve the body, it's like...so what? Literally who cares? As if the Bad Kids or any other adventuring party wouldn't dig up a dead body to cast Speak with Dead or something, as if the foundational Dungeons & Dragons formula wasn't raiding tombs like 19th-century colonial archeologists? And why would any of that be necessary anyway, when Riz found Eugenia by just...walking up to the grave?
But regardless, that, you might say, is a matter of the Rat Grinders being unfairly presented as evil and not the Bad Kids being unfairly presented as good. When it comes to Brennan's part in it, though, these are the same issue, because as the creator and director of every atom of the world outside the PCs, he's just so very willing to go with what the players start to expect. That's fine for a home game, but this is like, a television show that people pay money for, and that's an issue. He'll plant enough seeds of the Rat Grinders being better than they're treated that a chunk of the audience will notice and think the players are being weird about them, but he won't push it further than that and instead just rolls with the players being weird because his first priority is their enjoyment.
Again, fine in a home game, obviously. But it creates this divide between the players and the audience because the world has been crafted in such a way that when the players being weird is noticed it's like, why are they being rewarded for that? Why are they getting zero pushback? Brennan and I both heavily, heavily value collaborative storytelling for good reason, it's why I love TTRPGs and actual plays, but if this were a story told by a single person you could either have the protagonists pick up on those hints, have it be a point that they didn't pick up on them, or just not even include them in the first place.
One of the reasons I really, really like Aabria's DMing, as I've said recently, is that she truly remains firm in her worldbuilding and is not shy about providing realistic consequences or acknowledging PC behavior is dissonant with what's going on around them. And it just makes it super ironic that Kipperlilly's whole deal is correctly identifying the fact that the world is warped around the Bad Kids, and in this season more than ever the DM is like, fully changing reality to accommodate them and giving them plot resolutions on a silver platter, to the point of letting them just full-on take back spells because the target turned out to not be there, which is pretty far beyond the quibble about the climactic move in Calamity's final boss fight.
It's not that I think D20 is 'rigged' exactly, because it's not really a game, or at least it's not really Dungeons & Dragons. This was a revelation I had when I watched Critical Role other than Calamity for the first time and was amazed by how they'd stand around after a battle looting bodies for random magic items. D20 isn't a sandbox TTRPG, it's a very on-rails shooting gallery with roughly as much choice in the narrative as a modern RPG video game, and it has to all wrap within a certain amount of sessions. That's fine, but occasionally it can feel deceptive when we pretend there's much chance of things going radically wrong. One of the reasons I liked the first half of Crown of Candy and all of The Ravening War so much is because they're the only times where failure has really, truly been on the table in an Intrepid Heroes season, but I still liked most of the other Intrepid Hero seasons nonetheless.
This season, I just, I dunno man. I don't believe Ice Feast just accidentally wah wah wah had the effect of completely neutralizing the primary threat of the final boss fight. And Blimeygate, like, I thought it was mostly a fun moment, but it also felt like the most exaggerated-for-marketing-purposes the "got'em!" bits have ever been.
But despite all that, I am still currently capable of enjoying the next season. I'm hoping next week does not make things dramatically worse.
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needlebeetles · 26 days
Ways the Bad Kids Could Get the Rug Dragged Out from Under Them
because a nonstop power trip to the finale is storywise kinda lame
-the rat grinders they killed last session were simulacrum and the real rat grinders are even more pissed than they were before
-one group of teenagers killing a bunch of other teenagers in compassionless rage is one of the ingredients for Porter’s ritual and he’s grown closer to godhood and killing Ankarna because of the bad kid’s actions
-Ankarna comes back to life and she is not on their side. Either because of the fact that Fig wasn’t repping “Justice, the Sun, and Summer” all that well this episode so she’s still corrupted or because the rat grinders got stomped so hard and so ruthlessly that she autobalances
-TBK PvP time? 🥺 TBK PvP time next Wednesday? Okay I know it’s a little out there but imagine the last rat grinder falls and the bad kids somehow get directed against each other and to their surprise (?) start hitting each other. It’s so easy, it’s almost easier than fighting the rat grinders because of how well they know each other. And hey! Fabian has so much fucking money and Riz is so fucking desperate and he hasn’t even offered to help out. Porter loved Fig all year and hated Gorgug until he started doing what Porter wanted and Porter’s evil! What’s up with that, Fig? Adaine was so invested in Oisin, and we knew he was on the bad guy’s side from the start. Why is Kristen such a shit cleric that her goddess was against them until her simulacrum stepped in? Wolves killing their own pack, et cetera, et cetera
-Someone gets rage crystaled
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Okay so number one. Super cool that you wrote your paper on the American dream. Single-handedly it is my favorite antag from any season.
And two. Well it is true the back to back filming probably definitely made them have less nuance for this. I absolutely agree with your statement. If your players can't engage in a story something is probably wrong. Honestly I've just come to the conclusion that the reason that episode 19 felt so weird. Is because it felt more like it was the intrepid heroes killing the rat grinders. Instead of the bad kids killing the rat grinders. Like I don't know if I'm just going crazy here?? I know it happens where your characters blend together so much in your mind That it's hard to differentiate the character from the player. But things felt so mean spirited in like a unique way. Like a unique way that you can only get from hating a villain as the viewer. Instead of like the character. Because besides Kristen trying to see if Buddy was still in there. It felt as if, the bad kids. Who have notoriously all been put into difficult situations at different times because of various adults. Saw what is basically just them without the support system. And hit it with a nuke. It's not like a Johnny spells type thing where You can be like "this guy sucks. kill his ass." Cause besides Kipper Lily. We don't actually know any of the rat grinders motivations. Like people can say that the rat grinders were just power hungry All they want. But the more likely answer is probably, Porter saw a group of vulnerable children who were actively unsatisfied with the situation they had been put in. And prayed on that!
It's frustrating definitely. But there is always fix it fics. And these final episodes aren't going to stop me from loving the rat grinders. I do not care what anyone in the fandom says. Because half of the time they're just spitting the same misogynistic bullshit we got with saccharina frostwhip. I'm genuinely hoping That at least the adventuring party clears up some things??. But my hopes are low unfortunately. Mary Ann forever though. She got that dog in her
a) IT WAS REALLY COOL!! i also wrote a final paper in a different class about the cubbys . Communications is kind of fake as hell as a major (if youre thinking of becoming a comm major dont </3 its great for student athletes who dont need jobs. as for me. um. well. 1 year out of college no new job), but it meant I was able to write a lot of interesting papers and my professors gave me room to run with it.
b) That's a really interesting thesis, and I haven't thought about it before, but that honestly makes a lot of sense...? Like, in that Really Uncomfortable Speech that was given before Ruben died, he was blamed for wasting a season on him. Which is an extremely meta/IH thing. It makes no sense for Fig to say that. But it does make sense for Emily to say that.
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mazeyphaedra · 26 days
Ep 19 is so conflicting for me because it was fun but even giving it all a little bit of thought it’s really just 😬. Like yeah y’all really just did that. And that. And that. Okay. It’s just kind of sad in so many ways once you start to think about it all. For both the RGs and the BKs if that makes sense? It’s obvious with the Rat Grinders but Like the bad kids really think they’ve beat Porter’s game but this episode kind of proves that they’re worse than they used to be. That everything Porter and Jace and the RGs did DID affect them and when it comes down to it they didn’t have to do much to get them there beyond annoying them. I feel like in the end they’re becoming the versions of themselves that the Rat Grinders hated. Like okay you’re popular. You can fucking decimate anyone you choose to. But do you actually care about the people around you anymore? Or is it just being adored and showing the only people that dislike you in basically the entire school up?
ooouughhh anon im being so real w u this can be its own post. i had drafted a whole response but that was about pc choices i was kinda horrified by but then i had a talk w a friend that put things into perspective for me so i just decided to share part of my side from that convo:
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which i guess segues me into ur last two qs: the bad kids were in their own way caring abt the ppl around them!! (im being so gracious rn. i think, tho they were reacting in defense of mazey, that they way they treated ivy was awful.) in even just the pc Hero thing of Saving The Town like that counts as caring right.
as for showing the only people that dislike you in basically the entire school up. i dont think this is the case actually bc (and many other ppl have said this more eloquently) the rat grinders are not on the bad kids' radar! like at all. they simply dont register. like to me they feel like the people at school u forget about when u graduate.
ive also not been here the whole time so the 'this was always going to happen. [all of our beloved story beats have not been resolved in a satisfying manner] since the beginning' thing is made more disappointing for me. but i still love this season and if i detach the part of myself that enjoys the story over the game for just long enough i can ooh and aah over bad kid badassery for an untold number of hours
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forestlikesplants · 2 months
//fantasy high junior year episode 16 spoilers//
okay so thinking about what we learned in this episode. specifically that the rat grinders and perhaps even jace stardiamond died in the chaos mountains. they aren’t acting completely as themselves anymore. in a sense it’s like last season with kalina. they’ve been infected with this rage, this corrupted or changed form of the arkana.
this just makes me not hold such a grudge against them. like they’ve done terrible things. i’m not over buddy dying🥲and this is NOT what i meant when i said i wanted him to come back. but like them going through kippercoppers file and seeing how she was just childish. just had a very preteen like vendetta against another student and the establishment that got taken advantage of.
idk many thoughts but mostly that i feel different about their characters now. i can’t hate them (them being the rat grinders and perhaps even jace). i mean of course they’re just children but they aren’t bad kids either. they’ve just been taken advantage of for someone/something else’s agenda and thts:(((
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unsleepingtales · 19 days
Finale Time. I have food, I have a drink, let’s do this.
Three whole hours <3
Somehow I forgot about the outfits.
Former emo kid Murph is so dear to me
Lipstick by Rick Perry!
$217 at hot topic would not buy six outfits I hate to break it to you.
They all look great, but. Zac looks really good.
Mazey’s mini looks so cool!
Like some kind of fucked up pokemon
That was spinning for so long oh my god
18 D10????
Holy shit!!!
You’re saying that the shatter stars were parasitically possessing the rat grinders. That’s what you’re telling me right now. PLEASE bad kids hear and process what that means. Please.
Noooo Mazey
You’re telling me Buddy Dawn isn’t absurdly charismatic? Wild.
Oh my god
I’m gonna throw up
Oh my fucking god if Gorgug perma dies I’m gonna. Be upset.
Excuse me?? Is that what he says??
He’s lying girl!!!
Oh god
:( bye kipperlilly
Oh god the hat.
I love the skeleton hand over Siobhan’s pink glove I think that’s fun
FUCK the failed death saves are so bad
God what an incredible turn from Adaine
Someone please incorporate Jace calling Porter ‘Boss’ into their Starbreaker fic
Did not like that sound at the start of Jace’s turn
It really is circus hours you’re so right Ally
Cool hand :)
(Brennan mimics Bigby’s Hand jiggling impotently) god
I will admit that Zac’s casual ‘well that’s fun because I rolled a 33’ was hot. It was.
Awww the song from the first episode <3
That was a sick move.
I’m so stressed guys
Don’t do this to me don’t do this to me actually I don’t care :(
Yeah making the minis kiss is d&d. That’s what d&d is about
And Balthazar!
Mass healing word cast via cortados 😭😭
Awww Fabian’s version of German Shepherd mode!
Kisses and a girlfriend!!
It’s great that you’re wearing a black lip while you’re doing this Lou. It’s great
Oh you’re fucking kidding me
Oh christ
Oh my god
This is what a lot of dms look like yeah
I do love that apparently the big difference is really that K2 lives in a world dmed by Zac Oyama
I’m gonna lose it
I really hope Brennan gets to take a minute
Cotton candy lung?????
(Murph cackling in slo mo)
Some god is having so much fun with Brennan right now
Oh my god
K2 is on earth right now. In England. In Austin. Somewhere.
Oh that’s so upsetting. Brennan is really going through it.
K2 is granted true life. K2 is now a human cleric who has a memory of Kristen’s life but in England.
Just mirrors that anatomy just in a British way.
I’m gonna lose my goddamn mind.
THANK YOU ADAINE <3 Kristen already has sisters!!
Hi Cassandra! Are you just. Back now?
Somehow I don’t think it was Porter saying ‘enough’
We never followed up with them
Oh noooooo
I do not appreciate the paladin hate! Just because this paladin was evil does not mean that the entire class is bad! Fig is also a paladin!
God I’m stressed and there’s still an hour and a half left
Sandra Lynn!! Jawbone!! Lydia!! Ragh!!
One: why does he count as an ally Two: this really is so unhinged at this point
She has faith in her friends and maybe that’s enough <3
Oh that’s so smart. Siobhan Thompson you’re so incredibly smart.
New Gorgug ability!!!
Thank you for not letting k2 get this one
That’s not justice
Love a (potentially unintentional) callback to Fig pretending to be a bouncer in freshman year
God Ankarna is so beautiful
I really love all the mini shots
Oh Emily found her camera for that one
Oh god okay we actually get some emotions thank you
My potential is mine. And I can do with it what I want to do with it.
Goddammit Ally Beardsley. You’re really good at this.
Ohhh god Gorgug and Kristen are the first to find each other. Hold on that’s gotta be its own post.
You don’t wanna kill your mom and get your inheritance though?
Riz Gukgak you kill me dead. Riz Gukgak I can’t.
Oh god if they cry I’m gonna cry
Emily Axford the person you are.
Friends can hurt each other so deeply and it’s so painful.
Please. Let him understand. Let her help him understand.
Oh my god. Maybe this is the one that gets me. The release from parental expectation.
Oh god okay thank you Cassandra’s back that was what I needed.
Now go away. Literally forever.
You crack a cortado???
The purple hair really brings out Beardsley’s eyes. I’m listening to them and what they’re saying and it’s beautiful but also their eyes are lovely.
Rebellion without hope for a dawn is cynical
God they’re mirroring the painting.
They’re married! They’re back together and they’re going to rest
Is SQUEEM Ankarna’s familiar 😭
Wait so who are you bringing back
Arthur Aguefort driving a station wagon
Well dang.
That’s some narc shit 💀💀
President Applebees.
Lucy’s back? Lucy’s back!!!
Okay so they are bringing the rat grinders back. Okay.
Zac Oyama….. hiiii
What are you Talking about
The world does not rest on what college you go to. It just doesn’t.
Bitchy sisters my beloveds <3
Uncle Ray!!!!!!!! I love this I love this for him
Why is Telemaine there
The odds are quite literally one in one hundred Brennan.
They’re comedians!!!! They’re so good at comedy!
The child???
Josh get ready for warrrrr Josh
Awwww yayyyy
Yesss get Riz student gov on his resume!!
Oh Trackerbees. They know each other better than most people and they have love for each other.
Nooooo Kristennnnn
Okay that was an unreasonable expectation
I will not understand this for years 😭😭
Hmm. Feeling weird about Trackerbees but what else is new.
Gorgug made Fig an effects pedal. Oh god.
Why are you giving her THAT BENCH
Ooooh Gorgug teaching would be fun
Tip top! [and he turns into birds]
Oh Fig and Sandra Lynn. Oh god.
Aguefort never holds podcasts against anyone
Oh boy oh boy!
What a show. What a time. It’s been an honor to spend the past five months with everybody here on d20 tumblr, and I’ll see you at Basrar’s 💜💜
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solecize · 5 years
le printemps
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. a conversation. high school graduation is coming up and the future is looking uncertain for you and donghyuck. 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. donghyuck x reader 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. mature language, recreational marijuana use, mentions of underage drinking 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓. 2.5k 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒. just some stuff i needed to hear and some stuff i’m sure someone out there needs to here too? also lmao not proofread as per usual
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spring was the season of new beginnings. there was a feeling of hope floating through the air, a feeling of quiet excitement for what was to come. long gone were the days of your footprints imprinted on layers of frost upon the sidewalk and the taste of hot cocoa everyday after school. the warmer weather called for cooler drinks. flowers began to bloom beautifully from the ground—and now, it was your turn.
you were excited for whatever was going to happen in your life within the next few months. never more than now were you ready to let go of the past few years in the same school, passing by the same faces in the halls, and skipping the same teachers’ classes. well, perhaps not so much so when it came to the last part: you found yourself taking a “detour” out of the cafeteria with your boyfriend hyuck after lunch, only to never come back for your next class.
lee donghyuck was that guy. he was the class clown with a headstrong attitude that everyone loved and admittedly, that included you. it started last year, when he transferred in from across the country. with his infectious charms and smile, you were drawn in almost immediately. he was in your classes and hung around the same group of friends, always teasing you in flirtatious ways and doing nice things for you without any reason from the beginning. the two of you started dating after you boldly confessed to him at a house party, albeit after having a few drinks, and the rest was history.
“there’s like two weeks of school left, what’s mr. kim gonna do? fail you?” donghyuck chuckled, as the two of you dashed out the back exit of the gymnasium.
sure, he was a bad influence at times. your parents warned you themselves on the matter after meeting them for the first time, but you didn’t mind. donghyuck was exactly what you needed at times, letting you get a taste of the “wilder” side of life. late night sneaking out of your bedroom window, trying new food, taking up new hobbies together, the works. he was the little nudge you needed to enjoy life at times. 
you scrunched your nose up at him. “hey, i have to leave a good impression on him before i leave!” the two of you found yourselves outside and with hyuck gently gripping your hand as he led the way, you knew exactly where he was headed. 
“look at these bad kids go!” hollered a familiar voice and your head snapped to your left, where you saw his friends jeno, jaemin, and renjun whistling at the two of you. donghyuck only grinned at them, mouthing words that you could only guess were ones of threats in case they decided to rat the two of you out. the other three hooligans continued teasing from a distance, as they made their own way back inside the building.
the soft breeze blew against his slightly unbuttoned uniform shirt and against your skirt, causing it to slightly lift. donghyuck immediately pushed it down when he saw that, while continuing to lead the way down the street. his light brown hair shone bewitchingly underneath the sunlight and your eyes trailed down to his mouth. the male had a permanent smile attached to his lips when he was with you, unlike his usual playful smirk or the scowl that he wore whilst in school.
there was not a trace of surprise in you when you two ended up at the place dubbed as your and hyuck’s rooftop. not the man who owned the barbershop below’s rooftop, but it belonged to the two of you. just a block or two away from your school, you only felt like it was right to claim the rooftop as your own after the two of you shared your first kiss here. after the time you ran out here after failing your math test—donghyuck trailing right after you—and throwing up all over the concrete. after all the countless memories spent here without getting caught, you felt that the carving with the two of your names validated your ownership.
“there really is just two weeks left, huh. . .” you trailed off, letting the thought sink it.
the end of the school year had a different vibe. every student felt the weight of final exams or simply relieved at the thought of finally getting out for a two month or so vacation period. plans for the break were made, ranging from going out with friends or even more lessons to drown in during what was intended to be time away from school. the constant between all points on the spectrum was the anticipation. like the spring time, there was a feeling of hope. however, between the graduating upperclassmen, some of them knew they were faking it.
“everyone thinks they’re going to be alright and they keep saying it over and over again because they think if they do, it’ll come true,” donghyuck explained. “almost of all of us don’t know what the hell we’re doing now, why would we know shit about what we’re going to do after the cap and gown?”
you leaned against the edge of the rooftop, elbows propped up, while hyuck stood behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist. 
you replied, “do you know what you’re doing?” it was a dumb question, you realized that when he immediately laughed, but you wanted to hear what he was going to say.
“hell no. otherwise, i’d be going straight to school like everyone else.” he’d been clear on his plan to take a gap year and spend his time travelling and working, all while giving himself more time to think about exactly what the hell was the direction he was planning to go.
“you think you’re going to be alright?”
donghyuck slowly tore his arms away from your body and by the shuffling of his backpack, he was probably searching for his grinder and rolling papers.  “eventually, yeah.” 
you already knew, since from the moment that you two met, it seemed like he had a craving to be high all the time. that was just him, typical rebellious hyuck. you’d experimented with your friends before meeting him and after becoming a couple, you didn’t mind the free weed. it made conversations far more interesting.
“do you?”
the question caused an unsettling knot to form at the bottom of your stomach. you wanted to say something optimistic, but trying to force it out of your throat tasted bitter. you weren’t sure at all. biting your tongue, you simply shrugged in response. 
“i mean, you’re going to a good school and everything. you’re pretty set,” he pointed out from behind you.
you said, “but everything’s moving so fast that i don’t know if i’m doing the right things or doing what i really want to do. i feel like i’m making decisions on the fast lane with half open eyes.” it was a confession that you’d iterated over and over again to your friends and sometimes your parents, though the latter would never quite understand what you were getting it. it was always you being overdramatic about your perfectly fine future or that you were—
“—thinking too much about it. the fastlane is always the best ride, isn’t it?” 
there was a part of you that wanted to listen to hyuck and what he was saying, but everything felt so conflicting. you had hope for your future, yet thinking about it made your insides flip and turn at every possible outcome. taking a glance back at donghyuck, you saw it in him, too. he said he was going to “eventually” be alright, but even though he wouldn’t admit it, there was a mutual feeling of anxiety.
his eyes softened when they met yours and he gave you a small smile. “princess, you’ll be okay. you damn well know how bright  you are and you have a plan.” 
you hated being that person who rambled on and on, dumping all of their worries onto another person. you much preferred to keep anything inside to refrain from burdening others with your anxieties, but it was different with hyuck. it was comfortable with him. he genuinely listened and cared.
he said, “i can’t see you as anything but successful. i hope you realize that.” hyuck was having a troubling time rolling his joint atop his accounting textbook, which made you chuckle a bit. “you’ve worked too hard these past few years. have you seen the way you stay up late to finish your work? sure, you don’t start until the very last minute, but you put a hell lot of effort into your stuff.” you snorted at his mention of your procrastination, as honest as ever.
you responded, “alright.” looking out past the buildings was the skyline of the city, seemingly limitless. “and i know you’re worried, too. you just won’t say it aloud, hyuck.”
he made a noise of lax, sounding like an “ehh. . . .” as if he wanted to argue, but didn’t open his mouth to actually do so.
“it’ll work out for you,” you attempted to convince.
there was the drawing of a long sigh. “fine. i feel like i have no answers to what i’m doing right now. every choice i make scares me now.” donghyuck paused, looking at the ground. “but, i don’t want to feel like i’m going to regret anything, you know?”
you turned around and your back was now facing the edge of the rooftop. he finished rolling the joint, licking it close and his eyes were on yours as he did so. they were piercing. above the two of you,  the velvet clouds crawled across the sky. you embraced the faint scent of street food being fried on the sidewalk and marijuana and as donghyuck edged closer, the smell of musk and rosewood. it was exactly what you wanted to remember when you looked back on these memories as a future you.
“and spending too much time about your possible regrets is something you’ll regret in the future.” you grinned at his stunned expression, which transitioned into a mirror of yours when he processed what you said. 
“you get it,” he breathed, snaking his arms around your waist once again, but this time, his face was inches away from yours. “i know i shouldn’t have asked you earlier. .  .but i want you to know that you’ll be alright.”
all you could do was nod in silence, losing yourself in his eyes. just like the first time. they shone and he tightened his grip around your waist, as he closed the distance between the two of you. it was sweet and soft, full of comfort. the two of you remained like that for what seemed like forever.
there was nothing that made you feel warm inside like the way hyuck kissed you.
the moment, unfortunately, came to an end. a loud bang could be heard from below and the two of you jumped, thinking that someone was about to climb up the stairs and catch you on private property. donghyuck took the initiative to peek from behind the pillar blocking your view of the staircase.
“just a raccoon,” he announced, chuckling a little bit. hyuck began walking back towards you, the joint still in between his right index and middle fingers.
you felt a lift of relief—this was not going to be a good day to be caught trespassing and skipping class.
donghyuck shoved his hand inside his pants pocket and pulled out a lighter, pointing it your direction. “m’lady, would you care to do the honours?” in no universe would you ever be able to resist his cheeky little grin and rolling your eyes, you snatched the lighter out of his hand and clicked it. he held out the joint and you let the tip burn.
“hey?” you said all of a sudden and hyuck looked at you inquisitively. “one more question.”
he shrugged. “yeah, shoot.” the male pulled the joint away from the flame and brought it up to his lips first, inhaling from the other end.
something about the question made you feel silly, just like the first one did, but you didn’t mind in front of him. “do you think we are going to be okay?”
at that, an uncomfortable kind of silence developed. you only found it so at the way hyuck scrunched his eyebrows together, clearly trying to string together a response, but the only words that managed to come out were “well . . .” 
“did you have plans to break up after graduation?” you blunted, folding your arms around your chest and leaning back on the edge. “be honest, i won’t be upset.”
“of course not!” donghyuck scoffed, smoke coming from his mouth as he spoke. “when i said i wanted to stick it out with you a year ago, i meant that.”
he passed the joint to you after that. you didn’t hesitate bringing it up to your lips, letting the feeling overtake your being. the question even plagued you at times, wondering if it was worth it to continue a seemingly temporary high school relationship past what was supposed to be the expiry date. with donghyuck, it didn’t feel right to just give up because of what everyone else said. 
you simply replied, “okay.” and you believed your boyfriend. over the period of time that the two of you dated, his friends often remarked that they’d never seen him so serious about a girl until you. you saw the way the panic emerged in his muscles after your question. 
“you’re being too serious. don’t be.” hyuck insisted, cupping your cheek, and you wished that you held as much assurance in yourself that he did.
“i’m just scared.” you shook your head, looking out again past the city skyline. everything seemed so much smaller from up at that rooftop, but you knew that once you were out those doors with your cap and gown, you were going to feel as tiny as an ant in the real world.
winter was just as beautiful of a season as spring. the season of spring was one of new beginnings, but that also meant new endings. looking at hyuck, you didn’t want him to be a page you had to turn over to move on. it was stupid, it was reckless, it was what young people did. it was love. fake hope repeated over and over again in the head to make themselves believe that it were to come true.
donghyuck ran his fingers through his hair. “no matter what happens, i’m going to be here. i know i can tell you all day that your future is going to be fine, but i show you at any waking second that i’m at your side.” 
the two of you spend the rest of your time finishing the joint, talking, giggling about how jeno ruined the last lacrosse game of the school year by hijacking it as the mascot, and eating potato chips that hyuck brought. you fell asleep for half an hour on his lap. he gave you a piggyback ride home in the wrong direction. everything seemed alright, like you’d been worried about, but that was all for now. your love for hyuck was now, just as you realized you should have focused on.
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st-percocet · 6 years
rec masterpost
yo here’s some tunes that i recommend cause i get asked to rec bands/songs a lot so yea bold = absolute bangers that i can’t get sick of
SONGS: 1 trillion dollars - anti-flag 17 crimes - afi 302 - the lippies 5 to 9 - fidlar 6969 - ninja sex party acid baby - spilt addicted - simple plan afraid of heights - billy talent alfie - lily allen aliens are real don’t tweak - netherfriends all american girl - adickdid alone and stoned - king tuff alone is no together - jamie campbell bower / the darling buds a mask of my own face - lemon demon a more perfect union - titus andronicus a new wave - sleater-kinney anxiety - pinact atmosphere - joy division bad egg - hands off gretal bad habit - the kooks bad kids - black lips beach bones - more amor ft ryan ross beck and call - sundressed better man - jamie campbell bower better than sex - the midnight beast billionaire - travie mccoy ft bruna mars bitch theme - bratmobile black me out - against me bleed - out came the wolves bleed american - jimmy eat world body - mother mother boy grinder - jack off jill boyfriend - best coast boys wanna be her - peaches bubblegum - mystery jets but a nightmare - danzig byob - system of a down california uber alles - dead kennedys can we laugh now? - 7 year bitch cannonball - the breeders can’t go to hell - sin shake sin cardiac arrest - bad suns carried away - passion pit cat-o-nine-tails - L7 cemeterysexxx - doyle cheer up london - slaves chop suey - system of a down cold hands - the dose colder quicker - real friends come on eileen - dexys mightnight runners constant headache - joyce manor corrine - black honey crazy - gnarls barkley (cee lo green) creature - it looks sad. daddy issues - the neighbourhood dance like a maniac - the dollyrots danny don’t you know - ninja sex party dark necessities - red hot chilli peppers dark nights - dorothy death cup - mom jeans devilgirl - gorgeous frankenstein don’t come home - all human don’t mess with me - brody dalle don’t you wait - cloves dreaming dead girls - doyle egg - shoe. empty apartment - yellowcard even when the water’s cold - !!! evil eye - franz ferdinand faking the benz - from oslo family tree - black lips feels blind - bikini kill fill in the blank - car seat headrest firetruck vagina - baby guts first light - django django flannel - cardboard swords full circle - aerosmith fyi i wanna f your a - ninja sex party genghis khan - miike snow get busy - jimothy lacoste gia - fabulous disaster girls and boys - blur golden - travie mccoy ft sia good rhymes for bad times - bears in trees gothic roccata from the suite - léon boëllmann, roman penicki grace kelly - mika green eyes - wavves ha ha ha - the julie ruin hands down - dashboard confessional happy pills - weathers happy today - the wowz headfirst for halos - my chemical romance heroin - badflower hopeless - screaming females hung like jesus - cancerslug hypnotize - system of a down i killed abor day for you - panucci’s pizza i’ll be your butcher - cancerslug i look good - chantal claret it’s amazing - jamie campbell bower / the darling buds i wanna get better - bleachers i was a teenage anarchist - against me idiot - jeff the brotherhood is this sound okay? - coconut records i’m not crying you’re not crying are you? - dear and the headlights i’m not part of me - cloud nothings jellybean - video nasties jerk it out - caesers jerk of all trades - lunachicks just like you - nial harvest killer ball - gesu no kiwami otome kiss this - the struts la la lainey - forever the sickest kids лас��оска - leningrad lezbophobia - tribe 8 liar - the dying arts lights out - royal blood lillibulero - bellowhead loner - fangclub lost on me - peace love bites (so do i) - halestorm makin’ whoopee - neil gaiman, amanda palmer max can’t surf - fidlar maxwell murder - rancid me and the bean - spoon miley - smwrs miss murder - AFI mixtape 2003 - the academic modern swinger - the pink spiders mother - danzig move (i’m coming) - chantal claret my best friend’s hot - the dollyrots my sharona - the knack nagoya - it looks sad. new born - purple nightmare - avenged sevenfold nite vision - mean jeans no surprise - the shacks not my girl - tokyo police club nothing can stop me - heavens to betsy nothing is wrong - analog rebellion no waves - fidlar oh bondage! up yours! - x-ray spex old folks home - cottonwood firing squad olly olly oxen free - amanda palmer (piano is evil version) only acting - kero kero bonito on your side - a rocket to the moon orgy for one - ninja sex party overdose - fidlar palm trees - smwrs panic switch - silversun pickups paradigm - avenged sevenfold paris - magic man psychedelic ascension - mr traumatik pudding - joel cossette rats - ghost red flag - billy talent river - eminem ft ed sheeran romance - wild flag romans - adam walicki salad days - mac demarco samantha - hole same damn life - seether same old blues - phantogram save me - aimee mann say it ain’t so - weezer schism - tool shia labeouf live - rob cantor shit twins - dads sick boy - kill hannah sick shit - together pangea silly boy - the blue van skulls and daisies - danzig slob - artificial fever soldier - dover southern comforting - hotel mira (prev. known as jpnsgrls) speak life - damien marley spooky ghosts - snckpck strange town - the moderates supermodel, superficial - voodoo queens sur la planche 2013 - la femme sweet ‘69 - babes in toyland sæla - black foxxes tears don’t fall (acoustic) - bullet for my valentine teenage whore - hole televisor - morningwood the beer - kimya dawson the devil’s son - creepshow the hounds - the protomen the sound of silence - simon and garfunkel the times they are a-changin’ - bob dylan think of you - bleached time bomb - rancid toy box - ward xvi transylvania - iron maiden trophy wifey - partyline turn me on (radio mix) - wet fingers twin sized mattress - the front bottoms typical girl - the slits ukulele anthem - amanda palmer us - regina spektor vampire’s kiss - john gold virgin sacrifice - doyle volcano girls - veruca salt wait for me - motopony waiting - jamie campbell bower waste of time - elvis depressedly weekend - smith westerns west coast - coconut records whole wide world - big tree without me - eminem you are going to hate this - the frights you’ll fall in love - mrs magician you’re gonna go far kid - offspring
BANDS: against me! - amanda palmer - artificial fever - avenged sevenfold - bellowhead - black foxxes - bleachers - bloodnun - blunderpuss - bullet for my valentine - cancerslug - cobra starship - counterfeit - danzig - dead! - death spells - doyle - earl. - electric century - fidlar - foo fighters - frank iero and the patience - ghost - good charlotte - gorgeous frankenstein - green day - hole - hotel mira - hounding - iron maiden - jimothy lacoste - kero kero bonito -leathermouth - leningrad - marilyn manson - mindless self indulgence - misfits - my chemical romance - ninja sex party - nirvana - papa roach - paramore - pencey prep - poison crow - pup - queen - queens of the stone age - rage against the machine - ramones - rancid - reggie and the full effect - simple plan - slipknot - spilt - sum 41 - swmrs - system of a down - taking back sunday - the darling buds / jamie campbell bower - the dead xiii - the dollyrots - the dresden dolls - the killers - the left rights - the levellers - the pretty reckless - the used - the world you love - video nasties - ward xvi - weathers - weezer - wolfe sunday - yellowcard
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