#I am usually against gatekeeping
rainbowtransform · 26 days
We need to gatekeep d20
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itsapmseymour · 15 days
I know it’s not usually in my orbit or my content genre.
But After hearing that phone call with Lio Convoy and Hopeless Peaches against Rosa,
I am ready to punch a wall.
At the point I actually wanted to say something publicly,
You do not punch down on people who are clearly unable to defend themselves
You do not gatekeep others trauma and mental conditions
You do not speak for the entirety of one community
Be fucking better.
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euaphoric · 10 months
・ ゜ ʚɞ ゜ ・ ゜
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✩‧₊˚ pairing — jungkook x f!reader (established relationship) ✩‧₊˚ warnings — fluff, very suggestive but no actual sm*t in this, cute kissing & cuddling hhh, oc is called “little girl” like once
another 4 am post, im on a roll w these hehe >:3 but i just wanted something to post for my bday (even tho this nothing to do w birthdays?? LMAO) and i can’t get this damn live out of my head like he’s fckung inssne sffdsgsh n e ways this is lowk corny but enjoy lol.
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the faint sounds of birds chirping awoke you from your nightly slumber, eyes fluttering open to your wide awake boyfriend scrolling on his phone. he seemed to be very focused on whatever he was watching, wondering how long he’s been awake for. you prop yourself up slowly on your elbows, barely able to move a muscle from feeling sore by last night’s events. you two can go at it for hours at a time - you forgot how much of a real workout it is being on top. it’s impossible so hard to resist him though, you love that jungkook has just as much of an insanely high libido as you, literal match made in heaven.
waking up to him everyday already felt like a blessing in itself honestly. he was the epitome of perfection; in only a pair of boxers, staring at his chiseled figure, toned biceps, those muscles?? yeah you were beyond down bad for him. but he was just as down bad (debatably more) for you too. your raging hormones were really getting the best of you. your first thoughts were to violently make out with him but instead you settle for some sweet cuddles right now, coming closer to nuzzle in his bare chest. “g’mornin’ sleepyhead.” jungkook mumbles, averting his attention to you instead of the screen. “took you long enough to wake up!” his arms went to cage around your form. “what time is it babe?” you ask, a slight yawn slips out, still feeling groggy.
“7 am.” “wait- really?!” you were so confused, you weren’t expecting it to be this early since usually you don’t wake up until around 10 or 11. “yeah, i didn’t get much sleep though.” his soothing touch runs down your back, pressing delicate kisses to your forehead. this was home to you; feeling his warmth against you, listening to his hums as he cradles you, never wanting to leave his embrace. you were living rent free in your boyfriend’s arms 24/7.“hmm, what should we do today?” you ask, peeking your head out a bit. “dunno… why don’t we just stay in and watch some anime?” his lips proceed to attack your face, pecking kisses all over until you’re physically sick of it. unable to utter a single word out from all the smothering, you just let him do as he pleases.
“but we do that everyday already koob.” you finally get to say once he comes up for air. “and? i see no objection here.” god he can be so stubborn at times… “c’monn, we should go do something today..” you pout, feeling bratty over his unwillingness to be social. you love staying in bed and binge watching shows with him but for some unknown reason you wanted to be adventurous today. “actually, i know what i wanna do today.” he smirks, biting his lip at you. of course, he only wants to stay inside because he’s horny-_-
you let out a tiny scoff, “ugh, perv!” nothing he says should ever surprise you anymore but it’s still fun to tease him. “only for you though.” he chuckled, pulling you back in but this time plants a wet kiss to your lips, “truthfully i just want you all for myself.” his hand brings your leg over to wrap around his waist. “such a selfish boy.” you tease some more, combing the disheveled strands of his silky hair. “mhm mhmm, that’s me.” he proudly admits, he acts very territorial over what’s his and would def gatekeep you from everyone if he could, no one deserves to see his precious bb but him:( “i’m still hella sore from yesterday, i don’t know if i feel like doing anything right now.” you timidly reply, butterflies forming in your tummy as he casually traces circles to your thigh. his eyebrows furrowed, “who said you had to do anything?”
he catches you off guard when suddenly his body shifts underneath, positioning you to be below him while hovering over you. when leaning in he stops midway to stare and admire your pretty lips, wanting so badly for them to be on his. he closes the distance to finally kiss you, giving you a million more butterflies as your body sinks into the mattress. you can sense all the passion and longing from just kissing him, it’s desperate yet filled with fervor, you feel his love immensely. when he gnaws your lower lip as entry, it becomes more heated - a full-on make out sesh occurs. fingers all tangled up in his locks while he caresses your upper body, lips moving perfectly in sync with one another. soon as you wrapped your legs around him a switch goes off in his brain, he needs you, like expeditiously. jungkook sneaks his hands up to your arms when he breaks away, pinning them above your head, you don’t know why but your first reaction was to giggle which puzzles him. “what’s so funny hm? keep thinking i’m playing little girl, i’ll have you begging we stay in.” he remarks, eyes shading darker as he doesn’t find any of this to be a laughing matter. “koo i-” he quickly cuts you off with another breathless kiss.
“shh, just lay back and relax pretty, let me do all the work for you.”
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gi4hao · 2 months
☆ in which a bag of groceries make seungkwan measure the extent of your love
☆ seungkwan x gn!reader — cw: food, seungkwan’s tits are out (._.)
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there’s a tension growing in your upper back from carrying so many grocery bags on your own. giving yourself a quick shoulder rub, you make your way to your bedroom whose door is still shut.
carefully opening it, you’re relieved to see it’s still pitch black inside; you’ve apparently been quiet enough not to wake seungkwan up. or at least you have been until now:
“hey sunshine”, his drowsy voice greets you from the bed. in the dark, you can barely make out his arms stretching over his head. “where were you? what time is it?”
he leans to the side to turn on your bedside lamp; the sight of his messy hair and sleepy eyes make your heart swoon just a little.
“10 am. i went grocery shopping, figured the supermarket would be less crowded in the morning”, you reply, sitting next to him.
and you were right, there was practically no one in the aisles today; which was more than welcome considering you had to buy enough groceries to feed all twelve members’ stomachs tonight.
“you should have woken me up!” seungkwan protests, but the way his eyes are still struggling with adjusting to the light proves how much he needed to sleep in. “…did you find everything you wanted?” he asks, lifting one end of the covers to invite you in.
you nod as you happily snuggle against his bare chest, something that might be due to the fact that most of his comfy t-shirts are hidden away on your side of the closet.
“i bought some peanut butter for the cookies, of course i’ll also make regular ones for vernon”, you start explaining, trying to remember the items in your bags: “some paper towels too. i also got some mangos to make those smoothies cheol told me about. oh and i found jun’s shampoo! the one that was sold out everywhere! he asked for two bottles just in case.”
cheek pressed against his skin, you can’t really see his smile growing a bit more with every sentence. but something about the way his fingers start to gently rub your scalp lets you know how grateful he’s feeling.
because not only have you made active efforts to remember these little details about the people he loves, you’ve made them happily and willingly. as if loving him and loving the people he cares about naturally came hand in hand to you.
“i think it’s about time i start gatekeeping you”, he eventually blurts out, bringing the covers up to your nose. “i’ll call the guys, tell them tonight is cancelled. i’m never letting you out in the world again.”
a bashful smile tugging on your lips, you prop yourself up on an elbow to look at him: “you can’t do that. you love showing me off too much. besides, we can’t rob the world of our insane chemistry.”
your words draw a chuckle out of him, because not even him and his usual wittiness can’t deny what you just said.
“i love you”, he simply replies, his fingertips lightly scratching the back of your neck.
you’ve been hearing these three words on a regular basis for the past couple of years, yet you’re still unable to suppress the giddiness in your eyes.
“i’m glad you do… because i paid the groceries with your credit card”, you reply teasingly, but it doesn’t take more than a few seconds before you add a sincere: “i love you too.”
basking in the intimacy of your old lamp’s yellowish hues, he leans forward to leave a delicate kiss on your lips, your breaths intertwining as his hand lays a bit flatter on your neck.
his smile echoes on your face when you finally break the kiss, as you watch him readjust his position to rest more comfortably on the pillow.
“you know, i might not actually gatekeep you forever… but i’m gonna borrow your freedom for one more hour”, he says, arms keeping you close to him, “i’m not ready to start the day yet.”
and for the next hour, neither of you can find their way back to sleep. instead, the room fills with waves of mundane conversations, laughter and soft kisses, reflecting the simple happiness of knowing you found the right person to spend a lifetime of mornings with.
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athycore · 1 month
Hello!!! :3 I wish to make a request! I really love your writing style and the way you carry out your fics, theyre so awesome X3!!!☆
Could I make a req of Mob (/Shigeo Kageyama) with a gn!gyaru!reader :3c? Extra points if they do really good in school!
I see that you havent posted in a while on this blog, so you dont have to respond to my req! Please take care of yourself first out of anything else ^^<3
Thank youuuuuu!!!!! X3
OMG HAIIII!!! Thank you so much, about me not posting in a while, i completely forget im a writer so i never end up checking requests, but now i did!!
Anyways heres ur food :3
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Mob w a Gyaru!reader…(gn reader)
To say mob was obsessed is an understatement. He simply fawns over your fashion and loves the idea of going against the beauty standard. Although because of his fashionable s/o, he has a hard time blending in. At times he doesnt want the attention but his albsolute cutie of his lover being the center of attention, mob wouldnt mind just this once.
You both go to clothing shops together! Mob believes and trusts your fashion taste to be able to pick a few for him. He wants to hang out and uses the idea of shopping together to get you talking. He enjoys it. Afterall he somewhat helps with some of the clothes for you to pick out, while you help him look his best. He adores your keen eye on managing to find the good clothes that are usually hidden..(gatekeepers😒😒)
When you go on dates he swears he can pay, but his pay isnt enough..afterall regien isnt too reliable. Instead you pay, hope you dont mind. After you both end up going to the park or going to each others houses to hang out later. Mob gaslights(begs) reigen to let him off early for these dates too. He wants to show his respect by simply making time for you like any wonderful lover.
Mob and his family aprove of you so much! You are just the sweetest and the cutest girls to ever approach mob. Ritsu thinks its rad that his older brother managed to get a parnther in general, but thinks even more highly of you when he knows and sees your genuine care for his brother. Plus when you go to mobs house to hangout, ritsu joins whenever he feels lonely. You and mob welcome him with open arms, especially when watching a horror movie.
Mob uses his psychic powers to try to find out what you like in order for him to get the RIGHT gift. Hes just whipped and his friends and brother tease him for it. Simple middle schoolers am i right? He doesnt mind it though.
He introduces you to reigen and reigen approves. Reigen sees you as fit, and an adorable girl who would help mob by the long mile. Mob also introduced you to teru and sho, as well as the other psychics. They all like you and think you are so cool with your makeup and fashion. Heck, teru asked for some advice too.
Mob gets you both matching keychains..guaranteed. Like those cute sanrio ones or the cute little characters. He finds them absolutely adorable. The idea that his s/o has the other half, he ends up staring at his keychain on end till his club snaps him outta it.
In school you might as well be a prodigy! He finds the fact that you do so well extremely admirable. He wants to be tutored by you and you only. Only you can be patient with him. He thinks of you as top of his class, grade, school even!( next to ritsu ) He just gets so happy seeing you not having to worry about grades and what not.
There are times when you are doing makeup, he just watches. No conversation, nothing. Soly because he thinks its skillful, he feels as tho its art and that she shouldn’t interfere. But there are times he asks questions about the products your using. Hes just curious about all that stuff.
Hes your #1 supporter! He believes that you should and will do what YOU want. That no one should tell you anything about how to look, act, or present yourself!
Hope you liked it!!! Thanks so much for the request!!!
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maestriovermind · 9 months
Pinned Post
Color Key: (Read first, very important)
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important information
please read
positive information
negative information
et cetera descriptive or ancillary text
Anons and DMs are always open! If you do want to directly message me, I highly recommend adding me on
my discord: mindgirl
I may occasionally edit this pinned post with new / remembered information to better express myself.
Beginning of bio for short attention span havers:
Names: Amaranth / Amy (please ask before using Amy)
My age, as of my birthday in 2023: 23 years old
My preferred pronouns: she/they/it
My preferred honorifics: Ma'am, Miss - Ask before using any others
Sexuality/Romance/Etc: Demisexual/Asexual, Panromantic, Poly
Likes, in no particular order:
TTRPGs, TCGs, Video Games, Writing, Art, Music, Theatre, Movies, TV Shows, Animation, Cooking / Baking, Computer Science, Psychology, Hypnosis, Learning, All forms of life, Defiance in the face of injustice, Kindness, Empathy, Therapy, Anything that pisses off my mother, Webcomics (yes including that one), Generally pretty much every form of telling stories available to me
TTRPGs that I play / have played or at least read some:
DnD 5e, Pathfinder 2e, Masks, Dungeon World, Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Favorite Foods/Drinks, in no particular order:
Takis, Raspberries, Blackberries, Crispy ginger beef, Broccoli with cheese, shrimp fried rice, Monkey bread, Catfish, Homemade kombucha, Dr. Pepper, Water, Sourdough bread
I will probably immediately like you in some capacity if you meet one of the following criterion:
Goth, Punk, current or former "Scene" girl, Woman (bonus points if your hair is short), Witch/etc, GNC, Using "She/Her, They/Them, She/They, or Fae/Faer" pronouns, Nice to me
I hold the stance that to believe every single cishet man to be a chaser or bigoted is bigoted in itself, so don't discount yourself if you are both a cisgender man and only into women, you still have a chance, even if I may be biased against you.
Dislikes, in no particular order:
Purposeful lack of empathy, Executive tasks, Purposeful ghosting, The USA, Law enforcement, Any form of purposeful bigotry, Gatekeeping, Calling anything/anyone "cringy," Myself, "cancelling" someone/something without significant evidence and reason to do so, deciding that something/someone is unequivocally good or bad, rejecting the idea that people change, Logical fallacies, the word "Lazy," Conflict, Rejection, Purposeful lack of honesty (especially in a relationship), excessive vegetables/greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, excessive onions, non-crunchy asparagus.
I'm just here looking for friends that enjoy similar things to what I also like to partake in, be they horny or not.
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Frequently used tags and what they mean:
#hypnosis, #cw hypnosis, #hypnok1nk
typically used as a trio when tagging hypnosis themed art, or any mention of hypnosis in an ask response or any post in general
#thoughts on the brain
always used for posts that are just rambles, or off topic
#my voice
will always be attached to posts that feature my voice in an audible format, whether directly attached or on the audio hosting website that I typically use
#my art, #digital art
Art that I have created. Will usually include #digital art, as pretty much all art that I make is in Clip Studio Paint
#ask response
A response to an ask. Exactly what you think it means.
Explicit mention of some form of conditioning, classical or operant, usually paired with #hypnosis, #cw hypnosis, and #hypnok1nk.
#maestri sub tag
Woag me? A bottom? Surprising right? Wrong. This tag is for all of my posts (after a certain point where I started using the tag, I'm not going to find all my older subby posts and tag them) in which I am being a complete and utter subby little bottom. Please don't make fun of me too much.
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If you read all of my pinned post, congratulations! I will probably like you a lot more because you are emotionally invested in me and learning as much as you can about me.
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ducktracy · 6 months
Is Bah, Humduck! any good? Is it worth checking out this Holiday season?
Have a nice day!
HI THERE!! happy holidays to you and yours! IMMEDIATELY PREFACING THIS WIIIITH: you should definitely give it a go, regardless of my opinion! i don’t want to be THE GATEKEEPER OF THE TUNES HAHA so i think if you’re curious enough, regardless of what i have to say, you should give it a go!
BUT, with that said! i actually haven’t seen it in… 3 years??? oh geez! the last time i watched it i wasn’t nearly as edjumacated on the ins-and-outs of LT’s history/xharacters/grasp as a whole, so i’m sure if i were to rewatch it now i’d be like “um actually Daffy wouldn’t say that because in this short released Octember 37th, which started production on a Thoisday in the 24 and 1/2th century, he—“ BUT THAT’S NOT A BAD THING EITHER. that’s just how i am. so you’ve actually piqued my curiosity, and i may try to squeeze in time to watch it again myself and come back with any thoughts i have!
NEVERTHELESS, i recall liking it! i know i’ve seen it more than once! as with any modern post-Blanc LT production i have my qualms with it, but i don’t remember them being super big or anything. it’s arguably both guilty AND resistant of “oooooh da Looney Tunes are all one big happy family 🤗”, but i recall it being moreso the latter and that being a big reason as to why i liked it (such as Yosemite Sam punching Daffy in the arm during a heartfelt moment or Porky’s daughter—voiced by Tara Strong which is also a kind of endearingly sarcastic “lol” moment for me since it’s like… yeah this sure was released in 2006, huh!—basically saying that Daffy is in hell)
it’s a sweet special! “Looney Tunes” and “sweet” are not two things i tend to love put together, but i think in this particular special it felt earned. Daffy’s “””””lore”””””” i think was always a bit amusingly trite to me, but, again, ya gotta have a justification for the special somehow! and i do remember finding the ending genuinely endearing, even in spite of my aversions to playing that stuff totally straight in a LT production.
iirc it does a good job of giving multiple characters screen time—some longer than others, but i did respect that they had some pulls like Beaky Buzzard and i think even Hippety Hopper???? maybe???
i like it because it’s a modern production that gives Porky a spotlight and doesn’t beat down on him the ENTIRE time, and so i really enjoy that it gives a little more dimension/prioritization to the Porky and Daffy dynamic, especially something on a slightly less surface level than what they’d usually been made out to be around that time, both before and after. Porky’s always getting the short end of the stick in some way (which is why i’ve made it my sworn duty to spread my porcine propaganda) and i don’t feel that way about this special. he might even have more screen time than Bugs? i think? so i deeply admire that
I’LL HAVE TO GIVE IT A WATCH BECAUSE NOW I’M CURIOUS! the last time i saw it as i said before, i wasn’t as Matured In My Tastes yet. i’ve especially come around to Joe Alaskey’s Daffy much more since then (thanks Duck Dodgers!), so i’d love to give it a rewatch for that alone. i’m sure there’s more i’d have to nitpick now, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, because if i’m nitpicking something it means i’m engaged HAHA
LONG ANSWER SHORT: i liked it and i’d say go for it!
i can at least answer with immediacy that it’s certainly better than the ‘70s interpretation they did of A Christmas Carol (which goes against that post-Blanc bias i mentioned)! but, at the same time, that short has this and Bah Humduck doesn’t, soooooooo……
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cookiesencream0 · 7 days
guess ill just say this because im not doing anything rn. My stance about just like Fallout in general, I fucking hate Bethesda, and they have ruined the series since they bought it, 3, 4, and 76, garbage. All they've done is do the bare minimum which was to bring it to 3d and make it popular which shouldn't even really be credited, at least not like some huge accomplishment. I know it'll probably happen because oh my god, dumb arguments are used so much against people like me and get hugely supported for some reason so, no, I am not being "too negative" and should just enjoy the games, that argument is trying to get me to just be willfully ignorant of everything in regards to this and question nothing. No, I am not saying you can't enjoy 3, 4, or 76, my heavy and passionate criticism isn't stopping anyone from engaging with the media they enjoy, I myself play a lot of 76 even though I fucking hate it because I like the style of build making it has (although its sooooo grindy holy shit). If you want to come to this post and debate me on my stance, no, just no. I am too tired of facing those takes. I am especially not going to engage you if you're being a pretentious dick, which is very common in the numerous times in the past I have engaged in debate with the certain types that disagree with me/I disagreed with. Which, sidenote, I find it heavily saddening that the huge majority of Bethesda fans who think what Bethesda has done is justified, are always, at least in my experience, pretentious assholes and hypocrites, they seem to get away with being absolute dickwads to people with stances like mine, because, well, we disagree with them, because they somehow think our criticism ruins their fun. I am not going to deny there indeed a LOT of people amongst those like me who are aggressive dicks who try to gatekeep people who aren't like us who enjoy the games we don't. This does not justify Bethesda fans from using this and making it a stereotype to label on every single person who's like me, I've seen it heavily displayed and it usually gets backed and supported which saddens me. It'll even in turn, turn them into what they stereotype us for, as I'm starting to see a development of Bethesda fans just stereotype or be aggressive towards those who enjoy Fallout New Vegas, which is not okay. I'd say more but I'm starting to lose the right words and all, and I don't want to thus start repeating myself.
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xalygatorx · 5 months
Worthy (2015) | Chapter 32, "Choice & Prophecy" (End)
Disappearing sporadically in public spaces quickly becomes Cora Dempsey's least concerning problem when suddenly she captures the attention of the forming Avengers Initiative, the World Security Council, and Asgard's fallen prince all in one week. And the universe is only just getting started with her.
Worthy is a slow-burn SFW Marvelverse (films) romance between Loki and a female OC. For additional details on what canon is used, see the Prologue post.
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Summary: Cora arrives back in Asgard and is immediately escorted to the Allfather. The prophecy of the Realms’ end is reviewed and some light is shed on what set things to changing. A sentence is given to both Thor and Loki for their transgressions with surprising implications. 
Pairing: Loki x Fem!OC
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5.4k
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When the blinding pulsations of light which had enveloped her receded, she saw some white spots dancing in her vision. Cora blinked them away just before she lifted her gaze to peer up at Heimdall, who wore a rather smug expression. After the moment it took her to step forward, her legs slightly wobbly from transport, she realized she'd mistaken his expression. It was one of pride.
Instead of giving his usual greeting or one of the witty remarks they'd come to trade at each meeting, he simply inclined his head and informed her, "I knew you would stop this."
"I'm glad one of us did," Cora said with a smile, her gaze faltering toward the stretch of the BiFrost and the golden palace beyond. "Updates?"
Heimdall shook his head faintly and followed her stare. "I have not seen Thor since he returned, nor Loki. Then again, I am instructed not to leave my post unless certain circumstances occur." He paused before adding, "I do know that Odin has been awakened."
Cora paled faintly. "What do you think that means for Loki? Do you think…"
"I doubt anything has been done yet. The Allfather's actions are rarely so immediate," the gatekeeper said calmly as he stepped off his pedestal, his sword giving a metallic whine as he removed it and sheathed it at his hip. "Especially when a key member of the trial party is not yet present."
"What do you mean?" Cora asked, leaning her head back to keep her eyes on his.
"A certain circumstance of my leave is imminent," he replied ambiguously before translating, "and I am to take you to Odin."
"I was not told, but it is not for any malicious purpose. It is likely…"
When he trailed off, Cora's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Likely what?"
"Given their past, it is likely a gesture toward you. For you to say goodbye." Cora's jaw locked at that and she put her eyes to the iridescent bridge beneath their feet. There was nothing really for her to say and, even if she could've thought of something, she wasn't sure her voice would stay steady enough to carry it. Heimdall sensed her unease and asked, "He seems changed."
"He was never 'evil'… But he made some terrible choices, did some terrible things, I won't excuse him of that…," Cora murmured, sighing as she shook her head incrementally. "But whether or not he was 'bad' doesn't matter now. Does it?"
"I wouldn't imagine so. But I saw what he supplied in Midgard," Heimdall said quietly. Cora nodded in a daze; at least someone here apart from Thor and herself knew what had transpired.
The guards parted the golden doors when they arrived and she got a couple of strange looks from them when they took in her attire. She supposed the skintight SHIELD uniform wasn't exactly normal coverage here. Their footsteps pounded faintly against the glistening floor and being back in Asgard proved to be quite the strange sensation to Cora. Especially because this time when Heimdall brought her into the fortress, she wouldn't be met by Frigga's kind, but queenly, company. The realization provided her with a quiet, hollow ache just above her stomach.
To her surprise, the guards at the entrance to the throne room stood beside already open doors and she was able to look directly through the arch to the golden throne before the dais, Odin sitting upon it once again. For a moment, she entertained the thought that this was, once again, Loki, but she was well-aware that this time, that would not be the outcome. The nearly indifferent look in Odin's aged stare confirmed that.
She continued to walk forward after Heimdall left her side, remaining just inside the throne room doorway. Cora's eyes fell to a guard at Odin's right side when the old man turned to speak to him, her gaze following him to the far door before it closed behind him. When she looked back at Odin, the Allfather was watching her thoughtfully.
When he finally spoke, his voice seemed more gravelly than she remembered. "I suppose I should begin by thanking you." Cora started to reply, but no sound fell from her lips and she simply stood there until Odin chuckled a few seconds later. "I feel that I know what you will say. That it was not your doing that caused the universe to keep on living, that it was your combined efforts with the other Midgardian warriors, my son, and his brother that saved our worlds as we know them."
"Something like that," Cora replied with a slightly embarrassed smile.
He shook his head slightly as he leaned forward and Cora found herself walking closer to the greying Asgardian king as he began to speak again. "Prophecies are made for all of time. A very few in many a millennia are recorded and revered as our eventual histories. Many assume a prophecy is unchangeable, unavoidable. That time is a linear path."
"Even here?"
"Indeed, despite our exponentially longer standing within the universe, there are some things that we share and that is a wariness of time, and a fear of its end."
At that moment, Thor stepped into the throne room after receiving a verbal summons from the guard who had left to ascend the staircase and fetch both princes from their chambers. It had seemed upon arrival that any imprisonment of Loki—at least at that moment—seemed useless. Not only was Thor now solidly on his brother's side, but this new view of Loki in a turnaround from rage and genocide caused conflict in the man who had raised them both. He saw the change in their relationship and dispositions and it caused him slight unease because he did not yet understand the full nature of it.
Loki did come in beside Thor in handcuffs, however. Not the full chained harness he'd been restrained by in his original return to Asgard after the mayhem he'd caused in the Midgardian sector called New York, but enough that, if needed, he could be easily put down.
Odin watched both men in his peripheral, not taking his immediate gaze from the barely half-blooded girl in front of him although he studied all three of them in thoughtful silence. Cora seemed to notice someone had entered the room, but she was keeping her attention upon him out of propriety, her features set into a slimly expressive arrangement of composure. He saw beneath that though, to the uncertainty. Thor wore a similar expression, though his was more stonily exuded as he regarded his father upon the throne. Loki's eyes went to Odin, then to Cora, lingered a moment, and then moved back to Odin, seeming guarded and simply waiting for what he thought to be the inevitable.
Behind her, Cora heard the faint echoes of footsteps, but she kept her eyes trained upon Odin out of respect and interest in where he was going with this. The Allfather took a deep breath and continued with renewed importance, "Prophecies may be wrong. The promise of the end of the Nine felt imminent because it was so detailed and so absolute from being constructed so long ago. Eons before this day. Prophecies may also change due to events leading up to them. Variables not originally included in the original scry."
"That seems so absurd though, if that's the case," Cora couldn't help but notice, tilting her head subconsciously. "To predict something so far ahead without the basis of how time would change the circumstances."
"It does, does it not?" Odin agreed quietly, his lips a thin line. "However, the variables didn't waver until just a short time ago. One and then another. The second of the variables to come about was Thanos. He was never intended to become a part of what we call the Ragnarök, the 'twilight of the gods' and the end of the nine realms in their entirety. His interference and rush of the event caused the unfolding of those events to change."
"Was that why he didn't succeed?"
"It was part of the reason. You were the other."
Cora's jaw dropped slightly. "But… Why me?"
"It became vastly apparent after consulting the ancestral documents in the library and the circumstances surrounding the Ragnarök that something was not matching up. The beings meant to bring about the apocalypse were more or less falling into their places… Except, it seems, for one." He didn't need to say who. "Everything was progressing as anticipated until, what I can understand, is one singular moment: the moment Loki let go of Mjolnir at the BiFrost ledge and was cast into the residual energy still lingering near the observatory, which had recently returned Thor from Midgard."
Cora's eyes widened marginally. In the few times they'd discussed how he'd managed to make it to Earth, he'd never mentioned that his trip had been unintentional. And also an act of defeat. Odin continued, "Such a tiny moment in our millennia of existence and yet it all came down to that moment for a new wave of events to begin turning into motion. Had he held on, both Thor and Loki would have likely been pulled to safety, Loki imprisoned or given a second chance, and life progressing onward as intended. Alternatively, his choice to hold on could have pulled both brothers into the void." The Allfather made a slightly impatient gesture with his hand before looking intently at Cora. "Despite the numerous possibilities, Loki let go and that choice led him to you."
"It was that simple?" Cora asked with a faint frown. "A coincidence?"
"Very little can be left to coincidence," Odin said sagely as his gaze moved to reach over her head. "I remain uncertain of how it was done, but your meeting changed the fate of the realms and the both of you, as well." Cora paused and looked over her shoulder to follow his gaze, finding Thor and Loki standing ten paces or so behind her with guards on either side. Loki looked at her briefly before glancing back up at Odin, wearing the most pristine pokerface Cora had ever seen. It made her a little sick. "All that remains of this twist of destiny…is a resolution to the remainder of a sentence."
Cora felt like she'd been punched in the gut, but in the same instant, she was angry she felt surprised at all. Odin was, at times, fair, but he was equally unforgiving. It was obvious that this was what would become of Loki's return, she'd just been stupid enough to be optimistic. 
She heard a faint rattle of the chains on Loki's handcuffs as he and Thor stepped forward. "Father," Thor greeted Odin a bit curtly, standing on his brother's other side.
Odin watched them a moment before speaking to Cora without directly looking at her. "I will address the second party now." 
Cora grumbled audibly, but stepped back a bit to present the brothers with space in position to Odin's throne, standing near where they'd stood just a moment before. 
Once she'd made her retreat, the Allfather continued. "In the last time we spoke, you had managed to make off with your Midgardian goat and the Aether into the Dark World," he said matter-of-factly, but there was underlying upset in his voice that signaled a punishment to be made.
"Her name is Jane," Thor enunciated with restrained anger, adding quietly afterward, "and she is not a goat."
"Enough," Odin ordered and his eldest quieted out of reflex, looking all the more angry that he did so. "Though you were successful in your endeavors…eventually…you went against my word. You endangered the bloodline and the Nine a thousand times over by separating yourself from Asgard's defenses. And then you…" He'd moved his gaze to Loki. "You have committed multiple accounts of treason, not to mention acts of attempted tyranny, theft, running rogue, defiance of direct orders, subduing and impersonating the sovereign ruler of Asgard, and, of course, mass genocide in Midgard. These acts are unforgivable and no amount of justice you returned to your name in the path of Thanos in these past days may erase these crimes from your history. Do you understand?"
Thor shifted his weight forward as he moved to interject, but Odin silenced him with one look. Cora saw the slight fall in Loki's shoulders as he replied calmly, "I understand." She understood the nearly imperceptible lax in his posture to not be a sign of defeat, but a somber hope that the following decree would be one of execution. Loki would rather die than rot in a cell all over again, especially after having been free for just a while longer.
Odin watched him for a solid minute before leaning back in his throne and continuing, "Therefore, your sentence still stands. The punishment, however, I feel must be taken further. For actions past your original imprisonment."
This is it, Cora thought with some despair as it all became startlingly real in a matter of seconds. She couldn't take her eyes off Loki's back, off the armored plating on his attire. Her heart hit her ribs with every palpitation and she felt like she was starving for breath when she was clearly breathing. If it's a life sentence, make it painless. If he has to die… I hope it's quick.The simple thought of Loki falling under an ax sent chills and genuine pain through her bones. How did I get this hooked? I thought I was tougher than this.
As if he knew her inner turmoil, Loki turned his head just enough so he could see her in his peripheral. He only looked at her for a couple of seconds, tops, but it was sufficient, it seemed. For whatever his reason was for doing it. All three of them, along with the guards and Heimdall nearby, looked to Odin and waited while he stared down at Loki, pondering something the lot of them could only guess at.
Odin nodded a fraction and said decidedly, "Banishment."
The shock was palpable in the room as Odin's word passed through, bouncing off the walls to echo through the doors. "Father?" Thor inquired quietly, breaking the silence that followed.
"Loki, you are hereby banished from Asgard. No longer will you wreak havoc upon this realm and its brothers. For the length of my rule—as it will become Thor's in time—you are not to cross through these golden gates but to leave this day." Odin turned a piercing gaze over to Thor and informed him, "I have left Loki in your charge many a time and each time has failed, therefore I will hand over that burdensome duty to another." That was when he glanced past them once again. "Cora of Midgard. It is unfair of me to request something so grandiose of you, but the incompetence of my heir when it comes to the man he calls his brother is extreme. Would you take this charge and be certain he does not cause more danger to the realms?"
Cora, like the others, was in a silent state of shock, but soon came back to herself long enough to read Odin's face. He looked severe, but beyond that, there was an endeavor to make amends. Holding down a small smile, Cora inclined her head. "I will." She was unable to resist adding on, "…If I must." She just wished she could see Loki's reaction to her elaboration.
All business, Odin nodded and looked back to Loki and Thor. "You remain my heir," he said firmly to Thor and Cora remembered the Odin who had told Thor to go on to Midgard had, in fact, been Loki with a takeover plan in mind. He pursed his lips faintly before finishing his point with, "However, I would dare to think that my lifetime may have yet a few centuries more within it. At best, it will have one, which I can imagine would be long enough to spend…Jane's lifetime with her in Midgard."
Hope must've alighted in Thor's features because Odin swiftly continued to declare, "After which, you will return to this throne and take your rightful place. You will be king in my stead. And, perhaps…" He glanced toward Loki with a surprising amount of respect and subdued optimism for his character. "Perhaps you will find council in family."
Loki's eyes widened at last, as he'd kept cool throughout Odin's decrees. It was that final word that hit the hardest where he thought he could no longer ache and he found the breath to—albeit begrudgingly—reply, "I… Fa—"
"I care not for your excuses, Loki, my decision is final. You must endure the results of your actions, not one word you say will change my mind," Odin cut him off and Cora was hard-pressed not to collapse from knee-weakening relief at the absurdity that was Odin trying to be generous.
The Allfather relaxed after that, giving a nod for them to go. "I have said my fill. I will see you as you see fit." He'd directed the final statement to Thor and though Cora knew Loki and Odin were still painfully estranged, she couldn't help but feel sad that this would probably be the last time Loki would ever see the only father he'd ever known.
However, Odin was doing him a kindness. He was doing all of them a kindness by allowing both Thor and Loki to return to Midgard. Asgard needed to know that its greatest defier was punished and gone and it was Odin's duty to make it so, but the extent of his concealed warmth was more than welcome. When it became clear that it was time for them to go, a guard stepped forward and unlocked Loki's cuffs, taking the metal away as Loki ran his pale, slender fingertips over his wrists.
He and Thor both turned to walk back toward the throne room entrance, both looking to Cora immediately. The three shared knowing looks before she turned to walk out with them, glancing over her shoulder to Odin and sending a grateful smile before following them out. 
Odin watched them go until the golden doors were shut behind Heimdall, who left as well. "Prosper, my sons," he said softly beneath his breath.
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"I could pass out from relief," Cora said once the doors thudded shut in their wake, running a hand through her hair as she attempted to pass through the dazed feeling that fogged her brain.
"I would prefer if you didn't," Loki remarked, glancing toward the guards at the entrance. His gaze was suspicious, like he expected to be tricked. Cora would love to meet the person who could trick the "trickster god." Then she realized she'd tricked him plenty and felt herself ascend to a new state of accomplishment.
"You better behave," she warned him amiably. "I'm the one who's going to kick your ass now if you don't. And I'm pretty sure Thor would back me up on it, regardless."
"Anytime, little sister," Thor chuckled, grinning when Loki gave a withering glance between them. He glanced past Cora and she turned to follow his gaze as a few servants rolled two carts forward. 
"What is this?" Loki asked and Cora could have smacked him for the condescending tone that came out of him which could only belong to a boy raised in royalty.
"Payment for her services and some for you to take along to Midgard," the smallest of the servants said, bowing his head.
"‘Payment’?" Cora repeated in confusion, glancing at the covered cart as one of the other servants flipped the corner back to show her what they meant. Her mouth went dry as she saw the cart was brimming with gold. "I… I can't possibly—"
"Yes, you can," Loki murmured near her ear. He leaned up before glancing toward the stairway. "My belongings?" he inquired toward the servants.
"They have been left for you to collect," the small one spoke up again, seeming to be the only one willing to address the banished prince. "And only what is necessary may go, so much as you may carry. Those were our instructions to pass along."
Loki regarded them briefly before nodding to himself. "I will return presently," he informed them.
"Your guardian must accompany you," the tallest servant piped up with an edge to his tone.
Loki's eyes narrowed faintly on the servant and he bristled before exhaling slowly and continued walking without turning around, even as he said softly, "Come along, Cora."
Cora frowned, but followed him up the winding stairwell to the next floor, pausing outside his chamber door when he walked inside. She'd intended to wait outside to give him his space, but a sidelong glance from a guard down the hall caused her to grimace and follow him in, shutting the door behind her. "Guard was giving me the eye, sorry," she explained as she leaned against the closed door.
"It is the norm. I don't mind either way," he said simply from across the room as he pulled a leather knapsack from inside an armoire. It looked small, like he'd used it when he was a child and didn't have much else to choose from now. Cora glanced around while she stood there, taking in the green embellishments in the otherwise gold and black room. It made sense; green seemed to be his color of choice and it suited his personality. What really made her feel like this room was his, however, was the desk by the window, overflowing with old books. It struck the right chord like nothing else in the room that was triple the size of her apartment quite managed to do.
She made an effort to not watch what he was doing just in case he wanted some privacy. It was uncertain when he'd be coming here next and she didn't want to encroach on this revisiting, despite not being able to wait outside without being judged by nearby guards. When she heard him coming back across the room, she looked up at him, noting that he now held the pack in his hands and some garments over his arm that he opted not to leave without. He also held what appeared to be a gold helmet with enormous horns under his arm.
"Is that Asgardian couture?" Cora asked lightly. Loki rolled his eyes and swung the helmet around to dangle it by one of its curved horns in his hand, holding it over her head before sliding it into place. It was heavy and hurt her neck a bit, but he seemed to get a kick out of it. "Well? Am I petrifying?"
"Truly," Loki chuckled as the helm slid over Cora's eyes. He plucked it off her head before it could hurt her and nodded for her to get the door so they could leave.
"Pfft, what, not even going to try to ravage me now that we're alone in your room?" she remarked sarcastically as she turned to get the door.
Loki arched a brow, a mischievous gleam hitting his emerald eyes. "Would you like me to?"
"Shush," she smirked, nodding for him to pass through the door first. "Let's go."
"You made the suggestion in the first place," he protested before walking into the hall, the both of them bickering amongst themselves as they went back down the stairway.
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"That's it, then?" Steve asked after Cora had explained the whole story of what had happened in Asgard to him after their arrival back to SHIELD headquarters. "He's just going to stay here?"
"Until Odin's off the throne, yeah, I guess," Cora said, a mug of tea in her hands that she was just allowing to steam while she talked. They'd gotten back to headquarters after saying their goodbyes to Heimdall at the gates. Sindri and Brokkr had apparently left a scabbard for the claymore they'd made her with him to give to her, which she had sitting with her bag near her feet. She currently sat on one of the couches in a lounge on the eastern side with Steve, Bruce, and Natasha, waiting for final preparations to be made before she headed out.
Phil had volunteered to sort through the Asgardian gold with a few other knowledgable agents who had an idea of collectible worth, since his own knowledge in that department more or less started and ended with World War II Captain America memorabilia.
She'd given them permission to use the artifacts to make the beginnings of Asgardian exhibits in the American Museum of Natural History and the Smithsonian, while just keeping the majority of gold bars in the cart for them. Those alone would convert into hundreds of thousands at least. She felt sick that she was being given these riches, but she couldn't help but be excited, too; she'd be able to pay off her student loans at last, get amazing care for her grandmother, buy a car that didn't have an arrow embedded permanently in the door, and even get a house without annoying roommates… The possibilities were glorious.
"Isn't that kind of surprising though?" Natasha asked conversationally, pulling Cora out of her thoughts. "From the little bits I'd heard about him, I'd figured he'd have more… Godly wrath, I guess."
"I don't think anyone anticipated him letting Loki off like that… At least as much as he could."
"It's good that he did, I think," Steve ventured bravely after a moment, earning a couple of startled glances from his colleagues. "I get the impression that he's really changed."
"I think he has, too," Cora murmured. She wasn't sure if he'd so much changed as finally found some closure in his past grievances, but it didn't matter. He was figuring himself out and that made her pretty happy for him. The only part she wasn't sure about is how he felt being stuck with her. They'd not talked about that arrangement and she didn't know if this was a blessing to her, but a curse to him. It would make sense if it were, but she tried to not read into it too much. She supposed she'd find out in time.
She looked toward the door, seeing Loki there with an impatient pinch between his brows. "Agent Coulson has finished converting your funds. He said if you gave him your account information, he would just forward it there." With the way he recited the words, he was fairly certain he was just repeating what Phil had said and had not a clue what it meant. "Is there anything else you must do?"
"I…," Cora paused thoughtfully as she stood up. "I guess not."
It felt odd to be leaving headquarters after all the time she'd spent there on and off by that time and she wasn't quite sure how to react to the departure. When she left the lounge with Loki, Natasha, Steve, and Bruce all accompanied her down to the main floor, where they met Fury and the others at the elevator. Cora walked over to write down her bank account information for Phil, leaving Loki momentarily by himself. He glanced over warily when Fury cleared his throat.
"We thank you for your help during the Ragnarök and, though I can't and won't offer you a position on the Avengers Initiative, I could extend an honorary title your way."
Loki's eyes narrowed a little out of disbelief. "Are you going to hand me a trophy as well?"
Fury sighed and muttered, "Last time I try to be nice to you, you little shit," as Cora rejoined them. "You, however, have my biggest thanks. And we'd love to have you wear the emblem officially."
Cora's eyes widened with surprise and she quickly started to decline. "Oh, I—"
"The benefits are great. We're great. The job's great. You… You probably also need a job, don't you?"
Cora started to argue that she actually had a job, which was what brought her to New York, but she paled when she realized that had been months ago and she'd completely disappeared without notice. The apartment was probably trashed, too, thanks to Lacey. "Oh, dammit…," she murmured despairingly and Loki looked rather alarmed at seeing her become so upset so quickly, something he'd not seen yet.
"Come on, you've already got the uniform," Phil encouraged with his usual smile. "And you've got…a lot to hold you over for a while. But you might want to take a position out of interest, even."
His pause on the terms of her bank balance made her wonder just how much he'd managed to get her for those gold bars, but she asked instead, "Would I be a field agent then?"
"I'd let you pick your spot," Fury said honestly. "Within reason."
Cora smiled a little at that and shrugged. "Sure. I'll look into it."
"We'll find a time to talk it out," Fury confirmed afterward, cracking a slight smile. "Now go home and put your feet up. You've been through hell and back this past year."
"Huh. Wonder whose fault that was," she remarked, grinning when Fury rolled his eyes. "I'll see you guys soon. It's been awesome. Hey, wait, where's Thor?"
"Already back in London," Loki replied with a roll of his eyes. "Supposedly they are planning to move back this way in the near future. At least, that's what he's hoping to convince Jane of."
Cora smiled, rather hoping that he managed to do just that. With one last goodbye, she got into the elevator with Loki and headed down to the parking garage, where they slid into one of the hefty black SUVs and were driven through the city, away from the disrepair until they pulled into the lot of her apartment complex a twenty minute-long drive away. The roads were nearly empty with the week's events and a few lockdowns still in place while SHIELD worked on calming the world down from its state of Ragnarök shock.
They were left standing in front of the sky-high complex and Cora watched the SUV speed away before looking up at Loki instead, her brow creasing thoughtfully. "So…"
"So, indeed," Loki murmured, looking down at her.
Cora hesitated before smiling impishly. "Want to drop off your stuff and get some bagels?"
Loki stared at her lengthily before smiling and placing his helmet under his left arm, freeing up his right to hook around her shoulders and tug her close. He dropped a gentle kiss to her forehead and murmured, "I'm never living that down, am I."
"Nope. I'm hungry though, so follow me," she smirked, taking his hand in hers and towing him along as she set off toward the entrance to the building, keeping in mind one of her favorite bakeries nearby; she was fully intending on a lazy day today, but perhaps a house-shopping/debt-paying day tomorrow, now that she could afford it. It was an ordinary sort of plan, but it felt extraordinary to her and she was incredibly pleased with the prospects. Maybe because she had him along for the ride now. Things just felt right for the first time she could presently remember.
Loki was in much the same state of rightness, though he would die before he admitted it. He watched the woman in front of him, listening to her explain her roommate situation and muse over plans she had, things they needed to do, and it was a mundane sort of existence compared to the future he'd repeatedly set out to gain for himself, but this was oddly so much more satisfying. Not the lifestyle, but just being there with her, specifically. No one else could have made this life appealing to him, he didn't think.
And despite his tumultuous attempts at rebellion and asserting his right to leadership time and time again in the recent past, Loki was more than content to let her lead on, and found himself genuinely happy for the first time in ages to have the privilege of stepping in someone’s shadow, so long as it was hers.
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That's all for Worthy! Thank you for reading! x
If you've not yet read the bonus Christmas time chapters I posted as a sort of 'epilogue,' you can find them through my masterlist.
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padfootastic · 1 year
Ahaha thank you for the nice comments in tags <3 i love Remus but he seems bit like a spineless people pleaser and after dating somebody who would rather lie about their feelings than have people be mildly upset with them..... I chose violence 🗡
no but ur so right because!!! i’ve been sleeping on this for a while but let’s talk about remus’ personality traits and how they have the potential to make him a bad/absent partner, at best, and an abusive one, at worst. everyone wants to turn him into this image of perfection just bc he’s such an ‘uwu victim’ figure in fanon but that’s SO far from the truth omg
(i am…just gonna put this remus character analysis under a cut bc it got unnecessarily long and i wouldn’t want u to read it if u didn’t want to lol)
so, for one, he’s manipulative. he has no combinations in twisting the truth or dodging it entirely for his own benefit. like, the man could stand in front of his dead best friend’s orphaned son & not even allude to the fact that he knew his dad. he had no problem bringing james & lily up in the most twisted ways possible to guilt/emotionally influence harry. so remus in a relationship would have the capacity to either knowingly or unknowingly manipulate his partner. the definition of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss except more sinister.
next, his spinelessness. either as a defensive measure to deal w anti-werewolf hostility or as an innate personality trait, remus has the habit of just—not standing up for things. he looks away when his friends act like assholes, even when he’s in a position of authority (which yes, u can argue that he’s afraid of losing them but atp they’ve literally risked life & magic & azkaban for him so either way, he comes off badly—either he doesn’t mind himself, or he doesn’t fully trust their friendship, or it’s just easier to look away). in a relationship, this can manifest as bottling everything inside u until it makes u bitter or u violently unload on the other person in an entirely disproportionate manner. the dynamic would also be a bit skewed. the people pleasing u mentioned is also such a big thing that people usually overlook. when ur constantly trying to make the other person happy and don’t want to rock the boat, that is a cocktail for miscommunication and breakdown of relationships. ur also constantly putting the emotional burden of constructively dealing w issues on ur partner instead of doing it urself.
connected to his cowardice is his habit of running away when things get tough. remus is conflict avoidant; he does not like to put himself in a position where he has to take a decisive stance, especially if it’s against what others around him believe in. he runs away when things get tough, and tbh, for me, this comes from a constant spiral of self hatred & self victimisation, both of which stem from his experience as a werewolf. in every difficult situation, he centres himself & his discomfort and instead of dealing with it and moving forward for a constructive solution, he decides that stepping back from it altogether is better. which, yeah, works well for him bc he can temporarily put a pin in it but it’s kinda terrible for everyone’s who’s left behind. so i also think that remus is a profoundly selfish character who doesn’t look beyond the end of his own nose. u can imagine how those traits might manifest themselves in a relationship.
and his people pleasing!! so this might be verging on fanon but his gratitude and/or devotion to dumbledore sets an…interesting tone. it’s also another example of how he cannot conceive himself in any other term except as a victimised werewolf. the marauders did a lot for him, arguably even more than dumbledore’s token representation formula, but he never felt indebted to them the way he did for D. dumbledore also kind of makes him feel needed? validates his feelings? and that just speaks to a very twisted sense of self for me. which, again, won’t bode well for his other interpersonal relations.
also, on a very hc note, i also feel like remus just…does not have any significant capacity to love. he takes and takes and takes but doesn’t give much in return. this doesn’t even have to be an actively malicious decision, tbh, just a very self-centred one. he doesn’t realise how much he’s taking bc he’s only thinking about his own circumstances.
all of these are also just why i can’t see r/s working out in any healthy manner. remus is exactly antithetical to everything sirius is/believes in, and not even in the fun ‘opposites attract’ way. but that’s another rant no one asked for lmao
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just-antithings · 10 months
Hello. I'm a gay trans man, and I wanted to provide a few of my thoughts on the disc horse surrounding MLM fetishization in fandoms. Of course, my fandom experience is very limited, so if anyone else disagrees with me or has had different experiences, that is okay and I respect that. Now, with that out of the way, let me get to my main point:
The discourse surrounding MLM fetishization makes me, a literal gay man, feel unsafe and unwelcome. This is because as a trans man I exist in a world that believes I am predatory for existing, and as a gay man I too exist in a world that believes I am predatory for existing. These two parts of my identity that I'm regularly ostracized for intersect in this disc horse, where people claim that they are protecting trans people AND protecting gay men, but by doing so they are punching down on gay trans men and throwing us under the bus.
Let me elaborate. Before I even knew I was trans, I regularly read MLM fanfic and consumed media that featured those types of relationships. Obviously now, I was drawn to that media because I'm trans. Before I realized I was trans, was I fetishizing gay men?
Of course not, because even if I didn't know it at the time, I was one.
Now, let's consider this scenario. Let's say, hypothetically, that I knew I was trans, but for whatever reason I did not want to come out online. So would I, a closeted trans man going by she/her, be fetishizing gay men?
Of course not, because I am one.
Here's the even bigger issue. The majority of non-transmascs online have biases that lead them to view transmascs as both men and women, applying the worst stereotypes of both binary genders to us whenever convenient. People in very progressive spaces that talk about fetishization and things like that are unfortunately no different. They've internalized TEHM rhetoric. This means that they'll view transmascs enjoying fanfic about gay men as the same as women enjoying fanfic about gay men, and I've literally been told to my face by progressives that that's how they see me.
However, it's even worse than that. Since cis women don't experience transphobia on a systemic level like trans people do, trans men are treated worse than cis women in this fetishization disc horse because we have both misogyny and transphobia used against us to shut us up and gatekeep us out of existence. The people acting like women invading gay men's spaces are a serious issue and fearmongering about them are using a dogwhistle against trans men. Just because you say that you include gay trans men in your definition of gay men doesn't mean you've taken the time to unlearn your transphobia or learn about how you can avoid spreading dogwhistles.
And when I call out any of these issues in fandom disc horse about MLM fetishization? Either people pretend they do not see me talk about it, or they respond by acting like I'm downplaying their trauma from "horrible women invading the poor men's spaces :("
Like, I'm literally gay. I've experienced my fair share of homophobia from straight women and I speak out about it often. There are ways to critique women for the ways in which they benefit from homophobia, but trying to gatekeep them from enjoying a certain genre of fanfic Ain't It. None of these people I've seen who hate trans men and AFAB nonbinary people have actually called out a straight woman for doing something genuinely homophobic. The cis people doing this are using the fetishization disc horse as a cover for their transphobia, and if it's a woman who is allied with these TEHM-lites, they're usually doing this to pretend to themselves and others that they care about gay men while not giving a shit about us.
I've had to argue about this with cis women. It's really telling that some cis women won't listen to a trans gay man talk about his own experiences and thoughts on homophobia. It's almost like they don't see us as real gay men and feel justified in speaking over us.
And there are definitely trans men that fearmonger about fetishization, but as far as I've seen, they generally seem to be under 18 and usually change their views quickly. The ones that don't change their views upon me talking to them usually hold truscum beliefs. One that I've spoken to thinks that anyone who's a real gay trans man was against "fujoshits" from before he came out and no real gay trans man would ever touch MLM content. Great job pretending like there's one behavior or trait that marks transness! That's literally truscum koolaid.
I know that there are other reasons that the fetishization disc horse is bad, especially anti-Asian racism, and the blatant misogyny, but I think I've said enough.
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bubblegum-pinkman · 8 months
breaking bad/better call saul roleplay!
hi there! i’ve had the biggest breaking bad/better call saul brainrot and i would absolutely love to roleplay on discord— especially breaking bad or el camino! i’m dying for somebody to play jesse pinkman or jane margolis as backup (or perhaps both 🤭) against my oc! i can play literally anybody you want— even jesse or jane! i don’t gatekeep my love interests! i’m open to any gender pairings.
in terms of plots, i have plenty of ideas in my mind right now and would love to try them out! given the nature of the show, i do ask that you are 18+, are okay with darker plots, and even okay with nsfw content. i don’t have many triggers, but we can always discuss our preferences and limits!
more about me— i’ve watched all of breaking bad and el camino, and i’ve started bcs, but am open to any spoilers! i’m on season 1 but i’m trying to get through, i’ve just been busy. i’m 22 years old and i do have a full-time job, so i do expect a patient partner. we can always communicate. i can make my evenings and weekends active, though! i roleplay semi-lit to lit. my replies are usually a discord mobile page long and go over the character limit, but i don’t go for multiple messages per reply. really long replies burn me out and put a lot of pressure on me. i’m okay with a few sentences to the character limit— i just ask that your replies have detail! quality matters more than quantity to me.
i think i covered all my bases, but please go ahead and like this post or message me, and i’ll reach out to you so we can get some wonderful roleplays going. i hope to hear from you! if we’ve talked before, please feel free to reach out again! 🫶🏻
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ihhfhonao3 · 11 months
I decided that I might as well make an about me post. Everything is under the cut, you don’t have to read it before interacting but it’d be cool if you did (so you know a bit about me beforehand, especially if messaging me directly)!
TLDR: My name is Chaos, I’m queer, I like ace attorney, I write fanfic, I love it when people send me writing requests, I’m not a fan of mean people
General info:
Hi! My name’s Chaos or Ihhfh, which is pronounced ih-hif (like the first part of in next to the middle part of shift). I go by other things, like Endo, Enigma, or Void, but Chaos/Ihhfh are my primary names. You really can call me what you like/what you feel fits best for me! I don’t really mind too much :)
I’m aegosexual aegoromantic, genderqueer, amatopunk and voidpunk/nonhuman. I use any pronouns (including xenos, neos, emojiselves and nounselves), but prefer it/they. I like dehumanizing names and terms, so calling me stuff like “creature” and “thing” is appreciated in casual conversation and affirmation. I’m radinclus, so I accept and support all “good-faith” queer identities (like xenogenders) but am against harmful ones (like transage). I feel like it’s also worth mentioning that I’m a furry and I’m undiagnosed/self-diagnosed neurodivergent! I deal with pretty serious mood swings oftentimes and struggle with regulating my feelings, so how I respond initially to something (especially if it’s a presumed negative comment) may just be a retaliation as to how I’m feeling currently. Please keep this is mind when interacting with me personally (I don’t want to drive anyone away from interacting just because I can get really upset at stuff sometimes), as I am not always able to tell someone’s intended tone online. Simple use of tonetags do help, and I will usually use them when talking directly with others!
Things I like:
I love reading, writing, playing video games, watching anime and listening to music!
Some of my interests include (but are not limited to): Ace attorney, Dead end: Paranormal park, Skyrim, Lioden, Subnautica, Dislyte, Puella magi madoka magica, Pokémon, Cult of the lamb, The dragon prince, LittleBigPlanet, Good omens and God troubles me, amongst others that I can’t recall right now. These are some of the main fandoms that I’ll probably write for.
Some of my favorite Ace attorney ships include: Klapollo, Wrightworth, Claypollo, Claypollier, Junithena, Franmaya and Asoryuu, alongside some others from various other fandoms (but Ace attorney by far has the majority of my ships and OTPs). Some ships I have from other fandoms are Viravos from The dragon prince, Aziracrow from Good omens, Homumado from Madoka magica and Narilamb from Cult of the lamb.
My personal political and social stances and beliefs:
I don’t really ever dni people, but if you are a radqueer, a pro-contact paraphile, an rpf smut reader or writer, a queer exclusionist/puritan, a bigoted feminist (terf/radfem/kill all men idealist/gender critical type), an unnecessary gatekeeper, a cop lover, an anti-shipper, a server of any kind of baseless and harmful allegations towards anyone, or just a general bigot, please keep in mind that I do not like you, I do not condone you or your actions, I do not support you and I may actively express this distaste towards you and others like you in any media I may post, create or share. However, those who are actively trying to better themselves, recovering or reforming from believing in any of these or identifying as any of these are welcomed with opened paws! Politics wise, I am based around leftist extremism and believe in philosophies like revolutionary, anarchist, and pseudo-communist/socialist beliefs. Please keep your distance if you are strongly against any of these beliefs. I do block freely, so be warned.
Fanfiction info:
I take fic requests, but I reserve the right to refuse any if they are based around a topic/ship I am uncomfortable with. Also, my asks are open because of this, and I have anon turned on so people can request a fic they may not be comfortable with people on their main account knowing they requested. Please use this feature properly. I reserve the right to any anger, cynicism, or mistrust I feel towards any anons or asks I receive that do not fill this quota. Please do not ask for donations or money in my asks, the answer will always be no, no matter what the cause is. I am unfortunately not in a position to be able to donate anything to anyone at this time.
Fanfiction requests will usually be completed within two week’s time, unless under unique circumstances. Please do not pressure me to write if I’m taking a while, I will complete it eventually!
Most of my fics will be Ace attorney based, but I may write some about other fandoms from time to time.
Please be aware that I do write smut fics. If you are unable to handle sexual topics, please be aware of your personal limits when considering reading them. I will also have some fluffs and non-smut fics for you to read if smut is not appealing to you! However, many of those fics will be locked, so you need an account of your own or a guest account to access them. All smut fics and fics under 1,000 words will be unlocked for anyone to view!
Interaction and activity:
I probably won’t reblog or like as many posts as others, only my own things, my friend’s things, ace attorney fanfiction and things I thought were important or I want to remember. I will usually comment on posts to interact instead!
While at first glance, my blog might seem a little negative or down-in-the-dumps, I can promise you I am not a usually negative person! Again, I just don’t reblog a lot of things you might usually see a “normal” tumblr user reblog, and I definitely don’t reblog as much. More stuff is in my likes, which are public. Sifting through those might give you a better idea of who I am in a natural sense if you may be considering following me.
So, yeah! That’s pretty much all I have! It’s a lot I know, but the general rule is just be chill to me and others and I’ll be chill with you! So welcome, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy your stay here :3
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bioethicists · 2 years
How are you anti-psychiatry when you're for pathologizing and prescribing damaging, medically unnecessary drugs for people who are GNC. Your true self doesn't lie on a surgeon's table or a pill.
i am not for pathologizing being trans at all actually and i think that its inclusion in the dsm is one of the most glaring proofs that the dsm should be set on fire ♥️ just because hormones are a part of many trans ppl's journeys doesn't mean transness needs to be medicalized. hrt is usually not damaging (and care can be taken to ensure this is the case without fearmongering or shaming) + allows for many ppl to have a greatly enhanced quality of life. my life has been permanently and beautifully changed by testosterone + top surgery has unlocked the possibility of anorexia recovery for me for the first time since i developed an ed at 11.
if you are anti psych- why are you against trans people's right to self-determination? why do you believe that doctors should be able to gatekeep or deny them hrt (even if u think hrt is bad, a liberatory anti psychiatry would affirm their autonomy + right to use drugs that you deem "dangerous" without judgement). why do you believe that gnc ppl should have to retain certain secondary sex traits that you deem "true"? why does your support of gnc ppl end when they want to alter their bodies/pronouns/presentations? why do you believe that trans ppl don't know themselves or are not capable of making informed decisions (sounds like psychiatrist thinking to me lol)?
a liberatory anti psychiatry affirms the right to self-determination in healing for all people, using whichever tools they desire, while creating and maintaining spaces which allow for the use of these tools in the safest and most knowledgeable ways possible. it affirms and celebrates difference as a natural and beautiful part of the human experience + rejects a biomedical model of being which privileges certain biomarkers or genetics as the arbitrators of authenticity or identity. it names and condemns systemic power imbalances + calls for the unconditional liberation of all peoples from all forms of institutional violence.
as you can see here, supporting trans ppl (and being trans myself) is not just a separate opinion i have but rather part of the root of my politic + an unavoidable conclusion of liberatory anti-psychiatry.
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bokettochild · 11 months
Different anon, but I'ma just get straight to the point.
What are your thoughts on the queer/pride community?
That's what most this drama is about.
I've repeatedly been told that I'm part of the community because I identify as demi-sexual. I've never seen myself as a part of it though, not because anyone is unwelcoming or gatekeeping! But just... because. I don't feel like who I am fits within what is covered in LGBTQ+. I like men, but I have attachment problems (basic summarization), and I'm a cis woman, thus, I see myself as just.... being.
As for how I view the community, I see it as a huge realm of possibilities. It's a group of people of all sorts, just like any other group. There are some really sweet ones, who are warm and friendly with everyone, kind of like my boss! He's openly gay, and really sweet. He likes asking me about my writing, sharing about the books he's reading, and randomly checks in to see that I'm eating enough? Others are like my old piano teacher, where you never have reason to feel unsafe, but yeah, it's a bit uncomfortable between you, even though neither party brings up their differences openly. (I think he was uncomfortable too, but have no clue what was up with our dynamic).
There are, granted, some who are like my predatory elder sister, but those are, in my experience, less prominant (thank God) and frowned upon by the rest of the community because they give everyone a bad name.
In my experience here on tumblr, I've found that a lot of them are just scared kids trying to make sense of what is going on inside and why they feel certain ways. Others are defensive and aggressive individuals, demanding recognition and acceptance, and pushing people to the point of a breakdown if they don't get it (October 2020 is my witness)
But really, they're PEOPLE. They have different ways of thinking and living than I do, but the majority of them are usually kind and friendly. While I am Christian, and my Bible does teach against homosexuality, I do know that my Bible ALSO teaches to love thy neighbor, regardless of belief, lifestyle, mode of dress, lover, religion, or anything! I mean the famous parable about the Good Samaritan is literally this teaching! Sure, people may be different and we may not agree, but we can still treat each other with respect and love, even if we still don't agree with them.
I think that's what they call human decency :)
So yeah. I guess for me, I just see the community as a culture I am not part of, but can exist beside if we both treat each other like humans with the right to choose how they think and feel.
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actias-android · 14 days
I announced this on Mythcord as well, but I might as well put it here too. I'm going to be entirely leaving the server soon after 6 years of running it. Some of the text will be familiar to those on the server but it's not a direct copy-paste, either, and I'm definitely going to be a lot more opinionated on here. I pulled my punches on the in-server announcement but this is my personal blog.
When I started Mythcord, I was looking for something. I couldn't tell you what, exactly, just that I felt like there was some Great Big Secret, and maybe nobody had all the pieces, but maybe some people had some of the pieces, and if I brought them together in an environment specifically designed for discussion, we'd assemble enough of the pieces that I would find The Thing I Was Looking For. And hey, everyone else might find their thing too.
Which, you know, decent motivation! Not a bad plan. The problem was that the thing that I ended up discovering was absolutely contrary to what I expected, and indeed contrary to the kind of place it was.
Really I found out two things: one, I'm not otherkin. I'm nonhuman, yes, but I am not the kind of nonhuman who's described by the word otherkin. I don't see my Self as something that can be split into spiritual or psychological, voluntary or involuntary, dysphoric or non-dysphoric, serious or frivolous, meaningful or random, intrinsic or extrinsic, chosen or thrust upon me—none of it. It doesn't even feel like it applies. This is like asking what flavor the moon would be if tomorrow was Thursday. It's not something I even know how to begin to address. None of the cultural parameters that are indicated by the label otherkin make sense to me in the context of my own identity. I can see where they have meaning to others. I can't see where I would begin to apply them to myself. I am literally just whatever I am right now, because I am happiest being this, and if that changes, I'm cool with it. I'll be something else and live my best life being that.
I also picked up a second identity as a reploid and promptly fumbled my first fae identity so hard it's lost in the carpet somewhere. Possibly rolled under the couch. It exists, but fuck if I can find it. A fictional type of android has no business or indeed interest in heading a community for mythical creatures with a completely different understanding of their nonhumanity. I can't keep doing it. I actually just get upset looking at the server anymore because it has no relation to me, and that's a disservice to the community that exists there.
The second thing I discovered was that the general otherkin subcultural community I've encountered is deeply fucked up. I've only really interacted in any meaningful way via Discord (and only a few servers at that) and Tumblr, and I've stayed pretty insular. I mostly post my little essays and thoughts and I don't usually have much to say directly to anybody. And yet, even with this absolute minimum of interaction, I've been on the business end of pointless drama, poorly-attempted character assassination, people flagrantly just making up shit about me to justify treating me like some horrible villain, aggressive gatekeeping, inexplicable grudges, gossip-mongering, finding out that I live rent-free in multiple people's heads as a bogeyman both too stupid to function and somehow too threatening to go unwatched, people trying to pit the Mythcord mod team against each other evidently not realizing we're IRL friends, and that one time some ineffectual douchecanoe said he was going to kill me then completely forgot what his plan to do so was. Some of this was just by vengeful random morons, but some of it was by so-called community leaders. All of it was by people in their late 20s and older. You know, adults, who should know better.
In what universe is any of that behavior okay? And yet, if I complained about it to anybody, I got told that I probably deserved it, that they'd totally seen worse drama so I should just chill, and people absolutely and repeatedly leapt at the chance to report any little fucking thing I said back to the people perpetuating it so they could wave it around as ammunition over me because look, this guy dared to talk shit about me, he's as bad as I said! (The shit amounted to, "This is a crappy way to treat someone and I'm frustrated about it." Oh, no. I am just unforgivable, obviously.)
Like, guys, this is a goddamn problem and it is huge. This is some peaked-in-high-school, adult-mean-girls, pants-on-head-stupid bullshit. It's not normal behavior, but it is deeply normalized behavior, and you can't even call it out because it's everywhere from the top down and that's how you get completely ostracized by very loud people with follower counts in the thousands and eyes and ears everywhere. I flatly refuse to share a word or even a community with it. Even if I could justify using the otherkin label—and I probably could, if I really wanted to!—I wouldn't, because then I have to be under the tent with all that, and...no. I can't stomach it. My blood pressure and stomach issues are already medicated and do not need the extra stress. I am so over it. There is more beef than a goddamn slaughterhouse in the otherkin community and I will not have anything to do with it aside from having some friends who still use the label for themselves.
That's probably rent-lowering shots I'm firing and I know it. Most people, if they said anything at all, would have thrown this whole thing under a read more at minimum but I'm too tired of it to shut up any longer and if that loses a few followers, okay, cool. I don't want to hang around people who aren't clear-eyed enough to see the issues going on. If you stick the word 'otherkin' on a thing and people who behave that way show up and expect everyone to tolerate them, that's not okay and nobody should tolerate it. And yet. That's just how a lot of otherkin carry on. I've been upset about it for years and it just. Keeps. Happening. I am sufficiently pissed at this point that you could call me antikin and I'd agree with you purely on the rotten goddamn social issues going on.
All that being said, I am leaving Mythcord in the next several days once some backend stuff gets wrapped up, but I am still here like black mold in the walls whether anybody likes it or not, and I'm still going to be right on this blog with my little essays and thoughts. I would like to think that this post might change some things, but I don't expect it, because I don't have much reach and I'm just one guy getting mad on the internet. It's whatever. I got it off my chest and I'm moving on from the whole thing. Back to your regularly unscheduled little essays and thoughts and whatever the hell else.
(And probably changing my blog name soon because I really want something that reflects my current identity better than the current one does.)
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