#the sadness didn't hit me like until the END end and there was enough funniness to also draw in laughter i
patchworkofravens · 1 year
no because Heartless by Marissa Meyer left me in tears and short spurts of hysterical laughter how do I move on.
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talkbycolor · 6 months
I deserve this
A/N; at this point its obvious that i inspire in rebzyyx songs
Pairing; "Your Boyfriend" x AFAB!Reader (cus people are scared of the word trans)
CW; reader becomes willing at the end i swear / unhealthy, obsessive and possesive love / sensitive topics such as mental health, depression, anxiety, fear of abandonment, dissociation, suicidal thoughts / a crazy concept: he talks about his emotions!! / non-con, violence, like, i cry while i masturbate
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It's quite blurry trying to remember how it all started, it seemed harmless to accept a date from a stranger, he gave you a beautiful rose and was quite kind to you.
Feeling that people could like you, that someone could be romantically interested in you, because of who you are, your personality, that they knew your… desires?
Because you had dreams, of course.
Your dream was to live, to live a quiet life, a stable, pleasant job, with good pay, a normal and peaceful life, where the deep emptiness in your heart was non-existent, years had passed and the monotonous feeling did not disappear, you had already accepted the pain, after all, if you felt that constantly it was probably because you did something wrong at some point, right?
But that was a personal dream that would never be shared.
And it's not like that matters now, not when you're in… A room, that's funny, your last memory is of Peter slamming you against the table to tie your limbs since their last date didn't end as expected and It was time to go home.
Return to an empty home, for what? Peter was more than willing to take care of you, why was he so scary? Accepting it would have made things easier, but you ruined everything by trying to run away, you even fought tooth and nail, that was too pathetic now that you remember it, maybe you DO deserve all the shit that is happening.
You could have saved yourself so much terror and attacks.
"PETER ENOUGH! PLEASE! LET ME GO! NO! NO! FUCK, PLEASE!" You tore out your throat with terrified screams and tried to claw at his skin until your fingers were bloody, biting the hands that tried to stop your screams, hitting his face with your elbows and kicking him away, crawling like a dying animal away from him. "PETER!" You sobbed sharply before losing consciousness.
But nothing worked, resisting only made all that shit worse and now you were tied up, in Your boyfriend's old clothes.
You barely remember how you got to that place, or if time passed, anyway that doesn't matter anymore, from one day to the next you find a very small piece of clothing that turned out to be yours, time passed, your body grew but your mind didn't, they keep lying but you know that your life will depend on how well you do it.
And you're not doing it right, you tried to adopt toxic happiness but you couldn't even maintain it for a while before exploding, sadness was already an everyday thing and you just weren't feeling it anymore.
Just peace please, how hard could that be? It was annoying, you even felt angry for feeling so empty, because people were so rude and the constant rejection killed you socially.
It was hard to breathe, wasn't it?
"Love? Do you hear me?"
It feels like the end, your soul is bleeding, you wish your stupid job made you feel a little more alive and motivated to continue.
And now you have done so many things to escape from that monster that pulls you back to the room to devour you under the bed.
"Darling!" Your boyfriend's voice echoed through the room, making you look at him once and for all, your eyes tired despite having been unconscious most of the time.
"…" You wanted to respond, really, but what were you supposed to say?
"You must be exhausted, you didn't even touch dinner" It was a tricky phrase, he had tried to feed you since you were tied up.
"I already told you that I prefer to be called other way, honey" He responded with a smile and a definitely not irritated tone.
"I want to sleep" He left your lips, he was being so caring, taking care of your health.
He kidnapped you.
And you couldn't even thank him for it.
He knocked you out.
You really were an ungrateful shit, weren't you?
He locked you up.
You wanted to return the signs of affection.
Soon the ropes left your body, Peter helped you stand up and you both walked to the bedroom, he was still carrying a small plate with a light dinner, he refused to let you go to bed without having eaten dinner.
Once in bed, he made sure that you had a proper dinner, and he helped you change your clothes so that you would be comfortable in bed, he also did the same with his attire and now you were both lying down. It always made your stomach churn when he looked at your half-naked body.
"Dear" He murmured next to you while you tried to sleep as soon as possible, so many things had happened those last few days that the only way out was to sleep, you had probably already been fired from your job for not showing up. "Honey, love, darling," he said sweetly as his hand went up to your cheek, he simply looked at you with a huge and probably painful smile on his face, almost tattooed, you made him so happy with your mere presence.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked, your mind still cloudy enough to refuse anything, so you just went up to kiss him, the room was very dark and there weren't even crickets echoing at night, the amount of silence was overwhelming… of course, that didn't count the lip-smacking they shared.
So it continued.
For a long time.
"Pet-…uhm, I mean, honey, I'm tired and I want to sleep" You interrupted the honey session.
"Please, you don't have to do anything, just let me love you, darling" his voice was soft, soothing to that darkness but not to the painful weight in your heart and the knot in your stomach, his touches felt strange.
You know that's wrong, you don't like it.
You didn't stop him, just like he said, you let him love you as you closed your eyes and a buzzing sound echoed in your head, like television static, your bottom clothes had disappeared, but that didn't matter.
You couldn't hear anything, you didn't see anything, your body reacted but your mind was very far from that place, you wandered through your memories, fantasies of a life you were never going to have.
It was really digging into your cunt, huh? Even when your mind wanted to flee somewhere else, it was undeniable how he held your thighs and you gasped heavily with each thrust.
His member was still dripping his seed, did he use protection? You don't know, you don't care.
It doesn't matter.
B e cau se s oon y o u w il l b e d ea d.
"Honey? Didn't you enjoy it?" Peter asked with a worried frown.
What the hell is wrong with you? Do you no longer have respect for yourself? You know it's going to hurt you.
Don't you mind dying? You lost hope and you don't even try to help yourself anymore, damned and pathetic attempt at being human, really unnecessary.
"Honey…" Peter caressed your cheeks and brought his forehead to yours, sighing softly and carrying your body to the bathroom in the room.
You didn't say anything either, you just felt how it was cleaning your body, the water was warm, the bathtub full of bubbles, and it smelled pretty good, like coconut soap. Peter hummed quietly as he treated your body with the utmost affection, you were sure he was whispering things in your ear but you were barely aware of your surroundings.
When your eyes finally focused on something you could see the ceiling of the room thanks to the moonlight, Peter was behind you, hugging your body, caressing your hair, and sniffing the soapy fragrance.
"You are so sweet, so unique, so kind, so special to me, a truly exceptional person, I will do everything to make you feel comfortable, darling, I love you so much, my adorable-…"
"… Yes love?" This time he didn't argue about that name, you were finally talking and that was good.
"I'm sorry I feel so alone, I know you're here but…" You wish you could give him an answer but that was something even you hadn't figured out yet.
"It's okay, honey, I'll be with you to hold you, forever."
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micksslut · 2 years
the bride and the driver
charles leclerc x fem reader
summary: the story of how the jilted bride and the unlucky driver ended up comforting each other on a lonely night.
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word count: 3.2k
warnings/mood: angst (?, fluff, sad charles, sad reader, reader is jilted by her fiancé, mentions of monaco 22 gp, charles is the cutest human, reader doesn't eat well for a while. this is a google translator shit, that's a real warning, so please don't hesitate to tell me if there are mistakes of any kind in the one shot 😭 (i think that's all, but tell me if I forgot something pls!).
notes: hI, this is my first one shot on tumblr, and i must mention that it's also the first of my writings that i publish in english, bc i speak spanish. so please i ask you for a little patience. 😭
i hope you like it, please don't be a ghost reader!!!!
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The calm sound of the waves, the dark night and the full moon in front of you, were not able to eliminate the memory of what you had experienced a few hours ago.
     The only thing you could remember was that church aisle you had entered where there was no groom waiting for you.
     The looks of pity from your so-called friends, from the priest and from your parents and his was something you would never forget.
     The way your smile transformed, the way you turned and ran for your life and refused to look back.
     It was like a dagger that stabbed into your heart over and over and over again, but it wasn't enough to kill you, like he were just hitting you in the hope that you would die alive alone, slowly and agonizingly.
     How dare he take everything you've ever dreamed of from you? Your dream life, your dream wedding, your future dream family. Everything you've dreamed of since you were a little girl.
     He was the perfect man, and yet he dared not only stand you up at church, but destroy your life as well. You had loved him so much until it had started to hurt you, until you knew you would do anything for him and he had only to ask for it, perhaps not even ask for it, you would guess it and bring it to him as a subject bearing royalties to his king.
     And the funny thing was that you hadn't shed any tears until you had reached the beach. Instead, you took a single gardenia from your bridal bouquet and dropped the rest along with the long skirt of your beautiful wedding dress down a random lonely street in Monaco and kept the short skirt, the one you were meant to wear to the ballroom dance with your husband. You took the bottle of wine and the bottle of tequila that were going to be served at your wedding reception (the same ones that you had been told were the best in Monaco, so you didn't want to leave either of them to anyone else) and you went straight to buy a pack of cigarettes and headed to the loneliest beach to be found in the beautiful little country.
     You took another drag on your cigarette, hot tears running down your cheeks and staining your face. A shuddering sigh left your lips as you hugged your legs.
     You sobbed, thinking that under different circumstances, you would be at your best friend's apartment with her getting drunk next to you and telling you what an idiot your now ex was.
     But that was the thing. You didn't really have any friends. You knew nothing beyond him. For almost four years, all you knew was him.
     Your so-called friends were part of your guests, but you couldn't go to any of them because you knew they were their friends too; You had met them through him, and despite the many times he had told you that over time they had become more your friends than his, you knew that was not true. Actually, you were now considering that maybe they knew about your ex fiancé's plans to leave you...
     And your family? Well, they weren't that supportive either. Starting with your cousin with whom your ex fiancé had cheated on you and for whom he had left you. And continuing with your parents... Because of them you met him in the first place, so surely if you went to them the first thing they would say would be "What did you do to make him leave you?" And as much as you tried to explain, they would see you as the culprit and tell you to beg him to come back to you.
     "Do you mind if I sit here?" a boy's voice startled you.
     "No, go ahead" you immediately sniffled and wiped your face as best you could.
     You looked at him, he was wearing a black sweatshirt and blue jeans, with his head covered by its hood.
     He sat on the sand in the same position as you resting his arms on his knees and when he noticed your gaze on him he smiled gently at you, he was very handsome.
     "I'm Charles, by the way" he extended his right hand to you and you accepted it after a few seconds, because when you looked at him and the dim yellow light of the lanterns illuminated him,  you realized it was that Formula 1 driver: Charles Leclerc. But you weren't going to say anything to him, you didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
     Then you introduced yourself and you both fell into a comfortable silence, for although you were sitting on a beach and their eyes were on the blue sea, their minds were elsewhere.
     "You're probably wondering why I have a veil and a wedding dress and smeared makeup," you suddenly commented, making Charles look at you.
     "Actually yes, but it would be impolite to ask when I don't know you" he admitted and you laughed without humor, taking another drag of your cigarette.
     "Well, i was abandoned in the church" you rushed to say and he was silent for a few seconds, trying to process what you had said, not because of the fact that you had revealed to him that you had been abandoned, in fact he already imagined it from your appearance, but because of the fact that you had been abandoned.
     He couldn't help but wonder, how could someone abandon a woman like you? He didn't even know you but he knew you were the most beautiful woman his eyes had ever had the pleasure of seeing.
     "I don't know if it's any consolation to you but I'm so sorry" he mentally slammed himself at how stupid it sounded.
     "It doesn't really work for me, but thanks," he laughed awkwardly at your frankness.
     "What an idiot" Charles commented, not knowing what to say.
     "Yes, right? I mean, we had the perfect life guaranteed, financial stability, emotional stability, children, a happy family…" your voice came out at the end like a whisper, unable to continue. "And he just... He just left me, and he left me for my cousin, that's the worst" you laughed almost maniacally taking a shot of the tequila in your hand.
     "I don't even like tequila, I swear. But I need it like shit. I need tequila as much now as I needed him."
     He fell silent. Any word had been caught in his throat when he heard your broken voice and how broken you were.
    What were you supposed to say to a bride who had just been dumped at her wedding in front of so many people?
     He would hug you, but Charles didn't want you to think he was a nut who went through life hugging sad strangers.
     You pressed your cigarette against the tequila bottle, putting it out and leaving the bottle in the sand.
     "I…" he was about to say when you suddenly stood up, making him think you were going to leave, but instead you asked him a question.
     "Do you like my dress?" You smiled at him without any happiness on your face.
     He got confused and it was obvious, so when he didn't answer you repeated the question.
     "Do you like my dress?" this time you didn't allow him to answer because you spoke again "I said if you like my dress" you started to get upset "I said if you like my dress" you repeated it once and twice and Charles had his heart broken "I said if you like my…" your voice cracked again and the boy immediately stood up wrapping you in a hug, he didn't care when you hit him lightly on his chest with your hands in an attempt to get him let you go, Charles knew you needed that.
     You finally let yourself sob into his chest, wrapping your arms around his torso, finding comfort in his arms, in the hug that you had desperately and silently needed since you had left that damned church.
     "It's beautiful, and you too" he told you in a whisper.
     "You're lying, I look gross" you answered with your choked voice and you felt him shake his head.
     "No. You're beautiful and he was an idiot to leave a woman like you" Leclerc was sincere and you almost smile.
     "I just don't get it, Charles. I swear I've dedicated myself to him and our relationship for the last few years, I've done everything possible for him" you remembered how you left your friends when he asked you to, how you didn't wear the clothes you liked because he didn't like it, how you didn't listen to the music you liked because he didn't like it "I don't understand what I did wrong. I loved him so much" your voice sounded hoarse from the hours you had spent crying and his heart squeezed to hear you like that.
     "You didn't do anything wrong. It wasn't your fault" he assured.
     "Damn, I was going to be a very pretty wife, even..." you sighed between tears at the memory that made you feel more and more ridiculous "We were even going to dance with Lover by Taylor Swift. It's what I've always wanted since that fuckin album came out" you laughed, but there really wasn't a hint of amusement in your voice.
     "I am sure that one day you will be an excellent wife, and you will have your dance with Taylor Swift in the background with the person you love and who loves you in the same way or more" you finally smiled a little.
     "But now I'm here... venting on the first stranger who was nice to me. I'm sorry. You're so cute, you must think I'm terribly pathetic" you lamented, and the fact that he might think you were pathetic made you want to cry all over again.
     "Don't say that. I don't think that. But if it makes you feel any easier, I'm hugging a stranger in a wedding dress, so…" you let out a laugh and the Monegasque's heart sped up.
     "You know, I didn't choose this dress, or the veil, or even the damn bouquet of flowers. My ex mother in law chose it..." you said more calmly after a few seconds, but still with a broken voice thinking about how weird it was to call her like that "I thought that's how all mothers in law were, but she... I starved myself for a week to get into this damn dress" you shed another tear, thinking about how insecure that woman made you feel about your body, and the times she asked the designer to adjust the dress to make you look slimmer.
     "God, that's not fair. It was your wedding…" Charles muttered. He was surprised at himself for how angry he could be with people he didn't even know. Hearing how excited you were about your wedding and having it ruined for you like that was horrible. "How can someone be so cruel?"
     "I don't know, I wonder the same thing" you closed your eyes tightly while trying not to continue crying.
     "Hey, hey. Calm down, okay?" Charles separated from you taking you gently by the cheeks and wiping your tears with his thumbs while you looked at him. "I know it's not going to be like the perfect wedding you wanted, but…" he licked his lips nervously and you looked at him confused, releasing him, missing his touch as he reached into his front pants pockets to pull out his phone.
     You were going to ask what he was doing while browsing on his phone, but your words got stuck in your throat when you heard the melody you knew very well playing on his phone.
     Your heart skipped a beat when the intro of Lover by Taylor Swift played on his phone and a smile spread across your lips. You closed your eyes shedding a couple more tears, but neither of you knew if its were from sadness or happiness.
     "I have no idea how to dance it, but if you teach me... You can still dance Lover tonight, even if it's with a stranger."
     You nodded several times, unable to say anything. He wiped away your tears once more and linked your right hand with his.
     "Can I?" he asked you, referring to if he could hold you by the waist, looking at you with those puppy dog ​​eyes that you were now sure you adored.
     "Of course" you smiled softly, and Charles was sure he would do anything to see you smile again.
     Your breath caught for a moment when he ran his hand around your waist. His too.
     You weren't going to deny it, he was probably the most handsome boy you'd ever seen, and he was also the only person who had been nice to you in the last few days. He just won your heart. And you his.
     You started teaching him the basic steps, inevitably laughing when he messed up, delighted to hear his laugh too.
     You had rehearsed the dance so many times that you knew it backwards and forwards, but now you were sure that with the man you were going to marry it would not have turned out as well as it did with Charles.
     The song ended with laughter, and you two fell lying down into the sand with bright smiles on your faces.
     You turned your head to look at the boy.
     "And why were you here? I don't seem to be the only one who cried tonight" you mentioned.
     He sighed looking away. "I'm a professional driver. Today was my home race and... everything went to shit" You wouldn't lie, you were surprised by his honesty about his profession. You always thought that famous athletes preferred to stay in line with that; but you had just told him that you had been stood up in church about to getting married, so the fact stopped surprising you almost immediately.
     It was funny that you had so much confidence in a boy you had just met, and that he had you. But it felt cute.
     "The home races are very special for you drivers, right?" you asked.
     "They are. I'm the only driver from Monaco on the grid, and it seems like every year I just manage to disappoint everyone." Leclerc pursed his lips into a fine line, and you saw the defeat in his eyes, and also the way in which it crystallized.
     "I don't think you will. I don't think everyone always has perfect races, there are things that just can't go right sometimes, and that's not great, but that's what there is" you knew you weren't the best at consoling, but you made an effort.
    "But not every year, and not at home races" Charles complained.
     "And why was it shit?" you asked and he sighed again.
     "My team made a terrible stop to change the tires" he answered, without going into technicalities of the sport, he didn't know if you had any idea what he was talking about.
     "So why do you think they're disappointed in you? It wasn't your fault, Charles." you repeated the words that the Monegasque had said to you earlier.
     "It just seems like I'll never be able to give them a good run in my own country. They even call it 'The Curse of Monaco.'" He sat back in his previous position, bringing his hands to his face to cover it in frustration.
     You sat up too, and your hand reached behind his back, stopping before you touch him, not quite sure whether to hug him or just give him a shoulder squeeze.
     "And did you talk to your team?" You finally decided to bring your right hand to his right shoulder and give him a gentle squeeze.
    "Yes, but I can't be too hard on them..." he cleared his throat as his voice cracked slightly at the end of the sentence.
    "Because you know these things can happen" you guessed.
    "Something like that"
    "Then why, if you're not so hard on them, why are you so hard on yourself?" you asked, and Charles seemed to have been given the hardest question on some math test.
     "I... don't know." you two looked at the waves of the sea rising.
     "How about we don't try to say any more words of consolation tonight? Let's pretend we've known each other for years, and let's just be two old friends catching up on each other's lives" He looked at you pleadingly and you nodded.
     "That's great because I think I can do a better job making you forget this than giving you words of comfort. So what do you think about going to buy two liters of chocolate ice cream and eat it until we can no longer?" you rested your chin on his left shoulder and Charles glanced at you as a smile formed on his lips.
     "I think my coach is going to kill me if he finds out, but it will be worth it" it was your turn to smile and you moved away from him to take the gardenia from your bridal bouquet and you put the flower behind his ear while he looked at you as if you were one of the stars that shone in the sky; maybe that's what you were for him.
     "Gardenias look better on you than on me" you smiled at Charles and you took the bottle of tequila again, taking a sip and offering him a drink which he gladly accepted.
     "I'm afraid I'm going to miss him forever, Charles," you admitted, while now leaning your cheek on his shoulder, looking at the full moon.
     "Maybe you'll miss him for a while, and that's not bad, you were with him for a long time. But you won't miss him forever" he assured you, and you knew from the way he said it, that he was speaking by experience "Things happen for a reason. And I'm sure you'll soon realize that not marrying him was the best thing that could have happened to you."
     "Well, you're really good at comforting people, I already felt threatened by your talent, so we better go get that ice cream before it gets too late" he burst out laughing and you stood up doing the same, taking your white sneakers and offering him a hand.
     "Does this unlucky driver want to spend the night with this jilted bride?"
     "He wants" he smiled at you and took your hand as he stood up, and Charles looked at the bottle of wine stuck in the sand.
     "Won't you take it?"
     "Oh shit. Right. Take it, we'll open it there. My ex sister in law bought it, she said it was the best wine in Monaco" you laughed as he bent down to inspect it, nodding "So I didn't want to leave it to them."
    The driver smiled at you. Lord, maybe he could already be falling in love with you, wasn't that amazing?
     You gave him a squeeze, so that they would leave there and nodded, being sure that from now on he would follow you to the end of the world if you asked him to.
     And that's how the story of the jilted bride and the unlucky driver began.
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what do you think??? 🦋💘
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meiiuka · 10 months
Hi!! I'd like to request a oneshot (hurt-comfort) where Kokichi lies about something really serious and when and when the reader, (who is usually very calm and patient), realizes it was just a prank they gets really mad and upsed, I hope it's ok!
thank you for the idea anon! i hope you kokichi simps enjoy
kokichi ouma hurt-to-comfort as his s/o — oneshot:
category: one shot, hurt-to-comfort, fluff synopsis: you think you’ve caught your boyfriend kokichi ouma in a devastating lie. turns out, it was just a prank, but this still doesn't sit well with you. how could he lie about something so serious?
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you watched kokichi scroll through his phone on the couch beside you, casually flipping past various apps as part of his routine. it wasn't until you saw him texting someone else that your eyes couldn't help but veer towards his screen. you didn't want to come off as too overbearing or possessive, but it was becoming hard to shrug off. you had front row seats to the ongoing message exchange between kokichi and this unfamiliar person. it probably wouldn't have been that big of a deal on a normal occasion, but something inside of you told you to worry.
you felt your heart thump loudly against your ribcage as your gaze darted away from the screen. was it right to be this concerned? you bit your tongue and took a quick peek at what the messages said.
the first one at the top was from the other person: "i miss you, my love” a wave of shock crashed over you before you could fully process anything, but your eyes kept going. the message right below it was somehow even worse.
"when are you going to come back to me and stop hanging out with that dumb bitch y/n?"
your eyes filled with horror. you couldn't help trembling at the words on your boyfriend’s screen.
kokichi quickly swiveled his head towards you with the audacity to have a huge smirk on his face. he was already in the process of responding with a heart at the end of his message but your eyes were too glossy with tears to read any of the words attached to the message.
your hurt feelings spilled out before you could control them. "kokichi, how could you do this? i thought i could actually trust you, but you betrayed me. how long have you been talking to someone else?!" you tried to stay firm in your anger but it morphed into crushing sadness.
"woah, let me explain…” his voice immediately dripped with regret as he rushed to hold your face with both of his hands, but you batted them away from you. "please... you've already hurt me enough. why are you doing this? i'm leaving."
you held your tears in your throat as you got up from the couch and headed towards the door.
“WAIT y/n it was just a prank! i’m not talking to anyone else!” his breath quickened as he chased you, "i'm... so sorry. i took it too far didn’t i? i just thought the look on your face would be hilarious if..." his voice trailed off. it hit him that there wasn't any justification for his thoughtless prank.
as you turned the handle to leave, kokichi’s panicked voice rang closely behind you, desperately pleading for your attention. you turned to face him, hot tears starting to scrape your cheeks. “you thought my pain would be funny?” your voice cracked in disbelief. “that’s not something you play around with, kokichi. how the hell would this ever be funny?”
his big sad eyes were genuinely remorseful. he took a step closer to reach his hand out to you. “i know. i’m really sorry. i didn’t think any of it through like i should’ve. you might not believe me, but never meant to hurt you like this..” his voice trembled slightly as he spoke. “i knew you’d see my phone screen if we were sitting together on the couch. that’s why like an idiot, i thought it’d be funny i’d pretend i was talking to another person…” meanwhile you felt torn between your pain and the softer side of kokichi that you knew existed. “it’s just that… i don’t understand why you would do this,” you cried, trying to control your emotions.
he took a deep breath as he struggled to put his regret into words. “i know i’m not always the best at telling you how i feel, but i do care about you. i want to make you laugh, not cry. so please let me make it up to you…” his words were starting to pull your defensive walls down but the hurt was still fresh. “how will i know you won’t pull another hurtful prank again?” you asked, your tone cautious yet still yearning for reassurance.
kokichi took your hand gently, his tone soft and comforting. “no more thoughtless pranks. i swear… if i do it again you can kick me but, i know you won’t have to.” he chuckled a little as he spoke but his regret was still evident.
“ok,” you whispered, “but you have to show me that you mean it. and let me see the messages, because part of me is still afraid it was a real person.” kokichi nodded, handing you his phone the moment you asked. he lightly squeezed your hand. “i won’t mess up like this again. i’ll be there for you in the way you’ve always deserved.”
relief washed over you as this mystery person tuned out to be kokichi’s own number. this prank was stupid, you thought to yourself, shaking your head slightly. “i see it now,” you sighed with a quivering voice. “i’m sorry i got so upset. i know you were just trying to be funny but this just got to me for some reason.”
kokichi rushed to interrupt you. “no! don’t be sorry for anything right now, y/n. i’m dumb for not thinking before acting.” he buried his face in his hands. “sitting here doing nothing isn’t gonna help me, so i’ll do what i can now to help you. because that’s what matters most to me.”
you could feel the weight of your pain starting to dissolve. his arms opened for a hug as he leaned in, wrapping his arms around you in a warm hug. your tears fell against his shoulder as you cried. he rubbed your back and held you for a moment as you savored the feeling. you felt vulnerable having him hold you so closely but it soothed the ache you had in your chest.
“i promise, love,” he whispered against your ear, “i will never do anything like this again. it hurts me to see you cry like this, especially knowing i’m the one who caused it.” you relaxed in his embrace. he pulled away to look at you, hands perched above your shoulders as he spoke. “how about i treat you to dinner? i know it won’t fix anything but i want to show you i care somehow.”
you laughed at his effort. “okay babe,” you replied, “let me go get ready and i’ll be right down.”
“i love you, y/n,” he murmured softly, pulling you in before planting a kiss against your lips. “let me make it up to you”
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gabiztrnrw · 7 days
Home - Ran Haitani × fem!reader
English is not my first language! I don't know why I feel like it came out bad, but it's for you to judge now. It's my first work that was published 🫡
About the plot: Reader have a little problems with communication and it always ends badly.
It's angst at first but fluff at the end, I guess?
I didn't really used any reader or y/n this time but I'll need to see what will look better
- It's just so damn hard for me, you know? - you tried to sound calmly after a long and difficult fight, you felt bad and you wanted to cry, but you didn't want to show your weakness, not now - I've had enough of it.
- Enough of what? - Ran interrupted you, raising an eyebrow. - Enough of me? Our relationship?
- N-no it's not what I. - You desperately tried to explain yourself but the man wouldn't let you say a word.
- What did you mean, huh? It's always hard for you! There's always something you don't like, and I'm still trying to please you. Fuck, I love you, but I can't stand your shitty behavior forever, we argue all the time and that's because you just can't talk to me! Speak about your problems like normal person would do! I gave you my affection, my everything! So why can't you still trust me? It wouldn't be so hard if you let me in. - He leaned over you and took your face in his hands, the gentle movements of his fingers were very soothing, but you couldn't stop the anxious quivering of your lips, you could feel it, any longer and you would fall apart.
After a while, you looked up at his face to see his reaction, but all I saw was that annoying smile that didn't mean anything good. He knew how you feel and couldn't stay mad at you for long.
- My baby can be so mean sometimes, maybe if she was a little nicer, I would have proposed to her a long time ago. - He said with a hint of sarcasm.
- You are doing this on purpose! - You hit his shoulder not so gently just to find yourself in his arms. 
- Home is always the best, hmm? - He murmured to you, stroking your hair, and your eyes immediately watered.
Even though our relationship was never perfect, just like both of you, you always found each other somehow, despite many insulting words thrown at each other, threats about breaking up, you always came back, just like you are always coming back home.
- Where did you hear that? In some movie? Are you trying to make fun of me? - you laughed bitterly until tears rolled down your eyes, you weren't even sad anymore, and those tears were of relief... that it was finally over, at least for now.
- Maybe - He smiled mischievously. - But aren't you feeling safe now? That you are here in my strong arms?
You couldn't even deny it, this was simply your place.
- Yeah. - I smiled. - Home is the best.
You both knew it's not the last time you are gonna fight but at least you can be sure it will always come to an end and maybe you can trust him a little more now... just a little bit more.
- So? What do you wanna do now? -  He asked softly. - No, wait, don't tell me, Hmm. You want to eat something.
- Very funny Mr. Haitani. - You wipe your tears - But I can't say that you were wrong just now.
- I will admit it, I am amazing and I can read my darling's mind. - He smiled cheekily.
- But you are ordering. - You responded.
- Oh everything for my queen.
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dameronsknight · 1 year
Oh, oh! How about a Poe Dameron oneshot where the reader(f) and Poe have a very steamy goodbye the night he leaves to fight for the Resistance and then he comes back a year later (or years, maybe after the First Order is defeated in ROS) and the reader has a baby (a daughter she names after Poe’s mom) that he didn’t know about. Obviously with a happy ending, my man would be an amazing dad.
“I promise…”
a/n: aaaaaaaaaa thank you for requesting this! i think i almost cried while writing it, and i *tried* to write the... steamy part... lmao ANYWAYS, i hope you like it! comments and feedback are well recieved :)
word count: i have no idea bub
warnings: unplanned pregnancy, small mention of a period, reader is female, sad but the rest is flufffff
"Why don´t you come with me?" Poe asked.
"What am I gonna do in the Resistance? I'm not a pilot or a medic. I don't know anything about fixing ships. I'd be useless over there." I said with a sigh.
Poe was looking at me with desperate eyes. He had to leave to join the Resistance. Someone offered him to be one of the pilots. I'm very happy for him because I know how much he loves to fly, but I can't help but feel sad, wishing he wouldn't leave.
Poe looked down and shook his head. "I just don't wanna leave you." He said.
I stood up and walked towards him to gently grab his hand. "But I know how much you wanna go. Saving the galaxy is what you have to do and it calls out to you." I said. Poe leaned forward and rested his forehead on mine.
"I don't wanna leave you." He repeated. I gave him a sad smile.
"I'll be okay here on my little farm. You don't have to worry about me." I said.
Maker, my heart was hurting. It's as if someone is actually trying to rip it out of my vhest. This is it... this is the last time I'll evr see Poe.
"I'll try to come visit you. Any time I have a chance." He said.
"I don't think you'll have time to visit me. You're gonna be a pilot. You'll have missions and responsibilities." I said. Poe shook his head and leaned back to look in my eyes.
"I promise I will. Sweetheart, you're the most important thing in my life." H esaid before cupping my face. "I promise..."
He didn't let me say anything else as he leaned in to kiss me. It was intense and desperate. Poe obviously had control and my knees were goin weak.
We started to walk backwards until my legs hit the bed. I broke away when my lungs felt like they were on fire. Poe was breathing heavily as his hands were still on my cheeks.
"Let me say goodbye to you in the way that you deserve, baby." He said and my heart skipped a beat. A funny feeling appeared in my lower abdomen.
I breathed out an 'okay' and Poe's lips were instantly back on mine. Our clothes were quickly discarted and he laid me down on the bed before getting on top of me, but our lips never seperated.
It was a night full of short breaths, moans and desperate kisses. Poe's weight on top of me as he would kiss my neck and whisper praises in my ear. I never experienced anything like this before.
When we both came to our limits, we stayed there breathing heavily. Poe buried his face in my neck and i started to run my fingers through his hair. I could feel his nose tickling my skin.
"I don't wanna leave you." Poe whispered loud enough for me to hear him.
The realization started to set in and tears started to form in my eyes. I didn't want Poe to see me sad.
I don't want you to leave...
But I never said it.
It's been 2 months since Poe left, and it was the hardest goodbye I ever had to say. I've been feeling so sick and with zero energy. I didn't have the best appetite. Of course I blame it on the fact that I miss Poe like crazy.
In these couple of months the galaxy has gotten crazier and very unsafe. The First Order has been catching up to the Resistance's plans and they've become dangerous and evil. Several news of planets being destroyed and systems being taken over.
That means Poe hasn't visited or contacted me not even once.
I don't blame him though. He must be very busy. Yavin IV is safe from all the chaos so I don't want him to worry.
Today I was outside with my animals, until suddenly, My stomach flipped and I felt fery sick. So I ran inside to the bathroom and hunched over the toilet.
Maker what was happening to me? I sat down on the bathroom floor trying to catch my breath. I turned my head and caught a glimpse of a box of pads. Then I realized...
I'm late.
Uh oh. Very, very late to be exact. How could I not realize?! It's been a month and my period didn¿t come. In my defense, I was distracted by Poe's absence.
Ok, ok... calm down. It can't be... I can't be pregnant. Actually, I could be, but i really didn't want to be given the circumstances.
Later that day, I got on my small speeder and went to the local fai to get a homemade test. When I went back home, I walked in the bathroom with trembling hands that were holding the pregnancy test.
10 minutes passed and I couldn't dare to look at the small stick. A million thoughts were passing through my mind. I was shaking, playing with my hair, sitting down, standing up and walking around. Anything to distract myself.
I finally brought myself to look at the test. It confirmed what I was afraid of.
I'm pregnant.
"Maker... what am I gonna do?" I said to myself.
Do I even tell Poe? I don't even know how to contact him. And I can't fly out to the Resistance base because it costs a lot of credits.
Does Poe even want to be a dad? We never had the chance to talk about it.
I'm gonna have a baby and I can't even tell the father. A baby. My baby. I looked down at my stomach and a strong feeling bloomed in my chest. I'm gonna be a mom. Nobody prepares you for this, but somehown I think we're gonna be alright.
"We're gonna be okay, little one. I promise." I said as iI placed my hands on top of where my baby was growing.
Everything is gonna be alright.
5 years later
I heard noises of what sounded like an engine, so I walked into the room only to find my daughter on her bed mimicking an X-Wing’s noise. She was holding the bed head and going nyooom with her mouth.
“Shara, sweetie, what are you doing?” I asked and laughed.
“Mama!” She squealed.
Just like your father… I thought. Shara was so much like Poe. Her little curls bouncing as she played and those big beautiful brown eyes looking at me.
“Here comes an X-Wing to pick Shara up! Pshhhh” I said as I ran over to her and picked her up, placing her on my shoulders and running out of the room. Shara giggled while holding my hands.
I took her outside to the front yard and started spinning around making her get more excited.
“We arrived to your destination, little one! You saved the galaxy!” I said and I brought her down to my arms. “I wish your dad was here to teach you how to fly.”
Suddenly, one of my neighbors came running to my house while shouting my name.
“Hey, how are you?” I asked once he reached my front yard.
“Miss! I have great news!” He said out of breath. “The First Order have been beaten. The galaxy is finally safe!”
I gasped and my eyes widened. “The Resistance won?” I asked.
“Yes! Isn’t that amazing? Those bastards are finally gone!” He said and I smiled.
“That’s great news!” I said and hugged Shara tightly.
“My daughter’s death will no longer be in vain anymore.” He said and I gave him a sympathetic smile. We hugged and then he went back to his house.
That night I could see fireworks from afar. The whole galaxy was celebrating and there was finally peace.
I couldn’t help but think about Poe. I wonder if he’s okay, how he’s doing. I just hope… Maker, I hope he’s still alive.
Shara and I were playing by the fireplace until she fell asleep. I took her to her bed while humming a song until a placed her on it. She curled up into a ball when I covered her and kissed her forehead.
“Sweet dreams, little one.” I said.
The next day, I was outside with the animals while Shara was at a close distance picking up flowers and talking to herself.
Then, I heard the sound of a fighter getting closer. When I looked up, I saw an X-Wing land on the field in front of my house. The pilot’s seat window opened, revealing the only man who’s been on my mind with a small droid following him.
“Poe.” I said. He was at a certain distance, but somehow we locked eyes once he got out of his ship. My heart was racing and I could move. My breaths were becoming uneven and my eyes never left him.
Poe was walking and getting closer to me. I stood in the same place, fiddling with my fingers. He stopped one foot away from me.
“Hi, sweetheart.” He said with a small smile. I could feel a lump in my throat and my eyes filled with tears.
“Poe…” I said. But I didn’t move, I just looked at him and all over his body, just in case I made him up in my imagination.
“Maker, I’ve missed you.” He said and I could see his eyes full of tears, but none of them were yet falling down his face.
“You’re- you’re back. Poe, you’re back.” I said taking a step forward, but stopping myself because I was still afraid he wasn’t real.
Poe, knowing me very well, must’ve noticed this, and reached out to grab my hand. I gasped when his skin came in contact with mine. “I’m back. I’m right here, it’s me.” He said.
I let out a sob and threw my arms around his neck. I hugged him tightly and he returned the gesture. Tears were falling down my face.
“I missed you so much, Poe. I can’t believe you’re here.” I said and he was rubbing my back.
“I know, baby. I missed you too. I came back the moment we won.” Poe said before leaning back to look at me. “We won.”
“I know. I’m so proud of you and I’m so glad you’re okay.” I said with a smile. Poe looked down, seeming ashamed all of a sudden.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come back. I swear I wanted to but everything was crazy and dangerous. I even got taken in by the First Order…” He said and my heart dropped.
“What?! They took you hostage- What did they do to you? How did it happen?” I asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. They didn’t do much, don’t worry.” He said before taking a strand of my hair behind my ear. “But that’s when I swore I would fight. I was gonna do whatever it took to save the galaxy and come back to you… And I did.” Poe said making me smile.
“You did and that’s what matters now.” I said. Poe let out a huge breath and looked down at my lips.
“Please let me kiss you. It’s been a long time.” He said and I instantly connected my lips with his. We pulled each other closer.
We stayed like that for a good minute until we heard some beeping, making us pull away. I looked down and BB-8 was there with his head tilted.
“Hey there, Beebs. I missed you too.” I said. and he beeped back.
Poe gave me that charming smile that I knew too well. Then, he briefly glanced behind me and his smile dropped.
“What is it?” I asked and turned around only to see Shara getting closer with a bunch of flowers in her hand. The sight of her made me smile and I looked back at Poe.
“That’s my daughter.” I said which made Poe’s face fall into disappointment. “…Which also makes her your daughter.” I spoke again and Poe’s face lit up.
“We… We have a daughter?” He asked. I looked back at Shara, who was counting her flowers.
“Shara? Come here, honey.” I said.
��Shara?” Poe asked as he looked at me with the biggest smile i’ve ever seen.
Shara looked up and ran towards us. She glanced at Poe with a curious look and never took his eyes off him.
I bent down and Poe did the same. “Honey, this is Poe Dameron.” I said.
“I’m Dameron too.” Shara said with a gasp. Poe was speechless.
“Remember that picture I showed you of your dad? This is him.” I said.
Shara looked at Poe, surely trying to connect the face she saw in the picture to Poe’s face. Then she recognized him and a bright smile, similar to Poe’s, appeared on her face.
“Dad! It’s you!” She said before throwing her little arms around Poe.
When I looked at Poe’s face, it was full of tears and he hugged her back picked her up. He closed his eyes and swayed her from side to side.
“Oh, Maker… I can’t believe it.” He said just above a whisper. “I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry for not being here.”
I shook my head as I started crying again. “There’s nothing to apologize for. I couldn’t find a way to contact you and tell you… You couldn’t have known.” I said.
Shara leaned back to look at her dad’s face. She cupped his face with her little face making Poe smile. BB-8 was rolling around them both.
“How old are you, little one?” He asked.
“Mommy calls me that too!” She said, making me chuckle.
“She’s four years old. Almost five. Isn’t that right, sweetie?” I said and Shara nodded.
“Daddy can be here for my birthday right?” Shara asked with a pout on her face.
“Of course, I will. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll stay with you girls forever.” Poe said before looking at me. “I promise.”
I nodded and wrapped my arms around them both. Poe kissed my forehead and Shara’s cheek. “I love you both so so much. I love you.” He said, looking at me at the last part of that sentence.
“I love you too.” I said.
We stayed like that for a while until Shara spoke. “Daddy can teach me how to fly!” Poe gasped and placed her on his shoulders, just like I did yesterday.
“I’m gonna teach you all the tricks! Let’s goooo! Pshhhhh!” He said while mimicking an X-Wing with Shara. I laughed as I watched them play around.
Our family is finally complete.
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it's kinda funny and kinda sad to watch the 3Below fandom screaming about how the end, with krel staying and aja going, make no sense
like actually it does make sense if you look a lil closer than "Aja liked earth and made friends easily, Krel had no reason to stay"
First of all, Aja starts out reckless and becomes more humble, more cautious, and more strategic- important traits for the ruler of an entire planet. Krel is neither humble nor cautious, and we never see him use much strategic skill. He was right at the beginning of the series: he's not ready to be king yet just because he's more excited about the job than Aja. And I mean, he's really not! He's explicitly scared to be king, he just likes the royal treatment. The difference between the Tarrons is that Aja becomes ready to be Queen despite not wanting to be. Despite his father's assurance he is ready to take on the burden, Krel clearly doesn't feel ready yet.
Second of all, Krel EXPLICITLY makes friends on earth, so the argument he had nothing to stay for at all baffles me. And it's clear he had no friends at all on Akiridion- in There's Something About Gwen of Gorbon he didn't even recognize what friendship was until toby and eli told him yes, we are friends, you gloober- Krel letting go of enough pride to realize he wanted to stay for his friends is an important part of his arc, through the entire second season and, I would argue, the season one finale. He wants to make his mark, but I think what he really wants is recognition and the resultant connections, like how Aja's popularity has brought her friendship.
He trusts humans to help with Varvatos' rescue in Moonlight Run; he starts listening to human ideas in Mother's Day; he begins to consider them friends in TSAGOG; he works with them closely and trusts them and takes them and their silliness more seriously and more in stride in Asteroid Rage. He reassures Toby about the state of ruined Trollmarket without any sort of prompting, showing he clearly cares about him as a friend. By the time we hit his vision in the Deep, where he faces the fact Earth is his home head-on, it's already been made very clear that he has genuine bonds connecting him to Earth that he never had on Akiridion.
If anything I think Eli's and Steve's places should have been reversed. That way, Eli could have gotten more focus and development in Wizards, Krel would have more obvious ties to Earth, and Steve's arc could have built on its existing foundations offscreen- and he could have kept growing alongside Aja. I would have loved to see Eli coming into his own in Camelot.
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puppy-coded · 2 years
Scrunchie {C.C.}
✰ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: None
✰ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Chrissy Cunningham x fem!reader
✰ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1k words
✰ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: A really pretty girl shows up and you barely know how to act.
✰ 𝐀/𝐍: Welcome to "Athena's Love Life Is Fucking Weird And She Falls In Love Too Fast: A Saga" I'm Athena and this will probably become a series
Tumblr media
First day of school, should be easy right?
And it was... until your 9:30 math class.
Quantitative Reasoning... Whoo...
You got to math and sat in the seat next to the wall in the third row since it was easy to get to and easy to see. The rest of your classmates filed in slowly and you still were sitting by yourself.
You silently celebrated until a really pretty girl showed up ad sat next to you. You were practically speechless.
You tried finding something to compliment her on until your eyes landed on her clear cup that held iced coffee in it.
"Hey," You whispered awkwardly. "I like your cup. It's pretty. Where'd you get it?"
The girls face lit up at your compliment. "Thank you so much! I got it at Target."
You nodded with a small smile. "That makes sense, Target has everything."
She giggled and nodded before turning to the teacher that had cleared her throat to get the classes attention.
You hardly heard a word she said other than the part where she wants you to call her Anne instead of "Mrs. James". And then she called role.
You learn that the girl sitting next to you is Chrissy Cunningham.
It's almost fitting.
It's cute, just like she is.
It was in that moment that you knew it was gonna be an interesting semester.
. . .
9:30 am.
Quantitative Reasoning.
You took your seat from Monday and got ready to take notes. You got out your pens and, upon seeing Chrissy sitting next to you, got out pink, purple, and blue along with a black pen for definitions and things.
Chrissy sat next to you and smiled. "Hey."
"Hi," You said quietly.
She got her own things out to take notes when you noticed she brought a different water bottle to class this time. And her outfit was cute, once again.
"Yet another cool water bottle," You complimented.
She looked up and smiled at you, wider than her original greeting. "Thanks! Target again."
"Oh nice!" You nodded awkwardly.
And the lecture started. It was boring but you had Chrissy sitting next to you so it was bearable.
Until it got to a kinda confusing topic.
"Wow... Can I, like, jump off a cliff now?" You asked quietly to yourself.
Apparently not quietly enough since Chrissy giggled at your rhetorical question.
Gods, that giggle was so adorable.
You smiled and continued writing your notes, knowing what you were going to tell Nancy later.
You looked over at one point to see Chrissy looking confused and she used the white scrunchie on her wrist to pull her hair back. You watched out of the corner of your eye how she delicately pulled her hair back and shook her head a little to get her bangs out of her eyes.
And that was the end of the second day of you interacting with Chrissy.
It hit you on the drive home that, no, you wouldn't see her until Monday and your heart sank.
. . .
The minute you got home you went to the phone and dialed Nancy's number. It didn't take long for her to answer, it never does but you were still nervous.
"Nancy, can I tell you about this pretty girl in my math class?" You asked into the phone.
Nancy laughed at the question. "Please do! I'll tell you about the pretty girl at the video store when your done."
"Swag thanks." You smiled into your phone. "So this really pretty girl sits next to me in my math class right? She thinks I'm funny even though I'm not, she's super and really cute. She might possibly be straight but I don't really care because she's so fucking adorable. I did not get a number though so that's a little sad but it's okay!" You rambled into the phone, hardly taking time to breathe.
Nancy's laugh rang through your ears through the phone. "Babes, I hate to break it to you but you are funny. Anyway, that's so fucking cute! I do hope you get her number and you gotta tell me if you do." She told you, almost as if it was a threat.
You leaned against the wall and twirled the cord with your fingers, giggling. "Couple'a hopeless romantic huh?"
"But Nancy, you don't understand." You continued. "This girl has strawberry blonde hair, really nice skin, and she dresses really cutely. I straight up watched her put her hair up because she looked cute and the scrunchie matched her outfit. And and and," You stumbled, trying to find words. "She's over 18 since she's not concurrently enrolled so I'm not into a minor."
"Yay!" Nancy cheered.
You sighed. "I think I developed a crush too fast."
"You better talk to her," Nancy told you. "You know, friendly conversation to know where the vibes are at. What's her name."
"I'm not gonna tell you. I need a code name for if my parents overhear," You nodded.
"What? You're being dramatic. But what about 'Scrunchie'?" Nancy asked.
"Scrunchie, that's cute. And, um, how do you flirt?"
You could hear Nancy roll her eyes. "Eye contact is a must," She told you. "But don't stare into her soul."
"Try not to overthink it," She told you. You rolled your eyes at the suggestion. Sure, don't overthink it. Funny.
"But most importantly... Be yourself. Yourself is great," She encouraged.
You nodded at Nancy's words. "Okay thanks. I'll update you on Monday about Scrunchie."
"Good. I'll be waiting."
. . .
𝓣𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽: @eddiemunsons-girl @turtleduck-enthusiast @littlemisstrouble
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justagalwhowrites · 9 months
I was on AO3 attempting to finish Beskar doll (I read 3 chapters) when I got the notification that you posted a new one-shot. I couldn't get it pulled up fast enough! It was amazing just like everything you write.
I also decided to reread Yearling. I told you I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it until I got answers. So here are some thoughts.
1. Chapter one was really sad. I read it thinking of how scared she must have been not knowing what was going on. I couldn't imagine having to kill someone I love like that to save myself. It was also sad because it really gives a glimpse into who Bambi was before she was Bambi. She was a totally different person back then. I'm sure living through the end of the world would change anyone but for her, it was so much more than that. I want revenge against everyone who even thought about hurting her!
2. I absolutely love the fact that you wrote Bambi to be bisexual. It was a sweet story but I hate that Marisa just left her though. Although, I'm not really that upset about it because now she has Joel.
3. I found more breadcrumbs! If the breadcrumbs are what I think they are there were a few in chapter 8 that I missed. I think that was the chapter. It's the one where we learned about Marisa. I'm pretty sure I'm on the right track with my theory. I'm also pretty certain what I was wondering after chapter 9 is true.
4. Dear god, you love angst! I mean we all already knew that but I didn't realize just how much angst there was until I read it all together.
5. It's funny to me how things just hit differently in a slow burn. You find yourself being so damn excited that they touched even if it's accidental. Then when she asks him to hold her she may as well have asked him to fuck her. It was THAT monumental. I think I'm more excited for them to have their first kiss than I was for the Lavender fuckening!
6. Yup, you're definitely going to be at the top of every best seller's list there is one day. You can't convince me otherwise and I will have signed copies of ALL of your books, damn it!
I'm not going to apologize for rambling this time because you said you liked it. So just remember you asked for this! 🤣
Break because the reply is SO DAMN LONG lmfao
Yes, chapter 1 was sad. I love who Bambi is now but I also love who she's trying to get back to. We see parts of her every now and then - like when she was full on about to brawl with Simon for hurting Ellie for example, all her banter with Tommy for another. I think, eventually, she's going to reach a point where there's more of who she was before along with the parts of her that have changed or sprung into existence with her trauma. But as she becomes more and more comfortable with Joel - and Jackson and humanity in general - we'll see more of chapter 1 Bambi.
BISEXUAL BAMBIIIIIIIII! I love this character in part because I feel like she really does contain multitudes. She gravitates toward a lot of stereotypically masculine things - like breaking horses - but also LOVES the feminine - like women rockers and romantic movies. She kind of exists all over this spectrum and likes it that way. She feels most at home in her Levis and a button down and cowboy boots but, before she figured out how to effectively rebel against her mother's beauty pageant wishes, she won pageants because she can fully look the part all glammed up. Her horse experience reflects this, too, doing both bronc riding and trick riding. We'll see more Marisa - and other women in Bambi's life - in flashbacks too :)
Some of my most explicit breadcrumbs were in chapter 8! There was one where I was like "this is almost fully telling people what this is" and no one has mentioned it to me yet. I'll point out the big things in the reveal chapter, though!
I AM SUCH A SLUT FOR ANGST it's a problem. Thanks for putting up with it lmfao (also, it's gonna get REAL ANGSTY for a while too)
And OMG I'm LOVING how the small intimacies feel with this kind of a slow burn. Because it's not so much like will they/won't they longing kind of stuff there's so much tied up in it all. Any kind of intimacy - especially physical intimacy, not just sexual intimacy - is such a huge thing for Bambi. For literal years, the only touch she had was cruel. That is a lot of conditioning to undo. I think it's hard for her because - as I think you can tell from the flashbacks especially - she's always been a physical person. Her love language would probably be physical touch if I really thought about it, so feeling like she needs to be physically disconnected from people to be safe while also desperately WANTING touch so she can feel loved are these warring drives inside her. Right now, the safety need is outweighing the need for love with everyone BUT Joel. Maybe Ellie, too. She, at least on some level, wants to be the person who would walk up to a coworker who had been blatantly checking her out, tell him she'd fuck him and then do exactly that. I will say that, because of how physical Bambi is as a person (in just about everything, she really feels most herself when she's using her body) that, once the dam breaks with more explicitly romantic/sexual intimacy (which is getting close to happening with Joel) the rest will come rather quickly. That need for love and physical touch is going to overpower the safety need real quick.
And AHHHH BESTIE!! I sure hope so! I'm going to try to get off my ass and query Ace this week and see how it goes. Fingers crossed for me?
Thank you SO MUCH for all your rambles because I love them every time! And thank you for being here and for reading and always being so kind and supportive and lovely and wonderful. You're the best <3
Love you!!!
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livesinyesterday · 1 month
Manhunt (2024) - ep. 7 thoughts
Which I am also calling "We'll Always Have California"
I am planning on doing a rewatch of the whole series and then I will write my final thoughts on it as a whole but I finally watched the finale so these are my reactions to that.
I'm going to come out of the gate and say I am very sad they didn't end on Stanton barricading the doors of his office. 1. That is one of my favorite things Stanton ever did and I was so excited when he started moving his desk and 2. That slow pull back from him sitting on the desk as they pounded on the door would have been such a powerful note to end on. Then you would have just had black placards for the information that followed. The scene where his son tells him about his confirmation, then pulling out to a strange fade-to-white to SHOTS OF CALIFORNIA???
I'm sorry, but the mention of California in the Lincoln scene was not significant or powerful enough for the ENTIRE. SERIES. to end on waves hitting the California shore. Even if you wanted to try and say it represented the age of manifest destiny and a shore-to-shore United States or some such it just...it doesn't work for me.
But anyway, the barricading scene was perfect, no notes. I was so glad to have Lincoln back, definitely I think Linklater (Lincolnlater) had found his voice for this role by this point and puts in an emotionally effecting performance here. I really like the depictions of them bonding over grief. I find certain elements of these scenes strange though. If you wanted Mary out of the room why even have her in the scene to begin with? Why have the 'doctor lying to Mary' moment? Also in the second Lincoln scene the way they talk about work and vacation seems a little strange. California beach vacay, anyone? But overall I was glad these scenes were here. I can nitpick and mention the fact that first scene happens before Grant would have been Lieutenant (Willie dies in 1862, Grant becomes head of the Union army in 1864, Grant's great victory in the west at Vicksburg wouldn't happen until 1863) so Stanton mentioning him in this conversation is not really accurate but thats pretty insignificant for the plot and doesn't really bother me. It is funny to me though that this series sort of makes it seem like Stanton was Lincoln's only 'true' friend which is pretty much because the show left a bunch of people out lol. I know they want to keep the emotional heart of the series Stanton's relationship to Lincoln but I think it does somewhat lead to a bit of a misrepresentation of Lincoln and how beloved he was by his staff and others. I feel like we could have benefitted from some more of his close acquaintances being shown here and made his brutal loss all the more heartbreaking. I will get into this more in my final thoughts on the show, but I have felt strange about the depiction of Mary for the entire series. Mary is a complicated historical figure to depict, especially because many biased, unflattering accounts get written about her, notably Lincoln's old law partner David Herndon writes very negative things about her and his accounts are generally considered untrustworthy. So I appreciate the show trying to depict her with dignity but in doing so I do think they are ignoring the reality of the sheer mental health crises Mary was struggling with by this point in her life and certainly after the death of her husband and I don't know if simply ignoring that does her justice either.
I love that we give Elizabeth Keckley her time in the sun here. She deserves it.
Thoughts on the trail. Overall pretty solid. I wish again that we hadn't wasted so much time on the KGC plot and could have stayed longer with the trial part of the story. The addition of the 'pet' letter is bizarre? It did not exist, it was not a thing. So why add it? Who knows. Also strange to see Seward sitting in the courtroom just chilling. He would definitely still be recovering at this point and after the assassination attempt half his face was permanently sagging dramatically due to the muscles that were cut. Also his wife would have just passed away as she dies in June of 1865 while the trials are going on (and sadly his daughter, who we see in the scene standing next to him, would die a year later). Also the 'I could have accused you' line...not so much. There is little to no evidence that Stanton accused President Johnson of being part of the conspiracy.
Obviously they play up Mary Simms' part in the trial and as well as Conover, but I understand that for the sake of television. If you are not going to make the entire series about the trial you can't stop and introduce a bunch of new people the audience won't recognize in your finale so none of that bothers me.
It's also true that they couldn't connect the conspirators to Jefferson Davis, he stays in prison for a couple years then gets bailed out. I do really like that there's a brief line of dialogue that hints at the fact that trying to try Davis was always really awkward because of the potential risk of legitimizing the Confederacy with a verdict. Davis ended up living to like 1889 and writing bullshit memoirs that support the Lost Cause Myth. And the missing pages thing. There is no evidence that Edwin destroyed them, it was a fringe theory that floated around and I can see why it makes intriguing television. Because we can't know for sure what happened to the pages (it's highly likely Booth tore them out himself for whatever reason) I view this in a similar vein as The Terror speculating on certain things that we can never know about the Franklin Expedition.
Overall I enjoyed the episode, as I have overall really enjoyed the show. But as always this show has a tendency to be really strong on so many fronts and then just make random weird choices that catch me off guard like "Huh??"
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hyuckswonderland · 11 months
anon who's been lurking on your blog for a while now...I'm so glad I found someone who writes for zb1! I hope this doesn't get too dry, but would you mind writing a sequel to the latest yujin and gyuvin fic? I kinda wanna know what happens to yujin 🤔 with prompts 14 and 36 maybe? thank you so much 🤍
- 🌊 anon
It's not dry at all! I have such a soft spot for Gyujin honestly they are such an adorable pair ;-; I'm honestly so grateful for everyone who's been enjoying and requesting all the Zb1 content. I was honestly so sad to see such a lack of content for them so I'm really glad I can somewhat fill that void a little bit!
14. “Come at me. I dare you.”
36. “Oh, you think that’s funny? Fine. I’ll give you something to laugh about.”
As soon as Gyuvin started counting down well you didn't have to tell Yujin twice that he had to make a run for it. No hesitation here! Now he would likely regret the direction he was going in but it was the farthest from where Gyuvin was at the moment.
Yujin was headed right for their bedroom. It was the farthest room in the house, right at the end of the hallway. He could've theoretically gone in the kitchen but if Gyuvin was going to catch him he did not to be stuck on the floor.
Behind him he could hear a faint "2...." Why couldn't the older have given him more time? I mean Gyuvin got to mess with him all the time he should be a bit merciful after all. Of course that wasn't the case.
Right as Yujin entered there room he heard the final "1... I'm coming Yujinnie~" His tone sounding menacing and vengeful. On that note Yujin closed the door and pushed his body against it to try and keep Gyuvin out.
Since the dorm wasn't that big, the older knew immediately where Yujin was "hiding."
"Open the door Yujinnie and I'll go easier on you~" The younger knew that was a lie
“Come at me. I dare you.” Was Yujin provoking Gyuvin? Most definitely but the smugness he felt from before was still lingering in his bones. We will shortly find out if that will be his downfall.
On the other side of the door Gyuvin scoffed and started pushing on the door, opening it enough where he could just see in a tiny bit. "Oh Jinnie~ I am gonna get in and then that'll be it for you~"
Butterflies swarmed in Yujin's stomach, he knew his fate and that he was only prolonging it from happening. That didn't mean he was giving up though ABSOLUTELY NOT.
The older kept pushing until he was able to stick his foot in between the door so it wouldn't be able to close at all now. He smirked knowing it would be easier to slip in.
Yujin noticed his foot and try to dislodge it from the space between the door and the doorframe but his struggling just made it easier for Gyuvin to open it wider. As the door opened more and more he scattered to his bed grabbing stuffed animals as ammo.
"What're you gonna do with that?" Yujin quirked his eyebrow up and laughed.
"You know..." Yujin started throwing them at Gyuvin and one just so happened to slam right into his face. Yujin snorted holding a hand up to his mouth to stiffle his laugh.
“Oh, you think that’s funny? Fine. I’ll give you something to laugh about.” While the younger distracted he quickly grabbed the younger and fell down on his bed, pulling Yujin down with him.
The younger let out a yelp in surprise and immediately started squirming for any chance of escape. "Hyung we can talk about this! I didn't mean to hit you in the face I swear!"
Gyuvin ignored his protests and continued to fight against Yujin's struggles, wrapping his legs around the younger's waist so he couldn't get far at least.
"No can do Jinnie, not after these stunts you pulled hyung has to teach you a lesson!" After a good amount of wrestling this time Gyuvin won.
"The wrestling champ returns!" He pinned Yujin's hands down with ease. "Any last words before your most favorite, coolest, amazing, good looking, handsomest hyung begins his vengence?"
The younger rolled his eyes "I don't see Jiwoong hyung here, so no."
The older pouted "You brat... you're just digging your own grave." He poked at Yujin's sides a couple times, "Oh well I guess it's your grave anyways!"
Gyuvin had no plans on holding back. "Hey Jinnie what was that fruit you brought up early?" He smirked lightly scribbling at the younger's stomach while also lifting his shirt up in the process.
"H-hyung come on-" Yujin gulped, was he really going to start with that? Yes he was! "Oh I remember now it was raspberries!" He leaned down and immediately started leaving raspberries all over poor Yujin's stomach.
"NOHOHOHO IHIHIHI HAHAHATE THOHOHOSE-" The younger arched his back on instinct, though it only accidentally made it so he pressed in more to the raspberries.
Gyuvin grinned moving his hands down rapidly squeeze his hips, continuing the raspberries. "Why nooooot? You seemed to like them when you were the one giving them if I'm not mistaken~ I personally looooove raspberries~"
"NAHAHAHAT MYHYHY HIHIHIPS!" Yujin hated raspberries but he hated his hips being squeezed even MORE. Oh the pains of having your hips be your worst spot as a dancer...
The older paid no mind to his words though, continuing the squeezing as much as he pleased. Plus it made it easier to hold Yujin's hips in place so that the younger didn't try and buck him off.
"Hmmm you know your cute little tummy looks yummy... I wonder if I took a little bite~" And so, he began to nibble the side of Yujin's stomach.
"HYUHUHUNG NOHOHO-" It was rare that Gyuvin or anyone for that matter would give him nibbles and every time someone did they drove Yujin wild. Nibbles were on a complete different level. Squirming and snorting was the norm when this happened.
Gyuvin grinned "It's so cute when you snort~ It just shows what a good job I'm doing at tickling away at you~" Yujin's face turning a bright red at the comment. It was always embarrassing when the older made comments like that.
"I'd bite those cute cheeks of yours too if I could." He poked at Yujin's cheek before giving it a peck. "Now, where else should I give a bit of attention~" He thought for a moment "Your knees!"
Yujin groaned but there was no point in protesting as Gyuvin already had his hand clawed over his knees and began squeezing. "EHECK- NOHOHO PLEHEHEASE-" Now there wasn't anything majorly sensitive about Yujin's knees however the minute you clamped down on them and began squeezing it was like torture to him. A constant ticklishness that didn't go away.
"IHIHIM SOHOHOHORRY HYUHUHUNG!" He swallowed his pride to try and get Gyuvin to stop.
"What was that Yujinnie? Repeat that for me?" Gyuvin grinned pretending not to hear the first time. (He did.)
"Apology accepted!" Gyuvin unclamped his hands from the younger's knees and freed him. He smiled as Yujin's laughter died down and he laid there, clearly tired.
"Now what did you learn?"
"That my hyung sucks"
A jab to his side came with that remark
"OK ok- not to tickle you.."
I hope you enjoyed and that it turned out well! Thank you again for requesting it really means the world to me <3
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utsuboarchive · 4 months
@lunarscaled asked: They'd been waiting by the dorm hall some time after the day had ended because meeting right after class felt too personal, but so did just walking into someone's dorm without escort or permission, even if Lyric thinks that Floyd does that regularly to visit Wuya.
It's fine, they think—it gave them time to shower and change, because that's what they read you're supposed to do when hanging out on Valentine's day ( although Lyric isn't sure why their normal uniform and shower routine wouldn't be sufficient ), but their clothing selection was limited to mostly necessities for the curriculum so even their "comfy clothes" were just their gym T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. But that's fine, right! It is?! They're not overthinking it! They're dedicated to not overthinking it.
( ...but maybe they should have worn their normal uniform... )
Their furrowed brow and scrunched expression relaxes by force when Floyd's gangly frame comes around. The paper bag they'd been holding too tight in their grip has crinkles along the top, and they look askant as their thumbs fidget over the surface before they offer it with one hand. ( wait—they didn't say hello first, shit— )
"H Hey. Uhh—I saw everyone else handing out chocolates to people, but I'm not any good at cooking... as you know... I bought some instead. They're seasalt caramel, so... tastes like home?"
After a beat, their ears flush and their expression looks disheartened as they look away again.
"... that was a bad joke. I didn't want to come empty-handed to watch stuff. So... Happy Valentine's Day, Floyd?"
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floyd was in a pretty good mood as he made his way back to his room. the lounge was hectic; valentines day sold pretty well, just like azul had predicted. students bringing one another for specialty drinks and dishes, paying for their dates or friends. it kept him pretty busy, up until he wasn't feeling it anymore-- and dipped out right near the end. the others weren't too upset about it though, he'd made it through the worst of it- and left right as it began to slow down.
he whistled a tune as he wandered down the hall, hands in his pockets. stopping only as he turns the corner, and sees lyric outside his door.
well this is a surprise.
he's been nice enough to keep his thoughts to himself. but floyd didn't think lyric would be able to take him up on his offer. they're a wreck; a messy ball of anxiety and paranoia. it's sad, and kind of funny to watch sometimes. more than half of their misery was self induced. but, despite the humor he got from being a witness to the constant trembling and worry-- he didn't offer this out of pity.
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" karei-chan~ didn't think you'd show up. " a lilt to his tone, as he saunters closer. the smell of chocolate hits him once he's looming over them, drawing his multicolor gaze to the bag. oh, good they didn't make them ( floyd knows lyric can't cook to save their life ). floyd takes it of course, with a small hum. sea-salt caramel-- good one. he opens it as lyric explains their aim, and plops one of the candies in his mouth. " ooo these are good, glad you didn't try to cook for me hahaha!! i really hate wasting food. "
he reaches for the door, and gestures for the other to follow him in.
to say it's a mess is... pretty accurate. there's some clothes hanging off his bed, and a couple pairs of shoes on the floor. snacks on the shelves, and the trashcan seems to have been knocked over ( oops ). and his bed??? definitely not made. what's the point if he's just gonna sleep on it again?
floyd drops the bag on his desk, and grabs his laptop. immediately offering it to lyric as soon as they're in the room with him. " pick somethin' out while i get changed outta of my uniform. " he gives them an odd look. " and it better be a good one, nothing too cringe or dumb, kay? "
valentines day surprise
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bastet-c-haddock · 1 year
This Story is a little concept I had in mind for months, but due to my work load I had to pospone until now.
Follows my previous ideas over the Mexican fairytales and nursery rhymes in the Shrekverse.
Link to those concepts at the end of this post.
Hope you enjoy it!
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Far Far Away's Theatre was buzzing with music and energy, for tonight was a special night.
After traveling around the world, in search of stories to inspire his songs, the great Christopher Cricket, also known as Cri-Cri was back.
The famous bug was a star all over this enchanted land. Princesses and other fairy tale celebrities attended each of his presentations, not only because of the music and spectacle, but for the entratainment of hearing the stories he brought from across the world. Wether these were merry, or sad. Everyone wanted to know.
Especially, a certain Cat who happened to be around town, curious, as ever, about an old acquaintance of his. At his side, another cat and a small dog. The orange feline spoke, once the group stood in front of the theatre, where music could be heard escaping its walls.
"Kitty, are you sure this...cricket-guy is trustworthy?" He asked, concerned. Normally, he wouldn't ask for info on anyone, unless he was hired for a job. But those days were far beside him.
The black feline replied, smiling widely, sure of her informant "Relax Puss, no one knows anyone better than Cri-Cri."
"How can you be so sure?" Puss asked, anxious.
Kitty gave him a confident side eye "How do you think I knew about The Map?" Raising her eyebrows, smutty.
Puss looked baffled, after thinking, he asked "Wait, didn't Goldie tell you about it?" Confused.
"Of course she did, but she told me Jack Horner had it. When I tried taking it from him, I found out he didn't have it, but it was too late. That day, after he tricked me, I decided to get info on the Map and so, I discovered Cri-Cri thanks to his brother. And so, I knew who Jack sent to fetch it" confident, praising her own genius. "So, if anyone knows where's Max and what he wants with you, is him?" Gesturing with her head at the banners hanging at the theatre's entrance, which had the little brown cricket drawn, smiling and playing his leafy violin.
Puss looked at the images, concerned and nervous. Given his last encounters with Max, he had plenty to worry about, and such, needed an advantage over the rodent. With no other options, he agreed, letting himself be guided to the backstage entry by Kitty. Perrito followed suit.
Once inside, the music became louder, merrier. You could feel its vibrations shake the theatre, as if the building danced to the tunes. The steps of the dancers made the wooden floor tremble. All of those thing weren't enough to distract Puss of his predicament. Just Perrito's happy prancing were enough to pull him out of his thoughts.
"Perrito, do you...know about this Cri-Cri guy?" Confused, asuming their familiarity due to his reaction to the bug's music.
"Of course! My litter mates and I used to hear his songs! He's quite a storyteller!" He answered, dancing and hoping all over the place.
Once they found a good spot to wait for the star to finish his show, they watched the stage and the spectale over it.
In the middle of the stage, was a smaller version of the same, it was projected and magnified via a very thinly crafted contraption that allowed the crowd to watch the small cricket at a bigger scale. One close to a cat, which let him "interact" with his show better. He dances in coordination to his dancers while playing a small violin, made to emulate a leaf, its vines made up the neck.
By the cheery music and dance, it was composed to sound like Cowboy music, once you would prance to at a party. When the lyrics hit, it wasn't a joyful story, but one turned funny due to its narrator. Puss should know, it was Max's Story. Both cats looked at each other, it seemed their question was partly answered. Cristopher knew about Max.
The song continued, only to end as happily as it started, followed by thunderous applause coming from the crowd, who filled the theatre to the top. Cri-Cri bowed to his audience, extending all four of his arms, thankful for the love he's been shown. Once the applause seemed to fade a bit, the cricket spoke. Loudly and clearly.
"Thanks, beloved people of Far Far Away! It's always an honor to have you listen to my stories. None of this would be possible without you." Another round of applause followed, though shorter than the previous one. Once again, the bard spoke after the noise. "Tonight, has been an amazing night! Cheers for more nights like tonight!" A strong multilayered cheers was the audience's response. "But before we call it a night..." positioning his violin back over his shoulder, then, turning to face the royal box, where Arthur was, watching the show. "Your majesty, would you give us the honor?" The little bug asked, bowing respectfully at the Young King.
"Only if you'd do it with me, Mr. Cricket" Arthur replied, he sounded way older than Puss remembered. Sometimes he forgot how time went by, especially after leaving Far Far Away last time in search of retribution and glory.
"It'll be my pleasure!" Cri-Cri stood once more, preparing to play one last tune.
The whole theatre turned silent, expecting a queue...
A note, then a line, sang by the King and the Bard. "¿Quien es el que anda ahi?"
"Es Cri-Cri" the audience replied, perfectly coordinated "Es Cri-Cri"
"¿Y quien es ese señor?" The two vocalists continued.
"¡El Grillo Cantor!"
The orchestra finished the song, as the little showman gave his last bow. The theatre rumbled with applause, whistles and Bravos as the curtains closed.
That, was Team Friendship's queue...
Yeah, this is only Part 1 of...many I got half written inside my head. I'm writing this in my spare time so bare with me.
If you like what you read, like it and maybe tell me what you think!
To know more about Max and Charlotte, you can read their story here:
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CBS Ghosts - Viking Funeral - The Victimless Crime
Warning Spoilers May Appear.
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I love that Jay is like "this is a crime" and is all freaked out about that AS HE IS COMMITTING THE CRIME and not like... idk before they start committing a crime? Like, dude....
I also like how the first seconds show no Thor, but then Thor appears after Sam's like "stop complaining."
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"Lmao - victim says it's okay."
Thor just standing here like 'Yup, okay."
Since this is before the Viking funeral comes up, I wonder how Thor felt about them hiding his bones. Maybe he figured a proper burial might be the same as a funeral? Maybe, after all this time, he just doesn't care?
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Aww Jay.
He's going to do this a lot, thinking Sam's talking to him when in reality she's talking to a ghost.
And the way he describes him ending up here - I fell in love with a white girl with a cute cute butt... LMAO.
Jay's cute. He's got a thing for butts, it's well-established.
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Sam's like "Not talking to you babe." Poor Jay.
He's like - I'm doing all the work and you're not even talking to me???? Sad face.
So we can get an idea of when Thor dies if we know when the Battle of SVOLDER is - plus 7 years - does anyone know when that is?
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I love the way they showed us this - nice images.
It's sad that Thor was alone when he died and died because he was hit by lightning. Like we learn about Oskar later on, but I wonder how long Thor was alone?
I also wonder if there were like any other ghosts or if he was stuck there alone until Sass showed up? Poor Thor :(
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LOL - yeah, a metal helmet was a bad idea. On the other hand, you should be grateful that you didn't die with it on.
'cause that would SUCK. Like the whole trying to sleep thing - it's bad enough with the shield, but with a helmet - ouch.
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LOL Jay's like trying to focus on the crime and Sam is like "DUDE IT"S SO COOL THAT HE DIED BY LIGHTNING".
And Jay's like "What are we going to do here?"
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LOL - he's not even pointing at Thor, but this is still funny because Thor doesn't even care. He's too in his own head.
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Thor's like "Oooh, funeral - yes."
I wonder if he's thinking that he might get sucked off for the funeral or he just really wants it.
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Jay's like - don't be all shocked and don't tell me.
Yes, Thor continues to explain about the idea he has and Sam ... doesn't do the same thing she did earlier with Mark? Why not?
Wouldn't that make more sense?
I do like that Thor's really into describing it.
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This is funny - Jay has obviously been watching vikings on TV with Thor (per his request).
Thor's like - ooooh, I like him now.
I wonder how long it took for the various ghosts to warm up to Jay? Like he can't talk to them, so there's this barrier, and like, some might not even want to warm up to him.
I think Jay's friendships with the ghosts are interesting.
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LOL - Sam really undersells his want for this.
Yes, Jay doesn't *hesitate* at all to be like "yeah, that's perfect. Let's do this."
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LMAO - Jay's like "I just want to have fun" - Thor agrees and Sam's like "God I married a child."
Thanks for reading :)
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decoysouled · 10 months
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unprompted asks // always accepting. anonymous // Arakan, what were your thoughts when your mother died? Where were you, how did you feel? What was your grieving process like? (dsc. modern)
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THE DAY THEIR MOTHER HAD DIED, it was as if the sun had gone out — Makoto, to Arakan, had always been so full of life & even though her care had never been extended to her children, it was hard to see her as anything other than bright & alive & loved by those around her. Even they had cared deeply for her, despite how little of their childhood she had been around for, & that enough had left them with a deep agony in their chest.
( their brother had always been more of a parent than her. )
The day their mother had died, it was like closing a book for the last time; one that they would never read the ending to. It was like watching the pages fall into puddles, slowly becoming unreadable, the ink blurring alongside their tears — it was that day which set in motion their current life, one of isolation & the desperate need to convince themself that they do not need people in their life. That they do not need to be cared for & wanted & loved.
( no matter how they craved those things, they were never Arakan's to start with. )
The day their mother had died, it was like being set adrift on a raft in the seas, forced to weather the most violent of storms alone. By the time they had realised just how much they were drowning in their grief, in things they could never have, desires that would never come true, Arakan was already alone — Ren no longer spoke to them, albeit they did not reach out either, & Kaminari had left them behind & gotten into trouble & they hated it, how long it took them to realise that no one could be trusted to stay.
( it was funny, really, how of a family of four, three people had left. Kaminari, their mother, their father... had all abandoned them & they did not know why. did not understand the reasons. only that they were alone & alone they would stay. )
The day their brother had left, it was like waking up from a long dream, one they had not been aware they were trapped within. It was a slow awakening, the type that left one with exhaustion set deep within their bones & a sadness aching within their heart & everything had been hit with hurt all at once. A wall they could not climb over, a pain they could drown in. It had been the deepest grief they had ever felt, the realisation that no one wished to stay.
Even this tied back to the day their mother died, like some cosmic joke. Like some cruel trick.
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❝I wished I had known her better.❞ Arakan speaks, voice quiet, in lieu of voicing any of their previous thoughts — there was no need, in the end, to speak of the ways their heart had been shattered like a glass dropped on hardwood floors. There was no need, in the end, to allow themself the vulnerability to answer such a question when there was no true care given. It is simply another struggle, another thing to think about that they wish they didn't have to.
Simply another pouring of salt in old wounds that had never quite healed right.
❝I let myself drift away from the world for a long time, but I don't remember much of it. I went through the motions, I lived my life on autopilot until the day Kaminari decided to leave, too.❞ As if they had never mattered at all. As if they had never been loved at all. As if they had never been wanted at all. They had never held him at fault for that, neither his reaction to the death of their mother nor the way he had abandoned Arakan in his own grief.
They had been used to it by then.
❝When I found out, my only thought was... I wondered whether she had loved us, when she died. Whether she had thought about me or Kaminari in her last moments, or if we never mattered to her at all.❞ It had been a selfish set of thoughts, one they had never dared to verbalise. ❝Mostly... I wish people would let me leave her in the past. I've done my mourning & I'm tired of it.❞
They wish everyone would let her memory rest, if only so Arakan could finally begin to let go & forget about everything she had ever done. It wouldn't happen, not with the way that funeral director acted or the way Kaminari asked them to visit her grave with him & Arakan had never found it in themself to say no. After all, he had been there for them for the longest time & it was only right to return such a favour.
( i just want to forget her. i want to forget everything that hurts me. )
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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It's our anniversary!! I ate way to much food but I am happy. I love my James so much. It's been such a good day too.
I wish I got more sleep. But it was fine. I vaguely remember waking up to say goodbye to James. But I woke up a few minutes before my alarm. And took a moment to gather myself. But was up and washed and dressed and actually recognized myself. I didn't feel so puffy in the face. Things felt more normal. My stomach was still hurting, I honestly feel like my whole body is a bruise. But at least I recognized who I was looking at.
I had time to have cereal for breakfast. And then I headed to camp.
Elizabeth made a big fuss about everyone else having a 9am start time and me having a 9:10 start. Because she knew I would still be there early. So I got there at 855.
Today was honestly great. I was nervous about the program but I was also just really excited to hold the terrapin. And it would be fun!
Sarah and Celia helped me get ready. The obstacle game didn't seem hard enough so I decided to add another element of difficulty. Sarah helped me collect some half deflated Dodge balls and would count down every ten seconds and tell "bird strike!!!" And pelt the children with the balls. And then they became dead baby sea turtles and serious these kids sold it. They need Oscars. It was hilarious. Even the teachers said it was funny.
We did have a few hiccups. There was another group there today. Which was not an issue. But also Elizabeth was being pulled all over. So no one noticed until 15 minutes before that we had no lunch tables set up. Thankfully we did notice though and got everything out. And soon the kids were arriving.
Kindergarten are so sweet. And they were so fun. They really loved petting Nellie the terrapin and while she kept scratching me, having a towel on my lap and holding her like a burger helped a lot.
The game would go great. Each hour got to play it twice and they liked cheering for their friends to make it to the "ocean". And if we had extra time I would take them to the Gaga pit and I taught them how to play that and they were all great sports about it when they got out. I have been trying to get kids to not tattle and tell them it's a game about being honest with yourself. So if you see someone gets hit with the ball don't worry about calling them out, they will just have to live with themselves of they lie. Which worked for some reason!! Love it.
At lunch we ate some leftover sandwiches and talked outside. The group needed a few extra minutes. Which was fine. And once we got them going we had about a half hour. So we finished up the last program. Which for me was tough because the sun was on us now. I think we were all pleased to be done and out of the sun.
Once all the kids left I got my stuff together. Took a few trips, and hurt myself a bit. But I got everything out away. And finally I would get Nellie to bring back to her tank. And the we all went to put away tables and chairs. First st the lodge.
Then after that was done I went to the office. Where I checked in on my Native American program food supplies. We had exactly enough popcorn but I was sad to find one of the bags of jerky was moldy?? Jerky isn't supposed to mold!! So hopefully they can get their money back for that one.
I went to the hacienda and thought everyone would come and help clean up there. But I would end up putting all the chairs away myself. Jeff, the nice older cleaning guy, came to do trash and got rid of a bee for me. And as I was finishing spraying the tables Celia came and helped, and Nick would soon be there too to finish up. Celia felt really bad that I did everything alone. I just cared more about going home asap.
Which would happen soon enough, one more check in about the schedule at the office. And so I'll be back Wednesday. Excellent. I'll get some time to be with James. Because while we would have dinner for our anniversary we wanted to go and do something out in the world.
I would get a little confused texting James. About reservations for dinner. But we got it sorted and I went home.
I would get showered and dressed in my new dress and it's so good. I did my eyeshadow and everything and felt really cute. I felt like myself. My body still feels bruised and a bit swollen but I felt more like me.
James would get home and I wouldn't let them kiss my head until they showered. And once they were all cute too we exchanged cards and gifts. Their card so so sweet. And the bread bear/dog(?) They gave me is so soft. Apparently there are more gifts coming but I love when gifts are spread out and the celebrating can continue.
We would chill on the couch for a while. And soon we headed to brewers art for dinner.
Where James told me that the settlement from the bike accident has gone though so the bills are paid and we have some stress off of our shoulders. Which will let us to actually build some savings so we can work on the dream of buying a house. Wild, absolutely wild.
Dinner was good, the foccocia was amazing and my favorite part. Our waitress was very sweet. And it was just being together. Feeling happy. I feel so lucky.
James paid and we went to Hamden to go to dangerously delicious, which is like a biker bar but for pie. And we got what they called the Baltimore bomb, which is like a cookie custard pie, and we got it warmed up with milk and it was excellent. We would sit and talk about our money and life and goals. And I was happy but also my stomach hurt a lot. We ate to many different things but that's okay.
We headed home. We made a pit stop in the park to take pictures. And then inside to get comfy.
James would go for a little walk and I would call my parents to talk for a little. And then when James got home I took a nice hot bath.
And now we are in bed. And we are very tired. But also using so happy and in love.
Tomorrow I have the day off and I have some hopes for the day. But also I just need to be still for a bit. We will see how the day unfolds.
Sleep well everyone. Take care of yourself, and be safe!!
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