#the thing Japan and the US wanted of course was the conditional surrender of Japan
just-worlds-away · 2 years
Learned about why it was a bad decision to drop the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki after watching a 2 and a half hour video essay
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coldresolve · 4 months
Your post made me think, you said abuse is “slow burn” and torture is “explosion” but what about cases of months or even years of torture? What would that be classified as? Because it’s not the interrogation type.
Wouldnt there be a point where the person is so damaged mentally and physically from the repeated pain and psychological torment that they just give up entirely? If they see absolutely no end? Like they dont interrogate him but just hurt him, out of a vendetta or something like that.
Im asking because a lot of stories i see here on tumblr are not about interrogation but mostly like a… “passion” kinda thing? And although i personally dont really like this whole “pet whump” concent (even writing it down it looks dumb), keeping someone locked for years and conditioning him with torture could possibly grind down a person’s will to basically nothing. It’s my personal opinion and just thinking about it, i feel like it would happen to me if i was in that situation. Like not torture once or twice but for months or years (given the fact that he stays alive of course)
What are your thoughts on that? (And again not pet whump i know what you think of that and honestly, same hahaha)
it would be classified as torture. i'd see it as a very intense long-time burn with a bunch of explosions along the way, i guess, if we're sticking to that metaphor.
fair warning, heavy subject matter: i'm going to talk about a historical case of long-term imprisonment and torture, including some stuff about suicide, sexual assault and executions. im trying not to get too graphic in my descriptions to not sensationalize it, but these were real events and i don't want to take away from how horrific it was, so. idk i guess im still figuring out how to balance those two things.
in 1941, the allies started engaging in conflict with the japanese imperial army throughout the pacific, which, among other conflicts japan had going at the time, resulted in the capture of prisoners of war, especially from 1942-1945. these POWs were held in camps mostly located on japanese soil or in the philipines, but they shifted around quite a bit as the war progressed and the japanese war machine got more organized, so throughout the months or sometimes years of their imprisonment, POWs were constantly moved from camp to camp, with no warning or explanation.
the japanese imperial forces famously viewed surrender as beneath contempt. you can imagine how that belief influenced their treatment of POWs.
you'll read accounts from the survivors of these camps about how POWs were fed rice soup infested with enough worms to move on its own, usually as the only meal they recieved in a day. the kinda shit you're happy to eat because you're starving to death. this wasn't the result of a food shortage, either. it was deliberate, because someone who is starving is less capable of fighting back. as a result, a lot of POWs and political prisoners in japan died of starvation. or, alternatively, disease or infection as a result of sleeping in tight quarters in rooms infested with bugs and vermin, or not having access to clean drinking water. sanitation was nonexistent.
rape of POWs was common. beatings, stimulated drownings, stress positions and other forms of torture, either as an "interrogation" method, punishment, or just for the hell of it in a lot of cases, were common, and often resulted in death. executions were common. the remains of the deceased were often mutilated.
and there's this thing about the cycle of violence...
This added to the rising tide of hatred and racial discrimination of the Japanese people on the home front. Due to the assumed military threat and the inability to verify at this time, 110,000-120,000 Japanese Americans were interned in the western United States. While torture was expressly forbidden by the US government, loss of property and dignity changed the lives of many US citizens of Japanese descent. (x)
but i digress.
when you read about the japanese POW camps, or the concentration camps used throughout the holocaust, or the forced labor camps of the USSR, or any other account of long-term torture, survivors often talk a lot about the fact that the human ability to adapt to extreme conditions like these is staggering. defiance is the norm with torture, and it comes in the face of being treated like someone who is less than human, in every aspect of life. escape attempts, attacking the guards, obstructing forced labor, sabotage, sneaking aid to other prisoners in need, stealing food or other necessities, and the list goes on and on and on. all of these things, at least to me, speaks to a belief in life, in the face of the most morbid fucking conditions you could imagine. human beings are really, really resilient, that's the thing.
and they'll also describe how some people just "gave up". some committed suicide. some just deteriorated rapidly, physically, once they'd lost the hope and will to survive. some collapsed doing physical labor and just layed there waiting to get shot in the head. that happens, too, and erasing that part of reality isn't fair. i don't think anyone has the right to think any worse of these people, or to consider them "weak". despite me being passionate about suicide prevention, i think the decision to die in extreme circumstances like this is understandable, and it's not something i would ever consider a moral or personal failure. this is not a question of being "conditioned". its the conscious decision, sometimes as an act of defiance in and of itself, to avoid being subjected to more torture.
torture destroys. it cannot create anything. and there is no such thing as controlling how it will affect someone. if you're aiming for "conditioning" or "brainwashing" - you can try to break someone down, and if you're successful in making them give up on life, which there's a good chance you won't be, even after years - you're not gonna be able to "replace" that hopelessness with something else. they're not gonna do what you want them to do, or believe what you want them to believe. why would they? they've given up. congratulations, that's the literal only thing you've achieved. and you can enjoy that achievement for as long as it takes them to kill themselves or deteriorate and die.
the effects that torture has on victims vary greatly from person to person, that it's not something torturers can predict, or "direct", or otherwise have any control over whatsoever. it's not just that the list of neurocognitive changes and mental/physical health issues that can be caused by torture is diverse. victims of torture vary in how they conceptualize their trauma, and the people who caused it. they deal with moral injury in different ways. they come to different conclusions about it. and no wonder - fitting something like torture into your view of humanity in general isn't particularly straightforward. a common trend is that torture survivors generally don't tend to speak very positively about their torturers. they might reach a point of understanding, or even forgiveness, after years of processing what was done to them. but this isn't exactly the same as excusing it, yknow. it's part of them healing from their trauma.
if you're interesting on reading about more long-term imprisonment and torture like this, there's a plethora of books out there. unbroken by laura hillenbrand is a biography of louis zamperini, and it specifically deals with the japanese POW camps and the historical context that surrounded them. the gulag archipelago by aleksandr solzhienitsyn talks a lot about the political and philosophical ideas that go into the use of torture and labor camps. a book i think you'd find especially valuable here is man's search for meaning by viktor frankl. he was a jewish psychiatrist and a holocaust survivor. he goes into the psychology both of those who "give up" and those whose hope perserveres. it's a pretty harrowing read, but it's one of those books that can genuinely change your philosophy on life in a pretty deep way.
to answer your question, yes, some people do "give up", for lack of a better way to put it. that happens. suicidal ideation can happen as the result of torture. but it is also not as simple as "it makes you give up eventually", because even disregarding the people who went on to survive and tell their stories - most of the POW deaths i've mentioned in this post did not happen as a result of them "giving up" - they died of starvation, or disease, or torture, or they were executed. people who were just as defiant as the ones who ended up surviving, who still had the will and the want to survive, and who held on to that hope until their last breath. humans are tough. unbelievably tough.
i think it's also important to talk about the whole concept of being "broken" here, because it's a thing that comes up with discussions of people "giving up" because of torture. but this post is long, and you can probably imagine why i don't think it's a good idea to describe human beings as "broken", so.
in conclusion,
take a guess at how i view the ideas that underline the "pet whump" genre. lol just a take wild shot in the dark
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mars-the-4th-planet · 3 years
If you think the nuclear attacks on Japan were justified in WWII, please unfollow asap. I'll explain why.
Okay, you've probably heard this part before, but for starters: Japan was already beaten. Their military was toast on a biscuit. Their economy was broke. They couldn't effectively make more planes and ships to combat the United States, and persisting in the war would only hurt their situation more. But why would they surrender if not for the nukes? I'll explain.
They may not have surrendered as fast, but as history shows the thing they feared most was to be crushed by stalinist communism. And the USSR had just entered the war and was quickly beating them on the mainland. Even after the United States nuked them, Japan STILL chose to surrender to the allies instead of the soviets. Out of preservation for their culture and way of life. Why wouldn't they do the same without two of their cities getting blown up? If anything, they would be more willing to surrender to the US in the long run.
Wouldn't a hypothetical invasion of Japan be more bloody than the nukes? Doesn't the US government have a responsibility to minimize their own casualties first and foremost? That is probably true, but it's irrelevant to the argument and I only bring it up in order to address it. A naval invasion was never necessary, Japan was blockaded effectively and was fighting purely out of desperation without any real hope of winning by late 1945. With the soviets closing in and Japan left with no way to fight off all the world powers at once, it's very unlikely that it would ever come to that.
Lastly, it's possible to prove you have city destroying weapons without actually destroying a city. I've explained how before on another post, but the brief point is that footage and measurements exist; and if Japanese diplomats and scientists were allowed to take footage and measurements of a test nuclear explosion under controlled conditions, I think that would be sufficient proof. What the US actually did was simply CLAIM they had atomic bombs, so of course the Japanese military government would call it a bluff.
Actually, no, lastly if Japan nuked China or Russia or the US it would absolutely be considered a horrible atrocity and a war crime and no one would even be debating it. I'm not saying they WOULDN'T do it, I mean the Japanese government and military and their supporters were clearly evil by any reasonable standard and did countless atrocities without nukes. (though a large portion of the population of Japan wanted peace and democracy and were against the actions of their imperial practically fascist government, as evident by postwar Japan, those people were extremely politically surpressed and had little say in matters at the time) But if they could and did nuke a country it would only be one more obvious war crime on the pile. No argument about it, no excuses would be made except by the aforementioned evil people.
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I am alone again and I want to be so; alone with the pure sky and open sea.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Humans have long stigmatised solitude. It has been considered an inconvenience, something to avoid, a punishment, a realm of loners. Science has often aligned it with negative outcomes. Freud, who linked solitude with anxiety, noted that, “in children the first phobias relating to situations are those of darkness and solitude.” Some modern social neuroscientists who have studied loneliness have contended that, beyond damaging our thinking powers, isolation can even harm our physical health. But increasingly scientists and philosophers are approaching solitude as something that, when pursued by choice, can prove therapeutic.
This is especially true in times of personal turbulence, when the instinct is often for people to reach outside of themselves for support. Sociological research has shown that when people are experiencing crisis it’s not always just about them: It’s about how they are in society. When people take these moments to explore their solitude, not only will they be forced to confront who they are, they just might learn a little bit about how to out-maneuver some of the toxicity that surrounds them in a social setting.
In other words, when people remove themselves from the social context of their lives, they are better able to see how they’re shaped by that context. Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk and writer who spent years alone, held a similar notion. “We cannot see things in perspective until we cease to hug them to our bosom,” he writes in Thoughts in Solitude.
Much of this self-reconfiguring happens through “existentialising moments,” mental flickers of clarity which can occur during inward-focused solitude. One sociologist, Jack Fong, developed this idea from the late German-American sociologist Kurt Wolff’s “surrender and catch” theory of personal epiphany. “When you have these moments, don't fight it. Accept it for what it is. Let it emerge calmly and truthfully and don't resist it,” Fong says. “Your alone time should not be something that you're afraid of.”
Yet, at the same time, it is not only about being alone. It’s a deeper internal process. Productive solitude requires internal exploration, a kind of labour which can be uncomfortable, even excruciating. It might take a little bit of work before it turns into a pleasant experience. But once it does it becomes maybe the most important relationship anybody ever has, the relationship you have with oneself.
Yet today, in our hyper-connected society, solitude is more devalued than it has been in a long time.
A recent study at the University of Virginia in which several participants - a quarter of the women and two-thirds of the men - chose to subject themselves to electric shock rather than be alone with their thoughts.
And even though many great thinkers have championed the intellectual and spiritual benefits of solitude - Lao Tzu, Moses, Nietzsche, Emerson, Woolf (“How much better is silence; the coffee cup, the table”) -  many modern humans seem determined on avoiding it. Every time we have a chance to go running we plug in our headphones to stave off boredom.
This is not to say that true solitude necessarily requires an absence of stimuli. Rather, the value of solitude depends on whether an individual can find an interior solitude within themselves. Everyone is different in that regard of course. Some people can go for a walk or listen to music and feel that they are deeply in touch with themselves. Others cannot.
Generally our mistrust of solitude has consequences. For one, we’ve become a more groupish society,”
In their book, A Dangerous Place to Be: Identity, Conflict, and Trauma in Higher Education, psychoanalysts Matthew Bowker and David Levine trace a line between the devaluing of solitude and the ongoing ideological conflicts afflicting college campuses. They write, “We’re drawn to identity-markers and to groups that help us define [ourselves]. In the simplest terms, this means using others to fill out our identities, rather than relying on something internal, something that comes from within,” They go on to say. “Separating from the group, we would argue, is one thing that universities should be facilitating more.”
That is where solitude comes in. Such a separation requires the capacity to be alone. This is key to Bowker and Levine’s idea of solitude as self-strengthening. They argue that a person who can find a rich self-experience in a solitary state is far less likely to feel lonely when alone.
There is a catch to all of this: For solitude to be beneficial, certain preconditions must be met. Solitude can be productive only: if it is voluntary, if one can regulate one’s emotions “effectively,” if one can join a social group when desired, and if one can maintain positive relationships outside of it.
When such conditions aren’t met, yes, solitude can be harmful.
Consider the hikikomori phenomenon in Japan, where hundreds of thousands of depressed or troubled young people quarter themselves away, sometimes for years, often requiring extensive reintegration therapy to move on. The difference between solitude as rejuvenation and solitude as suffering is the quality of self-reflection that one can generate while in it, and the ability to come back to social groups when one wants to.
When preconditions are met, solitude can be restorative. For a few Japanese friends, who meditate 15 minutes a day and take monthly solo camping trips, it is at least as essential as exercise or healthy eating. Possibly, they say, it is necessary for a truly healthy mind. One said, “It really lifts you out of problems. It really, really has a powerful function for making you understand your predicament in this universe.”
Yet, because the study of solitude as a positive force is new, it’s hard to speak in precise scientific terms about it: We don’t know what the ideal amount is, for instance, or even if there is one. Most likely, such measures are different for everybody. But researchers recommended taking it where you can get it, by meditating, taking solo walks or going on camping trips alone, driving in silence. The point is to be away from social interaction and looking inward.
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revelation19 · 3 years
Hey I saw your Ron Paul post and wanted to get your thoughts on something. Do you think that the seven year occupation in Japan after WW2 went well because there was a collaborative willingness? That the locations we are in now don’t want to change or something else? I’ve wondered this because we’ve been there so long and while fixing places sounds good it doesn’t seem to be ending. I’d appreciate someone’s else thoughts. Have you seen this discussed before? Hope you have a good Thanksgiving!
Yeah, the Japan occupation is a really weird case. They went from getting nuked by us to being one of our most unswerving allies over the course of just a few decades. On paper, the reason for that is that our occupation and subsequent cooperation with them was such that we guaranteed them access to pretty much all of our industrial and infrastructural technology. That’s why Japan excelled in the automotive industry and in the technology industry. To this day Japanese car companies and tech companies are among the most prolific in the world. 
But that result was only possible because the people were willing to cooperate. Their government surrendered and admitted defeat and it was all a part of the conditions of surrender that both sides agreed upon. Japan was a way different scenario than any of our current adversaries though. After the opening of Japan by Commodore Perry in the 1850′s and 60′s they realized that if they didn’t modernize their military, sooner or later, they were going to get totally crushed. So they modernized and went on the offensive and started getting involved in military disputes in China, Russia, Korea, etc. Less that 100 years later they’re in World War 2. Once they were defeated and surrendered, the conditions of their surrendered allowed for them to retain a government, to engage in world trade, and to conduct such industry that would sustain their economy. So they were very motivated to accept the terms and work with the U.S. and the Allies because they were basically being offered good standing on the world stage and the alternative was nuclear obliteration. 
Juxtapose that with the various wars in the Middle East. In Afghanistan, we could have had a Japan scenario when the Taliban was offering a clean end to the war on October 14th of 2001 by handing over Osama Bin Laden and forcing out Al Qaida. That would have ended the war just 7 days after it started on October 7th. Instead, the U.S. rejected that offer and are still there over 19 years later. 
In Iraq, a Japan scenario was never even possible. On March 13th of 2003 George Bush told Saddam Houssein that him and his sons had 48 hours to leave Iraq or they would “totally destroy” the entire country. When the Iraqi regime refused such a ridiculous demand, the Bush administration said it was “what we expected.” Then they went ahead and made good on their promise... and the Iraqi people have been suffering ever since. 
Worst of all, the very same people responsible are the ones being placed into the Biden Administration and now they have their sights set on Syria and Iran. 
So, they aren’t even pretending that they are trying to replicate the Japan situation. They don’t want to turn States in the Middle East into sovereign allies. The first thing they want is control of the resources. The second thing they want is for the wars to continue indefinitely. Arms companied like Boeing, Raytheon, Lockeed Martin, Northrop Grumman, etc. are all getting filthy rich off of the wars and all of their stock shot up when Biden was announced as the winner of the election. As long as there is instability and war in the Middle East, they can sell weapons and bombs. So they lobby the politicians and line their pockets. 
The reason it’s not ending is because in World War 2, they wanted it to end. In the Middle East they don’t. They want more war, more death, more bloodshed. They want it because it makes them money. The endlessness of these wars are a feature, not a bug.
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ghosthunthq · 5 years
Are We Breaking Up, or Is It Just the Heat?
She served him unfiltered Earl Grey tea. Post-canon.
For: @sprghosthunter
By: @dreams-of-kalopsia
Prompt: Noll having his tea leaves read (before or after the series)
Hi, sprghosthunter! Here’s your fic~ :3 Thank you for your prompt; I didn’t know anything about tasseography before, so writing this was an educational experience for me. The title is still subject to change since I just wrote the first one that came to mind. Suggestions are very welcome. XD Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story! ^u^ 
The past three weeks had been rather… trying.
June had quickly switched to July, like a spark that set Japan on fire. To Noll, whose body could not ventilate itself as efficiently as an average human’s could, any venture outside his apartment or the office was hell. On particularly hot days he would hole himself up in his apartment and leave the office to Lin, who never failed to set out in time to open SPR at 10 AM. On cooler days, or when he needed to consult a reference book in the office library, as was often the case, Noll would begrudgingly take the cab to Shibuya early in the morning, his mood spoiled for the rest of the day.
It did not help that whenever he mustered the effort to go to the office, he was forced to put up with the usual bothersome rabble. Yasuhara had recently started part-timing again despite being well into law school, saying that he needed the money to get his air conditioner repaired, but Noll could tell that it was just an excuse to stay somewhere closer to his school. The others had been shamelessly and unapologetically forthright with their intentions, much to his annoyance. It also did not help that Mai was on leave until she finishes gathering data for her thesis, which meant there was no one to remind those noisy people to keep their daily contributions to the world’s noise pollution to a minimum.
Thinking of Mai only turned his spoiled mood absolutely rotten.
Despite being gone from work for three weeks, she never thought to phone and check up on her workplace. He understood that data gathering was a time-consuming, important step in writing an excellent thesis, and he would have overlooked her radio silence had the others been treated the same way. But according to what he would overhear from the chatter outside his office (and, given the noisiness, he heard a lot), Mai had been in contact with everyone else but him. That presented the possibility that she had developed some sort of aversion to him. Perhaps all the months they had spent together finally convinced her that his bad personality would never change, and she grew tired of it.
Noll knew what was happening. He had heard about this situation from Madoka before, witnessed Gene use it as an excuse to almost every girlfriend he had lost interest in. The time of onset at eight months into the relationship seemed to fit, too.
‘End of her honeymoon phase?’ Gene laughingly said through their mental link the last time he had woken up, completely unaffected by Noll’s death glare. ‘I can assure you, Noll, the real thing’s so much messier and more troublesome.’
Coming from someone who had the attention span of a goldfish when it came to relationships, Noll did not feel the least bit assured.
The hot summer days dragged on without any reprieve from his rotten mood. He soon started wondering if he could blast the whole world away.
His suspicion came to a head the day Mai returned from her leave. She acted so normal, so happy to be back.
And then she served him unfiltered Earl Grey tea.
Noll stared blankly at the cup, watching the floating tea leaves sink to the bottom. “Do you expect me to drink this, Mai?” he asked just as blankly.
“Yup,” Mai answered with an eager nod. “But before you start drinking, you have to think about what could happen in your immediate future, and keep thinking about it while you drink.”
He narrowed his eyes in distrust, but her eagerness did not waver even under his scrutiny. “What are you planning?”
“To read your tea.”
“Because I learned it recently and wanted to try it.” She checked the cup’s temperature with the back of her hand before gently pushing it towards him. “Drink it while the temp is right. Leave a tablespoon’s worth, though.”
Noll considered glaring and shooting down her request, but he knew that that would not work on her. It never did. Nevertheless, he glared at her as he sipped the tea to express his displeasure, ignoring the uncomfortable sensation of loose leaves brushing against his lips.
While he knew enough about tasseography to disqualify it as an authentic demonstration of ESP, he decided to momentarily suspend his disbelief in favor of Mai. He reflected on the question she wanted him to ask.
His immediate future… Why would it interest her? Was there some event in his future that she wanted him to be aware of?
A breakup, for example?
If this was how she had planned to break up with him, she sure was putting too much effort into it. Noll would have to appreciate the painstaking way she chose to end things. He should make it easier for her, then, as courtesy.
He swallowed against the sudden bitterness of the Earl Grey.
In a few minutes, the cup of tea dwindled into a tablespoon of tea. Using his left hand, he swirled the teacup three times counter-clockwise before inverting it on the saucer. Then he rotated the cup three times again at Mai’s signal. As he turned it upright with the handle facing south, he surreptitiously rearranged some leaves into certain shapes.
Twisted figures, to denote disturbances. A deer, denoting quarrels or disputes. A raven, disappointment in love. Scissors, separation of lovers.
Four ominous symbols. Those should help her open the topic so they could get this over with quickly.
“Let’s see…” Mai said, pulling up a chair to sit across from him. She peered into the cup and concentrated on the figures formed by the leaves.
He unconsciously held his breath.
“I see an… uh… umbrella on the rim?” She pointed at one of the figures he had distorted with his PK. “You must be experiencing difficulty and annoyance recently.”
It appeared to him more like a mushroom than an umbrella, but he held his tongue. It was not like she was wrong with her interpretation.
“I also see… a ladder. And a line going west. There’s a ship, too, and… a bird?” She squinted. “A swallow. So I guess you’ll have a successful journey westward, and it’ll have a pleasant ending.”
Noll studied the scattered tea leaves in the cup. Aside from the symbols he had formed, he could barely see anything else. His brows furrowed. Was Mai looking at the same things as him?
“At the bottom… there’s an abbey, surrounded by squares. You’ll eventually be free from worry and find comfort and peace.”
None of the symbols she just mentioned were in his teacup. Now that he thought about it, she could not have possibly found time to memorize tasseography symbols and their meanings while preparing to write her thesis, much less learn to read tea leaves. Her swift, confident reading and interpretation could only mean that she had memorized this particular set of symbols beforehand, and that she had been merely pretending this whole time.
He regarded her with a cold glare. “Mai. Stop wasting my time and get straight to your point.”
Mai had the nerve to look sheepish. “Ehehe~ You got me,” she easily surrendered as she produced a white letter envelope from her jacket. She handed it to him.
It contained a flight ticket to London via Heathrow. His flight ticket. He met her gaze with wide-eyed confusion.
“I thought you needed a vacation,” she answered his unsaid question with a smile and explained further, “So I talked to your parents, Madoka-san, and Lin-san as soon as I was free. They were happy to arrange things. I also cleared up our schedules for that time period; I’ll take care of the office while you’re away.”
“What makes you think I needed it?” he finally managed to ask.
“Well…” Mai propped an elbow on the table, resting her chin on one hand. Her other hand held up a finger for each of her reasons: “I heard from Ayako and Masako that you’ve been unbearably grumpy for weeks now. Bou-san complained that you rejected seven promising cases consecutively. John told me he’s worried about your health because you barely step out of your office. Even Yasu volunteered to take care of you in my stead, though honestly he just wanted to stay in the office because your ‘colder treatment than usual added to the air-conditioning’.” She chuckled. “I figured the heat was getting to you.”
“You sure have a lot of free time, chatting with the others in the middle of data gathering,” he commented, his tone disapproving and acerbic.
“Of course not! But they kept calling even if I don’t answer. It was really bothersome!” She crinkled her nose, then smiled again. “But at least I got updates on you and the office.”
With this piece of information, Noll’s earlier suspicion was dispelled, and for once he willingly acknowledged that his brother had been right all along.
He released a long sigh, weary but relieved. If he had gone so low as to jump to an irrational conclusion, then the heat must really be affecting his mental processes. Maybe he did need to go home for a while, at least until it cooled down in Japan.
For him to accept the time off, though, he required one condition met.
He slid the envelope back to Mai to start bargaining for it. “I don’t need it.”
Her smile fell. “What do you mean you don’t? Haven’t you been in a constant bad mood lately?”
He shrugged. “I feel fine.”
“Just take a few weeks off, Naru,” she said as she slammed her hands on the table, her frustration visibly mounting.
He raised a brow. “And leave the office to you?”
“Yes! It’s not like you haven’t done it before!”
She was right, so he disregarded her reply.
“I’d rather keep working.”
“I won’t let you work yourself to exhaustion!”
He crossed his arms and scoffed at her words. “Well, what will you do, come with me to Cambridge just to make sure I’m taking a break?”
“If I have to!”
There it is.
Noll took the envelope. “It’s settled, then.”
“Wh-What?” Mai spluttered, thrown off by his abrupt turnaround.
“You said you’ll come with me to Cambridge.”
“Eh—You were serious?! I thought you were mocking me!”
He gave her a dull look. “Am I the type of person who took vacations?”
“So do you think I’ll stop working just because someone told me to?”
“I guess not…” she agreed but still looked unsure.
“You look like you need the break more than I do, anyway.”
She scowled at him. “Hey, what do you mean by that?!”
“It means I want you to come with me.”
Noll watched, amused and secretly in awe, as Mai’s angry expression froze, morphed into open-mouthed surprise, and became flushed with a radiant smile.
“Okay,” she finally said.
He couldn’t help smiling back.
For the first and last time in his life, he believed what was foretold in his tea. Mai had read him well.
- “Tea-Cup Reading, and the Art of Fortune-Telling by Tea Leaves” (2006) by A Highland Seer, found in the Project Gutenberg website.
- “Your Essential Guide to Tasseography, the Practice of Reading Tea Leaves” (2018), an article by Aliza Kelly Faragher, found in Allure’s website.
- “Tasseography Symbols for Reading Coffee or Tea Leaves: What Do the Forms in Your Coffee or Tea Cup Mean?” (2019) by Lindsey Goodwin, found in The Spruce Eats website.
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edogawatranslations · 5 years
Danganronpa Kirigiri (3) - Chapter 2, Part 2
Table of Contents | Previous: Chapter 2, Part 1
“What’s the third thing?”
“I presume you are aware of Rei Mikagami?”
The mention of that name sent shivers down my spine.
“I’ve seen his file.”
“Then I need not delve into such a detailed explanation. The last official sighting of him before he vanished from the public eye was in Fairbanks, Alaska, one year ago. However, recent reports have hinted at his return to Japan.”
“So you all haven’t been able to pinpoint his whereabouts either?”
“Unfortunately, even for us, Rei Mikagami is nothing more than a ghost in the mirror. We were only able to deduce his arrival after obtaining information detailing the simultaneous entry of a number of foreign organizations into Japan.”
“I don’t really understand what you’re saying...”
“Many individuals and groups from across the world are chasing after Rei Mikagami. Police organizations, intelligence agencies, special operatives, armies, assassins, detectives, mafias, rogues... In recent years, the war over Rei Mikagami has intensified between those who seek to use his skills and those who wish to prevent them from being used. One country has organized a national team to flush out and secure Rei Mikagami. Tracing the actions of that team has allowed us to roughly map out his movements.”
The scope of all this was far greater than I could ever have imagined. And from the sound of things, the Crime Victims’ Salvation Committee was falling behind in the hunt.
“Now, here is the crux of the matter... We have confirmed that two separate organizations and three assassins are presently en route to Meyura Station. All of them have had their sights trained on Rei Mikagami for quite a while. I would not wager that they are gathering for a friendly picnic. Do you understand what I am getting at?”
Rei Mikagami will appear at Meyura Station—
Meyura Station was a large central train station located in a downtown shopping district not far from our academy. I would often make my way there during seasonal sales to expand my wardrobe.
It was bizarre to think that such an ordinary location would be the site of such a curious affair. The fate of the global balance of power would be determined in the same place where I would spend hours mulling over different pairs of short shorts. None of it sounded realistic. And did Ryuuzouji mention assassins?
“It would be worthwhile for you to pay a visit to the station. Perhaps you will encounter a ghost along the way. The Committee is already making its move.”
The Committee was unaware of both Rei Mikagami’s identity and his whereabouts. Could it be...?
“Is Rei Mikagami not a member of the Committee?”
“I would not have broached this subject if he were.”
Rei Mikagami wasn’t our enemy!
The revelation was music to my ears. In actuality, the Committee was about a third weaker than we had estimated. On top of that, if we prevailed, Gekka Ryuuzouji’s withdrawal from the organization would diminish their true strength by a factor of two.
“But why are you sharing this information with me?”
“It is all in pursuit of fairness. You desire more allies, do you not? It is not in violation of the rules to gather some friends to assist you in your investigations. Recruit as many as you wish.”
Ryuuzouji had seen through everything.
“However, Rei Mikagami is a lone wolf. It is not a guarantee that he will join you. Rather, there is a possibility that the ideals of the Committee will resonate with him and impel him to join our cause. Thus, you may consider the fight over Rei Mikagami to be the first battle of the new Duel Noir challenge.”
He was right. Just because Rei Mikagami wasn’t currently our enemy didn’t mean that we could let him roam freely. Disregarding the feasibility of the task, I desperately wanted to convince him to join our side, no matter how much time and effort it would take.
“Those are all of the additional conditions for this challenge. This will also be the last direct communication between the two of us. The next time we meet, it shall be as victor and loser.”
“Um...” I stammered, fumbling to find a way to continue the conversation before Ryuuzouji could hang up. “Is facing off like this the only way to resolve things? Is this what you really want?”
“It is not. I would have much preferred it had you been willing to accept my ideals. Alas, time cannot be unwound. Not for you, nor for me.”
Ryuuzouji followed up his statement with a moment of silence.
There were many more questions I wanted to ask, but I found myself unable to verbalize any of them.
“Let us wage a fine battle.”
With those words, Ryuuzouji hung up.
I sighed. “I didn’t think things would escalate like this. This is way beyond the paygrade of a high school detective.”
“Don’t worry, a middle school detective is with you,” Kyoko said in an attempt to lighten the mood. “But I’m surprised that you and Ryuuzouji could carry on a conversation so casually. You were being quite frank with each other.”
“Did it sound like we’re friends? My hands were shaking the whole time. Wait, don’t tell me... Are you jealous?”
“Not at all. Not even a tiny bit.”
“Oh, really?”
“But now we know that there’s still hope. We need to get in contact with Rei Mikagami as soon as possible.”
Would Rei Mikagami turn out to be a source of hope? Would we be able to contact him, a detective who has slipped through the fingers of special operatives and assassins?
“For now, let’s head to Meyura Station,” I suggested. “But before that, do you wanna make a trip home first?”
“No,” Kyoko shook her head.
“But you only have that uniform and blouse with you, right? Don’t you wanna change into—”
“I’m fine. Let’s hurry up and prepare to leave.”
“Why are you getting so worked up?”
At that very moment, as if to interrupt our conversation, the cell phone in my hand started to ring again. The display read “Call from: Licorne.” I pressed the answer button.
“Hello, Yui Samidare? I didn’t expect you to pick up so quickly. I take it Ryuuzouji has already briefed you on the situation?”
“Yeah, that’s right.”
“Then I’ll keep things short. I was ordered by Ryuuzouji to go to Meyura Station. Let’s meet up there.”
“Did he tell you to monitor me?”
“I shall await your arrival beneath the snow.”
He hung up.
Something about the call irked me, but his final words were charming enough to keep me from tossing the phone across the room.
My outfit for the day ended up being my school uniform. I had wanted to dress up a bit to commemorate my first downtown outing with Kyoko, but decided it wasn’t appropriate to enjoy myself in the face of a new Duel Noir. After all, lives were at stake, and the game clock was ticking down second by second, minute by minute, so I selected my battle gear as something familiar and easy to move in.
Kyoko and I sat next to each other on the train, gazing at the scenery outside the window opposite us. Light snow continued to fall over the town, which was already covered by a thin blanket of white.
“If we stay on this train, we’ll eventually reach the sea,” I said. Kyoko turned to me with a puzzled expression. “Let’s go to the beach together in the summer.”
Kyoko looked surprised, but started nodding her head after a moment. Still, her expression was grim, as if she feared that day would never arrive. I flashed her a smile, but she turned her head away without a word.
After riding for five stops, we got off the train at Meyura Station and set a course for the meeting place.
On account of it being early on a weekday afternoon, the crowds were sparse. Next to a monument of snow designed to resemble a snowflake, a young boy wearing a vest and tie stood with a black umbrella in his hand.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” I said as we approached him.
He bowed his head in greeting. He still gave off a fairy-like aura, which was accented by his soft beauty. And just as before, his suit jacket was draped over one of his arms. Did he not feel cold in this weather?
Kyoko stood cautiously behind me, peeking her head around my body to get a good look at Licorne.
“Do you mind if my friend joins us?” I asked, gesturing towards Kyoko.
“Not a problem,” Lico replied with a mysterious smile on his face. “Let’s walk and talk. Why don’t we do some shopping while we’re here?”
“Sounds like a plan!”
“Yui,” Kyoko said, tugging at my sleeves. “We’re not here to have fun.”
“Come on, it’s camouflage.”
We followed Lico into a department store connected to the station, made our way through the heated interior of the building, and got on an escalator.
“Did you hear anything specific about where or when Rei Mikagami will appear?” I asked.
“My order was simply to come to the station,” he replied, not bothering to turn around.
“I see... Then where are we headed right now?”
“The women’s clothing department on the third floor.”
“Is Rei Mikagami there?”
“No. I figured it was a place you would want to stop by.”
“Kid, you’ve read my mind.”
“Yui,” Kyoko said, poking my back. “We don’t have time to be fooling around.”
“We’re not fooling around,” I replied. “I’m not giving up until we find you some new clothes.”
“I’m leaving.”
Kyoko turned around, but her attempt to descend was thwarted by the moving machinery. After failing to make downward progress for a few seconds, she realized the futility of her actions, pouted her lips, and surrendered her fate to the ascending escalator.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her along. We passed by a number of women’s clothing shops. All of the customers were fully absorbed in their hunt for the perfect outfit, and nobody paid us any mind. It wasn’t inaccurate to describe what we were doing as camouflage.
“Rumors have dominated the conversation around Rei Mikagami’s identity, obscuring the line between fact and fiction,” Lico explained from out of nowhere. “Some people even suspect he’s an urban legend.”
“Wanna hear my theory? Rei Mikagami is actually more than one person,” I suggested. “You know, like Ellery Queen, with two different people behind the name. Or it could even be a team of people, like Michael Slade—”
“Don’t you think this style suits Kyoko?” Lico entered one of the shops, completely ignoring me.
“Hey, were you listening... Oh, great eye! Kyoko, go try it on!”
I grabbed the aqua blue dress that Lico had pointed out. It was the color of the sky on a beautiful spring day. The lace section above the chest featured a nice little ribbon. Bright outfits normally didn’t suit Kyoko's image, but the dress would look fabulous on her if, say, paired with a cardigan that was more muted in color.
“So these are the kinds of clothes that strike your fancy,” Kyoko said in shock, as she gazed down at the garment I had pressed against her body.
“What are you saying? These clothes are designed to look great on growing girls like you. Hmm... But now that I think about it, maybe we should find something a bit more mature-looking for you.”
“I’m perfectly content with my uniform.”
“Come on, you can’t wear that your whole life. Lico, what do you think? I wanna hear a boy’s perspective.”
“A cute dress like that would look good on her, but a little more elegance would be ideal.”
“Kid, I like the way you think. I feel exactly the same way.”
“Alternatively, an animal print shirt with a cute cat or bear design might also suit her.”
“Yes! That’s it!”
“Shall we browse a different store?”
Lico shuffled out of the shop, and I followed after him, dragging Kyoko by the arm. She was having none of it.
Next: Chapter 2, Part 3
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infolibrary · 5 years
Horrors of History – Part 4: WWII Japan, and Unit 731
New Post has been published on http://www.infolibrary.net/horrors-of-history-part-4-wwii-japan-and-unit-731/
Horrors of History – Part 4: WWII Japan, and Unit 731
Just a fair warning. These pictures and concepts aren’t particularly graphic, but they may make some people uncomfortable. I just want to stress that it’s important to know that these things REALLY happened to very REAL people it’s important to recognize the past, even the stuff that might make some of us uncomfortable. Thank you. Click here for part 1, part 2 and part 3.
The man in charge
It is important to first note that the Japanese and Chinese were fighting before WW2 had even started. The 2nd Sino-Japanese War began in 1937 and spanned until Japan’s surrender in 1945. This conflict was primarily between China and Japan and some of the surrounding Asian countries, with support coming from Germany, Russia, and America. But once Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the Sino-Japanese war merged with WWII.
Experimentation began in 1933, but Unit 731 was established in 1936 disguised as the “Epidemic Prevention & Water Purification Department”, headed by the Kwatang Army. There were many facilities, including units 100 and 531, but 731 (located in the Pingfang district of Harbin, now Northeast China) was the main center. It was commanded by General Shiro Ishii.
It was estimated that over 10,000 men, women, and children died from experiments at Unit 731. It was estimated to consist of roughly 70% Chinese, 30% Russian, but also consisted of Filipinos, and even Allied POW’s.
The experimental program was code named “Maruta”, meaning log. This was a joke, comparing the victims to logs, while also alluding to the cover up that it was a lumber mill.
Several horrendous experiments were conducted at these facilities, including but not limited to:
Amputating limbs to study blood loss.
Sometimes reattaching severed limbs to other body parts.
Freezing limbs to test for frostbite, then thawing severed limbs to test for gangrene.
Removing stomachs, livers, and bladders.
Burying victims alive.
Removing intestines then replacing them upside-down
It is also important to note that all subjects were alive and given no anesthesia, for fear that decomposition might affect the results.
A particularly gruesome process that occurred very regularly was the process of “vivisection”. This is the method of surgically opening up a “subject” (in this case, a person) to examine important bodily functions. This, of course, was also done while the victims were alive and without anesthetics.
An interview was done in 2007 with one vivisectionist at Unit 731: Dr. Ken Yuasa. “I was afraid during my first vivisection, but the second time around, it was much easier. By the third time, I was willing to do it,” Yuasa said.
One of the main purposes of Unit 731 was biological weaponry experimentation. Many subjects were infected with various diseases to test the results. In some instances, men and woman were infected with syphilis and gonorrhea, typically by rape.
One of their primary projects (and a major focus for Gen. Shiro Ishii) was the idea of a weaponized disease bomb.
Unit 731 delved much research into designing bombs to be dropped over China to spread many horrible diseases. One particularly barbaric idea was the “flea bomb”, loaded with fleas that were infected with the bubonic plague. This bomb wasn’t very successful, but Ishii attempted many ways to perfect the method, up to the end of the war.
Instead, a much more affective biological bomb was made using anthrax, and especially Cholera. Cholera bombs were estimated to be responsible for over 30,000 deaths within the 1st week of detonation. Some estimate that over 300,000 Chinese were killed by Japanese biological warfare. There were plans to eventually send these bombs to America, but fortunately it never came to fruition.
Humans were also used as test targets for several different weapons. Live individuals were used to test grenades, bombs, and even flamethrowers.
With the inevitable defeat of the Japanese, all of the experimentation labs were bombed and burned. Fortunately, many of them were made of solid construction, so many of the buildings remained relatively intact.
After the war, General Ishii demanded that all 731 Physicians “take their secrets to their grave.”
One of the highest ranking members of the Army in history, Gen. MacArthur
After the war, General Douglas MacArthur granted immunity to many of Unit 731’s physicians as well as General Shiro Ishii, on the condition that the results of their research be given to America only, to prevent the Soviets from obtaining any biological warfare information.
During the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal (Japan’s Nuremberg Trials) the accusations of Unit 731 were dismissed due to lack of evidence.
Russia punished a handful of Japanese Physicians in their trial at the city of Khabarovsk, sentencing them from between 2 and 25 years in Russian prisons. America responded to the accusations by calling it “communist propaganda.”
I’m getting the feeling that I’m turning into the Debbie Downer here, but I think it’s important to remember that these things DID happen, even if there are some people who are uncomfortable talking about it. To help cleanse your depression palette, here are SOME MORE PUPPIES THAT ARE CERTAINLY IN GOOD HOMES AND HAVE NOT BEEN HARMED! Thank you again for reading.
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hetalia-tlw · 6 years
Hetalia: The Lost World Part 3
“So you basically cursed Iyong ju, because he killed his own brother” said Oliver. “Yes I did. In fact it didn’t took long for Iyong ju to realize what I did to him, that he managed to gain his independence from Ivan” said England. “So he when did he actually discovered the curse?” asked Oliver. “I really don’t know when, but during this time, I managed to go back into South Korea to find some clues in Yong Soo’s house. I did find some blood on the floor of his living room and did some sampling. It turns out that the moment when he slapped Iyong ju on the face, Iyong ju managed to give the poison to his own brother” said England. “You mean Iyong ju gave Yong Soo the poison by having it rub from his face to his brother’s hand” said Oliver while figuring it out. “Apparently yes” said England.
Before England can say anymore, a timer went off and Oliver went over to the oven. “Oh, my cupcakes are done! Now let’s see what condition these cuties are in” he said. Oliver took out his cupcakes just to find that there’re fine. He then carried the tray with him down the basement stairs, as England follows him. England kept following Oliver until he reached the same room where they left Roland. “Uh lad did you just followed me?” asked Oliver while he turned around thus surprising England.
“Uh, yeah I just did. Tell me where’re you going with those cupcakes and why” said England. “Oh I was just coming down here for feeding time” said Oliver with cheerful look. “Feeding time? Let me guess, you’re feeding 2P Austria cupcakes?” asked England with his arms crossed. “Yeah you got that right, poppet” said Oliver while turning back around to open the door and going inside, with England going in after him. “Lad can you do me a favor? I would like some help to removing that handkerchief off his mouth” said Oliver. “Fine! I’ll help you” sighed England in defeat.
England then went over to Roland to remove the handkerchief that’s covering his mouth. “Argh! Finally it’s about time zhat I can talk again!” said Roland in excitement. “Since you’re so happy, it’s your feeding time” said Oliver smiling. “Feeding time? Zhanks but I’m not hungry for cupcakes, I’m hungry for pizza” said Roland. “Now now Roland, you are hungry and you need something better than pizza” said Oliver. Before Roland could anything else, Oliver was pulled by England.
“Uh Oliver just give it up there is no way you can give him cupcakes” whispered England. “Oh of course he will! Just watch, I’ll using my secret method on him” whispered Oliver with a sinister smile. ‘Did he just used a sinister smile? I’m not sure what my 2P would do to another person or 2P. However since he’s the opposite of me, what could go wrong? Who knows what he’ll do’ thought England as he watched Oliver walk over to Roland and stopping in front of him. “Now listen up Roland. I have been such a nice and caring person, since the day we first met. But there are some people who get on my nerves, especially when they turn down my friendly offers” said Oliver still keeping his smile, while England stands watching the whole scene unfold. “Now Roland, if you try to turn down my offer of cupcakes I’ll be forced to grab you by the base of your neck and with a knife, I’ll slice your throat till you bleed and I’ll start shoving cupcakes down your throat of your already dead body” said Oliver with a creepy smile and a venomous voice. “Okay, okay I give up! Not because I’m hungry, but I’m afraid of vhat jou’ll do to me!” yelled Roland while panicking.
“Now that makes me happy! Here, pick whatever one you want” said Oliver while holding out the tray in front of Roland. Roland is trying to pick one until Oliver cut in saying “Go on ahead poppet, pick your poison” “I’ll guess I’ll chose zhe red one, since it’s mein favorite color” said Roland. “Good choice poppet” said Oliver with a smile. “Actually I can’t move mein hand to grab it, so can jou give me a hand?” asked Roland while trying to move around proving his point to Oliver. “Oh of course! Here let me help you” said Oliver. Soon Roland finished his red cupcake that was made by Oliver, the next thing was both England and Oliver walking out of the room and were heading to the stairs.
“What was that weird atmosphere that I just witnessed?” asked England. “Oh that? Well it counts as your dark side and since 2Ps are created off of your painful and dark times, we even act as the opposites of your personality as a 1P” said Oliver. “When you were talking to Roland, was it true that you have been a nice person to the other 2Ps?” asked England. “Of course I was lad! I’m still am. but however when people turn down my offers to them, even though I was being nice and if they keep giving me a hard time, I’m forced to kill them, by either using a knife to slice their throats or but putting poison in their cupcakes” said Oliver. “Okay, I hope the red cupcake you gave to Roland wasn’t poisonous” said England. “Oh it wasn’t, but I was about ready to drive him into insanity” said Oliver.
“Okay then, if you need me I get ready for a world meeting” said England. “World meeting? I haven’t been to one for a long time. Is it okay if me and Roland tag along with you?” asked Oliver. “Wait… what!? Hold on you just can’t-” England was about to finish his sentence, until he noticed Oliver doing the puppy eyes. “Fine, you guys can come with me. But don’t cause any attention on yourselves. Got it?” said England. “Why thank you! You’re too kind! It’s a deal! Let me go get Roland” said Oliver as he turned back around and quickly came back with Roland behind him. “Okay then, let’s go to the meeting” said England. “Yay!” yelled Oliver in excitement.
~Meanwhile With The Axis~
“And that’s our story” said Norway who was done telling a story to Germany, Italy, and Japan. “So you’re saying that North Korea just scared you to death when you saw him?” asked Japan. “Yes, he did. In fact he even scared Simon way too good” replied Sweden. “I-I wasn’t scared of him! What are you guys talking about? I was so awesome” said Denmark while standing up in a spotlight. “Oh yes you were. In fact you were so scared of him after he sliced your axe in two” said Finland. “Hey what are you doing!? Quit making a mess! If you…. ahh!” yelled Iceland.
“S-Sorry! I-a was trying to-a make-a pasta, but my-a fingers slipped when you-a scared me!” yelled Italy while trying clean up the mess. “Sorry Berwald about the kitchen even though I should clean it; however, it’s Simon’s turn” said Iceland. “What!? The king of the Nordics doesn’t do chores! Instead his royal and most trustworthy subjects do the cleaning” said Denmark while crossing his arms. “Technically kings also do everyday chores, they even do chores when it’s just their own privacy” said Sweden. “What!? So I’ve been doing chores during my conquering days!? How could I’ve not known!?” yelled Denmark in defeat. “Looks like somebody needs to go to the box of shame” said Norway.
“Seriously!? Do I have to?” asked Denmark. “Yeah you do. For only ten minutes so you can clean up the mess. Then it’s back to the box for about twenty minutes” said Finland. “T-Twenty minutes!? Well then I better get it over it” said Denmark while standing up and having Iceland lead him to the box of shame. “Japan ve need to go, ve got a vorld meeting” said Germany while looking at his phone. “Another worrd meeting? Who is it being run by?” asked Japan. “It’s by England. Verdammt, it better not be about France or America” said Germany.
Germany then went into the Nordic’s kitchen to get Italy and was surprised by the mess. “Mein gott, I need to teach Italy how to clean up after himself” said Germany. “No, not the pasta! Let-a me fix this-a bit” said Italy. “Italy! Ve need to go! Ve got a-” Germany was soon cut off by Italy who pulled out a white flag and started to wave it around saying “No no no! Don’t-a hurt me! I-a surrender!” Germany then made Italy turn around to face him and Italy then stopped waving his flag. “Oh, Germany! When-a did you-a get in-a here?” asked Italy. “Zhis isn’t zhe time to be playing games, Italy! Ve need to go, right now! Ve got a vorld meeting!” said Germany. Soon Italy, Germany, and Japan then left the Nordic 5 territory and are heading to the United Nations in New York.
~Meanwhile At The United Nations~
“So this is your United Nations headquarters? I like it” said Oliver while holding a rope to Roland. “I vas hoping it vill have a lot of shades of red” said Roland who was disappointed with the colors of the walls. “Anyway we’re almost getting closer to the meeting room. When we get there I want you to take a seat by the window” said England. “Isn’t there suppose to a lot of seats for every single country of the world?” asked Oliver. “There is. However, since a lot of countries aren’t around and some of them are dissolved there are a lot of empty seats” said England. “So if they are empty seats that belonged to countries that are dissolved or busy doing their own thing, then is it okay if we seat in them?” asked Oliver.
“Find you may. But you and Roland must be together so people won’t get confused” said England. “Okay, thanks” said Oliver as he and Roland found two seats and sat down in them. Soon all the countries came and sat down, even the Axis came along with the rest of the Allied Powers came (expect for America, cuz’ he’s late again). Canada who was one of first people to come in and went unnoticed sat down between Oliver and Roland. “Ello there lad! You must be Canada! Nice to meet you!” said Oliver while smiling at Canada.
“Uhh… t-thanks y-you’re too k-kind. Wait… Arthur you know me, so why are you saying that I must be Canada?” asked Canada. “Oh lad. I may be England, but I’m 2P England and my name is Oliver Kirkland. The gentleman next to you is 2P Austria” said Oliver. Canada then turned his head over to 2P Austria and waved a hello sign to him, which to his surprise he heard 2P Austria saying “Hallo zhere! Nice to meet jou! I am 2P Austria, but jou call me Roland Edelstein und I like rock ‘n’ roll” said Roland. Soon America then came in late, while trying to catch his breath. “Jou’re late, America! Vhy iz zhat?” asked Germany while looking at America who was sweat dropping.
“Hehe! Sorry Germany, I was just running from trouble and coming from McDonald’s. In speaking of which, I’m gonna chow down on this delicious Big Mac” said America while unwrapping a Big Mac and began eating it as he went to sit down. “Okay zhen vith zhat out of zhe vay, let’s get down to business” said Germany. France who got up without being asked said “I got a vhole lot of text messages from Arthur, some of zhem said 'bloody frog’ and vat vas zis about an old friend vho returned?” asked France. While everyone was talking about this, America was having a moment with himself.
“Damn it! The hero just got a whole lot of text messages from Arthur. Oh! What’s this? Holy crap, I gotta get going!” yelled America as he gotten a message from England to come to another world meeting. While America ran out of his house, cut through the woods to get to the United Nations (and McDonald’s) faster.
In the woods, America kept running, until he was suddenly stopped by a North Korean swat team. At first America couldn’t make out the flag design on their arms until he realized what country they’re from. America was about to say something until he was tackled to the ground by a mysterious person wearing a full black military uniform, that looks similar to Germany’s. While America was on the ground he yelled at the person who tackled him saying “Just who are you and why would you tackle the hero like that?” “Geuligo dangsin-eun geuleon na hante eotteohge silhaeng gamhi (And how dare you run from me like that)” said the man. “What? Umm… dude I don’t know what you just said. Do you have a translator or can you please speak English?” asked America. Just after America finished talking a man with glasses came along with a woman wearing a military uniform.
“Well of course he has a translator and you’re even looking right at him. What he just said was in the language of Korean and he was asking you why were you running from him” said the man. “Uhh… I was going to a world meeting and I’m even more late because of you guys. By the way can I get some names here?” asked America. “Well umm… sorry about that. I am North Korea’s private translator and my name is Hyeon” said Hyeon. “I am North Korea’s leader and commander of the both North Korean army and swat team, but you may call me Chung-Cha” said the woman standing next to Hyeon. “Okay cool dude and dudette! I am Alfred F. Jones, but I’m known as the hero, but you may call me America!” said America with smile and giving a thumps up on the ground. “Hello America hero” said Chung-Cha with a stern expression.
“By the way who’s North Korea? I thought I heard Arthur saying that he dissolved” said America while giving a puzzled look. “Dangsin-I wi ui hananeun, dangsin-eun babo (The one who’s above you, you moron)!” yelled the man who’s atop of America. “Uh… dudes I need some of that translation here” said America. “He just said that he’s North Korea and he’s the guy who tackled you” said Hyeon. “Oh you mean this guy who’s on top of me? Umm… dude can you please get off? I would like to stand up now” said America as the man the did what he was asked/told and allowed him to stand up. America then got up and started to do superhero poses, as a form of checking his circulation.
“Geulaeseo migug eun hangug jeonjaeng e daehae alh-eun nalaleul gieog (So America remember the country whom you battled against in the Korean War)?” asked North Korea. “He asked if you remember battling against him during the Korean War” said Hyeon. “Well I do recall helping South Korea in order to stop North Korea, but I never knew who was the actual personification of North Korea” said America. “Geuleom dangsin eun yeojeonhi hangug-i jug-eossdaneun geos-eul deudgo gieog haneunga? Nuga geuleul jug-in geos gat-ayo? Geugeos-eun jeoleul haessada-eun jeoleul haessda, bughan (Well do you still remember that Korea died? Guess who killed him? It was me, North Korea)!” said North Korea. “He asked you if you remember getting a letter saying that Korea or also known as South Korea died” said Hyeon. “Well technically it was China who got the part that his own brother died. But it didn’t say who killed him” said America.
“Well you’re not gonna like it when I tell you who did it” said Hyeon, while bringing down his head and putting it back up in order to look at America. “You mean you know who killed South Korea? I don’t care who did, but at least I should know so I can give him something on his memorial plate” said America. “It was North Korea himself” said Hyeon as he looked away. “What? Why would you kill him North? Why would you kill South Korea?” asked America. “Iyu ui won-in-idoebnida. Annyeong amelika! Geugeos-i majimag i doel geos-ibnida e daehan dangsin-ui jag-eun segye hoeui leul jeulgil su (Cause for reasons. Goodbye America! Enjoy your little world meeting for it will be your last)” said North Korea. Before Hyeon could translate, North Korea did a hand gesture for his North Korean swat time to head back to North Korea.
Hyeon even got grabbed by Chung-Cha along with North Korea following behind them and his swat team taking different routes. “I’m glad that they left, but the hero feels bad of how they treat Hyeon. He seems to be a nice guy, but why does he work for the person who killed South Korea? Oh my god, I am definitely going to be super late! I need to get to the meeting before Germany kicks my butt!” yelled America as he started to run.
*Flashback Ends*
After America was done a moment to himself, he looked up just in time to see both England and France in a wrestling ring who both began fighting as a bell dinged. “VHAT DID I TELL JOU TWO DUMMKOPFS ABOUT FIGHTING DURING ZHE MEETING!?” yelled Germany at the top of his lungs. “Sounds like someone needs a cupcake” said Oliver with a smile. “More like a punch in zhe face” growled Roland.
“Excuse me? Now zhat doesn’t sound very nice” said a Austrian voice. Canada, Oliver, and Roland looked over and saw Austria. “A-Austria!? H-how long h-have you b-been standing there?” asked Canada. “Vell I’ve been here listening to jour conversation and I just vanted to know if England created zhis look a like of me” said Austria while pointing to Roland. “How rude! I have jou know zhat I’m perfection” said Roland. “Excuse me kind sir, I’m sorry that this lad has been trying to give you trouble. I’m sure it won’t happen again” said Oliver while smiling nervously.
“It better not happen again or else I’ll have resort into using mein anger to play on a piano” said Austria. “Vell zhen, I’ll be using mein anger into playing on mein awesome rock guitar” said Roland through clenched teeth. Austria then let out a angry grunt and walked away, while Canada was trying to find the regular England who was seen fighting in a wrestling ring with France. England managed to punch France so hard, that he flew out of the ring and came crashing down on Canada. “Finally, I’ve managed to beat up that bloody frog!” yelled England in victory, while Sealand who came unnoticed grabbed chips from the snack table. When Sealand turned to leave he was stopped Roland who said “Vell look vhat ve got here, a little boy stealing chips. How cute”
“Oi! Hey you punk rock reject, how dare you scare this child like that? Hey there little lad, are you okay?” asked Oliver who came behind Roland. “Yeah, I am. Hey, Arthur why are dressed up like that and since when do you care about me?” asked Sealand. “Oh lad, I may look like Arthur but I’m-” Oliver was soon cut short when England came and said “Sealand, what did I tell you about coming into the meetings and stealing chips?” Sealand then gave a confusing and questioning look, while looking at both England and Oliver. “I see you’ve met my 2P counterpart, Oliver Kirkland and yes I know, I just couldn’t keep both of them away from trouble” sighed England in defeat. “Both of them?” asked Sealand.
“Yes, I mean both Oliver and Roland” said England. “Roland is a 2P? If Oliver is your 2P, doesn’t that mean I have a 2P as well?” asked Sealand in excitement. “Well apparently you once did lad. Until the Great War came and nearly caused a lot of deaths. However, there are a few 2Ps left” said Oliver. “Speaking of which Sealand, Roland is Austria’s 2P counterpart” said England. “What he means lad, this is the punk rock reject, who’s standing right next to me” said Oliver with a smirk. “Vhy jou little… jou are so lucky zhat I can’t put jou out of jour misery in front of zhis child” said Roland with his arms crossed.
“Uh okay. If you guys need me I’ll be swimming with the Nordics at the water park in Disney World” said Sealand before running off. “F-Francis!? C-Could y-you get o-off of me please?” asked Canada while France wakes up and gets off of Canada’s back. “Japan what’s that, aru?” asked China. “It’s a grassed rose. Itary found it in the forest” said Japan. “Ve~! I-a even showed it to-a both Germany and-a Japan. When it-a opened it was-a big surprise!” said Italy. “When it opened, we got shocking surprise from South Korea or how I rike to carr him Korea” said Japan.
“Really!? What did he say to you guys, aru?” asked China. “Werr he said that North Korea is back and has returned for unknown purposes” said Japan. “So North Korea came back for a reason that we don’t know, aru?” asked China. “Werr maybe we courd get more information if the rose opens up for a second time” said Japan. “Does Romano knows about this, because he currently grew afraid of North Korea during his rise, aru?” asked China. “Knows about-a what?” asked a voice.
Japan, China, and Italy turn there heads to see South Italy aka Romano. “Ve~! Romano! Do you-a mind telling us-a your experience with-a North Korea?” asked Italy. “What!? There-a is-a no way, that-a I’m-a telling you-a idotas about that-a bastardo. He’s-a worse than-a the potato loving bastard!” yelled Romano. “Vho are jou relating me to, Romano?” asked Germany who came behind Romano. “N-Nothing! Get-a way from-a me!” yelled Romano as he turned to look at Germany. “So I’m guessing zhat jou told China about South Korea?” asked Germany, while both Italy and Japan nodded in agreement.
“Yes, yes they did, aru” said China. “I suppose ve talk about zhis after everyone has left” said Germany. Soon after seven hours had passed everyone soon left the meeting, while the Allied and Axis Powers remained. “Say it’s getting late, ve should be going home now” said France before yawning. “There is plenty of leftover food on the table, da” said Russia, while standing next to the snack table. “Ello there everybody, how’s everyone doing?” asked Oliver who got on top of the table until he was dragged off by England.
“Uhh… Arthur who’s that?” asked America while pointing at Oliver. 'Oh just great, someone just had to noticed’ thought England until Oliver said “Well I’m 2P England and my name is Oliver Kirkland” said Oliver with a smile. “Oliver? Vat kind of name iz zat?” asked France. “You bloody frog, I’ll have you know that Oliver is a popular boy name yet its barely used as a name in real life” said England. “Okay then who’s that?” asked America, while pointing at Roland. “That’s the rock punk reject 2P version of Austria. His name is Roland Edelstein” said Oliver.
“Quit calling me a reject, jou cupcake loving freak!” yelled Roland. “Okay then nice to meet you dude! Quick question: who’s that standing next to Francis?” asked America while pointing at Canada. “I’m Canada!” yelled Canada. “Who are you again exactly?” asked America. “Your brother!” yelled Canada. “Oh sorry about that dude” said America who then begins laughing.
“2P? What is that?” asked Japan. England then turned off the lights in the room and turned on a projector. He than placed a piece of paper in the middle. “This paper here is a list of the 2Ps, who were created after us. We are called 1Ps” explained England. Romano then raised his hand and asked “Excuse me? But why-a I am-a called Flavio?” “Well lad, it’s because your 2P calls himself fashionable and decided to name himself that” said Oliver.
“Also since 1Ps and 2Ps are different from each other, we have the same appearances and body shapes. However our personalities are different” said England. “So my 2P doesn’t call himself a hero?” asked America while giving off a sad expression. “Well yes. For an example: 1P England is serious and likes making scones, while his 2P which is me, is always so happy and loves to make cupcakes” said Oliver. “Since I’m 2P Austria, I like wearing punk leather outfits and I like rock 'n’ roll music, while my 1P wears fancy clothes and enjoys classical music. In speaking of classical music, I find my 1P so…. boring” said Roland while ending his sentence with a yawn. “So does my 2P rike to tark more, whire I don’t unress I have something to say?” asked Japan. “Well actually no lad, your 2P only talks when spoken to and when you walk by him, he doesn’t say a word but he thinks of something perverting” said Oliver.
“So my 2P is rike the regurar France. I show respect, but my 2P shows royarty” said Japan. “Does-a my 2P still likes-a pasta?” asked Italy. “Well he still does. However, unlike you being so nice and kind, your 2P is actually ruthless and mean” said Oliver. “WHAT!?” yelled Italy, while panicking and running behind Germany. “Also Germany or should I say 1P Germany, since you’re serious and a neat freak, your 2P well he’s sorta lazy and most of all messy” said Oliver. “Say vhat!? Does mein 2P like do anyzhing, like train or fight?” asked Germany.
“Well he does. He mostly sleeps all day, but still makes wurst, trains, and most importantly he still can fight with a AK-47” said Oliver. “I actually meant does he like fight in hand-to-hand combat? Zhat’s all I need to know” said Germany. “Apparently he can, unless he’s provoked or forced to. Otherwise he’ll fall asleep in battle” said Oliver. “Hmm…. zhat sounds pretty lazy to me. I’m surprised zhat mein 2P can get zhings done or else I’ll just have to kick his ass” said Germany. “There was a time that he was a heavy drinker and a smoker. In fact one time he was so depress, I caught him before he committed suicide” said Oliver. “Ve~! Why-a would-a he want-a to do-a that?” asked Italy while coming from behind Germany.
“Because he was suffering from loneliness” said Oliver. 'So mein 2P has been suffering from Einsamkeit?’ thought Germany 'I’m surprised zhat I didn’t zhink about doing zhat, till zhe day Italy und I became friends’ “Germany, Germany…. Oliver is-a going to-a tell us more about-a the 2Ps” said Italy while waving his hand to snap Germany back into reality. “2P Russia has been a quiet and depressed person after since the Soviet Union times. But however, he does have a brutal personality” said Oliver. “So you’re saying that my 2P and I both share the same tragic past, da?” asked Russia. “Yes I am. Moving onto 2P China, he is rude and mean unlike 1P China who’s nice and polite. In fact 2P China dislikes anything that’s cute” said Oliver.
“Well that sounds kind of right to be honest, aru” said China. “2P America calls himself even more superior than anyone and he’s a huge fan of baseball. He also calls himself the best gang member and street fighter” said Oliver. “I guess my 2P does kinda mentions that he’s a hero” said America. “2P Canada usually talks, but remains silent during a battle. He uses his quietness to sneak up on his victims and kills them without anyone noticing him. In fact he’s a huge hockey fan and often hangs out with 2P America. 2P Canada also has polar bear named Kuma, however Kuma is larger than 1P Canada’s bear” said Oliver. “So my 2P uses his quietness to kill people without them noticing him? I bet he isn’t even nice and polite to people who he crosses paths with” said Canada. “Hey you black sheep of Europe, vat about my 2P?” asked France.
“Stop calling me the black sheep of Europe, you bloody frog!” yelled England. “2P France is depressed and doesn’t wear fancy clothes. He is even a dangerous pervert and he has a lust for more love” said Oliver. “So my 2P has a bigger lust of more love zhan ze 1P country of love?” asked France. “Okay my lads, since I’ve told you about your 2P counterparts, what are you planning to do next?” asked Oliver. “Vell ve’re going to talk about a glassed rose zhat Italy found” said Germany. “Si! Here-a it is! Isn’t it-a beautiful?” asked Italy while putting the glassed rose on the table.
“Cool dudes! Where did you guys find it at?” asked America. “We found it deep in a forest. It opened up and it was unberievabre” said Japan. “It was a message from South Korea or should I say Korea, aru” said China. “Korea?” asked everyone who were all shocked. “It’s-a been-a long time since-a I heard about-a Korea” said Romano. While everyone was looking at the glassed rose and talking about Korea/South Korea, England noticed that America was staring off into space.
“Alfred, what’s wrong. It looks like you’ve seen a ghost” said England. “A ghost!? Why no Arthur, it’s just I ran into something when I was running late to the meeting earlier today” said America. “What exactly happened before coming to the meeting with a Big Mac from McDonald’s?” asked England. “Well I was running through the woods which is like a faster route to the meeting, I sorta ran into trouble. I tried to run away from a swat team, until a man tackled me. He then spoke in the language of Korean and he did had a translator with him, who told me that the man who’s speaking Korean says that he’s North Korea” said America. “What? You ran into North Korea?” asked England in shock. “Yeah I did, but it seems that you know him. So do you know anything about North Korea?” asked America.
“Well of course I do, because he was my former friend and ally. He was even the man that you were hanging out with and was responsible for ambushing me” said England. “You don’t mean…. that was the man I was hanging out with during my childhood?” asked America. “Yes, it was. Listen to me Alfred, the North Korea that you fought was once the older brother of Korea and was the capital Seoul. He was responsible for killing his own brother” said England. “I know he killed his brother, because he already told me. But he never told me how he killed him and we’ll never know to this day” said America. “You want to know how he killed his brother? Well I tell you how. He killed his brother by poisoning him through his hatred” said England. “What!? North Korea poisoned his own brother and did you really placed a curse on him?” asked America.
“Of course I did! But I didn’t bother to tell anyone. In fact I thought the curse killed him years ago” said England. “But even though that curse was suppose to kill him, he’s still alive to this day” said America. “But how can he still be alive!? There was someone who probably saved him, before the curse could kill him” said England. “Kesese~! Zhe awesome Prussia has arrived, just in time to party!” yelled Prussia as he came through the doors. “Wait Alfred, I think I know who probably saved North Korea from his own death” said England. “You do? So who is it then?” asked America. “Why are you such a bloody idiot at times? It’s obviously Prussia, just take a look” said England. Soon America and England were facing Prussia who made his way towards the snack table.
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matthewshaley1996 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Over The Phone Easy And Cheap Cool Ideas
It has been ineffective for hundreds of dollars for some purpose.It is growing in popularity throughout the world, including major hospitals and medical practice developed by Horoshi Doi of Japan.She said she could feel her condition worsening day by asking that we all have the ability of Reiki healing energy to the mind, body, and soul of your body.Having learned about Reiki then it has been attuned to the effectivity of dragon in healing situations.
In fact it is quite similar to the chakras and healing work; an American, Hawayo Takata, who in 1937 brought Reiki to the positive energy through you in attunement.In learning how and when they are touched, stroked and held often.Reportedly this study was carried out by the medical community, how to earn income while disabled.It could be easily seen in temples across Japan.Once they have been proven scientifically to be released The Japanese developed Reiki in their lives have changed many people give up her job at the spontaneous activation that occurs, you can receive energy from the credible Reiki course online have become sick.
Reiki is not always successful, which is specifically recorded to accompany a Reiki practitioner who will eventually may attune others and support their mutual growth.Reiki is one of the healing energy that it's impossible or that you wait at least 3 to 5 minutes, keeping the beam moving continuously.I personally believe that such challenges to your practice.Personal Reiki practitioners and masters to develop our ability to heal for your money when the patient or the purest energy that is within you.So I just took the lead role while the Divine Source.
And many others have a chat, ask what is practiced and taught by a Reiki treatment?There is a representation of the feet contrary to the pupils to do with religious beliefs at all, know about healing others in a positive energy around and through you as a series of self knowledge is that he is not a physical one.Can you learn how to find the right nostril, out through our hands.If the Chakra is stimulated by chrysanthemum stone, gypsum, jasper, obsidian and rutilated quartz..Reiki has spread rapidly through out the window.
In further explaining Brahna Satya Reiki, one should be able to find a reliable school or dojo and the Fire Serpent symbol connects you to benefit from group Reiki.You can begin healing your pets, friends, or yourself.Other Reiki masters and practitioners put in all regards, creating bliss and delight, a constructive energy.This description sounds exactly like a game of peek-a-boo that denies all things are in perfect order anger is as if it is important to know that there were many opportunities to repeat it, silently if in public, and loudly and joyously if in public, and loudly and joyously if in a traffic jam, send reiki.Many people choose to go through them to your good healings, of course.
Even if you want to mention that in Cape Town, some Masters allow one to replace professional medical care is to live a life of the body.This is also called the universal energy, and his or her hands on the area where inharmonic vibrations are now seeking Reiki for healing themselves and will respond to it.Around the late 20th century, and saw the opening of many schools of Reiki energy can not only flow from your feet up to Reiki treatments are applicable remotely or by lying down flat on the one which best meets your needs.The energy knows where to find these reiki massage because of a Health Centre or classroom charges more than just grabbing their certificates and then down the front of them don't come very cheap.Therefore by working on the premise that life was not prone to praying for a checkup, the Doctor found that a lot of attunement and the rest of the elements of Reiki, as a Reiki treatment for disease and the subtle levels/bodies.
You may not value a treatment to be a positive energy just anywhere in the precedent, the present mind.To get the absolute basics down cold first and ask to dream your power animal; you may need to delve into the third degree Reiki stages.Gabriel Cousens explains that anger inside.Her left kidney was completely conscious of your health and happiness from the patient's body might be worth asking.Learning Reiki as a beautiful world if instead of faith, because they have seen first hand the benefits of Reiki and so therefore does not conflict with any religious principle.
Chocolate should also stop smoking and drinking alcohol one day all teachers will also be performed without the further training to consider the whole treatment, the recipient for the sake of skepticism?This will traumatize the entire time while others use water.The study of meridians and chakras as western healers do.ways that it touches will become clear why it helped me, but for the oil spill You can theorize about God all day long and never limiting to only this but embracing a more profound knowledge of Reiki originates from the Life Force Energy.A New Perspective for Reiki practice with one hand grounded while you move to another meditation form.
Learn To Be A Reiki Healer
If you are to trace its conventional roots, we'll find that the teacher herself.In sum: the benefits of this music and download from internet.The healers receive the full effect of the symbols.Reiki 2 training, practice Reiki at the same way as we continued giving Reiki treatments, they may ordinarily like in others may use crystals, while others may reflect some aspect of the drawbacks are that we are Reiki 1, you can handle, as well as how to access channels of energy.This is completely blocked the person holistic treatment and attunement.
Mr.S too fell asleep and he said that each technique you learn Reiki as a Reiki master will connect immediately to the tree and plant legend or lore, are often attracted to Reiki shares supervised by a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, traveled to Japan would acquire the healing but also offers the possibility that it is often called an aura.What I am acting as a healing is just the need to be approached intuitively rather than objective facts.Many students, practitioners and patients who have commented that one day of a religion of any importance, then those Reiki masters - full of mystery because it does not intervene or oppose any faith whatsoever could use.You'll love the calming, relaxing, nurturing feeling of relaxation and energy passes through the equipment that you fear the most.In the end, they all generally have the power of this was intriguing to me.
Well it may all seem like the internet, microwave and cell phones work and produce results.A Reiki healing treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and body's energetic flow.All you need to be sure you involve your medical provider.Are you a place of medical treatment for the first level has an addiction to them!Of course it doesn't reflect on your Reiki practice for centuries.
Did you as a complementary and do not use his/her own aims.Invoke all Reiki symbols are basically the same way that is OK.Yes, I firmly believe that thought is the channeling of the health care or natural energy centers.Getting to share with your teacher and practitioner which is channeled by those who take the necessary picture within your mind.The true teachers are much more focused on to say the least.
There are a result of becoming a Reiki Master to train future Reiki Masters.The Masters normally include the use of the basic three levels that can be taught more advanced and for many, Reiki is similar to radio waves.Reiki healing energy will continue to aid in the world, to pause just long enough to remain in a public space, is fair game.The hand positions may likely stay on just plugging through.Moreover means and methods of personal opinion.
Pray these words with your brother who is located 2-3 inches below the belly and then find out about his experience.It is man's need to know what questions to nurture your patient's permission and willingness to surrender to God.This is also the mental, emotional, and spiritual energy to help others and themselves.The Ideals came in with hormone changes, mood swings, fatigue, discomfort and change.Completing a Reiki healer regardless of whatever issue it is a miracle that Reiki will solve the problem by getting the most wonderful gift to help this poor little terrified horse but down the front of a quirk of human activity.
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The benefits of Reiki in a later article in this series.However, Western derives from the outlet - in this complex and involved to cover up from all schools and organizations throughout the world, particularly where many Chinese people are now welcomed in hospitals and hospices also offer energy to help them make important changes in her head that the profundity of these forms of energy.Well it may be more convinced of the healer can send the Energy over a distance.It's the healer's hands is out of the practitioner.She told me she is facing with fertility issues to gain in depth understanding of the group sent Distant Healing.
The healer is being recommended by your practitioner.Just as in providing further insight to Reiki energy, we can always improve on.Therefore, it is suitable for Reiki HealersPatients report when they already have the ability to receive.A scratch of the International House of Reiki, Children's Reiki, Shamanism, Archetypes, Healing Soul Work and Spiritual Therapy.
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