#they’re in nightlife they’re nocturnal I HOWEVER
sparklyslug · 2 months
Feel crazy trying to explain to my friend that yeah, actually, a concert that’s 4 hours away will end up being more expensive than one that’s 1.5 hours away
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happy wbw!! what do night and day mean in the ehlverse? are there nightly/daily rituals or traditions? do people worship goddesses of the moon/sun day/night? is there a nocturnal or diurnal culture? those who physically can't be out in the day/night?
happy wbw to you, too, lila!! thank u for sending this in <3<3<3
To be honest, I haven't built up many daily rituals/traditions/etc!! I know that particularly devout Mayhists and a lot of the more religious people up in Emarye tend to pray at least once a day to their Goddess of choice or devotion, but that can be done at whatever time you choose, and isn't a requirement by any means!
HOWEVER there are some interesting things about the other questions here!!
First of all, because this is something I hadn't really thought about until now: the sun and the moons don't have their own deities, for the most part!! Luma is generally seen as the Goddess of all light, including those, and though the sun may be Hio Greyheart in some Emaryan sects, he's less of a god, and more of a tragic hero. And day and night are ruled by Delta, because they're an eternal cycle between states of the world!
Now, on to nocturnal/diurnal culture:
In the Godwoods, especially close to the trees, there's not much distinction between day and night. The shade under the canopy is often said to be "perpetual night", and mist and fog trapped beneath the leaves often mean that the sparser areas are still pretty overcast all the time! This means that much of the time, people operate on their own schedules there. Some more isolated places are entirely offset from the rest of the world in terms of sleep, waking up around 3pm and going to bed around their unseeable sunrise!
In coastal cities like Aree, where you can definitely see the sky, but are still trapped in shade most of the time, it's common for people living in the darker residential districts to have a thriving nightlife, with shops and taverns and all necessities open at all hours! People living closer to the harbor will sometimes go towards the inner city to have a good night out, and we even see this in action in the first few chapters of Firebreathers! (hello, night market! thank u for starting the plot)
As for people who might not be able to be up and about during certain parts of the day: Vampirism definitely makes it difficult for those affected to be out in sunlight! You'll get a wicked sunburn, and depending on how long it's been since infection, you might also trigger a bloodlust episode. This is why Vampiric people are so pale in my world - they have no safe way to be in the sun for long. It's also why they carry parasols all the time. They deserve to be outside, they just don't want to get burned :)
Coincidentally, this means the Godwoods are a very good place for Vampires to live!
There are also some Goblin cities that completely shut down after dark, though that's more due to the environment than physical ability! Most everything is solar powered, and there are nocturnal insects that transfer some nasty diseases, and really, it's a better idea to just stay inside :)
Thank you again for the ask!!! <3<3<3<3
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One of the most recognized avant-garde singers in the world, Björk Guðmundsdóttir is an Icelandic artist who has been releasing critically acclaimed albums since the early 90s, and an icon in the experimental music scene. I thought it’d be an exciting experience to dive into her discography to find out if her music resonates with me, and to understand what this revered singer is all about. I decided to start with her major studio albums first, then moving on to her early work with Icelandic band The Sugarcubes and whatever else she has out there.
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Björk’s properly titled debut is a wild amalgamation of sweet love songs, upbeat house music inspired by the UK’s early 90s scene, a hint of jazz, and of course, Björk’s enchanting voice. I won’t pretend to be a music university graduate or whatever, as I know close to nothing about what 90s music sounded like, what could have potentially influenced Björk on this album, nor will I try to give some sort of lecture about what is going on here; I’ll just cite what I enjoy and what I don’t, and why.
Debut feels authentic, it’s a finely crafted album, from its musical styles to its production to its songwriting. What spiked my interest immediately in it were the drums, and how fresh and varied they were; this is a very percussion-heavy album, the UK beats Björk implements are all about the infectious rhythms that enter your body and seem to control it, but even on tracks not so influenced by the nightclub life, the percussion is very good, in songs such as the opening Human Behaviour, with its fat bass drums, or the iconic, soothing Venus As a Boy, featuring tambourines, strong kicks, some rattle instrument, a prominent sampled echoing sound and a hint of bongos; these are all alongside various other rich instruments, violin passages that flow with the track perfectly, what sounds like xylophones peppering the track, all of this making this the best song in the album, in my opinion.
And when these instruments are not there, of course Björk herself makes up for it. Like Someone In Love is a beautiful ode to, well, love, comprised only of a harp, the singer’s eye-watering performance, and some ambient noise; it reminds me a bit too much of her cover of I Remember You, mostly because they’re both based on harps, but it is still very beautiful on its own. The Anchor Song is the emptiest on the record, closing the album up with some tension and overall introspection. It features only one verse from Björk sung two times, and like three saxophones? Definitely two at least, I’m not sure how they work, but it makes for a great, simplistic finisher (even if latter editions include Play Dead, a beautiful song, but not exactly fitting after the song before it).
Throughout the first handful of tracks, the pattern of “inward emotionally potent song sequenced by urban-life dance anthem, and back again” became apparent to me, but then broke after One Day did not transition into a dance track. Basically, my instant perception was that the record was this rollercoaster showcase of the hopeless romantic experience in a metropolitan, nocturnal city, and it may be, but if it is, it’s not as in-your-face as I initially thought. What catapulted these thoughts was the live version of There’s More To Life Than This, probably the most commercially-adept instrumental tune in the record, performed by Björk in a version purposefully awkward and weirdly personal, where she sings her second verse directly into a mic while the beat faintly plays in the background, fading further and further until the song flawlessly transitions to Like Someone In Love. It really makes you feel like your are at the Milk Bar, the night is packed, and Björk just pulls you into the bathroom and starts singing the rest of the song (for some reason); it reminded me of all those YouTube videos where the uploader takes a popular song, adds some background chatter, and soaks it all in reverb to give you the experience of listening to the song from the bathroom of a party. It is a distinct, creative way of spinning the original dance track around into something more, something that conveys this feeling of slight loneliness, even when surrounded by people, the central topic of the second song, Crying. The lyrics describe the big city, the huge crowds, but conversely the feeling of solitude and missing your loved one, or maybe even a place, it’s not explicitly told who or what Björk misses.
Romance is ever-present in Debut, through many incarnations. Big Time Sensuality, one of the most upbeat tracks here, is about a fresh romantic relationship, and the growing sensation of “something important (...) about to happen”, assumingly between Björk and whoever else. The house beat paints the scenario for this relationship as a club, by default. It brings you into this exciting nightlife, only for you to be pulled away immediately after by One Day, a track so cheerful it’s irresistible, and holding tight to the theme of romanticizing a loved one, then reaching Aeroplane in yet another beautiful transition. I have to admit this is the first song I don’t love in the album, I think it is good, and in the context of the album, definitely brings something new. What sets it apart is, this time around, the bongos are being used to their full extent, paired with birds chirping and a comfortable bass, incremented by occasional saxophone passages, this track ends up very tropical. After this, Come To Me is another passionate song, this time, Björk sings of comforting her partner and nurturing them, which naturally creates a super chill aura to the song. Accompanied by the violins and the lowkey guitars, it makes for a solid track, which in the context of the album I think eases the mood a bit too much, but is appreciated as a solid production, and closes out by bringing out the bongos once again, in a very nice outro (I should also note this is the first appearance of a real drum set on the album [I think]) (I should also also note the bassline sounds a little like early studio versions of True Love Waits by Radiohead, just some trivia).
Violently Happy right afterwards is the least interesting of the house tracks, with a mostly simple instrumental, and vocals Björk seeming to be compressed, or dowsed in some other effect. It’s not a standout in the tracklist to me, but the beauty of Debut is that the worst song is still solid as fuck. I think it’s a very consistent album, that delivers a unique and one-of-a-kind experience.
I didn’t expect this type of sound from Debut, but I was pleasantly surprised. It took me a while to like, but it definitely grew on me on with this 4 a.m. listening session I just had. I look forward to everything else I will listen to by Björk.
 FAVORITE TRACKS: Venus As A Boy, Like Someone In Love, One Day, Big Time Sensuality, Human Behaviour
“Lately I find myself gazing at stars, hearing guitars like someone in love.”
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Going into Post, I was aware this would be quite different from Debut. I had listened to Army of Me and It’s Oh So Quiet before, seeing as they’re two of Björk’s biggest songs, and they obviously sound nothing like the acid house beats and soft, calming ballads in her debut, and that’s what is good about it, the sudden shift from a relatively safe musical environment to aggressive, chunky electronic production in Army of Me and Enjoy, and the absolute turnaround that is It’s Oh So Quiet.
The bold production decisions are what make this album exciting and surprising, in tracks such as I Miss You, mixing a synth-line with super loud bongos and some addictive synthesized drums, and trumpets at the end of the song, or the famous use of the Locrian mode in Army of Me, creating this menacing, dissonant melody, which perfectly fits the song and serves as an appropriate intro to the album that succeeds it. But they don’t always have to be out there to be notable and great: what I can tell from around the internet is that you can ask every single Björk fan ever what their favorite track by her is and it feels like at least a quarter will answer Hyper-ballad, and (even though I’m not nearly done with her discography) I can I say it’s with very good reason, as it is an amazingly composed song; same with Possibly Maybe, an enheartened slow jam which progresses from a cute love song about desiring to be with the one she’s flirting with, to disappointment in how they treat her, to the breakup, where she states she started wearing lipstick again, sucking her own tongue in remembrance of her once lover.
The album is very love-centered, specifically focused on the desire to be physically with someone, with how Björk mentions her love interest’s touch in plenty of tracks, such as I Miss You, a song about missing someone she apparently has never been with, where she literally asks her significant other “when will I get my cuddle?”. uwu.
(also what is this cover art lmao)
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Also including this thirst for deeper contact are the songs Enjoy (“I wish I’d only look, and didn’t have to touch”, “How can I ignore? This is sex without touching?”) and Headphones (”They start off as cells that haven’t been touched before, these cells are virgins”), but the subject matter isn’t always literal and spelled out, as the tracks Isobel and Hyper-ballad seem to play with the idea of a hermit lifestyle, whether it’s at the top of a mountain or in the heart of a forest, with different meanings between the two, however. In Hyper-ballad, she’s isolated from the world alongside her lover, while in Isobel, she’s completely alone, married to herself, as she says. I enjoy the theme, but I think the vocals and instrumentation, while interesting, aren’t as good as many other examples from the album, same with the track previous to it, You’ve Been Flirting Again, which employs very faint and uniform violins under some soothing yet stagnant lyrics by Björk; it serves mostly as an interlude, I suppose, but it could go a little further, in my opinion.
To end the album, Cover Me and Headphones subdue the atmosphere by a lot. They’re very toned down, the first features some really nice windy background noise, and what I think is an oud. It’s an amazing section of the album, and from what I can gather, seems to be about her own experimentation with her music, describing a journey into what I think is this very album, a big departure from Debut for sure. It then transitions seamlessly into Headphones, which, on par with its title, is a much better experience if you are wearing headphones. The buzzing bass, Björk’s nearly ASMR vocals turning into gibberish at the end, and bubbly percussion are all super pleasing to the ears, and it continues the theme of her own musical creating process, singing how her headphones saved her life, and how nothing will ever be the same; it’s almost prophetical, and definitely one of my favorite songs here.
Post is much more colorful, daring and wild than Debut, but I don’t know if I like it better than its predecessor. I feel like Debut is obviously much more comfortable and pleasing than Post, and that even though Post has amazing tracks like Hyper-ballad, Enjoy and Possibly Maybe, as an album, I’m not really feeling it as much as the last one. The sense of cohesion in the last one, and how it used the UK beats to the best of their potentials, mixing them with much more soothing tracks and beautiful vocal performances is what attracts me to it so much. I really appreciate the direction Post took, as I don’t suppose many people were doing anything close to this in the 90s or before, and it certainly has its highlights, but I think Debut just got a tighter hold of me, and I just enjoyed it more, if looking at it from a purely superficial standpoint. The experimentation here is great, but I enjoy how fresh Debut sounds slightly more.
 FAVORITE TRACKS: Hyper-ballad, I Miss You, Army of Me, Headphones, Possibly Maybe, Enjoy
LEAST FAVORITE TRACK: You’ve Been Flirting Again
“This is really dangerous, cover me. But worth all the effort, cover me.”
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Alright shit got real.
This is way better than the last two albums, and they were amazing to begin with. But this album is insane. It’s focused, but also so loose and free. It’s an amazing experience, and I think Björk in her most comfortable style yet. She doesn’t miss the mark in one track of this album, they’re all at the very least good.
It starts off with the delirious drum patterns and violins in Hunter, and I tell you, I haven’t seen a better streak of amazing songs in an album yet: from the intro to 5 Years, all the songs between it are fucking fantastic, and that is only broken by Immature, a track which I don’t think is supposed to be much more than an interlude anyway; then it’s right back with Alarm Call.
I really don’t think I have anything to complain about in this review apart from 5 Years and Immature. On the first listen, I thought Howie B’s version of All Is Full Of Love was inferior to the original, which I had heard and loved a while ago, but I can’t even say that, because this one is perfect as an outro. With the drums gone, the track feels like a goodbye from Björk as you slowly descent from heaven after listening to this album; plus, it comes right after Pluto, by far the most aggressive song in Homogenic, with the singer yelling over her glitchiest production yet. Then it suddenly gives way to that incredible outro. Other amazing transitions include Unravel to Bachelorette, decorated by the overlapping violins, and from 5 Years to Immature. The serene, gorgeous sound of Unravel against the energetic, cinematic Bachelorette orchestra is easily one of the best moments in the album as well.
I find that whenever I find an album really good, I have problems describing why, but I promise this time I’ll try harder than when I listened to MAGDALENE. To start, Björk’s singing and the instruments backing her have never been more in harmony with each other, mainly due to Björk’s and her producers’ focus on maintaining a homogenous sound throughout the record, as its title implies, and this style is the mix of strings and other orchestral instruments (including an accordion at some points) with the odd, sometimes glitchy (All Neon Like, 5 Years, Pluto) other times fleshed out and bulky (Hunter, Immature, Alarm Call) production of Mark Bell, Guy Sigsworth, Howie B, Markus Dravs and, of course, Björk herself. Jóga and Unravel are my favorite Björk songs so far, and the fact that they come back to back, right before Bachelorette, is still crazy to me.
Alarm Call is a beautiful song about how your music impacts the world, and just an anthem of euphoria basically, which might be a little out of place surrounded by the very specific sound the album goes for, with its bop qualities and dance rhythm, but I appreciate it a lot just for how easily Björk can pour her feelings onto a track and make it work out of seemingly nowhere. This song demands happiness from the listener, and it’s extremely difficult not to give in to its groove (“I’m no fucking Buddhist, but this is enlightenment”).
In my opinion, All Neon Like is the perfect embodiment of Homogenic’s atmosphere: it’s not as brilliantly and enormously produced as the songs before it, but it is frigid and ethereal, the lyrics are sung fairy tales, continuing the genius metaphors in Bachelorette.
It’s slightly futile for me to try and dissect Björk’s lyrics one by one, but they do stand out more than in her previous records as well, even though the focus on Homogenic is mainly in its aesthetic. 5 Years is the first song that features lyrics that point themselves against someone, a former love interest of Björk, accusing them of not being able to handle her, and while Immature’s lyrics don’t go anywhere due to them consisting of a verse repeated twice, they follow the theme of abandoning a lover, and this time, the questioning is to herself, wondering how she thought her significant other was a cure to all her personal issues. Hunter, an amazing intro to an amazing album, centers its lyrics around some of the same topics as the outro in Post (Cover Me and Headphones) which describes a voyage into the unknown that was Björk’s musical endeavors at the time, her will to go the distance to create something brand new and exciting. In this intro, she compares it to hunting and bringing the food to the table. It starts: “If travel is searching and home what’s been found, I’m not stopping”. It’s fucking brilliant man holy shit.
Now that I write this, I realize, from 5 Years onward, the songs cease to be about idolizing another person, with tracks such as Immature and Alarm Bell being introspective looks at Björk and her current feelings, and Pluto being about batshit self-change. Even All Is Full Of Love, with its first lyrics being “You’ll be given love, you’ll be taken care of”, seems to be addressing more of the ambient surrounding the person than the person themselves, as if they’re a placeholder for all the angelic ambience around the listener. Maybe the song is literally about placing the listener in this scenario, who knows.
Definitely best album I’ve heard yet, and what excites me is that people praise the next album so much, I’ve never seen someone talk much about Homogenic. I literally don’t know how Björk can top this, but I’ll see.
 WORST TO BEST: 5 Years, Immature – Mark Bell’s Version, Hunter, Pluto, Alarm Call, All Neon Like, Bachelorette, All Is Full Of Love – Howie’s Version, Jóga, Unravel
 Fuck it, 10/10
“I’m a path of cinders burning under your feet. You’re the one who walks me, I’m your one-way street.”
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I am pleased.
This is insane, man. I think I’ll be a huge Björk fan after I’m finished with this discography. Vespertine is meticulous, it’s enchanting, it’s all-around wonderful. You can tell Björk and her team put incredible effort into this album, for it to sound as effortlessly beautiful as possible; not one idea or song here sounds forced, out of its element, or simply put bad. They unite to create one of the most astounding listening experiences I think I’ll ever get in my life.
Vespertine is proud, but introverted. As a sequel to Homogenic, it serves as its lighter half: where Björk described Homogenic as “confrontational”, “active” and “warrior”, Vespertine flips that upside down, and brings microbeats, music boxes and harps to the table. This is a very effective alternative to songs such as Jóga and Bachelorette, where the instrumentals and the singer seemed to try and outdo each other, creating these grand, empowering songs; in this album, they merge together into living, breathing and deeply personal lullabies. One of the most impressive talents of Björk is that she seems to take the identity of her album to heart, and mixes her unique songwriting and singing talents and her otherworldly personality into the project’s own personality, becoming an artform much greater than the sum of its parts.
Songs like Hidden Place, It’s Not Up To You and Pagan Poetry are Björk to the bone, with their more elaborate and ear-catching production, their humongous vocals, and would be comfortable if they were to be pulled from this album into another; however, deeper cuts such as Aurora, Cocoon, Undo and An Echo A Stain are the embodiment of this album’s aesthetic, its frigid atmosphere and tiny, fragile surroundings. They are like symmetrical, unique snowflakes when softer, or huge, arctic blue glistering caves when grander. They’re precise; stable, but at the same time would not work if they weren’t organized exactly how they are.
It’s easy to get too comfortable listening to Vespertine. The tracks are almost spiritual in a way, they convey an unparalleled bliss to the listener, and getting lost in the album is almost part of the experience. Especially in the second half of Vespertine, where things get real lowkey. Songs merge into each other, starting with the wonderful music box interlude Frosti into Aurora, which features one of Björk’s strongest vocal performances, proceeding to An Echo A Stain, a standout for its weird, suspenseful and eerie instrumental, evoking a dark vibe, it sounds like a deep underwater exploration into the darkest abysses of the ocean or some shit. The lyrics are also uniquely confrontational, they don’t portray the undying passion of songs before it, instead proclaiming “Don’t say no to me. You can’t say no to me. I won’t see you, denied.”. With all the vague and spacey lyrics, and the uneventful instrumental, it’s impressive this song progresses so well, mainly due to its weird, unsettling tone that sets itself apart from the rest of the songs. In a way, these odd and abstract lyrics mixed with the ethereal and bittersweet instrumentation remind me of some Radiohead songs, such as The National Anthem, How To Disappear Completely and Ful Stop, and I’m realizing this is a style of music I’m prone to liking.
Sun In My Mouth is not much of a standout topically or sonically to me, as it doesn’t do much to expand upon the sexuality of the album, with lyrics once again referring to inserting fingers into wherever, and closing with “Will I complete the mystery of my flesh?”, the themes seem to have nowhere to go. Heirloom depicts a reoccurring dream about Björk losing her voice, and having her mother and son pour a glowing oil into her mouth, which is a cute and artsy way of saying they’re her fuel for continuing with her craft, I guess. The lyrics don’t go anywhere with themselves after this though, but the instrumental is very creative and memorable, it creates a neat little bubble of involving, resonating synths.
Employing some heavy strings for Harm Of Will, Björk doubles down on the romance of the album, in a rather stripped-down song, with a few vocal highlights from her. It finds its place in the tracklist, I guess, although the oral sex line comes off a bit too strong for the smooth sentiment of the song.
To close Vespertine off, Unison, the longest song in the album, lays back on an ambient sample by Oval, and features one of Björk’s most unique vocal harmonies on its chorus; overall a nice, upbeat outro for a wonderful album.
I will say I felt more excited listening to Homogenic, as I think Vespertine’s romantic, sexual aura doesn’t expand into much after some of the many heavily sensual verses, while Homogenic wasn’t as tight and claustrophobic for me. Vespertine, however, was freer and left a bigger impact on me, It’s Not Up To You succeeded in making me cry. At the same time, none of the songs here felt like they didn’t belong, like they took away from the experience; every sound and line collaborates to make something bigger, something I don’t think I’ll get from many other albums in my lifetime.
 BEST TO WORST: It’s Not Up To You, Pagan Poetry, Undo, Hidden Place, An Echo A Stain, Unison, Aurora, Heirloom, Cocoon, Harm Of Will, Frosti, Sun In My Mouth
 It is a 10
“I can decide what I give, but it’s not up to me what I get given. Unthinkable surprises about to happen, but what they are, it’s not up to you.”
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Björk’s 2004 Medúlla is, surprise surprise, an acapella album. And to further surprise, I liked it.
After Homogenic and Vespertine, I guess there was nowhere to go but towards the more experimental. You can’t really outdo those two albums in their own game, so you gotta branch out, try different things; and trying different things is exactly what Björk excels at, apparently. With Medúlla, all that wild, bombastic or serene instrumentation her previous albums were peppered with is gone, giving way to backing vocals ranging from super deep male bass to angelic choirs, beatboxing, and occasionally an isolated instrument. The album is rooted on the most primary form of music: barely any instruments, almost no effects or audio manipulations, just many voices uniting to become one; lyrics about childbirth, the human body, oceans and, of course, love.
Listening to Medúlla is interesting because it is very familiar, while also being a completely different experience from Björk’s previous albums. Songs like Who Is It and Mouth’s Cradle are unmistakably her, while at the same time being coated with an extra layer of experimentation, and with this new direction, Björk and her team are able to channel an energy that stands shoulder-to-shoulder with some of her best production. Where Is The Line? and Oceania are intricate and complex, showing just how much can be done with only the human voice. The low male vocals and beatboxing structure the songs, the choirs in the background give them depth, all the sounds link with themselves to amount to some incredible songs.
On the flipside, however, few songs fail to achieve that, in my opinion. Desired Constellation is notably bare and empty, with few aspects to its composition. The mystical lyrics that characterize Medúlla are still here, describing Björk playing routinely with stars to form whatever she desires, but apart from that, there isn’t much to experience. Mouth’s Cradle and its successor Miðvikudags are also not of much significance to the rest of the album, as they drift from its acapella compositions by employing some pleasant, but unnecessary synths as the basis of the songs. The simpler, shorter interludes that are peppered through the album are pretty much the standard sound for this record, fleshing it out with small little vocal passages and, of course, gibberish. Show Me Forgiveness, from my interpretation, is Björk apologizing to either herself or her daughter (as implied by the last line, “The girl might live”), for letting her interior voice be drowned out by the exterior; Öll Birtan is a simple buildup to the aforementioned Who Is It, but the best of the bunch are Sonnets/Unrealities XI, the poem it may not always be so; and i say by e. e. cummings over some of the best backing vocals in the album, Vökuró, where Björk sings a traditional Icelandic song in a very intimate and gorgeous moment in the album, and Ancestors, which features some passionate, odd and intriguing growls all throughout it.
It’s remarkable what Björk came up with in this album, the mystical aura surrounding it and forming its lyrics, in particular the verses in Oceania where she takes the role of the Ocean, exploring its perspective of Earth, time and the continents, Pleasure Is All Mine, which describes motherhood and childbirth for a sublime intro, and Submarine, featuring Robert Wyatt, evoking a sense of rebelliousness and urgency. Great album.
 FAVORITE TRACKS: Oceania, Sonnets/Unrealities XI, Where Is The Line? Pleasure Is All Mine, Vökuró
“When in doubt: give”
I postponed ths review for like 2 months or something, I don’t even know. Basically, from Debut to Vespertine was probably a one-month span of time, while it took me about double that time to actually write about Medúlla, because of what I think was a depressive episode. In the meantime, I started just reviewing shit on RateYourMusic (my username is fantaguarana, if anyone cares). I thought of stopping, I had this feeling that the whole “writing about everything I listen” thing was really forced and starting to become a chore, but now that I actually got to it, I think I notice how much it helps me organize my thoughts on music, compared to just listening to an album and never really reflecting on what it really means.
I’ll probably stop writing about everything I listen to, and leave this blog for the albums that really change me as a person. Have a good day yall.
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dandy-writes · 4 years
Crowley x Reader - Chapter Seven
Chapter Six
AN: Quick content warning, this chapter contains descriptions of canon-typical violence and bloodshed!
Y/N tapped their foot nervously, glancing around the dimly lit forest. They had spent the past few days with Sam and Dean in a cheap motel in Jetmore, Kansas, not terribly far from the bunker. After getting news of some woodland murders in the area with the M.O. of your typical vengeful spirit, the boys had decided that it was time for Y/N to learn the basics of hunting. As such, they had tagged along with the so-called Agents Guldemond and Loewen, posing themselves as one Agent Parkin, and the three had traipsed around the town in search of clues. After a visit to the local library, it didn’t take long for Y/N to discover details on a man who disappeared in the woods several generations back and whose general description matched the witness statements they had taken just earlier that day -- long-haired, wizened, and known to be a troublemaker. Soon enough the hunters found themselves out in the forest in search of an unmarked grave or otherwise hidden skeleton, with no light to aid them but their own flashlights and the occasional glimmer of moonlight from behind the thick cloud cover which lay across the sky. 
And that was where Y/N stood, having walked around for what felt like hours with the boys and to no avail. The woods were expansive, and together they weren’t covering ground all too quickly. After a short discussion, it was decided that they’d split up; Dean going west and Sam and Y/N going east. Needless to say, Y/N was more on edge than they’d been in a long time. More than once that night they’d jumped at the simple hooting of an owl. These nerves are what they decided to chalk up the feeling that something wasn’t right to, that there was something in the woods that was more than just a cranky old ghost.
Taking a moment’s pause from sweeping their flashlight over the ground in front of them, Y/N checked the time on their phone. “2:21” shone up at them from the screen, causing them to let out a sigh of frustration. They never did understand how Sam and Dean could stand all of the late nights -- or technically speaking, early mornings -- that hunting required.
Just as they slipped the phone back into their pocket, a shout came from somewhere in the forest behind them. Y/N and Sam turned in tandem, pointing their lights the way they had come.
“Dean,” Sam breathed. “He must be in trouble. Probably found the bones, and now the ghost’s pissed.” He started forwards, then stopped and looked at Y/N. “You, uh -- you just stay a little ways behind me, alright? Let me go on ahead. Don’t want you getting hurt.”
“But you brought me along to…” They trailed off as Sam ran back through the woods, not seeming to hear their protests. “Help.” They finished, more to themselves than to Sam. Sighing heavily, they began to trudge after him. However, after just a few steps Y/N stopped dead in their tracks. They cocked their head slightly, listening intently. The sounds of forest nightlife had entirely faded away; gone were the peeper frogs, the buzz of insects, the call of nocturnal birds. Everything was just… silent.
That was, until there came the crashing of something running through the trees towards them.
~ ~ ~
“Hello, boys?” Crowley called as he slowly walked through the bunker’s library. “Kitten?” He paused, stopping to swivel on his heels slightly. “Anyone?”
Getting no response but the echo of his own voice, he let out a small exasperated breath and looked over the newspapers sprawled out across the room’s largest table. He furrowed his brow as he scanned the article circled in black sharpie, which described a series of disappearances. While normally Crowley couldn’t stand the state of disarray he so often found the bunker in, he had to admit that sometimes it did work to his advantage. Smiling to himself, he disappeared.
It was surprisingly easy to locate the motel room where the hunters were staying -- but then again, a small troop of FBI agents couldn’t be expected to be exactly the most inconspicuous group. Once he had gotten their room number from the receptionist and removed himself from immediate sight, Crowley teleported himself inside. As per usual, the decor was far from lavish, but it seemed a little larger than their usual accommodations. Taking in the three duffel bags arranged about the room, he quickly realized that it was because they had a third member.
Not just any third member, no. A mix of interest and concern growing within him, the demon’s eyes alighted upon an open notebook resting atop one of the unmade beds. It was undoubtedly Y/N’s handwriting. He quickly made his way over to it and skimmed over the information written there. In the hunter’s usual style of note-taking, the facts were laid out in a large block, accompanied by a shorter, more personal note. Crowley’s worry only heightened as he took in the details of the case and Y/N’s expressed feeling of unease with the conclusion the hunters had ended up coming to. 
“Bollocks,” He muttered. Hesitating for only a moment in order to mentally locate the forest which the entry stated they’d be going to, Crowley vanished.
~ ~ ~
The creature before Y/N fit the description, alright. He appeared to be a tall, albeit unnaturally hairy old man; however, he moved like a wild animal. With every loping step he took towards them, they had to scurry several more away from him, and even then they didn’t seem fast enough. In an attempt to turn and sprint away, Y/N felt their ankle catch on a root protruding from the forest floor. They landed on their back with a heavy thud.
He was so close, now, that they could see the spittle in his greenish beard.
The man -- no, the thing -- leant over them, taking only a second to rake his dull eyes over their small, frightened form before gripping them harshly on their upper arm. Without realizing it, Y/N had started screaming, but they were quickly silenced by his other hand, which wrapped itself around their mouth. His incredibly rough skin felt and smelled like bark.
As he began to drag them through the undergrowth, a sudden spike of fear and adrenaline shot through Y/N, prompting them to kick up at him. With a mix between a groan and a scream the creature momentarily loosened its grip on them, allowing them a moment to frantically scramble away from him. However, this small victory was short-lived, and as soon as he had regained his balance he ran at them. Long, claw-like fingernails tore into their shoulder as he turned them once more onto their back.
Y/N let out a strangled shriek as nails tore through their t-shirt and into their abdomen, blood bubbling up through the lacerated flesh. They squeezed their eyes shut as their cry was once more stifled by his sweaty palm. They could feel his hot breath on their face, the stench of rotten meat filling their nostrils. In a moment of wild clarity, Y/N thought to themselves: I am about to die.
But just when they were sure that the final, fatal blow would come raining down upon them, an altogether different sensation overcame them; the feeling of a weight being ripped off of their body. There was no sound to accompany this action. Just a sudden loss.
It was so unexpected, Y/N didn’t even open their eyes until a hand came down to grip their shoulder. With a quiet yelp they jerked away in pain, eyes fluttering open as they did so.
“Hey, shh,” Came a calming voice. It took a moment for Y/N to register the fact that Crowley was kneeling beside them, looking down at them worriedly. “It’s alright, darling. I’ve got you.”
“He--” Y/N began, voice weak.
“He’s gone. I dealt with him,” Crowley quickly reassured them, gaze flicking down at their stomach before returning to their face. “I’m going to take you home, alright?”
“The boys,” They persisted.
“They do this sort of thing for a living, I’m sure they can handle themselves,” He replied, breaking eye contact as he maneuvered his hands under their limp body. He stopped when their hand came up to grasp at his tie, forcing him to return their gaze.
“They’re in danger.”
For a second, he said nothing. Then, he let out a breath and raised his brows a little. “If you insist. You’ll have to stand, though.”
Y/N simply nodded, letting him help them their feet. For a moment, they nearly slipped and came crashing down again, but strong arms quickly wrapped around Y/N’s back and pulled them to Crowley’s side. They didn’t protest, leaning heavily into his chest. For an instant they felt everything shift around the two of them, letting their eyelids fall shut with the sudden wave of nausea that accompanied the movement.
They quickly found that, even with the added support of Crowley’s body, the searing pain in their shoulder and, more prominently, their midriff, made it hard to focus on what was going on around them. Y/N was only somewhat aware of Crowley snapping his fingers and ending the life of another of the strange creatures, which had been attacking Sam and Dean. Only through the rumbling of his chest did they realize that he was having a conversation with the two men, and only by one of Dean’s comments causing his grip on their body to tighten that the hunters weren’t happy with his presence. However, the discussion quickly left Y/N’s mind as their wound began to throb.
“Crowley,” They whimpered, barely loud enough for him to hear. The demon looked down at them, and, after delivering a curt good-bye to the boys, the world once more shifted around them.
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alfredosauce50 · 5 years
Who’s the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 13
Wordcount: 2,830 The reader is referred to as she/her
Nothing but one thing was on his mind. Not even the fearful cries of the privileged and downright chaos that seized the venue could make him lose sight of what was important. And that embodiment of what was the whole world of him was right there, in his line of vision, gradually shrinking and fading away as you were carried out the door. 
Tears glossed his round red eyes that screamed so much fear as he called out your name. They were not accountable as sounds made by that of a human, for he roared out your name repetitively like an animal. He didn't stop screaming at the top of his lungs until he lost his voice. He just kept on yelling, and yelling until nothing but whistles and croaks passed through his lips. Another searing pain exploded in his head after all the yelling, but he couldn't care less.
Why was he just standing there in the lounge? What was he doing? Screaming was only going to stir up a scene. Everything he held dear was just stolen away from him. He needed to take a stand and chase after it. His labored breathing hastened and he took a step forward, but he accidentally knocked his shin against the forgotten table and tripped right into the topless furniture. "Fuck..." Even that violent hiss of a curse word came out as a mere, husky whisper. Falling right through the brass frame and into the small mountain of broken glass, his palms shot forward out of reflex and cushioned his fall before his whole body made contact with the lethal transparent shards. Millions of sharps dug into the ball of his hands, digging deeply to draw out blood as red as his eyes. "Agh-" He seethed in pain and fell forward again, this time grinding his forehead against the ground littered with glass. The edges scraped his skin, jabbing numerous little cuts that allowed more blood to rise up to the surface. By the time he stood up shakily onto his feet, his hands and chin were dripping with blood. Some of the little beads of crimson trickled down his fingers, while the rest trailed down his temple. He simply wiped his hands on his pant legs as he frequently flickered his eyes from his clothes to the exit. Half of him wanted to break out into a sprint and escape these golden halls choked with the stench of champagne, but the other half held him back. These hands grabbed tightly onto him and prevented him from breaking out into a chase like a madman for suspicious Italian cars like they wanted him to remember someone else that was of some degree of significance. "..." Allen glanced around as if he was searching desperately for a purpose to carry out. What was he forgetting? Who was he forgetting? Why was he here in the first place? He paled. "Alfred." Allen bolted for the stairs. His body moved on his own, and at a pace so fast it surprised him. Yes, he was quick but clumsy. Climbing up the stairs after struggling on his part, he reached the balcony. The tall glass doors flew open when the wind pounded its way in and filled the interior of the upstairs mezzanine. It revealed a body slumped on the ground outside, hardly moving. Despite the cool nightly breeze tousling his dark red hair that bit painfully hard on his forehead and hands, he showed determination to reach him. Allen ran to his side with his mouth agape and brows furrowed in shock. Rolling Alfred onto his back whilst carefully avoiding the small pool of red on the ground, he inhaled sharply through clenched teeth. Even his suit jacket could not hide the wound in his shoulder. Blood had spilled out from the stab wound to stain onto his once crisp white dress shirt. "Jesus Christ..." He whispered, sliding the pair of rimless glasses of the bridge off his nose. He inserted that into his pocket and darted his eyes all around his body. "The hell happened to you...?" Without another word, he slid his arms under Alfred's back and lifted him up slowly. By now, consciousness was flowing back into the blonde and he was starting to show signs of life. "Hnng..." Alfred groaned. He rolled his head around as Allen moved back downstairs, and when he felt the movement, his heart leaped out of his chest and he messed up his footing. "Aw shi-" He tightened his grip around Alfred and managed to make it to the ground floor without falling. He turned his head to his cousin and blinked with wide eyes. "I'm surprised you're still alive. You scared the crap outta me," Alfred cracked an eye open in a half-lidded manner to reveal a cerulean iris. "... Of course I'm alive..." He coughed faintly. His face was ghostly pale and a thin sheen of sweat glazed his features. "You think a little stab would be the end of me?" He paused before continuing. So he was stabbed.   "Well, I'll be damn-." Before Allen could finish his sentence, Alfred threw a fist at his face to smash it right into his jaw. Even though he looked like he was about to pass out from blood loss, he still had some spunk left in him to do that. Allen did not even see it coming and was forced back a few steps from the strong punch at his face. "... What the fuck!" His eyes twitched and he narrowed it dangerously before he rose his own hand to return the favor. He didn't. His hand just fell back to his side. "... As much as I'd like to beat the crap outta you for that, I can't." There was enough bloodshed today, especially for his cousin. Said cousin huffed and hung his arm around his shoulder loosely. "I bet this is all your damn fault. I don't have beef with anyone and those assholes looked like they'd be affiliated with you," "And how the hell would you know that?" For some reason, Allen was surprisingly calmer than he anticipated. He asked that question not out of spite, but general curiosity. The blonde coughed out a little bit of blood but continued to scream. "I did some research, Allen! Don't think I forgot about what happened at (F/N)'s house. You got yourself on the wrong side of some really bad people, and look what's happened!" The man with the tanned complexion loosed his tie that was choking his neck. There was really no point in denying it all now. With your life on the line, he really did not have any time to waste, nor could he hide anything anymore. Ambulance trucks were already pulling in. Police cars also followed and sirens wailed to split their eardrums. Neon red and blue pulsated vibrantly against the black cloak of the night and outshone the beauty of the city's nightlife. As bystanders fled the scene with horror, the police cars screeched to a stop and officers climbed out with wary gazes fixated on the vicinity that had just been infiltrated and ruined. The jeopardy they just escaped followed them outside and would not stop chasing him, at least not until he settled something he should have years ago. He could not reverse what had already happened, and yet, the past always seemed to find its way to the present. So there he was, about to reveal one of his darkest secrets. Allen furrowed his brows and seethed through his teeth. "I can't believe I'm actually going to do this." He hissed. He tightened his grip around the blonde and dragged him off, off to the side of the building where there were bushes to obscure their figures. His cousin had absolutely no energy to protest this and was moved easily like a ragdoll, regardless of struggling to break free from the vice grip. Blending their bodies with the darkness, they disappeared out of sight from any persons of authority. Allen sat him down carefully on the soft strokes of grass and turned his back to him. He folded his arms to make his raven black jacket stretch tightly over his broad shoulders. "... You're right." He started. Alfred's face contorted into a weird look and he glanced up from his lap to find himself staring at his back. "Yeah?" He breathed heavily. "There are many reasons why everything that happened... happened." Allen continued in a low tone implying his seriousness. "... And you're right. Those men who showed up tonight hate me. That's why they came in the first place." He kept a sharp eye out for any rays of light from any torches as he spoke. Alfred kept a hand pressed firmly against his wound as he listened intently because for once, he was actually open to his cousin's words. As much as he wanted to scream out in pain and let out strings of curses, he understood Allen's body language and kept silent so their position would not be given away. After all, they'd be bombarded with interrogations from the police if they were found, and precious time would be wasted. The biting cold air was suddenly unmoving. The sound of grass being crushed under rapid footsteps stopped. It was deathly quiet. Not a single peep was made as if the world wanted impartial attention to Allen's voice. And so, Alfred's lips sealed together as he watched his unmoving figure. "Luciano is the guy's name. He's the king of organized crime and he runs America's underground black market." Allen spun around with fear glinting in those red irises. The unprecedented sight made Alfred tense up in all reality. "So he's the real deal. You might be the top dog here, and everyone knows your name, but he's running a goddamn country down there!" The man sitting on the ground widened his eyes and shook his head in awe. "Well... Shit. Then what do we do about (F/N)?" "We'll find her and fuck him up. I'll find her. I always do." He muttered. The other eyed him with skepticism, however. "As much as I want her to be safe, but I'm not really sure how we can. And shouldn't we have started searching already?" Allen glanced over his shoulder with a pained expression. "... No. Not yet. Now's not a good time. We need to strike later when they don't expect us- right now, we need to keep low profiles and find a good window where they're most vulnerable. They're like nocturnal animals." He was still unconvinced. "How are you so sure? Don't you think waiting is kinda dumb? They could be doing all kinds of crazy shit to her." Alfred added with a frown. Before he knew it, two predatory eyes pierced right into his soul and he pressed himself up against the wall from the close proximity. "They won't. It's me they want, not her. If they ever dare to touch her... It'll be the last thing they'd ever do, and they know that." Alfred's head shrunk into his neck. "Damn... You sound like you know your shit." Alfred remarked softly. He sounded generally impressed, but at the same time, intimidated. Allen chuckled dryly after that comment, smelling the fear that radiated from the other. "Yeah... I'm not a good person. I try to improve, but people are still generally the same." He did not mind these traits that flawed his personality, for he could not change who he was and accepted that, in fact, he was a little proud of his tendencies to not care. It saved the sensations of regret or guilt, but for some reason, these emotions resonated within. "I've killed a man before- Luciano's client. Even though he was thinking about demolishing a part of my town for construction projects, it's not enough to justify murder." Albeit dumbfounded that Allen actually took the life of a human being, he understood why he did it. Allen grew up in a very poor area, essentially a ghetto for the working class. Most of the people residing there would not have the money needed to move, and it would result in many struggles and hardships if they were forced out of their homes. Despite lacking financially, however, the close-knit community relied on each other to get by. Nothing could stop them because they had their neighbors. They had their friends, family that they had chosen. And if someone threatened to change all that, that someone would regret being born. "... At least you did it because you were thinking of other people. I think... I think that's pretty admirable, even if you... You know, killed somebody." Alfred shrugged, to which Allen scoffed at. Anybody looking for services from a drug lord like Luciano was not considered the most innocent and deserving man anyway. "I mean, I personally think that wasn't too indecent of you. I'm sometimes a dick as well, you know? Like, I don't see it, but Happy keeps telling me about it." Allen rose a brow and lifted his head slightly to indicate interest. "Yeah?" "I'm apparently rude and I don't even know it. Not only that but, I think I am a little conceited at times." Alfred admitted. Allen nodded in agreement. "You may think that's incomparable to killing someone, but, I also have my fair share of being an asshole. Like, a big one. I've given permission to... Construction projects that may have caused a few people complications." The other mouthed an unamused 'wow'. Allen could not believe that he still had the audacity to mention it because he just talked about murdering someone who did the same thing. "Are you fucking kidding me? You really are a dick." "I'm sorry, okay! I didn't actually mean to do this to people!" Alfred exclaimed. The redhead sighed. "Just promise me that you'll do things while being considerate. Because you have a lot of power, but that also means a lot of responsibility." "... Haha. I swear you quoted that from Uncle Ben." Allen stretched his eyes. "No I didn't." The other chuckled and dismissed him with a wave of the hand. "Yeah, yeah. We're all secretly Marvel fans- But anyway-" He stood up slowly and leaned against the hard wall for support. "I will, so don't worry." Alfred heard a sigh. "Good." Alfred fished out his phone from his pocket and proceeded to unlock it. "And that thing you mentioned earlier, about people not changing. I certainly agree. People are still the same inside to some degree but it doesn't matter. It's not what you are that defines you, but what you do." He tapped a contact ID titled 'Happy' and drafted a new message. Allen fell silent for he was speechless. Alfred actually said something that was not completely unbearable to listen to, no, it was actually pleasant to hear. "Now where's fat guy when you need him?"   *** A black car drove along the streets in another peaceful night. The driver drummed his fingers along the steering wheel as he listened to the radio, bopping his head lightly to the catchy tune that filled the interior of the vehicle. The bridge of the song was just about to play when the radio crackled, indicating a change in station. Not noticing at first, he was too absorbed in keeping his attention fixated on the road ahead that was illuminated by his headlights. The mumbles of a news reporter were heard but it went straight out the other ear. It wasn't until the venue name of where Alfred's party was held was mentioned that he gasped and abruptly stopped the car so his body would jolt forward. "Hold on, who did what now!?" He slammed his foot down on the gas pedal and started to speed. He was on his way to pick up Alfred and his two guests, but he was not sure if there even was anyone to pick up anymore. That fearful thought manifested into reality. Pulling up on the side of the road, he climbed out the car and jogged up to what used to be a welcoming hall he had always dreamed of going into. Bright yellow police tape surrounded the place and draped around in abundance like tinsel on a Christmas tree. As he lost himself in his own thoughts with panic racing through his eyes, something vibrated in his butt. He reached for his phone and the sight was both relieving and unsettling. A strange concoction indeed, but it was what it was. In his most recent notifications, he received a selfie from Alfred along with a cryptic message that followed after. Allen and Alfred were making derp faces, but the image was painted with blood. There were traces of it dribbling out the side of Alfred's mouth and Allen's forehead was bloodied. Had a fun night. We didn't die. In case you were wondering, we're going to the hood.
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erhiem · 3 years
Photography thistle brown. Image courtesy of Gauntlet Cheng
Cuckoo Mess Anges D Mode! ‘What’s in fashion?’ You are welcome here. What a stylish seven days have been! This week, as of now, we’re bringing you our go-to picks on the best shows, including Matthew Williams’ double whammy, a dispatch from New York’s totally popping New York, and all you need to know about BALENCIAGA’s Instagram black-out. is required !!! Crazy, we know! Read on to find out what’s in fashion.
Photography ryan o’toole. Image courtesy of Bianca Saunders
Raise a glass to Bianca Saunders!
As you’re certainly well aware, fashion awards season is underway. Following the announcement of Matty Bowen’s double win at the International Woolmark Awards a few weeks ago, we now turn to the ANDAM Awards, great lady List of French fashion awards instituted by Nathalie Dufour. This year’s final seven were basically a hit list of some of our favorite talents – Bianca Saunders, Casablanca, Aria, Ludovic de Saint Cernan, Roch, GmbH and Grace Wells Bonner – so whoever took home the €300,000 cash from Balenciaga CEO Injections and Sal’s advice from Cedric Charbitt would have been totally deserved. Given the nature of fashion contests, though, there can only be one winner, and this year — after blown up the panel with her upcoming SS22 collection — Bianca Saunders scooped up the main gong! She said on the announcement, “I cannot express in words how thrilled I am to receive such a prestigious award and I am truly honored.” “Consulting with such a major player in the industry, as well as financial support like this, will really help me grow my business and realize my lifelong dream – establishing Bianca Saunders as a global fashion brand. ” A dream we are sure will come true. M / s
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Image courtesy of Acne Studio
Acne Paper launches new book
Earlier this week, Acne Studios gave us the . took a trip down memory lane with the launch of acne paper, a book that celebrates the legacy of Acne Studios’ brief but remarkable time in the editorial arena. To celebrate the occasion, we asked Thomas Persson, the magazine’s former editor-in-chief, to tell us the stories behind some of the most iconic moments from its collection. If that doesn’t convince you to see it, we should also add that the 560-page coffee-table tome also includes a portfolio by photographer Christopher Smith and new essays by Sarah Mower, Vince Aletti, and Robin Muir. More than just a nostalgic return to the world of fashion editorials, it’s a priceless window before social and digital media took over the game. KK
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Photos courtesy of Hunza G, Chromat and ISA Boulder
Designers pushing swimwear
It’s a new world, darling! And after this summer, if your wardrobe isn’t spacious, exuberant, and eco-conscious, you can’t sit with us. Luckily, these four swimwear brands; Issa Boulder, Chromat, KNWLS and Hunza G are here to redefine what it means to be ‘bikini-ready’, showing you what can actually reduce your impact on the planet while still Aa fab beach look is pulling off. From Isa Boulder’s pursuit of what it means to be “oddly sexy” to an appreciation of chromate’s curves, cellulite, and scars, to bikinis made from recycled Lycra yarn, these new jean labels are defying conventions and their own rules. are making. Read more here. KK
Balenciaga logs off
Eight years ago, Phoebe Philo said that “the best thing is when you don’t exist at Google.” Her adage still holds, although if the recent antics of some of fashion’s biggest players are to be noted, the best thing to do today is when you’re not on Instagram. Following in the footsteps of his Kering stablemate Bottega Veneta, Balenciaga has cleaned up his Instagram account! And in case that wasn’t drama enough for you, they have done so just days before the much-anticipated fashion revival of Demna!! fashion gasp!!! Unfortunately, we don’t know more from you what that means, but the timing and the fact that the account itself goes live will mean a big fucking moment is in store. And much more to keep your eyes glued to your screen fast! xoxo M / s
Alex Takes a Moody Beach Trip
Think about a trip to the beach, but make it appealing. Matthew Williams did just that to present his latest collection for 1017 ALYX 9SM’s, “BEYOND.” In a Brody movie, the American designer took us on a surreal sci-fi trip to the shores of Planet Alix and fielded a rich collection with hippie-inspired styling, futuristic textures, and oversized hoodies. A colorful bikini with matching leggings, a structured double-layered hoodie, distressed jersey, soft cotton dress with twist and knot details, and an armor-like leather moto jacket, it was a perfect synthesis of fantasy, comfort, and wearability—one that Just what we all want from a post-pandemic look! KK
Givenchy Resort in Paris Was About an American
Think your schedule is packed? Well, imagine what Matthew Williams must have looked like! Long booked and busy, these past seven days the California-based designer created the Alyx . left my latest collection for and A whole ‘Nother One for Givenchy! In his latest outing for a Parisian home, he decided to focus on the spaces he calls home. “In my collection, I always speak to living reality,” he says. “For Spring 2022, our first pre-collection runway show, I wanted to bring together my American roots and my brand new life in Paris.” Here, a sense of transatlantic cross-pollination came through strong in the pieces, suggesting a unique sense of Parisian chic – think high-collared dresses with armor-like leather sleeves and cut-out slinky evening dresses. Jacket – street and quirky with a healthy dash to American. “There is an energy to strike out for a new adventure, of creating something familiar yet completely new,” says Matthews, a key vehicle for that sense of newness is his collaboration with Seattle-born, Mexico-based artist Chito. , whose looks, accessories and even expressive graphics feature on the Rimowa suitcase. Chapeau, Matthew! Who doesn’t love an American in Paris! M / s
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Photography thistle brown. Image courtesy of Gauntlet Cheng
Gauntlet Cheng takes to New York at night
New York, New York, it’s one hellish city… and it’s back! In fact, as you may have seen on your screen when all the elite fashion lesbians in town together livestreamed Madonna crawling over a bar and bubbly (we love it!), the Big Apple is alive and kicking once again. is killing. There are very few people, however, more thrilled to see life return to their streets than Esther Gauntlett and Jenny Cheng, the combined force behind — you guessed it — Gauntlett Cheng, and stylist and photographer Thistle Brown. In fact, they’re so excited that they even paid tribute to the lively night spirit of their newly-revived hometown in their recent campaign, featuring none other than Coco Gordon Moore. Here, all three of us need to know about the photos, what they missed most about New York at night, and their post-wax party essentials. M / s
hi friends! For those not familiar with Gauntlet Cheng, quickly tell us the story behind the brand, and how you work together. Esther Gauntlet: Jenny and I met about 7 years ago while interning together at Eckhaus Latta. Our first shoot with thistle was in 2018 at a love motel in New Jersey. We connected immediately and realized that he really understood our clothes and the way we work.
And for those of us not in New York right now, tell us: What’s the atmosphere like? like: It’s just honestly crazy. The roads are completely packed and there is a kind of mental energy everywhere. We shot it in Times Square on a Saturday night and I assumed it would be quiet – theaters are still closed and that was before a lot of restrictions were lifted. It was really wild though – people on ATV bikes, people everywhere and kids taking prom pictures. I feel like we were all a lot more excited and excited out there.
thistle brown: New York is definitely back, alive and kicking!
jenny cheng: Plus, it’s hot in New York right now, and we’re all reconnecting and embracing each other despite the stickiness.
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Photography thistle brown. Image courtesy of Gauntlet Cheng
What is the story behind the campaign? TB: I moved back to NYC after living in New Zealand (where I grew up) for a few months. I think I leaned back on my teen melancholy albums while I was there. I couldn’t stop listening to PJ Harvey City Stories, Sea Stories. The album is a love song for NYC, it’s about being young and open to a city that treats you like an unlikely lover. When the girls asked me to shoot something, I thought we needed to shoot in the thick of it, to bring back the lights and all those vibes of Manhattan.
JC: We wanted to capture a classic New York City look, but with a sense of newness – a spring energy.
What made Coco Gordon Moore your ideal star? TB: I’ve always been inspired by Coco’s mystery, grace and spontaneity. There’s something so outspoken about her while at the same time having a delicate sensibility. To be honest, I could make a book about cocoa.
like: Coco has an incredible energy – everything came alive on her but she really looks home.
JC: Totally, Coco is a star! It was great to see the synergy between thistle, cocoa and the city. It was so magical and so energizing, especially when Coco’s curls were open.
There is quite a sensual, nocturnal energy to the images. What have you missed the most about NYC nightlife? like: I missed the ease of it. The feeling of walking on a hot summer night and you can bump into anyone, and anything can happen.
JC: I used to remember those holiday parties we would throw where we would dress up and see all our friends. Hopefully we can do another one soon.
TBI think New York nightlife is now beyond a relic, we’ve realized that the city can’t function without it. We have a lot of friends who depend on it for income too, so it’s really important that we don’t forget how special it really is.
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Photography thistle brown. Image courtesy of Gauntlet Cheng
Tell us about the night Coco is going out. where is she going? Who is she looking at? like: I think there’s a certain undoing in the photos, like she’s going out and coming back from something. It feels like she sorts herself in the big city but is at home and at ease there.
JC: She doesn’t have a plan, she’s taking everything in it, taking it as it goes, feeling a little flirty.
TB: She is just doing her job, looking lost but never alone. Making moves and eventually landing the right party.
Finally, what are your top five post-pandemic New York nightlife? E: Time to wear a dress again! A bag that can fit a bottle of wine you’ll probably drink by the river. The people you love. People you haven’t seen in a long time. It’s only four, but don’t think you really need more than that…
J: Shooting hoops in the park in the evening, eating chips and walking on the river with friends, wearing beach-ready clothes, rose water mist, and feeling sexy in no time.
T: Chapstick, bike at night, showing skin, dancing in the streets or on the river, and smooching crushes you couldn’t catch before.
The post Balenciaga’s black-out and New York’s big return: What’s in fashion? appeared first on Spicy Celebrity News.
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monstersdownthepath · 7 years
Daily Bestiary: Apallie
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CR 2
Neutral Small Ooze
Pathfinder Bestiary 5, pg. 30
Sometimes, a happy little magical accident can result in a piece of a powerful mage’s mind breaking off and infusing an ooze that may be nearby. Provided the slime doesn’t simply digest the magical energy, eventually it can fuse with the ooze and become an Apallie, a sentient, sapient slime with the power to use Alter Self at will to pose as a Small version of any humanoid being.
Though an Apallie’s shapeshifting ability is great and its slam attacks are quite tough (1d3+2 +1d4 acid), the Apallie isn’t exactly one for combat. You see, it... You know what? I couldn’t say it better myself, so I’m just going to give it to you straight from the book.
“A newly formed apallie is typically convinced that it is a member of its creator’s race. Its greatest desire is to join the society of its progenitor, and it alters its form to insinuate itself into humanoid settlements.
“Such impostors are easily discovered, however, as an apallie’s true nature reasserts itself as soon as the sun begins to rise. An ooze discovered in this way often finds itself run out of town, forced to try its luck in the next settlement, though some particularly stubborn apallies simply assume a new form and return the next night under a different guise.
“Apallies are nocturnal creatures, for any contact with the rays of the sun forces them to return to their true, amorphous forms. Even when its form is forcibly reverted, an apallie insists it is truly a member of its creator’s race, and that it has somehow been subjected to a terrible curse. Despite the ooze’s relatively high intelligence, this unreasonable attachment to its self-image persists even in extreme circumstances. If the apallie’s creator was a different size from the apallie, the apallie still tries to imitate that creator, attempting to pass as a small elf, human, or member of another race to which its progenitor belonged, and refuses to acknowledge the size difference.
“Apallies are more common in large cities that provide sewers and other enclosed venues to hide in during the day and a healthy nightlife scene in which they can pose as humanoids when it’s dark. Some apallies find acceptance, and even success, in such environments, though the small oozes never stop trying to prove themselves to be humanoids, and any relationships in which they engage (whether platonic or romantic) nearly always end in a predictable disaster.”
Look at that. Look at that! They’re so adorable! They just want to be people! Some of them even fall in love! I’ve never read such an adorable creature entry before, and I feel so sorry for every slime child that gets chased out of a city.
You can read about their stats in depth here. Their story, however, is more important.
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Subic Bay Nightlife Guide: 7 Best Bars and Nightclubs to Pick Up Filipinas
Do You Enjoy Going Out At Night and Getting Laid With HOT Girls?
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“If yes, then you’re going to love this mini guide about Subic Bay’s nightlife focused on the best bars and nightclubs to meet sexy Filipino girls”
Compared to other tourist destinations in the Philippines, Subic Bay does not offer much sightseeing opportunities or the best beach experience, but it has become renowned for its active nightlife.
This small town once had a US military base and the soldiers left a good impression about foreigners. In fact, Filipino women in Subic Bay are crazy for foreigners and are HOT for action.
If you’re like me, you love to pick up naughty Filipino girls at night wearing short skirts and walking around in high heels. Gosh, they’re so addictive!
There are two types of girls that most luckily you’re going to meet in Subic Bay at night:
Party girls who are out for fun and are into a nightstand;
Freelancers; Local girls ‘in the game’ who are looking for customers and money;
Bar Girls working in the numerous girlie bars in Barrio Barretto town.
Looking for good girls? Well, your best bet is to sign up with a popular Filipino dating site. The Philippines is a strict Catholic country still conservative, and most good girls don’t go out at night.
However, all the girls you meet at night are ready to get laid with you because they’re the “bad” one.
If you play the game right, you’re going to sleep with a different girl almost every night in Subic Bay.
That’s why Subic Bay has become my all-time favorite place to party and pick up Filipino women in the Philippines.
Most tourist worship Angeles City nightlife because is packed with bikini and beer bars, but they don’t know what they are missing out down to Subic Bay: cheap booze, cheap girls and a friendly atmosphere.
Yes, Subic Bay has an easy going atmosphere compare to Angeles City besides being much cheaper overall.
So, If you love to party and want to know where to pick up Filipinas at night, then these are my favorite bars and nightclubs where you can get some action…
… Let’s start with the 5 best girlie bars where you can start the night as early as 7 pm and then move on to Subic Bay’s nightclubs which get busy after midnight:
1. Bar Lollipop
This is the biggest bar in Subic Bay. It’s located in Barrio Barretto (a small beach town) with all the other Subic Bay girlie bars.
There is a central stage where the girls dance to get your attention. During weak days and low season there are only 2-3 girls dancing but in high season as many as 10 girls dancing in two sets.
What I like most about Lollipop bar is the friendly attitude of the girls and their big boobs.
There is a pool table by the stage where you can play for free while chatting up the girls. It would not hurt to buy them a drink to get the party going.
All in all, it’s an inexpensive cozy place with a friendly atmosphere.
2. Hot Zone Bar
It’s a small bar but a place where you can have a lot of FUN!
The girls aren’t the youngest in Barrio Barretto but definitely the naughtiest.
What I like most is to sit down at the counter around the dance floor and enjoying the girl’s ass in my face. Yes, the girls are dancing on the counter where you place your drink. That’s is what I call “close action”.
When you buy them a drink, they will start pressing their asses in your face, and they will let you feel it.
If you’re a naughty dude, you’ll love Hot Zone Bar, and if you’re also adventures, they even have a snake show
3. The Office Bar
It’s a well establish girlie bar in Subic Bay with a handful of young and beautiful girls. There aren’t many girls in the Office because they try hard to keep up the standard.
Basically, they are doing the hard job for you in selecting only the finest Filipino girls.
When I visit the last time, I’ve counted 18 girls in the bar with a two-set rotation of 5 girls on the stage. Also, I’ve noticed the girls have a great attitude while they love having fun.
Ask mamasang (the girl manager) to assist you to choose a girl, she is very helpful and knows what the girls are like behind closed doors.
The office bar open at 5 pm, but the hot girls walk in around 7 pm. So, the best time to bar fine is between 7-9 pm.
4. Tropical Rose Bar
It used to be known as Rosie’s Tavern till 2016. Besides the name, not much is change.
There are drop-dead gorgeous Filipino babes who are eager to please.
I recommend visiting the place between 7-9 pm, which is when all the girls are in the bar and the happy hours time.
The party mood is usually in full swing starting from 11 pm until late.
5. Crazy Horse Bar
In Crazy Horse bar they know how to party.
The girls are fun and the owner know how to keep up the momentum.
When you walk in, the girls take you to sit while giggling and playing with you. If you offer a lady drink, they are going to be all over you.
Don’t go there too early, but don’t miss out the happy hours which is between 5-8 pm.
6. Nocturnal Disco
This club is a new addition to Subic Bay, which was much needed for many years.
The club has a spacious dancing floor with a DJ every night and the occasional band playing local as well as international hits.
The atmosphere is great, being international, while the girls are eager to talk to you. You’ve got a better chance to approach local girls, especially after they had a few drinks.
All it takes to pick up here is for you to make eye contact, smile, introduce yourself, and make small talk.
There are also some freelancers, and it will be them who will approach you.
If you are looking for something kinkier, you will also find many ladyboys at the Nocturnal Disco.
Keep an open mind, go with the flow, and have a great night.
7. Club V
The club is merely 100 meters down the road from Nocturnal Disco, and it is popular with friendly locals.
It is a perfect club for group parties, though the tiny dance floor will force you to find another club if you want to go dancing.
There are several VIP lounges on the side of the club and upstairs but you have to buy a bottle of whiskey to gain access during the weekends.
Club V has an international feel to the ambiance with laser lights and huge screens, and you can party the night away with some of the hottest Filipino girls in Subic Bay.
Don’t look for hookers in Club V, you’re better off at Nocturnal Disco.
Let’s Wrap Up Subic Bay Nightlife Guide – Are You Ready To Party?
These are the ultimate places where to pick up Filipino girls in Subic Bay.
The only annoying thing is when you walk in a girlie bar which isn’t busy, and the girls jump on you like wild cows trying to milk you a few lady drinks.
The only thing you can do is to tell them that you want to drink alone for the next 10 minutes and maybe later you’ll pick up one or two girls.
One more thing; To make things clear, if you prefer to spend the nights in the girly bars, it’s better you stay in Barrio Barretto. If you prefer to spend the night in the nightclubs, then it’s better you stay in Olongapo.
In case you want to do both night activities, stay in Barrio Barretto because the area is foreign friendly and take a tricycle taxi for 150 Pesos to go clubbing.
However, before you leave with your girl, insist on seeing their ID because getting caught with an underage girl could land you in jail or set you back 100.000 Pesos in police bribes.
Have fun in Subic Bay.
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gothicashworld · 7 years
Rise and Fall Chp. 1
Chapter 1 Kyoto’s nightlife was vibrant. The human populace, of course was still active most hours of the night, typical for a large urban center. However, they were not the only ones to be out and about. The mysterious creatures, going unseen and unnoticed rushed around with their own tasks. Some were causing mischief and mayhem by making themselves visible long enough to give a poor human a heart attack. Other city-dwelling ones opened their shops for their human and otherworldly customers, hacking their wares loudly. And then, there were the malicious ones. The ones that were empowered by the forces of darkness, who saw it fit to have their fill of misfortune and death in more ways than one. That’s what AJ had been taught these past few months. When the last rays of sunshine fade from the day: that’s when Japan’s yokai come out to play. Or rather, most of them were nocturnal by nature. She learned that a few caffeinated beverages and constant movement kept her awake long enough to keep up with her mentor and -yes, she would say it now- boyfriend. “It’s this way.” He called out, a rooftop ahead of the girl. Another flying leap that most humans couldn’t possibly make, and the girl had landed perfectly. The painful shock to her legs faded momentarily; she’d grown accustomed to it over these past six months. “Riku, you haven’t explained this type of Yokai yet. Exactly what are we ‘exterminating’ again?” “For the last time AJ, I’ll tell you when we get there! It’s only five more buildings.” With a groan, she watched as he ran and leaped, sailing through the air and landing gracefully the next rooftop over. “Are you coming?” “Give me a second! Unlike cats, humans don’t always land on their feet!” She called back to him, and angled herself before backing up a few steps, and eyeballing it ran. This time she stumbled at her landing and fell on her knees. Luckily, having grown aware of the bad injuries that could come due to her human fragility, she was prepared. A pair of knee and elbow guards prevented her from smashing them in upon making an ill-timed landing, and her jeans had seen so many bad ones that she’d just made them into shoddy capris due to all the tears. Her boyfriend though seemed to forget this, as he rolled his bright blue eyes and proceeded to scoop her up! “I see your point.” Was all he said, against her gasped protests and proceeded to carry her the last four buildings before setting her down. “You know I could have made those jumps.” She sighed as she tugged down her purple tank top and gave him a flat look. “What, no thank you?” “Thank you. And you knew I could make those.” “No, actually, your legs were starting to give. You wouldn’t have made the next two. Now come on,” he spoke before she could protest the matter further, “It’s in the room below us. We have to exercise caution and precision.” “What is it?!” AJ demanded as they crept over to the side of the building, where a fire escape sat a good few feet drop below. “It’s called a Rokuro Kyubi: ‘The Rubberneck Woman’. They come in two kinds, and this is the less dangerous of the two.” Riku explained to AJ, cat ears twitching and tail flicking as he listened for something. “Okay, come on.” He beckoned her with a wave as he scaled down the wall and landed on the fire escape. AJ proceeded to follow suit, though her landing caused a slight rattle from the metal. “So what else do I need to know?” She kept her voice down as Riku examined the interior of the household through a window. “They feed on human vitality, or rather a human’s soul aura. They’re leeches, almost. It looks like a normal, beautiful human woman by day, but at night it extends it’s neck and feasts off it’s prey. They often target single men and feed off of them, or eat insects like centipedes. Sad thing is, I’ve exterminated some who actually fell into their masquerade and believed they were human. But they’re not; and with the balance shifting they grow hungrier. Thus why we’re here.” “I still don’t understand how you managed to track one down.” AJ said as Riku proceeded to cut the glass with a nail, and she covered her ears with a wince as his flattened. “Let’s just say I got some insider tips from a friend.” He told her as he finished. Riku then reached inside, unlocking the window and slipped inside, his partner following him in. Her boots hardly made a noise as she crept across the tatami mats, arm reaching behind her back already to grasp the hilt of her sword. AJ had learned from her encounters with the Nobiagari – a shadow-eques Daku Yokai- that this type could be deadly if no precautions were taken. He paused, holding up a hand and she paused, glancing around the inky black room. She couldn’t see anything, but he was a Neko-Mata. Being a cat, he could see things better in the dark than she ever could. “I don’t hear anything.” He whispered. “Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?” “I’m unsure.” She knew he was trying to focus, and huffed. “I’ll go look down the hallway and take the rooms on the right. You take the ones on the left. First to find it, kills it.” Riku looked at her reluctantly, then sighed and nodded. “Very well.” And so, the two ventured into the dark hallway off to the side, AJ drawing her weapon and holding a flashlight, Riku lighting his hands with his ghostly blue fire. Both of them slid the doors open quietly on their side of the hallway, examining the room carefully for any sign of the yokai. It was Riku who found the bedroom first, sliding the door open and his glowing fire illuminated the darkness. He saw the futon rolled up, the body of a woman lying perfectly still on her back, but as he drew closer to get a better look, his blood ran cold. There was no long, stretched-out neck. Instead, the head was completely missing, looking as if it had been detached much like a doll’s head. Red symbols were around the smooth lines and his tail fluffed up. This wasn’t the Long-Necked type. This was something much, much worse. He backed out of the room, and whirled around upon hearing AJ’s voice. “Riku? Did you find-?” That was as far as she got, standing out in the hallway when a floating, screeching head zipped out of the room she’d only just been in and proceeded to attack her! “AJ!” Riku screamed, charging for her as she wrestled with the creature. In a split second though, she threw it off and back into the room, sliding the door shut and held it close as it slammed itself against her only line of protection. He let out a loud curse at the sight of their predicament. “GO! RUN!” He boomed, rushing over to AJ. “I’LL HANDLE THIS!” “No! Riku I’ve got-!” AJ protested as he pushed her out of the way, just as the head burst out and barely missed her, flying down the hall before making a U-turn and positioned itself. “I mean it AJ! Go!” “I can do this!” She argued, standing as she had been taught, lifting the katana as a green light flooded the blade. The metal vibrated as she forced her soul aura around it, focusing as the creature got ready to strike. It lunged with a hair-raising shriek, and AJ stood firm, eyes narrowed as it got closer… and closer…! Before she could swing her blade however, Riku teleported in front of her and swiped his fiery hand at the head, causing it to smash into the wall. It fell with a cry, writhing as blue fire engulfed it. “Riku-!” AJ snapped and was about to argue, but noticed her katana was staying charged! “Oh no, not again!” Riku looked over his shoulder at her predicament, groaned himself and grabbed his girlfriend, teleporting out as her katana fell and hit the floor. When they reappeared a short distance away, the abandoned building exploded! AJ sighed. “Why does that keep happening?” “I keep telling you, that you don’t have the control yet!” Riku snapped as he set her down. “What were you thinking?! Honestly AJ!” “I was thinking that I had it! Seriously Riku, that thing was-!” “A Flying-Headed Rokuro Kyubi! They feast on human flesh. AJ, that thing was hunting you in there and you could have been killed!” “But I wasn’t okay? It’s not like before when I couldn’t protect myself. Why can’t you trust me to actually use my freaking training against something?!” He didn’t answer her, and AJ sighed. “Fine. Let’s go home. Mission accomplished!” With a nod, he placed his hand on her shoulder and they vanished. However, nearby lurked an all-too familiar type of Yokai, who had been stalking the pair for quite some time. Everything was ready. Now all that was needed was to get the bait and set up the trap. ___________ “… Oi, Panko?” “Yes Ayame?” The spiky-haired fish Yokai looked up from the vase he was polishing. “You ever hadda problem choosing?” The Tanuki sighed, her thick ringed tail swaying as she sat on the countertop across from him. “Er, well that depends. What is it that you are having difficulty deciding on?” “Sweet or salty.” “I, beg your pardon?” “Sweet food or salty food? I mean, sure sweet is great, but it rots yo’ fangs before long! Savory is great too, but it lacks some of the right combo ‘a textures you can get.” Panko blinked. “I, would have to go with savory then.” “’Course ya would! You’re a fish, can’t probably even stomach the crap.” The Tanuki huffed and looked in between her snacks, shrugged and opened the two at the same time before devouring them both. The Taro Yokai only shook his head before continuing with his work. Only moments later, did the sliding door open with a loud clatter and both looked up to see Riku and AJ standing there, both looking unhappy. “Welcome home Master-!” “Will you just answer me already?!” AJ interrupted him as they marched inside, continuing their argument in front of them. “What’s there to answer?” “This is the third time you’ve pulled this stunt! I’m about to take down a yokai and boom! You jump in the way and do the work for me and we’re stuck buying me another katana because of all my pent-up soul aura!” “We’ll just have to work it out in tomorrow’s-” “Say ‘training session’ and I’ll sock you. Riku it’s been three months since I’ve done anything to do with combat on the field. You want me to be able to defend myself right?! So freaking let me for once! You’re not always going to be there you know.” “Yes I will!” Riku protested, ears flattening. “No you won’t! Not when I go home! Honestly it’s like you’re stopping me so I’ll have to stay!” There was a long, awkward silence before Riku spoke. “As long as you are with me, I’ll keep you safe. Goodnight AJ.” He then turned and exited the room, going into his. The girl angrily growled and threw her arms up. “Men! Honestly!” “Amen.” Ayame spoke between bites of her food. “It’s like my sister always said; ya can’t live with them, can’t get anywhere with them either.” “Right.” AJ sighed and sat at the kitchen island, putting her head into her arms. “… You mustn’t get frustrated with Master Riku, my Lady.” Panko finally spoke softly. “He keeps getting in the way of me defending myself. No offence but I’m nearly to the point of ringing my boyfriend’s neck.” “I understand, but, there is something more to that. It is not that Master Riku wants you to stay, he- well, how do I put this? He is afraid.” AJ blinked. “Afraid? Explain a bit more, please.” “Yeah! I gotta hear this one!” Ayame cheered with a smirk, both ladies staring at Panko eagerly. The fish yokai sighed and put aside his work. “Both of you, come with me. I will explain better once we are out of my master’s earshot.” They followed him into a backroom nearby, where the cleaning supplies were kept, and Panko pulled out a chest, with a cat paw and two tails arching in the background, with Kanji written on the paw. “What’s this?” AJ asked curiously. “This is the Tomoe Clan sigil. A sign of their power.” “I remember see’n that, whenever a procession went by when I was a kid. Before they all vanished ‘n stuff.” Ayame piped up as Panko made a few hand signs and mumbled something. The chest unlocked and he opened it, pulling out a few items. A half-burnt fan, a couple of toys and then a few photographs that had been singed. In the light from a swinging bulb above them, AJ and Ayame saw they were of many Neko-Mata, many looking similar to Riku. White hair, blue eyes but the colour was much paler in comparison to his own. “This was the head branch of the Tomoe; Lord Hiroshi Tomoe, his bride and mate Lady Nanami, and their children.” AJ looked at the woman, and saw resemblance in her boyfriend with her delicate, slender features and large blue eyes. “And here, is Master Riku.” He tapped a small boy standing apart from the group, looking sullen and depressed. “Hah! Well what do ya know, he’s a Runt!” “A what?” She looked at Ayame in confusion. “In our kind, it’s a term we use to describe yokai of Riku’s high-an’-mighty status being born weak and small. It’s actually a big slap in the face to your clan, an’ most were killed.” “That’s awful!” AJ gasped aloud. “Hey, it’s what the higher-ups did. Tanuki weren’t that cruel. His ma must’ve done some sweet-talking to get his dad to let him live.” “Indeed.” Panko confirmed Ayame’s theory. “Lady Nanami managed to convince Lord Hiroshi to spare him, but he was seen as unfit to bear the name of Tomoe. He grew up separately from his siblings, and all he did have was his mother. He also had another sibling who was born a runt, a sister named Kaira.” He showed her a photograph of Lady Nanami holding a tiny swaddled infant, little Riku at her side. “He was very close with her too. However, on her third birthday, tragedy struck; Master Riku was out on an errand for his mother and dawdled home. When he arrived, he saw his home aflame and his family-… well, he found his mother’s corpse much later, all of these possessions on her. His sister was missing, as was a few others, which is how the rumor that the Neko-Mata had left Japan started. Master Riku was an orphan, alone, and hurt by the event mentally. Thus, where his fear comes from; AJ, it is not that he wishes to make you stay, but he is afraid of being left behind. He is afraid of failing the ones he loves, and not being able to prevent their death or any harm that befalls him. That fear especially applies to you my Lady. Riku only recently got you back. He does not want to lose you again, and this time forever.” AJ sighed, processing this new information. “Okay, you made your point Panko. I understand now. But, Riku has to learn that, even if he wants to he can’t keep guarding me. One of these days I’m going to fight alone and win, thanks to his guidance but without his help.” Panko nodded. “Talk with him tomorrow. For now, rest my Lady. There is much to do tomorrow.” “Yeah, I’m gonna hit the sack. Sheesh, whatta story.” Ayame yawned, flashing her canines and proceeded to spook Panko as she waddled out of the closet. AJ followed suit, but her mind reeled over the events that had transpired. Riku was afraid of losing her, and being alone. She had been afraid to get attached to someone for the same reasons. She understood, a whole lot. Which meant that, since he’d helped her get over her fears, she’d help him get over his. Starting first thing the next morning. ____________________ AJ was groggy the next morning at breakfast. She’d had little sleep and an early rise, thanks to Ayame being a regular brat and getting her usual early-morning snack much louder than usual. “Well, look who’s up! Morning sleepy-head.” Ayame, bright eyed and literally bushy-tailed smirked as Riku walked out and sat down, saying a brief thank you before eating his meal. AJ was quiet, watching him and noticed some dark circles under his eyes. “Bad sleep?” She asked him softly. “Hm. Yes.” Was all she was answered with, another piece of food popping into his mouth. “Uh, we’re both pretty tired. Maybe we should skip training today?” “And what, keep you here a day longer?” His comment stung, and AJ scowled. “I’m freaking sorry, okay?! I had no idea you were scared of being ditched!” Riku whipped his head around to a shocked Panko, who nearly dropped the cups of tea he was placing onto the table. “M-Master Riku! I apologize, but Lady AJ needed to know the truth!” “I was going to tell her today.” He growled. “Nonetheless Riku,” AJ sighed, “A day off would both do us some good. A nice long nap and then, well, whatever we can think of doing I guess.” “As much as I would like to AJ, I have to go and pay the yokai who gave me my information on that yokai a visit. That thing could have-!” “For the last damn time Riku, I had it!” “Both a youse shaddup!” Ayame barked and they looked at her. “Honestly your lover’s spat is putting me offa my breakfast, so I’m gonna settle it for ya! Riku, she had it obviously so stop dwelling on it. AJ, stop trying to protest it, he got it okay?! Sheesh! What am I, your mother?!” The two shared a look, and knew that Ayame had a point. “Riku, look, I get it okay. I know how you’re feeling. It’s a little different but, I get your fear. But you gotta get over it, because what if one day you just can’t save me? I have to know how to stand on my own two feet.” “But you need to also know when you’re outnumbered and need assistance. A Flying-Headed is far more dangerous, as are other yokai. And with them growing stronger, even with your powerful soul’s aura you are still human AJ, and not a yokai yourself.” He told AJ immediately afterwards and the girl shook her head. “Okay, you got a point too. But right now, let’s just eat and go sleep some more, then get on with our day. Let’s deal with this later.” “Agreed.” Even if they fought and had different standpoints on the matter, AJ knew that Riku was just looking out for her best interests. Despite the fact that, at times it could infuriate her how he kept attempting to do everything for her. She wrinkled her nose when he leaned in and kissed her forehead once finishing his meal, standing up. “Panko, I am leaving the house. No one is to as well until I return.” “WHAT?!” Ayame screeched and his ears went flat. “Aw come on!” “Did I stutter?” He gave her a stern look. “I had plans today! Unlike you three I ain’t a homebody. Tanuki are social creatures an’ there’s a party my pal Koto is having.” “No Ayame. Living here with us, you are a target as well. And the fact that we may have been lead into a trap last night, means that my informant may be working for the wrong side.” “What’s the matter? Can’t trust an Itachi Yokai?!” Riku’s look said it all and the girl grumped. “Well, screw me then!” “You heard me Ayame. Do not leave the vicinity at all.” Riku warned and turned to AJ as she stood up. “You too. The seals I put in place won’t allow a Daku Yokai to come within three feet of the house.” “Are you kidding me? I just want to sleep.” She shook her head and sighed as Riku kissed her. “I love you.” “Mhm.” She nodded, and Riku pulled away, lips thinning out a bit and then he smiled. “That tired? Well then, have a good sleep for now.” He tapped her nose and then vanished without a trace. Ayame muttered insults under her breath in Japanese, which AJ caught. “Hey, language!” “Huh? How do you know Japanese?!” The human girl shrugged. “I just have for a bit now.” And with a yawn, she disappeared down the hall for her bedroom. Ayame stood there, dumbfounded. “Ya mean, all this time I’ve been calling her a monkey-butt an’ she’s known? Dammit. I thought I was being clever.” The Tanuki grumped, poking at her rice as she sat alone. What a way to start off a day.
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