#this is probably incoherent
a-bit-of-fuckery · 8 months
I think that Stede and Ed are going to find each other in like episode one and it’s going to go really badly and there won’t be any reconciliation at that time. Then there will be a time jump and we’re going to see Ed go on his journey(spending time with Jackie etc)while Stede maybe does his training thing with Izzy(maybe he left Ed before the time jump) and we’ll see Stede growing more confident as a pirate and Izzy will have his growth journey while helping Stede. About half way through the season, Stede hears Ed might be in trouble or vise versa and they try and find each other again and we get a proper reunion that actually leads to reconciliation and the beginnings of them working through their issues but the British are coming for them and we are left with either them getting captured or a cliffhanger that eludes to a big clash with the British. Idk guys, the point of all of this is that I think the time jump is going to happen after the first episode and I think that would be fun
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inky-goddess · 6 months
Ok so I’m doing thoughts and I will subject you all to them.
So what happens to the physical bodies of the characters? Like- Pomni said she put on a headset, so would that mean her real life counterpart still exists? Or was she fully transported into the digital circus?
And how does time pass in the circus? Since Caine said to Pomni during the tour “Night? Day? The choice is yours…” that makes me think it’s simultaneously day and night at all times. So how do they know what time it is? I’ve seen some people saying that they think time might pass differently in the digital circus and I’m inclined to agree. If time passed the same as it did in the real world, that would mean that Kinger, who has been stuck there the longest- and is 48 as confirmed by gooseworx- would have had to enter the circus sometime in the late 80s early 90s (I did no math on this so I could be way off base) and vr headsets didn’t really exist, or at least weren’t readily available or good, back then. So like- what if one second in the real world is one day in the digital circus?
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beenovel · 8 months
tonight I'm thinking about the women in my family and I just want to cry.
me, very likely the first woman in my family to have my mothers last name and not my fathers. the beauty of being connected by my last name to my mother and my grandmother, three generations of women all sharing a name
my mother who fought so hard to keep me. against doctors who said she wouldn't survive her pregnancy, against family members who insisted she should give me to her sister who was married so I'd be raised by a married couple, against the congregation who wanted her to tell me I was adopted. who fled from south carolina to arizona completely alone, with hardly anything to her name, to live with relatives she hadn't seen in decades.
my grandmother who gave me my hands, my neck, my eyes, my elbows, my laugh. Who taught me to embroider and cross stitch and bake apple pie. who was married to a horrible man who made her life a living hell, but got the hell out of dodge and rebuilt her life in her 60s. who always wants me to feel loved, and safe.
my great grandmother who taught my grandmother how to survive, which was passed down to the rest of us. who was, by all accounts, a force to be reckoned with. who taught me grandmother and mother how to bake, who's recipes and techniques and anecdotes I'm still being taught decades after her death. a woman I never knew, yet was very nearly named after.
Generations of women shaping those who come after us. who fight and bleed and get up and shake the dust off our skirts and choose to love anyway.
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weavingshop · 10 months
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a conversation about revenge, similarities, & brotherhood (or: a disconnected series of michael gray vignettes)
resentment ; a day to remember//dazzled, precise ; anna de noailles//real men ; mitski//dear wormwood ; the oh hellos//never love an anchor ; the crane wives//famous blue raincoat ; leonard cohen
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t3acupz · 5 months
men were made by god, women were made by vampires
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palmtreepalmtree · 1 year
I am absolutely slammed this Monday, but everything I'm getting sent to deal with is so annoying.
To just lean into a stereotype here, British people write the least effusive recommendation letters I've ever seen and I have to work so hard to fix them. Like dude, this person has worked on four Academy Award Best Picture films... you might want to mention that?
I asked a talent rep when an actor would next be in the U.S. and instead of just giving me a date they provided me this person's whole schedule which like... don't ever say these people don't work hard cause you need a fucking three dimensional diagram to follow this. Time is not a line for these people.
Also, someone just sent me an email to try to track down a prior attorney with the comment 'none of the listed numbers are working.' The fuck am I supposed to do about that? Did I suddenly turn into a private investigator?
Anyhow, half of the people I need to respond to me today are probably still sleeping so maybe I'll actually get some work done this morning.
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battlevann · 9 months
I'm not thinking about Johnny and Zarathos never being free of each other I'm not thinking about the fact that no matter how many times they are unbound they find themselves bound to each other again
I'm not thinking about how Zarathos shifts from detesting Johnny as a person and host to being so fiercely protective over him and going as far as to cause issues in his relationships to keep him to itself I'm not thinking about Zarathos' insisting that Johnny belongs to him and him only
I'm not thinking about how Zarathos' was so thoroughly fucked up by Lilith and that it probably permanently damaged how it approaches love of any kind
I'm not thinking about how Zarathos knows every intimate detail of Johnny as he is its host but Johnny will never know nearly as much about the demon
I'm not thinking about how Johnny seems to be oblivious to Zarathos' feelings and thoughts and emotions I'm not thinking about how Johnny resents him but keeps him close because he'll die without him
I'm not thinking about how Zarathos doesn't care that Johnny resents him and how Zarathos refuses to give up his host and how he seems to favor Johnny above all other hosts despite how difficult it is to work with him I'm not thinking about how they are destined to always fall back together and how they are vital to each other's lives in every conceivable way I'm not IM NOT IM NORMAL IM NORMAL IM NORMAL
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likealizardyousay · 11 months
What she says: I’m fine
What she really means: Lady Macbeth is such a fascinating character from so many perspectives like why is her relationship with Macbeth Like That was this an arranged marriage? Did she marry him for the power? Did she actually love him at one point? At least at the beginning, does she want Macbeth to kill Duncan purely for her own gain or for both of them? What is going on with her wish to be stripped of all her womanly attributes? Does she not believe that a woman can be as ruthless and cruel as she believes she needs to be? Does she feel that Macbeth is an inadequate husband and man so therefore she must fill that role? What about after the murder? After Duncan’s death, the play does not focus nearly as much on LadyMac, especially not her motivations and thoughts about her new status. We get a little bit, but not much. After being so pivotal in convincing him to kill Duncan, she barely influences Macbeth’s actions after the first murder. And by the time we see her in Act 5, she has seemingly been driven insane by guilt over her actions. What happened? Does she regret her actions? Did being queen not satisfy her? Why does she seemingly lose interest in Macbeth’s actions? And when she eventually ends her own life, no one seems to care. For someone who was so important in the rising action of the play, why is she so neglected in the second half? And from a meta standpoint, why would Shakespeare choose to write her like this? Many of his other female characters, especially those who are wives, are characterized as submissive to the choices of their husbands, not taking much action. So for him to introduce Lady Macbeth as such a ruthless and ambitious person, things that were barely ever associated with women, is interesting, especially with how her demise is so glossed over. It’s almost reminiscent of Goneril and Regan in King Lear, two ruthless, ambitious women who die offstage with no one that remembers them fondly or even really cares.
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omega-puppy · 9 months
Bilingual alpha x omega dynamics
There’s a big connection between bilingualism and relationships wether one partner becomes bilingual, both partners are already bilingual, even in cases where to begin with, both partners were monolingual and they learnt another language.
I often wonder how this would work between an alpha and omega who are marked to one another. I wonder if for example the Alpha spoke Italian and english, if the omega (if they only spoke english) would have an easier time picking up Italian, with or without their alpha teaching them. Or in the reverse with the omega being bilingual.
What about being a polyglot (meaning someone who can speak 4 or more languages) then? How would a marked partner respond to being taught many languages at once?
As an omega presenting linguist, I’m fascinated as to what you guys think! Let me know!
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crowithy · 4 months
I've abandoned these OCS (the.porsrily I just have a bunch of EE content I want to work on first)
But I find it funny that my main wof OC group started as war orpbans in the canon timeline plus this weird human baby they found
My own world with a group of dragons trying to overthrow kingdoms, plus this weird human child they found
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dreamyzworldlove · 1 year
no bc scream is making me insane. like yes it is a meta movie but it is ultimately one about privilege!! how were able to be desensitized to tragedy bc it doesn’t affect us and how the obsession with true crime gets sensationalized and speculated over with no thought to the actual victims. like yes ghost face is scary but what really gets me is how much no one and woodsboro cares that there’s a killer on the lose. they celebrate having school off and watch a horror movie to get into the mood.
and billy and stu. while yes there may be some motive for their killings it is merely coincidal like yes they have some motive for sidney and her mother ( and arguably casey and her bf as well) that’s not why they kill. they kill because it’s a game to them and who is going to stop them?
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typecasto · 2 months
if i had a nickel for every intangible universal force represented with a capital G widely believed to be the reason we have stars and planets, i’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that there’s more than one of them.
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neppy-34 · 4 months
I have such intense tickly feelings towards miguel, i just want to sit on him and lift up his shirt and drag my nails down his torso and watch him lean his head back and just enjoy himself for once.
Get lost in the silly feeling and the twitches and the giggles and the coos and teases,.
I want to kiss at his stomach, watching his abs flex at the gentleness. I want to feel him arch his back because it just tickles too much to keep still.
I want to make Miguel feel giddy and happy and silly for once,
(Also side note i have this thing where i make a lot of my male favs into women so if i start using she her pronouns for Miguel in my posts every now and then thats why👍👍)
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flamegobrrrr · 10 months
over at my darling dearest's house and its funny because we're both doing different things,, earlier we were taking turns talking about our current...things we like more than a normal amount that i dont have a word for. i start describing the plot of ultimate spider-man episodes but only how it relates to harry or sam. they interrupt me to start telling me about tears of the kingdom. i interrupt them to start talking about spider man again. we go downstairs to eat and now they're playing Twilight Princess and I'm about to play Stardew Valley. they saw me writing this, i hid my screen, they wanted to see, and they assumed this post was negative and bit me (lightly). i love them so much,, my darling dearest
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system-of-a-feather · 11 months
Rambles our system agrees on and we could probably ramble on but probably wont
Desire really do be the source of a lot of suffering and most people do not understand what that means and how that is a philosophy played into practice beyond the image of bald monks and medias heavy attribution of that philosophy to "weird and reclusive bald monks" has done a lot to keep people from genuinely thinking about it as a concept beyond some "Asian mystical saying" and thus kept people from considering a genuinely good way to possibly improve your perspective on life in favor of White American Capitalism and it's values of individuality and materialism being a correlate for happiness and self care.
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jetsi · 1 year
Most fucked up chocolate i have ever seen
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