#this isn't even a joke it's just canon
dangerous-advantage · 9 months
jin guangyao: (villian monologuing) clever of you, sneaking into my hidden study like that. my fault, of course. my lack of vigilance comes back to bite me, i suppose. well, no matter. by the time your lan wangji follows after you, i will already be- wei wuxian, neck covered in hickies: actually, we broke up jin guangyao: wait. wait. stop. hold it. everybody stop. jin guangyao: jin guangyao: jin guangyao: what
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angelofdykeness · 2 months
satou matsuzaka: wow. this truly was Happy Sugar Life
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
Soap & Gaz : =(
Ghost : What's going on with you two?
Gaz : Old people flirting =( it's like my divorced dad flirting with his new girlfriend in front of me all over again
Ghost : What happened?
Gaz : Well he and my mom got a divorce, which was for the best honestly, and then he got himself a girlfriend that was closer in age to me than him and -
Ghost : I don't give a shit about your parents Garrick, what happened right now.
Gaz : Oh =(
Soap : Nikolai was teaching us insults in russian, and Price told him he had a dirty mouth and Nik just smiled at him, y'know, like a smirk, and Price smiled back, ewwww
Ghost : Wait, you think Price flirting with his... friend is gross because they're old? You do know I'm not that much younger than Price, right?
Soap : Yeah, but you're not flirting with anyone, so it's okay =)
Ghost :
Gaz :
Soap : =) ?
Gaz : I can't believe you just said that. With your full chest too...
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stairset · 1 year
I think the portrayal of Spider-Man 2099 in Across the Spider-Verse is in-character in that aside from like Shattered Dimensions he's always been portrayed as a bit of an asshole who slips into anti-hero territory at times and generally has a "needs of the many over the needs of the few" mindset and given his specific circumstances in the movie it's not unreasonable to think he could take the actions he does. However it does kinda suck that since like 99% of moviegoers had no idea who he was before the movie came out their first impression of him is when he's in an antagonistic role and people think "antagonist" and "villain" are synonyms so now I'm gonna have to listen to people who've never read a comic saying he's a villain or isn't a real Spider-Man for the rest of time or at least until he inevitably changes his mind in the third one.
#hell you don't even need to read a comic just look up a let's play of spider-man edge of time you'll get what i mean#but yeah i saw a post that was like#''the first movie had a joke about how spider-man doesn't wear a cape and miguel has a cape they did that to show he's not spider-man''#as if he hasn't had that cape since his creation 30 fucking years ago#he's not even the only spider-man to have one. spider-man unlimited is also a thing that exists.#even the first movie had that call-back joke where they see the peter from miles's universe had a suit with a cape#these movies have a lot of little details with deeper meanings but the cape thing just isn't one of them sorry#but yeah. play edge of time or find it on youtube it's good.#shattered dimensions is also good but miguel's personality in that game is closer to peter's for some reason#so edge of time is better for getting a feel of what he's usually like#but yeah i do think spider-verse miguel was probably more straightforwardly heroic like other versions before the whole dead family thing#and i think he and the rest of the spider society are just genuinely misguided about how the whole canon event thing works#cause like george and gwen don't die in every universe peter doesn't get the symbiote in every universe#even uncle ben doesn't die in every universe#but miguel THINKS those things always happen. that's why he got the others to believe it cause he genuinely believes it himself#and i think they all take comfort in the idea that these bad things that happen to them happen for a reason#i know that's josh keaton's interpretation for why spectacular peter joined and i don't disagree with it#that's also why i disagree with people saying that miles is The Only True Spider-Man There just cause he was the first to outright reject it#look me in the fucking eye and tell me spectacular peter and insomniac peter don't understand what it means to be spider-man#or actually don't cause i'll bitch slap you into next week if you do#miguel o'hara#marvel#shut up tristan
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quarks-pussy · 8 months
So I know we here at Startrekfandom love that "came back wrong but from the pov of the wrong" thing and apply it to many different characters and canon situations and I am far from trying to complain about it (I'm "came out wrong" trope myself so I was always gonna obsess over it) but having recently watched a very important episode (you'll know which one) for the first time I think there's a character who hits both tropes mentioned but llike, intertwined, opposite and subverted, and whom I wanna talk about.
Julian Bashir.
From his parents' pov he's "came out wrong but we got him help and he came back better" while from his own pov it's "came out 'insufficient', was destroyed for it, came back wrong and only later slowly came to terms with his new self tho never the process (justifiably so)" and it's heartbreaking because in a way, he's right! Jules Bashir died! His parents had an intellectually disabled child and decided to eugenics him! Julian is not the person he used to be and while I do love the person he is now, that doesn't bring back who he was! Part of me wishes we could've gotten to see Jules at least once and part of me hopes we never do because my heart would shatter.
This isn't a good comparison but nonetheless one I can't help drawing: it's giving similar vibes to anti-vaxxers. "I'd rather risk having a child who is dead than one who's autistic". Obviously this doesn't map over since Julian is still autistic and the procedure his parents subjected him to specifically targeted his intellectual disability and if any folks with id wanna comment on this I definitely recommend you listen to them over me, but it's a similarity I, as an autistic who has encountered anti-vaxxers again and again, can't help but point out. "Give me a normal child or give them death."
This may have been written about already but there needs to be stories about teenage Julian (after finding out and rediscovering who he was) practicing some good ol' recognition of the self through media. I need to hear about how he would encounter a story about someone who came back wrong (I'm gonna assume there's plenty of "wrong" pov stories floating around by the 24th century) and absolutely weep. I need to see Julian mourning Jules, taking years and years to process his feelings, experiencing guilt about how he, the imposter, didn't deserve to live Jules' life.
Came back wrong from the returned's pov but it wasn't an accident. It was done to you deliberately by the people who claim to love you. And now you are here, piloting the corpse of your predecessor.
Jules Bashir is dead. Long live Julian Bashir.
#i've called julian jules before simply as a normal nickname but i don't think i ever will again. not after this#and knowing that if it had been possible i would have probably gone the way jules did. knowing that at his age i would have gone willingly.#fuck dude i am literally actually crying literal tears irl right now this is not a joke#fuck!!!!!#julian bashir#jules bashir#doctor bashir i presume#came back wrong#star trek deep space nine#HE WAS SIX YEARS OLD!! HE WAS SIX YEARS OLD AND THEY KILLED HIM!!!!#i cannot stop crying i am literally crying and like not even just a little#i cannot... poor julian how the FUCK do you ever come to terms with something like that#and like... julian remembers. he has most if not all of jules' memories and also knows he was murdered simply for not being julian#like how did he cope#(im about to go off on a tangent that will contain censored names for the sake of not clogging those tags if you dont know who i mean hmu)#like this is literally the thing that fucked up j*ran so bad he went on a murder spree isn't it#he remembers the one who came before who was killed. very different circumstances of course esp since tr*ll are expected to replace one ano#another but he remembers this person he remembers BEING this person who was young and simply enjoying life and who died a sudden death and#he remembers the experience of that death as well and how it lead to his own creation. it's not remotely similar ofc but considering that#the only time we see t*rias in alpha canon is in julian's body... i need to lie down for a moment.#and jor*n couldn't cope! he couldn't! it was far too much and the weird thing is right now in this moment i GET it y'know?? like that's#so horrific. and i haven't watched any jo*an episode besides facets yet but do you think. do you think j*dzia told julian about all this an#he nodded along and kept composure and then when he was alone he broke down crying? like julian you're doing SO well ily you're coping and#you shouldn't have to obviously but you do nonetheless!! do you think julian still has something from jules? like i've heard there's a tedd#but i mean jules prolly didn't keep a diary he was a six year old with an intellectual disability it's pretty unlikely he could write but#does julian have drawings made by jules? i'd like to think so but honestly his parents probably threw them out. like they also moved so#sorry i'm just. many thoughts head full. ive stopped crying now but who knows for how long. also i'll have to tag this with my original tag#maybe i should've picked something less silly for when i make serious posts but like what am i gonna change my url as well? don't think so#original posts fresh from quark's pussy#and thats the tag limit folks it's been fun. i had to delete two other tags but my god. anyway. thinking about jules bashir forever & cryin
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pochapal · 7 months
btw for reference Here are all the spoiler glimpses of beatrice's form i've been accidentally exposed to for the sake of transparency and also so you can know how surreal/funny it is for me to be unravelling the meaning of this vicious murderwitch in canon while also seeing occasional iceberg tips of what seems to be some kind of extremely thorough and comprehensive blorbo memeification going on. i think you guys are doing some breaking bad fandom shit to this woman.
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bonefall · 9 months
Have you thought about collabing with the creators of Clangen?
It would be cool? But from what I know, Clangen really tries to stick close to canon, moreso than I do. They wouldn't be looking to add my clan culture expansions or spirituality overhauls.
So like, sure, if they/a mod maker approached me with an idea or request. Otherwise I'm not sure what we'd collaborate about?
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ghost-proofbaby · 4 months
“I love you” “it’ll pass” okay but which one is Eddie and which one is reader bc I don’t think I’d be able to handle either outcome
okay. just. hear me out. listen. listen to this idea i don't know if i could ever put myself through the heartbreak of writing. (tw: i'm bringing up the cursed thing that is eddie's canon ending in stranger things as of right now. yes. his... very, very, very long nap.)
"i love you" = reader
"it'll pass" = eddie
...and how ironic it is, for him to have insisted so many times that it'll pass, especially after the canon events of season 4. in which you are left alone, with nothing more than a memory of him, and all you can think is how it'll never pass. the love, the grief, the pain - he lied. it won't pass. even when you finally crave it to.
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It's genuinely always so wild to me that Weiss isn't canonically bi, despite her... Everything. And by that I do mean Pyrrha for like a solid 50% of that. Not only that, all of those 'semi-canon' side contents has SO MANY SAPPHIC MOMENTS it's wild, like whiterose is happening everywhere except canon it's maddening.
Maybe it's lesbian bias, but she straight (hah hah) up has more sapphic moments than straight ones when everything is put together
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samble · 5 months
i know nobody cares about this but me, but the way people still in 2024 think homura is some Obsessive Evil Psycho Abuser™ who wanted everyone but madoka to die horribly drives me up a wall. like, did we watch the same anime/movie(s)? are you just so blinded by hatred of homura that you flat out ignore canon entirely? what is it.
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bloodgulchblog · 1 month
While I sympathize with being frustrated that your favorite character wasn't the center of a story, I must point out that he had three fucking seasons where his character arc was at the core of the show, that was probably the best of it, and maybe it's fine somebody else got one that wasn't even particularly good.
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justtrashperson · 1 year
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I wasn't joking btw
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q-starhalo · 9 months
Gonna give it a few more minutes so everything is chilled out. For the meantime, I'm going to keep thinking about the river and add to the list of songs that remind me of q!Bad :D
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alsojnpie · 4 months
HI hopefully this isn't a weird question to ask, but i was just wondering if you have any particular headcanon for what Papyrus would look like as a human?? :00
no it's not a weird question!! I'm delighted you asked me! but i hope you don't mind my answer which is: i hate thinking about that!!!!!! if i think about him being a human i am not attracted to him AT ALL and it feels weird! if he somehow got turned into a human i would cry real tears! sometimes i think about that just to check if anything changed but it never has!!!! SOMETIMES I THINK ABOUT THAT as angst fodder because it would be a pure tragedy if he somehow became a human!!!!!!!
oh anyway i just realized i didn't answer your ACTUAL question because you didn't ask me how i felt about it. as for his looks i have zero feelings. EXCEPT!!!! that he would have the cutest smile in the world to me. (that means it would look exactly like my husband's smile)
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bittersweetresilience · 7 months
aspec characters on my character list: 73/96 arospec characters on my character list: 46/96 aroaspec characters on my character list if i wasn't repressed about it: 96/96
#🌃#the last one is a joke but also it's not i do think i interact with characters and their relationships in a fundamentally aroace way#HOWEVER#i hate headcanoning characters to be different than they are stated to be in canon i think it's incompatible and personally disrespectful#but with gender and aroace headcanons it's different because#the good thing is aroace spectrums cover such a broad range of experiences that it can be reconciled with just about any relationship type#aro people can date ace people can have sex aro people can have unrequited feelings#sometimes being aroace is that fundamental feeling of isolation and not quite understanding how#other people do it like they're getting love right and you don't know what it is or how to get there#sometimes being aroace is not being interested in all of that sometimes it's desperately wanting it and then realizing#what you want isn't exactly the same as what other people do#sometimes it's nonhuman coding sometimes it's neurodivergence coding sometimes it's a drive for knowledge or truth in place of Romance™#sometimes it's connection a bit to the left sometimes it's disconnection sometimes it's hunger sometimes it's looking through a window#reaching or wanting to reach or feeling like you should be wanting and not sure how to deal with the fact that you don't#for me always it's lonely#but it doesn't have to be#i can make these characters happy... like sisyphus and camus...#i don't know what i'm even going on about anymore 😂#THE POINT IS#if you are my favorite character you cannot escape the aroaceification 😘 love you queerplatonically
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how about... and hear me out... we stop reducing cole ninjago’s personality to food?
#literally so sick of it like it isn't even funny anymore#and this is at the fandom more than the show right now#like first of all - cole Clearly had an eating disorder and while that probably wasn't intentional on the writers' parts...#i mean. cole Literally started binge eating after watching his friend explode. come on. he was Never like that before s4.#and like he is Clearly at least a little insecure about it but no let's make jokes about how cole eats all the time hahaha#like the amount of times i have clicked out of fics or refused to reblog art solely because all the ninja are doing their thing and then oh#look there's cole eating cake hahaha so silly not like he's a ninja or anything :D#do better#it just infuriates me Especially since it is CANON that cole stress eats (because making fun of stress eating is so funny... show / fandom)#and he's my favorite character and it sucks to see him constantly portrayed as this food obsessed ninja who has no depth aside#from the 'there's not gonna be cake?' throwaway joke from s2 that Clearly only became a reoccuring thing because the fandom flipped out and#became obsessed with it like Yes it was funny but my God y'all have taken it to an entirely different level and the show bounced off of that#not to say that no one should ever draw or write or mention cole with food but if all you draw him with is food or if he's doing something#with food every time you write for him then you should Prolly take a step back and ask yourself why you're doing that and how you're#portraying cole as a character because he CERTAINLY has more depth than 'i love cake and also junk food tehehe protecc'#this has been in my drafts for a month and i just saw something along these lines on insta so i’m angry and posting it lol#ninjago#cole brookstone#cole ninjago
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