#this was published 7 years ago this should be a trend by now
mintmentos · 11 months
More series should do a recap at the beginning of subsequent books it’s such a good idea
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ultrvmonogamy · 7 months
can't say i'm feeling social at this point, but i want to reiterate that i invite anyone who's got any misgivings or confusion towards anything i've said or done or allegedly said or done (or has any other meaningful reason) to come talk to me in good faith, particularly if u've been on the receiving end of surreptitiously delivered rumors.
since the inception of this blog around a year ago, i have always maintained that i am here striving to be as authentic as reasonably possible. i have repeatedly asserted that this journey (blogging here this way) is for me abt learning to integrate potentially problematic aspects of my self (born of both trauma imposed upon me AND my own past poor decisions/self-destructive tendencies) into a more positive whole.
if ur unfollowing me or judging me bc ppl r covertly talking shit, but u r not willing to bring ur concerns to me--the guy in question who is actually inviting dialogue without any of the skeezy subterfuge--i have to wonder what side u think ur on and what it is that u think ur serving in that.
i'd imagine some of u (probably not reading this) simply want to distance ur brand from any of that kinda noise, which aligns w the fact that by far most who have unfollowed (or simply not re-followed) have not blocked me n many continue to like or even reblog my posts. i get that. i still think it sucks, n i miss some of u nonetheless. if that's ur need for ur livelihood tho, i can't blame u for that. even so, i'm here if u'd care to talk.
maybe u think u know smth that's all u need to know. i highly doubt that, but if u'd prefer to wear blinders on that front i just hope u'll remember i was here offering to set the record straight n address any questions u might have one on one.
maybe ur influenced by a quite popular blogger who is now well into her 7th month of stalking, harassing, n slandering me. 7 fucking months(!) of publicly urging ppl not to reblog me, mischaracterizing me in direct opposition to my behavior, making claims that r the literal opposite of the facts, and even announcing n mocking my personal sexual business. oh, and celebrating any time one of my blogs gets termed or seems to be getting less activity.
r u wondering what i must've done to this poor girl to incite such retaliation? well, i did not fall in love w a parasocially obsessed anon and instead, once it was clear that we were not compatible (which was soon after we talked w her off anon), i told her directly that i do not want or expect anything from her n that she'd already given me too much. i even dissuaded her from sending me nudes. and, yes, i have receipts for all of that. in fact, one of the reasons i'm writing this message now is to sidestep my urge to publish that evidence (10-15 screenshots, audio, conversation exports etc) n demolish the reputation of a sentient being who is already clearly unhinged n has shown herself to be ill-equipped to handle reality.
anyway, fuck all that noise.
i'm here (and if i'm not here i'll be elsewhere) and continuing to strive to be a more authentic, worthwhile, understanding, reliable, compassionate, n generally together human being w each day. striving, i said. i fuck up a lot (maybe u don't, in which case i'm envious), but i'm pretty fucking pleased w the overall trend. doesn't mean u should be, n that's fine, but this is the best i have to offer. can't be good enough for everyone, n maybe if u were me u'd do it all differently. good thing u've got a u to do that w then n don't actually have to focus on me.
i have never claimed to be anything close to perfect, and i have personally n without external pressure volunteered plenty of my own shortcomings. i have routinely exposed no dearth of my own problematic characteristics in post after post. if u r someone who feels the need to invent more or to spin half truths bc u find some kind of satisfaction in vilifying n isolating me, that says a hell of a lot more abt u than it does abt me. and for whatever my opinion is worth to u behind ur facade, i think it makes u exactly the kind of person that many or most of us in this community r here trying to heal from.
thank u for reading, and i hope everyone's week is going better than mine 🫶
(replies may be delayed. got a life to lead n mouths to feed n shelter to provide etc)
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historyman101 · 1 year
This Tumblr blog is retired.
No, this is not clickbait. This is real.
And no, I’m not nuking this blog off the internet. But I will no longer be actively posting.
Read on below, if you care.
To get right to the point, this is a decision that I have thought about for at least a year now if not more. Several factors influenced this, but chief among them was how the site is little more than a ghost town. Whenever I post there is barely a peep or any kind of feedback. Not dissing the people who do give me likes and all that, it’s just the reality of the website now. 
Another major factor was...well...all the friends I made on this site are gone now. They’ve either left Tumblr, fallen off the radar, cut ties with me or have simply migrated to other platforms. The group of friends I had on here has whittled away and the ones I still do keep in touch with are now on Discord, essentially eliminating the need for me to talk to them through Tumblr.
In addition, Tumblr as a website has been on a very long and very slow downward trend really ever since the apocalypse happened in 2018. You know the one. The one that the devs finally reversed, almost three years after the fact when the site has lost most of its userbase. Nice job breaking it, staff. I had half a mind to leave right then and there but I stayed on because, well, I still had some attachment to it. I still do now, but it’s been hard to keep that up as the years go by. 
While I haven’t been posting as often, one thing that has continued are the angry messages and PMs from people picking a fight with me about drama in the Astral Army server and about Eureka 7 in general from five years ago. Yes, I know, you’re all sick of hearing about it. I’m sick of talking about it. Even when I have long stopped talking about E7 and I posted about something completely unrelated like my recent overseas vacation, there were still people trying to gaslight me. I really do wish people would just let that drama go and leave the past in the past. But I guess that’s just too much to ask of some people. I won’t name any names, but to those people all I have to say is this: Grow the fuck up. Get over it. The world has moved on and so have I.
While I’m on the subject, I might as well say this now. To the people who knew what was going on and stayed silent, it really would not have been hard to disavow or condemn what was happening. And no, I don’t mean a mealy-mouthed, anemic “people should just be nice to each other” kind of disavowal. I mean “what’s happening to Historyman is wrong and it shouldn’t be happening at all. People need to chill out, check themselves, and leave him alone.” That’s all you had to say. That’s all I ever asked. Was it really that difficult to do? 
If you try to come back to me on Discord with some weak explanation, spare me. I don’t want to hear it. You had plenty of chances to curb this and you did nothing. Your silence was deafening and now, I’d rather you stayed silent.
Ugh, okay, enough bitching and moaning. I want this last post to be pleasant.
I started this blog when I had finished college in 2012 when Eureka 7: AO was still airing. I was in the middle of rewriting my historical fanfiction series set in World War II which got me tons of attention and introduced me to many cool people. I still talk with a few of them to this very day, 10 years later. In the time I’ve been on here, so much has changed both in my life and in the world in general. I wrote not just one, but six books, including my historical series (still aiming to get those published by the way. I’m not giving up!). I lost my father to heart failure. I traveled to so many exotic and fascinating places. Germany, Russia, the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Hawaii, and most recently, Ireland and Iceland. I earned my masters’ degree from one of the top graduate schools in America. I got a job in a field that I love and have dreamed of all my life. And now, come next year, I’ll be a homeowner. 
On Tumblr, I almost religiously followed developments with Eureka 7 and forged some tight bonds with fellow fans, some of which last to this day. I watched the fandom thrive despite AO’s failings, slowly disappear in the following years, and then rise like a phoenix for Hi-Evolution before it disappointed us all and splintered it possibly forever. I can still remember vividly the close friends I made in that community, all the talented artists I met and worked with to create fanart for the historical series, and the many nights spent in tinychats having fun. Ever since Hi-Evo came out and after my public divorce with the Astral Army, there is still a group of people who want to paint a picture that I caused this fandom to fall apart. That somehow, whether due to my own personal vendettas, my own aggressive nature, or something else entirely, the decline and fall is on my shoulders. Obviously, I reject those accusations in full, but I also have stopped trying to make my case because frankly, it’s too exhausting. If people want to think of me as this fandom’s devil or Judas Iscariot, fine. It’s not like I could do or say anything to change their minds anyway. All I will say about Eureka 7 is the following.
I still owe a lot in my life to that anime. I owe it my presence on Tumblr. I owe it my surviving friendships. I arguably owe it my writing career. While I can’t help but be sad about how the franchise has gone over the last 15 years and how it’s all ended, I am still deeply thankful and grateful to have watched it when I did. It will always be my favorite anime, the series that made me into an anime fan. I will forever be an Eureka 7 fan, even if the fandom no longer includes me. To my long-lost friends in this fandom, I hope that you continue to prosper and thrive, wherever you are. To those who call me their enemy, I’m sorry things turned out how they did. I’m sorry for all of it. But like Renton and Eureka, it’s time for me to leave the nest.  
While Eureka 7 is what I was most known for, I did delve into other anime as well. I wrote reviews for the latest hits like Violet Evergarden, Maquia: When the Flower Blooms, Demon Slayer: Mugen Train, and Fena: Pirate Princess. I even watched what is possibly the worst anime ever made, Ex-ARM. But as time has gone on, I find myself less inclined to keep up with modern anime and write reviews for the latest show. Maybe it’s because I’m older. Maybe it’s because I have a busier life than before. Maybe I’m just jaded from the constant and unceasing barrage of new anime that get buried half a season later by newer anime. Either way, nowadays I only rarely watch whatever anime comes out these days; it’s largely what catches my interest and if not that, then older titles. In fact, I’ve told my friends lately that enough anime has been made that you could watch just older titles and get more entertainment from them than any of the newer stuff released in the last 5 years.
Apart from anime, my writings occupied a lot of my time here. Like I said it’s what got me my start and my initial wave of attention. The Historical Eureka Seven series took me five years to do, starting in 2012 and finally concluding in 2017. I have been quietly editing the series for publication really ever since its conclusion and if I posted it now on FP or AO3, it would read extremely differently. As of this post, there is only one book left to edit. However, I have also been writing other stuff too: What Is It All For, a historical romance set in the Spanish Civil War; and Welcome to Wakeford, my first foray into horror. However, in the time since I became gainfully employed, the time available to write the long, expansive epics I used to write has greatly shrunk. I am now at a place where, while I still have a multi-volume novel series set in the Napoleonic era planned (and yes, I’m going to talk about that in a moment), I don’t have the time to write as I once did. In fact, recently I have struggled to get a short horror story done in time for Halloween. I will have to reschedule it for next Spooky Season. Smaller projects seem to be more manageable for me these days even when things get in my way like work, a vacation, and a really bad case of the flu.
To the Frev/Napoleonic Community: don’t think I have forgotten about you. I know full well that people still want to learn about what I’m doing regarding the Jozef Poniatowski Saga. The Polish Bayard’s time will come soon enough, but that’s the thing. Like I said before, my time to write is limited these days, as is my time to conduct research. I still have a day job that requires my full attention. Quite frankly, my situation with that has been nothing short of a whirlwind in the last six months. I had to relocate to the DC metro area and pretty much hit the ground running in my new position. Things can still get hectic at work even now. I’m not saying that to make an excuse or to issue false promises but merely to give you a sense of where my life is right now. I am still committed to sharing Poniatowski’s story as I think his is a tale well worth telling. But like everything else I’ve written in the past, it will take time. This is more than just another historical fiction for me: it’s ultimately a return to the multi-volume epic wartime romance story I used to write. That kind of project requires a massive commitment of time. When Pepi’s time will come, I cannot say for sure, but it will come. 
One thing I’ve learned in the time I’ve been on Tumblr in general is to be humble and self-critical. I always go back to my previous drafts and find something that I could have done or said better. There are things I firmly believed to be true only to be told point blank that it was absolutely false. And yes, you may not believe it, but there are things I have done and said in the past that I do regret. If I could take one thing back, it wouldn’t be one thing; it would be a million things. There are those who I’ve pushed away because I was either too blind to understand what was happening or just too stubborn to admit I was at fault. To those people, even though I most likely will never see or hear from you again, I am sorry, and I wish I could take it all back. My only hope is that your lives are happy and fulfilling.
I’ve also learned that to survive you need to roll with the punches and take life as it comes. Don’t let the distant, abstract things in life get you down. Whether that’s from a troll who won’t let go of the past, an anime franchise that’s decayed and fallen to ruin, a worldwide pandemic, or even just the fear of your own mortality, the best thing you can do is live your life one day at a time. There are always going to be disappointments, but there’s no sense in wallowing in that self-pity and misery. The best thing to do after falling down hard is to get right back up and keep walking. If your legs can still move, then use them.
Before I end this long goodbye, I want to clear some things up and let people know what’s happening. Like I said before, I’m not deleting this blog. I will keep it up if only out of posterity. There is a lot of history on here and I don’t want that to just be erased. In fact, there are still some people who interact with my posts even now. 
I will not be migrating to any new platform. I am not going to Twitter, aka the most cancerous cesspool on the internet. I will not stream on Twitch because the way they enforce their TOS makes me fear I would get shadowbanned right off the bat. I’m sticking to Discord because that’s where all my friends are, and it’s where I’m most comfortable. I will also keep up all the old stories I wrote on this blog as I know for a lot of people it’s really the only way to find them. I will NOT be updating this blog with new projects going forward. However, if any of my followers or friends in Discord want to post my work on their pages, they are more than welcome to do so; I only ask that you tag me in any posts you make. 
For anyone who still wants to keep up with what I do, writing or otherwise, Discord is the best place to find me. Even if you don’t want to join my server, you can hit me up privately. My username is same as here, and my number is #2503. Don’t be shy; I may not answer your PMs immediately, but I do read every message that is sent. I always welcome new friends to chat with. 
To be honest, this still feels kinda surreal. I still can’t believe I’ve been on this platform for 10 years. This feels like I’m closing the book on one big chapter in my life. But at the same time, closing one chapter means opening another one. Whether it’s an exciting pulse-pounder or boring filler remains to be seen, but all I do know is that I have to leave something behind to start that chapter. And this tumblr is it.
I will always have fond memories of this place, even in the bad times. I will cherish the friends I made here, remember the laughs I had, and keep all those memories close as I move onward. To all my followers, new and old, thank you for your continuous support and dedication. You have no idea how much that meant to me.
May the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May you get it by your hands. 
Don’t beg for things; do it yourself, or else you won’t get anything.
Until we meet again, drink on, old friend.
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lakelandseo · 1 year
They're Simply the Best: The Top 25 Moz Blogs of 2022
We published 156 posts on the Moz Blog this year, and as is tradition, it's time to look back at the most popular ones! You’ll find blogs on new findings in social media search, tips for e-commerce SEO, trends in technical and local SEO, and so much more.
Have a safe and happy new year, Moz friends! See you in 2023.
*The top 25 written posts published between January 1 - December 26, 2022, in order by pageviews generated during that timeframe.
1. How to Win Potential Consumers with Customer Journey Mapping on Google
By Christopher Hofman Laursen | April 20, 2022
If your website is like most others, there is likely a mismatch between the content you provide, and what your prospective customers search for on Google. This article is about understanding those potential customers and their conversation with Google by using the customer journey mapping method to provide them with the best content.
2. TikTok SEO: Understanding the TikTok Algorithm
By Lidia Infante | October 26, 2022
In the first chapter of this series, we dug into the search behavior on TikTok and why it should matter to SEOs. In this article, we are going to cover the ins and outs of the TikTok algorithm, and how to leverage it to get more users looking at your brand’s content.
3. Shopify SEO: The Guide to Optimizing Shopify [Updated for 2022]
By Christopher Long | January 25, 2022
Shopify is an increasingly popular platform for e-commerce sites, but it's not fully SEO-friendly out of the box. What's the best way to optimize your Shopify experience for SEO?
4. How to Prep Your SEO Strategy for a New Website
By Adriana Stein | March 16, 2022
Your SEO strategy should be one of the primary considerations before you even start your website. Instead of fighting to make your website SEO-ready later on, start with this holistic SEO checklist for new websites and save yourself valuable time and resources.
5. How to Use Chrome to View a Website as Googlebot
By Alex Harford | August 17, 2022
In this article, Alex shows you how and why to use Google Chrome (or Chrome Canary) to view a website as Googlebot. Viewing a website as Googlebot means we can see discrepancies between what a person sees and what a search bot sees – useful for technical SEO and content audits.
6. How to Optimize for Google's Featured Snippets [Updated for 2022]
By Ann Smarty | November 14, 2022
Google’s featured snippets started as an experiment almost a decade ago. They have since become an integral part of Google’s SERPs, showing up for lots of queries. In fact, featured snippets are now considered organic position #1, so making them part of your SEO strategy is essential to build more traffic.
7. Protect the Hours of Operation on Your GBP from Unwanted Google Edits
By Miriam Ellis | May 9, 2022
Google wants to employ machine learning and AI to alter the hours of operation on twenty million Google Business Profiles as part of their project of creating a “self-updating map”. Google has good reason for pursuing accuracy in their local index, but local business owners have even better reason to be on top of this announcement and proactively safeguard the validity of their own data. 
8. The Top Tech SEO Strategies for 2022 and Beyond
By Crystal Carter | January 27, 2022
Last year was an incredible year for core updates, and for how SEOs improve page quality for users. Moving forward, we can expect to see increased diversification of SERPs — led by developments in Google’s algorithms — and new features from tools like Google Lens. These developments will change how we manage our SEO now and in the future.
9. TikTok SEO: Is TikTok Going to Replace Google?
By Lidia Infante | August 31, 2022
User behavior on TikTok has been evolving as its popularity grows. We’ve seen the app go from dancing teenagers to influencing shopping behavior across the world. Now, the next step for TikTok seems to be turning into the next big search engine. What does it mean for SEOs?
10. 5 Things I Learned About E-A-T by Analyzing 647 Search Results
By Molly Ploe | September 13, 2022
How can SEOs possibly prove to Google, amid all the noise and competition and other experts out there, that their clients deserve a place on Page 1? To find out, Molly compared the top results on hundreds of SERPs to determine what actually proves E-A-T.
11. What Are the Best Tools for Storytelling With Data Visualization?
By Jo Cameron | July 27, 2022
Charts and infographics can be pretty, but if they aren’t also properly breaking down data in a way that makes an impact on the audience, they are likely not worth the time and effort. Below, we discuss how storytelling ties into data visualization, and what tools can help you bring more data into your content.
12. Social Media Competitor Analysis: The Complete Guide
By Sally Ofuonyebi | July 26, 2022
Looking for the steps for performing social media competitor analysis? Here’s a detailed breakdown.
13. How to Improve Organic Clickthrough for Your Content
By Ann Smarty | January 13, 2022
Google search result pages are becoming more diverse and even interactive, which makes any click-through study out there much less reliable, because no two sets of search results are ever the same. So how much control do writers and content creators have over how their content is represented in search? As it turns out, quite a bit!
14. How We Increased Organic Traffic by 65% Using Keyword Research Working Sessions
By Daniel Wood | July 20, 2022
In this blog, Daniel shows you why you should do a keyword research working session with your clients to tap into their expert industry knowledge, and how these sessions helped his team deliver organic traffic growth for one of their new clients with low Domain Authority.
15. Understanding the Google Ads Auction & Why Ad Rank Is Important
By Tanuja Mahdavi | February 16, 2022
When there is a search query on Google, Google Ads runs a quick auction to determine which ads will show for that search query, and what the ad positions should be. This ad auction is repeated every time an ad is eligible to appear for a search term, and is an integral part of the SERP landscape. To help understand it, Tanuja covers the what, how, and why behind the Google Ads auction.
16. How to Earn Topical Authority in 2022 and Beyond
By Zoe Ashbridge | June 8, 2022
Zoe takes a deep dive into topical authority: what it is, how to earn it, and, importantly, how to strategically develop topical relevance.
17. How to Use Keywords to Combine the Power of SEO and Google Ads [Case Study]
By Adriana Stein | July 19, 2022
Both SEO and PPC are used for a common goal — search engine marketing (SEM) — and neither would survive without targeted keywords. Since both strategies have user intent and search demand in mind, you can use them to achieve both short-term and long-term business goals. When approached correctly, using SEO and PPC together can unlock significant opportunities for your brand, so let’s dig in!
18. How We Increased a Client’s Leads by 384% in Six Months by Focusing on One Topic Cluster [Case Study]
By Lydia German | September 26, 2022
Lydia shares the content update process she an her team at Tao Digital Marketing used to generate great results for a client in the financial services niche.
19. The 7-Day Quick Start Guide to SEO + Cheat Sheet
By Cyrus Shepard | October 31, 2022
Unless you work for an agency or want to make a lifelong career out of SEO (an excellent choice), most folks don't learn SEO for the sake of learning SEO, but want the same quick wins that professional SEOs look for. That’s why we created the Quick Start Guide to SEO, which includes seven days of actions to check the SEO health of your site while putting you on the path of sustained improvement. If you want something even more compact, we also created the SEO Quick Start Guide Cheat Sheet.
20. Freshness & SEO: An Underrated Concept
By Christopher Long | July 6, 2022
After working with a news organization and testing the learnings from that work on other sites, Chris and his team started to see the immense power that freshness updates could produce in SEO. In this post, he explains why the entire SEO community has underrated the concept of “freshness”, and how to start optimizing for it.
21. 2022 Local SEO Success: The Year of Everywhere
By Miriam Ellis | January 4, 2022
Take a look back at Miriam's seven local SEO precepts for the 2022, including some expert commentary.
22. The Top 5 Soft Skills SEOs Should Develop
By Petra Kis-Herczegh | September 6, 2022
When it comes to SEO, especially technical SEO, we often talk about the importance of hard skills. And while there’s no doubt that vlookup and regex can be your best friends, there are some essential soft skills to learn that will help you excel in your role and progress in your career.
23. How to Do Better, Lazier Keyword Research
By Tom Capper | September 5, 2022
In this post, Tom expands on one of the points from his 2022 MozCon talk: that a lot of time spent on keyword research is wasted. He’ll go over the three main ways SEOs turn what should be an involved piece of strategic thinking into an overly time-consuming routine, along with what to focus on instead.
24. Transitioning to GA4: Is this the Right Analytics Move for Your Team?
By Sam Torres | July 25, 2022
As you've likely heard, Google plans to fully retire Universal Analytics for GA4. Here's what you should know before making any moves.
25. Beginner's Guide to Google Business Profiles: What Are They, How To Use Them, and Why
By Miriam Ellis | October 17, 2022
Google Business Profile is both a free tool and a suite of interfaces that encompasses a dashboard, in-SERP editing, local business profiles, and a volunteer-driven support forum with this branding. Google Business Profiles and the associated Google Maps make up the core of Google’s free local search marketing options for eligible local businesses. In this guide, we’re doing foundational learning! Share this simple, comprehensive article with incoming clients and team members to get off on the right foot with this important local business digital asset.
0 notes
bfxenon · 1 year
They're Simply the Best: The Top 25 Moz Blogs of 2022
We published 156 posts on the Moz Blog this year, and as is tradition, it's time to look back at the most popular ones! You’ll find blogs on new findings in social media search, tips for e-commerce SEO, trends in technical and local SEO, and so much more.
Have a safe and happy new year, Moz friends! See you in 2023.
*The top 25 written posts published between January 1 - December 26, 2022, in order by pageviews generated during that timeframe.
1. How to Win Potential Consumers with Customer Journey Mapping on Google
By Christopher Hofman Laursen | April 20, 2022
If your website is like most others, there is likely a mismatch between the content you provide, and what your prospective customers search for on Google. This article is about understanding those potential customers and their conversation with Google by using the customer journey mapping method to provide them with the best content.
2. TikTok SEO: Understanding the TikTok Algorithm
By Lidia Infante | October 26, 2022
In the first chapter of this series, we dug into the search behavior on TikTok and why it should matter to SEOs. In this article, we are going to cover the ins and outs of the TikTok algorithm, and how to leverage it to get more users looking at your brand’s content.
3. Shopify SEO: The Guide to Optimizing Shopify [Updated for 2022]
By Christopher Long | January 25, 2022
Shopify is an increasingly popular platform for e-commerce sites, but it's not fully SEO-friendly out of the box. What's the best way to optimize your Shopify experience for SEO?
4. How to Prep Your SEO Strategy for a New Website
By Adriana Stein | March 16, 2022
Your SEO strategy should be one of the primary considerations before you even start your website. Instead of fighting to make your website SEO-ready later on, start with this holistic SEO checklist for new websites and save yourself valuable time and resources.
5. How to Use Chrome to View a Website as Googlebot
By Alex Harford | August 17, 2022
In this article, Alex shows you how and why to use Google Chrome (or Chrome Canary) to view a website as Googlebot. Viewing a website as Googlebot means we can see discrepancies between what a person sees and what a search bot sees – useful for technical SEO and content audits.
6. How to Optimize for Google's Featured Snippets [Updated for 2022]
By Ann Smarty | November 14, 2022
Google’s featured snippets started as an experiment almost a decade ago. They have since become an integral part of Google’s SERPs, showing up for lots of queries. In fact, featured snippets are now considered organic position #1, so making them part of your SEO strategy is essential to build more traffic.
7. Protect the Hours of Operation on Your GBP from Unwanted Google Edits
By Miriam Ellis | May 9, 2022
Google wants to employ machine learning and AI to alter the hours of operation on twenty million Google Business Profiles as part of their project of creating a “self-updating map”. Google has good reason for pursuing accuracy in their local index, but local business owners have even better reason to be on top of this announcement and proactively safeguard the validity of their own data. 
8. The Top Tech SEO Strategies for 2022 and Beyond
By Crystal Carter | January 27, 2022
Last year was an incredible year for core updates, and for how SEOs improve page quality for users. Moving forward, we can expect to see increased diversification of SERPs — led by developments in Google’s algorithms — and new features from tools like Google Lens. These developments will change how we manage our SEO now and in the future.
9. TikTok SEO: Is TikTok Going to Replace Google?
By Lidia Infante | August 31, 2022
User behavior on TikTok has been evolving as its popularity grows. We’ve seen the app go from dancing teenagers to influencing shopping behavior across the world. Now, the next step for TikTok seems to be turning into the next big search engine. What does it mean for SEOs?
10. 5 Things I Learned About E-A-T by Analyzing 647 Search Results
By Molly Ploe | September 13, 2022
How can SEOs possibly prove to Google, amid all the noise and competition and other experts out there, that their clients deserve a place on Page 1? To find out, Molly compared the top results on hundreds of SERPs to determine what actually proves E-A-T.
11. What Are the Best Tools for Storytelling With Data Visualization?
By Jo Cameron | July 27, 2022
Charts and infographics can be pretty, but if they aren’t also properly breaking down data in a way that makes an impact on the audience, they are likely not worth the time and effort. Below, we discuss how storytelling ties into data visualization, and what tools can help you bring more data into your content.
12. Social Media Competitor Analysis: The Complete Guide
By Sally Ofuonyebi | July 26, 2022
Looking for the steps for performing social media competitor analysis? Here’s a detailed breakdown.
13. How to Improve Organic Clickthrough for Your Content
By Ann Smarty | January 13, 2022
Google search result pages are becoming more diverse and even interactive, which makes any click-through study out there much less reliable, because no two sets of search results are ever the same. So how much control do writers and content creators have over how their content is represented in search? As it turns out, quite a bit!
14. How We Increased Organic Traffic by 65% Using Keyword Research Working Sessions
By Daniel Wood | July 20, 2022
In this blog, Daniel shows you why you should do a keyword research working session with your clients to tap into their expert industry knowledge, and how these sessions helped his team deliver organic traffic growth for one of their new clients with low Domain Authority.
15. Understanding the Google Ads Auction & Why Ad Rank Is Important
By Tanuja Mahdavi | February 16, 2022
When there is a search query on Google, Google Ads runs a quick auction to determine which ads will show for that search query, and what the ad positions should be. This ad auction is repeated every time an ad is eligible to appear for a search term, and is an integral part of the SERP landscape. To help understand it, Tanuja covers the what, how, and why behind the Google Ads auction.
16. How to Earn Topical Authority in 2022 and Beyond
By Zoe Ashbridge | June 8, 2022
Zoe takes a deep dive into topical authority: what it is, how to earn it, and, importantly, how to strategically develop topical relevance.
17. How to Use Keywords to Combine the Power of SEO and Google Ads [Case Study]
By Adriana Stein | July 19, 2022
Both SEO and PPC are used for a common goal — search engine marketing (SEM) — and neither would survive without targeted keywords. Since both strategies have user intent and search demand in mind, you can use them to achieve both short-term and long-term business goals. When approached correctly, using SEO and PPC together can unlock significant opportunities for your brand, so let’s dig in!
18. How We Increased a Client’s Leads by 384% in Six Months by Focusing on One Topic Cluster [Case Study]
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19. The 7-Day Quick Start Guide to SEO + Cheat Sheet
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Unless you work for an agency or want to make a lifelong career out of SEO (an excellent choice), most folks don't learn SEO for the sake of learning SEO, but want the same quick wins that professional SEOs look for. That’s why we created the Quick Start Guide to SEO, which includes seven days of actions to check the SEO health of your site while putting you on the path of sustained improvement. If you want something even more compact, we also created the SEO Quick Start Guide Cheat Sheet.
20. Freshness & SEO: An Underrated Concept
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After working with a news organization and testing the learnings from that work on other sites, Chris and his team started to see the immense power that freshness updates could produce in SEO. In this post, he explains why the entire SEO community has underrated the concept of “freshness”, and how to start optimizing for it.
21. 2022 Local SEO Success: The Year of Everywhere
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Take a look back at Miriam's seven local SEO precepts for the 2022, including some expert commentary.
22. The Top 5 Soft Skills SEOs Should Develop
By Petra Kis-Herczegh | September 6, 2022
When it comes to SEO, especially technical SEO, we often talk about the importance of hard skills. And while there’s no doubt that vlookup and regex can be your best friends, there are some essential soft skills to learn that will help you excel in your role and progress in your career.
23. How to Do Better, Lazier Keyword Research
By Tom Capper | September 5, 2022
In this post, Tom expands on one of the points from his 2022 MozCon talk: that a lot of time spent on keyword research is wasted. He’ll go over the three main ways SEOs turn what should be an involved piece of strategic thinking into an overly time-consuming routine, along with what to focus on instead.
24. Transitioning to GA4: Is this the Right Analytics Move for Your Team?
By Sam Torres | July 25, 2022
As you've likely heard, Google plans to fully retire Universal Analytics for GA4. Here's what you should know before making any moves.
25. Beginner's Guide to Google Business Profiles: What Are They, How To Use Them, and Why
By Miriam Ellis | October 17, 2022
Google Business Profile is both a free tool and a suite of interfaces that encompasses a dashboard, in-SERP editing, local business profiles, and a volunteer-driven support forum with this branding. Google Business Profiles and the associated Google Maps make up the core of Google’s free local search marketing options for eligible local businesses. In this guide, we’re doing foundational learning! Share this simple, comprehensive article with incoming clients and team members to get off on the right foot with this important local business digital asset.
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petnews2day · 1 year
Mortgage rates just dipped, and home prices may be ‘reaching the peak’ — but buyers hoping for a free-fall ‘will be disappointed’
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-financial-news/mortgage-rates-just-dipped-and-home-prices-may-be-reaching-the-peak-but-buyers-hoping-for-a-free-fall-will-be-disappointed/
Mortgage rates just dipped, and home prices may be ‘reaching the peak’ — but buyers hoping for a free-fall ‘will be disappointed’
Mortgage rates just dipped, and home prices may be ‘reaching the peak’ — but buyers hoping for a free-fall ‘will be disappointed’
After climbing above 7% for the first time in 20 years, U.S. mortgage rates moved back down this week even as the housing market continues to reel from high borrowing costs.
Rates also dipped despite the Federal Reserve announcing another hike of three-quarters of a point to its trend-setting federal funds rate — a sign that inflation is still refusing to be tamed.
“It seems that (mortgage) rates have already priced in some of the effects of the Fed’s higher interest rates,” says Nadia Evangelou, senior economist for the National Association of Realtors.
Yet, depending on how quickly — or slowly — consumer prices and the still-frothy job market begin to moderate, rates for home loans could soon start ticking up again.
Don’t miss
30-year fixed-rate mortgages
The interest rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage — America’s most popular home loan — averaged 6.95% this week, down from 7.08% one week earlier, housing finance giant Freddie Mac reported Thursday.
Last year at this time, the 30-year rate was averaging 3.09%.
At today’s rate (and today’s prices), the monthly mortgage payment on a median-priced home is $965 higher than it was one year ago, says George Ratiu, senior economist for Realtor.com.
“The dramatic jump in financing costs has effectively shrunk most buyers’ budgets,” Ratiu says.
15-year fixed-rate mortgages
The rate on a 15-year fixed mortgage averaged 6.29% this week, down from 6.36% last week and 2.35% one year ago, Freddie Mac says.
Sales are still falling, and prices in many markets are following suit.
Average home prices are declining in more than a third of the 100 largest U.S. housing markets, according to research from Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and Florida International University.
Story continues
The markets with the highest drops are primarily in places that had been experiencing the strongest appreciation: San Jose, Calif., Austin, Tx., San Francisco, Boise, Id. and Salt Lake City.
“Housing markets across the country are definitely slowing down and appear to be reaching the peaks of their current housing cycles,” says Ken H. Johnson, an economist in FAU’s College of Business.
5-year adjustable-rate mortgage
The average rate on a five-year adjustable rate mortgage — or ARM — was 5.96% this week, down just a touch from 5.96% last week.
Last year at this time, the five-year ARM was averaging 2.54%.
ARMs start out with fixed interest rates that typically last between three and 10 years. The rates are usually lower than what they are on a mortgage that’s fixed for a longer term, like the 15- or 30-year.
But after the initial term, the rate on an ARM will adjust up or down based on a benchmark like the prime rate.
Read more: Should I wait for housing to crash further before I buy a house? 3 reasons the end of 2022 could be the very best time to jump in
The Fed’s impact on mortgage rates
The Federal Reserve does not set mortgage rates, but its federal funds rate influences a range of borrowing costs, including those on home loans.
The Fed’s recent interest rate hikes have affected demand across a variety of sectors, but perhaps none more so than housing.
“The housing market was very overheated for the couple of years after the pandemic as demand increased and rates were low,” Fed Chair Jerome Powell expressed in a press conference this week. “The housing market needs to get back into a balance between supply and demand.”
Powell said that from a financial stability standpoint, however, the market appears to be in better shape now than at the time leading up to the global financial crisis, when lending standards were much looser than they are today.
“It’s a very different situation and doesn’t appear to present financial stability issues,” he said.
Where will rates go from here?
Mortgage rates could climb to 8% or more by the end of this year or early into next should inflation prove stubborn, says Lisa Sturtevant, chief economist at Bright MLS.
The newest data on consumer prices will be released next week — and that could be telling as to the Fed’s actions going forward.
“While rates could be volatile over the coming weeks, homebuyers expecting mortgage rates to fall significantly will be disappointed,” Sturtevant says.
If inflation eases and the Fed relaxes its aggressive hikes, mortgage rates could stabilize around 7%, she says.
The latest forecast from the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) shows average 30-year fixed rates peaking in the final quarter of this year and then falling in 2023.
Mortgage applications fall for sixth straight week
The decline in mortgage activity continued last week, falling 0.5% compared to the previous week, according to the latest MBA survey.
Specifically, applications for mortgages to purchase homes fell 1% from the previous week and were down 41% from last year. Applications to refinance existing home loans were down 0.2% and a stark 85% from one year ago.
“Apart from the ARM loan rate, rates for all other loan types were more than three percentage points higher than they were a year ago,” says Joel Kan, MBA’s vice president and deputy chief economist.
“These elevated rates continue to put pressure on both purchase and refinance activity and have added to the ongoing affordability challenges impacting the broader housing market, as seen in the deteriorating trends in housing starts and home sales.”
What to read next
Your cash is trash: Here are 4 simple ways to protect your money against white-hot inflation (without being a stock market genius)
Did you buy a house before 2022? If the answer is ‘no,’ you will likely be on the wrong end of financial inequality over the next decade — [here’s why]https://moneywise.com/real-estate/housing-market-creates-greater-wealth-divide?placement=WTRN2)
These are the only 4 cities in America where average renters can afford a starter home — and 2 places where they fall more than $100K short
This article provides information only and should not be construed as advice. It is provided without warranty of any kind.
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kiefbowl · 3 years
Do you have any book recommendations?
sure :)
House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende - a favorite of mine, I re-read probably once every 3 years since HS at this point. Isabel Allende is the niece of Salvador Allende, the democratically elected socialist leader of Chile that was removed from office by a US backed coup. A piece of Chilean/American history not oft taught to American students. Isabel wrote this novel about an aristocratic family leading up to the coup. It does detail sexual assault and rape, but the story is focused on multiple generations of women.
The Second Shift by Arlie Russell Hochschild - A book I had to read in college for a sociology class that was called "Psychology and Marriage" or something to that nature. That class and this book specifically were instrumental in leading me towards radical feminism (despite neither being about it). Sociology books on gender are a great way to put your feminist framework to work, and should not be overlooked as important texts to feminism. This book is an engaging read about the labor of housework, written in chapters detailing the lives of specific families.
Call the Midwife by Jennifer Worth - I just finished this so it's on my mind, very quick read and engaging read. The tv show is based on this memoir, and on her following two memoirs as well which I have yet to read. There is a spiritual/religious bent to it that might be off putting, and Jenny does write at times in some strikingly sexist and tone-deft language that is shocking to find considering the subject matter, but it's no more so than what you would find from an average woman I suppose. What's more important is that it's her account of her times as a midwife in Poplar in the 50s, aiding extremely poor women through their numerous pregnancies in her own words. Very eye opening to the reality of post-war poverty in the UK, as well as the reality of obstetrics pre so many of our now common modern-day medical advances.
Why does he do that? by Lundy Bancroft - Some books are worth the over-recommendation. This book has been instrumental for me in navigating my life with the relationships of men I have, not just purely sexual and romantic, but in friendship, work, and community. Recognizing patterns of male dominance and entitlement is an essential tool to survive. It also has helped me navigate my relationship with my mother, who can at times be selfish and manipulative. There are posts floating about detailing accusations made against Bancroft that I would not be able to find without some serious digging, but yes Bancroft is a man (some women don't know this). He has an extensive career working with abusive men and their victims, so he has incredible insight and yet also has been accused himself entitled to women. This has, in my opinion, brought a deeper understanding of his words in that he might think he is detailing the minds of the abusive man, I see him as detailing the minds of men who will abuse their power over women. In any case, I have recently been re-reading it at leisure.
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster - This book has been high in my mind the past few months as the author passed away in March. What a lovely children's book, delightful exploration of the English language in fun and magical ways. I had a teacher read this book out loud to us at the end of each day in either 2nd or 3rd grade and it's been a favorite ever since. It's a little long for a children's book, and the adventures are repetitive to some degree, so it might be hard for an adult to want to read through the whole thing as their go to book, but flipping through it now and again is delightful. If you have an 7-10 year old kid in your life, it's a fun thing to share with them.
Wise Child by Monica Furlong - Maybe there's something to analyze about me that I'm recommending two children's books...but I'll let that be my problem. I read this a few years ago as my train-commute book. For some reason, I've been thinking about it a lot lately and want to pick it up again. It's about a witch and her child apprentice in a Scottish village. That's it. But the imagery was very cool and I love magic and witches so it was my jam. I picked it up for free in a neighborhood "little free library" so maybe my heart just goes to it for being given away despite it being a cute book about a female relationship.
The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett - This book comes recommended to me by my boyfriend's mom, who I adore and who is an amazing, hilarious, thoughtful woman, and is the book I'm about to start since I literally just finished reading Call the Midwife last night. It's a long, meaty historical novel about building a cathedral. So if you're interested in reading a book along with me in spirit, especially ones recommended by an amazing older woman, especially if you like giant novels that are hard to carry around dense with details about architecture and the lives of peasant and noble people living in Kingsbridge England in 1123-1174, then girlfriend hop on with me and let's make this monumental smash hit suddenly start trending with 20-30 something feminist women on tumblr this summer for no discernible reason.
Around the Corner by Jeremy J. Majewski - I haven't read this, I'm only recommending it because someone I know wrote it and I want to support the people in my life :) It's a fantasy novel and it might not even be good but it's self published and I bought a copy because I think writing a book and self publishing is a feat worth celebrating. AND! It might be very very good, I just haven't gotten to it yet. :) So if you want to support independent authors that I know, please buy this book for under $10.
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script-a-world · 3 years
hi, any advice on timeline and era etc stuff? I have dyscalculia so numbers and measurements are meaningless to me and it’s really difficult to figure out how much time should lapse (on a large scale; time periods, millennia, eras, etc, not stuff like in one persons lifespan) between eras and events, especially in regards to political n social n technological etc changes
Feral: That depends. There isn’t one answer. You’re asking for longer time periods than a generation or a lifetime, but for scale, take what’s happening now. How many calamities, major political events, social trends, and changes in technology (and how we interact with it) have happened in the year 2020? Since the year 2016? Since 2008? Since 2001? How are they grouped together or spaced apart? And these are all working on each other. In the USA where I live, the 9/11 attacks absolutely have a direct causal effect with the politics that led to the 2016 election (actually before that a Supreme Court decision in the 2000 election also had an impact on that result), and the results of the 2016 election impacted how COVID has been handled this year. That’s 20 years, so when we’re looking at longer timeframes, we scale up. We see gaps and groupings and there just isn’t a specific “oh every decade/score/century, these types of events happen.”
To quote a particularly relevant introduction on Wikipedia:
This results in descriptive abstractions that provide convenient terms for periods of time with relatively stable characteristics. However, determining the precise beginning and ending to any ‘period’ is often arbitrary, since it has changed over time over the course of history.
To the extent that history is continuous and not generalized, all systems of periodization are more or less arbitrary. Yet without named periods, however clumsy or imprecise, past time would be nothing more than scattered events without a framework to help us understand them.
Eras, of the non-geological or -cosmological sort, or time periods are culturally determined, completely variable in length, and often overlap. For example, the beginning of the Victorian Era, 64 years, (defined by Victoria’s rule of England) of the Anglo-influenced world overlapped with the Antebellum Era, 78 years, (defined by political and social tensions in the lead up to the American Civil War) of the United States, which is also part of the Anglo-influenced world, and then following the end of the Antebellum Era, was the American Civil War, 4 years, and then the Reconstruction Era, 14 years (the first 2 of which are within the Civil War), which are both fully contained within the Victorian Era. Typically, when you are trying to think about eras, think about political rulership, wars, and large scale trends like artistic styles. It may also be helpful to familiarize yourself with the Three-Age System, which can be applied individually on cultures, rather describing trends for the whole world.
What it really comes down to when we think of eras and time periods is almost like a type of pareidolia. People see groupings of like things happening and put this grouping into a bubble of time, which kinda doesn’t actually exist in objective reality and is more or less a group hallucination on a massive scale. It calls to mind what Zeno’s arrow might have actually been trying to describe - not to say that this paradox is infallible, but it’s an interesting thought exercise, especially once you get into the quantum Zeno effect.
Now that I have fully diverged from the question at hand, we’ll get back to it. Let’s look at one technology type and how much time elapses between developments as well as some tie-in technological, social, and political forces that may be acting on the developments or that the developments might be acting on. I’ll also note how this technology traverses the eras of history as I find that looking at one discrete set over time is easier than just trying to look at the big picture. Let’s look at the history of printing.
(With hopes that it will be easier for you to conceptualize, I will use simplified (aka rounded up/down) timeframes written numerically rather than spelled out or via terms like decade or century so at the very least you can compare length of numbers. I’m also going to link as many Wikipedia articles as I can - I like Wikipedia for this because of its incredible cross-indexing and how it strings relevant articles together into a series, often chronologically. If the numbers are still challenging for you, I will summarize without at the end.)
5,520 years ago, the very first form of printing we know about is done with cylinders rolled over wet clay in Sumer in 3500 BCE, the beginning of the Early Bronze Age.
3,700 years later, woodblock printing is developed in China somewhere around 200 CE/AD, just after the end of the Pax Romana in Europe.
700 years later, the next development of printing is movable type, which is developed in China in 1040. 26 years later, on the other side of the world, in 1066 is the Battle of Hastings and the establishment of the Norman Era of rulership in England, in another 20 years, in 1086, the Domesday Book is hand written in 2 volumes: 1 is 764 8”x15” pages, the other 900 8”x11” pages.
400 years later gives us the Gutenburg printing press that is developed in Germany (at the time in the Holy Roman Empire) in 1440. This is during the Renaissance Era; it’s also the Era of Humanism, and often called the Early Modern Period. Martin Luther will write the 95 Theses less than 80 years later and start the Protestant Reformation, largely thanks to the ability for the theses to be easily copied by the printing press and spread quickly.
75 years later we have etching in 1515. 90 years later, the first weekly “true” newspaper, the Relation, begins printing in 1604.
130 years later we have mezzotint in 1642, which is the start of the First English Civil War, which will last for 4 years. Depending on your preference, the Age of Enlightenment either began 5 years before or 40 years later (unless you’re French).
130 years later we have aquatint in 1772. That is right at the beginning of the American Revolution: 2 years after the Boston Massacre; 1 year before the Boston Tea Party; 2 years before the Intolerable Acts and the First Continental Congress; 3 years before Patrick Henry’s “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” Speech (which is printed and shared across the colonies), Paul Revere’s Ride, and the Battle of Lexington & Concord; and finally 4 years before Thomas Paine’s Common Sense is published, the signing of the Declaration of Independence (which is printed and shared across the colonies), Nathan Hale’s execution for treason against the Crown, and Washington’s Crossing of the Delaware.
25 years later lithography is developed in 1796; the year prior Napoleon overthrows le Directoire.
40 years later we have chromolithography in 1837, the year Victoria ascends and the first electric/battery powered locomotive is invented.
5 years later is the rotary press in 1843. The First Industrial Revolution is over.
15 years later is the hectograph in 1860. 1 year later, the American Civil War begins.
15 years later is offset printing in 1875. 1 year before, the first commercial typewriter becomes available. 1 year later is Bell and Watson’s first phone call in 1876.
10 years later is hotmetal typing in 1884.
1 year later is the mimeograph in 1885. 2 years later is Black Monday. 5-10 years later the radio is invented.
20 years later is the photostat and rectigraph in 1907.
4 years later is screen printing in 1911. 3 years later WWI begins in 1914.
10 years later is the spirit duplicator in 1923. The Roaring Twenties.
2 years later is dot matrix printing in 1925. 4 years later is the Great Crash.
10 years later is xerography in 1938, the same year as the first digital computer. 1 year later WWII begins in 1939.
2 years later is spark printing in 1940. 1 year later is the Attack on Pearl Harbor.
9 years later is phototypesetting in 1949. The USSR detonates their first atomic bomb.
1 year later is inkjet printing in 1950. Truman orders the development of the hydrogen bomb. Apartheid becomes law in South Africa.
7 years later is dye-sublimation in 1957. 6 years later, Martin Luther King, Jr. gives his “I Have a Dream” Speech.
12 years later is laser printing in 1969, the summer of which is known for very Very.
3 years later is thermal printing in 1972. The break-in at the Watergate Office Building is this same year and 2 years later Nixon resigns.
14 years later is 3D printing in 1986, the year Pixar Animation is founded and the year after the beginning of the Iran-Contra Affair.
1 year later is solid ink printing in 1987. 2 years later is the invention of the World Wide Web, and the internet as we know it.
4 years later is digital printing in 1991, the same year the USSR dissolved. 2 years before, the Berlin Wall fell.
There have been no significant developments in the history of printing since 1991.
So, let’s look at some averages to help us consume this data. Printing has a history of 5,520 years. It took 3,700 years for another development to occur, and then another 700 years after that - in other words, in the first 4,400 years of printing, there were 3 developments, equalling to an average of 1 every 1,470 years. In the 400 years between 1440 and 1843,  there were 7 developments (average of 1 every 57 years). In the next 100 years between 1860 and 1957, there were 14 developments (average of 1 every 7 years but with 1 year having 2 developments simultaneously). In the next 22 years between 1969 and 1991, there were 5 developments (average of 1 every 4 years).
While the general trend is that the more a technology develops, the faster it develops, a trend is not the whole picture. Consider: in the 90 years of 1796-1885, there were 6 developments, making the average 1 every 15 years. In the 85 years of 1907-1991, there were 15 developments, making the average 1 every 6 years. There has not been a development in the past 30 years! There hasn’t been this large of a gap since 1837, 180 years ago.
In general, without numbers, what I think we can see here is that sometimes a certain development, like the printing press, can usher in a new era, and sometimes reactions to what else is happening in the world can pressure someone into developing something new, but often times, most times, when you look at just one thing under microscope over time, why that thing is produced in this era but not that era has nothing to do with the eras in question. When we create time periods, we’re generally doing it after the fact. No one living under the rule of the Roman Empire in 100 CE was thinking to themselves, “ah yes, the Pax Romana, when we have peace for 200 years!”
So applying all of this to worldbuilding, I see two methods that you can use together, to create a timeline that makes sense and is useful to your storytelling.
Method the first, arbitrarily create time bubbles of various lengths - I recommend the use of index cards for this. Index card A is 7 years; card B is 150 years; card C is 47 years and so on. Then take big ideas and put those onto your cards; use inspiration from real history. “I want the War of the Roses but condensed into 7 years.” “A Mongolian Empire type expansion happens over 150 years.” “There’s a 47 year Renaissance of fascination with Ancient History.” Then take those cards, lay them out into roughly the order in which you want them to occur, maybe overlap them a little, especially if they are happening in different parts of your world. Remember that time is not actually linear and things do not happen in a linear, narrative manner in the real world, so there can be wild leaps; there can be regressions; and you don’t have to follow real world history here - though you may want to the first time as a helpful exercise. It’s also very unlikely that you will ever have to know exactly how many years are between the eras or what the interstitial eras are.
Method the second, list all the major historical events, inventions, etc that you want/need to have happened. Start with what directly impacts your main characters and plot. “MC’s great-grandfather is humiliatingly defeated in battle, casting a pall of embarrassment across the generations following and ultimately putting the MC in the position that she starts in.” “The first great wizard codifies the 10 Laws of the Important Magical Order that the MC is trying to earn her place in.” Put these in an order that makes sense to you, keeping in mind that it’s not going to be a perfect progression. Again, you don’t need to know how many years there are between each event, but if great-grandpa was the last in a very long line of family members allowed to be in the Important Magical Order, then that IMO had to be founded first, and there would probably be some events between these two.
Then, when you have your two timelines, one of era/time periods and one of events, graft them together. You may have to shift some things to make it work, but consider the “feeling” or theme of the eras and what events make sense in relation to those feelings. Additionally would this event be more suited to happening when the era is new and is finding itself or when the era is solidly on course or is it an event that would completely shatter the illusion of the era and usher in a new one? Does it make sense for your great wizard to be codifying her laws in the expansion of an empire, or during a period of relative peace and prosperity in an established empire, or before empires were a thing in this world and few traveled far from home?
Tex: I’ve found that historically important events are caused for roughly two reasons - one, an invention that others capitalize on for an exponential growth into other inventions/social uses, and two, someone got sick of someone else’s crap and did something about it. Natural disasters will happen with enough frequency to be noted (see: the Little Ice Age, the Black Death, and the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa), although there’s little prediction for them because of the lack of observable build up in activity.
To pull from Feral’s timeline of examples, writing is popularly attributed to being invented in Sumer, 5,520 years ago - it’s our oldest found example, at any rate, though I’ve learned to never say never on archaeological discoveries.
What prompted this invention? Things rarely occur out of the blue, and rarely without interaction from other domains - where could writing have come from? Maybe art? What about from the creation of a tool, a reuse of certain skill sets? Something else we haven’t thought of yet?
So that’s one half of the question. But what about the other half - what did people around the inventor (multiple inventors?) think of this new thing? Deliberately associating a particular sound with a particular object - even a 2D object like pressing shapes into a piece of clay - and then standardizing it, is no mean feat. How did this agreement even happen? Were there arguments about how to do these graphemes, how best to shape them? What about which phoneme to each?
I doubt Sumerian cuneiform was created in a day, and likewise I doubt that language popped into existence on a whim. To keep pulling from this example, language composition has a strong effect on how we interact with our environment (University of Missouri-St Louis Libraries), but it conversely is also deeply affected by the environment its users create (Nature).
Because of this, I think it’s easier to work from a different angle - figure out what your major events are, and what eras you’re covering. If these major events also define an era, that’s even better! Working out how long everything each thing takes is ultimately a bunch of minor details, so it’s up to you how much your plot actively needs them, rather than decoration to your story meant to amuse you more than your audience.
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It's no secret that celebrities (especially female celebrities) are intensely scrutinized for their looks. So we recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about female celebrities who were body-shamed by the media. Here's what they had to say:
Note: Some submissions include discussions about eating disorders.
1. Britney Spears "When Britney did the first performance after her breakdown, I vividly remember the phrasing that she had ‘ballooned to a size 10.’ BALLOONED to a SIZE 10!!!! I wrote and complained about how those words could have a devastating effect on the young and impressionable girls who would be reading it, but I never got a response."—silentword"Britney even calls people out for it in 'Piece of Me,' singing, 'I’m Mrs. she’s too big now she’s too thin.'”—belleyre 2. Taylor Swift "Taylor Swift was body-shamed before, when she was suffering from an eating disorder but didn't publicly state it. People said she looked 'sickly' and 'the kind of skinny that makes girls conscious.' Then, when she took a few years off and worked on herself, she was body-shamed again for gaining healthy weight during the Reputation era. She said that it affected her mental health, too."—rishibhak"Taylor also mentioned in her documentary that people speculated whether she was pregnant because her tummy stuck out a little. She said that started her downward spiral into her eating disorder. It’s horrifying what the media has done to her."—rachrupp
3. Jessica Simpson "Jessica got so much vitriol. She had curves, so she automatically got a lot more attention for her body rather than her incredible voice. Later, she gained a bit of weight, and every headline was focused on how she 'ballooned' and 'is out of shape.'"—movinonup319
4. Tyra Banks "There was that infamous moment Tyra was blasted for gaining weight in the tabloids, where she was pictured in a bathing suit. She wore the same bathing suit on her show and called out the paparazzi for sitting and waiting for people's worst possible angles and profiting off them. It's disgusting that she was dragged for looking heavier — so what if she had gained weight? — but it's completely abhorrent to think that the paparazzi exploits women's bodies like that to make money."–grundlefresch
5. Victoria Beckham "I once read and photographed this short article in the Metro (London):'Victoria Beckham’s worst fears have come true as she has joined the wrinkly hand club — which also includes Sarah Jessica Parker, Courteney Cox, and Madonna. The 39-year-old surprised onlookers at the Vogue Festival in London on Sunday when she exposed her withered fingers as she adjusted her designer shades. The immaculately turned out Posh showed that style can’t stop the aging process as she joins fellow A Listers in the aged finger club.'Notice how no men are part of the 'wrinkly hand club'? What is the exact point of this article? To shame women for having hands and for the natural process of aging? Who writes this bullying toxic garbage?"—laraevalinehayes
6. Christina Aguilera "She gained weight during each of her pregnancies, and the press treated it like a moral failing when she didn't immediately snap back to her 'Genie in a Bottle' days. After her appearance at a Michael Jackson tribute concert, the press could not stop talking about her body and suggested alcohol was contributing to her 'messy' look, going so far as to publish the hotel bar bill for her entire team. Oh, and her feud with Kelly Osborne was raging at the time; Kelly was on Fashion Police and called Christina a 'fat bitch' and worse."—chelseajack ADVERTISEMENT
7. Sarah Jessica Parker "People have been making jokes for years about how she’s aged, that she looks like a witch, that she looks like a 'horse,' etc. to the point that she became a punchline on both Family Guy and South Park."—janedoe18273719273
8. Michelle Obama "I just remembered that some guy on Fox News said that goddess Michelle Obama could do with 'losing a few pounds' when she was promoting healthy eating in schools. Nearly punched the wall."—clothildedauphin
9. Kelly Clarkson "The one that instantly came into my mind is Kelly Clarkson, who was body-shamed so much when she gained weight during her pregnancy. Body-shaming is bad, but body-shaming a pregnant woman is horrible."—s4bb472acb ADVERTISEMENT
10. Megan Fox "She was rudely shamed for her thumbs. I remember watching some celebrity entertainment 'news' show as a kid with my mom, and I was so confused when they said CGI was used for her thumbs in a commercial. 'Toe thumbs' is what they kept calling it. They were really shaming her for being born with brachydactyly."—misspikachu
11. Rihanna "Rihanna is consistently body-shamed because her forehead is 'too big.'"—kymwitmerRihanna has also been fat-shamed, despite looking gorgeous at every weight. Back in 2017, a sports journalist wrote the now-infamous article titled 'Is Rihanna going to make being fat the hot new trend?' The queen of calling people out put the writer in his place with the perfect meme, but RiRi shouldn't have had to deal with the body-shaming in the first place.
12. Soleil Moon Frye "She was so body-shamed and inappropriately sexualized when she became a teenager that she got a breast reduction at FIFTEEN. I was in my twenties at the time, and I remember it broke my heart the way they wrote/talked about her. 'Punky Boobster.' Disgusting, as if having big breasts somehow made her a 'bad person, a dummy, or a slut.' They acted as if she’d done it on purpose to betray them. It was SICK."—chrisa443ec9017
13. Kate Winslet "I rewatched Titanic recently and was absolutely enraged thinking back on people saying Kate was 'big' at the time. Feels like it was because she had breasts and was slightly curvy, when at the time it was still popular to have the 'heroin chic' look."—hozziebear
14. Jennifer Hudson —purrvanaJennifer was fat-shamed ruthlessly by the media until she lost weight. Then, she was ridiculed and criticized for being too thin. Women can never win!
15. And finally, Scarlett Johansson "Several years ago, a tabloid published a bikini photo of her, obviously captured from a distance, and she had her back to the camera. They were saying how lumpy, fat, and out of shape she was, that she was 'covered in cellulite' and 'over the hill.' It was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever read. Apart from the fact that writing something like that about ANYONE should be illegal, it was moronic because her body is widely considered phenomenal. Just bizarre, stupid, and shameful."—glitterycheerios
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burningdarkfire · 3 years
tagged by @saturdaysky​, thank you! always very happy to talk about writing 🤠
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
36 on ao3, with many others left in the past on livejournal or ffnet
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
162k. it’s kind of a shame it doesn’t have the majority of my pre-2011 output as i never ported over my top four or five longest fics. i would’ve loved to see some genuine lifetime totals!
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
9 on ao3 (critrole, nier, hetalia, overwatch, trc, voltron, no. 6, star wars, tiger & bunny). if you expand trc to include anything clamp and throw in code geass then that covers everything i’ve ever published, though homestuck is by far the fandom i have the most WIPs for despite never finishing a single one and deserves a shoutout
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
take my hand / take my whole life too: critrole, 9k, how essek and caleb’s relationship evolves through touch
blue sky, warm sun: critrole, 3.5k, six mornings caleb wakes with essek
dark night, bright stars: critrole, 3k, six nights caleb spends with essek
kitty love: star wars, 1.5k, kylo ren forms a bond with hux’s cat millicent
the walls kept tumbling down: critrole, 2k, caleb spontaneously visits essek after a hard day
commentary and further answers are below the cut!
spots 1-3 on the list are gladly accepted, given that i also think they’re some of my best and most broadly-appealing shadowgast. kitty love gets its spot despite being pure, pointless crack because it’s for a huge fandom, which is fine and fun but i don’t have a lot of personal attachment to it
the walls kept tumbling down is a surprise! it was a self-indulgent “i want a fic exactly like this to fix my mood and instead of digging through the internet for one i’ll just make one up” that i only worked on for a couple of days. i’m glad it clicked for other people!
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i always try to respond to comments, although sometimes a week or two pass by before i can find the energy to sit down and do it
admittedly comments have gone unanswered during months or years when i’m not writing fic and then it feels too awkward to a) go back and respond, and b) respond to any further comments on the fic even if they come in when i’m active. so instead those comments haunt my ao3 inbox forever (oops)
i do appreciate every single one though, and there are some comments that i go back to read if i need a pick-me-up just because they were so nice 😊
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i’ll link my no. 6 fic forgive me because it still dominates my top fics in terms of hits despite being 387 words long. i wrote it in 2011 in less than half an hour, if i’m remembering correctly, and there are a few clever bits in it that i’m still quite proud of
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
i don’t usually write or read “pure” crossovers but i do like fusion AUs where characters from one work are imported into the setting of another work
but it’s fandom-dependent. critrole has been an outlier in that i can count on one hand the number of AU fics i’ve read and liked enough to remember. some of my favourite canon-adjacent fics veer off wildly, but they’ve still got their roots in the universe
i’ve published 17 critrole fics myself and they’re all canon-adjacent. i’m only now working on my first fusion-type AU 🤷‍♂️
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
i have one distinct memory of receiving criticism on a fic. in hindsight, it was constructive and pretty fair, but i was a young teen and so it still haunts me
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
i do!! and i’m excited about it because it’s fairly new to me!
i write to the characters, and what kind of relationship i think they’d have, but it’s probably true that my interests tend towards certain relationship dynamics
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i’m aware of!
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, actually! this was about about a decade ago so sadly the details have been lost in the haziness of memory and the inaccessibility of ffnet. i tried to dig it up last night but couldn’t find it again 😔
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i don’t ... think so? my current roommate and i tried co-writing when we were teenagers but none of that got published. it’s possible i’m forgetting something from my livejournal/early tumblr days because i remember doing a lot of ask games and challenges with other writers and fandom friends
now i’m just an introvert who avoids invites to discords because i feel like i simply Do Not Have Time so 🤡 not sure it’s anywhere on the horizon
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
i used to have shipping walls and pairing lists until 2015 or so but i have since accepted that i am changeable like the wind. my interests come and go!
i am a multi-shipper though as a general rule. i’ve never had such a loyalty to a pairing that it would bother me to pair one half with someone else, and i also don’t care at all whether or not a ship is canon. it’s just about what’s interesting!
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i’ve had remarkably sequential focus for my critrole fics and finished nearly every idea i’ve had so far. however, this ACME AU is testing me lol and i’ve spent so much time on it that my list of other ideas to write is only getting longer and longer. nothing is abandoned yet, because not much else has even been started, but i am starting to sweat a little
15) What are your writing strengths?
i love my writing style! i value simplicity and clarity: no flowery descriptions, easy words, few similes, little variance in sentence structures, etc. it can vary, based on my mood or the characters i’m writing, but i like doing more with less
i’ve spent years working at my own style and it is so satisfying to read something i wrote in 2011 and feel how familiar it still is while being able to pick out what i would change
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
recently, it’s been plot. if it can’t be conveyed by 2-4 characters talking to each other then i don’t know how to do it anymore 😭 i’m most invested in emotional resolutions, but it’s probably a good idea to have things happen sometimes!
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i really do not enjoy this when it’s used as a “character quirk”. this includes nicknames, common phrases even if they are spoken that way in canon, and .. everything, really, that’s in a different language
i’ve spent a lot of time in spaces where it seemed widely agreed that doing so was not welcome, and i’ve had considerable fandom “culture shock” reading critrole fics. there are plenty of reasons to have caleb speaking “zemnian” or to emphasize his accent, and those reasons don’t need to be lofty or deep, but i do think there should be a reason beyond “haha this guy says ja instead of yeah”
i promise, absolutely pinky swear, that i don’t judge anyone on an individual basis for doing this. it seems to be a deep-seated fandom trend in this case and i just wish it wasn’t
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
tsubasa reservoir chronicle (trc) all the way back in 2010. tsubasa, my beloved, how you changed my life 💕
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
i like different ones for different reasons, but the top contender might be such is the endlessness for nier automata. it’s a vampire/werewolf enemies-to-lovers fusion AU where i put 2b and 9s in an original universe of mine that i wrote about a lot when i was a teenager
i feel like i did a spectacular job of adapting the universe for nier and i thought i conveyed a lot about the world in a relatively short number of words (the entire fic is just under 5k). i’ve considered more than once that i should use this version of the universe going forward because i enjoy it so much!
thanks again for the tag, sky, and i’ll leave this open to anyone else who wants to try as i think most of my mutuals have already been included. don’t be shy about tagging me in your answer if you take my open invite as i love reading these! 💖
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wisdomrays · 3 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 396
The relationship between Islam and Science has been a point of scholarly discussion for a long time. Seven hundred years ago, al-Ghazali expressed fears that some mathematical knowledge may lead to the denial of God. A similar fear was expressed more recently by the American convert to Islam, Maryam Jameelah who wrote:
Modern science is guided by no moral value, but naked materialism and arrogance. The whole branch of knowledge and its applications is contaminated by the same evil. Science and technology are totally dependent upon the set of ideals and values cherished by its members. If the roots of a tree are rotten, then the tree is rotten; therefore all its fruits are rotten (Jameelah, 1983).
Their view does not demonstrate a consensus. Al Afgani wrote that
…those who forbid science and knowledge in the belief that they are safeguarding the Islamic religion are really the enemies of that religion (Keddie, 1983).
Muslims seem to have been historically polarized into those who reject scientific discoveries as ‘dangerous’ and those who look for co-existence with scientific development.
Most discussions on Islam and science have been limited to the many great achievements of Muslim scientists like al-Biruni, al-Tusi and al-Khwarizmi. Most look beyond the pitiful position the Muslims are in today and remember that:
At its peak, about one thousand years ago, the Muslim world made a remarkable contribution to science, notably mathematics and medicine. Baghdad in its heyday and southern Spain built universities to which thousands flocked. Rulers surrounded themselves with scientists and artists. (Ghiles, 1983).
We must remember that Arabic was the language of science from the 8th to 11th centuries. This period marked the birth of European algebra with the translation of a treatise by al-Khwarizmi ’s-a fact that prompted Ghandz to recognize that ‘Al-Khwarizmi is more entitled to he called “the father of algebra’ than Diaphantus because Al-Khwarizmi was the first to teach algebra in an elementary form and for its own sake (Ghandz, 1936). The Muslim tradition did not reject those who came before them. The studied the works of Euclid, Archimedes, Apollonious and the like. Respect for the predecessors and a desire to develop this early work lead to the great discoveries of Islam. Knowledge is the property of God. It is always being revitalized. Cultures are interdependent in this respect. Hoodbhoy (1991), critical of the notion of Islamic Science, admits that ‘today we remember Nassir al-Din al-Tusi for his trigonometry, Omar Khayyam for his solution of cubic equations, Jabir Ibn Hayyan for the ingenuity of his chemical apparatus and al-Jazari for his intricate machines. Among the great scholars of Islam are the following:
The mathematician, Thabit lbn Qurrah (826-901ce)
The astronomer, Abul Qasim al-Majiriti (d. 1007ce)
The astronomer, Qutb-al-Din al-Shirazi (12336-1311CE)
The scientists, the Banu Musa brothers
The physician, Ibn Sina (980-925ce)
The physician, Muhammad al-Razi (865-925ce)
The writer on optics, Ibn al-Haitham (965-1039ce)
The philosopher and scientist, Abu Yusuf al-Kindi (SO l-873ce)
The commentator on Aristotle, lbn Rushd (1126-I 198cc) The geologist, Baha al-Din al-Amili (1546-1621ce).
The list is endless. Many of these scholars had memorised the whole Qur’an and excelled in their religion. Europe borrowed from the Muslims but rarely acknowledged the fact.
Islam promotes the material and spiritual well-being of Man. It enjoins its followers to seek and utilise knowledge for the betterment of their life on earth and in the Hereafter. The Messenger used the most up-to-date weapons in battle, laying down the principle that we must never fall technologically behind. This was not true of other religions. On the authority of St. Augustine, it was forbidden for a Christian to believe that there were people living on the other side of the earth. The world was believed to be flat, and, if there were people on the other side, they would be standing upside down-and this was unacceptable to the Church. Similarly, on the authority of St. Paul, Christians were required to believe that disease, famine, pestilence, and air pollution were caused by demons. Vaccination was therefore forbidden in Christianity. This took place while al-Razi was already making advances in the field of inoculation.
Muslims were not exempt from persecution by their own authorities. Al Kindi, popular in the court of Caliph Maimun had to flee when al-Mutawakil took over. Al Razi lost his eyesight when, on the instructions of the amir, he was hit with his own book.
The Quran is a book of guidance. It was the motivation and driving force behind many of these scientists. The Quran offers hints that could lead to major discoveries if followed up diligently. Modern day scholars have studied at length Qur’anic references to science subjects, and produced texts in areas of astronomy, embryonic biology, the movement of bees, the mountains, the composition of the earth, the plants and a variety of other subjects. Even those that wish to deny the assertion that the Qur’an contains scientific hints have to concede defeat when they examine verses like those found in the chapters of Yasin, 36-7, 40; al-Shams1-4; al-Anbiya, 30; al-Rahman, 7; al-Naziat, 28 and many others.
The Qur’an gives vital hints which include important insights and encouragement to undertake new forms of scientific research.
Although, scientific knowledge is only part of the general guidance to be found in the Qur’an, there are some modern scholars who have made research into science found in the Qur’an a full-time preoccupation.
Some of the work done by these scholars has been very useful. It has reawakened Muslims to the value of their inheritance and rekindled the desire for further research and given it sanction from their own Holy Book. However, some scholars, in my view, have overstepped the boundaries and exposed Islam to Western ridicule and nourished the inferiority complexes of those Muslims that still need proof that the Qur’an is revelation from God.
When in 1961, an Egyptian scientist, Muhammad Jamaluddin El-Fandy published a pamphlet entitled On Cosmic Verses in the Qur’an, he was cheered in the Muslim world: but in the West, scientists smiled patronizingly, satisfied that if the Muslims were going to rely on them to prove the accuracy of their Divine Book, then they could not have much to offer. The trend had only just started. Azizul Hassan Abbasi, a Pakistani neuropsychiatrist asserted that he had managed to find in the Qur’an modern cures for diabetes, tuberculosis, stomach ulcers, rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, asthma, dysentery and paralysis. In the end, the claims turned out to be more intellectual amusement.
In 1976, Maurice Bucaille, a French surgeon, published The Bible, The Qur’an and Science and with it sparked off a wave of excitement in the Muslim world. Bucaille subjected both the Bible and the Qur’an to rigorous tests against the findings of modern science in the fields of astronomy, geology, animal and vegetable sciences, and human reproduction. He concludes:
The Qur’an most definitely did not contain a single proposition at variance with the most firmly established modern knowledge. Modern Man’s findings concerning the absence of scientific error are therefore in complete agreement with the Muslim exegetes’ conception of the Qur’an as a book of Revelation (Bucaille, 1978).
The Muslims were excited. Their book had been ‘proven’ correct. Bucaille’s sweeping suggestion that modern Man’s findings concerning ‘the absence of error’ were endorsed by the Qur’an was missed by an excited Muslim community. The marriage between the Qur’an and modern Man’s ‘scientific’ findings was a completely happy one. His conclusion that it is impossible not to admit the existence of scientific errors in the Bible’ was also swallowed wholesale by the Muslims.
Muslims had always taken on faith the belief that the Qur’an, being the Word of Allah, did not contain any errors; and that the Bible, in its present form, is not a true revelation from God. But now they had ‘scientific proof’. The rules of the game had changed. Modern science had been accepted by a cross-section of Muslims as the umpire between the scriptures. Bucaille became a hero among Muslims. At those conferences where he was not invited, he was generously quoted by a variety of people including highly learned Muslim scholars. The time-bomb that Bucaille had set could be detonated by the emergence of a scientific ‘Salman Rushdie’ with a formula that finds scientific error in the Qur’an or proves the scientific accuracy of the Bible.
In April 1985, Keith Moore, Chairman of the Anatomy Department of the University of Toronto’s School of Medicine, ‘discovered’ the agreement between Islam and contemporary knowledge on the subject of embryology. He joined Bucaille on the conference circuit presumably further confirming that the Qur’an was scientifically correct.
Much of their work has undoubtedly benefited the Muslim community, but where, the likes of Bashirudin Mahmud, a Pakistani nuclear engineer, suggests that Jinn, whom God made out of fire, should be used as a source of energy to combat the energy crisis, the trend they have set leads us into total absurdity. Sayyid Qutb described the whole exercise as ‘a methodological error’, and has insisted that while the Qur’an contains guidance on scientific subjects, it is not a scientific textbook.
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arthurhusr346 · 3 years
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iBuildApp is a web home builder that provides adjustable layouts for iPhone, iPad, and also Android applications and also assures that you can create an app in five minutes. For usual application kinds, template-based systems such as iBuildApp can occasionally generate usable results, as long as the selection of widgets consists of the capability you require. Mendix is free for an app with as much as 10 internal users running in one atmosphere in the Mendix cloud. For more customers, even more environments, assistance, or an SLA you'll require to pay, beginning at $1,875 per month for one application. From $5,375 each month you can run unlimited applications in the Mendix cloud, as well as from $7,825 per month you can run them in various other private clouds.
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Top 50 Mobile Application Development Business In U.s.a. 2021 Updated.
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The layout patterns for mobile applications are developing swiftly which means you will need to continuously update your apps. For this, you will certainly need the best Android app programmers who are experienced to create apps that optimize your customer reach. This not permits you to record brand-new audiences, but additionally increase sales and profits to transform your company concept into an effective venture. Key services includes mobile consulting and mobile application development and also web application advancement and also have actually created mention-worthy apps for all platforms with upgraded modern technologies. They believe in issue solving, user engagement and developing amazing experience. Qburst has actually provided variety of mobile applications for its clients that is from belonging to cross-platform to mobile-web apps and also from user-friendly customer applications to game altering B2B apps. Well experienced in integrating upgraded innovations as well as attributes according to the business needs as well as work for little, tool as well as big business.
. That goes double if you deal with Oracle modern technologies, Java or Red Hat Linux. The certification web page includes a link to the Salesforce Certified Platform App Home Builder Test Guide. Salesforce advises hands-on experience, completion of one or more training courses, Trailhead tracks and also self-study. Credential holders must pass maintenance module exams with each new item release cycle. Candidates for an MTA Programmer credential should anticipate to comprehend as well as make use of the most recent version of Microsoft Visual Workshop as their primary advancement tool. Additional method examinations are available on the GIAC test prep work web page ($ 159 each). GIAC also suggests candidates attend training at real-time seminars, testimonial self-study products and also gain functional experience to plan for the test.
Yes, moreover, companies encourage clients to embrace an organized approach called the Marginal Viable Item. This mock-up of the genuine application enables customers to examine their assumptions to derive vital details as well as eliminate engineering waste.
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rulystuff · 3 years
New Post has been published on https://servicemeltdown.com/is-the-united-states-at-end-of-empire/
America’s economic primacy is pretty much behind us. And, I don’t believe there is any chance of reversing a trend that began thirty plus years ago. The best-case scenario for the nation is to slow the rate of economic decline – never mind social and cultural decline, which are probably lodged in irreversible decay.  As Robert Kaplan says in his book, The Revenge of Geography, we might prolong our position of strength by preparing the world for our own obsolescence and thus ensuring a graceful exit.  But even this outcome will require the strength of will that has yet to be demonstrated by leaders in business, education, and government.
Economic primacy might be measured along many fronts – income per capita, rate of growth, productivity, foreign exchange reserves, among others – but if one looks at Gross Domestic Product (GDP), perhaps the coarsest measure of a nation’s economic well-being, then the United States has lost its economic primacy to China when compared on a purchasing power parity (PPP) basis.
The PPP approach levels the GDP calculation to each country’s relative price of goods. So, if a television set costs $500 in the United States while the same television costs $250 in China then, theoretically at least, we’re under counting China’s GDP by $250. Using the PPP rationale, China’s GDP was approximately $23.5 trillion in 2019 compared to that of the United States which came in at $21.4 trillion.
Some politicians, economists, lobbyists, and others, like to use a different measure of GDP to suit their own purposes. The nominal GDP, which looks at the total of goods and services produced at current exchange rates yields a substantially different calculation. The nominal GDP of the United States in 2019 came in at $21.4 trillion, a number which is identical to the nation’s GDP on a PPP basis. The reason for this is that the nominal GDP calculation is based on the dollar and so there is no currency conversion rate difference. By comparison, China’s nominal GDP came in at $14.3 trillion. If we only look at nominal GDP, it is clear we are being lulled into a false sense of economic security.
Diplomatically, China also has an edge on the United States. In the 1980’s, the then leader of the People’s Republic of China, Deng Xiaoping, enunciated his famous maxim of tao guang yang hui. Interpreted variously, the maxim is meant as a foreign policy directive that regardless how muscular the nation might become economically, geopolitically, and militarily it is always best to keep a “low profile diplomatically.” No more beguiling example of Deng Xiaoping’s maxim is in evidence than in China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Simply put, China plans to build one “road” from China to Europe and thus control all manner of transcontinental commerce. Already, China controls or has a presence in ports that handle about two-thirds of the world’s container traffic. In Greece, the port of Piraeus, a storied port dating to the Fifth Century B.C., is majority owned by the China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) which makes Greece a strategic entry point for China into the heart of Europe.
In Central Asia, China’s power projection is as undeniable as it is ominous. Through the auspices of the euphemistically named Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), China has, in effect, expanded its borders westward by 1,500 miles to the Caspian Sea. Strategically, the mostly land-based route from Khorgos, Kazakhstan on China’s western border to Piraeus has now achieved super-highway potential from China to Europe.
China established the SCO with original signatories Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan for the expressed purpose of promoting border security along its Xinjiang autonomous-region home to millions of mostly Muslim ethnic Uyghurs. Emblematic of China’s clout in the region, moreover, is that since the formation of the SCO both India and Pakistan have been granted membership in the organization. For the United States, it isn’t clear how much leeway it will now have to operate in Central Asia given the leverage that China has over SCO countries economically, diplomatically, and militarily.
China has also learned to game international organizations. The Paris Climate Accord, biased to begin with in favor of China, looks the other way when the nation burns far more coal than it officially admits. So, while emissions in the United States trend lower, potentially hobbling our fossil fuel energy sector, China’s continue to increase. China’ s shell game also involves the building of coal plants outside its borders to further fuel its economy without having to account for the consequent emissions domestically. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is also in China’s pocket as it refuses to rein in China’s channeling of state subsidies to its manufacturing companies so as to better compete on the world’s stage. The most egregious example, of course, of how China has played international and presumably apolitical agencies lies with the country’s spread of the devastating and deadly Coronavirus and how the World Health Organization’s (WHO) was complicit in the coverup of China’s misdeeds. In December, 2019, when Taiwan warned about the infectiousness of the virus, the WHO refused to share Taiwan’s warnings with the rest of the world. Clearly, the WHO was doing China’s bidding. To this day, Taiwan, at China’s behest, is boycotted from participating as a full-fledged member of the WHO.
Let’s face it, manufacturing was lost to our shores for all intents and purposes several years ago. In 2015, China displaced the United States as the top manufacturing nation in the world. In 2019, China’s value-added output – in essence, the difference between price and the cost to produce – in manufacturing amounted to $3.9 trillion compared to $2.4 trillion for the United States. That gap will doubtless continue to grow.
There are now roughly 15 million workers in the United States engaged in manufacturing down from approximately 18 million in the 1980’s – President Trump, to his credit, was determined to revitalize manufacturing, steel, and coal but despite gains in these areas total employment numbers will continue to slip on a trend-line basis.  When one considers that China has approximately 112 million manufacturing workers, the competitive disadvantage for the United States becomes palpably clear.
In 2019 our nation’s goods deficit with China was approximately $345 billion. That gap is not likely to be made up in any of our lifetimes. So, that leaves Services as the new game in town. In 2019, Services accounted for roughly 69% of our nation’s GDP. And, as a nation, we better excel in that new cycle reality. It is true, the United States ran an annual balance of payments surplus in services with China of about $36 billion in 2019 – with U.S. exports amounting to about $56 billion and imports from China totaling $20 billion. But don’t let that fool you as a $20 billion gap will be easy for China to make up especially when one considers that China’s Services sector is growing at an average of 2% per year. And, unless we accelerate the rate of growth of exports – the rate of growth is about even for both imports and exports – we might soon be facing a deficit in this sector of the economy so crucial for the good health of the nation in the twenty-first century.
The United States economy has structural defects which will not go away simply by holding rallies and mouthing rhetorical flourishes in the halls of Congress. Decline might be inexorable but we should not stand by as mere spectators. The will and purpose to restore our economic vitality must be marshaled by every American. It must begin, first and foremost, by demanding of our leaders, our institutions, and ourselves to be unafraid to serve in keeping with American priorities. It is the remotest possibility that we can salvage the service economy and consequently our nation unless our standard of performance is nothing less than service excellence in everything we do.
We don’t have a lot going for ourselves: Labor productivity growth is stalled at near zero levels; the rate of household savings is paltry; regulation and taxation still suffocates businesses and individuals despite President Trump’s initiatives; unemployment – not the nominal rate but the U6 rate which measures the unemployed, those that are not looking for work, and those who have had to settle for part-time work –  is mired at levels of 7% (during the Obama years the U6 rate never got below 9.2%); and he national debt is now in excess of 120% of GDP. Entitlement spending while currently at a level of approximately 70% of the federal budget is on the threshold of becoming a perfect storm of out-of- control spending. The progressive policies of the Biden Administration will see to that as it attempts to solve every problem by printing greenbacks. The growing number of baby boomers reaching retirement age and the population’s longer life expectancy will further exacerbate the nation’s economic health.  
Perhaps the most troubling portent for the nation’s future is its inability to clamber out of a deep and black hole in education. Among the 37 industrialized nations which comprise the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), for example, the United States ranks 31st in mathematics and roughly in the middle on science. Clearly, all of the monetary and fiscal policies in the world will hardly fix this crippling deficiency which has more to do with a cultural indifference to serious and rigorous education.
Prior to Mr. Trump’s coming to office, the federal government was hell-bent on redistributing wealth rather than getting out of the way so that risk capitalists could create wealth. Unfortunately, President Trump’s reforms designed to bring back a full-throated and free market approach to the nation’s financial issues died the moment President Biden came into office.
Meanwhile, in the corporate world, business leaders are fixated on how quarterly earnings affect their pay packages, and when push comes to shove, cutting corners and worse. How else can one explain the utter disregard American companies operating in China have for the human rights abuses perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on its people. Abuses such as forced labor (unions are illegal in China), the internment of over a million Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities, bans on religious freedom and free expression, arbitrary arrests, and the repression of Hong Kong citizens seem not to bother the likes of executives at Caterpillar, General Motors, Ford, AMD, Micron Technologies, Intel, Texas Instruments, Nike, and many others which are doing a land-office business in China. Apple, most notably, has raised to an art form tax, regulatory, and labor dodges which allow it to stash hundreds of billions of dollars overseas while paying little or no income taxes in the United States. The company, apparently, is nonplussed by the fact that its armies of workers in China are employed for wages and benefits that would be in contravention of United States laws. How the CEO’s of these companies can live with themselves knowing full well that they are profiting from someone else’s misery is a testament to their greed and lust for power.
From the way we treat our veterans, clients, patients, students, donors, and citizens – customers, all, to my way of thinking we have a lot of work to do before we can claim to excel in service. A survey by consulting giant Accenture in 2007 showed that 41% of respondents described service quality as fair, poor, or terrible – more recent surveys suggest service is worsening. Perform any human endeavor at that level of proficiency and you are an abject failure. In the services sector, however, that is par for the course. In the Far East, cultural determinants do not confuse service with servitude. As a rule, suppliers will go the extra mile to please a consumer. In the West, and particularly in the United States, the most that a service worker can muster when asked to perform a personalized service is to utter something like, “no problem.” That kind of indifferent attitude is ingrained and certain to keep our level of service quality from climbing out of the aforementioned levels of mediocrity.
In the meantime, off-shore locations feast on our indifference to service and do whatever it takes to secure and maintain a customer relationship. The oft-cited explanation for the comparative advantage of off-shore locations, namely, their low cost, is a facile response to a more complicated dynamic. It is true that off-shore locations enjoy all-in cost advantages vis-a-vis the United States. It is also true, that President Trump worked hard to enhance our competitiveness on the world stage by reducing the oppressive web of regulation; reducing our world-leading corporate tax rates; negotiating better trade deals; exiting globalist compacts financed on the backs of American taxpayers; offering a tax holiday for repatriated corporate profits, among other initiatives. Those initiatives, however, have either been rolled back or will soon be under President Biden’s Administration.
My experience is that, particularly in technical disciplines, services delivered by off-shore locations are superior to ours. An apprenticeship initiative, if it were aggressively expanded to include science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations, might make us more competitive in this area. In the rarefied world of supercomputers so critical to pushing the frontiers of science and technology, for example, the United States is out-produced by China on the order of two-to-one. So, until and unless we grow a much larger crop of more competent technical workers we will continue to be outperformed by nations more determined, better educated, more dedicated, and hungrier than we are.
If the nation has ceded its economic primacy, its military primacy is being severely tested. United States’ land-based forces are heavily committed to counterinsurgency operations to fend off non-state actors while conventional warfare strategic planning appears to be dead. In Europe, a likely conventional hotspot, NATO and U.S. forces are outgunned and outmanned by a factor of at least ten to one by Russian forces. In the far East, China’s land-based forces outnumber the United States by a factor of at least two to one.
Our ocean defenses are in no better shape. The nation’s principal bulwark protecting our shores is in steep decline. The United States Navy is but a ghost of its former self. The nation now has fewer vessels than it had before World War I. Most notably, our aircraft carrier fleet which must number sixteen in order to patrol three separate ocean theaters now numbers ten or barely enough to protect two theaters. In the Mediterranean, the U.S. Sixth Fleet is a non-entity the result of which is to have created a vacuum that is now filled by the Russians, Syrians, and Iranians. In the South China Sea, where American Navy vessels seem unable to sail without colliding into tankers and containerships, the United States is being challenged by a territorially aggressive and technologically advanced Chinese Navy. Already, an armada of sophisticated dredging vessels is reclaiming land from the sea for the sole purpose of building military airfields and naval port facilities. More worrisome, Chinese fighter jets and bombers now violate Taiwan’s air space with impunity and regularity.
Former U.S. Undersecretary of the Navy, Seth Cropsey, in his chilling and sobering account, Mayday the Decline of American Naval Supremacy, reminds us that China was the naval hegemon in the fifteenth century. Under the leadership of Admiral Sheng He, Chinese sailors coursed the oceans from their territorial waters to the Strait of Hormuz. Chinese vessels of the time were of a length and tonnage that were not to be seen in the West until centuries later. China’s naval supremacy only came to an end when civil servants forced severe budget cutbacks on the kingdom. Does our own defense budget sequestration of 2013 under President Obama, with its mandate to, in effect, disarm the military, ring a bell? The results of each nation’s budget missteps are eerily similar. China, for its part, will probably not repeat its mistake. In all likelihood, it will take the United States a generation, assuming proper funding and political will, to restore the U.S. Navy so that we can confidently state that the nation can project power and protect seaborne commerce beyond the horizon.
Just as troubling as the rickety state of the nation’s military naval forces is the state of the United States Merchant Marine. The Merchant Marine fleet hauls cargo during peacetime and is attached to the Defense Department during wartime to transport troops and supplies into war zones. The United States should hope it does not get into a major conflagration oceans away as it has experienced a dramatic attrition in its Merchant Marine fleet and manpower inventory. In 1960, the United States had nearly 3,000 vessels in the Merchant Marine fleet. Today, the nation has fewer than 175 vessels or less than one-half of 1% of the total vessel count worldwide. Worse, United States-flagged vessels carry a mere pittance of the total volume of goods and materials that transit through the nation’s ports. The consequence of what is obviously a weak flank in the nation’s defense posture is that in the event of a major outbreak of hostilities the United States would be reliant on foreign-flagged vessels to carry troops, armaments, and supplies with all of the attendant security risks.
One can argue that China’s bellicosity toward the United States is as asymmetrical as it is frontal and direct: China’s theft of roughly $225 billion, at the low end and as much as $600 billion at the high end, annually in counterfeit goods, pirated software, and theft of trade secrets from the United States; its monopoly of rare earth metals critical not just for consumer products but for Defense Department applications; its financing of over fifty Confucius Institutes on college campuses and schools designed to spread CCP propaganda; and its unleashing of the Wuhan virus which has cost the lives of more than six-hundred thousand innocent Americans is proof positive that China’s strategy is to envelop the United States on all fronts. And, the United States’ military is playing into China’s hands by its determination to “feminize” its armed forces. Progressive ideologues both in the Biden Administration and the Pentagon are using the military as a social experiment petri dish which is undermining the combat readiness of those in a position to protect our shores in the event of war. All you need to know in this regard comes from the Current Commander in Chief, Joseph Biden: “We’re making good progress designing body armor that fits women properly; tailoring combat uniforms for women; creating maternity flight suits; updating – updating requirements for their hairstyles…”
In sum, if as the great military historian B.H. Liddell Hart suggests, a nation’s Grand Strategy is a composite of its political, military, economic and diplomatic tools in its “arsenal” which can be brought to bear to advance a state’s national interest then the United States appears to be convulsing in its gradual decay. As I have argued in my essay, The United Kingdom Is Resurgent, the former world economic power, lost its supremacy because it failed to adapt to the winds of change which buffeted its shores long after the economy reached its apex in the early twentieth century.
It is also provocative to think that there might be a “natural” life cycle to nations as there is to human beings that is irreversible. Regardless of one’s view in embracing one or another theory that might explain the demise of nations, there is no reason to remain indolent in resisting such decline even if there is only the remotest possibility of such an outcome. Keep in mind that the demise of Rome was hardly cataclysmic but the result of a long succession of imprudent decisions made by the Empire’s leaders.
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gamingso965 · 3 years
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50 Ideal Gaming Web sites To Take a look at In 2017
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