#thisautistic fic
thisautistic · 1 year
just got an idea: what if tae and Vegas were friends first?
it would explain the animosity but also the care tae shows when Vegas gets hurt
like. what if they were childhood friends? but then Vegas' mom died. and like at age 13-14 whatever, you're not really able to empathize with someone whose gone through that kind of tragedy. so tae doesn't know what to say but he knows Vegas is suffering.
and then Vegas stops spending time with Kinn and khun, and then tae. he's not who he was once and again at age 15-16 (as tae) you're probably not going to put that down to abuse but more: well I guess we've just grown apart.
maybe kan didn't want Vegas to be around 'that faggot' or whatever either?
so tae starts hanging out with Kinn more and hey! kinn has this really hot friend named time etc etc
but here comes Pete to the rescue post-canon! he finds out they were friends at one point and he and Porsche start manufacturing reasons for them to be in the same place.
this all eventually leads to a blowout but then they cry and explain themselves to each other and then they kinda slowly make up
anyway. I'll write it eventually just wanted to share the idea with yall
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blorbingqls · 6 months
Blorbos From BL That Will Make Me Protect Them At EVERY FUCKING COST
so with the carnal list challenge, I think we can definitely make a list of blorbos that we would protect at all costs (and maybe have a challenge of who is the blorbest blorbo?) - so, less go
VegasPete from KinnPorsche
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this scene says everything. if i can intuitively say, each one of us will have at least one of them on the list. we all know they are morally grey characters but something about them just clicks?! (i have read too many fics on AO3 on them to support my theories of KPTS 2)
WinTeam from Between Us
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lord please kill me because of how feral i am about them.
SandRay from Only Friends
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amidst the disappointment of the show's ending, i sort wanted them as end game but with more angst?!.
also, ps, if you really thought my carnal list and this list won't have any similarities? I am sorry but you're wrong. VERY WRONG.
Oh-aew from I Promised You The Moon/I Told Sunset About You
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gays let me just go and cry 'cause i got reminded of the whole series and then him and i now need to have a box of tissues
Alan from Moonlight Chicken
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something something about First Kanaphan's characters just makes me wanna go and kill everyone who hurt him
HeartLiMing from Moonlight Chicken
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keeping the chaos of the whole show on one side, and their own little world on the other, I WILL DO EVERYTHING IN MY WILL POWER FOR THEM TO BE SAFE FROM EVERY POWER
also, this particular scene reminds of a similar scene from Manner of Death of ThatSorn?! (anyone??)
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Tiwson from My School President
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man was busy carrying the whole show with saving tinngun, soundwin, patnook and his imaginary ship with por - literally
(also this sweater and necklace is very much appreciated for its service)
Boston and Nick from Only Friends
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Wat from The Eclipse
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yes ayan and akk are equally there but him with understanding all coins deserves to be protected and treasured at all costs
PeteKao from Dark Blue Kiss
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excuse me while i go and kill the society for hurting them
Fong from 2gether
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man was too busy being the only braincell of this show - and this is where i'll mention about 2gether and no where else
Akk from Enchante
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Naa from Tonhon Chonlatte
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this list is just becoming too long and i am forgetting many others but these are my main ones (i probably will get reminded of a lot more when i see other people's list lol)
tagging @waitmyturtles @lurkingshan @slayerkitty @respectthepetty @neuroticbookworm @thisautistic @poetry-protest-pornography @blmpff @sparklyeyedhimbo @bengiyo @my-rose-tinted-glasses @sandrayy @reptileofdoom @wen-kexing-apologist and anyone who wants to do this!
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yujeong · 2 months
Fic Ask Game: Favorite Fic Lines
Hello people. So, I got some sudden inspiration for this little game, which goes hand in hand with the KinnPorsche Fanfic Comment Event a little bit, in my opinion: Share the lines of fics that have brought a big emotional reaction out of you. It can be anything, from sadness to happiness to horniness to anything in between. Lines that have stayed with you, no matter how long ago you read the fic. I believe our writers deserve a little praise in these trying times, don't you think? So, for me, some of them are the following: 1) "The rib hurts so much more now that someone else knows about it." - drank every scar, by @ginnymoonbeam - Tbh, I'd have to put the whole fic in here, but this is the line I tend to think of whenever the fic comes to mind. Rereading it now to find the line made my eyes water, it's so fucking visceral and perfect and I love it so much. Once again, thank you so, SO much for writing it and sharing it with the world ❤️ 2) "Vegas’ violence is unpredictable, painfully personal, and utterly, tragically ineffectual.
Pete forgives him all of it." - Civil Hands, by @ameliarating - I can't count the times I went feral over both Civil Hands and Deep Dive. As a fan of Pete, both of those fics mean the world to me, and this specific line has been on my mind since the moment I read it. I love how it showcases Vegas' effect on Pete's worldview, how Vegas made him break his own rules, and how he came to accept it, because it's him. Incredible writing, I love it so fucking much❤️ 3) "He’d rather be marked as disposable, he’d realized, than erased as invisible.
There was something bitter about realizing that he’d been both." - Once You Are Real, by @veliseraptor - Lise chose this for the summary and it's such a perfect choice. I think it's the reason I chose to read the fic in the first place. I am very emotional when it comes to the concept of Pete finding out he was forgotten, and this fic does an amazing job with it. I keep returning to it a lot, I love it to death. Painful in it's brilliance, I can't recommend it enough. 4) "“I don’t know,” Pete said unsteadily. “I don’t know. How could I know what that feels like? I’m not that kind of person.” He pulled against Vegas’s grip, and got nowhere. “You make my teeth ache. You make the world bright, like it’s real. It hurts. It’s hurt since I met you, but that means I can never forget I’m alive." - even the clearest water, by @luckydicekirby What a fic. The concept, the lines, the execution, it all deserves praise until the end of time. Pete's answer to Vegas' "Do you love me?" will always remain in my head as one of the best things VP-related I've ever read and ever will read in my life. I loved this so fucking much, I will never get over it ❤️ 5) "“And now you have nothing,” Kinn says. “As I said, a dumb move.”
“Wrong again,” Vegas says. “I now have something you don’t.”
“Oh?” Kinn doesn’t hide the way he rolls his eyes. “Massive hospital bills? Bed sores?”
“Happiness.”" - Your Power Over Me, by @wisteria-daydreamer - A very special shout out to my lovely friend who's written one of my favorite Kinn&Vegas fics I've ever had the pleasure to read. When this line came, I literally gasped out loud, it left me speechless. The way Kinn's POV is written was marvelous and the whole conversation he had with Vegas was incredible. Check it out if you crave some good Kinn&Vegas fics, it's very, very good. Disclaimer: I have so many fics and authors I love and I've made that clear to both them and my followers in the past. My brain could only handle doing 5 for this, but I absolutely have more than 5 that I'm obsessed with. Maybe one day I'll do a Part 2, I'll see how it goes in the future. No pressure tagging all the following lovely people, besides the writers that have already been tagged: @wretchedamaranth, @xpi-x-elx, @fleet-off, @lu-sn, @suzteel, @tsttoain, @thisautistic, @theoldastronomer, @vegaseatsass, @adanima, @kissporsche, @raksh-writes, @nyxelestia, @yourknightofrage, @mightymightygnomepriest, @justanothervariant, @justfionn and anyone else who wants to share the love for their fave fics and authors. You can do 5 or 10 or 100, there's no limit at all ❤️❤️
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kinnporschegl · 8 months
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my 2nd and final piece for @kinnporschebigbang !! I had such a fun time working with @thisautistic on this, thank you so muchhhhh - And it was good practice for lighting without a direct reference 😌
yes ik there's a random small blanket that's what happens when you get an ace sfw artist for your Omegaverse fic /lh
anyways here is the first chapter of this awesome fic!
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Okay apparently the cogs are working somewhat today, brain is braining, because I started discussing Pete's thoughts about Korn on this post and these tags (thanks @thisautistic) have me digging further:
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Korn straight up bought Pete's loyalty. On a big scale. That's a really curious thing to do. We know Korn will have something collateral when it comes to keeping people around - Namphueng is being held hostage but under the guise of incapability so Porsche and Porchay have to rely on him. And who knows what he's got on her that's keeping her quiet.
So now I just can't imagine what the hell Korn has hold of on most of his bodyguards that's got them feeling like he's actually really generous and basically giving them handouts in exchange for a life of servitude.
I mean, I didn't even think about it when I made up a reason for him to basically tie Big's hands in a fic when he recruited him, but he did him a huge favor in that context and if Big hadn't fallen in love with Kinn and sacrificed himself he would've been the next Chan.
So why did Korn buy up Pete in such a grandiose way?
Was he aware of Big's feelings for Kinn and figured he'd die for him before having to replace Chan? (Not to mention - what the hell did he do to make Chan kiss his arse?) Did Korn keep tabs on the skills of each bodyguard and notice a special uptick in Pete's that he knew would benefit him one day? Being the master chess player he is and orchestrating circumstances like he's playing with puppets, that's a huge possibility.
Does he just buy them all out to that extent? This would make more sense to me because then it would discourage anyone claiming to be a favorite and other petty bullshit that the guards could cause. Which only demonstrates just how fucking LOADED the Theerapanyakul family is and how entrenched the mafia is in Thailand. It's like trying to get out of the spider's web and discovering you're still somewhere among the colony.
Korn is officially so fucking scary and I hate him. But also I can't help but just think of all the shit he's up to.
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xxhappy-chickenxx · 5 months
WIP game
"Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs."
tyyyy @thisautistic for the tag!!! i have a terrifying number of WIPs and the list seems to grow by the day 😭 rn we've got:
baby fever
bdsm club au
BigChan street racer au
evil bisexual agenda
femme idol au
hedgehog shifter
lost and found
pit babe mafia au
pit baby (this one made me laugh)
spoils of war
uncharted waters
venice sick fic
vp omegaverse pt 3
vampire!vegas familiar!pete
in true adhd fashion, i have even more ideas saved, these are just the ones that i've already started writing 💀 (or co-writing 👀)
taggingggg @coleslaww @no1petesimp @saturnskyline @peachym00 @mousydentist @jazzyjj @yourknightofrage @bottomvegas if you would like~~
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iwantoceans · 3 months
9 Fandom Peeps to get to know better!! :
I was tagged by @thisautistic <3
3 Ships you like: this is hard
My #1 of course of course has to be Vegaspete
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My #2 (right now) is probably Myungha/ Yeowoon
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And my #3 is probably bostonnick
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First Ship Ever : wow that’s really hard but at the top of my head I remember Toya and Yuki from Card Captor Sakura
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Last Song You Heard :
Favourite Childhood Book : I’m going to have to say Harry Potter
Currently reading : I haven’t read an actual book in so long. I just consume a lot of fics now and call it a day
Currently watching : Cherry Magic TH!! And I’m loving it. I’m also going to start 23.5 todayyy
Currently consuming : vegaspete content always and also a lot of genshin
Currently Craving : chocolate!!
I’m going to tag @misspoetree @jdotsodomite @awwfuckno @vrag-veshtica @tswizzlesfan @porschesbabydaddy @bunnakit @kinyeee @i-got-the-feels @a-slut-for-vegaspete
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fleet-off · 5 months
WIP Game
Tagged by @sunshinesanctuary Dav and also by @raksh-writes Raksh a while back, thank you!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs!
I have lots of miscellaneous wippets, but here are the fics that have earned their own project files for KP! My titles tend tangential, so I have added some vaguely descriptive emojis.
Artificial Flowers 💐🖤🥛
Brunch and Rescue 👠🥪😱
Circle State 🍻🙏🤝
Off the Handle 🔪😨🏖
On the Line 🚘📞🏥
Open Space 🚀🤖🏜
Grotesque 🦠🚬💦
Mishaps in BDSM 🪢🗯🖐
Smooth Sailing 💉💧🍑
Wrong CBT 👨‍⚕️🔎😈
Going with the Grain (partially uploaded)
Lapping at the Edges (partially uploaded)
Menagerie (partially uploaded)
Stable Delusion (partially uploaded)
And in other fandoms:
Workmates (Bad Buddy)
Chokehold (The Prison Boys)
Meet at the Origin (Plus and Minus)
Damp (SCOY)
no-pressure tagging @dual-desires @giraffeter @kissporsche @luckydicekirby @luckydragon10 @lu-sn @no1petesimp @rainbowcolored7 @saturnskyline @suzteel @theflowergirl @thisautistic and anyone else who wants to play!
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29daffodils · 3 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Augghh I love these games! thank you for tagging me Mickey 🥺🌸(@thisautistic)
3 Ships You Like :
1. Yohan/Moogyeong from The Shape of Your Love (manhwa by Park Nodeok)
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this is my ultimate OTP. i never had OTPs before them. they'll be my rise and fall. but yeah, anyway. they. my boys.
2. Vegas/Pete from KinnPorsche The Series
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they had me by the throat even before i knew kpts existed and just, well. then i watched kpts and found them and they were everything i hoped for and more. a lot of it is also because vegas and i are very much alike without the mass murder aspect 😂
3. Alan/Gaipa from Moonlight Chicken
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listen, MLC is like, the best thing i've watched in a while and alangaipa gave me what i had been craving since yohan/moogyeong c. 2019 : a small rare/ghost ship with barely any screentime but that hooked people in worldwide. firstkhao's acting was just bonus. alangaipa represent everything that i want from my own life. i couldn't not love them.
First Ship Ever :
Kanata/Miyu from Da!Da!Da!
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oh, these two. i was head over heels in love with them. i shipped them even when i didn't know that shipping existed or what it meant, when we didn't even have anime on TV besides the broadcast on SONY at 5pm sometimes. i just wanted them in love and happy and raising a kid together. ugh i miss them.
Last Song You Heard :
The Moon Represents My Heart, by the Moonlight Chicken cast! God do I love this song so much! It fits all the ships so well! The lyrics are gold! (I also recently found that this is a cover of the OG by Teresa Teng and that's even more beautiful??)
(also, this has been helping me visualize and write a lot of sand/ray, surprisingly enough.)
Favorite Childhood Book :
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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ahhh, well, this is embarassing. i didn't have a favourite book until adulthood actually. and it's my only favourite (as in something i've read time and again). i don't think i'll ever find another book like this one. this is it for me. nothing can ever top this. (yes, I'm very picky about my favourites lmao)
Currently Reading :
i found out this fic exists because of twitter discourse lmao, and I'm not even a dramione fan, i'll probably never read another work, but goddamn, the writing was stellar. lived up to all that hype. good stuff. (I'm almost at the end so wish me luck!)
Currently Watching :
Our Dining Table
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no offence to those who love this, i loved the manga when i read it years ago, but lord was i bored to death even on the second trial at watching this lol. I'm soldiering on though, i'll get through this!
Currently Consuming :
Thai BLs
uhh... not sure what answer this demands actually, so, uhhh... lots of thai BL i guess? that's really what i've been consuming lately. i had never watched thai BLs before KPTS in 2023 so it's eye opening, they've gotten better ( i tried once before , quite a while back when a friend recommended, and i found it ridiculous so i never thought i'd actually ever watch any again lol, mostly because i never was a fan of live action BL dramas in general)
Currently Craving :
well, i'll be honest here, money is vital and that's what I'm craving lol, i gotta feed myself and my cats and pay a 50k laptop repair bill that my company thrust on me even though it's not my fault it's damaged. anyway, essentially I'm experiencing financial doom among other unfortunate events, so here's your chance to commission a fic or donate at my KOFI so...... haha.
alright, this was super fun! I'm tagging @skyfish7 @semantics-error @justfionn @boyslovecorner @peachym00 @lilitblaukatz @ae-azile
(please feel free to ignore if you're feeling up to it!)
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saturnskyline · 1 year
Last Line Game
rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
tagged by @risu442, thank you bestie!! <33
It amazes him, even now, that Pete needs this as much as he does, but the evidence is clear: his lover, stretched out in front of him, eyes wide and cheeks flushed, begging to be taken apart. He is trembling ever so slightly, and unshed tears sparkle in his eyes as he whispers a desperate “please”.
And, well. Vegas could never leave him wanting.
surprise, i have a new vp fic concept i'm working on :D not sure when it will be done since like 90% of it is still just floating around in my brain, but i hope it turns out okay haha. also sidenote: despite this snippet being a little ~spicy~, this is not full-fledged smut, so apologies in advance lol
i think there are more words in this than i have writer mutuals sooo i'm just going to tag a good number of you instead: @mightymightygnomepriest @lady-guts @petesbubblebutt @27vampyresinhermind @thisautistic @returning-spring @midnightfreeway @coffeeyuqi @baby-droll absolutely no pressure here, but you are all very cool and talented and i love reading what people are working on :)
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thisautistic · 1 year
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let's do this: gimme a prompt and a rating and i'll see if i can write a vegaspete drabble.
see i want to write but it's very nebulous and i don't have any ideas for any of my wips :/
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lu-sn · 3 months
writing pattern tag game
thank you @thepetesimp for the tag!!! what a cool idea
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there’s a pattern.
from most recent to least:
The blade finds its unerring mark in Vegas's chest. [follow you to the beyond]
Macau leans against the open fridge door and squints inside, wondering if Vegas will shank him for stealing the last pickled egg. [replay value]
Vegas is hard at work swirling her glass of bourbon, feigning boredom as the insipid men at the table bark and whine at each other — when Pete grabs her shoulder from behind. [warm-blooded]
It starts late one night, with Vegas fingering her lazily. [sopping]
“We are not,” Pete says, “putting the pole in the bedroom.” [banana split]
“Please,” Pete says, hands clasped tight around Vegas’s wrist. [breathtaking]
“Okay,” Vegas says, getting more frustrated by the moment, “but what did you do in your spare time?” [vivace]
Vegas leans further back against the leather seating, wincing slightly as the button-down shirt tucked into his pants drags uncomfortably against the scarring on his abdomen. [discothéque rouge]
Chan sits down across from Pete, tossing a file folder onto the table. [splinter]
Macau whips his head around at the sound of the door opening, but it’s just Nop. [blindside]
in my wholly uneducated opinion, i... have no idea what's going on here 😂 word patterns or lack thereof aside, i think most of these do a good job of setting the tone. like you can really tell which of these fics are gonna be stupid fics. i also apparently like to make it really clear who i'm about to be talking about
hmm let's see idk who's done this one! @magicaldreamfox1? @thisautistic @ameliarating @fanonplussed?
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yujeong · 2 months
A WIP self-callout post based on this meme—thank you so much @wretchedamaranth 🥺 It's always fun for me to talk about my WIPs (even when I'm not doing much progress with them haha *cries*) WIP I'm actually working on: Ahh.. to be perfectly honest, none. I mostly write down ideas and snippets that come to me about the gazillion fics I want to write. I hope that one day, I'll be able to focus on a specific one, and finish it. WIP I keep open in the background so I don't feel guilty: My VP somno fic. Obviously. It haunts my dreams at this point. Imaginary project: Hmm, I don't know how to answer that, because by imaginary, I assume it's an idea you haven't started writing yet, which doesn't apply to me because I've written notes and snippets about every idea I have. I'll just say every other VP smut idea I have besides the somno one, I guess. In my mind, they've mostly been written. On paper though, eehh... Passion project: My Kim&Pete series 😭 I love it so fucking much, these idiots mean so much to meeeeee. I want my brain to cooperate so I can finally start working on the second installment again, and then go to the third one, which will take place during the 1-month time skip we got in canon. So many wonderful angsty scenarios waiting to be written 🥹 WIP from 3 months ago: My Ep13 Pete-centric missing scene fic 😇 This one will be very short and I decided to start writing it on a whim - as I do with most of my ideas tbh - so, if I truly get down to it, I can have at least the first draft finished pretty soon. I love the idea a lot, so I hope I'll manage to do that. Side WIP: My TeeWhite fic about how White came to agree to go to the trip with Tee 🥳 I love the potential of this idea a lot, but I've set a rule on myself that I'll post at least one of my VP ideas before continuing to work on this one, so it'll take a few more months before it's posted. As you can see, I'm a canon type of girl. I love it when a show intrigues me so much that I want to explore its world and characters, so these are the kinds of fics I mostly write. No pressure tagging @xpi-x-elx, @mightymightygnomepriest, @fleet-off, @suzteel, @lu-sn, @thisautistic, @vegaseatsass and anyone else who might want to do this ❤️
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zhaozi · 1 year
tagged by @thisautistic for the wip folder tag game!
Post the names of the files of your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. If you want, tag as many people as you have WIPs.
most of my wips (read: all of them) are somehow big (kinnporsche) related. i love big, okay? i’m a convert.
- bdsm mission bigchan - big can’t sleep - big has always been a sucker for love - bigchan a/b/o - bigchan fuck machine -bigchan marks -camboy big au - chanbigtay - embiggening fic (for the embiggening fic exchange. it’s top secret so i can’t tell you anything but know that i love my prompt so much) - what if chan kills korn.
i have no one to tag because i have no idea who has been tagged, but if you want to do it, please tag me so i can see your fics titles!
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xxhappy-chickenxx · 3 months
Fandom lads to get to know better ✨
tysm for the tag, @wretchedamaranth!!
3 ships you like:
VegasPete (Kinnporsche The Series): In a surprise to no one, these two have my whole body and soul. Just when I think their hold on me has passed, I see some fic/post/tweet/picture and I'm right back where I started.
Chen Yi/Ai Di (Kiseki: Dear to Me): This is a more recent obsession because I finally got around to watching the series and THEY'RE JUST SO GOOD I NEED MORE!!! I've been doing research here and there abt how to write Chinese names in fic since I don't want to fuck it up and once I get that down it's canon divergence time!!
Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian (MDZS/The Untamed): This is my longest-held ship (also shamelessly plugging my sideblog) and not to be dramatic but I will never get over them!!! I think they don't occupy as much 'active blorbo' space in my brain bc they had a more resolved ending, but if I'm thinking or talking about god-tier ships as a whole, they're always on my list.
First ship ever: Ever ever is hard because I feel like I've been shipping characters together since the beginning of time but I will say the first time I thought about characters interacting with each other outside of any 'canon' was Batman and Catwoman when I was like 12 😅
Last song you heard: Magician by Lexie Liu!! (Car crash and flashing/strobe warning for the mv!!) I'm so late to this train bc the song was released like a year ago but IT'S SO GOOD!!! The sound and story is absolutely captivating!
Favorite childhood book: My memory is horrible and I'm sure child-me could give you such a detailed answer because I was a huge reader! One of my favorite series was the American Girl Doll books, and I think Kit was my favorite.
Currently reading: Nothing beyond what's required for my grad program 😭 I'll get back into it eventually, and for now, I have fic!
Lately I've been obsessed with Not Lost, But Found and Tune of Discord by puckbaes, won't be pretty, won't be sweet by blue__jay, and It Was an Honest Loss by YourKnightOfRage!!
Currently watching: The original Star Trek! I know people ship Kirk and Spock and listen... I get it 👀 Might have to do some digging on AO3 pretty soon, but for now I'm enjoying the silly alien costumes and taking a shot every time Kirk takes his shirt off.
Currently consuming: Beef with scallions from my favorite Chinese restaurant 😋
Currently craving: Nothing right now, but I was craving allergen-friendly donuts yesterday and got them delivered 🤌 An expensive but satisfying decision!!
Tagging @thisautistic and @thisnightsrevels if you would like!! But no pressure 💗
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rainbowcolored7 · 5 months
WIP Game
"Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs."
I was tagged by @sunshinesanctuary and @fleet-off 💖 The only wips I won't be adding are ones I'm like 99% sure I will never ever complete in this lifetime. Also sorry in advance for the boring way I name everything.
5plus1GWWJ (Bloodhounds)
A breath of fresh air OctaviaNiylah (the 100)
Beyond Evil figure skating AU
Boss Bitch stripper!Porsche AU
Dog Days PorschePete
Last Name KenMacau sequel
Mesca fae fic (the Eagle)
Rabbit Run KP AU
Rickyl pretty woman AU (twd)
Sweet like a chica-cherry cola (ArmPol)
The Haunting of Theerapanyakul House (vegaspete)
Whiskey Please (kp)
70s bathroom (ofts)
Ahdri fic (kp)
bb food (death stranding)
Destiny (kp)
Freshly brewed tea (beyond evil)
little red shorts (bloodhounds)
more than hungry (vegaspete)
noes goes (beyond evil)
Uuhh not tagging that many people so, no pressure tags! @katierosefun @dragonbornette @madamtrashbat @dr-lemurr @thistlearts @thisautistic @fandork
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