intriga-hounds · 2 months
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bazzy’s got his trazzy ears on
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riley-coyotl · 2 months
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Juni's goofy Traz face
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phaethonshine · 5 months
Why would the hospital take everything from someone there for suicidal ideation. Like, ah, yes, let's make the kid who wants to kill themself have nothing to do but think about how to do it
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fitgothgirl · 9 months
More insomnia last night, got up after being asleep only 2 hours. I fell back asleep after a few hours but when my alarm went off for work I said fuck it and just let them know I was taking a sick day and went back to sleep. Woke up just before noon lol.
The day before yesterday I did a hard legs & abs workout and did everything I could think of for good sleep hygiene; I still woke up that night but just for 30 minutes or an hour so not too bad… I didn’t do as well in that regard yesterday but I did do that bike ride and stopped screens at least 30 minutes before bed, if not an hour. But the insomnia is likely from my meds so I don’t know how much of an effect my efforts can have.
Trazodone tonight to not have to deal with this. 🙃
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szklane-domy · 5 months
biorę piguły na sen, piguły na stany lękowe, piguły na depresję, piguły na bordera i dziwnym trafem nadal jestem strasznie rozjebana.
Biorę wszystko co wpadnie mi w ręce wjebalabym nawet szkło
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ignatius-burning · 8 months
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shape that makes you sleepy. at a cost. (ankles feel broking)
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mcatmemoranda · 1 month
Taking trazodone can cause a urine drug screen to pop positive for fentanyl. I didn't know that. Had a pt whose UDS was positive for fentanyl. Send out was negative. He takes trazodone.
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transfaguette · 1 year
another trazodone question
for insomnia did you see improvements in sleep duration and/or quality immediately, or did it take a week or 2 (or more) of using it?
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quote4me · 11 months
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everydayesterday · 1 year
I’m adding trazodone for sleep.  more pills, yes, but I’m desperate to get a good night’s sleep.  
also going up on the lamotrigine to the max dose.  that’s a little concerning, because it’s my main bipolar medication, and if I stop responding to it, well, I have no idea.
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ivebeenmade · 7 months
First morning after taking trazodone for sleep. I think I feel *rested*.
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maybebecomingms · 9 months
seven years of trazodone
August 8th, 2023
"Hang on; I gotta take something to sleep, or I just won't," I said, digging through my purse before bed last summer.
"Maybe someday, with me, you won't need those anymore!" he said, hopefully. My back was turned to him so he couldn't see me half-grin and half-roll my eyes at the same time. "That's sweet, but I've been on these for years. This is just how my brain works."
Today I had an appointment with my psychiatric nurse practitioner... to end services.
Because I don't need them anymore.
I couldn't tell you the last time I took a trazodone. I got the prescription refilled around New Year's. I moved into my own place January 31st. Since then, I could probably count all the times I took a trazodone on one hand. They've mostly been collecting dust in my bathroom.
This drug had been my LIFELINE when I was prescribed it in 2016. I do credit it with saving my life, because I probably would have crashed my car and died as a result of severe sleep deprivation without it. This prescription ended the recurring 3-week cycle of Benadryl tolerance, midnight vodka shots in the kitchen, and sometimes literally banging my head against the wall in complete frustration.
I could have never imagined a point in my life where I would NOT need them. I really thought my brain was incapable of shutting down at night. It's not.
A year later, there's a twinge of jealousy in his voice when he mentions how quickly and easily I fall asleep after we say "goodnight." No pills, no drugs, no alcohol, no nothing. Just finally feeling safe and comfortable for the first time in a long time.
I've got a graveyard of drafts and haven't known what to write about for a while, but this seemed worth mentioning.
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atbussysparks · 1 year
I took my trazosone like and jhour ago but I have something wise yo say:
Busa nut and eatout sum slut
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lunar-goodness · 1 year
We have a dog boarding with us that is the brother of the dog that bit me a couple weeks ago and when I was giving him his trazodone this afternoon, because he is also a neurotic aggressive pain in the ass, he was sniffing my hand and very intently smelled the spot where a scar is starting to form from his brother. It was like he knew somehow, does it still smell like him? What’s the deal?
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fitgothgirl · 8 months
Had a weird, blah day yesterday since I basically didn't sleep the prior night. Since starting the Wellbutrin in early July, my insomnia hasn't improved. Falling asleep is never the problem but if I don't take either gabapentin or trazodone, I'll wake up for hours in the middle of the night, maybe only falling back asleep in the early morning. I told my psychiatrist I was taking either one of those meds probably most nights and he said it's fine since it's such low doses (50mg of trazodone or 200-300mg of gabapentin) of low-risk meds that aren't even sleeping pills. The trazodone is technically an antidepressant that often gets prescribed off label for insomnia, and gabapentin is technically an anticonvulsant for epilepsy but gets prescribed off label for anxiety. He had given the gabapentin to me in relation to trying to cut back on weed, but I inadvertently found it helps me sleep great and he said it's fine to use it for that too (another issue it often get prescribed off label for). But I'm at the point where I just want to take either one of those meds every night rather than fighting the meds-less nights every third night or whatever. The Wellbutrin helps me so much and the insomnia isn't getting better, but I sleep so well on either of those meds. So if it's okay to just keep taking them then I'd like to do that; I'll ask my psychiatrist at my next appointment. When I take them I sleep great and I don't wake up all groggy or anything, I just feel refreshed. The stark difference is reflected on my Fitbit too.
Makes me wonder if a stimulant would be better since it would have a shorter half life (I think? Correct me if I'm wrong). Doesn't matter how early I take my Wellbutrin in the morning - still the same insomnia problems. But if a stimulant wears off faster then maybe I could get the same benefits without this insomnia. That'll be another question to bring up with my psychiatrist. But based on our first few meetings like 6 months ago, he'll likely want me to go to through the full ADHD cognitive testing ordeal before prescribing me a stimulant, even though it's obvious I have ADHD and my therapist (who's in the same company so my records with her are visible to him I think) has diagnosed me on her end. But LMFT findings probably don't matter to MDs.
Anyway, I let yesterday be weird and blah and ate a bunch of random junk and didn't log anything. I was wanting to go to the gym after already having had two rest days but skipped that too. Took trazodone last night and slept well except I could've gone to bed a bit earlier to catch up a little. But I got back to the gym and tracking my intake and eating well today. Still a bit tired so I'll use tonight to catch up on some sleep and I'm just eating maintenance calories (or a little surplus) as well.
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moondustmanwise · 1 year
I looked at the insomnia tag and was instantly messaged by a mental health bot. like, i'm okay sweety i got trazodone for that shit
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