#ts4 decade challenge
spiderandthesims · 7 months
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At school, Miss Blanchard was her usual strict self, but Isadora has grown used to her stern demeanor. She tried to make arithmetic interesting with those pesky numbers and calculations, but Isadora just couldn't muster much enthusiasm for it. 
She much prefers writing and spelling; there's something delightful about putting pen to paper and watching words form like magic.
Her favorite part of the school day, as always, was lunchtime. She loves to sit outside with my friends, they share their secrets and dreams as they munch under the bright blue sky.
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moonchiesim · 9 months
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Printemps 1891, Brindleton Bay
Cher journal, Ça y est, nous partons. J'étais un peu mélancolique et j'ai donc ressenti le besoin de t'écrire une dernière fois, comme si vraiment j'allais cesser de le faire une fois parvenue à Chestnut. Je ne peux m'empêcher de songer que si je change de vie, alors ma personne aussi changera. Le penses-tu aussi ? En tout cas, notre chère Edmée n'a pas du tout apprécié que je tente de la charger comme une cargaison. Elle m'a botté les fesses, la petite chipie !
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Printemps 1891, entre deux chemins
Cher journal, Nous avons décidé de faire un petit arrêt pour nous reposer. Nous sommes à mi-chemin de Chestnut, et tout près de Hendford, mais pas assez cependant pour y chercher refuge. Séverin a dormi la majorité du trajet, pour se réveiller le reste du temps en pleurant à gros sanglots. C'est ses dents qui lui font mal, j'en suis sûre.
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Printemps 1891, Chestnut Ridge
Cher journal, Nous avons rencontré le maire, et c'est lui en personne qui nous a remis les clés de notre maison. Elle est confortable, je t'avoue, et on a même un étable pour un cheval, un jour, et une chambre fermée pour Séverin. François Xavier a trouvé une occupation dans la cave et y a passé toute la première soirée et une partie de la nuit, aussi. Je me demande ce qu'il trouve à cette grotte, moi j'ose pas y descendre. Nous avons pu ranger toutes nos possessions, mais malheureusement nos petites poules n'ont pas survécu au trajet. La première a été chipée par un renard et la seconde était déjà bien vieille, et avec Edmée qui aime bien lui faire peur, on se demande si ça n'a pas été le coeur. François Xavier commence a travailler sur le chantier de la future centrale hydroélectrique dès que possible. Il s'impatiente, car apparemment que son patron veut le rencontrer en personne et parler business. Je suis fière de l'homme que j'ai épousé et qui a bonne réputation alors même qu'on vient de poser nos valises.
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Été 1891, Chestnut Ridge
Cher journal, François Xavier a reçu une promotion dès qu'il a mis les pieds sur le chantier. Il est devenu le patron des employés de là-bas, et ça n'a pas plut à tout le monde, mais François Xavier s'en réjouit malgré tout. Il a sorti une vieille bouteille de nectar de la cave, et j'ai appris qu'il y passait tout son temps à tenter de reproduire la boisson. Ce soir-là, il a fêté pas mal fort et il a finis par dormir dans la rocking chair, sur le patio. Séverin pleure souvent et il a des chaleurs. Je pense qu'il est malade, mais je sais pas ce qu'il a. J'ai essayé des trucs de maman, et je suis souvent à chercher ses conseils, mais pas grand-chose ne semble soulager mon petit bébé. François Xavier a voulu lui donner un peu de nectar pour apaiser ses pleurs, mais j'aime pas tellement le goût et j'ai pensé que ça pourrait donner des nausées au bébé, alors j'ai dit non, peut-être seulement s'il se sent vraiment pas bien. Aujourd'hui, il refuse d'être dans son berceau, alors je le laisse libre, ça va lui faire du bien de gigoter un peu pendant que je gère la maison.
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Edmée, la chipie-chèvre. Ses passe-temps incluent la lecture à voix haute et de terrifier tout le monde.
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Cheryl-Ann, la cocotte du village. Ses passe-temps incluent de caqueter les ragots et de roucouler pour son coq.
A noter que le passage où Joséphine parle qu'ils songent à donner du nectar à bébé Séverin ne reflète pas la réalité, mais certaines méthodes de l'époque. En 1880, un premier livre est apparu qui portait sur "La santé pour tous" et qui se voulait un guide d'hygiène de vie surtout lu par les femmes, mais ce n'était pas encore matière courante dans les régions éloignées. J'ai du mal à organiser mes idées et à les transposer concrètement, alors il se peut que tout soit un peu confus et chaotique, surtout au début. N'hésitez pas à m'éclairer de vos lanternes si vous avez des suggestions à mon approche du sujet ! 🌞
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slytherintomysims · 10 months
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The Kinsley Household - 1301
Fredryck Kinsley
Margery Kinsley
Adelaide Kinsley
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discodreambubble · 1 year
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Dearest Reader,
My wife just gave birth to my daughter, Carnella, and my son, Frank, in the early winter of 1892.
With great Joy, Sylvester Valentine
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thesimline · 9 months
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Following on from the simple modesty of the 1300s, female hair in the 1400s became a lot more elaborate thanks to the addition of hair pieces, ribbon and other decorations. Braided styles evolved into very detailed and decorative concoctions. Styles also became more flowy and romantic, often with curls framing the face. CC links under the cut.
You can find more of my historical content here: 1300s ✺ 1400s ✺ 1500s ✺ 1600s
1 - Larsa by Daylife Sims
2 - Beatrice by Simstrouble
3 - Shiro by Sim Lotus
4 - Camellia by Clumsy Alien
5 - Daenerys by Puderosims
6 - Hoppie by Simstrouble
7 - Emma by Buzzard's Bits and Bobs
8 - Ye Medieval Dragon Queen by Nilyn (TSR)
9 - Leonarda by Melancholy Maiden
10 - Cecilia by Buzzard's Bits and Bobs
11 - Braid Snood by Melancholy Maiden
12 - Ye Medieval Braided Updo by Daisy Sims (TSR)
13 - Masquerade by Tekri
14 - Pai Chan Braids by FYSims
15 - Hekate by Naunakht
16 - Zelda by Simandy
17 - Ye Medieval Margot by Shimydim (TSR)
18 - Sophia by G
19 - Serea Hair V1 by Redhead Sims
20 - Mari by Wasteland Whisperer
21 - Daenerys by Birksches
22 - Lucia by Melancholy Maiden
23 - TSM Hair for TS4 by S3 Sage
24 - Aspen by Oydis
25 - Braid Dream by Redhead Sims
26 - Double Braid by Wasteland Whisperer
27 - Pearls Set by Daylife Sims
28 - Mhysa by Quirky Introvert
29 - Ye Medieval Nezetta by Leah Lillith (TSR)
30 - Rapunzel by Tekri
With thanks to some amazing creators: @daylifesims @simstrouble @simlotus @clumsyalienn @puderosasims @buzzardly28 @tekri @simandy @redheadsims-cc @wastelandwhisperer @oydis @qicc
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aheathen-conceivably · 5 months
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✨ Download (SFS, no ads) ✨
Inspired by the fashion of teens and young women in the 1930s, this set of recolors includes three tops and three skirts in a variety of complimenting patterns and solids for easy mixing and matching. Details and reference images under the cut but first a huge thank you to the people who helped make this possible…
First foremost @gilded-ghosts @trillyke @waekey @magnolianfarewell and @sentate for their meshes, and also @moon-simmers and @chere-indolente for the patterns. Last but not least @twentiethcenturysims for your guidance and my dearest @surely-sims for your never ending set of skills. And of course an unspeakably huge thank you to over two-thousand of you who now follow this blog! This one is for y’all 💕
Please follow the original creators’ T.O.U. and feel free to tag me if you use any of these items, I would love to see them in your game!
Almost Sweater Weather -High School Years EP Required -23 swatches (9 patterned vests, 7 plain vest and shirt, 7 patterned shirts) It's Vintage Sentate, Darling! -Mesh Required here (plus another great recolor here) -21 swatches (14 plain, 7 patterned) Cupid's Bow -Mesh required here -21 swatches (14 plain, 7 patterned) Streetwear Scholar -Mesh included but the wonderful original set can be downloaded here -17 swatches (12 plain, 5 patterned) Young Love -Mesh included but the original (with cute polka dots and plaids) can be downloaded here. -27 swatches (13 patterned, 14 solid) Life Through Gilded Glasses -Mesh included but the full 1930s set is here and highly recommended. -22 swatches (10 patterned, 12 solid)
And may these inspo pics inspire you as much as they did me...
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ice-creamforbreakfast · 6 months
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::Download:: (Patreon - Free from 29/11/2023)
A collection of warmer clothes for your sims so that they can stay chic while staying indoors 💜
Ada Sweater Combo - A knitted sweater combined with a cinch belt and full tartan/plaid skirt. Rita Skirt Suit - A wool cropped coat and pencil dress combo with contrast collar and buttons that's perfect for looking smart, but staying warm.
Mavis Dress - A button-down dress in various shades and patterns
Mavis Dress V2 - Same old Mavis, brand new picnic blanket pattern (as someone calls it...they know who)!
Dee Sweater - Knitted roll-neck sweater that's perfect for those colder days
Catherine Pants - Who says you can't wear cropped pants in the winter? probably a few people, but do it anyway.
Scooter Sweater - Knitted rugby-style sweatshirt/sweater. Perfect for staying warm, but staying stylish.
Bertram Sweater - Asymmetric, knitted sweater with Arran buttons.
Barb Hair V.4 - Another one? Yes. But There are five Barb hairs! One isn't called Barb though. Yes it's confusing. Shooby made me do it.
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antiquatedplumbobs · 1 year
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Antiquated Brindleton
An 1890s Decades Challenge Save File
This save has been almost a year in the making, but it's finally here! It includes a completely rebuilt Brindleton Bay inspired by historic New England towns and set in the 1890s. This save uses a light amount of historical cc and most of the packs.
Download and details under the cut:
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Eight new residential lots
Seven new community lots
Six new households
Builds and households are all located in Brindleton Bay. The world is intended to be historically accurate to about 1890, though some liberties for functionality have been taken.
Builds in other worlds have been deleted. The necessary buildings, like dorms, active career lots, and the high school, have all been left in place.
Townies have been evicted, but not deleted, as I prefer EA townies to fully randomized townies.
If you’d like more period appropriate townies to add, the lovely @jewishsimming has some great historical ones to download and @cowplant-snacks has an amazing tutorial on how to manage your townies with MCCC.
REQUIREMENTS: I have all the packs except Batuu and some of the kits. I didn’t limit myself when building. I don’t have everything listed out here, but I will be uploading all the lots and households to my gallery, so if you’d like to know specific pack usage you’ll be able to check there. If you load in and things are replaced or missing and you think it looks obvious feel free to message me, I’m always happy to try to help you find something else that fits! This save includes historical CC, some is included in my download in folders and some you will need to download from the creators directly. The CC required is listed and linked below, you need to download these linked pieces in ADDITION to the included cc folders.
CC To Download:
Cottage Kitchen Stuff Pack
1840s Suspenders Outfit
1900s Male Hunting Fashion
1920s Nightgown
Piteous Outfit
Sylas Fashion Set
Wilbur Outfit
Medieval Nightgown Della
Functional Tennis Set
Antique Standing Camera
Creators Whose CC I Included:
@ameyasims (Better Than a Bush Outhouse, Victorian Swimwear)
@buzzardly28 (Multiple women’s hairs)
@chereindolente (Sacco Chore Coat, Edwardian Child Clothes)
@gilded-ghosts (Boudoir Belle, Victorian Visions, New Woman)
@jewishsimming (Off The Grid Objects, CAS items)
@linzlu (Assorted CAS and BB items)
@the-melancholy-maiden (Victorian Hair and Hat)
@nolan-sims (Potbelly Stove Set)
@pandorasimbox (Get To Church Pack, Azariah’s Sack Suit, Antique Slipper Tub, Heirloom Silhouette Portraits)
@peacemaker-ic (Simple Siding Wall Set, Luxurious Single Bedding V2)
@plumbobteasociety (Some BB and CAS items from the Cottage Garden Pack, HSL Happy Birthday Set)
@twentiethcenturysims (Langtree Hair, Historical High Chair, Quilts for Kids)
@waxesnostalgic (Sportswear Separates, Peterpan Bodysuit)
Thank you to all of these wonderful creators, your historical cc creations make this game a million times better to play and I appreciate all of you so very much. Recommended but not required mods:
Timeless by @pandorasimbox
Default Map Replacements by Deshayan (if you’d like your map to look like mine does in the preview)
Victorian NPC Replacements and Llama Scouts Historical Replacements by @cowplant-snacks
Home Regions by Kuttoe
DOWNLOAD: There are five zipped folders to download, four of which contain included cc, and one which includes the save itself.
Download the "AB_SaveFile" folder, unzip it and simply move the file inside to your saves folder inside your Sims 4 folder (where your mods folder is located).
The included cc is in four folders (to allow for easier upload/download) for build, buy, clothing, and hair. Simply download the folders, unzip them, and place them in your mods folder.
After this you should be good to load up your game and get playing, let me know if you run into any issues, I'm happy to try to troubleshoot. SFS | Google Drive THANK YOU: To all my amazing testers: @epistolarysims @aheathen-conceivably @cowplant-snacks and especially @simadelics who edited my household and build descriptions.
If you use this save file, please tag me in any photos you take, I want to see them all!! This save has been my baby for so very long and I cannot wait to see what you all do with it!
@maxismatchccworldrld @mmoutfittersters
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themodsbabe · 1 year
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7+ Most Detailed Sims 4 Save Files
I rounded up some of my favorite save files for you guys!
There is a save file for the Sims 4 Decades Challenge, a Zombie Apocalypse Save File, a save file that makes incredible use of the TOOL mod to make the worlds feel brand new + more!
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spiderandthesims · 7 months
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Today is a day of joy! Rosalind is to be married at the church house in only a few hours. Dorothea helped her daughter get ready as Isadora chatted excitedly to the two older women, fantasizing  about her own wedding.
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chere-indolente · 6 months
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Trois femmes aux ombrelles
And we're back at the regular 1880's fashion with this set which inludes bustle skirts in 3 lenghts, 2 skirt overlays, 3 flower accessories, a parasol and an umbrella !
More pics and download below
As referenced in the title, this set was inspired by Marie Bracquemont’s painting : Trois femmes aux ombrelles ou Les Trois grâces / Three Ladies with Parasols or Three Graces, 1880.
Thanks to @javitrulovesims for making the perfect pose for this set !
———————————   Skirts  ———————————
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Once again, these skirts have a slight bustle shape which would best fit for the natural form era : roughly 1875 - 1883 ; (well actually, the size of the bustle is dependant on the size of the sim’s butt so do with that what you will). They are more ornate than my Cueillette skirts featuring some gathered layers and trims typical of the period, so they would be better suited for higher class people or more dressed up occasions.
And as always I give you 3 versions with each a different lenght to have more teen options and worker friendly options . The short one end mid calf, the medium one is ankle lenght and the long is full lenght. 
74 swatches : 22 solids, 10 floral, 6 plaid, 25 striped & 11 polka dot patterns
3 lenghts : S, M & L
————————— Skirt Overlays —————————
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These two overlays will allow to respectively change the gathered layers and the trim swatches in order to channel the trim crazy period that were the 1880's.
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in the middle finger section
74 swatches for the skirt overlay : 22 solids, 10 florals, 6 plaids, 25 stripes & 11 polka dots patterns
22 solid swatches for the trim overlay
———————— Flower Accessories ————————
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To properly channel Marie Bracquemond's painting I needed a bunch of flower accessories so you will find 3 accessories in this set : a hair flower, a collar flower and a boutonnière. In my opinion these are pretty timeless and can suit a wide array of looks as portrayed in the pictures below.
These are all edits of @the-melancholy-maiden's Hair Flowers Through the Ages Part 2 thanks to her very open TOU.
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none of these are compatible with hats
51 swatches : the-melancholy-maiden's original 29 colors and my 22 colors
the collar flower and the boutonnière are in the necklace section
the hair flower is in the hat section, available for both female and male frames
the hair flower is hat slider compatible
————————   Parasol & Umbrella  ————————
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I made both an umbrella and a lacey parasol (using Javi's texture). These are rather timeless too I think, they are definetely suited for late victorian and edwardian eras.
These are both edits of @javitrulovesims's Meiji Komorebi Accessory Parasol, thank you Javi !
NOT compatible with necklaces, earrings, piercings or anything using the same UVmap (such as kijiko's lashes unfortunatly)
in the right index finger section
45 swatches : 2 colors for the frame and handle, 22 for the canopy and 1 fully black swatch
Download : dropbox — simfileshare
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applesaucesims · 1 year
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Cloth Diapers for Infants
I use @teanmoon’s tied cloth diaper all the time for the toddlers in my ultimate decades challenge and I needed a version for infants, so I decided to edit my own. Unlike the original, the knot here is not 3D because I can’t mesh but also the 2D knot works better for infants I think. This just uses the bg infant diaper mesh with an edit of teanmoon’s texture.
available for all infants
21 swatches (plain white + groovy palette by @myshuuno)
disabled for random
custom thumbnail
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pixelnrd · 22 days
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The years passed quickly, and in no time at all the triplets were turning 6 years old and starting school. Heather and Jenny threw a big birthday party for their trio to celebrate their huge milestone. They could hardly believe that their once-so-tiny babies were so grown up.
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serenesimssanctuary · 25 days
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Sul Sul! Hello
Dear readers, It's with great joy and enthusiasm that I make my first post in this space.
My name is Ellie, a young girl of twenty-one years who is passionate about the universe of The Sims; if I had one last wish, it would be to spend hours upon hours creating stories with my Sims. My passion in the game is the Decades Challenge, so I decided to create my own challenge and share my story here.
I must confess that I am new to the simblr world; I have never had a simblr, and I have never managed one. This is my first (I am so excited)! Therefore, I am still learning how everything works here. Additionally, English is not my first language, and I fiercely struggle with English grammar. So, there may be some strange words and errors; please bear with me <3.
I have a very interesting and exciting story to share. I can't wait for you to meet the characters. I have spent countless hours dedicated to each member of the founding family, shaping their personalities, exploring their fears, dreams, and ambitions. Each character is unique, with their own journey and contribution to the story that I am eager to share with you.
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I'm looking for other active players of the Decades Challenge <3 I already consider all of you my BESTIES.
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thesimline · 3 months
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The 1400s gave way to the incredibly iconic accessories of the 1500s, namely hoods (both Gabled and French) and ruffs. While the end of the Tudor era saw the popularity of headdresses decline in favour of uncovered hair decorated with jewels, diadems, and feathers, prior to that headdresses were a vital part of court dress. In fact, the style of hood worn was often used as a political statement amongst the nobility. Hats had always been in fashion for men, but the 16th century saw them also become a fashion staple for women. CC links and reference images under the cut.
You can find more of my historical content here: 1300s ✺ 1400s ✺ 1500s ✺ 1600s
1 - Gabled Hood by Teanmoon
2 - Flemish Hood by Simverses
3 - French Hood by Teanmoon
4 - Tudor Gable Headpiece by Simverses
5 - Madeleine Hood by Melancholy Maiden
6 - Tudor French Hood by Simverses
7 - Anna Henrietta Necklace by Elfdor
8 - Tiffany Necklace by Sentate
9 - Anna Henrietta Necklace by Plaza Sims
10 - Vavilon Necklace by LEXEL_s
11 - Pierrot Ruffles by Sewerwolfx
12 - Ruff Collar by Strange Storyteller Sims
13 - Gargoyle Crown by MSSIMS
14 - Yellow Citrine Tiara by Glitterberry Sims
15 - Crown of Queen Mary by Bats From Westeros
16 - Art Deco Bandeau V2 by Glitterberry Sims
17 - Pearl Wedding Tiara by Glitterberry Sims
18 - Crystal Crown by S-Club (TSR)
19 - Madison Pearl Headband by Feyona (TSR)
20 - Thalita Headband by Sugar Owl (TSR)
21 - Pearl Hair Band by S-Club (TSR)
22 - Hair Accessory 202013 by S-Club (TSR)
23 - Head Accessory 201907 (TSR)
24 - Vintage Gold Tiara by Glitterberry Sims
25 - The Balzo Headdress by Simverses
26 - Kokoshnik by Bats From Westeros
27 - Artful Attifet by Teanmoon
28 - Floppy Feathet Hat by Simverses
29 - Mad Moxxi Hat by Plaza Sims
30 - Lady Hat V1 by Elfdor
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With thanks to some amazing creators: @mssims @glitterberrysims @batsfromwesteros @teanmoon @simverses @the-melancholy-maiden @plazasims @elfdor @sentate @sewerwolfx @strangestorytellersims
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aheathen-conceivably · 9 months
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🏜️ Deadwood Reach: A Wild West Starter 🏜️
Has your sim followed the gold rush out West? Left behind the hustle and bustle of the city for the open air? Decided to try and make it on their own with no one other than their trusty steed? Despite its intimidating name and the Cowplant skulls guarding its entrance, this little starter home has everything a sim needs to build a life.
Designed for a Decades Challenge or historical gameplay, this lot is off the grid and requires a bit of ingenuity (or anachronistic cell phone usage) to meet its simple living requirements. There’s a small area for gardening, cross-stitching, guitar picking, and of course, horse riding. For those who might want a few creature comforts, there’s a well equipped outhouse, two working fireplaces, and even a brand new feather bed.
So brew up your cowboy coffee, sit on a hay bale, and enjoy a fire under the wide open sky.
Lot Size: 20x15 Original Lot: Big Sky Reach Lot Value: 22,829 House Size: 1 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom Lot Traits: Natural Well Lot Challenges: Simple Living, Off-the-Grid CC-free
As usual, it is CC free so that everyone can download it, but please feel free to redecorate it or redesign it, just tag me if you use it so I can see your lovely pixels enjoying it too!
Available to download on my gallery ID: aheathenbuilds or here (SFS, no ads).
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