#tw o-slur
So I’m in ED recovery and also fat, and have been reading “The Diet Myth” by Paul Campos.
In the beginning of the book he talks about how Americans have an “Anorexic World Lenses” that they are seeing the concepts of health and wellness through, mainly thanks in part to the diet industry and pharmaceutical lobbying groups that are filled with what he refers to as “anti-fat warriors.”
And reading about his anorexic world lenses theory makes a lot of things make sense. especially when it comes to fat people recovering from restrictive eating disorders.
These anti-fat warriors will scream about how people who are fat during or after recovery just “swapped one ED for another” (implying that a person is now binge eating to the point of having BED instead of restricting to the point of AAN).
While this can be the case for some, If the person who is recovering is working with a care team they most likely are not binging. It’s just a 8” to 10” plate, filled with carbs, protein, and fruit or veg with little white space on a plate (common way to portion food to make sure a meal is actually a meal in ED recovery) is so foreign to them, that they think a normal meal constitutes “over eating”.
They personally don’t eat that much (because they bought into the bogus, manipulated science and stats from the weight loss industry hook, line, and sinker) because they don’t want to be “fat and die young” (<- a myth with little scientific backing btw) so a fat person eating a normal amount of obviously bingeing, and needs to stop.
And they’ll scream this perception at fat people in recovery, because how dare they start learning to accept size differences, how dare they accept their body no matter how it turns out! Why aren’t they buying into the big pharma propaganda!?! Why aren’t they destroying their livers and GI tracts with Ozempic and metformin for a few pounds of weight loss?! Why aren’t they following the script?!
It’s a typical freak out akin to what I felt when I saw the number on the scale increase by half a pound when I was deep in my eating disorder.
The anorexic world lenses is very real, it’s what causes us to label an average hight woman at a typical weight “ob*se”, it’s the system that labels people like George Clooney and Dwayne “the rock” Johnson as “ob*se”.
It’s the system used by our government to justify torturing fat people with drugs they don’t need for minimal weight loss so they can determine who is the compliant fat and who is the “bad” fat who has seen through the BS.
Anyway, I highly recommend the book as of right now, and if wanted I will post more as I read more.
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kiunlo · 1 year
i swear to god just call it omegaverse instead of fucking AB* or a/b/* i'm begging. it's legit invasion day in australia i don't wanna be seeing no fucking racial slurs today.
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bad-traffic-smp-ideas · 11 months
They should do life series but with abo Im so original
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I'm not answering this. /lh
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hexagonopus · 2 months
CW: discussion of slurs, uncensored use of the r slur and the f slur
i wanted to talk about the way people use the R slur and are like, "no uwu its ok im reclaiming it"
like, just as a disclaimer (i consider this basically unrelated to my actual point):
but like, if someone tells me they arent comfortable with me using the r slur when around them, obviously im gonna not use it around them.
thats not really related to the topic at hand imo, though. id do the same thing with words like queer which have been unambiguously reclaimed but do still make some people feel targeted or upset.
if someone asked me not to talk about dogs when around them because their dog passed away id think about it the same way, and its not super about the semiotics of the word dog or smth
but we can observe that the word "retarded" used to describe neurodivergent people comes from a medical field that was, at its base, hostile to a vulnerable minority population. the inception of the word was not neutral, it was aggressive. it was also imposed from above onto that same minority group, and used to discriminate them out from the in group.
thats the historical basis of the word being a slur. as the medical field has advanced over time, we've shed that term in an academic context, because our treatment of and understanding of neurodivergent people has advanced to a point where "mentally slow or halted in mental progression" is not an accurate description of how the medical field understands neurodivergent people as a group.
ill admit, we can also observe that terms like "stupid, lame, moronic, imbecile, idiot", etc also have similar roots and an argument can be made that they also used to be slurs, even if they aren't used in that way anymore. so like theres a path that i think a lot of people want to take the word retarded down, and a lot of people also relate to having used it in that sense basically their whole life. i dont super want to discount that
so many people who use the r slur posture so much about "oh im reclaiming it", and i guess i find that pretty absurd.
like. "queer" is reclaimed bc we use queer as a neutral, descriptive word. the n word is reclaimed as a display of comradery. sometimes people will call themselves like the f slur or the d slur to say just, "im so gay" in a positive way. these are words who have a tangibly different use than they had as slurs, they are not being used to slur people.
but ive never actually seen someone use the r slur that way? its always being used derogatorily. it is fundamentally still being used as a slur. and we agree that slurs are bad. so why doesnt that compute?
you cant just continue to call things the r slur as an insult to say its stupid as hell and consider that reclamation bc its like, identical to how the slur has been used for decades
like if i say "im such a fag" im not rly saying "im degenerate and not masculine" im saying like. god i like boys and im gay and im gay. yknow??
this isnt like the word retard. ive LITERALLY never in my entire life seen someone use the word retard to mean smth other than an insult. if someone used "retard" in a like self affectionate sense to evoke comradery w/ other neurodivergent people. thats groovy imo that would be a case of trying to "reclaim" it.
my beef is with people who use the word "retard" in a way indistinguishable from how people have use it for decades, just to say "thats stupid, thats low, i dont like that" and then are like "no u dont get it; im neurodivergent so its reclaimation"
finally, a note addressed to the people who want to use the r slur as a word for "stupid" not directed at neurodivergent people:
if someone is using the r slur they should be honest about why they're saying it. and that is, always:
because its an insult, they're trying to insult something by calling it stupid.
they're trying to neutrally describe a neurodivergent people bc they think its still the 1960s
they're specifically trying to insult neurodivergent people
and like, HOPEFULLY we can agree that 3 is just bad.
2 is also bad, if arguably well intentioned. its smth to be corrected, and thats what things like Rosa's Law was passed for.
and ig in that context, i dont personally see the appeal of using it in the case of 1.
why would u want to share that kind of linguistic company w/ 2 and 3, yknow???
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radqueer-stray-dog · 2 months
Blunt rotation currently: whore faggot, daddy issue haver, and fucked up cannibal
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joestarkisser · 3 months
What the hell is the o slur?
tw// 'o' slur, 'r' slur
The term is obese. While a medical term, medical terms (such as retard) were also turned into slurs. Many fat folk consider the word a slur, though some may use it as reclamation! Good rule of thumb is to never use it for someone else though. Much like many queer slurs it's best to make sure someone is okay with it before using it for them!
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smokedvultures · 6 months
One thing that really sucks about being fat and having anorexia is that I literally have to self treat my eating disorder. I've had doctors think I'm delusional for thinking that I am anorexic and they never believe me when I tell them my diet. I get told that it's not a big deal cause I'm "Obese". My body has always been fat and I've never been able to loose weight, I grew up in food scarcity and starved myself thru my growing years so my metabolism had to slow down to a snails pace just so I don't fucking die. But this means that no matter how much I starve myself, even when I lost all the muscle in my arms legs and core, even when my stomach couldn't handle anything remotely greasy or fatty or high cal without me passing out, even when I am obviously struggling with body dysmorphia, it's never enough to be taken seriously! All cause of genetics poverty and childhood neglect! And now I'm sitting here, stuck trying to fight a serious and deadly disorder on my own lest I get laughed out of the ER again. I weighed myself today and saw that I've lost 13 lbs since the lat time I've weighed myself. I hope to god it's my metabolism finally healing and not the ana winning, cause I know I will die before I get the help I need.
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the-galaxy-sys · 1 year
(not) friendly reminder that schizo is a slur and is labeled as offensive if you look up the definition so stop fucking using it to describe anything you see as unusual or erratic or random
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ursie · 2 years
Queerbait is a marketing tactic. It’s not just your ships not being canon or a character not being out-ITS CERTAINLY NOT REAL PEOPLE. It’s a marketing ploy that takes advantage of the queer community. People need to learn what words mean and leave actual people alone.
Like. No one is entitled to anyones sexuality. If you think someone needs to be “out and proud” to talk about the queer community or play queer characters or write queer themes otherwise they’re queerbaiting?? Guess what? That means YOU don’t support the queer community
Anyway much love for all my closeted queer siblings. May your journey be a peaceful and loving one full of satisfaction with yourself and all you do-and may every queer “activist” who forced our siblings to out themselves a very painful 💀💀💀
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bunny-priiince · 2 years
You are such a filthy little whore aren’t you? A cute faggot who loves getting raped. That’s right Angel, scream as loud as you can. I’m gunna turn you into my personal breeding bitch, bringing you out and fucking you full of my cum anytime I want. Starting now. I’m gunna push you down and fuck you as deep as I can, burying my cum as deep in you as possible, and keep my dick inside you so that cum has nowhere to go, keeping you warm and full until the tight heat of your cunt gets me hard again. Trust me, I can go all night long bunny. I hope you can too, because I’m not gunna stop if you pass out.
I am, I am o h fuck I love it make me your breeding bitch !!! God
I m your bitch, please breed me and keep me full, make sure it all stays inside where it belongs !! God please don't stop dont stop just keep using me pleas e
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squarerooto · 2 years
they turned murch into a dyke
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muttbrainmaxwell · 1 year
Friemdly reminder that a/b/o is an anti-aboriginal slur even with the slashes and y'all should be calling it omegaverse!!!
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gibbearish · 4 months
i wish there was a way to find every kid out there who Never Wants To Accidentally Say Slurs and teach them the easily typoed ones bc like if you taught Everyone then ppl who want to say slurs will just be like "oh boy new slurs to use" but theres also no feeling quite like getting a message saying "hey uhh i know it wasnt on purpose but you really gotta be careful abt watching your fingers when you type xyz because cyz is actually a really horrible and well known slur that you just happened to never hear before" when using slurs you shouldnt is the very last thing you want to do. and thats in the event that someone who knows you well enough to know it wasnt on purpose and can recognize it was a typo is the one who reaches out, the alternative is just yknow. getting blocked and/or yelled at for being an asshole because "well everyone knows thats a slur so you MUST be saying it on purpose and saying you didn't know it was one as an excuse"
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theladykit · 9 months
Hey, I just want to put people on their guard: there is an article that appeared in The Washington Post today which has the potential to be extremely triggering to anyone with an eating disorder, disordered eating, or food issues, or is in a larger body. To make matters worse, it is sloppy, unnuanced reporting passed off as good and it's going to hurt a lot of people. I won't link the article because I believe it to be that harmful, but it's about dietitians who take sponsorships from food and beverage companies. Many of the dietitians the article names are rather sketchy in how they present these partnerships and in some of the advice they give, but at least one of the RDs they profile is given a lot of unfair weight and the framing they use to talk about her is next-door to sinister, especially because she's Black and primarily works with low-income, food-insecure clients. I happen to be familiar with her work, and I know that what the Post wrote about her is flat-out wrong.
I hesitate to call it a smear piece overall, because there is a grain of truth in the article, but it's taken in the worst faith possible (and some of the "facts" they report have no factual basis at all) and I want people to beware, especially people struggling with food and/or in larger bodies. Please, please protect yourselves and don't read the article if you think it might even be a little bit upsetting. Sometimes it can take awhile for that to set in, too, so if you do decide to read it, try to give yourself the time you need to process it, knowing that it might take a few days or more, and reach out to both your professional support system and your informal supports as much as is feasible. It's okay to make a mistake and think you can peruse without issue, and find out you were wrong. Just try to take care of yourselves if that happens, please.
I love you all and want you to be safe.
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silvcrignis · 11 months
@dcmur3 gets a visit from “The Mirror” {x}
“Now now now… Most of you Survivors know better than to go poking around my realm…”
The arm coiled around her neck is more restrictive to her movements than her air supply, it wasn’t like he needed to choke her, she was tiny… A prim accent, one of the many relics from the time period he was from is clipped, yet sinisterly excited from a pair of blood stained lips, right next to the back of her head.
“… What are you doing here? I’m not one of those preposterous Killers that sees any reason to cavort with you lessers… If you don’t have something useful to give me or tell me… I’m going to break your fucking neck, you nosey little harlot.”
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The most fucked up thing about this purity obsession I’m having is that I’m not a Christian, and hellenic polytheism doesn’t really have any rules about being sexually chaste or anything.
Maybe you could come up with restrictive ideas from myths, if you tried really hard, but seriously, I think The Gods are so forgiving when it comes to sexuality.
It's so fucked up that I’m brainwashed with Christian ideals when I wasn’t raised that way either, my stupid culture and my neuroticism made me extremely crazy and I really fucking hate that. Like, get your crazy 'sex is a sin' bullshit out of my brain
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