#uk pm rishi sunak
delhinewsinenglish · 6 hours
UK PM Rishi Sunak declines to rule out July election amid MP defection
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Sunday refused to categorically rule out a July general election amid a damaging defection by one of his Conservative Party MPs to the Opposition Labour Party, just days before local and mayoral elections in the country on May 2.
Dan Poulter, a doctor and Central Suffolk and North Ipswich member of Parliament said he will switch his allegiance to the Opposition benches before standing down as a parliamentarian at the next election because he can no longer defend the Tory government's track record on the National Health Service (NHS).
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Against the backdrop of this latest embarrassment, Sunak was asked during a ‘Sky News' interview that his repeated assertion of a general election in the "second half of this year" could also mean July.
"When it comes to a general election, I've been very clear about that multiple times, and again, I'm not going to say anything more than I've already said, I've been very clear about that," said Sunak, who was then pressed five times to rule out an election during what would be a peak summer month for the UK.
"You're going to try and draw whatever conclusion you want from what I say. I'm going to always try and say the same thing. You should just listen to what I said, [the] same thing I've said all year,” he replied.
On the state-funded NHS, Sunak pointed to a drop in the waiting times for patients seeking treatment and pointed to some of his other successes as Prime Minister, such as bringing down inflation, hiking the defence budget and getting the Safety of Rwanda Bill passed through Parliament to start deporting illegal migrants to the east African country from later this year.
"And when the election comes, there'll be a clear choice because the Labour Party has tried to frustrate our Rwanda bill because they don't believe in stopping the boats; their economic plan will put people's taxes up. They haven't said that they will invest more in our defence, and they certainly don't agree with reforming our welfare system to support people into work," said Sunak.
He, however, admitted that “local elections are always difficult for incumbent parties” as the voting patterns on Thursday are widely seen as a precursor to what can be expected from a general election – which legally must take place by January 2025 at the latest.
Meanwhile, some UK media reports suggest that keeping the threat of a summer election on the table – earlier than the expected October/November timeline – is being used as a tactic by Downing Street to deter any internal party rebellion against Sunak's leadership in the wake of potentially disastrous local poll results later this week.
With the governing Tories being forecast for a general election wipe-out by most opinion polls, an early election would not be the preferred timing for most sitting Conservative MPs hoping to save their seats.
Source Link : UK PM Rishi Sunak declines to rule out July election amid MP defection
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smhindinews · 8 months
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
British ghouls and Japanese fascists are unsurprisingly friends with one another, but their cooperation won't save either of them, the United Kingdom is falling from within and the Japanese have neither the forces nor the technology to stave off a military action of the CPC
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The next post will be about today's missilistc tests by the PLA, a reminder of China strength against its enemies
😵‍💫 Rishi Sunak - Primo Ministro del Regno Unito - non è nuovo a dichiarazioni anti-Cinesi, come la promessa di sciogliere e bandire ogni "Istituto Confucio" in Gran Bretagna, bollandoli come "strumento di propaganda del Partito Comunista Cinese", dichiarando l'inizio di una guerra culturale ad un paese - la Cina - che ha oltre 5.000 anni di storia 🇨🇳
🇬🇧|🇨🇳 Dopo aver affermato che la "Golden Era" dei rapporto sino-inglesi era terminata, il nuovo fantoccio capitalista del Regno Unito ha continuato la sua politica aggressiva nei confronti della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, firmando un "Accordo di Difesa" con il Giappone Neo-Militarista, che permetterà ai due paesi di dispiegare uno le sue truppe nel paese dell'altro e tenere esercitazioni militari congiunte 🇯🇵
❌ Questo non è un "Accordo di Difesa", questa è una provocazione nei confronti della Cina - in pratica, sta dando continuità alla durissima politica anti-Cinese e anti-Comunista di Liz Truss, che alla CNN aveva affermato:
💬 "Tutti i paesi alleati devono garantire che Taiwan abbia l'opportunità di difendersi, [...] Stiamo lavorando con i nostri alleati, con il Giappone, con gli Stati Uniti, con il Canada. Ne ho discusso con il Presidente degli Stati Uniti e continueremo a lavorare insieme" 🤪
🇯🇵 Kishida, Primo Ministro del Giappone Neo-Militarista, ha affermato che questo accordo, il primo del Giappone con una nazione europea, consentirà ai due paesi di tenere esercitazioni militari congiunte, ovviamente contro la Cina ❗️
🇬🇧Il Governo Britannico - guidato dall'uomo più ricco della Camera dei Comuni, che ha anche lavorato per la Banca USA "Goldman Sachs" - ha affermato che tale Accordo consentirà alle forze armate del Regno Unito e del Giappone di "pianificare e svolgere esercitazioni e dispiegamenti militari più ampi", e che "riflette una nuova inclinazione indo-pacifica" - in pratica, oltre al Neo-Militarismo Giapponese subalterno agli USA, pure il colonialismo britannico deve rinascere? 🤮
💭 Invece di promuovere il maccartismo e impegnarsi nella violazione del Principio dell'Unica Cina - la base per poter condurre relazioni bilaterali con la Repubblica Popolare Cinese, il Governo Britannico dovrebbe pensare a risolvere gli enormi problemi del loro paese, come quello della povertà dilagante 📈
🇬🇧 In Gran Bretagna, il 22% della popolazione - compresi quasi 1/3 dei bambini e 1/5 degli anziani vive in povertà. I salari più bassi sono rimasti stagnanti, e il governo ha perseguito attivamente politiche neo-liberiste che hanno prodotto e produrranno una sempre maggior povertà, cercando di dare nuova linfa ad approcci classisti screditati da anni.
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😵‍💫 Rishi Sunak - Prime Minister of the United Kingdom - is not new to anti-Chinese statements, such as the promise to dissolve and ban every "Confucius Institute" in Britain, branding them as "propaganda tool of the Communist Party of China", declaring the start of a culture war on a country - China - which has over 5,000 years of history 🇨🇳
🇬🇧|🇨🇳 After claiming that the "Golden Era" of Sino-British relations was over, the new capitalist puppet of the UK continued its aggressive policy towards the PRC, signing a "Defense Agreement" with Neo-Militarist Japan, which will allow the two countries to deploy its troops in each other's country and hold joint military exercises 🇯🇵
❌ This is not a "Defense Agreement", this is a provocation against China - in practice, it is giving continuity to the harsh anti-Chinese and anti-Communist policy of Liz Truss, who had stated on CNN:
💬 "All allied countries must ensure that Taiwan has the opportunity to defend itself, [...] We are working with our allies, with Japan, with the United States, with Canada. I have discussed this with the President of the States United and we will continue to work together" 🤪
🇯🇵 Kishida, Prime Minister of Neo-Militarist Japan, said that this agreement, Japan's first with a European nation, will allow the two countries to hold joint military exercises against China of course ❗️
🇬🇧The British Government - led by the richest man in the House of Commons, who also worked for the US Bank "Goldman Sachs" - has stated that this Agreement will allow the armed forces of the United Kingdom and Japan to "plan and carry out exercises and larger military deployments", and which "reflects a new Indo-Pacific bent" - in practice, in addition to the Japanese Neo-Militarism subordinate to the US, must British colonialism also be reborn? 🤮
💭 Instead of promoting McCarthyism and engaging in violation of the One China Principle - the basis for being able to conduct bilateral relations with the People's Republic of China, the British Government should think about solving their country's huge problems, such as rampant poverty 📈
🇬🇧 In Great Britain, 22% of the population - including almost 1/3 of children and 1/5 of the elderly live in poverty. Lower wages have remained stagnant, and the government has actively pursued neo-liberal policies that have produced and will produce ever greater poverty, seeking to revitalize classist approaches that have been discredited for years.
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srilanka1234 · 1 year
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reportwire · 1 year
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Is Rishi Sunak planning to limit foreign students in UK universities? Here’s what we know so far 
UK Prime Minister might curb the intake of international students to the country as it sees a record number of visas granted to non-EU students, including Indian nationals, and their family members. Compared to 2019 there was an increase of 215 per cent in visas granted to Indian students in June 2022. Overall, 4,86,868 sponsored study visas were granted, which is an increase of 71 per cent from…
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hingoranee · 2 years
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thenewsfactsnow · 2 years
Rishi Sunak is the new premier of UK, Read what the world, and citizens say
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Rishi Sunak was elected prime minister of the UK on October 24, in a spectacular fashion. The congratulatory messages started pouring soon after. And here we list out the best of the best reactions on social media – tweets, opinion , remarks, messages that is going viral on social.  Rishi Sunak in his pre election statement shared to the citizens of UK: in his message contesting for the PM post…
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thebeetalks · 2 years
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todaytrendsupdate · 2 years
Indian Become UK PM |Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Biography | United Kingdom
Indian Become UK PM |Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Biography | United Kingdom
The Sunday Times Rich List has perceived Rishi Sunak and his significant other, Akshata Murty, as the first forefront legislators. Since he was a broker prior to entering legislative issues and wedded a girl of a business person, it’s broadly accepted that the Chancellor has the most unimaginable abundance of any individual from parliament. The declaration of his incorporation on the rundown…
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prettyyprogressive · 2 years
Rishi Sunak is the man who bragged about taking public money away from deprived areas and using it to help wealthier areas. He’s our prime minister. General election now.
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dadsinsuits · 2 months
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Rishi Sunak
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
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damnesdelamer · 2 years
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Jesus fucking christ.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
Scared? He better be.
Sunak cancelled plans to talk face to face to Xi,allegedly do to "conflicting schedule" but many belive he is just scared to face the chinise leader face to face
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🇬🇧|🇨🇳 L'atteso incontro tra Rishi Sunak, neo-PM del Regno Unito, e Xi Jinping, Segretario Generale del Partito Comunista Cinese e Presidente della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, è stato cancellato.
📄 Il Portavoce del Primo Ministro Britannico ha affermato che i piani per tenere colloqui faccia a faccia a margine del Vertice G20 sono stati abbandonati all'ultimo minuto "a causa di conflitti di programmazione", che riguarderebbero - tra le altre cose - i colloqui di emergenza di Sunak con i suoi alleati per la questione dei missili in Polonia.
🇬🇧|🇺🇸 Secondo quanto riporta Politico, Rishi Sunak è stato svegliato alle cinque del mattino, è stato informato della situazione in Polonia e ha partecipato ad una riunione di emergenza del G7, convocata da Joe Biden, Presidente degli Stati Uniti.
🇬🇧|🇮🇳|🇦🇺 In ogni caso, Sunak incontrerà oggi Narendra Modi - Primo Ministro dell'India, e Anthony Albanese - Primo Ministro dell'Australia, ma - curiosamente (❓) non Xi Jinping, soprattutto dopo aver detto che l'opzione dell'invio di armi britanniche al regime-fantoccio di Taiwan rimane sul tavolo, e che la Cina rappresenta "la più grande minaccia alla nostra sicurezza economica"
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🇬🇧|🇨🇳 The expected meeting between Rishi Sunak, new PM of the United Kingdom, and Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and President of the People's Republic of China, has been cancelled.
📄 The UK Prime Minister's Spokesperson said plans to hold face-to-face talks on the sidelines of the G20 summit had been abandoned at the last minute "due to scheduling conflicts", which would concern - among other things - the talks of Sunak's emergency with his allies over the missile issue in Poland.
🇬🇧|🇺🇸 According to Politico reports, Rishi Sunak was woken up at five in the morning, informed of the situation in Poland and attended an emergency meeting of the G7, convened by Joe Biden, President of the United States.
🇬🇧|🇮🇳|🇦🇺 In any case, Sunak will meet today Narendra Modi - Prime Minister of India, and Anthony Albanese - Prime Minister of Australia, but - curiously (❓) not Xi Jinping, especially after saying that l the option of sending British arms to Taiwan's puppet regime remains on the table, and that China poses "the greatest threat to our economic security"
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srilanka1234 · 1 year
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Reblog this post if you hate Rishi Sunak.
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