tdbtl6pf4 · 1 year
Anal Licking and fucking Slaves riding Sybians in bondage Babe with natural big tits fucked really hard Pussy Drip lost files Tight granny dildo drilled by les teen Fucked his girlfriend at a party POV dutch hentai, schoolgirl stepmom, celebrity polish, cosplay fo TS Walkiria gets satisfied by huge cock SHESEDUCEDME Naughty Georgia Jones Dominates Teen Prostitute Emily Willis gets a hard deepthroat fat hair pussy masturbation from mature mommy
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derangedrhythms · 1 year
so I wandered devouring darkness 
Alejandra Pizarnik, Selected Poems; from ‘Poems Uncollected in Books (1956–1960)’, tr. Cecilia Rossi
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lurking-latinist · 2 months
Actually I take back what I said in the tags of that “what would fix your blorbo” poll. 10,000,000 USD, in specifically that form, would potentially fix Horatio Hornblower. Untold riches in United States money, unaccountably delivered to a Royal Navy captain? What could it possibly be but the price of treason? They’d hang him for certain. And he’s always so angsty when people don’t hang him. He wants so badly to be punished for things nobody else thinks are that bad. Maybe if they executed him as the result of an anachronistically phrased Tumblr poll, maybe then he’d finally be happy.
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llovelymoonn · 1 year
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(i’m obsessed with you)
rainer maria rilke book of hours: love poems to god: “extinguish my eyes, i’ll go on seeing you” (tr. anita barrows & joanna macy) (via @derangedrhythms​) \\ anna akhamtova the complete poems of anna akhmatova: uncollected poems and fragments 1957-1966 \\ anna akhmatova poem without a hero and selected poems: “to alexander blok” (tr. lenore mayhew & william mcnaughton) (via @feral-ballad​)
buy me a chai latte
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Which of these would you target?
And which of these do you think the UK government is making scary ads about and targeting?
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ex0rin · 9 months
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DaddyLonglegs (aka Pike & Boims)
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ask-thearchivists · 8 months
Wait, Where are And When are we?? I am getting confused.
Anyways Humans are a sort of evolved animals that learn to talk, walk, act, build items and destroy/build stuff, relationships and things on the planet. Some of them have developed an extra vocabulary using already existing words and turning them into ways to express their (usually comedic, ironical or even pervert) feelings, it's called Slang and many of us are using that for complimenting/confuse you. Be careful madames!
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The Coordinator: I mean, I could tell you where and when we are but the way we log time and location will likely not make any sense to you. For instance right now, we are on the 4th Ray of our assigned galaxy, the Thaumaturge Galaxy. And specifically we are in the Setting Ring, on our way closer to the Noontide Ring.
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The Coordinator: As for what time it is, it's currently about 13 Stars, 3.2 Rings, 5 Comets, 23 Orbits, and 7 Moons, give or take a few Comets.
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The Coordinator: So these "humans" are a type of sapient animal? Could you draw me a star chart so we can find them?
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nomsfaultau · 8 months
Disclaimer: this blurb is set in the SCP SBI AU I have called Fault, specifically prior to Part 1. Explanation of AU; tldr. 
9. Burn wounds//branding and 10. “This is what you deserve”
Philza abandoned him
It was a fact pounding into Tommy over and over, replacing where once there was a heart beating in his chest. Not good enough for Philza’s hoard, and he’d always known that, but finally Philza caught on to just how awful he was. Even the covetous nature of a dragon would never want something worthless. 
The contract that once bound them together shook in his hands, crimson seeping into the paper. In one signature Tommy was removed, blotted out. It didn’t matter that Tommy would do anything, beg and cry and bleed just for the faint possibility of mercy because he’d never see Philza again. No explanation beyond cold words blurring on the page. Had there been signs? He must’ve ignored them, willfully so, too terrified of what it meant to survive with his only bastion of safety gone. Tommy wasn’t going to last in the Foundation without him. 
Philza had been his one lifeline. Ripped away from his family, surrounded by humans that despised him, beaten into the shape of a monster– but he had Philza, his only solace in all this. But his infinite patience must’ve finally snapped and now Tommy was plummeting. It didn’t register when his knees hit the floor. Nothing did, nothing mattered, least of all Tommy. Philza clearly thought so at least. 
Tommy trembled despite how tightly he curled into himself. The world felt cold and hostile, the warmth drained out. Philza was his everything. He was the respite from Tommy’s little cell, the only hand that never flew against him anymore, the friends and family he hadn’t seen in so long, the stars Tommy couldn’t quite remember. The only source of affection in the sea of cold soldiers and observers and doctors. A glowing, serrated smile and open arms that always welcomed him into warm embrace. Philza held Tommy together enough that his cracks melted together and made him whole again. 
And now he was gone and took the warmth of the world with him. So Tommy froze. A husk, cold and inanimate. As if pretending to be a statue would mean he wouldn’t feel this pain anymore. Those pounding facts, abandoned, discarded, unwanted, echoed in his cold, hollow chest.
It wasn’t a cold that lasted for long. 
For all that Tommy was living through his worst nightmare, nightmares tormented him anyway. In his dreams, Philza found him. Arms thrown open wide and cinders flashing beyond sharp teeth. And of course Tommy threw himself into the dragon’s arms, relieved that the swirling confusion of betrayal was only a bitter mistake. Strong arms wrapped around, clutching him tight. Tommy gasped at the heat. Each touch dissolved into fire scorching into his skin. White hot pain swallowed his vision as Philza only held him closer. Talons stroked through his hair, clawing burn marks into his scalp. Ghosts of past exchanges murmured in the background, the soft assurances Philza used to tell him, the gentle touches mimicked for all that each one burned. The awful parody of affection played on. 
“Why?” Tommy whimpered. The embrace was inescapable. Tommy didn’t even try. 
Philza lifted his chin, claws digging embers into his flesh. “This is what you deserve,” Philza murmured, planting a kiss on his forehead. The brand seared on, forever marked discarded property. 
Tommy couldn’t let go. For all that he was embracing flames at least he was warm. At least he was held. He was loved even if he was destroyed. 
But Philza unraveled in his hands, collapsing into a pillar of flame. Tommy clawed into him desperately, trying to will him back into form. “No, no, come back! I’ll do anything,” Tommy begged, hands passing through curls of cruel inferno. Philza dissolved into embers, leaving Tommy empty handed. With shaking hands blackened and scorched, Tommy raked through the coals, trying to find any last dreg of Philza’s love. 
The ashes cooled. 
Bitter hatred curled in Tommy’s tattered heart. It took a long time to harden himself like this, to go cold like stone. Like it or not, Tommy continued to survive the Foundation. Maybe he’d never really needed Philza to begin with. 
Tommy didn’t really believe that. But he could tell the mantra to himself, over and over, as many times as it took to make it the next day. And the next. Planning and preparing his escape from this hell hole. He has other people to rely on; or had, in the case of some, her ghost still watching over his and Tubbos’ shoulders. But the disaster of their first escape attempt only fueled the desperation of the next. They’d get out no matter what it took. 
Tommy wouldn’t abandon Philza though. Maybe he couldn’t. For every time Philza saved him he’d repay the debt. Free the both of them; from their enemies, from each other. Well and truly severed. 
That didn’t change the dread in his gut as Tommy traced the old claw marks and bloodstains that marked the twisting hallway connecting their cells together. Still he broke the cage trapping Philza. 
And then they were face to face for the first time since Philza got rid of him. 
He could sense Philza’s disappointment seeping out, a grimace he couldn’t quite hide at seeing them. The undercurrent of you shouldn’t be here tumultuous beneath cordiality. The way he snapped out there will be consequences before smothering wrath in favor of an affable mask. Tommy had thought he’d have Tubbo for support at least, when they were finally face to face. But then fingers of smoke stole them away, sedated at Philza’s whims.  
And he never felt more alone than when he was with Philza. 
Yet when he held his hand out, Tommy fell into it, instincts betraying him. Philza’s claws framed his jaw, inches from his jugular. Tommy only pressed closer, starving for touch. For a moment it was warm and sweet, Tommy’s hand slipping up to cup Phil’s. For a moment, he could forget everything and find refuge like he had so many times before. 
But then that moment was over and betrayal collected in the back of his throat like bile. No longer could he pretend it was any real affection, not when claws seared into his face. Pain flared up, but for a moment Tommy couldn’t even care. Would it really be so awful to accept this? Who else would have him? 
Willfully, Tommy pulled away the burning affection, rejecting Philza’s manipulation. His fingers ached, pulsing in phantom pain for all that they were absent of the scorch marks he expected. 
But he refused to let Philza continue to hurt him. Finally, Tommy let go of the embers of their relationship.
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victusinveritas · 8 months
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justtasia · 7 months
I feel a huge need to show them soooo welcome in my unboxing/showing off bad financial choices post~! <3
At first photo there's my new purchases, the second shows how it fits into my full DL merch collection:
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I'm really happy that now each of my top 5 diaboys (except Shu, but he has some kind of CD cancellation curse that doesn't let me get any) has at least two CDs related to them.
In the case of More, More Blood, I bought the deluxe version, so if you are curious what it looks like from the inside, I put the rest under the cut ⬇️⬇️⬇️
The first thing I noticed about these boxes is that they differ in more than just the covers!
The sand in the hourglass is flowing more and more with each volume. In the case of my dramas it's a little ragged, but with the full collection (or at least less extreme numbers compared) it definitely looks great. Also in place where the box opens there's small family crest which is really nice detail too!
But we're all here for the contents, not just to look at a foil-wrapped box (btw I can't imagine how people can keep this things in their original obi for years. I don't have as much control over my curiosity) so here we go:
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As you can see, there are two CDs: the first with the main drama, the second with the ~10-15 minute bonus "Another Story", a tin badge and an illustration card. This card has also a diaboy comment/short description related to the plot of the CD on it's back. (For me the concept is a bit similar to Daylight's "message from vampire", but I feel like those things are more like cool teaser when daylight lettrers are good to read after listening to daylight to make you cry even more)
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vigilskeep · 1 year
made a rhyseris/morrigan post and i didn’t even mention that she’s taller than him. fuck and i didn’t even mention that everyone else calls him rhys casually and she always calls him rhyseris bc she’s annoying and insists but also bc of the romance of using a slightly different name for your beloved than everyone else does but ALSO as a nod to how seriously she takes him as an equal by using the full more elven version and to the idea of them discovering elven history together. fake fan behaviour smh
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nikomedes · 5 months
i have before described shrike as having young uncle energy. ten cool facts about wolf spiders energy. but the unfortunate thing is that goes hand in hand with him being sexy in a very specific kind of way, where its like
you know how you can generally find someone cool or pleasant but physically unremarkable, but then they do smth and ur brain short circuits? the classic is the “reaches for something on a high shelf and some belly shows” but strong contenders are also “stretches and the way their shoulders move is A Lot” or the one that happened to me personally, “navigated around me in a cramped kitchen with such total awareness of their body and mine my brain skipped like vinyl.” the sexy physicality that has nothing to do with how they look and everything to do with how they move in their skin
thats the way shrike is sexy. like he has great tits and his jawline is nice, but in a world of fantasy hunks thats whatever. but i described him in “feeding on fever” as “not body-proud, but body-easy,” and i meant that. voted top ten guys who can wind up a coil of rope as the party breaks camp in a way that leaves everybody breathless. and he’s totally oblivious to it. he couldnt and wouldnt ever try to be enticing on purpose and thats what makes the sheer seductive energy of him sitting in a chair galling
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derangedrhythms · 1 year
When we arrived at the centre of darkness the forest opened.
Alejandra Pizarnik, Selected Poems; Uncollected Poems (1962 –1972) from ‘Contemplation’, tr. Cecilia Rossi
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widowshill · 8 months
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emystic · 11 months
@kitxkatrp liked for a starter (and got Ayano) for Chip
The young shinigami just got finished sending another soul to the spirit world. Her simple, dark patterned kimono didn't turn back into her civilian clothes like usual though. How odd, does this mean that another soul needs to put to rest? Scanning around the area with those piercing red eyes to spot a young man that definitely was one without life. He wasn't dying though, so probably not in her place to take instant action if he's not a nuisance to society.
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Perhaps simply she observe him and make sure she doesn't have send him off. "Excuse me, pardon me stranger... but may I ask you a question?"
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tacit-semantics · 2 years
I think my professor should give me at least a c just for showing up at this test today like yes I DO want special treatment the fuck
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