#vancouver family devastated
vfdinthewild · 2 years
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“Vancouver family 'devastated' after YMCA found not at fault in alleged neglect of child with Down syndrome”
-via the CBC article with the same name
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dougiewonderland · 2 years
So You Have My Number - Introduction (Jack Hughes)
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Word Count: 576
Enemies to Lovers
You exhaled a shaky yet excited breath as you surveyed your now-filled dorm room. Your parents looked on proudly as you took in your surroundings. The University of Michigan was your dream school, and you've been on cloud nine since you received your acceptance letter. You actually made it.
Yet there was still a feeling of nervousness within you. This was the farthest you've been from your family, having traveled from your home state of New Jersey to be out here. What if I don't make any friends? What if I end up hating it here? were the thoughts racing through your mind. You try to remind yourself of how much work you've put into your grades to get in and get a good financial aid package in order to be able to come out here.
And thankfully, your doubts were quickly washed away as you befriended your entire dorm floor, including a freshman player for the men's hockey team by the name of Quinn. You knew that UMich was a big hockey school and a lot of NHLers were products of the school, but you didn't pay it any attention until meeting Quinn. Among everyone from your dorm that formed "the squad," he was the one you became closest to, and soon the two of you became inseparable.
Your parents kept inquiring about Quinn and his status in your life ("Do you like him?" "Is he coming home to meet the parents soon?") but you reassured them repeatedly that you thought of him as a brother if anything, and he was strictly a friend. While that status soon changed to best friend, that's all you two were. And with best friend status came going home and meeting the families nonetheless. You were thankful he got along with your family so well, and you with...most of his family.
Everything was going well until the end of your second year. You were immensely proud of him for signing with an NHL team and getting to play professionally, but you were devastated he wouldn't be around at school anymore. You were even more devastated it was all the way out in Vancouver. At that time, you made the difficult decision to enroll in a school close to home. Quinn made it easy to forget your distance from your family, but in reality it was something that was becoming increasingly difficult to handle.
It was during one of your nightly video chats that Quinn laid a request on you that threw you for a loop.
"Jack signed with the Devils and he'll be playing out there this season. Can you be there for him and show him around as he gets settled in?" Quinn blurted out after a minute or two of comfortable silence between the two of you. He noticed the two times you came out to visit his family that you and Jack didn't get along well, but he hoped it was just due to lack of familiarity with each other. You weren't outright rude to each other, but it was evident there was a level of discomfort when you were within proximity of one another.
As much as you weren't thrilled with the idea, you were willing to give it a shot for Quinn and his parents' sakes. You knew they'd feel better knowing Jack had someone he could rely on in the area.
So you agreed to Quinn's request, and hoped for the best.
[Full story - Coming Soon!]
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spann-stann · 1 year
Setting Blurb: The Cascadia MacroCommunity
Because @hawkin-byrd asked.
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The sieges of Chicago and St. Louis were bloodbaths.
The first Emperor, Ignacio I Rotthey, lost his firstborn in the South Africa incorporation.
Cascadia, was the first region where the soon-to-be Emperor lost a close friend. And took it out on the vanquished.
Cascadia was, prior to its incorporation into the League, home to several strong protostates organized around non-Imperial ideas following the Collapse and Warlord period of the post-WWIII world. As likeminded strongmen in North America came to talks and proposed unification, the protostates in Cascadia, allied with Chicago, other parts of Canadian, and New York to counter the warlords' potential expansion. Ignacio, then simply a Texan tribal chieftain, used this alliance as a means of solidifying the warlords' coalition and pave the way for what would evolve into the modern Imperial League. The warlords' coalition, known then as "The League" declared war on the rivals.
While inspecting the frontlines in a convoy near Portland, an IED detonated, killing one of Ignacio's closest friends. Enraged at the act, Ignacio ordered League troops to show little-to-no quarter on the opposing forces in Portland, and to impose a victor's justice on the rest of Cascadia. Once the region was pacified, reconstruction began. Cascadia was one of the first "National Delimitation Zones", territory that was to be dissected by anthropologists and ethnographers to create provinces along ethnoterritorial lines. Unlike other NDZs, Ignacio applied a "personal touch" with the population transfers and border delimitation, particularly towards those that showed the most resistance.
Blood Guard Landhold: In the aftermath of the IED attack killing his best friend, Ignacio awarded all survivors a new award, the Blood Diamond. Awardees of the Blood Diamond (and their descendants) were then organized into the first bodyguard unit to defend the future Imperial Household: the Blood Guard. The Williamite Valley (including the ruins of Portland) were given as a fief to the Blood Guard and would serve as the blueprint for the many Land Force Demesnes scattered throughout Imperial territory. Unlike other LFDs, martial tribes do not muster to prove their worth as Soldiers. Only recipients of the Blood Diamond, or a descendant can join the Blood Guard.
Commonality of the Isles and North: The First Nations of Canada and Alaska were spared the more excessive portions of the delimitation of Cascadia, so long as they quickly handed over any survivors from the conquests Seattle and Vancouver. The Haida and Tlingit ended up forming the predominant leadership of the Commonality.
Cleurchies of New Baktria and Tir Na Nog: Carved out from the Columbia Mountains and Snake River valley, respectively, the two Cleurchies were created to house military veterans from the many wars of the early Imperial League. Those original inhabitants that were not relocated simply adapted to becoming specialized Attendant Laborclades. New Baktria was meant for veterans across the League, and Tir Na Nog for fighters from the Hispano-Gaelic movement (of which Ignacio was a part of).
Principality of Anderson: The capitol region of the MacroCommunity, the territory around the Columbia Plateau was named after the friend of Ignacio killed in the Cascadia campaign. Before the Human-Crystalline War and the nuclear devastation of the Earth, the member of the Imperial Family most likely to be declared heir would be given the title "Prince of Anderson".
Sino-Salish Commonality: The Commonality surrounding Seattle and Vancouver serves as the homeland for the Chinese-Canadians and the Salish-speaking First Nations native to the region. While most members of the communities keep to themselves, a small admixture has formed from the two groups.
Cordons Sanitaire Seattle and Vancouver: The two cities that put up the most resistance to the warlords' seizure of Cascadia (excepting what remained Portland) and the areas between them were used as "open air internment camps" to house the League-to-be's vanquished enemies. These cities were then "granted" independence, and serve as "Cordons Sanitate" for anti-Imperial thought. Anti-Imperials from Southwest Asia and Eurasia were relocated to the Cascadian Cordons.
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mcllv · 1 year
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BASICS — 🫀 ࣪˖≀
BIRTH NAME :: Jasmine Isabella Park 
KOREAN NAME :: Park Jihyo 
BIRTHDAY :: September 4 2000
ZODIAC :: Virgo ♍
BIRTHPLACE :: Victoria, British Columbia 
HOMETOWN :: Vancouver, British Columbia
ETHNICITY :: Canadian
CAREER — 🫀 ࣪˖≀
PROFESSION :: Idol, Brand ambassador, Mc, Actress, 
YEARS ACTIVE :: 2021 - Present
COMPANY :: HONEYCO connection 
GROUP POSITION :: Lead vocals, Dancer, Center
PHYSICAL — 🫀 ࣪˖≀
FACECLAIM :: Kim Chae-won || Chaewon Le Sserafim
HEIGHT :: 157.48 cm || 5′2
MBIT : tba
POSITIVE TRAITS :: Proud, self assured, Confident, determined, passionate 
NEGATIVE TRAITS :: Harsh, Problematic, Blunt, Obnoxious, short tempered
THEME SONG ::  Oh No! - Marina and the Diamonds, Notorious - UPSAHL, Lotta true crime - Penelope Scott
EXTRA — 🫀 ࣪˖≀
TRIGGER WARNING ! — 🫀 ࣪˖≀  mention of physical ab!se, b!lly!ng, su!c!de, de!th and more…
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WORK NOTES — 🫀 ࣪˖≀
June was accused of being a bully in middle school and high school. Apparently stating that June was responsible for the harassment, physical injuries of the student, ██████. There have been accusations popping up in the fandom left and right. To the point where in 2022 you couldn't search up June M- in google without dozens upon dozens of websites, ‘fansites, and twitter accounts dedicated to informing others of her bullying accusations. Of course, seeing as June is still in the group today, these accusations were debunked one way or another. But looking deeper into the whole situation, netizens found the whole scandal to be odd. But now, in 2023, the situation is rarely spoken of. Besides the occasional twitter ramble about how honeyco paid people to keep quiet about the situation. 
‘Favorite Child’ and ‘Honeyco's Most Beloved’ were titles specifically given to June in late 2021 and early 2022, after she released her first solo song. June always seemed to receive special privileges in Honeyco, and her getting the first solo career was the breaking point for most fans. Previously netizens had pointed out how large the amount of sponsorship June was receiving compared to the other members. And before that even, in their debut era people pointed out how costly June’s outfits were compared to the on-budget outfits the other members wore. This ‘problem’ was never resolved, and the apparent mistreatment of the other Mira members still continues to this day.
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June, believe it or not, is possibly the most corrupt person in honeyco, even more than the ceo (which is saying a lot). June comes from a rather wealthy family, she grew up in a large manor with her caring and loving mother and hard working and compassionate father. They lived peacefully, June attended a large private school for most of her life. Until one day her mother and she received the devastating news that her father had tragically passed in a car accident. June cut herself off from the world for years, before eventually her and her mother sold the manor for money, and moved to Busan. Her mother, after somewhat pulling herself together, sent June off to a new public school near their small house. This was when June’s bullying accusations would have started. She was on edge constantly and being abruptly forced into this new environment unwillingly set her off the edge. Was she the person all the accusations said she was? She didn't know, she didn't bother enough to remember that palace. All she did recall was the need to breathe from all the gossip that surrounded her back then. Later, she eventually gave up on her education and went to become an idol trainee. Her mother took her own life. June was devastated. Absolutely in ruins. To the point where she was prepared to give up herself. That was until the ceo of hoenyco,██████████, scouted her. Promising her to make everything better again. To this day June is still confused over how the life she currently has is making it better. 
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merchantofwhispers · 1 year
Mina, what is your happiest memory?
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"The day I learned my brother was alive." Gemina was quick to answer. "He went missing decades before, I couldn't find a single trace of him. I-.. I ripped apart entire states trying to find him. He was the only family I had left." She explained while slowly starting to smile. "I was devastated, I became someone I didn't recognize. It was the worst pain I'd ever experienced and then-.. He just appeared one day. A few years ago, I think, I got a letter with his signature. I didn't believe it, I thought someone was trying to trick me, but I wrote back anyways. His second letter was filled with memories, things only he would know. I knew it was him." She took a deep breath, little tears forming in her eyes. "I will never forget sobbing over that letter, squeezing it so tightly I ripped holes in it with my nails. It took weeks to hear back again, but as soon as I did I was on a plane and flying to Vancouver. I'd locked everything up and just-.. Left. I don't even think I told Cinead where I was going."
Gemina let out a long sigh as she paused, recalling those crucial moments leading up to their reunion. "It was as a little rundown hotel. I could smell the rats and roaches the moment I got out of the taxi. For just a moment I thought I was wrong, I had been tricked, but as I was beginning to doubt myself one of the little doors opened and he was there. It was like staring at a ghost.." She laughed quietly at herself. "I couldn't move I was so overcome with shock and relief and horror and just-.. I couldn't move. Neither of us did, really. He stayed in his doorway and I stood in the parking lot. I feared if I said a word he would just vanish like he always did in my dreams. I don't remember who moved first, but we ended up colliding with each other. I cried so hard I made myself sick."
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suarezcatalina · 2 years
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⸻ priscilla quintana, 30, cis female, she/her // in the KITSILANO neighborhood of Vancouver, you’ll find CATALINA SUAREZ who’s lived there for FIVE YEARS and they spend their days working as the OWNER OF THE VINE. They’ve been described as INTUITIVE, FREETHINKING, REACTIVE, and GUARDED by the people that know them. This is her story.
cancer, death, miscarriage, stillbirth, and depression tw
born and raised in a small coastal village in maine into a very loving and happy family, catalina had a lovely childhood where she enjoyed being spoiled as the only child.
when she was twelve years old her mother was diagnosed with cancer and even though she fought the disease it eventually won the war a year later, leaving just cat and her father behind.
they did the best they could but they were heartbroken and things were never truly the same.
just barely a teenager, cat got a job to help with the household expenses and was ready to give up her dreams of going to california for university when her father came home one day with a bag of a large sum of money.
wanting to believe the best in her father cat didn’t question where the influx of cash came from, and maybe she didn’t really want to know. she headed off to cali for uni and loved it and one of the times when she came home to visit for the winter break, she learned she was pregnant.
no longer in a relationship with the father of the child, she decided to keep the baby anyway and fought with her father about it. he thought she was throwing her life away and cat felt it was a way to connect with her mother. he threw her out and they never really spoke again.
sadly, cat ended up miscarrying and having a stillbirth. it absolutely devastated her and she fell into a deep depression.
the way she chose to try and keep herself alive after that was to travel. she bounced around for a while and eventually ended up on são miguel island in the azores where she met a father-like figure that helped her rise from the ashes of what had been her life.
he also taught her how to make wine.
when she learned of her father’s passing she went home to maine and packed up his things, made peace, and sold the family home.
with that money and a move to vancouver, cat opened the vine and felt like she was starting her life for real.
she has dreams to sell her wine more outside of her restaurant and to also open another location.
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clarkwilsonllp · 4 months
Family Law Vancouver
Protecting What Matters Most: Why Hiring A Family Lawyer Is Crucial
Family is the cornerstone of our lives, and protecting our loved ones and assets is paramount. However, family matters can be complex, involving emotions, legalities, and delicate negotiations. In such situations, hiring a Vancouver family lawyer is not just advisable but crucial.
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When facing family-related legal issues, such as divorce, child custody disputes, or estate planning, it's essential to understand your rights and explore your options. 
A knowledgeable family lawyer can provide valuable guidance in navigating the complexities of Family law Vancouver.
• Navigating Divorce With Expertise:
Divorce can be emotionally draining and legally intricate. There are numerous aspects to consider, from property division to child custody arrangements. 
A family lawyer can help streamline the process, ensuring fair treatment and advocating for your best interests.
• Protecting Children's Well-Being:
Their well-being is paramount in cases involving children, such as custody battles or child support disputes. 
A family lawyer can advocate for the children's rights and best interests, helping to establish suitable custody arrangements and fair child support agreements.
• Mediating Family Disputes:
Family disputes can escalate quickly, leading to unnecessary conflict and emotional distress. A family lawyer can mediate, facilitating constructive communication and negotiation between parties to reach amicable resolutions. This approach can save time, money, and emotional turmoil for all involved.
• Ensuring Fair Property Division:
During divorce proceedings, dividing marital assets and debts can be a contentious issue. A family lawyer can help ensure fair and equitable distribution, considering factors such as contributions to the marriage, earning capacity, and financial needs of each party.
• Drafting Comprehensive Legal Documents:
Whether creating a prenuptial agreement, drafting a will, or establishing a guardianship arrangement, legal documents play a crucial role in protecting your family's interests. 
A family lawyer can draft these documents with precision and attention to detail, ensuring they accurately reflect your wishes and provide legal protection for your loved ones.
• Advising On Adoption And Surrogacy:
Expanding your family through adoption or surrogacy is a joyous occasion, but it also involves complex legal processes. 
A family lawyer can guide you in navigating the legal requirements, paperwork, and potential challenges associated with adoption or surrogacy, ensuring a smooth and legally sound process.
• Navigating Domestic Violence Cases:
Domestic violence can have devastating effects on families, requiring swift and effective legal intervention. 
A family lawyer can help victims of domestic violence obtain protection orders, navigate the criminal justice system, and secure their safety and well-being.
In matters concerning family, protecting what matters most requires careful consideration, legal expertise, and compassionate support. 
Hiring a family lawyer ensures that you have a knowledgeable advocate by your side, guiding you through the complexities of family law and safeguarding the interests of you and your loved ones.
Clark Wilson LLP's primary focus is ensuring our clients get a fair deal. They offer different ways to solve problems, like talking it out, using a mediator, or working with other parties. They always try to reach an agreement without going to court. 
But if we need to, the lawyers are ready to go to court to settle things fairly. They are happy that our skills and knowledge help our clients feel confident and safe as they move forward.
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literarygoon · 4 months
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I've been commissioned to write a historical play about Vancouver Island.
Last week I met with the Mill Bay Historical Society, along with Rien Vesseur of Mercury Players, to explore the possibility of remounting a traveling production they'd done 10 years ago. Featuring 4-5 real historical stories per show, it was performed in front of a giant map of Vancouver Island with a four-person cast of rapidly rotating characters.
I took a few days to come up with a proposal and a realistic timeline for getting this mounted for July 2024, and heard back today that their board has voted to go ahead with my plan. The goal will be to write a full draft of the script by the end of February, revise and refine in March, then start auditions in April.
Our show will be approximately an hour long, and will include stories that centre around illegality and criminality. We cover the devastating Nanaimo mine disaster that killed 150 men in 1887, and the crimes involving the rum runners that worked the coast of Vancouver Island during Prohibition, but the tone will be light, humous and educational — which means friendly for families.
When I told my Dad the news about getting this gig, he said "this is exactly what you've been talking about doing since you were a teenager." The project is similar to my Shuswap Joe stories, though less embellished, and it gives me an opportunity to deeply engage with our island's past and try to share something meaningful.
One of the decisions I have to make is how to link the stories together narratively. Past productions used the conceit of a child being told bedtime stories, but I'm thinking about using maybe two men in a prison cell or in a rowboat transporting alcohol or something like that. One of the big tasks will be collaboratively deciding on a title.
The ultimate ambition is to tour this show to multiple communities around Vancouver Island, potentially over the course of multiple years. Rien and I have both expressed tentative interest in appearing in the show as well, so I could even potentially end up acting in a play that I've written.
How cool is that? The Literary Goon
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newsbites · 11 months
News from Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, 18 July
A teenager in Nanaimo, Canada, has been sentenced for assaulting another youth with bear spray.
The incident occurred on a public bus when the victim was ordered to remove his jacket, leading to an altercation. The teenager, who was known to the police and judicial system, hit the victim with a baton before using bear spray on him.
The teenager was caught with bear spray again a few weeks later and was on probation at the time.
The prosecutor mentioned that there is a concerning problem with the use of weapons, particularly bear spray, among young people in Nanaimo.
The defense attorney blamed the teenager's poor choice of friends and enabling adults for his behavior.
The teenager's behavior improved after living with a family friend who provided housing outside of Nanaimo. The judge praised the family friend for their support.
2. The Nanaimo Systems Planning Organization (SPO) is working to find homes for those in need and prevent homelessness through coordination, diverse housing options, and community engagement.
Approximately 6,000 residents in Nanaimo are living on the edge of homelessness, with a 20% increase in homelessness from 2020, highlighting the urgent need for housing solutions.
The Nanaimo SPO is collaborating with community stakeholders to address the housing crisis, including Island Health, BC Housing, and the Snuneymuxw First Nation.
3. Daily closures are taking place on Hwy. 4 at Cameron Lake to allow for rock scaling work, temporarily disrupting the only highway link connecting Tofino, Ucluelet, and Port Alberni to the rest of Vancouver Island.
Westbound and eastbound traffic will be permitted for one hour each day, with the highway closing again in the afternoon and reopening for single-lane alternating traffic in the evening and overnight.
These closures are expected to continue until mid-August, aiming to fully reopen the highway and ensure the safety of motorists.
4. The British Columbia coroner has released a public safety advisory regarding wildfire smoke after verifying that a nine-year-old boy's death was exacerbated by the smoke.
According to the coroner's report, Carter Vigh from 100 Mile House tragically passed away due to a medical condition aggravated by the hazardous smoke. This devastating loss has deeply impacted his family and the entire community.
5. The chief of a municipal police force in Metro Vancouver is criticizing British Columbia's drug decriminalization policies as ineffective in addressing the ongoing overdose crisis.
The early evaluation of the decriminalization policy shows that it has not led to the desired outcome of reducing overdose deaths.
The number of overdose deaths in the province closely resembles the figures from the same period last year, indicating the lack of impact from the decriminalization policy.
6. The Powerball lottery jackpot in the U-S has climbed to one-billion dollars while Canada's Lotto Max lottery jackpot for tonight has grown to 70-million-dollars.
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seebacherca · 11 months
Effective Boiler Maintenance: Guarantying a Cozy and Secure Winter
Maintenance on your boiler is an important part of keeping your home running safely and efficiently. The effects of putting off maintenance can be devastating, affecting everything from the vehicle's performance to the safety of its occupants. A qualified service technician will be able to inspect and maintain your boiler carefully, preventing breakdowns and repairs by finding and fixing any underlying issues.
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Regular boiler maintenance is important for a number of reasons, one of which is the savings on energy costs. Debris, including lime scale, can build up inside a boiler's pipes and valves over time. The boiler has to work harder and use more fuel to get to the appropriate temperature because of the deposits impeding heat transfer. A clean and well-optimized boiler that performs at its maximum efficiency is the result of routine maintenance performed by a trained professional. In addition to lowering your energy costs, this will help lessen your impact on the environment by lowering your carbon footprint.
The safety of North Vancouver Boiler Service is of utmost importance, even above their efficiency. Leaks of carbon monoxide or gas, or even fires, can result from boilers that haven't been properly maintained or are otherwise faulty. Every year, when the technician comes to service the boiler, he or she will perform a thorough safety check to make sure there are no hidden dangers lurking in the system. They do leak tests and check the functionality of all safety mechanisms while they examine the chimney, ventilation system, and combustion chamber. As a result of their proactive nature, boiler services are an integral part of keeping your home and family safe.
Boiler systems have a shorter lifespan if they are not serviced regularly. Like a car, a boiler's longevity depends on regular maintenance. In order to keep your boiler from breaking down completely, a specialist should check for and fix any small problems as soon as possible. As an added caveat, many manufacturer's warranties expire if maintenance isn't kept up on a consistent basis. In addition to safeguarding your investment, fulfilling these conditions will provide you piece of mind in the event of a malfunction.
It's important to hire a reliable and experienced expert when it comes to boiler repairs. If you need maintenance done on your gas appliances, find a technician who is Gas Safe registered (or equivalent in your region). This will give you peace of mind that they know what they're doing when it comes to working safely and efficiently with gas. Having experts on hand who are familiar with the brand and model of boiler you own can help ensure a speedy and accurate diagnosis and repair.
To sum up, boiler services are an integral part of regular house upkeep that should never be neglected. Spending money on routine maintenance for your boiler is an investment in your family's safety as well as in the boiler's effectiveness and longevity. Don't wait till the first cold night of winter rolls around before you take action. You should avoid becoming reactive and instead arrange for expert assistance right away. Nothing but the best will do for your home and your comfort.
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laresearchette · 1 year
Saturday, February 25, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
NBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 12:00pm: Raptors vs. Pistons (SN Now) 7:30pm: Pelicans vs. Knicks
NHL HOCKEY (SNWest/SN360) 12:30pm: Oilers vs. Blue Jackets (SNWest/SN360) 3:30pm: Penguins vs. Blues (CBC/APTN/SN) 7:00pm: Sens vs. Habs (City/SNPacific/SNWest) 7:00pm: Bruins vs. Canucks (CBC/SN) 10:00pm: Flames vs. Avalanche
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:00pm: Blue Jays vs. Pirates
CURLING (TSN) 4:00pm: Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Page Playoff (TSN) 9:00pm: Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Page Playoff
MLS SOCCER (TSN4) 4:30pm: Nashville vs. New York City (TSN3/TSN4) 7:30pm: Miami vs. CF Montreal (TSN3) 9:30pm: Vancouver vs. Real Salt Lake
W5 (CTV) 7:00pm: Ryan McMahon is on a quest to uncover the truth in the recent deaths of multiple Indigenous people in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
GULLIVER RETURNS (Crave) 7:25pm: Adventurer Gulliver is invited to return to Lilliput, the town he saved from their enemy, neighboring Blefuscu. Expecting a giant, they instead discover an ordinary man. Meanwhile, the Blefuscu armada threatens the city again.
UNDERGROUND RAILROAD: THE SECRET HISTORY (CTV2) 7:00pm (FINALE): Underwater archaeologists search for the wreck of the USS Planter, a Civil War vessel seized by Freedom Seekers to escape the Confederacy; in Canada, experts use high tech to uncover how Freedom Seekers lived once they made it to their new homeland.
NLL LACROSSE (TSN5) 8:00pm: Warriors vs. Rush
AUNTIE JILLIAN (CTV) 8:00pm (SEASON FINALE): Jillian's holiday dinner party has arrived and the family is not ready; left with no choice, Myles and Milan are recruited to help; how the family handled being locked down for Covid-19 and being under strict rules from Auntie Jillian and the WHO.
LET’S GET PHYSICAL (Lifetime Canada) 8:00pm:  A fitness instructor leads a double life by running a sophisticated prostitution ring with a client list that includes prominent men in the community.
KISS THE COOK (Super Channel House & Home) 8:00pm:  Food blogger Kacey gets an opportunity to write her own cookbook, so she looks to chef Gavin for the recipe for success.
RETROGRADE (Nat Geo Canada) 9:00pm:  A young Afghan general and his corps defend their homeland alongside U.S. special operations forces while civilians desperately flee as the Taliban takes over during the final months of America's 20-year war in Afghanistan.
THE MARKSMAN (Crave) 9:00pm:  Jim is a former Marine who lives a solitary life as a rancher along the Arizona-Mexican border. But his peaceful existence soon comes crashing down when he tries to protect a boy on the run from members of a vicious cartel.
NIGHT BLOOMS (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm:  A 17-year-old girl's orchestrated affair with her best friend's father brings devastation in its wake.
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hewinghauscanada · 1 year
Abbotsford BC Local Cuisines
Abbotsford BC local cuisines are diverse and delicious. While the city is known for its farming industries, a handful of restaurants have taken advantage of the area's agricultural bounty. Whether you are looking for fresh, locally-sourced brews, comfort foods or Southeast Asian street food, you'll find it in Abbotsford.
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Abbotsford is home to many farm-to-table events throughout the year. In particular, the annual Taste of Abby Fall Food Festival features a long table dinner, night market, and collaborative farm-restaurant-winery-brewery collaborations. The Abbotsford Community Kitchen is a place to learn to cook healthy meals on a budget. They also have a support system, cooking classes, and cooking lessons for kids.
If you're in the mood for a traditional Italian meal, check out Paliotti's. The restaurant is family owned and has been in business for decades. Its kitchen uses only the highest quality ingredients and its baked goods are made from scratch. Located in the Historic Downtown district, the restaurant's quaint setting is a wonderful place to enjoy a delicious meal.
Another great spot to grab lunch or dinner is New Saigon. This Vietnamese restaurant offers a warm, welcoming setting and serves up a variety of Vietnamese cuisine. You can try their renowned hot pot soup or a coconut curry stew. Their lunch combos are a perfect value.
Noodlebox specializes in Asian street foods. They have a couple of locations in Abbotsford, BC. All of their dishes are prepared by hand and feature local ingredients, including non-gmo vegetables. Each noodle dish is made with real food.
For a more casual setting, look no further than Banter. It's located in Jubilee Park and serves a variety of flavours. They also have a wide range of ice creams and frozen beverages. A popular dessert option is the fried doughnut.
If you're in the mood to sample a little artisan chocolate, visit A Box of Bonbons. They offer a selection of handmade artisan chocolates. There are also chilled beverages and espresso drinks.
For a more unique dining experience, stop by the Polly Fox Cafe. It's completely gluten-free and has a wide array of delicatessens and breakfast options. Also, you can enjoy a coffee and banana bread in their comfortable, homey cafe.
Abbotsford is close to Vancouver, but not as big as the city. When you're in the area, take a drive east along Highway 1 and you'll discover an agricultural wonderland. Many of the farms in the area were devastated by last year's flood. But they're already planning a return to business. Ramsar Farm is one of the farms that's getting back on its feet. With its perfect clay soil, the farm grows rice, sake, and saffron. Its saffron sells for $50 a gram.
Other Abbotsford local cuisines include Greek Islands, Ann Marie's Cafe, and Good Kid Cafe. These three locations all offer breakfast, brunch, and lunch items, as well as an assortment of caffeinated beverages. Afterthoughts specializes in homemade desserts.
The city also boasts a number of craft breweries. Langley's Trading Post Brewing has a full kitchen and a full menu, plus a wide assortment of packaged beers to-go.
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Prefabricated homes are a great choice for many people. They offer a number of benefits, including speedy construction and eco-friendly construction. Plus, they are more affordable than site-built homes.
Prefabricated homes can be built in a factory and are transported to your desired location. Whether you need a cozy cottage or a luxurious abode, you can find a home to suit your needs.
Depending on the size of your new home, it can take less time to build than a conventional house. For example, a one-bedroom container home can be finished in just three months.
A prefabricated home is also much more energy-efficient than a traditional one. In fact, some companies are able to achieve energy efficiency ratings that exceed even the most stringent building codes.
A prefabricated home can be built in a matter of days, or weeks, depending on the size of the project. It's often manufactured in sections that are cut, assembled and shipped to the desired location. This method can make it easier for a company to provide bulk discounts to buyers.
The prefab home has a long history. It first appeared in the mid-nineteenth century in the form of a kit home. It was later used in mass suburban housing developments after World War II.
Although they aren't the most environmentally friendly option, prefab homes can have a lot of style. Often, they are manufactured with local materials, allowing for lower costs for the buyer. Also, they can be shipped to any part of the country.
Hewing Haus Suite 274, Unit 4, 32465 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 0C7 604-625-2122 https://hewinghaus.com/
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©Cumberland Museum and Archives. (2012). C040-129: Chinatown street with dog. www.cumberlandmuseum.ca. Retrieved November 14, 2022, from https://www.flickr.com/photos/cumberlandmuseum/6960982305/in/album-72157629431696157/.
Here is a picture of Chinatown in the 1930′s, At this point there are many Chinese families living in Cumberland’s Chinatown. The Chinese community has established the “Dart Koon Club,” and many stores. In the Cumberland timeline posted below, Shan Gai and Hai Gai street are mentioned as streets that were booming with several different industries such as grocery stores, bakeries, theaters, etc... Here is a picture of those streets from 1967
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Karr, D. (2015). View on Chinatown, Cumberland B.C. at the Corner of Shan-Gai and Ha Gai. Chinese Canadian Artifacts Project. Cumberland Museum and Archives. Retrieved November 16, 2022, from https://ccap.uvic.ca/index.php/view-on-chinatown-cumberland-b-c-at-corner-of-shan-gai-and-ha-gai.
During the 1930′s, two major fires struck Cumberland. One during 1933 and the other in June 1935. The 1935 fire was devastating to Chinatown as it wiped out 43 buildings and left 200 residents of Chinatown homeless. 
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June 4, 1935 (Page 18 of 18). (1935, Jun 04). The Vancouver Sun (1927-1959) https://ezproxy.kpu.ca:2443/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/historical-newspapers/june-4-1935-page-18/docview/2239972967/se-2
[Unknown]. (1935, June 4). The Daily News [N]. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0405314
I find it interesting how the Daily News reports that two men refused to leave their houses without their belongings. Especially considering how the other article from the Vancouver Sun mentions that 200 residents were left homeless. Of course some people would not want to leave their belonging behind to burn up, I wouldn’t want to leave some of my possession behind if I knew I was going to be left with nothing else. Why wouldn’t the article at least start with the fact that around 30 buildings were believed to be burned down. 
1935/1936 start to mark the slow decline of Chinatown, with many buildings being burned down, residents were forced to leave behind their once so called home. Although some residents did stay and continue to live in Cumberland.
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hesitationss · 1 year
it’s actually incredibly difficult to feel sympathy for any if the us or canada’s ailments as a country or for the economic devastation when things like inuslin can cost like $400-♾ and there is cheaper insulin but it is less affective?? like they will make medicine more affordable that DOESN’t keep you alive…? The housing market in every capital city should have crashed in 2020 a long with the property value from frequent acts of rebellion, but in places like toronto, doug ford alotted rental relief to propert owners (his fellow political gang of labour/property criminals) and the new mayor of vancouver being sponsored by white supremecist lulu lemon (a yoga clothing brand) while being in collaboration w the police (vancouver police specifically have a history of being klux members) and the cost of property and rent sky rocketing all over the prairies despite there being zero infrastructure and a shit ton of urban sprawl projects (condos) but again, no infrastructure… like downtown across places like edmonton, regina, and winnipeg are barren except for in gentrified spaces where it costs like upwards $15 for a meal. and the police are increasingly more militant every single year and bus drivers are way more hostile and stingy about their unreasonably high bus fare because city budgets are entirely dedicated to police. like it is actually hell in the prairies every single outreach program or social service is run by zealots. like sure there are some indigenous run orgs and family centres but the social workers are still stealing children and abandoning parents to continue these vicious cycles… like i honestly think some of these ppl in charge need to die… the problem w politicians in the west is that none of them are afraid of the masses. like trudeau recently said protests are okay as long as people don’t ask for change… ☠️
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rickchung · 2 years
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Bones of Crows (dir. Marie Clements) x VIFF 2022.
Clements’ sprawling historical drama about the devastating impact and lasting intergenerational trauma of the genocidal residential school system on Indigenous peoples throughout Canadian history is an important story of resilience needed to be told. However, much of its message is overstuffed into a lean two-hour running time saddled with some jarring narrative decisions when the film should have always been an extended miniseries—already planned to be expanded into five hour-long episodes airing on CBC in 2023-24.
What impedes the harrowing journey of a Cree matriarch’s survival after being ripped from her family and culture as a child before being abused by school officials are the inconsistent editing choices and packing in so much of the characters’ suffering at the hands of its comically evil (white) villains. As a singular film, it tries nobly to reach beyond a historical retelling of systemic racism and abuse by the Canadian government and Catholic church. Its highs are often a result of the striking performances, especially from lead Grace Dove, and several cultural touches from Cree traditions that highlight a dark chapter in our past we must preserve.
Premiered at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival.
Screening at the opening gala of the 2022 Vancouver International Film Festival at The Centre for Performing Arts on Sept. 29 (and Oct. 4).
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michelemoore · 2 years
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Michele Moore V
June, 2022
Hi and happy First Day of Summer! Good to be back here, hope you and your gardens have been soaking up the rain. With the great downpour we got last week, did you see many worms come up for air? Speaking of worms, I just read on the Good News Network that Australian scientists at the University of Queensland have discovered a worm that likes to eat polystyrene. They discovered this while researching methods for recycling plastic. If this means earthly creatures are evolving to consume plastics, please, at least let it taste like chocolate! 
I missed this and many other news stories because I unplugged while travelling in beautiful British Columbia for a few weeks visiting family and a lot of new and interesting places. Boston Bar, for example, which is a village in the Fraser Canyon on the old Highway 1 south of Kamloops. Boston Bar is one of those little rough and ready places that sprung up during one of the 19th century’s gold rushes and continues to exist thanks to the forestry industry. We passed Lytton on the way there. Lytton is the town that was completely burned down in last year’s terrible fires. In order to discourage travelers from stopping on the highway to gawk at the devastated town, a long tarped fence is being installed along the stretch of highway that passes by. A visual barrier to avoid traffic jams typically caused by wildlife viewing, not devastation viewing. After that painful sight, our accommodations at Boston Bar’s Old Towne Inne Chuckwagon Bar and Grill seemed positively luxurious.
Boston Bar followed Revelstoke and Kamloops and was our third and last night in the interior before boarding a B.C. ferry to get onto Vancouver Island where we spent some time with my father before heading to the far north end of the island for the first time. Have you ever been to Port McNeill, Port Hardy, or Cape Scott Provincial Park? The region is remote and wild and well worth visiting. If you go, I highly recommend the Cluxewe (Clook-see-we) Resort near Port McNeill, which is a campground and a series of cabins set right on the shore of Broughton Strait on the traditional lands of the Kwakiutl people, who own and operate the facility. The cabin we rented had the perfect covered deck from which to watch marine life and the resident bald eagles that snatch fish from the water at low tide. Abundant pickings means these eagles can just perch on a boulder and when they’re ready to eat, jump down into the shallow water a few inches below them, snatch a fish in their talons, then wing bat themselves back up on to the boulder, and dig in. Along with this rather anti-climatic eagle performance just metres away, imagine the mystical call of loons in the early morning fog within a silent calm only vast tall forests and sheltered waters can provide. Undoubtedly, Cluxewe Resort is an ideal destination for a retreat, if you’re looking for one.
We had gone to the north end of Vancouver Island because we wanted to get a glimpse of the nature of the area, both in terms of landscape and culture. Only a handful of towns and villages can be found; the largest being Port Hardy, with a human population of around four thousand.
The area is popular with hunters and fishers, who are catered to in pubs and restaurants with names like The Sporty Bar and Grill and Sportsman’s Steak and Pizza House. We were looking to eat seafood but burgers, steaks, pizza and pasta dominate the menus, which, other than the standard fish and chips, barely features any fish or seafood at all. We supposed that locals eating out would have their own catch in their fridges and freezers, as would visiting fishers, and hunters, well, they likely preferred meat meals along with perhaps an appetizer of bam bam shrimp. So there we were, looking for dinners of locally harvested fresh clams, mussels, and halibut, ordering burgers and fish and chips. And bam bam shrimp, of course.
Before ordering this shrimp at a great place in Port McNeill called Gus’s Pub, I wanted to assure myself the shrimp was from B.C. waters. (Since ordering a steak years ago at a K-Country restaurant and then finding out it was from Australia, if the menu doesn’t say ‘local’, I ask.) Here is how my conversation went with the young lady serving us:
“Hi. Is the shrimp in your bam bam shrimp local?”
“No, sorry, it’s not.”
“Oh. Where’s it from?”
“Another bay around the corner.”
This young lady was very proud of her Port McNeill roots and community, so I thought her sense of ‘local’ might be just a ‘local’ thing. But no. In restaurants in Comox, where we spent a day and night on our way up, and later in our trip over on the Sunshine Coast, it was the same thing. To Canada’s west coasters, it seems when you ask if the fish is local, they really do take you to mean right out of the waters in front of you. The bam bam shrimp was delicious, by the way.
To dive into the grandness of the natural landscape, we went into Cape Scott Provincial Park, which covers the entire north tip of the island. Accessing this park by land is only possible via an unpaved logging road, which, we understood, can at times be treacherous. We were fortunate that the logging road had recently been graded and was in decent enough shape for most cars going no more than 50-60 km hour. The drive into the trailhead therefore took a couple of hours which for some of you I know would drive you crazy, but consider that the ride takes you through a forest that has been continuously logged for at least a century, and is still a forest. The story of the logging is told with signage posted along the road that tells you when that particular patch of the forest had last been logged and reforested. A drive through this forest demonstrates the sustainability of forestry. If only in the early days of the industry there was an appreciation for the value of the old growth stands. (If only there was more appreciation for it today!)
It is one of those ironies of life that through the clearing of this old growth that those of us without boats are able to enter Cape Scott Provincial Park and walk into San Josef Bay. San Josef Bay is a spectacular place, just be sure to advise yourself of the tides so you can really appreciate the expanse of it. At low tide sea stacks rise from the powder soft sand, sheltering tidal pools in which you can observe anemones, sea stars, and crabs hanging on until the waves return, waves you can wade through on this flat beach big and broad as the prairie. Eat your lunch and watch the tide roll in from a seat on a giant old cedar log at the edge of the rainforest. Inhale the air, it’s better than any saline nasal rinse. Touch your face. Your skin will feel soft as velvet. Then take one more bare foot walk across the sand to the edges of the approaching sea before walking back to your car through the forest. Give yourself plenty of time to hug a few more mammoth cedars and look into the crystal clear pools of water under the moss covered fallen trees and ferns where frogs have deposited humongous egg-filled transparent sacs of jelly. This sight is more interesting than you might be imagining! The walk is flat and takes less than an hour, but give yourself two for all the pictures you will take of statuesque trees, psychedelic looking mushrooms, and those globs of frog eggs. And all the different shades of green. The temperate rainforest of BC’s coast is truly a unique and special place.
After that escape to an alternate reality, we boarded another ferry back to the mainland and settled into an Air B&B in Gibsons on B.C.’s own Sunshine Coast. Yes, that’s the same Gibsons of Canada’s old claim to fame, that show called Gibsons Landing, which the town doesn’t need to sell itself anymore, it’s got enough of its own 21st century vibe. The small towns and tiny villages all have their own appeal on the whole of the Sunshine Coast which is the region of west facing coastline along the Georgia Strait north of the City of Vancouver and across the water from Vancouver Island. The Georgia Strait is in the Salish Sea. Isn’t that a beautiful name? Try saying it out loud. Salish Sea. Don’t the words sound as beautiful as they look?
The name befits the region, which is a stunning place of lakes and deep reaching ocean inlets that travel far inland under a thick canopy of rainforest. It is a magical place in which you can easily go beachcombing one hour, then forest bathing the next, and back to the beach again to contemplate the hazy horizon, look for sea creatures, and watch birds hunting for snacks before finding your own at a nearby village bakery and coffee shop. The transition zone from beach to forest in most of this region is seamless, free from hotels, shops, and condos. Villages are tucked into the trees or around a harbour in a way that fits within the landscape. In other words, the landscape has not been stripped of its natural features to make room for buildings. The buildings have been fitted to the natural surroundings.
I suspect this kind of low impact development exists on the Sunshine Coast for two reasons. First, thanks to the igneous nature (granite) of the Coastal Mountains that tower immediately above this place like mama bears on guard, the Sunshine Coast is hard to access. You can only get there by B.C. Ferries, private boat or float plane. This reality, combined with the fact that a significant proportion of the residents of the Sunshine Coast are either old hippies, the descendants of old hippies, or new age hippies, have added up to a less than welcoming place for developers. There may be a third factor at play – the Sunshine Coast also has its share of uber wealthy individuals who, like the aforementioned hippies, have chosen the region as a retreat from the intensity of more highly developed areas. I love the idea of the hippy living in the moss and vine covered broken down camper van having some symbiosis going on with the guy living in his own version of an eagle aerie on the cliff overlooking a harbour.
Five days immersed in this laid back environment, tripping from village to village for the local offerings in bakery cafés, art galleries, and great seafood! - shout out especially to Smitty’s Oyster Bar in Gibsons where we feasted on delicious local mussels, oysters, and halibut - following inlets up into hidden harbours, waterfalls, and trails, finding our way through another spectacular forest to Skookumchuk Narrows to sit in the sun on sloping mounds of stone watching the deadly whirlpools that come with high tide, well, it was soooo relaxing and otherworld, we did not want to leave.
But we did leave, back on the ferry to Horseshoe Bay and up the Sea to Sky Highway to Whistler, stunning drive! Not sure what all the fuss about Whistler is – I can say there is too much cement in that village for a hot day! Yet despite the warmth the mountains were still so snowed in hiking was not an option and so we continued northeast on this highway (#99) which climbs and descends, twists and turns through a dramatic landscape of steep rock plated mountains and white water rivers until you pop out onto a high plateau of semi-desert in Lillooet, which is a town on the west shore of the Fraser River about 100 miles west of Kamloops. We stayed the night at the Reynolds Hotel – if you’re going through there, make sure to have a burger in their restaurant, but you must order the 8 ouncer to get the homemade patty which was outstanding!
Lillooet is an important centre of indigenous occupation and culture dating back many thousands of years, but with the arrival of Europeans it also acquired the wild west story of the gold rush era of the mid to late 1800’s. As well, the area is known for its incredibly beautiful jade, huge pieces of which are on display in front of the town’s museum. Unfortunately, the jade shop was closed.  
We were at the museum when the town’s first Pride parade passed by, a one horse event, literally, but not lacking in enthusiasm from the participants who were primarily the local high school students. The event  was, we were told, initiated by them and meant to express their desire to embrace human diversity in general.
Here’s to embracing diversity. Diversity in people, and places. After Lillooet, we embraced Salmon Arm for a night, then Golden, both wonderful towns with so much to offer, Salmon Arm’s situation on the Shuswap Lake and Golden nestled in the heart and soul of the Rocky Mountains within easy reach of Glacier, Yoho and Banff National Parks. Love these places!
And love all the people and places here at home. Happy Summer!
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