#vivienne’s wrong but we can still stan
britcision · 1 year
So Vivienne’s wonderful and I love her forever
I stan her “well have you considered getting good” approach to literally everything in her life
She is very much still in the stage of “I shall bend the system to my will”, which is an interesting illustration of why she’s the only First Enchanter around right now;
The others have all been at it long enough to notice that the system is designed and built with Vivienne specifically in mind (and others like her)
An oppressive system does not survive decades without major internal dampeners to turn or break every single ambitious star that seeks to rise and make it their own
And it’s already working on her
Kirkwall is the bad Circle, but it’s an outlier; never mind that every single Circle has the potential to become as bad or worse, based only on which templars rise to control it
The ones she’s met are perfectly lovely, obedient little guards, and she has no complaints with her own treatment (which she ensures for herself by being a powerhouse and political goddess, something absolutely anyone could definitely do for sure don’t think too hard about it)
She’s seen the “good” outcome, so she thinks the system works because it’s working for her, and she can play within the bounds of the system… and she’s not exactly concerned with helping up those behind her
The interesting part is that she’s also not entirely wrong in her issues with the rebel mages; most of the other mages aren’t at court, and didn’t see the rising danger in public opinion that Vivienne did
(And they’re all likely a lot more affected by the restrictions than Vivienne, who only goes to the Circle when she wants to and lives where she likes)
She couldn’t understand their perspective on the suffering because… yeah, this was not a great time for the mages to rebel. Right after a possessed mage murdered hundreds?
Vivienne’s right; it makes them look like they care more for their comfort than the lives of citizens, because most of the citizens don’t know the conditions the mages endure
(Most citizens are part of the shitty conditions the mages endure, but again, Vivienne’s not had rocks thrown at her for being a mage)
The thing is that there would never be a politically acceptable time to rebel. That’s why it’s a rebellion, not a polite request
There would never be a single, perfect time that no one would spin to be about the mages being selfish and caring about their comfort over lives
Now is not a good time, but the other mages aren’t choosing it because they’re impatient and don’t want to wait
They’re rebelling now because they have been pushed beyond endurance by the templars (who still have not dealt with their own rogue people wandering around and murdering random civilians, but shhhhh don’t think about that, only mages are hurting the innocent for sure)
Vivienne can’t see their urgency because she doesn’t live that life, and because the system is already busily wrapping her in a shroud of comfort
Her actual view of what she wants for the Circles is still good; a safe place for mages to learn and come together
Magic schools, protected from superstitious populace by the templars (which requires a complete 180 turn of thinking by the templars themselves on if the mages are prisoners or people)
Maybe even some basic fucking protections to stop people from getting possessed, which literally everyone needs anyway because we’re living in wood and thatch houses and every single civilian has access to fire
EVERYONE is dangerous when possessed, mages just scale up faster the more powerful they are, but the more powerful they are the harder they should be to break
Unless they’re broken and mistreated and ground down until they buy into the “us against them” that the templars and citizens force on them, and stop caring if their tormentors are hurt
Which, again, is why Vivienne’s vision for the Circles cannot be realised under the system as it stands
As long as the Circles are a place to lock up mages so they can’t hurt “good, normal people”, someone will abuse it
And the person who abuses it the most, gets their mages the most “under control”, rises to the top on a tower of magic
And the rot spreads
And when you’re on the inside, but at the top? Not being stepped on but treated with respect and reverence? Well, how hard can it be to stay there all the time? Surely they can just wait for a better time to be free
The game’s trying so fucking hard to push its “Not All Templars” agenda but it’s actually only highlighting just how flawed this logic is, and I am FASCINATED with how perfectly they’ve replicated an oppressive system without even meaning to
They so clearly want you to buy the “not all templars are bad like not all mages are good”, but the problem’s right there on the surface:
The mages are dealing with their problems
They don’t want to get possessed either, and nor does anyone else
The templars are pretending their problems don’t exist
That they don’t need to deal with every rogue templar wearing their banner, drinking their lyrium, murdering random villagers and nobles left and right
You’re literally not allowed to even bring it up to the head seeker when he’s off grandstanding
Every mage who tells you “well not all the templars are bad” tattoos respectability politics on the insides of your eyelids because that’s the whole actual problem:
It doesn’t matter if not all the templars are bad. What matters is that the good templars cannot or do not try to stop the bad ones
The bad ones are the ones in power, making the rules
Good people who follow bad rules are complicit
A rotten apple only spoils the barrel if you leave it in there to fester
Anyway Vivienne > Cullen all day every day because
1) queen of Step On Me energy
And 2) we do not blame the actions of oppressors on the oppressed, even when they are propping up the same oppressive system
Also all the templars being mandatory drug addicts is a fucking wild twist and I can’t wait to see where that goes, I am blaming it for Cullen’s weird pinchy redness around his eyes and nose
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beastabyss666 · 9 months
You know as a former member of Vivziepop's cult and yes its a cult not a fandom anymore I am disgusted by a majority of the people in it.
Like someone on the subreddit brought up it being kinda tasteless or fucked that they sold sexy Stella merch in bdsm gear when she's abused Stolas physically. The post was deleted quickly and judging by my experiences in the fandom people were stanning Viv or harassing OP and that has got me thinking.
Why is Stella in bdsm gear? Like Stolas and Blitzo are canonically into it yet you give the abuser that...
Like isn't a bit fucked that instead of choosing the canonical practicioners in your show you choose to put someone who uses pain not to pleasure but to slowly break and hurt someone.
We know Vivziepop has a merch rep so how did that get into production?
I also find it fucked that Vivziepop and crew are attempting to tackle an issue as serious as domestic abuse and do it so poorly by writing Stolas and Stella as bickering children next we see them. Then the staff has the utter gawl to sell merch in general of Stella and the fans buying it up.
Like I understand autograph signings slightly but that's the only merch Stella should have.
Vivziepop's cult loves to claim that they utterly depise Stella and deserves to suffer because she's an abuser so how dare people want nuance or not just a generically evil cartoon villain but the moment she is drawn in a sexy way they start throwing money at that.
Like I just want to know how these people if their friends ask about the character on the pin will explain "Oh this is Stella who's a sexy domestic abuser"
Then again am I surprised when Vivziepop makes merch of a rapist and most of the crew have some weird fascination with Valentino and not in the way that he's their best written villain way more like they are simping over him.
I think a lot of fandoms, especially nowadays, have a lot of genuinely bad people who really need help/therapy but see nothing wrong in what they do or just keep doing that, though they know it ain't okay. That's so frustrating when you can't feel comfortable even in an Internet community. But Viv's "fandom"(I mean exactly these two shows, although Zoophobia also had......not very pleasant people) is surely something........Where'd you find so many blatantly oblivious and blind brown nosers which keep pretending everything's good when there's already tons of red flags from Vivienne? Yeah, that's a rare case. I don't wanna interact with this fandom or even talk about it, tbh. I still watch the show cuz it's fun to see how it manages to be worse with every episode, though sometimes I don't make reviews as many other people do it faster and better and I just have nothing to say(I need to take my jaw from the floor). Regarding Stella - well, I don't know on what principles Viv or her team makes merch with the characters, but aren't all characters being sexualized anyway? They even have merch with Chaz, a guy who, like, died in the same episode. And they keep doing new merch with this jerk. And that's obviously because there are people who simp for him. I don't know if Stella's merch may be an insult to those who practice BDSM, I'm not into it, tbh, and I don't take these things seriously, but I find this just a bland sexualisation. Well, it's "sexy merch", but yeah, Stella's all character is based on being a mean aggressive yelling bitch, and this thing.......it must be a character trait, I guess? Or just a sweet treat for rule34 artists, like most of the stuff Viv does. Again, I don't take all of this seriously, this sexy merch was made to tease and please the simping fans, but there's certainly a part of irony in it. Like, people in this fandom hate Stella so much that they shit on people who simply want her to be a more complex character, and they're........still buying all this stuff. They........enjoy Stella being "hot dommy mommy" and still keep hating her? Ngl, only Viv's fanbase can do that, lol. I've seen this fandom from the start and I can say that many people here always had some weird obsession with Valentino. I even remember some person passive aggressively telling me that "he's just very charismatic and it's your problems if you can't see it". When there were, like........A musical clip and a comic where he just was being an abusive jerk. Yeah, that's a really weird fascination. Also, doesn't one of HH's crew, who is an animator or a director(don't remember correctly), has a rape fetish and has drawn an animatic on their beloved ship Angel/Val? Hella ironic that a show about serious portrayal of trauma and abuse has a crew member(or members) which legit.......find it hot or cute. That's sick af but I guess Viv doesn't care who she hires. Oh, that's definitely not a pit I would like to fall in. I'm not sure there's any hope on Hazbin portraying trauma or mental illnesses properly, but I'll still watch it anyway. Whenever it comes out....
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 years
I have a lot to say and not enough time to say it. It hurts, but ya’ll know what this is about so if you want my full fandom retrospective opinion thing guys, here.
I’ve been following Vivienne’s art and career since I found her on dA in 2009. I’ve basically grown up with her and have a wide range of opinions up and down her collective work. I must stress that I do not know her as a person and no matter how critical I get in my personal time if I somehow met her in real life or converse with her online again (like, back in the day we went back and forth. She was pretty nice to me), I’d be humble and congratulate her for her success.
Critique does not, EVER equate to attacking people.
the reason I don’t call myself a VivziePopVivzmind-fan is the exact same as to why I don’t like the proud use of ‘anti’. Let me try and explain -
The vast majority of Viv fans are just that: fans. Viv’s one of their favorite artists and they’re happy for her and obviously defensive when some mouth breather pops into their fan discussion calling her and all of them trash. Quite a lot of the Hazbin fans I know in my circle of friends are all pretty accepting and agree on the problematic notions and implications of her work.
HOWEVER, there’s a vocal minority in the VivziePop fandom that were and still are toxic. Their specific interest in Viv back in the day was toxic...and now that she’s moved on into a successful career I doubt they’ve gone away, considering the things I’ve heard. These people - they’d flood Viv’s comments sections and stuff with messages like they were talking to her when they weren’t and they’d unironically call her a god in a way that feels like gaslighting, ex: “I’ll NEVER be as good as you Viv! My art is just sooooo unpopular oh god you are incredible no one will ever like you as much as meeeee”. It made me uncomfortable. It made me not want to be around her because these people took Viv’s role in their lives so seriously and their demand for her attention...it struck a nerve.
These same fans have been around long enough to see actual shitlords - the likes of Kiwifarms and tapatalk wikis - come in and actually harass Viv. Viv’s been sent revenge porn by sick freaks who think they’re funny and believe she deserves it. No. In my non-name fan bystander opinion, Viv’s got some shit to work on, but no one deserves raperevenge porn. EVER. It was genuinely bad and yes Viv and her base have every reason to NOT TRUST these communities. Unfortunately, when these incidents happened, these particular fans took it upon themselves to gatekeep the fandom and act like Viv’s unofficial guard against any kind of decenting opinion of her, all without her say so.
((to the critics who will be all “but Viv or Faust said THIS to their fans-”, like I said, Viv’s far from perfect but regardless of how much she prolly wanted people to side with her I’m gonna guess that she didn’t want people sending transphobic death threats to DollCreep. Again, and this is coming from a bystander here, I have a feeling Viv knows about some of the toxicity but doesn’t know how/want to address it - which is a conversation all it’s own.))
This particular breed of VivziePop “fan” holds so much toxicity in her fandom(s). They aren’t the only cause, but they’re there. They feel entitled to her attention and her approval. They creep me out. Having spoken to other much-less critical admitted fans of Viv around me, these fans appear to creep everyone else out and put the rest of the fandom on edge. They’re gatekeepers. They’re creeps. Like the bronies and SU fans of yestertodayyears, they know harassment exists and that people have crossed the line - so they think any means is necessary to prevent that is automatically good. I could pile together all the incidents and folks who’ve had bad runs ins with this aftershock of Viv-obsession, but I do have a life of my own and this post is already stupid long so I’ll just list out the biggest examples and provide receipts when asked.
Critical blogs have gotten RAPE and death threats because they don’t like Viv’s art. HonestZoophobiaCriticisms, a blog I interracted with back in the day, def got one. Now Viv’s opinion of crit-blogs is that they’re “bad takes” but I can assure you she doesn’t want that shit being said on her behalf.
I’ve seen young artists get blacklisted from sites and forums cause they so much as post a redesign. Viv and co get told through the grapevine that someone’s making hatespeech and so preemptively block said person (prolly cause they’re in the middle of WORKING and can’t deal right now) only to find out after the fact that no, it was just a kid drawing their version of her characters. There’s serious miscommunication issues within the fandom about who’s ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and once you get the actual staff involved in this game of telephone you’re begging for trouble. The problem acknowledged, however, it’s souly from the “Viv never did anything wrong camp”. No word is said about how ugly the fandom is under the surface it’s all one type of person’s fault and not complicated’. Blah
I’ve only ever had ONE obsessive ‘fan’ who’d stalk me, mock me, and then redraw my art just to get attention from me. That shit fucked with my head. As a follower hundreds of miles away from Viv who’s agreed/disagreed with her through the years - I absolutely believe her when she says she hates ‘creeps’ and that she doesn’t want anyone in her fandom spreading hate on her behalf. It’s the one thing about her I’m POSITIVELY sure of. Whether she believes that said underlying harassment exists and/or is even a problem within her fandoms is anyone’s guess. That’s not what I’m here for. I’m here to write stupid blog entries like this, talk about fandoms and media and how they and the real world affect one another, and rb fan art I like. I’m cautiously optimistic fan with a side of salt.
Mixed opinions and critique within a fandom CAN and SHOULD exist. Hazbin Hotel has been greenlit by a studio! It has a product line of merchandise you buy. Helluva Boss is getting eight more episodes this coming year (yeeee:3yeeee). Two of Viv’s properties are now products. Nothing is immune from critique. And in critique you will find a lot of people who are not ‘nice’. Critique or analysis doesn’t have to be nice. There will be, in Viv’s words’ ‘bad takes’ on her writing. Maybe they will be actual CinemaSins-styled bad takes or maybe Viv is just mad that people don’t love and feel inspired by her characters the way she wants them to - it’s a fact she’s going to have to get used to.
((TBH, I’m pretty sure she’s already realized that criticism of all types need to exist. It’s just that, again, her and the SpindleHorse staff are kind of overwhelmed by all matter of takes and opinions coming their way they kinda can’t deal weeding out the fair ones from the assholes, so she lumps them all together.))
Shitposters, ironic fans, unironic fans, critical fans, just critics of Hazbin and Helluva CAN and WILL exist. They should exist and not feel threatened by the megafandom. There are people out there who are one step further and rightfully bothered by Hazbin/Helluva’s use of incorrect symbols, portrayal of certain topics, and the response by creators. These people have strong opinions and are actually disgusted by Viv. They deserve to exist too and should not be vilified because, like me, they’re commentary doesn’t consist of anything personal towards the people at Spindlehorse or the fans of her works. They can rant, they can be professional, they can be petty and they can be fair. But they will exist. You have to deal with it.
I am an ADD/OCD ridden autistic woman with serious anxiety issues who has no one to talk to half the time and so only HAS my fandom to communicate with. But that’s just it - it’s a fandom. A community. You have to learn to not think souly of yourself and of others in a community. A fandom doesn’t exist just for you or any one person. You have the right to be angry and defend or be offended. And it’s in the spirit of that that I ask, prrraaaaaay even, that I please
NOT BE CALLED AN “ANTI-ANTI” for not liking the moniker?!
I DON’T TO BE AN “ANTI”. Not ironically, not unironically. ‘Anti’ should be for politics and shit like pedophiles, necrophiles, nazis, serial killer stans, Trump, racists, antisemites, terfs, animal abusers, rapists, and antivaxxers. Anti should only come into critical media analysis when these ethical issues follow suit IN TO fandom discussion. ((EX: Anime and MLP proudly waving their cp and non-con into the public eye; Hazbin appropriating cultural symbols which are not satanic; Basically anything that concerns John K or Butch Hartman.))
If your DNI list unironically consists of the entirety of one fandom:  CONGLATURATIONS! You have done the exact same thing these particular creepy Viv fans have done: monopolize the conversation. And yes, people I’m referring to, IT’S STILL A PROBLEM EVEN IF YOU’RE FIGHTING RACISM/SEXISM/HOMOTRANSPHOBIA.
There are hundreds of Vivziefans who ARE more critical, accepting of faults, interested in discussion and especially rewrite and redesign stuff who would LOVE to engage with you and give you a follow. There’s hundreds of people who no doubt agree with you!
But the thing I’ve seen these very proud AntiHazbinVivzieHelluvaWhatever blogs do is lash out at fans for continuing to like Viv and consume Viv’s art in a healthy way. What the actual fuck is your problem?
I get it. Say a crazy Hazbin fan gets on your case for even SUGGESTING Viv could be homophobic ((”SHE’SBIANDWORKSWITHGAYPPLblahablahblah”)). They get in your face, make some callouts, try to rile up support against you, leave disgusting harassment throughout your social media? Absolutely ban worthy. After that it’s perfectly understandable why you don’t want to engage with anything HHHBZPVivzierelated because you’re so fucking tired of being labeled an abuser or “just jealous” for having an opinion on a show you don’t like. I’m with you!
A fan agrees that something in the canon is bad or that Viv did something they don’t like?
A fan likes your silly shitpost meme?
A fan asks if they can like Hazbin and follow you at the same time? 
A fan does fan art of something you don’t like?
If your response to any of these ^^^ things is to get LOUD and accusatory, Vivsplain them about how they’re an absolutely awful person to ever question YOUR opinion, or just block them without a second thought? You’re a petty, vendictive shit and you also need to learn to let things go. I’m sorry but you do. As I already said, Viv’s work is a brand at this point, not just the work of a singular person. As such, there are gonna be mixed opinions and you can’t judge every single one of these people by what they like. You’re a shitty critic with a shitty attitude and yes that will demean the value of what you’re saying. This is bad because, if you’re trying to point out how Angel Dust’s abuse IS handled terribly; gay rep in Viv’s work is weak and terrible; the show appropriates closed practices; the fandom makes excuses for predatory artists and creepy behavior and individuals who have sketchy pasts - I’M WITH YOU. WE NEED TO BE TALKING ABOUT THIS SHIT. JUST BECAUSE THESE ARE ADULT CARTOONS SET IN HELL MEANS THERE SHOULD BE ANYTHING CLOSE TO 2013 PONY-TUMBLR. <<<---- this shit is as important to me as it is to you and I really don’t like being called an abuser or apologist for saying “hey maybe blowing up at ppl for the shows they like ISN’T the way to go about this”. 
But I have, just like the good old days of 2015 Zoophobia of yore, been blocked because I admit to being tired of ‘Anti’ being equated to ‘critical’. Same with hater.
Critical DOES NOT = Anti+Hater. I’m fucking tired of people saying it does and I’m tired of people taking up the term as some weird form of fandom reappropriation. It’s stupid.
Tl;dr: Once upon a time, I was in a budding fandom for something I liked made by an indie artist I watched on dA. I wanted to be a bigger fan than I was already, but was told by toxic people within said fandom that I couldn’t be part of it for reasons they’d made up in their head about my ‘motives’ against Viv. My admiration for Viv or what I liked about Zoophobia didn’t matter because I thought the story was really rushed and people weren’t being truthful with how they really felt about it - ergo, I HAD TO GO. 
Flash forward 8 years later- My opinion of Viv’s body of work has changed but I still find myself in love with her style and some of her characters. I want to be on a forum or service that gives a healthy look at the problems there are with this series and fandom...and I’m met repeatedly by petty bs where people are again at each other’s throats. And yes, I do think it’s causing more harm than good especially when you insist there’s a “x person shouldn’t be trusted” mentality when fighting actual fucking racist, xenophobic, predatory bullshit.
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roddy plays fire emblem: three houses - prologue
all I know about this game I learned from twitter. I don’t know much of anything about this game. but I’ll tell you what I know about the characters anyway.
I’m only doing characters who I can distinctly recall off the top of my head. I’m not looking up anyone’s names because there are so many characters in this game.
Byleth - the player character. a teacher at this academy, despite not being much older than the oldest students here. game devs are cowards who couldn’t believe that lady Byleth could be Big Sexy in proper armor and instead they gave her fuckin....thigh-highs and lace and a titty window and a belly-button window ma’am your organs are there, you can’t expose that. my disdain for impractical lady armor is outweighed by my desire to play as the girl whenever possible, so like, I’ll play Lady Byleth, but I just won’t be happy about it. 
Jeralt - Byleth’s dad? I think it’s Jeralt? There’s some other guy who looks a lot like the guy who I think is Byleth’s dad so I can’t actually tell you if I got the name right. he’s a mercenary. I don’t know why he and his kid are hired at a fuckin....church academy? but they are. he raised Byleth basically as a feral child and he doesn’t even know how old they are? even though his wife died in childbirth and I think he talks about how long ago that was? or something? there’s something about him not knowing how old his own kid is. Dad what the hell.
Rhea - the lady pope of The Church, but not a cool ladypope like Leliana Dragon Age. I saw someone compare her outfit/hair to Ghetsis from Pokemon and I sent that meme to Wolf and Liam asking if they could confirm or deny and they told me that’s an insult to her but Ghetsis is slime of the earth so relatively, we still don’t know. I don’t trust her because I don’t trust quasi-historical-inspired-setting fantasy church leaders, except for Leliana/Vivienne/Cassandra.
Seteth - green hair? all the church people have green hair are they related? is it magic? I think it’s magic, Byleth’s hair is sometimes green. he’s like the Hot Dad but since he’s not your dad you can romance him. I don’t know if I trust his goatee but one of my friends retweets a lot of art of him and I trust her so maybe I trust him? he’s on thin ice.
Flayan? Flayn? Flyann? I’m calling her Flan like the custard but I know there’s a Y in there somewhere right? - more green hair, so a church person I guess. I have no idea how old she is because this is anime and she could be anywhere from 12 to an ancient dragon person because I know this series has some of those. maybe Seteth’s daughter?? I get that vibe??
Sothis - the ancient dragon person who looks like a 12 year old girl. more green hair. I couldn’t tell her and Flan apart for a while.
why aren’t they the Red Eagles? they’re red. the other two are blue and yellow. who named these guys. what the fuck.
Edelgard - every time I see the pokemon Eldegoss in SwSh I think of her. leader of the BE. controversial. very controversial. doesn’t like the Church. I can handle this, I romanced Anders in my first playthrough of DA2 which was my first time playing any Dragon Age game, controversial and Church-hating is like.... sometimes you just gotta blow up a fantasy church, you know? I get it. even if I don’t end up agreeing with her, like, I get it, I guess. she didn’t always have white hair but something happened. there sure is a lot of magic hair color shit in this game. I think Dmitri is her stepbrother.
Hubert - Edelgard’s right-hand man. vampire jokes for days. I’m gonna cut myself on that edge....the edge of his cheekbones they are Sharp. I don’t buy that this guy is a teenager. I don’t know whether he’s actually tall or people just play that up because it’s funny to draw him Tall and Looming behind Edelgard.
Ferdinand von Aegir - I AM FERDINAND VON AEGIR!!!!!!!!
Dorothea - she’s the opera singer one, right? if I got the name wrong, I’m talking about the pretty opera singer one with the hat that’s kinda like a beret. she’s my favorite because I’m gay and she’s very pretty and looks very sweet. she’s like the only one of the Eagles who’s a commoner I think? I don’t know why she’s here but okay. I like her. I would like to kiss her.
Claude - that’s not his real name. leader of the GD. he’s an archer and he has a big fuckoff dragon wyvern. his mother is from whatever country this game is set in but his dad isn’t and lots of people are rude and racist to him for it. he seems kinda chill but also suspicious of everyone which honestly I get it. also he might poison people? I trust him and I’m sure he has good reason to do it. I support him.
Hilda - Claude’s right-hand lady. pink hair anime girl with a giant fuckoff axe. I thought I knew more about her than that but nope that’s all I’ve got. has an older brother.
Lorenz - purple haired anime boy. look at his post-timeskip haircut this boy is Gay and there’s nothing anyone can tell me that would change my mind. needs to be smacked with some good ol’ Character Development to grow past being a pretentious noble prick but he’s pretty cool once that happens. one of the artists I follow who turned overnight into a FE3H twitter for like six months is a big Lorenz stan so I think I could be biased toward him already but that’s just How It Be when you’re coming into this via osmosis.
Dmitri - leader of the Blue Lions but everyone calls him a boar. gets absolutely hammered by Bad Times in the timeskip and comes back with an eyepatch and absolutely feral and unhinged. murdered a bunch of people? Dimi You Can’t Just Go Around Murdering People. 30-50 feral hogs in a big fuzzy mantle. very unfortunate that he’s being forced to do Leader Shit and just wasn’t allowed to be chill and relax and get to work through his issues instead of getting more of them and going feral.
Dedue - you cannot convince me that this man is not a 30-year-old father of two. how is he a student. get out of here. you’re wrong and you’re lying. who did these character designs. I think out of almost everyone here, he is the guy who Does Not Deserve All Of This but fate has been a dick to him. everyone he loves got murdered by I think Dmitri’s countrymen but now Dedue is Dmitri’s right-hand-man which I do not understand. He deserves better both in-game and also from the writers because they just kind of write him out post-timeskip I hear. just free this man from whatever the fuck is going on in his life and the game. I still don’t believe you that he’s of any age to be a student.
Sylvain - the redhead. childhood friends with Dmitri and someone else but I don’t remember who. The Horny Guy. may just automatically be recruited by Lady Byleth to their class, betraying his country and his oldest friends because he saw a belly-button window. just y’know. sometimes it be like that. 
FELIX - he’s the other childhood friend. I don’t know shit about him.
Caspar (artist?), Linhardt, Bernadetta (Bernie, my brain keeps just swapping her and Dorothea around because they both have these long regal names but I don’t think they’re actually anything at all alike), Petra, Leonie, Marianne,
they’re not really a house they’re just a bunch of people who live in the fucking basement and I think it’s the church’s fault.
Yuri - the other purple-haired anime boy. got kicked out of war crimes academy somehow. declared himself the leader of the basement people and they were just like “hey sure cool I guess”. 
Someone who’s a friend of I think Hilda’s older brother - not even a student or someone who needs to be living in the basement, he’s just down here for tax fraud? debt evasion? again, it be like that.
matchmaking simulator. Byleth plays matchmaker for all of their students by setting them up into the most healthy friendships/relationships that are as ambiguously gay as the COWARDS writing this game will allow. I know there are a few, but it’s mostly a few Byleth romances, so. that.
also Byleth makes the other professors’ jobs easier by poaching all their students so that they only have to teach like two people while Byleth has everyone in their class. recruit the students by giving them gifts and having tea with them. eat lunch like five times a day trying to hang out with everyone. go fishing. go fishing some more. the game limits your amount of bait per month because otherwise this will be a fishing simulator. I know this specifically because I asked Wolf and Liam if I could just fish infinitely forever and they told me no. I was upset. the day that the game starts is 4/20. I know this because Wolf made a meme about it and that’s what started our long conversation about the game that established nothing.
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immediately after everyone graduates, Byleth goes into a fucking coma for five years and wakes up and the five-year reunion is interrupted by a war between the three houses. -rimshot- also there might be some greater threat called the Flame Emperor or some shit but I know fuckall about that. mostly I just know everyone’s despair as they are forced to kill their friends who they didn’t manage to recruit.
I’ve never played a Fire Emblem before and I’ve never known what a tactic is in any RPG I’ve ever played. this is going to be fantastic.
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bunabi · 5 years
When I first played Dai, I was 16 I think and I remember not liking Viv because I was like “PRO MAGE NO CIRCLE NO RESTRAINTS” and didn’t understand the complexity of the politics, religion, power etc in the game. I replayed it this year, I’m 20 now, and I fell in love with Vivienne. She’s so kind and passionate and smart. She gives great advice to your stinky inexperienced inquisitor cont.
Sorry this is lengthy! But, I love her opinions on mages and circles alike. I also do like Solas’ character and ended up romancing him. But It makes me frustrated to see the Solasmancer archetype hating on Viv. Because... Solas is extremely wrong with a very large and CATASTROPHIC “opinion” of his. But y’know oWo his voice is nice
Gareth David Lloyd did a really good job voicing him. I’ve nothing but praise for his performance. Still might not touch DA4, but I’m glad they’re cutting him another check lol.
Vivienne was far from my favorite on my first playthrough — I just wanna emancipate everybody and I don’t care about the ramifications — but that’s the one good thing about DA:I. All it takes is a slightly different chain of events, a few different patterns of choices, and your endgame relationships can shift.
On my second run I was able to better connect with Vivienne, and she was super cool once I chiseled past the red herrings, discovered which missions she favored, and she opened up about the future she wanted for mages. 🤷🏿‍♀️
It’s difficult to get to know Vivienne while playing Inquisition the same way, with the same protagonist, chasing the same choices to max the approval of the same love interest. Maybe that’s why she keeps coming up in Solavellan circles. And I don’t say that to be rude; I’m obviously very attached to my Lavellan too so I understand lol. If you play one character too long you miss out on the bigger picture. I wish folks would lighten up their tunnel vision a bit and realize this.
It’s even more frustrating because a handful of fans consistently harp up and down about loving characters with complex motivations and backbone and problematic intentions. But all that miraculous sympathy & open-mindedness disappears when it’s Viv. I’ve seen folks say the nastiest things about Vivienne — some truly horrible stuff when they’re off tumblr & among friends — yet wilt and cry crocodile tears at jokes made at Solas’ expense. It’s ludicrous.
At the end of the day we’re each gonna hate and love and interpret characters as we wish. I just wish we could all act like normal well-adjusted adult people about it. 
In closing, if you don’t wanna read walls of text: everybody relax and stan Sten!
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pharlooom · 6 years
my opinions on cullen rutherford
over the past few days, I’ve gotten a some anonymous asks requesting me to explain what I think of cullen rutherford, because if you’ve noticed, I’ve been posting a lot of cullen content right now. I feel this is a great time to share my feelings about him and the Discourse around him, also what I think about various opinions this toxic, toxic fanbase has about him.
feel free to add, praise, disagree, or completely obliterate me for this in reblogs or replies. these are my opinions, some gotten from others, some crafted from my own readings and personal views. hate cullen or like him, say what you will, but if you respect my opinions, I will respect yours.
short version: I like cullen. I like his character. I genuinely appreciate his character growth and development and his change. 
long version: from what I know and what I’ve read, this fandom likes to tear him to bits for a bunch of reasons, some of which are so vast and really heavy, I don’t know if I can go into them with enough knowledge of the lore. so it’s neat, I’ll state my opinion and then discuss it.
his abuse at the circle in dao explains his trauma, it doesn’t excuse his absolute shit treatment of mages
yep, I know the whole cullen “mages aren’t people” rutherford is only one of like 273 hearts of the #cullen critical community, but it’s the one people tend to address the most.
but his torture at ferelden’s circle doesn’t excuse his actions, it explains why he hates mages. I don’t know where cullen haters get the idea that the stans only use this as an excuse so their White Chantry Boy can be free to shit on mages wherever he pleases. no. he doesn’t have an excuse. he doesn’t have a get out of jail free card. in da2, his position of knight-captain and shitty treatment of mages is explained by the fact that he suffered a bad experience from them. you can’t just dismiss this. it’s an important part of his character as a whole and seeing haters say that “people use it as justification” is wrong.
and to stans who say that he’s free to hate mages because of this, stop that (though I haven’t seen this yet, I’m sure it’s happening somewhere).
he hates mages because he was traumatized by what happened in ferelden’s circle. that’s an explanation, not a justification. see? that isn’t the same as “it’s okay for him to hate mages because he was traumatized by what happened in ferelden’s circle.”
he was a shit person in da2
there is literally no saving him from this. I won’t come to his rescue or shield him from the criticism, he was terrible.
but, while I’m still on the subject, refer to the first opinion. I feel some people forget his abuse that happened in the prior game. so if you must hate him, hate him with his abuse in mind. hate him for the right reasons. hate that he was in a position to do something but didn’t, that “mages aren’t people” line. understand where he comes from, what he’s been through, then feel free to criticize him in the #cullen critical tag like a person with a clear and open mind.
he joined the templars because he wanted to help people
sometimes we forget that cullen joined the templars because he thought that at the age of thirteen, the templars were helping. this doesn’t excuse his actions later, but the very reason he joined the templars in the first place was because he wanted to help. he didn’t go into the order thinking “all mages r eveil.” when asked why he joined the order, he literally said: “I can think of no better calling than to protect those in need.”
and yes, I know that mages are coded (?) as oppressed people irl. but you have to understand that though they suffer the same oppression, mages and oppressed people irl are vastly different. irl, there’s less of a reason to stand with the oppressors because we’re all human beings with the same capabilities. in thedas, there really is a reason to be afraid of mages when they can literally raise the dead or summon fire at their fingertips. even if they can gain control of these abilities, they are dangerous. there’s a reason why circles had to be built. some circles are chill, and others are horribly abusive. still, you have to understand the validated fear behind thedas looking down on mages.
I don’t understand how him not acting on his affections on the warden or whatever is creepy???
I honest to goodness don’t get this. if you flirt with him too much, he even runs in the opposite direction. people have infatuations that can last for many years, sure, but it happens. people like people for a long time. and it’s not like hof is on his mind 24/7. all I can think of is when you ask him about how he knew her in dai, and that table banter with leliana where he asks about her, but that’s it??? that’s all I can think of??
I’m satisfied with his character development in dai
no, I don’t want him to apologize more than he already is. no, I don’t want the option to oust him from the inquisition. no, I don’t want the inquisitor to be given the option to shit on him, romance or not. no, I don’t want to give him all the ugly missions at the table because he’s an ugly adviser. no, I don’t want hawke or varric to call him out.  
he’s growing, he’s changing. he realizes he’s a shit person, remembers all of the horrible things he’s done, and wants to better himself. I don’t give a shit about “how fast and ooc” it is for a character to change, I am all for positive character development. (I know this argument can and will be used against me. I have longer opinions about this positive character development deal, but for now, know I’m all for it.)
go back to dai and talk to him. just really listen to him. he isn’t even justifying his actions. he constantly says that all the shit he did is bad, scolding himself when he felt like he could have done better. and even when he’s explaining the events, like what happened at ferelden’s circle, he uses it to explain why he was an awful person in kirkwall.
I also see the argument that he distrusts the mages in inquisition, but I don’t see that. and even if he “does,” it’s out of concern for both mages and non-mages. not to mention that he’s left the templars, which has basically been his life for more than a decade, so it isn’t easy for him to just let go of it and instantly say “I trust mages with my life” because you really see the worst of what magic can do in the circles, and he’s been living in them for most of his life. I mean, just look at how hard it was for him to conquer his addiction, the very thing that chained him to the templars and the chantry. he isn’t hostile to any of the mages there, you don’t even see him scolding them or berating them (this only happens once, when he breaks apart an argument between a mage and templar at haven, and even then he also takes the time to scold the templar as well and say that this isn’t the place to do that). he doesn’t seem to mind the presence of vivienne or solas. hell, he plays chess with dorian. still sound like cullen “mages aren’t people” rutherford to you?
there’s a number of times he also says that he left the order because innocent people were getting caught in the crossfires between mages and templars. it was the exact opposite thing he wanted to prevent going into the order. he wanted people to be safe, and because of the templars, people ended up dying. it isn’t hard to understand why he left.
and he left. that’s a thing, by the way. he could have stayed and just accepted the fact that he wanted this life as a child, but he left the templars knowing full well that at that point, it had been his whole life. also, he left with the knowledge that leaving the order can be straight-up insanity or death due to lyrium withdrawal. he even talks about how dangerous it is for a templar to leave and how he wants a safer way to leave the order. I really feel that was the highest point of his character: he knew leaving the order (which was a huge part of his life) was difficult, could risk death, and had to suffer major effects from withdrawal. despite that, he still did it. at the ending of trespasser, he even helps other templars conquer their addiction. you may not like his character, but you can’t deny that’s still considerably noble.
and this is where it gets personal: I’ve done shitty things in my life. I’ve said some terrible stuff to people that I can’t take back, no matter how hard I want to. mentally, I’ve shunned and hated a whole community because they were attacking me in ways that destroyed me and my mental health, and I’ve held onto that grudge for so long. I wanted to change, I wanted to be a better person, not one consumed by hatred.
when I first played dai and talked to cullen about his opinions on mages and how he wanted to break free from the order, I bawled like a baby. I cried the whole way through the lyrium addiction mission. I saw myself in his character: somebody who did a fuckton of awful things in his past and wanted to get out of it. he inspired me to be braver, to be a better version of myself, that getting out of a cycle of hating yourself and other people is possible. you can change and it’s worth it.
and that’s why whenever I read cullen hate bashing his character development and how he should “apologize more” and how he’ll never be enough or never be forgiven, no matter how hard he tries to atone for it, it always gets to me. every time people hate his character, I feel like they’ll hate people like me, people who are bad and will always be bad and can’t improve ever because they were awful before, they’ll be awful forever.
TL;DR: cullen is an amazing character. his growth and backstory speaks volumes to me. I respect and look up to him in ways that this entire thing can’t do justice. while he’s done some terrible things in the past, he isn’t good, but he isn’t bad either. I admire him for what he is now, and how he’ll continue to grow in the lore to come.
again, this is only my opinion. you are free to disagree and agree at your own leisure. hate him, don’t hate him, whatever, I respect your opinion. you’re coming from a different point of view and I absolutely love that. all I ask is that you respect my opinion in return.
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dumbbelle · 7 years
do you have any favourite blogs??? like any kind of blogs!! (just curious skmfmd)
This got outta hand so quickly. But here was my overall answer:
I follow a lot of seventeen blogs. Like a lot. But I also follow a lot of people who are generally nice and who have cute tags because they help brighten up my day. I like art blogs and those calming aesthetic blogs because they make my dash prettier. And I follow my in-real-life friends like @leechansthighs and @verifiedspheniscidae and @vernaans no matter their content (although their blogs are all still A+ content and I’d probably follow them regardless). And I like @myetie so much that I played Mystic Messenger just to better understand what was going on in her artwork because her art is cute and funny and I stumbled upon it accidentally so I had to catch up. 
But to get specific? Hmmm, well, in no particlar order…. 
Of course I have my mutuals like @miiinghao @kimbapkidding @thatgirlcatt13 @jeonwonxwoo and @kw0njisol who I probably forgot to reply to like 3 billion years ago in chat but are still amazing and I love with my soul but am too nervous to say anything to because I know the only reason we’ve stopped talking is because I’m disorganized af. 
And then, well, @fyhoshi probably dominates my dashboard with HD Hoshi pics (not that I mind, really). Seriously, if you’re a Hoshi stan, follow them (you likely already are). You won’t regret it. In a very similar way, if you’re a Woozi stan, then you’ve gotta follow @woozioppa for all her constant updates and flooding of your dashboard. Just from following her, Woozi jumped like 5 spots on my bias list because of all the Woozi content.
@pristeen-23 is honestly such a good friend (used to write on her blog but not anymore,,, GIRL I’M STILL MOURNING). She’s friends with so many people because she’s a beautiful human being and deserves to be loved and rolled into a warm blanket and fed good food bye. 
OKAY so who hasn’t heard of @woozifi? Honestly, whether it’s for Tessa’s art or Tessa’s writing (CHECK OUT HER AO3), she excels in whatever she does. Talk about multitalented. Her commissions are open here. 
I like art blogs a lot!!! @bodtster was probably the first fan art blog I ever followed and I am lowkey,,, in love,,, with Annie and her work (her personal @sailorpeach is hella aesthetic if you also wanna check that out.) Her commissions are open right here.
@94wnd Graphics man, graphics. She’s the pop of colour on my dash that always makes me stop and go “ooOoOhh” because her graphics are so vibrant and pleasing. And her writing is great too! Definition of that one mom friend who always makes you feel like honey, starlight, and warm hugs on a Thursday afternoon. She makes me feel good about my angst and I love reading her tags okay. 
I frickin love memes and shitposts, and I recently discovered @amemericans [I know, I know, y’all are all like “where have you been?” and ur rite where have I been?]. They’ve got the best memes in the business. We have recently formed the idol group Clickb8,,, and are accepting all applications – so rhymes, limericks, and haikus thx. 
@incorrect7teen always makes me laugh with her incorrect quotes and love for DK,,, She’s really sweet and interactive too. Her little window into her daily life and thoughts is really so entertaining, and one can’t help but want to be friends ^^
@doyomi has some great incorrect NCT quotes, so if any NCTzens are floating around. @gwikimchi is her main blog but she has like a million blogs that I apparently don’t follow even though I know them by heart??? FRICK I’M THE DAMN WORST. ( @lordyoungho for kpop horoscopes and @sebooty-lyfe for writing). 
Choco from @choco-seventeen is such a sweetheart and her writing is stunning. Legit, her writing will probably make you want to cry. Heck, I have cried while reading her writing. And I will continue to cry because she always gets better and better and is always looking to improve and wow everything she does motivates me. 
Did you know that if you looked up talent in the dictionary you’ll get @hansolmates? Legit when I saw her writing for the first time I blanched. I wish man, I wish. Her timing is terrific, her fluff makes me melt, and her angst makes me jealous. I wish I had an ounce of her skill. 
Another art blog I follow is @cutiepatoodieart, who never fails to impress. Joey’s style is absolutely breathtaking and I love her art so so much. As well, she always says what’s on her mind without holding back, which I think is admirable. Her commissions are also very open right here.
@hoshbrownie is precious. Absolutely precious. Eva will talk to you and make you feel like you matter. She will think about you and tag you in things and I’m actually teary-eyed because she’s so precious and every not-so-anonymous anon (hoshbrownie i see u) I get from her makes me so happy. 
@svt-husbands THE WELL OILED AND FAST WORKING MACHINE. You guys know who they are, of course you do. Great quality writing at insane speeds, these guys are everything I want to be bye. I remember first talking to one of the admins @squishteen , and I was like ??? How do such interesting people exist ??? She’s amazing and writes on her main as well, go follow her. I more recently started talking to @jeongguktm, and can confirm that yes she is as adorable and kind as one might expect her to be. ALSO JUST REALIZED THAT I RECENTLY MISSED HER BIRTHDAY and tf is wrong with me, this isn’t how you make friends. Happy belated birthday sweets
Jackie from @tookorean lowkey intimidates me because everything she does turns to gold. She’s hard working and loves Woozi and if that’s not enough reason to follow then I don’t know what is. Sometimes translates, sometimes does this. Another multitalented goddess on our hands, this is getting overwhelming. 
@vitaminniedk just read her tags and you’ll understand why I follow her. She also has probably the best theme around? Vivienne is as much of a sunshine as her bias, and you’ve probably seen her gifs floating around. 
Gen from @wonnhao is a gif goddess that you are probably all aware of and her interactions are really cute too so of course I’m following her. Aren’t you? 
@wasabi-duck who is on an indefinite hiatus but you should still see her writing anyway. She was the sole person who attracted me to the bullet-point style that’s getting more and more popular around here these days. My friends and I would like read her stories out loud at lunch over sandwiches and I feel nostalgic just writing this. She’s also very kind and I like the stuff she reblogs on her main @clockwork-lullaby.
@mounteenbase is back from the dead so check her out! Lots of fun lil blurbs and bullet-point fics. Fluff master and a lowkey meme master. Very cute and easy to talk to, fun and interesting as one can see from her main blog @mounteenbase-main. 
@saythename17scenarios is graceful. Perhaps that’s not the right word but heaven knows my vocabulary isn’t extensive enough to describe how I feel about Kimbap Mom. Her writing is distinctive and tactful, and she often finds the greatest of beauty in the simplest of concepts. One day she might write a full length multi-part fic and I will be here eagerly awaiting each update because I’m trash for her. 
@moodboards-and-profiles flowers and unicorns and everything pure. When we first talked she was legit one of the most encouraging people I’ve ever met, and I’m sure that remains the same despite our lack of communication! Actually has some really cute moodboards (that she should tag because she can gain some major attention winkwinknudgenudgeshoveshove). 
Oh and recently I started following @askjournalismsvt and this is probably my favourite SVT Tumblr AU ever. Sam and Kei perfectly portray Seventeen as members of the “Diamond City University journalism department” and answer questions with the cutest of doodles ack. They’re also hilarious and I want to be this funny. 
And whilst writing this, @puppetwritings popped into my head even though I just followed her like now. She was the first fanfic account that I got into way before I actually made an account and since I didn’t have an account I would just check her Tumblr constantly and put her in my bookmarks. I got busy after a while and then made my account after another while, but I can’t believe I forgot to follow such a phenomenal writer.
Anyway thanks for the question love! This was fun to write up and reflect on :)
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hoonface · 7 years
TAGGED BY @s-lay-ing thank you so much!! I had fun doing this <3 <3 Will tag... @healinghoshi (vicky pls dont tell me youre stressing too much TT-TT) @wonuthewhale (i will still tag you in these even though you dont do them >:D) @jisoosmeoli (CARMENNN) @vitaminniedk (vivienne!!) @jisoominghao JELLY WHERE ARE YOU TT-TT PLEASE TELL ME YOURE DOING OKAY <3 
Alright then, here we go: 
8 questions tag 😈
So you have to answer the questions that the person who tagged you made & then you have to come up with your own questions, as simple as that 😁
1. what’s your favorite bridge in a song? (i know this is so difficult but i thought narrowing it to the bridge might help?? but back 2 u’s is honestly so good)
2. how many spoons can you balance on your face? (photo evidence is optional)
Nothing is tearing me away from the computer and this music that is coming from my headphones which is connected to my computer.
3. the ingredients you would put in your ideal smoothie are….
…the basics? Strawberry, milk, honey and such?
4. what was the defining moment that made your ult bias your bias?
Jihoon? It just kind of happened. It felt like he kind of just biased wrecked me way too much… I still have bias wreckers, definitely, but at the end of the day its always Jihoon that I love the most, and I think that’s the defining moment.
5. would you change your eye color if you could? if so what color? (it can be natural or not have fun w it lol)
…tbh I think I’m fine with this, I can’t imagine myself with anything else.
6. what are your favorite physical and personality traits of your top bias(es)? (alternatively just your fave picture of our bias if you can’t pick actually just include your fave picture bc why not)
Physical? His arms? Like what? No? What? Happened? Why? Is he suddenly?
Personality? He is kinda like tsundere but you can really tell he loves his members. He’s always so humble, despite being so amazing and I just love him. A tough exterior covering a soft and caring Jihoon <3
Choi Seungcheol
Physical: …his body in general? I mean like if you watch him dance in Mansae, his legs move in a really satisfying way (why do I feel like I’m saying something wrong) but like his arms are really nice too?
Personality: I just. This boy. He’s so incredibly hardworking and he clearly loves his members and takes care of them like he’s their father, he’s always so humble and selfless. Always thinks of others before himself <3
7. do you have a go-to video to make you laugh/cheer you up?
Honestly, just SVT in general. Their videos always make me feel better <3
8. end w your favorite quote/emoji/emoticon(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
Loving you is a blessing.
AGAIN, DO I DO THESE? I’m sorry if I’m not meant to but here goes nothing:
1. If you could have any idols hairstyle past or present whose would you choose?
…isn’t it like a no brainer? YoON JEONGHAN’S LONG HAIR.
2. If you could take your bias group or just your bias and put them into another universe i.e. wizarding world or similar what world would you but them in? And why?
3. Fave idol outfit? doesn’t have to be your bias just any outfit you’ve liked! Provide pictures if you want!
4. Favorite fancam? Im a fancam ho I need recs plx.
Oooooh, I had a whole google document of this and now I have no idea where it went…uhhh… there are definitely some that I love….. . . … … . .THE FANCAM OF CHEOL AND HOSH TALKING TO THE KID I AM D E A D
5. What are your favorite girl group non title songs, if you don’t have any what are your favorite gg mvs?
I don’t listen to girl groups that much? Please don’t take offense, I promise I have nothing against girl groups, but when I do listen to them they’re mostly title tracks.
Favorite video: … no idea
6. If you could create your own group drawing from all other groups regardless of companies who would you choose and what would there concept be?
…the disadvantages of being only SVT biased, you have no idea how to answer this question XD
7. so you are going to a music festival and in this dream world you get to decide all the ppl/groups that are going to be there, who would you choose? It doesn’t just have to be Kpop!
8. If you could have any talent in the world what would you want it to be? I would want to be in anyway musically inclined rip me tbh.
The talent to be good at everything :DDDD
Now, my questions:
1_ Thoughts on paying for a hitouch?
I’m not that sure tbh, what exactly is a hitouch? Do I get to talk to them?
2_ Now, if your favorite group/artist (kpop or not) chooses you to go on stage to perform with them…do you think you could do a great job?
Hell no. I have no performing skills whatsoever.
3_ (CHOREOGRAPHY WISE) Adore u or Shining Diamond? Mansae or Rock? Pretty u or Chuck? Boom Boom or Smile Flower doesn’t have a choreo so Highlight? Don’t wanna cry or Crazy In Love?
Adore U, Mansae, Pretty U, Smile Flower, Don’t Wanna Cry.
4_ Is there a song you absolutely adore from an artist/group you don’t really stan/like?
5_ Name your Top 10 non title kpop songs 🎶 (songs that aren’t the main single nor the second song they tend to promote along the main one)
I have no idea.
6_ if you’ve had your first job already: what’s the very first thing you bought with your first paycheck? If you haven’t had a job yet, what’s the most meaningful item you own?
I can’t exactly say I own my family and friends, but that’s what I’m saying.
7_ Have you ever tried to do something you’ve seen on social media? (Recipes, make up tutorials, a viral challenge, a DIY etc) if so, what have you attempted to do?
8_ Right now at this very exact moment the three leaders of Seventeen go to wherever you are w/ a camera crew and all that jazz to say you were chosen to participate with them and one friend of your choice in a new edition of OFD (in your country obvi). Now: where did they find you? Which friend would you pick (can be from anywhere)? and if you had to pick between the three units, which one would you join? (😜😜😜)
Where did they find me? …at my house? Is that strange? I would pick my best friend probably, she loves Seventeen too. What IS THAT LAST QUESTION OH MY GODDDD ……………………………………… .       . . . bu-buT TT-TT vocal unit it is~
Bonus question bc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯: is there a movie you consider is beyond underrated? I need movie recommendations 😁
I don’t watch movies a lot XD but I personally think Pitch Perfect 1 didn’t really meet my expectations.
Questions game:
I’ve done this before but I’ll leave this here for the people I’ve tagged~
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag some blogs you would like to get to know better!
• Name:
• Height:
• Ultimate bias:
• Nicknames:
• Zodiac sign:
• Favourite fruit:
• Favourite season:
• Favourite colour:
• Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?:
• Favourite animals:
• Last TV show I watched:
• Dream trip:
• Last movie I watched:
• Number of blankets you sleep with:
• Song stuck in my head:
• What kind of stuff do you post?:
• Last thing you googled:  
• Side-blog:
• Following:
• When did you make this blog: main blog?
• Do you get asks regularly:
• Why did you choose your URL:
• Average hours of sleep:
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outfittrends · 5 years
25 Most Stylish Ways to Wear Your Crossbody Bags This Year Outfit Trends - Ideas How to Wear & What to Wear
New Post has been published on https://www.outfittrends.com/stylish-ways-to-wear-crossbody-bags/
25 Most Stylish Ways to Wear Your Crossbody Bags This Year
Different ways to wear crossbody bags. The crossbody bag trend isn’t going anywhere for now and it’s probably because they are such a fun and versatile accessories. They can be paired with virtually any outfit (as you will soon see through this article) and there are an endless array of styles to choose from.
Keep reading for 25 ways to wear a crossbody bag!
How To Wear Crossbody Bags
Let’s start with some tips:
The size of your crossbody bags mainly depends on your needs and how much stuff you want to carry around. If you’re someone who can survive the day with just a phone and a lipgloss in your purse then a mini crossbody bag is perfect for you. And if you’re someone who wants every possible thing you might need in a day to be in your reach then an oversized crossbody in leather would be best.
If you’re an eco-conscious shopper, then you would want to invest in a good quality crossbody bag that can last for a long time, so go for long-lasting materials that are durable and age well. Avoid cheap, fast-fashion alternatives because even though they might look cute, they’ll not last very long.
When it comes to wearing a crossbody, there are no rules so just go with the flow and choose what works best for you. Let it hang behind your body or at the front, and you can even convert it into a fanny pack so go crazy and make the most of your bag by wearing it in every possible way.
↓28. Party-Ready
If you’re a bag lover, you wouldn’t want to miss out on these Most Beautiful Clear and Transparent Handbags.
Stuart Weitzman Tieland Over the Knee Boots $798
Tony SML $175
Selah Mini Dress $66
↓27. The Easiest Way To Wear Crossbodies
Everyone isn’t comfortable with letting a crossbody go across your body and many women actually find it tiring to wear this way. So here’s the simplest and perhaps the most convenient way to wear crossbody bags, just letting them hang by your side. And of course, we’re loving how the bag has been matched with the shoes, the oldest and yet the most fail-proof trick in the book.
Double Ring Leather Belt HALOGEN® Price$39.00
Daire Perforated Suede Boots $149.97
Small Love Leather Crossbody Bag REBECCA MINKOFF $195.00
Express Mid Rise Ripped Super Skinny Jeans $88.00
Express Original Fit Portofino Shirt $49.90
↓26. Travel Style
This outfit and bag seem perfect for any winter trip. Crossbodies are so easy to wear with jackets and they’re handy enough to carry travel essentials like passports and wallet, without being too heavy on your shoulder.
↓25. Leather Shorts & Fun Monster Purse
For the gal with a sense of humor, this monster styled crossbody purse is super cute and fun, especially when worn with a no-nonsense pair of leather shorts! You can wear it with a white sweater like this chic top. Accessorize with sunglasses and small chunky hoop earrings.
↓ 24. Great Weekend Look
If you are headed out this weekend and need a simple but stylish look to go with your brand name crossbody bag (Fendi or not!) this is the look for you! Opt for an all-white long-sleeved top with mid-rise light-wash jeans. Your crossbody bag is the main feature of this super cute ensemble. Finish off this look with all-white sneakers and loose, straight hair.
H&M White Sweatshirt for Women $9.99
Nike All-White Air Force 1 $90.00
Mid-Rise Distressed Boyfriend Jeans for Women $35.00
↓ 23. Cute Crossbody Bag and Heels
This is such a great look for heading out to the mall or sitting down for lunch with your best girlfriends! With this ensemble, go bold with a pair of white skinny jeans and top with a black blouse. A casual denim jacket with the sleeves turned up bring a sweet, feminine side to your outfit. Match your crossbody bag with some nude heels (check out the outfit details below!). Last but not least, accessorize with some hoop earrings and bracelet.
Step Off the Plane Denim Jacket $49
AE Ne(X)t Level Jegging $49.95
Nordstrom V-Neck Tee $15
Red Dress Boutique Nude Crossbody Purse $34
Red Dress Boutique Nude Heels $32
↓ 22. Pop of Color Crossbody Bag
This is such a great winter-ready look for the girl who loves to bring an element of surprise to her ensembles. This crossbody bag gives a flash of color to this otherwise dark outfit and makes the look so fun. Go for charcoal or deep gray coat and wear over a patterned long-sleeved top. For pants, opt for some dark blue denim with turned up hems. Last but not least, some fun sneakers (white, to shake things up!) pull this look together.
ASOS High-Waisted Skinny Jeans $79
Aurora London The Gigi Bag $151.80
John and Jenn Casual Teresa Leopard Print Sweater $70.37
H&M Wool Blend Coat $45.21
↓ 21. Pretty Boho Lunch Outfit
This outfit blends casual with boho seamlessly and beautifully! Let your leather crossbody bag do all the talking with this look. Pair this lovely white eyelet top with a pair of denim jeans. Accessories are really important with this look, so dress it up with some stacked necklaces and aviator sunglasses. Lastly, use a curling iron or straightening iron to add some curl to your hair!
AE Long Sleeve Eyelet Tunic $24.97
AE High-Waited Tomgirl Jeans $37.46
Sole Society Anora Crossbody Bag $54.95
Sole Society JIYA Asymmetrical Strap Sandal $62.97
Nordstrom Ray-Ban Aviator Sunglasses $153
MiaBella Coin Pendant Necklace $39.90
↓ 20.  Sleek & Gorgeous City Look for Winter
We love this beautiful and glam ensemble which is perfect for a cold day out in the city! With this look, you will don a navy blue knit dress that hugs the figure and falls mid-calf. Over it, you will be wearing this gorgeous white double-breasted coat. It will keep you warm and – equally important! – ridiculously stylish. For footwear, throw on a pair of knee-high white boots. They match your coat and provide a sleek and glamorous touch to your look. Last but not least, opt for a chic, mini purse like the one pictured.
MARYLING Navy Zippered Knit Dress $401
Furla Metropolis Mini Leather Crossbody Purse $298
Sam Edelman Hutton’s Leather Over-the-Knee Boots $ 54 to $ 226
ASOS Double-Breasted Coat 47.50
↓ 19. Weekend Lunch Look – Spring Day Outfit
We can’t think of a better outfit to throw on when you need a sweet but stylish look for a weekend lunch date! This white eyelet embroidered top is so darling and pairs so well with this scalloped green skirt. The crossbody purse of choice is this sweet little straw bag which is complemented by a pair of woven mules. And that’s all there is to it! Super simple and super stylish. For more ideas, check out these 25 Ways To Dress Up For Weekend Date.
H&M Eyelet Embroidered Top $17.99
JCREW Scalloped Sidewalk Skirt $64.50
H&M Straw Bag $17.99
Target Woven Backless Mules $25
↓ 18. Pretty in Pink Outfit for Spring
You can’t go wrong with this look featuring soft pinks, spring stripes, and an adorable mini skirt. Start with a short-sleeved vintage striped shirt. Wear with a soft pink mini skirt and the footwear of your choice (sandals or heels would look great with this outfit!). You can easily replicate this ’70s inspired leather Gucci bag if – like most of us – you can’t afford the old GG. Accessorize with aviator sunglasses.
Rails – Maui Silk Farrah Stripe Shirt $198
Nordstrom Rigid Denim High-Waist Mini Skirt $58
GG Marmont Leather Shoulder Bag $980
VIVIENNE Oversize Aviator Sunglasses $39.45
Jeffrey Campbell Sandalia Lynx $65
↓ 17. Gorgeous Floral Outfit
We can’t think of a better way to make a statement than by wearing this floral and polka dot mixed print dress. It’s bold, it’s beautiful, and it’s perfectly complemented by an equally standout purse. This is a great outfit for those early spring days where there is still a chill in the air (hence a stylish trench coat). And last but not least, opt for a pair of white trainers to mix things up and ensure you will be comfortable regardless of the event!
next Studio Mixed Print Wrap Dress $185.50
Adidas Originals White & Navy Stan Smith Trainers $80
↓ 16. Polka Dot Summer Day Outfit
With summer just around the corner, we need an arsenal of outfits we can turn to for those hot days, especially when we have lunches to attend or errands to run! So take note of this cute and stylish look! We love this white top, especially when paired with a flirty polka dot skirt. But the real show-stopper is this eye-catching crossbody bag. Accessorize with aviator sunglasses and hoop earrings. Last but not least, go for a wedge sandal for your footwear! Perfect for showing off those tan gams. Here are the 17 Best Polka Dot Outfits You Need To Try This Year.
Free People Take Me Back Top $30
BB Dakota Connect the Dots Skirt $68
Faithfull the Brand Annika Bag $119
Ray-Ban Blaze Aviator Gradient Sunglasses $198
Sannibel Platform Wedge Sandal $79.95
↓15. Fun Stripey Look for Autumn
We all have a favorite season, but who doesn’t love a crisp autumn day?! This warm, striped sweater is so great for those days where it’s not too cold for a coat but not quite warm enough to go bare-armed. Paired with this lovely crossbody bag, you will be looking stylish and chic. This is a minimal-accessories look, but feel free to jazz it up with some oversized sunglasses like this Nordstrom pair. Lastly, some knee-high boots round off the look and make you picture ready and autumn-ready.
Abercrombie & Fitch Lofty Puff Sleeve Crew Sweater $13.34
7 For All Mankind High-Waisted Jeans $189
GiGi Forest Green Abbot Crossbody Bag $172.50
Stuart Weitzman Lowland Over the Knee Boots $798
Nordstrom Quay Australia After Hours Sunglasses $55
↓14. Floral Dress Date Night Look
This is a gorgeous dressy look for a date night or a charity event. Bright and floral, you can’t go wrong with a dress like this. When paired with a darling leather crossbody bag and pink trenchcoat, you will be the hit of the night!
Antonio Melani Double Breasted Trench Coat $169
Nordstrom Small Love Leather Crossbody Bag $195
↓ 13. Stylish Summer Dress Look
We love an outfit that effortlessly blends style with elegance and comfort with class. This look does all that and more! With this outfit, the dress provides the perfect backdrop to these high-end accessories, such as this leather bag and these Quay Australia sunglasses. A white denim jacket brings the ensemble together, especially when paired with some cognac colored slides. Now off you go to enjoy that lunch or hit the mall for some shopping!
Abercrombie & Fitch Tie-Back Side Slit Midi Dress $55.50
Everland The Denim Jacket $88
Steven Greece Slides $79
Nordstrom After Hours Sunglasses $55
↓ 12. Casual Denim Look
We all need those few staple outfits to turn to on a day where we are running errands, picking up the kids from school, or just heading out to grab coffee with our significant other. That’s where this look comes in! Stylish but casual, this outfit is all about that crossbody bag. Start with a striped long-sleeved top, slightly tucked into a pair of light-wash jeans. Some pointy-toed mules provide an edge to this look, as well as match with the purse and sunglasses. Loose, tousled curls kick this look up a notch, especially when worn with a fresh face of makeup and various jewelry pieces.
Zander Striped Long Sleeve Easy Crew $64
Nordstrom Something Navy Cigarette Jeans
Nordstrom Vince Ralston Pointy Toe Mule $325
Rebecca Minkoff Jean Crossbody Bag $119
↓ 11. Sporty Chic With Gucci Crossbody Bags
Sporty looks are so fun and so versatile. They can be worn a number of ways and suit more occasions than you might think! Need to make a Target run? Go sporty! Off for lunch with your girlfriends? Sporty is the way to go! Have a brunch date with the hubby? Again, this look covers it all! Keep it fresh by adding a stylish crossbody bag and spice up your boring old legging game by opting for leather joggers instead. A muscle tank and some color block trainers really bring that sport-ready vibe home. Last but not least, accessorize with some rose mirror aviators.
n:philanthropy Jogger Scarlett Leather $248
Madewell Veja V-10 Sneakers $150
Madewell Whisper Cotton Crewneck Muscle Tank $18.50
Gucci Sylvie Leather Super Mini Bag $1,200
Quay x Desi Mirrored Brow Bar Aviator Sunglasses $65
↓ 10. Day Out On the Town Outfit
Ah, who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned day of exploring? It could be a new city or your beloved hometown. Whichever it is, this is the look for you! A sturdy but stylish crossbody bag provides a hands-free place to stash your phone and wallet while you pound the pavement. A light blue sweater keeps you warm and is paired with some navy blue leggings. Some fashion-forward cat eye sunglasses bring a twist to the look. Last but not least, put to use some trainers or sneakers of your choice. Your feet will thank you.
J. Crew Crossbody Italian Suede Buckle Bag $158
Ann Taylor Cat Eye Sunglasses $48
↓ 9. Pretty, Feminine Outfit for Spring
This is a great look for just about any occasion. Plus, it’s easy to put together and great for the girl who loves to look girlish and feminine. With this ensemble, you will pair a pretty linen top with some mid-rise ripped skinny jeans. For shoes, you can wear a gorgeous pair of slip-on espadrilles. Last but certainly not least is this cute leather crossbody bag.
EXPRESS Mid Rise Ripped Skinny Jeans $39.90
H&M Tie-detail Linen Top $17.99
DSW Espadrille Slip-On $49.99
Nordstrom Mini Marcie Leather Crossbody Bag $890
Here’s another Spring appropriate look with the same crossbody bag. But while the one shared above is more casual, this one is more semi-formal.
↓ 8. Gorgeous Casual Look + Crossbody Bag
What is not to love about this outfit?! Stylish but comfortable, casual and yet fashionable, this look works for so many different kinds of occasions. Wear olive green linen jogger pants with a slightly loose utility shirt. This lightweight crossbody bag features a cute tassel and is not only super affordable but goes with just about anything. Last but not least, jazz up your outfit with some snazzy flip-flops.
Nordstrom Linen Jogger Pants $59
Nordstrom Miller Flip-Flop $198
Lightweight Crossbody Bag with Tassel $12.50
↓ 7. Super Girly Midwestern Style Outfit
Who can resist a touch of the Midwest?! We sure can’t! This orange chiffon top and matching skirt are worn with a pair of leather ankle boots. Accessorize with white crossbody purse.
Brilliance Floral Chiffon Top and Skirt Set $59.90
Sole / Society Women’s Salmay Boots $44.99
↓ 6. Super Fashionable Trendy Look
This outfit is bold, bright, and beautiful! Super stylish and trendy, this is for the gal that loves to make a statement with her clothing. Start with a bright yellow beret and pair with some oversized sunglasses. Next, don a long-sleeved shirt like this striped one pictured. Over that, throw on a velvety beige vest with signature buttons. This python-embossed crossbody bag is very eye-catching and fashion forward. To round off the look, opt for jeans and converse.
Nordstrom Wool Blend Beret $17.40
Nordstrom LE SPECS Air Heart Sunglasses
Hatch The Bateau Top $158
Chuck Taylor Converse $55
Midi Sac Python Embossed Leather Crossbody Bag
↓ 5. Black & Pink Girly Outfit for Spring
We love a simple but stylish look and that’s what we have here! Chances are you already have pieces like this sitting in your closet. All you’ll need for this look is a simple fit and flare dress. Pale pink like this sleeveless one is girlish and sweet. Over that, you will throw on a jacket like the black, zippered one pictured. For your bag, try out this quilted one. For footwear, try an espadrille or a pair of sandals! Here are some more Spring Outfits With Floral Jackets.
Nordstrom Love…Ady Scalloped V-Neck Mini Fit & Flare Dress $44.97
Quilted Crossbody Bag $ 29.99
↓ 4. Cute Everyday Look with Bold Crossbody Bag
We seriously love a great everyday look. And there is so much to love about this one! Throw on a pair of street leggings and pair with a long-sleeved white tee. Over that, pop on your favorite jean jacket. Get funky with a pair of leopard print sneakers. Finally, finish the look off with this faux-leather camera bag – perfect for carrying your necessities as you run around town!
J.Crew Perfect Fit Long-Sleeved Tee $19.97
Shein Leopard Print Lace Up Sneakers $20
Faux Leather Wide-Strap Camera Bag $24.97
Old Navy High-Rise Moto Street Leggings $32
↓ 3. Sassy Pink & Black Winter Ensemble
We love this winter look. Simply throw on a knit sweater like this pale pink eyelet one pictured. Pair with black jeans and booties. Add a knit beanie and a brand-name crossbody bag like this super cute Chanel.
Eyelet Knit Sweater
Topshop Washed Black Jamie Jeans $70
RAYE Bevy Bootie $107
Nordstrom Air Heart Sunglasses $ 69
Chanel Mini Crossing Times Flap Bag $1,945
Winter Knit Beanie Hat $18.99
↓ 2. Perfect Vacation Look
Ah, who wouldn’t love to set off for a trip to another country right about now! Well, guess what, with this outfit, you’re halfway there! This darling fit and flare dress is striped and features a Miss Mary Mack row of buttons down the front. Over the shoulders is thrown an embroidered denim jacket. The footwear of choice is simple brown sandals. Accessorize with a straw hat, sunglasses, and a mini black crossbody bag.
Madewell Embroidered Denim Chore Coat $129.50
J.Crew Cyprus Sandals $29.50
Nordstrom Joanna Straw Hat $44
Black Mini Crossbody Bag $130
Quay Australia After Hours Sunglasses $55
↓ 1.Dressy & Feminine Floral Maxi Dress
We love how simple and easily replicated this look is. Simply throw on your favorite maxi dress (this floral one is long-sleeved and to die for!). Accessorize with a matching crossbody bag and heels. And voila! You are event-ready.
Beautiful Drama Floral Maxi Dress $62
Nordstrom Mini Marcie Leather Crossbody Bag $890
Nordstrom Jimmy Choo Lang Sandal $ 795
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