#we're here we're queer and we love abortion
rainbowsky · 26 days
'Happy' International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
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Apologies, but this is going to be angry and political.
The fight is far from over, my friends! Things continue to suck badly in most parts of the world, even here in Canada! We're seeing more and more bigots coming out of the woodwork, and attempts to roll back and even eliminate LGBTQ rights.
There are major elections coming up in some countries. PLEASE GET OUT THE VOTE. If your election is a ways off, don't rest! Start organizing now, because make no mistake about it - the bigots are already working hard!
Don't think you're clever by abstaining or spoiling your ballot!! As people have been saying, "A vote isn't a love letter, it's a chess move." If you look at voting as a means of 'getting the person you want into power' you're fucked. There will almost never be a viable candidate who you actually like.
Instead we need to think of our votes as a means of PREVENTING the worst candidates from getting into power. In Canada, that's that utter dirtbag Pollievre. In the US, it's obviously Trump!! I don't care how much you hate Trudeau, I don't care how much you hate Biden! Yeah, I know they've done shitty things! I want to punch them both in the face!
However, they're both Mary Poppins when compared with their opponents!!!!!! Use your head! We have to make sure those lunatics don't get into power!
Think Pollievre won't roll back LGBTQ rights? Think he won't go after abortion? Think again!! Think Trump won't do the same? Get out from that rock you're living under!
Look at the right wing nutbars they're heavily supported by and understand that they're supporting these candidates for a reason!!
Decisions have consequences!!! There's no greater evil than apathy! Take responsibility for your values and make shit happen, people!
Sorry for those not in North America, but I've barely got the spoons to follow the political events in my own region. If anyone wants to add details about how to best support queer rights in their region, please do.
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WBITA if I tried to get my best friend to leave the Mormon church?
Complicated story. I was born pagan, later raised Mormon, reinforced by adoptive family. I met my best friend in the entire universe in the church, we've been friends for years now. If I can just vent about how much I love her: she is the inspiration of all my creative works, she's the only human being alive who can make me listen to a Taylor Swift song, she's funny and kind and stuck with me when she found out I was trans, in a notably transphobic church (shes queer herself).
Some time ago I was starting to get the faintest feeling that I was becoming disillusioned with the LDS church, but I was going through a tough time and chalked it up to me being neurotic and not knowing stuff (I am mentally disabled). Now, we don't live in Utah, so the Culty Shit isn't as pervasive where I am, so it's just possible that my lack of general knowledge about the church was because I was socially self-isolated and ignorant. I was surrounded by equal parts Mormon and non-Mormon peers. I was taught not to drink alcohol or have extramarital sex or abortions or wear immodest clothing (I was assumed a girl at the time). Somehow the only thing i felt absolutely certain of was that if i were brave enough to come out to my (extremely queerphobic) family, I would end up dead. Then I started to get older and ask questions about the gospel, the answers to which got progressively more unsettling. It went from "we're all destined to be gods someday" to "the lighter your skin is, the closer you are to God" and then "the colonization of America was Gods punishment on native people for not following His will". And since Mormonism supposedly encourages asking God questions, I asked, and the answer hit me that I was not supposed to be here.
Now, my best friend is in no way racist or queerphobic or even nationalist, I've known her long enough to be certain. She's said multiple times that she would die and kill for me and will always support me no matter how I change. She knows I'm disillusioned with the Mormon church and she bears me no ill will, our relationship has been largely normal. But I'm worried about her. Even out here, our Mormon woman friends get married and go on missions at a frighteningly young age. My friend hasn't expressed any interests in missionary work, and I think on some level she knows how colonialist the concept is.
But with Mormons, a big thing is that they're taught that apostasy is a huge wrong, and they make a big show of shunning apostates. I worry that if I point out the churches flaws, she'll see it as me trying to lead her astray, and shun me. There's a chance she might go through the same process I did and leave the church on her own, but I'm anxious about standing by and waiting. I'm worried for her. Should I interfere or let her come to her own conclusions?
What are these acronyms?
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bengiyo · 8 months
I Feel You Linger in the Air Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
Last time, Jom, his friends, and their allies teamed up to expose Dech and Robert and their cruelest abuses. We then spent most of the episode wrapping up a lot of plot threads. Most everyone has either moved on or is okay for now. Maey is back with Euangphueng, Ming is fine, the mom is rebelling in her own way, etc. Yai is going to France and expects Jom to stay here and wait for him, which made me immediately dissociate. Also, Jom's starting to disappear in images and mirrors and we don't know why.
I like that Yai is skeptical, but can comprehend some of what Jom is saying about himself. Yai may not be good at practical things, but he's a thinker.
Nonkul is really good, and you can feel the complex emotions coming off of Jom as he can finally talk about what he's been experiencing openly.
Okay, Bright has cake.
This is the same team that had a woman give birth, with her jeans on, in the back of a truck earlier this year. I hope they handle this pregnancy plot better.
Why does the subber keep adding Khun to Euangphueng's name when Maey doesn't say it, but doesn't add it to Yai's name when Jom usually says it?
Okay, I really like them articulating the long-term pain and suffering Euangphueng is dreading.
That Fong Kaew scene with Khamsaen was so good. She's worrying about EP and he's convinced himself that Robert didn't touch her, but we know the implications of him making her bleed when he does himself on her.
Bright and Nonkul are so good together. There was no dialogue in this soft montage of Jom redoing the drawings, but you could feel the wistfulness that Jom might disappear at any moment. It's not easy for some pairs to do the 'being together' part really well, but these two are hitting that beautifully. Now that the stresses have been removed, they are clearly in love and a team.
I really love the relationship that has formed between Fong Kaew and Euangphueng. EP is making a very difficult decision and I like the way Fong Kaew's supporting her. It's also interesting to see Maey worry about the karma of getting an abortion as a reason to raise the child.
Yai is reading The Time Machine by H.G. Wells!!!
Not that the monk is wrong about them having no control over this phenomenon, but they could also maybe keep track of the rate at which Jom's reflection is vanishing and see if they could predict the number of days.
There is a melancholy hanging over this that works so well, because Jom basically has a terminal condition that will strike at any moment and permanently end this relationship.
Poor Ming. He's losing all of his friends.
Wow, this farewell party reminds me of the stories shared with me about someone getting an AIDS diagnosis before we had anything resembling effective treatment. Throwing a party before their health plummets to say goodbye.
And now they're dancing as everyone reminisces. I'm just gonna cry thanks.
Jom isn't going to be in this photo and we're all gonna be sad.
Okay, the letter broke me. How many queer lives have been lost to time because we couldn't preserve their stories. I am so invested in this letter now.
If Jom vanishes after he reads this letter I will be crushed.
They ended the episode on the almost faded photo!!!!!
I feel so heavy after that episode. Nonkul and Bright really did the damn thing this week. You can feel the ache the entire time. That party was one of the most beautiful things I've experienced in genre in a while. This show is really special.
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cipheramnesia · 2 years
I know that thing with JKR being stupid about people who menstruate is over 2 years ago, but you seem knowledgeable about the subject and did anyone ever point out that, given the original article was about specifc problems THE PANDEMIC caused for menstruating people, and given her age, JKR likely didn't even menstruate any more at that point, she was literally inserting herself into a Discussion about/for a group she wasn't part of...?
Here's the thing about conservatives like JKR, really most people who are against social progress. They don't care about hypocrisy.
Conservatives don't care about hypocrisy. Republicans don't care about hypocrisy. Tories don't care about hypocrisy. No one puts themselves in between social progress who cares about hypocrisy.
I'm repeating this because all of us who are leftist or want equality or inclusion need to hammer that home internally so we can stop trying to use it as a rhetorical tactic.
Rowling has never written a woman who is particularly aspirational in her life, essentially has written zero queer people, and knows almost no trans people. She's perfectly happy to talk about women and lesbians and trans people all day long despite her writing setting all those people back a few decades.
Every conservative politician pushing family values has fucked dozens of people on the side and usually has multiple marriages. They work against any and all programs designed to feed or house children. Their constituency knows this and cheers them on with gusto.
Supporters of trump with blue lives matter flags and punisher skull bumper stickers are out in droves demanding we defund the FBI. I guarantee you they will be back to support whatever cop shoots an innocent person next week.
There are white women right now crying into their Facebook pages about the loss of Roe v Wade who are without doubt paying into campaigns for forced birthing candidates and calling anyone who needs abortion access sluts damned to hell.
What I'm getting at here is fuck Rowling for her miserable, pathetic, sycophantic hypocrisy but that's not important. Observation of hypocrisy while eminently enjoyable changes nothing.
JKR off her shits again? Maybe donate to Mermaids UK. Forced birthers in office in your area? Donate to Planned Parenthood and vote em out or maybe even run for office if you got the resources. Volunteer at soup kitchens or homeless shelters, donate to organizations for feeding the poor.
Like no one person can do all of this all the time and maybe not even a lot of the time, but that doesn't matter. Do what you can when you can, try and be better. If you have a chance to make a difference to someone take it, just try and do kind things that give people help or hope or homes or hands y'know?
I promise not a single one of these hypocritical bastards is gonna be undone by sex scandals or bad optics, and we're lucky if they even face legal consequences for blatantly violating the law and order they love to tout so proudly. So, y'know, it's fun, but also fuck it. Put down the dancing crabs and do something helpful.
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balloon-garden · 1 month
✧1: 18+
We will be publishing smut, so no kids. Anyone without an age in their description will be blocked.
✧2: Be polite, and patient
We are busy beings who have a lot going on in our lives. We may need breaks, and we're writing for ourselves and for each other.
Being nasty towards the mods will get an instant block.
✧3: Give details, we will ignore simple asks that give us nothing to work with.
Anything too vague or "F/O x (Something)! Reader" or "(Something)!F/O X reader" are not enough.
We like freedom but we need ideas and a plot to work with.
✧4: Time limits are a no go
We made this blog to make things for each other, so unless you're paying us, then we're going to block you
✧5: We will only answer requests through the ask feature.
Do not ask in DMs, we will ignore and delete the conversation.
✧6: Will not accept any fandoms that are NOT listed
Look below, as the fandoms will be at the bottom. We will delete requests like this.
✧7: Too many details lead to things getting cut out or something that's not quite what you requested
Too many details might get some cut out. whether it be because they don't make sense, make the story jumbled, or maybe we have an idea that works with the request and it just gave us different inspiration.
It happens!
Remember, these are REQUESTS, not commissions, if we had to cut stuff out or inspiration takes us elsewhere, we'll tell you at the start.
You can always write for yourself. We don't take offense to that.
✧8: Ocs and Readers
We will not write for ocs, but we will write for readers
✧9: Edit or drawing requests
These will be things we will be picky about, but we might get inspired or have some fun with your requests
✧10: Pay attention if we're Closed or Open
Any requests that are sent while closed will be deleted.
✧.•°CAN DOS°•.✧
✧Platonic/Familial; Can be adults or children with an adult and rookie(and other staged) Digimon
✧Romance; Only adults and non-feral monsters
✧Queer; Bi/Pan, Ace, Poly, etc.
✧Sex; Female, Male, Nonbinary, and Trans, all are welcome
We don't mind neopronoun stuff too 👍
✧POC; Everyone is welcomed here
✧Disabilities; we have disabilities ourselves
✧AU's/crossovers; We can be picky though
Might be selective about it, but if you explain it to us, we'll likely try!
✧Crackships/Ships; Picky
Can be fun, but we might not have any ideas or may feel uncomfortable with some
✧ Yanderes/Tsunderes/Derederes/etc.; slightly picky.
depends on if it might fit the character. incredibly unlikely to do the "kills your family" type tropes for Yandere's unless it's a character we could genuinely see doing such things
✧ Fluff; Cuddles, dates, X
✧ Angst; (Picky) X, X
✧ Domestic
✧ Post-Canon/Pre-Canon/Mid-Canon/Bad Ending/etc.
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✧ Roomates
✧ Mutual Pining
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✧ Bondage; Rope, strapped down, cuffs, benches, Stocks, stuck
✧ Size play; Big top and small Sub—Big Sub and Small Top
✧ Creampies
✧ Body worship
✧.•°WILL NOT DO°•.✧
✧ Cancer; Of any kind, just won't do
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✧ Alpha/Omega/Beta
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✧ Fetishizing Disorders of any kind
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✧ Coffee Shop AU
✧ Divorce
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✧ Fake Relationship/Fake Dating
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✧ Ageplay
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✧ r@pe/general SA
✧ incest
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✧ Feet
✧ Guro; Gore, missing limbs, etc
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✧ Unrealistic sex; any hyper stuff [iykyk], impossible fits
✧ Certain fetish things; Vore, Inflation, etc
✧ Body fluids; Piss, shit, and vomit
(Will be added to as needed)
✧ If we are uncomfortable with an ask, we will delete it and may block you✧
✧.•°{Mutual Fandoms}°•.✧
✧ Fandoms listed are ones we are okay to be requested from. We may post for fandoms that aren't listed here, and are stuff for the mods, that we were willing to share✧
✧ Creepypasta/Slenderverse
✧ Splatoon
✧ Digimon
✧ Monster Fucker stuff
✧ Ace Attorney
✧ Final Fantasy (6, 7, 10)
✧ Dungeon Meshi
✧ Trapped with Jester
✧ + Maybe more
{Mirth Fandoms}
✧ Johnny the Homicidal Maniac [+ Vargas AU]
✧ Postal [1, 2, 4, + Brain Damaged] + Hatred
✧ Camp Camp
✧ BtD
✧ Slashers
✧ Homestuck/Hiveswap/Friendsim
✧ MDHM/John Doe/Lurking for Love/Frost Bite/SWwSDJ/etc.
✧ JJBA [Limited parts]
✧ Hetalia
✧ Osomatsu-San
✧ Faith : The Unholy Trinity
✧ + prolly other stuff too maybe
{Mask Fandoms}
✧ Mortal Kombat 10 and 11
✧Read dead redemption 2
✧The Witcher/Thronebreaker
✧Duke Nukem
✧Darkest Dungeon
✧Ava's demon
✧Introduction: {×}
✧Masterlist: {×}
✧Other: {×}
✧.•°{Please consider donating!}°•.✧
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ankles-be-bitten · 4 months
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i live in florida. pretty much everyone who lives here makes jokes like this--including myself--but most of the time it's just that: a joke. there are so many people up north who believe that all of florida is either the meth-head, backwater swamp hillbillies who have a pet gator in their airstream camper and eat crawdads raw out of the everglades OR the disney obsessed snowbird population who winter here and live in new england the rest of the year.
and the truth is? while these people do *technically* exist, they are by no means the majority. florida is a pretty ordinary state, 99% of the time, and i'm actually getting weary of the "[insert southern state] is hell on earth" rhetoric, a sentiment i've seen spreading pretty quickly amongst gen z, and i think part of the reason is that this presumed horror state we live in is used to invalidate our desire for a better future. don't like your governor because he wants to make it illegal for you to receive the support and healthcare you need? well shit! you live in florida, or you live in texas, no wonder you're miserable!! move to a blue state. so easy. shouldn't have been born in a red state, silly! everyone knows it's homophobic there :)
but my friends are here. up until recently, my whole extended family was here--and the family who don't live here anymore live in tennessee (where i was actually born), which is definitely more volatile than florida. i actually don't know why northerners think this about florida--is it our beautiful, diverse, and ANCIENT wildlife and native flora? is it our bloody, messy, and intricate cultural and social history? is it the anti-lgbtq+ legislature? we live in a region so geographically unique, the southernmost tip of the peninsula is the only place in the world where the alligator and the crocodile coexist naturally in the wild. is that hell on earth?
i used to hate my state. i used to hate where i live. i still fantasize about leaving, moving to some northern, walkable city, with accessible abortion care and a less volatile healthcare system to trans people. but i'm done feeling ashamed of where i live, where i grew up; i grew up in the town zora neale hurston grew up in, and one of my favorite books as a child, the yearling, was written by marjorie kinnan rawlings, who was FROM that rural florida that's apparently full of meth heads and rednecks. yes, it's overly urbanized in many places, including where i currently live; yes, it's incredibly difficult to navigate life here as a queer student; yes, there is a vast class disparity between the richest and poorest amongst us. but everyone i love lives here, and underneath the 5-lane highways is an intricate and valuable and one-of-a-kind ecosystem worth loving and cherishing.
i'm not going to condemn the place i live because it gets hot in the summer, or there's bigoted legislature, or the cities are unwelcoming to pedestrians. i'm not going to condemn my state because of the podunk, buttfuck, inbred hillbilly stereotype that originates from classism and the demonization of those who live in poverty or rural areas. remember: drugs are only morally reprehensible if it's a poor person making, distributing, or using them. when rich people do drugs, it's cool. so yeah, maybe putnam county is "full of meth heads," but have you considered why that is?
i love florida at it's worst, and i want to see it get better. i won't characterize the midwest as one-dimensional and barren; i won't call northerners self-absorbed, self-obsessed, and self-interested. please don't tell southerners that we live in "hell on earth." doing so erases all our history, natural and cultural, and boils us down to only the most classist of the stereotypes that apply to us.
the funniest thing to me is that florida is hardly even a "southern" state, technically it's a northern transplant. we're a whole lot more like you than you think--and you know what? so is everyone else.
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kara-is-a-cutie · 2 years
What in the hell happened over in Sweden, it’s like the voters gave foxes control of the henhouse over there; I’m fucking nervous for yall over here in America considering we have elections in a month and a half and there’s a high chance that it’ll be a shitty day for us too
Apologies in advance, I ended up going on a whole ass rant lol
The same thing that happened in the US in 2016 is happening for us now, we're just lucky that we're not in essentially a two party system like y'all are. People are tired of the establishment and scared due to the recent gang violence and thus are voting for the party that seems different in hopes something will change.
People forget and/or ignore that since the left got back into power the right has stopped them at every step and forced them to follow a right wing budget and go on to complain that they haven't done any of the things they promised. A lot of our issues pre pandemic and Ukrainian war also stem from the 8 years when the right were in power, but as you're probably familiar, the right loves blaming the left for their own incompetence. The leftist part have also fucked themselves and the left block over by being uncooperative until just recently. The Swedish Democrats (SD), a party formed by literal Nazis, are in regards to their worker's rights politics quite close to the Social Democrats (S) which has made it easy for many voters to switch sides. I don't have an issue with this part of SD's politics, the issues arise when it comes to ppl of colour, women, queer ppl etc. They've had openly bigoted people in their party, some of them who have proudly touted being neonazis, for most of their history they've been anti queer rights and even now when they've started accepting gay and trans ppl they still refuse to respect and acknowledge the Q in LGBTQ. They've talked about setting the limit for abortion at 12 weeks instead of the current 18 and many of their party members misogynistic.
The one saving grace with them is that they don't want to be in charge, at least not fully. They're the second biggest party in Parliament currently, but their leader has already said he doesn't wish to be stateminister (although they want a few positions in a right wing government). I'm quite sure this is because they know they do best as the opposition. As long as they're the ones criticising the people in power they look strong, but the few times they've held any level of government they've failed and at least once bankrupted the county they governed.
Then we got the other conservative party Kristdemokraterna (Christ Democrats KD) whose current leader Ebba Busch is a convicted criminal who is out on probation. She committed slander, plead guilty to it and then went out in the press and said that while she plead guilty, she believes herself innocent which I believe ended up getting her in even more trouble. Since RvW was overturned she's insisted her party isn't pro life, but many of the top ranking politicians in her party have said very much the opposite throughout the years, including her if I remember correctly. Simply put they're self righteous hypocrites, but I doubt that surprised anyone.
There's so much more fuckery and I worry about what rights we may lose and how many young men of colour will be murdered by the police in the next 4 years. We're heading into darker times and I fear for us all.
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talisidekick · 2 years
To the rad-fems, TERFs, Transphobes and bigots.
This blog is against you. You misandrist, misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic, ablist, racist, and otherwise discriminatory bastards are the WORST of humanity. You cling to "God" like his mere worship makes you the good guys by default but you're just as easily morally corrupt. You'd rather see kids in body-bags than graduate happily trans and queer. You'd rather support predators that publically proclaim on TV they would abuse our identity to prey on the vulnerable than offer protection and care to those in need. You'd rather spread pain than love. Give hate than kindness. You'd rather champion ignorance than knowledge. You have no compassion.
So do me a favour, Do Not Interact.
Here we support womens and mens rights to bodily autonomy and abortion.
Here we fight for womens and mens rights to safety and equal treatment.
Here we say Trans Rights are Human Rights.
Here we fight for Lesbians of all types.
Here we fight for Gay of all types.
Here, we fight for Queer.
We fight for better working conditions.
We fight for an end to androphobia.
We fight for socialism and unions.
And above all ...
To everyone reading this blog: We support Kink, and the legalization of sex work and safer conditions for workers.
Many trans and queer people turn to sex work to get by. They risk their lives to afford to be themselves. Some enjoy their work, for others it's a necessity, much like any other job. They deserve protections. They deserve safety. They deserve decriminalization and legalization.
If you have a problem with supporting minorities, or showing care and kindness to vulnerable groups, we're here to fight against you and your hatred and callous disregard.
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Pigeon Pit - Feather River Canyon Blues
Pigeon Pit’s 2022 album Feather River Canyon Blues is, in my opinion, the most relevant US protest music of the year. A star of folk punk’s newest wave, Lomes Oleander is a multi-faceted, endlessly passionate artist whose work never fails to surprise and impress. Her latest release, FRCB is a folky, much more overtly political stray from her usual borderline-emo, acoustic works. There are still of course the vital songs of queer love and queer self-acceptance, but FRCB features the anthemic protest songs Milk Crates and Soup For My Family. The album delves into the simple—but full-of-struggle—rural American life, particularly through the eyes of a visibly queer person, and where Oleander finds her joy and calm and escape in the midst of it all. The album primarily features acoustic instruments and country music essentials—acoustic guitar, steel guitar, fiddle, banjo and a wobbly, all-permeating washtub bass—fronted by Oleander's’ gritty, breaking voice. Her sophomore album, Shut In, framed her as a staple in the folk punk genre, while this last release brought her more mainstream fame. She was raved about by NPR’s music journalists, named in the top albums of the year, and brought on to perform a live set for NPR’s Tiny Desk, where Lars Gottrich described her songs as “offering some sweetness in a world that doesn’t always share the same in return.”
So, going in order, here are my three favorites off the album:
Track 5: Empties
This is without a doubt my favorite song off this latest release—maybe off all of her releases (though Wichitalk is tough competition). Empties is a love song. It’s a song about the small shows of intimacy, how one person takes care of another, how deeply two people can become intertwined, and what it means to miss someone. The beat is light and fast and impossible not to dance to, while the lyrics will worm their way into your head and leave you absolutely enamored with Pigeon Pit.
2. Track 3: Milk Crates
A protest song, Oleander prefaced her Tiny Desk performance of Milk Crates with a speech on the inaccessibility of trans healthcare and abortion, the construction of Atlanta’s “Cop City”—a heavily protested police training camp whose construction is draining the city of resources, putting marginalized people in even more jeopardy and is responsible for the destruction of massive chunks of the Weelaunee Forest—as well as the stigma and discrimination against people with substance abuse and mental health struggles and the country’s pervasive homelessness epidemic, as well as other things. 
The opening verse goes:
"Like a dog tugging on a rope
I don't even know where I'd go if they let go
In my selfish narrow mindedness
They put up a chain link fence
Now there's nothing I can do but bark my head off
But we're not fucking playing
I got these teeth for a reason
I know that it's life or death, I can't forget it
I lie down and you kiss my forehead
I tell you I'm just fucking exhausted from work
I don't wanna get drunk, I don't wanna go out
It feels like survival just isn't enough, is it?"
Milk Crates is one of the overtly political songs on the album, calling out the unethical treatment of workers in the country, the systematic oppression that props up all of our social structures, and the powerlessness we all feel when we become aware of the ways we’re being taken advantage of. She doesn’t resolve these tensions for us, but she describes to us the ways in which she lets go and what she lets go of in order to still live a loving and fulfilling life:
"And there are things in your life
That you were made to run away from
But it's not your grief, or your pain
Or any other kind of love"
She finds comfort in people and in herself and in her community, and really in anger and protest itself. Her passion and her will to change the world just pours out of her, and as a listener you can’t help but to feel that flame spark inside of you too.
3. And last, but by no means a subpar song is track 4: River Song
River Song is another love song, a song (in Oleander’s words) “about going swimming with your friends” and how “ there’s really nothing more important”. It’s about platonic love just as much as it is about romantic love. It’s about the role friends play in one’s personal growth and how desperately we all need each other. It’s about letting go of the pressure to mask and to perform for other people, and just giving into the love and chaos that people will pull out of you.
So, definitely, definitely, definitely go check out the album:
And if you have time and want to see Pigeon Pit’s incredible performance on Tiny Desk, I really highly recommend it. This set includes Empties, Milk Crates, River Song, Soup For My Family, and Wichitalk, my favorite song off her last album, Shut In. She’s amazing; please go check it out if you found this at all appealing. 
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Wp99TlXu8U 
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kanyefestworld · 1 year
#YE24: Love is Not Enough
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When Ye made this post last month, there was widespread celebration from Ye fans on twitter. They talked about how he was "back" and how we had held him down through this "era." As if anything had actually changed. This response which we first thought was ironic was entirely sincere on their part and they got indignant with media sources treating it skeptically, like it was a joke (which it was!).
This showed how out-of-touch these folks are. The most important part was Ye re-emphasizing that he himself is a semite of color, however these "anti-woke" folks do not understand how much damage & ignorance is spread by their holocaust, pandemic, and homophobia denying community that commiserates daily on how to control womens' bodies via banning them from medical care.
And they think a joke about 21 Jump Street (not even You People, the actual Jonah Hill movie from 2023 about relations between white semites & black semites that quotes YE extensively) means that all is forgiven. Let's all follow Ye's supposed advisor Ali Alexander while Ali tweets about how queer ppl are responsible for the apocalypse. Yay!
It turns out Ali Alexander himself has been ex-communicated for inappropriately messaging teenage boys. And he publicly demeaned everyday queer people while he himself lived out an abusive, harmful lifestyle. This kind of con is often pointed out by queer activists, and we're not here to psychoanalyze him. But the people who followed him? Who couldn't tell that this man is a professional misleader, that the company he runs with are career grifters? They're exactly as gullible and impressionable and dangerous as everyone says.
But we want them to be useful. If #YE24 showed us anything it's that these people need purpose. We'd like to give it to them, via Ye's actual platform. How? And what is Ye's actual platform, anyway? Nazism? "Racism isn't real"? Banning abortions & gay ppl? No.
#HEAL: Ye's platform calls for a better justice. Because KANYEFEST is not some guy using metaphors and evasive language to appear virtuous we're going to be crystal clear: what Ye demands is Transformative Justice. Donda is an anti-prison album, the release parties were metaphors for Ye being Larry Hoover trapped in a cell. For Jesus Is King Ye toured prisons shouting about abolishing slavery & jail in the revolution.
The kind of communication and community he calls for is the same that Leftist activists invoke: abolition. They have the same failures of modeling justice that is transparent and doesn't "throw people away" for doing harm. Because as the Chicago Reader put it when profiling our TJ work: the hard work of healing from violence doesn't get done if everyone doesn't share it.
Ye supporters, especially ones who enabled and empowered Ali (and who have no idea where he is or who might be enabling him now) must give to our survivor fund. They've been donating to grifters and manipulators in his network that did nothing but make our problems worse and exacerbate division. Our survivor fund is the first of its kind and the way to model justice moving forward. Abusers like Ali are known for suing their victims to quell further reprisal. All the moral support in the world doesn't pay for the legal and medical bills, not to mention folks' general well being that's shattered by such acts - especially when the abuser is in a place of power.
Ali will need his own accountability process. It will require the participation of the people who have supported him, as well as advocates for those he harmed. Folks like Nick Fuentes (who reportedly "knew") are in his "pods" and responsible. We, as #YE24, will do what others can't. We will be accountable. That's real love.
#GROW: During his presidential rally YE talked about farming and the energy potential of the earth itself. He moved out to Wyoming and grew food, promising to end hunger and homelessness. As black farmers from the southside who feed and house people for free to build utopia- we don't have to wait for Ye. His job was to inspire us. And he went above and beyond, even releasing a video with mayoral candidate Amara Enyia and the late Virgil Abloh where they plotted to build shelters in our city and completely revolutionize living as we know it, overnight.
#cynical people dismissed this work but we didn't. We are Ye's vision. Before he went on 2022's anti-caucasian semitic crusade Ye promised, again, to build farms that were easily accessible to all. That didn't happen, but we are already doing that. These alt-right Ye fans don't want to believe racism is real, unless being practiced by white jewish folk, but his whole point was the disparity between semites of color and those without (melanin). To support Kyrie Irving, to support Jay Electronica, to support Ye and Donda we will complete (Louis) Martin Luther (the) King's dream of equitable housing on the south and west sides of our city. And then all cities.
#CONNECT: While Ye has worn masks and mourned our people publicly, #cynical conservatives are creating chaos by spreading pandemic misinformation. Whether it's about the efficacy of masks, the risks of infection or vaccine lies- their rhetoric is out here getting people killed. We, unlike others, are united in ending the virus via scientific means. That means staying home. The same plan from day one, as variants and violence have spiraled out of control there has only been one solution.
Ye once said: "you should quit your job to this." As employers waffle between at-home work and banning masks, we support everyone from the disabled to those who perceive little to no danger.
When we stay home, we will protect the environment and ourselves. The world will never be the same because we'll achieve that utopian dream we all sensed when the world first "shut down." Everyone on whatever political side went on strikes, but never the one that mattered. The #COVIDstrike to #StayHome & end the pandemic.
#CELEBRATE: It's been extremely bizarre to watch Ye supporters tear down his creative support system for the last two decades for a couple of folks he just met. While KANYEFEST has done events highlighting and raising reparations with the work of artists like KiD Cudi, Jay-Z, Drake & Eminem the average Ye twitter stan will degrade them at a moment's notice. But if Ali or any Nick followers were to praise Hitler or some other nigh irredeemable figure of widespread murder, these folks would consider it harmful to give any pushback.
Poll after poll, Nick & Ali torched the most famous black entertainers in the world. Until this week, when G.O.O.D. Music finally triumphed over two political cult leaders who do no actual community service. We searched Chance The Rapper's activism work supporting black women (#HEAL), feeding the poor (#GROW) and organizing labor (#CONNECT) to save the world for everyone (#CELEBRATE). All of that you could see in his Black Star Line festival alone, but you can go back years and there is no such work from these neocons. These new conservatives who claim to be Based and really get humanity and universal love don't do any work for the community unless it's bailing a J6 terrorist out of jail. They don't do any work concerning consent and sexual health unless it's part of an overarching conspiracy aiming to take rights from the marginalized. They want to control women's bodies and deny genocide. They want to call it love.
This is a message: Love is not enough.
For the white male student crying that he is the most persecuted of them all because of his loving religion. Who describes his own work as a "campus grift." Who sets up debate tables to get proved wrong about race but has never done a food drive. To his enablers, advisors & graphic designers:
We tsk tsk our own timelines of misguided "leftists" but at the very least, the way they support direct action selflessly is completely unparalleled by the so-called right. Conservatives are extremely active but their timelines tell the tale of what they truly care about: reactionary confrontation. If you all care about children, fair labor, the truth and community... then from now on when we ask what Ye-inspired activists accomplished this week we don't want to see viral gotcha videos and fake merch. We want to see reimbursed survivors, open conversation in service of transformation, long-owed reparations, safe evacuations and black-led celebration. Anything else is hateration, no matter your cult's holleration.
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bengiyo · 7 months
I Feel You Linger in the Air Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, Jom told Yai the truth about his origins and his suspicion that he's about to vanish. Yai didn't want to lose Jom and did everything he could, from asking a monk to reading H.G. Wells instead of having sex with Jom. They held a farewell and thanks party for their friends that felt a lot like an AIDS announcement party to me. Jom wrote a letter to the future and asked Yai to pass it down through his descendants. Nonkul and Bright delivered last week with incredibly heartfelt performances of two people trying to make the most of the time they have and not mourn. Meanwhile, Fong Kaew put Euangphueng in touch with someone to help her abort the child, and Maey struggled with the potential spiritual fallout of that.
Oh lord, Jom and Yai are burying a body.
Oh, nevermind. Yai is following his instincts related to Jom.
If they buried a ring in the past, did they not know about the time jump? I would have sent instructions. Come to think of it, Jom should have written a letter to himself!
Oh it's Mustache Yai again! What a fascinating sense memory. How is Jom remembering moments from the past that occur in his future?
Aw, it was a dream.
"You take a little stick, you dig a little hole...and you have a little fun."
It always looks hot as hell in Thailand.
I like this send off scene for Euangphueng and Maey.
Yai covered the mirrors. I love that.
Jom's smile when Khamsaen asks him if he could just move on from love is perfect.
Oh, poor Yai. He definitely thought Jom vanished.
The choreography for their intimate scenes is so good and so tasteful. This feels like gay sex even if we don't see it. There's so much intent and silent communication here. Doing a montage over their heavy breathing was a great choice.
We let them make love. Time for the drama.
Having Jom disappear while he was doing the portrait is so much. Come on.
This extended goodbye is making me ache.
Well that was so sad.
Mustache Yai and Jom's original clothes are back.
Oh lord we're back to the present and just walking around unbothered.
Now Ohm and Baby Mama are here! We hadn't been in the present day drama for very long, and this is actually fairly reasonable behavior considering all that happened.
Oh good, Jom remembers.
Look at that, Jom is eating crepes and his sister is coming out. It's a good day.
Fascinated by the implications of the ceremony and all the reincarnated people being in Jom's life. Please show us the woman who owns the house.
Feeling very emotional about all of these mementos being saved for Jom for a century.
Wow, this letter. Incredible historical significance.
Whoa. How is Yai here?
Wait, how are we ending here??
Now why is Jom in the goddamn woods again?
I'm so glad we got a second season confirmation because I would be so annoyed being left in limbo.
Final Verdict: 9, This Show Was Worth The Hype. I have some qualms with some of the pacing of various beats and how effectively the expanded roles of the side cast worked out in the show relative to what was clearly a story focused on a romance, but I think this show took me to places in queer history I hadn't specifically thought about in a way that made me hungry to know more. I really appreciate Nonkul and Bright so much because Tee is at his best with strong performers who work really well together. This show held for its first half, but I find myself frustrated for Jom that we still have no idea how or why any of this is happening to him, and I think it's really sad that he keeps losing his loves. This is one of my favorite productions of the year, and yet I feel like I want some distance from it for a while now that it's over.
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maticide666 · 2 years
don't mind me just ranting about voting for a bit (may or may not make any sense as i have a nasty headache that ibuprofen won't completely fix)
first of all, obligatory i voted sticker
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[ID: photo of a white sticker with blue text reading "I Voted In ... County", with the county censored. underneath text is a USA flag. below the sticker is a paper stylus with " I Voted" printed several times. End ID]
kinda pissed off that texas no longer does the "click one button to vote for this party" thing.
also pissed off at the two party system in general. that's yet another election where i wanted to vote for the green party candidate but decided to vote Democrat instead in order to prevent all the Republicans from winning. fuck greg abbott. fuck dan patrick. fuck ken paxton.
one of the green party candidates advocated for ranked choice voting. nice.
sick and tired of having to constantly defend my right to exist. my right to abortion. my right to just exist as a trans guy. as a queer guy. to survive. and for other people's rights. of constantly having to push back against republikkkan fearmongering.
sick and tired of having to vote for democrats that do jack shit about american imperialism. they won't stop fucking the global south over. we're still fighting for $15 an hour. no longer a livable wage. this is why we have proper grassroots movements.
anyway the polling place was completely empty except for me and my brother. it happens if you go to the right place at the right time apparently. idk if that's a good sign or not tbh.
gotta love the lack of voting by mail here /s
i know people still voted republican because they bought the fearmongering about trans people, black people, and fetuses instead of focusing on actually fixing our power grid so we don't freeze in the winter and expanding medicaid. i hope they all suffer.
too fucked up to actually rage or worry tbh i should rest
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bengiyo · 1 year
The Warp Effect Ep 10 Stray Thoughts
With GMMTV dominating my watch calendar, it's actually becoming a bit difficult to recall everything that happened in a previous episode.
Last time, we tackled sexual health with Jedi and Rose, who had to contend with an HPV flare up in their open relationship. Over the course of the episode we questioned the nature of fidelity and safety, and learned that they likely were infected over ten years ago from other partners as the two revealed that they actually don't want their relationship to be open. Meanwhile, Nim discussed keeping the baby with Army, and also reconciled her relationship with Mollie. Elsewhere, Kim recognized that she didn't want to keep the baby at this time, and Ice spent the episode coming to terms with that and supporting his partner. Kat is back in the saddle, but Tony is a gentleman and is waiting for Jean. Alex and Jean may be on the path to speaking again.
As always, so much happens in this show.
Real shit, I want to see Jean's movie.
I don't have anything against Tony based on what we've seen, but I feel like it's a bad look for the lead to be involved with the director when they're advertising the chemistry between the leads?
I'm glad we're bringing See-ew back.
Ah, right. Liu has a handsy boss. I get her coworker choosing to accept it, but he should not be touching Liu like that and demanding she interact with him on IG.
I was lulled into a mild complacency, and now we're back to the sports homophobia plotline with Joe.
New is quite vascular.
I was not expecting Alex to just go into Liu's workplace and start a fight with her boss. What is he going to do if she gets fired as retribution?
And now we're storming back in with boxers? Why is no one talking to Liu first??
Lol, nevermind. Liu handles her own business. I want a show of just Clize whooping ass on the regular.
Okay, Mollie and Nim! Jojo said, "We are grown here. We give head."
Mollie is so valid. She just had Nim shivering from that tongue action, and now Mollie is all like, "We're just friends?" Friends don't get each other off like that. Get Tilly Birds on the line.
Okay, Silvy is so good. The aghast expression she pulled off was fantastic.
Oh, Army, I really need you to appreciate Joe's reality. Joe might lose the career that seems to provide a sense of purpose, and Army just doesn't grasp that.
"I just want the kind of love that makes me feel at ease." Me, too, Liu. Enjoying that these characters are in their late 20s, because your priorities start to shift.
The potential Kat and Jean have, only to reorient the conversation to Alex.
Really glad we're returning to Kim and Ice. In the 90s we had very special episodes about abortions and teen pregnancy, but we never lived with the fallout of the choice.
I think Ice should review his musician couple idols, because none of those relationships really worked out.
I'm gonna need the people on the internet to be respectful of Clize's feet. Still, I'm glad these two found some kind of balance.
Oh, I loved Jedi's proposal.
These dudes are going to sneer at their proposal in a queer-friendly bar? I think they should learn what bricks taste like. Give them a memorable LGBT experience.
They're not backing down? The whole bar should stomp their asses. I'll accept Jeana and Alex teaming up, and getting yelled at by the rest of the club.
Establishing that Tony has been a decent dude was a good move, because we expect him to not force an encounter on Jean after she panics. I like the way Joong plays his disappointment that they can't proceed along with his worry for Jean. I'm sure he suspects what may have happened, and knows it isn't his wound to heal.
I kinda wanna hear Phuwin play Motley Crue music now.
Mixed experiences across the squad right now.
I don't remember who Mr. Saran is, but I'm curious how the prom will act as a plot device next week.
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