#when you’re going through smth as hard as potentially losing a job
puppiedogs · 1 month
i called the ssa office to ask something and in the pre-recorded message they say, like it’s not fucking Insane, “if you’re calling with regards to a disability claim, due to a staffing shortage, current processing times for disability claims are between 250 and 300 days, after which it will take three to four weeks for you to receive your decision by mail” as though that’s just something that happens whoopsie sorry about that like die actually. how do these people sleep at night
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chokemeanakin · 3 years
idk if you do like song request sorta things, but could you do a fic based on the song "night bus" by gabrielle alpin? especially the "suddenly i know that i'm on my way home to you for the last time" part--maybe an angsty sort of thing where the reader and anakin's relationship gets discovered and she gets sent away or smth? idk i couldn't stop thinking ab it last night and i have no motivation to write it myself and i love your writing so maybe?? tysm!
Oh sis this was so much fun to write. Even though it is sad... idk i liked getting in the feels. Anyway I hope it meets your expectations. If it didn’t, well, pls write it yourself and tag me! I’d love to see what your vision was ❤️🤗
Read it on ao3
WC: 1.8k
Night Bus - Anakin x gn Reader angst
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You swore this would never be you. You promised yourself it would last. If two people love each other, there should be no reason you couldn’t be together.
That’s childish thinking, you tugged your jacket tighter around you. Your boots dragged through the grey sludge of the sidewalk, remnants from a lazy downpour of wet snow a few hours before. Your mind whirled and stomach churned as the streetlights began blinking on one by one, the markets closing up for the night. 
It should have been a peaceful thing, but you felt sick. With each step closer to your destination, you felt as though a current was dragging you back, the darkness closing in around you. You knew as soon as you reached him, it would be for the last time. Your fairytale would come to an end, and as you walked through the bitter streets of Coruscant on your way to the Jedi temple, you prepared yourself to say goodbye to your prince charming. 
“It’s selfish, what you’re doing,” Master Windu had hissed at you. You were still reeling from his admittance that he knew about your and Anakin’s relationship. You had been so careful to keep it a secret, you had no idea how he found out. 
“Obi-Wan told you,” your lips felt like rubber.
“He did not,” Mace leveled his gaze at you. “He knows, I’m sure of it. But he respects Anakin too much to give him away like that. A flaw on his part, which will be dealt with later.”
Your head was swimming. What did this mean for you? For Anakin? For the both of you together? Obviously you knew what was next, but your mind couldn’t wrap around it, couldn’t accept it.
“You need to let him go,” Mace declared, not a hint of mercy detected. 
“I can’t.”
“Then he needs to let you go.”
“He won’t.”
“Then you will be the fall of the Jedi!” His sudden outburst made you flinch. Your heart beat fast, blood swishing in your ears. His body was still as a statue, but his eyes were wide and his chest was heaving with an anger that was barely under control. Master Windu was of the more… pessimistic Jedi, but you had never really seen him lose control so completely. Now, you could see he was overwhelmingly stressed. No, not stressed-- panicked. 
“He needs me,” you replied shakily, unwilling to stand down. Anakin had made it clear over and over again that if you just said the word, he would leave the Order for you. The only reason he was still here was because you wouldn’t let him abandon his purpose for you. Windu may think you would be the downfall of the Jedi, but you were the reason it hadn’t completely fallen yet.
“You’re a poison to him.”
It looked like neither of you would be backing down. Windu saw this, and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. When he opened them, he strolled to his seat, and then motioned for you to take the one beside him.
“Let me explain myself,” his voice was much calmer now, but the hard look in his eyes remained. “Anakin is important. Not just to the Jedi, but to the balance of life itself.”
“He never asked for any of that.”
“But he still is,” Windu argued. “There’s no changing that fact. He is powerful. He has potential. And he’s unstable. He was before he met you, and he is now-- even more so.”
“Because of me?”
“Because of how he feels about you.”
You clenched your fists and glared at Windu. “How could being in love ever be a bad thing?”
“Love is an attachment. When one is attached to something, it can be taken away. When it is taken away, it breeds anger and hate and resentment, a path to the dar--”
“Oh, spare me the lecture,” you spit. “I know of your Jedi laws and morals. Now tell me why our love is so forbidden if all it’s bringing him is happiness and peace?”
“For now. It’s happiness and peace for now, because it’s new. I should have stepped in sooner, should have stopped it before it was too late. But with the start of the war, I lost sight of it, got too distracted…” Windu shook his head. “If you end it now, he’ll be able to move on. The damage won’t be permanent.”
“I don’t understand,” your chest stung. 
“He loves you. Any Jedi can sense that. And you love him, too.” You couldn’t meet Windu’s gaze. “If something happens to you, and you are taken away from him, or-- Force forbid-- you die, it will break him. He will be consumed by anger and hatred and he will fall to the dark side. His emotions are strong, far too strong to be handled easily. If Anakin goes to the darkside, the Jedi will be no match for the Sith. We will perish, and the war will be lost, and so will any semblance of peace that exists in this life.”
Mace’s tone softened as he saw the tears build up in your eyes. “This path is inevitable, and it needs to be prevented. The only way we can be sure is to remove you from his life. It was a mistake letting you two get so close, and the Council takes full responsibility. But now, you must let him go.”
“How certain are you,” you forced the words from your aching throat. “How certain are you of this future?”
“Yoda had a vision.”
Your breath left you like a balloon deflating. You were glad you were sitting now, because you didn’t think your legs could handle the weight as you felt your world crumble around you. Anakin’s smiling face flashed through your mind, and a tear trailed down your face.
“You have until sunrise to leave Coruscant,” Mace’s tone was back to authoritative, formal and commanding, leaving no room for argument. “You can never return. Not as long as Anakin is here. You may never come in contact with him ever again.”
“And who’s going to stop me if I do? Who’s going to stop him?”
“If you have any respect for every innocent living being in this galaxy, you will do what needs to be done. Now go. You have a job to do.”
You swore you could hear your heart drop and shatter to the ground in a million tiny pieces as you stood from that chair and walked out of the council room. You spent the day mulling over your conversation, crying, pacing, and pulling at your hair. You tried to think of anything you could do to be with Anakin-- pretend to leave him and be even more secretive, get a different identity so you could stay on Coruscant, run away together. You knew he would if you asked.
But deep down, you knew Windu was right. The Jedi needed Anakin, and you were his weakness. If Anakin left, or fell to the dark side because of you, it would be the end of the galaxy. Just because it wasn’t a possibility now, doesn’t mean it wasn’t one in the future. Yoda had a vision, after all, and the fear in Windu’s eyes told you it was serious. 
Now here you were, walking to Anakin’s place to spend one last night with him before you had to leave him. Forever. Your body ached from the cold, the grief, and from packing your belongings all afternoon. You could barely form words as you booked a ship off the planet for early next morning. Then, you had numbly pulled on your jacket and boots, and began your trek to Anakin one last time. 
Cars whizzed overhead, the honking distant in your hollow ears. You were shaking, but not from the cold, as you caught sight of the Jedi temple ahead. The entrance was only a few feet away. You just had to walk through the door, sneak down the hallway, and you’d be there. He’d open the door, offer you a blinding smile, pull you inside, and warm you up with a drink and a kiss. You would put something on the holonet like you always did, just for background noise, and lay down on the bed and just be together. Talk, or kiss, or hold each other. Feel his laugh vibrate through your body because he was pressed so close to you, watch his curls bounce as he shook his head, listen to the soft sounds of him sleeping. The moonlight always made him look like some sort of space prince as it glistened off his cheekbones, painting him in a pale blue. You would trace your fingertips along his face, and he would pretend to still be asleep as he smiled and kissed your fingertips. So happy, so at peace, so in love--
You stopped in your tracks.
I can’t do this.
The pain was building up again. You thought your heart had already shattered, but the ghost of it kept cracking. Something awful was breaking in your chest with each breath, each second, each step toward your goodbye. There was no way you could face him and be okay tonight. The tears were already making an appearance.
“You need to let him go,” Windu’s voice battled your sorrow. “You will be the fall of the Jedi.”
The breath you took was like swallowing razor blades as the cold air filled your lungs. Steadying yourself on the wall of the temple, you pushed your way past the entrance and entered the main hall. The familiar smell worsened your nausea, and you kept your hood up and head down as you walked the familiar path down the hall, taking the elevator up, and then crossing the last hallway before you found his door.
You schooled your features and shoved down the swirling tempest threatening to spill out of you. Once your hands stopped trembling, you brought a fist up and knocked on the door.
Anakin opened the door. He was smiling brilliantly, blue eyes sparkling in the light. The image of his face falling, eyes clouding over in confusion and hurt as he searched for you the next morning and found you gone flashed through your mind. You knew he would never stop searching for you. This is not what he would have wanted. But Mace was right-- he would heal, in time, and he could live the life he was supposed to live; as a Jedi, a General, and the Chosen One. 
“Anakin,” you forced yourself to smile. “Hi.”
His smile turned from charming to soft, hands immediately moving to pull you into his room for the last time. “You’re freezing, my love. Let’s get you warmed up, I already made you something to drink.”
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kaebedom-me · 3 years
i was only musing about biker au but you know what consider this your formal biker au! poly chaeya request. don’t let your biker bf dreams be dreams
i- HAHA, it got too long so i had to make a cut
I'm going to make ch💙ya established in this au because i do what i wAnt
Them being in different gangs but still working together/ hanging out/ having sex. We stan
No to loose plot for this au yet, just me going of
Methinks, Mondstadt is one bike gang and Liyue another and like the Fatui ? But idk if i see anyone else as bikers yet
But xiao on a bike? Stan. My heart? 💓 (i haven’t met xiao ingame but that one fanart on him on a bike almost got me simping)
I like to think Kaeya and Childe does what they want mostly, like bike gangs usually they just get together to ride somewhere it's really chill
Childe owns like so many bikes dude he's so fucking rich he can have any bike under the sun
But his favourites are sports bikes. Like I just see him adoring his Ducatis
His second and third favourites are dual sports bikes and cruisers
Kaeya heavily prefers cruisers. Just because he's chill like that
Like have you see those thighs???? He doesn't just get them from any old bike mdudes
Also enjoys naked bikes and touring bikes uwu but prolly has a scooter or smth for the memes
“yeah, I ride” and brings his a Vespa or smth in his full leather get up HAHHAHA
His main cruiser,, the engine fucking purrs it’s just right. kinda like a deep rumble, like you can hear it coming and going but once it’s out of earshot it leaves you with this feeling
Kaeya also being a little handy? Like he can take a look at his and Childe’s bike and kinda know what’s wrong, when to change something etc.
You guys....... sweaty Kaeya half dressed, hair up in a bun, working on his bike and with little grease smeared on his face and hands because he’s just been so focused on fixing up his bike-
Childe stumbles in to grab something and instantly is hard
Childe enjoys washing and polishing the bikes, will wash and polish Kaeya’s bikes before he does his too because he’s just sweet like that
Mmmmm wet Childe from washing the bikes, Kaeya will seduce the moment he sees, doesn’t even care if Childe is finished or not
If this AU has like some plot or smth idk yet but them being a brains and brawns duo? Like Kaeya plotting stuff and Childe beating the shit out people??? Yeah, I’d like that dynamic on them
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 them taking turns driving each other? so they can snuggle and relax while the other enjoys being held. quality date right there  
Childe’s guilty pleasure is to have Kaeya drive him while he snuggles. He loves the thrill of riding but nothing can beat being close to Kaeya like this
Childe loves helping Kaeya remove his helmet and giving him chaste kisses to his lips, nose, cheeks
Deep inside the speed demon, he really is just a soff boi enjoying some quality time with his bf doing their favourite thing together
Can,,, can you just imagine the two of them in leather jackets and tight jenas i- erotic as hell
Childe very obviously stares and Kaeya whenever they go out riding together and Kaeya always puts on the tightest fucking jeans that show off his thighs good shit
Hi, hello, welcome to my high ponytail Kaeya agenda 
The sexual tension of this fucking AU.......... The potENtIAL I want these two to have the time of their livES
He has to take extra of his hair too because helmet hair is not cute so he finds different ways to tie it up and stuff 
Kaeya totes have different eye patches to match his outfit too like ok chill damn extra much
Anyways, Childe is a speed demon, the adrenaline he gets from riding fast and reckless? He needs that daily dose of blood rushing in his veins
Has the most feral fucking look after too and fucks Kaeya into oblivion after
Sex on the bike? Sex on the fucking bike babes!!!!
Kaeya riding Childe while they’re on the bike i-
Kaeya being extra good at riding because of his cruising skills too? mmF
He has so much like friction burns on his thighs because they can never take off their clothes in time before fucking like is2g
Childe cannot ride cruisers without thinking of Kaeya and Kaeya makes it his life goal to burn it into his brain and get Childe to the point of erection every time he’s on his cruisers
They swap jackets too whenever they go on long riding journeys without each other
Childe has more than once rutted against his cruisers to the thought of Kaeya
Fucking shameless too!!! Takes a pictures and sends the aftermath to Kaeya
I live for bottom Kaeya knowing he just does things to Childe while he being completely fine. Like he won’t go on his cruiser and immediately think of Childe, he still can enjoy the feeling of riding a bike? But Childe every time he uses his cruisers he gets Kaeya brain rot
Kaeya 100% gives Childe hand jobs whenever Childe rides AHAH Childe might be soft for Kaeya’s rides but Kaeya gets off of the adrenaline from the speed and just exerts it this way
Also the thrill of the speed + being potentially caught while his giving a handjob on the road + Childe losing focus on the road??? 
Kaeya won’t let Childe crash but the thrill......... sends shivers down his spine
i- not me getting carried away w ch💙ya biker hcs and forgetting this is a poly request (i do not see)
you can ride a bike too if you want uwu. but if you don’t, they’d love to have you ride behind them
They thinks it’s cute when you have to hold onto them. You can do two things
1, you don’t hold onto them for support, instead hold onto something else for support lmAO. They’d be so offended HAHAHHAHA
2, you can put your little hands up or down their clothes while you’re holding them for a fun little good them
Childe, the little shit, speeds up the moment you’re safely secure on the seat just to hear you scream and hold onto him tightly
Kaeya prefers slow rides late at night, where you can put your head on his shoulder and hold him tight, smth chill, sometimes y’all can talk
His cruiser,,,,, you know it just sends the nicest vibrations just right ;)
Childe’s rides are more no chill, more like completely no chill at all
If you’re the type that gets off from fast nerve wrecking rides then the adrenaline will also lead to feral sex after too
If you ride too!!! the three of you just picking a quiet route to speed through the night on? then stopping somewhere to just vibe and talk and stuff
Thinks its so fucking sexy that you’re into bikes too like you’re sexy on your own but having the same passion as them??? 
Sad though that all three of you can’t be on the same bike? But that’s ok, y’all just take turns being the one on the back
If you don’t ride, but have an interest in learning!!! Childe will throw himself at the chance to teach you 
Is actually? Surprisingly??? A really good instructor? Like for a speed demon he’s really safe and tells you all the safety tips and all
It’s his natural care giving side 🥺🥺🥺 he wants you to be safe before you guys go anything doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you
Kaeya if you approach him to learn he’s really sweet about it too
Him being able to balance your body weight and the bike no problem while you try to get used to the weight of the bike and balancing
His thighs could just crush you mAN
You cannot get away from bike sex man, if you refuse, literally swap with me 
They’ll try to convince you though, they’ll always find a way to do it at least once
I reckon they’d start with having you on your knees and blowing them while they lean against their bike then fucking you against it
Hopefully, it’ll open up the idea of having sex on the bike!!!!
Kaeya giving you tips on how to ride Childe while you’re riding him as he’s straddling his cruiser
Childe pins you lying on the seat of the bike while he pounds into you
Them taking you to quiet spots a little out of town to fuck your brains out (or ya know to talk and see the sunrise and stuff)
It’s always the prettiest places too, a little secluded, but very worth every effort to get there
Like they make it so romantic too?? Not sure if it’s the atmosphere or just them but it always steals your breath away
Ugh rides near the beach where you can hear the waves, the purr of the engines and the sounds of their laughter. I’m so WeAk
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embershx · 6 years
Tagged by @epselion
Because tag memes are an addiction for them XD
1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. And tag 11 people
1. If you could only eat one more thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
How broad are we being? Because a part of me is flat-out ready to say ‘Food’ XD Probably pizza? It covers quite a variety of potential meals without being as broad-to-the-point-of-cheating as, like, pasta or something. 
2. You can change one thing about the world/universe, what is it you would add or remove?
Oooooh, this is tough. A big part of me wants to add magic. Like, give everyone magic powers - everyone gets a power. I dunno what but they’ll get one... But honesty, as much as I’d love magic... I’m probably gonna remove the concept of unkindness/cruelty or something like that. There’s so much about humanity I hate man. Racism, sexism, assholes, incels...
3. Is there a song you have a deep association with?
Lots of Icon For Hire songs really resonate with me. Particuarly ‘The Grey’ at the moment. It’s about knowing that what you’re doing isn’t good for you but being held back from changing by fear. Under all your excuses of not knowing how really you’re stopping yourself.  In a similar vein there’s their song ‘Iodine’ which is a similar theme specifically about mental health and how it becomes so much a part of your identity that you don’t know how to let go. Also ‘Fight’, which seems to counter these and say ‘I can do this, and I will.)
4. If you had to use a Shakespearian quote to describe yourself, what would it be? Catch me googling Shakespeare quotes XD As an honerable mention I want to point out that  ‘Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.’ is not a serious quote. It’s a dick joke. He’s talking about his penis. And thrusting it upon people. XD Please noone ever use this quote to describe yourself. XD (Unless you’re defined by dick thrusting or the reception thereof) ‘Lord what fools these mortals be’ is relatable AF but not quite the question. "Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting." is something I need to take on board more  I’d probably go with "Our doubts are traitors, And make us lose the good we oft might win, By fearing to attempt."
5. If you could take a trip to an imaginary destination from any book you read, where would you be going?
Honestly, if I’m going for a trip probably Narnia? I love forests that I can wander through. The problem I always face with questions like this is ‘What is my status there?’ Like Hogwarts? Great, you’re a muggle, have fun in the run down castle. (I will,, ruins are my jam, but that’s beside the point). Westeros? You’re a peasant, good luck. So as I am? It’s gotta be some place pretty with not a lot of city-scape.
6. Do you have any weird food combo that is ungodly but so good?
Honest to go this sounds gross but is so good. Chicken Korma sauce and chicken, on Chow Mein noodles, wrapped in one of those rice-pancakes for duck.  Oriental all-you-can-eat buffets are great for it XD
7. If you could learn one artisan skill, what would it be?
I’m not sure I’m using this phrase right but I looked it up and from what I saw I’d say making clothes. I think it’d be nice to just be able to put together what I want to wear instead of going shop-to-shop and finding something close enough but not quite right and settling for it. 
8. What is the ultimate forbidden snack?
Tide pods
9. Which D&D race would you probably be if you were a player character, and what alignment?
I’m assuming this is if I could choose. I’d probably go for an elf of some sort (probably a healer, not that you asked) and Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral depending on how we’re defining it. Based on standard morals Neutral, based on for-others/equal/for-yourself Good, because I’ll do shitty things for the benefit of people, 
10. What animal/creature would be your witch familiar?
I’m gonna be hella vanilla here and say a cat, though anything large enough to pet and hug is a yes from me. Even if it’s generally not huggable, like a crocodile or smth. It’s my familiar and I’m gon’ hug it. 
11. Do you look up to someone, either a character or a real person, and why?
I look up to a lot of people actually; My mum is the main one, she tries so hard to put the family before herself. (Not other people so much, but she was certainly my rolemodel growing up. And she’s still the standard I hold for what a parent SHOULD be and not many measure up.  Ummm... My friend Hawke is another one; They’s so on-point with social justice stuff and they always have the patience to deal with my ignorant ass and my constant ‘but why’s XD I aspire to that level of understanding, both knowledge-wise and compassion-wise. 
Ok, my questions are 1. What supernatural race/species/etc. would you like to be and why 2. Favorite book series and why 3. Favorite TV show and why 4. Top Pokémon, nickname (if you’d use them), why you like them, and contest or battle  5. Starwars Prequal Trilogy, Original Trilogy, or Sequal Trilogy? (If you don’t watch/care tell me about a hot celeb/character you’d like to rescue you waving a magic glowing sword. With full details.) 6. Harry Potter house and why 7. Best and worst trait 8. You got black out drunk at the party. When you wake up your friend tells you that you   a. Pet like 10 dogs and cried because they were so fluffy  b. Got into like 3 fights. 4 if you include the one with yourself  c. Threw up on someone  d. All of the above  e. All of the above, and kept partying 9. In a dream world, your ideal job would be 10. 3 wishes. (You can’t wish for world peace or any global goals. Personal wishes(can wish for friends/family)) 11. You can have the powers of ONE super hero/villian. Who and why I’m gonna taaaaag @themightyblim @theonlyrufus @oswobblepot @childofvanaheim @justaseasaltyselkie   ... I think that’s all my friends XD
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g0ldpainted · 7 years
King!Noctis reacting to S/O announcing pregnancy
Hey :3 it’s been forever, oh my. >.< I’ve been working on some stuff and this ended up being the next thing I decided to upload.
All other chocobros will follow within the next days! Due to the length I chose against squeezing them into one upload.^^
Edit: Gladiolus can be found here. Prompto can be found here. Ignis here.
For Noctis, I decided that it plays after the game. However, there are no spoilers in here (I think), so you should be fine even if you haven’t finished the game. [let me know if you think smth is a spoiler, pls.]
Genre: Fluff, no sadness, alternative ending, pregnancy announcement
Words: 2500+
The queen of Insomnia was nervous, incredibly nervous. For the past 6 years, they had been dating and about three years ago, he popped the question: Noctis proposed to her. There was no doubt she'd say yes. Everyone knew about their relationship, it was never a secret, to begin with. The entire nation eagerly awaited their engagement. Their wedding was enormous, every corner of Insomnia celebrated their relationship. Posters, cakes, special merchandise, a beautiful dress,… it was perfect. 
There was only one question that bothered both of them: When's the next prince coming? Or will it be a princess? Is she pregnant?
Friends joked about it, especially Prompto, the news reported on it and whenever the queen was just a tiny bit bloated, they assumed she was pregnant. Rumors spread like wildfire. Unfortunately, they never were expecting. It was quite common that the next heir was born either shortly after the wedding or conceived within the next months. But it's been over three years by now. People even went as far as to doubt their marriage. Reporters spread fake news regarding split ups all the time. To stop those comments, the queen did her best to show public affection to her beloved whenever she could. But that wasn't enough. 
Part of the nation still stopped believing in their relationship. Not once did they consider stress playing a big role in this. The couple wanted nothing more than a baby, but that was easier said than done. 
(there’s a read more here)
For years, they had been trying to conceive but it was to no avail. Well, the queen was pregnant, twice. But she so happened to miscarry within the first two months. No one knew except for Noctis and a few selected friends. That information luckily never spread through Insomnia. Losing two potential heirs took a toll on their relationship, caused more trouble than they believed it would but in the end, they came back stronger. The bond they had, the love they shared was unbreakable.
But due to public pressure, they even went as far as to get a calendar for the queens most fertile days. They kept track of her cycle and even planned when to make love. She took pills to boost her hormones, too. But unfortunately that caused even more unnecessary stress; both of them ended up too stiff to engage in the act. Most of the time, they weren't in the mood or either of them was too tired and therefore, they gave up planning. It was too much of a strain.
"It'll happen when the time is right", they both always said to themselves. And now the time had come.
It wasn't planned, wasn't expected but it sure was a happy surprise. However, the queen decided to keep it a secret until the critical time was over - which was surprisingly hard. Only selected royal nurses got to know. They had to provide her with tips and appointments for ultrasounds and other preventative check-ups. 
The pregnancy hit her hard, morning sickness was a daily issue, her back hurt and sometimes she experienced small cramps. Luckily, Noctis was busy for most of the day and when he came to their room later at night, he didn't mind rubbing her back and taking care of her - after all, he loved her more than anything.
The only thing that worried him was her lack of interest in him. She constantly declined any advances of him, claimed to have a headache or feel bad - which was true, he just didn't know it was. He sulked about it every now and then, believing it to be his fault and worrying about his marriage when really she just dealt with pain and definitely didn't need her sore breasts to be fondled with. Little did he know that their relationship was finally about to take the next step; starting a family.
After two and a half months of dealing with a frustrated Noctis, morning sickness, work, the fear of losing and all kinds of pain, the queen asked her dearest husband to take a day off. Being the pessimist he's always been, he immediately prepared for the worst, believing that their relationship was doomed to fail. And now she was standing in their room, fidgeting with the first ultrasound photos of their heir. Or well. Their heirs. She was nervous, shaking lightly while Noctis got ready in the bathroom. They both settled for comfortable, baggy clothes. Even though they'd spend the day together, they wouldn't leave the castle. They decided on walking through the indoor garden instead.
Just as the king stepped out of their bathroom, the queen stuffed the photos into her tiny clutch. It was the only reason she was willing to carry it with her. Guards were at every corner, if she'd need anything they'd get it for her, there really was no need for carrying a bag at home. And Noctis thought so too.
"Why are you preparing that thing? I thought we were staying here," he wondered, running a hand through his slightly wet hair.
"Oh.. Uh, yeah! I.. Just wanted to.. Take some handkerchiefs with me! You know.. Allergies and such," she hastily replied, awkwardly smiling at him as she quickly closed her clutch.
One of Noctis' brows raised in suspicion: "Your pants have pockets, though.. And since when do you have allergies?"
"But.. It makes me look weird. I prefer carrying them around in a bag. And perhaps I'm just.. Uh.. Getting sick. But I've had issues with pollen lately.." she reasoned, hanging her clutch around her shoulder.
"You're weird," Noctis stated, frowning lightly but grinning at the same time, "But that's why I love you."
His wife was screaming internally but only flashed him her brightest smile. He soon held out his hand for her to take. In these 6 years of being together, he never stopped holding her hand. It was his way of knowing she was still with him. It reassured him. And, as always, she laid her soft hand in his. The only difference was that her hand was shaking - from excitement. Of course, he noticed, but he decided to keep that to himself, assuming it's her shaking from fear of telling him about wanting to break up. With each step they took to the garden, the pace of her heart sped up. She wasn't worried about him reacting negatively. No. She knew he'd be happy and was overly excited to share the news.
"It's been a while since we spent an entire day together.." the king broke the silence, squeezing the hand of his beloved queen softly. 
"Indeed. I'm glad we could find some time for us," she replied, her voice shaking lightly.
"Oh yeah, I missed being with you," Noctis admitted, glancing down at his queen.
"I missed you, too," she smiled up at him.
Although her smile was genuine, it seemed a tad bit fake. The corners of her mouth weren't lifted as far as they usually were. Something was bothering her. At least that's what Noctis saw. And he was partly right. They walked the last few meters in silence. The tension between the two grew, both could feel it weight them down. And then they finally reached the beautiful garden. Roses, lilies, amaranths, frangipani, hydrangea and some sylleblossoms in memory of Lady Lunafreya. The garden was lively, full of blossoming flowers and trees. A pond was right in the middle of it, harboring tons of koi of all sizes and colors. Once they walked over the bridge above the pond, they found themselves near a small playground which was created for Noctis when he was younger.
"This garden truly is a master piece. You did a good job deciding on the flowers and taking care of them," Noctis praised her, attempting to lift the heavy mood off of them.
"It's mostly our gardeners, though," she replied, "But I'm glad you like the flowers I chose."
"Well, but you're contributing some hours into it, too," he reasoned as they walked through the greenest parts. 
"Indeed," she agreed, anxiety rising the closer they came to the little playground.
A few more meters filled by a terrifying silence was what it took for her to set her plan into action. Of course, she wouldn't just blurt the news out. This was something way too special.
"It's amazing your father built such a wonderful playground for you," she began to speak, breaking the silence between them. 
"Yeah, he did a great job. He.. He didn't just let instructors build it either; he helped them," Noctis proudly explained as they approached the royal playground.
It wasn't just a simple playground, it was designed to resemble a castle and was full of Lucian signs and official flags. It even had a throne room which was located on top of a tower that Noctis used to climb up to when he was a child. However, aside from the "adventurous" way up, there were also some simple stairs leading up to it. The throne room usually had two chairs; one for the king and one for the queen. Or one for Noctis and one for his dad - that's how he used it. But now it had two, smaller chairs added to it. Both specifically designed for a prince or princess, for their children.
"I'd be a shame if it went to waste.." she mumbled, biting her lip harshly for a moment.
Noctis looked at her, was about to ask if she was okay but before he could do that, she let go of his hand and ran over to the ladder leading up to a first platform of the playground.
"We can't let it go to waste, c'mon!" she ordered with a smile spread across her face.
Surprised by the change of attitude, the king frowned lightly but, of course, hurried after her.
"Hey.. What're you d-" Noctis wanted to speak, climbing up the ladder while his queen disappeared onto another platform by walking over a chain bridge.
She giggled while her heart was almost beating out of her chest from excitement. Noctis started laughing as soon as she saw the genuine smile of her. They chased each other through the entire playground until the queen finally arrived in the throne room.
"Slow poke!" she shouted, teasing him playfully while she quickly opened her clutch and pulled out the ultrasound photos, placing one on each little "throne" ahead of her.
Afterward, she quickly walked to the side, looking out of a "window", enjoying the sight of their garden from there. It was still just as beautiful.
"Old man, hurry up!" she continued to tease him, her heart almost bursting through her chest.
"You're too fast for me, I lost track of you for a second.. Sneaky little-.." he finally made his way up the tower into the throne room.
It was decorated just a little bit. Not too much. A couple balloons were floating around and a red bow was wrapped around each little throne. That should've been enough to give him a hint, at least that's what his wife thought. 
"What's going on?" he wondered, taking a first few steps inside.
She didn't look at him, didn't say a word either - he was supposed to explore and find out on his own before she'd say anything else. However, she couldn't hide her happiness and excitement; her smile was brighter than ever. While she listened to Noctis footsteps, she almost squealed out loud - but she held back, only let her head hang in an attempt to hide her smile.
But he saw her smile. And in that exact moment, all his worries were erased.
With slow, steady steps he walked over to the thrones. Of course, he noticed that two of them were new. That bow was unmissable. And he immediately got the hint but refused to believe that it finally came true; that their dream was finally coming true. But then he saw two photos, the ultrasounds. His mouth fell ajar as he bent down to pick them up. And that's when his queen turned around. She wanted to see his expression, his joy. The moment he saw her name on top of it, (Y/N) Lucis Caelum, tears welled up in his eyes. The king that was known for being rather unemotional gave in to his emotions, let tears run free from his happiness. After taking a first quick glance, he turned his head towards the mother of his children, the love of his life. 
"A-are you..-?" he wondered, unable to finish his sentence as his voice cracked.
Although it was so obvious, he needed reassurance, needed to hear it from her.
"Y-yes honey, I'm pregnant," she assured him, tears filling her own eyes at the sight of her husband shedding a few tears.
He stepped closer to her. She met him halfway, closing the distance between them entirely. Noctis took one of her hands in his, holding both ultrasound scan photos in one hand.
"And..-.. Twins?" he stuttered, his mouth still opened widely.
"Twins," she continued to assure him.
The king shook his head in disbelief, pulling her into a gentle embrace right away.
"Oh six.. We're going to be parents," he whispered into her ear, "O-of twins, too."
She giggled at how flabbergasted he was. Immense happiness filled both their hearts and relieve washed over them. 
"(Y/N), we're going to be parents!" he exclaimed, his lips forming a huge smile.
"Yes! Yes, Noctis. We're going to be parents" she reassured him again while he cheeks began to ache from smiling so brightly.
"How.. How Long?" he asked, creating a tiny bit of distance between them so he could look into her gorgeous eyes.
"A little over two and a half months," she answered, wrapping her arms around his neck, "Almost three. And exactly 74 days."
He pulled her back into his embrace, kissing her hair over and over again: "Holy six.. I love you so much."
"I love you, too," she mumbled, playing with the back of his hair.
"I promise I'll do my very best to protect you. Forever. All of you. You and our babies," he whispered, gently placing one of his hands on her stomach, "You mean the absolute world to me. I'm so.. - thank you so much."
Before she could say another word, he trailed kisses from her ear to her lips. Once he reached them, he placed a soft yet very passionate kiss on her lips. She was his world. She was all he ever wanted; his best friend and his lover. He couldn't imagine the world without her - and certainly didn't want to. He loved her with all of his heart. And now, more than ever, he needed her to know how much she meant to him. That's why he spent the rest of the evening showering her with his love; placing kisses on either her lips or her stomach, holding her gently and pampering her in every possible way. 
For the first time in over two centuries, the Lucis Caelum lineage was expecting twins. The kingdom was bound to applaud to this - they'd be overjoyed as well. You bet that once those two bundles of cuteness are born, uncle Prompto, uncle Gladiolus and grandmum Ignis will shower them in gifts and cuddles. Not even they can resist two adorable mini Noctis'.
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thetactilepope · 7 years
Lessons in Thermodynamics: Chapter Three
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54 days to Winter Break
It had only been four days since Momo had found out her test mark, and she could already feel the stress building. Like a splinter just below the skin, it was a constant source of irritation.
As she used yet another lunch hour to agonize over the few (barely) coherent notes she had made during those lessons, it occurred to her that at this rate, she’d probably burn out soon.
“Haven’t I been through this before?” She sighed, resting her head on her desk, “I can’t let myself get overwhelmed. It won’t do any good.”
Her resolve had carried her through many trials before, and this would be no exception. Hopefully.
Still, she felt like she needed to talk to someone, get all these thoughts out of her head, before she was overwhelmed. Keeping it all bottled up wouldn’t help, not at all. Suddenly, her phone buzzed, and she unlocked it to see a message from Jirou Kyouka.
{♫ Kyouka ♪}
[Hey! wanna grab some coffee after school?] [its been AGES since we talked]
[i have less trouble seeing Hagakure these days tbh]
[did u finally find a date or smth?]
Momo snorted, an amused smile forming on her face. She hadn’t meant to be so evasive recently, and she was glad Kyouka didn’t seem too mad.
[I’d love to get some coffee!] [my treat, since i’ve been so… out of it] [but I might spend most of the time venting…]
[ ; ) u know i’ll never turn down free stuff!!] [if that’s what u need its chill!]
[meet u at the usual spot, k?]
[Thank you, Kyouka]
Momo let out a sigh of relief, already feeling like a small weight had been lifted from her shoulders.
The café was crowded, but not uncomfortably so, and Momo found the low buzz of other conversations in the background rather soothing. She had missed hanging out with Kyouka like this more than she had realized.
“Yo! What’s up, Miss Vice-President?” a familiar voice called out brightly, and she smiled as Kyouka slid into the booth across from her.
“I wish I could say ‘Nothing’…” She sighed, letting her shoulders slump forward, “I’ve just… had a rough couple of days, is all.”
Kyouka nodded sympathetically, placing her bag on the table, off to the side, “You look like you could use some caffeine. And some serious best-friend talk.”
“Is it that obvious?” She asked, a little mortified by the thought, “I thought I was keeping it together rather well.”
“You are. I don’t think too many people picked up on it. Like, maybe three, including myself.”
She waited for Kyouka to elaborate on who exactly had noticed, but the other girl had already moved on.
“Now, let’s go get our drinks.” Kyouka leaned forward, a serious look on her face, “And then, you can tell me exactly what’s going on.”
Shouto hit the mat hard, falling victim (quite literally) to one of Midoriya’s favoured throws. Though it knocked the air from his lungs, he didn’t stay down long. Rolling quickly to his feet, he turned towards his sparring partner, lashing out with a right hook. As the blow was deflected, Shouto tried to step in closer, but his legs were swept out from underneath him and fell to the mat again.
“I, uh, think… Why don’t we call it a day soon?” Izuku said hurriedly, helping Shouto back to his feet, “I’ve, um, got a lot of homework, so…”
“It’s OK, I know I’m not at my usual level today.” His reply was calm, as he stretched his arms out behind his back, “You don’t have to pretend there’s another reason.”
Midoriya shook his head furiously, clearly a little upset at his matter-of-fact tone, “Nonono, that’s not it! I swear!”
“I mean, you do seem a bit, well, distracted, but, I-I don’t…” His friend looked down for a moment, “These no-Quirk sparring sessions, they help a lot. Whatever ‘level’ you’re at.”
“But what if I’m not good enough?” That fear has been running through Shouto’s mind for the past two days, ready to spring up at any time.
He hates the thought of letting his friends down. Of failing.
His father’s voice is lurking there too, just below the surface, waiting to tear him down as always. He can practically hear him now.
“You must be the best. There are no other options, Shouto.” Endeavor declares, a cold rage burning in his eyes, “Weakness must be crushed. If someone can’t cut it on their own, you shouldn’t lower yourself to help them.”
“That’s not true, you bastard. You might see it that way,” He replies harshly, less fearful in his own head, “but I’m not you. I will never be you.”
Midoriya gave him a concerned look, and Shouto shook his head to clear it, settling back into a combat stance.
“My apologies, I… got lost in thought for a moment.”
The other boy settled into a similar posture, albeit one that was more defensive.
“O-OK, if you’re sure you’re alright to keep going…” Midoriya replied, expression serious, “You are sure, right?”
He charged forward, as if that were answer enough.
“Man, I knew something was up with you lately, but I didn’t realize it was that serious!” Kyouka exclaimed, setting down her drink and leaning forward, “He really said you might lose your spot in the Hero Course?”
Momo nodded, taking another sip of her own coffee, “Yeah. It’s… it’s a touch spot, no doubt.”
She had been trying to keep her voice bright, but she couldn’t quite hold back the edge of anxiety any longer. Telling Kyouka had helped, but the shame and anger still bubbled up as she had recalled the events of three days prior.
“What happens if I fail?”
The question loomed in her mind, and she couldn’t seem to find an acceptable answer. Even just the thought of having to tell her parents was almost unbearable.
“We had such high hopes…”
“What a waste, you could have been a wonderful hero.”
Their imaginary voices jeered at her, much harsher than her parents would ever be, and she felt tears begin to well up in her eyes.
Suddenly, Kyouka’s cheery tone snapped her back to reality, and she looked up to see a confident smile on her best friend’s face, “Hey, why d’you look like it’s a done deal already?”
“You have plenty of time, right? Don’t start beating yourself up about this now.”
“When you put it that way…” She couldn’t help but grin in response, “Things don’t seem so bad.”
“What a lame thing to say…” The understatement made her snort almost immediately after she said it, and from the way Kyouka was rolling her eyes, it was evident she agreed.
Twirling one of her earlobe-jacks around her finger, she suddenly shifted the conversation in a slightly different direction.
“So, who else knows about this? Is it just me an’ you?”
Momo shook her head, and fiddled with her straw, “Todoroki-san knows the basics, but not about the potential consequences. He’s the one tutoring me, and… keeping him in the dark, it just doesn’t sit right with me.”
“Todoroki’s helping you again? First the Practical Exam and now this…” Kyouka raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly.
“Don’t put it like that, please.” She grimaced, looking down, “I feel bad enough about asking him for assistance as it is.”
“And, you’re sure you can trust him to keep quiet?” Kyouka paused, and then giggled, “Well, more quiet than usual, I mean. That guy’s practically mute.”
She frowned slightly at the derisive tone of her friend’s words and opened her mouth to protest but stopped as Kyouka raised her hands.
“Sorry, I guess that did sound pretty mean… He doesn’t really, well, talk to people, is all.” She sighed, taking a sip of her drink. “Anyways, have you two already started studying?”
“No, we’re planning to meet this Saturday, at the library.” Momo replied, “We both agreed prep time would be helpful.”
“Of course you did.” Kyouka’s agreement was accompanied by a good-natured eye roll, and they turned towards other topics, the kind that let her feel like everything was normal, at least for a little while. Momo let herself enjoy the moment, even if the anxiety wouldn’t vanish completely.
The two boys finished their cool-down stretches in silence, and Shouto tossed Izuku a freshly-chilled bottle of water before speaking up.
“Hey, Midoriya, can I ask you something?”
“Uh, sure! What’s on your mind?”
“Do you think I’d make a good teacher?”
His eyes went wide, the question clearly catching him off-guard. After a pause to collect his thoughts, he nodded, more to himself than Shouto.
“I guess so? I mean, you are smart, and you seem to understand that not everyone approaches stuff the same way, which goes a long way…” He muttered, the words almost too fast for the other boy to understand, “I might be inclined to say you lack the approachable nature necessary, but given that you’re better than Aizawa-Sensei, and he isn’t out of a job yet, that’s not really a concern.”
“It’s not a career choice I’d have considered for you, but every Pro should have a plan beyond just being a Hero, right? And if you’re already thinking that far ahead…”
“He thinks I meant a teacher like at Yuuei,” Shouto realized, waving a hand in front of Midoriya’s face in an attempt to snap him out of it.
“Ah, sorry, I got a little, um, carried away there, didn’t I?” He said apologetically, laughing quietly, “May I ask why you brought it up?”
“Someone needs my help with the physics unit. And I don’t know if I’ll be able to do a good enough job.” His reply wasn’t technically a lie, and while Momo had never asked him to keep their arrangement secret, he didn’t want word of it to spread.
“Oh, well, all you can really do is give it your all, right? That way, no matter what happens, you won’t have any regrets!”
There was a certainty in his voice that suddenly reminded Shouto of All-Might, and he found himself smiling slightly.
“Just give it my all, huh?” Nodding, he prepared to leave the training room, mind already on the half-finished overview waiting for him in his dorm.
Tonight was going to be busy.
There are fifty days until the retest.
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