#who keeps hacking this account!!!11
aaronwhorechner · 5 months
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totally sane and fine and not losing my mind
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sakuplumeria · 5 months
Can I get A & E with 11 & 12 for the ask game, please? 🥹
(I’ve been reading your replies and omg the dedication you have replying to these is wonderful, thank you for sharing such wonderful headcanons!! 🥰)
Hello! Thank you for reading the scattered AU ideas X’D Honestly, I made the ask game because I want to read AU ideas from others… I didn’t think I would get this many asks but seriously it makes me dizzy and also incredibly happy!
11A Sherlock lives in modern times. What kind of vehicles does Sherlock ride?
12A John lives in modern times. What kind of vehicles does John ride?
Sherlock finds the public and private transportations of others sufficient enough that he doesn't need one for himself. He already memorizes both the public transportation routes and the map of London to know the most efficient way to go from one place to another. He never turns down his friends' offer for a ride, in fact he sometimes asks the person if he can drive the vehicle, only to know the feel of driving in various vehicles. For anyone who looks deeper, though, they will realize Sherlock doesn't buy a vehicle for himself because how can he? He already struggles in paying his rent...
John, who lives in the same apartment, feels emphatic and offers Sherlock ride too many times. He owns a Honda CBF125 motorcycle that he uses for a ride in the weekends, or when he goes out with his girlfriend. He realizes it's not that comfortable for his passenger because the backseat is fairly high, but it's very affordable so... He rather takes Sherlock than his girlfriend to ride along. He uses public transportations to commute to work as it was cheaper.
11E Sherlock creates a Tumblr account. What does Sherlock like to post?
12E John creates a Tumblr account. What does John like to post?
Sherlock uses Tumblr for many things. He seeks knowledge from various kinds of posts, from car hacks to meta analysis for a novel based murder case to cat posts. He reblogs lots of posts with his own argument, whether he agrees or disagrees. He gains many followers because of his analytical thinking and insights on many topics and his ask box is always flooded with questions. He only picks interesting ones to answer though.
John reblogs many of Sherlock's posts. Sometimes he gives up on reading the whole post if it's long enough to be a novel, but he mostly finds Sherlock's arguments interesting. He himself has two blogs, his primary is where he reblogs Sherlock's posts. His second blog is him as Canon Doyle. Many users thought he was a nobody using the name Canon Doyle, but as he posts snippets of his novels and answers questions in his ask box, people come to believe he's the real Canon Doyle. His second account is with no doubt more popular. Some users are his long term fans and some users start reading his novels because of the blog. John always makes time to open his Tumblr to keep the good relation he has with his readers.
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astromechs · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @thecasualauthor18 ; thank you!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
it looks like i've got 77 right now
2.  What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
most of it is marvel and star wars, have a modest collection for the peacemaker tv series, and then side trips into other things!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
this might be all i ever wanted (all i ever wanted to happen to me) — 226 kudos
whatever happens (happens to the both of us) — 172 kudos
we've come a long, long way together — 171 kudos
why don't you close your eyes and reinvent me — 170 kudos
feeling's running straight to my bones — 132 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i really need to get better about this, because i have been slacking bad lol; i love each and every one and appreciate them so, so much, but i get flustered and then i forget to reply and i'm a hot mess ghfdjks
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i think i tend to favor open/ambiguous endings, more than outright angsty ones? probably almost paradise, though; the one time i acknowledged mcu gamora died and she was still dead at the end of this, so that was depressing by my standards. also my two canon compliant rogue one fics because i mean... gestures to what canon compliant means.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
obviously that time rick astley saved the world in that fic of mine from 2009.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
shoutout to that one weirdo who left me anon hate over... checks notes... carol danvers and jessica drew kissing. i even had to report that to ao3 because it was legit harassment, and for what.
9. Do you write smut. If so, what kind?
i did a calculation recently and like 2/3 of the fics i've published in the past two years have been smut. oops.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i do love inventing ships out of nothing and making you all see my vision — so while a lot of what i've published on that front has been confined to comic characters who've never interacted before, i do have more in my head.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of......
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! anything that's worth my love (is worth the fight) was translated into chinese, and that's still, like, the neatest thing that's ever happened to me.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
i've played around with sharing universes with friends and swapping ideas! and a couple of co-written series we dabbled in.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
honestly? yeah, it's rebelcaptain. straight up. what you've all witnessed this year is the culmination of 1) my pandemic character arc of having zero shame of what i fling to my ao3 account anymore, and 2) that particular pandora's box getting reopened thanks to andor getting released at the end of last year because being insane about them has lived in me like a sleeper agent since 2016.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
ugh unfortunately the marvel cosmic star wars au will probably never get done
16. What are your writing strengths?
getting into character's heads and having the reader experience their emotions, maybe? idk maybe tension between characters, sexual or otherwise? maybe smut? maybe humor?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i hate titles so much. hate hate HATE. song lyrics are my life hack for that.
also what is a plot
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
if i don't know the language, i'm not confident i'm going to get it right, so i usually just take the comics approach of < words go here > if this ever comes up.
19. First Fandom you wrote for?
i wrote some unhinged star wars prequels (specifically anidala) fics in high school, and i also started writing unhinged matrix fics around that time. no, none of you will see any of those.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
keep whatever it is (that's compelling you on) — because it's the culmination of a story that had lived in my head for years but i didn't think i was skilled enough to carry out, so i was proud i finally wrote it
Going On An Adventure 🧜‍♂️ by peaceluvr69 — is my comedic magnum opus tbh and i made myself laugh stupid the entire time i was writing it, so that has to count for something
here's hoping we collide — i really do genuinely love how this story turned out 🥹 to the point that i actually keep thinking about making a branch universe off of this to give that jyn and that cassian from five years prior to rogue one more chances to know each other and also be... prickly little assholes in a funny way, because they're funny. i imagine the hell they'd raise together and it warms my heart.
tagging (no pressure!): @quarantineddreamer ; @frostbitepandaaaaa ; @sgtjamesrogers ; @ezracomehome ; @luciechat ; @rebelrainfall
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grimmnetworks · 1 month
Told myself I'd redo Sara's story, so, here is a little rundown I guess.
Sara Jones, the Night City Reaper. (Really hope no one else has this idea)
Sara Jones. Once a rodeo cowgirl in Texas, now an assassin for Arasaka Corporation. Sara indulges in fear, though she isn't scary looking, she can be scary in other ways. At the age of 23, Sara had fallen in "love" with brilliant daughter to Michael Bernadette, Singe Bernadette. For three years, Sara worked for Michael, when the day had come, she killed him in his expensive, well maintained, Guinevere vehicle. She left Singe angry and betrayed, causing Sara to have her very own, enemy. Singe would now dedicate her life, and all her training, to killing Sara and getting revenge for her father. When asking about Sara's life, most of her accomplishments stem from her murders, excellent hacking skills, or her (not so) secret CyberFans account. On duty, Sara can be cold, ruthless, violent, and just all out inhuman. But, off work, people say she's a ray of sunshine (with occasional temper tantrums and fits of rage) and the best lover to have. Being a 30 year old woman, Sara has become obsessed with freezing herself one day, to keep herself in a age state she liked. Her personality can be described as talking to a heartless monster, who can switch it up and become the nicest person you know with the greatest sense of humor. Unlike most of the people in Night City, Sara knows that she is a villain, and a damn good one at that, she hates being called misunderstood by her peers or her colleges, seeing as she signed up for her work, for the reason to kill and get paid. It is quite rare for her to actually like someone long enough to stay around them, seeing as she gets easily annoyed and even has killed past friends and relationships for simply being bored of them. Maybe it's best to stay away from her? Unless you like being bitten by a cobra...
Sara's personality/inspo/looks can be described in these characters:
1. Handsome Jack From Borderlands 2.
2. Albert Wesker From Resident Evil 5.
3. Revenant From Apex Legends.
4. Boss From Saints Row 1 - 4.
5. Cybill From Silent Hill. (the first movie)
6. Maya From Borderlands 2.
7. Jinx From Arcane.
8. Shura Kirigakure From Blue Exorcist.
9. Cutthroat From Akudama Drive.
10. Ryuk (shinigami) From Death Note.
11. Mad Moxxxi From Borderlands 1-3.
12. Matt Miller From Saints Row 3.
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FIRSTLY: this is mostly based off of 2012 with some rise influence.
In this au splinter is absent for most of their early lives due to him believing his kids would be safer without the foot targeting him (i promise there’s a plot to this but for now its gonna be silly). And since theres gonna be a plot thats about it ! Oh also they met april at 11 yrs old I think and Casey just a little bit before the story starts
Casey tries to do their own facial piercings
The piercings almost always get infected
They have to go to donnie for help
April wears her iconic hat to hide her dark roots (shes not a real ginger!!)
Leo is technically the second-oldest they just have a complex
the turtles steal most of their food
April goes to a bouldering gym and can scale buildings
Casey plays roller derby
donnie is the oldest despite the fact that they’re all 15
None of them could cook until the age of 12
They all play dnd passionately
donnie is the oldest because he said he scientifically proved (lied) it and everyone else called dibs on who would be next oldest (raph and Leo agreed to tie)
now take some character blurb thingies that go by age
April: april is 16 and has a driver’s license (could technically be a junior in hs but she’s not), shes very cool and accidentally went ginger at some point then just decided she liked it?? No one knows. They go to a lot LOT of concerts and also rock climbs and she loves women. Also a drummer in a band called smth that i will figure out later. Definitely takes a lot of responsibility for the wellbeing of the turtles due to their situation but like subtly. they for sure got their own issues but chooses to ignore em a lot of the time. Only child (lameee)
Donnie: hes 15 and pretends hes biologically the oldest (he is not they’re all the same age). he made all the blueprints for the lair once it was decided it was too small. hes very good at stealing stuff which is how he gets most of his materials, learned how to hack into ATMS a while ago but thinks it’s morally wrong (only used in desperate measures). Doesn’t mind not being the leader since he knows his claims of being the oldest are total bs but definitely adopted an oldest child mentality. Keeps a lot of problems a secret from his “younger” brothers and mostly talks to april about it. Extremely silly. Main doctor but also very squeamish specifically about bones (not broken bones, just the concept). Purple everything. He has access to every one of his sibling’s internet accounts he just doesn’t tell them about it. Also the main cook, since he would try and read whatever books they could find in dumpsters, especially when they were kids. Shares leo’s space interests less because of a show and more because of science stuff. Didn’t like Casey at first but they got close super fast later on. He is the best thief out of all of them (shhhh).
Casey: also 15, in april’s grade. Knows april from Spanish tutoring despite the fact they’re latine (haha if im violently whiteified my little guys have to be too) very into punk subculture and roller derby and also engineering/mechanics (I’m very excited to show off his vigilante equipment). Constantly does dumb shit for no apparent reason. Very much similar to 2012 casey (says “thats so metal dudes” anytime anything horrifying/dangerous happens). They also have had weird unspoken tension with everyone completely by accident and cant stop falling off of buildings. They have zero fighting skills or training but somehow haven’t died yet. Missing one tooth, top of the mouth next to his right canine (replaced with a glow-in-the-dark plastic one don’t ask them how it stays in).
Leo: 15, self-proclaimed second oldest and leader. (they have a complex probably) they’re only the leader because [HAHAHAHA PLOT AND BACKSTORY] and everyone else just stuck with it. They try very very hard to be silly and goofy but are also constantly anxious, not specifically about their siblings but like in general. Very very hesitant, prefers stealth (and stupid jokes) to direct confrontation. very close with raph since they’re “twins” (all of them are the same age). Intense sci-fi/space obsession, they’ve watched every single episode of their world’s equivalent to Star Trek (and all the movies) and also had a huge nonfiction phase which is still ongoing, fueled by stolen textbooks and endless internet videos . They also write fanfiction (secretly and make fun of other people who do to throw off their siblings it doesn’t work at all). They are so so lame and i love them so much.
Raph: 15, also second oldest, very very overprotective but like low-key about it. Super close with april and leo. Does all the confrontation and has accidentally been confused to be the leader of the team (CONSTANTLY ends up in hostage situations to the point it’s almost funny). ALLERGIC to Feelings he will Die if he has to talk about things so he mostly vents by tearing up his room and then feeling bad abt it. Made donnie help him find leo’s fanfics and then swore him to secrecy forever. Very distrustful, secretly super artsy, weirdly obsessed with messing with ppls hair (probably because he is surrounded by bald ppl). Also secretly a fashion icon, he has a disguise specifically so he can go to the mall with april and look at clothes for fun. He is physically the strongest out of everyone and has a really bad habit of using himself as their meat shield. Accidentally very very silly dude.
Mikey: 15 the Absolute Youngest by request. He is objectively the best fighter but is constantly being sidetracked by his siblings taking hits/taking out enemies for him (look theyre all just Like That). Really really smart when in a crisis, but for some reason not in a low pressure situation. She tries to cook but ultimately prefers baking. He’s also good at building things, so he usually hangs out with donnie in his workshop and made a lot of the lair’s furniture though he somehow can’t build anything from ikea. Also knows about leo’s fanfic career and accepted a bribe of a hubcap chandelier (?) to not tell anyone. Leo never made him a chandelier but at this point she has completely forgotten about it. Is secretly a beta reader for the fics and pretends she doesn’t know leo, except for when he describes very very distinct details of their home as suggestions for a room or something. Will continue to do this until leo either has a nervous breakdown or realizes it’s him. 
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toastingpencils37 · 9 months
Deadass going to take this opportunity to rant about some of my OC's and they're education. The majority of what I'm talking about takes place before Jes becomes the EM of Death, loses the majority of her family, & basically becomes a human (or Oni in her case) shield. And before she basically adopts Derek & Kiera into the family.
CW: Mentions & Implications of domestic violence, Child Neglect, Censorship, Homophobia, Sexism, Mentions of Violence & Gore, & Mentions of Culty Shit
The Domestic Violence & Child Neglect is mainly in Jes' & Kiera's parts, but implied in Tara's
Censorship is in Kiera's part
Homophobia is mainly in Kiera's part & Kristie's part
Sexism is in Jes & Kiera's parts
Mentions Violence & Gore is mainly Jes's part, with some implications in Kiera's
And Culty Shit is all in Kiera's
Also, it's a long ass post after the keep reading button. So have fun!
Derek (Jes' adoptive brother by a week): The genius child.
So, being the genius child, he is grades above kids his age, and goes to school with the older kids. However, at the schools he goes to, the kids are all assholes to him (especially while at middle school), especially because he's a "nerd". So, due to this, he lacks social skills at this point, and generally isolates himself
He is shown to get bored often in class, because despite being in higher grade levels, he's still finishing faster than the rest of the kids
At his school, there's a computer lab, but it's always closed for meetings.
Teachers try to avoid giving him digital work because he is known for getting bored and going on sites he shouldn't be on, like online games, to the point where he'll hack into the sites.
Teachers either hate him for being a nuisance or pity him for being alone, but don't ever really help him.
After certain events that lead to him both becoming one of Jes' teammates and her adoptive brother, he does start to gain social skills, due to finally being able to interact with kids his age.
After becoming Jes' brother, is basically told to just do his own thing as long as he makes tech (and hacks the government's bank account) for the resistance
Tara (Jes' biological older sister): The Gifted kid
At her old elementary school, Tara is the kids who always has the top scores of her grade & has her name plastered everywhere.
She's pretty popular, but not in the "oh let's crowd around her table" kind of way. Just the really smart name is everywhere kind of way.
The really good kid that never gets in trouble.
Is in multiple sports and extracurriculars.
Teachers love her
Kids use her for answers, but she doesn't really care right now
Eventually, around age 10 or 11, transfers to a new school for rich smart kids (though some of the kids are just there because their parent's paid for them to be). Tara is there due to her stepmom being a teacher there. This is the turning point in her academic career, where everything starts to go to shit.
Befriends Kristie.
No longer is the top of her grade, is struggling to keep all A's.
Starting to suffer from Gifted Kid Burnout, but can't stop working.
At some point gets a B in the middle of the year, freaks out, especially when she gets reprimanded for it.
Once she comes to this school, it's around the time Hazza'Dur was awakened in Shintaro, and he is in her head (She's the EM of Death at the time). He acts as a personification for intrusive thoughts, making her life even worse, because he'll tell her to do horrible shit when she so much as walks by someone.
Can't tell anyone about Hazza'Dur because her dad forbids it, both because she isn't allowed to reveal that their family is the EM Death line, and people will think she's crazy.
Due to Hazza'Dur & other reasons, her relationship with Kristie & Jes becomes very strained.
At age 15, due to societal changes and coup going on, is presumed dead (by Jes & everyone else) & education ends. Eventually dies some point before present time, probably killed by Jes (without Jes knowing)
Jes: The distracted child
Starts off school at the rich private school due to her stepmom being a teacher there
Is very distracted, gets in trouble often.
While drawing in kindergarden & 1st grade, gets in trouble often due to putting "unnecessary" colors that she associates with certain objects & emotions. Especially gets in trouble when she puts the "wrong" colors for certain emotions.
Teachers hate her, majority of kids like her. There is one TA that actually likes her and says she's a sweet kid who'd pretty smart, but's just unmotivated.
Teachers always pair her with the nerds, then make damn sure to pick on the pair for answers everytime. (Teachers, piece of advice, this shit doesn't work)
Never has straight A's
Lack of motivation, even in subjects she likes, like History & Literature. Can research a shit ton about these topics at home, but when it's assigned in class, she just can't pay attention
Horrible at math.
When she needs help and asks any of her parents, always either gets yelled at or ignored, so she just stops bothering. Instead, she goes to Tara, but she even starts to do this less often when Tara starts to become snappy due to all the stress with school & Hazza'Dur.
Once, gets a B in math, where she usually gets Cs, but when she shows it to her parents, they just tell her to next time get an A like her sister. Jes stops trying in math after that.
Once has a history project that Jes gets really interested in & goes all out. She is with her biological mom for the week. Her mom tells her that if Jes misses something in the shopping run, she'll have to pay for it with her own money. The day before the project's due, Jes has it all completed, but due to her mom having a tantrum, it gets destroyed. After the fact, her mom asks her why she got an F on the assignment, to which Jes doesn't really answer. Causes Jes to lose more motivation in school. TA talks about how Jes was actually interested in this assignment, and how it's strange that she showed up to school with nothing. Suggests looking into her home life, which is ignored by Admin.
There's an occasion where a boy hits her, so she hits back, causing a fight. Later, she gets taken to the principal's office, where she gets reprimanded. Gets lectured about how when boys hit girls it's because they like them. This confuses Jes, making her spiral & panic about how her hitting him made her claim she liked him (which in fact, she doesn't. At all). Is told by principal that that's absurd, to which Jes is relieved because she thinks she declined said feelings. Principal gets pissed at her because a girl should never hit a boy, especially if he likes her. She should put him down nicely. Boy doesn't get in trouble whatsoever
Jes hates said boy, thinks he's a jerk (which he is)
At times "beefs" with other students (it's really just stupid arguments about stupid stuff, like what food's better), but the moment jerkface opens his mouth, a whole ass argument starts. She normally gets in trouble for this, jerk gets no consequences.
Occasions where she is slapped on wrist with ruler. (Because apparently there are actually private schools where teachers are allowed to hit kids)
After death of majority of family & becoming EM of Death, education continues, but is kind of weird because of her new job.
Avoids school to the point where she'd rather go on the battlefield & get stabbed than sit at a desk & work.
Kiera (Jes' adoptive younger sister): Homeschooled child
So Kiera is adopted by a cult, but cultiness aside, the members are supposed to mirror those of "good" Christians who are just hateful bigots.
Is homeschooled, & is taught what is deemed ok for children. This means no lessons about sexuality, history where governments fucked up, and other shit.
Is taught that women should be ladylike, & especially that they shouldn't like cars.
Is taught that women shouldn't wear makeup, because it's "vain".
Taught that the cult knows best (even though the cult literally uses her silk for their sacrifices, and get pissed at her when she takes too long, proceeding to rip her silk out, damaging the area her silk comes from)
Taught that women are the breadmakers & men are the breadwinners
"We don't want to hear about that LGBTQ nonsense"
Technology is very censored, only able to watch certain shows and read certain books. But FSM forbid you read to many, especially "manly" books, because you're a lady.
Is the hated child of the family (Was basically only adopted by them because they needed a pre-adolescent Oni for their silk, and someone had to watch over the kid, so the cult leader gets to deal with her. Plus there's the fact that the leader is both the Police Chief of the big city - that's not Ninjago, it's a different continent - & the murderer of Kiera's biological parents)
Asks too many damn questions for adoptive mom & dad's liking.
Once she gets taken away from the cult (& Jes kills the cult leader), gets a proper education, and is taken under Derek's wing.
Kristie (Tara's friend): The nice popular girl
Is really smart, but isn't pressured to always get all A's by dads. Instead is told to do what she is genuinely interested in.
Is the popular kid, but is very friendly with everyone & isn't a bitch like media likes to do with popular girls
Is in Leadership class.
Most kids don't care that she has 2 dads, but some do, & Kristie is willing to get into arguments with them
Gets expelled due to setting up a walkout about dresscode.
After coup & societal changes, is still able to pursue education normally, just at a different school.
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showerbong · 7 months
josh hutcherson bicurious (im paraphrasing)
i'm drinking miller and pirating contagion again on my laptop, which is overheating, and the fan is kicked on so high because i'm using all my available RAM with all the pop-up porn adds on this foreign streaming site called ww7.soap2day.co, and i am too lazy to try to close the titty pop-ups so i just let them loop, jiggling their tits over gwyneth paltrow's face as she hacks up a lung in the kitchen and keels over at matt damon's feet. i always forget that gwyneth paltrow has this insanely cunty and extraordinarily short-lived character arc as patient zero where shes in the movie for like 11 minutes and then next thing you know shes getting her head sawed open for an autopsy. the fan and the pop-up porn are so loud that i have the subtitles on and they just say [SAW BUZZING] and gwyneth's sort of stunned open-mouthed face is taking up the whole frame just staring slightly off screen. i feel like this has been said before but i love her character work here in contrast to the goop vagina rocks and pussy candles. me and jamie have been taking these quizzes recently to get our seasonal color analysis and i think gwyneth is a soft spring here. she's like pasty and bloodless but also so pastel while shes getting her brain dissected. me and jamie keep getting all four different seasons when we take all these different mommy blogger quizzes but i am just going to keep taking the quiz until i get what i want, which I think would be winter because its chic and classic and im so absolutely bored of midwestern people. i've only been to new york three times but i feel like its not too late to at least delude myself for a month or two that i'll move there next fall.
i keep seeing all these online debates about this new hunger games movie and something about the katniss / anti-katniss female lead character archetypes but i always scroll past before i have any sense of what they're talking about. i went through like 11 years of icloud photos tonight to show jamie because it got too complicated trying to explain all of the different phases & aesthetics i've cycled through. its so embarrassing to admit but in college literally everyone called me 'peen' for four whole years as some sort of extended callback to a weird comment i made freshman year about being team peeta & katniss and how i was team peenis. i really never set myself up for success and it was never mean spirited but it did feel particularly TARGETED, even when i came back to school in the fall one year incredibly TANNED and TONED from just working all summer and going to the gym like twice a day to avoid awkward one-on-one time with my mom. there was even this one dude that i fucked like three times or so, and we were like good friends but when i'd see him walking around campus he'd be like 'hey peen' and then proceed to text me to hang out a few hours later. classic that this would happen to me but again i did kind of bring it on myself in a moment of needing to just be the loudest, biggest breath-sucking striver in the room. i almost always succeeded, though, in captivating and maintaining.
you know years later i did finally succeed in reinventing myself as a cool fun party coke girl, but like one who also knows every pavement song and went to post-bar sex parties at this one allston dj's house. i think i fucked at least a couple guys who had josh hutcherson vibes but were considerably uglier. i think josh hutcherson once said that katniss & peeta & gale should have a threesome or something. in my personal experience, during this time i did have a threesome with this guy who i must have thought looked vaguely josh hutcherson, kind of stocky but with a nice jawline, but in reality this dude had a weird fupa and carried himself with a sort of an all-around, prematurely-aging affect. once after we boned he asked me to take pictures of him for his tinder account, and everything was just so boring then so i said sure yeah im game, and i truly had nothing else to do, so he had me take a bunch of shots of him laying completely naked on top of the bed with a copy of infinite jest folded open on his lap covering his crotch. you can see like a sliver of ballsack in every single picture. this, along with a few additional reasons, is why i think gwyneth paltrow's lobotomy on steriods speaks to me. i think a lot of my problems in life would be solved if i was just team gale
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mariacallous · 11 months
It was another busy week in security, complete with hacks, murders, prosecutions, and US congressional investigations. But first, here’s some news from the security desk at WIRED.
In spite of law enforcement’s crackdown on ransomware attacks in recent years, 2023 is set to be the second biggest year for ransomware revenue after 2021. Data from cryptocurrency tracing firm Chainalysis shows that in the first six months of 2023, victims have paid $449 million—nearly as much as the total payments in all of 2022. As the volume of attacks has spiked, ransomware groups have become more aggressive and reckless in their tactics.
Earlier this week, Microsoft revealed that a Chinese hacker group had accessed the cloud-based Outlook email systems of 25 organizations, including the US State Department. They employed a unique trick: using stolen cryptographic keys to generate authentication tokens, which gave them access to dozens of Microsoft customer accounts.
A man who played a major role in building the world’s first dark-web drug market has been sentenced to 20 years in federal prison. Roger Thomas Clark—also known as Variety Jones—will now likely spend much of the rest of his life incarcerated for helping to pioneer Silk Road, the anonymous, cryptocurrency-based model for online illegal sales of drugs.
And finally, we examined the rapid rise of real-time crime centers since the September 11, 2001 attacks. Across the US, more than 100 of these high-tech surveillance operations have popped up, leveraging CCTV, gunshot sensors, face recognition, and social media-monitoring to keep watch over cities. But at what cost?
That’s not all. Each week, we round up the security and privacy news we didn’t cover in depth ourselves. Click on the headlines to read the full stories, and stay safe out there.
Nude Videos of Kids From Hacked Hikvision Cameras Were Sold on Telegram
An explosive report from IPVM, a surveillance industry trade publication, found that child sexual abuse material sourced from hundreds of hacked Hikvision cameras is being sold on Telegram. The report states that hackers likely gained access to insecure Hikvision cameras by exploiting weak or known passwords, and then used the company’s mobile app to distribute access to the feeds.
IPVM found messages in Telegram channels that advertise access to the hacked cameras using terms like “cp” (child porn), “kids room,” “family room,” and “bedroom of a young girl” to entice potential buyers. Telegram has since taken down the channels, some of which had thousands of members.
Telegram has long been criticized for lax content moderation. In 2021, a nonprofit called the Coalition for a Safer Web sued Apple and demanded that the company remove Telegram from its App Store, citing the app’s failure to remove violent and extremist content.
Hikvision’s response was adversarial. “Hikvision knows nothing about these potential crimes,” the company said in a statement. “IPVM’s selfish decision to seek comment from us prior to alerting authorities is highly questionable and, in this instance, disgraceful.”
IPVM disputes this allegation and says it promptly contacted the FBI upon discovering the crimes.
Fitness App May Have Helped Track Murdered Russian
A murdered Russian submarine captain may have been tracked by his killer through the Strava fitness app. According to the BBC, the commander, Stanislav Rzhitsky, kept a public Strava profile that detailed his jogging routes—including one that took him through the park where he was killed early this week.
Privacy experts have been concerned about the dangers posed by social fitness apps like Strava for years. In 2018, for example, researchers exposed several secret US military installations using public data from soldiers tracking their fitness with the app.
While the killer’s motivations are currently unclear, Russian investigators say they arrested a man named Serhiy Denysenko, born in Ukraine, in connection with the murder. According to several Russian Telegram channels, Denysenko was the former head of the Ukrainian Karate Federation.
Ukrainian media reported that Rzhitsky commanded a Russian Kilo-class submarine that may have carried out a deadly missile attack on the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia last year. Rhitsky’s personal information had previously been uploaded to the Ukrainian website Myrotvorets (Peacemaker), an unofficial database of people considered to be enemies of Ukraine, according to CNN.
Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence did not take responsibility for the commander’s death. “Obviously, he was eliminated by his own men for refusing to continue to carry out combat orders from his command regarding missile attacks on peaceful Ukrainian cities,” the agency wrote in a statement.
Tax Prep Sites Expose Data to Facebook and Google
A congressional investigation, led by US senator Elizabeth Warren, found that millions of Americans who file their taxes online with H&R Block, TaxSlayer, and TaxAct had financial information shared with Google and Facebook. The investigation was spurred by a 2022 report by The Markup that revealed how the three companies were transmitting sensitive data to Facebook through a tool called the Meta Pixel. The data was sent as taxpayers filed their taxes and contained personal information, including income and refund amounts.
Warren and six other lawmakers wrote to the US Justice Department this week, asking for criminal charges against the tax companies for breaking laws forbidding them from sharing their clients’ personal information. “The tax prep firms were shockingly careless with their treatment of taxpayer data,” the lawmakers wrote.
A third of the 80,000 most popular websites on the internet use the Meta Pixel, a 2020 investigation by The Markup found. Website operators include the pixel to measure clicks from their ads on Facebook’s platforms, but at the expense of their users’ privacy. Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Suicide Hotlines, and hospitals and have all been caught sending sensitive user data to Meta in the past few years.
The seven Democrats called on the US Internal Revenue Service to build its own free tax preparation software, though government services have also been caught using the Pixel to send data to Meta.
Nebraska Mom Pleads Guilty to Giving Abortion Pills to Her Teen Daughter
A Nebraska woman has pleaded guilty to criminal charges after helping her 17-year-old daughter with a medication abortion last year; key evidence against her included her Facebook messages. In mid-June of 2022, Nebraska police sent a warrant to Meta requesting private messages from the mother and daughter as part of an investigation into an illegal abortion, court documents show. The chats appear to show the mother instructing her daughter about how to take the pills. “Ya the 1 pill stops the hormones an rhen u gotta wait 24 HR 2 take the other,” reads one of her messages.
Since the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, experts have raised serious concerns about the variety of ways data will be weaponized by law enforcement who want to prosecute people seeking abortions. Because Facebook Messenger doesn’t default to end-to-end encryption (E2EE) the way messaging services like Signal, WhatsApp, and iMessage do, people are especially vulnerable to criminal investigations if they use the platform.
UK Prosecutors Say Teen Lapsus$ Member Was Behind Uber Hack
According to a recent report from Reuters, prosecutors told a London court that a teenager associated with the hacking group Lapsus$ was responsible for high-profile hacks of Uber and fintech company Revolut in September of last year. Arion Kurtaj, who is 18, faces 12 charges, including three counts of blackmail, two counts of fraud, and six charges under the UK’s Computer Misuse Act.
The Uber hack reportedly cost the company $3 million in damages. At the time, Uber said the hacker who took responsibility posted pornographic material to an internal information page alongside the message: “Fuck you wankers.”
Kurtaj, along with an unnamed 17-year-old, is also facing allegations of blackmailing BT Group, EE, and Nvidia. Prosecutors described the pair as “key players” in Lapsus$. Kurtaj has been deemed not fit to stand trial by medical professionals; the jury will decide whether he is responsible for the hacking incidents rather than guilty of them.
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fishklok · 2 years
6. Their vices (physical and/or emotional)
8. Bad memories/experiences
Nathan and Abigail
7. Their tickle spots
9. Humiliating memories
Skwisgaar and Amber
Nathan: I wonder if his dating history would count. He seems to be one of the few characters in the show who's interested in having a traditional monogamous relationship, but (at least with the examples in the show), he tends to sacrifice his sense of self in the relationship whether knowingly or not.
Abigail: Her hyperfocus will make it so if she's focused on something, nothing can tear her away. In grad school, she missed the birth of her nephew because she was too focused on her screen to check her phone. It's part hyperfocus but also connected to her fear of giving up. She tends to view her work through a "sunk cost fallacy" lens, where she knows that if she stops to eat, sleep, stretch, etc, there's a chance she'll never return to her project. So she keeps working.
Nathan: The memory of seeing his entire class killed in front of him affects him more than he lets on idk. He was talking by then, but that incident made him go silent again for another few years.
Abigail: When she was in grade 11, she was asked out as a prank. She spent 2 hours waiting at the restaurant, but he never showed up. Since she was too ashamed to call her mom and ask for a ride, she walked home in the snow.
Skwisgaar: He actually isn't that ticklish, and it's something he's strangely insecure about.
Amber: Back of the knee. Seth touched her there once and she squealed and accidentally kicked him in the face.
Skwisgaar: During his early years at the guitar, he performed in a little local community show. It was going to be the first time his mother ever heard him play. Except one of the women in the audience was the wife of one of the men his mother was seeing. This lead to a massive fight that overshadowed Skwisgaar's performance.
Amber: When Amber was a cheerleader, she was accidentially dropped during practice. This would have been humiliating enough, but then she overheard her teammates talking about how she was "too fat" to be carried. Amber retaliated by hacking into their MSN accounts and giving printed-out copies of their chat logs to their parents.
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malenipshadows · 1 year
ID theft, social media hacks
Dear Gentle Readers, Mutuals, Curious Kids, and Nosy Nellies,
   Someone very near to me recently learned that their credit / debit cards had been hacked, accounts drained, and their personal data leaked to the Dark Web.  They are having a difficult and laborious challenge in working with their bank to resolve matters.    Out of an abundance of caution, might I respectfully suggest that you, and everyone that I know, take precautions - immediately?    (1.) Change *all* your passwords periodically, at least every six months.  It might be inconvenient to refer to written passcodes that you keep in hard copy somewhere.  But the benefits may outweigh the inconvenience.   (2.) Protect your “plastic”:  Get RFID-blocking wallets and pocketbooks.     (3)  Do not let your debit card be taken out of your sight. Not ever.   When paying by credit / debit cards at restaurants, pay at the counter.  Do not rely on waitstaff walking cards to and from their payment counters. That is most often when unscrupulous waitstaff or criminally minded customers intercept and clone RFID chips data, steal your credit / debit card numbers, and drain accounts.    (4.) Beware of credit-card skimmers, which can clone a card. The card skimmer allows the fraudster to capture and record all the data on a card.  The
 card skimmer is placed on any machine that accepts debit or credit cards, think ATM machines or POS machines. When an unsuspecting victim inserts their card in the skimmer the data on the card is captured.    (5.) Depending on the sophistication of the card skimmer the fraudsters might also need to capture your PIN separately and would make use of a camera or a dude peeping over your shoulder to get it.    (6.) When entering your PIN make sure to block it out so that no camera or peeping-tom catches a glimpse.    (7.) Give the card slot and number pad a good wiggle to check for looseness. If loose it may have been tampered with, do not insert your card in there.    (8.)  If your card is swallowed contact the bank immediately, if possible right there whilst you’re in front of the machine that swallowed it.    (9.) Consider altering your bank accounts and turn off automatic overdraft protection, i.e., when your checking account goes to zero that the bank does not automatically draw funds from your saving accounts.  Better for you to be inconvenienced with occasional overdraft messages than for your accounts to be drained in one fell swoop.    (10.)  As much as I enjoy your social media postings, stop adding too much details, e.g., where you are eating lunch, which travel destination you are visiting today, or where you are precisely in the world tonight.  The world does not need to know where you are right this second.  If you post details about your exact location, thieves know where you have been, where you are going, and that you are away from home.  All our home addresses are available from a basic search on the Internet.  One does not need detailed computer training to find such data.    (11.) Even if you have neighbors looking after your property daily, they cannot be at your house 24/7.  And if they were to encounter a burglar or robber at your property, the neighbor might be at risk through the encounter.    (12.)  I am suggesting to my victimized loved ones that they notify everybody in their social media network.  I fear that anyone who has their email address about this breach.  Potentially, we all are at risk of having our own accounts compromised.    (13.)  All U.S. citizens are entitled to an annual, *free* credit report from the credit reporting agencies Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.  And since only one report is allowed free each year, it may be prudent to request reports from a different agency every three months.  That way, we can check our credit report for fraud periodically every year.    (14.)  As adorable and innocent as their prepubescent grandchildren are, it is possible a thief has stolen their identity and already created fraudulent accounts in their name.  Child identity theft happens when someone takes a child’s sensitive personal information and uses it to get services or benefits, or to commit fraud.  They might use your child’s Social Security number, name and address, or date of birth.  More available on the ‘Net, using search terms child identity theft.    Hoping this all helps.  So sorry again to hear of this inconvenience! -- Sincerely yours, This Humble Blogger.
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aaronwhorechner · 8 months
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draaquinngoldkin · 2 years
Hey there, I read your bio. I'm so sorry to hear you lost your accounts after having them hacked I can't even imagine how devasting. We put our lives into those to some extent. I've only been on tumblr a week an I've had 11 people offering me the abdl dream all after phishing an wanting money of course. Luckily I'm in a relationship an so cushioned from that an not naive. I just wanted to ask if you had any advice at all how to put them off an how to keep myself an gf safe on tumblr . I hadvan account until about 2016 it was a great support network for me. Seems less friendly /safe now. Any advice would be much appreciated but if not no worries an no pressure. Thanks for reading either way hope your well an stay safe yourself
Thanks I do appreciate that it has been hard I myself mostly just try to avoid and laugh off any haters I delete anyone who ask about money I Braley have the funds to keep myself afloat have the time there are still good friendly good people on here it can be hard to tell sometimes but don't let it bring you down stay safe and stay positive
Always feel free to reach out
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goombasa · 3 months
Using Linux Casually
I really like using Linux.
I am also not much of a power user.
I'll admit, as someone who grew up in the 90's and sort of grew up alongside the internet, I've been glued to desktops for most of my life, and aside from a brief stint in college where I decided to change things up a bit, I used Windows for most of that time. But being so tied to the Windows infrastructure, I've paid a lot of attention to all of the various changes and alterations made to the operating system, and a few years ago, around the time when Windows 11 was starting to kick into high gear (might have been right around when they announced the EoL for Win10), I decided that I didn't really want to use Windows any more, but I wasn't about to drop a ton of money on getting myself an Apple. That stint in college I mentioned? Convinced me that, even if I could have afforded it, I really didn't want to be part of that particular walled garden.
I had only heard tangentially about Linux at this point and didn't really understand exactly what it was, so I started doing some research, and let me tell you, if you can grasp the basics about it, that is a very easy rabbit hole to fall down. It took a couple weeks of research and educating myself on the different distributions, the different desktop environments, and which of them were most well equipped for general day-to-day use before I finally settled on Linux Mint. I had already been slowly gathering together some parts for a new PC anyway, so this seemed like as good a time as any to make the switch.
That was back at the tail end of 2020 or so. I was very fortunate to have everything I needed in hand before supply and pricing went wonky in the PC parts space, especially for graphics cards. Still feel like I overpaid a bit, but at least I wasn't paying triple the price. Anyway, it was one of the most painless setups I'd had up to that point, and once I got it up and running and got into Linux… it feel good. It felt familiar and different at the same time, and apart from a more convenient means of installing the basic programs that I use day to day, not a lot has really changed for me day to day. 
I think the mainstream idea of Linux as an impenetrable tech-bro's paradise for hacking and coding and programming is still pretty prominent because there aren't a lot of less tech-savvy folks that use it, despite the fact that it is getting much easier to get into. Distributions of linux like Elementary OS, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, or Zorin OS are made to be much easier to use by those who are transitioning from Windows. Mint in particular really feels like it's trying to be close to Windows in terms of aesthetic layout. A few major PC retailers do sell a limited number of machines with Linux pre-installed. Dell, Lenovo, and even HP sell laptops with Mint and Ubuntu, and there are some smaller retailers like Tuxedo and System 76 that are completely dedicated to selling prebuilt machines with Linux preinstalled. It is easier than ever to get a lot of software from Windows, including a good chunk of the games on Steam, to work on Linux through things like Wine, Bottles, and Proton. Proton, if you don't know, is also what lets you play a lot of the games on the Steam Deck too.
But even with all of the steps forward Linux has made, it's hard to compete with something that got such a big head start. Windows is bloated, unwieldy, and in many cases is becoming more and more unfriendly to people who value their privacy, up to and including forcing people to have a Microsoft account to even set up their operating system if you don't have the time or inclination to find a work-around for that, and most folks who just want a computer to write documents, watch youtube, or keep in touch with friends and family aren't going to think twice about it. It's a convenience, and with how little Linux machines are actually marketed in the mainstream, most are still under the idea that they have to install it themselves. And Windows still wins when it comes to out-of-the-box compatibility.
If you use specific programs, well, Linux isn't really open to you. Adobe has no legit Linux version and Wine just doesn't help get it up and running. Davinci Resolve does have a linux version, but it only works for one specific distribution, and you have to jump through a whole bunch of hoops to get it working on any other ones, to the point where it really doesn't feel like it's worth it. Hardware is just as bad. Keyboards and mice will basically always work out of the box, and so long as you don't need those proprietary RGB programs, they're not going to give you any issues, but if you need a drawing tablet that isn't Wacom, and even then not every tablet from Wacom will work, good luck getting it working completely. There is a program that lets you use a stream deck on Linux, but it's very basic and requires you to utilize a plugin to even get it working with OBS, one of the main reasons you'd want a Stream Deck in the first place. As far as Linux has come, it can sometimes still feel like it's still a tinkerer's playground for people who don't want everything done for them.
Linux is in a fascinating position where it IS still a playground for people who want to tinker and learn and code, and develop, and even build portions of the system or software themselves if they want. But it's also approaching a point where it can be used by the average user pretty easily, with the biggest hurdle being just getting it in front of someone so that they can use it. There is a learning curve there, there always will be when you're changing to a fundamentally different system, but the hurdle is so low, I think that anyone who is comfortable with Windows is more than capable of casually using Ubuntu or Linux Mint once they're up and running. The problem is just getting there. And of course, if they want to do anything more complicated than the basics of running a computer, things might get a bit complicated depending on what they want to do, but if they want to watch videos, communicate, get online, or do quite a bit of creative work, from 3D modeling to 2D art to music and video production, so long as they don't need access to anything that's uber professional, Linux has them covered and makes it very easy to get at what they need.
I genuinely think that Linux is something that everyone should at least try once, something that's fairly easy to do if you're using a bootable USB drive. But even then, I don't think most people are interested in even going that far, seeing it as too much effort for something that they might not even continue using after the fact anyway. And that's fair, which is why I think having someone around who at least knows the basics to help them over the hurdles to get started is a necessity too, but like… not someone who's SUPER into Linux, not someone who's going to suggest the command line for every little thing. We need more people out there who will show new users how to use the basic graphical user interface means of doing a lot of this stuff, because that is how you get more people interested; you show them that what you want them to try out is at least close to usable compared to what they're using now, while also laying out the usual positives.
I hope I've actually hit on something with this rambling. Because I do love Linux, it feels very comfortable to me, and on the whole, I like it a lot more than windows. Switching to Linux was the right choice for me, but I had to do a lot of research to reach that conclusion. And I feel like if that information was more readily available, and if it was made clear that you can do almost everything on the desktop the same way that you would on Windows, more folks would be willing to give Linux a try.
If you've never tried it before, I'd recommend at least trying out Linux Mint. If you've only ever used Windows, you will feel pretty at home here.
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alphareleasemedia · 4 months
Daily Drabbles for 2/7/24 - 2/11/24
2/7/24 Grandmother was a simple woman of simple means who preferred to keep to herself, alone in her little cottage in the woods. She could happily pass a century or two without ever seeing another person. Which was why I felt the need to drop in on her from time to time to keep up her social skills. And annoy her. Everyone needs annoying every now and again, even Grandmothers. Though she was not my grandmother even if she was old enough to be. A rare thing in the world these days. Grandmother had seen things I could only dream of.
2/8/24 Gina scrutinized her face in the mirror. Her eyebrows needed managing again. She had a few small zits breaking out, but nothing too noticeable. As long as she could keep herself from picking at them anyway. Her eyes were looking a little bloodshot, but that was probably from allergies. Nothing much she could do about that, her meds only kept her from sneezing all the time. Her lips were usually perpetually chapped but it was hard to tell while she was brushing her teeth. She spat in the sink and examined her pearly whites. Well, maybe not quite pearly white.
2/9/24 Gertrude hacked up a lung into her handkerchief. Or that's what it felt like anyway. She was almost surprised when she pulled back her hanky and it was free of lung matter. She'd been battling some sort of upper respiratory illness for a couple days. Gertrude was getting real sick of being sick. Her body was overproducing phlegm at an alarming rate. Gertrude couldn't cough enough to get it all out. It was really gross honestly. She was hitting the point where she was ready to start taking drastic measures. Gertrude was going to have to take some cough medicine.
2/10/24 Geoffrey owed me a new cat and he knew it. For all his protesting that he couldn't be held accountable for what had clearly been an accident, he certainly had gone out of his way to avoid me. Every time I went to his shop he was conveniently out. Didn't matter what time of day or what day of the week, Geoffrey was always out running some errand or other. Which was curious because I'd seen him enter the shop on several occasions and not come back out only to mysteriously not be there when I went in after him.
2/11/24 Gary was bleeding. He'd somehow managed to cut a small gash on his hand while he was trying to squish down the garbage to make room for more in the can. Now he was holding his hand aloft while he riffled through all the drawers in the bathroom. He couldn't find bandages anywhere. After dumping out a bag of unused dental floss Gary gave up on that bathroom and tried the one in the master bedroom. In there he found disinfectant and rubbing alcohol, but still no bandages. Gary gave up and just pressed a paper towel to his hand.
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eunicemiddleton421 · 11 months
How to Find a Hacker That Hacked You: Unraveling the Mystery of Cyber Intrusions
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In this digital age, the threat of hacking has become a pervasive concern. With the increasing number of cybercrimes, it is essential to know how to identify and find a hacker who may have compromised your online security. This article aims to provide you with valuable insights into locating the hackers who have targeted you. We will explore topics such as tracing hackers, identifying signs of hacking, taking necessary actions, and protecting your digital presence.
1. Understanding the Scope of Cyber Intrusions
The digital world is a vast and interconnected landscape, making it susceptible to various cyber threats. Hackers, with their malicious intent, exploit vulnerabilities in software, networks, and devices to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information.
2. Is It Possible to Trace a Hacker?
Tracing a hacker can be a complex task, but it is not entirely impossible. Cybersecurity experts and law enforcement agencies utilize advanced techniques to track down hackers. However, some hackers are highly skilled and take elaborate measures to cover their tracks.
3. Can You See If Someone Hacked You?
Detecting a hack can be challenging, especially for the average user. Signs of hacking may include unusual account activities, unfamiliar programs on your devices, or unauthorized access to your accounts.
4. Who Do I Contact After Being Hacked?
If you suspect or confirm that you've been hacked, the first step is to contact your local authorities or cybercrime reporting agencies. They can guide you through the necessary steps to mitigate the damage.
5. Can a Hacker View My Phone?
Yes, if a hacker gains access to your phone, they can potentially view your personal information, messages, emails, and even listen to your conversations through compromised apps or spyware.
6. How Long Can a Hacker Hack You?
The duration a hacker can continue to access your information depends on various factors, such as their intent, your security measures, and how quickly you detect and respond to the intrusion.
7. What Happens If a Hacker Hacks You?
Once a hacker gains access, they may steal sensitive data, compromise your accounts, install malware, ransomware, or cause damage to your digital presence.
8. What Do Hackers Do With Your Phone?
Hackers may use your phone for various illicit purposes, such as stealing personal information, financial data, or even using it as part of a larger botnet for carrying out cyber attacks.
9. How Do I Know If My IP Address Has Been Hacked?
If your IP
address has been compromised, you may experience suspicious activities, such as frequent network disruptions, unauthorized access attempts, or even blacklisting by certain websites.
10. Taking Preventive Measures to Protect Against Future Hacks
To safeguard yourself from future hacking attempts, it is crucial to implement robust cybersecurity measures, such as using strong and unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, keeping software up to date, and being cautious while clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown files.
11. The Role of Cybersecurity Experts in Identifying Hackers
Cybersecurity professionals possess the expertise and tools to investigate hacking incidents thoroughly. They employ forensic techniques, analyze network logs, and monitor system activities to identify the source of the breach.
12. Educating Yourself and Staying Informed About Cybersecurity
By staying informed about the latest cybersecurity trends and best practices, you can enhance your knowledge and be better prepared to protect yourself from hacking attempts.
13. Report the Incident to Law Enforcement
Reporting the hacking incident to the appropriate law enforcement agencies is crucial. They can investigate the matter further and take necessary actions to bring the responsible hackers to justice.
14. Conclusion
Being hacked can be a distressing experience, but understanding the steps to take and the resources available can help you regain control and minimize the impact. By staying vigilant, practicing good cybersecurity hygiene, and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can reduce the risk of future hacking incidents.
Can I trace a hacker on my own? Tracing a hacker requires advanced technical skills and expertise. It is advisable to seek assistance from cybersecurity professionals and law enforcement agencies.
What should I do if I suspect my accounts have been hacked? If you suspect your accounts have been compromised, change your passwords immediately, enable two-factor authentication, and report the incident to the relevant authorities.
Is it possible to recover data after a hacking incident? In some cases, data recovery may be possible, especially if you have backups of your files. Consult with cybersecurity professionals for assistance in recovering compromised data.
How can I protect my phone from hackers? Protect your phone by using strong passwords, installing reputable antivirus software, avoiding suspicious apps or downloads, and keeping your operating system updated.
Can a hacker hack into my smart home devices? Smart home devices can be vulnerable to hacking. Protect them by using strong passwords, updating firmware regularly, and implementing security features provided by the manufacturer.
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Whether you're a large-scale farmer or a small backyard gardener, keeping track of your finances can be challenging. From crop budgets to inventory management and everything in between, there are many opportunities to lose track of costs and revenue. Luckily, cloud-based farm accounting software offers an affordable solution that's simple enough for any size operation.
Identify Your Accounting Needs and Goals
Before you can start streamlining your farm accounting, it's important to identify your needs and goals.
List Your Accounting Needs: What information do you need to track? Are there specific accounts or reports that are important for making financial decisions?
List Your Accounting Goals: What would make your job easier or more efficient? Do you want the ability to analyse data from multiple sources in one place, or would it be better if there was an easy way for employees on different computers in different locations all access the same information at once? How do these goals align with what technology is available today--and will they still be relevant five years down the road when technology has changed again!
Visit website: https://www.figured.com/en-ca/accountants
Invest in Farm Accounting Software
If you're looking to streamline your farm accounting, investing in a software package is an important first step. The best farm accounting software will be:
Designed for the agricultural industry. This means it's easy to use and understand for anyone who works on a farm, from managers to employees. It should also be flexible enough that you can customize it as needed--for example, if one employee needs access only to certain information while another employee needs access to all of it (or vice versa).
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Easy-to-use but powerful enough that it won't get bogged down by data entry tasks like invoicing customers or keeping track of inventory levels over time.
Utilise Cloud-Based Technology
Cloud-based software is a great option for farms because it allows you to access your data from anywhere, anytime. You can also share the information with multiple users and have them input data into the system as well.
The security of cloud-based systems is much higher than on-site systems because there are fewer points of vulnerability in its architecture. This means that hackers will have a harder time getting into your data if they try to hack through the cloud instead of directly attacking your computer or device itself.
Explore Automated Data Entry
When you're looking to streamline your farm accounting, it's important to consider how you'll be able to import data from other systems. For example, if your accounting software doesn't have an import function for the farm management software (or vice versa), this could cause problems down the road when you need information from one system in order to complete a task on another.
In order for your farm management system and accounting software to work together seamlessly, they need some way of communicating with each other--and that means being able to transfer data back and forth between them.
This can be done through automated data entry or manual entry by an operator who has access rights within both systems.
When it comes to farm accounting, technology can be your best friend. It can make your life easier and more efficient, allowing you to spend more time focusing on what matters most: growing your business and being a farmer. Source: https://figuredfarmaccounting.wordpress.com/2023/04/11/how-to-streamline-your-farm-accounting-with-technology/
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