#whump cookies
whumpookies · 9 months
Kurt Seyit ve şura.
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Kurt 'helps' celil realise the truth of his actions.
@99point9percentwhump see I made it 😂 still think celil is more whumpier then Kurt in this series..like a whole batch of cookies 😂
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When you're too tired to do something important but you're not tired to spend another 4 hours watching whump stuff.
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99point9percentwhump · 10 months
I just wanted to send you some love & cookies and to say I hope you won’t be getting too much hate or reports, just because you were named in tags on a post by another blog… the blog that was mentioned in the post I can’t find now, so I hope you’re not getting horrible anons or reports. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs & opinions ❤️
Nah and even if it happens who cares eh hatters gonna hate can't stop them from being exclusive in their "inclusive" little circles
I'm still here for the whump and the great friends and acquaintances I've met along the way
May you have many a delicious whump cookies my dear and thank you for your kind words 😊🤗
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lilacthebooklover · 3 months
Rating: Teen Fandom: Cookie Run Word Count: 4700 BTHB Prompt: Forced to Kneel/Bow @badthingshappenbingo
“You have some of my soul jam, correct?” Shadow Milk asked, clearly having deduced the truth. And Pure Vanilla was not a liar, so he nodded reluctantly in confirmation, watching the Fallen Hero's twisted smirk stretch even further up azure dough. “Then that makes us one and the same! We wield the same magic, hold the same thirst for knowledge, we alone are able to manipulate the truth wholeheartedly. You and I are capable of possessing all-consuming power!” The Beast crowed, and a new sort of fear began to settle in Pure Vanilla’s gut.
“No,” he blurted out suddenly, before the action could even register in his brain. It was an instinctive response: a denial of something that simply couldn’t be true. He didn’t want ‘all-consuming power’, and Shadow Milk Cookie had fallen. He was corrupted. Pure Vanilla refused to let that happen to him.
“Yes! You are like me,” the other cookie hissed delightedly. “We share a soul, little cookie. And that makes you mine.”
OR: Pure Vanilla buys his friends some time, and Shadow Milk Cookie decides to have him put on a show.
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slippedtheknot · 4 months
Whumpmas: Day "Six"
Sugar cookie + burns+ denied food as punishment
Whumpee shrugged his shoulders and hid the bottom half of his face in his hoodie; trying to hide the tears.
However, to Whumpee's dismay, Caretaker is good at her job and was able to pick up on his watery eyes right away.
"What's wrong?"
Whumpee sniffled and turned his face from her hands. "Nothin'"
"Are you sure? I want to be able to help you."
"I-it's just that...well Whumper. He...he'd keep food from me as a punishment."
Caretaker nodded, before the words finally sunk in. "Oh, oh okay. Well...hun, you know that you've been good today, right?"
"Um...yes ma'am, I understand. It's just that, I'm not too hungry right now."
"Sweetheart, you have to have something." Caretaker brushed the stray hairs out of Whumpee's face. "I can't send you to bed on an empty stomach!"
"Would you feel better if you helped to make it? We can make some sugar cookies. Maybe by the time we make, bake, and decorate them, you'll be hungry."
Whumpee bounced the idea around in his mind for a while.
"Hey, Whumpee, would you mind grabbing the cookies out of the oven? Set them down on the stove top." Caretaker looked back at Whumpee while she worked at stirring the frosting. Whumpee's head shot up and his body moved to the oven door. His movements almost seemed robotic to Caretaker, but she shrugged her suspensions away.
The door popped open, and the next thing Caretaker heard was Whumpee screaming.
She dropped her stirring spoon and bowl. On it's way down, the spoon knocked over the milk; spilling it all over.
Between the pain, Caretaker grabbing his wrist, the cool water, the sounds, and the smell of cookies, Whumpee was having a breakdown.
"Hey, sweetheart." Caretaker grabbed his face and turned his face to her. "Are you okay?"
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the-cookie-of-doom · 4 months
Chay has no idea what he’s doing, but he’s never been more thankful that his manager doesn’t have security cameras installed around the cafe. 
He leads the stranger through the employee entrance and stock room, and out into the cafe propper, flicking on lights as he goes. He swallows back his usual tendency towards mindless chatter. It keeps conversation going with customers, but something tells him it will only scare off the man behind him. 
“You can sit anywhere,” Chay says as he steps behind the counter, falling into his usual script. “Do you know what you want, or should I—” Whatever he was going to say is cut off when he turns around. 
The alley had been heavily shadowed, the only light offered by a handful of neon signs from the club next door, and distant street lamps from the entrance. It went a long way in disguising the extent of the stranger's injuries. In the harsh fluorescent lighting of the cafe, however, it’s all plainly, painfully on display. 
The bruising is most obvious. Red and purple marks beaten into sallow skin, layered over faded yellow-green, all up and down his bare arms. Both wrists are chafed red and raw, bloody.  The worst of the bruises are dotted with blood, too, places where skin broke beneath the force of whatever was done to him. 
There’s a clear impression of a hand around his throat. 
He’s barefoot, too, Chay realizes. The frayed hem of ripped black jeans pool around his feet, hanging off his thin frame. And he’s pretty sure—the tank top he wears, also black, clings to his narrow hips and waist. Does nothing to hide the prominent jut of his collarbones; the left is adorned with a single tattoo. 00008. The stranger is clutching at himself, arms wrapped carefully around his chest; if they weren’t, Chay is certain he would be able to see the outline of his ribs through the thin fabric. By the painful, dragging way he breathes, Chay wonders if any of them are broken. 
His face is the last thing Chay notices, hidden behind a tangle of lanky black hair. It must have been a handsome face, at some point, based on his too-prominent bone structure. Now his cheeks are sunken, his eyes hollow. Haunted. His lips are pressed together in a thin, bloodless line, except where the bottom one is viciously split. More bruising colors the right side of his mouth and jaw, matching the violent color on the left cheekbone, bleeding up into his brow and temple. 
“What happened to you?” Chay breathes, having to catch himself on the counter before his legs give out. He had promised that no one would call the police but maybe he should. This is so much more than a case of a homeless man seeking shelter in a storm. 
Said man’s eyes go wide and wild. He must know what Chay is thinking because he begins to retreat, stumbling back the way they came, one arm still wrapped around his ribs while the other blindly searches for the door. He doesn’t take his eyes off Chay. 
“Wait! Wait, no, it’s—it’s okay,” it’s not okay, “You’re safe here, I promise. No one is going to hurt you here, okay? You’re safe. You’re safe. Let me get you something to eat, okay?” 
Chay takes a step forward, but it only scares the stranger more. He steps back where he was, holds his hands out in front of him, palms out, like he’s trying to soothe a frightened animal. He tries to keep his voice soft and even. Reassuring. 
“Everything’s okay. I won’t ask any questions, you don’t have to tell me anything. Let me just get you something, and then you can go, okay? I won’t keep you here. Just—just let me help. Please.” 
The stranger, still breathing hard—wheezing, Chay realizes, that’s what that sound is—stops trying to escape. He keeps his back pressed against the door, one hand on the handle. His eyes, still wide, don’t leave Chay for a second. He doesn’t blink. 
Fear twists Chay’s gut. He knows, some part of him, that the second he turns around, the man will leave. He’ll never see him again. And Chay shouldn’t care. This isn’t his problem; whatever happened to the man, it’s so clearly something Chay shouldn’t want to get involved in. 
But there’s another part of him, a bigger part, that sees Porsche standing in the door instead. Bruised and beaten after a fight, a wad of cash in his pocket that he always claimed was worth the injuries. The split knuckles and bruised ribs and broken noses. This stranger doesn’t grin the way Porsche did, doesn’t joke about his fight, doesn’t ruffle Chay’s hair and brush off his concerns. But his eyes—he sees his brother in the eyes staring back at him, haunted and painfully familiar. 
“I just want to help you,” Chay says one final time, his voice barely above a whisper. 
Slowly, the stranger releases his desperate hold on the door.
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echo-goes-mmm · 2 months
One Week (Oneshot)
My Writing Masterpost
Warnings: enthrallment, mentioned non-sexual nudity
“Is Master home yet?” asked Pet, his hands on Leon’s knees as Pet kneeled on the floor.
“Not yet,” said Leon, bouncing his leg. He eyed the grandfather clock. If Master wasn’t home soon, he’d be late for work. 
And Leon had the feeling that if he was fired, Master wouldn’t let him look for another job.
“Oh,” said Pet, his face like a kicked puppy.
Poor thing.
Pet had been enthralled by vampires for so long, he’d forgotten how to be a person by the time Master got his hands on him. Master didn’t enthrall either of them, but you couldn’t tell by looking at Pet.
He was so happy and eager to please, like he was still under the spell, but he couldn’t take care of himself like a thrall could. 
Pet was like a dog; helpless if left alone for more than an hour.
Leon shuddered. He looked at the clock again.
He was forbidden from leaving Pet alone in the house, but work was one of his last connections to the outside world. Even though it was a shitty CVS cashiering gig, it gave him an excuse to leave Master’s den. And even better, he could talk to people. Real people, not Pet’s inane chatter.
No offense to Pet, but the boy wasn’t a great conversationalist.
Leon tugged at his turtleneck. He didn’t like wearing them, but covering up his thrall bitemark with makeup was risky. What if it rained?
He rubbed his hands together, and Pet nuzzled into his knee.
“Is Master going to be home soon?” he whimpered. “I miss him.”
“I don’t know,” said Leon, apologetically ruffling Pet’s hair. He refused to agree that he missed Master too, but he kinda did. It was lonely just him and Pet in the huge, dusty, mansion.
The door opened, and Leon let out a breath of relief. Master entered the room, and Leon stood up. Pet crawled over to Master, his hands resting on Master’s thigh like a puppy jumping up for attention. Master petted his hair, gently.
He was always gentle with Pet.
Master’s blank eyes looked him up and down. “Are you going to work, Leon?”
Leon nodded. “Yes, Master.”
“Go on then.”
Leon rushed past the two of them. He hoped his manager would let his tardiness slide. Again.
“You’re late,” said Keith in a sing-song voice.
“Yeah, yeah I know.” Leon shrugged off his coat and stuffed it behind the counter. “Is Jana here?”
“Nope. I went ahead and clocked you in by the way.”
“No problem. Our little secret. By the way, your mom called the store. Said it was urgent.”
Leon’s heart stuttered. Master had taken his phone when they first met, and Leon was allowed to call home every once in a while.
He wasn’t allowed to tell them he was a vampire’s thrall, obviously.
Leon grabbed the store phone and dialed her number. His hands shook.
“Hello?” Her voice was like a balm.
“Mom?” he choked out. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh baby,” she sighed, her voice strained. “Nana just passed away. Could you get off work?”
“Uh- let me- let me ask, okay? I’ll call you back.”
He hung up. “I gotta go,” he said to Keith, tears welling in his eyes. “My- my grandma-”
“Yeah I heard. I’m so sorry man. Go ahead, I’ll take care of stuff.”
Leon wiped his eyes. “Okay- yeah- uh.” He dialed Jana.
Her phone went to voicemail, and he left a message asking for a week off. He had other things than a job to worry about.
Leon rushed home.
“Leon!” exclaimed Pet as he barged through the door. “You’re back!” Leon could practically see an imaginary wagging tail attached to Pet.
“Yeah, yeah. Listen, where’s Master?”
“I’m here,” interrupted Master, standing in the doorway. Leon hadn’t seen him come in.
“My grandmother died,” explained Leon. “I- I know I’m not allowed to leave but I- please. I need to see my family,” he begged. “Just for a week.”
Master tilted his head, examining him. His red eyes stared into Leon’s soul.
“Very well. One week.”
“Thank you!” Leon said, words spilling out of him, “I’ll come right back, I swear-”
Master held up a hand, silencing him. Master stepped aside, gesturing. “Go pack.”
Leon didn’t move. “Can I have my phone? Please?”
Master nodded, and Leon darted past him to gather his things.
Leon gripped the steering wheel as he pulled into the driveway. He sighed, trying to pull himself together. The two hour drive just wasn’t enough.
There were so many little lies to remember. 
I graduated college. I have a roommate. We live in an apartment. I’m just really busy, so I can’t call much.
The last one was true, somewhat. He was really busy, but he had a vampire feeding off his neck, not a job with demanding hours. CVS was only part time.
He opened the door and lifted his suitcase from the passenger side.
Leon raised a hand to knock, but the door opened before he could, and his mom pulled him into a big bear hug. She smelled like cinnamon sugar.
Mom always made snickerdoodles when she was upset.
“Hi, Mom.” Leon hugged her back.
Mom kissed his cheek and let go, but her hands lingered on his. “Oh, honey,” she said, her voice wet. “You’re so skinny. Come in, come in! I’ll make you some lunch!”
Dad was sitting on the couch, but he stood when he saw Leon. “There’s my boy!” He hugged Leon tight, and he wheezed.
“Hey, Dad.”
“How’s work, bud?”
Leon tensed. “It’s fine. Busy.”
Kris, his sister, thumped down the stairs. God she was getting big. He couldn’t remember what grade she was in.
Hopefully he’d be able to make it to her high school graduation, but his heart knew Master wasn’t that generous.
“Hey.” She didn’t look up from her phone.
“Kris, could you get Leon’s suitcase?”
“It’s fine,” he interrupted. “I got it.”
He didn’t want her snooping and finding his concealer. He didn’t have time to wash his turtlenecks before he left.
Pet had offered to wash them, but bless him, he couldn’t even read the dials on the machine anymore.
Last time, he’d used fabric softener instead of soap, and they didn’t figure that out until the next day and had to dig through the drawers to find all the dirty laundry.
Leon unpacked his stuff, putting his clothes away in his childhood drawers. 
He should have been more careful.
Three days in, and in the distress and mourning and visiting relatives, he’d forgotten the concealer.
“Honey,” said Mom, suddenly pulling at the collar of his shirt. “What’s this?”
“What’s what?” he asked, playing dumb.
“This!” she exclaimed, her voice more upset than angry. “Were you attacked? Why didn’t you tell-”
“What’s going on?”
Leon closed his eyes in resignation. Kris and Dad came into the room.
“Leon’s been bitten!”
“I’m fine!” he protested, brushing away Mom’s hands. She looked hurt, and Leon sat heavily on the couch as she examined him.
“I’m fine,” he repeated, looking down at the old carpet. “Master doesn’t even-”
“Master?” Interrupted Dad. “Are you enthralled, son?”
“No! No, I swear. I mean- I’m a thrall but… he doesn’t… he lets me keep my mind.” Leon looked up at his family. They were horrified, and it broke his heart to see his little sister nearly crying.
“You weren’t supposed to know,” he said weakly. “I’m sorry.”
Mom sniffled, and Leon couldn't take much more. “Please don't cry, Mama. Please. I’m sorry,” he begged.
He heard a car pull up the driveway. The hair on the back of his neck stood up.
Leon glanced out the window, and Master stepped out of the car. He was wearing a dark suit, and he held an umbrella to protect him from the sun.
Leon made a terrified squeak. He shot up from the couch, but it was too late. There was a knock on the door.
“Kris,” he begged, “get upstairs.”
“What? No!”
The knock became louder. It would be worse for his family if he left Master waiting.
Leon stiffly walked to the door and opened it. His parents gasped behind him, and he heard Kris run up the stairs to her room.
“Leon,” purred Master. “Let me in.”
“Would you like to come in?” he whispered, and Master stepped through the door.
Master’s cool hand settled on the back of his neck, and they turned to step into the living room. Master hung his umbrella on the coat rack, and Leon bit back a hysterical laugh.
Leon’s parents stepped back as they approached.
“I mean you no harm,” said Master. He sat on the couch, pulling Leon with him to press into his side.
“What- what do you want?” asked Dad, his voice trembling.
“Only to offer my deepest sympathies for your loss.” Master’s hand tightened on the back of Leon’s neck, and he knew Master knew he told.
“Where- where’s Pet?” he whispered, desperate to stave off his punishment.
Master had never hit him before, but that didn’t mean anything. Leon just hadn’t messed up before now.
“In the car,” said Master, easy as anything. “He misses you.”
“Who- who’s Pet? Leon?” pleaded Mom.
Master grinned. “Please, don’t,” begged Leon. His parents didn’t need to see what happened to humans after enthrallment. 
But Master didn’t listen. He whistled loud and shrill, and Leon heard a car door slam as Pet bounded up to the house.
Pet walked through the door and immediately fell to his knees at Master’s feet.
“Leon! Hi!”
“Hey, Pet,” he mumbled. 
“Why’re you sad?” asked Pet, nudging his head at Leon’s hand. Leon scritched at his scalp.
“Because,” he choked out, “my parents are sad.”
“Oh.” Pet frowned. His eyes landed on Leon’s parents, as if he hadn’t noticed they were there. “Hello. Why are you sad?”
Mom stared at Pet and clutched Dad tight.
“Don’t bother the nice people, Pet,” chastised Master.
Pet turned his focus back on Master, laying his head in his lap. “Yes, Master,” he said with a smile and big doe eyes. Leon felt sick.
“Leon,” commanded Master, “open up.” Leon screwed his eyes shut, tilting his neck.
He didn’t want to see his mother’s reaction.
Master’s cold lips latched onto his neck.
He gasped as Master bit down on him, his fangs piercing his flesh.
It hurt this time, and he knew it was on purpose. His punishment for being so careless.
He resisted the urge to push Master away as the horrible pain made him tear up. It was like nothing he felt before; cold fire and stabbing and ripping skin.
His dad made a noise somewhere between anger and fear, and Leon made the mistake of opening his eyes.
Mom was weeping into her hands, Dad holding her close. His expression was twisted, and tears dripped down Leon’s cheeks.
“M’ sorry,” he whined. “Ple-ase-”
Master pulled away, licking up the last few drops as his wound stitched itself back together.
Master slapped him across the face, hard enough Leon knew he’d bruise. His parents gasped. Pet shrank away from the display of violence- and Leon remembered the time he’d seen Pet naked.
It was only once, but he’d never forget the scars on Pet’s back.
“I never understood it,” Master had said. “Torturing humans does no good, nor does it bring me pleasure. I’ll never whip you two like Pet’s old master would.”
Leon had assumed that meant Master wouldn’t hurt him at all.
He was wrong.
Master sat up straight, and Pet scrambled to straddle his lap and nuzzle under Master’s jaw.
“Have you learned your lesson, Leon?”
“Yes,” he whimpered.
“Good.” Master’s hand caressed the top of Pet’s head before gently pushing Pet off his lap.
“Come, Pet. It’s time to go.”
“Is Leon coming, too?”
Leon held his breath.
Master looked at him, long and searching. “No,” he said finally. Leon’s shoulders sagged. “He still has four days.”
Pet followed Master out the door, as joyfully obedient as always. 
The tense air left with Master, and Leon sank into the couch. He rubbed his cheek. It still stung. 
His mom wrapped her arms around him, sobbing into his chest. “My baby boy’s a thrall,” she cried, and Leon rubbed her back.
“I’m so sorry,” he said brokenly.
His Dad said nothing, and left the room.
Leon felt shattered, but then his dad came back with an ice pack for his face.
“We could hire someone,” Dad said, voice empty and tired. “Hunters-”
“No,” said Leon. “It’s- he’s- he’s okay.”
Mom pulled away. “What do you mean?” she asked, wiping the tears off his cheek. 
“He’s never hit me before,” explained Leon quietly. “And the drinking- that doesn’t usually hurt either. It’s just because I disobeyed him. It’s fine. I’m fine.”
Dad crossed his arms, and Leon held the ice pack to his face.
“Really,” he insisted. “And- and he’s kind to Pet. He’s not that bad.”
“ ‘Pet’ is enthralled. Think logically, son.”
“He’s not, though,” continued Leon. “Pet- he- Master stole him from another vampire, after he killed her. Pet spent so long under, his mind is just… gone. Master has taken care of him ever since.”
“Why?” Mom asked.
Leon shrugged. “Pity, I guess. He really is gentle. Master let me keep my job, and my money. He lets me go out, sometimes, and he got me a birthday present. It could be worse, Dad, I swear.”
Mom and Dad exchanged looks. “I don’t even pay rent,” he offered with a little laugh. “Or food. Just internet, cause Master is an old codger.”
Mom tucked his hair behind his ear. “Okay, baby,” she said. “We’ve got four days. What do you want to do before you have to go back?”
Dad sagged in defeat, and Leon’s heart swelled with love.
“Could- Could we make cookies? Like when I was a kid?”
Mom kissed his forehead. “Of course we can, honey,” she said, smiling through her tears. “Every kind you want.”
taglist: @paintedpigeon1
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whumperofworlds · 8 months
Whump Dialogue
"This can go two ways. One: you walk away and leave Whumpee alone. Two: I'll walk on your fucking face."
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whumpberry-cookie · 1 year
Places for Whumpee to fall asleep:
(Aftermath, healing, Caretaker-Whumpee)
Caretaker's arm during the standing hug. Caretaker's confused why they leaned with their whole body weight, but then realises they fell asleep.
Kneeling on the carpet. Whumpee was told to wait a moment in a livingroom for the dinner that is almost ready. They weren't sure if they could nap while waiting. So to prevent falling asleep, they decided to pick some uncomfortable position. It didn't help.
Caretaker's chest. Listening to their heartbeat. Calming down. Finally feeling safe close to another person.
Passanger's seat. Caretaker's driving during the long jurney. And casually talks to Whumpee to brighten the mood. Sings to the radio. Jokes with their teammates navigating from the backsits. Sips on the coffee from the gas station. The rain's tapping on car roof. Street lights rhytmically fall on their faces and fade away behind them. Whumpee curls up on their seat and covers with Teammate's big coat. Falls asleep to the sound of their friends laughing.
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whumporpass · 18 days
Licorice Cookie from Cookie Run!!!
propaganda: GOD he is SO pathetic. he’s one of the villains and is a scrawny pathetic necromancer who is terrible at his job, perfect for whumping. in the youtube series Last Cookie Standing he immediately starts talking to a rock. also just take a listen to his voice. you’ll see. he’s incredibly whumpable.
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whumpookies · 4 months
To my fellow whumpers..
In the land of Whump, where tales unfold,
A hint of hurt, a comfort untold.
Amidst the frost on Christmas Eve,
A tale of solace, we shall conceive.
In the dark of night, a soul so weary,
Injured and lost, feeling quite dreary.
A heart so burdened, heavy with strain,
Searching for solace to ease the pain.
Enter the warmth, a merry clime,
The scent of cinnamon, a view sublime.
Beneath the tree, where gifts are arrayed,
A cozy haven, a safe escapade.
A kind soul, gentle and kind,
With whispers of solace, to heal the mind.
Embracing wounds with tender care,
A soothing touch, to banish despair.
Through flickering lights, the fire's embrace,
Whispered words, a love with grace.
A cup of cocoa, warming the core,
A gentle heartbeat, promising more.
In the Whumpers realm, this tale is shared,
A reminder of comfort, for those who dared.
To find solace in the arms of love,
Where hurt finds healing, flying like a dove.
So, on this Christmas, let's remember the tune,
Of Whumpers story, beneath the wintery moon.
Where hurt and comfort entwine so tight,
Illuminating darkness, with shimmering light.
A merry Whumpmas and to all good night..
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how-much-for-a-whump · 8 months
Do you have a second? You do? Great. I want you to celebrate something with me.
1000 followers on Tumblr
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This is a big number, I won't lie. I didn't even think I would get so far.
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Aleks baked some cookies. Don't be shy and take as many as you want. He tried so hard to make them. They are not as whumpy as usual but yummy for sure.
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See? He's growing so fast.
I've probably said this before but... Thank you for being here with me. It means a lot.
Love you, guys. Enjoy your day. ❤️
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As much as I adore seeing so many gifs and your incredible writing for whumptober2022 I have to confess I miss the great -whump-cookie-gif-debates between you and @queenwhumphouse I hope you will both proceed with them after October 🙏🏻 they always make me smile!
Awwwww 🥰 thank you but worry not it prob won't take us a month to start one mwhwhaaa @queenwhumphouse
perhaps we should make a special batch for and early Halloween ehh
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Or is that too dark maybe itd be best to keep the trauma and blood for the whumpees and keep the cookies blood free 😅
Don't want anyone outside our fictional men traumatized riighhttt
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lilacthebooklover · 3 months
i'm sorry everyone but i'm still not over the latest crk update </3
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zoethehead · 1 month
Putting this here as the angst is just great!
Press the Read more for some crk spoilers
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They been captduded
Edit: pure vanilla's not there since this is a scene brought upon to him as a nightmare by poison Mushroom cookie in the episode "timeless kingdom" so the cookies of darkness could jar his arse and hold him prisoner there
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Speaking of which, we need a blank resource of just that jar but empty, STAT!
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the-cookie-of-doom · 4 months
“Nothing! Kim—” Chay takes a deep breath. He pushes himself back, stands up, puts them both on even ground. Almost even; he still has a height advantage, however slight. “I don’t want anything from you, Kim.”
“You helped me.” 
“Yeah,” Chay says, his voice edging on hysterically. “Not so that you would, what, sleep with me? I don’t expect you to—to do anything.”
“Then why?”
“I Just wanted to help!”
“Why?” No one ever wants to help. Goodness, kindness, selflessness, these things don’t exist in Kim’s world. They can’t survive. 
“It was the right thing to do.” Chay rakes a hand through his hair. He’s pacing, now. Kim feels himself grow smaller with every frantic word out of his mouth. “Is that why you—this whole time, were you just waiting for me to—to—” 
Kim nods. Shame twists painfully in his belly, leaving him nauseous. 
“Fuck. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, if I did anything that made you think I expected that, I—”
“You didn’t,” Kim forces himself to say. He can’t bring himself to look at Chay, who is apologizing, as if this is somehow his fault. Like Kim isn’t the broken one, the one that corrupts everything he touches. The one incapable of accepting that Chay really is good. “I’m sorry. I—I’m sorry, I’ll go.”
“Kim, wait—”
He doesn’t. 
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