#you're too kind 😭
a-namjoon-a-day · 4 months
I want to follow up on the last question and tell you that I appreciate a lot what you do. Having a daily dose of Joonie pics boosts my serotonin. Thank you so much, hope you always stay healthy and safe!
Love you 💜
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That's it, I'm declaring y'all my official valentines this year. 😂😍
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wrestlezaynia · 1 year
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God bless you user @yoooibooi. 🥺👉👈
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lilflowerpot · 2 years
For the Zarkon/Tortoise ask, can I please use your drawing as a pfp? I really like it! The details, colouring, and just the general vibe I get from it is so cool! I honestly thought a person could either be good at writing or drawing, but somehow you know how to do both incredibly well! 💕
asdjnknhjsabfcbsdk you're adorable and I'm very glad you like my silly little rendition so much—consider him free to use darling!
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baynton · 1 year
I'm not sure what I was expecting but oh my god you're genuinely really hot this is a moment for me 😳
anon im smooching u rn
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rayix · 2 months
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HAPPY (not belated wtf do you mean?!?!?) BIRTHDAY‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
(I whipped this up quickly so its kinda shitty srry 😭)
Anyways ima say some nice stuff now cuz ngl your like KINDA maybe a WEEE little bit of a cool awesome person ‼️‼️‼️‼️
Your arts so crunchy rararararar I could go on and on how I love how you draw and like just wanting to know how you draw in general RAHADHSDHDAK. I FUCKING LOVEEEE YOUR CLOWN AESTHETIC OMG IMA GO TO THE MALL THIS WEEKEND AND SPEND ALL MY MONEY ON FUCKING CLOWN SHIT CUZ OF YOU /hj /pos you have this very nice welcoming vibeee your very chill and cool like if I knew you in irl I would be to scared to talk to you, I’d just stare at you from across the room trying to work up the courage to talk to you (spoiler I don’t /silly) /pos EVERYTHING IN YOUR ART STYLE COMES OUT SO CUTE AND VIBRANT AUGHGHFHUSFDHWFDJVWDHVDEJVEDH I mean I could go on but I’m not rlly used to complements soooo I’ll start writing shit down (I already have like 672346243762347 things to say I just…. Don’t know how to say them /silly /hj) anywayssss ily you pookie… but….. but your old….. YOUR AND OLD MANNNNNN EWWW ima have to send you to an old persons home soon 😔😔 /silly
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I’m literally crying of joy right now. I checked everyday for the past 3 months to see if you’d posted. Sort of seems creepy now that I say it out loud 😭 But you’re one of my favorite writers on this app and I was so sad when you quit being active on here. I hope you’re doing better and I’m glad to have you back!!! ♥️
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STOP YOU'RE SO SWEET. Oh my god I'm obsessed with you, you kind perfect soul. wow. i have so many emotions💜 i am so sorry that i just up and disappeared tho. if i could alter one thing, i wish i had at least given y'all a heads up so everyone was aware of what was happening😭
but thank you and i love you!!
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willowser · 1 year
the tag “he’s not having sex!!” is killing me im trying so hard to keep it together in this coffee shop rn trying not to cackle
also yeah dabi probably considered the time that you helped him take a fully clothed shower (because he wasnt comfortable at the moment even if he was by himself to be naked) to be third base. maybe even a home run idk
LMAOOO okay okay, not to get on a serious note, but your shower bit 🥺 i genuinely think dabi would be so, so fun for friends to lovers. because a totally platonic relationship with him must be hilarious; this man is a smart ass, okay? he will always have you cracking up. and i think if he views you as just some acquaintance of his, he's more prone to like. just chatting with you or shooting the shit or drinking or walking around at all hours of the night when neither of you can sleep. it's not until things start to get a little...softer, i think, that he pulls back—but that's what makes it so good !
because it could come out of nowhere, for either of you. one minute you're sharing a bottle in a brown paper bag under the bright city lights, talking shit about pro heroes, and the next—
"fuck, i'm freezing." you laugh as you say it, but your teeth won't stop chattering and your legs are starting to feel like they're made of lead. you have to come to a stop, leaning against some abandoned shop in this lesser part of town.
"should'a dressed right," dabi murmurs, having the audacity to tell you such a thing even though he's in pants with holes in the knees, without a jacket. already he sounds like he's sobering up, but you suppose he can't help it; his metabolism probably eats through everything.
"can't all be so h-hot-blooded."
tired, his mouth stretches in a lazy smirk, and he rolls his eyes like you're being dramatic—despite the fact that it's snowing. "ain't that bad."
you beg to differ. "feel my hands!"
he watches you carefully as you offer them, like he's putting too much thought into it, suddenly. it's not often that you two really touch, not if he can help it, because there's never been a need. not before now.
the facade of his nonchalance is readjusted, though there's a tension lining his mouth that you've never seen on him, not with you. he tucks the bag underneath his armpit so that he can use both his hands, and then he folds your fingers down into fists and covers them with his own.
entirely, the long and rough expanse of his palms dwarfing you. it's hot, immediately, and the sensation has you shuddering in relief, letting out a grateful little sound as your body sways closer to his on instinct. neither of you say anything, and you're too tipsy too notice the grit of his jaw or the bob of his adam's apple.
been a long time since he touched someone, just 'cause. with the intention of helping instead of harming.
you don't care, only let out another teeth chattering whine before pressing your cheek into the back of his hand. yours is icy, but his own heat at the sight of you nuzzling into him like a fucking kitten.
it's weird, but only lasts for a moment before you're pulling away and turning to wobble down the sidewalk, back in the direction of the hideout. you almost slip once and the screech you let out is enough to make you both laugh, for now—but neither of you will be able to sleep tonight without thinking about it, his skin against yours.
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kkulmoon · 2 years
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for @namchyoon​ 💙
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keithsandwich · 2 months
Happy Birthday Myara~! Here's a small gift 😚
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That's so precious! Thank you so much, Aki!!! 🥹🤲💕🥰💗 You're the sweetest!
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the-words-we-sung · 3 months
While I (not so) patiently await season 3...
I think being on Tumblr is gonna be tough this week: I've blacklisted sp*ilers because I wanna watch the new season with my mind as free as possible (like I did for the first 2 seasons) but it means that right now my dash is 99% empty, just an endless list of blocked posts 😅 So 1. it's boring and 2. the temptation to check these hidden posts is growing bigger and bigger by the minute >< I'm not entirely sure I can make it spoiler-free 'til next Monday... But anyway, I was just thinking tonight how lucky we are to live at a time when shows like Young Royals are being made, and well-made, and successful, and so so loved by so many people.
Earlier tonight I got struck by a faint memory of a scene from an old TV show I watched when I was (way) younger and so I went on a deep search to find it. It was an old French TV show that I watched with my parents growing up and it made me laugh to check some bits of some episodes: but I ended up watching a scene where a (secondary) character comes out to his best friend (a main character on the show) and it was awful. The best friend reaction was terrible and homophobic, but treated as if it was totally normal and acceptable. And it made me so so sad, because I grew up with that, I grew up watching that. And it's probably not the only scene, the only show, the only movie with that kind of message that I've watched when I was young. I grew up in an environment, a family, that was quite close-minded. The mere concept of not being straight, not being cis, was not at all something that I was aware of at the time. We didn't talk about that with my parents or at school. And the little representations I got on TV (like this one) were pretty awful. It makes sense that it took me so long to really realize that I was neither straight nor cis, to be able to actually put words on what I had been feeling my whole life (and I'm not even done questioning it all). But yeah, growing up then meant not being exposed to the amazing representation that we have now. And I am so so so happy that young people now can have that!! That we can all have that! I am sometimes incredibly frustrated by the idea that my life would have been so so different if a show like Young Royals existed when I was growing up, when I was a teenager... Where would I be now? Who would I be now? Most of the time I'm just happy and grateful that I still managed to get where I am today, but yeah, the frustration over what feels like wasted years can rear its ugly head sometimes...
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Glee was my first "Young Royals", my first fandom, my first show with a good and real and strong LGBTQ+ representation. It's the show that will always have a special place in my heart because it made me see, made me realize things about myself. It's the show that pushed me head first into queer culture and told me to "look look here! Look at these people, look at this history!". The show that took me by the hand and told me I could be strong and brave and myself. And that I was not alone. Blaine and Kurt will always be the fictional characters who helped me the most, who made me start the process of becoming myself, who started healing me.
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At the time I didn't participate in the fandom life as I do now with Young Royals, because I was quite introverted and not comfortable talking to people, and still trying to figure things out about myself. But Young Royals changed that. This show arrived at the perfect time, when I felt ready for more, ready to take a step further in my healing process. Anyway, such a long rant just to say that Young Royals is incredible. It didn't change my life quite as radically as Glee did, but it is making it incredibly better! Part of it is of course due to the show itself, and Wilhelm, and Simon, and the cast (Omar!!!!). But it is also this fandom, and the people I've met and chatted with. You all have no idea how incredible you've been, how happy you've made me. How healing you've been for me. I'm realizing that I've written a whole novel in this post >< Which was not really my intention! I was mostly just thinking about how awesome our little show is, how lucky we are that we're gonna have 3 incredible seasons to watch and rewatch. And how happy I am to be part of our little fandom family 💜
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So I hope you're all enjoying the season 3 content that we've been getting today (even though I don't know what it is 😱) and I'm excited to be there with you all next week to be happy and sad and unhinged as usual about our dear dear show 💜💜
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shirogane-oushirou · 4 months
RO!!! HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!! I love your dynamic with Ren SOOO MUCHH and when I was thinking of a pose for you two for this little surprise, I just couldn’t resist drawing you flustering him :’) 💛 I HOPE YOU TWO HAVE A GREAT VDAY!! :D 💗
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KJNAKJNDS. omg. look at his blush. look at the way he has to turn away. oughhghhgh. i'm ill (positive).
caitie this is so cute and pretty, thank you so much???????? this is such a kind and sweet surprise 🥺🥺🥺 you've been so nice since i first joined the selfship community, and this is just. ksjndjkn wahhh. it really means a lot, thank you so so much!!!! i'm going to treasure this. 😭💕💕
i hope you're having a great valentines day too!!! wishing you and bob and randall and all of the others a lovely evening~~~ 💕
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a-namjoon-a-day · 2 years
i hope you keep yourself healthy just like you keep all the namu stans every day 🌿💜
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shuploc · 3 months
Could you upload your BG3 masterpieces to Redbubble please? I would buy from InPrnt but the sizes they offer are too small for what I’d like ❤️
Sure thing! I've added both my BG3 stuff, and the remaining Spiderverse stuff, you can find the BG3 prints here
The reason I stopped adding more things to my Redbubble store was simply because INPRNT is a much better option when it comes to print quality. I get a much much much bigger cut too, compared to Redbubble, that only pays creators in pocket lint and nail clippings, frankly. You mentioned in the ask that they don't make the prints big enough, but I'm pretty sure you can get posters on INPRNT? Have a look at least!
Thank you for reaching out and for asking, you're not the first person to reach out either, so I finally got everything sorted. If you end up grabbing a print, thank you SO much!! 🤗❤️
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Nah because tell me why Isshin had TWO YEARS to tell Ichigo all of this but he waited until the world was about to end 😭
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dontcallpanic · 16 days
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 💕
Diolch yn fawr iawn! Cariad mawr 🩵 Thank you 🩵
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moonshotsx · 4 months
i always try to be accommodating when it comes to getting paid back for stuff, but like two of my roommates basically owe me 200€ combined... it's really making it hard for me to be willing to pay for bills upfront every time
in january, i paid for 3 bills upfront and only one out of three roommates has paid me back
and the thing is that it's not an issue for me to do that, i only ask to be paid back in a timely manner, especially for sums that high for me
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