tarotbylibby · 5 days
Earth feels it, the burning and bombing
Pulsating and reverberating
a horrifying WOW! signal
conducted and diffused
the trees shudder, the birdsong is requiem, our dreams are strange
can I gather the world in my arms and mother it
can I descend in a burning chariot and visit these men with righteous mother's rage
in my sleep I wander strange hallways
shadows and doors, red and black
I crouch and groan, I am crowned
I will not absorb it I will not
because no. genocide
does not happen for a reason
I will not be soothed by lies
You cannot make this part of the glorious cosmic ballet
this is a rip in the fabric, an aberration, an atrocity
trauma lives in our genes and visits our grandchildren
we repeat it again and again
we hand it off to one another in a sick, endless relay
genocide pulsates through dirt, through spacetime
there is no disconnecting
can I hold Rafah to my breast and nurse it
can I devour these wicked kings whole
can I become a wall of flame that none may penetrate
surely some revelation is at hand
hold your babies, drink wine, plant flowers
move your slow thighs across the desert
destruction is also birth
what will emerge
from this cradle of ashes
what rough beast will rise from these ruins
take the baton and run
visit flame upon the enemy?
I will be its mother.
you will be its mother.
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tarotbylibby · 4 months
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tarotbylibby · 4 months
Looking for active witch blogs that post:
🕯 Altars
☠ Baneful Magic (curses, hexes, jinxes, etc.)
💸 Budget / Poverty / Struggle / DIY / Upcycling Witchcraft
📖 Magical Books (pics of grimoire pages, flip-throughs, book recs/reviews, etc.)
💲 Money, Business, & Prosperity Witchcraft
💀 Necromancy, Death Witchcraft, and/or Cthonic/Death Deities (also funerary stuff, medical examination, etc., love that stuff)
🌿 Practical & Responsible Herbalism (gardening, cultivating, harvesting, foraging, herbal remedies, recipes, salves, ointments, etc. but no anti-science, anti-medicine, anti-allopathy shit)
📝 Sigils (free to use, preferably)
👻 Spirit Work (esp. animal spirits, dryads, egregores, genus loci, gorgons, & mermaids)
🥄 Spoon-Conscious Witchcraft (for those who are disabled, exhaust easy, etc.)
✨ Things relating to: Santa Muerte, Artemis, Serket/Selqet
🦴 Vulture Culture (responsible)
Reblog or send me an ask if you think your blog might suit my taste. Disclaimer: not Wiccan, not Pagan, not Heathen; just a witch who's curse-positive, eclectic, & agnostic.
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tarotbylibby · 4 months
(Note: I am a white person and this advice is mostly directed at other white people. This is an incredibly complex topic, and the process will be different for different people.)
Here in the US, we are wrestling with the racism we have relegated to the shadow. The crouching, heaving demon of slavery, colonialism, and genocide is too hideous to face.
Collectively, we see active denial of this American racial shadow self in book banning, in the Lost Cause narrative of the Civil War, in the continued lack of restorative policies (reparations, land back, etc), in the survival of perpetually racist systems.
Individually, this rejection of the shadow can take the form of "color-blindness," defensiveness around racial issues, "I have black friends," performative activism, white saviorism, gaslighting….
The rejected racial shadow can become overt racism, passive identification with racist ideologies, or sometimes a vague, indefinable satisfaction when a candidate or comedian says something awful.
Until the shadow is faced and accepted, it directs our choices. The more completely it is denied, the more powerful it grows. Healing comes through illumination, through turning towards the shadow.
Facing your own racial shadow can be very uncomfortable. Remember, many conflicting things can be true at once. Abandon binary thinking and allow things to be complex and messy.
Explore your ancestral connection to colonialism, slavery, and genocide as part of a genealogy or family history project.
Actively learn unvarnished history. Allow what is to be. If you're uncomfortable, you're doing it right.
Engage with racial justice in your community. Donate, volunteer, teach, learn, show up.
Think of a time you felt defensive or uncomfortable about race. What was the trigger? What were you avoiding?
Are there racist or racially insensitive things you used to believe but no longer ascribe to? What does it feel like to sit with that version of yourself?
What is a racial stereotype you hold? Be honest. It's ok. Everyone holds stereotypes about groups– it's a kind of mental shortcut. The important part is catching yourself and interrogating those stereotypes. Do that now.
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tarotbylibby · 4 months
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tarotbylibby · 4 months
It's been a hell of a month. The past two weeks have been especially challenging. The additional stress has caused a flare of chronic illness symptoms. I'm keeping it as mellow as possible.
Sometimes my self worth is eroded by these challenging times. When this happens, I tell myself, "I take care of these animals. I took in all these strays. One thing I do that's definitely, incontrovertibly good and worthy, is I give a good home to these animals. If I doubt myself in every way, if I fail in every respect, still here is a service I do every day."
And I give myself credit for that. I allow myself to know I am doing good, good enough, and allow the warmth of that. And the critical voice, the mean one I call Brenda, will say "you are irresponsible for having so many pets and your rug needs vacuumed and you could do better about the litter boxes."
And I say "Sit down, Brenda. I own this good thing. It is pure and it is mine."
And the pets love on me, and I know I am important and good.
Tomorrow, February 1, is Imbolc. This is the midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox. We anticipate the return of the sun. The days grow longer. The seeds notice.
I will be cradling that one incontrovertibly good thing I am doing right, and hoping that bright little flame grows.
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tarotbylibby · 4 months
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tarotbylibby · 4 months
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tarotbylibby · 5 months
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for years I wondered what made her that way, loved her anyway, and now I understand. at least, I have a story I tell myself, something that makes it make sense.
I didn't know that understanding is not the same as forgiving maybe it could have been if the wrongs hadn't kept piling up if the sour sour sour chuff of her harvest were not quite so sour
in the shadow of the forest I unfolded, unfolded, and on and on, and there, finally, was the granite hunk of contempt that had been passed like an heirloom. mother-daughter-mother-daughter
mother mother daughter daughter. if there is contempt in the water, in the double helix in the carbohydrates and proteins and knitted into the blankets and spread on bread. then contempt is home.
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tarotbylibby · 6 months
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Morticia vibes for this week’s shadow work class.
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tarotbylibby · 6 months
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tarotbylibby · 6 months
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tarotbylibby · 6 months
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Lots on my plate
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tarotbylibby · 6 months
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tarotbylibby · 7 months
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tarotbylibby · 7 months
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Yes on Ohio Issue 1 & 2🌳 I went to vote with my mom and grandma. 3 generations voting for repro rights! I wanted to get a 3 generation voting pic, but my grandma was pretty busy telling my mom what to do and it seemed rude to interrupt.
Touched up my color and loving it. Enjoying memes about blue haired girls being psycho. 😎
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tarotbylibby · 7 months
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New Class announcement!
Memento Mori: Understanding the Death Card
If you aren’t ready to let the Halloween season go, you’re not alone. The veil remains thin. We are still in the Harvest season, when the old dies away and the new begins to incubate. This is the season to consider the Death card. Join me for a dive into the origins, symbols, and meanings of this powerful agent of change. We will consider misconceptions, meanings and interpretations. There will be some mysticism, some art history, some occult history, and a little dash of the macabre. I can’t wait to see you there!
Monday, November 27, 2023, 6PM EST
Cost: $20
(Note: If you have previously attended a death card class with me, there will be a decent amount of overlap, but some new material as well 💀 )
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