trisana · 6 years
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trisana · 6 years
Even if Rose and Finn kissed, Finn didn’t seem interested in her… at all. He was always off talking to Poe about the mission or thinking about Rey. He didn’t even seem interested in the kiss. He just kind of let it happen. In my opinion, he definitely just sees her as a friend and nothing more. I hope for Finn x Poe, but honestly Finn x Rey would be great too :) just not Finn x Rose…. please just noooo
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trisana · 6 years
“I think that Oscar is always looking at me with love in his eyes, and I guess that the fans saw it. And then they realized that either he needs to chill or come out.“
John Boyega (on FinnPoe)
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trisana · 6 years
Star Wars Ships after TLJ:
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trisana · 6 years
my multishipping ass after tlj:
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trisana · 7 years
Absolutely loving queer!Cheryl with ALL of my being. And am totally on board with her crush on Josie. But the whole life debt thing about saving her from being raped had me a little confused cause it was actually Veronica that noticed and led the charge to save her.  Not a big deal, it was just kind of bothering me.
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trisana · 7 years
Look I know it’s wrong that Cheryl blamed the stalking on Chuck, but I really dislike how this is all kind of overshadowing how bad he was/is. I mean yes, people should be able to be redeemed, but we just had them face a rapist and now they’re trying to redeem a slut shamer?  Like there needed to be more time between those arcs. Josie should really have been more on her guard on all accounts.
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trisana · 7 years
Just so The Flash writers know: saying “#feminism” in a script half a dozen times doesn’t make your show feminist.
Why don’t you start giving females more interesting powers and storylines equal to the male characters and then we’ll talk about it.
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trisana · 7 years
My hope for Season 5:
Clarke and Bellamy being emotionally stunted and staring at each other longingly after a tearful reunion and Madi being like WTF, just kiss already!
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trisana · 7 years
Sweetwater River
did it bug anyone else that the clue was “where it all began” so betty and jughead rush to town hall where nothing happens then later when veronica and archie throw away the gun the jughead voice over says that sweet water river was “where it all began” and nothing interesting happened? Like i thought this was a twist or something but no. just poor writing
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trisana · 7 years
Fire and Ice?
Can I just say, for a second, how disappointed I am that there really hasn’t been a single Cheryl and Veronica scene yet this season? They butt heads over everything but still cared for each other and connected in a really great way.
Plus, their back and forth sassy liners were hilariously badass so I definitely need more of them.
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trisana · 7 years
I used to love Betty at the beginning, she was like a very interesting character, but now she’s just pushing people to make what she wants them to do and it’s more and more infuriating
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trisana · 7 years
I get that FP is Jughead’s dad and he wants to protect him. But all this hatred and blackmail flying around is ridiculous! He might not have killed Jason, but he is guilty of everything they accused him of. My opinion of Betty went way down blackmailing Cheryl.
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trisana · 7 years
All that stuff about someone doing things without consequence to the people around them was a direct shot on the Winchesters. That drunk chick has got to be an angel or a demon. There is no convincing me otherwise.
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trisana · 7 years
Fallon was fantastic, but Crystal’s bitchy, judgmental, and entitled attitude is off-putting. And not in a good, Gossip Girl-esque way either.
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trisana · 7 years
I wasn’t watching FOR Sterek. I was watching IN CASE of Sterek. It was still a let down, but that’s okay. Imma go burry myself in A03 now!
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trisana · 7 years
Stiles never knew about Malia and Scott. This is so insulting.
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