wrestling0neshots · 9 months
Hi all, I wanted to put a post here as well as on my main and ask for a bit of help.
So, I got a bill of £984 from a previous employer in the mail and I'm currently unemployed. As many of you are aware I'm diagnosed autisitc and suffer from anxiety and depression as well.
I'm now at a point where savings aren't going to be enough and my partner and I are going to struggle to feed ourselves.
Full post on my main here. If you have any questions please leave a dm or ask on my main and I'm happy to answer.
So I've set up my Ko Fi and a gofundme, anyone who donates is welcome to ask me for a drawing of a cat in my style as well (its an experimental style right now). I'm happy to do some digital art as a thank you to anyone who donates.
If you can't donate, don't worry. I understand many of you aren't in a position you can. It would also be helpful if you could reblog to signal boost, that helps too.
Thank you all, Love Nix
Here are the cat examples, I'm just trying some stuff out really and want to give back to anyone who donates in the only way I really can right now
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wrestling0neshots · 1 year
I have two questions!
Will you still write fics for Underwood and kane? I love the ones you have written and I feel like both of them have so much that can be used in fics especially since not many people that write about them. my second question is would you write for Edge and Christian? I completely understand if you don't I'm just curious and I seem to like the wrestlers that don't have much out there
Yes, if I have the motivation I could write for any of the four of them :)
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wrestling0neshots · 1 year
I have a question about your fics! I know everyone is different on what they are comfortable doing with the reader/oc and I was wondering if you are comfortable writing fics that involve a male or trans male reader with the male wrestlers you write for. sorry if this is hard to understand, love your fics btw!
No no it's cool, I get what you're saying. It's a great question actually :)
These days I write purely gender neutral fics, or I do to the best of my abilities. I wouldn't want to write from a specifically male or trans perspective because, as a cis woman, I don't have those experiences, but these days I do my best to make all my works gender neutral.
A lot of my works for wrestling stuff are from a female perspective because they're all a couple of years old (I've been writing these oneshots for 5 years now), many of these are from before I really knew about the wider world of gender and gender expressionand such, but all the works you will see me post from now on (and all the works I have done for other fandoms in the last year and a half) I will do my best to make gender neutral.
I'm not perfect by any means, but I do try to keep my reader genderless and with as few other physical identifiers as I can. I try to make it so as many people as possible can insert themselves into my stories
Thank you for the question anon, I hope you have a lovely day :D
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wrestling0neshots · 1 year
Hi, welcome to my blog for Wrestling0neshots. I've been writing since about 2013, but this is where you can find my works from 2017 onwards! I also crosspost to Wattpad and AO3 under Nixoxia!
You can see who I write for a what I will write Here (also masterlist is below) Requests are currently closed but ideas are always welcome in my ask box, as are any questions or comments you may have about my fics!
I watch some AEW and know a lot about WWE in the late 90's and through the 00's. That's really where my writing is centered.
We're starting a new one here but you can find all 64 of my other fics on This Masterlist, as well as links to my full fics over on Wattpad. These are all WWE based fics!
The Regal Behind The Belt (no warnings)
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wrestling0neshots · 1 year
The Regal Behind The Belt
MJF x Reader Oneshot No warnings apply
Summary: Max has something to say about his title reign. He makes sure to credit the Regal that helped him get the belt in the first place.
Feel free to reblog! Please do not repost _____________________________
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Walking into the arena all eyes are on you. The show has already started, but you're not here to wrestle.
You're not here for much. You have no bags. No coat. Just you. You look like a million bucks, dressed in high-end labels, every little detail of your look perfect.
That was your one requirement for tonight. Not to be anything less than perfect. That's what he wanted, what he deserves. He told you that you deserve to shine along side him for all the work you've done.
You check your pocket, making sure the brass knuckles are still there. Those are important.
"Regal! It's nice to see you again. It's been a while." Dax walks over, slight smile on his face. He's the only one in the cafeteria who looks any kind of happy to see you.
"Nice to see you too, Ring Of Honor going well for you and Cash?" Dax nods. "Oh yeah, there's been so much going on I couldn't fill you in if I tried." He chuckles. You smile. You've missed him. Him and all your former allies. Not that you imagine many of them will be your allies now.
"We'll have time to catch up again soon enough. You'll be seeing me around more often." Dax pulls you in for a quick hug. "Good, see you round." The two of you head in opposite directions.
You linger in a hall by the gorilla for some time. You don't want to deal with the team in there until you have to go out. So you don't.
Standing and waiting is boring, but you have your phone at least. You check through twitter, even deciding to tweet a vague couple of sentences hinting that you'll be out tonight. As the likes start to pour in, you hear your name.
"He's going out now. We suggest you get ready for your cue." With a nod, you follow the tech, listening to the crowds reaction to their champion going down to the ring. It's been a few weeks. You have so missed this place.
You listen to his promo, words insulting, precise. Smooth like butter. You'd expect nothing less, behind closed doors you've gotten to know the man well. No one knows, of course. The two of you have kept things just between the two of you.
But tonight, everyone else finds out. Including your father.
Your dad has always built you up the best he could. Taught you the ways of the wrestling world. He's the reason you're here. He's the reason you've never had anyone. Because no one was ever good enough for the golden child of William Regal.
You've worked for your father your entire professional career. You've managed wrestlers under his guidance. Done all he's said for years. Now you've out-grown him. And it's time for you to break free.
It's been a long time coming. Your plans have been in motion for a while. All it took was a little time to get him to fall for your plan.
You're signaled to get ready, so you walk up the stairs and stand behind the curtain, watching the events in the ring from a small monitor. "Oh, wait wait wait, wait, wait! Mr. Regal, I almost forgot. Guys, I have a microphone. I know it's real confusing, please, pipe down." The crowd boos.
"I wanted to say, without-" he checks his pocket but finds nothing. "Oh, one second. I must have forgotten them last night, I was a little distracted I must have left them with- Wait, actually.. bring them out!" That's your cue.
Your music hits. The curtain is pulled. Out you walk.
The crowd cheers, mostly. Some people don't seem to know how to react to you. Your father doesn't seem to know how to react, watching as you walk to the ring filled with all manner of confidence.
You climb the stairs and go through the ropes unassisted, careful not to ruin the look. Your dad says nothing to you, simply watching as you walk to stand beside the AEW champion. You pull the brass knuckles from your pocket, MJF reaching out and taking a hold of your hand. He leaves a surprisingly delicate kiss on your knuckles before sliding the weapon from your palm
"As I was saying, without these and without you none of this is possible. I mean, you did so much. You raised such a good companion for the world champion." You smirk, it's not like Max is wrong. "They might have booed you when you came out here, but hey, they respect you. Everyone in this business respects you, because-" as MJF talks he walks.
You take a few steps backwards, before turning and carefully picking up the new title belt. You take a second to admire it before looking back up, right as your father takes brass knuckles to the head. He collapses to the mat, laying there lifeless. Max crouches beside him.
"It's funny. You said I have much to learn and you're the one who made a deal with the devil. Not only do I have triple B, but I have a Regal who isn't going to betray me." Max looks up at you, gaze hard.
It's a warning to you, but you knew what you were getting into when you started this. When you convinced your father to betray Mox, when you first committed yourself to Max. You knew the price you would pay for failure or backstabbing.
MJF turns his attention back to your father. "Allow me to leave you with the same words you left me seven long years ago. Will, the game has changed. MJF exclusively hires top talent or top world class athletes. When you're one of them, send me your stuff. Yours sincerely, the champion, Maxwell Jacob Friedman."
With that the burberry clad man drops the mix, standing and walking over to you. He looks at your face, then down at his title belt that you have in your hands.
He places his hands on your waist before kissing you, it's rough and passionate, but short lived. "You're the reason I'm here right now. Not your stupid father. You. You helped me get this beautiful belt, and I'm going to give you the world for that." He smirks, placing a kiss to your cheek before taking the belt from your hands gently.
Max throws the belt over his shoulder, the two of you exiting the ring. He holds your hand as the two of you make your way through the crowd, not once stopping to look back at the ring.
He's the champion, the AEW champion. Your champion. And that is how it is going to stay for the foreseeable future.
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wrestling0neshots · 1 year
Hi all!
It's been a long time since this blog has been used.. but at long last I'm back with another oneshot. It will be up shortly!
I doubt very much that I will get back into writing wrestling fics full time, but hopefully every now and then I can get one out for you all. Love ya!
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wrestling0neshots · 2 years
AO3 account?
Yes! I have one of those. It's under Nixoxia, which is my name on the internet. Most call me Nix. But Nixoxia is my handle on everything
Here you go!
Here is a link directly to my oneshots
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wrestling0neshots · 3 years
Injury Via Rookie Mistake - Triple H
A newbie not reading the script isn't good at the best of times. It's worse when the move hits you, which if they had read the script they would know you do not take bumps.
Requested by CalmClearSkies on AO3 Originally posted to Archive Of Our Own ------------------------
"Have you had any spinal damage before, Y/n?" "I've had issues, you could say that." You try and laugh, trying to ease the discomfort you're in.
You retired from wrestling far earlier than you'd hoped, your spine becoming an unexpected issue. Despite this you had stuck with the WWE, Vince wanting to keep you.
And so you became a manager for your partner, Triple H. You'd also usually sit and do commentary for his matching, wanting to be well out of the way. Sure, you'd gotten caught in the crossfire more than a few times, although you had never participated in anything that could potentially injure you. You didn't want that, Hunter didn't want that and neither did Vince.
Unfortunately, due to scheduling issues, tonight Vince had been forced to send new talent out to the ring. They weren't well knowledged about WWE, or wrestling as a whole.
They seemed to take issue when Hunter snatched the mic from them.. a planned part, although it clearly wasn't expected by the newbie. At that point you wondered whether they had read the script, whether they knew what they were supposed to be doing at all. You worried that it wasn't safe for them to be in the ring.. something that turned out to be right.
Like usual you had gone to block their path up to the ramp, another scripted part of the segment. Another part they didn't take kindly to. One poorly executed swinging neckbreaker later and you were on the floor in a considerable amount of pain, far more than most would be in.
"Get out, go! Never come back." Hunter had yelled as he stood above you. Those were words he meant, you knew he would make sure that he never came back.
Hunter had crouched down, asking if you were okay. He knew the answer before he had your response, crossing his arms over his head to signal for an emergency response just incase the medics in the back weren't already on it.
You hadn't been able to see them from  your position on the floor, not until they were surrounding you. "We're going to go slow okay?" You nod, understanding that they have to get you on the stretcher and to the back to be checked over. You're hurt, you're in pain, but you know it's not serious. You can still feel your limbs, you're still conscious. You're fully alert. Once they lift the stretcher Hunter takes your hand, holding it firmly as you're brought to back.
You look up at him, a concerned look adorns his features. He's not looking down at you, but you know that you're what's on his mind.
It doesn't take long for you to be in the trainers room, Hunter having broken off from you to go to the locker room. "I'm going to go get your painkillers, okay? I'll be back soon." You hoped he would be, for both of your sakes.
After many questions and some prodding and poking anything serious is ruled out. Between the pain you deal with on a regular basis anyway and the wrong execution of the move (plus the fact you're not supposed to take bumps at all) your spine, and moreso the muscles attached to it, are not feeling a okay.
You're glad it's not serious, but promise that you'll go to the hospital if it worsens.
"I'm here, I'm sorry it took so long I ran into Vince." Hunter explains unnecessarily. He walks over, leaning over you and placing a tender kiss on your forehead. "What's the verdict then?" He asks, helping you up into a seated position before handing you a fresh bottle of water.
You take the painkillers, explaining the situation to Hunter, who looks relieved to say the least. "I'm glad that it's not serious. I was so worried when you just laid there. I'm sorry that I couldn't stop him."
"It's okay, it was clear he didn't thoroughly read the script. He got through his lines then went about everything wrong. If he had read it he would have known that I'm not to take bumps." "I know. It was a stupid mistake though. He shouldn't have been allowed out before he was ready." You reach out, gesturing for his hand.
"It's not your fault Hunter. A mistake was made, I'm going to be okay." You smile at him, hoping that he feels reassured. His smile back, albeit small, lets you know that you were successful. He gently rubs the back of your hand with his thumb, patiently waiting with you while your painkillers kick in.
A good 25 minutes later and you finally feel as if you can walk comfortably, the painkillers well and truly doing their job. Hunter helps you up and off of the bed, making sure that you're well supported. Although you're not in as much pain you're still uncomfortable, your back is still sore, something both of you know.
He lets you lean into him, not that he doesn't normally, helping you out of the room by adding that little bit more stability.
Outside the room there is a small gathering of people, all having come to make sure that you're okay. After a quick thank you and letting people know you'll be fine most everyone clears off.
A couple people ask if there's anything they can do for you, to which you find no answer to and let them know that you'll be okay. You do have Hunter after all.
"We're glad you're okay." A voice calls from a dark corner once the hall is empty. "It certainly wasn't fun to watch." Another adds. "And we got the guy, took him to Vince. He was fired on the spot." The final member states.
"Vince certainly has a soft spot for you." The second man states. "How you do it we're not sure. Hunter is enough for us." "Alright boys that's enough." Hunter says, bringing the three Shield members out of hiding. "Thank you for going and getting him, I saw the look on his face and knew he was just going to leave."
"It's no problem, anything for Y/n. She treats us well." You smile at Roman's words, knowing full well that he means it.
"I appreciate it boys." The three of them grinning. "Oh, Vince told us to tell you both not to come to Smackdown. He wants you to have the rest of the week to heal up before the segment that was meant to happen." Seth says.
"Thanks for letting us know, I'll call you when I know what's next for you three, it'll likely be Thursday." The hounds nod.
"I'll see you next week then boys." You smile. "See you next week Y/n, good luck spending your time with Hunter. I wouldn't want to." Dean calls after you as Hunter and you walk away. You look at Hunter, who's facial expression reads mildly annoyed but very much amused.
"Don't worry, I enjoy your presence." He turns his head to look at you. "I know you do, and it's a good job because I'm not letting you do a thing while you rest up. That means you'll have plenty of my presence." He states jokingly.
Despite his obvious jest your response is serious. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
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wrestling0neshots · 3 years
Masterlist link
Here it is!!
Just a click away
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wrestling0neshots · 3 years
It's Only A Storyline - Kane
One heated segment for an upcoming feud sends your boyfriend, who didn't know about the segment, into a jealous rage. It's your job to make sure no one gets hurt. Requested by the_unkn0wn_writer Originally posted on Archive Of Our Own ---------------------------- "3.. 2.. 1." The director of the segment gives you a thumbs up, indicating that the cameras are sending live feed to the titantron. You look past the camera, watching Randy as he walks over and into frame.
"Like what you see?" He asks, you flick your eyes up to meet his, rather than staring at his body. "What do you want, Orton?"
He smirks, "oh, there are many things I want Y/n. You being one of them." You actively try not to let yourself cringe at his cliché words, the fact someone wrote this script for you to act out. Instead you choose to go for a slightly amused and flirty look.
"I'm preoccupied at the moment." Randy's smirk becomes more of a grin, he leans close to you, resting his forearm on the wall.
"I noticed" he says, sarcasm dripping from each word he says, "I also noticed you'd be better off with me" He licks his bottom lip. You take in a deep breath, which you know will read differently to anyone watching.
To them it'll look like you're caught up on his words, when in reality you're preparing yourself for what is to come. Both later in the segment and ultimately what will come after.
"Really? I don't know about that." You reply, the flirtatious tone in your voice coming through stronger than you'd thought it would.
He leans closer, his nose brushing yours. "How about I give you a free trial?" He asks, quickly capturing your lips in a deep kiss before you can respond.
Despite your internal fight, knowing exactly what's going to happen once the camera's aren't rolling, you make the scene look more than convincing. You're an actor, here to sell the moment to the crowd. You agreed to do the segment, this storyline (albeit in secret), and you plan on making it the best it can be, even despite your relationship outside of this shot.
Your arms wind up around Randy's neck, his free hand on your waist. He pulls away slowly, keeping his face close to yours. He smiles down at you, and you back up at him.
"Great job guys!" The director says. Randy pushes himself away from you giving you a genuine smile rather than the boyish grin he had been giving while the cameras were rolling.
"That was good, I'm glad you could put your nerves aside." He says. "I wouldn't say I put them aside, just didn't let them show. I know what's still to come." You reply, sighing.
"I take it Kane wasn't fond of the idea of you and I being the reason for the feud starting." You scratch the back of your neck nervously, letting out a small laugh.
"I uhh.. I actually didn't tell him." You say. "Oh." "Yeah. That's why I'm so nervous."
Randy stands there awkwardly, unsure of how to react. "Why didn't you tell him?" The Legend Killer asks you suddenly.
"I knew he'd flip out and make sure it didn't happen. It's started now and he can't stop it from going ahead. That was why I didn't." Randy nods, understanding where you're coming from.
Everyone knows that when it comes to you Kane is very protective and gets jealous quickly. His jealousy has, on more than one occasion, ended in someone getting threatened. Usually drunken idiots or creeps at the bar, although you wouldn't put it past him to get riled up over a scripted romance.
"Let's hope he takes it well." Randy says. You nod, you do hope that. Unfortunately before you can continue the conversation you hear the trail of carnage coming your way. You push off of the wall, standing in the center of the hall.
It doesn't take long for Kane to come in to sight, he's clearly pissed. So blinded by his jealous rage that he completely blanks you once he sees Randy.
Kane charges down the hall, crew barely pulling their equipment out of the way as he storms past. As he approaches you attempt to calm yourself with a deep breath, which works surprisingly well.
You see him going to move around you but you move to stand in his way. So he moves again, and so do you. His eyes are still fixed on Randy, who you're sure is trying not to look nervous behind you.
Kane goes to move again and once again you block his path. This time his attention travels to you. "Get out of the way, Y/n." Kane demands. "No. I won't." You reply, standing your ground. You have to.
"Get out of the way so I can give Randy what he deserves." Kane's voice is almost a growl, although it doesn't phase you, this was sort of expected with you knowing how far you would have to go with the kiss.
"Drop the tone with me. You're not threatening anyone." His eyes flash with anger, lips tightening into a thin line.
"Oh I won't be threatening him." Kane goes to step around you again, this time as well as moving in his way you place your hands on his arms.
"Listen to me, Kane. It's for a storyline, got it? For a feud. Between him and you. I should have told you before, so if you're going to blame anyone for the situation then blame me." Kane stares down at you, holding your gaze for painfully long seconds.
You discreetly signal to Randy to leave, knowing it will help diffuse the situation if his presence is gone.
You don't have time to think about whether or not Randy is gone, Kane leaning down and placing his lips on yours. The kiss is filled with his emotion, it's deep and passionate, his hands pulling you closer to him. It's rough, full of anger, and yet still gentle.
Behind his jealous feelings you can feel his feelings for you shining through. He pulls away slightly, realising Randy is gone.
"You let him get away." Kane breathes, although his voice is calm. "I did." You reply quietly, "I'm sure you can forgive me." You press your lips to his again, Kane quickly deciding to deepen this kiss as well.
When he pulls away again you're breathless, a smile on your face. "I hope he knows what he's getting himself into." Kane says.
"Forget about Randy. Focus on me." Kane's eyes twinkle mischievously, you've seen that look enough times to know what it means.
"Oh I will, don't you worry. Go start the car, I'll get the bags. Once we get back to the hotel all focus will be on you." He pulls the car keys out of his back pocket, placing them in your hand.
"Don't be long." You say, giving him one last kiss before the two of you head in opposite directions, both as eager as the other to get out of the arena and somewhere more private.
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wrestling0neshots · 3 years
Masterlist link
Here it is!!
Just a click away
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wrestling0neshots · 3 years
The Return - Kane
After five years of not being a part of WWE the time for your return arrives. Not that your husband knows. Requested by summergirl1503 Originally posted on Archive Of Our Own -------------------- You wait, still silent. In the shadows.
For the past six hours you've waited backstage, you were the first to arrive knowing you had to stay out of sight. Very few people know you're here. That was the whole point.
So few people know, not even your husband knows. You had debated telling him of your return, you wanted to, but then again you wanted it to be a surprise.
You've been married to Kane for five years, the two of you having been together double that. You've kept no secrets from him in all that time, now you're finally keeping one. One that he's going to find out very very soon.
You sneak down a forgotten hall, taking a direct route to your destination. You know the plan. You know what's happening in the ring.
You know exactly what purpose your return serves. Vince, one of the only people who knows as well as a few crew members who will help with your entrance, had helped you with quite the extensive plan.
You check your watch. It's time. As you open the door to the joining hall you're met with one crew member. He nods at you, walking silently with you to the gorilla.
Your nerves start to pick up, the crowds reaction will be unpredictable. You don't know if the reaction will be good, or bad. Perhaps no one will remember you.
After five years without being seen by cameras you wouldn't be surprised. It's a long time to go and to come back. Especially with how your return has been planned.
Your marriage to Kane came a mere week after you left the WWE, at that point Kane wasn't even Kane, and wouldn't become Kane for a year after your marriage.
So, not only are you coming back to the ring after five years, but you're doing so to be by your husbands side. You look the part in your attire, you hope you can play the part just as well as he does. After all, as well as you know him your experience with playing characters onscreen was very different to this.
You await your signal standing just behind the curtain. It's the only thing that separates you from the arena full of fan. You get a thumbs up, your signal to go.
The entire arena is dark, but you don't have to worry. The path you walk to the center of the stage is familiar, even after all the time you've been away.
You stand still, a single white spotlight flickering on above you. You can't see the ring, Kane likely doesn't even know you're here yet as he should be laid out on the mat.
The light flickers back off and you jog to the center of the stage, there's no time to go slow. You tilt your head to the side, this time two white spotlights come on, one on you, the other on the ring.
Sure enough your husband lies in the center of the ring, seemingly unconscious. His opponent, Triple H, stands there looking incredibly confused. Once the lights flick off again you jog to the ring, the feeling of the bottom rope in your hand almost unfamiliar.
You pull yourself up onto the apron, sliding through the ropes. You're careful not to step on Kane, gaging where both he and Triple H is based on their weight on the mat.
With a few final adjustments to your stance you lower your head, barely in time. Lights come on once again, but this time they're red.
The whole arena is illuminated, the floodlights giving decent visibility to all. You count to three, quickly snapping your head up to look at Triple H.
He stares, clearly unsure of what to make of the situation. A reflection of how the crowd reacts too. You're met with some cheers, but mostly silence.
HHH's eyes flick down and behind you to where your husband lies, and then back up to you.
"Well well well, haven't you changed?" You ask, remembering what he was like when he began. "I'm not sure all those years did you much good." You can almost see the cogs turning, him trying to figure you out.
Then it seems to click. Triple H looks shocked, that's for sure. He's Ebenezer Scrooge meeting the Ghost of Christmas past, and you're here to take him on a journey he'll never forget.
"Y/n?" You nod slowly, confirming to him who you are. "But why are you out here standing in front of Kane?"
You lift your left hand, the engagement ring sparkling in the light, the wedding band showing that not only are you engaged, but also married. Your relationship with Kane had been kept quiet for years prior to your marriage, and even after no one really noticed. It gave you much appreciated privacy at the time, and now allows for the shock factor.
"Okay, alright, now get out of my way. I'm finishing this match and, unless you want Kane DQ'd, you can't hurt me." His tone is serious, focus clearly back on the match he was winning prior to your entrance.
You stare at him with a straight face, your distraction creating enough time for Kane to discreetly move to where he has the upper hand.
"Maybe you're right, maybe I can't hurt you. But he can." You state, nodding behind Triple H. The blonde spins, being caught by Kane who promptly chokeslams him. You fold your arms, waiting impatiently for the ref to count to three.
The bell rings, Kane being announced the winner. He stands, flicking back his hair. Kane turns to look you up and down, his eyes sparkle, and you can tell that behind the mask he's smiling.
He raises his arms slowly, you know what's coming. The boom of the pyrotechnics doesn't make you so much as flinch. You prepared for a reason.
"You never told me you were doing this." Kane says, staring down at you. "Are you complaining?" You ask, keeping your face straight. "No." He replies quickly.
"Good because I'm a permanent part of your act now." You state, turning around and heading over to the ropes. You drop down onto the floor, not pausing to wait for Kane to exit the ring, not that it takes him long to catch you up.
Backstage Vince is waiting, a smile on his face. "Well done out there, both of you. My apologies for arranging this behind your back Kane. I can't wait to see how this progresses." Vince shakes hands with both of you before leaving.
"I also apologise for keeping this from you. I hope it was worth it." You state. "It was, I couldn't imagine a better surprise." He says, pulling you into a hug.
You smile, happy with the outcome of tonight. You get to return to a job you enjoyed, you get to work with and be close to the man you married. Who could ask for more than this?
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wrestling0neshots · 3 years
Masterlist link
Here it is!!
Just a click away
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wrestling0neshots · 3 years
Old Times - Chris Jericho
Miz TV never cracked up to be all that much, at least it never compared to the Highlight Reel. And it never will, not for you.
Originally posted on Archive Of Our Own ------------------------ You sigh, resting your head in your hands. You've never liked having to do these segments, not with The Miz anyway.
Once upon a time you enjoyed doing these things, you enjoyed coming out to the ring and being interviewed by a fellow wrestler. Perhaps you were biased with The Highlight Reel, perhaps now moreso then ever.
There was just something that made The Highlight Reel what it was, something that made it fun. Again, maybe you're biased, but it always seemed so much more fun.
Instead you're out here talking to Miz.. or rather you wish you were. He's just been talking to himself for almost 3 minutes. Then again, maybe it would be worse if you were involved in the conversation.
"So, Y/n," it looks like you're about to find out, "how does it feel to be on Miz TV?" Oh great. More talking about Miz. "It's.. okay I guess. I've had better experiences with this type of show." You shrug. Miz looks offended, so he should be.
"There's nothing wrong with my show." He states, nostrils flaring in anger. "I mean.. there's the décor, the fact it's a bad knockoff of the highlight reel, you."
If looks could kill the whole arena would have witnessed a murder. Miz is not happy, something that you find quite amusing. You don't want to be here, why not have a little fun?
"How dare you compare my show to the highlight reel, there was nothing tasteful about how it was presented." Miz snaps. You raise your eyebrow, smirking. "The host was certainly tasteful."
Miz's face turns to one of disgust, the direct mention of Chris angering him more. Chris and Miz have never gotten along, Chris has told Miz on several occasion what he thinks of him and his in ring show and, as expected, Miz did not take any of those things well.
If it wasn't bad enough that you were down here on Miz TV to begin with it was made bad, or so much worse, by you bringing up your boyfriend. Not that it's an issue for you of course.
With a huff Miz decides to continue the segment, "so, Y/n, tell me. Last week you were 'robbed' of a match for a title shot. I-"
"Woah, listen. It's not being 'robbed' if your opponent is unfit to face you and a replacement cannot be found. Although I'm flattered."
Miz already looked angry, although now he seems to be angrier. He clearly meant his words to come off mean and to disappoint you. Oh well.
Miz opens his mouth to continue, but you weren't done and so you continue first. "I'll get my shot, I've made it clear that I only want to face the best. If that means I have to wait two weeks for her to recover then I'll wait two weeks. If it's four it's four."
"Don't interrupt me." He growls. "I didn't. You hadn't started." You turn your face away from him, grinning into a camera before turning back with your face straight.
"I-" he stops, resting his microphone free hand on his face. His frustration is clear, and very amusing. You hope Chris is watching.
"You know, Y/n, you and that good for nothing boyfriend of yours really know how to get on my nerves." Miz mumbles, taking a deep breath and exhaling it slowly. You say nothing, just watching with a straight face. Although you imagine everyone can still clearly see the amusement you hold. You're pretty sure the whole world can sense it.
"Y/n." Miz begins. Again. "Next time you face-" This time Miz isn't interrupted by you. It's the music that cuts him off. The theme belonging to your partner.
Chris cockily makes his way down to the ring, the biggest shit eating grin plastered on his face. You try not to react, but you can't help the small grin that makes it's way onto your face. Your attention is drawn away from Chris as you hear a yell from Miz, turning to see him kick over the small table between the two of you. It just makes you want to grin more.
"You know what?" Miz shouts as Chris' theme song stops. He turns and looks you dead in the eyes, pointing at your chest. "I'm done. I'm done with you, I'm done with this interview. I can't do this anymore. You're never coming on Miz TV again." He snaps. "Okay." You shrug.
Miz leaves the ring, glaring at you. "Don't forget your set!" Chris shouts, throwing the knocked over table out of the ring and in the direction of the ramp. Miz stomps the rest of the way up the ramp and out of sight, leaving you and Chris alone in the ring.
The lion-tamer turns to look at you. "This takes me back." He states, referencing the many times you appeared on his in ring show. "That it does, what are you doing down here anyway?" You ask him. The crowd cheers, clearly wanting to know as well.
"I thought I'd come and reminisce old times, remember the things that happened." You know immediately what he's talking about.
The highlight reel held a special place for the two of you, mainly because it's what brought you together. The highlight reel is the reason for your relationship. The first time Chris had kissed you was on the highlight reel.
"I actually, I thought we could reminisce on them together." He says, gesturing toward the titantron. A video begins to play, showing the journey you and Chris had on the highlight reel.
You watch as small snippets of the show play, your chemistry with Chris growing with every clip. You became a permanent part of the show once your relationship began, creative deciding the two of you worked far too well together to be apart.
It's nice, yet odd, to watch back all these moments. It's been years since you and Chris did the highlight reel. Your relationship has only grown, the two of you have only become closer.
The video ends, the crowd cheering loudly. You smile, turning to face Chris. Except he's not where you thought he would be. Instead he's down on one knee, holding a small blue box open.
The ring inside sparkles more than anything you've ever seen, your smile growing. "Y/n the highlight reel ended many years ago. I don't want my time with you to ever end. Marry me?" The words don't come out of your mouth for a second, before you finally manage to get out the "yes" nodding as you do.
He takes the ring from the box, sliding it on your finger before standing. The crowd's cheers are almost deafening as you and Chris face one another.
His hands hold yours, you barely hear him say "I love you" without his microphone. "I love you too Chris." You say just before his lips meet yours, reminiscent of that first kiss on the highlight reel. Who knew that one show you enjoyed so much would come to this.
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wrestling0neshots · 3 years
I Believe You. - Kane
You've known for two weeks about the planned attack on Kane.. the only problem is that you've felt too bad about him not believing your feelings to tell him. Will you be able to save him in time? Or will it be too late?
Requested by the_unkn0wn_writer Originally posted on Archive Of Our Own --------------------------- Guilt. That's what you feel. You should have told him. He deserved to know.
Unfortunately contact with him is limited, you were nervous, too afraid of your own feelings to tell him. And now he's on his was to the ring, unaware of the plans of his enemies. It wasn't often you overheard people's plans, often actively avoiding eavesdropping. In this case you had done it on purpose.
"When you get back I want a full on attack on Kane. He needs to be dealt with for giving you a concussion." You had been shocked hearing it, it was such a rash thing to do over something so small.
In this business a concussion wasn't out of the ordinary, it only took a slight mis-positioning or wrong angle to cause a hit to the head. So to go after someone for just that was frankly rude.
Out of fear you hadn't said anything to them, not when it happened, not last week, and not this week. This had been your last chance to stop them.
You stare at yourself in the bathroom mirror, angry with yourself for not having the courage to tell Kane. But how could you? You had been outside his locker room on multiple occasions, ready to knock on the door and notify him of the danger. Yet every time your hand stopped just short of the door, before you could knock.
You know your reasons, being as drawn to someone as you are to Kane really gets the heart beating and sends the nerves through the roof. Well, it doesn't help that last time you spoke to him he denied your feelings. Certainly doesn't make for a good situation.
And so every single time you had stopped. Walked away. Felt worse and worse about it every time.
Now you're here, listening to his theme song. Knowing his demise is coming. Knowing he is going to be attacked. You could have stopped it, you could have done something. You still can.
With a sudden burst of courage you leave the bathroom, breaking into a jog. You're determined to make it in time. You can almost hear a clock ticking in your head, reminding you of every second that passes by. Kane's theme has stopped, an eerie silence having fallen.
It's clear that whomever Kane was supposed to face tonight will not be going to the ring. You hope you're not too late to stop what is about to happen.
Sure enough the second theme starts up. You knew they would be going down next. You're almost there, almost at the gorilla. You can do it, you can still stop them.
You pause as you round the room that sends you to the stage, filled with nerves. Not just nerves for Kane but nerves because you really didn't think out your plan.
The array of steel chairs set neatly to the side is enough of a plan for you. You pick up the closest one and fold it, not waiting another second to run out onto the stage.
The music is still loud, your eyes lock onto your targets. They're still on their way to the ring, slowly stalking toward Kane if they have all the time in the world.
Luckily they're also unaware of your presence. Something you keep up by using the sound of the crowd to your advantage, but also ensuring you're quiet on your feet. As they reach the bottom of the ramp they stop, allowing you to properly catch up. "This is it Kane, this is our revenge for what you did."
Without hesitation you swing the chair, hitting the speaker in the back of the head. A blow that sends him to the ground.
Unfortunately now his two teammates know you're here. They know you're a threat. There's one to your left and one to your right. Perhaps hitting the guy in the center first wasn't the best idea.
You don't have time to think, simply swinging again and hoping for the best. Your second swing hits, although it's not as successful as the first, only causing the second guy to stumble back.
You turn to hit the third with the chair but he's already thought ahead, snatching the steel object from your hand. You duck as he swings the chair at you, spinning while you're low and sweeping his legs from under him.
It's an effective move, although as you stand straight again you realise than both of his friends are ready for you. You're overwhelmed quickly, trying your best to fight them off. Unfortunately it doesn't last long, having your arms quickly locked in place
The guy in front of you grins, helping his other friend off of the ground while you struggle in the hold. "A valiant effort I must say, it's a shame you waste it on Kane and he's not even come to help you."
"Shut your mouth." You spit, receiving a slap to the face in return. He chuckles, gripping your chin and forcing you to look at him again. "Since you care so much you can watch us do what we came down here to do, beat the shit out of Kane. If you keep quiet we'll maybe let you off lightly after, got it?" He moves your head up and down for you, his grin filling you with an anger you never thought possible. And you're unable to do anything about it.
He lets go, turning around and walking right into Kane's fist. The guy with the chair swings, smacking Kane's arm. Kane moves to attack him now, snatching the chair and smacking him in the head with it, hard. Hard enough it causes the guy holding you to flinch.
You see blood slowly begin to pour from a newly opened wound on the man's head, although you don't have time to process it, the other one on the ground at your feet after being chokeslammed.
Kane now turns his attention in your direction, or rather behind you. The man holding you doesn't loosen up his grip, clearly intending on using you as a meat shield for as long as he can.
With Kane staring daggers at him you seize the opportunity to help yourself, stomping hard on his foot. He lets out a quiet yelp, letting go of your wrists and freeing you. You turn to deal with him further but he's already at the top of the ramp, showing no signs of stopping.
Kane's hand on your arm fills you with nerves once again. He spins you slowly to face him. You don't avoid his eyes, no point in showing your nerves now. He shows no emotion, simply staring down at you.
Seconds pass with nothing, so you look down. His lack of any communication makes you feel awful. You wish he would do something, say something. Anything.
You hiss as he gently lifts your head to look up at him again, his hand on your still sore cheek. He goes to recoil but you put your hand on his, keeping it there.
It stings, but his touch makes up for it. His thumb moves slowly across what you can only imagine is a sore looking patch of skin. You don't pull away. You don't want this moment to end.
When it does you sigh softly, accepting that that is probably all you will get from Kane. He denied your confession before, you're sure he's doing the same now.
You step away, ready to leave. You can't handle the disappointment.. not in front of all these people.
There was a small part of you that hoped that if he saw what you were willing to do for him he would see things for how they are, he would see your feelings as true.. Maybe that's not possible.
You don't look back, you don't want to. Your heart feels heavy. You tried.
"Y/n" you don't stop. You can't stop. Whatever it is you don't want it.
"Y/n." He calls again, nearer this time. "Y/n!" "What, Kane?" You turn to him at last, seeing the mix of emotions swimming in his mismatched eyes.
"I believe you."
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wrestling0neshots · 3 years
Masterlist link
Here it is!!
Just a click away
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wrestling0neshots · 3 years
You Love Saving Me - Sting
Going to the ring with no backup was not your best idea.. but like every other time you just can't help yourself. Requested by LadyFenHarel05 on AO3 Originally posted to Archive Of Our Own -------------------------- "Listen, boys, I don't know if this is necessary." You say, arms up in defense. You're hoping it will work, you're hoping they'll back off and leave you alone.
"You think you're funny don't you?" The tallest says to you from behind. You let out a nervous laugh, keeping your eyes on the guy in front of you.
"Well I just don't think it needs to go as far as you're making it seem like it does." You state, another desperate attempt to convince them.
"Oh, we think it needs to go that far after what you've done." The man in front of you almost snarls. You're quite taken aback by it, but try not to let that show. It certainly wasn't great to watch.
"I didn't do a whole lot." You shrug, it's not a complete lie. "You come down here, trash talk us, and then you really think we're going to let you get away with all those insults?"
"Well I was kinda counting on it." You reply honestly. Had you come down to the ring specifically to insult the pair of them? Yes. Of course you had, it wasn't an opportunity you were going to pass up.
Had you expected them to be happy about it? No. After all that was the point. Do you expect to get off completely scott free? Well you hope so, although as the seconds pass it becomes less and less likely that that is going to be the outcome.
You hadn't thought out an escape plan, an oversight on your part. To be honest you hadn't thought it out at all. When the task presented itself to you it seemed like too much fun to say no.
Usually you would have backup, but your backup had been gone for weeks now and no one knew when he was going to return, not even you.
You knew it was probably not ideal to come out here without him present at the arena, but you were sure you could handle these two. After all, it's not like they're much competition.. from what you've seen anyway.
It's no secret that the pair you've started on are disliked backstage, nor is it a secret that working here under your usual circumstances gives you the freedom to do what you like with little repercussion. You'd seized the chance to get out to the ring, say some true things and make it seem kayfabe.
You just.. didn't think about what issues it might cause with you being alone. Although now that's the only thing you can think of.
They had stormed down to the ring after a couple of minutes of you cracking more than a few jokes at their expense. It's not your fault they're bad in the ring and worse on the mic.
"C'mon now, can't we all agree that this was a fun little joke?" You try again, but the unimpressed face of the guy in front of you answers before the guy behind does.
"No." "Oh, well.. guess I'd better be off then." You state with a chuckle, but instead of moving to leave you send a punch directly into the face of the man in front of you.
He licks his clearly busted lip "You're going to pay for that!"
"I sure as hell hope not!" You say, ducking one hit from him and sidestepping straight into his buddy. That's it. You're done for. Nowhere to run. Well, there is.. you just can't run.
The guy holding you has a tight grip on your arm, keeping you in place while his teammate moves into position in front of you. "Any last words?" He asks.
"Yeah, actually. That was a bad and cliché line and you shouldn't use it again.. while I'm at it-" "Shut up!" He snaps, anger radiating from him as he prepares for his finishing move.
The lights cut off, the arena bursts into a loud cheer as white spotlights flash.
When they come on again fully there stands Sting, between you and the guy who was about to beat your ass for splitting open his lip.
"Listen man, I think we've come to a misunderstanding." He says, backing away, but Sting doesn't respond verbally. He slowly reaches inside of his coat, pulling out the signature black bat.
"You know," Sting begins, "I don't think we have." Before the guy has a chance to respond he's already been hit. Another smack to the leg and he's on the mat.
With that one on his way out of the ring Sting turns his attention to you, or rather than man who still holds you. The guy is quick to let go, rushing toward the ropes.
He's quick, but Sting is quicker. You cringe at the sound of the bat colliding with the man's back, but end up slightly disappointed when that's all he gets.
You watch the two of them scramble off before turning your attention to Sting. He has the same idea, turning to face you at the same time. "Thanks for saving me, stranger." You smirk. Sting takes a step toward you, your bodies almost touching. "Three weeks and you've forgotten me already?" He asks, face straight.
"Forget you? Don't kid yourself Stinger. That's not a face I could forget, no matter how much you change it." Behind his stern look you see a hint of amusement.
"You never miss a trick, do you?" He asks, leaning closer. You're always the first to notice slight changes in his face-paint, probably because of how often you see it.
"The only thing I miss is you." A smile now actually comes out as he leans closer, placing his hand on your waist. "I miss you too, but I'm never gone for long. I keep coming back just for you. Every time I leave you get yourself into these situations and I just have to come save you." "You love saving me." You grin. "I love you." He whispers.
"I know, I love you too, although it's perhaps not best to continue this here." You wink, he rolls his eyes, stepping back.
Slowly he opens his coat again, placing the bat back in it's place. "We better leave then." You smirk, exiting the ring and waiting for Sting to follow suit.
Three weeks is a long time to be without the man you both work with and otherwise live with. You've missed him more than you imagined, although you always do. The two of you pick up your things from backstage and head to the rental car, both wanting to make up for lost time.
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