inalignment · 28 days
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It's so fun to daydream about the perfect me, but it would be much better to actually be the perfect me.
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inalignment · 28 days
Tip 1: Be uncomfortable with being comfortable
Think of the big WHY you are trying or wanting to grow and evolve. Reflect on the current routine you have, does it lack alignment? does it make you feel fulfilled? if not its time to sit down and check out what you feel will make you grow, hence why it is important to try not to stick always to the same old until you find out what makes you shine. Don't be afraid of trying new things to get you of your stagnant and comfortable state. Try a new workout, try a new recipe, try a new hobby, try a different routine, wake up earlier even though you've never done that before try it for a week and push the time earlier day by day 7:30 one day the next 6:30,6:00am and so on.
Tip 2: Stop throwing your day away
This can mean different ways to different people, but this is mostly to say that even though perhaps you didn't start the day as productive as you'd like it to be doesn't mean the rest of the day has to be that way. Forgive yourself and try again, regardless if you woke up at 6am and scrolled till 12 or if you didn't do anything until 1pm, you can restart your day anytime, 1 small error shouldn't count for the rest of the day
Tip 3 : Balanceeeee!!!
I cannot stress this enough, trying to be strict all the time with yourself will only make things worse in the long run, take rest days, have cheat days, have that fast food a couple times a week. Not every single goal of yours will seamlessly align with your life. Balance is everything in your journey.
Tip 4 : Start Walking
So so important to not only get fresh air and sun but also for your health to get your body moving. Start super slow you will eventually get better at it, get some headphones, put some music on and get going, i personally aim for 10k steps a day but even 7-8k is good! Even better if you listen to a good podcast, to learn and get endorphins for the day.
Tip 5 : Be grateful for yourself & life
Be grateful for the little things. Even if at times you might not feel you are where you want to be I promise once you take note of all the things you already have then and only then will you realise how fortune you are. BE HAPPY YOU ARE ALIVE. The more grateful you are the more blessings you will receive. You should be so proud of yourself and really give yourself a pat on the back more often.
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inalignment · 1 month
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+ make a wishlist so you’ll be prepared when it’s your birthday/Christmas
+ do five or more journal prompts
+ start a new hobby or make a list of new hobbies you’d like to try
+ write a letter to your future self or film a video for your future self
+ digital redecorating: change the theme/layout of your devices
+ reread a book you haven’t read in 3 or more years
+ watch a show or film in a genre you don’t usually watch
+ go on YouTube and make a playlist of your favorite self improvement/advice videos to watch when you’re down or need a push
+ learn a favorite song on an instrument
+ paint or draw the view outside your bedroom window
+ make a Pinterest board that perfectly captures the vibe(s) you wish to embody
+ organize your desk
+ go on a walk when the sun sets
+ watch a YouTuber you used to love
+ plan your ideal trip! it’s super fun to dream up possible vacations!!
+ look for a new podcast to listen to
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inalignment · 2 months
Happy hump day!
I actually managed to wake up early for uni, i didn't have much motivation to join my classes so the morning was abit slow
had some tea, if you are looking for rly good herbal teas i would recommend green tea in the morning or lemon tea is what always gets my day started
I did join my class in the end, worked with my group class mates for our group project so it definingly was more productive than i had thought and im glad i got those tasks out of the way
For the rest of the day i plan on going for a small picnic with my sister as the weather in London has finally picked up and has been sunnier
And tonight around 6-7pm i will be trying to do a home Pilates workout this one specifically Day 1 - 1 Month Pilates Plan // 10MIN inner thighs & lower ab burn // no equipment or repeats (youtube.com)
Madeleine has a month long challenge i have been eyeing and today im planning on doing the first day, i will keep updating with any changes in my body and how i have found it!
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inalignment · 3 months
Great books for self improvement and growth ₊✩‧₊
As someone who has been working and trying to obtain a better and healthier version of myself, these are some of my book recommendations.
Staring with the first, okay now i wouldn't necessarily call this the standard self help book BUT this will ALWAYS be the first one i will always talk about and recommend to others.
The strength in our scars by Bianca Sparacino, when you have no clue where tf the love is at , read this book. ITS LIKE THERAPY IN A BOOK. ★★★★★
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2. The Atomic Habits - James Clear
Self explanatory, if you haven't heard of this book yetttt you've been living under a rock. If you're looking to build better habits and KEEP them this is the book for ya!
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3. The 10 types of human - Dexter Dias
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4. The art of not giving a F... -Mark Manson if you are someone that struggles with not necessarily caring too much but perhaps feeling guilt when it comes to boundaries or saying no to other this is a very good book!
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ps. all pictures are from Pinterest, i do not take any credit. (I read on a kindle i don't have many physical books)
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inalignment · 5 months
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If you are someone like me and you have been slacking in the self department in 2023 join me and we can do it together! <3
I have been drafting up for the last couple of days some tips and tricks that I feel will help me and hopefully you too :)
Firstly I want to say that glowing up or trying to work for the better version of you can be manageable, by starting small and building the certain habits that you feel will suit you, at first it doesn't even have to cost money or a lot of your time, however it does require a lot of discipline and patience with yourself.
How does Journaling help?
Journaling helps you understand your emotional reactions more clearly, and puts you in control of your emotions instead of the other way around.
Meaning that through this you will be able to figure out the things you might feel might be harder for you at the beginning, its important not to rush this progress.
2. Routine
I know everybody often talks about this topic, and often times no one talks about how hard the adjusting period actually is, it is hard to change everything or even a small significant thing around you especially when you've been getting used to not having such an active life or perhaps some of us feel additionally on top of our other lifestyle arrangements to add ourselves on top is too much which takes me to my next point which is time blocking.
3. Time Blocking
Time blocking is the process of breaking your schedule down into individual blocks of time  it can be a great way to increase focus and productivity. I usually do this in 3 steps
Choose in advance what to work on. (I usually do it 2 nights or the night before)
Decide when to tackle priority tasks, this can be done in whichever interval you would like, I usually do it hourly.
Block off a chunk of time on your calendar for each task.
Now that we have the 3 basics down, we can create the routine we want to and implement the goals we wish to achieve:
In 2024 I certainly and Im sure alot of us have certain gym goals that we would like to achieve, this in turn working out has great benefit not only to your body but also your mental health over time. Even 30 minutes a day will make a big impact especially at the beginning if you are someone like me who hates the gym at the beginning but feel great afterwards, try to start small, a small walk, a small 10 minute YouTube video work out and slowly add more time as more weeks go by.
One of my biggest goal is definitely towards my skin.
Its important to get out of the habit of not washing or being gentle with your skin, whatever you do one thing i will always say to prioritise is moisturising, MOISTURISE, MOISTURISE!
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I have had acne and bad skin since I was a teenager no matter what I've put on my face from retinoids, to all these different creams and acids one thing I will ALWAYS say makes all the difference now and even long term is keeping your skin hydrated and wearing sunscreen, you can even get a 2 in 1 moisturiser and sun cream.
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Basics will be the way to go, if you're looking to investing into a new wardrobe in 2024 one thing my mother and over time i have learned that basics will never run out of fashion its the accessories that you'll need to put an extra time and eye on, a bag, jewellery, coats, sunglasses, focus on certain things that will bring out a staple to your outfit.
I am of course adding manifestation and the songs, reprograming your thinking into this as a bonus, this is for the ones that want to either practice this or already do BUT I feel that making your affirmation playlist/ song will work better at time rather than the ones on youtube, don't get me wrong subliminal on YT they do work but if you were to make it yourself it has that extra pull. I made my own about a month ago and it has been working great for me.
Additionally I would also like to mention the importance of paying more attention to the songs and the words you listen to, the things you watch on social media, not everything has to be consumed, either a social media cleanse or trying to change your algorithm I feel is a key when it comes to wanting to grow within one self.
When you journal, try to leave a section at the end of the day for the things you feel grateful, i promise, try it for a week, it'll change your life.
Andddd that's it for now! If anyone else has any tips and tricks please drop them in the comments! Lets help each other by also reposting this <333
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inalignment · 5 months
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