joicthestoic · 1 month
Magic Idea for your next TTRPG game
The magic isn't based on the weave or some sort of mana or anything, but functions purely on the concept of "The GM's capability of dealing with your bullshit today"
Magic only functions because you have the energy to deal with magical shenanigans. So one session is super high magic with wacky items and all sorts of fun stuff, while the very next session suddenly all magic is gone, and you have to rely only on swords and armor to protect you from the world's evils because the GM did not have the energy with someone pulling some magic bullshit and ruining all their plans for that day.
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joicthestoic · 7 months
It's one of those Tumblr post shorts. Here
so my dad is a college professor and he just got alerted recently that in an effort to go “paperless,” the faculty is having their printers taken away. My dad decided to take this opportunity and… create a meme? So he goes proudly up to me and tells me “I created a meme!!!” and lo and behold…
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my dad’s first meme
he was so proud of it and he emailed it individually to other faculty and nobody gave him any acknowledgement, he came into my room all sad. pls share to give my father the meme support he deserves
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joicthestoic · 7 months
When I first played Dragon Age Origins in 2021, which was very late, I made a human mage as my first character, named Brailor or some shit, I don't know, that's not the point.
In the part where you're going through your mage training and go to the Fade I was going about my day enjoying the game. Then 16 seconds in the soundtrack suddenly played that high-pitched waterphone sound or whatever sound and I shit you not, my brain completely forgot about the existence of Hell's Kitchen because I thought "This is where the meme is from."
I thought the Hell's Kitchen waterphone SFX meme was from Dragon Age Origins, and I spent like 20 minutes looking for it before realizing it was from Hell's Kitchen and banging my head against a wall for another 20 for being so dumb.
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joicthestoic · 1 year
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Same character as last month, Stormlord Joic. I had some issues in the first half of the month, and exams for two weeks in the second half, so my initial intention of drawing a character for my girlfriend was just not plausible. I decided to instead draw that pfp for myself since I had to at one point anyways. I drew him from the waist up so that there was at least some cool posing to be done, and I decide to add a bunch of lightning effects! I made three versions, one regular, one transparent, and one without lightning effects! This is my monthly drawing for June, I hope people will like it! I like how it came out, and I really like the thinner design compared to the broader facial features from before. Either could still work, but I think this came out especially good! I hope everybody thinks it looks good as well, and I'll see you all in July once I finish that drawing. I'll be making another attempt at that piece for my girlfriend. I'll see everyone then.
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joicthestoic · 1 year
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AHHH, almost didn’t make it this month, it’s been quite a doozy! This is my new “Stormlord Joic” avatar/OC, completely original :D He’s supposed to be like, my avatar, because a friend of mine told me that the self portrait I made 2 months ago didn’t look cool enough, so he told me to make a cooler online avatar. So here we are, Stormlord Joic!
I’ll be making a smaller, profile picture version where I’ll have just a faceshot in a month or two. Gotta find the time and will to make it. Anyways, this is my drawing for May. I almost didn’t have the motivation to draw all month, and had to finish it with only a sketch last Saturday. Good thing that I had the time to work on it basically all day on Sunday.
Anyways, if y’all like it, do follow since I’ll be making more characters similar to this. Next I was gonna draw my girlfriend something. See y’all in June!
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joicthestoic · 1 year
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Here are all the versions of my newest artwork, which depicts a friend of mine, Dan, also known on Discord as Loud, dressed in a maid dress. This was part of a joke I made over half a year ago where I said I’d draw him wearing a maid dress. With his permission, I eventually did it. This is purely as a joke, I don’t care much for men in maid dresses, it kind of weirds me out. But even so, I thought it was pretty funny to draw. Even put a leash on him, which I can assure you made it extra sus according to him.
This is my artwork for the month of April, and I’ll be sure to post again in May. If you like my art, go ahead and follow, and I do take simple requests, if you are willing to wait for it to appear in the queue of my list.
I hope you all have a lovely day, cheers ^^
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joicthestoic · 1 year
This video is pretty interesting, I find the topic quite important for people to be aware of. I suggest checking it out, since noise is a pretty big problem in our modern society.
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joicthestoic · 1 year
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I drew a self portrait of myself, this is a depiction of myself as close to reality as I can draw (without it coming out looking like shit). I will say I look a bit old for my age and might’ve used some thicker lines than needed.
Overall, this is a good portrayal of what I look like in my day to day. Hope you all find it interesting! I have three versions, regular, transparent and my primary colours instead of the ring behind me. This is my artwork for March, and I know it looks a bit simplistic, but that’s mainly because I had my exams this month and had to draw something easier; Have a good rest of your day or night!
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joicthestoic · 1 year
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joicthestoic · 1 year
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This is what I drew for February! This is Johnny Joe (though I mispelled his name and only noticed in post) he’s my player’s character in my Anime Campaign game that is based around Epithet Erased. He’s one of my favorite characters, and he is also one of the onl people that didn’t have a faceclaim, so I drew it for him. I have a version with and without background, hope you guys like it!
So yeah, this was for February! finished it on the 21st, posted it now because some things got in the way.
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joicthestoic · 1 year
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Perseus VS Medusa, I made 4 versions.  This is a poster meant to sorta replicate the volume covers of Record of Ragnarok. This is my OC Perseus (representing humanity) versus a friend of mine's OC, Medusa, representing the Gods. This version has the banner in the background.
I’m trying to draw at least something every month of 2023, so wish me luck. This was for January.
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joicthestoic · 1 year
Why would you say "I don't know"? Just explain to them the components needed in terms that they don't understand.
Me: "So yeah, we use glass, various metals such as iron and aluminum, and a little bit of gold." Them: "That makes sen-" Me: "Then you need to carefully design these green and silver circuits which composes over 50% of the entire device. You need to use a small amount of magnetic rock, not too much, it will fuck up the device otherwise. Also, we use tiny lamps that electrically light up whenever the device is turned on. You also need to make a tiny camera for the device, a whole ‘nother rabbit hole to go down to, not goin’ into detail. And yeah, that’s the basic premise of it.”
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joicthestoic · 1 year
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“This…. This cannot be happening!!!”
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joicthestoic · 1 year
Character with split personality, where every time their character takes damage they switch from being funny and stupid, to being serious and strategic.
If your DM allows it, you could even get a -2 to wisdom and intelligence and a +4 to charisma and vice versa depending on the personality you got!
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joicthestoic · 1 year
If you’re the DM, make the antagonist for the one-shot a lumberjack. He’s there to collect on those people buying real trees for Christmas! 
D&D pro tip:
For your group's holiday one-shot, make a graftling rogue. Dress them up like a Christmas tree. They can roll stealth virtually anywhere and as long as they're standing still they get advantage because they are considered to be in a place where such a tree would normally be found.
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joicthestoic · 1 year
Paladins x D&D 2
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Makoa, everyone’s favorite big tortoise tank with an ankor. Nobody dares challenge Makoa. So let’s ask the question, what would Makoa be in a D&D context.
Once again, I’m gonna go ahead and say race is pretty easy to guess here. Obviously, being a big tanky tortoise, he would be a Tortle, despite his he technically is a deity of sorts. Since he is said to be a “turtle deity” (despite not being a turtle since he has legs for land) he would likely be some sort of divine being. The classes most befitting of Makoa would be either Paladin, Barbarian or Druid. I’ll go into detail about it later in the post, and he might end up multiclassing.
Tortles do not have subraces, so he would be a regular Tortle so we can remain RAW with this. Even so, I should point out that Shell Defense is not his shield ability, as in D&D it does not summon a big shield around him. However, he would likely use it when using Shell Spin. Makoa being 108 (at least) is a bit troubling since Tortles only live up to 50, but we can mark this down as him being some sort of deity.
Next, his class, he first needs access to his Shell Shield, and since neither Paladins nor Druids have any of the necessary spells, we have to get creative. Because of its round shape, Globe of Invulnerability and Wall of Force are the only options. Since neither Druids or Paladins have this spell by default, we must turn to Barbarian, picking the Ancestral Guardian subclass at level 3 and going up to level 6 for the Spirit Shield. Technically it reduces damage, but in this case we’re assuming it nullifies all damage. Next, the Dredge Ancor must be some sort of magic item. We’ll be using the SRD and use the Dragon Hook, which will allow to grapple and pull the opponent, as well as being used for melee combat with the ult. Like with Barik, we’re ignoring the main weapon, in this case his cannon, because of them being built on the Paladins universe’s materials and therefore not having much options for D&D equivalents. Lastly, the question remains. YOU CHALLENGE MAKOA?! His Ancient Rage will not just be a simple Barbarian rage, though it will function with the rage abilities. First we increase our Barbarian level to 9 for Brutal Critical, which will explain the high damage chance. We’ll take 3 levels into Paladin, with an Oath of the Ancients so that you have access to Divine Smite, and you can use Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless which is simply there for flavor of when you utter the phrase “You challenge Makoa?!” they will be affected. 
Now I had thought Makoa would be a higher level, considering he’s a deity and all. While his pure damage potential with this build might be much higher than Barok, he can only ult once considering the rules of D&D. Still, he would only need to be a 12th level Barbaladin to have all of his abilities, with 9 levels in Ancestral Guardian Barbarian and 3 in Ancients Paladin. I did mention Druid earlier, but after looking through their spell list, I found nothing that would help them get a more accurate Makoa. So, with that being said, Makoa build fresh for the taking. Let me know what you think and feel free to yell at me for using an SRD magic item. If you feel you have some better alternatives to abilities or weapons, let me know, I’d love to hear back from anyone who reads through these. Have a lovely day lads.
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joicthestoic · 1 year
Paladins x D&D
Hi y’all, so I got back into Paladins Champions of the Realms a little bit ago, and now I was wondering, what classes and races would all the champions be? There’s quite a few, so I think I’ll go through all of them one at a time.
(Note, this is all up to creative interpretation, and this is just for fun, no drama in comments please)
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Here’s an easy one, Barik. Barik is already confirmed as a Dwarf, and from his lore it’s said he’s a skilled inventor and engineer. In a D&D context, this would obviously mean he’s an artificer. So he’s a Dwarf Artificer, but next step is getting to know exactly what kind of character he is.
What kind of Dwarf is tricky, considering the same subraces aren’t present in Paladins. Even so, there isn’t much to look at, since we can already eliminate  Duergar, as aside from his Stone Cut skin, he looks nothing like them. Now, between Mountain and Hill Dwarf, I’d say he’s a Hill Dwarf for one reason. Because he’s a tank, I find it plausible he has the Dwarven Toughness ability.
Now what kind of Artificer is he, what is his level, and what subclass? Well for this, I’ll analyze his abilities, and decide from there. For obvious reasons, we’re going to be ignoring the blunderbuss because everyone in Paladins with a few exceptions use a firearm-like weapon. Barricade is either some sort of magic item, or it’s a wall of force spell, Wall of Force is not an option for all Artificers, only Artillerists and Armorers, meaning he would have to be one of both. Which one becomes quite obvious when you realize what his Turret would have to be, an Eldritch Cannon, with his Turret being a Force Ballista and his Forgefire Ult, a flamethrower. Because of the wall of Force, I’d say he’s a 17th level Artillerist Artificer, utilizing some magic boots that allow him to use his rocket boots ability. He’d be attuned to the boots and his blunderbus. Technically he doesn’t use most of his abilities, but just imagine what he’s capable of knowing this.
So yeah, Barik is a 17th level Hill Dwarf Artillerist Artificer, that’s my take on it. I’ll be making one of these posts for other champions when I find the time, hopefully you found it worth the read. Cya!
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