lil-meow-aethetics · 5 years
when Orpheus died, he was welcomed as an old friend in the Underworld
Hermes helped his soul out of his now mangled body, malnourished from lack of self care and torn into a bloody mess by the crazed worshippers of Dionysus. There are rumors as to what happened. Orpheus refused to play a happy song for the Maenads, Orpheus refused to marry any of them. Whatever happened, the Maenads left his mutilated body in a drunken mass. His treasured and beloved lyre snapped to shards next to the bloody heap in a dark alleyway.
The old man smiled at him, and the darkness in Orpheus’ eyes lifted. Hermes didn’t need to tell the young man he was dead, he didn’t need to comfort him either. He was free from the grips of earth and mortality. He ran to the old man and was wrapped into a familiar embrace.
“I missed you,” the young man said.
“I missed you, too,” replied Hermes.
“Why didn’t you stay?” Orpheus asked, looking at the god with wide eyes. “Why did you leave after-“
“I never left you,” the god said. “You pushed me away. You ran away. Orpheus, after you came back from Hadestown you refused to live. You didn’t eat, you didn’t rest; all you did was play sad songs of the gods and of love on your lyre.”
“How did I survive?”
Hermes looked at him with concerned eyes. Most souls retained all their memories, especially recent ones. It seemed like Orpheus was in worse shape than he thought if he couldn’t recall the last few years of his life.
“I wanted to die,” Orpheus said. “Why didn’t I?”
“Your mother refused to let the hunger get to you,” Hermes avoided gazing on the silence on Orpheus’ face as he tried to remember by staring at the emaciated frame of his body instead. “I tried to talk to her because you were suffering. You didn’t want to live anymore.”
“How did I die?”
Hermes looked up. The ghost of a smile was on the young man’s face. Hermes had never seen that reaction on a soul’s face when asking that question. Orpheus knew where he was going, and he couldn’t wait to hit the road.
“Maenads.” The boy nodded. The two knew each other well enough for Orpheus to just know the god had shifted the winds in just the way to put the boy out of his misery without facing the wrath of his mother.
Orpheus fiddled with his shows and jogged in place like an impatient child. “When are we going?”
Hermes smiled. He really missed this kid. “Whenever you’re ready.”
Orpheus smile lit up his whole face as he looked around to orient himself. He found south through the position of the sun and ran in that direction, Hermes following closely just to the side of him. They were making this trip a second time together, they were making this trip for the last time together.
The young man suddenly skidded to a stop.
“What’s wrong?” Hermes asked.
“I need to be ready,” he said. “For when I see her.”
Orpheus rubbed his hands together and took a deep breath. A familiar melody crossed his lips, and the world seemed to stop at the familiar sound of his voice. Somehow, even the trees knew what this meant- the poet was making his last journey.
A red carnation bloomed into his hands, and Orpheus closed his fist around it.
“Think she’ll like it?” Orpheus fiddled with its leaves.
“She’ll love it.” Hermes looked at Orpheus, who was staring at the flower, with the proud gaze of a father.
“I’ll actually go now,” Orpheus said after a beat of silence. “I won’t stop.”
“I’m sure you won’t,” the old man responded, chuckling to himself.
The pair traveled on the path they had tread on once before. There was no need for speed, the fastest way to Hadestown was the long way around. The distance between Orpheus and his corpse grew larger and larger, he never once turned back to look at it.
Weeds and stubborn growth Orpheus once had to cut through parted to make a path for him. Orpheus didn’t even have to hum the melody anymore for nature to recognize him. The rhythm of his footsteps along dirt roads and below flickering footsteps alerted every flora and fauna of his presence. They made way for the poet, they knew it was his last journey.
When they made it to the far edge of the wall, the pair looked up at the security camera glaring out at the barren landscape. Orpheus gave Hermes a mischievous grin. This was their second time around, now he knew exactly what to do. With a snap of his fingers, a bucket of white paint appeared in Hermes’ hand. He handed it to Orpheus, who splashed it onto the camera. Its eye twitched before giving into the cacophony of sparks and dying out.
They repeated this numerous times as they walked along the side of the wall. Orpheus looked up when they reached the center entrance of the River Styx. Charon’s hood shadowed his face as he looked down at the young man, arms covered up to the elbows in white paint. Orpheus hadn’t been buried yet, he had no daneriis to offer the boatman. Charon pulled his cloak hood down to get a better look at the boy and the god by his side. With a slight smile, Charon opened the gate, not even thinking about the poet’s fare.
“Welcome back, Orpheus,” Charon said as the pair walked towards the gate. “Wait-“
Charon paused Orpheus before he passed through. He rummaged in his pocket until he pulled out three large dog biscuits and tossed them down at Orpheus. The young man caught one of them, the other two fell in the dirt and he quickly fell his knees to pick them up and put them in his pockets. He never once let go of the flower in his hand. Charon laughed.
“It’s good to see you again,” he said as Orpheus walked through the gate.
Orpheus was immediately tackled by Cerberus from the side when he stepped past the gate and was slobbered with the wet, slimey kisses of three supernaturally large dog heads. He laughed and patted each of their heads.
“Who’s a good boy,” he singsonged at them, hand in his pocket around the biscuits. “Who’s a good boy?”
They answered him in a dissonant melody of howls and whines and barks. Orpheus threw the biscuits, and Cerberus dashed into the dark after them. The poet smiled and took one last step into the Underworld.
He took a deep breath and looked around. The air was crisp and clean, nothing like the heavy fumes he had to filter out with an old bandana during his first journey. Workers around him weren’t undergoing backbreaking labor, he didn’t see any uniforms at all. Only a large mass of souls laughing and speaking with each other in the Underworld. They looked happy, some were knitting, some were reading newspaper. Many people were trading simple items like cups and linen shirts at small stalls. It was nothing Orpheus could’ve imagined.
He looked to his left. There were dark trees creeping up to the ceiling of the cavernous space. Heavily colored but beautiful plants covered the ground near them. Burgundies, navy blues, and deep purples were mixed together in fields of flowers. Many souls were running through the fields, but he was looking for one sould in particular.
Orpheus turned to Hermes as he anxiously smoothed down his hair and adjusted his shirt. He had been clutching the carnation so hard, his nails left crescents in the palm of his hand.
“Do I look okay?” Orpheus asked with the voice of a boy going on a first date with a girl he really liked, not that of a heroic poet about to rejoin his love in the underorld.
“Alright as always,” Hermes retorted with a smile.
Orpheus laughed nervously and fiddled with the flower in his hands.
“Do you want to talk to her?” Hermes’ hand was on Orpheus’ shoulder.
“Yes,” the young man said softly.
“Don’t come on too strong.” Hermes patted his hand on Orpheus’ back as the poet walked slowly towards Eurydice.
Souls in the fields paused their laughter and conversation to make way for Orpheus silently as he walked across the acres of flowers. Even those who died before he came knew about him- the man who liberated them with a song about love. Men took the hats off their heads in respect, women hushed the children near them. Whispers fell from mothers’ lips trying to explain who this young man was. He didn’t look like much, dressed in a pair of suspenders and a dirty white shirt. There was no lyre on his back, only a flower in his hand.
Eurydice was towards the back of the fields in a quiet and serene spot. She was weaving flowers into crowns and garlands with Persephone, exchanging remarks and laughs. There was no sun, but the light on her face was beautiful. She was wearing a simple black dress, rings across her fingers. Orpheus caught sight of a particular one on her ring finger. He had no money to offer but her a ring, so he had tied one of his old guitar strings into a ring for her. Eurydice smiled when he gave it to her and put it on her left hand.
It’s like we’re really engaged now, she had said
We’re engaged? Orpheus had turned over in the fields to face Eurydice, her hand up toward the sky, looking at her new ring.
I seem to remember a charming and handsome guy approach me in a bar asking me to come home with him. She retorted, turning on her side. If that isn’t a proposal, I really don’t know what that is.
Orpheus couldn’t calm the beating of his heart. He was excited, he was lovestruck, he was scared. How will she receive him? What will her response be? How could such a beautiful and amazing woman, a survivor who’s faced all the odds, want him, a penniless poet who failed and doomed her by doubting her at the last moment?
Eurydice saw him first. Orpheus hadn’t gotten his senses together yet, and she made direct eye contact with him. A wave of emotions passed through her widened eyes, and her hands flew to her mouth. Tears fell down her cheeks. Sobs shook her shoulders.
“It’s you,” the words slipped out of his mouth. Orpheus didn’t know what to do, what to say. She was crying and he didn’t know why. He couldn’t even panic, he was frozen; a hand holding a red flower outstretched to a crying girl.
“It’s me,” Eurydice managed to breathe out as her sobs subsided. She slowly rose to her feet, the flowers in her lap falling back into the fields. “Orpheus,” she whispered.
His hand was shaking, the petels of the flower quakes against each other. The other was gripping his suspenders so tightly, his knuckles were white. Teardrops fell from the corners of his eyes.
“Eurydice,” he murmured, voice breaking as his frozen body was pulled towards hers instinctively.
The two ran to each other, closing the distance so quickly, their bodies slammed against each other when they met. Her arms latched on around his neck, he picked her up without thinking about it. She buried her face in the crook of his neck, and he felt tears her tears and shaking figure. Orpheus let out a slight laugh and looked up with a contented sigh. He was where he was supposed to be.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, in a tight embrace. Orpheus rubbed his hand along her back as Eurydice’s sobs slowly subsided. She let herself be lowered to the ground and looked up at him, placing her hand on his cheek. His arms were around her waist and their lips came together in a soft and meaningful kiss that should’ve happened ages ago.
When they came apart, Orpheus wiped the tears away from her face and kissed her forehead as she laid her forehead on his chest.
“I brought this for you,” he looked down at Eurydice as she followed his gaze to the bright red carnation in his hand. She let out a light laugh and took the flower in her hands before putting it in her hair.
“I love it,” her smile beamed up at him. “I love you.”
Orpheus smiled he pulled her against his chest. His eyes wandered up to Hades’ platform. The King of the Underworld was leaning against the railing and looked back at him. He nodded at the poet and turned to retreat into his office.
The young man felt a tap on his shoulder and swiveled to find Persephone with her arms outstretched to him, a bright smile on her face. Her hair fell in tight curls against her emerald dress.
“I missed ya, singing boy,” she said as Orpheus gave her a big hug. “Hadestown would be the same without you. How does it feel to be back?”
Orpheus pulled away and looked back to Eurydice, a bright red flower contrasting her dark hair. A smile grew on Orpheus’ face.
“It’s- it’s more welcoming than the first time around.”
The two women laughed and Eurydice wrapped her arms around his waist as Orpheus’ hand rubbed the side of her arm.
“I’ll leave you two,” Persephone said as she strutted away, laughter on the breeze of her trail.
Orpheus looked down at Eurydice. She had knelt down to pick up a flower crown she was working on and plopped it on top of his head.
“I made this for you,” she said with a grin, sitting down in the field. . “I thought it would make you look stupid, but I’m actually liking it a lot. What do you think about matching flower crowns for the wedding?”
“Wedding?” Orpheus laughed as he sat down on the soft bed of flowers next to her. “I just got here.”
“Lover, you’ve been talking about it for longer than I have,” Eurydice took the carnation out of her hair and threaded it into another flower crown. Its red both complemented and stood out of the mellow colors in the garden of the Underworld.
Orpheus grinned. “I guess I have.” He took the flower crown from her hands and set it on her head, smiling as she adjusted it. She flashed a pose at him and he laughed, leaning back to look at his fiancée. “Promise you’ll wear white?”
“I’ve never been able to keep a white dress clean,” Eurydice crosses her arms and fake pouted. “There’s a reason I wear black. The overworld was dustier than hell.”
“You look beautiful in black, but you’re stunning in white,” he sat up and took her hands in his. “Please please please? Nothing will dirty your clothes here..” Orpheus pressed his lips to her knuckles and looked up at her with bright eyes.
Eurydice rolled her eyes. “Fine. I promise.”
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lil-meow-aethetics · 6 years
hello world
my name is kat, and you’ve stumbled upon my blog
yay for you!!!!
who the hell am I? what’re you gonna see on this page? since I do a crazy amount of stuffs, I hope y’all find something that I end up posting somewhat interesting (?) idkk
I’m a(n)…
theater kid (diehard theater nerd, have been since I was tiny, my dream job is a director)
huge film buff (and a super hard critic too even tho I love movies)
marvel fan (again, since I was smol, fav superhero is Hawkeye)
star wars nerd (first fandom when I was a whopping five years old, whooooooo early fangirling)
artist (I art stuff I like once a blue moon, big art nerd too, i like sculptures)
musician (cello/piano/guitar, I can sing :D)
writer (currently writing a book that’s been in my head since I was in fourth grade. I have like four words)
slytherin, Scorpio, enfj, a lot bubblier than you would think for what the stars destined for me
Anyways… I hope if something there was somewhat interesting to you, you’ll check in every once in a while bc I will be posting a lot bout all this^^^ and more tidbits from my life :)
hahaaa what am I doing lol,
- kat
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
Tumblr media
Lol look what I found!! Sorry for the lack of imagines, Tumblr has been acting strange lately...... requests still open and I'm working on one now!!
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
soulmate (fionn whitehead x reader)
@likeapinkocean requested “Hey I was wondering if you could do an imagine where fionn and y/n are good friends and both star on Dunkirk. One day, all the boys (Tom, Jack and Harry and all that) decide to go see a psychic for the fun of it and fionn doesn’t really believe it but goes anyway. And the psychic tells fionn that y/n is his soulmate and they met multiple times in their past lives. Then they are all together and the boys tease him about it and force him to tell him, he likes you. He then goes to your hotel room and tells you he loves you. I know it’s big but I just thought it would be an interesting idea. I love your writing btw ❤️💕”
Forgot to mention requests are always open in my previous stuffs so yeah :)
“That’s a good take,” Chris was standing next to the camera as Y/N, Fionn, and Harry stood shivering in the water. It was 30 or something degrees out and had been raining non-stop. Chris, being the angel he is, thought this was the perfect weather to shoot the scene where your character, Liz, meets the boys under the docks. She went to Dunkirk in her sick twin brother’s place and passed as a boy until her hat fell off in this scene. It felt like their millionth take, and the three of them were freezing. It didn’t help that the rest of the guys got to stay back at the hotel.
“Can we go now, Chris?” Harry was rubbing his hands together while Fionn was jumping up and down trying to stay warm. “We’re so bloody cold.”
“But we still have-”
Chris was cut off by Y/N sneezing rapidly six times in a row. Fionn laughed a little and wrapped his drenched trench coat around your shoulders. All it really did was weigh her down, but Fionn was only trying to help. As the three stood shivering, Chris sighed.
“Fine. But only because Y/N is getting sick. Can’t have our only lead gal die on set.”
“Thank you!”
The three of you were already out of the water and running over to your trailers before he could finish his sentence. They had been filming that same scene from 3 am that morning, and Y/N was more than ready to head back to the hotel and meet up with the rest of the guys. It was a crazy male-heavy set for being the only female lead, but the guys were her best friends anyways. Sure, there are a bunch of cliche “make-up artist/wardrobe person is my best friend” type of thing, and Jordan was one of her friends. It’s just he was in a different hotel and they rarely see each other off-set.
He always made sure you were out of your costume and dried up before heading back, and Y/N loved him for that. He was a sweetheart, and always took care of her.
While pulling your hoodie and shorts on behind the screen, Fionn’s wardrobe/make-up artist burst into her trailer.
“What,” Jordan hung up Liz’s coat and costume on the rack for tomorrow.
“Fionn said you had the trench coat and I wasn’t sure if-”
Jordan looked puzzled as Y/N stepped out from the screen. She smiled sheepishly as she handed it to Fionn’s make-up/wardrobe person while mouthing “sorry.”
Jordan held a strained smile until they went out the door and then turned to face Y/N. “Did you steal Fionn’s coat as a prank, because that is not-”
“No, nope.” Y/N grabbed her wristlet from the table and pulled on her hood. “I sneezed, he thought I was cold…”
“Oh, okay. Have fun!”
Groupchat: Harry😜, Fionn🤓, Cillian🤠, Anuerin☺️, Jack😴, Barry🤤, Tom🤡, Y/N🙃
Y/N🙃: headin’ over to the bus right now if any of you guys are still on set
Jack😴: chris finallyyyyy let you go? 🤣
Y/N🙃: not funny and yeah he did
Barry🤤: shoot that sexy water scene with Harry and Fionn 💦😉
Y/N🙃: ew wtf Barry yeah we did but ew no
Y/N🙃: k Harry if you’re still on set the 3:45 bus is leaving in five min and fionn is here so you should hurry up and get here.
Fionn🤓: mate where are youuu? I’m hungry and cold and hungry and want food.
Tom🤡: food? I want food.
Anuerin☺️: tom you literally only pop in this groupchat when we talk about food
Tom🤡: you act like I don’t know that
Cillian🤠: you three getting on the 3:45 back to the hotel? Y/N🙃: Fionn and I are
Y/N🙃: He’s calling Harry he won’t pick up
Fionn🤓: I am so sick of Harry’s voice mail
Y/N🙃: Getting on bus…
Y/N🙃: No Harry…..
Y/N🙃: Bus doors closing……
Tom🤡: BYE HARRY👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
Jack😴: I feel like he’s going to be upset when we’re all just here when he comes back.
Barry🤤: I feel like you shouldn’t have texted that in a groupchat with Harry.
Fionn🤓: shitttt Harry’s here
Jack😴: oh god
Barry🤤: uh oh
Tom🤡: 💂🏻‍♀️💂🏻those two emojis are different
Cillian🤠: wtf Tom?
Anuerin☺️: fionn what’s happening?
Anuerin☺️: Y/N?
Fionn🤓: so Harry is running next to the bus and Y/N saw him and screamed the driver is fucking hard of hearing so she got up and tapped him on the shoulder and he yelled at her to sit down she yelled at him to pick up Harry meanwhile Harry is standing on the ledge on the back of the bus and he slipped off oh wait no he’s back on Y/N finally convinced driver to pull over Harry is safely in the bus.
Tom🤡: 🐪🐫one hump two hump go hump Y/N Fionn
Fionn🤓: stop it Tom
Aneurin☺️: where’s Y/N?
Harry😜: she just finished yelling at me
Barry🤤: cool
Jack😴: damnnnnnnnnnnnn good story time for dinner
Y/N🙃: yay food nomomomnom
Barry🤤: what do you guys want?
Tom🤡: food
Barry🤤: that really didn’t help at all
Tom🤡: you’re welcome 😘
Aneurin☺️: ew pda
Fionn🤓: guys we’re already here.
Cillian🤠: great we’ll talk bout it everyone meet in Y/N’s room
Y/N🙃: what? No it was my room yesterday
Tom🤡: 😉💦
Cillian🤠: I’m here
Fionn: Y/N, Harry and I are heading up.
Barry🤤: 🧀
Tom🤡: here
Aneurin☺️: here
Jack😴: waiting for you guysssss
Y/N🙃: elevator is openingggggg and Harry has a fan 🙃🔪
Fionn🤓: multiple fans. We’ve turned into that weird couple in the corner Harry’s acting like he doesn’t know us
Tom🤡: 😉💦 fionn/Y/N
Anuerin☺️: ew
We decided to go grab some pizza. It took at least 45 minutes for us to decide, Tom wouldn’t stop cracking gross jokes, Barry discredited everything on Yelp, Harry and Cillian were having their own conversation, Jack was stealing a nap, and Anuerin, Y/N, and I were on our phones texting each other restaurants. We eventually agreed on the pizza place and asked Barry about it. He agreed and we were on our way.
The pizza was fine, we ordered three pizzas and dug in. Y/N only had two slices, we were eating the rest. I must be looking at her a lot ‘cause Tom kept elbowing me and muttering “penis” when he caught me looking at her. I couldn’t help it. She was- she was just everything. Eventually she left the table to go talk to some friends from set or something.
I kind of kept to myself, didn’t really start any conversations, drank light. It was weird. Normally, I wouldn’t be as conservative.
“Okay,” Barry slipped into the seat next to me. Tom had a few beers and was probably flirting with someone catastrophically. I didn’t even notice he left. “I get it. You’re into Y/N.”
“What are you talking about,” I twisted the bottle in my hand around in my hands.
“Everyone knows.” Cillian smoothly sat down on my other side and slung his arm around my shoulders. “Like, everyone.”
“I thought this was Tom’s thing.”
“Well,” Anuerin stole a swig from Jack’s drink. “It’s kinda obvious.”
“Kinda?” Jack leaned back in his chair with a slice of pizza. “It’s veryyyyy obvious. I think Chris even knows.”
“Naw,” Harry said. “Chris is too clueless for this.”
“Okay,” I took a swig. I couldn’t believe this was happening. “So what I like Y/N. She’s really-”
“Yeah, yeah,” Harry said. “We know. But you’re starting to be a creep.”
“But I don’t think she notices it-” Anuerin started.
“But we do and it’s fucking weird.” Harry finished.
“Look,” Cillian ordered another drink and slid it from one hand to another. “She’s a great gal, and I totally approve of your relationship-”
“They don’t have one,” Tom said. “But I’m sure all his eroti-”
“That’s disgusting.”
“Anyways,” Anuerin shot a dirty look at Tom. “Last night after you left us playing Skyrim in Jack’s room, we decided to tell you to tell Y/N you like her.”
“Okay?” I awkwardly shot a glance at Y/N that everyone caught. “Good advice, but I don’t really want to, so-”
“Just do it, mate.” Harry was half-drunk and threw his head down on the table. “Nike preaches good stuff.”
“Let me rephrase,” I started again. “I don’t want to ruin a perfectly good friendship.”
“True,” Jack said. “But aren’t you willing to take that risk?”
“No,” I treasured it too much. The next best thing to a romantic relationship was what Y/N and I had now. “And Y/N’s coming. Shut up, pay your own bill, and we should head back.”
“Party pooper,” Barry led the boys to grab their checks to pay, and I paid for Y/N’s tab also. We headed out the door and she caught up with me.
“Hey,” she said.
“Thanks for paying, you really didn’t have to,” she reached for her wristlet’s zipper.
“Oh, no. It’s fine.”
“But I insist,” she stepped in front of me and held the money out.
“No,” I casually sidestepped her and she groaned.
“God, Fionn! You stubborn ass.”
“Really- just let me-”
“Y/N,” I spun around to face her. “C'mon, Y/N. Let me so this for once please. Let me be the responsible friend this one time.”
“Alright,” she tucked her hair behind her ear and I felt the sudden urge to step closer.
Before my instincts could react, Tom yelled from twenty paces back.
“Oi,” Tom said, staggering a bit. “There’s a psychic!”
“That’s great, Tom!” Barry propped him up on his shoulders. “We should head back, you’re completely wasted.”
“But I wan’ my fortune tolddddd,” he tripped his way back to the door and tried giving puppy eyes to Cillian. “Pleaseeee?”
Cillian sighed. “Fine.”
“Wha- I can’t believe it!” I spoke out. “We don’t have time to waste money and time on that shit!”
“C'mon,” Harry slung his arm around Fionn, who awkwardly dodged it. “It’ll be fun. Just act like you believe.”
“It’ll be good practice,” Y/N added.
“YEA,” Tom waltzed in the shop, the rest of them awkwardly following. “‘Ello, ma'am! Can I get my fortune told? Here’s five.”
The psychic looked from him to the rest of us. “Of course. Sit down.”
“Cool,” Tom plopped down on the floor.
“You’d best stop drinking restlessly in bars, someone might come along. It’s up to your actions whether she’ll stay or not.”
“Whoa,” Tom’s eyes widened. “Is she hot?” “My turn!” Barry said, trying to divert the psychic’s attention.
“You are a sweet boy. Don’t do drugs.”
“Someday, someone will offer you flour for a cake. Don’t take it.”
“This is hilarious,” Harry whispered.
“You,” she pointed to Harry. “A baby is somewhere in your future.”
“Alright, ma'am.”
“I mean- the near future. The next woman you -um- will bear your child.”
“Oh dear,” Harry stood frozen. “That’s some news.”
“I actually believe that,” Cillian awkwardly stepped forward. “And me?”
“Someday, you will meet someone who seems familiar. They are not like they were in your past lives, be sensitive to them.”
Cillian nodded. He always spoke about horoscopes and probably believed her.
“The one falling asleep shouldn’t be the designated driver,” she said. “Or many people will be led to a watery death.” “I’ll tell him when he wakes up,” Harry said, patting Jack on the back. He stood up a bit before falling back asleep. “You,” she pointed vaguely in my direction.
“Yes you. And the girl?”
Y/N had been hiding behind Cillian and Barry. She stepped forward. “Ma'am?”
The psychic cocked her head to the side. “Are you two a couple?”
“No,” We said a bit too quickly. “Definitely not.”
“You two have met in many past lives. Soulmates, definitely. Mostly ending in happy relationships, a couple affairs. I think you were even once Lord Byron, and you his sister.”
Cillian stifled a laugh as he saw Y/N’s hand fly up to her mouth and my shocked face.
"Oh," she looked from me to Y/N and back again. "Wait, never mind." “Thank you,” Anuerin said quickly before handing her a twenty and we started out of the shop. Everyone else went ahead; Barry was trying to stop Tom from running in the street, Cillian was trying to parent them, Harry and Y/N were laughing about something, Jack was slowly trailing them, and I waited for Anuerin outside of the shop.
As she took the money, she bent down and whispered something in his ear. He nodded and made his way over to me, we walked in silence for a couple blocks before he broke it.
“You should really tell Y/N how you feel,” he said. “I know you’re scared to-”
“Did that psychic put you up to this? And I really don’t want to, Aneurin.”
“No, kinda, not really? Look,” he stopped in front of me and turned around. “I know exactly how you feel, and it’s so worth it in the end. I almost didn’t tell my wife and -well- look where we are now? I know it’s terrifying, but if you truly want a relationship with Y/N, you should tell her.”
“Bu- but what if-”
“So it’ll be awkward for the rest of the shoot and for press tours, but what if she likes you, too. Fionn, we’re all rooting for you and Y/N here. Even Tom in his own very strange way.”
“How am I supposed to do it? This has never really happened for me.”
“Just talk to her,” we were at the hotel and Anuerin held the door open for me. Everyone else waited in the lobby. “You’ll figure it out.”
Anuerin walked over to Cillian and exchanged a few words with him. Cillian nodded casually yelled out, “Fionn, go take Y/N to her room.”
Y/N rolled her eyes as she stepped into he elevator. Normally we would all escort her to her room, hers was one floor above ours, before heading back down through the stairs. It certainly wasn’t the first time one of us had to take her to her room. “Fine, Cillian.”
I smiled awkwardly at her as we piled in the elevator. They pushed the number of her floor first, and we headed up. Nobody else got on, and it was a quick trip up. We got out and headed to her room.
“Thanks,” Y/N said. “Again for taking care of my tab.”
Fionn chuckled. “What is with you and the tab? C'mon, Y/N! You have to let me take care of you sometime.”
“But you always do! I feel so bad that I can’t really take care of you and the guys so-”
“Actually,” Fionn stopped once we got to my door. “I need some help. ‘Bout someone, I mean.”
Y/N faked a huge reaction before unlocking the door and letting him in. “Ohmygosh finally! Tell. Me. Everything! Who is it?”
Fionn raised his eyebrows in the cute way he did sarcastically all the time and shrugged. “Can’t tell you but she’s one of the best people I’ve eve- no- the best person I’ve ever met.”
“Oh,” Y/N plopped down on the side of her bed and Fionn took a seat in the armchair next to it.
“It’s just- I had this really strange feeling it was going to be a guy- like Harry or-”
“God, no! Who do you think I am, Y/N? I mean, Harry’s my mate! Well, so is the girl.”
“Keep going.”
“She’s been one of my best friends since we first met and I always seem to want to be around her. I don’t know if it was her smile or her amazing sense of humor or-”
“Get to the details Romeo!”
“I thought those were the details but okay,” Fionn faked offense. “I just- she’s one of my closest friends and I’m scared to ruin the friendship.”
“Fionn,” Y/N said. “You are a great guy and if someone rejects you screw them.”
Fionn laughed. “I would love to screw them, actually.”
Y/N exaggerated a gasp. “So there’s two people?!”
“That’s hilarious but I really need help,” Fionn put his head in his hands. “How am I supposed to tell her? Is there a monologue I can use, will a song work?”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Y/N patted him on the back. “Just- just tell her you love her.”
“And that would work?”
“If it would work for me, it’ll work for her.”
Fionn got up and started to leave as Y/N went to her door.
“Good luck,” she said, opening it. “I know it’ll go great!”
“Thanks a lot, Y/N,” he said, going back towards the elevator.
Y/N started closing the door when she heard Fionn call her name from down the hall.
“Yeah?” She opened the door again and stuck her head out.
“'Love you.”
“Love you, too.” She responded instinctively before closing the door again.
It wasn’t until after Y/N had walked three steps away from the door hat she realized what Fionn had said to her. As soon as she did, she ran back out the door to the almost closing elevator with him inside. She quickly reopened it and stepped inside, pulling him into a kiss. May be they were soulmates after all.
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
hoodie (fionn whitehead imagine)
Fionn hates fans. He’s appreciative of their support and getting him roles, but he isn’t huge in the whole “oh my god it’s time to crowd him going places take a million pictures stalk my shit and steal my shirt” side of the fans. It was ridiculous- why was everyone so insistent on finding out his birthday and sexuality? Apparently they do not understand what “privacy” means.
Thankfully, Fionn has the best girlfriend. Y/N has always been as annoyed with fans as he has, and they both were very private people. After press tours ended, people had started going up to him and Y/N on the street and asking for his autograph and - in short- mobbing him. They usually got separated and soon Y/N was sick of it. She complained about not being able to walk around with Fionn anymore.
That’s when she got him the Hoodie.
The hoodie is a black zip-up that’s three sizes too big for Fionn and surprisingly comfortable. Whenever they went outside, Fionn would shut the hoodie and let Y/N put sunglasses or his glasses on top of it. All their friends and families thought it was hilarious, but it worked. No one was able to recognize him, and Y/N got used to steering him around after running Fionn into a couple things.
After a while, Y/N’s Camera Roll had thousands of photos of her and “Hoodie”- and Fionn faked jealousy whenever she posted it on her Instagram. The first “Hoodie” post was a picture of Fionn pretending to read in the park with his hood on. She captioned it “Sunday in the park with Hoodie” and everyone loved it. Some people started asking who it was, and if Fionn knew. She just sent a 🤷🏻‍♀️. Fionn saw the post after it had been posted for two weeks (typical Fionn) and he commented 😱. All their close friends who knew thought it was hilarious, but a lot of people were still convinced “Hoodie” was a different person.
The hoodie collection grew, now Fionn had at least fifteen so they didn’t have to do laundry as much. Sometimes Y/N would steal a hoodie, even though it was wayyyyyy too big for her.
One day, Y/N put her phone on record and recoded a walk with “Hoodie.” Here is the leaked transcript of hat recording. Thank your local crazy fangirl for it.
“What do you want for lunch?”
“I dunno you can-”
“Just kidding. Ooh new Italian place do you want to try it?”
“Does it have good ratin-”
“Go to your left a bit, there’s some acid on the sidewalk. Stop fiddling with your glasses, they’re going to fall of if you keep doing that.”
“Yeah, sorry. The new hoodie feels weir-”
“Side-step, let go of my hand for a sec and- ooh too late that was a pole.”
“And that was my fault. Shoulda listened Ow.”
“Need an ice pack?”
“Okay yeah I think I’m bleeding.”
“Okay. Alright yeah I think you are. Good thing your hoodie is red?”
“[laughs] Ow my nose.”
“Here I’m taking you inside this tiny drug store where no one will recognize you so you can- oh, okay yeah help me find an ice pack -er- nevermind just tilt your head back ‘till I get back with tissues okay? Sit there and-”
“Yea, got it Y/N.”
“Good don’t move. [noise]”
“That’ll be 12 euros.”
“Here go. Thanks! [noise] [fangirls getting louder as walking closer]”
“[muffled and sad] halp Y/N”
“Oooooh who’s Y/N? Your girlfriend?”
“Your mom?”
“Oh mY GOd iT’S HaRry STylES”
“Hey you okay?”
“no. Yeah a little.”
“Here are tissues. Shove them in your face and pull your hoodie back on.”
“Okay that works [noise]. Can I have the ice pack?”
“Shit it’s not cold.”
“We could go to that Italian place and ask for ice.”
“Then we’ll have to eat there, too”
“That works”
“K stand up and take my hand. That’s my boob. Don’t grab that in public.”
“It is?”
“Yeah. That thing slapping your hand away? Grab it. That’s my hand.”
“Okay. Off to the restaurant?”
“You look like you need coffee.”
“Yeah I do.”
“Okay we can order some.”
“Ciao, quanti?”
“Oh boy.”
{Part two starting at 50 likes, publish at 100 🤞🏻}
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
thaaaaaaaanks Harvey 😐
Honestly you can't make any of the shit I'm about to write up. My grandma has two houses. One closer to my house in the suburbs of Houston and one in Port Lavaca aka where the fucking eye is going to hit. She recently bought the house near me cuz my grandpa needed to be closer to be closer to all the hospitals. He recently passed away (ily grandpa) and my grandma hasn't exactly been her usual self :(. We've been trying to keep her busy and she recently started renovating the house that she and my grandpa had in Port Lavaca for the longest time. So now this fucking hurricane is going to be near her beautiful house and she has no insurance cuz my aunt was like "it's too expensive" ( wtf they literally live near a gulf and there's a creek out back ) and there are a lot of people staying here near in her house near my house and my house has no electricity so now I'm in my grandma's house freaking out on tumblr and there was a tornado touchdown near my grandma's and my house and I'm freaking out for her house in Port Lavaca please pray I'm freaking out halp me.
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
Day 2- it looks clear out, but the avocado is coming at any second now.
HaLP iM ACtuaLLy StuCk hEre
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
red carpet (fionn whitehead imagine)
Interviewer: So I understand that your girlfriend visited you on set a lot?
Fionn: Yeah, yeah she did. She y'know took a lot of vacations and breaks to come over and it’s always been a blast having her with me again. She’s been super supportive and is just a huge sweetheart. I mean- it’s a very male-heavy show and it’s amazing to see my favorite girl on set once in a while.
Interviewer: And did she come with you on the publication tour?
Fionn: Yeah. It actually landed during her vacation time so we talked to Chris who was oddly supportive of it and she’s been handling some of the management as well.
[That moment when the author tries to make it realistic and doesn’t have him say your name]
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
Ugh mah bae would totally be in Slytherin and I'm in Slytherin and we would be the Slytherin power couple
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
rapunzel (avengers imagine)
(you are the youngest Avenger. Thor thinks he's Rapunzel. Disney is screwing with his head. Sorry Thor)
[Sitting in living room with rest of Avengers + Pepper and Peter, ur bae]
Thor: thE MOviNg PiCTurE DiSPLayS a MaIDeN WItH LoCKS SiMIlaR To mY OWn.
Tony: That's really great, big guy. Can we just [reaches for remote]
Thor: NAy mAn OF iroN. KEeP ThY HaNDs AWaY FRoM thE BYe CLiCk. I WIsH tO CoNTinue THIs pICtURE.
Tony: Okayyyy.
(Ent- Mother Gothel)
Thor: THaT WOmaN REminDs Me oF mY BROTheR, LoKI, BEforE He STraighTenS hiS HAiR iN ThE MoRninG.
Clint: What the literal fu-
Flynn: *steals crown*
Thor: thAt MAn iS RiDICUlous. DoEs hE NOt KnOW ThAT TIarA woULd LoOK TeRRIblE oN HIm?
Tony: alright, who the shit bought it was a good idea to give the life- sized He-man doll Disney? Anyone??
You: I did!
Tony: C'mon, L/N, seriously?
(After movie)
You: Thor, you okay?
Thor: NAy *sobs* MY haIr DOes NOt POSesS POwEr...
You: That sucks, Thor.
Thor: 🤧
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
sorry, love (fionn x fem!reader)
so I recently saw Dunkirk and freakin’ FELL IN LOVE with Fionn, had to do this. It might turn into a series… IDK :D
Warning- Drinking, language, mentions of rape, smut
Summary- After finding you wasted and about to be assaulted in a bar, Fionn takes you home. You two get in a fight the next morning, and it ends smokin’ hawt. Like, they have a great argument XD (jk there’s some smut)
Fionn put his earbuds in. He had just gotten back from the Dunkirk press tour, and was anxious to get home. Home to Y/N. He hated interviews. Hated fans randomly popping up on the street. Hated people trying to stalk him on the web, take pictures of him- it was exhausting. He wouldn’t kill anything if it happened, but he certainly wouldn’t be the happiest man in the world. He wasn’t used to it, though this is the path he chose. He just wanted to go home and watch a good movie with Y/N.
Y/N was an American director he met while doing a workshop with her on Hamlet a while back. He was instantly captured by her personality, it isn’t every day your director gets on stage and recites a Shakespearean monologue by heart beautifully before humbly stepping down and coaching him. He asked her out for a coffee or two to “look at scripts” and the rest was history. Fionn was really surprised when he found out Y/N was a lawyer and directed on the side. He couldn’t belive he found a funny, intellegent, and all-around great girl that was so bloody talented.
Fionn and Y/N had two flats, one in London close to his work and home, and one in New York close to hers. She had dropped by to spend time with him during the small two-week window they had before he started auditions again and she went back to work in New York. Fionn was even hoping his agent would let him audition in New York so he could stay with Y/N. Their flat in London was in one of the nicer areas of London. They loved to ask the taxi to stop a block, or even a mile, away so they could walk hand in hand down the street towards their home. The only rough spot was a pub about half a block and a corner away. Since Fionn is pretty tall, they’re able to get by without a hassle. Neither of them really drank regularly, they just had better ideas for Friday nights.
That’s why Fionn was so surprised he to see Y/N, slung over the shoulder of a pretty big guy with tatoos all over who was heading to the ally.
At first, he didn’t recognize her. Just another thug going to take advantage of a drunk. However, curiosity took ahold of him and he watched the man throw her down in the ally. The girl groaned and swatted the hair away from her face, giving him a glimpse of his girlfriend.
“You’re pretty drunk, ain’t ya, luv?” The man unbuckled his belt. “Bet you won’t even remember this tomorrow mornin’”
Y/N groaned and her head fell back. Her make-up was running down her face, and she looked terrible. As the man ran his hands up and down her, she flinched and tried moving away, but she ended up falling.
“Hey mate,” Fionn called without a thought.
“Huh?” The man turned around. “You want in? There’s plenty of her to go around.”
“Yeah. ‘Bout that,” Fionn pulled out the Swiss Army knife from his backpack Y/N had gotten him before he left to film Dunkirk.
“I’m not playing a Swiss, love,” he had said, smiling while he took it out of the package.
She shrugged. “They’re useful. Saw it online and it reminded me of Dunkirk or whatever.”
Fionn didn’t like threatening people, but his girlfriend was about to get raped. He felt like this was an exception, even if she was bloody drunk.
He casually walked up, knife enclosed in his hand. “Normally,” he said. “I would ignore this blatently disgusting offer and walk away.
“However,” the knife came out of his hand and pointed it at the man inconspicuously so the crowd on the sidewalk didn’t see it faster than he could’ve imagined was possible. “I’m ‘fraid you have my girl. So if you ‘scuse me,” Fionn walked to Y/N and started helping her up, all while keeping the knife pointed. “It’d be best if I get going.”
Fionn smoothly slid the knife back,into his bag and helped the stumbling Y/N back home to their flat. She was tripping and speechless, which was unusual. A drunk Y/N normally wouldn’t be able to shut up, especially not around him. This was the first time Y/N had gotten drunk outside of home. She was always so embarrassed by her drunk conversations that she would happily down a bottle, but only in security of their flat. Fionn just couldn’t believe she could be so irresponsible. Before they went to go meet his mates at the bar, Fionn made Y/N figure out her limit two nights before. She knew when to stop. They both did. He just couldn’t believe she almost got raped in a back ally.
Fionn leaned Y/N against the wall next to their door and threw his bags and backpack in the door before helping her in. She stumbled in, wristlet falling off her wrist before she fell on the bed, chest rising and falling from sleep. Fionn was annoyed, and honestly didn’t want to be around Y/N or he might take this whole situation too far. If anyone had a good explanation for this, it would be Y/N.
She hadn’t buttoned her wristlet shut, and her phone was lying on the floor a few feet away from it. He picked both up and his finger accidently hit the home button. They had put their fingerprints one each others phone not long after going steady. He turned it off and walked into their room to charge it when he did a double take. He unlocked the phone again and saw 52 calls to someone named [your best guy friend]. 52 calls. She doesn’t even call him that often. Was she seeing Y/B/G/F behind your back? Did he break it off with her? That would explain the drinking.
Almost like she was on cue, Y/N shifted in her sleep and muttered Y/B/G/F/N.
Fionn felt- he felt weird. He couldn’t imagine a reason for her to cheat on him, but he couldn’t find a reason for her not to. He tried grabbing a book, but thoughts circled his head until he fell asleep
Y/N woke up on the couch. She stared blankly at her still shoed feet until the memories of that night hit. She couldn’t believe she was such an ass to Fionn last night. From the call to the assignment to the news, she was so stressed the day before and bought herself a light drink. After four drinks she remembered a guy hitting her up and taking her outside the pub. After that she could vaguely remember Fionn helping her up and back to their apartment. She couldn’t believe she forgot Fionn was coming back yesterday. She was excited for him to come back for weeks, once the day came, it just slipped her mind.
Y/N quietly snuck into the room to Fionn sleeping soundly in their bed, book on his chest. She took a quick shower and threw on an old t-shirt, a pair of shorts, and one of Fionn’s sweatshirts since it was cold out. When she walked back in the bedroom, Fionn was gone, book resting on the bed. Y/N took a breath and walked out into the kitchen/dining/Britain’s everything room. He was there, sipping a coffee and writing something in his notebook, probably song lyrics or something.
Y/N tiptoed over to the kitchen and slowly opened the cupboard, trying to avoid the inevitable conversation woth Fionn. Sadly, Y/N isn’t the stealthiest, and the sound of the mug against the counter diverted his attention to her.
“Mornin’,” he looked back down and scribbled more.
Usually, he would end all greetings with “love”, but she couldn’t blame him for not doing so this morning. She quickly threw together a tea and sat across from him.
“Hi,” she said awkwardly, sweatshirt covering her hands as she raised the mug. “Um- thanks for last night. I- I can’t really express wha-”
“Sure you can’t,” he said, not meeting her eyes.
“Um,” Y/N was shocked. Fionn wasn’t exactly a morning person, but he never responded to anything like this. “Fionn, are you okay? You didn’t have to really wake up early, I mean, it is 4 pm, but we don’t have anythin-”
“Yeah, yeah Y/N. Get to the bloody point.”
Fionn slammed his pen down on his journal and closed it before standing up, hands face down on the table, brown eyes burning.
Y/N set her mug down and stood up so her head was above his.
“Fionn, I don’t know why you’re being so difficult, but you at least need to give me some context-”
“Context,” he stood straight, now several inches above Y/N. “Yeah, ye want some context, don’t ya? Huh? Gonna give me the “law’s eye” to get me to confess somethin’ aren’t yeh? Gonna get me to confess to seein’ someone behind yer back? Gonna get ME to confess to what YOU’VE BEEN FUCKIN’ DOING Y/N?“
Y/N stared at Fionn in shock. He’s never exploded like this before. Sure, they’ve fought, but they always ended with a kiss and embrace.
“Wha- How the hell did you eve-”
“Oh,” he scoffed and looked to the side before locking eyes with me again. “You need that context now, don’t you? Well,”
Fionn walked over to their room and unplugged her phone. Y/N followed, trying to match his stride.
“You see this? Yea? That’s your phone. Now, if you recall, we exchanged fingerprints and passwords after goin’ steady. Remember that? Now, I’m just going to put my thumb here and what do I see? My girlfriend has tried to call this- this guy 52 times before getting drunk at a pub. What? Don’t act innocent like that. Upset that ye- yer side guy broke up with ya, huh? I’m not enough?”
Y/N was covering her mouth and holding back sobs. Tears streamed down her face and she was shaking. He has never exploded like this, never hurt her so much like this before. How could he keep slamming her down like this with no room to take a breath?
“Damn,” he said, walking up to her, locking her between him and the wall. “You’re more upset ‘bout this than when your hamster died. I thought that was all you cried about was death? Well, it’ll definitely be the death of this realtionshup if you don’t spin a convincing enough story. Why are you wearing my fuckin’ sweatshirt, huh? That’s only for couples- healthy couples. Couples that don’t see other people-”
“STOP,” Y/N shouted above Fionn’s ramblings. “Shut up for three seconds will you? You think you know EVERYTHING. Guess what? You don’t. You don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know what is wrong with you, but you need to stop all this-this”
Fionn’s eyes were still ablaze as he opened his mouth before clenching his jaw again, hands shaking by his sides.
“I told you I got assigned to a case yesterday. It was a drunk dricing case, drunk driver crashed and killed a family, youngest daughter at three years old in a coma. Guess what? I got assigned to defense.”
“Why didn’t you jus-”
“And get fired and discriminated in the legal world? I have an oath to fufill, I can’t break it in the eyes of the law.”
Fionn rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. Y/N knew he was sick of hearing her talk about this. Either way, she was sure he would break up with her. She just had that feeling in her gut.
“S-So, before you come back and we start out two-weeks, I start research, and guess who was one of victims? Y/B/G/F/N. My best guy friend from theater since we were kids. So I’m put on defense against my best friend’s killer. I couldn’t believe it. So I called him, 52 times, and he didn’t pick up because he was, of course, dead. He- He’s dead.”
Fionn opened his mouth but nothing came out. She had ended on such a strong note, and she hoped he would just say that he was sorry, say that he-
“That gives you no excuse to do what you did, Y/N.”
Y/N was shocked. He’s still nagging at her? She couldn’t believe it.
“You know what? You’re right,” Y/N took off his sweatshirt and threw it on the bed and took her phone and wristlet with her as she headed over to the door. “You’re right, it’s a shit story, a shit reason to drink, as shit reason for you to believe me no matter how honest and real it is for me.”
She slipped on her shoes and opened the door.
“The hell do ye think yer goin’?”
“[Your best friend] is coming into town with her girl/boyfriend. We’re having dinner. Was going to introduce you to her, but-” you shrugged and left.
Fionn looked around at their empty flat and started humming a stray tune. It was meant to be happy, the story she spun was shit and she acknowledged it, but it drifted into a minor rendition of Imprint, which she loved harmonizing to.
Y/N really was one of the big things in his life. She made him smile, made his day, made his life better than it was before. He picked up one of Y/N’s binders from the coffee table and flipped through it. Sure enough, her story was there, all on official documents.
Fionn sighed. There was no getting her back now. He was such an ass to her, she was probably going to stay with her best friend that night.
His two-week vacation had just begun, and he didn’t want it to start with a break with the best girl in the world. There was one thing he had to do.
“Hi Y/N!” Y/B/F/N scooped you into a big hug outside of the cafe. “I haven’t seen you in forever!”
“I missed you, too,” Y/N said, pulling back from the hug and fiddling with her wristlet. “So, where’s your lucky boy/girl?”
“Inside,” her smile brightened. “Oh my God I can’t wait for you to meet her/him!”
“Well I’m excited,” she said, giving Y/B/F/N a big smile. “They need my stamp of approval,” she winked at her bouncy friend.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Y/N,” she smiled. “So where’s this Fionn guy I’ve been seeing all over your Insta for the past -well- forever? Still haven’t met him,” she pouted. “You’re meeting my bae, I should be able to meet yours.”
“Um,” Y/N twirled her hair. “‘Bout that. We kind of got into a fight, and he -uh- he’s not coming.”
Y/B/F/N gasped. “Oh. My. Freakin- I’m so sorry!”
“Oh, no it’s fine,” Y/N sighed. “It basically was my fault.”
“Stop putting yourself down [Your nickname].” She linked arms with her and guided her towards the door. “It’ll probably blow over soon. C'mon, [your best friend’s boy/girlfriend] has a table.”
Fionn grabbed the sweatshirt from the bed, his phone, keys, and threw on his glasses before pulling his shoes on and running out the door. He didn’t exactly know where he was going to, but he did know he needed to find Y/N.
After three stops at some of their favorite hangout spots, Fionn finally stumbled on Y/N. She was sitting across her friend and their boy/girlfriend. He took a deep breath before walking over.
“Hey,” he casually walked over and pulled out the chair next to Y/N. “Sorry I was late.”
Fionn pulled Y/N into a one-armed hug. “I’m so sorry, love,” he whispered in her ear before he pulled away. “Did ya already order, or-”
Y/N looked down at her lap. “No, no it’s fine.” She handed him her menu and smiled slightly at him.
After ordering, Y/N’s friend held out her hand.
“I’m Y/B/F/N. This is my boy/girlfriend, [Your bestie’s bae’s name].”
“Hi,” he shook her hand and gave a smile to Y/B/B/N before casually slipping an arm around Y/N’s shoulder. “Nice to meet you.”
After dropping Y/B/F/N and [their bae] off at their hotel, Y/N spun around to face Fionn. It was chilly out, and she had slipped on his sweatshirt earlier. The night fell on the square and lights were slowly beginning to turn on.
“I thought you, I mean, I-”
“Yeah,” Fionn scratched the back of his neck. “I was fuckin’ angry, but I really am sorry, love. You have to believe me, right?”
“I- I do,” Y/N pulled her hair away from her face before letting it drop again. “I want to. A lot. You know I- I care about you a lot, Fionn. You scared me, and I-”
“I know, I’m sorry. I’m so, so, so sorry, love.”
Y/N and Fionn were almost to their flat and she stopped before opening the door.
“I’m sorry, too,” she said. “I shouldn’t have drunk, and it’s thanks to you I didn’t lose my virginity.”
“WHAT?” Fionn gaped at Y/N. He obviously didn’t know that.
“Shut it,” she said, smiling. “Neighbors can hear.”
“I-” he lowered his voice, “I know, but are you, really?”
“Do you honestly think I had time for that?” Y/N opened the door and he walked in, stilk facing her. She closed the door and took off her shoes.
“Damn, Y/N,” he said, tossing his shoes on the rack. “You shouldn’t have told me that. You’re in for one hell of a night.”
“That sounds gross,” Y/N said, setting her shoes the rack gently. “I was thinking a movie or-”
Fionn closed her mouth with a kiss. It was the first kiss they had since he came back, and it was innocent, just like their relationship normally was. Soon, his hands were tangling in her hair and she was on her tiptoes, arms around his neck. He picked her up easily and carried her to their bedroom, dropping off his glasses on the way.
He pushed her roughly against the headboard, her small frame pressed against his body. His hands were traveling up and down her sides, hers tangled in his hair. He slowly took off his sweatshirt she was wearing and dropped it on the side of the bed. Before he went back to kissing Y/N, he took off his shirt. They crashed into each other with a hunger neither of them had ever experianced before. Kisses grew passionate, and he straddled her against the bed. Soon, her shirt and shorts were off. She was wearing her everyday underwear, but Fionn never thought anyone could look so beautiful as she looked up at him with wide eyes, panting.
“Are you sure you want this?” Fionn pushed her hair behind her ear as she nodded. He gently sucked the spot below her ear as he cradled her lower back. As Y/N began moaning softly, his hand moved up to her bra clasp and began removing it. It was on the floor moments later, and his lips were starting down to her breasts. He sucked on her nipple as she dug into his lower back with her feet. He could tell she was holding back moans, and left her on the bed to search his nightstand.
He quickly pulled his pants down and threw a condom onto his enlarged manhood. Y/N had sat up on the bed, looking on with wide eyes. He took off her wet panties, exposing her clit and ran a finger over it before slowly sliding in. She was really tight, probably since this was her first time. Her eyes were shut and before he was completely in her, she yelped and pushed him back, shaking. Y/N wrapped her arms around her legs, taking deep breaths, head hidden in her arms.
“Y/N,” he said, crawling up to her and placing a hand on her back. “Y/N, love, are you okay? Di’ I ‘urt you? I’m so sorry. Are ye hurt, love? Are you okay? I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that I’m so bloody stupid. I di'n’t hurt ya did I? Love? Talk to me, please?”
She looked up, hair covering half her face. “I- It feels so- I can’t- I’m so sor-”
“It’s alrigh’, love,” he pushed her hair behind her ear. “We don’t have to-”
“No, no,” she said, streatching her legs out around him. “I can do it. We’ve come so far, I can do it.”
“You sure, love? We don’t hav-”
She kissed him fiercely and soon she up against the headboard again. He guided his cock into her as she gripped his hair, knees coming up. Her eyes closed, head back against the headboard. He put one hand on her lower back to help her if she fell before he did and gently pulled the back of her head to rest on his shoulder. She buried her face in his neck as he slowly went in and out of her, gaining speed when he felt her fingers relax their grip on his back and hair. Moments after, she let out a moan, pressing her forehead into his shoulder. She was panting and shaking, probably confused at what was happening.
“S'ok, love,” he said, stroking her lower back. “You can let go.”
She exhaled and fell off the edge just then, him falling soon after. He fell onto her stomach, groaning softly after they both reached their high.
Fionn took himself out of her and peeled the full condom off him and thew it in the rubbish. She was taking deep breaths, trying not to notice the ruined sheets. He pulled on a pair of shorts so he wouldn’t be tempted to start it all up again and grabbed one of Y/N’s blankets from the couch, throwing it around her shoulders and sitting next to her on the bed.
“That wa'n’t so bad, was it, love?”
Y/N chuckled and rested her head on Fionn’s shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her. “Suppose not. I’ve got nothing to compare it to.”
He laughed and kissed the top of her head. “You know I did it 'cause I love you. I love you a lot.”
“'Love you, too,” she said hesitantly.
“There ya go, love! That wa'n’t so hard, was it?”
“Not as hard as your cock,” she smiled up at Fionn, a mischievous glimmer in her eye.
“Shush, love. Don’t want to start it o'er again.”
She laughed and it sent butterflies up through Fionn. “Now,” he said. “'Bout that movie…”
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
shwarma (avengers imagine)
Part 1- shwarma
*too ow erz lay ter*
You: Tony, where on earth are we even going?? We've been wandering around for fort-
Sam: Found what?
Tony: mah keyz
Pepper: ohmygod
Wanda: Was that all just to find your keys?
Tony: YUp!
Tony: Time to ACTUALLy go to the garage.
Wanda: Finally.
Rhodes: Hey Tony?
Tony: yeA?
Rhodes: There are only ten seats
Tony: Yea!
Rhodes: And they're-like-14 people here...
Tony: the hell do you want me to do about it?
Pepper: Let us take two cars?
Thor: naY i BelIEVe iN ThE abiLiTY oF OUr SqUAd tO SqeEZe!
Pietro: Dammit.
Pepper: I call shotgun
Tony: And Imma drive this bitch
Tony: I meant the car...
*too mor ow erz lai tir*
Pepper: *sohappyshehasshotgun*
Tony: Lady calm your tits I don't want to hear about you two's bedroom mishaps.
Wanda: Tony shrinking Vision and having Piet hold him was NOT a good idea. I am pretty sure he's about to murder him.
Thor: heLLo PAtriOtic CAPtaiN!
Steve: Thor, not now.
Thor: AlRIGHt
Sam: Yo this black guy corner is LIT! Seriously. James' shirt is on fire.
Natasha: i am so done with this shit
Clint: luv u too nat
Vision: yee
Tony: Alright kids, buckle up. Time to get somE SHWARMa!!
Bruce: *snores*
Tony: okayyyyy... LET'S GO!
Part 3 at 300 notes XD thx for support
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
shwarma (avengers imagine)
(You are the youngest Avenger. You and the rest of the crew are sitting on the couch after finishing a Disney marathon. Disney is cool. I like Disney.)
Peter: guys
Peter: guys
Peter: guys
Peter: GUYS
Peter: I'm hungry.
Everyone: *groans*
Peter: What?? May said you guys have to feed me or I'll have to stop coming over.
Pietro: (sokovian) *godhereallyislikeababy*
Peter: Hey, I can hear you. Doesn't mean I understand you but I hear you.
Natasha: Pizza closes in- ohp nevermind it just closed.
Clint: I mean, I could probab-
Wanda: Aw, Clint, you don't have to cook. We should go out.
Pepper: Chinese is thirty minutes away...
Bucky: Buuuuut we ordered that yesterday.
Sam: Crawfish boil?
Everyone: nO
Sam: but-but I bought the stuff...
Rhodey: ooh I want some!
Tony: Let's not get into thw LAST time we had one.
Steve: Don't mention it. Sushi?
Vision: As I recall, the only sushi place within twenty miles of here left all of you vomiting and on the toilet for days.
You: Shwarma??
Thor: heLL YEa Let'S GO! ThEY haVe a GoOD AMOunt of BeER.
Tony: (grabbing keys) okay everyone time to get in my large white van.
Peter: (to Steve) Is he serious?
Steve: Sadly, yes he is. It seats ten people.
Rhodey: C'mon, bro. Why can't we just take your Mustang and Tesla? Multiple people here can drive.
Tony: Have you ever heard of a man-period?
Pepper: Tony, those don't exist.
Tony: (pulls on shades) well now they docMON EVryONE! OFF TO THE GARAGE!!
to be continued... at 200 notes
Part 2 is here!
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
coffee? (Part 1/?)
Ships- Tom Holland x Fem!reader
Summary- You are one of the assistant directors of Spider-Man: Homecoming. The cast and crew finally convinced Tom to ask you out.
Warnings- Cursing, awkward fluff
Tell me if you want more parts! Ideas for next part open!!
“Everyone ready for scene 19? Scene 19 is next. C'mon, everyone. Hair and make-up was supposed to be done eight minutes ago, we need to get into costumes in two minutes.”
Y/N zig-zagged between the trailers as she juggled Starbucks for Jon and the rest of the directors. It was 6:30 in the morning, and her own eyes were still drooping. Jon wanted to reshoot a scene today, so their schedule was really tight. She quickly dropped the coffee off at the food table and swiped her clipboard out of Jon’s hand.
“Hey,” he said, picking up his clipboard. “I wasn’t done with it.”
“Come off it, Jon,” Y/N flipped through the schedule and read it quickly. “You know this project would be screwed if I didn’t fix the schedule every morning.”
Jon sighed. “I would say something about me being your boss, but can you number the order before grabbing Zendaya and Tom? Thanks.”
Every morning you reordered Jon’s schedule. The scenes he put together in blocks required too much moving and costume changes, so Y/N fixed it anonymously the first day and has been doing it ever since.
After Y/N finished, she left it on Jon’s chair since he had left. She didn’t even have to look at her schedule to know her next task- round up the major actors. Y/N didn’t mind it that much, she looked forward to it even. She got to become really close to Zendaya and Laura. It also helped that some of the stars were really hot.
Y/N always went to Zendaya’s trailer first. Laura was usually there in the morning, and they always helped you with your hair since their stylists wouldn’t let them mess with their own hair. You peeked through the small wondow on Zendaya’s door, but she wasn’t there. You quickly swiped your master key and stepped in.
“Zendaya?” You peeked in every corner, but she wasn’t there, and neither was Laura. Strangely enough, her stylist wasn’t there either.
Confused, you ran over to Laura’s trailer, then Jacob’s. Neither of them were in there.
Tom’s trailer was dark when you got there. You swiped your keycard and walked in. As you were looking around, someone turned on the lights. Tom, Laura, Zendaya, Jacob and two of Tom’s stylists were holding post-it notes. All of them weren’t in costume. Each of them held one letter that spelled out coffee?, Tom holding the question mark. You were blown away. Was Tom asking you out? You and Jacob were like best friends, and neither of the girls were lesbian as far as you knew. A couple moments passed in your stunned silence before Tom broke it.
“Y/N?” He was beginning to look nervous.
“Ye-yeah,” you managed to stammer out. “Coffee would be great!”
The entire group let out a breath as Tom pulled you into a hug. They were all cheering and smiling, Jacob was trying to “stop everyone from being a cock-blocker.” You heard a sneeze coming from beside you and turned to see Jon recording with Tom’s phone. You weren’t very surprised, Jon basically recorded anything and everything.
“What about today’s shooting?”
“It’s okay,” Jon smiled. “Michael is going to be doing his scenes today, so you two are all set.”
“I don’t want to see you two back here again today,” Zendaya said as she and Laura walked you to the door.
“And I’ll take that,” Jon swiped my clipboard out of my hand. “We’ll save that for tomorrow.”
You were shocked. Not only had Tom Holland asked you out, but your boss was letting you two have the rest of the afternoon off.
You and Tom walked out of the trailer and were heading over to your car when Jacob threw a condom at Tom’s back.
“STAY SAFE,” Jacob yelled in the doorway before slamming the door shut.
I laughed as Tom awkwardly picked it up and put it in his back pocket and winked before opening the door.
“Shall we?”
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
Imagine- Being the youngest Avenger
You: Relax, Tony, it was only the eighth time!
Tony: The EIGHTH time? You thought it was okay to mess with my automated suits seven times before this? You're -like- twelve! You're supposed to be worrying about changes and sh*t!
You: (walking away) I'm sixteen...
You: (in kitchen grabbing soda and a snack. Pepper is working on the living room couch. As you're walking away...)
Pepper: Quick, Y/N, what's 1,397,462 plus 829?
You: I'm sorry, WHAT??
Pepper: Nevermind, got it. (Typing) 1,398,291
You: (O-o)🍫
Thor: GrEEtiNgS SMalL mIDgarDIan, CarE FOr a DRiNk????????
Jarvis: Thor, she's underage.
Thor: suRLy ShE caN TRy?
You: Thanks, but no thanks. I'll stick to the pop tarts and coke...
Natasha: Get up, you still have eight more minutes of combat.
You: Nat, I love you, you're like my big sister, but yoU JUST BROKE MY F*CKING LEG. GIMME A SEc.
Natasha: Fine, be back in five (walks away)
Clint: (eating bagel) wut??
You: Nat broke my leg...
Clint: That sucks (walks away)
You: what the- CLINT COME BACKKkk. Someone helppp ;-;
James (Rodey): Yo, Y/N, what's up- sh*t. Lemme go grab my old prosthetic.
*too ow erz lait errr*
James: Found it!
Natasha: (with her foot on your chest while texting Clint) Y/N, you're supposed to be fighting, not playing dead.
You: hhenebebkejrbr brjrkekk2nroforn :(
(Morning runs with Steve, Sam, Bucky, Pietro, and Wanda)
You: (running and talking leisurely with Wanda) Yeah, I mean, you two are-
Pietro: (runs between you two in a blue blur)
Wanda: (sokovian) *whattheliteralbloodyhellwasthatpietstahp*
(Up ahead)
Steve: On your left
Bucky: On your right
You: (holding donut) aw look it's two science bros bonding, so kewt!
Peter: aw look it's the two most high-lipid things in this building bonding, so kewt!!
Bruce: (after laughing for thirty seconds) cause you and the donut are both high in fat, get it?
You: (leaving) NERDS
Peter: Love you, too!!
You: wtf, Parker, you were supposed to say "geek"
Vision: I ship it
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
Aesthetics Marvel Aesthetics Peter Parker Aesthetics Peter Parker x Katarina Sui (OC) Peter Parker x OC #1
Imagines Actor Imagines Tom Holland Imagines Imagine surprising Tom at and interview Coffee?
Avengers Imagines Avengers Imagines #1
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lil-meow-aethetics · 7 years
Imagine- Surprising Tom at an Interview
Interviewer: So there has been a lot of rumors circling you and Zendaya's relationship. Are you two dating or-
Zendaya: What on- absolutely not! Have you seen Tom and his girlfriend? They're the cutest thing on the planet.
Tom: *blushes* Wh- wha? We are?
Zendaya: *lightly shoves his arm* Tell them how you two met! Please!
Tom: Well -uh- Y/N and I met at a musical theater camp in New York, that was before I got casted to be in Billy Elliot. The group was small, definitely under fifteen people, it was upstate. We didn't really hang out that much, she had her group and I hung out with the only other guy there.
*you start creeping across the stage behind Tom and Zendaya's chairs, you hold your finger over your lips to the audience*
Tom: Then, the next year, we both went back to the same camp. There were mostly new kids, we knew one other person in that cast, so that's when we sorta became actual friends. We started dating a couple years later, and-
You: *wrapping your arms around him from behind* love you, too
Audience: *cheers as you and Tom hug and you hug Zendaya before sitting down*
Interviewer: So I'm taking that you're Y/N?
Tom: *laughing* Yeah, I'm crazy blessed to be her boyfriend.
Interviewer: And I'm sure you're blessed to be dating Spider-Man?
You: Honestly, I'm trying to get over the fact that he's Billy Elliot!
Audience: *laughs*
Tom: I love you, Y/N
You: Love you, too.
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