koushirouizumi · 7 months
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{As if YOU haven't been publicly lrt spamming antisemitic conspiracy theories and antisemitic rhetoric, including implying an entire language spoken by us as inherently evil, EVER SINCE OCT. 7TH?????}
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ncteez · 2 years
Premium Boy-Toy (l.j)
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the one where your best friend gifts you an entire man, and that man just so happens to be in high demand for everyone but you, until now at least.
ao3 | m.list | minors dni! | if you read it, reblog it.
requested by anon: “I don’t like getting off on my own.” + “No one’s ever touched fucked me like this,”
wordcount― 10.3k
pairing― stripper!Jeno x afab reader
content― switch jeno, rich/lonely reader, jeno gets kinda in a weird headspace after he cums lmao
note― congrats, you are witnessing the fact that i cannot defend that this is basically smut from start to finish. theres a lil bit of sugar baby jeno at the end tho so...um, also there's probably so many typos and way too many commas in this but to be fair i was in horny jail and just fucking going.
smut tags under cut:
smut tags: masturbation, jeno goes from having the power to releasing it to you completely, its very chaotic, stripping kind of, hand job, finger fucking, choking, sensitivity, edging but it’s his own fault, jeno talks a lot until he can’t anymore, titty sucking :D, protected sex
It was a gift, or rather, he was the gift. A down payment of $600 told you enough about the man who offers his services to lonely, sad, rich women who had no one to spend their money on. Your best friend had been taunting you with the idea for months. Since she heard of the infamous Jeno actually, even more so after she experienced him herself. She has mentioned how clean he is, how toned he is, how well he moves his body, how he teases just enough, and how he looks better in heels than she does herself.
You still can’t fully take that last part seriously. A male stripper in heels? Must cost extra for those who like that sort of thing, which is very clearly your best friend. Noted. Regardless, she had mentioned whispers from the elite women she associates with that sometimes he even gives an extra treat with his services, free of charge. What that treat is, neither of you know, but the implications are damning.
Even with all of the information being dangled in front of your face, presented as if the image should be more delicious than the century-old wine you have every night at dinner, you’re not interested. For the entire duration of her praising this all-amazing stripper, it hasn’t interested you. There’s shit to do and life to worry about, constantly actually. So, naturally, when she appears at your doorstep with an envelope in hand and yet another expensive bottle of champagne, you were wondering if you forgot your birthday because it wouldn’t be the first time.
She hadn’t pushed past you to come inside, she didn’t say a word actually, which was suspicious but kind of appreciated. Upon opening the small gift, it appears that she, herself, had dropped that $600 down payment in an attempt to force you out of being the stick in the mud that you are. The note states the date and time, which, curse her for knowing your schedule so well, and the demand that it’s your job to tip him and pretend to have some inkling of an interest.
So now, here you are. Waiting for that knock on your door and wondering why you even tried to look nice for a man coming to swing his meat in your face. Fucking unbelievable, you think, that there is a stripper out there that only does private parties, and your own best friend thinks you need it? You could have any dick you want, why the fuck should you have to pay just to look?
Surely, this man is expecting more than just you, alone on your couch with a sound system beyond his wildest dreams, one that you’ve only ever utilized when you need to watch a youtube tutorial on how to clean your windows the way the cleaner does. Surely, he’s expecting more than a woman who isn’t interested at all in this.
          To your dismay, Jeno appears to have already been told that you’re a nightmare to fluster or gain interest from. The first words he says to you when you open the door for him is, “She said you’d give me that look.” Still, even so, Jeno saunters in like he owns the place, and you can immediately tell he’s done this probably hundreds of times before. He appears comfortable in a place he’s never been, in a home probably much nicer than his own, finding his way to where his stage should be for the night.
“Big place. Looked smaller on the outside.” He says to your silence, looking around and placing his bag beside your couch.
“The smaller the better, sometimes it feels too big in here for just me.” You admit, watching him curiously as he pulls wires from his bag.
“Must get lonely.” Jeno shrugs, eyeing how stiff you are as he unravels his chords. “And, I assume, this is why I am being paid to be here.”
“This wasn’t my idea. Just so you’re aware.” You cross your arms, unimpressed by the man already.
“I was told that I need to show you a good time, I already knew you were new to this kind of thing.” He smiles, continuing to set up. “Besides, first-timers are my favorite to entertain.”
          Curiosity spikes again, only for a moment though. You really did think that the initial meeting would be different, less casual, even. Wasn’t he supposed to pretend to be a cop or something? Showing up and pressing play on a magical-appearing stereo that bumps the worst of music before gyrating at you? Instead, he’s here setting up and surprisingly, fully clothed in a tacky and ratty sweater with jeans that hug against his thighs. He doesn't appear at all to be a man that gets paid to take his clothes off for lonely hearts. You kind of want to ask him questions, but also you don’t think you should be learning more about him considering that’s not why he’s in your living room right now.
“Do you have mood lighting or are we doing this in morgue lighting?” He casually asks after plugging his laptop into your sound system and placing it on one of the various shelves. It almost makes you laugh.
You make your way to the wall, clicking the buttons on the panel to show him the various lighting options this room offers that you very rarely use.
“Perfect, that one.” He says from across the room, focusing his eyes from his laptop screen to you and your extravagant light switch. “A little lower.” He guides, knowing which lighting accentuates his toned body the best. You turn the nob a bit for him, wondering just how good he must be at dancing for women with houses like this.
“A little more.” He smiles.
          You dim the lighting just a smidge more, looking at him and the way he genuinely seems to be at ease.
“Right there.” He says in a gentler tone before focusing his eyes back on his laptop.
          You watch him tap his fingers across the keyboard, gliding around the little touchpad, and then, as if he’s the one who owns this house, he takes a step back and walks to your couch.
“Come sit, I’ll go get myself ready.” He smiles over at you as he pats the cushions. “Which way is the bathroom?”
Without a care in the world, you point towards the bathroom and decide he doesn’t need help getting there. Most people would be petrified of a strange man in their home, wandering the halls with the ability to come upon any room with unprotected goods. If he’s a thief of any kind, you can replace pretty much everything you own anyway. You don’t care.
Once he rounds the corner and you can hear the bathroom door close, you make your way to the couch and attempt to make yourself comfortable. Despite the countless naps you’ve had here on this plush and soft surface, you can’t bring yourself to find comfort sitting here right now. You’re curious about Jeno, yes, of course, you are. You’re curious about how much money he makes doing this, if he likes doing it, how he got started, what he does to advertise, and many other countless things, but you’re not entirely curious about how he does it. Sure, he’s attractive. Hot as hell, actually, but that doesn’t mean you should have to pay for attention from a man.
It almost feels like an insult from your best friend. Does she genuinely think you couldn’t go out right now and bag a man? Is this fun for her? A hobby, maybe?
“You overthink too much,” she always says to you, and yeah, perhaps she’s right. Maybe, since it’s going to happen anyway, you should at least try to enjoy it.
          Jeno stays in the bathroom for a good thirty or so minutes, and each of those minutes was like a nightmare in your head. You were back and forth between not wanting to be in this situation, to fighting yourself for being such a fucking bore. A very attractive man is preparing himself for you to look at. He’s going to come out here and do his best to turn you on, the least you can do is let yourself enjoy it. The very least you can do is tip him well and rub one out later after he’s gone and you’re on the verge of jumping out a window because you never make time to fuck.
          Fucking thankfully, the moment he comes out of the bathroom your brain adjusts itself into the right mind-state. You actually can’t look away from him even if you tried when he reveals himself. He isn’t dressed in anything that looks cheap, tacky, or even overly sexual. If anything, he looks expensive. Jeno genuinely looks like this is a place where he belongs.
          You can physically feel yourself react to him in his blazer and dress pants. Business is what got you to where you are today, but never have you found it sexy in any way, until now, at least. The suit looks much like what your team would wear in your company, shyly coming into your office and stuttering through their questions and need for approvals. Jeno isn’t stuttering in his suit though. He’s standing confidently at his laptop as if he hadn’t even noticed you staring yet.
          God, the way his abs were glistening in the dim lighting before he had turned away from you. The way the belt held his pants on his hips, begging to be unbuckled, the way the blazer widened his shoulders much better than his sweater from before. The smell that wafted off him was even prettier when paired with the image of him. He smelled like a sweet type of musk, something you’d be interested in drinking alongside your dinner on special occasions maybe. Assuming that scent is the reason his abs were fucking shining. Fucking body oil. He uses body oil.
          When he turns to face you again, this time with the bass of whatever song he had chosen to play accentuating each of his steps towards you, your cheeks start to heat up. He hasn’t rolled his body once and you’re already feeling like you could eat him alive, with the smirk on his face leading your eyes down to his neck, chest, abs, and that fucking belt.
“Good?” He asks, leaning over you and placing his arms on either side of you, gripping the back of the couch.
          Jeno can already tell that you’re going to be fun to play with. Such a harsh exterior from the beginning. To be fair, he was warned and prepared by your friend, which happens to be his newest client who tipped him more than anyone before.
          You nod to him, still eyeing his body in a shameful show of how much you did need this. What’s so bad about paying to look when he’s presenting himself like this?
“Rule number one,” He smiles, swaying in front of you and keeping his grip on the couch, mostly so that way you feel trapped and, hopefully, mesmerized by him. “I only accept bills of twenty, fifty, and one hundred. If you give me a fucking dollar, I’m leaving.”
          That’s not a problem because, despite your internal protests, you had only pulled out the bigger bills anyway. You nod to him, watching the way his hips start to swirl, too afraid to look up at his face because you know he’s looking down at you, intensely, probably.
“Rule number two.” He leans down, lowering his voice and blowing against your ear in a short breath. “Don’t touch me without asking.”
          You almost wanted to reach out immediately to touch him. You wanted to feel how slick that body oil was on him. You wanted the scent on your fingers for later. Mostly, you wanted to feel how warm he must be.
          This time he doesn’t wait for you to nod, because he can already see that familiar look on your face that he gets from most of his clients. This is why he’s so in demand.
“Rule number three.” He continues, pulling back and this time positioning his face in front of yours because this one is the most important. This one he needs you to look at his face rather than his body. “I won’t touch you unless ask me to.”
          What you’re not realizing at this moment is that rule number three isn’t one he often states. Sometimes, very rarely, Jeno is in a mood when he goes out on a job. He always has condoms with him just in case, but never intends to use them until meeting said client. She’s paying to look at him, not to touch him. If she piques his interest, he offers a third rule. If a client never hears of the third rule, they know that even if they ask to touch him, he wouldn’t allow it.
          Besides, the only reason he took so long in your bathroom is that his hand, for some reason, felt so good against his cock for the split second he had of tucking it into the most attractive position. He knew instantly that tonight was one of those nights, and hopefully, you take the bait.
          When you swallow and look him dead in the eye, he thinks you know what it means. He feels lucky that his cock is acting up. Lucky that your friend brought him to your attention, lucky that you’re looking so pretty and already so flustered by just looking at him.
          “Deal?” He finally says, tilting his head a bit and waiting for you to nod.
          You nod slowly, glancing down at his body again. He can tell you want him to start moving now, really moving.
“Is the song okay?” He asks, pulling back and bracing himself still against the back of your couch. “It was picked specifically for you.”
          You’re not entirely sure what he means by that, but you assume your friend must have told him what she thinks you like.
“It’s good,” You say, glancing away from his eye contact and suddenly feeling like a love-sick puppy in the way you feel so incredibly fucking shy right now by this man.
          He notes that you didn’t ask what he meant by the song being picked for you, but he doesn’t push it. He’s better at talking with his body anyway.
          Jeno begins to focus now, opting to start slowly and work his way up, specifically to work you up. He backs himself away from the couch, centering himself in your living room as he closes his eyes and stretches his arms up to loosen his body a bit more. Most of his clients love to see the way his muscles move as he stretches, so he hopes you’re of the same mind.
          This entire playlist is one he picks for clients like you. The ones he intends to let see all of him if they ask. The music is slow, the bass is strong, and each beat runs through his body in a way that makes him feel like he can move like he’s fucking you from across the room without so much as a touch.
          He’s at his best when this sort of thing happens inside of him, the eye contact is more intense, his hips are more pointed at a reason other than payment, and he feels his most attractive like this too.
          You’re sitting painfully stiff across from him on that couch, and he can’t help but keep a smirk plastered on his face for how lucky his other clients would think you are experiencing him like this for your first time of all things. He’s never attempted this with a new client, but god, look at you.
          His hips move on their own for the most part, he doesn’t have to think much when he’s getting into it. Jeno easily dances along to the music for you, not yet removing any amount of clothing. It’s the build-up for him, and he thinks it may be that for you too. Though, of course, if he leaves your house tonight with tips in his pockets and a hard, untouched cock, that’s fine too.
          You watch him, seeing the way the dim lighting of the room accentuates each little dip and rise against his chest and abdomen. He’s well-defined, with an immaculate body for this line of work. You find yourself understanding why he’s so favored in the group of lonely women.
          As the song begins to fade, Jeno appears to readjust himself. He watches you during the brief silence, a sort of fondness in his eyes making you wonder if he’s looking at you or if he does this for everyone. It felt intimate, and not at all like the silence needed to be filled with anything other than eye contact.
          For him though, a woman has never met his eye between songs. Usually, their eyes are glued to his chest, cock, hands, and neck– never his eyes. When the next song begins, he closes a bit of distance and skews his body so that you’re now watching him in profile.
          In some way, you have him feeling a bit flustered in the way you keep meeting his eye despite his body making a show for you. He’s never had to act with his face more than he has at this moment when he’s dropping to his knees during a bass drop, thrusting his hips forward in an attempt to make you imagine yourself bent over on the floor in front of him, you’re still searching his face.
          Only glancing down for a moment, he finds himself flicking his own eyes down, trying to guide yours somewhere else. He knows his job is to be looked at, to be seen, but this is far too seen for his liking, but when you gasp as his motions, skewing your mouth open slightly and gripping the hem of your dress, he realizes.
          The fact that this is your first time doing this is one thing, but the way you are experiencing it appears to be new ground for him. Typically, he speaks with his body, and it appears that now, he needs to portray some form of sexuality to you with his eyes. So, he does what you’re supposed to be doing.
          You watch him intently, not fully realizing that you’re not even watching him fuck the air in front of him. His eyes move from yours once again, this time to your body. He watches the way your fingers grip the fabric of the dress he would like to see somewhere on the floor later. He watches the way you slightly rub your legs together, almost too easy to miss. That alone was enough for him as his eyes bore holes into you, much like you should be doing to him.
          Jeno’s dancing turns more intentional, when he leans back on his arms, throwing his head back but keeping his eyes on you, he tries to show you what he would do to you specifically. You glance at his hips and the way he rolls them up, not even to the beat of the song.
          His blazer begins to slide off his shoulders by this point, and he continues his movements, watching the way your eyes take in the sight of his skin becoming more and more visible, you’re fighting now to keep eye contact as you stare at the way his abs flex when he presses forward. It’s a shame you’re not seeing his cock grow beneath his pants, honestly.
          With his blazer now pooled at his wrists, he finally pulls his eyes from you to try and regain his focus. He wants you so bad right now, and it’s bullshit because you’re supposed to be the one thinking like this for him. He can see that his movements are causing a reaction for you, but god, he’s practically masturbating himself against the inseam of his pants just to get you to say something to him.
          It’s time to turn it up a notch, the current song is soon to be replaced with another. His favorite song to dance to, his favorite song to fuck to. Because to be fair, by the time it hits the third song on this specific list, usually his clients are already shaking under him. Not you though, you’re holding yourself back, he can fucking see it.
          Ignoring the fact that it’s technically not time for him to move on to his next move-set, he leaves his blazer on your floor as he positions himself back on his knees, turning towards you this time and looking you straight in the eye. The fact that he’s hard and horny is enough to bring his confidence up enough to be seen in any way you’re looking at him.
          He’s slow when he does it, crawling a few steps closer to you. You watch his shoulders move in the light, his eyes dark, and his hair starting to fall from its perfected position. You don’t mean to, but you rub your legs together in a more obvious way at seeing him in front of you, coming towards you in such a way.
          Jeno looks smaller when he’s on his hands and knees, eyes looking up at you as if he could eat you whole. You wonder if your face reads the same for him, and nervousness begins to hit you again.
“You’re hot when you look down at me like that.” He says out of nowhere through the music, stopping in place and planting himself right at your feet. “I’d like to touch you for this next song, is that okay?”
          Never mind the fact that Jeno has never asked to touch a client before. He’s never had to ask. He can’t help it though; it doesn’t hurt to try right? Because his cock is aching in his pants, and he isn’t quite ready to wait for an entire two more songs to get them off just for you to see that he’s very much wanting to fuck you right now.
          On the other hand, you were so fucking fast to accept. Yes, yes, he can touch you. You want him to touch you. The entire idea that he’s just doing his job is so far in the back of your mind right now that you almost forget that he probably does this to most of the women he’s paid to see. Quite frankly, you don’t give a fuck.
          Jeno smiles at you as the current song finally begins to fade out. The silence is back and this time, you’re not looking into his eyes when you nod at him.
          He’s slow when he places his hands on your knees, rubbing up, up, up, until he’s able to lift himself from his knees and hover over you. Did he intentionally push your dress up your thighs? Yes. He wanted to see you rub them together in full shameless view for him. He wanted to know what his body does to you. Jeno stands hovering over you for a moment, hands staying on your thighs as he stares down at them as you do just as expected. For a moment, he forgets he’s supposed to be dancing for you, hell, he’s already shirtless and covered in oil.
“I’m going to get on top of you, okay?” He explains, removing his hands from your thighs and now gripping the back of the couch again as he did before.
“Do you do this for all of your clients?” You ask with a smile, suddenly and intensely into the man spreading his legs to prop himself up on your laugh.
          He shakes his head with a laugh, grabbing your hands and placing them on his chest.
“You can touch me, by the way.” He foregoes his own rule, not wanting to wait any longer for you to ask him yourself. “Just pull away if you don’t want to.” He adds, guiding your hands over his chest and down his abdomen.
“You didn’t answer my question–” You interrupt him, feeling your pussy drip against the fabric of your panties.
          He chuckles sweetly, stopping your hands at his abs and holding them there.
“No,” He admits, beginning to focus on the music now that he’s got your hands on him. “I don’t do this for all of my clients.” He adds, swirling his hips as he hovers over you, and avoiding eye contact.
“Oh, yeah?” You nervously chuckle back, feeling his muscles move beneath your hand as he thrusts his hips forward and back.
“You know,” He suddenly says, guiding your hands a bit lower. You feel the cold metal of his belt buckle against your palm. You think he’s going to stop there, like maybe this is just something he does to amp up the show or something, but no. He drags your hand down further until you feel the fabric of his pants rubbing harshly against it.  
          Your pulse begins to ring in your ears as you avoid looking to where your hand is right now, taking in a deep breath and shooting your gaze up to his. He’s not looking at you though. Jeno has dropped his head, staring at where he’s got your hand, and his hips are dancing into it, against it.
“I’ve never gotten this hard over a client that doesn’t want me.” He admits shamefully in a pathetic little laugh, bucking against your palm again to the beat of the song. “I can’t tell if I’m doing my job well enough,”
          You continue to watch him, and then you finally look at your hand. The sheer size of him rubbing against you is…it’s something entirely different than what you were expecting from this man. It feels forbidden; it feels wrong but goddamn. The man is masquerading his dancing so he can fuck himself against your hand right now.
“You’re doing so well, Jeno,” You finally say to him. The first compliment you’ve given him since he got here.
“Oh yeah?” He questions, lifting his head to meet your eyes again. “Unbuckle my pants then.”
          Despite this being a part of his job, he’s feeling a little desperate for you to do something on your own now, even if he has to tell you to do it.
“Show me how well I’m doing for you,” He raises his brows, now removing his hands from yours and running them up his chest. His hips continue to move on you, and he watches you as you hold your hand in place. “Come on, you don’t have to be shy, baby, I saw the way you were squeezing your thighs earlier.”
          Like a book, the two of you read the other at this moment. You’re not a woman of many words and he seems to understand that now, taking your single compliment and running with it. You do as he says, unbuckling his buckle and pulling it from his pants.
“Keep that with you,” He stresses, pressing his hips forward again as he continues his dance.
          Placing the belt beside you, you honestly have no idea what the fuck you’re doing, but you like it. You reach back to unbutton the pants, unzipping them just moments later. Then you still your hands, looking up at him with a curious face.
“Take it out, go on.” He says, “You know you can pull away if you don’t want to do anything, I’m not forcing anything. I’m asking.”
          You don’t even nod or pull your eyes away from him, knowing that you’re about to touch his bare cock as he sits spread across your lap. A lewd scene, one that feels both more intimate than you’ve ever been with another person, and also nowhere near as intimate as you need it to be.
          Jeno looks at you, so much eye contact becoming more and more comfortable for him as he learns what you seem to like. He can feel his cock spring free, the cool air rushing past his shaft and causing him to shiver on top of you. He still only looks at you during this moment, wondering why you’ve let your hands fall to his thighs until he sees that look in your eye again. You’re waiting to be told what to do. For some reason, he keeps forgetting that you’ve never had a stripper in your home before, let alone be seduced by one.
“Touch me,” He says gently, reaching back down to your hands and urging you to grab his cock. “You don’t have to move, I can do the rest–” He chokes out a groan mid-sentence feeling you grasp him in your fist with little effort or fear behind your eyes.
          Such a silent woman beneath him. He can only read you in specific moments, which is kind of nice. You’re hesitant but willing, and he wonders if he will get to actually touch more of you after this.
          Your hand is wrapped around his cock when he focuses his hips. He dances like he normally would for any woman during this song, it just so happens that he blatantly pretends to fuck to this song, because usually, he is fucking to this song. So, his dance is nothing short of fucking your fist. Still, he tries to keep up the act. He keeps his face intense, moving his shoulders and arms as if it’s easy for him not to turn the tables and position you so that your leg is on his shoulder and he’s rubbing his cock against your, hopefully, dripping panties.
          A struggle especially when you tighten your grip on him. He can see your pupils blow out, and he can see the way you’d probably ask for him to touch you much like he did, so he slows his hips a bit, intentionally thrusting slowly into your fist and holding back his own moans of pleasure.
“Sorry,” he says, trying to act as though he can’t see the look in your eyes and how it’s changed since he started dancing. “I don’t like getting off on my own.” He adds, now allowing his hips to still just to see if you’d pull your hand back.
          You don’t move your hand away, to his surprise, you are actually starting to move your fist on him.
“That’s good,” He groans, looking down at your hand. “It feels good,” He shakes a bit, shivering at the fact that you’re jerking him off now. “Can I stop pretending that I’m dancing for you now?”
          You chuckle at him, nodding with a confident sort of smile. It hit you quickly when you watched him chase his pleasure using your hand. He’s so hard and so incredibly thick, you’d be stupid if it didn’t turn you on. You’ve barely said anything to him and he’s begging for you to look at him, watch him, touch him. You feel powerful, and you’re used to that. It feels like everything has fallen into place despite this situation being far outside of your comfort zone. You’re finding similarities. Men beneath you, begging for your money, giving you all of their attention, apologizing for normal human errors. So, what if Jeno didn’t beg for your money, he’s begging for your hands on him practically, and apologizing for asking you to do it.
“No,” You say, and you can see the shock on his face. “Keep dancing, it’s what you’re being paid to do.”
          Jeno’s eyes kind of fall now as he nods his head. You almost feel his cock falter at the same time, but you move your hand a bit faster, urging him to do whatever it is that’s on his mind. You want to see if he will actually do as he’s told because you’re the one with the money.
          He does his best, and honestly, his best far surpasses some of the most notable dancers on the market in his opinion. It’s just a bit hard to continue this act when you’re gripping his cock in such a beautiful way.
“You’re not going to ask me to touch you more?” He asks meekly, almost as if he’s hiding his face from you now.
          You smile in response, pupils blown enough so that you can swallow each movement his body makes as he reluctantly moves to the beat. Honestly, your ears are ringing, and you don’t think you’ve heard a single lyric from the music playing since he placed your hands on him, but you think that should be a given.
“No wonder she liked you so much.” You start to speak, now loosening your grip on him just to see him frantically chase the warmth of the little circle your hand makes for him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asks slightly out of breath. “You thought, I let her get me off like this?”
          It almost pisses him off that you’d say such a thing to him, but then again, he didn’t exactly tell you that this situation is reserved for very few people.
“You’re talking a lot of shit for someone who couldn’t even look at me properly less than thirty minutes ago.”
          You skew an eyebrow at him, watching him fight for control as he pulls his hips back and shuffles back onto his feet. You glance down at his cock and the way it stands painfully erect and twitching at the sudden lack of friction.
“You’re talking a lot of shit for a man who needs to cum.”
          He stills himself, a blank expression turning to that of a devilish smile, eyes narrowing as he leans over you.
“Are you suggesting that you’ll make me cum if I stop talking?”
          You smile, spreading your legs a bit and feeling the stickiness that has formed between them as he was on top of you.
“You know,” You mock him slightly, watching his eyes glue themselves to your thighs. You make a show to spread your legs a bit for him. “She told me that some clients have gotten special treatment from you, I wasn’t expecting that they were the ones getting you off.”
          Honestly, it’s like he hit the fucking jackpot with you. Challenging him, mocking him with his cock out in front of you. If you so much as wiggled your pussy in front of him, he would instantly be back on his knees, letting you soak his face in whatever way you please.
“Go on, dance.” You say, “You’re still wearing your pants.”
          It’s almost like a game now, he feels. You know he’s trying to seduce you and it seems you’re enjoying the fact that you haven’t let him yet. He knows that you intend to let him, so yeah, fuck yeah, he’s going to play along.
          He raises a brow at you as he steps back, trying to ignore the fact that his cock is aching to be touched again. You still want your show? Good. He’ll fucking give you a show.
          Jeno does as he’s told, keeping his eyes on you the entire time. He watches the way your legs spread when he rubs his hands down his naked chest, straight down to his cock where he only briefly tugs at himself. He can almost see under your dress when you do it, but the lighting is far too dim to see what his act is doing to you just yet.
          When he saunters behind you, dipping his head by your neck and whispering the dirtiest part of the song into your ear, he can see your sharp intake of air, and he watches the way your breasts move with your chest as you do it.
          He stays behind you now, ghosting his hands over your neck, moving down your arms, and then to your chest. He doesn’t touch, because you still haven't asked yet, but he knows the hovering alone is enough. It’s like he can feel the electricity beneath his fingers clash with whatever you’re radiating back at him.
He continues to sing against your ear, leaning further forward to plant his hands on your thighs again because that’s the one spot you already let him touch.
“Spread your legs for me.” He gently demands between lyrics.
          Jeno watches for a moment from behind you, pressing his cock against the back of the couch the moment he sees your legs fall open. Your dress is hiked up past your waist now, enough that he can at least see a glimpse of the skin closest to your pussy.
“Ask me to touch you.” He says against your ear, trailing his fingers up your thighs enough to where he would need you to tell him to stop otherwise. “I just need to know that you want it.”
          It’s silent save for the music playing, and his cock is aching so badly by this point that each time he rubs against the couch he’s almost breaking down to fucking beg you to let him touch you. That alone could make him cum, but god, you’re so good at playing hard to get even if it’s blatantly obvious that he’s already got you. You’re fucking playing with him, and he can’t decide if he loves it or hates it. Your silence is so damning to his dripping cock, and his skin feels so hot right now that he’s almost forgotten that he was paid to be doing anything that’s not this.
“I’m not asking for it.” You finally say, breathing in deep by the way his hands keep rubbing higher and higher, to the point that it’s genuinely difficult to not ask for it. “I want to be the one granting permission, Jeno.” You lean your head back and rest it against the cushions of the couch, and he instantly moves from your neck to look down at you.
“Oh.” He says, having no issue at all to be the one to ask, beg, plead, or cry. Whatever it takes to get a feel of you.
          Another long moment of eye contact has him trailing his hands higher than before, almost to the point that there’s no skin on your thighs to touch that isn’t your panty line or pussy.
“Can I?” He asks, leaning down a bit closer so that his face is mere inches from yours. “Will you take my fingers?”
          You could mistake this distance as something that should be closed between the two of you. Barely hearing his question at this moment, the only thing you want is to kiss him, and it hit you so fucking fast that you almost forgot he’s doing anything you ask of him.
“Come again?” You smile, blinking up at him.
          He breathes in, giving you the same smirk that appears on his face each time you entertain him a bit too much.
“Will you take my fingers?” He asks again, this time already moving his hands to trace up your panties and feeling the wetness seep through onto his fingertips. “You’re already dripping baby; I can imagine they’d slide right in.”
          Typically, you wouldn’t like being called that, but he’s done it twice now and each time it had your stomach in knots over it. His voice sounds like honey when he says it to you, and his darkened eyes only made it feel like there was some sort of desperation behind it. Finally, you press your hips up against his fingers.
“I’ll make you feel so good–” He continues, tracing his fingers up and down just to feel the sticky mess that’s there for him and him alone. “Moving your hips isn’t an answer though, baby.”
          You swear he can read your mind, there’s no fucking way he would say it like that without knowing how you just internally admitted to liking it.
“Yes,” You let out shortly, darting your eyes away from him.
          You can hear him release a breathy laugh and lay his head back beside your neck. His soft singing picks back up as he solely intends to listen to you now more than the music. He continuously presses his cock against the couch, holding his hips in place as he tenses his muscles throughout the time he’s spent in this position.
          Your hips lightly chase his fingers. They go up when his fingers trace down, and he can’t help but smile at the way he’s getting exactly what he wants despite your sudden change of personality towards him. He likes this version of you better, if he’s being honest.
          Jeno finally reaches around you and pulls at your panties, harshly tugging them down your legs as far as his arms can reach. He watches as you push them further down, kicking them onto the floor and relaxing back against the couch.
“Eager?” He tries to tease, but he knows you won't respond, and you dont. He just continues, now allowing himself to feel your bare pussy for the first time. Sure, he can’t see it in full right now, but sometimes just feeling was enough for him.
“You’re so wet right now—” He groans, pressing his cock against the back of the couch again, chasing any amount of friction he can have. His fingers slip into places he hadn’t even attempted to touch yet solely because of how wet you are. “You held out for so long.” He coos, teasing around your hole and chuckling at the way your breathing has grown a bit labored by this alone.
          When you grab his hand though, practically forcing him to drive his fingers into you, he’s taken by surprise. The warmth envelops his digits in a way that is audible and excruciatingly sexy to him. He doesn’t even attempt to hold back now.
“They really did slip right in–” He rasps against your neck, scissoring his fingers into you and feeling how you clench around them. His mind is racing. “I bet you could take my cock so well.”
          He’s talking to himself more than you right now, smelling your hair and becoming obsessed with the way you feel, look, and smell when you’re within inches of him like this. Better yet, he knows you won’t respond to a single thing he says but it doesn’t matter too much considering you’re starting to let out little whimpers.
“What was that?” He asks, running his other hand up your body until he gets to your neck. “Let me hear you, baby, make that sound again.” He adds as he pushes your chin back, resting his hand flush across your neck and practically holding you down that way as he begins to plunge his fingers into you.
“You can do it right?” He’s still talking, still humping your couch, still fucking you so good with his fingers. “Come on, do it again.”
          It’s like he’s working for it, and god, he’s doing so well. You can’t help it when you let out a choked moan, his hand straining your neck enough that any sound would come out strained and desperate. You can feel his grasp tighten against your neck as his fingers fuck faster, harder. His palm is placed so perfectly that you can feel your clit being rubbed harshly. It’s incredibly overwhelming.
“Yes, fuck–again.” He groans, bucking his hips forward and frantically lifting his head from your shoulder so that he can look down at you again. He’s heard you, now he wants to see how desperate you are.
          When you open your eyes again, all you can see is his face, all you can feel are his long fingers pressing in spots that haven’t been played with in a long time. You smell only his sweet, musky body oil, and jesus christ it’s hitting you in every spot that feels good. You can feel the cold metal of the rings on his fingers against your neck, and when he tightens his hand even more than before, another choked-out moan falls from your lips.
          You strain to keep your eyes on him through this moment of pleasure, watching the way his teeth appear and scrape at his bottom lip when you make noises for him. So, you do it again, and again, and again.
          He fingers only continue their aggressive assault inside of you, his palm rubbing harshly at your clit, and his other hand around your throat– honestly you could fucking sing songs to him in this moment.
“You’re shaking,” He comments, eyes flicking to your body. “Can you even breathe right now?”
          His smile is so fucking mean, knowing full well that you can’t breathe and only tightening his hand as hard as he thinks you can handle can after the fact. It doesn’t even cross his mind that you don’t want this, the way you’re moaning for him is all he needs to know that you’re into this, that you like being choked and fucked.
          When you moan out yet again, he releases his hand from your throat and leans down to your lips. He’s only a bit shocked that you don’t even hesitate to kiss him. What he wanted to do was degrade you, but now he’s just tasting the way you’re desperately trying to kiss him and if he’s wanting to be real right now, that was way better than his own idea.
          He doesn’t kiss his clients, but at this point, things have already lasted much longer and have gotten far more intimate than they ever have with those few lucky women. He’s never asked for it, he’s never gotten so much pleasure out of finger fucking them, and he’s not once ever fucked against a couch to chase his high.
          Pupils blown, he allows himself to kiss you, slowing his fingers unintentionally as he focuses on your lips and tongue. You kiss him better than he’s ever been kissed before and falling into it was terrifyingly easy. His hand moves on its own accord, cupping your jaw as he attempts to deepen the kiss past his comfort level.
          But he is comfortable, and that’s precisely what’s uncomfortable about it.
“You can take it, right?” He pulls back in a breath, waiting for you to open your eyes and look at him. “My cock, please.”
          Your eyes widen, somehow managing to forget that he’s been totally neglected through all of his. Are you really about to fuck this stripper? The man you were against meeting? The man who has $600 dollars in his bank account from your lovely, beautiful, amazing best friend? The man that you’re probably going to give the entirety of the contents in your purse to the moment he packs it up and moves on as if it never happened? The answer is yes.
“I can.” You look up at him, intentionally fucking yourself on his fingers now because it appears he’s stopped functioning altogether.
          Within a second, his fingers are out of you and his presence is gone. You lift your head to watch him, cock still out of his pants that are also still at his thighs. He goes directly to his bag, and as if he knew it was going to happen, he pulls out a condom and slips it on without so much as a sigh of relief.
“Oh,” You let out in a huff, disappointed.
          He raises his eyes to you as he lets his pants fall to his ankles and steps out of them but his face isn’t concerned nor bothered. Honestly, he has to be able to read minds or something.
“No, I don’t do this with all of my clients. I’m a man and I have needs. Needs that require protection sometimes.”
          You only nod, in awe of the fact that he knows what the fuck to always say. And just as quickly as he left from you, he’s back, lifting your dress and attempting to take it off of you.
“Can I see?” He asks, still tugging as he stands in front of you.
          Your pussy is aching, and you can feel the couch beneath you soaked through and probably leaving an embarrassingly large spot for you to cry about later because this fucking couch was expensive, but whatever. So is Jeno.
          Lifting your arms, he slips the dress off of you and instantly presses your breasts together as he stares at them. He doesn’t hesitate this time to snatch your bra off of you either, the second your bare nipples are perked up in front of him he’s got his mouth on one and the other being pinched between his fingers.
“Right here?” He mumbles around your nipple as he savors the quick moment of seeing you in full for probably the first and only time. “You want me to fuck you here?” He mumbles again, realizing that his question wasn’t clear in the first place.
          You don’t even care at this point, but, you’ve been sitting in this position for far too long and, more than anything, you want him to be the one looking up at you again. Just like when he started his second dance, crawling on the floor towards you and looking so small for such a cocky man.
“No.” you say, lacing your fingers into his hair and pushing his lips to your other nipple, just to feel the warmth of his tongue flicking against it.
“No?” He questions, sucking your nipple harshly and allowing it to pop from his lips as he looks at you. “Where, then?”
          You smile at him, finally sitting yourself up fully from the slouched, lazy position you were in. Your legs close as you stand to your feet in front of him, but he still dips his head to get his lips around your nipple again.
          Holding him there, your legs almost buckle at the way he slightly groans around it, sending vibrations through your chest and straight to your clit. You’re gentle when you shuffle forward, allowing him to continue his antics. Slowly but surely, you turn him around and back him up against the couch.
          Only now, when you push him back and his teeth graze against your perked-up nub in a sad release do you realize that he’s… needier than you expected. His brows are furrowed, not even paying attention to the fact that you’ve just shoved him onto the couch so you can straddle him, and it’s cute, actually. He was so intimidating when he came into your house, walking with confidence, dancing with intention, finger fucking you and choking you as if he had a right to do it. But now, looking at him, it felt good.
          As quickly as his brows furrowed in disappointment that your tit was no longer in his mouth, his brows lift right back up in relief when you plant yourself on his lap and grind against his cock.
          It’s the first slippery touch that he’s felt all night, and honestly, he’s been on edge this entire time. You grind against him so beautifully that for the first time, he’s completely speechless.
          “You’re really cute, I don’t think you realize that.” You comment, gliding against his cock and watching his hands reach out to grip your waist. “Really cute.”
          He doesn’t falter at all and instead melts into it. His cheeks are a different shade now as he leans forward to resume his antics from before. All you can do is grip his hair and let him. It’s been a long time since you’ve felt the head of a cock bumping against your clit, and you’ll never forgive yourself for not making more time for this.
          When his teeth begin to graze a bit harsher, and his hands start to push and pull you faster against him, you finally do it.
          Angling yourself perfectly, you slide forward, perk your ass out, and then pull him back by his hair to look at him. Already, the moment he opens his eyes and looks at you, he knows.
          He thrusts his hips up one time and feels the way your pussy grips around his cock with perfect aim. He slides in so fucking easily, so fast, that he’s almost seeing stars at how good it feels. He grunts heavily, feeling your grip on his hair tighten through your own overwhelming experience of being filled up.
          Both of you let out a long and breathy groan at the sensation, you couldn’t help it, you had to grip onto something and it wasn't intentionally his hair but god, he seemed to love it when you dio it. When you finally regain your senses, you pull at it again, tilting his head back so that you can see the expanse of his neck and the way it moves when he swallows hard.
“Move.” You say harshly, feeling the way his cock pulses in place inside of you, and at this point you want him to make good on what he thinks you can do. You can take his cock but can he handle your pussy? It’s looking bleak, but sometimes that’s more fun anyway.
          He whimpers when he squints his eyes at you, unable to fully open them as he loses himself to the feelings of euphoria and the pain of how harshly you’re holding his head back. Jeno didn’t think you could get any sexier, honestly, and as far as he’s concerned, if he moves right now, he’s going to cum. So, he doesn't. Instead, he smirks and lets his eyes close so that he can fall right back into the state of seeing nothing but stars.
          Frustrated, but incredibly turned on by the way you’ve completely lost him, you start to bounce. Each time your ass hits against his thighs, he moans, and each time you grind forward, dragging your clit into his abdomen, he tenses up for you, and it’s like he’s so here but not at the same time.
“Look how pathetic you are right now,” You whisper out, hearing the wet of your pussy echo through the long-forgotten music that’s playing. “You can’t even move.”
          All he does is nod his head at you with a lazy smile as if to insinuate ‘damn fucking right I can’t.’ He’s proud of it, but you’re not going to ignore the fact that his hands are still on your waist, gripping onto you so tightly that you fear he’s going to break his fingers.
“Keep going baby,” He somehow manages to say to you without a moan at all in his voice. “No one has ever fucked me like this,”
          There it is. This entire time he’s been begging to fuck you, at least that’s what you thought. His voice still sounds like honey and his cock feels impressively hard inside of you that you could probably feel him in your stomach if you were to press against it. He wants you to fuck him.
“Yeah?” You boast, feeling the power go to your head as you opt for grinding rather than bouncing. Your hips are erratic as he tenses up for you. You can feel your clit hitting perfectly each time and if you were to keep going, you could cum within seconds.
          You can’t even finish your thought when you look down at him. His eyes are squeezed shut and his mouth is open in a silent moan, you can see that he’s not able to take in a breath at all. You release his hair, watching the way he allows his head to fall against the cushions in what you can only assume is a pure euphoric high.
“Are you cumming right now?” You ask, out of breath.
          When he doesn’t respond and you feel his hips stutter under you despite remaining static since he’s gotten inside of you, you know that now is the time.
          You grind harshly, pressing your clit against him and rutting against his abdomen so that his cock is only slightly fucking into you while you chase your own high, but, alas, his fingers tighten on you.
          His eyes shoot open as the sensitivity hits him quicker than he would have liked, but you don’t stop. The pain is intense from how hard you’re going on top of him, but he can see you reach your high and the image alone lets him push through the sensitivity of his post-orgasm discomfort.
          Jeno seethes out praise to you as your walls squeeze against his softening cock. He studies your face, studies the way you try to close your legs around him despite being forced to stay open, and he thinks he might be a little too fond of the way your hands grip and squeeze his arms for leverage as you shake through the orgasm.
          It hurts, but it kind of hurts more when he knows it’s over. After all, it kind of feels like he’s been in this room for days. Surely, he’s stayed past his allotted time frame, and surely he’s given you something far more valuable than an expensive lap dance.
          When you slump over him, his cock is so fucking sensitive that he almost starts to tear up, but thankfully you were sensitive too it seems. You were gentle when you held the base of his cock, holding the condom in place as you allow him to slip out of you.
          The playlist comes to an abrupt end at just the wrong moment, because it forces Jeno to realize that he hadn’t stayed at all over his paid time frame, and now all he can hear is the way his breath is entirely too uneven to move and go home.
“You okay?” You ask, noting the silence and his struggle to breathe with you on top of him. He’s staring straight up at the ceiling, not blinking, face making no readable expression. “Hey, Jeno?” You ask again, tapping his cheek.
          He shakes himself out of it, eyes slowly moving over to look at you.
“That, um…” He tries to talk, genuinely, he does.
          The change in the atmosphere almost freaks out you, but you try to stay calm. You saw the way he lost himself there, despite it not at all being rough or incredibly kinky. You’re confused as to why he’s acting like this, and maybe you even feel a bit guilty.
          Without another word, you lift yourself onto your weak legs and stumble to find your dress. You throw it on so quickly, and it’s the only time you’ve ever felt the need to cover yourself so fast. Still silent, you head to your purse and grab every single hint of cash you have. Some two thousand or so.
          Just like that, you place the cash into Jeno’s hands as he comes back to himself.
“What’s this?” He asks, looking at the sheer amount of cash in his hand. It was kind of the last thing on his mind.
“Your tip.” You try to say casually, still doing your best to catch your breath. “You can shower too if you want.”
          Jeno nods, hoping to god that you don’t think he fucked you for money just now. No, he showed up for the money. Whatever happened after was because he wanted it, and he still does. Are you truly strictly business like this? You just handed him his rent for the month and then some, but for some reason it amazes him. As if he’s never been handed handsome sums of cash from drunken lonely women.
“Shower with me?” He asks suddenly, trying to lighten to mood from whatever the fuck just crept in through the silence.
          He feels comforted when you smile, nodding to him with a step forward.
Did Jeno end up spending the night free of charge? Yes. Did he try to have a serious talk with you in the early hours of the morning, about how this is not genuinely something he does? Absolutely.
Did you believe him? Surprisingly.
After the shower, the mood shifted into something that felt natural. He wasn’t just some stripper you could call over for a down payment of $600, he was Jeno, a man trying to make ends meet in a city too expensive for even you.
Wanted he was, by several women of course. You, on the other hand, feel the need to mend your lonely heart with him. Not to fall in love, nothing like that. If anything, you want to take care of him, and when he grimaced at your joke, calling him your “sugar baby”, he was quick to perk up when he realized you were being serious.
It was your turn to set the rules and, possibly, break them.
“Rule number one, come to me if you’re short on money. No, you don’t have to fuck me for it, but I’m sure you’d probably want to.”
He nodded happily.
“Rule number two, stop fucking your clients. If you need to fuck, come over. Just look pretty for them and come back to me, yeah?”
The way he nodded harder that time was a pleasant surprise.
“Rule number three.”
He gasps in a show of mock shock. “The forbidden rule–” He whispers, sinking further into your blankets with a laugh.
“If–” You pause, thinking hard about if you should even assume. You forego anyway, it’s a forbidden rule for a reason. “If either of us start to like, feel things, we have to actually communicate and see where we want to go from there.”
He nods again, a glint in his eye shining brighter than he realizes. This is the first time he’s slept at a client’s house, the first time a woman has ever gotten him so fucked up. You had him down bad. He thinks he should probably stop calling you a client as well. The short-lived title turning into something he always dreamed of, though he figured it wouldn’t have happened so quickly. Sugar Mommy.
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urfavsnia · 1 year
cannot let you go
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pairings : severus snape x fem! professor reader
summary : after hearing the news that lily is alive, you decide to break things up with him because you want him to be happy with her. however little do you know, lily is the last thing in his mind
warnings : angst, altruistic reader, jealousy
author's note : i seriously don't know what i did with this fic lmao
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he was upset. you could tell that. and you could probably guess why he was so upset.
lily was alive. by now, everyone had come to know the fact that she was alive while her husband had actually died in that incident. she was being held captive by dumbledore and you could see that this fact upsetted him.
was. . was it the time to let him go? to let him go so that he could reconcile with the one he loves the most?
you knew that severus loved you. it had all started when you and he had to share your office when his got burnt due to an accident. and he did love you. but not the way he loved her.
you could attest to the fact that severus snape loved lily evans more than he loved you. this was how much you loved him. you could risk breaking your own heart just to see him happy.
"baby?" he croaked out once you hugged him from back, taking him by surprise. "are you okay?"
you nodded, allowing yourself to inhale his scent, the proximity because you knew he wouldn't be yours anymore soon.
"let's break up," you softly whispered and felt his body turn stiff.
"what did you just say?" he asked, letting go of your arms and looking into your eyes, "y/n, did i do something wrong?"
"no," you shook your head, wiping off the tears, "i just can't, sev. i-"
"please don't do this to me, baby," he pleaded, he actually looked like he would cry and your heart tore apart but then you reminded yourself that you're doing it for him. besides, lily was waiting for him. after your talk with her, you were surprised that she missed him too and wanted him back.
"severus please," you rubbed your forehead and looked away, "it was never meant to happen, anyway. we're worlds apart."
it was hard. so fucking hard for you to be there in front of him and not interact with him. to not hug him. to not touch him. and when you heard rumours of him reconciling with lily, your heart broke again. was it not what you had wanted? no point in crying anymore. you hated your altruistic self.
remus' voice caught you off your drift and you gave him a lazy smile as he sat down beside you. normally you avoided sitting with the rest of the teachers because of severus. but now that remus had come to your secluded corner, you couldn't possibly refute.
"you look shitty."
you rolled your eyes even though you knew he was right. you had not really been taking care of yourself much. truth to be told, you never did. it was your boyfr- your ex who used to do all of that for you.
"let's go for drinks tonight?" he asked, looking at you with hopeful eyes.
"not really," you picked up your food, "i am not in the mood, remus. why don't you ask anybody?"
"but i want to go with you!" he pouted, tugging the sleeve of your dress, "i don't know how you can refuse a pretty face like mine."
at his fake-cute expression, you couldn't help but burst out in laughter and suddenly you could feel his eyes on you. you blinked. there was no way he would be looking at you. not anymore.
"so tonight?"
"tonight," you agreed.
a little bit happy that you were back to normal human interaction, you walked to your chamber but unexpectedly, you found it open. mustering up all the courage you had, you entered only to find severus.
"w-what are you doing here?"
"why, you expected lupin to be there?" his jaw was ticked and he looked mad. but why?
"of course not," you answered, trying to make your voice sound steady.
"so now i understand why you broke up with me, y/n."
crap. did lily snitch on you?
"i- it was for your own good, severus."
"my own good?" he fake-laughed and grabbed your shoulders, the anger on his face looking scary yet making him look hotter, "how on earth is your flirting with lupin for my own good?"
you blinked your eyes.
"so you were talking about me agreeing to going out wi-"
"no way in hell are you going out with him!" he clenched his jaw, "i have had enough of you, y/n, enough of you! what did you think? you'll talk to lily behind my back and i won't find that out."
"i know you love her," your voice broke out, admitting it hurts and you turn away, "i know you still do. and i know that you'd have never broken up with me because you're far too noble for that. so i made the decision for you. i broke up with you so that you could be with lily."
he turned towards you and turning your face up kissed you. he kissed you. passionately. he was trying to memorise you. he was trying to make you understand that it's you whom he loved. not lily. you. just you.
"silly girl," he hugs you, placing your head near his chest, "i cannot believe you, y/n. all of this pain just because you thought i love lily? i cannot let you go, y/n. i love you. you. you. i love you."
you bit your lip, you want to cry, yet the tears won't come. you were oh so stupid.
a knock on the door interrupted you both and you realized who it must be.
"remus," you and severus both groaned. worst timing of the century.
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namedr · 1 month
What are your art inspirations?
Disclaimer: A LOT of RAMBLING
Honestly hard to answer, nowadays I don't really look at a lot of art anymore but mostly just movies.
Biggest inspiration over the years (from 2020 to 2022) would have to be Kan Liu. His painting style with mostly just the round brush and hard edges really spoke to me, especially when it came to lineart I was a massive fucking copycat lmao.
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Around 2022 I also began falling in love with Sungmoo Heo. The perspectives and overall style just fucks so hard.
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The most obvious inspo would have to be Seonhyeok Jeon though, who I still rip off blatantly.
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In general I began taking art seriously around 2020, when I found Kan Liu, because I began training to compete in bodybuilding, which I did the next year. I began getting super interested in how the body and muscles work so I just drew those a fuck ton, and those anatomy studies ended up really helping my art skills in general.
Anyway! For animation... Hiroto Nagata and Q Kawa are big inspos.
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This shit is so fucking RAW and HOLY SHIT when I look at how the perspective gets just in your face I always just think "what am I even doing man I have to PRACTICE". It's like watching a Zyzz or Ronny Coleman clip before doing a lift at the gym but for art, shit's motivational.
This cut in Ghost In the Shell as well is WOW, I think what speaks a lot to me is when an animation doesn't conform to what's standard in the medium and tries to push boundaries/be unique. Be it in this case through insane details, in the case of Mushoku Tensei through bg animation mixed with extreme foreshortening or just a crazy perspective and punchy movements in the Madoka clip.
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Overall it's hard to say what else my inspirations are though. When it comes to manga and comics I can think of Batman Year One, The Climber by Shin-ichi Sakamoto, Ultra Heaven by Keichi Koike, Solo Leveling (big inspo in 2021) and Homunculus.
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Also, even though everyone assumes it, I haven't played Cyberpunk 2077 or am that big a fan of the Blame! manga, I guess I just have a fairly similar artistic vision to both of those.
For animated fiction it'd be Spiderverse recently, Millennium Actress, Silent Voice and a million other anime I've forgotten the name of. Naoko Yamada's directing for Silent Voice or other anime like Hibike Euphonium and the Liz movie has always been amazing to me because she is able to express characters personalities through their body language, like they way they walk or stand, in a way I have never seen done before. Extremely recognizable and iconic style imo. A long time ago I used to be really into watching anime, but I don't care much for it anymore.
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Other inspo would be this guy on twitter, his stuff is insanely cool https://twitter.com/be_myvu/status/1725069515107533178?s=46
It's like that Ralph Waldo Emerson quote - “I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.” I think throughout the years I've been so obsessed with all kinds of artists that I've taken in inspiration from everywhere. I cannot recall them all anymore, but they have made me the artist I am today.
Currently, like I said, I would consider movies to be my biggest inspiration because I find it interesting how cinematographers are able to stylize real life, which I'm trying to get closer to. If I could direct a movie, I would probably stop making art right then and there, but I'm not really working towards that goal anyway lmao. One day, being able to make a short film in animation would be something I would like to do though.
I'm not deep enough into the movie scene to get the street cred of being called an expert but I love them a lot. Fallen Angels made me fall in love with fisheye back then for example. Fight Club and The Batman have a grit to them visually that I find inspiring, and movies like Persona and Heat also come to mind when I think of movies I just love. I could look up my letterboxd for a more thorough answer but I feel I've already been writing way too long.
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For video games, I guess you can imagine that I would say Signalis lmao. Besides that I can think of Subahibi (vn), Muramasa (vn), and Va-11 Hall-a for inspirations
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Lastly, I guess huge inspirations are also a fuck ton of music. I mostly listen to either metal or hard techno, but I think I'll refrain from any more yapping.
I feel that this isn't really a great answer to the question, but it's the one I consider the most correct, because it's never as simple as just mentioning one artist. With a lot of these you wouldn't see a visual resemblence to my art, but in all of these I recognize a feeling that I also find in my own art.
Thank you for the question!
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hiikacchan · 2 years
chapter 362 review (spoilers!)
first you guys know it, from the leaks, katsuki is like.... dead?
just look at the fucking start of the chapter. that sounds like his last words. when i saw this i started to cry tbh
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but yk i still had this hope that he wont die, that there will be a plot twist, etc. i was imagining bakugo still living but stopping to be a hero. (i feel so bad for best jeanist)
with hann (alone in winter) by g-idle, this chapter hits so different
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seems like he realized that no matter how hard he works, he will never "reach" izuku. LOOK AT THE PAIN IN HIS EYES 😭
then we see that part in the white space. he tells that he rlly wanted all might to sign his card.
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so after this i didn't really understand, but it seems like shigarafo reached his heart somehow? with one of his arm or idk
at the end of the chapter, best jeanist says "his heart...!"
i litteraly cannot take this seriously. THIS IS NOT HAPPENING ndjfhjd
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remember that leak? where we see katsuki on the ground?
it wasn't the full image lmao so i wasn't prepared for this 😭
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no fucking way 💀 i don't want to believe that he's dead fr
but at the same time if shigarafo really DID HIT HIM IN THE HEART, should we hope anymore??? HORIKOSHI SRSLY WHAT R U DOING?
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the last panel. pure pain.
what are your thoughts on this chapter? i will never heal from this
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thegreymoon · 17 days
The Story of Minglan
Honestly, I don't think any of this was cruel to Wang Ruofu.
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First, she backed her sister when she stuffed a concubine into Minglan's house in a clear attempt to shit all over her marriage. Then she poisoned Granny Sheng when she rightfully punished her for it. She deserved both her punishments. In fact, they didn't go far enough, IMO.
I cannot anymore with this fucking woman 🙄
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Who gives a fuck who gave birth to him? That is his GRANDMOTHER. Whom you tried to POISON. Also, he is a government official, and a moral and sensible man. Him covering up for your crimes would have been a failure on all fronts.
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Your best hope is that Granny will not live longer than ten more years since she is already quite old. And if she does, that she will have moved over to Minglan's house by then, so that she doesn't have to look at your stupid face every day.
And after all this, she still continues to be driven by grudges and resentment.
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Of course he will have no love for you. Of course he will try to get some recourse for his dead mother. It's no wonder that none of the illegitimate kids love you because how have you treated them? Certainly not well. You may not have sold them into slavery the way your sister did with the kids in her home, but if it had been up to you, all three of them would have died of neglect and you would not have cared. Changfeng and Molan luckily had their real mother with them until they were grown, and Minglan had Granny. You deserve nothing from any of them.
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My guy, you cannot force trust and intimacy and yelling at her about it is not helping your case!
I find him so pointless as a male lead. He has not done a single plot-relevant thing since he married Minglan. He just whines and whines about how he's not getting enough attention from her while she goes out and about, making new friends and solving Imperial marriage problems. In this last arc, he just swooped in at the very end to take credit where none is due because of course, the writers couldn't have had Minglan resolve the situation, no, Mr. Feng Shaofeng had to have a place in the spotlight too. After everything she did, right at the end, they made her so bumbling and helpless, so that he could swoop in to rescue her. I'm beyond pissed.
LMAO, imagine bringing up Wang Ruofu as a role model for anything.
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Shut up, shut up, shut up. This drama was miles and miles better without you looking for trouble where there is none.
I am on her side here.
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I'm super aroace, though, and I can't stand whiny, needy men encroaching on my space and time, demanding more than I am willing (or able) to give. Seriously, fuck off.
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Minglan did him the biggest favour.
Wait a minute.
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Doesn't that make Old Master Kang her grandfather??
What you don't know and don't want to know not only about your daughter but about your entire family, could fill not just a book, but an entire library.
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And she is like this because you are worthless and spineless.
LMAO, she read him to filth 🤣🤣
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I love her so much! Definitely one of my favourite heroines, if not THE favourite right now!
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Wait. Her??
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Didn't Sheng Hong get rid of all of them?
Also, what happened to her leg? Did she also get caned or tortured or something?
Terrible fate, she had such a comfy life with Concubine Lin for so many years and now she has to do hard labour with no hope for things improving.
LMAO, so what?
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It's not you who has served three Emperors and it's not your memorial tablet being worshipped in the Imperial ancestral hall.
LMAO, that's right Minglan, put them on the spot!
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They want you to do their dirty work for them.
LMAO, of course, let's change the topic quickly, now that the spotlight is on them.
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Ah, so all of them are slaves, after all.
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MInglan gave her the greatest gift. Her freedom to live as a free citizen. I hope she does the same for the rest of them, if she hasn't already.
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parad-ice-lostandfound · 11 months
Also, those characters kissing you even when sick is so true lol. Some just wouldn't care, others don't think they can get sick, im sure atleast one would have the thought process "if im sick too then I can care for her and then have her care for me in return"
Lmao exactly!
Like, Mammon's definitely all "Oh, a stupid human cold can't do anything to the great Mammon!" And then immediately wake up the next day complaining of his throat feeling funny the next day. My beloved babygirl <3
Diavolo will get out the puppy eyes like "🥺🥺 Please🥺🥺 want kith 😚" ignoring your protests, to the point where Barbatos just gets fed up and goes "let him fuck around and find out" lmao. And he does, because like you said, he doesn't think he can get sick, and even if he does, that'll mean he'll get pampered by the love of his life <3
Floyd will squeeze you till you agree to letting him kiss you. He wants kisses shrimpy!!! >:(
Another one who thinks he's immune to sore throat because he's a merperson. Gets so whiny and pouty and is perpetually in a bad mood when he gets sick 'cause he feels horrible, much to the amusement of Jade and exasperation of Azul. Feels better if you take care of him tho. I love this unhinged little eel <3
Kalim, ah, this ball of sunshine, he does not care. His reasoning will be something sweet like "Kisses make everything feel better!! I'll kiss you so you can get well faster." Like babe, I love you, but Jamil is going to kill me if you get sick. Please keep them lips away <3
Rook is... just Rook. He'll wax poetic about how your cheeks and nose look divine with the red hue that decorates them, and how your hoarse voice has a tragic sort of beauty. He simply cannot resist trying to kiss you, and he will succeed. After all, the hunter never misses. And once he falls sick, he'll be your personal damsel in distress to take care of! Isn't it simply marvelous?
Malleus. The love of my life. This is one who is pouty and whiny about not getting to kiss you. What do you mean he cannot kiss you? Do you not love him anymore child of man?? Grumpy Malleus mode activated.
When he gets sick, he's surprised. Like darling, if you kiss me when I'm sick, what do you think you'll get?? Immunity?? This ain't a vaccine, it's the consequences of your own actions <3
And then, I'll make each of them eat the mysterious herbal powder my grandma's been feeding me since yesterday evening that makes me feel like I'm gonna turn into real life Spiderman lol (in all seriousness it works wonders, because I don't feel like I'm dying anymore. Ayurveda for the win!)
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hamstermastersamster · 8 months
As I often am when I'm rotating in The Bad Place, I'm drawn to old loves and nostalgia for comfort, which is why I'm currently rereading the Dragonriders of Pern series.
I've already made my peace with some of the more eyebrow-raising scenes in my childhood beloved books (Anne was a 2nd wave feminist in the 60s, what can I say), but I'm up to Moreta and, oh my god it hits so different after the pandemic. AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY.
Titular protagonist Moreta, dragonlady of Pern. Such a Pernese legend that they wrote ballads about her that would be sung for generations to come.
And only now do I somehow see that she's a fucking idiot.
Seriously! She's Fort Weyr's healer, would have become a Master Healer if she hadn't become a dragonrider first. But she touches a mysteriously dying runnerbeast without any caution or even washing her damn hands afterwards (something she later admits to herself she only did to impress her new boy toy Alessan).
THEN because she doesn't want to face the fact that she may be infected, she instead questions the judgement of the fucking Masterhealer of Pern in calling a quarantine and flits about interacting with everyone as if nothing bad could ever happen. Her whole justification for this is "dragonriders are healthy, we simply won't get sick". WHAT. I'M SORRY?! You're a HEALER?! Do you know ANYTHING?!
The Pern setting is a little dark ages in the sense that, despite this being far in humanity's future, Pern's population has effectively regressed and forgotten a lot of science (and gender equality . . .). But even so, we can't pretend the healers don't know enough to understand the basic dos and don'ts of serious illnesses.
We know this because there is one person besides the Masterhealer who takes the situation seriously. And that is Sh'gall - Fort Weyrleader. He is rightly anxious about the prospect of a pandemic, he responsibly social-distances himself from other people in the Weyr because he knows he may have been infected, and he furiously enforces the quarantine, destroying his already utter lack of popularity.
And everyone, including the narrative, take the absolute piss out of him for it. Oh, silly Sh'gall! Such a worrywort. So over the top. Talk about exaggerating the risk. What a whiny pissbaby, says Moreta internally in not so many words.
Even after his concerns prove true, nobody acknowledges it. It's just "Oh well, it's done now, Sh'gall. Deal with it," from Miss I'm-Such-A-Great-Healer-I-Spread-Pandemic-To-My-Entire-Weyr.
Well, Sh'gall, it is years too late but I see you now. The title of this book should actually be Sh'gall: Smartest Dragonrider of Pern.
Let's hope the rest of the book redeems Moreta because at the moment I cannot like her anymore xD
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davestriderascend · 6 months
this is going to be the most niche take in the entire fucking world but like. jesus chrsit after literally getting my degree in a minority studies major and slogging through hundreds of academic papers and talking to ppl in the hippie dippie social justice major at a ridiculously hippie dippie social justice fueled school. reading kankris text is 1) not only sadly easy now but 2) SO. FUNNY. in a way i just dont know if i can explain to non minority studies majors.
like. when youre studying minority studies it gets to a certain point where like. you cannot possibly address all of the social problems at once. at a certain point you just have to make assumptions that people know what youre talking about otherwise you will make disclaimers forever and ever. but kankri DOESNT. he just. KEEPS. MAKING. DISCLAIMERS. and its HYSTERICAL bc before you learn to navigate those conversations like sometimes people really do sound like that. and when you get THAT DEEP into these movements like the shit hes saying doesnt even sound that insane anymore liek yeah why not why WOULDNT he be right. hes making some points. in the worst and most insufferable way possible bc having conversations about social justice is a completely different skillset than learning about and being aware of social justice issues.
and i know i know i know that kankri is a spoof of tumblr sjws and hussies way of poking fun at a very specific era and population of (largely performative) activist, and youre not meant to take anything kankri says seriously and a lot of the shit he says is clearly a joke, but its like. its like when conservatives are like "this is the world the liberals want" and its like theyre completely making fun of us but also. theyre kinda going off rn. like yeah actually why DONT we add that to the agenda?? like kankri starts talking about off spectrum hues and identification and polyblooded trolls and all this shit and its like thats insane and hussies making jokes rn but also......... what if.............................................. i mean like maybe kankri has a point.................LALKJSDNFLKSJDNFSLDF
but also kankris like. rudeness and attitude when talking about these issues is ALSO rlly similar to a lot of jerks i knew in my major so its like LMAOS SKLDJFSNDLKFJNSDG
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zvtara-was-never-canon · 11 months
(Trigger Warning: CSA and grooming)
So, umm... Little vent incoming (Feel free to ignore)
About the new netflix series and Zvtara/K@t@@ng discourse (regarding if any of these ships will become canon)
I sincerely hope than neither will become canon and they will just stick to Svkka and maybe M@1ko (correct if I'm wrong and either of the actors is underage when the other is not, in which case I will take back what I said). Acting is acting, I get it, but the age difference between the actors rubs me the wrong way and feels extremely uncomfortable.
That said, seeing some Zvtara fans try and delude themselves into thinking, that their ship might just become canon in the series, citing that there are shows out there that had actors with a much bigger age gap play out romantic scenes feels so... fucking wrong.
Like... just because other shows had it (and even emphasizing that the other shows had a much bigger age gap, as if it would make the netflix one any better) doesn't automatically make it morally correct. Especially when it comes to real fucking people.
This goes not to just Zvtara/K@t@@ng fans, but all other fandoms - please for the love of everything holy, leave the authors/actors out of your shitty shipping wars. It's one thing when it's just fictional characters (still stupid, but, at least, no one is getting hurt), but when it comes to real people please have some respect and decency for these people.
Like, I'm a non-apologetic LoliSho fan. I shipped things that would make 80% of the entire atla/lok fandom pass away from just thinking about it (seriously, this fandom is vanilla af), but I keep things strictly fictional, obviously (was abused myself, lolisho is partially my coping mechanism). Yet still, seeing all of these posts that go "It's okay, zvtara still has a chance to become canon, because the age difference between two actors, despite one of them being underage, isn't that bad compared to these other shows!" make all of the alarms in my head go off. Because, as I've said it before, we're talking about real people here, not fictional characters. If that won't make some of the zvtara fans that are hate-stalking this tag/blog, step back and reconsider everything after reading this - then I have officially lost all hope for this shipping community, because the amount of red flags simply cannot be ignored anymore.
And to be clear - same thing goes towards K@t@@ng, because the age gap would still be creepy to me, but I've only seen this take with zvtarians, which is why I'm writing here.
Yeeaaah, so, that's that! Sorry for the vent/rant, lmao. Hope the trigger warnings were enough...
"Seriously, this fandom is vanilla af" Urgh, I felt that one in my soul. Truer words have never been said.
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flattenedcat · 10 months
Oh man. It's ass o crack in the morning and I can't sleep because of stupid brain dead fans and insane misinformation.
Incoming rant from a renheng shipper who frequents tiktok that enjoys ships that aren't just green flags or whatever.
Lowkey hate myself for getting obsessed with hkr and renheng. The amount of people who misunderstand lore or that the characters in question have an insane amount of MEMORY LOSS. Also, why are hoyo fans so obsessed with hating on queer ships and spreading bs about them, like bro chill it's just a game and we're all gay fuckers who like to see other gay fuckers in love. It's fiction, seriously who the fuck cares lmao.
Some of yall are just homophobes in disguise who hate any sort of gayness even when it's implied or just theorized. Meanwhile hoyo is trying desperately to get past the censorship and hide the gay while also shoving it down our throats lol. (Aka that typo stuff or whatever. Idk what happened there but why's that your first thought...?)
Ughhh I really need to delete tiktok, I can feel my brain losing cells at a rapid speed. I type renheng and 7/10 videos are just hate. Like bruh don't use the fucking tag you absolute bitches.
Ohhh they're so toxic or whatever. Danheng is traumatized because Blade keeps trying to kill him (...points at canon...lol). First of all, baby that's true love. Joking but like renheng is also very much classic danmei. Lovers to enemies to exes to lovers but slightly deranged. Also very very j*ongdok coded. Oh and now people hating on enemies to lovers trope just cuz they can't stand renheng for whatever reason. Saying stuff like what chemistry or how could they ever like each other, they are trying to kill one another. Like pause. Focus. ENEMIES. TO. LOVERS. ENEMIES ENEMIES ENEMIES. It's not going to be a walk in the park fucking dumbasses.
It's basically friends to lovers to enemies to strangers to enemies to scorned semi-amnesiac exes to lovers again if that helps ^-^. We in the divorce arc now but no one knows lmao, not even the two fuckers in question themselves.
I genuinely don't understand why people are so fixated on hating ships that are 'toxic'. Sure happy good queer ship representation is important. But like, to be brutally honest, I prefer angst and complex, complicated dynamics. Just let us have both, no need to insist that everyone be the pinnacle of morality. That's boring lol. Sure h*artstopper is amazing, but also fucking love h*nnibal too. Imo these the same bitches that want to censor ao3. Let the gays have their toxic shit too, not everyone wants straight fluff.
Also. Hsr is pretty dark when you think about it. At least, from the perspective of someone who only has general knowledge of g*nshin i*pact and just reads funeral man x foxy dude ao3 fics, I was not expecting the deaths of actual people. Like the xianzhou arc had probably the highest body count, with scenes of people literally taking their last breath and not just in the actual gaming part. It's gonna be a bit dark babes.
This goes for jingyuan too. Like i saw someone comment that they're upset he was sorta manipulative during the dragon arc thing. And um sure, but also bros an old ass general who also looks into the future with the divine something. But main point. GENERAL. Sorta his job babes. Mans not going to be some 1D soft uwuu boy. But he's also impartial where he can and perhaps shouldn't be. Tbh hoyo fans should be happy at how complex these characters are.
Sidenote. I find that I cannot stand watching people play games anymore. Like wdym you're talking over the damn cut scene that's significant and/or looking away. Bruh, this isn't a pure battle game, it's heavy on the story so where the fuck is your goddamn attention. Talking bs like oh idk what's going on but they don't read the dialogue, check out the databank/bookshelf, watch the short videos hoyo puts out, or even, just even FUCKING EXPLORE. Some ass I watched just walked straight past vital info, running their goddamn mouth and was then like, broo I'm so confused what's going on?!? Genuinely, if not for the story, then why are you playing? The combat is fun, sure, but it's not like the most riveting thing ever, so why do people not pay attention????
I feel faint oof.
I don't even care if renheng isn't canon and we're all fucking delusional. I'm just annoyed for a varied number of reasons that are triggered everytime I open the devil app that is tiktok...also I feel sorta sad for spoiling 1.3 for myself but also half of it was already spoiled because of tumblr+tiktok having spoilers like the fucking devil himself and also also i feel better/insane that i know like 75% of what's going on.
(Do i need to censor the other names/fandoms? No idea, but might as well ig)
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demonicintegrity · 1 year
So I have watched ep 4 of Harry and Meghan last night. (I know I’m late, life is like that lmao)
What strikes me again is first is the formula of the first episode of each volume being almost split. The first is half is quite happy and then something goes wrong.
(I also didn’t pay attention to the wedding as it was happen so this was kinda my first actual look at it. Very pretty! I’m glad the wedding remains a very happy memory for them. As does Meghan being able to talk to the late queen casually and see a good grandmother figure in her)
The next is thing is Meghan echos a sentiment I also have, that who would take a tabloid seriously? Perhaps it’s a British thing, because among my American friends is that kitschy tabloids aren’t good for anything serious. They’re there for when you’re waiting at the salon and you’re bored. Or you skim the headlines when you’re checking out at the grocery store. But then again, as soon as youre invested in celebrity drama the source doesn’t matter too much. And this isn’t to say Americans don’t read tabloids, I think a majority of us just get that sorta thing online and see it as a separate entity. Physical tabloids aren’t as popular here as the documentary says they are in Britain.
From there is the birth of Archie. I never realized they (and by they its seems mostly Meghan) were called selfish for not wanting a photo op so sooner after labor. I can’t believe they wanted her to give up the doctor she had built a relationship with to have that photo op.
And here’s where they say something interesting. When trying to find a compromise of the birth plan for the media(!?) no one stops them, but also implies that the tabloids will be fine with it. And then they weren’t. And of course Meghan is one to take the fall for it because -checks notes- she didn’t want to compromise her doctor??? Have two days with her newborn son and not have to be The Duchess for two seconds?? Labor is exhausting and it takes weeks to recover. But of course, this family is expected to preform at every single moment.
Fucking insane. It’s not even racist bullshit you’re not surprised by anymore. It’s straight up entitlement to other people’s lives. And on one hand that shouldn’t surprise me because American media and masses are about the same, but on the other hand holy shit.
(I keep going about this episode for a w h i l e hence the read more)
Harry makes a really good point, it’s not “do you condone this or not” it’s “what have you done to try and stop it?” Because I didn’t see nor recall a single statement to the press asking them to chill out. Clarifying that Meghan and Harry are actually loved and valued members or disputing rumors and lies. Obviously they can’t do every one but it seems like they haven’t tried to do one.
This is an institution that knows it can keep benefiting from it if it shut ups. Let’s it run it’s course. This is a family that are willing to be bystanders because that’s how they were raised to be. Lil mascots to parade around for the people’s morale and entertainment. And this is why Harry’s the bad guy, he’s a lil too open about not liking that.
Someone in the younger generation of a dysfunctional family is almost always the one that’s fed up. That’s fed up life isn’t fair, that’s fed up their family isn’t in their corner, and that’s fed up no one does anything. And this turns them into the problem child. Everyone thinks Harry’s so mad because he’s whipped for his wife, when in reality this is just the snapping point.
It is so isolating when your family doesn’t stick up for you, especially against bullies and harassment. I cannot imagine how much worse it feels when it’s an entire institution and staff as well.
As much sympathy I and others have for the royal family for having to deal with a media spotlight from birth, it runs out when they repeatedly choose “keeping the peace” or other ways of not stirring the pot instead of their family. Everyone knows they were unfairly treated, and yet they chose to watch instead of doing anything. No wonder Harry seems so resentful of his family.
I truly believe if just two or three members said something. Not even consistently, but every now and again, slowly the media would ease up. The climate would change. They have power and influence but seem never up to doing the work to do something that just ever so slightly goes against the traditional flow of things. Which tells Harry he was never worth even the bare minimum of a defense. And y’all wonder why he’s so bitter about it.
(I think I’ve mentioned it before but it’s worth repeating, we are witnessing a fallout of a dysfunctional family. At the core I think that’s all this will ever be. It just gets more complicated because of royal politics. But at the end of the day its family drama.)
Meghan never wins with the media. Whether it’s day to day things or a kind gesture from her friends. She never wins. It was pointed out time and time again how her and Kate could be doing the same thing but she was always the bad guy in it.
And then there’s the Australia tour. And here’s what I didn’t know, that they became more popular than the rest of the family. And that’s why they painted her as a diva. Like I said, she never wins even when the media seems to be in her favor for two seconds.
(My grandmother shrugs that off, saying it would be hard to not be a bit of diva with being handed servants and so much influence. Maybe there’s a nugget of truth there, but I have my doubts it’s to the extent of what the tabloids are saying. And of course, no one seems to care about if the others are divas.)
And then we get the documentary on the South Africa tour. Now this I remember reading tweets and tweeting about. It is awful suffering through depression, especially if you’re not used to it. It’s even worse when no one seems to care. The only one who cares enough to ask is a reporter who is at least in part motivated by pulling an interesting dialogue, even if entirely well-meaning.
The conversation I became apart of on Twitter was in response to criticism towards the two, mostly Harry, for not providing for her or getting her help. Back then I said, how do you expect him to navigate this? Get mental health help is an obstacle, especially more so when 1) youre really busy and 2) youre in a royal bubble so what do you know about these things? Lord knows if he was ever shown any good coping skills outside of “deal with the camera.” I don’t blame him for having a hard time helping her, it’s a hard thing to help with. I hope she’s feeling better.
Now of course this episode clarified that Meghan wasn’t allowed to get help. And it makes sense, there’s still a stigma in getting therapy and help among everyone. Of course if the press knew they’d have a field day with it. Still, she should’ve gotten help. Even if it was someone in that family other than Harry checking in on her, or offering her advice on how they dealt with the pressure. But that doesn’t seem to have happened.
Suck it up buttercup ain’t exactly a helpful mantra when dealing with thoughts of suicide. I can attest to that.
And that’s why Meghan and Harry will never not have a following. Most people can relate to at least some aspect of what they’re going through. A lot of people deal with racism, or deal with depression, or deal with shitty shitty families who turn their backs on them. They will always seem like a real person vs the rest of the family which seems so detached. That’s why they’re the people’s. That’s why people believe them, they have and always will be much more genuine.
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hopeswriting · 2 years
colonnello is the just some guy of the arco by the way. and he's the only just some guy among them because civilian as he may have been, skull obviously has never been just some guy a day in his life. and i know tragic backstories are always a nice way to spice up stories and characters, but no, listen, colonnello is literally the most average just some guy you'll ever meet, i just know it. and if nothing else just consider it for a bit for how funnier it makes everything about him.
it's like, he's a kid and makes himself a friend that just so happens to be the world's greatest hitman to be, and then just commits to it because that's what good friends do right, and it definitely got him into dangerous shits way before he could join the army. and even if we say they weren't actually childhood friends and reborn is just a troll, on the worst day of his life where he was just minding his own business trying to save the love of his life, who among the seven people he ends up cursed with decides to fuck with him and make them childhood friends? that's right, the world’s greatest hitman.
he joins the army and meets lal and falls in love with her, but she just so happens to be one of the world's strongest to be, and it dooms them both. he tries to protect her as you do with the love of your life--or you know what, we don't even have to go there because he could simply have been doing his duty (tho he totally could have been doing both, and likely was), i.e. having the back of his superior officer, so like, the guy was just doing his job and didn't really fail at it but sure as hell didn't succeed either, and also now he's stuck in the form of a baby and his whole life as he knew it is over. but he takes it as a champ right, decides he'll still keep smiling and make the most out of that now shitty and hopeless life until it kills him properly, but then a couple of decades later some guy releases poison in the air to specifically kill him and take his pacifier from him he doesn't even know how to and can't use anyway.
eventually he gets the chance to make his life not shitty and hopeless anymore, and also, you know, to not die, and it's clearly a trap and he doesn't trust it but also he'll never have another chance like that again, and instantly he decides that if he actually wins he'll save the love of his life instead of himself, but then his representative loses because he wanted to have a moment with his son. thankfully things still work out and no one dies, except he'll have to grow normally back to his original age from his current state as a toddler, while the love of his life immediately got back her adult body (which he's grateful for, obviously, but you know). and he still proposes to her because he's been waiting for this and she says yes because she's been waiting for this too, but then they fight and have to postpone the wedding because he just CANNOT WIN.
like, do you see the pattern here, it's so fucking funny. it's like, life just has it out for him, it just went "hey, you? i'm going to screw you over any way i can at literally every opportunity", and meanwhile colonnello's just trying to live his life in peace lmao. and maybe it's not narratively interesting or whatever, but don't look me in the eye and tell me it's not funny as shit. (tho with the right skills you could easily make it out to be a tragic thing too, like the guy just keeps losing whatever he does even when he's trying his best.)
but on a more serious note because i feel like colonnello isn't taken seriously nearly often enough, but i really love how all of this shows just what kind of person he is and what kind of person he chooses to be and stay as over and over again. like he's just so optimistic and believing? not naive or unrealistic, but whenever he looks at the world dead-on and sees nothing worth hanging in there for, he just goes "alright, i'll just have to find it/make it for myself then". like, he could easily also have broke down after the curse like most of the others, but no, he was still breathing and alive, lal was still breathing and alive, and the curse wasn't going to kill them right away so you bet he kept smiling and resolved to find some joy in his life still, which unbeknownst to him gave lal just enough hope she didn't kill herself over the curse.
also he's just such a loving person at his core too? it's how he actually ended up becoming reborn's closest friend, whether they were actually childhood friends or it happened post-curse, and when he had to confront reborn's hitman side he probably just went something like "just don't kill me or the people i care about and i'm sure we can make this work". and of course how he tried to save lal from the curse, how he was there at all to begin with specifically so he could save her from it, and how he planned to get rid of her curse instead of his, and how he died saving viper in the future. and ginger bread taunted lal about it, calling him the failed hero or something like that iirc, but it's literally not about it, and colonnello in fact couldn't care less about being a hero or whatever. he just has his heart in the right place. and if it means dying so he can remain true to it, then sure, he'll die without hesitation, even if he'd rather not and it sucks that he has to.
it's just, like. i've said it before, but the whole curse thing happens to him because he's such a loving person. he was never going to let lal climb that mountain without him, but he could have. if he was just a little less loving, if he just loved a little less devotedly, he wouldn't have been on that mountain at all that day, and his life would still have turned shitty because lal would still have ended up cursed, but nothing would have happened to him. except, of course, he was never going to let lal climb that mountain without him.
and i just?? lose my mind a little over it tbh. and love him for it. i love him so much, is what this post is saying, and we don’t talk about him nearly often at all.
oh and ALSO!! i do mean he's just some guy, i'm not saying he's a normal guy at all. because he isn't lol. he's totally just as unhinged as the rest of the arco, and i mean, he did end up genuinely being reborn's friend one way or another, so there's clearly something wrong with him too lmao
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dyingofcookies · 1 year
Girly I been thinking about something and I just had to share this thought with you, (also I wrote this with your character design in my mind because SHE WILL NOT LEAVE MY HEAD LMAO)
Imagine Zdog with a gf who's a singer back on Earth. She's their century's Beyonce. She is THAT girl. She even played the Superbowl Halftime Show a couple of years before she was drafted for Project Phoenix. Now, the recoms have no idea about this until Y/N spills her bag and a couple of hard drives spill out, but she doesn't see them go under the Mess Hall table they're all sitting at, so they're not picked up and taken back to her room. After Y/N leaves, Lyle pops the one marked "1" in blue nail polish into the TV. What plays is her performance for the Halftime Show. To their dismay, her bangs are covering her eyes, and they have been ever since her debut. She performs, does her thing, they go through the hard drives while she's taking a nap in she and Z's room. They cannot believe this is who their best friend is. Z can't believe this is who her GIRLFRIEND IS.
Y/N eventually wakes up from her nap and goes to the Mess Hall to try and grab some grub. She sees them watching her, performing for all of those audiences through all those years. "What the fuck? How did you guys get ahold of those?" She says.
"They fell out of your bag and you didn't pick them up. We thought we'd look at em." Walker replied. Y/N sighs and starts laughing. "You must not take me as seriously anymore, now, huh? Now that you know how I used to be a silly little pop star."
"No, not at all, my love." Z replied, holding Y/N's hands in hers. She sighed and said, "I'm gonna go back to sleep. I don't wanna talk anymore." Lyle tried to go after her, but Z told him to let her be.
When the lights go out, Z goes to the room, sighing and looking at her lover sleeping peacefully. She joins her, and pulls the covers over her too. They cuddle as Z falls into slumber.
(Hope you enjoyed, I might start writing for AVATAR as a whole, so Ima post this on my account lol)
(lmk if you want more, I just kept thinking of that AU)
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🥺❤❤❤ I FUCKNG LOVE YOU @ali3n-4rom-3rth 🥺❤❤💕
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maia-radfemdu · 1 year
I'm fucking going to the ER it's the only way doctors take me seriously (Spain has a healthcare crisis). I just cannot deal being so fucking miserable anymore. I'm a depressed insomniac who's slowly descending into an eating disorder and would love to practice alcoholism but evreytime I get drunk I'll have fun for 2 hours then remember I'm unlovable and cry lmao. I'm...not doing very well
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viviannesmonster · 2 years
Seriously, all the tf2 members are so funny. Soldier being the funniest.
But holy shit. This is probably obvious, but Spy is just shshhshahsjaisheijsjsis
He's hot man
He had seduced me.
My favorite quotes from TF2 members in "Expiration Date"
SPY: This is a bucket
SPY: There's more-
SPY: ....
SOLDIER: Hello Miss Pauling! We killed everybody and took a briefcase!
SOLDIER: Goodbye Miss Pauling! I am leaving the van now!
SCOUT: Bye Bye, okay then.
SCOUT: Lotta people busy with...business..
SPY: Asking out that dial tone again I see
SCOUT: Go to hell spy
MEDIC: Tumors!
HEAVY: *looks down at his sandwich suspiciously*
ENGINEER: Y'all know what this means right?
SOLDIER: AAAAAH! *chokes Scout and slams him onto a table* WE CANNOT TELEPORT BREAD ANYMORE!
MEDIC: Three days...Yes, we all have three days to live!
SOLDIER: *trying to count*
DEMO: *shows up* WOOOOOOO! WOOOOHOOOO! Woooo............what?
SPY: Our first dying wish is Scouts! He's...drawn a picture of me getting hit by a car. I have something radiating off me?
SCOUT: Yeah, those are stink lines. That's why the car hit him, cause he smells-
SPY: Yes I see. Here, you've drawn me having sexual congress with the Eiffel Tower.
SPY: Eiffel Tower having sexual congress with me
SPY: Both of us relaxing post-coitus
DEMOMAN: *mouths* Post-coitus?
SCOUT: *laughing*
SPY: I'm crying and the Eiffel Tower has stink lines coming off of it- DID ANYONE BESIDES SCOUT PUT A CARD INTO THE BUCKET?!
SCOUT: Oh man...Classic Scout.
SPY: Fantastic. This was a huge waste of my time.
SOLDIER: You did not read mine!
SPY: *sigh* Does it say you want the bucket?
SPY: See you all in hell
SCOUT: Hey uh.... you got a second?
SPY: Oh Scout! Please! Go fuck yourself.
SPY: Hmm and why is that? Do you think?
SCOUT: Come on Spy. I don't know
SPY: Well, a mystery we will take to our graves then, Goodbye.
SPY: I'll do it. On one condition.
*summons a mic*
SPY: Say that, again.
SPY: Seduce me.
SCOUT: ...........you?
SPY: Seduce. Me.
SCOUT: What?! Spy I ain't gonna-
SCOUT: Right! Right...*deep breath* okay...hey there..........good looking? I got a bucket of chicken-
SPY: I'm not one of your fried chicken tramps. I'm a woman. I like my men dangerous, mysterious, you want to be my lover?! Earn it! Seduce me!
SPY: You have a dinner date for seven. What time do you arrive?
SCOUT: Seven. A.M. Case the restaurant. Run background checks on the staff. Can the cook be trusted? If not I gotta kill him. Dispose of the body, replace him with my own guy, no later than 4:30
SPY: ....You're ready.
SCOUT: Really?
SPY: No! *laughs* Everything you just said was insane. And we are out of time. Congratulations, you're a failure.
SCOUT: You look-....you...look...uhhh
SOLDIER: Round! Soft! No, round!
DEMOMAN: Blurry!
MS. PAULING: Scout you-!...are you having a prom?
Enjoy lmao
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