#Against Homophobia
ghostieking · 21 days
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it's the international day against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, so I'm reposting these bad bois from my starry pride collection! equality and love for all 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💜
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mental-mona · 1 year
I'd choose hell over a homophobic heaven.
— Desmond Tutu
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playitagin · 1 year
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International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
The General Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) eliminates homosexuality from the list of psychiatric diseases.
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thereyvan · 2 years
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this is in the nurse’s office at my school
the yellow ones say “use inclusive language” and “be respectful”
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chayannesegg · 4 months
do people realize you can dislike the jokes someone is making, and find them inappropriate, and want them to stop, and still not frame a gay man as "disgusting" and "disturbing" for messing with straight men doing gay rp in minecraft. like, that's actually just a bad thing to do!
yes, there is a very real tension in the jokes tubbo makes and in the words and rhetoric he mocks. (and yes it is clearly jokes)
but that's exactly why the fact he is gay matters. it matters very much. tubbo is gay. homophobia is going to affect him his entire life. 
fact is, fit and pac can do their little gay rp (and they do a good meaningful job! i love fitpac) and get given money and attention and accolades for it and then walk away from the computer and go about their lives completely unaffected.
the same is literally not true for tubbo (whose sexuality has been under intense public scrutiny since he was a child). he does not get to walk away from it. he will never get to walk away from it.
fit and pac, even if they do a sincere job at it, are very much playing at a gay relationship (and profitting!) in a fake world where nothing about it is ever going to seriously affect them (not even qtubbo's "homophobia"). this is completely juxtaposed to the real world, where tubbo lives, where homophobia very much has a real impact on queer people
it's that tension that tubbo is trying to eat at with his jokes. it's that tension that he finds funny. it's that tension that he enjoys making the straight creators aware of. that's the basis of it and it's completely rooted in him being a gay man.
don't get me wrong, it is an EDGY form of humour. it's meant to be jarring and uncomfortable and it's not the most appropriate for the wider qsmp audience. he doesn't always succeed with the tone or format. and i totally understand people who don't like it and are uncomfortable with it and who want to ask him to stop. i really do
dislike it. dislike him for it. ask for it to be stopped as much as you want. but painting it as tubbo randomly making "disgusting" and "disturbing" light of a real world issue is simply not accurate. removing the very real context as to why he can make these jokes and why he makes these specific types of jokes is not fair. you can do better with your criticism!
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xenogaby · 4 months
Zutara fans please read this. Its important.
I have absolutely nothing against Zutara. NOTHING. However, this kind of behavior is unacceptable. Homophobia is UNACCEPTABLE, no matter the ship, no matter the fandom.
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For context: I am a Zukka shipper. This was the most recent comment on one of my ZUKKA POSTS. There was no mention of Zutara at all. There was absolutely no reason for this person to comment this on my post, yet they did it anyways.
Zukka is not canon and is very unlikely to ever be canon (even less than Zutara). It's a harmless FANON ship.
Toxic Zutara shippers like this guy give the good Zutaras out there a bad name. Please think before commenting things like that. It's very harmful to many people IRL.
To the good Zutaras out there, you guys are cool and it's a shame that homophobes/bigots are giving you a bad name.
PS: I'm not gonna bother censoring the person's name. Homophobes and bigots deserve to be called out.
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shinobicyrus · 3 months
This week, Supreme Court Justice Samuel "goes on expensive fishing trips with republican megadonors" Alito decided to use an official Supreme Court order to once again rail against same-sex marriage and the entire concept of safeguarding queer rights.
It was all in response to a case the Supreme Court declined to hear involving the dismissal of 3 potential jurors who claimed that they had been unfairly passed over (yes they're complaining about not being selected for jury duty) due to their religious beliefs. The case involved a woman who was suing her employer for sexual discrimination and retaliation after she started dating the ex-girlfriend of a male coworker. The 3 potential jurors that had not been selected had stated a belief to the court that homosexuality is a sin.
Rather than commenting on the obvious bias three potential jurors had against a party in the case, Alito instead spent five pages ranting about the sheer injustice that had been done to them. The case, he said, fully exemplified the "danger" that he'd predicted back in 2015, when the Supreme Court had legalized same sex marriage nationwide (in a slim 5-4 vote, I will remind):
"Namely, that Americans who do not hide their adherence to traditional religious beliefs about homo-sexual conduct will be labeled as bigots and treated as such by the government."
Again this was a case in which a court ultimately decided that maybe people who believed that homosexuals were sinful shouldn't sit on a case in which one of the parties was one such "sinner." That sounds pretty fair to me; they didn't call them bigots, or evil, or throw them in jail. The court just decided that maybe they weren't a good fit for that particular case. For that particular plaintiff.
But no, a Supreme Court Justice, someone who is supposed to be a scholar of law, turned it in his mind into a government assault against "people of good will."
Never forget how narrow that marriage equality decision had been. Never forget Alito and Thomas are still salty about it 9 years later and have stated in public multiple times they want to revisit this decision. Just like Roe, just like Miranda Rights, just like the Voting Rights Act - they will gut civil rights and established precedent on the altar of their Originalism and make us beholden to the tenets of their personal Gods.
And they're doing it in public too, so they can signal to everyone who thinks like them to keep trying, you have friends here. You have a sure chance of victory.
At the very least, the lesbian with mad game won her case.
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sharknado-three · 1 year
Homophobes: I don't hate people who struggle with homosexual tendencies, I just think sodomy is a sin and responsible for spreading disease. I will do anything in my power to stop people from having gay sex, including campaigning to make it illegal. I believe being visibly homosexual in the presence of kids is making kids gay and shouldn't be allowed.
LGBT+ community: That's homophobic.
TERFs: I don't hate dysphoric females, I just think transitioning is causing irreversible damage and reinforcing sexist stereotypes. I will do anything in my power to stop "confused lesbians" from destroying their bodies, including campaigning to make transition illegal. I believe being visibly trans in the presence of kids is making kids gender-confused and shouldn't be allowed.
Some of you: Wow, TERFs sure do love AFAB trans people! They literally said so and we know bigots would never lie about that!
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theenbyroiderer · 21 days
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In honor of IDAHOBIT, here's a repost of my old Fuck the Cistem piece. Fuck all sorts of queephobia!! As someone brilliant once said, good people don't spend their time harassing marginalized communities. So fuck all the phobes.
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What if when Duncan grabbed Noah and threatened to pierce his lip Noah just looked at him and said "Are we about to kiss right now?"
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luminalunii97 · 1 year
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Some tankie bs detection
I saw this post on my dash. The user is blocked now. But just to educate people so that they won't fall for idiotic claims online, here are a couple of facts:
1. The Islamic Republic is not anti imperialist, they're anti USA. The regime is very much in love with Russian imperialism. At this point, Iran is an unofficial russian colony. And by the support of their imperialist father figure they have their small version of imperialism in middle east. Ask Iraq and Lebanon.
2. There's no "safety" when it comes to economy in Iran. The "national sovereignty" is called "those fvckin thieves in power" here. Iran's regime is one of the most corrupt regimes by international index. Rent, nepotism, embezzlement and money laundering are serious issues in Iran. Done only and only by the governors and people in power. Social class is not only a thing, there's a raging gap between rich people and those in poverty. And the gap is getting bigger and bigger by month. If you have connections in government or you are in the government, you'll get richer and richer. Other wise, soon enough you'll be in poverty too. Many families, including mine, who used to be considered middle class, have incomes lower than the poverty threshold now.
About 15% of Iran's economic failure including inflation is on the sanctions. The rest is on the corruption within the regime.
Iran's banking system is also a corrupted organ. The so called Islamic banking is anything but Islamic. The loan interest rate is one of the highest worldwide, 23%, so that often you have to pay back more than twice the money you've received. It's called Riba in Islam and it's Haram. According to the regime themselves, the banking system in European countries, even in the USA, is more Islamic than us. The fact that some of the biggest embezzlement in Iran has been done by bank managers should give you a picture of how they're drinking our blood.
None of this is on USA imperialism. It's all the Islamic Republic.
3. The Islamic Republic doesn't support Palestinians. The regime is extremely racist and anti Arab. I dare you talk about this with an actual Arab. IR don't give two shites about Palestinians lives. The regime is antisemitic. That's what they are. Palestine is just an excuse to attack Israel. In the past 20+ years of my life, living in Iran and dealing with these posers, not once we've been educated about Palestine and Palestinians lives. Everything I know, I've learned from online resources and documentaries make by Palestinians. The regime doesn't talk about Palestinians when they pose as supporters. I'm pretty sure they don't know or care to know anything noteworthy about Palestine, considering my knowledge of the human rights violations there is always more than basiji people of my country, and I don't even know that much. All the regime talks about is how Israel should be eliminated. IR supports a terrorist organization called Hamas, not Palestinians.
4. Let's forget about everything I said so far. I wonder if tankies like the op has any ounce of humanity in them! The regime has been oppressing women, violating every type of human rights and murdering lgbtq people and other-thinkers for the last 40 years. The spectacular environmental disaster in Iran is the direct result of regime's policies and neglect. This is a case of human rights violation since it's ruining people's lives, especially ethnic minorities, like Arab farmers in south.
No religious minority is safe in Iran, be it atheist, Baha'i, Jew, christian, or Sunni Muslim. They commit crime against children, through labor and through war. IRGC have little regards for human lives in general but it descent into no regards at all for ethnic minorities.
They have MASS EXECUTED 30,000 leftists (members of Marxist Communist parties and their supporters) within the first decade of their autocratic rule. It's unbelievably funny to me when foreign leftists support a regime that has executed many of their fellow thinkers and still arrest and torture any left activist in Iran.
To say the reason the 1979 revolution happened was to get rid of western influence and to establish a democratic free independent government is true. But the Islamic Republic is not that result. Don't be fooled.
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noahizslay · 22 days
happy international day against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia!
we've always been here and will always be!
it doesn't matter how many stupid bills you make against us!
it doesn't matter what you think about us!
it doesn't matter what your religion says!
we didn't ask your opinion!
it isn't an opinion when we're talking about basic human rights!
we are human and we deserve to be trated as such!
pride started as a riot and it isn't over!
don't forget to be proud of yourself and to continue fighting for the liberation of us all!
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canadian-radfems · 8 months
🍁Discord server for radfems in Canada!🍁
•Plenty of channels to talk in
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•Update channels automatically share videos and tweets made by women like Radical Ramblings and JKR
•Voice and video channels (movie night movies decided by vote)
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•Plenty of emojis, stickers, and username colours to choose from (and more on the way!)
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•And of course, private channels for each province.
(these can be used for organizing meet-ups!) Only members with a provinces role -along with admins- can see it's respective channel. For example- Members in Quebec can't even see the Ontario chat on the side bar, let alone access it. To get a province role, members must either include their province in their intro, or ask an admin for one.
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This server is for chatting about anything, not just radical feminism, but you have to be a radfem (or rad-adjacent) to join it. This creates a comfortable online space where you are free to speak openly about feminism without getting harassed. (and can still talk about your favorite indie game or whatever)
Of course there is also channels specifically for radical feminism, gender criticism, and citing sources.
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(non Canadians please boost-thank you!)
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Black Butler antis: *complain about sebasicel*
How could they
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gayofthefae · 2 months
It really is all about expectations and trust because the number of people I've seen watch Stranger Things now without hearing about Byler and start to get suspicious at season 2 is ASTOUNDING. And it's because when you're surrounded by more representation, you notice it more too. The heteronormativity has been more broken down to acknowledge when traditional romantic cliches are being applied to people of the same gender.
Like I said in another post, my physical therapist said Mike checked Will out in the Halloween scene. She didn't think it was on purpose but I also don't think she would have noticed at all a few years ago.
Really, it's just a sweet observation of progress in general representation in the environment and what it can do for perceptions and normalization of queerness.
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strangesickness · 4 months
i am doing some research for an essay and am reading an article about richie being gay in IT 2019 and the person writing the article is acting like richie coming out would have no impact on his career whatsoever because he's a comedian in los angeles in 2016... like did we watch the same movie?
like for me personally when i saw richie get up on stage and tell a joke about jerking it to his girlfriends sisters facebook or whatever my first thought wasn't "oh yeah i bet his audience is on their way to a drag show after this" i got a very clear image of a a 35-45 year old white guy who watches fox news and refers to his wife as "the ol' ball and chain" and thinks richie is a hero of comedy because he "isn't giving into the woke liberal mob who doesn't understand what dark humor is". i know this might be shocking but that type doesn't typically like it when their entertainers are queer :0
like... what? i am just very confused. like did we expect richie tozier, guy who grew up in a small town during the AIDS crisis and was tormented by a clown who threatened him with the knowledge that he was a homosexual, and now has a career that relies on a group of people who are largely at least somewhat homophobic, liking him, to be out and proud? did we watch the same film?
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