#Flow State
sirenesolace · 19 hours
your desires, SP, and higher self watching you give up on persisting when you were so damn close
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you literally CANNOT fail! get it together!
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brytning · 4 months
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I saw a post the other day about how difficult mindfulness meditation can be, especially for people who are neurodivergent, and OP was frustrated that their therapist never recommended anything else. There are many opportunities to bring mindfulness, focus, and intention to activities you already like! Learning about flow state has been a real eye-opener for me.
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env0 · 8 months
Street Performing-- Rengoku Theme - Sixth Form: Dying Embers (pt. 2)
Wish I had the whole video connected but two parts is good. This is only a clip from a 13 minute set.
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mindful-luna · 28 days
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poppetsisters · 2 years
Psychonaut Badges for Real-World Psychonauts
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conscious-pisces · 7 months
You flow when you surrender “needing” anything from the outside
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worldanvil · 5 months
Writer’s block can strike at any time during the writer’s journey. Guest writer Joe Sidery of ProWritingAid breaks down why that can be a good thing - and how to get the words flowing again.
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shlrleystudies · 11 months
the ecstasy from working nonstop for a full day
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emewyn · 7 months
I was a band nerd in middle and high school. I was never super dilligent about practicing or good at sightreading, and to be honest I hated playing solo. But playing in the middle of a large ensemble was honestly a euphoric experience that engaged all of my senses so perfectly. I saw the instructions on the sheet music and the director conducting, heard the sound of the different instruments surrounding me rising, falling, and harmonizing with and against each other, felt the vibration of my bass clarinet in my mouth and fingertips shift as I moved through different pitches and volumes, and felt the vibration of my tapping foot and the rest of the ensemble through the floor. Most importantly, I utilized both conscious and unconscious processing to take in all that information at once, synthesize it, and immediately let that guide my playing in a constant feedback loop. Embouchure reflexively tightens to hit a higher note, and I can feel from the vibration in my mouth how close I am to squeaking, even if I can't hear myself over everyone else. The conductor's hand raises to bring all the players with him in a crescendo that makes the whole room shake while still maintaining that careful balance of volume and pitch between the different instruments. The tubas and I take turns breathing and playing a single note at a time in a perfectly timed polka beat between us that will form the base for the higher instruments' melody. Listening to music, even in surround sound or at a concert, is nothing compared to the mental state of being part of the music.
Looking back, i think this was an ADHD and/or autism thing, of hitting that rare perfect sweet spot of sensory stimulation and hyperfocus. Playing in a large ensemble engaged my chronically understimulated brain at exactly the right level. But now I'm an adult, and I don't have the access or skill to play music in large groups anymore. I always considered myself a fan of music, but I don't actually listen to it very much on my own. Pre-recorded music often just feels like sounds AT me instead of WITH me, if that makes sense. Sometimes I can enjoy a particularly good jam in certain contexts, but most of the time listening to music feels flat, underwhelming, and even irritating.
Does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone have any tips for ways that I can enjoy listening to music without feeling understimulated, or recommendations for music that does manage to hit that sweet spot?
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"Happy Earth Day! Let's groove with Mother Nature and amp up the good vibes! Embracing our Flow state is like hitting the cosmic jackpot – we tune in, chill out, and let positivity radiate. It's like giving Earth a big cosmic hug! So let's crank up those positive thoughts, reduce, reuse, recycle, and make Earth Day every day. After all, saving the planet is our 'Earthly' duty, and hey, who doesn't love a green, thriving planet? Let's make Earth cooler than ever, literally and figuratively! 🌍✨"
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mindful-luna · 29 days
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Here's a nice playlist to help you schedule your 25/5 pomodoros. It's pretty self-explanatory!
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dndtreasury · 9 months
Flow State by Mithral Canvas
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snakesong · 4 months
Most people (at least I think): Okay I'm going to spread my homework out evenly throughout the week
Me: *waits for the one day I randomly have enough energy to do the whole week's assignments in one sitting*
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skuttzbuttz · 1 month
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I tried to capture the feeling of flow state.
The one where you arrive out of it with something incredible in your hands. Its an important emotion for me.
This is what motivates me as an artist. The urge to create something from where there was nothing.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
Who you are in states of peak bliss — when you're laughing til you're crying, when you're in inspirational flow, when you have frozen time with mindsets of gratitude — is who you really are. When you forget that and begin feeling lost, travel back in your mind and reunite with them.
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