#Human versión
wilsondudu · 4 months
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❝ Fem!Reader x Human!Ocho / Human!Julius ❞
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❝ 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 ❞
Y/N se recostó sobre el respaldo de su silla, golpeteando entre sus dedos un pequeño lápiz desgastado.
Algunos chicos pasan por su lado, dándole un pequeño saludo, cómo fue el caso con Alan y Terry. Ellos, y muchos otros estudiantes hacían lo mismo cada vez que te veían en los corredores, en la cafetería, o hasta en la biblioteca.
Tu actitud relajada, graciosa y carismática era un imán para las personas que necesitaban un respiro de los problemas de Elmore. Eras ese tipo de amigo con el que hablas de vez en cuando, pero es buena onda y sabes que puedes contar con el.
Y por eso mismo, el hecho de que no le cayeras bien a alguien era considerado casi un fenómeno natural, y ese era el caso con dos de los estudiantes más intimidantes de la secundaria: Ocho y Julius, que apesar de no ser conocidos por ser empáticos, aún era extraño que no les agradaras.
Por un lado, estaba Julius; líder de la pandilla juvenil de Elmore, compuesta por cuatro miembros totalmente espeluznantes y mala onda. Julius era un chico que no se preocupaba por sus notas, no estaba en algún club o actividad extracurricular, no era respetuoso, y era la pesadilla de muchos "nerdss" de la institución. (Además es ladrón, lol)
Por el otro, está Ocho; un pequeño chico que lucha con los constantes ataques de ira que siempre lo hacen lastimar a alguien (o ser perseguido por el fbi), es un fan de los videojuegos, y está en el club de los "rechazados", es inteligente y de hecho tiene un buen promedio, tiene amigos, y cuando está calmado es buena onda.
Entonces, tal vez parezcan dos personas parecidas cuando se trata de describirlos exteriormente; dos chicos explosivos que al final del día terminaban golpeando a alguien. No obstante, lo único que tenian en común eran sus sentimientos hacia ti.
Los dos habían demostrado ser distantes, y (en el caso de Julius) hirientes y descuidados hacia ti, cosa que causó tu desagrado, y al final, tu distancia a ellos.
Esto obviamente afectó a estos dos chicos, que simplemente no sabían cómo demostrar cuánto te amaban, pero ninguno tenía experiencia en ello, o al menos no una buena.
Julius habia tenido novia por un tiempo, pero terminaron por razones desconocidas. Igualmente, su anterior novia no había sido una buena experiencia para Julius, de hecho, ella le dejó un muy extraño y tóxico concepto de lo que era un relación "sana".
Ocho jamás tocó una vieja en su vida.
Y tu, por otro lado, si habías tenido más de una pareja, y por ende, más experiencias. Pero siempre te terminaban por tu falta de interés o por no ser lo suficientemente afectuosa.
Eran literalmente las tres peores personas para estar en una relación, pero el universo es extraño, y yo también, y eso lleva al día de san Valentín.
La escuela organizaba un pequeño baile para que los estudiantes fueran con sus amigos o parejas a disfrutar del baile, la música ruidosa y la comida.
Esto hizo entrar en pánico a aquellos que pensaban que ir con amigos era patético (osea, casi todos) y por eso, todos estaban como locos buscando una pareja.
Entre ellos, estaba Ocho. No solo no quería ir solo, sino que le parecía una oportunidad perfecta para invitarte a salir, y además su madre lo había obligado a asistir al baile.
Ocho se asomó por la esquina de una pared, mirando como de reojo el como acomodabas ligeramente tu cabello frente al espejo que la puerta de tu casillero tenía. El no pudo evitar soltar un pequeño suspiro enamorado mientras te veía, ignorando el hecho de no saber cómo iniciar una conversación contigo sin que se llevara consigo una mirada incómoda de tu parte.
Ese pequeño suspiro alcanzó a llegar a tus oídos, cosa que te hizo alejar tus manos de tu cabello y darte la vuelta. Lo único que llegaste a ver fue la manga de un abrigo que se escondió rápidamente detrás de la pared. Levantaste una ceja extrañada, obviamente alguien te estaba espiando.
La respiración rapida y profunda de Ocho fue callada por el mismo, colocando sus manos en su boca con fuerza. Su pupilas se dilataron cuando escuchó tus pasos recorrer el pasillo hacia donde estaba el.
Sus piernas fueron más rápidas que él y corrieron ¿Hacia donde? Lejos de ti.
No obstante, el destino nunca está del lado de los cobardes, y tu grito lo hizo parar tan precipitadamente que el resbaloso suelo en donde corría no lo ayudo a parar y su rostro se estampó de lleno contra la puerta de un casillero.
" Hey! " Gritaste antes de que se golpeara, pero pronto se te fue el aire en un siseo cuando lo viste. " Uy... eso debió doler. " Murmuraste, acercandote a el cuidadosamente.
El se separó del casillero y sujetó su nariz sangrante. Estaba apunto de largarse a llorar por la humillación cuando un pequeño pañuelo se interpuso en su vista. El siguió con su vista el brazo que le extendía el pedazo de tela hasta que se encontró con tu lindo rostro, aquel que le gustaba admirar en fotos cuando estaba solo en su habitación.
" U-uh...? " Ocho dejó que le entregaras el pañuelo, te lo arrebató de un jalón, cosa que hizo que retrocedieras con el ceño fruncido. El se dió la vuelta y limpió su nariz con sus mejillas sonrojadas y su rostro hecho un desastre de sangre y lágrimas.
Aún si te sentiste molesta por su comportamiento, decidiste tomártelo con calma y preguntar; "¿Estás bien? ¿Necesitas que te acompañe a la enfermería?" Musitaste, agachándote a su altura (ya que el estaba arrodillado contra el casillero).
" Ugh, no... estoy bien. " Murmuró, manteniendo el pañuelo pegado a su nariz. Ocho se levantó, y cuando se recompuso desvío la mirada con el ceño fruncido y su rostro rojo. " U-uhmm, yo... Lo lamento, adiós..."
Todo se había arruinado, su oportunidad, su dignidad, su coraje, su-
" Espera! " Gritaste antes de que se fuera, el volteó desconcertado. "¿Me estabas espiando hace un rato? ¿Eras tu?"
Algún día lo terminaré lol
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yand-art19 · 3 months
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fantasmafuera · 2 years
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Bien atrasado, pero lo termine 👏👏
Un cómic de mi versión yautja de Katakuri. Quería que fuera para Halloween, pero la vida tenía otros planes...
Katakuri: Prey/presa
Katakuri:* It's agile.../es agil*
Katakuri:* It's fast, strong, indomitable
It is.../es rapido, fuerte, indomables, es... *
Katakuri:* Worthy/digno*
Katakuri: Co-worker/compañero
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mimotofu · 1 year
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Este, un dibujo de Toy Chica y Mangle en la parte de abajo, pero en una versión humana?, Pero bueno quería dibujar algo de FNaF y fue lo único que se me ocurrió
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gyancastle · 1 year
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Saki: Would you still love me if I were an evil little alien, who has caused many wars and who uses a robotic body to pretend to be a human.
Karai: . . . What?
I could hardly find Dad Shredder content so I decided to make it myself.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Link de la versión en español 👇🏻
Porque tristemente, tumblr no me deja subir más imagenes. Tendré que hacer una publicación por separado.
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tharett · 11 months
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Mi diseño de Chayanne pero versión humana🤞
Tenía esta idea que cuando más crecen, más se miran como sus padres adoptivos 🤔 (osea, empiezan de color blanco y negro (el pelo y ojos) y terminan con cualquier color del padre que lo ha cuidado más o algo así, yo no sé.)
Esto es fanart viejo y ya no me parece la idea, pero que creen ustedes?? xdxdxd
(Eng: My design of Chayanne but in human version 🤞
I had this idea in which the more they grew the more they look like their adoptive parents 🤔 (like, they start off with a black and white color (hair and eyes) and they end up with whatever color the parent who took care of them the most has.)
This is old fanart and I don't really like the idea anymore, but what do you guys think?? xdxdxd)
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tiffy1603 · 3 months
I love both his original version and his human version <3
Me encanta tanto su versión original como su versión humana <3
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lc-mrbrownstone · 5 months
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[The Beatles fanart]
— Cualquier artista que quiera participar de este Au puede hacerlo, uniendo a sus propios músicos y cantantes favoritos o hacer su propia versión de los míos!
Pero primero un resumen de este Universo Alternativo: en este mundo los humanos no existes o son casi que minoría, los monstruos lideran el mundo, pero sigue siendo un lugar donde el prejuicio aún existe lamentablemente.
The Beatles es un grupo conformado por un Frankenstein [Ringo], un Vampiro [John], un Hombre Lobo [Paul] y una Momia [George], junto con su manager Zombie [Brian Epstein]
La historia está en construcción!
English translation with translation, LOL!
— Any artist who wants to participate in this Au can do so, by joining their own favorite musicians and singers or make their own version of mine!
But first a summary of this Alternate Universe: in this world humans do not exist or are almost a minority, monsters lead the world, but it is still a place where prejudice still unfortunately exists.
The Beatles are a group consisting of a Frankenstein [Ringo], a Vampire [John], a Werewolf [Paul] and a Mummy [George], along with their manager Zombie [Brian Epstein]
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kandy-draw · 5 months
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Error sans by: CrayonQueen
Talvez no sea constante con dibujos digitales pero si con sketchs, aquí mi versión del babyman
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@aloneeeeeeeeee fue una challenge aceptable, y es curioso, jamás había dibujado a mis 2 sans favoritos en versión humano, así los veo; ya que son hermanos mayores de sus papyrus.👀💬
It was an acceptable challenge, and it's funny, I had never drawn my 2 favorite sans in human version, that's how I see them; since they are older brothers of their papyrus brothers. 👀💬
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 7 months
Hiii, could you please make some hc for guevara, mumon, musashi and retsu with an s/o that is basically an abnormality, for example she has like 4 arms because she was suposed to have a twin but she like ate her in the process and is like albino bit still has some color in her hair like blond and ginger and is like deaf due to the amount of abnormalities that she has and has like spots on her body due to vitiligo and things like that, like a really really weird s/o that is like extremely unic.
I would like to see musashi's reaction like thinking she is like a ghoul or an goddess or even an angel or something.
Sorry if it's too long or it doesn't appeal to you.
Have an amazing day and hope everything is ok with you 💕💕💕
Situation: S/O with some bodily peculiarity / S/O con alguna particularidad corporal.
Characters: Jun Guevara, Mumon Katsuragi, Musashi Miyamoto and Retsu Kaioh.
Jun Guevara.
He cannot believe what he sees, they must be a deity that came down from the heavens to delight humanity with their presences, so majestic and merciful.
No one should doubt his love for his S/O, there is simply no more way for Jun to show how much he loves his S/O in case anyone has any doubts, no matter how they look.
As if this man could find anything wrong with his partner, really, he is an idiot in love with the sea and his S/O. There's nothing else on that head other than his S/O. I'll even leave it at this point, it's just obvious.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Mumon can be curious, but he is extremely laid back, he won't dig too deep if the S/O's are reluctant to talk about their aspects.
He may be a little silly, but he is not an idiot and he knows how to read people, so he will be in charge of making his S/O feel at ease when they are with him.
Sporadic and sincere praise, smiles and good wishes. He is sweet.
If they ever seek to be heard, Mumon will be there, he will listen to their insecurities and make them feel loved. He can understand if they feel too left out in some places and will comfort them for that.
He can make his S/O happy, no matter what they look like, he loves them.
Musashi Miyamoto.
To be honest, I think he would see the S/O as some kind of supernatural deity or spirit.
His mind is greatly influenced by traditional beliefs where he respected and feared supernatural creatures because they brought fortune or destruction.
I think he would kneel in front of the S/O after watching them uncomfortably for a while, asking for wisdom and strength to continue getting stronger.
A little reluctant to stop believing that they are deities, even if someone else or the S/O themselves explains that this is not the case. He'll stop mentioning it out loud, but I'm sure he still believes it.
Their relationship is a little strange at first for this very reason; Many people ask for kisses/blessings from their partners for good luck as motivation, while Musashi will firmly believe that his S/O does grant him luck.
He is the most faithful and devoted admirer of his S/O, he is also the most dangerous, he does not accept insults towards his S/O. They are warned.
Retsu Kaioh.
MY man is really understanding, he wouldn't be able to single out anyone for any particularity, because that's not honorable.
For this man, the sentimental and spiritual connection is painfully important, it is at a level far above the physical appearance.
The S/O will not need to worry about awkward questions when talking to Retsu, he would never point out the S/O's particularities unless they themselves are willing to talk about it. He understands that some people don't like to talk about these issues, so he won't touch it.
If they dare to talk about their aspects, they can trust that Retsu will listen, perhaps the question of “Does this affect your health?”, will leave Retsu's lips listening to them. That's all he cares about.
I'm not trying to say he's the best option yes that's exactly what I mean, I just want to clarify.
Versión en español
Jun Guevara.
Él no puede creer lo que ve, debes ser una deidad que bajo de los cielos para deleitar a la humanidad con su presencia, tan majestuosa y misericordiosa.
Nadie debería dudar sobre su amor por su S/O, simplemente ya no hay más forma en que Jun pueda demuestre cuanto ama a su S/O por si a alguien le queda dudas, se vea como se vea.
Como si este hombre pudiera encontrar algo malo en su pareja, de verdad, es un idiota enamorado del mar y de su S/O. No hay nada más en esa cabeza aparte de su S/O. Incluso lo dejaré hasta aquí, simplemente es evidente.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Mumon puede ser curioso, pero es extremadamente relajado, no indagará demasiado si el S/O se muestra reacio a hablar sobre su aspecto.
Puede ser un poco tonto, pero no es idiota y sabe como leer a las personas, por lo que se encargara de hacer sentir a gusto a su S/O cuando estén con él.
Elogios esporádicos y sinceros, sonrisas y buenos deseos. Es dulce.
Si alguna vez buscan ser escuchados, Mumon estará ahí, escuchará sus inseguridades y los hará sentir queridos. Puede entender si se sienten demasiado excluidos en algunos lugares y los consolará por eso.
Él puede hacer feliz a su S/O, sin importar como se vean, él les ama.
Musashi Miyamoto.
Para ser honesta, creo que él vería al S/O como una especie de deidad o espíritu sobrenatural.
Su mente está sumamente influenciada por las creencias tradicionales en donde se respetaba y temía a las criaturas sobrenaturales porque daban fortuna o destrucción.
Pienso que se arrodillaría frente al S/O después de obsérvales incómodamente por un rato, pidiéndole sabiduría y fortaleza para seguir haciéndose fuerte.
Un poco reacio a dejar de creer que son deidades, aunque alguien más o el propio S/O le explique que no es el caso. Dejará de mencionarlo en voz alta, pero seguro que lo sigue creyendo.
Su relación es un poco extraña al principio por esto mismo; muchas personas piden besos/bendiciones de sus parejas para la buena suerte como motivación, mientras que Musashi creerá firmemente que su S/O sí le otorga suerte.
Es el más fiel y devoto admirador de su S/O, también es el más peligroso, no acepta insultos hacia su S/O. Advertidos están.
Retsu Kaioh.
MI hombre es realmente comprensivo, él no sería capaz de señalar a nadie por ninguna particularidad, porque eso no es honorable.
Para este hombre es dolorosamente importante la conexión sentimental y espiritual, está a un nivel muy por encima del aspecto físico. Muy por encima.
El S/O no necesitará preocuparse por preguntas incómodas al hablar con Retsu, él jamás señalaría las particularidades del S/O a menos que este mismo este dispuesto a hablar de ello. Entiende que a algunas personas no le gusta hablar de estos temas, así que, no lo tocara.
Si se animan a hablar de su aspecto, pueden confiar en que Retsu escuchara, quizá la pregunta de “¿Esto afecta a tu salud?”, salga de los labios de Retsu después de escucharlos. Es todo lo que le preocupa.
No estoy tratando de decir que es la mejor opción sí, es exactamente lo que quiero decir, solo quiero aclararlo.
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orangepawn39 · 7 days
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Day 18: human versión of the turtles
Actually i didn't draw humans i just can't do it they are turtles so i combined this day with 20 who has a little context.
@tmaynt (i dont know if i can continue @ tmaynt but i will do it)
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redtsundere-writes · 1 month
Can you write a Sukuna x Uraume fic, where they both go to Mexico since well....why not??? and Sukuna is tortured by the all of the spicy shit and all while at the same time loving pulque and other Mexican foods that are not spicy? if you can add Sukuna and Uraume going back to Japan after learning a large ammount of swearwords in Mexican like "Te voy a tumbar los ojos, pendejo" "Cagaste cabron" "the voy a chingar a tu putísima madre wey" and something along dose lines, it would be AMAZING...thank you!
Masiosare | Sukuna x Uraume (English)
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mexican!sukuna ryomen x uraume
ENGLISH VERSION! ! ! (Haz click aquí para la versión en Español!)
Sypnosis: Sukuna discovers he is Mexican and wants to visit Mexico with Uraume. Contents: A LOT OF MEXICAN REFERENCES (but I explain them in case you are not part of the club, don't worry boo.) I tried to explain them as best I could so if there's something you don't understand, just let me know! Translations. A lot of them. Fluff. Is a crack fic but not really? Uraume uses They/Them pronouns. Human Sukuna. Word Count: 1583 words. Author's Note: I laughed so hard while writing this, I can do so because I am literally Mexican (iykyk) Thanks anon for the request! I rediscovered a lot of songs I usually dance to in weddings or quinceañeras. I couldn't stop bobbing my head lol. Wait... Am I turning into a señora? Welp... * = Definition on comments
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Uraume is a faithful servant. They follow the supreme king wherever he wants to go. So when Sukuna asked her to go on a journey of self-discovery with him, they thought they would go to a sacred temple or a paradisiacal place in Japan. What he never expected was that he would want to go to Mexico. Uraume knew that he liked to explore new lands to conquer them later on, but traveling to another continent for funsies seemed excessive, but they did not question it. 
After a long journey to discover his origin, Sukuna discovered that he was born in Mexico, but did not live there for long. So as soon as he met with Uraume again, he asked them on a journey to reconnect with his roots as any whitexican* would do. That’s how the king and his faithful servant set out on their journey to new lands. 
After two days of travel, Sukuna and Uraume arrived in Cotija de la Paz, Michoacán. A lively magical town* with stone roads, leafy trees and hardworking people everywhere.  The characteristic Spanish architecture, orange walls and beautiful colorful mosaics caught the attention of the newcomers. The first thing they did when they arrived was to buy new clothes to mix themselves among the locals. Sukuna bought a white guayabera* with black shorts and sandals, while Uraume opted to wear a Mexican pink* summer dress. 
Once they settled in, our protagonists decided to wander aimlessly in search of something interesting to do while drinking aguas frescas* they bought in a Michoacana*. They wandered through the main park, watched the squirrels sprinting across the lawn and the people setting up the rides for the summer fair. They sat on a rusty bench to watch in fascination the gigantic church that could be seen from any part of town, several locals were going out to eat after the spiritual service. 
“I'm hungry,” Sukuna complained as soon as he got bored of admiring the view. 
They both wandered through the town until they came across a long line to eat at a local restaurant. That could only mean they must be serving delicious food. On the plastic sign hanging from the ceiling, a pig in a chef's hat could be seen inside a boiling pot. It was a Michoacán-style carnitas restaurant. Michoacán-style carnitas are pork fried in its own lard, but the secret is that the lard is flavored. 
“We'll eat here,” Sukuna decided for both of them before going into the place. Uraume only followed him closely. 
As expected of a king, Sukuna cut the line causing everyone waiting to start cursing him in Spanish. They screamed things like “Metete a la fila, cabron!” (“Get in line, you bastard!”) or “¡Quitate, pendejo!” (“Get out of the way, asshole!”) Paying no attention to the rabble, they sat down at a white plastic Coca-Cola table that had an assortment of condiments, like salsa, salt and limes, in the middle. Sukuna snapped his fingers a couple of times to get the waitress attention quickly.
“Disculpe, pero debe respetar la fila.” (“Excuse me, but you must respect the line.”) The waitress asked him very angrily. To which Sukuna only answered leaving a bag full of gold coins on the table, leaving the waitress completely disconcerted but happy. 
“Le traeré una orden de carnitas de inmediato.” (“I'll bring you an order of carnitas right away.) The waitress changed her attitude with a big smile as she ran to the kitchen. 
Sukuna and Uraume were impressed to see the pot full of carnitas, a tower of corn tortillas and two little jars of pulque.* Uraume could see the fat dripping from the food and their mouth watered. Sukuna didn't hesitate to make himself a taco and pour some of the reddest salsa in the assortment. Uraume warned him to try it first because they heard that Mexicans love spicy food, but the king ignored him thinking his taste buds would be fine. Big mistake. The king felt his mouth on fire at the first bite. His eyes began to water and his nose began to run, but he didn't crack. Sukuna swallowed the delicious fatty meat dipped in red sauce. He took a gulp of the pulque like a thirsty man in the middle of the desert. Uraume just ate their tacos with some green salsa with a calm mind having warned him. 
Night fell faster than they thought, but the rides in the plaza came to life. The center of town was filled with families walking among the rides, colored lights illuminated the streets, vendors shouted promotions at the top of their lungs, and the music of Los Angeles Azules blared from the speakers. Sukuna and Uraume had jumped on the mechanical game that seemed to attract the most people. The famous tagada, a spinning plate on which those entering had to hold on tightly without letting go, as the sudden movements made by the tagada caused people to jump or bounce off. The game began to spin as soon as the loudspeakers began to play Arremangala Arrempujala by Los Karkik's, a song that Sukuna completely hated within the first second. 
“Ay wey!” A man shouted next to Sukuna, who was slipping little by little due to the sudden movements. 
“I don't understand why people like this,” Sukuna commented to Uraume in boredom as they spun out of control. 
“¡Ya llegó La Monja!” (“The Nun is here!”) The boy, who was controlling the game, announced. 
To the surprise of the two foreigners, a man disguised as a possessed mummy entered the game and began to dance to the rhythm of the music, balancing perfectly, while the game continued to shake and spin vigorously. Sukuna and Uraume watched in bewilderment as the mummy did his sexiest dance moves in the middle of the tagada while the crowd clapped along to the rhythm of the song.
“I think that's why they like it,” Uraume commented without taking his eyes off her. 
“¡Es hora del amor!” (“It's time for love!”) The boy at the controls gave the excited announcement over the microphone. 
Out of nowhere, the area where Uraume was standing began to shake violently. They held on tightly to the metal bars behind them as if their life depended on it. Their body moved violently towards Sukuna because of gravity. Slowly the boy at the controls managed to get Uraume to fall sitting on Sukuna's lap. They both blushed at the situation they had gotten themselves into for wanting to get on one of the games. Even though the boy had succeeded in his task, Uraume was still bouncing up and down on his king. They tried to pull themself back to their place, but it was practically impossible. 
“I'm sorry, my king!” Uraume exclaimed between stutters with pink cheeks. 
“¡Vivan los novios!” (“Long live the bride and groom!”) The boy exclaimed over the microphone, followed by a wave of applause. 
Finally, the ride was over, but their blushes still hadn't gone down. They were embarrassed that mere locals could put them in that awkward situation. Sukuna was starting to get annoyed that he couldn't get out of his head how adorable Uraume looked sitting on his lap. “Puta madre...” (“Fucking hell…”) He thought annoyed.
“What do you want to eat?” Sukuna asked them in an attempt to overcome the awkwardness. 
“I've seen a lot of people buying from that cart, I want to know what it is,” Uraume pointed to a white cart with a hand-painted corn on the side. 
It was a cart of corn on a stick.* A lady greeted them in high spirits as they approached the giant pot of boiled corn. They both ordered a corn on a stick. They watched as the lady quickly prepared their orders. First a layer of butter, then a layer of mayonnaise, salt, and a heaping helping of grated cotija cheese. They didn't know it, but they were about to taste one of Mexico's finest culinary creations. 
“¿Con chile, chile del que no pica o sin chile, corazón?” (“Spicy, not so spicy or no spice, sweetheart?”) The lady asked with a friendly smile. 
“Del chile que no pica.” (“Not so spicy.”) Sukuna replied, flattered by the sweet nickname. 
Sukuna and Uraume continued to wander around the fair as they entertained themselves by watching people partying in their natural habitat. Although it was past midnight, the night was still young. As they walked through the games of chance and skill, a drunk ran into Uraume, causing them to drop their corn on the floor. Uraume was saddened to see the fate of their delicious snack.  
“¡Oye, cabrón!” (“Hey, you bastard!”) Sukuna yelled at the man with the curse words he had learned today, not caring that his Japanese accent stood out. He handed his corn to Uraume to grab the stranger by the shoulders roughly. “¡Mira por donde pinche caminas, pendejo de mierda!” (“Watch where you're fucking walking, asshole!”) Sukuna screamed annoyed before throwing him into a trash can. Uraume thought someone would come to the drunk man's defense, but to their surprise, no one around him batted an eye at the small fight. 
“Your corn, sir.” Uraume gave his snack back once Sukuna returned while wiping his hands.
“Keep it,” Sukuna told them. Uraume blushed for the kind action of his king. “I asked for not so spicy and my mouth is in fire,” he grudgingly complained. Uraume could not help but laugh.
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r4zzzxido · 1 month
Wait, what?
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Gwen's outfit was completly improvised, lol; maybe I'll change it later
Btw, that human Benzarro was also drawn by me
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I did it based on this fanart right here (it's posted in a lot of profiles so idk who the real author is)
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Versión en español ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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El outfit de Gwen está completamente improvisado, lol; quizá lo cambie después
Por cierto, el Benzarro humano que aparece ahí lo dibujé yo basándome en un fanart. Como ese fanart está publicado en un montón de perfiles no tengo idea de cual sea el autor original.
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sraviolet · 3 hours
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Day 18 human versión of the turtles Más adelante las voy a renderizar 💜
21 notes · View notes
arisu-artnfics · 9 months
“A trip to Paris”
Danny Phantom crossover with Miraculous Ladybug fanfic.
Notes: This was written when season 3 of Miraculous Ladybug finished but it was never complete until now. For the @invisobang event on tumblr.
Beta and summary by: @the-oaken-muse on tumblr or The_Oaken_Muse on AO3. Future art piece by: @k-beckerart on Tumblr. (Preview art).  
Chapter: 1/12 Next Versión en Español
Also on:     A03 || FF || DeviantArt || Facebook.
Summary: After saving the world and all the stress of the aftermath, the Fenton family decides to take a nice, relaxing vacation to Paris. Little do they know, it's not the peaceful retreat they were expecting.
Chapter 1: “New beginnings”  There are certain universal truths in life that everyone comes to accept. One such fact is that ghosts are real, another is that some ghosts are half human. It all started when those facts were proven on top of all. When the most important fact should have been the asteroid disaster –that most people had named the ‘Disasteroid’. When the end of the world was announced, to say everything devolved into chaos would be an understatement, the reality was much, much worse. 
Another fact was that a tiny, almost nonexistent town in the middle of nowhere appeared in the news. The town of Amity Park gained global attention when their crazy mayor proposed a ‘solution’ to the crisis. Vlad Masters aka Vlad Plasmius was the ‘halfa’ that suggested that in order to save the world after previous, seemingly useless attempts, the solution was to simply make the asteroid intangible. Of course, that didn’t work as expected, but no surprise there, he was too preoccupied with plans of world domination to fully think things through.
Now, the whole of humanity is thankful that a single ghost, or well, a single teenager, had come up with a plan that worked. Maybe the young ghost was inspired by Vlad because of the general idea but it worked and that’s the most important part, or nobody would be alive now. The world is very thankful for that, for the braveness of Danny Phantom.
As a thank you, the people of the world erected a well deserved statue of the now global hero in each major city around the world. It was all anybody was talking about, that and the sensation of intangibility. Each person had their own story of what happened that fateful day, what it felt like to be intangible. Although that's the main topic of conversation these days, heroes have existed for a long time now. In Paris for example, Ladybug and her partner Chat Noir lead the Miraculous team, although they didn’t really have a team anymore. Closer to Amity Park, New York City is full of heroes, many of them without hidden identities. There are even rumours of heroes in other parts of the world such as in China, Brazil, some parts of Africa, London, Japan and more. The main point is that heroes aren't new or something that would surprise anybody anymore.      Now the world has learned about Amity Park, its people, and its ghosts. While there are confirmed heroes and rumours of others all over the world, none of them were able to stop the asteroid hurtling towards the Earth. The world’s largest military powers had combined their resources trying to destroy the source of the end. It was later revealed that they were sabotaged thanks to the not-that-helpful help of Vlad Masters (who intervened without asking). While the whole world finally noticed the small town of Amity Park and learned all about them, and of course their crazy halfa mayor.  All of the heroes who wanted to do something to help were too busy fighting the villains who decided to try something in the chaos. The world needed a new hero to step up, instead they got a villain masquerading as a saviour. Nobody could have predicted that he would fail so drastically. In the end, the Earth was saved by a new hero, another halfa, although not many people knew he was one. 
In Amity Park, the GIW, known by most people as the ‘Guys In White’, were stopped by real government agents. It came out that they were actually a fake agency bankrolled by Vlad and his shady business dealings to protect citizens of Amity Park and Vlad when he was there. Vlad has them as one of his ‘real’ businesses. 
The FBI had taken over the situation in Amity Park, mostly because the villain of the story was an American who lived in Amity and therefore this case fell under their jurisdiction. The other countries had allowed them to handle the whole affair, to keep the process of condemning Vlad contained in one country. The rest of the world washed their hands of it all, the only thing that they seemed to agree on was to make him pay. 
After interrogating everyone involved with Vlad’s failed mission and questioning the team that worked with Danny to build the intangibility transfer device, the FBI learned the true identity of a certain ghostly hero. After which, they began working closely with a particular family: The Fenton family. 
The Fentons were a family of four, Jack Fenton, Madeline “Maddie” Fenton, Daniel “Danny” Fenton and Jasmine "Jazz" Fenton. As specialists in ecto-science Jack and Maddie were the only ones allowed to work in what was left of Vlad Masters’ lab, since they knew how most of his technology worked. Their children, Jazz and Danny, worked with them, helping them to dismantle it to be carted away by the FBI in the name of public safety. 
The FBI also enlisted the help of the Fentons, and possibly NASA, but that was classified, to repair the very same rocket that Vlad had paid for, the one he had sabotaged with the wrong coordinates, so they could use it to fetch him back from space. The people of the world wanted justice, and they wouldn’t be able to get it if he died out there. Now, not even the Fentons knew if he would become a full ghost or just die, leaving nothing but a body behind, and they didn’t want to take any chances. 
In the end, he was tried and found guilty of multiple counts of public corruption, including election fraud; terrorism; corporate fraud and theft of intellectual property; as well as blackmailing the entire world. He was sentenced to live out the rest of his natural, or rather unnatural, life in a special FBI facility, complete with a phase proof cell and ghost restraint handcuffs. As for the rocket, the official reports list it as ‘destroyed in a crash landing’. 
At the Fenton’s residence, Jack and Maddie had worked hard to reconstruct their previously destroyed lab (most specifically their ghost portal) with the pieces that they got from Vlad’s. After confirming with the FBI their intentions to use the technology and making their case for why they need a functional ghost portal, the Fentons were allowed to make their repairs. They also reverse engineered several of his inventions to better understand how they worked and, in doing so, they discovered even more of Vlad’s evil plans. It was hard to reconcile everything that they had learned with what they thought they knew of their old college friend. 
After that, everything in the lab went fairly smoothly, considering the circumstances, but all that changed when they discovered an even more immoral half-finished experiment. While the main information seemed to be destroyed and/or missing they managed to get the gist of it. A clone, and a clone of none other than Danny Phantom. That was the second most shocking news for the Fentons, right behind the revelation that Vlad Masters was a half ghost. It hit Jack especially hard, as he was the closest to Vlad back then, they were best friends, roommates… A good friend? More like an enemy. 
Jack and Maddie knew that their son disliked Vlad, hated him even, and the more they learned of the truth, the more they understood why. Maddie specifically knew that Vlad and Danny had a rivalry of sorts. She’d thought it was because Danny didn’t like or even appreciate the fact that he was trying to hit on her. Vlad’s advances had always made her uncomfortable, even more disgusted than what Danny felt. It was personal for her. But that hadn’t been it, or at least not all of it, and wasn’t that an understatement? A clone? What hadn’t that man done? What crimes against nature hadn’t he committed?  
They had just finished going over the papers, what little research remained, and determined that those analyses, even unconcluded, were 100% of a clone. A clone of their own son, a halfa himself. They didn’t know how that would even work, how it would be possible to replicate such a unique state of being, and couldn't comprehend what or who they would be if that was complete. The two shared a grim look, they needed to talk to their children about this, there was so much that they still didn’t know. 
Danny and Jazz were on the main level helping catalogue some equipment from Vlad’s lab, sorting out even more ghost weapons from the rest of his inventions. That man had so many weapons, of all shapes and sizes, weapons they now knew had been used against their son. They were grateful that they would never be used like that again, neither Vlad’s nor their own. They regretted their actions every day, every shot, every hurtful word they had used against Danny Phantom.   
They decided to have their much-needed family discussion over dinner that evening. Maddie left Jack putting together a list of the most important questions from the information they did have and headed upstairs to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and stared at its contents for a moment or two before deciding that it would be better to order pizza instead.
Maddie finished ordering the pizza and after a while, Jack joined her in the kitchen. 
Meanwhile, Danny was done with the group that he was cataloguing with Jazz’s help. Jazz was the one that was guiding Danny with the correct order, she is the most organised one between those two after all. 
Jazz hovered around Danny as he finished going through a box of weapons, once again repeating the instructions when he cut her off. 
“All right, Jazz! I know! We’ve been doing this long enough,” he gestured at all the boxes in frustration. “I know you just want to know how many times he used these on me or if he gave them to Skulker, or another ghost, or whatever. You can stop now.”
“That’s not true, Danny!” Jazz defended, even though she had been wondering about that. Danny just glared at her and rolled his eyes. “Whatever you say, sis.” He picked up the empty box that had previously been full of weapons, “Look I’m done with this one. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving and I think I heard mom and dad talking in the kitchen.” He jerked his thumb toward the door.  “Yeah, me too and I get it, all right… but I'll be here when you’re ready to talk,” she said earnestly. She was a bit disappointed with herself for upsetting him, she had been hoping he would be more open about everything now that their parents knew his secret. Unfortunately, everyone was still a bit tense about the whole situation.  “Whatever.” Danny rolled his eyes again and headed to the kitchen with Jazz following close behind. “Danno! Jazzy-Pants!” Jack greeted them when he saw them. “How goes the sorting?”
Jazz elbowed her brother. “He means we’re almost finished.”
“That’s great, kids!”
“We ordered pizza.” Maddie interjected. “It should be here soo–” The ringing of the doorbell cut her off.
“I got it!” Jack shouted, already halfway to the door.
“Now I wonder who that could be,” she murmured.
“I hope it’s the pizza, all that sorting really worked up an appetite!” Danny’s stomach growled as if to accent his point.
“Yeah, Mom,” Jazz added, "it's probably just the pizza.”
“That was fast…” Maddie commented distractedly.
“Ah? Why do you say that, Mom?” asked Jazz, a bit worried. “It hasn't been that long…” Maddie considered the time she thought had passed.
“Pizza’s here!” Jack announced as he brought the boxes into the kitchen. “Actually, Honey, it has been a while since I heard you make the order.”  “Oh? I didn’t realise…” Maddie glanced at the clock on the wall again and shook her head to clear it. “I guess I’ve just got a lot on my mind right now, that’s all.” She tried to give her family a reassuring smile, but it came across a bit forced. 
“All right...” Danny exchanged a worried glance with Jazz.There were only a few things that could distract his mother like that and none of them were good. He knew his mom came up to the kitchen a while ago and heard her talking on the phone or something but didn't pay that much attention as he was still following Jazz's ideas of cataloguing the last ghost weapons from the box. “Okay… Danny and I will set the table then.” offered Jazz. She understood Danny's worry, anything that knocked their normally highly perceptive mother off kilter couldn't be good. She hadn’t noticed when her mom came upstairs, just when her dad did, as he was the most noisy, so she couldn’t say for sure how long it had been since she placed the order.
“Yes, thank you darling,” said Maddie and she took a seat while the kids started putting dishes on the table.
“You know Mads, we could just ask him...” Jack suggested in a low voice, almost whispering.
Maddie shook her head. “No, Jack, I don’t think that simply asking him would work, it has to come up in the conversation naturally.” She took a fortifying breath and then blew it out slowly. “Alright, I think I'm ready now.” 
“Alright.”Jack repeated, nodding solemnly, before finally sitting down himself. Once the whole family was gathered around the table and had pizza on their plates, it was actually Danny who broke the silence.
“Mom, Dad…” Danny began, “I know this hasn’t been easy for you guys, there’s been a lot to unpack, uh, literally and figuratively… But you know I’m okay with it, right? Like, you guys can talk to me about stuff, ask me questions, whatever…” 
He knew very well that they had questions for him, he suspected they were about Vlad and his weapons or something similar. He didn’t need to hear it to know. Although, he did hear them. After all, that was an almost-whisper. 
“Danny...” Jazz said, concern evident in her voice. She understood that he probably knew the situation better than she did, as she had ignored their parents' quiet conversation, but that didn’t stop her from worrying about her little brother.
“It’s alright Jazz,” he reassured her. “Ever since they found out, it’s been a big help, but…” Danny sighed. There was still a lot they didn’t know, and he was getting tired of walking on eggshells around them.
“I know.” Jazz gave him a small, encouraging smile. She had a better idea of what Danny had been through than their parents, and she still had questions. They had been doing their best to let Danny come to them on his own time, but subtlety had never been their strong suit. The curiosity and the guilt both were eating them alive. 
“What is it, son?” asked Jack, wondering if they had been too obvious, hoping they hadn’t done anything to make him uncomfortable.
“I don’t know...” Danny rubbed the back of his neck, glancing nervously at his sister. She nodded as if to give him courage. “It’s just… you looked like something was bothering you, like you had a question, or something…” 
Jack took a quick look at his wife and squared his shoulders before turning back to the kids. Sometimes just asking was the best policy. “We may want to know something… ”
“Jack!” Maddie admonished. She looked at her husband in shock, that was not what they had discussed. Then she looked back over at her kids, especially at Danny. He looked nervous, but hopeful, like he was really ready to talk to them. Jack had noticed it already and taken the appropriate action, it was time for her to get on the same page. She took a deep breath, “I’m sorry. You’re right, Dear, we should just ask him.” 
“What is it, mom?” Danny’s gaze flickered anxiously back and forth between his parents, “Dad?” 
Jazz reached for Danny's hand, squeezing gently, letting him know he wasn’t alone. It was something she had always done to calm him down, she was glad it still worked.
“Look son, I know you say that you’re ready to talk about all this, ready for us to know… and we want to! But for your mom and I… well… it’s hard to imagine how all this was for you, especially because… we... we…” Jack sighed. This was harder to talk about than he thought it would be. After a brief pause, he tried again, “Your mother and I found out about the cloning experiment. There was inconclusive but valid information on Vlad’s lab computer files. We have the backup copies saved on our lab’s computers now.” 
“Oh!” Danny’s eyes lit up with understanding. “I almost forgot about that.”
“Danny, dear… you knew?” asked Maddie, concerned. 
Danny nodded sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck once again. He wasn’t sure where to start explaining, filling in the missing data… some of it wasn’t pretty, there was a reason that information was destroyed. 
“Oh, God,” Maddie swore. “He actually did it, didn’t he?”
“Heh, yeah...” Danny grimaced, dropping his hand with a sigh.
Jazz took hold of his hand again, silently supporting her brother. She didn’t know the full story, but she gathered that it was something very difficult for him to talk about. 
Danny gently pulled his hand out of his sister’s, nodding a silent thanks to her before turning back to his parents and beginning his explanation. “He was trying to clone me to create the perfect son, or something… You know, I never actually let him explain it.” He scoffed, “That’s one of the many reasons why I called him a complete crazy fruitloop, because obviously he is. He had this huge container with the ‘perfect specimen’ or whatever he called it and all these clones–”
“Clones?” Maddie interrupted his rambling, “As in, more than one?” 
“Yeah, there were… a few.” Danny bowed his head, voice tinged with regret. “I didn’t realise at first… they didn’t look much like me. Vlad called them failures…”.
“‘Were?’” Jazz asked, picking up on his use of the past tense. “What happened?”
“They… they were killed...” Danny practically whispered, keeping his head down.
“What?” Jack cried out, voice filled with pain, already mourning the children he’d never met. He hadn’t even known about them a few hours ago and already he would give his life to protect them. How could Vlad have done such a thing? Surely he would have considered them to be his own children, in a way. “Vlad… he didn’t... he wouldn’t… would he?”
“Yeah… in a way, he did...” Danny replied. He lifted his head a bit, but instead of looking at his family, he only gazed sadly at his own hands. “But only because he ordered them to attack me... and I didn’t know… we were fighting and they just... they turned to goo.”  “Goo?” asked Jazz, a bit confused, it seemed her brother had left out a lot of details when he’d told her this story before.
“Yeah, remember the container I told you about? It was like a long, uh, tube thing, like out of a movie...” Danny began gesturing with his hands, attempting to describe the shape of the strange device.
“All right...?” said Jack, failing to follow along with the explanation.
“But then, if they turned to, um, goo… then there aren’t any...” Maddie was unsure of how to phrase the question, the situation being more complicated than it seemed.
“Clones?” Danny supplied, to which Maddie nodded. “Only one: Dani. That’s with an ‘i,’ short for Danielle.”
“Danielle?” asked Jack, “Isn’t that a girl’s name?” 
“A female clone?” asked Maddie, blinking in surprise. 
“Yes…?” Danny replied hesitantly. Is that not common for clones?
“Danny, you said that he cloned you, I’m not an expert or anything, but I’m pretty sure a clone of you should be a boy. And probably a baby… just a few months old at most. Clones do start as babies, right?” Even with Danny using his hands to show how big the container had been, Jazz was having trouble imagining anything bigger than tiny test tubes with little babies floating in them. They didn’t seem nearly big enough to hold a teenager like Danny. “Normally, you would be right, Jazz.” Maddie raised her hand to stop Danny from interrupting. “But the information we found in his lab included a way to alter and accelerate the cloning process. He managed to clone Danny, but in a very different way than traditional science has done in the past with dogs or sheep… or any animal for that matter. I hate to give that man any sort of credit, but frankly, it’s impressive.”  “How is that possible?” asked Jazz, feeling lost. Her specialty was psychology, not genetics.
“Well, what your mother and I found was very interesting...” Jack began while nodding along to it.
“It was incomplete,” Maddie continued where he left off, “It was almost as if it had been destroyed or perhaps sabotaged.”
Danny grinned at his mother’s knowing look, “For legal reasons, I know nothing.” 
Maddie just shook her head, “As I was saying, the information we did manage to recover seems to indicate that he was able to create a genetic accelerator that would allow the clone to be aged up very close to Danny’s age, if not the exact same. Danny, how old would you say this… ‘Dani’ is? And do you have any idea where she might be?”.
“Ohhh… Oh!” Danny gasped as if something had just clicked in his mind, as if that was something that he had never considered.
“You haven’t thought about it, have you, little bro?” asked Jazz, easily understanding her brother's reaction.
“What? Pshh! No… I totally, definitely… possibly, maybe… thought… Actually, how do you know about clones, Jazz?” Danny asked, quickly trying to change the topic as he didn’t know where Dani was.
“Hey, that’s just common knowledge, we learned about it in biology class!” Jazz defended herself.
“Danny,” Maddie’s voice held a warning, “You did learn about that, didn’t you? I believe Mr. Lancer explained it to us, and all the parents, in a parent–teacher meeting about grades and school activities a couple of months ago… It was the same with Jazz when she was your age. Like your sister said, it was part of the curriculum. Superhero or not, we expect you to keep up with your lessons, young man.” 
Jack nodded along looking very serious.
“Oops...” Danny muttered, realising his distraction plan had backfired. 
“We should probably go over your textbooks, or review some of your old lessons if you don’t remember that...” Maddie said thoughtfully, they still had so much catching up to do to get Danny back on track with his schoolwork.
“I should ask Sam or Tucker about it, compare notes… I may have slept through it… sorry.” Danny brought a hand up to his neck sheepishly.
“It’s all right son,” Jack placed a large, comforting hand on Danny’s shoulder, “We know you had a lot going on, but now you have help.” He knew now that Danny was probably staying up late fighting ghosts and not getting enough sleep at the time.
“We’re sorry, sweetie, if we had paid better attention, we could have helped you sooner. We promise to do a better job of helping you with your time management and catching up with your studies.” Maddie wondered if she and Jack would ever truly understand what being a halfa had meant for their son, how it had impacted his whole life.
“I know, I know… and I do appreciate it, I do…” Danny looked around for a way out of talking about his poor grades, “Um, hey… shouldn’t we really be focusing on Dani right now? You know the uh, missing, like, 12 or 13 year old girl? She could really be anywhere you know, probably just wandering around...” 
“I see what you’re doing and this conversation isn’t over young man, but yes, finding Dani is more important right now… So, 12 or 13 years old?” said Maddie, getting back on track.
“Well… she was, like, two years younger than me… or at least that’s how old she looked...” Danny thought back to the last time he saw her.
“But you don’t know for sure.” concluded Maddie, it was easy to get confused about someone else's age without asking, after all. 
“No, sorry. When I met her… well she almost ended up like the others… But hey! Dad helped her!” Danny snapped his fingers, remembering the occasion.
“I did! Wait, I did?” asked a confused Jack.
“Well… your invention did. But that counts, so yeah, you did!” said Danny with a smile, especially knowing what a close call it had been.
“Well, son, I’m glad to hear it!” Jack boomed. “But, uh, how exactly did that happen? Why didn’t she turn into ‘goo’ like the others, and, uh, what invention did it? Because well…” His inventions weren’t really designed to help ghosts. Now it was his turn to look sheepish.
“Oh, well… ” Danny looked up at the ceiling in thought, “It happened a couple of months ago, when I first met her…”
“She tried to attack you, right?” guessed Jazz, “You said the others did that, so...”
“Yeah, she was the most stable one, so her ‘father’ sent her to gain my trust, or whatever,” Danny put as much venom into the word as he could muster. “He called her his daughter and still considered her disposable. Unfortunately, she had to learn that the hard way, and now she doesn’t even care what happens to him… ”
“Oh, Danny...” Jazz murmured, she could imagine the frustration that he was feeling.
“It’s alright Jazz. Please go on, Danny-boy.” Jack needed to know more about which of his inventions was used to save Dani, he needed to know more about the daughter he’d never met.
Danny sighed, “No, it’s not alright… She’s her own person, but she still deserves someone who cares about her… and well, he did create her...”
“I know what you mean, Danny, but it is okay,” Jazz spoke with a calming voice. “Yes, he may have created her in his lab, but that doesn’t automatically make him her father. You said it yourself, he doesn’t really care about her, so it’s completely understandable for her to reject him like that...”  
“Thanks Jazz,” Danny said softly, understanding what his sister meant by that.
“You know, your sister is right,” Maddie added proudly. “Vlad created a clone of you, Danny, but that’s it. He hasn’t put in any of the emotional labour, he hasn’t earned the right to be her father. There are a lot of families that aren't related by blood, but those relationships take work just the same.”
“He hasn’t earned it, has he?” said Danny, the implication that Dani basically didn’t have parents setting in. She was rejecting Vlad after all, her creator.
“Of course not, son! Vladdy may have been the person responsible for her existence, and even though he did an amazing job with the genetic acceleration and all that…” said Jack, very impressed with that part of the information.
“Jack! Focus.” Maddie scolded, even though she also was impressed by the work, it wasn’t the time to say so. 
“Right! Sorry! He may be a genius, but he’s still evil! An evil, evil genius…” Jack stopped himself from saying more, even though he was still very impressed by how smart his ex-friend was.
“I admire his work too, Jack. But I’d admire it even more if he didn’t throw ethics out the window.” said Maddie. “But that’s a discussion for another time.”.
“I know, I know…” Jack muttered. “Our priority right now is finding Danielle–”
“Dani,” said Danny, correcting his dad, as none of them like to be called by their full name.
“Right… And to think that before I thought that a ghost and my son having the same first name was confusing...” Jack laughed.
“It’s ‘Dani’ dad, not ‘Danny’ there’s a difference,” said Jazz, exaggerating the pronunciation even though there wasn’t any difference in reality, it was more for them.  
Jack was astonished and blinked at the confusing pronunciation a few times, whispering both names under his breath as he tried to hear the difference. 
“Jack?” said Maddie, raising an eyebrow, she knew that there’s nothing going on with the pronunciation but she wasn’t going to spoil the kids’ fun.
“Right… the point is that Dani exists and, well… we have to find her!” Jack smacked his fist into his palm for emphasis, “She’s technically a Fenton, and Fentons stick together.”
“What?” asked a confused Danny, he hadn’t expected that much support from any of them.
“That’s true little bro, think about it… she’s basically you, right?” said Jazz, liking where this was going, she would love another little sibling, especially a sister. 
Maddie hummed. “Well, theoretically Jazz is right. She is a female clone of you, and before anyone asks; yes, it is possible for her to be you even as a girl. That could be an anomaly caused by the acceleration process that Vlad used to create her.” she explained, preemptively answering any questions that might come up.
“That actually makes sense… I think...” said Jazz, even though that wasn’t in her questions at all. “I haven’t thought about it. Last time I saw her, like I said, your experiment helped me stabilise her, even though the fruitloop kept saying he needed a ‘mid–form sample’ or something like that. He was planning on using that to fix his main clone, a male one.” Danny added as an extra explanation. 
“Of course! It all makes perfect sense now!” Maddie’s fist struck her palm as she made that claim. “What does, mom?” asked Jazz, not understanding what their mother was getting at. “Well, Danny said that the other clones turned into goo, right?” 
Danny nodded in confirmation. 
“And that Vlad had a special container for a male clone...” 
Danny nodded again. 
“And Dani was the only clone that survived long enough for Danny to stabilise because she is a female one.” Maddie explained matter-of-factly. “Okay, you lost me.” Danny was… not expecting that at all. “Think about it, sweety. Vlad, as you know, had a thing for me and an obsession with you. He wanted the perfect little family. From what you told us and what we obtained from his lab, as well as the disturbing AI hologram of… myself,” Maddie made a disgusted face at that. “I still can’t believe he– well actually I can. Anyway, he wanted you to be his perfect son, but you told him no. So just like he made a hologram copy of me, he wanted a perfect clone of you, and that meant it had to be male. Why couldn’t he just take ‘no’ for an answer?” she sighed.
“It’s alright now Maddie, he’s long gone.” Jack said sadly. It had been hard for him to accept everything that his ex-friend had done. If they had known before, if he had talked to them about what had happened, maybe they could have worked things out and they could even… who knows, hunt ghosts with him or something along those lines, the way they did with Danny now. But he wasn’t about to forgive him that easily, not after what he’d done.    “I know, I know…” Maddie said more calmly. “And now, to think that there is a little girl just wandering around all alone… Wait! Danny, where did you say she was again?”
“I… I don’t know… I’m sorry” Danny hung his head in shame. “I only know that Vlad… well, he tricked the Huntress–”
“Who?” asked Maddie.
“Uhhh… it’s complicated?” Danny said with a sheepish grin.  
“Danny...” warned Maddie, they had agreed on no more secrets. He sighed, “It’s not my secret to tell. Although I know she’s probably looking for an opportunity to speak with me since, well… she was there when it happened.” He really wasn’t going to tell them about Valerie, not without talking to her first. He knew well enough that she only accepted his apology for revealing her identity to her dad because what she had planned was a suicide mission.  “So she knows.” Maddie stated.
“Yeah, she does now, but up until that point she didn’t… and Vlad convinced her, I don’t know how, probably with money –she only knew him as Masters, not Plasmius– and he sent her to find Dani to… well, to destroy her. But didn’t tell her that! The lie was that Dani wanted to kill Masters… and, well, she– the Huntress wasn’t just going to let that happen. So she managed to get Dani, but it wasn’t a fair fight ‘cause Dani was in pretty bad shape, that made the Huntress stop and plan ahead, creating a trap for me, but I knew the truth, and well, I told her ‘C’mon, does she look like she’s gonna do anything?’ Then the Huntress realised that Dani and I couldn’t be lying… But at the same time she was a ghost hunter first… so...” Danny explained in a rush, barely pausing for breath. “She didn’t try to, um, destroy... you?” asked Maddie, she knew that a lot of people had tried that, including them. “Well… maybe. But just like you guys, she didn’t know!” Danny hurried to stop his parents from feeling guilty about hunting him again. “Oh, honey…” Maddie started, Jack nodding along apologetically, ”We’re so sorry for all–” 
“I know, I know… You’re sorry for everything, the shooting, the hunting, the hurtful words, blah, blah, blah. Can we please move on?” said Danny testily. The long apologies were really getting old.
“They’re not going to stop any time soon and you know it, Danny.” Jazz teased. She knew her little brother was getting tired of the long speeches asking for forgiveness, but they had a long way to go before their parents’ guilt waned. “I know.” Danny sighed. 
“Right, right. Sorry sweety. Anyway, I suppose you managed to convince the Huntress to help you, then?” said Maddie, getting back on track. “Yeah, that’s right,” Danny picked up the story where he left off, “and I figured that you guys probably had something in the lab that could help Dani and I… I brought the Huntress here–” 
“Wait, you came here and we didn’t notice?” Maddie cut in. “I mean, I get it, your father and I get distracted sometimes… but you came here with another hunter to look for something that could help ghosts….” She was beginning to see a theme in their house, and she didn’t particularly like it. “Uh, sorry?” said Danny. He wasn’t really sorry, but still felt the need to apologise. 
“No, no… it’s all right son, you did what you had to do.” Jack chimed in. He was mostly letting Maddie do her thing, ask the right questions, and get the information they needed. 
“It’s all right, Danny. You have always done the right thing, and we trust you. So what did you use to help her?” asked Maddie, she was very curious as most of their inventions back then didn’t work in favour of ghosts. “It was, uh, that serum that dad was working on, the ‘Ecto–Dejecto,’” Danny said, remembering that day. “It wasn’t working right, it was making ghosts stronger instead of weaker.” “Oh, that one!” Jack brightened in recognition, then sobered, “But it does work, it just took time.” “What? But all the samples were… bigger.” said Danny, getting worried.
“That may have been true at the beginning, but as the Ecto-Dejecto ran its course, those specimens, well, they just… gooed?” said Maddie, unsure if saying ‘goo’ would help in this case. 
“WHAT???!!!” Danny exclaimed, imagining the worst case scenario and for a brief moment his eyes flashed a toxic green before returning to their normal blue. 
“Calm down, Danny, it wasn’t your fault, you didn’t know. You did your best and believed that it would be enough. I’m sure we can come up with something to help Dani. We just need to know where she is...” said Jazz.
“I… I don’t know where she is… I think I saw her helping during the Disasteroid, with the other ghosts. She must have travelled there, when she heard what he did.” Danny said, unsure of himself. It had all happened so fast, he hadn’t paid attention to every single detail. “But… I don’t think she stayed, she just… kept travelling.”  
Maddie hummed, “In that case, we– Wait…! She came here to Amity when she needed help, right? That’s the last time you know for sure that you saw her, and the first time she was in Wisconsin with Vlad, right?” she asked, trying to understand the whole picture better.
“Well, actually– Wait, Mom, do you think she would come back here when she feels weak again?” Danny asked hopefully. 
“Considering she’s done it before, it seems likely. And maybe, if she was indeed there in Antarctica, and she knows that we know who you are now, she’ll feel more comfortable coming to us for help. She may also have heard that Vlad revealed his secret to the world and well...” Maddie was hoping that Dani only hid because of the whole ghost secret identity thing. “Yeah, she came to Amity looking for me, she really believed I could help her… but if the Ecto-Dejecto won’t help permanently, then what? You aren’t gonna let her just turn into goo, right?” asked Danny, wringing his hands subconsciously. “Of course not, Dann-o! She’s a Fenton after all! Even if she wasn’t, she’s still a kid, a halfa, but a kid first,” said Jack, nodding.
“That’s true,” said Maddie. Suddenly she snapped her fingers, “I know what to do! You said that Vlad was trying to force you to give him a “mid–form” sample, right?” “That wouldn’t be dangerous for Danny, right mom?” Jazz glared pointedly at her mother, worried about what she was getting at. “Of course not, darling, and we would get Danny’s permission before we extract the sample. But if we can correctly use the scans and diagrams Vlad created, we can use your DNA to help stabilise little Dani permanently!” said Maddie with confidence, after all, there had to be a reason he needed the mid-morph sample.
“Really?” Danny asked hopefully.
“Of course, son!” Jack’s voice boomed with the same confidence as Maddie’s, then he also snapped his fingers, “She is a clone of you, that may mean she also shares the same ghostly signature as you!" “Oh, I see where you’re going with that, honey! That could work!” said Maddie, looking at her husband excitedly. “What would work?” asked Danny, glancing back and forth between his parents. “A way to find her,” said Maddie, smiling. “How?” asked Jazz, a bit lost, it’s like their parents had started communicating telepathically, or something.
“Simple, we use the Booo–merang!” Maddie said proudly, her smile growing wider.
“But mom, that always just hits me...” said Danny, unsure of this plan. 
“Normally, yes, but we’ve been working on ways to avoid that, now that we know why it was happening. We’ve actually been modifying all of our weapons to ignore you, to ignore your ghostly signature,” Maddie explained. “We have that information, we could use it to track down Dani! But first, son, we will need to scan you down in the lab to get the mid-form sample as well as both... um, sides…” She was unsure how to describe the change.
“Both sides?” Danny asked for clarification.
“From human to ghost and vice versa.” said Maddie, feeling a bit more secure with the term.
“Ah! Okay,” Danny grinned, glad they were on the same page. “And that would help her, right?”
“That’s right. With your help, we can permanently stabilise her and she’ll never have to worry about turning into goo again,” Maddie said with a small, but sincere, smile.
“What are we just sitting around for? We have a new family member to help!” Jack smiled wide and finished his piece of pizza, gone cold at this point.
The Fenton family had a lot of work ahead of them. They continued their conversation over the rest of the cold pizza, planning and deciding and hammering out the details. All they needed was to put everything in motion, it was only a matter of time until they could find Danielle and bring her home.       To be continued… :D :D
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