#I was the fucking shadow I was there
philsmeatylegss · 9 months
Glass child on the internet: “I have experienced profound emotional neglect throughout my childhood due to the pressure and unmet emotional and sometimes physical needs forced upon me since my parents were very busy taking care of my disabled sibling. Thus leaving me with severe emotional scars that I deal with to this day and it’s very invalidating and triggering when people don’t listen to my perspective or understand the gravity of my situation.”
People who put “neurodivergent” in their bio and self diagnosed with seven different disorders: “IT’S NOT THE SIBLINGS FAULT!!!!!!”
Glass child: “I never said it was—”
People who think they have autism because they are very interested in something and sometimes get overwhelmed: “Oh, so you’re ableist? You should probably just kill yourself. No, you definitely should kill yourself. Like, actually do that. Stop crying because mommy and daddy didn’t pay attention to you. Yeah, you’re a lost cause. Kill yourself pls”
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memesandmylife · 7 months
it really is insane to me how in the mid 2010s netflix had a reputation of making cool, inclusive series as well as saving tv shows after their networks cancelled them, and now here we are today with every halfway decent netflix original show getting cancelled after 1-2 seasons and a bajillion episodes of bigmouth
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peachybunana · 2 months
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guy from cyberpunk or something...
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ducktalk · 9 months
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celestialcass · 7 months
cancelling Shadow and Bone right before they were going to do the Ice Court Heist and with a WHOLE SEASON of Six of Crows fucking WRITTEN AND READY TO GO and scrapping that too is evil incarnate netflix you deserve to go out of business forever
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nogodsnomorales · 11 months
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This took me 2 hours to make i almost passed outn2 tikmes I’m so tirfed
edit: do not repost my art to a different site/platform/app. if sharing on discord/etc, just directly linkback to the post. thank u! oc redraws are fine, just credit me!! and tag me in those id like to see lol
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
I actually like it when ships hurt each other in long lasting and unforgiveable ways. I like it when they leave vicious, glaring scars. I like when they leave traumas. I like when they stab each other and torture each other and ruin each other’s lives and violate every inch of each other’s values. and I like it when they fucking kill each other permanently dead. 
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caguaydreams · 2 months
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boops might be gone but the experience will stay with me forever
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fernsnailz · 1 year
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for some reason i spent my weekend drawing the sonic cast playing basketball
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charlie-artlie · 2 months
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I think the death weirdos should hang out
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gunstellations · 17 days
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cute little requests!!
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rapidhighway · 7 months
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extremely happy to have enough blender skill now to make this shit
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the-gnomish-bastard · 11 months
Some of you didn’t seem to understand how magic works in the sense of how you can access it. I’ll explain again.
If you gain magical power from making a deal with a more powerful being, you are a warlock. Sneaky lawyer.
If you gain magical power through teachings and studies, you are a wizard/artificer. (Artificers usually gain power through experimentation.)
If you gain magical power by pledging yourself to a cause, being, or idea, you are a paladin. Pretentious bitch.
If you gain magical power by praising a higher deity (and not making a deal), you are a cleric. Heal someone.
If you have magical power and you didn’t do anything to gain it, you are a sorcerer. Fuck you. Seriously, fuck you. The rest of us had to work for our shit.
If you gain magical power by protecting nature and caring for plants and animals, you are a Druid. Fucking hippie.
If you gain magical power from your desire to entertain and also fuck, you are a bard. Stop trying to seduce my dad.
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maeo-png · 11 months
i get that it’s fucking hilarious that he’s horrifically sunburned after 300-400 years of vampirism. but do you understand that he’s so utterly connected to and defined by science and humanity and now he’s managed to put both vampirism and science together in a way that allows him to experience humanity again. even just for a bit. do you understand how not normal i am over this. he’s the most human of the vampires and it’s finally paying off for him.
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beybladegf · 7 months
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zeezu-ix · 3 months
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More Triple S stuff yippee!!!!!!!
It's not uncommon for one of them to not be at the condo for the night, sometimes they'll go to their own respective homes to see family (though they usually need permission from Eggman first BOOO)!!
Shadow lived with Gerald and Maria prior to joining the band!! Gerald has VERY high expectations for him, hoping that he could carry on his legacy and research after he retires (SHADOW DOES NOT WANT THAT!!! ) and as a result is fairly strict with him over a lot of shit and one of the main things is how Shadow chooses to present himself!!
Shadow loves alt fashion however Gerald DOES NOT, he'd made the mistake of dressing how he'd like once at home and never again!!! Now he makes an effort to dress rather formally around Gerald to make sure he doesn't piss him off.
So yeah the first time Sonic and Silver saw him in his more formal getup they're SHOCKED. They're so used to seeing him decked out in piercings and cool outfits that it's slightly jarring.
ALSO MARIA IS VERY MUCH ALIVE IN THIS AU - still ill but definitely not dead!!! If it weren't for her Shadow would not be visiting home regularly.
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