#Name meanings
mysticdevils · 3 months
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avengers + name meanings
“‘cause if we can’t protect the earth, you can be damn sure we’ll avenge it.”
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The Spider Band - Name Meanings
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rozzie-the-ninth · 7 months
Why am I only now finding out that a TRIDENTARIUS is a sea snail and THIS is what it looks like???
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Etymologically, Tridentarius dentatus means "toothy trident" but trident on itself means three teeth so the snail is named basically "toothy three-tooth"
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"It’s not unusual to find them as pairs"
Oh really. I never would have guessed.
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Feeling really stupid rn, all this time I thought Ianthe and Corona were named for a trident 🔱 , not a conch.
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silvermoon424 · 8 months
what do each of the main PMMM girls names mean?
Here's that info in one handy-dandy post:
Madoka Kaname:
Madoka: Written in hiragana, so there's no way to know for sure. But a popular interpretation for her name is that it should contain the kanji for "round" or "circle," referencing her role as the Law of Cycles. It could also be written with the character for "wish" or "ambition," the connotations of which should be obvious.
Kaname: The characters mean "deer" (鹿) and "eye"(目), respectively.
Homura Akemi:
Homura: Like Madoka, it's written in hiragana which has no special meaning. However, in the show itself Madoka takes it to mean "flame" so that's what the fandom has gone with.
Akemi: The first character (暁) means "daybreak," while the second one (美) means beauty.
Mami Tomoe:
Mami: It's written in katakana and has hundreds of potential meanings when we take all the potential kanji into account. I'm really not aware of the fandom's popular take on the meaning of her name. However, she may be named after another magical girl, Creamy Mami.
Tomoe: The character for her last name (巴) literally means "comma design," a Japanese swirl pattern. She may be named after Sailor Saturn (Hotaru Tomoe), a fellow magical girl.
Sayaka Miki:
Sayaka: Her name is written in hiragana- noticing a trend? Some of the potential meanings of "Sayaka" are "clear," "fresh," and "bright."
Miki: The first character (美) means "beauty." The last character (樹) means "tree."
Kyoko Sakura:
Kyoko: Finally we have an exact meaning! Kyoko's given name is in kanji and means "apricot."
Sakura: Even casual anime fans should know this one: it means "cherry blossom."
Bonus round: Nagisa Momoe
Nagisa: Aaaaaand we're back to hiragana. Some potential meanings of Nagisa are "beach, shore."
Momoe: The first character for Momoe (百) means "hundred", but also carries the connotation of "a lot of things". The second character (江) means "inlet" or "bay." "Momoe" could be translated as "a hundred rivers."
Thanks a bunch to the PMMM Wiki for providing etymology for every single PMMM character, including all spinoffs! Or at least for every magical girl character, which to be real are the only characters who matter.
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i have this thing about accurate name meanings...
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lookismstuff · 1 month
Behind the Names: The Kings of the First Generation
A previous version of these edits appeared on Reddit.
Please read my replies under this post to read my disclaimer, sources, and side commentary on the names.
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hattiecursedsigh · 2 months
Let's talk about the first names of the Dracula characters.
Jonathan - 'God has given', 'Gift of God'. First appears in the Bible as the son of Saul. A very popular name, though has risen in popularity more recently. In 1885, it was the 674th most popular boy name, whereas in 2021 it was 114th most popular.
John - 'God is gracious'. Popular biblical name with similar origins to Jonathan. In 1885, it was the 2nd most popular boy name. The nickname Jack also has Celtic origins which mean strong and healthy. In 1885, it was the 163rd most popular boy name.
Wilhelmina - Of German origin meaning safety or helmet. Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands who was born in 1880. In 1885, it was the 403rd most popular girl name. Mina means 'love'. In 1885, Mina was the 383rd most popular girl name and the name can be used as a term of endearment.
Quincey - A gender neutral name meaning 'estate of the fifth son'. This is perhaps symbolism of him being the fifth male in the Light Crew. It is derived from the Latin quintus meaning five. It is of French and English origin. In 2022, it was 9705th most popular boy name and 12552th most popular girl name. (The chart I am using doesn't go back to the 1800's, sadly.)
Arthur - Celtic, Latin and Welsh origin. It is believed to be derived from the word artos, meaning "bear." As experts differ on its precision origin, the name can also mean "Thor", "the eagle," and "strong man." Arthur became a popular choice during the Middle Ages, as families named their boys after King Arthur of 6th century England. Arthur's last names are very interesting too and I will make a post about their last names if people are interested. In 1885, it was the 12th most popular boy name, and now it is the 256th.
Abraham - Named after Bram Stoker. Meaning father of multitudes or father of nations. Named after the founder of the Jewish people. In 1885, it was the 384th most popular boy name, a position is withholds today. Of Hebrew origin.
Lucy - Meaning light bringer. Derived from the Latin, masculine origin Lucius. In 1885, it was the 76th most popular girl name and is now the 127th.
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asterrrrion · 10 months
Of all names in manga, I like Haikyuu names the best because they manage to fit the characters while still staying actual not completely out of the blue names, so here are (some) of the name meanings :
日向 翔陽, Hinata Shōyō. 'Hi'日 means sun or day, while 'nata'向 means to face, defy, confront or tend towards to. Together, they're used to say "a sunny place", but it's interesting to think that Hinata with his jumps is also defying or being draw to the sun.
'Shō'翔 is the radical of 翔る、which means to soar, to fly, to run or to dash. It also used to be in 翔ぶ、but it's not used anymore (it has been replaced with another kanji which... You'll see lmao), which means to jump or to leap. 'yō'陽 is generally meant to say "sunlight" but only when it's pronounced 'hi', while when pronounced 'yō', it means the Yang, so the positive, or an open space. Hinata has a very sunny name :').
影山 飛雄、Kageyama Tobio. There's two kanjis for "shadow", both pronounced Kage, but the one used in his name is 影, which has slightly different meanings. It means shadow, silhouette, reflection, presence or star/moonlight. Silhouette is cool, since Kageyama has always been this great king that everyone knows of, presence is interesting ("as long as I'm here..."), and the moonlight one shows that he's a counterpart to Hinata's sunlight. 'Yama' 山 means mountain. Now, Kageyama is a very common Japanese last name, but together they form the mountains shadow, or a shadowy mountain... So the name has like "impressive great king" connotations.
'Tobi' 飛 is one of the most used kanjis in the whole manga. You know that kanji I talked about earlier, which used to mean to jump or leap ? Well, it was replaced by this one. So the first kanji in Hinata's first name was replaced by the first kanji in Kageyama's name in the verb "to jump, to leap, to fly". It's also the kanji that's used in Karasuno's banner, Fly. 飛ベ。'O'雄 is very common in boy's first names in Japan (it's also used in Natsuo from mha for example). It means masculine, leader, superiority or excellence. So it's pretty weighted since Kageyama is this representation of complete natural superiority and talent.
月島 京, Tsukishima Kei. The first kanji of his name, 'Tsuki' 月 (do not exchange with Yamaguchi's nickname Tsukki, which is written in hiragana and not in kanji) means moon or month. It's both a reference to his personality and to be Hinata's counterpart, and it was already discussed in the anime. 'Shima' 島 means island, and it might be a reference to his isolated nature ? Also interesting to note that it has a strong resemblance to 'Tori' 鳥, the kanji for bird.
'Kei' 京 is just one of the kanjis pronounced Kei, which apparently sucks for him cause his first worry of the moment was that everyone was gonna ask him how to write his name since it was a new year :'). Like, I'm not kidding, there's 16 kanjis pronounced Kei. This one, anyway, means capital or 10^16. It's the second kanji in Tōkyō (東京), and I have no idea why the Japanese have a word for ten thousand billion.
山口 忠, Yamaguchi Tadashi. Finally, my favourite ! Yama still means mountain, and 'Guchi' 口 means mouth. It was chosen because of Yamaguchi's arc, which was about greed and pride, to show his unending greed : he's ready to swallow a mountain basically.
'Tadashi' 忠 means loyalty, devotion, faithfulness. It was probably chosen as a sign of both his loyalty to Tsukishima and to Karasuno !
I'm gonna stop at those four for now, but if you want others just say so, i'll get right on it !
Alright, update : started a series of those ! The other part for now is on the #haikyuunamemeanings tag
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istg the last of us and name meanings, unintentional or not is *chef’s kiss*
everybody talks about how ellie’s name means “light”, but nobody talks about how sarah’s name means “princess” like…
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sarah was joel’s princess pre-apocalypse, and ellie became his light in the dark after that loss. they are both his baby girls. girl dad forever.
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keithbutgay · 4 months
Thinking about how Killua means "lightning"
Thinking about how Killua also means "big brother who loves his little sister"
Thinking about how, after locking his little sister away and burning him with lightning, they nickname him Kil
Thinking about how Kil means "cut"
Thinking about how Kil means "behead"
Thinking about how Kil means "cold"
Thinking about how he became all of those things, embodying the title he had been given
Thinking about how he immediately went back to Killua during the exam
Thinking about how Gon means "friendly"
Thinking about how he met Gon and decided he didn't have to be cold and behead anymore
Thinking about how he decided he could be lightning, how he could love his sister
Thinking about how he finally knew it was okay
And then thinking about how he had to go back home after finally knowing what it's like to be safe
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utytimeline · 4 months
Looking up the names of some UTY characters.
Decibat is obvious. Decibels are a measure of volume, Decibat is a bat that hates too much volume.
Dalv is "Vlad" spelled backwards, and he kinda looks like a Dracula.
I've covered Martlet before. It's a bird that never lands, and Marty keeps telling us to keep moving.
El Bailador:
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Yeah, that checks out. Didn't know it was a real Spanish word.
Starlo may be a Pokemon reference? I don't know much about Pokemon, but I found this:
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UTY devs did the same thing, named the star-shaped character after his shape.
Angie, Gilbert, Moray- they're all fish, and they're all named after fish.
Ace has a card attack, Mooch is a pickpocket. I have no idea why Ed is the only one with a normal-sounding name, but "Edward" means guard and he is the biggest and strongest of all of them.
As for the Ketsukane family... I have no idea. I'm finding several words similar to "Chujin" in various Oriental languages (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean). I found this on a Mortal Kombat GameFAQ's page, and it seems the most likely:
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Chujin was brilliant, but always overlooked. His only award was "You Tried..." He's also a boss monster. So... maybe because he's always been in the middle, but wants to be on top?
Took a bit of looking to find this for "Ketsukane." Judgment bell, hmm...
(I feel it's also worth noting that when I try to google "ketsukane", google keeps suggesting I change it to "kitsune." And... well, iykyk.)
So far, all I get for "Ceroba" is links to other people asking what "Ceroba" means. Yay. Someone suggested Cerberus, the dog with multiple faces who guards the gateway to Hades (hell). That could fit Ceroba- she's connected to multiple deaths, and not to bad-mouth her when she went thru so much, but she did reveal multiple "faces."
And Kanako:
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flowertab · 3 months
PL Character Name Meanings
(I wanted to compile these since I’m interested in name meanings and how they apply to the characters, and I thought others might find it useful as well. I’m no expert on names or languages myself; these are all found through research.)
Hershel—“deer” (Hebrew, German, and Yiddish origin)
Luke—“light, bright, light-bearing” (Greek origin)
Flora—“flower” (Latin and Scottish origin)
Emmy—originated as a nickname for various Em-names, it’s been traced to the meanings “work”, “rival”, and “whole/complete”. (English and German origin)
Anton—“priceless, praiseworthy” (Latin origin)
Sophia—“wisdom” (Greek origin)
Katia—“pure” (Slavic and Russian origin)
Claire—“clear, bright” (French origin)
Clive—“cliff, steep slope, lives near high cliffs” (English origin)
(I’ll likely make a part two so this doesn’t get too long.)
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all of the poets names fits them, I don't know if this is unintentional, but holy shit.
Neil - Passion
Neil's passion for acting.
Todd - Fox
Todd's as skiddish as a fox.
Charlie - Free man
Charlie had the most freedom out of the poets.
Meeks - Humble & compassionate
Meeks is a very humble and calm person.
Cameron - Crooked nose
Cameron was punched at the end and had a crooked nose.
Pitts - Lived by the pitts
(Could relate to) Pitts had a bad homelife.
Knox - Rounded hill
Knox was a very whole rounded person; open-minded.
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fandomhorde · 3 months
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Demon who showed up to take down how many goddamn Overlords?
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Daughter of the og Make Your Own Choices couple?
Angel Dust/Anthony:
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I’m gonna cry
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He’s the bartender, the confidante, the one who wants ppl to be who they really are
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ALASTOR NAMED HIS DAUGHTER “literally the bestest most talentedest”
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(gestures wordlessly)
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(Smacks myself in the head while gesturing even more)
And then Sir Pentious is literally a pun off “serpent-like”. Serpent-ish. Snakey. Mr Danger Noodle, the snake in the garden or as it is, the danger noodle in the hotel.
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silvermoon424 · 10 months
Sailor Moon Name Meanings: 10 Main Sailor Senshi Edition
Most of the names in Sailor Moon are packed full of meaning, so I've decided to do a series of posts examining each name's etymology! Let's start with the main Sailor Senshi themselves.
Usagi Tsukino: “Rabbit of the Moon”
Usagi’s name is packed full of symbolism, as it directly references the East Asian legend of the “rabbit on the moon.” If you look at the full moon and observe its darker areas contrasted against the white ones, you may see the shape of a rabbit standing over a mortar with a pestle. According to folklore, this rabbit is making anything from the elixir of life to simple mochi.
It’s not just Usagi’s name that references this legend. Her odango hairstyle is meant to resemble rabbit’s ears (although this is far more obvious with Chibiusa), and many of her belongings feature cute pictures of bunnies. Unlike real rabbits though, Usagi hates carrots!
Ami Mizuno: “Asian Beauty of Water”
Time to clear up a misconception I myself have spread in the past. Ami’s name does not mean “Friend of Water,” it actually means “Asian Beauty of Water” according to the kanji in her name. Although Rei is commonly seen as the traditional Japanese beauty of the bunch, Ami isn’t far behind!
Of course, “Water” is a reference to Sailor Mercury’s powers over water and its different forms (ice and gas/fog). Apart from having powers over water, Ami is shown to love water in her civilian life, being an avid swimmer. Finally, Mercury in Japanese is “Suisei,” or “Water Star.”
Rei Hino: “Spirit of Fire”
Rei’s name reflects her status as the most spiritual of the Senshi, being a miko who is capable of using special powers (her psychic and purification powers) even when she’s not transformed. “Spirit of Fire” even brings to mind one of her special abilities, which is divining the future by meditating and staring into flames.
Of course, the “Fire” also references how Sailor Mars is the Senshi of Flames and Passion, being the Sailor Senshi who has mastery over fire. Finally, Mars in Japanese is “Kasei,” or “Fire Star.”
Makoto Kino: “Sincerity of Wood”
“Makoto” can have a number of different meanings, and we don’t 100% for sure know which one Mako’s is because her name is in hiragana. However, the fandom has largely chosen to go with the meaning of “sincerity.” This is a very suitable name for Mako, as she is one of the most sincere and honest characters in the entire series.
“Kino” means “of wood.” Although Sailor Jupiter is commonly associated with electricity, her powers really encompass nature as a whole. In the manga/reboot anime, she has a number of attacks that involve plants. Finally, the Japanese name for Jupiter is “Mokusei,” or “Wood Star.”
Minako Aino: “Beautiful Child of Love”
Minako’s name is very straightforward, being a reference to the mythological goddess Venus- the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Out of all the Senshi, Minako/Sailor Venus by far has the most associations with the deity who is the namesake of their guardian planet. In Codename: Sailor V, she is even outright stated to be the incarnation of the goddess Venus.
Out of all the Senshi, Minako is the only one who does not have a reference to the Japanese name of her planet in her name. In Japanese, “Venus” is called “Kinsei,” which means “Metal Star.” Although this is referenced in her powers (in the manga/reboot anime, Venus uses her metallic chain as well as a sword to attack), the reason why it’s not reflected in her name is probably because she was the very first Sailor Senshi created and Naoko Takeuchi hadn’t hammered out the naming scheme yet.
Chibiusa: “Small Rabbit”
“Chibiusa” is actually a nickname given to the girl when she arrived in the 20th century; her birth name is “Princess Usagi Small Lady Serenity.” Introducing herself as “Usagi,” she quickly got the name “Chibiusa” to distinguish her from the first Usagi (who, unbeknownst to her at the time, was her mother). It’s an appropriate nickname, as it basically just means “the smaller Usagi.” The same symbolism behind Usagi’s name applies here as well.
Setsuna Meioh: “Moment Dark King”
“Setsuna” means “moment” or “instant,” which is fitting for a character so heavily associated with time. “Setsuna” also sounds very similar to “setsunai,” which while difficult to get an exact translation of, basically means a strong mix of happiness and sadness. Think nostalgia, bittersweetness, sweet sorrow, etc. Again, this is very fitting for Setsuna, who is noted by other characters to appear slightly sorrowful at all times but still carries out her duties with pride.
“Dark King” is a reference to the Roman god Pluto, the namesake of Sailor Pluto’s guardian planet and the god of the underworld. While Sailor Pluto is most often associated with time, she is also referred to as the “Senshi of the Underworld” and some of her attacks (such as Dead Scream) are related to the underworld. Also, “Dark King” starts a naming convention with the Outer Senshi (sans Hotaru) who all directly reference their planet’s mythological namesakes in their family names.
Haruka Tenoh: Distant Sky King
“Haruka” can have a few different meanings, but our Haruka’s name means “distant” or “far off” (Haruka’s name, like most of the Senshi, is written in hiragana instead of kanji, meaning that its exact meaning is ambiguous). This reflects her initially standoffish, aloof nature and how she first presents herself to the Inner Senshi.
“Sky King” is a reference to the Roman god Uranus, the namesake of Sailor Uranus’s guardian planet and the primordial deity who represents the sky. Sailor Uranus’s powers are related to wind and the sky, making this a fitting tribute.
Michiru Kaioh: Rising Sea King
“Michiru” is a name that has nuance to it. I used “rising” here, but it can also translate to “mature,” “complete,” etc. The impression that “Michiru” gives off is a fulfilment of growth, like hopes that have been nurtured. Of course, this is extremely fitting for our Michiru. Like the rest of the Outer Senshi, she is very mature and is initially further along in her development as a Senshi than the Inners. I also like the term “rising” in particular, as it gives off the imagery of ocean waves as well as hinting that Michiru’s maturation and growth is still ongoing.
“Sea King” is a reference to the Roman god Neptune, the namesake of Sailor Neptune’s guardian planet and the god of the ocean. Sailor Neptune has powers over the sea, making it obvious where Naoko Takeuchi made mythological connections.
Hotaru Tomoe: Firefly Sprouting From Earth
Unlike the other Outer Senshi, whose names have significance from Greek/Roman mythology, Hotaru’s name is rooted in Japanese symbolism. In Japanese folklore, fireflies are thought to be the carriers of the souls of the dead (more specifically, the souls of soldiers who died in war). This is very fitting symbolism for Sailor Saturn, the Senshi of Death and Rebirth; in the manga and Crystal, Hotaru is even shown carrying and guarding the souls of the Inner Senshi. Other symbolism for fireflies is that they are beautiful and burn bright, but are short-lived; this is again fitting for Hotaru in her original life, as her life was doomed to be cut short before she was fortunately reborn.
The ”earth” (as in “dirt,” not the planet Earth) kanji in “Tomoe” is a reference to the planet Saturn, which in Japanese is called the “Earth Star” ("Dosei"). The planet Saturn has been known since ancient times, whereas the planets beyond it were only discovered thanks to modern telescopes. This is reflected in their Japanese names, as Saturn follows the traditional Japanese planet naming scheme of “element + star” whereas Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are named following the same Roman mythological naming convention that Western astronomers used (“Neptune” being “Sea King Star,” etc).
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feralchaton · 8 months
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Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. - Buddha
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