#Opening Up
tiya-minuscule · 11 months
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Chapter 9 : Awakening
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
This comics is turning into a dialogue between all the differents parts of my brain, isn't it ?
Drawing all the messy hairstyle of the gang for the past two chapter is in the same time, very funny and also exhausting...
I hope you enjoyed this chapter ! I'm a bit nervous about this one... Keep in mind this is MY vision of the characters, it's ok if we disagree, this is just a simple AU where I'm having fun with my favorite game and their protagonists !
Well, see you next week everyone, take care <3
Big shout out to @lutiaslayton as usual 💜
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thementalshawty · 8 months
My New Beginning (My way out)
(Mentions of disabilities, mental, emotional, physical abuse, S*x abuse, bullying, self harm, suicidal ideation, Domestic violence, be wary before reading).
So where to begin……. This is about familial abuse, so this has been something happening my whole life!!! My “mother” is a narcissist. She bullied me and my sister our whole lives, I am the third of 5 kids, she would pit us against each other and watch us fight to laugh and make fun, most of my insecurities stem from her clowning me in front of my brothers, funny enough she is NEVER ALONE, my father he abused us including her but he left and I thought we were better off for it, I wasn’t wrong but little did I know the monsters she’d allow into our lives after, I was getting molested by older brother and my mothers boyfriend before I even got to elementary school, my brother started when I was insanely young, and I still protected him as I didn’t know what tf was happening, her boyfriend started when I was in 4th grade, he wasn’t a drunk or anything just a pedophile, she knew he was because he got caught cheating on her with teenage girls and yet she still kept him around for a decade so wherever we moved he was there and I started to become angry, rage grew inside my soul like a fire that had no intention of burning out, on top of that he was abusive hitting and bruising me and my siblings who all have disabilities, you know my sister as she’s a tarot reader on here so I’m not going into specifics about them, but she would sit and watch and do nothing, she would hide food with him, have us stand in the corner for hours on end while they are food in front of our faces “mmmm that’s good”. She even forced to drink her breast milk in front of him, she despised us having friends, soo when I would have a friend she wouldn’t let me see them or go out or we would move, I’ve never stayed more than 2-3 years in any place my whole entire fuccin life! I don’t know anything but toxicity when it came to relationships, I tried to kill myself multiple times but they failed so I decided to be a burner, I just burned myself, the fire it was the rage inside me felt outside, I decided to tell my mother about the molester from her boyfriend when I was 15, because I told someone in school he told me I had to tell her or he would so I wrote her a letter, he had a gun in the house and put it to his head and said he was going to kill himself (gaslighting), she kicked him out for a day, brought him back then told me that I had to share her with him, so at 15 and with her knowledge of him molesting me, we all moved to California, we drove there, and that was awful, we all fought and he screams how he didn’t care about what he did to me and he was laughing in front of her, i ended up just sweeping that under the rug because i went to focus on my career I had acting classes so my mind was focused but I met a guy from school and he automatically hated him (the boyfriend) he told my mother and automatically I was told to stay away from him, I didn’t I had got arrested the year before so I had community service and he was helping me with that, I told him what happened I thought we were meant to be but he cheated on me with his sister and I found myself in her another Jerry springer bind but I found that out months after we broke up, but he stood up for me and he was the only one on the outside that actually came and defended my honor as sick as he is I will give him credit for that. A year later we’re moving bacc to NYC, before we did though, they got Into a fight (my mother and the boyfriend), pretending to break up, he went to the gas station filled a gas canister wit gas came back to the front door and poured gasoline on himself, obviously not lighting himself on fire because it was an act, he went to jail a week or two later she invited him back into her life, I already knew that it was going to happen because the shit was predictable at that point, Skipping ahead to 17, we moved back to NYC, we came separately, I came on a plane with my mother and the rest of my siblings drove back with him, because obviously she trusted him with children why wouldn’t she? She already knew what he was capable of, she didn’t care 🤷🏽‍♀️, when we got back to NyC she
Promises me that he’s not coming back into our lives that it’s over this time, I told her he’s going to gaslight her she says not gonna work, fast forward to when they all made it to the apartment, she approached me with the sob story I said he would come in with so she said she is letting him stay, I was going to just walk away, but my sister told me that she fought with him on the drive here, she stood up for me, he yelled at my older brothers and her that he did What he did to me cos he truly wanted to and he’s unapologetic for it, the flame it was uncontrollable and I blacked out I went into the room and I kicked him out myself. He yelled bullshit but he left, she hated me for that, so she started to sneak him in secretly then they started hiding food again, leaving us to literally shake, starve and feel sick, we learned how to improvise with what little we had. I was going to school so I didn’t care, speaking of school I was supposed to be on my last year of school, and I couldn’t graduate because my principal explained because I moved so much my credits were all over the place, so she told me I had to repeat a year that was devasting to me because in California I only had a few credits before I could graduate, I got two jobs because I just wanted to save up money to leave, she told my grandma lies oh she has a whole bunch of recruits that she tells constant lies too about us and what we do never the truth because they already feel she’s sick but they do nothing about it, family tho right? My grandma called me and so again we told her the truth and she helped us kick him out for good, (so that’s the end of boyfriend 1…. For now) I was finally 18!! So again I have no friendships nothing ever stuck, but I had two jobs and I was saving up for an apartment, I shouldn’t have done this but I was so proud of myself! I told her (my mother) that I was going to move out, get my own apartment and live on my own, she didn’t like that, she was saying that it was disloyal and what was she going to do without me and she needed help because most of my siblings have a disability, so I stayed, I couldn’t be disloyal when she needed me, that was a big mistake. A year later we are moving BACC to California because she has found A NEW BOYFRIEND, some guy she met over the phone, guess who helped her move back to California though (boyfriend #1), my brother who molested me left to go into the army, don’t worry he’s not in it any longer dishonorable discharge (it was fitting). So anyways the new boyfriend was some white guy who I felt meant no harm the fuccin dude was quiet and softspoken so I paid it no mind, but I was wrong, he was a drunk, not only was a he a drunk, he was a RACIST DRUNK! Did she care???? NOOOOOOO! Everytime I tried to leave she stopped me, til we fought then she would say to leave knowing I had nowhere to go, if I had a friend to go too she would hate that friend, funny thing is most friends that want to take me away from this be friends she introduced me too, she wanted to be friends with them but they wanted to be my friend yes they are younger people, I don’t have those friends anymore because they were very similar to her go figure right ? I thought I should call the cops, call for help, but everyone I reached out too did nothing INCLUDING COPS! So I felt backed into a corner, well I had my sister my little sister my rock, funny fun fact though, her new boyfriend ALSO LIKES LITTLE GIRLS oh and BOYS! He got arrested and she stood up for him, while he was doing that in her home, she would run away and leave us all my siblings in the house with him drunk calling us the N word, kicking doors down and causing mess, I couldn’t leave my siblings who couldn’t understand what was happening behind all I knew is that they were scared and their mother wasn’t there all she did was make excuses for him she told me I should kill myself, that I was a cunt that didn’t deserve her name, ( I don’t have it, I have my dads last name), that I was going to be nothing more than a whore, by this time………………
She knows about what my brother did to me I didn’t mention that confession because she just skipped right over it. She literally didn’t care and she told me to my face she believed he was only playing with me and I am confusing it all and that I know nothing about it because it happened to her and she the only one who knows pain and my pain doesn’t matter she tried to assault me and again tried to tell family but she already took the narrative so they weren’t trying to hear me out or help, in august of this year, me and my sister left, we went to stay in a motel for a week or two, with the help of my booking agent we didn’t have enough money to stay and the homeless shelters were all full and we’re not answering back, so we had no choice but to go back, we are back and nothing even a week later back to the drunk racist, not eating, starving routine, I wanted to die and I felt like a failure! I couldn’t even get out of bed I felt like I deserved this I got my sister out to end up right back 2 WEEKS LATER?!?!! I fuccin hated myself! He was drunk and again causing ruckus, she came back a morning later and was telling him to leave, he was going to hit her, my brother (diagnosed with MR) was out there with my younger brother (autism) and they were scared and standing up for her and the boyfriend was in their faces what was I supposed to do???? Me and my sister tried to help and she tried to tell us to leave for helping her!!!!! Me and my sister decided to just call the police, they started to fight, and he tried to kill her, the police got him out, and they told her that she was lucky to have her kids here, we cleaned up her room after he broke her whole house apart, I mean EVERYTHING IS TORN APART RN!!!! she decided that she was going to move down to Texas with the molesting brother because he has kids, (oh yeah other fun fact she kept forcing me to have kids she even wanted me to give her my eggs so she can have kids with both of those boyfriends she approached me TWICE ABOUT IT, one she wanted my eggs and the other she wanted me to be pregnant for her!) So now my brother has kids she was like saying she knows I’ll never have kids and I’ll be forever alone, that no one will ever love me, anyways skipping to now my birthday came and left I’m 27 now! The housing program that me and my sister signed up for began to pend and we found a place! We didn’t tell her we found a place and that we were in a program we didn’t even tell her that we went down the city. We ended up getting a random woman come into the house and serve us she was evicting us (my mother) even on the eviction notice it says no fault just cause, she didn’t even tell me, so we have 60 days to leave and vacate her premises! Funny enough yesterday my sister got her APPROVAL NOTICE!!! Mine is still pending but I know that I’m getting approved and if all goes well we will be in our transitional home on SATURDAY! We finally did it, dug our way out, I didn’t think that I could and that I would, I would’ve been opened up to someone if I didn’t believe that it was against the family or that no one would love me like she did, she painted the world as such a unloving place and that this toxicity was normal and for the longest I believed it, but I am waking up now! And I am looking forward to beginning my life AWAY FROM HER! Just me and my rock @silvershiningtarot I AM NOT ASHAMED OF MY STORY, I’m only ashamed I kept quiet for so long, I allowed them to get away with everything and they took control of the narrative but I’m taking my power back! This is the first chapter of my success story! I’m not looking for claps or sympathy or for yky to actually care or anything I just wanted to put my story out there because this shit shouldn’t be in the dark anymore, mothers can be demons, family can be a dark and scary word for people and they’re not family, only relation! And I wanted to make that clear! RELATION DOESN’T MEAN FAMILY
I feel more familial love from you guys on here than I ever did anywhere! My music gave me hope and tarot gave me community
You deserve to know your reader through and through!
Thank you!!! For listening and taking the time for hearing this sad ass story, I hope I didn’t drag your day down! 💋
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artsie-rosie · 10 months
sooo uhm I've been thinking about talking a bit more openly about topics like executive dysfunction, mental health, neurodivergency and chronic pain on Twitter for a while now....
but LMAO it turns out that twitter doesn't exist anymore.
after reflecting a bit on my options (patreon isn't really a place where people really interact that way, Mastodon doesn't quite feel like home to me, I'd rather eat my own watercolors than talking about this in insta/facebook) I figured i could probably talk about it here a bit.
i haven't hanged out in tumblr in a hot second tho, and I have no idea if there is a community out there for these topics, and if they're welcomed to be talked about. if anyone has suggestions of tags or things like that, it would be lovely. thank you! (edit: spelling)
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promptsforyourwhumpfic · 11 months
Whump Prompt #1195
Submitted by Anon - thanks!
Tw: Abuse
Two sibling whumpee’s were adopted by another family. The eldest was adopted at birth, but the younger one was adopted at around three/four years old.
The prior family was an incredibly abusive royal family that for some reason or another, deemed both unworthy.
Now, as fully grown adults and trying to take down the empire, the younger sibling never really talks about their time with their bio family.
The two break into the castle to get a specific relic or something needed to help turn the tide in the war and almost get caught before the youngest frantically leads the eldest to a secret hiding place.
Inside is covered in dusty drawings and toys from where the youngest sibling spent most of their time hiding all those years back.
All the while both whumpee’s can hear their bio dad, the whumper, outside threatening them and revealing more about youngest sibling’s past. Whumper knows that they’re in the castle but doesn’t know where, so after awhile of getting insanely close to the hiding place, whumper leaves to look elsewhere.
Eldest sibling feels guilty for ever asking the youngest about their bio family now. And while they sit there for a few hours to let the heat go down to escape, they sift through the old drawings and the youngest sibling finally opens up.
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polyamzeal · 5 months
You don't have to answer if you don't want to but how do I know if I'm ready to open a relationship with my partner, I don't know where I lie on the polyam scale but she is 100% poly and wants to have the opportunity to talk to other people and stuff but it scares me a lot even though I want her to be happy and she says nothing will change between us, she deserves her needs met and everything after all but my CPTSD causes me a lot of abandonment and self loathing issues that I'm afraid will get in the way of her happiness because what if I can't take it if she gets another partner? I dont want her to repress herself but it also wouldn't be fair to her or the other person for me to ask her to stop. Sometimes I feel like I would be fine and others it's a petrifiying fear of being passed over or replaced. I've told her all of this and we definitely want to stay together no matter what happens but i want us to make the right choice.
The straight-forward answer is you never really know for sure. You just need to decide when you are comfortable enough to try.
To be a little blunt, the "nothing will change between us" is a sweet thing to say but I don't think it is true. It is comforting to think that because we fear change. But honestly if nothing was going to change I don't think there would be a drive to open up. Ideally by opening up she will get more of her needs met which will then improve her relationship with you and change for the better.
I think the most important thing is to work on your fear of abandonment in relation to her. You two should work on your trust in each other. Once you are secure in your relationship, you won't feel threatened by other partners. You will realize that she has no reason to pass you over or replace you because you have irreplicable value to her and no other partner could change that.
All that said, it is still reasonable to be prepared for worst-case scenarios. It would be irresponsible of me if I made it sound like every couple that opens up is always 100% ok and nobody is ever replaced as you fear. So I think you should at least wait to open up until you are confident that if anything even remotely related to such problems do come up that you both feel confident that you could talk it out with each other and work through it in a healthy way.
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serenityquest · 3 months
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hathorneheiress · 7 months
Brotherly bonding
The leaves crunched under Jameson's feet as he made his way toward the remains of the old tree house.
There wasn't much left of the beloved thing, but it was still intact enough for Jameson to swing himself up onto the one of many landings.
He had come here for peace and quiet. He needed to be alone. After finding and seeing his father for the first time and then playing and winning a castle of his own. Well, that was a lot to handle.
Even for Jameson Winchester Hawthorne.
He wasn't sure how long he had stood there, staring the sun as it began to set for the night, when he heard someone else coming up the path.
He looked down to see is older brother, Grayson walking toward him. Jameson would never admit it, but he always admired the way Grayson carried himself with so much confidence. It was something Jameson wished he did more often.
"Jameson!" His brother called up. "It's time for you to come in!"
Jameson ignored him. He was used to Grayson trying to order him around. "Not today big brother." he thought, still staring straight ahead.
He heard Grayson give a sigh of frustration and he thought he had left. But Gray was just as stubborn as he was. If not more.
With almost as much ease as Jameson had done, Grayson swung himself up into the tree house.
"Jamie." He said again, but this time softer. "It's time to come in. We have a banquet we are supposed to attend, remember?"
Jameson had indeed remembered. He was hoping he wouldn't have to go if he disappeared. Guess he was wrong. "I'm not going." He declared. "Tell Heiress I will make it up to her later."
"Well, I'm glad you think that, but all of our presence is requested. Including yours."
"It was a request. I decline." Jameson wearily sat down. "I'm tired of parties and events. Why can't people just leave us alone."
To his surprise, Grayson sat down beside him. "Probably because we were raised to be in the spotlight. People adore us. Whether we like it or not."
"They adore you, not me."
Grayson turned toward him. "That's not true. You are like by many people if not loved.
"Do you?"
"Do I what?"
"Love me."
"Of course I do. I don't like what you do, but I will never stop loving you, no matter what."
Jameson felt like someone had pulled an ice pick from out of his heart. Grayson never spoke to him like that. Ever. It was weird, but amazing at the same time.
"Well, thanks." he said awkwardly. "Glad at least someone loves me." His thoughts turned toward his father when he said that. His father who had no idea he existed till a few months ago, and when he did find out, well.. why bother.
"You're thinking about him, aren't you." Grayson seemed to know what Jameson was thinking. Whether Jameson liked it or not.
He nodded. "Heiress invited him to the event."
Grayson eye brows slid up. "That's why you are hiding. To avoid your father."
He scoffed. "He won't even realize that I'm not there."
Grayson was quiet for a moment. "He might not care, but believe me, he will notice your absence. And so will Avery." He stood. "Come on Jamie. We have people waiting for us."
Jameson stood as well. "I heard your sisters are coming as well."
Grayson nodded. "They should already be there, so that is another reason I need to get back."
"You really like them, don't you."
Grayson ignored him. "It's my job to protect them. Keep them safe."
Jameson shook his head. "that's not your job Grayson. And it's ok to just say. "Yes, I like my half sisters who annoy me in the ass!"
That got a brief smile out of Grayson. "Like somebody else I know." he retorted playfully.
Jameson grinned. It had been a long time since they had acted like normal brothers.
"You know." Grayson said softly. "Avery was meant for you. I'm glad she choose you."
Jameson searched his brother's face for anything that would tell him Grayson was lying. But he wasn't.
"Thanks." he murmured. "That means more to me then you will ever know."
Grayson nodded. "Which speaking of Avery, if we don't get back, she is going to lick out hides."
Jameon burst out laughing. "I would love that."
Grayson shot him a dark look.
"For me." He clarified.
So both of them walked back together as brothers. Delighting in each others company and realizing how much they needed that time alone, together.
P.S. Avery did not lick their hides. She did give Jameson something else, which I will leave it up to your imaginations to decide what it was!!
Thank you so much @fortunatelyjollybeliever for the request. I'm so sorry it took a while and I'm sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for. I tried to shoot for them opening up with each other, but maybe I did it wrong from what you had asked. I'm sorry if I did.
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spookietrex · 2 months
"Fix my head, it's pouring at the seams.
All the voices scream to a crescendo
In the garden by the sycamore tree
Lies a thousand horrifying memories.
I feel the unbearable weight.
I sense the ripping of my shame.
I feel the sigh of indifference."
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jeremyisntheere · 7 months
JENNA! what's the special pie for today?
✨ deep shit blueberry bacon ✨
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howifeltabouthim · 6 months
I cannot explain to you what it would be to me to be able to talk again to one who knows all the errors and all the efforts of my past life as you do.
Anthony Trollope, from Phineas Redux
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akindplace · 2 years
Anyway, yesterday, after a sleepless night, I had this healing conversation with my mom about what it means to be a woman, how society raises girls, how to avoid perfectionism - in her words "it doesn't have to be perfect, it has to be done in a good enough way so you won't have to do it again". We talked about abusive relationships, about kids growing up during covid, and came to the conclusion that society as a whole is grieving so much these days: for losing people, for losing jobs, for losing money, for losing their health, for losing relationships, for losing their dreams. We fell silent after that last part, since we both are grieving too and that felt so heavy for us. We can spare some kindness to people because al of us are suffering, struggling, grieving. No one alone can fix the world, but the least we can do is be kind and help each other a little. We thanked each other for opening up and talking, something we both struggle to do with each other. I healed a little with this conversation, not gonna lie.
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samxcamargo · 1 year
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Book: Night Drives on amazon ❤️
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amalthea-felsblood · 3 months
5 Character Associations ∘ Marian Varlineau
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Prideful ∘ her downfall
Sorrow ∘ constantly in her heart
Resentment ∘ she didn't ask to become a warrior of light
Determination ∘ she must go on
Patience ∘ he'll return
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Blood red
Royal Blue
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Cotton linen
Burning wood
Old steel
Dried blood
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Dried/pressed mist lilies
A lock of Estinien's hair bound with hers
Crystal shard
A book on Ishgardian customs/volumes 1 & 2
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Body Language
Soft smile ∘ always warm but weary
Sad eyes ∘ cannot hide her heart
Folded arms ∘ sizing you up
Nail biting ∘ bad nerves
Protective stance ∘ stands before them, a shield of protection
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Conversations and laughter of an Inn ∘ relief
The biting cold of a snowy night ∘ duty
Holding a bouquet of flowers ∘ one day
The weight of a weapon ∘ no choice
The taste of ale ∘ forget
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Suffocation by Crystal Castles
Unfamiliar by The Birthday Massacre
Watercolour by Pendulum
Save you by Emilie Autumn
In your arms by Mr.Kitty
Thank you both for tagging me @paintedscales@ubejamjar ✧
♡ everyone please feel free to do this even if I didn't tag you ♡
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driftwoodsix · 1 year
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coming to terms with existing in the presence of other people
hippo campus // anxious — boygenius // true blue — orla gartland // pretending — weyes blood // god turn me into a flower — sleeping at last // five — big red machine, taylor swift // renegade — boygenius // leonard cohen
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Hi :) I hope you're doing well ☺️ Could I request a Paul Rovia x Female Reader fic please ? Where Paul opens up to Reader about his insecurities, his fears and everything else he has never been able to tell and share with anyone, except with her. (We know he has always had troubles building relationships). Like he is super vulnerable at that moment and may be on the verge of a breakdown and reader (who also happens to be his best friend or s/o) comforts him in the sweetiest way possible and assures him he IS worthy of Love, no matter what people told him in the past. Also hugs. Lots of hugs. And Hair stroking. You know... Just pure comfort and care. 🥺 Thanks :)
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Hi! I’m so sorry, this took me FOREVER to write with writers block and everything. So sorry for the wait!! Thank you for the request
Tw’s: sensitive topics, emotions running high, coming out.
Please note, as I would rather not get rude threatening DM’s please know this story is about Paul and reader as friends. I would never write Paul with a female character romantically. In the last twenty minutes I’ve been getting nonstop messages about this specific post and they’re fairly rude. I’m only human. I’m only writing stories because I like to. Again this story is focusing on friends helping each other!!! Nothing more nothing less. PLEASE think before you message me with abusive language. Thank you. I will not be discussing this topic again
Some of the things I write as Paul are probably going to be made up as I don’t know everything about him so apologies if I write something wrong!
“you can talk to me,”
Your words were soft as you gazed at your best friend, Paul. His long hair fell in front of his face shielding the look of discomfort in his eyes but his body language was enough of a telling sign that something wasn’t right. He was always at hilltop but you had noticed something was off with him so encouraged him to take a break from being busy and spend some quality time with you. He never spoke to you about how he was feeling, he always felt like a burden but you just wanted to listen to him. Make him realise that it was okay to talk. “What happened?” You questioned- you weren’t a mind reader but you wished you were one at that very moment. It tore you apart not being able to help him. “Nothing” he said quietly and you looked at him raising your brows “nothing my ass” you said sarcastically you simply stared at him overly concerned for his well-being and rightly so, being in the apocalypse all alone with little to no family was a risk to mental health.
“Seriously it’s nothing y/n” he said shaking his head as he stood up from the couch. Your eyes flared with concern and you held yourself back from standing up with him “please don’t shut me out” you pleaded watching as his sea blue eyes slowly moved to look at you, his expression hurt and confused. “You’ve got enough on your plate I don’t want to bother you, seriously-“ you cut him off grabbing onto his hand tightly but gently as you gazed into his eyes “I’ve always got time for you.” You uttered out giving his hand a light squeeze “no matter what I’m always here for you… always.” You said and you watched as he seemingly allowed himself to break free from the “Im fine” demeanour as he sat back down beside you but you didn’t let go of his hand simply holding onto his hand tightly, your fingers intertwined with his as you brushed your thumb against his hand gently. Silence soon engulfed the both of you as you could practically see the gears turning in his head as he tried to word what he wanted to say properly.
He licked over his lips nervously before letting out a breath “I’m scared.” He practically whispered and you remained silent gazing at him before your eyes softened “oh, Jesus” you cooed gently letting go of his hand as you wrapped your arm around his shoulder pulling him close, his head slowly falling to rest against your shoulder as he closed his eyes feeling tons of comfort wash over him. “You’re allowed to be scared” you assured gently but he soon shook his head “I… I’m not just scared of the apocalypse or walkers or anything… I’m scared of losing you.” He said his voice trembling ever so slightly, you nodded slowly snaking your hand up to rest against his head as you listened to him your fingertips slowly running through his hair, trying to soothe him as best as you possibly could. “I’m wasting so. much. time. Because I’m unable to connect with people I feel useless and so stupid… I can’t seem to solve anything anymore I’m only good for stealing… I’m just useless” he said almost numbly and you quickly pulled away to look into his eyes as you cupped his face in your hands “hey, no… where is this coming from?” you shook your head “absolutely not- we need you for everything. For your skills… for your kindness, passion, fighting skills… you’re amazing.”
But even though your words were said with all the kindness possible he didn’t believe it, looking away as tears formed in his eyes, his hands trembling as he seemingly looked like he was about to breakdown. “You can talk to me, Paul… please. I want to help you. Let it all out.” You pleaded as he let out a breath leaning back into the couch as you wrapped your arm around his shoulder. You had known him for a while now and knew he got most comfort and security from comforting touches- touches being the only way to truly calm him down. You watched as he stared up at the ceiling struggling to control the heavy emotions rolling round his head. “It’s all in my head” he said gently “all the thoughts. The memories. The pain. It sucks” You nodded slowly as a tear slowly trickled down his cheek. He was always such a strong strong man who never showed much emotion so it shocked you… he was opening up to you.
“Okay… I’m listening.” You assured gently as he nodded turning his head to look at you his eyes full of honesty and seriousness but a deep pain was starting to shine through “I had a group before hilltop, I trusted them… I ignored the warning signs. They were a bunch of bullies basically…. Making fun of everything about me. They weren’t a group- they were just people who had to suffer with me there, we were hunting together. This was probably a month into the whole apocalypse and we were scavenging for food… soon enough we became the food. The dead surrounded us everywhere and all of them threw me into the dog house basically… they ran and left me to fend for myself.” Your brows furrowed as you listened “oh I’m sorry that’s awful…” he wiped away some fresh tears angrily visibly trying not to be too emotional about it “but I somehow freed myself from it all… I then started my journey again but solo this time….” He bit down on his bottom lip “a few weeks later and I found them all dead… they hadn’t been bitten- none of them- they had all just been stabbed in the head and to this day I don’t know who did it but I regret not being there to help them. I should’ve helped them….” “No you couldn’t-“ he cut you off gently “no, y/n, you don’t understand. I should’ve been there to somehow save them. I don’t think of them often but when I do it’s when I’m like this… I guess… but that’s usually the time when I’m alone.” He said and you stared at him quietly, he had been doing this for ages- suffering alone. “I’m always here to listen” you said and he nodded “I know.”
You slowly rubbed up and down his back trying to think of something to say watching as he sucked in harsh breaths and you got closer to him “come here” you soothed quietly as you wrapped your arms around him as he practically sunk into you as if this was the first hug he had, had in forever, his body instantly relaxing into yours as you stroked his hair resting your chin atop of his head “it’s okay… it’s all going to be okay.” You soothed as his body began trembling, shaking harder every now and then as he tried to keep in his cries “let it all out… you’re safe” you coaxed, continuing to murmur quiet assuring things to him as he continued crying in your arms.
“How do you know it’s going to be okay?” He suddenly asked sniffling “I don’t know that but what I do know is you’ve survived this long… you’ve got us… you’ve got a family. Cut yourself some slack. You’re only human.” You said to him quietly. “We’re so lucky to have you Paul. I’m so lucky. I’ve got the greatest best friend” you said with a small smile as you continued stroking your hand over his hair “you’re so loved… you’re so worthy. You may not feel it at times but you are.” You said with a small smile. Usually he was the one comforting you but being able to comfort him back felt nice… “really?” He looked up into your eyes and you smiled down at him nodding your head “absolutely.”
Paul appreciated your kindness. He hadn’t experienced such kindness in a long time and so he was grateful for it. You made him feel safe. You shielded him from the pain. “Do you feel better now?” You asked softly and he nodded slightly “anything else you’d like to talk about?” You offered and he gazed at you “yes, actually.” He said and you hummed sitting up straighter as you gazed at him “okay… I’m uh, I’m not going to sugar coat this alright? But I’ve been insecure my whole life… I could never figure out why… I couldn’t get to the main root of the insecurity but I found it…” he said and you nodded quietly easing him to continue “I’m gay… I like… guys.” He said staring at you waiting for your reaction and as he saw a smile light up your face relief was quick to wash over him “that’s amazing” you wrapped your arms around him “but I’m sure I knew… I see the way you look at some guys.” You chuckled out and he smiled at you “thank you.” He murmured and you shook your head “no… thank you.” You said and he furrowed his brows slightly “for opening up to me…. Communicating is important. Don’t leave me in the dark okay? I’m here to listen.” You said and he nodded… for you he’d try and learn that he wasn’t a burden and that he could communicate to you.
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rodpower78 · 1 year
I did... feel like Stabler was my home. But he left me, Amanda, and I'm -- I'm not over it. And the thing is that... I didn't have a right or a claim. He's someone else's husband.
Captain Olivia Benson
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