prosperity-post · 2 months
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The Ballad of the Telepath and the Gorgon
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phonographica · 2 months
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2814 – 新しい日の誕生 (2015)
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conangrayofficial · 4 months
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twenty one years of the best girl ever
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addies-institute · 9 months
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Like a disease.
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solanj · 1 month
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LOVE ME Proper context for this scene would take an essay to explain, so I'll only provide this: not long before this episode Heinrix left her. With an extremely good reason. (Well, he stayed on the ship since he's still under XC' orders but ceased all communication except what's strictly necessary for business) Silence copes with it (and her guilt) very, VERY poorly
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geordi got a haircut
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alithetiredartist · 10 days
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don’t even finish that sentence babe 🌟
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arcadialedger · 4 months
Okay but, despite being a KOTLC fan, the idea of Telepaths existing genuinely terrifies my “I have OCD and intrusive thoughts” mind.
Living in a world where people could listen to every single convoluted spiraling thought? That’s a hell no.
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untilyouremember · 5 months
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Spy x Family
Available digitally (read for free on mangaplus, or purchase through retailers)
Available in print
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aliceleclert · 1 month
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Ok, so, there's no way I can do a proper, fancy X-May this year, BUT what I can do is a 10 (X!) minutes sketch of 1 X-character a day. That shouldn't interfere with my work, and that sounds like a fun challenge ! What do you guys think ? Let's start at the beginning : Professor X himself !
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So excited to share the cover for THE GOD KEY, my lgbtq superpowered fantasy novel!
You have the power to make everyone in the world a good person. All it costs is the love of your life. Which do you choose?
At university they were best friends and boyfriends – Gabriel, a charming telepath obsessed with saving the world; Isaac, a lonely magnifier who quadruples the superpowers of anyone he touches.
It’s happily ever after until Isaac fakes his death.
Five years later, a villain is bringing everyone’s worst nightmares to life and Gabriel learns that Isaac is still alive. Isaac, who he never stopped loving. Isaac, with his secrets and strange connection with their dreamweaver enemy. Isaac, who might yet be the key to everything that Gabriel ever wanted…
Whether he wants to be or not.
Read the first chapter here
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a-bluedream-posts · 1 year
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Emma Frost (4) by DarkMage73
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conangrayofficial · 5 months
i do not want to remember
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prosperity-post · 2 months
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evilhorse · 5 months
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Aren’t you a telepath? Can’t you just read my mind?
(Action Comics #1057)
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Hello! Fellow English child here lmao. I was wondering if you'd be interested in sharing your thoughts on Cutie?? I really like the way you think :D
If not, no worries, and have a nice day!
*cracks knuckles*
i would like to preface the following rant with the blanket statement that people are products of their environment. how you are treated affects the way you treat others.
cutie is the first real example i can think of (from here in the shallow end of the asmr paddle pool) in which the listener is placed in the role of the abuser in a relationship. and i don't want to mince words - i believe cutie was emotionally manipulative and abusive, and the series treats that with an appropriate amount of weight and respect.
i also think that cutie, like geordi, displays a great deal of insecurity, and expresses it by being controlling rather than as geordi's avoidance. listener backstories are left up in the air to allow for people to put on the mask of the character, save for a handful of small and usually inconsequential details (see darlin's fling with quinn, ollie's partner having a rocky relationship with their family, etc) - but i agree with the people saying that cutie probably comes from a similarly emotionally manipulative environment.
telepathy is a super compelling wrench in geordi and cutie's already unstable relationship. thoughts are (to us, anyway) as private as you can get. literally nobody has to know what's going on in your head if you don't want them to. that's why i think cutie's repeated breaches of geordi's trust make me and i think a lot of others extra uncomfortable - the idea of someone being able to hear everything you think at any time with no warning is terrifying! cutie cites wanting to know what geordi is 'really' thinking, but geordi is 100% correct in the assertion that bypassing the filter of what's in someone's head versus what comes out of their mouth is essentially skipping over their personality entirely. i think that cutie's environment (whether that be upbringing, a past relationshop, or something else) has made them somewhat paranoid of people keeping true feelings from them. this means they're a lot more likely to pry, seeking 'the truth' of what geordi thinks of them, unable to take his word for it.
personally, i find that cutie is the most distinct Character out of the listener group - not just because they're multifaceted, but because they go against the grain of what most of the audience expect from a pov character. i know i'm not the only person who was incredibly disappointed in cutie listening in on geordi's thoughts after their argument about that exact topic - and that's good drama! it takes a lot of talent and incredibly good writing to build a compelling character that never has a single line of dialogue, let alone conflicts between that character and others around them.
geordi, and by extension the narrative, acknowledge that cutie isn't a bad person. they're not trying to be malicious, but they end up hurting the people they care about because they don't know any other way to maintain control over their life. i find it very refreshing that cutie is not being treated as a villain or as an innocent bystander. they hurt geordi by repeatedly crossing a hard boundary, and he's justifiably upset. however, cutie (presumably after trying to direct that controlling insecure behaviour at something or someone else and failing) does seek outside help to start to work those learned behaviour knots loose.
geordi and cutie's story doesn't have a villain. neither of them are The Bad Guy, and even geordi acknowledges that they're both partially to blame for the shaky foundation of their relationship. even without a voice, i believe that cutie has potential for a really strong character arc where they learn to examine the reasoning behind their actions instead of trying to maintain a death grip on every aspect of their life.
so the moral of the story is... maybe listen when someone sets a boundary. it'll save you a lot of trouble.
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