#That everything was going to be okay and they would repair what was broken
archie-sunshine · 3 days
you will regret giving me the ability to talk about my blorbo <3
okay so i’m going to be talking about sunstreaker from the idw1 continuity. though to be entirely honest that’s the only continuity where he gets any story whatsoever. 
so! sunstreaker and his brother sideswipe were forged and the two of them almost joined the decepticons when the faction was in it’s infancy. this was back when megatron was recruiting people via his gladiator pits but both of the twins ended up backing out. 
now one thing you need to understand about sunstreaker is that he’s a massive cunt. just an absolute egotistical piece of shit. he’s self absorbed, a bit of a psychopath (he loves violence and fighting and generally is willing to fuck shit up) and is a prissy son of a bitch who cares very deeply about his personal appearance. 
he rose up through the autobot ranks, though in true idw fashion we never actually learn his rank, only that he trained and led his brother and a few other soldiers in a battle (indicating that he was at least above the average bot in terms of rank).
due to his nature as a showoff, something he didn’t really seem to do out of malice, just sort of wanting to show that he’s good at what he does. sideswipe, his brother, developed an absolute hatred for his brother. sunstreaker, seemingly, did not know about this hatred and continued on like everything was normal. 
now, right at the beginning of the idw phase one comics, sunstreaker, along with ratchet, prowl, jazz, wheeljack, ironhide, and bumblebee, were deployed to earth, where they remained undercover from the humans. this is about the time when verity carlo and a few other humans got caught up in the autobot versus decepticon war. 
around this time a human organisation named skywatch, who had been spying on the autobots, ended up capturing sunstreaker. they then promptly stripped him all the way down to his helm, plugged him into a computer, and then used the schematics they acquired from ripping him to shreds to build a set of soldiers known as the headmasters (humans who were able to transform into copies of sunstreaker’s helm and then pilot clones of his body around all while the main head (sunstreaker himself) helped support the weird hivemind skywatch had created. 
during this time he developed an intensive suicidal ideation and wanted only to die. so much so that when hunter, a human working with carly who had also been captured by skywatch, found him hooked up to a computer, his only wish was for hunter to kill him. 
hunter did not do this. instead he managed to transfer sunstreaker’s consciousness to his head and the two then went on a journey to find a way to get the both of them healed. (hunter at this time had been turned into a headmaster and he was having a terrible time). 
while this was all happening his brother, sideswipe, had journeyed to earth to find him. not because sideswipe actually wanted to help his brother because he loved him, but so that sideswipe could prove to everyone that he was better than sunstreaker. 
they both eventually got healed and sunstreaker swore revenge against all of humanity. he wanted humans dead so badly that he made a deal with starscream of all guys and ended up getting the entire autobot force stationed on earth sent through a space bridge and trapped on an irradiated cybertron. 
during this time he accused mirage (who had been having weird dreams about being a traitor to the autobots) of treason and being the one to rat them out to the decepticons and ironhide (who had lost his memories) beat the ever living shit out of mirage. sunstreaker was wracked with guilt and he eventually sacrificed himself to blow up a bridge filled with insecticons. 
he assumed that he would die. he did not. (because his suffering will never end). 
he then spent like, actual years stranded as a broken frame underneath a pile of insecticon corpses wishing to die. eventually he was found by alpha trion who repaired him and then sunstreaker and ironhide (who also got left behind) were tasked with killing the rest of the insecticon swarm. 
during this time he ran into a small insecticon who was away from the main pack. seemingly out of anger, sunstreaker named the little guy bob and the two quickly became very close friends. i say anger because sunstreaker gives him a human name but they are besties and bob is basically sunstreaker’s emotional support insecticon. 
here’s bob!
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i love him <3
anyways after this sunstreaker doesn’t really show up as much but he ends up joining the lost light until the end of dark cybertron, where he chooses to stay on cybertron. he becomes a minor background character until sideswipe and arcee end up getting very badly injured on earth. 
he spends most of his time trying to figure out a way to heal his brother which ultimately fails. sideswipe dies and arcee names a baby cybertronian after him. 
i fucking love sunstreaker so fucking much. he’s violent, angry, self absorbed and generally a massive fucking prick who only cares about himself and his weird little bug. he’s everything an autobot shouldn’t be and yet he’s still one. he endlessly fascinates me and i deeply wish that he showed up in more media because every single fucking time they put sideswipe in a show sunstreaker is never there alongside them.
this was nearly 1000 words. so um. i love him :3
God Jesus lord. Idk what I expected but it certainly wasn’t any of that If I’m honest!!!
He definitely sounds like the kind of character I wouldn’t be the hugest fan of, but i do appreciate you going out of your way to tell me all about him!! As promises, a blorbo essay gets a blorbo doodle
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Sorry that this pic looks absolutely baked.
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littlecrittereli · 3 months
I knew I wanted to draw out this scene the second I wrote it. This AU has taken OVER MY BRAIN YOU GUYS DONT UNDERSTANDD
anyways enjoy and weep <3
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talesofesther · 3 months
gentle secrets
Astarion Ancunin x Reader
Summary: Where once there was pain, now there's love. Or, you help Astarion create new, happier memories.
A/N: A soft little something, just like he deserves. <3
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The peacefulness was a novelty. Between the 200 years of torment with Cazador, getting snatched by mind flayers, and traveling around with a group of weirdos, there hasn't been much time for peace in Astarion's life.
He reckons though, that this is very much close to it.
It was your first night with a proper roof over your heads, windows opened widely to allow the moonlight to shine through; he could hear the never-ceasing bustling of Elfsong tavern downstairs, but it was a muffled noise, carried away by the touch of your fingers that nearly put him to sleep.
The astonishing safety he felt around you was also a novelty. Astarion couldn't help it, your presence was alluring, and the softness that came with it all the more. You had a way of quieting his mind, dulling the ache in his chest. He never put much thought into why that was. This was new, this was delicate. Not yet labeled. All he knew was that he craved your presence more and more each day, and maybe this wasn't such a bad thing.
Like right now, with you resting on a proper bed, back against the headboard with a book in your hand; and Astarion laying on you, his head resting on your chest, eyes closed and muscles relaxed. One of your hands mindlessly played with the wisps of hair at the nape of his neck, nails sometimes gently scratching his skin; and if he sighed contently with your touch, no one needed to know.
Yes, this could be his meaning of peace.
You'd sometimes hum a tune of some sort as you turned the pages. Astarion wondered if you knew you were doing it. Didn't matter, he liked the sound of your voice. He could picture your brows knitted together just a tad, as you focused on the words. The image brought a faint smile to his lips.
The breeze that came through the window was a chilly one, curtains flowing with it. Astarion snuggled closer. You were particularly warm; a comforting warm.
And then he felt it; your fingers traveling up his neck and steadily burying into white curls. You ran your hand through his hair, tangling and disappearing in between his soft locks. A harmless gesture, you weren't even looking away from your book.
But Astarion froze. A quiet, sharp breath came in through his nose and his muscles tensed, his body that was once slumped against you was now rigid and still. His eyes once closed in bliss were now open and staring blankly as the embers escaped the fireplace in the distance; waiting, expecting, dreading.
It was foolish, oh so foolish. You were not like them. He knew it, of course he did; yet his body still reacted outside of his control, a habit formed in the last 200 years.
He gulped back a tightness in his throat, wondering briefly if he was too broken to be repaired after all.
When you placed your book down beside you on the bed, Astarion's attention was caught. Your hand, still hidden in his hair, had stopped its movements.
The little nickname in your voice caused goosebumps up his back.
"Everything okay?"
Naturally, you noticed. What with his body tangled with yours, of course you would. But you knew him well too.
Astarion stole a glance up at you, with a small smile on his lips. "Of course, my sweet, everything's perfect."
You raised a brow at him, letting him know you didn't believe a word he'd just said, but you'd drop the matter if he so desired.
Not for the first or second time, Astarion felt like spilling all his secrets to you. He sighed. "Forgive me, darling, it's not your fault, it's just that- well-" He struggled, words stuck on the tip of his tongue. He felt… embarrassed, for some reason. He knew you'd never judge him, and yet…
The feeling of self-loathing and shame gnawed at his insides. Like when he'd still feel dirty after scrubbing his skin raw; or when he'd go for days still feeling the ghosts of unkind touches and grips squeezing the flesh of his thighs and waist; or when the roots of his hair would sting from being pulled on too roughly. In a farfetched desire, he wanted to keep those stains of his away from you.
Astarion pursed his lips and gripped the fabric of your shirt. He refused to meet your gaze. "Usually when people touched my hair it was to- it-" His mouth hovered, eyes glazing over with wetness.
Your free hand found his cheek, thumb brushing away a small tear. "I'm sorry, my star, I wish I could take those memories away." You paused, eyes roaming over his features. And not for the first time, Astarion was glad that you were able to decipher him so easily; that he subconsciously allowed you to, wanted you to.
"But if anyone ever thinks of doing anything like this to you again, I'll kill them myself."
You meant it, every word, and despite a watery chuckle escaping Astarion, he knew you did. Maybe that's why he nuzzled back into you, burying his nose even deeper into your neck, arms encircling your waist so you wouldn't go away. Or maybe he was just too overwhelmed with the affection you offered him so dearly, broken or not. Or was it the affection he felt for you that overflowed his dead heart? He couldn't tell. Either way, he felt like drowning in it.
The hand you had in his hair chanced a touch, "Let me love you," you offered quietly. So quiet that it would have been lost to the wind had you not been so close, your lips brushing his temple. "Let me love you the way you deserve to be loved."
Astarion groaned weakly, hiding in you, eyes closing as he committed the touch to memory. The way your fingers brushed through the strands of white curls ever so gently, so tenderly, so lovingly; touching along his ear and tracing the shape of it. As if he was something worthy of devotion. Perhaps he could be, to you.
A breath escaped him, he felt cherished. "Please," he croaked, "Please do."
Your lips found his forehead in the softest of kisses, light as a feather yet as meaningful as a promise. You lifted his head with both hands then, slowly, all so you could place a kiss on his nose, and then his cheeks, and his eyelids that tasted just a tad salty.
You loved on him through the night, and every day after that too.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
Astarion’s taglist: @milkiane @v1ci0us @asterordinary @nyushkawritesstuff
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satforsatoru · 11 days
𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞
➪ 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐟𝐭. 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨
brief mention of blood + injury
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You awoke quickly, eyes snapping open and jumping to sit up, before you could even understand what was going on. You listened, blinking tiredly, trying to discern what had interrupted your sleep.
A persistent knocking echoed through the quietness of your apartment and your eyes narrowed. There was no reason for anyone to be at your door at 2am, but still you hardly hesitated before grabbing your robe and stepping into your slippers.
Narrowed eyes looked through your peephole, but you saw no one. Within a moment your cursed technique was activated and you opened your door.
You hardly had time to react before a weight was falling into you, causing you to stumble back. Violence was your first reaction, but a tuft of white hair disarmed you immediately.
Satoru lay in your arms, eyes scrunched close and blood dripping from his nose. A different sort of panic ran through you and you quickly hauled him into your home.
“Satoru? Shit, are you- what’s going on?” You demanded, gently laying him down on your couch. Despite asking, you had a pretty good idea of what he was experiencing.
His skin boasted a sickly pallor and his face was scrunched in obvious pain, an expression that didn’t fit him at all. Besides his bloody nose (that didn’t look broken) he had no other injuries. External injuries, at least.
“Didn’t know where else t’ go,” he murmured weakly. You sucked in a breath of air as you tried desperately to get him on the couch without hurting him more.
“This is exactly where you should go, baby,” You refuted, laying the sorcerer on the couch, before moving him so he could lay his head on your lap.
He just hummed brokenly as your hands rested in his hair. Your hands glowed blue as you began to gauge and heal the damage to Satoru’s brain.
“Just relax, love. It’ll all be over soon, okay?” You whispered, trying to comfort your distraught lover. True to your words, your reversed technique worked quickly and you could feel his brain repairing itself.
Soon enough, his trembling ceased and his breathing evened out. Satoru blew out a deep breath and his eyes fluttered open, meeting yours.
“Almost done, baby. I have some sweets in the freezer you can have and then how about getting some rest?” You suggested, feeling like you could breathe again. It never got easier seeing him like this, and you were sure it never would.
Satoru always seemed above mortal problems, a god amongst men, but right now, he looked so fragile. Tears brimmed his eyes, drying blood coated the bottom half of his face, and he could hardly talk.
You shut your eyes for a moment, trying to regain control of your emotions. Satoru was fine now. He had come to you, and you had healed him, the same way you would whenever he needed you.
“Stay here, love, I’m going to get you cleaned up, yeah?” You carefully replaced your lap with a pillow before heading to your kitchen first. Digging in the freezer, you found a pack of kikifuku mochi, and you put two on a small plate.
You brought it back to him with a cup of water and you couldn’t miss the shake in his hands as he accepted it, but for his sake, you said nothing and instead laid a gentle kiss on his forehead.
When you came back with a damp towel, the mochi was already gone, unsurprisingly. The normalcy of it made you smile. With a feather light touch, you wiped the blood from his face and you felt him lean into the contact.
“Feeling better?” You asked, setting the towel to the side. Satoru let his eyes close as you held his face in your hands and hummed. “Thank you, for everything,” He whispered hoarsely.
You just smiled fondly before helping him to stand. As you led him to your bedroom, you felt his hand squeeze yours, a gesture of affection that you returned.
The second his head hit the pillow, you could tell how tired he was, not that you didn’t expect as much. Still fighting sleep, Satoru laid a kiss on your palm whispered a declaration of love into your skin.
Less than an hour earlier, you were overwhelmed with worry for his condition, but now all you felt was an overwhelming love. If Satoru needed peace, you would make sure he could find it in your embrace, no matter what.
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requests are open + reblogs are appreciated
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The road trip
College was finally over! Randy and Danny, who had spent the last four years living in the same dorm room, were celebrating their graduation with a dream they had nurtured for the past few months: A road trip across the country! They would travel together, spend the time driving and the nights in motels, and finally visit some famous places along the way.
Both of them had the money for it and the time to spare. Danny, of course, who was the more reliable of the duo, was the one who had planned out the whole trip in advance. He had the maps, the motels and the sights all written down, and now they were driving through the countryside to the west.
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All went according to plan and the two friends were already a few days on the road, when the accident happened. Randy, who didn't get much sleep the night before was driving while Danny was taking a nap in the seat next to him. The monotonous sight of the country road was not helping much, and Danny found it more and more difficult to stay awake. In hindsight, the sensible choice of action would have been to park the car and take a nap as well. But Randy wasn't the type for sensible choices. He just kept driving and driving until...
Randy's car hit something, a rock, a stone, a tree. Danny woke up with a jolt and looked around. Everything had happened so fast. The front window was broken, and the airbag had exploded.
Danny couldn't see because of the airbag and tried to open the door. Luckily, it wasn't jammed, and he could work himself out of the car just in time to see Randy crawl out on the driver's side as well.
"Randy! Are you hurt? What happened?"
"No, I'm okay, but the car... "
Danny, who had managed to stand up by now, took a look at the front of the car. They had collided with a large rock next to the road. Even without any mechanical expertise, Danny recognized that the car was wrecked, damaged beyond repair. Next to one of the car's wheels, he spotted something on the ground. When he picked it up, however, it was just some old coin that he quickly pocketed.
"Fuck." was all Danny remarked. It was unlike him to swear, but the situation called for it.
Randy was still looking at the wreck of his car in disbelief. A thousand thoughts spun around in his head, ranging from "my dad's gonna kill me" to "I should really have been more careful". He finally decided on:
"How are we going to get back to civilization?"
"I'm not sure, but we'll figure something out. We should really get the rest of our luggage and call for help."
The two former students did as suggested and collected their luggage from the car. Luckily, everything that had been in the trunk was more or less intact. Calling for help, however, was a bigger problem than anticipated.
"No reception." Randy stated and Danny nodded, adding only another "Fuck.".
"Perhaps, there's some sort of service station nearby. We should probably walk in the direction we were driving." Danny said after a short consideration.
Neither of them knew how far it was going to be - but surely, at some point, they would be able to use their phones.
After walking for about twenty minutes in the blazing heat, Danny suddenly stopped.
"What's the matter?", Randy asked.
"It's fucking hot, that's what it is", Danny answered. His voice sounded scruff, but that was probably just because of the lack of water. After a short bit of hesitation, he pulled his white t-shirt over his head and used it to wipe away his sweat before dropping it to the ground.
"Better." he mumbled, but it didn't take long for the sweat to return.
Randy, who had also stopped when Danny did, looked at him and his surprisingly well defined torso, glistening in the sun. He had known Danny for a long time, and had seen him shirtless more than once, but his friends exposed chest was way more impressive than he remembered.
"Aren't you hot?"
Randy was interrupted in his thoughts by the question.
"No, actually... I'm not sweating one bit." he answered truthfully. That earned him a strange look from Danny, but no further comment.
Danny was hot, really hot. His mind was clouded, and it was difficult for him to think straight. After another short while, he cursed again.
"Fuck this shit! We're not getting anywhere like that."
Absentmindedly, he scratched his chest, which showed a coating of fine dark hairs now. Randy was pretty sure they weren't there some moments ago. What was going on?! Randy really didn't want to stare, but there were some not-so-subtle changed in his friend. The chest, the hair, the sudden change in behavior... and was that a tattoo on his shoulder? Randy was very, very certain that Danny didn't have any tattoos and yet, here was one. It looked like a crest or something, perhaps a military motive? That was impossible, of course, Danny was a gentle pacifist.
It didn't look bad on him, though. Randy found his eyes glued to his friends body, taking everything in, the muscles, the tattoo, the hair, the... bulge.
"Are you enjoying the view?" the question was snarky, almost aggressive, and definitely not what Randy was used to.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to-" Randy began, but Danny had already closed the distance between them and closed his hand (Randy could swear it was bigger and rougher than before) around Randy's crotch. Only now that it had been touched, Randy realized that he had grown hard.
"Don't act innocent, you little fag", Danny growled. "You're enjoying the view."
"Yes." Randy breathed. The whole situation was weird, and definitely not good, but his friend's hand on his cock felt so incredibly good. Of course, Randy wasn't gay... was he?
When he looked up, he saw Danny grinning a superior grin, despite his harsh words. He had grown significantly, Randy noticed. Not taller, but broader, with big, strong muscles. More tattoos had appeared on his other arm as well, and his chin was covered in bristly stubble now.
Most importantly, though, Danny, too was obviously hard in his pants. The bulge was big, way bigger than what Randy would have expected, even though he had never seen Danny's member hard before. The sight was mouth-watering.
Danny laughed and pressed his groin into Randy's, letting him feel the hardness.
"Yeah, I know what you want."
He opened his pants with his free hand and dropped them, revealing a huge member.
"Do you like what you see?"
Randy couldn't do much else than nod. The sight was just mesmerizing. He was still vaguely aware that they were open in public, on a road, but he couldn't help but stare at his friend's huge cock.
"Come on, give it a kiss."
Randy did as he was told and started to kneel down in front of his friend, but he was interrupted again by Danny's big hand that stopped him.
"But first...", Danny's voice sounded lower, more manly now, as he reached into Randy's pants and underpants and closed his hand around Randy's very stiff dick before he continued:
"I'll take this."
With that, he suddenly *yanked* at Randy's cock and balls, who was expecting the pain of a lifetime. Surprisingly enough, it didn't feel too bad. There was an odd pulling sensation for a moment, but it passed quickly. Even as Danny had retracted his arm, Randy could still feel his firm hand gripping his cock and balls - and he could *see* them, too: Danny was still holding them in his hand, detached from Randy's body.
"Ah, a perfect toy. This should keep you busy while I make use of your mouth."
The realization of what had happened was overwhelming, but it didn't stop Randy from feeling horny. It didn't help that Danny was idly playing with his detached cock, making him moan.
"Didn't you hear me? On. Your. Knees."
Randy was surprised, and even scared a little. How could Danny speak with such authority, like he was a superior man? Like he was... Randy's master.
As he finally went down on his knees, he looked up and was confronted with a different kind of surprise: Danny had been wearing blue jeans before, but now he was greeted by old and worn, and, most importantly, smelly, camo pants, held by a leather belt with a big metal buckle. The pants were open and his giant dick, still hard, hung out between the legs, resting on the heavy balls.
"Suck it." Danny said.
Randy did as he was told, putting his lips around the giant cock and started to suck. It felt more than weird, sucking another man's cock while having his own member detached and being slowly rubbed by the manly hands of his frie...
No, Danny was clearly superior to him now, much too superior to be a peer of his. He was his master, his owner perhaps. He was the one who held his cock in his hand, quite literally. The thought was thrilling for Randy, and he moaned out of pure pleasure.
Danny seemed to enjoy the blowjob as well, and, surprisingly, his cock grew even larger. With a low growl, Danny came in Randy's mouth. It was an incredible amount of cum, filling his mouth and making him gag.
"Good." Danny smirked and zipped up his pants. "And now you're gonna replace the car you crashed."
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With these words, Randy found himself beginning to change. He fell to the ground and watched as both his hands and feet became larger, black and rubbery. There was no doubt: They were turning into... tires!
His whole body exploded in size, shredding his clothing as if they were made of paper. His skin turned hard and metallic and took on a bright yellow color. His body hollowed out and glass formed on the front, the sides and the back, as Randy, the human quickly became Randy, the car. And not just any car. He was becoming a brand new, modern, yellow jeep. His intestines turned into one of the most powerful engines you could own, while his mind underwent another transformation.
Randy's thoughts became clearer, simpler, more mechanical, as his mind was being absorbed into the on-board computer, effectively becoming nothing more than a subservient AI. With all his sensors, Randy noticed of course, as the rugged redneck, Dan the man, entered his interior and took a deep breath of Randy's new car smell.
"Alright, let's get going." Danny mumbled to no one in particular and inserted the key, which had been Randy's cock before, into the keyhole that had been Randy's mouth.
Immediately, Randy roared to life, and at the touch of his owner accelerated down the long country road.
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wishing--butterfly · 8 months
TWs: mentions of death, blood, injuries, crying, hyperventilating, angst, no comfort
Satoru Gojo x fem!reader
What if Satoru is the one who loses you?
Okay, I know it’s imperative to know and consider that whether you’re Satoru’s lover or not, even as a friend or a stranger, he would never let you or others take his fight.
But just imagine if you were the one who fought Sukuna after coming across him by accident. And he injures you or ends you very brutally; imagine Satoru witnessing that? On top of that, imagine that you are someone who he genuinely has romantic feelings for and you are someone who he holds close but not too close so that people don’t use you for their advantage. But believe me, he has wanted you for so long. He has dreamed of wanting to make you his the moment your eyes met.
That type of connection, I believe, is a connection so fragile it’s like you’re walking on glass but you would always enjoy each other’s presence, always smile a little wider when shoulders touch and shiver when your knuckles brush against each other.
Satoru Gojo cannot stand the thought of losing you. So the moment he sees you fall, he’s not him anymore.
He’s filled so much rage, so much hatred for this world, so much anger because why did it decide to take you away from him? His blue irises bleed red and he thinks his heart has already been shattered, broken beyond repair because the moment he’s done with Sukuna, his world turns even more red. He starts killing and exorcising the curses in the most brutal way written in history.
His comrades watch as the Satoru Gojo goes on a killing spree. A maniacal laugh escaping when he twisted a curse a little more painfully than eliminating it quickly. The suffering of those felt nice, calming to him.
Yuuji wants to go near him but Shoko stops the former, “Leave him alone for now…. He’s not exactly himself.”
Satoru doesn’t let anything come near you, protecting what remains of you.
When everything is over, the tiredness struck him like lightening. He wasn’t able to catch his breath. And the moment he saw your unconscious body lying on the ground, not moving, not smiling at him, he started hyperventilating. Satoru looses his footing and falls to his knees. His legs were weak, too weak to stand up so he desperately crawls towards you.
The others slowly walked to the scene, heart breaking at the strongest falling down his throne.
Satoru, ever so gently, pulls your body towards him, resting your head on his lap. His eyes scanned your face. You have always been so beautiful, so unrealistic to him in this world. Such a beautiful soul. So pure and so loveable. How could the universe be so cruel to him?
You’re blurry to him now, his shoulders sag in defeat as his forehead meets yours.
Satoru Gojo was crying.
He was sobbing, so painfully that his friends felt the skies cry with them.
“Don’t go, please…” He begs, to God knows who but he prayed, so desperately prayed that whoever heard him could grant him this wish, “Please don’t take her away from me… I love you so much.
“I haven’t even made you mine…”
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 months
i watched spto and i'm down bad for matthew patel now so uh- can i request platonic matthew patel x reader where reader works at gman media and they become friends with him after he realizes just how out of his depth running the place and just like breaks down to the nearest person that he has no idea what he's doing?
Oufh I gotta admit the same thing-
Being a custodian at G-Man Media certainly wasn't the job you hoped for, but at least it was a job that paid well...better than anything McDonalds could have provided.
And of course, that's only because it used to be run by gazillionaire Gideon Graves.
Yes. Used to.
There was a huge change in management that literally happened overnight--as your boss was defeated in battle by Matthew Patel, and he became the CEO of pretty much everything the former had.
The two record labels, fourteen animal shelters, movie studio, etc. etc. were now all his for the taking.
Never in a million years would you imagine that this theater-obsessed punk who was Ramona's first evil ex-boyfriend would be able to overthrow the G-Man himself.....and yet he won.
Of course, the aforementioned battle they had resulted in some serious damages and a lot of repairs having to be done in several rooms and floors. But if anything you were just relieved Matthew chose to disband the League of Evil Exes. You didn't have to clean up all their messes or fix anything Luke, Todd, or the twins' robot might have broken.
Even better was that Gideon wasn't around to nitpick at every little thing anymore.
That was a huge upside for you.
On the downside, however...your new boss was somehow both better and worse than him.
Matthew was thrown into such a tough role so quickly, and while he seemingly had everything under control with his demon hipster chicks becoming his agents.....sometimes he just looked lost.
Sure, he seemed to like shouting out orders and getting escorts in fancy helicopters, but when it came down to actual business stuff, he kept asking his employees about different things--even painfully obvious things.
You've never talked to him much even before this, although you usually keep to yourself and don't really speak unless spoken to. But you can tell he's struggling to maintain his image.
Still, you don't wanna say anything that might anger him or get you fired.
And besides, he had mystical powers that were ten times cooler than anything Gideon ever had, so pissing him off would be most unwise.
It's late in the evening when you're heading to your final stop before getting to go home: Matthew's office.
He didn't say anything in particular had to be repaired, although you figured there was no harm in double-checking things. For all you know, the TV's wiring might need to be fixed or a screw in the table might've come loose.
Hopefully he didn't mind. You're usually in and out of there by the time he returns from whatever business trip he attended.
Yet upon entering his office, you stood in your tracks upon seeing that he was there, sitting all alone....apparently brooding and monologuing to himself. You were used to seeing him doing that sort of thing.
But this time something seemed...off.
Even his demon agents were concerned and looked grateful you showed up, immediately stepping aside so you could walk in further, hearing his mumbling become more coherent.
"What am I doing with my life? This isn't what I went to college for..."
"Mr. Patel, sir?" You called out cautiously. "Is everything okay?"
"....no, actually. Everything is NOT okay!" Slamming his hands onto the table, he stared up at you from across the table, taking a moment to identify you. You could see how exhausted and bloodshot his eyes were, along with his eyeliner looking more smudged. "You're the custodian, right...[y/n], was it?"
You blinked, surprised he remembered your name. "Correct. I was just-"
"Look, [y/n]..I've been feeling really awful lately and I just need to....get some stuff off my chest. And since you're the only one here right now, you get to listen to me." He then pointed to a chair near him. "Sit, and don't you dare tell anyone what we've discussed, capiche?"
Even though the clock was ticking close to the time you went home, concern over your boss' mental stability took priority over everything else at that moment. So you listened to his demand and took a seat, remaining silent and patient.
As Matthew slumped back into his chair, his whole expression shifted into one of sadness, as though he just lost his best friend. "I'm....not cut out for this job..." He confessed. "This isn't what I envisioned myself doing."
"I imagine it's been difficult. But for the record, you've only been doing this for-"
"I've already lost this company billions of dollars."
You blinked. "Billions, sir?"
"Yes, billions! You know, I-I only defeated Gideon Graves in battle because he would have taken my life if he won. And for a while it felt good to have all of his fame and fortune.......but now it....i-it just sucks! The paperwork never stops, I can barely catch a break, I don't know any of the computer passwords, and I don't even like wearing this stupid suit!!" Laying his head on the table, he banged his fist against it, choking back tears. "I'm a theater major..not a business major, damn it!"
'Poor Matthew..' You frowned slightly. "If all of this is so overwhelming, maybe you could-"
"No." He quickly sat up, his face darkening with a deep scowl. "I am NOT giving anything back to that lying scumbag! Besides, we have a legally binding contract that states all his properties are mine! That means permanently! Forever!"
"My apologies, sir..i-it was only a suggestion." You put your hands up, feeling tense especially as his demons were now frowning at you. "I know you've been under a lot of pressure lately...and there's no shame in admitting that."
Matthew blinked. "You've noticed?"
"I have." You nodded. "I mean..a lot of people go to college for one thing and suddenly wind up in an entirely different field. I know my opinion may not matter much, but...I think you're doing a great job despite your lack of experience."
He shrunk back, no longer looking angry but rather...guilty?
"Thank you.." He sighed. "I'm sorry for never saying this, but you've been a huge help cleaning up after all our messes when we had the League of Evil Exes. So..you better give yourself a little credit, too."
Now it was your turn to be flattered, as you smiled and chuckled. "Thank you, Mr. Patel. I appreciate that."
"Uh-huh..and there's something else, too.."
"And what would that be?"
"....I only refuse to throw in the towel because this company can give me the funds necessary to make the Scott Pilgrim musical a reality." He confessed.
"Oh?" You raised an eyebrow. "A musical based off of that guy you killed?"
"Yes. But apparently he's alive. Ramona told me."
"....I see-"
"BUT as soon as the production takes off, I may or may not return some of Gideon's empire to him. I'm sure that asshole is scheming to reclaim it as we speak..." He grumbled, his attitude turning sour again.
You thought about what you could say to cheer him up without patronizing him...but fortunately that wasn't too hard to figure out.
"I wouldn't worry about him. May I ask who you'll be starring as in the musical?" You rested your arms on the table, smirking as you saw the way Matthew's eyes lit up.
"Why, of course!" With a wide grin, he jumped up onto the table, dramatically posing. "I will be the main character: Scott Pilgrim!! I vow to delight and entertain people everywhere!" He laughed, before he stopped and stared down at you. "[Y/n], may I show you a presentation of my many one-man shows? They've all prepared me for this moment and I'd love your opinion on them."
"Sure." Shrugging, you smiled and leaned back in your seat. "I'm getting paid overtime for this, right?"
His face fell flat. "...I'm supposed to give you guys overtime?"
"Well...Gideon never did, but--nevermind." You shook your head. "You can roll the footage."
His grin returned as he snapped his fingers, causing the room to darken and the TV to come to life, showing off one of his many recorded performances.
It was a two hour long video, but entertaining nonetheless. You recognized a lot of the songs and were impressed by all his method acting.
It's no wonder he made such a convincing CEO.
After that, he finally allowed you to go home with a promise to give you overtime....although not before he exchanged phone numbers with you as thanks for being his unofficial therapist for the day.
He claims it's so he can update you on the musical's progress and "other business stuff", as he put it.
But he kept calling you on your days off to talk, insisting you referred to him as Matthew instead. "Mr. Patel" was slowly starting to leave a bad taste in his mouth.
You didn't mind it, though.
At this point, you accepted the fact that you became your boss' first (and possibly only) friend.
Maybe after he surrenders the G-Man empire for good, that friendship can continue.
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earthtoharlow · 1 month
Don’t Like The Lights
Sequel to Flashing Lights series, must read Flashing Lights first to understand
Series Masterlist
2. Pulling Me Back
Every time I try to leave something keeps pulling me back, telling me I need you in my life.
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Maryse sat in her car parked outside Jack’s house, her fingers nervously tapping against the steering wheel. She glanced up at the front door, her heart pounding. It had been days since they ran into each other at the studio, and now she was finally mustering up the courage to ring the doorbell.
Taking a deep breath, Maryse got out of her car and walked to the front door. She reached out and pressed the button, the sound echoing through the quiet neighborhood. As she waited, her mind raced with thoughts of what awaited her on the other side of the door. Would they be able to pick up where they left off? Or had too much time passed for them to salvage what they once had?
Before she could dwell on it further, the door swung open, and there Jack stood, a mixture of surprise and joy flickering across his face. “Hey,” he said, his voice warm and inviting. “I didn’t expect to see you here so early.”
Maryse smiled nervously as her cheeks warmed. “Hey,” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. “Yeah, uh…I couldn’t wait,” she admitted, “I’ve been thinking a lot lately, about us, about everything.”
Jack’s expression softened as he nodded, understanding dawning in his eyes. “Me too.” He admitted, stepping aside to let her in. As she crossed the threshold, he closed the door behind her.
As she followed behind Jack she couldn’t help but look around his new place. She also couldn’t help but notice the minimal decor adorning the walls. It struck her that there were no personal touches, no signs of another person. She wondered if it meant he was still single.
They both sat on the couch, Maryse shifted uncomfortably, stealing glances at Jack, who seemed equally uneasy.
“Look I’m…
They couldn’t help but both laugh at the silliness of speaking at the same time, the moment breaking the tension that filled the room.
“Sorry, you go first,” Jack said, a faint smile playing on his lips.
“No, you,” Maryse insisted, her eyes searching for a sign of what he was thinking.
Jack takes a deep breath, his eyes locked on Maryse as he begins “I need you to know that I didn’t cheat on you. My ex… she kissed me. I swear, I was pushing her away when you walked in. I know it probably looked bad, but I would never do that to you.” He pauses, his expression pleading for her to believe him.
Maryse listened to Jack ramble about that night. She knew the whole story, Urban had called her the following morning after the night out at the club explaining everything to her. Deep down she knew that Jack would never do that to her and even though she missed him dearly during those lonely nights, she knew that the time apart had been necessary for her growth and self-discovery.
“I’ve been beating myself up over it ever since. I know I should have handled it better, but I froze. I froze because all I could think about was you, and how much I didn’t want to hurt you.”
Maryse reaches out and places a hand on his arm, a gentle gesture to comfort him. “I know, it’s okay. I believe you.” She says softly, her eyes meeting his. “I know you would never intentionally hurt me.”
“A little birdy actually filled me in on what happened months ago,” she begins, her voice steady but filled with vulnerability. “I guess I was just too scared to reach out again because everything seemed so broken, beyond repair.”
“Urban?” Jack asks, a hint of amusement in his tone.
Maryse nods, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. “Yeah, Urban,” she confirms, her gaze meeting his. “He told me what happened that night, and I realized that I didn’t even give you a chance to explain yourself…”
She pauses before taking a deep breath, her heart pounding nervously. “Now it’s my turn to apologize,” she says softly, her voice filled with sincerity. “I’m sorry for making it seem like I didn’t see a future with you, because the truth is, I do. I think I always did. And I’m sorry it took me so long to reach out. I needed time to process everything and figure out what I really wanted.” Maryse watched as Jack’s eyes softened, a flicker of emotion passing across his face.
“I know I messed up.” continues, her voice trembling slightly. “But I love you and I know, for the rest of my life, I won’t stop loving you, ever, because you were meant to be with me. I’ll spend the rest of my life proving that to you.”
A wide grin spreads across Jack’s face when he heard Maryse say she loved him, his eyes shining with joy and excitement. Without hesitation, he pulls her into him, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace. With a gentle yet urgent tone, he whispers, “What did you just say?”
“Tell me you love me.”
Maryse’s heart swells with love as she looks into his eyes, seeing the depth of emotion reflected back at her. “I love you,” she says softly, her voice filled with tenderness.
Jack smile widens at her words, and he leans in closer, his lips hovering just inches from hers. “Say it again,” he murmurs, his breath warm against her skin.
“I love you,” Maryse tells him with even more conviction than before.
Without another moment’s hesitation, Jack closes the distance between them, capturing her lips in a kiss. They poured all of their love and affection into the embrace.
As they finally pulled away, he looked into her eyes with an expression of pure adoration. “I love you more.” he whispers, his voice husky with emotion.
Tears of happiness prick at her eyes as she gazes back at him, overwhelmed by the depth of their connection. “Not possible.” Maryse replies, her voice trembling with emotion.
They sat in silence tangled in each other's arms and for the first time in months, they felt relaxed and happy. Maryse felt a sense of gratitude for the journey that had brought her to this moment. She was ready to embrace the future and spend the rest of her life with Jack.
“I have something else to tell you,” Maryse begins, her voice filled with nervousness.
Jack looks at her, curiosity evident in his eyes. “What is it?” he asks, leaning in closer to her.
“I broke my lease,” she confesses, her words hanging in the air between them.
Jack’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise, and he leans back slightly, processing her revelation. “You broke your lease?” he repeats, in disbelief.
Maryse takes a deep breath, gathering her courage as she continues. “I was wondering… if the offer to move in with you is still available?” she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.
For a moment, there’s silence between them as they both process her question. Then, Jack's face breaks into a wide grin, his eyes shining with joy.
“Of course it’s still available,” he says, his voice filled with excitement.
With a mischievous grin, Jack scoops Maryse up effortlessly, lifting her over his shoulder as she squeals with laughter. “Hey, what are you doing?” she protests playfully, her laughter bubbling over.
“We have a lot of making up to do, and we need to celebrate!” he replies with a wink, his tone playful.
Maryse giggles, feeling a rush of excitement coursing through her veins. “And where exactly are you taking me?” she teases, wrapping her arms around his waist.
“To our soon-to-be shared bedroom,” he declares with a grin, his steps purposeful as he carries her through the house
She laughs, the sound echoing through the air as they make their way down the hallway.
AN: PARADE INSIDE MY CITY YEAAAAH shorter chapter but our bbs are happy and back together 🙂‍↕️ thank you for all the love on the last chapter and this series as a whole I appreciate it so much 🫶
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shisnhou · 1 year
kill gojo
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pairing: gojo x gn! reader
cw: toxic exes, toxic relationship, unhealthy obsession with one another, hints at cheating, do tell me if a missed any!
wc: 1.08
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you're at the brink of your sanity.
and it's all because of your ex boyfriend who is insane himself.
you two have been broken up for eight months— nearly nine. the break up was not your idea. if anything, it was one thing you didn't even think about. you were more than ready to kill for him, to be his ride or die, to be everything and anything he wanted you to be. you used to have an obssesion with having him in your hands and any kind of separation made your heart beat in worry.
when you two broke up, it felt like you were going to split the world in half. the insanity was getting inside your head, the break up felt like the end of the world. you still chased after him since he was everything you knew and you had, but he threw you away and simply looked at you with disgusted eyes before he slamed the doors before your very eyes.
but after a few weeks of words from getou and a load of night outs with shoko, you brought yourself back in no time. you healed and forgot, you forgave for some reason despite holding every single grudge against him and his girls, and now you are thriving in a better environment.
the break up scarred you badly and you want nothing but to be free from all that hurt and anger.
you truly thought you could leave and make him a mere fragment of your memory.
that's laughable, gojo says.
"what the fuck, gojo?" you screech, kicking the door of his expensive sports car, denting the metal with your shoes. but gojo could care less about the dent, he can get his car repaired tomorrow, buy a new one even. the only thing he's thinking about is why you're so pissed at him. "why would you fucking punch him like that?" 
gojo zones out for a second. he looks at the dent and forgets that you are trying to lecture him about punching your excuse of a date- which he thinks is pointless. why would you argue with him when all he did was do the right thing? 
the right thing? what is it? oh, it's not a big deal. he just punched your date in the face because the man placed his hand around your waist without asking which caught you off guard. not that it made you felt uncomfortable, you were just surprised, you actually liked it, but gojo thought thinks that it's a mortal sin for another man to touch you, so he sent the man a punch to the face.
"he touched you." he deadpans, holding an expression that will make you lose your mind.
"okay, so what if he did? what does that have to do with anything?" you roll your eyes digging your nails into your scalp and trying to scratch the unscratchable itch inside your brain that's caused by your ex that's standing before you.
he does this all the time and you wish that you could just catch a breath.
"you're fucking insane." you mutter underneath your breath.
gojo laughs at that. he looks at you with his blue eyes piercing deep into your own, causing a shiver down your spine. "i can't believe that you're the one saying that." he smirks, brows raising, finger moving to tip your chin. "you were chasing me around nine months ago, hunting down girls i went around with, even after we broke up."
you scoff, wrapping your hand around his wrist and bringing it down. "i did." you proudly say. "you know why? because i didn't understand why we even broke up in the first place. i did nothing. infact, i did everything you wanted me to do, so imagine what position i was in when you abruptly left with a fucking text talking about how i'm too much for you." 
he says nothing back, simply watching you point all the arrows at him. it's clear to him that you want nothing to do with him anymore, but god that's too hard for him to bear.
truth be told, gojo doesn't even know why he broke up in the first place. he though  you were too much for him, but now that he's the one chasing you around after months after the break up, he wonders if was clinically insane.
"well, that was in the past. i'm here now! i'm here, right in-front of you." he opens his arms wide, as if to engulf you in a hug. to his dismay, you simply glare at him, unimpressed by his act. 
gojo heaves a deep sigh, putting his hands back down. "look, i know i made a grave mistake by breaking up with you. that was uncalled for. we both didn't need that." the glimmer in his eyes make you want to believe him, but you mentally shake your head, refusing to fall for his act. "being far away from you was a pain and i admit having you chase me around sucked. yet when you stopped chasing after me, i felt like i lost a piece of me—"
at that sentence you moved away from him, taking a step back and showing him your disgusted expression. "i can't fucking believe you. you fucking disgust me." you seethe, glowering at him and shaking your head. "i thought that you maybe changed, and you did, but for the worse. god, gojo, i really thought we could make ammends, but you make me want to walk away and forget you forever."
at your words gojo's brows furrow. you say nothing else, simply turning your back and walking away. but before you're able to walk a mere step away, he grabs your wrist. you're forced to halt, preparing a rally of words to tell him. but your literacy slips away when your eyes meet his dangerous ones.
"walk away and forget forever? you can't do that." he darkly whispers, smiling as if his intentions were innocent. "you can't have anyone else. i might love seeing you smile, but if it's with someone else it's going to be a problem. any other man with you is going to be a problem. a very big problem." 
the hold on your wrist becomes loose, but in return, his hand cups your cheek and forces proximity between you both. "i'm a mature man, but you drive me insane. if any other man tries to have you they can't.. because if i can't have you, nobody can."
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this is not made to fantasize toxic relationship in any way shape or form. if you or someone you know needs help getting away from a toxic relationship, please contact local authorities.
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milktei · 1 year
When you write angst/fluff one shots, I love how you indulge more with your character's feelings and not just straight up jumping to the good part where everything's alright. Specifically during "Again" and "Fine". Would you mind writing the same stuff but with a bit of hostile management of actions whilst in a disagreement with the reader? Will writing for Kuroo or Ushijima okay? ( I think you've taken a liking to Sakusa so I'm not sure if you want the first two captains.) Anyhow, I'm frankly talking about a bit of viol3nce. In this view, how would they speak up their mind and resolve the matter maturely?
Of course when you're available, thank you for your time:3
Love Sealed in Gold
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Ushijima Wakatoshi x gn!Reader
Genre: Angst, tiny bit of hurt/comfort
Warnings: Violence (not towards reader), Possible oocness again. Not edited :P
The pace that i managed to get this out is surprising even to me :o But i had an idea the moment i read the ask!! Isn’t that crazy???
the fact that it’s obvious that sakusa is my fav is kinda embarrassing ngl HAHA BUT i just enjoy writing for haikyuu so don’t worry about requesting people i haven’t written on!
hope you enjoyed this anon! i couldn’t in good conscious add anymore “violence” than i did. what i wrote is really tiptoeing the line for me.
That being said anyone who reads this please don’t take this as me saying to forgive everyone who acts like Ushijima does in this, of course every situation is different but i don’t want it to seem like this is acceptable behaviour and something a person should have to deal with and accept. Violence is a scary and serious thing especially in a relationship so stay safe!
Anyways the idea of using Kintsugi as a metaphor in writing isn’t exactly new but i hope you guys enjoy my take on it and how i wrote it :)
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The Japanese art of Kintsugi is a method of fixing broken pottery that has been popularized all over the world, romanticized even. Something about using the precious material that gold is (among other materials), to put something back together seems to tear into the hearts of people all over the world. So much so that companies even sell their own Kintsugi kits where you can break the provided pottery and put it back together yourself.
How ironic, to buy something only to break it and go through the tedious task of connecting all the broken pieces back together again.
Many hold the belief that kintsugi hold its own deeper meanings. Some say it shows that something breaking and being repaired shouldn’t be covered up, but instead embraced, as it is a part of that objects history.
A more pessimistic view on the subject could be the fact that no matter how beautiful the broken pottery looks, it will never be the same again.
As you stand looking at your boyfriend with only horror filling your body, you could only think about the same could be said for your relationship.
You knew from the get go that getting into a relationship with the Ushijima Wakatoshi was going to be a tough mountain to climb. Anyone from family, friends, colleagues, and even complete strangers had warned you of that fact.
From his personality, to his schedule and the demands that came with being a professional athlete; it seemed that everything was put against the two of you.
But he was the one to ask you out, to court you, the one who crossed the line from friends to potential lovers. That was something that no one could deny being surprised about.
Yes your boyfriend was intimidating, seemingly expressionless and emotionally constipated. But you loved him, and he loved you.
You could work around schedules, you understood why he works as hard as he does, and learning who he really was something that came with time.
As your relationship progressed you could really begin to see what kind of person he was, and how the most subtle changes in his demeanour could signal a change in mood.
But this behaviour was not subtle, it was pronounced, loud, it filled the entire room and made it difficult to breathe properly.
You could barely remember what you two were arguing about this time. Perhaps how you acted during a charity event? How he was running late to a date and didn’t text or call to let you know? it seemed to be a trend for you two in the last couple of weeks. Pick at every little thing one found less than pleasing and then getting mad when the other tried to defend themselves.
This cycle had been going on for far too long and both of you were tired of it, but at the same time too stubborn, too proud to admit defeat.
It was late, far too late for the both of you to be awake, it was far from an appropriate time for you two to be arguing at the volume you were, but whatever exhaustion either of you felt was smothered by a whirlwind of emotions and stubbornness.
Ushijima wiped a hand down his face in frustration from where he sat at the dinner table. Across the room you paced, ranting about your point in the argument that had only been going in circles at this point.
“I-it’s like you can’t even bring yourself to care anymore!” you exclaimed frantically.
A piercing glare was sent your way and it took everything in you to not shrink away from it.
He stood up, with his size, the action in itself felt extremely intimidating, but you felt the way he talked down on you much more severely.
To further articulate his words, a palm would slam down on the surface of the table, so hard that you could feel the vibration in the floor. Each slam was louder and each time you flinched.
His words grew harsher, louder, and more pointed with each sentence. The look of pure, searing anger and hatred on his face kept you frozen in your place.
The man in front of you was unrecognizable, the man in front of you was not the gentle giant you loved. If anything, he was exactly like how many people would describe him upon meeting him. If not worse.
His words, which had now become shouts swirled in your mind, your eyes began to sting as tears began to well in your eyes. All you could think about was how you wanted this to stop, how if only your body would listen to you and move so that you could begin to ask for forgiveness. How you would give anything right in that moment for him to stop yelling and to stop looking at you like you were dirt on his shoe.
Your prayers were soon answered by the sound of shattering ceramic.
The gasp you let out was visceral, uncontrollable, you couldn’t hold it back if you tried.
The fire in his eyes seemed to die out all at once, his gaze moved to his outstretched arm and he look at it as if it had a mind of its own.
His arms were his prized possession even if he never said it out loud, some would go as far to say that they were something to be celebrated. His arms that can hit a volleyball with the utmost precision, arms that brought him to victory and through loss. Strong arms that held you at night and provided you with a great amount of comfort some could only dream of.
Arms that now only served to fill your body with dread.
A vase, along with all its contents was shattered on the hardwood floor.
It had chipped the paint on the wall beside him where the impact initially happened, water that splattered the surface had begun dripping to the ground.
You both recognized the vase, how could you not?You had gone out together to buy it when he had brought you flowers for the first time and you had realized you had nothing to put them in. After moving in together, you used it as a center piece for your dining table.
How sad that an item so fragile and small could hold so much meaning, and that it now lay broken, it was almost as if it were mocking you.
The room was silent as the both of you stared at the scene before you. Minds reeling as you both tried to process the events that had just unfolded.
Ushijima had thrown the vase at the wall in a fit of anger.
You looked up at him and wondered if the conflicted emotions that flickered across his face mirrored your own.
You looked away and took a shaky breath. “An apology won’t fix it. You can’t throw and break something, especially not that, and just expect me to be able to hear and accept an apology, not now, not for this.”
His mouth snapped shut and the tension that filled the room was suffocating. Every time you glanced at the broken ceramic the urge to cry grew and grew.
You wrapped your arms around yourself and took a step back, “I’m…” You swallowed roughly as your voice cracked, “I’m going to the bedroom, you need to clean that up and it’s obvious that we need time to cool down.”
With one last glance at the scene, you turned on your heel and made your way towards your shared room, not seeing the look of anguish that Ushijima held on his face as the watched you leave his sight.
You softly closed the door behind you and as it clicked shut, the realization of what had just transpired fell upon you like waves during a storm.
Despite popular belief, Ushijima had never been an intentionally violent man. The only harm he had caused was on the court, where it wasn’t uncommon for athletes to get injured no matter how good or bad they played.
But tonight, he had no reason to do what he did, there was no excuse even if it was the nth argument of the week. The Ushijima you knew was emotionally intelligent enough to know that he did not have to go through the actions of picking up the vase and throwing it at the wall in order to let his anger be known. He did not need to do that to show you how angry you made him.
His anger had been shown all throughout the night. It was practically palpable.
Your legs shook underneath you as you tried to make it to your bed but your efforts were in vain, you crumpled to the cold hard floor, feeling like you were in pieces, much like the ceramic on the floor of your dining room.
You desperately tried to hold yourself together as you replayed the what had just unfolded again and again in your mind. Not understanding why you felt so conflicted.
Fear. You realized.
Fear is what you felt, refused to believe. How could you fear the one you loved?
And yet every part of your body rejected the idea of your boyfriend and urged you to be afraid of him. Afraid of the only man who could make you as happy as he did.
The man who was supposed to make you feel loved, protected, and safe was the same man that made you feel the complete opposite.
Your chest ached and you breathing quickened, now fully aware of the situation you found yourself in. You were afraid of your boyfriend and didn’t know what that meant for the future of you relationship.
He was- is all you ever want, you couldn’t imagine spending your life with anyone but him, but how were you supposed to move on from this? You now knew how he could react in times of great anger, what if it only got worse from here?
It was then that you finally allowed yourself to cry. After all that had happened you didn’t know where your relationship stood.
It was only after a couple minutes that the door to the bedroom began to open ever so slightly, at a pace so slow you couldn’t even see or hear it through your sobs.
“y/n?” His voice managed to spit out. He was quiet, uncertain, he feared for what your reaction may be at him being there at that moment.
You didn’t respond to him but he knew that you knew he was there, even as sobs racked your body and you pressed a hand to your mouth in a feeble attempt to quiet them.
Slowly, as if not to startle a deer in the forest, Ushijima sank to the floor from where he stood. Keeping an eye on you as he sat down, angling himself so that he was looking at the far wall and you wouldn’t be forced to make eye contact if you could find it in yourself yourself to look up at him.
This was far from ideal to him. He wanted nothing more than to scoop you into his arms and bring you to bed, quiet your cries as he held you tight and told you that it would pass and by the morning it would be a thing of the past.
But he knew better. He knew that he was the reason for your tears and the last thing that you needed was for him to wrap his arms around you.
He was aware of your fear before you were. The horrified look you gave him would be something that would stay engrained in his mind for years to come.
He was only used to you looking at him with love and happiness in your eyes and he had managed to ruin that in one night.
“I know that you don’t want an apology right now.” Ushijima started, he looked down at his hands and clenched them together to prevent them from trembling. “But I just wanted to let you know that… I am fully aware of how unacceptable my actions were tonight, that was no way to take out my anger and I should know better than to display my anger in the way that I did.”
Your cries had stopped at this point but you still trembled, still it brought him the smallest amount of comfort knowing that you were likely listening to him now.
“You deserve better than my misplaced anger, and you have every right to be angry with me, to not want to even be in this room, in this house with me right now. If you wanted to leave-“
His breath hitched and he found himself looking down at the hands in his lap with disgust and sadness.
“If you wanted to leave right now I would understand, but that doesn’t mean I’m giving up on us, I’ll do whatever it takes to earn your trust again.”
Your head lifted ever so slightly and it gave him the confidence to keep going,
“I’ll get help, I’ll find other ways to channel my emotions. Along with that I’ll ask you for your feedback on how you think I’m doing, if what I’m doing makes me worthy of being with someone like you. It won’t start more fights I promise.”
He smiled at himself sadly “You seem to know me better than I know myself at times and that’s one of the reasons I fell in love you. I don’t think I could forgive myself for losing you if I didn’t put as much effort into trying as I could.”
The room was filled with silence once again as Ushijima finished talking. He sighed to himself. He hated this, he hated what he had done to you two, he hated that he was the reason for your tears and he hated that he was feeling completely helpless at the moment, and that you were well within your right to end everything, and there would be nothing he could do.
Your hand grazes his shoulder and he has to do a double take to ensure that you were there. Right at his side like you always had been for the years you had been dating.
Your smiled was coupled with sadness and exhaustion, and he couldn’t hold back the sound of surprise that left him as you wrapped your arms around him and let yourself press your weight into him.
He let out a shaky breath he didn’t know he was holding and allowed his arms to finally reach for you, the next thing you knew, you were being pulled into his lap and he held your head close to his chest, you could hear his heart pounding and could feel his entire body tremble. He kissed the top of your head and let his head rest on top of yours. When he realized how instinctively he was acting, he froze.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to act so suddenly I-“
You shushed the man and ran your stroked his arm soothingly in an attempt to calm him.
“I understand.”
Quiet filled the bedroom and for the first time in a long time, it didn’t feel oppressive, or hot with anger. It felt comfortable as it always should have.
Ushijima was the first to break the silence. “We’ll be okay y/n, right?”
The question was almost childish, naive, and ignorant of how many more questions would be raised answering it.
But it was purely Ushijima. Something that only Ushijima would ask in a time like this, he knew about the complexities, knew it would be hard to answer, but he asks anyways.
You ponder for a moment, knowing that no matter how you answered, there was still always the chance that everything could still turn out very differently that whatever you two could imagine.
“We’ll have to work towards it Toshi, and it might be a slow process, but from the bottom of my heart. I believe in us.”
Strong arms hug you tighter, filling you with that familiar warmth
“Thank you.”
Kintsugi is the art of repairing what was once broken by adding something precious to the mix. When used as a philosophy it encourages the acceptance of fragility, coming back from hardship stronger than before, and being proud of something imperfect.
Something that is repaired using this method will never look the same, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it still holds a unique beauty to it and will continue to function, as long as it is done properly and handled with care.
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Villaintine's Day 2024 - Crash Meeting
Prompt: Evil Scheme 03 @black-rose-events
Detective who has to investigate a string of crimes and ends up discovering more about Villain than they ever thought they would (could be an identity reveal or a bigger plot or a “the Villain is actually the good guy and X is actually the antagonist)
(tw car crash mention)
It did not go according to plan.
Detective twitched a little, their fingers fidgeting. There was an unconscious part of their mind that was annoyed at not being able to clasp their hands in front of them, as they were zip-tied behind their back. It helped them think, and in that moment they needed that. To be honest, they were in a slight state of shock. Being caught hadn’t much to do with it.
A couple of weeks ago, there had been a robbery in their neighborhood. It’d happened in a garage. During the night, the cars in repair had been all gone. Detective liked the people that worked there. They were a regular, and the staff never sighed or rolled their eyes every time they presented a very bumpy car that had its windows broken too many times to count, flat tires at least every month, and once had a very long knife stuck in the hood. This kind of petty thievery really made their gears grind, especially from those of one overpowered over-the-top Villains. Of course it was a villain, you didn’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to know that. Could you actually believe that someone chose to do that with their abilities? Couldn’t they get a job or something? Detective had no special power, expect perhaps an innate gift to find themself in trouble, but it didn’t matter one bit. Villain had hurt someone they knew, they had to be stopped. Simple as that. Of course the hero agency had been contacted, but the Heroes were much too busy with crimes that “actually mattered” (yes, it was what they’d said on the phone.) Being unchecked, Villain hadn’t stopped there. Their people had broken into private properties just to steal cars, and only cars. It was like the beginning of a bad joke. This was getting really worrying, but the Hero agency didn’t care. As long as it didn’t hurt their sponsors, Detective supposed everything was fine and dandy. Well, not in their book.
It could have gone well. It could have gone very well. Success had been on the tip of their fingers, honestly. They’d gone undercover and had succeeded to find Villain’s headquarters, as well as all the codes to the doors. They’d sent all these findings to the Hero’s agency, just in case, and then they’d met Villain themself. Detective had scoffed at first at – well, everything. The costume, the theatrics, the melodrama. And then, they’d laid down their eyes...and they had frozen. They’d been quiet and still while the henchmen had dragged them away. Even now it was hard to snap out of it. They had no idea how long they’d been stuck in here.
Villain opened the door. The prisoner jumped on their feet. The day before, they would have tried a good old-fashioned headbutt, but not now. Not after what they’d seen. They stared as Villain put their fingertips together in reflection.
“Do you know who am I?” Detective asked abruptly.
Villain smirked:
“Are you going to try that on me? You’re in no position to bluff. You’re a nobody living in a bad neighborhood. That you have ties with the hero agency changes nothing. I doubt that they’ll come to your rescue.”
“No, I mean- Do you not remember me at all? Or are you just pretending?”
That made Villain pause. They examined their prisoner, but something about Detective’s attitude made gloating strangely difficult. Intrigued, even slightly amused, they tilted their head:
“Why should I?”
Detective closed their eyes:
“Okay. Hmm- okay. Do you remember a car crash from fifteen years ago?”
“There are a lot of car crashes in the world, Detective.”
“Not like that one. A blue old-fashioned car pushed another car off the road, and it crashed. It wasn’t an accident. There were four victims: the father, the mother, and two kids. One of them was a dumb twelve year-old. It was me. I got away with a few broken bones.”
“All of this is fascinating, but-”
“I don’t have a lot of memories of this day. I just have pictures, flashes. I saw the other car - how fast it was, how deliberately it bumped into us – the scream of my parents - the hand of my sibling emerging out of the rubble-”
“Are you accusing me?”
“-But I remember the next day very clearly. The grown-ups told me everyone else had died.”
“See, you’ve got this the wrong way. I am the one who is supposed to tell you my tragic origin story.”
“I think I am telling yours. You have a birth mark on your left hand that looks like a pentagram. My sibling had the same.”
There was a silence.
“Don’t you remember?" asked Detective with something akin to desperation. "Don’t you remember at all?”
Villain staggered on their feet. Unable to catch them up, Detective knelt next to them when they grabbed the wall, their knees buckling under them.
“The car,” Villain finally whispered. “Did it look – Was it a sedan?”
“I think so.”
“I see it. I see it all the time in my dreams.”
They wiped their forehead with a shaking hand:
“I-I thought you were an imaginary friend. No one told me I had a real sibling.”
“What happened to you?”
Villain avoided their gaze:
“Bad things.”
They lapsed into silence again, until Detective cleared their throat:
“Can you, uh-”
Villain pulled out a knife and cut the zip-ties that bound Detective’s hands. They stayed like this for a few tense seconds, barely glancing at each other, until Villain held out a tentative hand. Detective took a step closer and reeled them into their arms. Villain’s spine went rigid at first, but Detective awkwardly patted their back until they slowly relaxed.
“Am I the older sibling?” asked Villain.
“You wish. You’re two years younger. Why are you stealing cars?”
“Oh, it was going to be a very sophisticated scheme. Everyone thinks so anyway. But I think- I’m really looking for that blue car. I can’t think of something else. I keep getting back to it.”
“Do you want to look together?”
“Good.” Detective pressed them tighter. “Because I’m not going to let anything happen to you again. And I really, really want to know why everyone lied to us.”
Back to Hero x Villain Masterlist
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pillowspace · 5 months
Ooohhh, Musicbond AU thought. Okay, so the entire point of that AU essentially is that Charlie's spirit winds up observing the Pizzaplex for any new threats, then eventually retrieves the Marionette's body from beneath the building to help her stay grounded better + she's tied to it, so she can only go so far from it. She only possesses it at night when she can physically sneak around easier
So idea. Eventually sneaking around doesn't work out as well as it usually does, and she's caught by a human employee. Charlie thinks that the Marionette is going to be forcibly removed or even destroyed if she doesn't figure something out, but that's not the case. This is a perfectly functional robot they've found! This is a miraculous discovery! They can use this, and profit off of it!! Which should be a relief, but... they want the body for repairs. The first time or two the Marionette had been moved with Charlie's spirit inside, the workers had only performed basic tests then backed off when the body seemed just as operational. This time, an actual check-up is in order.
And Moon has to calm down a very panicked Charlie, because she knows that if anyone catches even a glimpse of what the Marionette looks like inside, they will see nothing that makes it Charlie, and everything that makes Mari dead. Water damage. Burns. Fried circuitry. They'll realize that this is no miracle, and that the Marionette isn't worth the resources needed to rebuild it from scratch. After all those years, it's completely and utterly broken inside.
Charlie and the DCA (or even the other animatronics) would have to somehow come up with a plan for nobody to find that out.
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plothooksinc · 7 months
As promised, I have arrived with a prompt for NRFTW extra-content. I would loooooove to see the Hamato family come over to meet April's parents over dinner. 👀😎
this was less written and more 'the characters stuffed the author in the trunk and drove the plot themselves, but at least they gave the author popcorn'
“Okay, so remember what I said about Raph.”
“He’s big. Don’t stare.”
“Great. I mean yeah, he’s huge, but he’s a big softie—”
“I get it. Stop being so worried.”
“Oh, and keep the gravy separate—”
“I got it!”
“—for Donnie, he has—”
“...sensory issues?”
“So does your dad. Business as usual. You remember we’ve had this conversation three times already, right?”
“Sorry, mom. I’m just, uh…”
“You’re sitting down with friends you’ve known for years, not going to prom with a flock of mean girls. Stop pacing, for Pete’s sake. Look, get the potatoes out of the oven for me.”
“You got it.”
“How is… Leo? Is it Leo?”
“Yeah. He’s coming. AOPBA.”
“I have no clue what that means.”
“He has over-protective brothers.”
“Well, great, two birds with one stone. Go make up the couch so I don’t have to look at your face. Green is a better look on your turtle friends, baby, just sayin’.”
“Thanks so much.”
There was really no good reason to be nervous. Donnie had already met her parents in less than stellar circumstances, and it had put Mom in a good mood for the rest of the evening. The ice had been broken; the guys had wanted to meet her family for ages, and she knew now it would be okay.
It didn’t stop the low level jitters as April padded the couch out generously with pillows and a comforter or two. It was like elation and terror had decided to go clubbing together somewhere in her rib cage. In the end, it came down to this being new. Something life-changing. The status quo forever being overturned. It was a good thing.
(It was damn terrifying, was what it was.)
The living room floor was generously covered in rugs and loose carpeting—both new and borrowed—because they weren’t made of money and the floor was still in the process of being repaired. Her dad had made fretful noises about inviting guests over in such conditions, and it was Carol that had reminded him, dryly, that “Honey, those kids live in a sewer. I don’t think they’re gonna judge us.”
“They live in an old subway station now,” April had said helpfully, and August had perked up with some interest and asked about logistical details, because her dad was a nerd like that and enjoyed his boats and trains, and his nerves about the floor were long forgotten. Nobody mentioned the fact that the guys already knew her apartment had been half destroyed in the little Krang’s attack. It was a fact that, by unspoken agreement, they had all decided to sweep under the rug.
Anyway, given Carol had slung a whole bunch of rapid-fire questions her way about the boys’ dietary requirements and August was fretting about being judged, April was reasonably sure her parents had come to terms with the fact her four best friends were giant walking turtles with comparative ease. It probably helped they’d been thrown into the deep end of things, even if it had led to super uncomfortable conversations and her parents staring at her as if they were expecting her to don a cape and go fight crime or some dumb stunt. It probably also helped that they knew Donnie and Mikey had come to bail her out, and that they were literally, y’know, responsible for saving the city.
Most of April’s nerves weren’t about the turtle aspect. It was whether her two families would like each other. Which was hilariously one of the most mundane things to worry about, considering literally everything else.
Story of her life, honestly.
She’d just finished squishing a pile of pillows into the corner of the couch when she heard her phone buzz, and fished it out.
Donnie: >> We’re here. Wardrobe check? Puppy eyes face.
Dumbonardo: >> Donnie has no class. 🥺
Donnie: >> Leo has no brain, but you already knew this.
She snorted. Then April glanced toward the kitchen to make sure Carol was busy with the oven and sidled toward the front door, slipping through as quietly as she could.
They were waiting there for her in the hallway. Splinter stood slightly apart from the boys, arms folded and looking sulky, but his fur was neatly washed and combed through and he was wearing a nice shirt which… was more flattering than some things she’d seen on him. April could be that generous. Donnie was wearing his sweater vest combo and standing ramrod straight like someone was about to push him onto a stage—no surprise there—and Mikey was wearing some nice slacks and an orange turtle-neck and beaming widely, carrying a casserole dish.
“Hiii, April,” he whispered. “We clean up good, right?”
“Puttin’ the rest of us to shame, Mikey,” she said with a grin, and gave him a fist bump.
“Speak for yourself,” Leo said lazily, draped over Raph’s shoulder like a blue and green fur stole. He was wearing one of his over-large hoodies; comfort over style, and April was relieved, to be honest. “I think Raph gives him a run for his money.”
April turned to take him in, and-- “Damn, son.” She gave a low whistle at Raph’s white suit and pink shirt, hanging on him pretty stylishly for all that his spikes had already done a number on his elbows. “You go shopping for that? Tell me you didn’t just have that hidden in your room this whole time.”
Raph preened a little before glancing down at the carpeted floor, pushing his fingers together bashfully. “We had to find something nice for Casey to wear anyway, so Raph thought—”
“Raph thought right.” April gave him a double thumbs up. And then frowned. She couldn’t see the last invited guest. “Is he not here?”
“Oh, he’s here,” Leo said quietly, a small helpless smile on his face. “He’s just shy.”
And Raph and Donnie separated so she could peer down the hallway; at Casey, who was literally lurking in the gloomy corner by the entrance to the stairwell, hunched as if trying to make himself small.
April frowned.
“Be nice, April,” Mikey whispered. “He’s, uh…”
“I get it.”
April made her way past them all, coming to a stop in front of Casey. He cleaned up pretty nicely, actually; she wasn’t sure who’d dressed him, but dress jeans and a nice jacket over a dark T-shirt nearly made him look like a different person. His hair was tamed and in a neat braid, and he looked up and gave her the shyest of smiles. “Hi, April. Sorry, uh…”
“Not used to the idea of family dinner?”
“Not really a thing where I come from, no.” He ran a hand through his hair, causing some of the strands to come loose, and she hid a grin. “But it’s not that. Um… are you sure I’m... welcome? I’m not really—”
“You think these guys would take you for a fashion montage if you weren’t?” she said drily. “Mom and Dad know you’re coming, trust me. They’ve made some simpler food just to make sure you can stomach it okay, and they’re looking forward to meeting all of this extended family. Which you are a part of.”
“Tooold youuu,” Leo sing-songed down the hall.
“Shut it, Nardo.”
“You can’t talk to me like that, I’m walking wounded—”
“Who’s walking?”
There was some general cackling. Casey’s next smile was more relaxed, and he let April tug him back down the hallway.
...and then they all jumped as the door to April’s apartment was flung open suddenly and her mother leaned casually in the open frame, tugging her oven mitts off, meeting their deer-in-headlights stares with a wry look of her own.
“Hi—um, that—um--” Donnie pushed forward and saluted her mother, and April clapped a hand over her mouth to stop the laugh. “Hello, Mrs O’Neil! As you can see, I am a sweater vest—I mean—”
Leo made a strangled sound and flopped limply over Raph’s shoulder; he’d have slid down if Raph hadn’t reached out to steady him with a tired move that said he was very used to this happening. “Oh pizza supreme, don’t make me laugh, you know I’m fragile—”
Mikey slapped a hand over Leo’s mouth, smile bright and eyes a little too wide. “Hi, Mrs O’Neil!” he chirped. “It’s nice to meet you, we brought casserole!”
Said casserole was snatched out of his hands a moment later by Splinter, coughing dramatically before he gave a dramatic bow that meant he was mostly addressing Carol’s knees. “I brought casserole, in fact! It’s my traditional green bean casserole, handed down through generations, made for one of my biggest fans!”
Carol raised an eyebrow.
“Dad, we talked about this,” Donnie muttered.
“No, you talked about this,” Splinter huffed. “I was going to come dressed in style, until you rudely tackled me to the ground and took my clothes.”
Carol’s raised eyebrow took on a level of alarm, and April sidled up to her mother with a quick hiss. “It’s not as bad as it sounds.”
“No, we did in fact do that,” Donnie said flatly. “Trust me, it was necessary.”
“...okay, it is as bad as it sounds—”
“My own sons,” Splinter grumbled. Then he straightened, beaming at Carol. “Children, am I right? Full of well-meaning hypocrisy. Sure, my son gets to dress as that hack Don Johnson, but when I try to dress as—”
“Yeah, Raph still doesn’t know who that is.”
Splinter wilted. To April’s delight, Carol seemed to wilt right along with him. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
“Well,” her mom said, dry as the desert. “If you’re done making us feel old as dirt, won’t you come in? Unless you want to spend the evening in my hallway doing more fashion checks. I could always bring you a mirror. But if you’ll take my word for it, I think you all look just fine.”
She stepped aside and they filed past, shuffling into the living room more bashfully than April had ever seen them, which was altogether kind of endearing. Carol paused long enough for April to close in with Casey still in hand, and gave him a warm smile that made him relax just a little more.
Then she hissed quietly to April, “Biggest fan?”
Eugh boy. “Yeah, you uh…” April trailed off, wondering if she could just deflect that question with a shrug as if to say she had no clue. But she knew Splinter; he would keep making comments, so better forewarned, right? “You know how you started watching Lou Jitsu movies with me? And, uh, how much you like them? To the point Dad threatened divorce if you mentioned Lou’s tight pants one more time?” Which was an empty threat, given Dad watched those movies almost as closely as her mom did, and April suspected it was for the same reasons. It had been a running joke for a while.
“Great! Get ready to be emotionally scarred.”
They introduced themselves properly once they were all inside, and to her credit Carol was still smiling, even if April could see the faintly wild look in her eyes. At least she’d never told Splinter just how much her mom liked him-- enough to say she was a huge fan, nothing more.
“August will be here in a moment,” she said cheerfully. “He’s just finishing up with the roast, and then we’ll serve. You can call us Mr and Mrs O’Neil, or you can call us Carol and August. We don’t mind. It’s lovely to meet you at last. Donatello, your sweater vest looks great.”
Donnie jerked ramrod straight again, voice high-pitched. “Thank you!”
Bless her mom for throwing him a bone. April grinned. “So, this is Splinter, or Hamato Yoshi—”
“You can call me Lou,” Splinter said with a small bow, taking the casserole from his hands with his tail and depositing it onto the table with a flourish. April had never seen him like this. It was hilarious and painful, but the mortified looks on the guys’ faces made it worth it. (Casey just looked clueless. Lucky kid.)
“Nice to meet you, Lou,” Carol said, politely and as if April hadn’t upended her world not thirty seconds ago. Damn, but her mom was good. “And Donnie I’ve already met. Hmm, can I guess the others?”
“Oh, go ahead,” Leo said cheerfully, waving at her from his perch, and her smile softened considerably as she glanced up at him, taking in the curve of bandages just visible through the over-large neck of his hoodie.
“You would be Leo, then. You doing okay, sweetie?”
Leo blinked. “Uh… yes? I mean, of course! I mean—” He darted a look at April, eye ridges raised.
“She knows,” April assured him. “It’s okay.”
Leo grinned in response, letting himself flop loosely in Raph’s grip to finger gun with both hands, and April grinned as Raph obligingly kept hold of him and rolled his eyes. “I may be a little bruised, but I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. It’s nice to meet you, Mrs O! I also rock a mean sweater vest, but my brothers would only let me travel casual.”
“You’re lucky we let you come at all,” Donnie muttered.
“You’re just jealous because I, unlike some brothers I could mention, did not make my first impression in—”
Then he yelped as Splinter smacked him in the side of the head with his tail. A light smack, April noted with amusement, as Donnie flicked him from the other side. Clearly Leo was slowly losing all his coddling rights.
“Well, a little bruised or not, it’s nice to meet you too,” Carol said easily. “April did tell me you’ve been laid up until just recently, so we’ve made up the couch for you, okay? There’s no shame in tapping out early if you get tired.”
Leo blinked at her, looking taken aback. And then his answering smile was a faintly relieved, hesitant thing as he held out a hand for her to shake, voice small.
“Deal. Thanks, mom.”
You could have heard a pin drop.
“Mom?” Mikey said slyly.
Leo promptly went as red as his stripes and planted his face on Raph’s jacket. But he kept his hand out until Carol shook it—gently, holding back a laugh—and then went full limp noodle. “Case,” he whined. “Help me out here?”
Casey helpfully reached out to tug the hood over his head. Leo gave him a thumbs up.
April dissolved into cackling as Carol turned a carefully blank face on Raph. “April’s told me just enough about all of you, really. You must be Raph. And this sweet little man here must be Mikey?”
She was expecting a clap back from Mikey about being little, so April was very surprised when he just dimpled sweetly and gave her his best I-am-an-innocent-child impression. His cheeks were faintly flushed, and for the first time she wondered if she should be recording this for posterity. That was like… three blushes, so far.
“That’s right! Raph’s all gentle giant and I am just the sweetest little package, baby.”
“I’m sure,” Carol said, straight-faced. And then lastly she turned to Casey, and her smile was warm. “And you’re Casey Jones. Are you nervous?”
“A little,” he admitted, tugging at his braid but he smiled back. “But it’s so nice to meet you again. I mean—sorry, the first time, I’ve just heard a lot about you—”
April blinked, mouth open as she considered that particular insinuation. And wasn’t surprised when Leo’s head suddenly shot up, all sign of embarrassment gone and with a blinding smile. “Yeah, I gotta say April has told us so much about you guys that it does kind of feel like we’ve met you already!”
“Well, then,” Carol said lightly. “You’ll have to tell me all about yourselves to make us even. April’s told us a little this week, but it seems we might have years to catch up on.”
“We would be more than happy to regale you with tales of our exploits,” Splinter beamed back. “And in turn perhaps you could tell me your—”
“And we should all sit down because Dad’s probably almost done,” April said loudly. “Save the talking for after dinner! I’m starved.”
“I should help August bring the dishes out anyway.” Carol gave April a pointed look. “Hon? Would you give me a hand? The rest of you, table’s just through here…”
“What do you mean that’s Lou Jitsu?” August hissed, handing April the cauliflower bake. “He’s a rat. Lou Jitsu isn’t a rat.”
“He is now, babe,” Carol said blandly.
“A rat with four turtle children?”
“And a human child.”
“How does that even—”
“Remember asking about the skeleton, sweet pea?”
“...okay, fine,” he muttered, nose wrinkling. “I’ll be good.”
April eyed them both. “Look at it this way, dad. The longstanding threat to your happy marriage has been removed.”
She burst into giggles and skipped out of the kitchen, balancing the cauliflower and potatoes and the jug of gravy, and wasn’t surprised to find Mikey just outside the kitchen door, making grabby hands for her dishes. April cheerfully palmed them off and returned for more, grinning sunnily at the twin glares of her parents. “Anyway, Casey’s… uh, adopted? That’s the simplest way of explaining him.”
“Gotta admit, I wasn’t expecting the one I find the strangest to be a normal human boy,” Carol mused. She frowned. “Is he the one from the, uh. Future?”
“The future,” her dad repeated back mechanically.
“Shush, dear.”
“Yeah.” And April had both a burning curiosity of how Casey knew her mother in the future and a dread to find out, because she was pretty sure none of them got happy endings where Casey came from. “Best to leave that well alone. Too heavy for a dinner topic.”
“Right. Future discussions are off the table,” August said, with a weary tone that said sure, fine, this might as well happen. “The invasion too, obviously. Anything else we haven’t already covered?”
“No. But just so you know,” April said mildly, “Rats have excellent hearing.”
She nudged aside her suddenly frozen parents, scooped up the roast tray, and sailed back out to the table.
Mikey took that from her, too, apparently intent on setting the table with a certain amount of flare, and April let him, more than happy to watch him handling pans that he might have had difficulty holding a week ago. She knew his arms were still bandaged under the sweater-- and knew also why he was wearing an actual turtleneck, no pun intended. The scarring up to his chin was still fading, but they’d stopped hurting days ago, leaving him with full range of movement.
(“Unless I’m really tired,” he’d said, giving her jazz hands at their last movie night. “So I’m still being careful.”
“Yes,” Draxum had said flatly. “It’s amazing how fast one heals when one actually pays attention to a mystic’s expert advice.” Mikey had thrown a pillow at him, end of discussion.
...which reminded her--)
“Hey, Mikey. Barry knows he’s invited, right?”
That earned her a predictable snort from Leo, who had been settled into a chair by Raph. “I’m not sure Draxum does family dinners.”
“You’d be surprised,” Mikey muttered.
“What was that?”
“I said what a surprise.” He twirled the roast tray once and settled it down on the table with flare. “He’ll be here. Just in time for dessert, he said! He’s looking forward to it.”
“Uh huh.” Donnie eyed him. “You threatened him, didn’t you?”
“I would never.” Mikey waved a finger at them, planting his other hand on his hip. “I merely pointed out it would be sad if he wasn’t included in this family get-together, given he is now family, unless he wants to deny any such attachment, and shunning a family dinner isn’t the proper or the neighbourly thing to do—”
“Oh, my apologies. You emotionally blackmailed him.”
“That’s better.”
“Why dessert?” April wanted to know.
“He’s, uh…” Mikey trailed off. “Well, it. Takes a while to bake brownies.”
Raph squinted. “Draxum is baking. Brownies.”
They all paused to take in that mental image.
“Oh, that’s not going to be edible,” Donnie muttered. “The guy can make a sandwich. Barely.”
“He can make a mean gruel, though,” April said wryly. “I mean. Literally.”
“I left him a recipe!” Mikey defended, though the way his shoulders hunched told April it was more out of loyalty than any actual belief in Barry’s capabilities. She frowned.
“Shoulda just told him store bought was fine, Mikes. Then he’d be here for dinner.”
Mikey gasped theatrically. “First of all, how dare you.” Leo gave a snort at his little brother’s affront and reached out for the gravy boat, flinching back when Mikey slapped his hand away without even looking. “Second! He wanted to try. You don’t want to hurt the nice goat scientist’s feelings, do you?”
“You want an honest answer?” Leo muttered. Mikey yanked his hood violently down over his face.
“Letting him try is just fine,” Splinter said with great generosity, leaning back in his chair. He’d been sporting the same cheesy grin since April walked back in from the kitchen, and that promised to be entertaining. But later. “When he fails, we can point and laugh—”
The way Mikey just teleported right in there to tower over his dad was impressive, and April reached out automatically to grab the back of Splinter’s chair before he could tip it all the way backwards in sheer terror. “We are not doing that.”
“No, we are not,” Raph said comfortingly, hands up as it to forestall a tiny mystic warrior explosion. “I know some will hate to hear it, but Draxum really pulled through for us. We should support him! In his, uh… domestic endeavours.”
“And his mad science endeavours.”
“What? I have my interests.”
“I do hate to hear it,” Leo said slowly, and they all turned to look at him as he peered out from his hood like some evil alternate Kermit!Leo. “Buuut you know. There’s petty, and then there’s mean. If he’s trying to be nice, let him try.”
There was silence at the table for a second time.
Then Donnie stood and pointed dramatically. “Who are you and what have you done with our brother?”
“Wow, Leo, that’s very mature of you,” Raph said suspiciously.
“I know, right?” Mikey wiped away a fake tear. “He’s come so far.”
“I am the very model of maturely letting my grudges go,” Leo said, stifling a yawn. “And if he accidentally poisons us all, I can hold it over you for at least a month.”
Oh. That was more like it.
It took her parents longer than strictly necessary to bring out the rest of the food, and April was pretty sure they’d just been schooling their expressions into the most poker-faced they could, mortified by the knowledge that Splinter had probably overheard every word-- and honestly, given that Splinter occasionally gave a small muffled snort into his hand and tried to look innocent every time his sons stared at him, Carol and August were. Probably still talking about him. She was kind of glad she couldn’t hear them. April shoved his chair with a foot as she sat down and levelled him with mock glare over the rim of her glasses.
“Be nice,” she whispered severely.
Splinter leaned towards her to whisper back. “April, such little faith. I am already having the time of my life at this dinner. Why would I do anything to spoil the mood? I know how to act around fans.”
“These aren’t just fans, these are my parents.”
“Well, I know how to act around parents, too,” he said, waggling his eyebrows and outright leering, oh god. “I was a teenager, once, and dating was—”
“Please stop talking,” she hissed.
Splinter gave her a wide and mischievous grin, and that’s when it occurred to her he was being a little shit on purpose. But his smile faded, and he folded his hands delicately on the table in front of him. “Trust me. I know this is important.”
She breathed out. Yeah, okay. She did, after all, trust him, and he had dressed nicely for dinner. If he was truly set on arriving dressed as his eighties-Lou-Jitsu persona, April was pretty sure the guys wouldn’t have been able to stop him.
“What’s important?” Mikey said from the other side of the table, and she glanced up to find the others looking at them with curiosity.
“Good table manners,” Splinter said mildly. “Which means you should all stop leaning on the tablecloth like that. Elbows off!”
They all immediately pulled back and sat primly at the table, looking various shades of guilty—except for Casey, who flinched back from the tablecloth as if it might bite him. Poor guy had no reference for things like this, did he?
“Surprised you know decent table manners,” Donnie muttered.
“If it is such a surprise to you, I have failed as a father and we shall practice them more often at home.”
“Don’t you—”
“Leo,” April interrupted, watching Leo list faintly to the side. “You’re hurt. Nobody’s gonna care if you keep leaning.”
“Thank you,” he said fervently, and promptly flopped forward again, just as the kitchen door swung open.
Oh, good. Her parents had gotten over their crisis and were ready to feed the hungry. Carol hip-checked the door with her arms full of dishes and Mikey immediately jumped to his feet to help, and she shook her head at him, smiling gratefully. “I’m okay. But if you could help August with the glasses—”
“On it!” he said cheerfully and caught the door for her, holding it until she was clear before vanishing inside.
Carol smiled widely at the table and the guys smiled back, some smiles more natural than others—Donnie still looked like he was trying to get A Good Grade In Family Dinner—and she slid her burden of plates easily onto the table around the roast platter.
“Okay, so it’s a bit more buffet style than a usual roast dinner, but I thought that would be better, given I don’t know what you’d prefer. Casey, hon?” She favoured him with a warm look, and Casey straightened even more. “I’ve got both seasoned and steamed vegetables here, and a few alternatives in case the meat is too much for you to handle. The seasoned ones are on the spicy side. April tells me you’re still getting used to richer food?”
“Oh…” Casey blinked, darting a look at April that was both surprised and faintly grateful, and she huffed. She’d told him this already. Did he think she’d lied to him? “That’s—yes, that’s right, ma’am. I appreciate it, I’m sorry you had to go to so much effort—”
“None of that.” She handed him a plate. “This is a dinner for all of us. I’d feel like a lousy host if you couldn’t enjoy it. Pick and choose as you like, take it slowly. No one’s gonna judge. That includes the rest of you, just FYI.”
“No judgement!” Raph saluted, eyes darting to Donnie. “We appreciate it, Mrs O.”
“Thank you,” Donnie muttered quietly, eyes on the tablecloth.
“You’re very welcome.”
Mikey exited the kitchen with a tray of glasses and August trailed behind him with a collection of bottles-- soda and juice, and something that distinctly looked like the wine from the top of the fridge, and April squinted at it before raising an eyebrow at her dad.
“None for minors,” he whispered back. “Liquid courage.”
She snorted. “You’ll be fine.”
“But will your mom?”
“I heard that.” Carol snatched the wine away and deposited it by Splinter, whose eyes lit up. “Anyway. We’re sorry to keep you all waiting. Dig in! Don’t wait on us, there’s plenty for everyone.”
Leo put his hand up. “I admire your optimism, but I still vote Raph goes last. He’ll inhale everything here if he gets the chance—”
“Leo!” Raph sounded scandalised.
“What?” Donnie said, finally looking up with a more natural smirk on his face. “You know he’s right.”
“There’s a lot of me!” The poor guy was going as red as his mask, and April hid a grin. “You know Raph’s still a growing boy!”
“Raph can have as much food as he likes,” Carol said firmly, reaching up to pat him on the shoulder. God, April loved her mom so much. She was just rolling with this table of lunatics. “I honestly wasn’t sure how much to cook, so we’ve got plenty extra even if you do somehow inhale everything here. Just try not to inhale the dishes.”
“I would never,” Raph said, sounding horrified. “Turtle’s honour—”
April burst into giggles. “She’s joking, Raph, chill.”
“Oh.” Raph blinked. He met Carol’s gaze, who stared unflinchingly back and held up a hand.
Raph blinked again. Then he hesitantly gave her a high five, watched Carol’s smile grow, and finally grinned, the tension going right out of his shoulders.
April loved to see it.
“Aight, everyone,” she said, clapping her hands. “No more picking on Raph unless you want me to poke fun at you fussy eaters to make it even. Dig in, and don’t you dare insult my mama’s cooking.”
“We would never!” came the chorus.
Yeah. This should’ve happened years ago.
The meal passed with some minor chatter—mostly complimenting the chef and asking for plates of food to be passed around. Mikey helped Casey pick out some simpler fare for his plate and he ate sparingly, but the expression on his face said he savoured every moment of it. Donnie was similarly picky for Donnie reasons, and looked faintly apologetic about the whole thing until April kicked him gently under the table and sent him a text.
April: >> Dad has sensory issues >> dw abt it
He relaxed a little after that, flashed her a small relieved smile, and even unwound from his stage fright enough to engage in conversation with her dad about the subway station and its abandoned trains. Mikey and Raph ate with their usual flare, though Mikey paused on each individual dish to gleefully exchange cooking tips with her mom. Splinter was surprisingly well-mannered, given April had seen him more than enough times with cake crumbs all throughout his fur.
Leo was being uncharacteristically picky, but he’d only come off a simple diet himself not so long ago, and the painkillers would be doing a number on his appetite. Raph and Donnie were both piling his favourites on his plate and he was clearly enjoying the food, but April had never seen him eating so slowly before, still balancing one arm on the table to support himself. Poor guy.
She wasn’t the only one to notice. Carol watched him waver and frowned. “You doing okay, Leo?”
He promptly flashed a peace sign at her, beaming. “Oh, for sure! I’m just a little low on energy. Kinda want a little bit of everything here, but—“
“Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak?”
“Hah…” His grin became rueful, and he lowered the fork to his plate. “Not weak enough to stop me eating your delicious food! Tragically, I have no devoted servant to feed me lovingly by hand, so I’ll make do.”
“That was absolutely a joke, Case, don’t you dare.”
April grinned at Casey as he wilted back into his own seat. But okay, yeah, she could read the signs—from Leo’s slouch, growing worse by the minute, and the glances from his brothers that probably weren’t as surreptitious as they hoped. April nudged her mother quietly and made a meaningful gesture toward the living room, and Carol gave her a thumbs up and kept smiling pleasantly as if nothing had happened. “Well, I’m glad my delicious food has such a draw to it. I heard Barry is gracing us with a visit and dessert, is that right?”
Donnie visibly shuddered, but Mikey beamed as if she’d complimented his six year old son’s bronze swimming medal. “Yeah! He’s making brownies! He assures me they’ll be edible.”
“Consider me assured,” Carol said dryly. “I must say I’ve never tried Barry’s cooking before this in any form. We invited him for dinner a few times but he always refused. I guess I know why, now.”
Splinter peered at her. “You do?”
“Well, uh…” She looked sheepish. “I never really saw him out of his robe. He seemed like such a shut-in at the time, but… I guess dressing for dinner might have given away a few things.”
“Ah yes, that sounds like Draxum,” Splinter muttered. “Shut-in, barely bothers dressing—”
“Sounds like someone else we know,” Leo said sweetly, and Splinter choked.
“Leo defended Barry,” Mikey whispered in awe, and Leo pointed his fork at him.
“Leo saw low hanging fruit and went for it,” he corrected. “Besides, something about houses and stones? Isn’t that how it goes? Don’t throw glass at a stone house, it’s pointless and makes a mess?”
“Nardo, that is not how it goes and you know it--”
Carol coughed politely. “If you’re done being mean to your elders…” They all shut up and tried to look innocent—save Splinter, who merely stared back at his sons mournfully as if he could not believe the wrong they’d done him. “It seems there might be a pause between dinner and dessert, so I was going to suggest you kids go pile up in the living room after and go through our movie collection. August and I can continue to pick on your dad in your absence.”
“You can?” Splinter said warily.
“In a manner of speaking.” Her smile was warm, and maybe only April saw the sharpness around its edges this time, and she swallowed. But… again, she knew this was coming, too. “A parent to parent talk, as it were. Nothing too serious, I promise.”
And it gave them a good reason to transfer Leo to the couch without him feeling like he was ruining anything. April grinned to see his eyes light up at the idea.
“Oh, are you roasting our dad, too? That seems so fitting given the spread—”
“I dunno, Leo, a roast followed by a roast seems a bit overkill,” Mikey said thoughtfully.
“There’s no such thing as too much delicious roast.” Leo leaned forward. Which also had the effect that he could support his weight entirely on the table, April noted. “We’d be more than happy to clear out of your amazing hair until the totally safe brownies arrive.”
Carol transferred her smile back to him, the sharpness gone. “You can take your plate with you, if you like. I don’t want you to feel you have to rush through eating. April, could you find him one of our TV trays?”
“I’m sure that’s doable.” Actually, at this point she had no idea if those had survived the home invasion, but there was one way to find out. “Is everyone else done? I could help clear the plates—”
“No, that’s fine, hon. Your dad and I will clear the table.” Carol gave her a peck on the cheek and a small, meaningful squeeze to her shoulder. “You stay with your friends. August?”
August blinked up at her, startled, half a potato still speared on his fork. “Oh, now? But I just-- okay.” And he shoved the potato into his mouth, fork and all, to gather up empty dishes.
Leo watched him do it, and smiled lazily.
Then there was a sudden quiet after both of them vanished into the kitchen, and he slumped forward.
“That was… an attempt at subtlety, right?”
April grinned. “Dad doesn’t do subtle too well, that’s for sure. But they’re parents, Leo. They’re just worried about you.”
“They only just met me,” he grumbled, resting his head on his arm. “They’re really nice, but—”
“My mom probably decided you were adoptable at about the point Donnie made high-pitched noises in her general direction, my guy. Just accept her concern and move on.”
“Oh. So good to know my humiliation had some kind of strategic effect,” Donnie muttered, reaching across the table to snag Leo’s plate. “You want any more while we’re here?”
“...I’m fine.”
“Well, Raph wouldn’t mind a bit more beef,” Raph said comfortably, sharing a glance with Casey over his head. “And some potatoes! We can just use Leo’s plate for that.”
“Blue?” Splinter was quiet and out of his chair, patting his knee, and Leo lifted his head to peer at him. “You are okay, aren’t you?”
“Man, all this fuss.” Leo grinned faintly. “I promise I’m fine--”
Mikey loomed on his other side, not saying a word.
“—okay, maaaybe I wasn’t quite ready for sitting upright at a table for so long.” He made a face. “But I refuse to be banned from the O’Neil family dinner! You know how long we’ve waited for this—”
“Well, congrats, achievement unlocked,” April said, holding out her fist, and he obligingly bumped it with his own. “Now go curl up on our couch and quit your whining.”
“I wasn’t whining!”
Donnie raised an eyebrow. “He whined, whiningly.”
“Raaaph, they’re picking on me!” Leo whined.
Raph raised an eyebrow. “You wanna complain about it some more or do you want the comfy couch?”
“...couch, please.”
Splinter stayed at the table, waving them off dramatically with a napkin, but the smile he gave April as she left was reassuring. It settled her nerves a little—she wasn’t stupid, she knew what was coming—and so she trailed after Raph as he carted Leo into the living room and settled him on the couch, burying him in comforters.
The sigh of relief Leo made as he sank into the cushions was more than enough to convince her that the move was well timed. “Heaven. I think everyone at family dinners should laze on a couch, honestly.”
“We’d need more couches for that.”
“That could be arranged,” Donnie said, passing a bottle to Casey and then… dropping to his hands and knees to investigate the carpet. What. April folded her arms and watched him.
“I think they’d need more room for the couches,” Casey said, opening the bottle—and oh, those were Leo’s painkillers.
“That could also be—”
“Donnie.” She scowled at him. “What are you doing?”
“Checking the damage,” he said absently, finally finding the edge of the carpet section and peeling it back, scowling at the torn up flooring beneath. “Huh. Bishop really refused to help pay for this?”
“Yeah, well. Bishop also didn’t arrest me for, I dunno, cavorting with evil yokai or whatever, so. I’ll take it.”
“This balance doesn’t add up,” Leo said mildly, taking his pills from Casey and his glass of juice. “Mr Edgelord also put you in danger in the first place. And your parents. Who we are adopting, by the way.”
“I don’t think it works that way—”
“It does, I don’t make the rules. Donnie, verdict?”
“Huh?” Donnie peered up at him. “Oh yeah, yeah, I guess we can adopt.”
“I meant the floor. But okay! Duly noted.”
Mikey started cackling as April threw her hands up and went on a hunt for the TV trays. Donnie blinked at Leo for a moment, then turned back to run his hands over the damage, flicking his goggles down. “I’m not much of a handyman type, but it looks like the structural integrity is intact. It’s just cosmetic and not particularly safe to walk on in the dark. Though that… is an understatement. The Krang did this?”
“Barry did, actually.” The TV trays had survived after all. April fished one out from its hiding place and passed it over to Raph. “But if he hadn’t, I’d probably be kind of torn to pieces, so--” She broke off to smile softly at Raph as he full-body flinched, and then stumbled as Mikey latched onto her like a koala. “Sorry. Anyway, I figure I’d give him a pass on that one.”
Leo slow blinked at her, resting his chin on the back of the couch, and his smile was an oddly cold one. “Yeah. Seems fair. Donnie, you still got a back door into Bishop’s stuff and things?”
Donnie hadn’t looked up, and his voice was very flat. “First of all, stuff and things is like literally the lamest way you could explain a black ops infrastructure, and second of all, why is it you just assume I would still be in his systems now that we’re—”
“He’s upgraded his security in the past week. I’m doing the digital equivalent of eating popcorn and sidestepping his laughable experts.”
“Good to know. I s’pose getting on his nerves wouldn’t be the smart thing to do right now.”
“It is the opposite of smart. But the EPF is already footing the bill for the O’Neil hotel stay, I don’t see why they can’t shell out for the floor as well.” Donnie finally sat up, flicking his goggles back, and frowned at the scratched walls. “New paint job all round, actually.”
Leo nodded in satisfaction and settled into his nest of comforters, taking the tray from Raph who was surprisingly… not seeming even slightly upset about the whole idea of stealing money from a bunch of amoral secret agents.
April opened her mouth and shut it. “Uh—”
Donnie finally smiled at her. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Seriously, he deserves it.”
“That’s not the part I’m worried about!” she snapped, and she waved an arm at Donnie as aggressively as she could with Mikey still limpet-clinging to her from behind. “You guys are on thin ice with him as it is—”
“So?” Leo said, eyes drifting shut. “He’s also on thin ice with us.”
“April.” Donnie finally got to his feet to regard her intently, leaning on the edge of the couch and deftly avoiding Leo’s attempt to nudge him with a foot. “I see you’re worried, but please give me some credit for basic money laundering tactics. The man’s never going to notice where the money actually went, if he even notices it’s gone at all. He’s got bigger fish to fry and it’s not as if we took millions.”
“You know, it says a lot when you say ‘basic money laundering tactics’ and everyone just rolls with it,” she said wryly, but her hackles settled a little. Bishop did deserve a little payback. She just didn’t want them painting even more of a target on their backs. “Raph? You sure you’re okay with this?” He was quiet and looked a little troubled, so--
“Well, see, the thing you gotta remember is…” Raph paused, clasping his hands together in front of him for a moment, and then exhaled gustily.
“...Raph only got to hit him once.”
There was a brief pause.
Leo burst into laughter, then hissed an ow and sank out of sight onto the couch, which caused Raph to dive for him with a panicked look. April wasn’t particularly concerned, given she could see Donnie rolling his eyes. She huffed a faint laugh herself, finally relaxing, and was rewarded with a squeeze of her shoulders and a full hug from behind.
“He messes with family, we mess with him!” Mikey said cheerfully in her ear. “Just go with it, April. You know Donnie covers his tracks.”
“Hmm.” But she smiled anyway, reaching up to pat his head. “Okay. Not gonna complain, as long as I can find a way to explain to my parents. But seriously—don’t go getting arrested or dissected or whatever on my account.”
“Depends on if we get a sequel or not,” Leo wheezed from the couch, resurfacing as Raph helped him sit back up.
“You sure you’re okay?” Raph said, still fretting.
“Oh, peachy. I can’t believe you punched a government agent and I didn’t get to see it.”
“Skill issue,” Donnie said, sounding bored. “Don’t get kidnapped next time, idiot.”
“Wow, rude. Raph, throw a pillow at him for me.”
“Yeah, Raph’s not doing that. Eat your dinner.”
“Aw, c’mon--”
A cushion sailed across the room and clipped Donnie in the face, sending him reeling backward, and Mikey caught it on the rebound, hollering. “For Leo’s honour!”
“You got kidnapped too, you know—”
“For my honour! For everyone’s honour except yours!”
And the room promptly descended into chaos, which honestly she’d been expecting sooner than this. April just grinned, clicking her phone camera on to record Mikey’s subsequent attempted pillow beat-down of a hissing Donatello. Raph alternated between snorted laughter, half-hearted attempts at lectures, and trying to keep Leo’s tray of food balanced while Leo picked roast potato daintily off the plate with his fingers like popcorn, observing the proceedings with glee. He caught April’s filming and nearly choked, before sinking back out of sight on the couch again with a wave of his greasy fingers as April giggled.
It took her a few moments to realise that Casey had vanished from the room.
“They sound like they’re having fun,” Carol noted.
“They’re probably destroying your living room,” Splinter replied glumly, taking the glass of wine August offered him. “Boys.”
“I’m sorry. Have you seen our child?”
“Better.” Carol grinned and offered her own glass for a toast. “Here’s to new friendships?”
“Very traditional!” But he beamed anyway, clinking against her glass and then August’s. “To new friends and old fans. Aaand awkward conversations.”
Ah. “Kind of obvious, isn’t it?”
“A little.” His smile faded, showing a seriousness that seemed somehow out of place. “But you are good parents and April thinks the world of you. If we did not have this conversation, I would be a little concerned.”
August took his seat again, sitting far more relaxed now that the kids had gone, and tapped the rim of his own glass. “Your boy, Leo. How did he get so hurt?”
Something flickered through Splinter’s eyes that she couldn’t quite catch, and he stared down at his wine, mouth twisting. “A very long story. All of my boys were hurt during the invasion, but Blue unfortunately took the brunt of it. I am as proud of them as I was terrified for them.” His voice was far too mild for that statement and all the depth it contained, and Carol bit her lip as he tossed half the glass back.
Then he beamed at them. “But that is not the question you really want to ask.”
No. No, it wasn’t.
Carol needed to know, but she wasn’t sure how to phrase it and found herself hesitating for other reasons besides—so she glanced to August, who had a knack for being terribly blunt at times. He gave her a brief nod, and put his glass down.
“How safe is our daughter?”
Straight to the point. Splinter took a smaller drink, and met his gaze.
“All things being equal, far safer than the average teenager.”
August frowned unhappily, and his voice was flat. “She was involved in an alien invasion. They came to our house. Her nose was broken—”
“Lou,” Carol said softly. “We’re just worried about her. Your boys weren’t just here for the invasion, they fought on the front line. And so did she. Didn’t she?”
“Your daughter,” Splinter said steadily, “Took out one of those aliens with a wrecking ball. She blinded it, one eye at a time.”
“Is that meant to make us feelbetter?” August demanded, and Splinter turned a sober gaze on him. “We know April can look after herself. She shouldn’t have to. How much danger is she in just by associating with your family?”
“August.” Her voice was sharper that time.
“I’m sorry,” her husband said more quietly. “I don’t mean it quite like that—they’re obviously good kids. You should know, the turtle and rat thing is… confusing, but in the end that isn’t what this is about.”
Splinter smiled a little. “What this is about is that you think my boys dragged April into their fight and made her a target. Has April ever told you how long she has known them for?”
August paused, but it was only to calculate the passage of time. They both knew when it was that April had come home talking about the boys she’d met on the roof. Six… seven years ago? Maybe eight? And...ah.
“This is the first time she’s been in trouble,” Carol said, feeling relieved. She understood. After all, holding an alien invasion against Splinter’s family would be extremely rude. April could have been hurt worse if she didn’t know such powerful people--
“Oh no,” Splinter said bluntly. “She’s definitely been in trouble before this.”
“Let’s see…” He sipped his wine. “She’s been captured by your upstairs neighbour at least twice by my count—”
“Don’t make those faces, he was nice enough to let her go again. Then there was the fiasco with Big Mama and Shredder, the yokai train, tangling with the Foot clan and fighting at the stadium—”
August stood up. “I’m sorry, she was at the stadium? When that maniac was threatening to wipe out the human race!?”
Splinter raised an eyebrow. “You do know who that maniac was, don’t you?”
April found Casey in her bedroom—or half in, half out, leaning out the window and breathing in the night air. She could hear sharp voices carry over from the kitchen window, and distorted with only a word here or there making it through, but she recognised her mother’s voice all right, shrill with stress, and winced. Splinter had said to trusthim. She was wondering if that had been a bad call.
She sat on the window ledge next to Casey, and he jumped, smacking his head on the window frame before ducking back inside. “Commander—I mean. April. Sorry, I didn’t mean—”
“To get some space?” she asked dryly.
Casey rubbed his head for a moment with a wince, then pulled himself inside, and April listened briefly to the yelling before she decided to resist all temptation and closed the window. She didn’t want to hear it, really. It would just make her feel awful and she’d be hearing the fallout soon enough.
“I did come out for space, and to see where the rats, uh. Came in. Or tried to? I felt—felt like it should be looked at,” Casey said awkwardly. “The eavesdropping was unintentional.”
“I believe you,” April said easily. She did. He wasn’t the type—or at least, she didn’t think so. None of them knew him too well, yet. “All quiet on the rat front?”
“Oh, yeah. I mean… evil alien rats, anyway.” He smiled a little. “I think there’s some normal ones further down.”
“Guess we’ll have to live with that.”
They sat in silence for a moment, listening to the laughter coming from the living room. Her light was off, but there was enough coming in from outside that she could just catch Casey’s wistful look at the door, and April nudged him gently with a shoulder.
“You wanna go back out?”
“...in a minute. Just… getting my head in order.”
“Too busy? Too loud?” She hesitated. “Weird seeing more people you used to know?”
He jumped a little at that, turning to look at her in the gloom. “How did you—”
“Kind of obvious, Future Boy,” she said dryly. “’Nice to meet you again’?”
“Aheh.” He ducked his head. “Yeah, I guess I’m not so good on the spot. I was… trying to prepare myself for seeing them again, but it was so different once I did.”
“More of a shock than meeting those idiots again?” She gestured toward the living room.
“A little. The turtles—when they grow up, they’re a lot bigger. Sensei is so much taller! And Uncle Raph was huge.” He smiled, looking down at his hands. “And like-- you were an adult. Commander O’Neil. I knew what you would all look like from the photo, and it was kind of like… meeting you all for the first time, even though-- well. It’s complicated.”
He really wasn’t good at it, was he? Not giving things away. Sensei is taller. Raph was huge. It told her so much. It was painful, and a small part of her turned over in grief-- an empathetic grief for the kid next to her, a pang of knowing it could have been so much worse. She was so relieved she could hear Raph through the door. (...yelling “Not the gravy!” which, eugh boy, okay, she would pretend she didn’t hear that.)
Then it occurred to her what Casey was trying to say, and April froze. It didn’t mean anything. They’d avoided the whole apocalypse thing. But--
“My parents… they look the same to you?”
Casey shrugged. “Well, they’re already grown adults. They’re not gonna get another five feet taller or something weird.”
Oh. Oh, that was… she was an idiot. “Hah,” she said after a moment with a small laugh. “For a sec, I thought you meant they like... died young. Or—”
And she felt the silence change, in that dark room.
An idiot twice over—looking at the crystal stillness of Casey’s reaction to her opening her dumbass mouth, April curled up on the seat next to him and knew she’d basically tripped into a minefield. A personal one, because this wasn’t just people Casey had known and grieved.
They’re not dead. They were yelling at Splinter two rooms over, words echoing off the fire escape outside, and she tried to focus on the more rational dread that they were gonna try and stop her from seeing the guys. But…
...she couldn’t stop her stupid brain from picking over the what ifs.
Casey saved her the struggle, touching her arm gently in the dark. “Do you…” He swallowed and tried again. “You wanna hear about them? I’ve probably given you the wrong impression. Well… half of one.”
She found her voice, rough, and forced a smile. “Not if it’s gonna stress you out. Besides—” And this time she stopped herself in time, because saying it’s never gonna happen now, right? to someone who had lived those events was so cheap and awful. It had sure happened for Casey.
“I don’t mind,” he said. “Uh, if you want to know… it might. Actually help.”
Share the grief, huh. Let him not be alone with some of this.
April breathed out. “Yeah. Yeah, okay.”
“Oh! And there was that one time when she accidentally got a job with an evil ninja organisation, but now that I think about it that was sheer bad luck...”
Carol was getting a headache. She refilled her glass, trying to sort out whether she wanted to laugh or scream or just throw a wine bottle at Lou, which definitely hadn’t featured on her list of Ways To Impress Him before she realised he was now a mutated father of four turtle boys. August had left the room, but the door to the kitchen was open and so she knew he was still listening; he was going through the bottles on the fridge perhaps a touch more violently than he needed to.
“Lou,” she said wearily, pinching the bridge of her nose, “I don’t get you. I would have thought you’d be trying to show us how safe she was with you, not—”
“Not be honest?”
She startled, glancing up to find him watching her shrewdly, and the smile that tucked into the corner of his mouth was an amused one, which made her bristle. Splinter put down his empty glass—his second glass, and he was still very sober in a way she wished she was not—and leaned forward. “Sure! I could have said, ‘Mr and Mrs O’Neil! My boys lead very boring lives! The worst scrape they’ve ever been in was an unfortunate one involving a skateboard and a cat and one too many magnets, and this alien invasion was a complete anomaly! Of course it will never happen again!’ That certainly is one way to lie to your face. I can think of more subtle attempts, but—”
“So you’re making fun of us?” August’s voice wafted from the kitchen, curt, and there was the snap-fizz sound of a fresh can of something being opened. Lord, Carol hoped it was strong and her husband was about to share. “You’re treating this whole situation with such irreverence that—”
“August.” Her voice was too sharp, and she softened it before she continued. “He’s not making fun. Maybe he’s being a bit of an ass, but—”
“I’m being a whole ass, thank you very much,” Splinter said mildly, and she pointed at him, baring her teeth.
“You are not helping. Tell me why.”
He raised his eyebrows at her in genuine curiosity. “Why be honest? Seriously?”
Carol paused, retort dying on the tip of her tongue.
Because. Because while he was telling them in the most irreverent way, it was the truth. Their lives were crazy and chaotic, and he was saying to expect nothing less. That the insanity of their lives had reached out and snagged their daughter at an early age, that—that she’d already been a target before these aliens came along. That Barry wasn’t who he said he was, had been a danger well before this and she’d been trying to introduce him to a daughter he’d apparently already kidnapped twice by that point--
Wait. That didn’t make sense.
“Barry saved April from the zombies,” she said slowly. “And reunited us. Are you saying that’s an act?”
“Good grief, no.” He tapped his empty glass and made a mournful sound, and one ear twitched back. “Much as I hate to give him any credit, Draxum is a changed goat. There is much behind his early motivations that I enthusiastically suggest you ask him about, if for no other reason than that it would be funny! But he just needed to see the bigger picture—that not all humans seek the destruction of anything they don’t understand.” He raised his eyebrows. “I am not sure if he would have come to that conclusion so quickly if it were not for your daughter. She is absolutely his favourite human, you know.”
There was a soft click as August exited the kitchen, shutting the door softly behind him. He came bearing another two bottles of wine and an opened can of Twisted Tea. Carol smiled at him, and he smiled back tiredly, a smile that faded into seriousness as he looked at Splinter. “Do you trust him?”
“With everything but money and my dignity,” Splinter said at once. “He’s a jerk, but he’s our jerk, I suppose.”
“You could have led with that.”
“I could have,” he said agreeably. They waited for him to explain further.
He didn’t.
“Okay,” Carol said finally, accepting the can from her husband and nodding as he refilled glasses all round. “So, what? You gave us a litany of horrific danger that our daughter has been involved with because…”
“Because to lie would have been extremely disrespectful, and you both seem strong enough to take the truth—oh thank you—” To August as his glass was refilled, and he snatched it up. “Of course I do not want you to separate the children. But you are both her parents, and good people, and you deserve to know all the facts so you can make a decision without any of us pretending that anything about this is normal.”
“As if it were as easy as that,” August muttered. “She’s already eighteen.”
“Well, that’s a you problem, I’m afraid.” Splinter sipped his wine. “But I’ve told you all about the disaster situations our children like to land themselves in. That’s only the ones I know of, mind you.”
“That’s so much better, thank you.”
“You’re welcome!” He cackled, offering his glass up for a toast. Carol gave him one, half-heartedly, and he favoured her with a softer smile.
“Now, I have a question for you,” he said. “How often has she come home hurt? Upset? Scared?”
August went to retort and then paused, looking thoughtful. Carol glanced between them both and frowned, thinking back. April had been hurt before… there was a sprained ankle she knew had come from an accident at school. A few minor bruises from early scraps with that girl with the purple hair. Nothing she wouldn’t expect from an outspoken teenage girl who picked fights with bullies.
Nothing that had raised alarms, until now. Until April’s poor face, bruising turning her skin even darker, coated in dust with blood in her hair, because aliens had attacked them directly. Because Agent Bishop had set them up as bait, which was a fault that could be laid at his doorstep, not the Hamatos’.
It took an alien invasion.
“I cannot make promises about how safe she will be. How safe any of them will be.” Splinter spoke gently now, drawing circles around the rim of his glass with a claw. He glanced up to meet their gaze. “Chaos magnet teenagers, the lot of them. But I will tell you that she is their big sister, and they would never let anything happen to her. And I will protect my family with everything I have. All of them.” He paused, then flashed a small smile. “It turns out I don’t do too bad a job!”
“All things being equal, you said,” Carol murmured.
“Yes, well. One would hope we don’t have to deal with anything as ridiculous as alien invasions again.” Splinter made a face. “They’re so exhausting! Barring city-destroying events, I truly think your daughter is safer than the average teenage girl. And I swear, large amounts of time go past in which the most exciting thing to happen is we’re late returning a DVD to the store, or the pizza order is wrong.” He paused. “...actually, that second one is generally a cause for alarm—”
Carol snorted in amusement, and she was relieved to see a faint smile on August’s face as well. “So. Family, huh?”
“Er, well. I know she already has a father and all,” Splinter muttered. “Just think of me as, I don’t know, cool wine uncle Randall.”
“Oh, and while you are considering what to do—” Splinter put his hands together. “Please take into account that we would miss her a great deal. But also, she is the intelligent one. I would appreciate it if you did not remove the brain cell from my boys…?”
Carol grinned outright. “I’m sorry, are you sure you know my daughter that well? Because—”
Carol O’Neil died when Casey was seven.
“There weren’t a lot of kids on base,” he said. “I mean-- there were bunkers, and civilians and their families mostly hid there, all through the cave systems below us… but for kids whose parents were active soldiers and had no one else-- I think there was maybe four of us all up. My mom and yours knew each other pretty well. Mrs O’Neil gave her a lot of advice about kids. I mean, my mom was your age, so…” He paused, staring into the darkness for a long moment with a mild frown. “You guys were friends, too. A long time ago.”
“Your mom and me?” April asked tentatively.
“Yeah. So I got to see you guys a lot as a kid. You worked out in the field more with my mom, and you’d both come back after days on end and mom would demand reports from the playroom and you’d laugh at her.” He grinned at her in the gloom. “But I’d see Mrs O’Neil a lot more because she stayed at base. I think she did a lot of behind the scenes stuff—I was too young to really get it. But I know she looked after us, too, and made sure we ate and got clean and slept safely. Ran drills for us on what to do if we were attacked. Where to run, where to hide. That kinda thing.”
Wonderful way for a kid to grow up. She gave him a small smile. “Mom does like to boss people around. She’s real nice about it, though.”
“Yeah, she is. And she’s, uh. Fierce when threatened.”
And a mama bear through and through. The Krang tried to take out the base while diverting most of the resistance fighters to another location, and they had to run. And Carol had made them go first and put herself between a bunch of scared kids and a pack of Krang war dogs. Casey didn’t see it happen. But he heard it, on the other side of the heavy trap door, too small to really understand what was going on, huddling with three other kids in the corner of the tiny secret basement.
He spared April the details. Her imagination had no problem filling them in for him, and April curled her knees up to her chest, wishing she couldn’t see it so clearly. A sick feeling curled in her gut, and she tried to remind herself her parents were still two rooms over with Splinter, but--
“It was a bad day for… everyone,” he said slowly. “The Krang hit us hard on two fronts, and we lost a lot of people that day. Including—” He broke off, and winced. “Well. Sensei and Master Donatello were the ones that pulled the survivors out, and I don’t remember much following. But I know the base was trashed and we had to move. That… happened, sometimes. Less as time went on.”
So her mom was a casualty among… dozens? Hundreds? More? She had trouble wrapping her head around the numbers and, if she were being honest, April didn’t want to think too hard about it. It was awful enough as it was. There was an odd, terrible relief that her mom hadn’t been singled out somehow. Because she’d seen what the Krang liked to do when they hated someone personally.
It was still a horrible way to die.
(There were no good ways to die in an apocalypse, huh?)
“You okay?”
She blinked, and found Casey much closer than he’d been a moment ago, hovering in concern, and April unclenched her fingers from each other and gave him a wan smile. “Hey, I knew going in it wouldn’t be pretty. I’m more worried about you.”
“You don’t need to be,” he said softly. “This was a long time ago.”
“Time doesn’t magically make things better.”
“I guess not,” he murmured. “But I grew up with this story. This is the first time you’ve heard it.” And he sounded so apologetic about it that she patted his shoulder.
“S’okay, Future Boy. I appreciate knowing. My mom was a total badass to the end, right?”
His smile was hesitant, but there all the same. “Right.”
She took a breath. “So, in for a penny, blah blah blah. If you’re up for it…?”
“Dad… did he outlive Mom?”
“By a whole lot.” His smile faded. “I really didn’t know him much until after Mrs O’Neil passed. And then he was kind of everywhere. He threw himself right into intelligence support, and he was so good at it—his strength was logistics and efficiency of movement on a mass scale, and we were still struggling with organisation, so… he and Master Donatello worked together a lot. He wasn’t a fighter, your dad, not like your mom. But he knew his stuff, and I know a lot of his ideas helped keep our home safe and our supply lines going as long as possible. He worked way too much—you came to drag him back to his room so many times.”
Wow. Was it weird to feel proud of her future and now non-existent dad? She hoped he’d never have to go through something similar. August was generally a laid back, quieter guy who enjoyed his trains and ships as hobbies.
That he’d weaponised his knowledge was amazing, but also heartbreaking. April could read between the lines just fine—he buried himself in work because Mom was dead.
“I can’t tell you exactly how he...uh.” Casey bit his lip. “We were always kind of awkward around each other. I think because of Mrs O’Neil. So I kept my distance.”
April frowned. “He can’t possibly have blamed you kids for Mom’s death. I’ll kick his ass. I’ll march right into the kitchen now--”
That surprised a laugh out of him. “No! No, I don’t think he did. But… you know. She died, and we were there. I think… it was just a reminder. And every time I saw him, I’d remember her too, and it just—it was like this presence in the room, I guess. By the time both of us got around to being rational about it, things were just weird. And I wasn’t really a logistics guy and had other places to be, so… we just let things go.”
She wondered what had happened to the other kids. The answer was obvious, given… well, everything. April kept her mouth shut and let Casey tell her the rest: that, actually, her Dad had survived up until the last days before Casey was thrown through Mikey’s time portal. That it was only when they were close to a full rout that he finally fell, along with the rest of the base personnel. That, as far as Casey knew, April had been with him when he died.
And by the clipped, hesitant way he spoke, constantly glancing to her as he paused and searched for words—giving her this heavily edited version, trying not to give her any other information—April could gather that she’d probably died at the same time.
That they all had, maybe. With the base down, and the guys choosing to send Casey back more than twenty years instead of continuing to fight…? That was some Terminator shit right there. Only this time, the good guys were the ones that lost. That wasn’t exactly a surprise; it had been kind of obvious since Casey first arrived. Time travel was a last resort kind of option.
In the future, they all died.
April wished that changing the future would wipe the slate clean for Casey, too. For the rest of them, it was a case of Hooray! Disaster averted! and they could be relieved that none of this would ever happen. But it had, for one of them. She wondered how he was going to cope with that.
Annnd he was apologising to her again. April wrinkled her nose—gingerly, it was still healing, stupid Krang—and flicked him on the forehead, smiling grimly at his yelp. “Casey Jones, I’m fine. Is this why you didn’t want to meet my parents?”
Casey blinked at her owlishly in the dark, and then pulled back, looking guilty. “What? N-no, I did, I swear—”
“Lemme put it another way,” she said, taking pity on him. This kid still took everything so seriously. But, you know. Justified and all. “Is this why you were so nervous about it?” More ninja than the guys, hiding in the one gloomy patch of hallway and trying to be invisible. But he could probably have gotten away with not coming for any number of reasons, so the fact that he was willing to try…
“...a little,” he allowed after a moment. “I mean—I know it’s dumb. Your parents—your dad has never met me in this time. But I kept thinking he’d take one look at me and just kind of… know.” He paused, then ran hand through his hair sheepishly. “Not very rational, I guess.”
April smiled. “Nah. But it still makes sense. And you made it through dinner okay, right?”
“Yeah.” He smiled back. “Your parents are really nice. I can tell the guys like them, too.”
“Don’t remind me. They’re threatening to adopt.”
“...does it work that way in the past?”
She couldn’t help the snort of laughter at his genuine confusion. “Oh, man. We so have to give you a crash course in literally everything, don’t we.”
“Probably,” he said wryly. And paused again, before sighing. “Also, I think they finally worked out we’re not in the living room anymore.”
April blinked at him, and then turned toward the door—and yeah, it had gone suspiciously quiet out there. She put a finger to her lips, grinning at Casey, and reached down for her Journalism and Media Studies text book.
Then she threw it at the door hard and burst into laughter at the girlish shriek that came from the other side. Even Casey gave a soft huff of amusement as the door was flung open a moment later by Donnie, Mikey sprawled on the ground behind him.
“See,” Raph grumbled in the distance, “I told you guys—”
“April O’Neil,” Donnie demanded, “Are you throwing books at us?”
“It’s the outdated thing they gave us in class that you found the newer edition of.”
“In that case, carry on.”
“Don’t carry on,” Mikey wheezed, rolling up to his feet. “Books are scary.” And he dropped his voice to a stage whisper. “Also, Leo is asleeep.”
Oh, whoops. April glanced at the sofa, where Leo’s hood and red stripes could just be seen under the comforter, Raph sitting in front of him and polishing off the last of Leo’s food. She lowered her own voice to something more reasonable. “Then you shouldn’t have been eavesdropping.”
“Of course we were!” Donnie proclaimed, arms folded. Then winced. “--n’t. Weren’t eavesdropping. Don’t be ridiculous, we were merely concerned that you had run into emotional difficulties of some—” Mikey smacked him in the shoulder. “I mean. Eaten by rats. Because rats. Are a thing in these parts. Zombie rats. They could still be here.”
“Uh huh.” She folded her arms. “Casey?”
He honest to god saluted her with a perfectly straight face. “No rats in the apartment, Commander. Could be a liar or two, though.”
Raph snorted, choking on his mouthful of beef as Donnie gaped at them. Mikey planted his face on Donnie’s shell and gave a muffled giggle. “Someone tell Casey the house rules—”
“We have house rules now?” April wanted to know.
“Uhh, something something don’t be funny while people are eating?” Donnie suggested. “You nearly killed Raph.”
Raph pointed in their general direction but said nothing, still coughing.
“That’s not a house rule. That’s something you came up with to get Leo to shut up and eat.”
“In our defense, his puns are very painful,” Donnie noted. “Also, how long has he been Dumbonardo in your phone?”
“My—” She glanced down to see her phone in his hand, and April snatched it back. “Give me that.”
“I was updating it for you.”
“With what?”
“Answer the question and I’ll answer yours.”
She glared, but after poking at her phone to make sure he hadn’t put Yet Another Firewall on it, April gave a shrug. “Since the invasion.”
“Hmm. Some might say I am required to speak in my beloved brother’s defense, but I merely question why you didn’t do it earlier.”
Raph finally found his voice, still pointing. “Don’t use Raph as an excuse. Also Leo went to sleep, like, five minutes ago—you sure you wanna be roasting him like this?”
“It’s a night for roasts,” Mikey said sagely. “Speaking of, d’you think we can stick a fork in Dad and call him done yet?”
“I don’t know,” Splinter said from behind the couch. “Can you?”
They all yelped and jumped away from him—with the exception of Leo, who let out a small snore, and Casey, who just lifted a hand and waved. Splinter beamed at them and continued picking his teeth clean with a nail which, ew. April made a face. “When did you get in here?”
“A good ninja never reveals his secrets.”
“Oh, so you’re going to tell us everything—”
Splinter’s tail cracked into Donnie’s head, and April cackled, flopping into the armchair as he waved a finger. “The O’Neils will be in shortly! I came to warn you in advance so you can repair all the damage you’ve done.”
“Huh?” Raph’s brow furrowed. “What damage? If you’re talking about the gravy, we dealt with that—”
“There was no gravy,” Donnie said swiftly, and April immediately started scanning the cushions and the carpeting with dread. “It’s all in your imagination.”
“Who cares about gravy?” Splinter hissed, flailing his arms in dramatic outrage. “What about what you’ve done to the walls?”
They stared back at him in disbelief.
“Okay, first of all, that wasn’t us,” Donnie said, voice flat. “Second, I admire your faith that we can somehow put the walls back to rights in the moments we have before the O’Neils descend upon us with whatever imagined wrath you think we deserve—”
April raised a hand, sighing. “In light of Leo being asleep, let me be the one to tell you that was totally Draxum, and the walls were like that before you guys arrived.”
“Draxum, you say?” Splinter said gleefully. “I mean—oh no, your poor walls.”
“Hey, he did it saving April!” Mikey defended.
“Yeah, he’s off the hook for that one,” Raph said, ruffling Mikey’s mask tails. “You can blame him for a lot of things, but—”
“I’m sorry,” Draxum drawled, towering behind Raph suddenly. “What am I being blamed for now?”
They all yelped and scrambled in the opposite direction. Except for Casey, who waved again, and Leo, whose snoring took on a more stubborn sound, and April eyed him suspiciously. Draxum loomed over them all, dressed in a surprisingly nice kimono, its stylishness ruined somewhat by the traces of chocolate staining its sleeve, and he was holding a tray that was…
...gurgling. Huh.
Splinter recovered first. “Everything I can possibly get away with, and surprise ninja entrances are my thing! Get your own!”
Draxum raised an eyebrow. “Surprise ninja entrances? I walked through the door. Perhaps your supposed ninja family needs more training in observation.”
April glanced behind him to see that, yes, the door to the kitchen was open, and Carol was leaning against the frame watching them all. She caught April’s stare and grinned, offering her a wink.
And April relaxed. Whatever her parents had talked about with Splinter, it had turned out okay.
Draxum eyed them a moment longer, then gave a disdainful sniff and set the tray down on the coffee table. It was full of brown, bubbling and uneven sludge, and an attempt to slice it into squares had clearly been made before the pieces melted back together again. They surrounded it and eyed it dubiously.
“Brownies,” Draxum said proudly. “I grew them myself.”
Mikey peered at him. “Don’t you mean baked—”
“I said what I said.”
There was silence as they all stared down at what, honestly, looked a little like a horror story. Like a village buried under a sudden mud slide, maybe. The lumpiness did remind April a little of tiny drowning people, and the fact that it was still bubbling didn’t help.
It did smell delicious, though--
“Who would like to try one first?” Draxum asked. “Carol? As host—”
“Oh,” Carol said cheerfully. “As host, I’ll… find you some plates.” And she was gone with a speediness that April envied. She wondered if she could somehow vanish through the same doorway without being noticed.
“I’ll pass,” Casey said, raising a hand, and he looked sincerely apologetic. “I’m still meant to stick to a simple diet, and I think your brownies are too… rich?”
Nice save. April felt a little bad for Draxum as he looked around with confusion and frowned. “I promise you they taste just fine.”
“Did you follow my recipe?” Mikey asked weakly.
“I improved on your recipe—”
“I’ll go first,” Raph said, face dark and slamming a fist into his open palm. “I’ve eaten weirder.”
“Yeah, good luck with that.” Donnie was on his phone. “I am not eating anything that looks like a crime scene. Tampering with evidence is a no-no.”
Mikey peered at him. “That’s not what you said at the college labs—”
“You’re all babies.” Raph rolled up the sleeves of his jacket, wincing slightly as the holes at his elbows grew a little bigger. “I bet it’ll taste great and you should all give Barry the benefit of the doubt.”
“Thank you,” Draxum said with a sniff. “I tasted them myself and I am in perfectly good health. I don’t know why all of you are such cowards when it comes to yokai cooking.”
“Raph ain’t no coward.” Yet despite this, he hovered over the tray for a long time, fingers wiggling as if he wasn’t sure what to grab, and April watched the drop of sweat roll down his cheek. Everyone watched him in silence. Except for Donnie, who was humming. April thought it might be a dirge of some kind.
Another green hand reached out and stabbed a finger down into the tray, twirling a pile of warm goop around it, and they jumped. Leo stuck it into his mouth, eyes still half closed.
“Nardo, don’t swallow that—”
“Oh, sweet pineapple on pizza,” Leo breathed, eyes flying open. “This is amazing. Who made this?”
There was dead silence. And then everyone pointed to Draxum. Leo blinked at him, wrinkled his snout, and snuggled back into his pile of comforters. “Oh, that’s right. Well, whatever, can’t win ‘em all. Can I have a plate?”
“Wait,” Donnie said, disbelieving. “You’re serious? You’re not just trying to trick us all into food poisoning?”
“You don’t wanna eat any, Dontron, it’s more for me.”
“Well, not that I doubt you...” Donnie squinted at the plate. “But brownies are meant to have a certain internal consistency. If you can twirl it around your finger I feel they should be classified as something more liquid—”
“Save me from picky eaters,” Draxum said, rolling his eyes. “If you wait a little longer I’m sure they’ll set.”
“They’re meant to set before you serve them, Barry—”
Mikey crossed his arms. “Hey, he tried! And therefore nobody should criticise him!”
“Oh, I think we can find plenty to criticise,” Splinter said, dabbing chocolate goop away from his mouth, and April gave a start and wondered when he’d managed that theft. “But I suppose in this case the brownies are exempt. I hate to say it, but they are delicious. In a strangely muddy kind of way.”
“Oh, nobody died?” Carol had reappeared, holding a stack of small plates. “I brought spoons as well, given their… unique texture. We can call it pudding instead of brownies, right?”
“But I made brownies,” Draxum said sulkily.
“Special recipe yokai brownies,” she said with a dry smile. “Clearly we poor humans don’t recognise quality when we see it.”
“Well, seeing as you brought it up—”
April stomped on his foot. Hard. Which probably hurt her more than it hurt him, given he had hooves and he merely gave her a blank look, but it did shut him up.
“Everyone stop arguing about dessert and eat it already,” Leo said, yawning. “Mrs O, dinner was delicious. I don’t know if I said that before, so…”
That prompted a general round of agreement, and she smiled at them, handing out the plates. “You’re very welcome. Maybe when you’re feeling better, we can do this again, huh?”
Splinter perked up. “You mean like a traditional Sunday dinner?”
“Not every Sunday,” August said, finally entering with a tray of glasses. “I’m not sure our poor apartment can take it. I heard something about gravy?”
“There is no gravy.”
“Oh, glad to hear it. Drinks, anyone?”
A chorus of hands shot up.
“I think there’s enough room for all of us,” Carol said, pointedly flopping down on the ground by April’s chair. “You guys haven’t picked a movie out yet. Anything in particular?”
“Do you have any Jupiter Jim?” Leo said, peering over his comforter.
“Who cares about Jupiter Jerkface.” Splinter huffed. “I happen to know they have the entire collection of Lou Jitsu’s hidden 80s gems—”
“We are not watching Lou Jitsu movies.” Draxum paused between serving up his pudding-slash-brownies onto plates to give him a disdainful look. “We already have to look at you enough today.”
“You only just arrived with faulty brownies, you don’t get a say—”
“My delicious brownies. Even the annoying one thinks so.”
“Don’t drag me into this, I’m horribly injured.”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Anyway,” Mikey said determinedly, stuffing Leo’s mouth full of chocolate before he could retort, “That’s one vote for Jupiter Jer—Jim and like minus five for Lou Jitsu—”
“How dare you!” Splinter gasped. “The lack of respect!”
“Lou Jitsu’s ‘hidden 80s gems’ are uncut and not for children,” Carol said firmly. “Don’t scar them.”
“What do you mean—” Donnie paused, and then went a fascinating shade of grey as April hid her face. “Oh. Never mind.”
“I haven’t seen much of the Jupiter Jim franchise, actually,” August said thoughtfully. “Are they any good?”
“Actually,” Casey said, raising a hand with a hesitant smile, “I haven’t seen any. For, uh… obvious reasons..?”
There was silence as everyone stared at the two of them.
Then Leo reached out and smacked Donnie in the arm, making garbled sounds through his mouthful of chocolate sludge, and Donnie sighed. “Translating for my dum-dum brother here, I believe he wants me to say ‘Well, now we have to watch them. From the beginning.’”
“We don’t own any of them, though—”
“That is not a problem, believe me.” Donnie produced his tablet from out of thin air. “April? May I borrow your laptop?”
“You got it, Dee.” She wriggled out of the chair and scrambled past them to her room, cackling as Splinter stopped grumbling and snatched up a plate, perching on the far arm of Leo’s sofa. By the time she returned, dad had pulled in a chair from the kitchen to sit on and the rest were mostly lounging on the floor with what spare cushions they had, and Donnie was perched in an unlikely sprawl across the back of the sofa, setting up the connections they’d need.
“Okay!” Donnie straightened up as she handed him her laptop. “Given there are more than eighty films in the franchise we will clearly start with just the one, so let’s go for one of the more iconic for new viewers and take bets on how long it takes Nardo to fall asleep again—”
“Hey,” Leo protested sleepily. “Rude. I wanna watch people watching JJ.”
“Again, skill issue. I suppose we can ask April to throw more text books—”
“I know who I’m gonna throw ‘em at if I do.”
“—but books are sacred and should not be treated that way. I give him five minutes.”
“Eight,” Carol said mildly.
“Oh no, Raph is not losin’ another Leo bet. I give him three minutes, look at him, he’s already yawnin’—”
“You’re all jerks.”
“Shush, Leo, or I’ll rig the bet in my favour. You will not like my methods.”
“Dad, Donnie’s threatening me again.”
“Be quiet and go to sleep! Preferably after four minutes.”
“You’re all gonna lose,” Mikey sing-songed. “Leo loves these movies. I’ll give him a full half hour.”
“Thank you, Miguel, but also you’re still a jerk.”
“I love you too.”
“Shh, shh-- the movie’s starting.”
April’s phone buzzed as her dad got the lights, and she blinked down at it.
Donnie: >> I updated your panic button. For all your potential home invasion needs. If we can’t answer, it’ll summon a drone. No more zombies. Share it with parents?
Oh… right. The update. April smiled, and offered him a thumbs up in the dark as the movie started. She’d have to break the news to her parents that they were adopted after all.
Her chair hadn’t been stolen, which was nice of them. She settled back into it, and Carol glanced up at her with a small smile.
“Okay?” April whispered.
“More than,” Carol whispered back.
And...okay. Good. Great. Something in her settled into pure warmth and she curled her knees up to her chest, glancing at her dad. He smiled and gave her a quick nod. Two for two.
It was gonna be more than okay. From here, it was gonna be amazing.
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nobodyfamousposts · 1 year
In the Miraculous double Kwami AU, would Mari still forget to purify Stoneheart's akuma in his first appearance? And would she get the battle ending easily bc she has two of the most broken Miraculous giving her an edge, or would she fumble with all her new powers and senses?
Actually, she wouldn't. But it's less about her forgetting and more because she would only be transformed with Tikki at the time. She designs her outfit with both Miraculous to appear identical so nobody else can tell the difference when she's transformed between the two of them. So she can use one and use their power, then switch once her timer's up and be in hero mode with the other to keep up the fight.
Meanwhile, the other kwami can rest or recover. AND they can offer input and guidance.
In this case, while she's transformed with the Ladybug Miraculous, Plagg is still active and thus in prime position to give advice.
"Follow the trail of destruction!"
"Huh...I thought cats were supposed to be the ones to get caught up in thread?" ("Just help me get loose!")
"Miraculous powers are single use! You only got one shot so don't waste it early!"
"Ooo crushing and smashing! An akuma after my own heart!" ("PLAGG!")
"There's the akuma! Don't forget to capture it!" ("HOW?!")
"Uuuuugh! Do I have to explain everything?" ("Plagg, this is literally my first time at any of this!") "Fine, fine!"
("Bye bye, little butterfly!") "Please tell me this isn't going to become a 'thing'."
"Okay, now throw it." ("Wait what?") "Throw the Lucky Charm." ("But...at what? And why?") "THROW THE LUCKY CHARM IN THE AIR ALREADY!" ("Okay okay!")
She captures the akuma and uses the Miraculous Cure that first time, repairing the damage and learning of the Cure.
And while she's still anxious and uncertain, she doesn't go through the same event as canon where she tries to give up the Miraculous.
...Plagg doesn't let her.
Plagg: (Gasp) You would abandon us to an unknown user who could abuse our power and let us starve?!
Marinette: Plagg, I'm sure they wouldn't just—
Plagg: (Sad kitten eyes)
Marinette: Surely someone else would be better at this and—
Plagg: (Sadder kitten eyes)
Marinette: You'd be perfectly well cared for and—
Plagg: (Eyes become big and deep, drawing her in and drowning in sadness)
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Marinette: ...I'm so sorry! I would never abandon you! (Crying and hugging Plagg)
(Five minutes later, Plagg is sitting on a pile of cheese and Marinette is plotting to be a better hero.)
Tikki: I don't think I've ever seen you care so much about an user before.
Plagg: She lives on a bakery and makes all sorts of food including the best cheeses. No way I'm giving that up!
Tikki: (Rolls eyes)
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cherthegoddess · 10 months
His Sunshine
Summary: Who knew a girl with such bright waves could catch the storminess of Bucky's eyes.
Pairing: BuckyxSuperhero!Reader
Warnings: This was written with a black reader in mind, but anyone can read it.
Word Count: 3.1k
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A/N: Heyyy everyone and welcome to my very first One-Shot! I really hope you enjoy it. I'm super excited for everyone to read it! Thank you so much to @novanitee for the dividers!
His Sunshine
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Bucky was already exhausted from the day and it was barely 11. He did his early morning run with Steve and Sam. He tried to avoid Tony to the best of his ability. Got unfortunately caught, with that one Parker kid. And now some alien losers decided that today was a fantastic day to try to invade the Earth for whatever reason. He just wanted to return to his bed, read some books, and be away from everyone, but luck was not on his side. He dodged the punches being thrown his way landing a few with his metal one. There just seemed to be too many. He watched as Steve killed one with a few more coming behind him. Bucky ran to help him swiftly getting away from the debris of the battle. He pulled a gun out of his holster when he knew he wouldn’t get there in time, killing two and alarming Steve of their presence. He fought back-to-back with Steve. This battle wouldn’t be over for hours. Every time they killed one another popped up and every Avenger they could gather was there. 
Not long after the brush of defeat was starting to come into the air, a few of the aliens were screaming in pain from suddenly being lit on fire, others having branches growing out of their noses. The UFO that was in the air was being broken down piece by piece. The Avengers searched for their unknown hero. “Heyy guys sorry I’m late” Their heads quickly turned to the sky looking at the woman in the air wearing all blue, her identity hidden with a mask. The woman salutes before finishing off the rest of the aliens with bursts of fire, winds, and poor plants that have seen the back and front ends of the aliens. Bucky watched in awe with the others at her speed and effectiveness, all while not even lifting a finger. The others gathered in a small huddle and the woman began to finally hit the ground in front of them. “Whew! Those aliens were really something huh?” Their eyes train behind her as the city begins to rebuild itself. The woman looks behind her to see what they are staring at. “How in the…” She laughs. Waving her hand. “Oh, that’s me! Just doing a little cleanup!” Bucky looks at Steve confused, Steve shrugs his shoulders in response before stepping up. “Ma’am, who are you and where did you come from?” The woman grins. “Oh, my god. The Captain America is talking to me! Sorry, who am I, was your first question right? I’m Y/n. I don’t  exactly have a cool superhero name yet. I didn’t realize how hard it would be to pick one, especially with two powers, you gotta honor both. Sorry, I’m rambling! Second question, I’m from Harlem born and bred. I was actually building up the courage to come to tell you guys about me and hopefully become an Avenger, but then you know aliens! Now I’m here!” The woman, who long-windedly, explained her name to be Y/n finally finished with a proud grin on her face. “Okay, Scrappy doo, how did you do all of this?” Tony motions to the buildings that were freshly repaired. “I would love to explain, but repairing buildings and fighting aliens is kind of a draining task, is it possible we could go to the tower? I can explain everything there especially if you want to test me to see all the cool things I can do as well?” They eyed each other, Bucky more weary of Y/n. She was too… nice. Too happy even after being in the face of danger. And even more worrisome, she was powerful. “Fine, kid, but you have to stay by Barnes’ side until we get there, we don’t trust you quite yet,” Bucky’s eyes shoot to Tony glaring harshly even after Steve places a hand on him so he doesn’t say anything. Y/n’s eyes for the first time since her appearance, meet his, she grins and waves. She makes her way over to him. He rolls his eyes at her cheeriness. Tony tells F.R.I.D.A.Y to send a quadjet. 
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“I’ve never seen anything like this! An Elementalist and you’re telekinetic! People should definitely be scared of you, Scrapy!” Tony exclaimed after running a physical on Y/n. Bucky, Steve, and Nat were watching from a window, while Peter, Tony, and Bruce were in the room with her. “Yeah! How did you get your powers, Y/n?” As she began explaining her story about how she got her powers, (which she got after almost drowning in a lake full of alien artifacts) Bucky still had a sour look on his face. “What’s wrong pal?” Steve asked. “I don’t know, man. I just don’t trust her. She comes out of nowhere with all these powers. And her happiness and all that positivity. No one‘s that good.” Bucky grumbles out. “Bucky, not everyone is after us. She literally saved us all,” Bucky watched as Nat rolled her eyes at him. He shook his head. It was just something about her that he couldn’t put his finger on. She was just pure sunshine but he could see clouds behind her eyes. 
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It had been 4 weeks since Y/n had moved into the tower. 4 weeks of everyone saying how much they loved her, 4 weeks of her constant humming and singing, 4 weeks of Bucky avoiding her as much as possible. Every room that she was in he left, and every word spoken to him by her was ignored. He watched from afar as everyone enjoyed her company as he isolated himself even more from her. No matter how much he enjoyed looking at her he couldn’t find himself to get close to her. 
“Peter! I will not shoot ice at you to see if you could dodge it! You will not have Tony or Aunt May breathing down my neck if you get hurt!” Peter and Y/n got close when she arrived. She was about 4-5 years older than him and she treated him like a little brother. Bucky, however, teased Peter (even more than usual) about him flirting with Y/n. “Y/n/n, I promiseee, I’ll be okay! Plus I heal fast!” Peter exclaimed. Bucky sighed as he realized that he had to walk past the two in the living room to get to his destination of Steve’s room. Bucky begins to walk swiftly. Peter notices realization hitting his eyes. “I train with Bucky all the time! You can just ask him!” Bucky groans internally the two looking at him for confirmation. “Kid leave me out of your drama” The storm in Y/n’s eyes began to brew in disappointment. An urge to make that sunshine come back. He sighs, “Don’t throw ice at the kid, he bruises easily,” He turns and continues on his journey, not before hearing her whisper. “Peter, I can’t believe he actually talked to me! Maybe he’d finally give me a chance!” He rolls his eyes and knocks on Steve’s door. 
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Fury finally let Y/n go on missions 5 months into her stay. It was her fourth mission and of course, Bucky was the one who was a part of the team that would go with her. He had successfully avoided joining her until now. Luckily everything was going well, for the most part, a simple infiltration of one of Hydra’s bases by getting information from their computers. They had all split up and somehow Y/n ended up paired with Bucky. He guessed it was some sort of plan from Steve to get the two closer. Y/n was surprisingly very tech-savvy and was placed in charge of hacking the first computer to make it easier for Nat and Steve to get access to the others. It was easy until it wasn’t. Everything happened so fast and she was distracted and Bucky so stupidly wanted to keep as much distance as possible from her rays. So before he could get to her a shot ran out hitting her side and making her fall to the ground. Bucky ran quickly the Hydra agents getting wrapped in vines in response to Y/n’s pain. Bucky called into his comms for help, his hands on the wound. “Y/n, Sunshine can you get up?” His voice was soft surprising even himself. “Yeah, yeah, I just need to- grow some vines to keep myself alive. I think that’s all I can get my powers to do right now.” her voice is breathy and light. “Okay Sunshine, I got you.” Bucky watched as Y/n begin to grow vines around her body protecting it from any harm she may face. Her light eyes began to close, Bucky picking her vine-covered body when he saw Steve and Nat rushing their way. “Is she okay? What’s going on?” Bucky held her close. “She covered herself in vines to protect herself. I should’ve been protecting her” Bucky said with a whisper. Nat and Steve look at Bucky and then at each other. “She’s going to be okay Bucky. This isn’t your fault. We need to get to the quadjet before more come.” Bucky didn’t say a word but made his way to the door. 
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Bucky didn’t leave her side not once since they got back to the tower. He watched closely as they took her out of his arms and into surgery. He was there every step of the way. Something clicked for him. All of his distrust dissipated the second the bullet pierced her skin. He promised himself from that day forward he would always protect her. It had been a week since he saw the sunshine that was slightly covered by storm clouds. He would sit as everyone came to check on her, bringing her favorite flowers and teddy bears. The shot was almost fatal but luckily Y/n’s vines did some of the healing for her. Chamomile and echinacea grew around her wound. The doctors promised that she would wake up soon but even with that promise Bucky stayed. 
Bucky squeezed her soft hand. “Sunshine you gotta wake up for me. I miss your eyes. Everyone misses you. Please come back to us, to me.” He whispers to her. He sighs when she doesn’t move. He gets comfortable in his chair again and begins to hum You Are the Sunshine of My Life by Stevie Wonder, a song that he heard Sam and Y/n singing the other week. He didn’t tell anyone but he had the song on repeat for weeks and it reminded him of her. “I didn’t know, you like Stevie Wonder,” Bucky’s closed eyes popped open at the sign of her voice. He took over to her laying form to see Y/n’s smile and bright eyes. “Hey Bucky,” He had to hold himself back from hugging. “Hey. Are you alright? Do you need some water? I’ll go-” An angelic laugh broke his rambling. “I’m okay, Buck. I promise.” Before he could say anything else Dr. Chen entered. “I knew I heard a familiar voice in here. How are you Y/n?” She gave the same response she told Bucky. “That’s good, hopefully now that you’re up, Bucky will leave and go take a shower for the first time in a week.” Dr. Chen laughed. Bucky’s eyes downcasted. “I’ll leave you guys to it. I’ll be back after your check-up,” He left the room swiftly, heading to take a shower. He was so relieved that she was up. He had never seen her eyes shine so bright. 
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Ever since Y/n woke up his and her relationship had taken a complete 180. They hung out all the time, had *platonic* reading dates, and watched all the movies that Bucky had yet to see. Everyone was shocked to see Bucky’s complete change in mood. It had been 3 months since Y/n fully recovered, and it was almost time for Tony’s annual Christmas pajama party. He had never seen Y/n more excited in his life. She loved Christmas. She explained that it was because she lost all of her family, and Bucky found out why all the clouds were there. There was also something else that he learned while being with her, that he was slowly falling in love with her. Steve tried many times to get him to tell her. But Bucky convinced himself that no one that bright could possibly like him back let alone love him. Little did he know she did. 
He was waiting on the couch with Tony, Steve, Vision, Peter, Thor, Clint, Sam, and Pepper when he heard a series of giggles come rushing into the room. There was his Sunshine burning brighter than ever. Y/n was adorable in a bright yellow bear onesie which she somehow convinced everyone else to participate in. He ended up being a cloudy one which got some teasing from Sam, but he didn’t care because it got her to smile. Y/n plopped herself right next to Bucky where he had a cup of hot cocoa with extra marshmallows waiting for her. “Thanks, Buck!” She said with a kiss on his cheek. Over time it became a habit of her that Bucky couldn’t complain about. Tony stood up when everyone sat down. “Now that everyone is here, let the fun and festivities begin,” Tony said with a clap and everyone cheered. “Our first activity is a gingerbread building contest. Get into pairs and may the best team win,” Bucky and Y/n of course paired up, and they almost won the contest but Vision and Wanda cheated by using their powers.
They also did hide and seek which Y/n won, they decorated the tree, did some Christmas karaoke and now finally they were doing some drinking and talking well until Tony spoke up. “I have a game for us to play… 7 minutes in Heaven!” A few people groaned. “Tony isn’t that a bit childish,” Steve asked. Tony winked at him. “Yes it is but it’s also fun. So everyone writes their name on a piece of paper and then you’ll pick a name, and then heaven!” Tony exclaimed. Everyone sighed but did it anyways. Tony took two of his old helmets (one for boys and one for girls) and moved them around the room as they placed their papers in. Tony shook the helmets to mix the names. Everyone grabbed a name except Clint and Sam. Bucky’s widened in shock when he saw his person. Y/n, his sunshine. He looked at Y/n to see her reaction and there was a smile on her face. Disappointment crossed his mind, she liked someone else. Who could it be? Probably that Spiderkid. He thought. The first to go was Thor who picked Nat. They were both slightly disheveled after they left the room. Nat got Steve, Steve got Wanda, Wanda got Vision, Vision got Pepper who did absolutely nothing with a threat from Tony, Pepper got Tony, Tony got Carol Tony got threatened by Pepper, and Carol got Peter who was shaking and nervous before he entered.
Bucky and Y/n were the only ones to not get anything. “Since Peter also got Carol that means, Bucky and Y/n got each other,” Nat said excitedly. Everyone had a knowing grin on their face as Y/n pulled him up into the closet. Before Bucky could fully close the door, Steve mouthed ‘Tell her’. He shook his head. Some string lights were hanging around the room so each person could have some light. Tony yelled that he started the timer. “So,” They said at the same time after a moment of silence. They both laugh quietly. “You go first,” Bucky said. He could tell that she was nervous as she played with a loose string of her onesie. “Bucky, I-” Bucky began to worry. “We don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to Sunshine.” She sighed finally looking him in the eyes. “Bucky it’s not that. I just have something to tell you.” Bucky nodded his head hope slightly filling him. “Bucky, I like you. And I have since I’ve shown up here, but you avoided me when I first got here, so I figured there was no way that you could possibly like me back, but then the whole me getting shot thing happened. And you actually started showing interest in me, but I thought it was just because I was hurt, no matter how much Nat, Wanda, and Peter tried to convince me. There’s no way someone as wonderful as you could like me. You’re literally perfect, Buck. I-” Her words fell flat when Bucky covered her lips with hers. He could feel her shock before she settled into the kiss. She pulled back slightly “I guess I was completely wrong huh?” she said teasingly, her lips now slightly bruised from the kiss. “You couldn’t have been more wrong Sunshine. I’m not the perfect one it’s you. I didn’t think you could ever love someone like me. I’ve literally killed people, Sunshine.” Bucky shook his head before she could protest. “Y/n I’m so sorry for how I treated you when you got here. I’ve never met someone who brought so much light before and I was scared. I like you too, Y/n and you’ll never have to doubt that ever again, Sunshine.” She grinned before kissing him again deeper and longer this time. After a while, they were interrupted by a knock. “Okay lovebirds, time to get out! We even gave you guys an extra minute” They pulled away quickly when they heard the door begin to open. A few whoops and cheers followed when they saw their warm faces. “So who made the first move?” Tony asked. Y/n hid in Bucky’s shoulder as a few people groaned. “Y/n/n, you were supposed to let the old man tell you first ‘cause he’s old fashioned,” Nat said with a groan sliding Tony, Steve, and Wanda $100. Sam and Clint doing the same. “You guys did not bet on us!” Y/n exclaimed. Tony shrugged, “What can I say? I believe in you, Y/n.” The group laughed as Y/n playfully shot water at them all. Bucky kissed her head. 
The group turned on Home Alone after a while of teasing Bucky and Y/n and drinking spiked hot cocoa. Y/n was cuddled up on his side giggling as one of the bad guys got hit with an iron. He wasn’t watching the movie at all he was watching her. He kissed her forehead, snuggling closer to her. “My Sunshine” 
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winniethewife · 4 months
I made you my temple, my mural, my sky (Johnathan Levy x reader)
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Warnings: Implied Age gap, angst ending in fluff.
Words: 738
They were fighting again. She was tired of the fighting. It felt unfair, he had so much more experience, He having been married and divorced, this being her first serious relationship. He wasn’t even sure why they were fighting, what started the fight, was he just used to fighting? Is this what he thought love looked like? She gave up and left the room in tears. He takes a moment, has a cigarette break before going to join her in the other room.
“I sit and watch you, I notice everything you do or don't do, I feel like I’m analyzing your every move, waiting for some inevitable betrayal.” He says softly as he leans on the doorway. She’s looking out the window as she sits on the couch, her chin in her hands.
“I don’t know what you’re looking for…You're so much older and wiser and I…I don’t know what I’m doing…” She looks over at him, she can see the tears in his eyes. She feels guilty, maybe the fights are pointless, maybe she’s just missing something. She lets out a soft sigh and moves over so he can come sit with her. He doesn’t move. He runs his hand over his beard and tilts his head to the side.
“If it's all in my head tell me now, That, I’m looking for something that isn’t happening. Tell me I've got it wrong somehow.” He says, the slightest bit of fight still in his voice, but most of it was heartbreak and assumptions. She runs her hand along her arm and shakes her head slightly.
“You can’t be more wrong Jon. I don’t think I could leave, even If I wanted to. Every day I wait by the door like I'm just a kid, for you to come home. Everything I do, I do it for you, I feel like my every waking hour is in dedication to you.” She looks up at the celling. “But none of it is enough is it?”
“Honey I…god I’m an idiot.” He half laughs, half sighs in exasperation. “You do some much for me and I act like it’s nothing. You lay the table with the fancy shit, polish plates until they gleam and glisten, Take care of Ava, you do everything… While you were out building other worlds, where was I?” He shakes his head before walking over sitting down next to her, leaning over, putting his head in his hands. She puts a hand on his shoulder and softly squeezes him.
“Jonathan, you know I love you. I don’t want to leave you. I don’t want to be begging for footnotes in the story of your life. I just…I feel like I’m taking up too much space or time.” She says softly. He sits up and looks at her. A soft sad simile on his face.
“How can you stand to be around me? I’m always assuming the worst about us, like I expect it all to go up in flames at any time. As if everything is just a time bomb, I just assume it will go to shit…” He leans back resting his head on her shoulder, She instinctively nuzzles into his mess of curls finding comfort in his scent.
“You’ve spent a long time thinking everything was okay and wonderful and great to have the worst happen. I don’t blame you for thinking that way.” She says as they curl up together on the couch.
“I always thought you assume I'm fine, when I’m so obviously not.” He grumbles softly. She rubs circles in his back as she holds him close
“What would you do if I told you that, I think the same way? That I’m just…damaged goods to you.” She asks. He takes her hand in his.
“My love, if you’re damaged goods then, I am far beyond repair.” He chuckles softly. She takes his chin in her hand and turns his head to look into his dark eyes with a loving look on her face.
“Just a couple of broken toys no one wants to play with…” She leans into kiss him, her soft lips against his as he scoffs slightly at her remarks.
“Likely story.” He mutters against her lips.
“Would you rather I try to fix you? Believe me, I could do it…I think…I know how.” She moves her kisses from his lips down his neck….
“That…Just might work.”
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