#Train Of Thought
Random Prompts 10
"When the voices tell me to do something, nine times out of ten I'm gonna do it. I don't know why you think I won't."
"This is ridiculous." "I totally agree. What sort of gala has someone dressed like that?"
"Does this seem like too much for a raiding party or?" "That is an evening gown." "I know, I've never been invited to one of these before, so I'm asking for advice."
"Do you really need seventeen copies of the same dagger?" "Yes. I get a new one each time I kill someone."
"Why do I have to be the decoy?" "Because you're hot. All decoys are hot." "... Did you just call me attractive?" "Was I not supposed to?"
"I think we bit off more than we could chew with this one." "Oh, really? Did the voices tell you that too?"
"Spending a night behind bars before my execution was not how I planned my evening going." "Shame for your new plans of moping until you're dead, because that won't be happening."
"Did you have to destroy everything on the way out?" "I'm sending a message!" "What message? 'Hey we broke out, fuck you'?"
"Are you still mad at me?" "You are a thief and a crook and almost got me killed last night." "So... that's a maybe?"
"Next time, we'll plan better. That was kinda sketchy." "Next time?"
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linka-r9-vysocina · 3 months
Trains are superior. Tudum tudum. What more do you need
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ghostofchaos-past · 1 year
Like Real People Do by Hozier represents all of the six of crows canon couples in a way i can't exactly put into words but just makes sense
specifically the lines
I will not ask you where you came from
I will not ask and neither would you
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deadthingposting · 9 months
I think the saddest thing about ourgoodshadows is how it's made on the streaming era and not the TV era you know
With superwholock, we had those long seasons of more than twenty episodes. Even Sherlock, who was the shorter one, the episodes were almost short films, so there was more to consume, and to put in words, the effects lingered for longer. The Fandom survived longer.
Now we have ten episodes at best made for an audience with no attention span jumping from point A to point B to point see in a rapid motion with no time to digest projected to be consumed on one go one streaming party and forgotten throw away as soon as something new appears,returning after a while for a second season or third and then being axed despi its popularity even the ones that go one episode per week we have like three months of content and just jump to the next big thing, there was even this meme in 2021 about marvel shows that was basically a person going through months making the next marvel series their whole personality and it just feels shallow
I don't know. I might be just old, but I wish we had more stuff more episodes more seasons , more for longer and Fandom wasn't a parkour exercise but something to be sherished for just more time.
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
Ptraci didn't just derail the train of thought, she ripped up the rails, burned the stations and melted the bridges for scrap.
Terry Pratchett, Pyramids
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trainmaniac · 1 month
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pattersplash99 · 1 year
Super hero prompts! #1
Hero was so normal about this.
Hero was a very normal hero, with a very normal fan base and a very normal power and they could remain normal about this situation right here in front of them.
It... It wasn't exactly a surprise. Hero has always been incredibly capable, how else would they have sped through the training program and earning their license despite the suddenness of their choice?
(I mean... Having a "motivation" probably helped but even then it's still impressive.)
But back on topic. Hero has had a nice career of being a normal if skilled hero and they can remain normal in even the most chaotic situations.
They can be normal about this.
They can be! Don't give me that look.
They can be normal about this.
-Someone help why can't they be normal about this.
This is not how they thought this would go, they were expecting since sort of secret high tech lair and an epic confrontation! Not this.
Not a messy and cluttered one bedroom apartment and...
And Villain. Passed out on the couch.
They were... Concerned, let's go with, when they found them passed out in costume, window left open behind them. Hero had honestly only barely passed first aid with a makeup project done hurriedly in the last few weeks and they were not confident that would be reliable if Villain was injured.
Luckily, it seemed they were fine, if a little bruised. Just tired.
But that leaves Hero freaking out about how to react to this discovery.
Backtrack? How did I get here? Why did this happen?
Better then panicking they guess. Sure, let's do that.
Wait but did this start Wednesday or this Morning? Cause technically this all started with-
Focus, Hero! Focus. Relevant recaps only.
Hero was relatively skilled at tracking. Or- well maybe it's defined as locating? Idk, they're good at overanalyzing crumbs of information and finding guesses of people's locations. Wish they could say Hero training thought them but really it's a skill from childhood. Don't worry about it.
(They are not a clingy friend, don't listen to a word BFF says.)
Regardless, it's very handy for their career of choice. They're relatively freelance for a Hero so it's not like it's too time consuming and often it's led to many a capture. They even earned a small reputation.
But, you see, Hero's gotten themself a rival of sorts. Villain has been around a little longer then Hero and has forged a reputation of being sneaky and slippery. Hero want afraid to challenge that once they got through schooling and they've been a recurring encounter ever since.
But Hero has been bored lately. There's no big drug rings or fights in the street or anything.
So they thought they'd see if they could.
Find Villains lair, that is.
They narrowed it down to a few and was planning on leaving it at that but...
Unfortunately they have a best friend they share everything with.
(Yes this all started because of a dare. Wh- I'm not stubborn you're stubborn.)
Enough rambling. They just recapped everything and it still explains nothing.
Why is Villain using what's supposedly their CIVILIAN APARTMENT as a secret lair?! How has no one managed to catch them yet? All Hero had to do was walk in here! There wasn't even an alarm system.
Their eyes catch the closed door of the bedroom.
...A peek couldn't hurt, right?
Snooping around their rivals apartment seems like a much better thing to figure on then trying to figure out what to do. Everyone gets curious and after the mental tax this has been, they deserve the compensation.
It's normal to take time to sort out your thoughts. They're very much being normal about this.
(They ignore the tiny voice saying the normal reaction would have been alerting the hero corp to Villain's location. Or tying Villain up while they were vulnerable.)
They're being normal about this.
They open the door to a small and crowded room that clearly isn't big enough. Though whether that's the fault of the room or the immense collection of metal and electronic parts scattered around is anyone's guess.
The furniture's been shoved to one side, so as to have floor space for inventing. Hero hardly needs to take another glance around the room to realise that probably didn't last long, what with the unopened Ikea shelving box laid on the bed just as covered in parts as everywhere else.
It's a mess. Hero knew Villain had a knack for trinkets and inventions that were a little unorthodox, but they had kind of imagined a more impressive lab-
This is the lab. This mess of a room that's very floor is a walking hazard is where all of Villains crazy weapons are made.
Is this apartment really all Villain has to practice villainy in? This tiny, two-room and a bath room with the smallest shower known to man apartment that hardly fits one person?
They can't believe that the reason they became a hero is using this as their base of operations.
Hero makes a noise that's somewhere between a sigh and a groan. Curse BFF for daring them to actually check. How are they ever supposed to take Villain seriously again?
(This is why you don't suddenly change your entire plan for the future for the chance to interact more with someone cool. The more you learn the more that illusion wears off.)
This is not helping them with their effort to have normal thoughts.
They shut the door and return to the living room/kitchen/ main room so small it doesn't even have room for a dining table.
Their eyes drift to their rival, noting the fluffy hair escaping their hood. It's that brown-blonde color. You know, the one that's like blonde but if it was on a brown color scale? It tumbles from it's hiding place and obscures the side of Villains face, fluttering slightly with their slight exhales, catching on the edge of their mask. Villain shifts slightly, and Hero can feel their mask digging into their skin.
Hero grimaces in sympathy. They wonder for a moment why Villain didn't take their mask off, but honestly they're more grateful about that fact. This has been enough of a emotional rollercoaster, don't need to add unintentional exposure of someone's identity to that weight.
It's funny, what originally drew Hero to them was their sharp edges, how they never let their guard down and never grew cocky yet still had this air off confidence. And yet the sight in front of them can't be described as anything other then soft and vulnerable.
Hero doesn't mind it though.
(they're honestly unsure which side they like more.)
They pause, before an exasperated sigh escapes them.
So much for being normal about this.
They glare at Villain half-heartedly. Well, if they can't be normal about Villain, then Hero's decided they're going to be not normal in a way that could almost be normal if in different context.
They pull a blanket up over Villain, before looking at the counter.
Well, if no one else is going to do it, might as well tidy this place up.
Cleaning's always been a productive way to pass time anyway.
And what else are they supposed to do, take a seat and wait? No way.
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writtenfoxscreams · 9 months
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The other version of the computer tabs is your brain joke. Not sure which one I like better.
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env0writes · 2 months
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Idle Steps 3.27.24 “A Daze, I Say's"
Fingers numb Thoughts go dumb How the hell am I supposed to have one Single thought Barely caught Casting net Bet Better Better than that Is it cold Is it old Is it something bold Each year I make it higher Ever more the sire On my own All around me are these strangers I don't know Farther is the distance I have made And I just go So why must as I reach it Does it burn me back to stone From the ashes I keep rising broken more And more than one Will I ever cross the line And says that I have won
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artist!   Photo by @env0
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palettesofrenaissance · 2 months
on some days when I'm out and about running errands like I am today, I think about that post that goes "I can't believe I'm an adult now and can do whatever I want without needing permission" because like. so many current adults don't quite feel like adults because we were never taught Adult Things™️
I just came from the bank and one of the tellers was telling me how he and his fiancée weren't taught about things like building credit and had to learn a lot outside of the home and school
I go to dentist appointments by myself. I can buy drugs, alcohol, medicine on my own if I want, and I now have bills that are only in my name and not my parent's. I can leave town if I want to or stay in school. It's all on me. I buy and cook my own food and go to bed when I want
Yet there's still the epidemic (using that word loosely) of Millennials struggling with finances due to rising prices, having to remain at home or get roommates. It's kind of this in-between state that too many of us are going through. It shouldn't be like this. I have met so many unhappy Millennials because of this. I wish it wasn't like this
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Has anyone been in a train of thought but then it just dissappears off the track and you have no idea what the train looked like even though it was just there so no matter how hard you try and find it you can't because you have no idea what you're looking for or is that just me?
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linka-r9-vysocina · 26 days
I wish i could find some comfort in believing that I am right about the Palestine situation and in knowing that I am trying to help in ways I can. I can't thought. It fills me with immense sadness that so many people I know are operating with either different morals or different set of facts (such as my dad who sincerely believes that Israel is trying to minimize civil victims and is only doing what it needs to protect itself from further Hamas attacks). It fills me with sadness that I can only watch people die, not being able to prevent it, that I will see the official reports that will again and again talk about the October attack while casually mentioning the number of Palestinian victims.
I want to go and talk to people about it, but I can't, I am not strong enough not to break down in a confrontation. I want to scream about how everything feels so fake, why do I have to care about pRoDuCtS and cUsToMeR eXpeRieNcE when round the corner, people are dying and we chose to think that their deaths are somehow necessary because "that's just how war is".
I would love to find comfort in anything. In money I have donated. In the few FB posts I made about the situation. But I can't.
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fretbored34 · 1 year
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Also, all the trains look like Thomas the Tank Engine
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musictyme · 30 days
Talib Kweli & Hi Tek (Reflection Eternal) - The Blast
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ikarus-wax-wings · 5 months
Counting Days
I've been counting down days On my calendar Since November New years is a centimeter From the ends of my limp fingers
My plant is growing a new leaf And I haven't looked for the spider Who lives in the corner of my window
I used to say 'At least I got out of bed Today' And now I can't pretend I'm not dying From the worn edges of my duvet
" Are you sick again?" My brain is full of snow white petals Like some omen Like some irony " I never got better." Hope Untethered
Apperently from The dogwood tree Some sign Or cosmic joke
And I read a few pages Of a new book A night or two ago: I don't recognize time I don't recognize myself I don't feel like a person anymore
I'm caught Between an inability to sleep And an inability to wake up
'Hope and rebirth after struggle' White petals, That aren't petals: Illusion Which part is illusion-
And this house is starting to feel like a casket And everything I do Just seems like The building of a funeral pire
I find words And then hate them I find hope And get too tired to hold it
So I'll sleep again Barely a choice Barely alive, Or awake when I'm awake
Then at 2 am My shaking hands Will cross off another day 'Made it again' And I can't really Feel happy about that
(Can I?)
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