#affirmation cards
PAC: Why you didn't get the job/placement
Wondering why you were turned away or didn't receive the call? It's natural to wonder, even if people tell you to just move on. Here is an attempt to understand.
Group 1 is a ring. Group 2 is a pink flower, Group 3 is a plant.
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Immediate impression is that the employer directly thought perhaps you as an applicant were not ready or prepared for the stress or situations that the placement might bring. They potentially would have wanted an applicant that was more ready to step quickly into the role, rather than someone they would have to spend more time/money training up or paying more attention to. This isn’t to say you’re not actually qualified, it’s more that this person just made their mind up and that was that. With king of pentacles this is more money oriented, more thinking on profit long term. They may have thought that you didn’t connect with them in terms of the long term impacts of the business/studies. If this was regarding specifically studies this could be that they saw it as a lack of foresight or big picture thinking. (Again, not saying this is actually true, if you feel that it’s an incorrect representation). 
I asked what the employer, or teacher or leader or whoever was in charge, was looking for that you may have missed in communicating or showing. The card is Drive. It says “No matter what my energy level is, today I’m lighting my motivational furnace and burning with drive. Starting now, I’m the reigning badass of productivity and I’m about to blaze through my entire to-do list and then some.” So if you were to apply again or with the same people, you may want to show examples of how you have been assertive, or a self teacher, or someone who has initiative in their work.
Now we have ‘Tijme to move on’ and ‘Stay optimistic’.It says “don’t quit right before the miracle occurs.” If this is something that crops up as a yearly opportunity or something to that effect, then stay optimistic that you can get a chance next time. If you are really interested in the role or type of opportunity, stay optimistic that you can get something similar in nature. 
If you are applying for roles or studies while you’re already in something, time to move on suggests letting go of where you are mentally and emotionally first. That will energetically open you up to more opportunities. Stay optimistic suggests holding on for a bit longer and trying to visualize positive outcomes that make you feel happy, like something has happened.
I drew a card as something that you can show off about yourself and it is imagination. It says “I treasure my imagination, and I can conjure it at any time. My imagination helps me dream up creative solutions to complex problems that I wouldn’t have thought of from inside this same-old box.” So you are someone who can think up some helpful solutions, even if they seem a bit different or strange. You can think differently and really add to research, work and teams.
I’m sorry that you were turned away, but it’s looking positive for you in the future so good luck.
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So we have the 8 of swords and the king of swords. We also have time to move on and blessed change. This was not the job or placement for you anyway, I see really strongly it wouldn’t have been beneficial for you in the long run. There is something more unexpected for you down the line.
The reasoning seems more based on how you appeared as a person?  I feel like the ones who interviewed were people who saw themselves as logical, down to business and they may have seen you as an applicant who was more in their head in an inefficient way? I just don’t think you were a fit, on either side. So the course, or the workplace, or the environment, wouldn’t have really gelled. I’m sorry I can’t see any more than that to be honest. 10 of swords as an extra is hinting to me that maybe you said something that put them off and that was the nail in the coffin. I’m not saying you said anything drastic, it could have just been something that made them think attitudes were different, or values weren’t aligned. For example, I know someone who wasn’t taken on because they said they were a direct person in the workplace. Imagine not wanting someone who is direct. So please don’t take it personally, I just don’t think you were for each other.
I asked what they were looking for that you may have missed, or didn’t show. The card is prep work. “I make friends with the quiet loners, organization and planning. And I suddenly realize how cool they are! I start hanging out with them, and I bend to their influence. I even allow them to give my daily habits a makeover. Normally I wouldn’t succumb to peer pressure, but isn’t efficiency the best?”
Yeah, definitely seems like they were looking for someone like themselves (in their opinion). Now, let’s have a card showing what you can show off about yourself that you have. Self Reliance (ah, so you can be a one man band at times). It says: “I am a confident, capable, walking, talking, learning machine - and I practice total self reliance every chance I get. Even if something’s tough, I can probably do it. Even if something is new to me, I can probably figure it out. Or maybe just google it.” Whether you think you’re confident or not, you have a quiet type in work where you know you will manage things. This is a self starter energy that doesn’t run away. Do you know some people get afraid at the idea of working at a different branch or with a team that isn’t their usual? I feel like you would walk in there and introduce yourself and get on with it. You can walk into a job needing to learn on the go, and you wouldn’t bother colleagues as much as they think a new hire would.
Good luck, I see a positive unexpected opportunity that you will be able to go for because you’re still freed up. It’s going to make you grin.
10 of pentacles, The world. Empowerment, Wait, Let yourself receive.
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There’s something here regarding timing or travel. Maybe they needed someone asap, but you had a 6 week wait to go. Timing could have just been off. Perhaps there was time between jobs or roles that they didn’t like. Maybe there was a need to travel when you were asking for remote work and they weren’t willing to give it. Another possibility is you didn’t seem enthusiastic about their desire to hop from site to site, or travel for a longer period of time for a project or course.
Empowerment makes me think you told them about a boundary or limit, but they weren’t willing to shift, compromise or allow. I get a very stubborn energy from the employer/interviewers side. If they were really immature, they could have noticed if you weren’t very early. Maybe you were right on time or a little bit late for the interview. I feel like you had a lot of good qualities that they were looking for, but it was more the practical aspects of things that got in the way.
I honestly don’t see anything too deep. I think you did a very good job in the interview or discussions you had. I think you’re able to stand up for yourself and refuse to give more than you can. I think you have a good head on your shoulders. You deserve a better role or placement that gives you more in return for what you do.
The cards that you have on your side to show next time in an opportunity are risks, and enthusiasm.
Risks says “ I take big risks and leap into the unknown with fearless abandon, knowing that the best surprises and richest experiences come from bold choices. Worst case scenario? The unknown is filled with spiders and they swarm me and eat me and decorate their spider cave with my bones. But what are the chances.”
Enthusiasm says “When I have to make a spreadsheet, sit in a long meeting with no coffee, or do anything else I don’t like, I dig deep and find a way to be enthusiastic about it. The difference between having to do something and getting to do something is all in my perspective.”
So the cards are overall saying bide your time for better results, the right place will accept what limits you genuinely have, and there can definitely be a fair give and take for you. There is patience needed though.
Hope it made sense have a good one.
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illustoryart · 9 months
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Friday Affirmation from Eric 🔥
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thejournallo · 4 months
Affirmation: Flirt Master
While I finish my other post, here are some affirmations!
As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). If you are interested in more methods, check the masterlist!
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I am a strong person.
I enjoy being myself.
I can read signs from everyone.
I am aware of what to say and do.
I am able to show them I'm interested.
people like who I am.
I accept nothing less than perfection when it comes to people.
I believe in my flirting skills.
I enjoy talking to them.
I pay them compliments at appropriate times.
I am naturally flirtatious.
I put myself out there.
I always use the best flirting skills.
Flirting comes naturally to me.
I control my anxiety with people.
Others see me as bold and confident.
I love who I am.
My flirting skills are top-notch.
I am friendly with everyone.
The best version of me is my natural self.
I stopped being afraid to make the first move.
I stopped being cautious about breaking barriers.
I keep the conversation interesting.
I stopped being desperate.
People enjoy talking to me.
I stopped being afraid to put myself out there.
I control the conversation.
I'm aware of my surroundings.
I pick up on their feelings.
I read their body language.
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My results always come to me instantly.
My subconscious instantly accepts affirmations.
I already have my full results.
I easily gain results with no effort.
I always receive this result.
I easily gain results with no effort.
I always get a full result, no matter what
I already have my full result.
I manifest quickly and easily.
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earthboundtimelord · 9 months
I know this is coming out of literally nowhere but I lost my job recently and don't have any income so I am going to be opening up some readings.
Currently doing dice divination at $5 per 5 questions ( yes/no )
Comfort Entity / Deity bundle $25 ( includes 20-40 song channeled spotify playlist, an affirmation card chosen by your entity / deity of choice, a prism oracle card chosen by your entity / deity of choice, and a moodboard with a channeled message from your entity / deity of choice ) [ because of the amount of things incorporated in the bundle do not expect it all to be done in the same day ]
I will do these for pop culture entities as well.
Note: Do not ask me to do anything for closed practices.
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manifestationvibes · 27 days
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autumnsvoice87 · 1 year
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So I got this ring of note cards from dollar tree and I decided to make affirmation cards junk journaling/callaging style. A couple of them I may redo, but most are looking fabulous 👌 👏 👍 😍 💖 ✨️
It will be cool to see how all these turn out. I don't know if I'm going to do all 50 note card's on the ring, but may do at least 30 or 40 and use the other 10 for back ups in case I don't like some turn out.
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chakra-wisdom · 1 year
Conscious and Respectful Conversations with Others
Conscious and Respectful Communications with Others Ideally, we aim to have a respectful and conscious conversations with others, although sometimes it may not turn out that way! If someone projects their negativity towards you, i.e., their ‘bad wolf’, (see My Favourite Short Story below), often they would like nothing more than for you to give them some of your ‘bad wolf’, which in reality feeds…
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emraiify · 1 year
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sebongmochi · 1 year
Hi Guys! Hope you guys are doing well :).
If you have time can you guys check out my shop, I make digital Products and also give it a favorite if you have an account 😊🫶✨💖 currently 50% right now .
Thank you light and loveeeee! 💖✨🫶
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rookthetulpa · 2 years
Divination of the Day 08 04 2022
Divination of the Day 08 04 2022
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petits--oiseaux · 2 years
Second downloadable deck is up!!
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illustoryart · 9 months
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and everyday ❤
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thejournallo · 4 months
AFFIRMATION: A Good Februrary
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I let go of what no longer serves me.
I learn and grow from new beginnings.
I am in control of my own destiny.
I spread love and kindness to everyone.
I let go of expectations and let life flow.
I receive love and happiness abundantly.
Change helps me grow positively.
I let go of what holds me back and aim high.
This month, I find beauty in every moment.
I attract positive experiences into my life.
I release my doubts and step into my power.
This month, I will write my own success story.
This new month brings endless possibilities.
I am grateful for the chance to start fresh.
I think positively as I begin this new month.
Good things have come to me this month.
I deserve the good things happening.
Positive changes await me this month.
I am surrounded by love and always supported in my desires and needs.
I intend to be happily surprised by good news and miracles.
I am only available for unconditional love.
It's safe for me to be seen, heard, and understood.
The right answers and guidance always show up for me right when I need them.
I believe good things will come my way.
I am ready to reach my full potential.
This month, I am creating a life I love.
I focus on today and let go of the past.
I deserve good things to happen in my life.
I trust my journey and welcome the unknown.
I am strong and can overcome challenges.
I control my own happiness and success.
This month, I shine and inspire others.
Welcome to new friends and connections.
I deserve all the good things coming my way.
I am open to guidance and inspiration.
I create a joyful life for myself.
I let go of self-doubt and believed in myself.
I appreciate the chances this month brings.
I let go of what no longer serves me.
I learn and grow from new beginnings.
I am in control of my own destiny.
I will have a good month of february.
I'm staying grounded in the joys this month has to offer.
This month is a great time for making memories.
I am slowing down to enjoy the gift of the present.
I feel so much gratitude for the gift that is my life.
This month give me the opportunity to slow down and appreciate my gratitude.
I am a positive light.
I attract all the good opportunities.
There is so much more to come.
I embrace the things that make me feel good.
I am ready for a good february.
I'm freeing myself of all limiting beliefs.
I am in alignment with the path I'm currently on.
I look for new doors that open for me.
I am blessed with abundance.
Everything in my life is working for me, not against me.
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As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). if you are intrested in more method check the masterlist!
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earthboundtimelord · 9 months
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Currently working on bettering myself and decided to get an affirmation deck to help with my inner turmoil sometimes. My mental health is admittedly not the best so I decided this was a good course of action.
This Affirmation Deck is Good Omens themed. If you would like to get one for yourself please check out:
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brettesims · 2 years
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Lol the first time I ever got my cards read, the lady looked at me and asked how long I’ve been talking to spirit. She said I didn’t need her to read my cards, but did it anyway.
Now I’ve made my own custom self love deck for all of you. Hope you love them as much as I do!
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marsmarvel02 · 2 years
Today in Pointless class we had to read “Affirmation Cards”
They look like this:
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Since I had nothing else to do, I made a little edit:
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