#aft jokes
altraviolet · 8 months
Deleted scene, Ch 39
I'm reading JRO's behind the scenes MTMTE notebook (Vol 3) and it inspired me to grab a deleted scene for The Echo Garden xD
I've picked one at random. This is a deleted scene featuring Rodimus and Ultra Magnus. In chapter 39 "The After Burner," we have this excerpt, which I'll put behind a cut in case this post gets long. I'm including it so you know what the heck the deleted scene is talking about:
Ch 39 excerpt:
Ultra Magnus was spraying The After Burner with a coat of white paint as per Rodimus's orders. It did little to cover the ocular-searing neon greens and yellows Magnus had painted it to “discourage extracurricular canoodling.” Something about The After Burner's lithe build made it a gathering point for “adventurous crew members.” Rodimus found the neon paint scheme a million times more offensive than semi-public canoodling and had demanded it be painted over before the voyage to 2938. Like any vehicle prioritizing speed, The After Burner was light on armor and defensive capabilities. It was meant for sprinting small crews or low weight cargo between two points. It worked marvelously for Enceladia purposes. With a single laser and a shield about as powerful as Toaster's tiniest coil, it wasn't Rodimus's first choice. But it was the only shuttle that fell below Perceptor's recommended threshold for mass.
The following is the deleted scene that was summed up in the above. A good lesson demonstrating that not everything needs to be written out in scene. Everything said in the below scene was summed up in the fic. I couldn't find a good place to slot this scene. Giving the reader the info in summary was a better choice to keep the chapter moving.
Deleted scene:
“There are two shuttles with weights below Perceptor's recommended threshold,” said Ultra Magnus. Rodimus scrolled up and down the data pad he'd been handed, squinting. “The Scavenger is fast but very lightly armored,” said Ultra Magnus. “As a side note, it has been painted uniform stripes of contrasting bright greens.” Rodimus tilted the data pad away from his face. The real thing hovered behind Ultra Magnus, clashing with itself and everything around it. “Ow, my oculars.” Ugh, Shuttle Bay 2. “Who did that?” “I did, sir.” “Why?” “To keep away the canoodling types, captain. The more adventurous crew members designated The Scavenger a 'hot spot,' if you know what I mean.” Ultra Magnus leaned down conspiratorially. “I hope you know what I mean.” “Eugh.” “It worked,” said Ultra Magnus proudly. “Extracurricular canoodling decreased by 37% in the-” “That's fine! I'm good. I don't need canoodle percentages,” said Rodimus. “Tell me about the other shuttle.” “The After Blaster has much better shielding but isn't as fast.” “Classic conundrum: speed vs armor,” said Rodimus. He shoved the data pad back at Ultra Magnus. “You know I have a need for speed.” “The Scavenger it is, captain.” “Throw a coat of paint over that thing. The quick dry stuff you use on the graffiti. You can make it pretty after we get back.” “Yes, sir.” Ultra Magnus perked up. “I can try out my new nozzle extension! Optimized for peak dispersal of paint types 1a through 3b.” “Great,” said Rodimus.
Little notes:
"The After Blaster" got changed to "The After Burner" for the fic. These are both aft jokes, by the way. The shuttle name started as "The Aft Blaster." I changed it to "After" to be less crude and to sneakily hide the joke. Then changed "blaster" to "burner" for slightly less crudeness, lol.
The reason Rodimus thinks "ugh, Shuttle Bay 2" is because the Rod Pod is kept in Shuttle Bay 1. Bay 2 is the lesser of the bays in his eyes lol.
"The Scavenger" is a shuttle named in honor of the Scavengers, after they suffered their terrible fate. It hasn't come up in the fic, though
"canoodling" is a joke from the canon comic
I had Rodimus hate the neon green paint job because I myself am not a fan of neon green
The thing where a character is looking at a book/data pad/whatever displaying an object, then moves it aside and the object is there in front of them in real life, is hilarious to me. I assume that's a trope?? With a name? I love that trope.
Hope you enjoyed this lil deleted scene :)
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thewiglesswonder · 2 years
Three questions about Posthaste
has he ever interacted with the autobots?
what was he like when he was little?
what was everyone’s (including viceglide himself) reaction to finding out that viceglide was carrying?
thanks for putting up with my questions!
I will always welcome questions about my kids, no putting up here!
1. Haste was born at the tail end of the war, so interaction with Bots during his childhood was kept to a minimum, specifically because of safety concerns. He didn’t grow up around Autobots, but as steps were taken toward actual peace and sides started to mix a bit more, he’s definitely met his fair share. (This is discounting the time he got kidnapped/adopted by a well-intentioned Autobot team as a bitlet.)
2. Posthaste was super small as a sparkling, the fangs and claws he inherited from Maelstrom wouldn’t grow in until a little later in life, and he was very energetic as a whole. Precocious, curious, chatty before he could actually talk, that sort of thing. Of course, when you’re so small and can only hold so much energy at a time, he would conk out for naps on a pretty regular basis.
3. Here’s the thing: Post was an accident. To put it plainly, they were both extremely worried. Viceglide is a field operative, they’re in the middle of a war, this is dangerous. They didn’t even tell the rest of Team Phantos until they had successfully stolen Posthaste’s protoform. But to answer the pertinent question, Viceglide was verging on panic, Maelstrom has the coolness of a battlefield trauma surgeon on her side no matter how worried she is, and Quarrel, Brakebolt, and Fuselage were all varying shades of shocked.
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running-in-the-dark · 4 months
went to bed early and woke up before 8am today! pretty cool. except I woke up with a bad headache and eventually had a very long nap.
I'm just so damn tired! like, no matter how much or how well or when I sleep, I'm still tired all day. so it's just pointless trying to fix my sleep schedule (when I'll just be asleep most of the day anyway).
#and also.#my mother in law just very sternly told us to fold our clothes after washing them#for some reason she just. started washing our clothes when we got here. no one asked her to. she didn't ask us. just did it#and then acts like it's such a burden. yes and no one asked you to do it 🤔#anyway no I will not be folding my damn clothes because they are going right back in an ikea bag because there is nowhere else to put them#we have one tiny wardrobe in 'our' room and there's lots of things that have to go in there so that the cats don't eat/destroy them#and. I am so fucking tired all the time no folding my clothes (to put them right back in a bag) is not a priority right now#guess what? our clothes usually stay in a laundry basket until we wear them (bc I don't have the energy and my husband just doesn't care 🤷)#it's not an issue. we are adults. we don't wear fancy shit that would look awful and wrinkly. our t-shirts will be fine.#I don't know man. it's only been a week and I already feel like peeling off my skin because of how she is#genuinely I cannot handle being treated like this. I couldn't handle it when I was an actual child and I sure as fuck can't handle it now#I don't know why I thought this would be fine. why did I let him convince me that she'd be different this time.#I know it's no big deal! she's just so judgmental and mean about everything. like the most inconsequential shit#like - last week on the day my husband worked from home he took a few breaks. as he normally does. obviously.#and she kept telling him to go back to work??? what the hell man he's a fully grown adult who has been working for years and at this#particular job for over a year. HE knows when he can take a fucking break.#like. she's never joking. she never says something casually. it's always serious and judgmental and negative.#I feel like I'm suffocating#anyway. only 49 days left. I can do it. I can get through this (knowing that I won't have to see her/them more than a few times a year afte#we move)#(I feel like an ungrateful piece of shit bc it IS very kind and generous that they are letting us live here for free for two months. and I#am grateful! but it's just not good for me mentally. that's all I'm saying. the problem is me.)#personal
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othercrossee · 10 months
The way mochi treated akina was literally how I treated mochi at first
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randomyounglady · 1 year
WereIWas ForeOff
Tumblr media
(Art by Whiskey-Berserk on DeviantArt)
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writtenbymoonflower · 5 months
Needy 0.9k words
You’re touch starved and James is observant. Fem!reader, shy!reader, established relationship. 
cw: James being too sweet, extreme projection from author. 
You were sat on James’ bed, blue plush covers pressed against the backs of your legs. Your boyfriend was on the ground, rummaging through his school bag for some paper his professor had given him that day. You were shivery from the breeze the open window allowed in and the tension of the day. James’ sweater was hiding the layer of goosebumps all over your crossed arms. 
“I swear Lovie, I just slipped it into my bag right aft- oh! Here it is.” He removed the crumpled and creased paper from the bottom of the bag, looking over his shoulder at you with a grin, all his bunny teeth on display. You smiled slightly back at him, making his eyes go all soft on you. You looked down, the emotion in his eyes too much for you after this long of a day. You still subtly glanced at him through your lashes, rubbing warmth into your arms. His Quidditch hoodie looked very soft, making you want to rest your face on his broad shoulder. Honestly, you always wanted to be close to James. He had this happy, golden warmth radiating from him. You hated the idea of asking, though. You weren't fully sure why. James had no issue requesting affection from you. 
Not often enough. You thought to yourself. You could still feel James’ gaze on you. 
“What are you thinking of?” He cocked his head to the side like a puppy, black curls bouncing from the movement. You could see the light coming through the window reflecting on his round glasses. 
“Nothing.” You replied, finally looking up at him. You resisted the urge again to reach for him. It had only been since yesterday that he had hugged you goodnight, you shouldn't be that desperate for affection. But how often do couples hug anyway? He had held your hand and kissed your forehead earlier, so it wasn’t like he was ignoring you. It was just rushed and you really wanted savor in his touch and affection. 
“I can tell you’re stuck in your head.” He said to you, softly. “The worry is coming off of you in waves, Sweet Girl.” 
You tried to smile up at him, still feeling the pull towards him. You backed closer to the headboard and pillows on his bed. From this angle you could see the light framing his face like a halo. He stepped closer to the bed, standing over you slightly. You allowed yourself to reach for his hand and gently press a kiss to his knuckles, before letting it swing between you both. 
“You want something?” He said, a smile growing. He teasingly scrunched his eyes at you. “You want something from me, that's it! You’re being all sweet and shy to butter me up, is that it?” Your face heated as you looked down and shook your head. 
“No. Not true.” 
“Yes you do! You little liar.” His hand broke from yours to reach down and pinch your chin. 
You hesitantly wrapped your hand around his forearm. Gently enough so he could pull it free if he wanted to. He smiled down at you knowingly.
“Can I have a hug?” You said,  keeping a low volume. Almost like you didn’t want him to hear it. 
“Silly…”  He shook his head at you. “Getting yourself all worked up over nothing.” He teased, while lowering himself onto the bed on top of you. His face immediately pressed into your neck. You immediately pulled him tight against you, melting wonderfully under his pressure and heat. His hands slipped under your neck skull, heating and holding the back of your head. You smiled at him, being forced to hold eye contact with him in this position. “For future reference, you don’t have to be so nervous to ask me.” His laugh going into the side of your neck. “Hell, you don’t even have to ask me, just grab me and I think I’ll get the message, Darling.” His fingertips scratched your scalp. 
“You’re gonna get sick of it. You don’t understand, I’m needy.” You joked despite feeling embarrassed over being read for filth. You soaked in his touch greedily before you (inevitably) would have to stop. 
“I would put a fair sum of money on you not being even close to as needy as I am." He pulled his face out of the crook of your neck to look at you challengingly. "Honestly, you underestimate me. If I had my way I would crack open my ribs and keep you in my chest all day."
"Ew, that hardly sounds appealing when you describe it like that. That's awful." You grimaced at the beginning of the sentence but you couldn't stop yourself from smiling as you continued speaking to him. He was looking at you with too much love for you too pretend to be upset with him.
"It's not awful, it would be lovely." He rebutted.
"Okay, well how would you even plan to accomplish that? You would pass out from blood loss before I made it in there."
"You went and took a sweet thing and made it violent, wow Lovie." He teased. "Anyway, I have a better method." He wrapped your whole body in his arms and tightened his grip around you. You could feel all of him against you, putting the perfect amount of weight on you to squeeze all the stress from your body.
"I prefer this way." You mumbled into his neck, breathing in his scent.
"Good." He pulled you impossible closer. "Because I don't plan on letting you out of this anytime soon."
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marragurl · 7 days
The idea just hit me: Ratio’s students are called his ducklings 
He’s fully aware of it and makes no move to stop it from spreading around campus. 
Being considered one of Ratio’s ducklings is kinda a big deal because those are the students who are willing to put in the effort and work to keep up with Ratio’s teaching style. 
They are both terrified of him and respect him so much that all the other students are in turn terrified of them. And while the ducklings don’t get any special treatment from Ratio, there’s something special and comforting about being part of the group of students who are willing to stick with Dr. Ratio’s coursework. 
This is how I see it happening: 
It started during Ratio’s first few years of teaching. Not his first year because I fully believe his first few classes were really controversial and had a lot of dropouts once his personality and harsh teaching style were made known. 
It took a while but after a few years, there’s finally a class with no drop outs, even if it’s super small. However, this class are also the students who are dedicated and truly want to learn and refuse to quit even with Ratio’s standards. 
(They still complain and cry of course, the student life is all about pain- no this is not me projecting as a uni student, I’m perfectly sane I promise-)
And of course, like any other student who needs to understand wtf is going on in class, his students do everything in their power to create study groups and attend his office hours, which are 100x scarier in the beginning since that’s prime one-on-one time with Dr. Ratio. 
At least in lecture the man is a hundred seats away from you. Here, he’s speaking directly to your face as he explains just how wrong you are and giving advice on how to fix that. 
At first, due to how unused to Ratio is from having a class of students who are truly trying to keep up with him (whether they’re succeeding is up to interpretation), he only spends time with them during lecture and office hours for the first few weeks. 
And then it spirals.
Around campus, you begin to see the esteemed Dr. Ratio being followed by a gaggle of students tripping  over each other, constantly asking question after question and him answering each one. Even as he’s being blunt, he never looks like he’s trying to outrun them, and even stops occasionally to write in one of the student’s notes.  
The ducklings nickname started out as a joke when someone made the connection of his students following him like baby ducks after lectures, and spiraled a bit more when one of the students found one of his rubber ducks in his office.
And so after finals, that first class of students got together for a nice drinking party to celebrate their freedom. A few drinks in of reminiscing about the class and how they’ll actually kinda miss Dr. Ratio, someone made a joke of buying some rubber ducks for the good doctor. Continuing on the high, an entire gaggle of drunk uni students just pull up to a craft store at 3am and start hunting for ducks. Another brilliant student laughs at the idea of personalizing each duck, and the rest of the class find the idea so funny that they buy out an entire aisle of craft supplies and get to work.
The next day, hungover but still committed to the bit, the entire class show up to Ratio’s office and each hand him a personalized rubber duck along with a terrified thank you for the class. 
Ratio would give his usual denying spiel of how “it is unnecessary” and “your education is all the reward a professor could want” but this is his first ever class with no dropouts and who all managed to pass their finals. 
The man is a failure at not caring, he is crying on the inside.
So he keeps the ducks on a shelf in his office. 
Somehow, the duckling nickname just cements itself after that day, and each class afterwards, despite all the pain and grumbling of the students, are always referred to as Ratio’s ducklings because only the truly insane (dedicated) stick it out and follow after him. 
And after each final, his little ducklings always give him their own personalized rubber duck that he continues to add to his shelf that he always had within eyesight of his desk. 
(the first class of ducklings are his personal favorite, though he’ll never claim to have any)
I’m incapable of not adding Aventurine whenever I talk about Ratio nowadays, I just have to accept that I love them both too much now. 
But yea, I like to imagine Aventurine finding out about the ducklings nickname first and teasing Ratio about actually having a heart and caring, which Ratio just denies and tries to justify as him being an attentive professor. But then Aventurine finds the rubber duck shelf and it’s just too sentimental for him to even think about joking. 
Adding to my headcanon of Aventurine being really curious about different subjects, I imagine that when he gets comfortable, he constantly asks Ratio questions about anything and everything. Ratio happily replies and teaches him. 
I like to think that one day, Aventurine would make his own personalized rubber duck to gift to Ratio as a 'thank you' for always indulging him with his questions and that rubber duck just becomes Ratio’s favorite. He gives it a little podium in his house and office and he constantly carries it around with him. He has photos of the damn thing. His first class find out about the duck and needle him about having ‘no favorites’ which he denies. Aventurine finds it both embarrassing and really cute. 
(I’m kinda pulling from my own experience with one of my old professors. She was terrifying but by god did I actually learn during her class. Every one of us would complain for hours about her exams, and boy were the averages terrible, but we were all also deeply committed to attending every office hour and defending her against the other students. It was like ‘She’s a harsh and insane professor, but she’s our harsh and insane professor.’ Everyone knew you were serious if you chose to take her class instead of other professors for the same course, she was that infamous. If I take 5 seconds to psychoanalyze myself without getting depressed, maybe that’s why I really like Ratio - outside of the burnt-out gifted child thing with emotional expression issues that also hit way too close to home. He just really reminds me of one of my own professors that I still really respect to this day) 
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cumikering · 3 months
Neighbour Ghost x reader 2
2.1k | fluff You had many dinners with Simon (part 1) (part 3)
Simon Riley white-knuckled the vegetable peeler against the poor carrot in his other hand like it owed him money.
He’d knocked on your door that morning with the full intention of being helpful, but it was painfully difficult to hide the fact that he was beyond clueless as he stood there at the counter. He even dressed for the occasion, wearing a loose black shirt to not dirty his sleeves. It was his first time seeing you in something other than a hoodie, and he caught your momentary gaze on his tattooed arm.
Sure, he kept telling himself each time he came up with an excuse to have you over was for his mum’s company. It made him happy to see the smile on her face as she chatted with you, your laughter filling his otherwise quiet flat. But was it really for her company now, when it was just the two of you as he embarrassed himself?
Regretting what he thought was a brilliant idea, he glanced at you, absolutely horrified of being a hold up and ruining lunch.
You didn’t even look up from the pot you were stirring. “You know, I really don’t like doing the dishes. Would you like to help with that instead?”
A small sigh of relief escaped him as he dropped everything on the cutting board, thankful you spared the sliver of dignity he had left. He did most of the cleaning while he watched you. You said you weren’t the best cook, but your movements were serene, easy. You didn’t look like you were going to chop your fingers off, and to him, that made you far above decent.
Evidently, Melanie complimented the meal generously while Simon simply asked for a third helping. He beat you to the dishes after that, not allowing you to lift a finger after all the cooking you did.
At your door, you turned to him. “In case I don’t see you again before you ship out-“
“You will. I leave Thursday morning.”
“Can I have your number?”
You handed him your phone and Simon Riley called himself from it.
“I’ll see you around, Simon.” You smiled at him.
Again, he only left when you’d closed your door. When he entered his flat, his mum looked up from wiping down the dining table.
She sighed softly. “How long am staying, Si? It’s been over two weeks now.”
“As long as you want, mum. I’d rather you here.” He walked over to her. “At least I know you’ll be safe.”
“What’s going to happen to your dad?”
“You wouldn’t let me bash his face in, and he’s not my dad. Not sure he ever was,” he said gravely. “I can’t tell you what to do, but I just need to know you’re safe. That’s all I’m asking.”
She turned away, the discomfort evident in her eyes. Simon knew the look to well.
“You need to leave him, mum,” he said under his breath.
“I think I’m going to stay a few more weeks, two months tops,” she finally said. “Until things settle. I’ll look for a job meanwhile.”
“You really don’t have to.”
“I want to feel useful, Si,” she reassured. “You’ve been too kind to me.”
“Never enough.”
When's the latest you can have dinner before it's not called dinner anymore? Simon texted you Monday afternoon.
Is this the premise to a joke?
He tilted his head. On second thought, it did sound like one of his dad jokes.
No, was a genuine question actually.
9, maybe. Why?
I'll be home before 7:30. Would it be okay to wait for me for dinner until then?
Who's cooking?
Takeout chef down the street. You pick who the lucky bloke is
You smiled as he stood at your door with takeout in hand. The way you looked at him made him question his clean shaven look that day. Did he look too much like an adolescent with no scruff?
Simon didn’t like making conversation, let alone with someone as sunny as you, but he was surprised to find that he wanted to put himself in a social situation with you. Still, he wasn’t used to it. He tried saying more, he really did, but the most he managed to tell was that he was an apprentice butcher back in Manchester before he enlisted, and that he was a currently a lieutenant in the SAS.
After dinner, you sat facing each other on your small couch sipping on tea, knees almost touching each other’s.
At this point, he noticed you didn’t look away as much as you did the previous instances. Either you’d got used to his unyielding stare or his attempt to appear less scary succeeded. You didn’t ask further about his job, and he hoped it was because you thought it was mostly confidential, not because you were afraid of him. That was alright though, you were far more interesting than his work anyway. He enjoyed watching the way you lit up talking about your interests.
Perhaps it was patronising how he wondered why you could be so much like sunshine in this bleak world, walking around like no one was going to break your heart. He found your generosity reckless, even foolish. Guilt pricked his heart for having these unsavoury thoughts, yet he was still utterly and shamelessly fascinated by your smile.
Despite him not wanting to leave, he excused himself for the night before it was remotely late.
“The day at the base starts early, yeah?”
He gave you a small smile. “Same time tomorrow?”
You nodded.
“Good night, luv.”
On his way to the lift, he knocked on the door of his own flat. His mum answered, clutching her cardigan close to her chest.
“Oh, Simon. I wasn’t expecting you.” She stepped aside. “Are you staying the night? I’ll get the bed-”
“No, ’m just dropping by.” He closed the door behind him.
“Did you need something? Have you had dinner yet?”
“I did, yeah.”
A knowing smile tugged on her lips. “Was it with someone I know?”
“Wanted to say good night and make sure everything’s alright.” A blush might have crept up his neck as he stepped in for a one-armed hug.
But the next night, Simon dropped by again before going back to base.
“Why are you here every day now?” Melanie looked at her son with a teasing smile. “I’m not complaining, but I thought you said you were too busy to come home.”
“Can I not want to see my own mum?”
“Sure, Si.” She gave him a playful side eye. “Let me see what ingredient I’m missing, in case you want to run to the shops.”
He groaned. “I’m shipping out Thursday. Wanted to take you somewhere nice for dinner tomorrow. Get yourself an outfit. Use my card.”
“How nice!” She beamed. “Is she coming with?”
He looked away. “I didn’t invite her.”
“Would you like to?” When he gave her an unsure look, she reassured, “I don’t mind at all. She’s sweet and I’m happy you’re meeting new people.”
Of course it didn’t take any convincing for him to invite you to his favourite steakhouse in the city. In fact, he very much looked forward to having another excuse to see you, especially dressed up. Not like you didn’t look nice, but thinking of taking you out made him giddy. He suddenly didn’t dread the med evals, trainings and briefings he usually detested before each deployment.
When he arrived at base, your reply waited.
Thank you so much for the invite. The place sounds lovely, but I don’t want to intrude. Have a nice evening you both!
His shoulders sagged. Can I at least see you after dinner?
Mrs. Riley beamed when Simon picked her up with a rose in hand. He didn’t remember ever seeing her so dressed up, and he was glad to have given her the opportunity to. She gushed over the delicious dinner, the wine and how polite the waiters were that it brought a bittersweet smile to his lips.
He could tell how much the evening meant to her, and it broke his heart that no one had cared for her that much in a very long time. He held her hand as they walked back to his flat.
“You be safe, Simon. I’ll be waiting for you,” she hugged him tight at the door as her voice wavered, her eyes brimming with tears.
He gave her a squeeze, feeling the emotions rubbing off on him. “Will do, mum. I’ll be home as soon as I can,” he said into her hair.
She gave him a kiss on the cheek before he headed to your flat.
Simon didn’t recall feeling this heavy upon shipping out in recent memory, but as you answered the door in your loose shirt and shorts, his arms ached to wrap around you. Instead, he shoved his hands in his trousers pockets.
“Would you like to come in?”
“I can’t,” he said. Because if I did, I wouldn’t want to leave.
You looked away, seemingly a little embarrassed by his rejection.
“May I ask why you didn’t want to come earlier?”
You stepped out into the corridor, closing the door behind you. “I feel your mum would appreciate it more if it’s just the two of you, that’s all.”
“Maybe next time with you then?” he asked hopefully. “Just us?”
You nodded and a smile blossomed on his lips in return. You both lingered a few more seconds in silence.
“I’m wishing you and your unit the very best on your mission. Please take care out there.” You cast your gaze down.
He caught the wobble in your voice and the sincerity was the push he needed. You barely had time to react to him stepping in for a hug. His arms encircled your frame loosely, but tightened as soon as yours wrapped around his waist. He curled over you, inhaling your scent as your breath tickled his neck.
The lack of distance only highlighted how much he towered over you. He was sure you could feel his racing heart under his turtleneck, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to hold you.
“Let me know when you’re back,” you said when he pulled away.
Simon very much looked forward to your texts whenever he had time to himself. While he asked you about your days, he unfortunately couldn’t say much about his. Instead, he sent you photos of the sunrise, or the shit cup of tea he was having. In return, you sent photos of the Hereford sunset and your meals. He said the kind of food he ate would ruin your appetite.
You told him his mum got a job at that bakery you loved – you knew the owner. On some days if her schedule allowed, you could walk back home with her. Simon thanked you for keeping her company, knowing how much she must have appreciated it.
The two weeks seemed to roll by a litter faster than usual. You were the first to know as soon as he was scheduled to fly back. He said he’d probably get home a late, but would love to see you if you had the time.
At his first knock, rapid footsteps came from behind your door which you swung open with a grin on your face. “You’re back!”
“May I come in?”
You made way for him, and when the door closed behind you, he stepped in, arms lifted a little. With a chuckle, you closed the gap, squeezing him tight.
“Are you available for dinner tomorrow?”
You pulled away. “No, going out with friends.”
“Oh,” he muttered. “Sunday then?”
“That’ll do.” You smiled, walking backwards to the kitchen. “Come, I’ll make us a cuppa. Co-worker gave me some oolong tea.”
His eyes softened. “Sorry, can’t stay long, luv. I’m going back to base.”
“But tomorrow is Saturday. I thought you stay home on weekends.”
“Yeah, but it’s too late now. I don’t want to bother my mum.”
You gestured at the couch with a chuckle. “I’d offer you this, but it’s way too small for you.”
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to bother his mum - he wouldn’t. He could get in and out the place without a sound, nor was your couch a problem. He could sleep on the floor and it would still be better than some of the places he’d had the pleasure to sleep in.
He wasn’t ready yet, especially not when he just got back, with his mind still reeling 1000 miles an hour.
“That’s okay. I can head back.”
Your brow rose at him. He understood how silly it was now, driving all the way to you at this hour to not even stay 15 minutes. It was embarrassing, if he was honest, how much he was transfixed on seeing you that he didn’t even think of the logistics of the visit.
“Sorry, I’m not a late sleeper. I’m dead tired and always sleep like a log the first night back.” His eyes flicked to your lips as he swallowed. “I’ll pick you up Sunday?”
You smiled. “Where are we going?”
“The same place. I think you’re going to like it.”
@tiredmetalenthusiast @shadofireshinobi @keegansshark @two-gh0sts @rowanyaboats @mangoguy @fruitymoonbeams-blog @ghostslittlegf @luvecarson @sparrowgalaxy @insert-weird-name @nocturnalreader106
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lovinpelova · 4 months
behind closed doors | j. fleming
summary; jessie is usually reserved when it comes to pda, so she finds another way to claim you. [SMUT]
🎵 cherry - lana del rey
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your girlfriend was never one to purposely attract attention towards herself, if anything she hated more than one set of eyes on her at the same time. it took ages for her to grow accustomed to your overly outgoing presence at chelsea when she joined but after you (forcably) partnered up with her in training sessions and were assigned cubbies next to each other in the changing rooms, she eventually warmed up to you. it didn't take long for you to figure out she had a crush on you, niamh and sam being a bit too loud with their teasing and jessie sporting a bright red face with her awkward smile to finish off the 'shit, i've just been found out.' look told you everything you needed to know.
since you knew of the canadians introverted nature you didn't take long to ask her out on a date, discovering she's far more shy than usual when nervous and having to calm her down on multiple occasions just to ensure she didn't spiral into a panic attack. after your second date she'd already grown accustomed to holding your hand as you walked her home, so you took your chances and spun her around to pull her into a kiss, very pleased to find out she didn't want to pull away anytime soon.
over time jessie opened up a lot more - similar to the way she does with old friends - to show you her true colours. the awkward jessie that always makes poorly timed jokes but manages to get a laugh anyways, the loving jessie that remembers your coffee order and gets it without you even having to ask and you were even introduced to the sloppy jessie who seems to get a little bit too confident after a couple drinks. all the different personalities that made up your girl meshed together to form the canadian you loved so dearly, the brunette you desired to marry and were so happy you asked out a year ago.
now, jessie was showing you a vaguely familiar side. the woman was naturally reserved due to her upbringing which called for absolutely no pda if alcohol wasn't involved, meaning her possessive side didn't make an appearance often either. she loved when you'd wrap an arm around her waist or kiss her temple with a hand on her thigh in public but never dared to reciprocate it, far too shy to deal with the teasing and knowing looks she'll get from anyone around. with you, she was naturally dominant and owned a need to take control after not having any due to relentless overthinking in social situations that truly was the bane of her existence; but all of that faded away behind closed doors.
so here she was, smirking against your mouth as you desperately grinded your hips up into hers after a heated makeout session that had gone on far too long for your liking. the canadian would pull back from a sloppy kiss, brush her lips over yours and sport a teasing grin when you moved to even receive a peck, strong hands holding your hips down against the bed you'd been thrown onto just to assert her dominance and get that tiny bit more of control she was wanting. when you whined in frustration at the complete lack of physical attention she was giving you she'd tilt her head like a curious puppy, furrowing her eyebrows in mock innocence and confusion as she asks you:
"what's wrong baby? everything okay?"
and you'd groan in desperation at her relentless teasing, wishing she'd just get it over and done with so you could be fucked the way you've been begging her to for the past half hour.
you replied bluntly, removing your arms from around her muscular figure and folding them over your chest stubbornly with a cold expression, not finding amusement in the way jessie chuckled at you.
"what's the matter my girl?"
jessie traced a finger down your side to tease further, admiring the way your breathing audibly hitches as you try to hide it out of pure stubbornness.
"i've been getting teased for the past half hour after i was promised i'd get fucked, now i'm in my bed with my girlfriend on top of me after she made further word on said promises and i'm still nowhere near an orgasm."
you slightly ranted, keeping your eyes locked on jessies as she grinned at your level of detail, biting her bottom lip playfully whilst nodding along to your words.
"now, do you care to explain why you still aren't inside me yet?"
"oh, you know me. i just like to take my time with you babygirl."
her teeth tugged your earlobe teasingly as she ensured her breath fanned over your neck, watching the way your hairs rose along the pulse point she loved to leave her mark on with a grin.
"you don't usually take this long."
you muttered in response, arms still folded over your chest and intending to stay there until jessie sat up with her legs either side of your waist, eyebrows raised in a teasing manner before she removed her shirt and began to tug on yours. you made quick work of letting the midfielder remove your clothing, ignoring the cocky chuckle she let out once she realised you were shamelessly staring at her toned physique.
"i'm just trying to remind you who you belong to princess. it's been a while since we've done this and i don't wanna be dealing with a brat that doesn't know her place."
"i do know my place jess, but if you keep testing my patience like this i will start acting like a brat."
you challenged, raising your eyebrows in response to hers doing the same as her jaw fell open slightly, shocked at the way you'd just spoken to her.
"oh so that's how we're gonna be tonight then, hm?"
"i won't misbehave if you actually fuck me sometime soon."
your sudden attitude seemed to have lit a spark inside jessie as she gripped your hips and maneuvered herself so your legs were wrapped around her waist, clashing her lips onto yours and ensuring you couldn't escape the dominating kiss she'd carelessly forced you into. she relished in the way you moaned against her lips, groaning pleasurably when one of your hands tugged her brown roots lightly and the other dug your nails into her shoulderblade teasingly; the canadian had made quick work of letting you know she loved getting her hair pulled at and back scratched when you began to explore sex in your relationship - and you can bet your own ass you made quick work of putting it to use for your own advantage too.
"oh i've missed you like this."
jessie muttered against your lips before trailing kisses along your jawline and down your neck, your fingers tightening in her hair as you felt her grin against your collarbone after nipping at an unmissable hickey she'd left behind. it was no secret the canadian loved marking you, feeling there was no other way for people to know you were hers due to her shy personality she'd always resorted to shamelessly leaving love bites as harshly and often as she could, loving how they looked on you as they always took weeks to fade away with how long she'd spend on them.
"i've gone way too long without you, please jess."
"is my girl feeling a bit needy?"
you couldn't help but pout at her teasing question, hating the way she was smirking so cockily as her hips began to push into yours and hands roamed over your body because it was making it so much harder to focus on maintaining your composure.
"answer me y/n."
you nodded your head frantically, not wanting to make her any more frustrated and knowing you wouldn't be able to trust your voice if you spoke. her grip on your thighs made a whimper fall from your lips and against her ear, the canadian smiling against your cheek as she moved to teasingly tug at your earlobe with her teeth and felt your shaky breath fan across her neck. knowing that was the best she was going to get from you, jessie trailed her lips across your collarbone alongside her fingers, dipping her tongue underneath the material of your bra teasingly as she continued the path towards your underwear with her digits.
the midfielder could sense how impatient you were getting by the way your hips were bucking up every time she'd push her fingers under the waistband of your underwear, deciding to satiate her girl quickly and dip a finger into your heat after only a moment more of teasing. she grinned at the small moan you rewarded her with, kissing down your neck gently to contrast the increasingly rough thrusts of her singular digit before she stretched you out with another, relishing in the groan you let out due to the unexpected intrusion.
"that's it baby, take it like a good girl."
she mumbled whilst watching your face slowly scrunch up in pleasure, her fingers curling slightly as she continued to deeply thrust them inside you, keeping up with the slow pace she'd decided on. jessie wanted to fuck you rough and deep, leaving you sore for days so she could have a silent claim in the form of a limp or hiss leaving your mouth whenever you attempted to cross your legs.
you breathed out into her hair, hands clawing at her shoulders to pull her closer as your legs fell open wider, the brunette moaning lowly once her hips fell down into the new space provided as she curled her fingers into your g-spot. she was hitting it with deep, slow thrusts, driving you mental with the way she was taking her time in driving you towards an orgasm.
"say my name baby. show me who you belong to."
"jess, i need you to go faster."
your girlfriend pulled her head back with a raised eyebrow, both of you knowing she wouldn't give you anything unless you asked nicely for it like a good girl.
"i didn't hear a please in that sentence."
jessie hinted, fingers pulling out to rub your arousal over your clit and drive you into a frenzy. your back arched lightly as you attempted to keep your eyes on hers, the brunette loving when you struggled to keep your composure.
"jessie, i need more please baby. need you back inside please."
"that's my good girl."
she praised with a proud smile, pushing her fingers back inside and seemingly not caring about the stretch as she kissed you gently to make up for it, her other arm resting beside your head to give her support as she began moving her fingers faster towards your g-spot once more. your legs wrapped around her waist to pull her closer as one hand tugged on her hair in time with her thrusts, the other trailing to her arm that was beside your head and digging your nails into her wrist.
"just like that, yes baby right there."
you gasped out, spurring her on to keep fucking you good just as she was currently, being rewarded with a deep moan from her when she felt your nails dig deeper and break her skin.
"my prettygirl."
jessie mumbled to herself as she watched you barrel towards your orgasm in awe, a primal urge overcoming her before she leaned into your naked body with the intention of marking you for everyone to see. she left love bites along your neck, teeth indentations on your collarbone and sucked on your breasts until she felt you push her further into your chest to gain more pleasure.
"oh, jessbaby i'm getting close."
"yeah? you gonna be a good girl and cum all over my fingers?"
the canadian teased whilst biting your earlobe gently, continuing to push her fingers into your g-spot repeatedly as she felt you tightening around her and groaned at the fresh wave of arousal she felt come from within you, obviously a result of her praising.
"yeah, m'gonna cum baby."
you began to moan like a fucking pornstar by the time you were moments away from your high, jessie grinning cockily at the noises she was pulling from you.
"taking it like a champ, aren't you? such a good girl for me baby. do my fingers feel good inside you?"
"yes jess they feel so good- m'gonna cum!"
your orgasm ripped into you like a tidal wave out of nowhere, flushing down your body until your core spasmed around jessies fingers in a way that had her moaning alongside you. her thrusts continued whilst gradually slowing down and pulling away from your g-spot, a whine escaping your throat indicating you were sensitive and done with your high as she pulled out carefully and immediately brought her fingers to her mouth.
"anyone else ever made you feel that good?"
"no one else, only you."
you panted out, loving the jealous tendencies jessie had when it came to you, pulling her closer for a passionate kiss whilst turning over to straddle her with full intentions of claming her in return.
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Transformers ROTB
Mirage x Reader
It's a billion degrees here so thinking is hard and I've been imagining cold... This fic of Mirage keeper reader warm after a snowy rescue was born. As the last fic proves, I just love writing Mirage cuddles, and can you blame me?
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Look at him. Absolute cuddlebug. Has to be.
Everything was cold and aching when you came to, but considering you'd expected not to wake up at all, you could tentatively call that a win. Too exhausted and pained to shiver, you cracked your eyes open as sounds finally drifted into focus. A blue figure moved through the darkness with curses of frantic frustration, their inhumanly large frame bent over a pile of damp wood they were having no luck lighting. Recognizing their familiar shade of blue in the brief flashes of light from their attempted fire, you perked up despite your exhaustion.
The mech snapped his helm around, optics wider than you'd ever seen them as he looked at you in total disbelief.
"Hey, you're not dead!" he gushed as he crawled across the cave, looking so overjoyed he must not have believed you'd ever speak again. Too worn out and stiff to chuckle, you managed to crack a smile as the mech leaned over you, seemingly drinking in your presence as if he hadn't seen you in ages. Not having the slightest clue how you'd gotten here, you found your head free of worry despite your injuries, and you couldn't resist the urge to crack a joke.
"Should I be?"
"No, definitely not! Don't you go getting any ideas!" Mirage replied, his tone a solid mix of playful admonishment and serious warning. Adjusting a small emergency blanket that you'd been loosely swaddled in, he fretted long enough for you to pick up on his worry despite the continued jokes. "I've busted my aft keeping you alive this long, you don't get to put all my hard work to waste."
"What happened?" you asked as you tried to hug the blanket closer, numb fingers making it nearly impossible. Confused but able to recall a blurry series of events, the lack of other Autobots stuck out to you, especially when you remembered the whole group had been together in battle the last time you'd seen them. Not seeing a single other being in the cave activated your worry. "Where's-?"
"Shhh, questions take stamina you can't spare. I'll do the talking for both of us." Mirage interrupted gently, still teasing but sounding much softer as he encouraged you to lie back. The warmth of his servo and the comfort of his much larger frame beside yours allowed you to relax and listen, but as you did so It became apparent you were still quite exhausted, and you had to fight the urge to sleep. A fascinating narrative made consciousness stick around despite your heavy eyelids. "It took some expert tracking, but Bee was able to find two sets of tracks; a big ugly bot and the human he was tearing after. Unfortunately enough for him, we found him first."
Now you could remember how you'd gotten into this mess; running from a Decepticon and trying to lose them in the dense, frozen forest... The last thing you'd seen of Mirage had been the main battle, and you couldn't even begin to recall how long you'd been out in the cold, but it was good to know everything had more or less worked out. If only you weren't so terribly cold...
"I don't know how you outran him, but you were sorta... asleep and awake when we found you, so cold you weren't even shivering. We called Noah, and he's arranging to meet Optimus somewhere "clandestine" and escort a medic this way. They're gonna look you over and then pretend they didn't see us." Mirage continued. Nodding in incomplete understanding, you tried to keep your eyes open, and would have yawned if you'd had the strength. You knew what was being said meant a lot to you, and that a doctor was very much in order, but it all felt so far away. Aching body going increasingly numb, you barely found the strength to reply.
"Thank you..." you croaked, so terribly tired you couldn't convince yourself that staying awake was worth it. Mirage reacted swiftly, cupping his hand behind your head and looking into your eyes. The fear in his optics made you yearn for the energy to comfort him, but as it was you couldn't even understand why he was so upset.
"Don't thank me, just stay awake, yeah?" he encouraged, positive facade crumbling as he scooped you up in a panic. Feeling his chest, which radiated a reduced but still appreciable amount of warmth, you sighed and leaned into his embrace. The speedster held you tightly against him, digits patting your cheek as he tried to get you to focus on him. "Talk to me, Y/N, tell me what I can do."
"Cold..." was all you could say, exhaustion all but dragging you down into unconsciousness. Only your desire not to upset him kept you awake, but you knew there was precious little fight left in you. Mirage frantically reached back to the damp wood he'd been attempting to dry and ignite with his blaster.
"Okay, okay... I can... Scrap, I can't get this to light!" he cried in briefly hopeless frustration, his servo transforming back into a limb so he could hold you close to share what little warmth he had to spare. The pain in his expression compelled you to comfort him, but you didn't have the strength to do anything but lay your hand on the glowing center of his chest. You only wanted him to know it was alright, but the mech took much more from the gesture, his optics widening before his brows furrowed in determination. "Plan B then; come here."
Snapping open his chest panels and revealing the beautiful yet surprisingly soft glow of his spark, he pulled you close, allowing you to practically snuggle against the heat generating essence of his being.
"Sorry if this is weird... but it's warm, right?" he said quickly, aware of the awkward intimacy even if the situation was desperate. Being held so close allowed you to finally thaw after hours of exposure, and the feeling of life returning to your limbs was soothing enough to compel you to sigh. Cradling you tightly against his spark, Mirage sat back against the cave wall and relaxed at your increasingly less pallid complexion, returning to a more playful tone filled with affection. "My spark always runs hot, part of being an Outlier. I'll keep you close until the doc gets here. Least I can do for my little space heater."
Smiling back at the joke, you sighed once more and touched your hand to his spark, able to feel the soft hum soothing your aching body. As much as you still yearned for sleep, being so close gave you the strength to stay awake a little longer, the growing ease in his frame compelling you to keep going for both your sakes. A tender cupping of your face helped make you all the more certain that everything was going to be alright.
Mirage continued to encourage you, the devotion in his spark more than warm enough to keep the dark, frigid cold of the cave at bay. "You just keep getting nice and toasty. I've got you..."
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red-viewe · 11 months
general lilia x reader thoughts 🔫 (part two✌)
COLORED TEXT IS FAE LANGUAGE (tw: metions of bl99d, swearing)
Part 1 part 3
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'Fuck my life.'
Here's the tea. You found a half-dead but sexy asf fae on your sidewalk and decided, 'Hey! Let's bring him in, warp him up and fall asleep!' Which was a stupid decision, because now, you're leaning against Mr. Hot Guy's head, pretending to be asleep, because right now, THE FAE GUY IS AWAKE AND HE MIGHT KILL YOU.
After about 5 minutes of awkward silence, this happened.
"I know you're awake."
He said, as he slowly started to get up from the couch. "W-wow, i didn't think you would notice..." God, get yourself together, dude.
"Where am I?" He says, turning to the very sweaty(?) you. God, this man is so hot.
"You're in my house...in the woods, a-and you shouldn't stand up right now, you're still injured.
" You abruptly stand and gently push him down back on to the couch.
"I'm Y/n L/n, by the way... " Mr. Fae still seemed to be om guard.
"Why did you save me? Don't you know about the war going on right now?" He asks in a stern tone (which was kind of hot...).
"Well, war is stupid when you can literally solve everything without death." You say as you walked away into the kitchen.
"...Is that so.." He mumbled.
It toke time for the fae to tell you his name, you respected that. You wouldn't tell a stranger your name either. (Expect you did, but we ignore that) Afte a while, he finally said to juat call him Liliy. Being shot in the stomach with an iron arrow, it toke Liliy time to be able to actually move, but it was progress.
Your days suddenly became more interesting, as you spent more time with him, learning more and more about him.
Like how he's insanely good at games, even when he doesn't try, or when he sometimes helps you prepare for the day before you open the bar.
"I'm not playing with you anymore." You cry in a joking tone as you lose yet again another game of chess.
"Pft, if you'd like, perhaps you'd desire an easier game? May i suggest rock paper sissors?" Liliy says with mischievous smirk on his face.
"Oh, screw you."
'Is this man trying to poison me?' Was the first thought you had when you opened the lunch Liliy attempted to make for you.
"It can't be that bad..." You say out loud, slightly gagging when you scooped up some of the meal(?) onto your spoon.
And...sweet moments, which made your heart beat a little faster and your cheeks warm up.
"Sleeping late, beastie?" Liliy said, as he toke some of your hair into his hands and started combing playing with it, making you blush when you felt his breath a little too close.
"Mhm, I'm doing some stinky taxes before i go to bed." You said, writing down information. After a while of liliy playing with your hair, you started to feel drowsy and fell asleep, waking up the next day on your bed, with a half asleep liliy next to you, staring at you with half closed eye lids and a blush on his face.
'How are you so freaking fine?'
You honestly did not know when you and the fae started getting so comfortable with each other, but are grateful for your friendship with Liliy.
The some of the buildings were set ablaze, others half torn apart, and human bounty hunters were tearing the town apart looking for Lilia Vanrouge. Rumours of the infamous general seeking refuge with someone spread far and wide, wide enough to reach the ears of the royal family. The bounty on his head was more than 9 million thaumarks, and bounty hunters were eager to find the fae.
'Fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck' You screamed on your mind as you swiftly ran back to your home in the woods, running from the danger.
"LIliy!" You burst into your home, praying that your fae would still be there.
"Y/n." Liliy was dressed in the armour you found him in, with his gargoyle mask on this head, carrying his weapon. "I have something to tell you, beastie."
"That you're Lilia Vanrouge, I know." You're not stupid. You saw the bounty posters. Bro.
"Are you leaving..?" You silently said, eyes meeting his.
Lilia stepped closer, his voice now low and soft.
"I have to. If I don't I- You- my queen needs me, and it's too dangerous for me t-" You hug him, eyes watering. Lilia's arms gently embrace you, and he kisses your forehead. "I swear I'll be back, my love"
Tears fall down your face, as he slowly releases you and leaves, turning back for one last glance of you.
'Please come back'
Authors note
This one was a bit sad😭 maybe if i finish part 3 i can make some side stories with crack and stuff 😭🙏Would you like that ?🤔
(Also just comment if you want to be tagged if theres a next one)
(Tag list: @anonima-2)
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redr0sewrites · 1 month
Loki x reader General Hcs
this was... spontaneous! but i said i'd write for marvel and theres no better time than the present. PLEASE send in marvel requests🙏
🥀Cw: fluff, smut, switch!loki, little teensy bit of angst if u squint
🥀minors dni with the nsfw portion
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loki is a naturally guarded person, and is very intelligent and clever. he's not one to let his guard down easily and isn't used to dealing with true romantic feelings, so you are obviously very special to him
loki is incredibly intelligent and good at reading people, along with being very charismatic. he's used to charming people to get his way, and he very, very rarely shows his true feelings unless he trusts you. he cares a lot about your opinion, and a part of him really, really wants to please you
at first, it's hard for even loki to tell whether his feelings for you are genuine, and he gets completely tongue tied around you. he wants to be around you all the time, and he admires you a lot
when it comes to actually dating loki, please be patient!!! he will only truly begin to let his guard down around you over time, and he believes that you'll only find him irritating. he definitely has a big "hurt them and push them away before they hurt you", type of mentality, and when he first realizes how much he cares for you he will probably avoid you for a little
everyone knows loki loves attention, and that is no different in a relationship. he is both touch starved and touch disgusted as he doesn't want to appear vulnerable, but craves any sort of intimacy that you offer
very thoughtful, and he remembers every little detail about you. you mention how much you like a certain candy? you miraculously find those candies in your room. you tell him about an important event coming up that you're stressing about? he reminds you about it the day before. you tell him your favorite gemstone? well, you better believe that every piece of jewelry he gives you includes that gem. loki knows your favorite song, your favorite book, your favorite movie, and any and everything else about you that he deems important. you live rent free in his mind 24/7
loki loves matching with you, and he loves when you wear his signature colors. he's always complimenting you and your style, and his heart flutters a little when you ask him what he's wearing for an important event coming up so that you two can coordinate
i don't even think i can pick a love language for him, he loves giving and receiving any form of affection and you two are probably attached at the hip
HE WOULD PASS THE ORANGE PEEL TEST. loki is absolutely the type to lace up your shoes for you, making a corny joke about how he "doesn't want you falling for anyone else". he uses magic to help you a lot, and especially loves your guys' night routines
loki is nooot a morning person, and loves snuggling with you. whenever you both have to get up in the morning he's always pulling you back into bed, nuzzling into your neck and begging for "five more minutes". he's also always very groggy in the morning and won't remember most of what he does when half asleep. he's very honest as well, and says lots of sappy things whenever he's sleepy. on the rare occasion that you sleep in later than him, he loves kissing you awake and pressing kisses all over your fave!
loki naturally runs very cold, but doesn't feel cold if that makes sense. to you his skin is absolutely FREEZING, but he just feels normal. however there are times where he runs insanely hot and there is absolutely no in between. he's either freezing or burning up, and it's both a little sad and a little amusing. there are times where the cold gets to him and loki will be more clingy than usual, claiming that he needs you to warm him up. other times he will practically walk around naked, too overstimulated and hot to even touch you
loki is a lot more anxious then he seems, and will sometimes just freak out over little things when in reality its a bunch of big things piling up one after another. he never ever means to take it out on you, and even when he's reached his limit he would never hurt you, but it can still be frustrating when he gets mad at you for a simple mistake. he always apologizes and takes accountability tho, and is very careful not to hurt your feelings bc he's very afraid you'll leave him. PLEAAASEEE REASSURE HIM :((((
loki is very chatty and loves talking to you about anything and everything. from in depth psychological conversations to simple "how was your day" conversations, he just cherishes getting to be able to talk to you
look me in the eyes and tell me he's not a switch. i definitely see him as being capable of both being a dom and a sub, and i think it really depends on your guys' moods
when he's a dom, i think loki can fluctuate on how mean or rough he is. i do see him being a more degrading or rough dom but i also think he can be a lot softer as well, and more of a pleasure dom. again, i think it all comes down to your preferences
when he's a sub, loki is definitely bratty. he loves being put in his place and getting a little roughed up, but there are also times where he just wants to relax and be taken care of. when he gets in his own head too much and is irritated after a long day he'll be a lot more pliant and willing to just let you take care of him. PLEEEASSSE praise him and pamper him when he's like this, he'll melt like putty in your hands
PRAISE + DEGRADATION!!! BOTH WAYS!!!! he absolutely has a huge praise kink and definitely praises you a looot during sex, but i also see him being a bit mean with his praise and mixing in some degrading words as well. either way he's a wonderful dirty talker and he probably has a voice kink too, considering how often he whispers in your ear (and enjoys it when you do the same).
i also think loki would be into bondage, again, both ways. theres something so delicious about seeing you tied up and squirming from just his gentle touches, but it's equally intoxicating for him to be the one tied up and denied any sort of pleasure. he gets really whiny when you don't let him touch you, and will probably start pouting and begging. tying him up is defff one of the easiest ways to break him
guys hear me out but a candle wax kink. loki is very respectful and will always ask your permission before trying something new, but he loves seeing you whimper and moan while he slowly lets a few drops of wax spill onto your smooth skin. he also will let you return the favor, and the wax often hisses and steams a bit when it hits his skin because he's so cold.
marking you is definitely very appealing to him, and it's pretty self explanatory. loki just loves marking you and being marked up by you. it satisfies his slightly possessive and jealous side, and you two always look like you've been in a fight after having sex from the number of bruises, scratches, and hickies littering your body.
another relatively self explanatory kink, but, hair pulling. he looooves it when you pull his hair while he gives you head
loki is a major tease, and he loves teasing you in public settings where you can't do much about it. it will go from subtle things like placing a hand on your lower back or caressing your thigh to whispering absolute filth in your ears and making out with you in the bathroom. he is always trying to rile you up bc he knows damn well that it will lead to a night of rough sex
we all know loki's a shapeshifter and genderfluid, so i absolutely hc that he can change his physical body to match his gender. if he's feeling more feminine, he LOVES when uou eat him out. facesitting is def something he enjoys and he loooves riding your face SOO MUCH.
loki is very vocal, he def whines and moans a lot. he isn't shy about letting you know how good he's feeling. he knows how much his voice affects you and will whisper the filthiest things in your ear between moans as you fuck him senseless
aftercare is v important to him, and whether or not he's subbing really affects how exhausted he is afterwards. if he dommed he knows he can be pretty rough and he'll run a bath for you both before getting a towel to wipe you clean and then carrying you to the tub. i also think he'd prioritize keeping you well hydrated and would get you some water and food after the bath. loki is very clingy after sex and would want you as close as possible.
when he subbed tho, it's a totally different story. loki will be a clingy mess from the moment you finish, just whining and cuddling against you the whole time. depending on how deep into subspace he is and how groggy he is, he might even cry if you try to get up (even if you're just going to get water or a towel or sum) bc he thinks you're leaving him :(. he's pretty vulnerable after subbing and will probably just lay with you for a while before coming down from his high. once he's mostly calm and cognizant, he'll def want to clean up pretty quickly. he doesn't like feeling sticky and gross and also loves bathing with you!! overall he's a lot softer after sex and generally just wants to be near to you
RAHHHH I LOVE HIM SMMM!!!! he's so silly lmao this post got sooo long 💀 i also lowkey feel like im shadowbanned or something cuz like all of my posts have been majorly flopping recently :/ maybe im just not in a lot of active fandoms idk but!!!! anyways!!!!! hope u enjoyed!!!!!!! PLEEEASE FEEL FREE TO SEND IN REQUESTS FOR MARVEL, ATSV, OR ANH OTHER FANDOM I WRITE FOR!!!
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ohbabydollie · 2 months
omg so i’m new here but i currently have brainrot for 2 things
1) being a famous celebrity (sortaaaa like the famous streamer one but more famous) where ur like, an actress or model, things like that. and having a semi-public relationship with schlatt where you’ll be spotted holding hands on occasion, or on a red carpet but not really publicly discussing your relationship (even though everyone knows you’re together), and everyone is either super happy and ships the ever loving shit out of you, or they clown on you a bit and make “who’s punching up” videos and odd comments, and just not giving a fuck and being happy together but kinda wanting to be viewed like any other couple and not just another famous couple to be analyzed. (also similar to mutual break up but you don’t care about hate and stay together)
2) schlatt made a joke about having his cock out in the latest chuckle sandwich episode and….. giving him head under his desk when he films….. for some things, like recordings where he’s not showing his face, it’s easy, but when he has his face out, it’s a bit more challenging. he has to restrain the urge to watch you and moan SOOO bad…. that’s all.
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okay, let’s say you’re a celebrity that is agreed by men, women, etc. to be absolutely stunning
so many people that love you, call you their wife, etc.
you are an absolute style icon, wearing pieces made for you to exclusive red carpet events
even people who hate you have to agree you’ve got a great style in clothes and makeup and yes, you’re iconic, at least a little
then somehow you make your way to the youtube community
people assume from you being so open and sweet and social is how you find yourself starring in a project directed by Ted Nivison
you’re so excited for it, interacting with other creators, etc.
Jschlatt knows of you, but thinks you’re probably like all those LA stuck up influencers that managed to make enough connections to get what you wanted
but when he has his first interaction with you on twitter??
he’s taking the chance to flirt with you publicly
in any way shape or form
and is so public about his crush on you to the point everyone is convinced he runs a stan account for you
you both do get closer behind the scenes but don’t tell much people about it
especially considering his jokes that people love taking seriously and out of context
you both are pretty secretive about it, super down low about it until the day he decides to pay for your nails
a small j is on the underside of your ring finger as to not show it off too much
it can’t even be seen unless it’s up close
then someone points it out on twitter in a selfie
you say it was dirt, but they know what they saw
then the paparazzi comes in and takes a photo that goes viral of you in sweats and a suspiciously familiar wilson hoodie
you say it a coincidence over and over again but the evidence is undeniable when you post multiple selfies in familiar hoodies that look just a little too large for you
small scratches and bite marks on your arms but you never mentioned getting a cat
then you appear in a chuckle sandwich interview
but the vibe is different in that video compared to the rest with guests
schlatt is polite??? and listening to you??
he looks at you with so much affection
yeah, your team does damage control and quickly
claiming that you’re currently single and focused on your career
then you fuck up on your own
a misclick on a story made for your close friends of you kissing your boyfriend’s cheek as he has the biggest smile ever plastered on his face
oh well, too late to deny anymore
so you don’t say anything until your next red carpet event where he’s essentially your accessory
like arm candy and dressed to match you
then everyone definitely knows
and let me tell you, some stans are sobbing
lots of “i waited 3 1/2 years, white man did it in one week” from fans and other celebrities
punching the air too
lots of crying and audios after they realize you’re dating him fr fr and not them
people definitely make memes out of it
goddess s/o and bf they probably found digging around in the trash and probably has rabies
yk that one meme of shining armor and princess cadence?
yeah, that + other attractive partner and their silly bf
so so so many of those “do you think we’re…in another universe?” slides
they clip any time he talks about you and use it for edits
editing characters you play with c! schlatt (it’s giving jack frost x elsa)
they love the two of you and seriously cannot get enough
but they really are punching the air when he marries you and when he gets you pregnant (if applicable)
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kenzlovesyou · 22 days
could you write something about you and Caitlins families being very close in high school and ur relationship growing from there?
ur idea is so cute! i’m so sorry it took me so long to get to it, i hope i executed it well!
Every Season - Caitlin Clark x Reader
Yours’ and Caitlin’s family had been friends for many years. The two of you had grown up neighbors, as your moms were best friends and it was their lifelong dream of living next door to each other. You remember when you were little, always going over to Caitlin’s house or her coming over to yours. Caitlin was your best friend in the entire world. The two of you did everything together. There wasn’t one day in the past 10 years that you hadn’t seen Caitlin.
When you and Caitlin hit your junior year of high school, time seemed to start moving too fast for your liking. It was a cold winter morning and you buttoned up the last button on your coat. With that done, you grabbed your bag and walked out the front door. Caitlin was there waiting for you in her car. That was the deal. As soon as one of you could, you would get your license and drive the other around. Caitlin, being 4 months older, had begrudgingly agreed on getting hers and now she was your personal chauffeur. You got into the car and went to buckle your seatbelt, “Morning, Cait,” you said to her absentmindedly, more focused on finding the buckle. Caitlin groaned as she took the buckle from your hand and did it for you.
“Y/n! Why’d you have to run late today of all days? I’m tireddd and I wanted to get coffee!” You knew she was halfway joking about her level of disappointment, but you still had an idea on how to help her feel better. “What if,” you started, “we just went now? We can skip first if you want?” You smiled at her expectantly.
Caitlin just stared back at you with a smirk. “When did you become such a bad girl, Y/n?” You wondered yourself where that idea had come from. You were always wondering where the sudden heat was coming from.
Caitlin drove you two to the drive thru window of a chain Coffee shop, and ordered for you both. She hadn’t even asked what you wanted. You always got the same thing, and she’d had it memorized ever since you started drinking coffee. You got your drinks and Caitlin pulled around to a parking space in the lot so you could hangout and drink them.
You stared at her as you sipped your ice coffee, taking in how her brown eyes sparkled more and more as the sun rose higher in the sky. You nearly choked on the caramel tasting drink as her hand reached down to grab your free one.
“Y’know I’m really glad you suggested this, Y/n. We haven’t spent much time together lately. Honestly I’ve missed this,” Caitlin stared at you with those sparkling eyes that you were just staring at a minute ago. ‘When did she get this..hot?’ You thought to yourself. Perhaps you were just delirious from lack of sleep. That was the only logical explanation. How else could it be then that you had known Caitlin all your life and never noticed her beauty in that way before?
Spring break of that same year, your parents plan a family camping trip with the Clark’s. The car ride is long and bumpy, but you don’t complain one bit because you think that you’d endure a lot more than a bumpy road trip if it meant you could spend time with your best friend. Your family pulled up to the campsite and you hopped out of the car. Caitlin’s family was already there and had done the majority of the unpacking and setting up camp already.
Caitlin sees you and jogs over to you. “Hey you.” She wore her usual smirk on her face. “Hey yourself,” you say back as you wrap your arms around her in a hug.
Sure, you two had always been a bit touchy, having known each other for so long, but you and Caitlin had found a new comfort in each other lately. From Caitlin having her arm protectively draped over your shoulder, to laying her head on your shoulder, to you rubbing her back after a long practice, the two of you had definitely grown more comfortable expressing your affection physically.
Caitlin grabbed your duffel bag off your shoulder and slung it over her own and led you to a tent. “I thought we could share one, and Colin and Blake could share with your brother. Is that cool with you?”
You had definitely been cool with that. In fact you were more than cool with it. You weren’t sure why, but the thought of alone time with Caitlin had made you feel so special lately. Like, wow! Caitlin wanted to spend time with you. Just you.
The summer before your senior year was when you really felt a change in yours and Caitlin’s relationship dynamic. You two were much more physical, and were hanging out even more than you already had been before. You’d stay after school to watch her practices, and after she’d drive you home. She’d go in your room with you, and the two of you would study together. Since she lived just next door, she wouldn’t even bother going home most of the time and would just sleepover with you.
It was another day just like that. You stayed after school to watch Caitlin’s practice, a particularly hard one at that, and watched as Caitlin slowly got more and more upset at the shots she was missing. Each time she missed, she huffed and looked away from you. She was embarrassed to be missing this much. After practice, her overall mood was still pretty low. She grabbed her bag and your arm and pulled you directly outside and to her car, not staying and chatting with her teammates for a couple minutes like she usually did. She sighed as she got into the drivers seat and banged her head on the steering wheel.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” You could tell she seemed like she wanted to cry. You looked up at her face and saw her eyes were glassy. “Cait, there’s nothing wrong with you!” You reached up to wipe her tears and you pulled her upper body to you and she stretched over the console. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but you had hoped it would pose as some sort of comfort for the poor girl. “You are amazing and I love watching you play! Trust me, someday everyone’s gonna know who Caitlin Clark is” Caitlin chuckled and looked up at you from her head’s place on your shoulder. She admired how sweet you always were to her, you never yelled at her or made fun of her for crying like she knew her coaches or teammates could have done. You had always been her safe place, her place to run to whenever she was upset and needed comfort you. She saw comfort and you as synonymous. But lately, things seemed different. Had you been more sweet lately? Had you gotten prettier? Funnier? Caitlin wasn’t sure what it was, but now she had constantly felt a surge of emotion whenever she was around it. It was addicting to her, and she couldn’t get enough of it. It took over her mind and her thoughts so much to the point that she almost forgot how upset she was over her bad practice.
“Cait? Is everything ok?” You looked down at her.
“Everything’s perfect now. Thank you Y/n.” Caitlin smiled at you and resisted every urge not to kiss your lips that seemed to be taunting her.
Fast forward to summer, you and Caitlin had both committed to Iowa. Her for basketball and you for Caitlin. Your actual major was not Caitlin, but instead psychology. You could’ve studied it anywhere, so why not alongside your lover best friend? The two of you got a little apartment together, and you were somewhat happy.
You’d gotten what you wanted; to be with Caitlin. So why was it so painful for you to be around her now? Why did she feel so close and yet so far away all at the same time. You wondered if you could stay happy simply playing house with Caitlin, never making a move, but you knew that wasn’t the case. It was eating you alive.
Sure, she could feel the same. But what if she didn’t? What if she didn’t even like girls like that? Or worse. What if she did like girls and she just didn’t like you. That would be an even harder pill to swallow. You had always admired Caitlin’s ambitious spirit. For as long as you’d known her, she always worked hard to get what she wanted. Surely you could do the same and take of leap of faith for her.
Tears filled your eyes as the thoughts of possible rejection entered your mind. They encapsulated you so much that you didn’t even notice Caitlin walk in. She saw you on the couch curled up in a ball and was instantly confused. ‘Why hadn’t you called her and told her you were upset?’ She wondered to herself. She knows she would’ve came to see you at the drop of a hat.
“Y/n. Y/n, what’s wrong? Talk to me, it’s going to be okay. Come here, baby.” ‘Shit.’ Caitlin thought to herself. Had she really just called her best friend baby? Sure you were a little baby in her eyes, but you weren’t her baby.
“You’re my best friend, Caitlin. You’re my best friend and I’m so scared.” Caitlin immediately read you like a book. Was this you being the bravest girl in the world and breaking the invisible line of attraction that had been drawn between the two of you.
“Y/n. Shhhh. I love you. I love you so much you’ve gotta be my soulmate. I know it’s scary for us to admit it but honestly there’s nobody I would rather risk anything for.”
Your tears quickly dried and you wiped your nose. You saw Caitlin pouring her heart out to you and knew you had her in the palm of your hand. “Ohhhh. That’s great and all Cait, but I meant I was scared for my chem final coming up.”
The look on Caitlin’s face was priceless. “Fuck.” was all she could muster and stared blankly at the wall, contemplating every life decision. You started cackling uncontrollably, “Oh my god, Caitlin! I’m joking!” All she could do was scowl at you, then she got a bright idea herself. “Really? Prove it then.” You rolled your eyes at her, “Gladly,” and you pulled her in for a sweet kiss. It was soft and supple and you never wanted it to end; this kiss had to be like 18 years in the making. That first kiss, that was when you made the promise to yourself that now that you had Caitlin you wouldn’t let anything come between the two of you. She was yours, and you were hers. That was how it was meant to be, no matter the season of life you were in. You would always have Caitlin.
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love-superache · 4 months
The Spear and the Belt
Pairings: Clarisse La Rue x Aphrodite! GN! Reader
Summary: You are an Aphrodite kid, and you are given a mission...you just feel the whispers around the camp...who the hell can you make it? Clarisse offers some help. ( 3 + 1)
Warnings: This was written in a platonic form, but in this case you can read it in what form you want. Fluff + Angst so be ready.
Notes: Thank you so much for all the love, and I was waiting to write a Clarisse fic, well here it is. 😘
Walking around camp now was for you a 'death treat', the gossips, the way you heard your name being whsipered among all the campers...even the satyrs...
'Can't they just do their job?' You think as you walk back at your cabin, seeing the familiar pink building. As you open the cabin door and enter it you sigh in relief.
Why did you accept that mission? It was just a real death treat for you...You don't know how to fight, you weren't blessed by your mother with the charm speak like your two sisters. It was hard to admit but you are useless. You go to your bed and scream in your pillow in frustration.
'Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.' It's the only thing you can think of now.
As you are now looking at the roof you hear another person unlock the door. 'Weird.' You think and look for who is there, it was lunch time but you leaved out earlier after some Hermes kids were 'toasting' your success in this mission, and by toasting you mean just joking, they even said earlier to you: 'Hope you come back alive.' If it wasn't for Mitchell you would slapped them in the face.
As you go to the door you see Clarisse standing there...Clarisse, the Ares cabin head conselour, here at lunch time, by herlsef, just at the door? It was too confusing to argue in your mind. You and the Aphrodite cabin were greatfull by the efforts the Ares cabin made to help your cabin in anything necessary, but you were still confused as hell.
"Clarisse." You say and she stops looking at the rest of the cabin. "Do you need something?"
"I was trying to find you. We need to talk." She says and you point at your bed, the rest of the cabin would still take time to finish eating.
You two sit and she starts speaking again. "I heard about your mission."
You grunt to yourself as she says that, 'Of course you heard.' You think.
"And I just wanna say that I'm here to..." She pauses for a moment and continues. "To help you train your fighting, maybe I could train you..and we could do some spars?" You can see the expectative in her eyes. You weren't expecting Clarisse to just want to help you like that, you didn't know her very much...but, hey, it's better to try to survive than just sit and wait for your death. Atleast you can try to outcome it!
You look at your hands and then back at her. "I would like too..it would be of a great help." You smile at her and she nods back.
"Okay then, see you tomorrow." You jump in suprise. 'Tomorrow?' You think and Clarisse can see your suprise.
"Hey, your mission it's just two weeks away, better start now." She says and you nod back, it makes sense...
"See ya." Clarisse says and leaves the cabin, you say a small goodbye and wave, she waves back.
'It's for the better if I don't tell that I heard all the scream in the pillow, right?' Clarisse thinks as she is walking again at the dinning hall. 'Yeah it's for the better...'
The next day Clarisse is waiting for you in the sparring place. You enter it and the Apollo kids who were trianing archery look at you weirdly, but you ignore them and just go to Clarisse who is sitting in the back of it.
"Hey Clarisse!" You smile at her and she makes a small smile back.
"Hey. So...ready for it?" Clarisse asks.
"I...think so." You add and Clarisse nods.
"That's a start." She says. "So let's start this."
In the next hours you two train like you never trained, wich is ironic because you never trained fighting.
Clarisse is agile and fast and her attacks are strong as hell, you weren't expecting less of her of course.
After the training finished you two are sitting at the back drinking water.
"You are good for the real first spar." Clarisse says as she sips water.
You fell you your heart warm by that.
"Thanks, and you are as amazing as I thought you would be." You smile at her and she smirks back. "Of course you thought." Clarisse tells and you chuckle with that.
After some minutes of silence you decide to ask. "Why are you helping me Clarisse?" As you see her grunt you add. "It's okay if you dont tell of course!" Clarisse relaxes with that.
"I didn't want you to die of course." She smirks and you look at her with a 'seriously?' face.
"We both know ith wasn't for that." You tell her and she look at her water bottle.
"Silena." Clarisse says and you look confused. As she sees your face she adds. "You asked why I wanted to help you it's because of her." Your face brights in realization.
"Oh." You say and Clarisse says. "I don't want never one of her girls to have the same destiny as her." She says and you can see the hurt in her eyes. "Thank you." You say and Clarisse says. "No problem, and now it isn't just because of her, I really hope you don't fail." She puts an hand at your shoulder and smiles.
"Well it's dinner time." Clarisse says and starts leaving.
"Wait!" You say and she turns back. "Tomorrow at the same hour?" You ask and Clarisse smiles. "You know it." She says and waves you wave back.
"This was good." You whisper to yourself and go have dinner too.
After those two weeks passed it is time for your mission, your two other colleagues are there too (an Apollo and an Hephestus boys).
All of your cabin goes to you to says the goodbyes and give you presents for the mission, a good pair of boots, some food and swetts, and and a belt ?? 'Thanks anyway Lacy!' You think and wonder what you could do with it, but after you see that it isn't just one normal belt, it had all the cabin member signatures in it. 'Cute..now really thank you Lacy..' You think and mess her hair.
You wait to see someone at the croud of people who are saying the goddbyes for the three mission members and then you see it. 'Clarisse.' You think and she goes to you.
She smiles. "Good Luck, show them you are something to be feared of!" She says and you can feel your eyes water. You nod. "Yes mam!" You say and hug her. She hugs you back as you hug her you feel something touching you as Clarisse sees you looking at it she smirks. "One last present." She takes out a spar, a really beautiful spear. "Hope you like it." She says and you hug her again. "I love it, thanks."
After all the goodbyes you three start going, you look back one last time, you wave at Clarisse and your cabin mates. You see them wave back, you smile.
Camp Half-Blood is waiting for the three of the mission to come back, they were supposed to come back three weeks ago, wich isn't a good sign.
As Chiron sees the familiar shadows he rings the bell, and all the camp (mostly in pajamas) comes outside, waiting nervously for their arrive.
Clarisse and the Aphrodite cabin are there too. As the shadows become closer all the camp can see that it is just two shadows, they all start to whisper nervously and worried. 'What if it is one of their siblings?' It's what they think.
But then they can see two boys, and nowhere sight of you.
Aphrodite cabin starts all to worry.
"Were is Y/N?!" Piper asks tears alreafy falling through her checks.
The two boys are at really bad state.
"I'm so sorry. It is all my fault." The Apollo boy cries and Clarisse hisses in anger. "What did you do?!"
"He did nothing...Y/N...saved us." The Hephestus boy says. "What do you mean by that?!" Drew asks yelling.
"Three furies appeared, we didn't know what to do...they charged at us and Y/N distracted them..." Tears fall out of the Hephestus boy eyes as he holds the Apollo boy.
"I'm so sorry." He cries and gives a bag. "That is the only thing we could save." Piper takes the bag and opens it, tears still falling.
In it there is a belt, the Aphrodite cabin belt. All the Aphrodite cabin sobs, and there is also a...spear...
Clarisse cries in despair.
"Not again!" She yells at nothing at particular.
Days later it was the second funeral of an Aphrodite cabin member in 2 years. The coffin is of a beautiful pink, a spear with a belt glued to it.
'Why...why..." Clarisse cries in her cabin. She didn't want to show weaknesses. "Why...why.."
She still fells your last hug, how can she trained you for two weeks and she was still feeling like this?
"Why...why.." It's the last things she says before sleeping of exaustion.
Oh your sweet, sweet seventeen years.
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mysuperiors · 2 months
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You were hesitant to invite your new neighbor out on the boat Saturday. You didn’t know him and you figured a couple hours of just the two of you and your girlfriend might be awkward. But she insisted it was the nice thing to do. After all, on the surface, you guys seem to have a lot in common: around the same age, both hit the gym regularly, plus you could tell from the music coming out of his place that you had the same tastes.
Your instincts were right, because after the first half hour, your girl was laughing a little too loud at his jokes. Within the first hour, she was doing the flirty thing with her hair that she did on your first few dates back in the day. By the end of hour two she was giving him shoulder rubs while you were driving the boat further out from the pier.
At that point, he put a hand on your shoulder and told you to stop the boat. You turned around in your seat and you were eye-level smack in front of his crotch. He was fully hard, you could tell through his shorts.
“Thanks, dude. I’m gonna take her below deck for a bit. Just chill up here. We’ll be done soon, then you can take us back,” he said, a grin on his face. He pulled out a wad of cash from his pockets and flipped out a couple 20s. “Here,” he said handing you $60. “For the extra time.”
Stymied, you took the money, shellshocked by how fast this was happening. He gave a confident, sharp whistle to your girl and jerked his head towards the stairway to the lower cabin. You had never seen her so excited. She jumped up and took his hand and he led her downstairs.
You heard everything. Her laughter, her moans of pleasure, her screams of ecstasy. You heard him give her commands—Get on your knees, Suck it, Get on top and ride me. You heard his teasing questions—Is that big? You like that? 
Finally, you could hear when he revved up and was fully thrusting, making the bed shake and creak with the force of his body claiming your girlfriend. You heard his satisfied grunts and imagined her walls shaking around his throbbing dick while she released an ear-piercing orgasm.
They came back upstairs 10 minutes later, their bodies flushed, his hair and chest sweaty. She didn’t look at you. He came your way and wrapped an arm around you. You could smell the sex and the pheromones. “We’re ready to head back now. And listen, sorry if this hurts. She just wanted what she wanted. No hard feelings, right man?” He held out his fist for a bump. Bewildered, you muttered “Yeah.”
He gave you a pat on the butt as he went back to the seat at the aft of the boat, and spread his arms on the railing. His girlfriend immediately started rubbing his chest, and they made out most of the way back to shore.
At the pier, he helped you tie up the boat. “Listen,” he said. “She is feeling kind of bad about this, so she was wondering if you wanted to join us for round two. I’m cool with it, but listen… she wants to watch me fuck you. You in?”
Humiliated. Stunned. Broken. You did the only thing you could do. “Yeah. I’m in.”
“Nice!,” he exclaimed and held out his hand for you to clap. You did and he pulled you to his chest and whispered in you ear. “Call me Sir, or it’s gonna be a rough night for you, cuck.”
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