#aki's archive
trafalgarlogy · 11 months
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🍓 — HOLD ME || Y. Apollo
; [ Record Of Ragnarok / Shuumatsu No Valkyrie ]
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💌 — New Notification from LOVE MAIL !! — " @AKI is back to writing !! "
# — WARNING(s) !! yandere themes, gore, fem! reader, the reader is a mortal(ass always), apollo has corruption kink fr, Stockholm syndrome, bad writing, not proofread, long, ig? .etc.
# — NOTE !! Well, i'm back writing, yay, i was originally thinking to get back with yandere! beelzebub, but when I saw apollo my jaw dropped to the ground, like WTF?! why so HOT!? hello? sir? and now here we are doing a yandere headcanon on him-
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Apollo, The Most Beautiful God of The Greek Pantheon, was known to be a womanizer among the gods and envied by many, who could capture any woman's heart in just a glance.
Though the sun god had everything he wanted, having the most beautiful deities head over heels in love with him; though he always felt like there was still something missing, his heart always felt empty even after all the luxury he had; he didn't understand, why?
and it became the sole reason, he had sleepless nights, he would restlessly try to look for the answer to the question, 'What was it that his heart was craving and missing all this time?'
One day, he was walking through a flower field, in the mortal realm, admiring the mesmerizing view of the sunrise from the horizon, as a new day and a new beginning started in the lives of mortals.
He looked around the flower field looking at the fragrant and vibrant around, when his eyes stopped around on a corner to see a woman, sitting peacefully admiring the sunrise like him; suddenly he felt his heart racing at the sight of this mortal woman.
he walked closer towards her direction to get a clearer of the female, he stopped at a safe distance admiring the woman's beauty.
her (h/c) hair looked luscious, her (e/c) were like the stars in the night sky, her lips looked alluring, and her (s/c) skin was so soft and delicate that it gleamed as the sun rays hit her figure making her more appealing and attractive; at the sight of this beauty, Apollo's heart beat faster, he reached his hand to touch his chest to feel his heartbeat, he was breathing heavily.
He was questioning himself, what was this feeling?....was it love?....was it lust?....or was it something?; he felt a rush of emotions at the moment as he admired the mortal woman from a distance.
after a while of being lost in his thoughts, he snapped back to reality, he took a deep breath and slowly approached the female; she had a smile on her face at her peaceful face, " it is surprising to see a mortal this early, no one is out during this time, why are you? " Apollo said with a charismatic smile painted on his face.
the woman turns to look at him with her (e/c) eyes staring into those of the sun god; she smiled, and got up, "Well, I felt like seeing the sunrise, I sometimes get up at this time around just to see this, a start of a new day " the (h/c)-ette said in her sweet voice which was like music to Apollo's ears.
" oh? So you love seeing the sun rise and set from the horizon, I suppose? " Apollo said in a playful tone, and after that they continued to talk, getting to know each other; the woman introduced herself as (Name).
(Name), wasn't just a woman who was just beautiful from the outside, the more he learned about her through the conversation, he realized how innocent, kind, and compassionate this woman was, he was getting butterflies in his stomach, when she spoke.
This feeling of longing and emptiness, all vanished when he met her, He realized what he was missing all this time, (Name) was the answer to his question, It felt like he found his other half, He found his True Love.....
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After the meeting with a mortal, he couldn't help but think about (Name) & her purity.....this practice continued for days, no matter how much tried to distract himself with his responsibilities and deities, she was always on his mind.
Later, he fantasized about what he would do to her, once she was his, how beautiful she would look under him, he would sit in his room fantasizing about her.
He felt like he was going insane at the thought of her, his desire to have her grew and grew over time, the desire to dominate her, the desire to break her and hold her.....this desire to ruin her innocence and corrupt her.....
He would see her illusions when he looked in the mirror, and dream about her, he even started to see her in the female deities, who would try to flirt with him and end up sleeping with them.....
Then, He started visiting (Name) in the mortal realm very often, so that he could get close to her, and he didn't fail, he did get close to her.....he had gained his innocent (Name)'s trust, and she would share with him everything, and so did he, which were all lies.
Everything went downhill the day, (Name) showed him her engagement ring and that she was getting married; Apollo had lost his sanity at the news, he was going crazy, how dare she marry another man? and not just any man, but a pathetic mortal over him, a god?
He was seething in rage and jealousy at the thought of (Name) loving a man that's not him, he didn't accept this decision of hers. And as time passed by, he was a madman now.....
A day before the wedding, (Name) got the news of her fiance and his family being brutally killed, the killer's identity was a mystery to all, and there was no trace of who did something so cruel, hearing the news (Name) started crying, her heart was broken...
As the tears streamed down her angelic face, she felt someone's hand on her shoulder, she turned her head to meet the eyes of the sun god, and her teary eyes widened as she noticed, Apollo's robe was entirely covered in blood (ngl, I believe he would look sexy *lip bite*)
Apollo stared down at the broken woman, with a cold gaze, there was a thick silence with a lot of tension between both, when he broke the silence and spoke, "you are mine, and only mine.", his voice was stern and possessive, as he continued "don't you dare think of loving another man other than me, I'm sparing you for this once, but if it happens next time I'll make sure, you suffer.".
(Name) felt a chill run down her spine at his words as she began to cry more; Apollo pulled her into an embrace as she cried, caressing her hair as she put his head on top of hers, "Don't worry, love, I'll never let anyone separate us..." he said in a soft yet menacing voice.
(Name) tried to push him away, which annoyed him, he grabbed her wrist and glared at her with his eyes full of rage; he took a deep breath to calm down, and dragged her to his castle.
He took her to his chamber and threw her on his bed, (Name) looked around confused yet terrified as he went up to the door and locked it, he turned to face with a devilish smirk as he approached
(Name) tried backing away, but he grabbed her wrist again and pulled her close to him, he cupped her cheek as he looked deep into her eyes, his eyes were obsession, making (Name) nervous.
He was enjoying her fear.....she looked so vulnerable.....he felt like breaking her right now and make her his, but he held himself back...because he had already made plans for their future, and the first step to make (Name) his forever was.....marriage
and who was gonna stop him? he gets what he wants, and so he did, he forced (Name) to get married to him.....
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Apollo is very obsessive as a yandere, he would often threaten you and yes, he is serious about them, he is one of the more dangerous yandere alongside Buddha and Poseidon.
He can have two different personalities in front of you, either he can be this flirty and loving man or he will be this cold, heartless man who had no remorse or guilt for his actions.
Whenever he is in a good mood(which is almost every day) he would shower you with kisses, on your forehead, nose, cheek, jawline, neck, collarbone, and lips.
He keeps female workers around you to serve you, he can't take any chance of you running away or falling in love with another man. He is strict about it
If you try to talk to Zeus, Hermes, Or Ares for help, they would agree at first but they would go behind your back and tell Apollo about what you said to them, and It would end up in being a mess for you.
He is a loving and romantic man, he stopped seeing and flirting with other female deities just for you and brought you rare gifts on a daily basis.
Despite that, he was always clingy and hungry for your love, he would get pissed off easily if you avoided him or didn't return his affection back.
He is highly protective and aggressive when a god or goddess criticizes you or your relationship with him, he would directly approach them and kill them in an instant not caring about what other gods think, the only thing he could focus on is you.
Leaving the lovely things aside, He IS abusive, if you do something that doesn't please him, he would torture you in many different ways.
if you refused to kiss him or resist him, he will grab you by the jaw tightly and forcefully kiss you, or even more.
If he feels turned on, he would drag you to the bedroom or a quiet place and start to 'that'; even if it's against your will, he will do whatever he pleases.
He won't show mercy even if it was your 'first time'; he would fuck you in a very aggressive and rough way; he would try something new every time, to make his fantasies come true.
he ruined your purity, he took your innocence, he took everything you ever had.
if you tried to escape, which happened many times, he went easy on you first, but when it was too much, he would break your legs so you don't dare escape and even get you whipped in this vulnerable state.
all the agony and pain you faced after you met him, caused you to be depressed and isolated, as time passed by, you felt like you were losing yourself, having mental breakdowns out of nowhere, and mood swings.
and soon the stockholm syndrome kicked in, you started to feel positive around Apollo, you were showing him the affection and love, he yearned for all this time.
though he knew what caused the sudden change in your behavior, he still enjoyed it, cause after all your body and soul now belonged to him
It felt like you were brainwashed or were under a spell, that you suddenly did everything and anything Apollo asked you to.
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Overworked Blorbo Battle Round 2 Poll: 13
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officialmiintee · 1 year
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first half of my january commissions <33
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auburnflight · 2 months
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*nose boop*
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yakool-foolio · 1 month
What do you think of the chubby shopkeeper NPC She is the best character in the game next to Vivia in my opinion
I think she's sweet! I love her voice a lot from what I heard during the epilogue. It's nice that you think so highly of her, really! The NPCs deserve more love, and the people in the community who dedicate time to giving attention to and appreciating such minor characters are doing a great service! Whether it be just by spotlighting them or turning them into an OC, it shows that no character goes under the radar. Every citizen of Kanai Ward has their place in someone's heart and/or mind.
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dudetheninja · 1 month
Animated Aki doing the silly "Arona Sexyback Dance" that's been making the rounds lately.
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trio-of-all-time · 1 year
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Continued from a previous ask:
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Mod: Sunny✨
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pinkelotjeart · 1 year
The entire chainsaw man fandom is going crazy about Angel devil and Aki not being able to touch and all that,
Remember the true original, Jack Barnabas and Agnes Montague. Jack litarly burning his face off in episode 67 of the magnus archives, just to kiss Agnes
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trafalgarlogy · 1 year
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AKI ― seventeen | she/her prns | libra | asian | intp | yandere blog | bunny & blink | red flag enthusiast | blade & law luvbot. i mostly post yandere content, if not comfortable with such content, feel free to click off.
⌞ links ⌝ ― carrd | mlist | wattpad. more coming soon. |
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trafalgarlogy; dont copy or plagiarize my works. take permission before using the images on my posts.
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rotten-eros · 1 year
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(the tbh akiangel creatures are not mine, i got it from a friends ig story, even tho i searched for it i didnt find anything)
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ghostoffandompast · 1 year
why must I pin all my emotional stability onto characters who are Doomed By The Narrative
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gogojira · 1 year
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Made a 33 pg pdf of all my CSM themed figure drawing warmups! Plus some extra characters just because I liked them ^^ enjoy!
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chocolatecrisps-ao3 · 9 months
New chapter up, enjoy 😁
“You want me to keep this,” Akito pointed at the devil in question, sitting on the sand two meters away weirdly fascinated by the crabs walking near the shore, “in the mansion?!”
“Yeah,” Tento nodded, annoyed at having to explain it one more time.
“Are you out of your damn mind?!” Akito yelled, finally feeling how the last once of his sanity not only broke, but jumped out of a window and drowned in the ocean. The kid only rolled their eyes, walking over to where the torn apart bag was. “What would I even feed it?”
“I can’t hide him at my place!” Tento reasoned, crouched down and salvaging what they could from the bag. “I live with my parents!”
“And?” Akito winced, the pain coming from his injured arm finally hitting him as the adrenaline wore off. “Why should we care that a devil is dead?”
“Human,” Tento’s head looked up at him, eyes surprisingly cold and piercing - as if they didn’t belong to human but different being. One much more cruel and merciless, “do you still want to know about those people you see in your dreams?”
“Yes,” Akito said. “I need to know who they are.”
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akiangel nation please read my latest work hehehahahohoo
in the cracks of light (i dreamed of you)
by sunflowersandillusions
Five times Angel’s dreams are haunted by Aki’s death, and one time by Aki’s life.
Words: 3,149 • Chapters: 1/1 • Language: English
Fandoms: Chainsaw Man (Manga)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
Characters: Angel Devil (Chainsaw Man), Hayakawa Aki
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Developing Relationship, Character Study, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Tragedy, Fluff, Dreams, Reincarnation, Immortality, Gun Violence, Mild Blood, Smoking, Biblically Accurate Angels (Abrahamic Religions), Chainsaw Man Manga Spoilers, Surreal, Dreams and Nightmares, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Angel Devil-centric, Not Beta Read, 5+1 Things, One Shot, Religious Imagery and Symbolism
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
well, who are they? we know-nothing about them, after all
Oh hell yes~
Here's a little blurb about each of my six main OCs, along with a link to their official introduction posts. <3
~AKI KAMIYA~ Official Intro
Aki is originally from Konoha, but now lives and works as a ninja in Suna. She is the sealer for Gaara and Shukaku (that is, she's able to seal Shukaku if he gets released). She later becomes Gaara's assistant and love interest.
She has the Crystal Release kekkei genkai and can summon centipedes. She's really tall and has a tongue sharper than a kunai. Her hobby is beauty (getting her hair done, manicures, etc), and her favorite food is steamed pork buns.
~NEZUMI CHISAKI~ Official Intro
Nezumi is a medical ninja and infiltration specialist from Konoha. She spends most of her days working in the hospital. However, whenever Konoha needs someone to get in, get the information, and get out, Nezumi is the top person for the job. She's Rock Lee's love interest.
Her special jutsu is the Shrinking Violet Jutsu, which allows her to shrink to microscopic size, although it requires large amounts of chakra to maintain. She's very shy and socially awkward, and finds it difficult to talk to most people. (The one exception to this is when she's acting as a medic, and then she is in charge and you are going to listen to her.) Her hobby is reading and studying, and her favorite food is spicy curry.
~NATSUMI KAIOH~ Official Intro
Natsumi is a kunoichi in Kirigakure, but she has no affinity for Water Release. Instead, she's a Fire Release user who can incinerate her opponents. Unfortunately, Kiri is very proud of their strength with Water, so Natsumi was treated as an outcast from the start. It was only through the guidance of Mei Terumi that she was able to become a ninja.
She's extremely proficient in Fire Release and can also use Lightning. Due to her past, she's very aggressive and mistrustful. The only people she lets her guard down around are Mei and Chojuro (Chojuro also being her love interest). Her hobby is gardening, and her favorite food is roasted peppers.
~HOLLY REED~ Official Introduction
Holly is an fan artist specializing in Naruto R34. She spent most of her early life pretty alone, drawing off by herself because no one wanted to be friends with the "weird art girl." This stayed the norm until high school, where she met Mariana in the drama club and later Evie in the anime club. They even became roommates after they graduated and helped support each other in becoming content creators. Her favorite Naruto character and love interest is Gaara.
Holly is incredibly skilled at art, particularly drawing and painting. She's also quite knowledgeable about romance and sex. Her personality now is very quiet and withdrawn due to her Worst Time (a uniquely horrific event that changed her life), unless she's discussing the aforementioned topics. Her hobbies are listening to audiobooks/podcasts, escape rooms, and tabletop games. Her favorite food is fried alligator.
~MARIANA ROSALES~ Official Introduction
Mariana is a professional cosplayer. She was raised in a loving, conservative family and was a good girl her whole life. And then she reached middle school and realized she liked girls, though she didn't come out until she became more comfortable with the idea in high school. She befriended Holly and Evie, and often hung out with them to study and watch TV after school, especially after her Worst Time happened and she stopped talking to her blood relatives. Her favorite Naruto character and love interest is Sakura.
She's insanely good at sewing and crafting. You could give her a trash bag and a glue stick, and she'd find a way to make it amazing. Her personality is very motherly and selfless - she loves her friends and views them as her sisters, and she wants to take care of them no matter what. Her hobbies are watching game shows/reality TV and tabletop gaming. Her favorite food is fried plantains.
~EVIE MOSS~ Official Introduction
Evie is a pro-gamer and Twitch streamer specializing in Mortal Kombat. She always loved video games, thanks in large part to her father, but throughout her school years she was an athlete. She played soccer (midfielder), and had dreams of going to the World Cup. Her Worst Time, however, cost her her left leg, and she wasn't able to obtain and adjust to a prosthetic in time to continue with the soccer team before graduating. So she turned to her first love: video games. Her favorite Naruto character and love interest is Rock Lee.
She's really good at video games - not just MK, but any and all video games she tries (with the exception of Among Us). She's very abrasive and confrontational, but she's also the first to throw hands if you hurt the people she cares about. Her hobbies (shockingly enough) are video games and tabletop games. Her favorite food is hot wings.
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