#alice of the midnight sun
edwardsdeathcabcd · 10 months
in midnight sun when edward sees his siblings playing a convoluted chess game, knowing they won’t let him play, and in new moon when bella watches him & alice play, but the game happened entirely in their heads & only took a few minutes LIKE. no wonder edward was happy to spend their honeymoon playing chess instead of fucking lmao he hasn’t had a good opponent in over 80 years
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vampvre · 2 years
(the cullens in midnight sun deciding what to do about bella)
Carlisle: I don't think we can mansplain, manipulate, malewife our way out of this one guys
Jasper, without hesitation: manslaughter it is then
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ohyoudosmellgood · 1 year
i need to know emmett’s opinion on that new cocaine bear movie.
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iveleftitwithyou · 2 months
i would pay stephenie meyer the entire contents of my bank account (7 dollars) to write the rest of the twilight books from edward’s perspective ESPECIALLY new moon. i need to know what that weirdo was doing in rio every day
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daydreamwritting · 3 months
Hey, how are you? Did you drink water today? Go drink water! Alright not taking up too much time I hope! Can you do either Jasper Hale or Spencer Reid coming home to the reader having a nightmare and comforting them? Thank you for writing and posting!
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This made me drink water so mission accomplished! This one took me a second but I’m really proud with how it turned out. Hope you enjoy!
Those were the last words I heard before I felt like electricity was shooting through my entire body over and over again. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to have whatever Bella has to make her immune to some vampires gifts.
I looked over at Jasper, he was shouting something but I couldn’t hear anything as I tried to focus on anything but the pain. It felt so strong like something had ahold of me, as if it could pick me up off the ground like Darth Vader or something. Honestly, I’d take over this any day. Just as it felt like a string was wrapping around my heart and trying to squeeze till it bursts, I hit the hard tiled ground.
I wake with a gasp, my heart was racing so fast I’m not totally sure that I wasn’t having a heart attack. The room was dark, I couldn’t see anything. Was I dead? Is death just a dark empty space?
Before I could think about it any longer, light peeked into the room as the bedroom door opened. I felt a wave of calm overtake me as Jasper was at my side in an instant, pulling me close to him.
“Shhh. You’re alright, Darling.” He holds me as I slowly start to even out my breathing. “I’ll be right back okay?” Jasper said, looking at me concerned.
I don’t blame him, when the nightmares first started I refused to let him out of my sight for hours afterwards. I nodded my head and he was out of the room in a second. I turn on the bedside lamp and kicked the covers off of me. Jasper seemed to flash back into the room, only being gone for about 20 seconds or so. He had a glass of water and a wet wash cloth. I took the glass with a shaky hand and slowly sipped on it while Jasper wiped the sweat off my forehead and neck. The cold cloth felt good on my skin, like a fire being put out. He set the rag aside and walked across the room to open one of the windows, letting in the cool fresh air. I shivered slightly but welcomed the cold. Even during the summer, nights in Forks were overly chilly.
Jasper grabbed the now empty glass from my hand, putting it to the side as he joined me on the queen sized bed. “You know, I wouldn’t have gone through all the effort of putting a bed in here if I knew it was gonna cause you this much trouble.” He teased. “Do you want to talk about it?”
He always asks even though he knows the answer. “It’s the same as always, with the Volturi.” That day was nothing short of a disaster. It’s a miracle that we all walked out of that room.
“They should have never touched you.”
“Technically they didn’t.” I deadpanned. Jasper lightly pushed my face away from his.
“Don’t play smart with me missy. I should have taken out every single one of them the second they hurt you.” Jasper stared at me, with this look he gets every time he’s being serious.
“You would have lost.” I noted quietly, knowing he could hear me. There’s no way Edward, Alice, and Jasper could single handedly take down the most powerful vampires in the world and their guards.
Jasper chuckled and brought his cold hand up to caress my check, his thumb stroking my cheekbone. “Not when it comes to you.”
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She’s a 4 but you can’t hear her thoughts and she wears a long khaki skirt
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mickey-bees · 4 months
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Yeah anyway I decided to read Midnight Sun as someone who hasn’t really touched the twilight saga books since I was eight and gosh it’s as awful as I remember but in a good way? Alice’s heavy crush on Bella is really cute tho ^^
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pomegranatessuck · 1 year
wild ass line in midnight sun rn that we do NOT talk about enough
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light-miracles · 5 months
Alice, all Midnight Sun:
Alice: I LOVE HER EDWARD. I LOVE HEEEEEEEEER. But like obviously not as much as you. No homo lol.
Edward: Yeah of course I love her more you already have Jasper.
Alice: Who? Ah, yeah.
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slightlysadfilter · 1 year
Tuscan police when a third of global disappearances is linked to tourists in Volterra:
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mysonisnotrodney · 1 year
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edwardsdeathcabcd · 8 months
if stephanie meyer didn’t want me to read bella swan as a lesbian maybe she shouldn’t have made her blood lavender scented
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whendawn · 2 years
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the twilight saga books / nature
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ohyoudosmellgood · 1 year
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forkswashington · 5 months
IMPORTANT: Please be wary of the Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages “🎞️Twilight Shitposting🍿”. As you can see by the screenshots provided, they have no problem stealing posts from smaller accounts and passing them off as their own to their 600k+ followers. If you've ever posted a Twilight related meme or joke that's received more than 50 notes on here, this page has probably stolen it and reposted it without credit. Just by having a quick scroll of their Twitter page, I see at least 10 posts that were made by people I follow on here with no credit whatsoever, all written as if they came up with them themselves. If you really feel that you must repost somebody else’s post, why not just post a screenshot that includes the original posters URL or username? That way, nobody is appearing to take credit for somebody else’s post and everyone can clearly see where the post originated from. I didn’t want to have to make this post, but I’ve been ignored after trying to resolve this with the admins of the groups. Unfortunately, there isn’t much that can be done other than make others within the fandom aware. Please reblog.
Don’t steal other people’s original content with the intention of passing it off as your own. Giving credit is easy.
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127 notes · View notes
Twilight AU in which everything is same except Edward never fell in love with Bella, just she started finding out weird and suspicious crap about them until she asked them head-on if they are vampires, they said no, so Bella went "Uh-huh! My 134-slides-long PowerPoint Presentation that I'm going to show you BEGS TO DIFFER, MOTHEFUCKAS", and after extensive evidence that Bells collected because she has a lot of free time and zero hobbies they can't change her mind, so they just adopt this human kid and she just hangs out in their house for literal no reason.
She became Human Culture consultant for them. So they won't blow up their cover again. And just for educational purposes.
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